HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Board CommentsSuperintendent of Schools Rudolph F Crew, Ed.D. Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP, Facilities Planning Officer Facilities Planning January 19, 2005 Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of Miami 444 SW 2'd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Carlos R. Caso — 2200 SW 21st Terrace, Miami Dear Ms. Gelabert-Sanchez: Miami -Dade County School Board Frank J. Bolanos, Chair Dr. Robert B. Ingram, Vice Chair Agustin J. Barrera Evelyn Langileb Greer Peria Tabares Hantman Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Perez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Pursuant to the state mandated and School Board approved Interlocal Agreement (Interlocal), local government, the development community and the School Board are to collaborate on options to address the impact of proposed development on public schools where the proposed residential development would result in an increase in the school's Florida Inventory School Houses (FISH) capacity utilization (permanent and relocatable), in excess of 115%. Enclosed please find the School District's review analysis of potential impact generated by the above referenced application. Please note that two of the impacted schools facilities meet the referenced review threshold. The proposed residential development will impact Silver Bluff Elementary and Miami Senior High schools currently operating at 124% and 153% of FISH capacity utilization, respectively. As such, it is our recommendation that dialogue between the School District, the City and the above referenced applicant takes place as it relates specifically to public schools in the affected area that meet the threshold. In an effort to meet the terms of the Interlocal, please send an email to morozco@facil.dade.k12.fl.us to schedule a dialogue meeting with District staff. Pursuant to the recently approved 5-year work plan, please note the enclosed analysis depicts the various relief schools planned in the area. Also, enclosed is a list of approved Charter School Facilities, which may provide relief on a countywide basis, as well as a report depicting previously approved and proposed applications in the area. Additionally, pursuant to Miami -Dade County's Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance the proposed development, if approved, will be required to pay educational facilities impact fees (impact fees) based on the following formula: School Board Administration Building • 1450 N.E. 2"d Avenue, Suite 525 • Miami, Florida 33132 305-995-7285 • FAX 305-995-4760 • arijo@dadeschools.net CARLOS R. CASO January 19, 2005 Page 2 New residential unit square footage X .90 (Square Footage Fee) + $600.00 (Base Fee) + 2% administrative fee = Educational Facilities Impact fee As an example, assuming the proposed unit is 1,000 square feet, the 18-unit development is estimated to generate approximately $27,540 ($1,530 per unit) in impact fees. This figure may vary since the impact fees assessed are based on the actual square footage of each dwelling unit. In accordance with the Agreement, this letter and enclosed information should not be construed as commentary on the merits of the pending zoning application. Rather it is an attempt to provide relevant information to the City of Miami on public schools that will likely serve the proposed development and meet the referenced threshold. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Please call me should you have any questions at (305) 995-7287. Sincerely, Vivian G.aamil Supervisor II VGV:mo L-552 Enclosures cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde Mr. Fernando Albuerne Mr. Ivan M. Rodriguez Mr. Kevin Watford Ms. Ines Marrero Priegues SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS January 19, 2005 APPLICATION: Carlos R. Caso, PA / Ines Marrero Priegues, Esq. (PAB January 19, 2005) REQUEST: Amendment to Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan, by changing the land use designation for this property ZONING CHANGE: "Single Residential" (R-1) which allows 2 DU/acre to "Restricted Commercial" (C-1 with SD-23) which allows 150 DU/acre ACRES: 0.12 acre MSAlMultiplier: 5.210.19 LOCATION: Approximately 2200 SW 21 Terrace, Miami NUMBER OF UNITS: 17 units increased (0.12 acre x 150 DU/acre = 18 Max. units allowed) ESTIMATED• STUDENT POPULATION: 3 students* ELEMENTARY: 1 MIDDLE: 1 SENIOR: 1 SCHOOLS SERVING AREA OF APPLICATION: ELEMENTARY: Silver Bluff Elementary - 2609 SW 25 Avenue MIDDLE: Shenandoah Middle — 1950 SW 19 Street SENIOR HIGH: Miami Senior High — 2450 SW First Street * Based on Census 2000 information provided by the Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. The following population and facility capacity data are as reported by the Office of Infnrrn firm Tnr‘hnninrn, ac rnf Clr'fr her 'Wi lI • STUDENT FISH DESIGN % UTILIZATION NUMBER % UTILIZATION POPULATON CAPACITY FISH DESIGN OF FISH DESING PERMANENT CAPACITY PORTABLE CAPACITY PERMANTENT STUDENT PERMANENT STATIONS AND RELOCATABLE Silver Bluff 673/ Elementary 674* Shenandoah 1436 Middle 1,437* Miami Senior High 3,343! 3,344* 498 1,161 2,115 * Increased student population as a result of the proposed development 135%I 135%* 124%/ 124%* Note: 158%I 158%* 44 99 71 124%i 124%* 114%/ 114%* 153%f 153%* 1) The cumulative effect of other approved or proposed developments in the vicinity is not included as part of this analysis. 2) Figures above reflect the impact of the class size amendment. 3) Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, Silver Bluff Elementary and Miami Senior High schools meet the review threshold. PLANNED RELIEF SCHOOLS IN THE AREA (Information included in Capital Improvement Projects Report of October 2004) School Status Occupancy Date None OPERATING COSTS: According to Financial Affairs, the average cost for K-12 grade students amounts to $5,833 per student. The total annual operating cost for additional students residing in this development, if approved, would total $17,499. CAPITAL COSTS: Based on the State's January-2005 student station cost factors*, capital costs for the estimated additional students to be generated by the proposed development are: ELEMENTARY 1 X $13,480 = $13,480 MIDDLE 1 X $15,456 = $15,456 SENIOR 1 X $20,453 = $20,453 Total Potential Capital Cost $49,189 `Based on Information provided by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities Budgeting. Cost per student station does not include land cost. SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS TRACKING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI ONLY MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (WISP) September 2003 - present Listed Alphabetically by Project Name lta. R1+PUGxt t4691ECT 4 56 - ARPaSaS 613A , fFF,3 ilydFe alit# E€e ST 8101. STrlp frNlcRan1'e STUtJ bk�'Amigo SCMaQLs AFC MpEtoYAt. s7it1•us 1+PPAttiYEG - AWilj6 , 1 1060 Brckeft - Option "A" i 1060 Backe! Avenue, Miami 5.2 572 109 50 27 32 Southside Elem Shenandoah MO B.T. Washington Sr ©9122/04 Approved Resoluttionion 54- 0715 572 Bdc0e6 Bay11391 Brickel Bay Clove 364 —,, ___ Preliminary 2 1390 5W 12 Avenue 1217 SW 12 Avenue 63 �----- P Preliminary 3 216 z 4.7 112 25 12 6 7 ' Riverside Elem Shenandoah Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 07112104 Preliminary 39th Street Project Biscayne Blvd. and 391h Street i 146 52 -- P Preliminary 7 50 Biscayne (was Columbus Residential Tower/ Coiumhus 50 Biscayne Blvd. , Miami Office Tower) 4.7 523 115 29 33 Frederick Douglas & Riverside Elam Jose De Diego Mdl B. T. Washington Sr 08/17/04 Application Resolution 04 0714 523 6 1550 Bricked Avenue, 65, 59, 57, 5€30 Brickel/ 51. 47, 41 SE 6th Street, Miami 5 2 S33 120 55 30 35 Southside Eiem Shenandoah Mal B.T. Washington Sr 06/02J04 _ 1 Approved Resolution 04• 0650 (6/24/04) 633 9 700 Biscayne '700 Biscayne Blvd. 507 Preliminary 22 L„ 52 Preliminary 10 " 11 735 Condominium 900 Biscayne 735-745 SW 2nd Avenue 900 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 4.7 516 114 __- 29 _ 33 _, _ Phillis Wheatley Elem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 06716104 Under Canst. Resolution 04- 0501 (7122104) 12 10-70 NW 27 Avenue 96 185 _ _ Preliminary Ag uaclar5 Praiect NW 36 Stree//37 Avenue 115 _ _ __ P Preliminary 13 14 - Allapattah Avant Towers 238-274 NE 34 Street, Miami 4.7 114 25 _ 12 6 7 Eneida M. Hamner Elem Jose €)e Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 06/16/04 Application Resolution 04- Dog114 15 Axis Condominium (Brickel] Station Towers) 1101 SW First Avenue 718 Application 16 Bayview Market NE 17th Street & Ne 2nd Avenue, Miami 4.7 24 5 2 1 2 Ph€ilis WheaIEey Elem Jose De Diego Mdt H.T. Washington Sr 06f03104 Preliminary 17 Biscayne Condos I4 2752 Biscayne Blvd. 4.7 94 21 10 5 6 Eneida M. Hartner Eiem, Jose De Diego Mdi, B. T. Washington Sr, 10/07/04 Preliminary 18 Biscayne Park l 2500 Biscayne Blvd. E 4.7 € 214 47 22 12 13 Eneida M. Hartner Elem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 09/21/04 Preliminary _ 19 blue on Coral Way (The} 3163, 3165 and 3175 SW Terrace 4.7 E 85 23 10 6 7 Frances S. Tucker Elam Ponce de Leon Mdl Coral Gables Sr 11/26/03 Approved Resolution 04 0193 (3/25104) 190 20 ]SE Corder of NW24Avenue & Bnsas del Rio '.NW 14 Street Road. blast Little Havana 698 110 SO 2$ I 32 Kensington Park Elam, Citrus Grove Mdi, Miami Jackson Sr 10125/04 Prelimina Refinery 21 ?, Cepiro Tower 1300 SW 12th Avenue, East Little !Havana, Miami 5.1 328 85 39 21 26 Frederick Douglass & Riverside Elem Jose De Diego Mdl 8. T. Washington Sr 06/11/04 Application 22 Chanticleer 8ayvlaw Condominium 160fi West Fla ter Street, Miami g 245 54 25 14 15 Riverside Eiem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 02/05/04 Preliminary Commodore Bay Phase II ' 1403 Brickel! Bay Drive 13 P Preliminary 23 24 Cynergi (BNP 2700, LCC) ` 2700 North Miami Ave., Miami i 100 39 18 10 11 Eneida M. Hartner Elem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr Preliminary 25 26 --- Dupont Towers 1300 Biscayne Bind. Way i 4.7 1,228 270 124 68 78 Riverside Elem Shenandoah Moll B.T. Washington Sr 03/17/04 Approved Resolution 04- 0277 (4122104.) 1 228 El Patmar i903 SW 13th Court 20 Preliminary 27 Ellipse i 1776 Biscayne Blvd., Miami i 5,2 267 51 23 13 15 Phillis Wheatley Elem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 08/10/04 Preliminary 28 Everglades on the Bay (Updated)' 1244 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 4,7 870 191 86 48 55 Riverside Eiem Jose De Diego Mdl B.T. Washington Sr 021}Bf04 Approved Resoution 04- 0196 (3/251041 866 29 .�.-.-� Fddx Avenue Lofts (Le Lofts) NE 36 Terrace and 5 Avenue, Miami 4.7 [ 42 9 4 2 3 Eneida M. Hartner Eiem Jose Pa Diego Mdl B,T. Washington Sr 05/10/04 Preliminary updIead 4/19/2005 ip;42 AM OAew G. MI nvi SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS TRACKING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI ONLY MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) September 2003 - present Listed Alphabetically by Project Name 11p, aPP�tCANTi�r?W8 cY'f N*OE' ': AnrrtrCbs AASA "� 404 Perf 'M iokia TU0. ►1n1. 91(m p1E�ACT6090I19atq 1N 7i�Uri N+p9t A Erv� Et 30 Four Midtown Miami (part of the i Regional Activity Center for the Buena Vista Rail Yard) `Updated j 34th Street between East Cost `Avenue and Midtown Blvd. 4.7 E € 381 84 39 i 21 24 Eneida M. Hennes' Eiem Jose De Diego Mgt, B.T. Washington Sr , 09/14/04 Preliminary 31 € Gables Marquis Condominium 3202, 3232 Coral Way, Miami E 47 13 - 6 3 i j 4 Frances S. Tucker Elem Ponce de teen Mill, Corsi Gables Senior - 04/21/04 Approved Resolution 03- 1129 (10/23/03) 177 32 Gallery Art Condominiums (Updated)* 317333 NE 24 Street and 402 NE 25 Street ? 4.7 164 - 36 17 9 10 Phillis Wheatley Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdl, S.T. Washington Sr - 07/21/04 Application Resolution 04 0653 33 Grove Garden (The Taurus) 3540 Main t-/wy 42 I Under Constr, Resolution 03- 0114 42 34 Grave Lofts 3001 SW 27 Avenue 30 Preliminary 5 Hurricane Cove - B Investment, Inc. (Updated)' l 1818 and 1884 NW North River Drive 4.6 1,073 I 290 i 133 - 73 84 (Comstock Elementary, Srovrnsvilie Melt, Miami Jackson Senior 04107104 luApproved Resoton 04i 0426 (6129/94) 1,073 8 Infinity 2/South Miami Avenue 80 SW 13 Street, Coral Way 645 �mm PreliminaryCondo 37 infinity at Bdrhell (Updated) € 134, 40, 80 SW 13 Street and 27, 137, 45 SW 14 Street�.._,_� 5 2 I 433 1 83 1 38 21 24 i j Southside Elem, Shenadcah Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 04J21101 3 Approved Resolution 04 0461 (5i27f04) [ 459 island Grerdens-Flagstone (Updated)` 950 and 11150 MacArthur Causeway, Wesson island i 4-7 105 23 10 6 7 South Pointe Elementary, Nautilus Mdl, Miami Beach Senior 05/28/04 Approved Resolution 04- 0644 (7J8J04) 0 9 Joint Development - Miami Parking Garage No. 1 ' 140 NW 3rd Street - 308 1 , [ Preliminary 40 ,Keystone Park Condominium NW Comer of Le Jeune Road 'NW 1st Street 298 ? { � i I Preliminary 41 Kubik a1 Momingside (Updated)* West of Biscayne Blvd. Between ': NE 4 Ct. and NE 58 Street 293 151 69 44Edison { Mgmingsida Elementary, Miami Mdi, Edison Senior 04107J04 Approved Resolution t!4- 0353 293 42 Kubik at Mqmi side=, ng (Updated)* 615iSW 2nd Avenue, Miami 455 175 1 80 i E 4A ' 5# i i Southside Elem, Shenandoah Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 11/17/03 Approved Resolution 03- 1236 (12/18/03) 456 43 Lynx Downtown South Miami Avenue and SE Second Street - 5-2 7 I 902 171 79 42 50 Frederick Douglas Elementary, Jose de Diego Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 11/05/04 Preliminary 44 Marina Blue ( The Mist) - 588 Biscayne Blvd 516 E I j 1 [ Usrder Constr. Resolution 03- 1109 45 Marquis 1100 Biscayne 6ivd. 4.7 ' 310 68 31 17 20 Phitlis Wheatley Elem Jose De ' Diego Mdt B.T. Washington Sr 09f29704 Preliminary 46 i3339 Mayfair Lofts [ �118 Virginia Street, Caconul Grove, Miami 6-3 98 20 9 5 6 Coconut Grove Elementary, Ponce de Leon Mel, Coral Gables Senior - 06/03/04 Application [ 47 Mediterranea NW LeJeune Road 181 ! Preliminary 3 Metropolis at Bayshore (Quantum on the Bay) 1652-1900 North Sayshore Drive, Miami 752 290 157 69 j 64 Phitlis Wheatley Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 03710f04 Under Cana48 Resolution 03- 0879 r7 2 rnZt 752 9 Metropolitan Miami -One Miami (Updated) 300 and 200 SE 3 Street and 200 SE 2 Street, Miami 4.7 iI 1,500 330 152 83 95 Riverside Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdt- S.T, Washington Sr 05119/04 Approved Resolution 04? 0419 5/24/04 1,500 50 Miami River Project NW 7€h Street & N1M South River Drive 118 ° Preliminary 51 Miami Rivertown 1500 NW North River Drive 4.6 1,002 278 128 70 80 [ Paul L. Dunbar Elem, Citrus GroYe Mdl, Miami Jackson Sr. ( 11/30/04 Preliminary c Updated 1/1a12005 5/142 AM Vivian G. lxi SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS TRACKING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI ONLY MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) September 2003 - present Listed Alphabetically by Project Name CA TiPaa6559E .� fi08,100S- € arsA i3>=3.W1�i5 - 6 iuu6iet y :.. Mrs_ 904Q- Ei3rr .110PPGTER8 ,8 k1'!w REafirvJriY POR APPEtD+lkl. S?.STi{s. kPY'RoyEu licit)$ 52 Midtown Lofts 3179, 3181, 3185 SW 22 TerraceI 3176, 3130 Coral Way, Miami 85 23 12 6 5 Frances 5. Tucker Elem Ponce de Leon Mdl. Coral Gables Senior 03/04/03 i Preliminary e5 53 Mirac€e Center 3301-3501 Coral Way 85 [ Preliminary 64 Nirvana (Banyan Bay Apartments) 681 NE 64 Street [ 580 Preliminary 55 Ocean Patace (Updated)' 850 NW LeJeune, Miami 5.1 € 400 104 48 26 30 Kintoch Park Elementary, Kinloch Park Middle. Coral Gables Senior 06116/04 Application 56 One Enckell Plaza 495 Briekell Avenue 5.2 1,500 285 131 71 83 Soulhside Elementary, Shenandoah Middle, Rooker T. Washington 01/03/05 Preliminary 5T Onyx (Biscayne Bay Lots) 665 and 721 NE 25 Street and 720 NE 26 Sheet, Miami 1 t B 45 21 11 13 Phitlis Wheatley Elementary, Jose Da Diego Mdl. B.T. ii Washington Sr Approved Resolution 04 0/115704 0043 i (1/22I04) 118 58 0nyx2 Condominium (Updated)' NE 28 Street & N. Bayseore Drive, Miami (421-455 NE 28 Street and 460.462 NE 28 Street) 4.7 117 26 12 7 7 IPhiifis Wheatley Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. € Washington Sr 05/11/04 Approved Resolution 64) 0713 117 59 Opus 1237 Biscayne Blvd. i 408 Application 60 Opus (Updated)* 1237 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 4.7 408 90 41 23 26 I ; Phillis Wheatley Elementary, )Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. !Washington Sr 06i16104 Application 61 Opus 2 1200 Biscayne Blvd. 700 - € Prelir'ninary 62 Opus II NE 13th Street and NE 12th Street and between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Blvd. € 4.7 500 110 50 28 iPhiliis Wheatley Elem, Jase De ; 32 !Diego Mdl, B. T. Washington l( Sr 10125/04 Preliminary 63 Paramount at Edgewater Square (Royal Palm Miami Holdings, LLC) *Updated 2020 North Bayshore Dive, Miami 4.7 fI 355 78 36 IE !Phials Wheatley Elementary, 19 € 23 Jose De Diego Md1, B.T. Washington Sr 06/29/04 Application 64 Park Lane Tower 345 NE 32 Street 4.7 126 28 13 Eneida M. Harmer Elem.. Jose 7 I 8 1De Diego Middle, Booker T. !Washington Sr. 01/07/05 Preliminary 65 Pointe at Beckett Village (The) SW 11th Street end South Miami Avenue 5.2 € € 348 86 30 ( !Sou -the -lee Elementary. Jose 17 19 €De Diego MIS, B. T. [Washington Sr 10/25/04 ; Preliminary 66 Premiere Towers at Brickelt Village 28.59 SW 9ih Street. 830-850 South Miami Avenue, Miami 5.2 560 106 49 'Soulhside Elem. Shenandoah 26 3t Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr t Approved 06/12/04 Resolution 04-i 0704 560 67 Reflexitons on lire Miami River 201-227 SW 61h Street 124 [ [[ Preliminary 68 Renaissance Pointe 5WC of SW till Street & SW 19 avenue 374 I Preliminary 68 Residences at Dallas 2264 SW 37 Avenue 756 Preliminary 70 River Front East (Miami River Village) SW Comer of SW 3rd Street.Jose South Miami Avenue 5.2 1,424 503h4 Frederick Douglas Elementary, Srde Diego Mtll, B.T. Was(6/247/04) 46f20/03 Application Resolution 03 1235 71 River Front West (Miami River Village) SE Corner of SW 3rd Street and Metroraii right of way 52 i 1 ,436 273 Riverside Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdt, B.T. Washington Sr 0Ii08l04 E lioa8on 72 Roads End Village 928 SW 10 Street ( 16 i 4 2 1 1 f Cara! Way Elementary, Shenandoah Mdl, Miami Senior 1#1120103 Approved Resoluton 03 (11125103) 26 73 Rosabelle Project 421, 425, 447 NE 22 St.; 418, 442, 445 NE 22 Ter.; 221 NE 4 Avenue 258 54 25 13 j Phytlis Wheatley Elementary, 16 IJose de Diego Mdt. R.T. i] Washington Sr 11/12/03 ; 1 Under Constr. Resolution 03.1 1 1237 (12f18103) 258 74 Royal Atlantic (Riverside Park 1001 NW 7th Street 744 1 3 Approved Resolution 2/26/04 744 75 Sitverton 310 NW 36th Street 4.7 112 25 12 6 7 Eneida Hartner Elem, Jose De Diego Mdl, B. T. Washington Sr 01/06/05 Preliminary 76 S8Ho 601.615 NE 23rd Avenue, Miami 4,7 95 21 10 5 6 Phi los Wheatley Elementary, Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 07/13/04 Application Updated 11182005 1a42PA1 V€rian G. VAaa -A SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS TRACKING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI ONLY MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) September 2003 - present Listed Alphabetically by Project Name 50. t 41.A0,4tr . .:.,,i,, ., ,.;...,.,*ff., 1 ..„,:, fll: ,..;.......: ......, ;',',,,::`; ,: , „,., . ff".:,. ri...,1'4614-.. t.'.:R ',.',.7:: ' ',.,,,.r..:...,. il'*4?:rii.,.,::::.;'..W. '..s'R C''''r:': 77 Soleil (Updated) 3100 Biscayne Blvd. 4.7 288 63 29 16 18 Eneida Hartner Elern, Jose De Diego Mdl, B. T. Washington Sr 10/25/64 Prelimina 78 South Bayshore Tower -', i 1390 Brickelf Bay Drive 5.2 374 75 35 19 21 Southside Dem, Shenandoah Md1,13,7. VVashinglon Sr 10/05/04 Application 79 South Miami Avenue Condo South Miami Avenue and SW 14 Street 8.2 645 123 57 31 35 Enaida M. Harmer Elem, Jose De Diego Mill, 8. T. Washington Si - 12/23/04 8Citrus 0 Terrazas RiverPark Village 1861 NW South River Drive. Miami (Updated)* 5.1 324 04 39 24 Grove Elementary, Citrus Grove Mcfl, Miami Jackson Senior 06/16/04 Approved Resolution 04- 0502 (7/22)04) 324 81 The 8elmcnl (Lofts 05186 Way) Coral Wa 308 SW 32 Avenue 177 Preliminary , The Lofts 11 (Related Lofts II) 133 NE 2.nd Avenue and 236 NE' 4.7 Updated.' i 2nd Avenue, MiamiDiego 496 169 50 27 32 Riverside Elementary. Jose De Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 06/22/64 proved Resolution 04 0651 496 83 iThe Pointe al Bricked Village 11100 South Miami Avenue 5.1 346 66 30 17 19 Southstde Elementary. Jose De 0/ego Mdl, B. T. Wash' t ton Sr 01119/05 Preliminary 84 The Roe s at 18th 11840-60 SW 3rd Avenue 117 Prellmina 85 The Shops at Iv1kitown Miami - PN. Miami Avenue bAv NE 31 St. 4..7 arcel E )Eastern part of South end 32 street, miemt , Block NorMI 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 06/25/04 Preliminary 8a ' The Shops at Midtown Miami - N. Miami Avenue b/w NE 31 St. 4.7 Midhlock East Parcel 0 and 32 Street. Miami 139 31 14 8 9 Eneida M. Hartner Elem Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 11/15/04 Preliminary 7 The Shops at Midtown Miami - N. Miami Avenue MN NE 31 St. Midblock West Parcel C and 32 Street. Miami 4.7 0 0 0 a 0 NIA 08/25/04 Preliminary 88 !The Shops at Midtown Miami - i N. Miamr Avenue b/w NE 31 St. North &ock Parc& A land 32 Street, Miami 4.7 42 9 1 4 2 3 Eneitia M. Hartner Elem Jose De Diego Mdl, B.T. Washimiton Sr 04/27/04 Preliminary CIThe Shops at Midtown Miami - Parcel B N. Miami Avenue blw NE 31 St. and az Street, Miami 4.7 0 0 ' 0 0 0 NIA Preliminary The Shops at Midtown Miami - 90 Parcel H N. Miami Avenue b/w NE 31 St. and 32 Street, Miami 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 9'The Shops al Midtown Miami - 1 i South Block Parcel F N. Miami Avenue b/w NE 31 SL 47 and 32 Street, Miami 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 06/25/04 Preliminary 92 The Towers at Blue Lagoon !4866 NW 7 Avenue 1,846 Preliminary ;Between Three Midtown Miami - Parcel '0" , 'Coast ;Buena Vista Yard East) NE 1st Place & East and between NE 34 Street antl NE 34 Terrace 4.7 266 58 27 14 17 Eneida M. Hartner Elern, Jose De Diego Mdl. B. 1'. Washington Sr. 11/30/04 Preliminary 94 Tower Twenty Seven 2746 SW 270027302742274 , , , -4, 27 Avenue and 2701 SW 27 Court 181 49 23 12 14 Silver Bluff Elementary, Ponce de Leon NW!, Coral Gable s Senior 120 0/03 Approved Resolution 04- 0113 (V26104) 181 95 Tuscan Place (Updated)* 'Miami NW 6 Avenue at NW 6 Street, 401 154 71 38 45 Riverside Elementary, Jose De Diego Mill, B.T, Washington Sr 12/16/03 Approved R"°Iull" 04- 0413 (1)22/04) V4 96 Two Midtown Miami (Buena Vista Phase II - pad of the Regional Activity Center for the Buena Vista 1Railway Rail Yard) i 1,1E 35 Street & Honda East Coaot 331 115/0)04 Approved 331 7 Urbana (Updated)* / was Windsor at Douglas 1600 Douglas Road, Miami (1501- 21 SW 37 Avenue, 368686 SW 15 Street end 3685-87 SW 16 Street) 8..3 33 7 3 2 2 Coral Gables Eternentaiy, G.W. Carver Elemenry, ta Sunset Elementary. Ponce de Leon Mott, Coral Gables Senior 03/23/04 Application 98 Villa Magna (Updated)* 1201 Brickeli Bay Drive, Miami 5.2 1,266 230 105 58 67 Southside Elem, Shenandoah Mdl, B.T. Washington Sr 04/21/04 Approved Resolution 04- 0717 787 € 99 1Villaggio r in the Grove I 2746 SW 28 Terrace and 2803 Coconut Grove ea 23 lo 6 7 CoconGrove Elementary, Ponce de Leon Mdl, C.oral Gables Senior 09/25/03 Approvedut Resolution 03- 1183 )11/25/03) 86 0pd3108-Immo ice42 Vivm G. Villeant SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS TRACKING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI 100 Vista Biscayne 452 NE 291h Street ONLY MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) September 2003 • present Listed Alphabetically by Protect Name 4,7 40 9 4 2 3 Eneida R1. Hartner Elem, Jose De Diego Mil. 8, T. Washington Sr. 01/03105 Preliminary Updated 111¢02005125; Aµ Vh ai G. V9