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Feeding and service plan
Oct=01-04 10:69am From- T-850 P.02/08 F-688 Ighti Maid Swam lot Se Kenieless,In6. Horn, M Fm'Me* Hom.,sear F.,'L A Vaice Far Tha Hare?ess Feeding and Service Plan For Low Income and Homeless Families and Individuals In the City of Miami . 4iNft,, This document represents the work of a committee of citi1 rd organizations concerned about feeding homeless and low income forages a��i dividuais within the city of Miami. Currently, homeless and low income,r,idts are iving between 160 — 500 meals per day provided by religious base ,, 'gani tions and!'' iduais. These individuals and families are receiving outreac;,Services from the City * r = fi i Outreach Team. The goal of this plan is to establish a'rte/41 d ir►nQ native way of • �viding meals and Integrated services to those experiencing horn eepsrhess`and living f`n poverty within the city of Miami. ;.rli hi,lII E. Co r �' input pl.vtal:i� The community has been fully engaged inqthe ,deveiji'it of this working draft of a plan. The plan has beeaade ke pad by key'ake hold including religious organizations, Indlvidr 'is, nonce pfit service 'providers, government officials, homeless advocates, and formiiiiirnele' people. Tl'it „ Lan has a wide base of support and provides a framework for}. r� , firs vices ati • Integration with the continuum of care. The communi ues t & process that has involved several well attendm ,mead igs, resource mapping, and the formulation of a draft proposa '1V �titi a' "BL�7,o- xi.'°lei:. •,r , . CoMponents of an Effective Plan ,.,.E tii'. q i .. * i,c :. K':' . 6''•� — The program proposed includes a coordinated clinical component Ur ;; ? be used to help those who are interested to more easily access our con, 'uum of care. in all approaches outreach workers and clinical staff wilt engage program participants in a way that will build rapport end lead to caste management, employment, entitlement benefits, clinical services and permanent housing as appropriate for each individual or family. In all instances, this program design will need to be accessible to the target population, and clinical approaches will need to be flexible and innovative to engage those typically resistant to traditional treatment models. * Lona4erm ,5olytlon — The wonting group is very committed to providing a long term solution to those who are currently receiving meals in the catty of Miami_ The 1 Oct O1-04 10:69am From- T-850 P.03/08 F-338 goal would be to provide a solution that will provide the target population and the City a long term and effective solution to the issues of poverty and homelessness. • Additional Funding— It needs to be acknowledged that a new and innovative approach with services in addition to meals will require additional funding_ This funding can be found from several sources, including the City, private non-profit groups, federal, state, and foundation dollars. • Ape+ ssjIlllty -- The program location needs to be acce able to people who are homeless and those with low income. This would mee .Y� It will be of key importance to locate the program in the downtown etee so that those who are currently being served through the existing feeds "pdms have access to the new program. ' ''' I h I'i li:n 'I.. d1� 7r Multi -Site Apj oath , ';: � 4 1.A multi site approach would involve a minimum i tI� ,ti,to.,a���,��,1 i imum Of 5 Lc1' tions. These `I`l locations are envisioned to be religious or other orb tlons located in the downtown area that ere easily accessible to homeless people or pple with very low incomes. The sites would have the capacity to f* ptween 100 ; . ,, 4petpie on a daisy Oasis. It is proposed that each of the sites will provide' end coor ,nated clinical services on a rotating basis, with each site serving meals one*, . ,deyyjier week. The multi site approach has been succem fyly implee 4„ seiiiii fre'tes throughout the country such as Nashville, Tenn eVi ';; '; , t' ,ill''' ,'''';, ,,+., SStes Under Consid ratiop• 1�1. '1' I III n. v' fir, ;l The sites list d f .�0, r,,�, ave rri rcip filrlr i"'` o ltments to participate in this project: ,. '' 111'i' •mik. f i ,!.41 y Eplscopai' fhedral' rted at 464 NE 16th Street. { + h 1) T I'I i1E 4 E P . I,I .,1 Er 2) Camillus f F Buse (expanded services) located 726 NE First Avenue. J,1 3) Historic Mount " II`n Baptist Church located at 301 NW 91h Street. Budget: The expenditures for this program will range from 6150,000 - $200,000 a year. This expense will basically be an operating subsidy covering cost centers such as utility subsidies, trash disposal, supplies, security, clean-up staff and a full time Program Coordinator. Cost could be reduced by in -kind donations or existing organizational capacity. 2 pet-01-04 10:6Gom From- T-850 P.04/08 F-698 Project Personnel Volunteer Orieatetion: The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust has agreed to provide orientation and training to volunteers that participate in the project about the continuum of care. The goal of the orientation would be to make sure that volunteers are aware of housing and service options that are available to individuals who rreceive meaais. Also, the goal would be to provide volunteers with training on outreach and engagement techniques that will lead to additional people receiving housing nd services. The goal of any additional trainings would be to assist program volunt iflMeiping project participants achieve self-sufficiency. a;,b Program Coorclineter: in a discussion of personnel for proj i was recognized that many of the coordinating functions are currently bliriiiv,erried o he City of Miami Outreach Team. The Program Director has indicated as willingness id, vs the feeding Program Coordinator become an employee ot�rprogram and to pro Oa rpervislon, office a space, and to supplement the salary of this;?�' ivld i t�, The Progra , boordinator will be responsible for seeking continued funding d 4project after start up funding has been identified. There are also the possibility for aaddi a . I protect staffing through the use of interns and volunteers, both of 4VIIch would be ='h naafed by the Coordinator. 0utr each _.Service : The City of Miami Od eaacli. a..arn will he it an outreach team staff member at each of the identified feeding $ es',ta feciiltii,oeferral to housing and services for those who r�C jpals. r � Employment Services!'i spry ed that a' ' rk program be considered to offer program participants and err# t sin prrrvocational and vocational employment skills. This pr uid p • e , n strategy to divert many families and �, ;�,t eve ,i er the homeless service system. It is envisioned that individuaalas r�rt"l'ra�a'� °�. employ a,t opportur~itieS ould ,stipend and well supervised with specific outcomes ldentlfiei�i� ,, ployment inti+ .fshlp Portunities could be built into the operation of this project and , a �`m raised by tl iek Program Coordinator. Referrals to the current JCS employment p � ms fund via the Homeless Trust could serve as the vehicle for achieving this go lib, ;' Clean-up.Steffina: Cie n��'up staff for the project has been identified through the court systems. Preliminary discussions with local judges and the department of corrections have indicated an overwhelming willingness to have participants participate in the project to provide clean up services to any locations identified as participants in the project. Participants would be Involved as part of meeting their community service hours in the community. Supervision of this function is envisioned to be a function of the Program Coordinator. Security: Security staff has been identified as a concern of many organizations that have a potential interest in homing a hosting site for the project. Security staffing 3 Oct-01-04 11:00am From- T-830 P-05/08 F-sae could be a function that is provided in -kind by the City of Miami or through other funding mechanisms. Additional security will be provided by outreach staff that has panic buttons which will notify the police immediately of any problems that may arise on site during the serving of meals. Resource Mapping The committee is engaging in a process of resource mapping that involves surveying key stakeholders and those who have attended community meetings. A summary of this resource mapping effort is listed below for review. This resourcerapping effort will be an on -going process. The committee welcomes support, colisftration, and specific contribution to the planning process for better coocoordinatiopOitifaeding and expanded services to homeless and low income families and indiyii.rla ,' t,14,,d., Resource Mapping Results. ,���,:,' `''�'�+t`�s o Miami Coalition for the Homeless has agrVH e put in ar;smaall seed gr to off -set the cast of hiring a Program Coordinator for the prograE , ; ri#�;rt : ,,, .,i y ro The Miami -Dade County Homelessust has aagred`i +,; �;Tr, • rovide orientation and training about the continuum of care trO bl.J Leers who .1! • 4'; ante in the project. rr to' a The Emergency Food and Shelter Board . ha1. s ' ntecl'ed about a possible application regarding opera al funding f+is project!i'''' a Coral Cables Con ionaal,urch has k Ben contacted about a possible application regarding funding ' i'.i, H.iltr , , A, 'M„j a The City of,Miaai Fflnl a ofioHjec'iliQi?.':: free per g to any site that agrees to participate in the organorganoki propaadd; ojed ray, ' �. '� ,,� as The Oily''E+ a„ i ltiasmi Outre+ Prog Im has agreed to provide office space and supplement t"iia; lacy of Pr ram Coordinator should that person fall under the supervision of tirii1epartm,' t. © The Downtown Mika' 'ri$ aartnership has been contacted concerning funding for this project. ;l'° o The Downtown Development Authority will also be contacted concerning funding for this protect. ai On -going support of the protect will be sought through identified foundation funding. o The Habitat for Humanity group from St. John Neumann Catholic Church has offered to donate the labor to build any type of fixed site location or facility, 4 Oct-01-04 ii:04am From- T-851 p.o8/o8 F-688 Draft O.epgtiptie Budoe Program Coordinator Benefits Security utIHtiea$ trash disposal clean-up staff kitchen equipment# Tables/chairs program supplies socisi service officiate) set up insurance Total *Please note that these are broad estimates of operational expenses expenses could be significantly reduced thtxaugh In -kind services #Could very widely given the capacity of each feeding eke GRAFT OPERATIONVIUDGET $27,000 $5,400 $16,060 $18,250 $3,000 $10,220 $75,000 $ 10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $192,930 Well)) Illi'. I I ' 1 allf'�, 41 ri�l!7@i1�I �,1; `.I I. �II.I oh '.n.Vf ILr,�` EIrl'1p 'I Id girl �G'}}�lI' III {' � '1 i�11. I� 4f '�-jI I�1 �{I (3 14 YYNNi1in'14and )1N.111.,ii��� � .rl FIIr ,5 IIIs Qli1 CFI :l 'I}t,, 20% of salary 't 11hr 4hre/day 365 50/day days 7/hr a 4hrslday 365days Ovens, warming racks, serving tends, etc, phone. fax, depending 1n ' i Pfsii6 s, forks, napkins, ce furniture, pager, etc. nal coverage needed 111�1��:1 , "r'{'i • I II �lfF F kkS�� �,e rrjI PSI � '�•k�1:41 0,,, •:''� 1 . 5