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Traffic Impact Analysis
'05/19/2004 12:23 FAX tjUUG/U1t URS May 19, 2004 Ms. Lilia 1. Medina Assistant Transportation Coordinator Office of Transportation, City Manager's Office City of Miami 444 SW 2r'd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: IsI n i G .._. Traffic Impact Analysis Review _ W.O. # 57 Dear Ms. Medina: We have reviewed the Traffic impact Analysis report for the Island Gardens project, dated April 2004, received May 4, 2004, along with the associated site plan information, dated April 1, 2004. In addition, we spoke with Sonia Shreffler-Bogart of DPA and received additional information on May 18, 2004 (see attached). Our detailed review comments are included in the attached memorandum. In summary, we find the traffic analysis sufficient. Note, no queuing analysis has been provided. A general estimate of the queuing would indicate the need to accommodate approximately 10 to 15 vehicles at the gates. The applicant has indicated that the site plan geometry of the garage entrance will be adjusted as needed to facilitate on -site circulation as the project continues through the site planning process. It is our understanding that a completely revised, bound report, inclusive of all the attached revised information will be provided to the City _ please look for that submittal. Should you have any questions, please call me at 954.739.1881 extension 223. Sincerely, URS Corporation Southern %75ii? Jenn L. King, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer cc: Sonia Shreffler-Bogart, DPA attachments URS Corporation Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-6375 Tel: 954.739.1881 Fax: 954.739,1789 05/19/2004 12:23 FAX iO 003/016 URS MEMORANDUM To: Lilla 1. Medina From: Jenn L. King, P.E. Date: May 19, 2004 Subject: Island Gardens Traffic Impact Analysis Review -- W.O. # 57 We have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis report prepared by David Plummer and Associates (DPA) for the Island Gardens project, dated April 2004. We also reviewed associated site plan data information, dated 4/1/04, and revised information provided by DPA on May 18, 2004 (see attached). The proposed development will be located on Watson island, on the south side of the MacArthur Causeway. This project is within the Downtown DRI, as expanded by the recent NOPC application. Build out of this proposed project is anticipated in 2009. The project will be composed of 50 marina slips, 605 hotel rooms, and 232,774 square feet of retail space, with an associated 1,610 parking spaces. Our findings are as follows: 1. General Location Map: The report includes a location map, which adequately identifies the project location (Exhibit 1). The surrounding street network is provided in Exhibit 4. 2. Study Area: As agreed upon via a preliminary methodology discussion (Appendix B), the study analyzes five unsignalized intersections: the four proposed site driveways with Parrot Jungle Trail, and the intersection of Parrot Jungle Trail with the on/off ramps to the MacArthur Causeway on the north side of the island. The study also includes the MacArthur Causeway corridor. 3. Site Access: As noted in Exhibit 4, all access to the site is from the island perimeter road, Parrot Jungle Trail, which can be accessed from the MacArthur Causeway, both eastbound and westbound. No changes are proposed to the mainline, acceleration, or deceleration lanes on the MacArthur Causeway. All loading for the site is centrally located, accessed from the north end of the site. The driveway analyses indicate that the intersections will operate with reasonable levels of service, except URS Corporation Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Lauderdae, FL 33309-6375 Tel: 9 54.7 39.1881 Fax: 954.739.1789 D5/19/2004 12:23 FAX LE UVY/ U10 vas Ms. LiCa I. Medina Island Gardens - Traffic Impact Ar=alysis Review Memo May 19, 2004 Page 2 of 3 for driveway #3, which is the main garage entrance. While the perimeter road at this intersection is expected to continue to operate acceptably, the queuing from the main garage ont oiled for bothp bodund to b nde 0outbound vehicles. The garage will be gate movements, however no queuing analysis has been provided. A general estimate of the queuing would indicate the need to accommodate approximately 10 to 15 vehicles at the gates. The applicant has indicated that the geometry of the garage entrance will be adjusted as needed to facilitate on -site circulation as the project continues through the site planning process. 4. Data Collection: Two hours of P.M. turning movement count (TMC) data were collected at the study intersection. The data were collected Thursday, March 18, 2004 and are provided in Appendix C. A lane assignment sketch is provided in Exhibit 2, 5. Adjustment Factors: Year 2002 FDOT peak season adjustment factors were incorporated into the analysis, which is acceptable. Downtown DRI Watson island factors have been applied, for occupancy, person -trip conversion, transit and pedestrian reductions, and growth to current year, which is also acceptable. 6. Existing Conditions Capacity Analysis: An existing conditions analysis for the corridors (person trip) and intersections (HCS2000) was conducted. Under existing conditions, both the study intersection and the study corridor operate with acceptable LOS. 7. Planned Roadway Improvements: A review was made of the 2003 TIP and the 2025 LRE. Neither source indicates shows any planned or programmed capacity improvement projects within the study area. The site plan indicates the future seaport tunnel, adjacent to the MacArthur Causeway. 8. Background Traffic: A weighted adjusted compound growth rate of 0.84% per year was applied to both the intersection and corridor analyses, consistent with the rate approved for the study area in the Downtown DRI, which is acceptable. This growth accounts for unidentified projects in the area, along with Parrot Jungle. 9. Committed Developments: The traffic from one committed development project in the area was included in the analysis, the Portofino project, consistent with the Downtown DRI. 10. Trip Generation: The trip generation for the site is from the 6th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation manual, which is acceptable. The methodology 05/19/2004 12:24 FAA ladV00/UA.b URS Ms. Lilia I. Medina Island Gardens - Traffic Impact Analysis Review Memo May 19, 2004 Page 3 of 3 follows the City's methodology, with appropriate reduction percentages for vehicle occupancy, transit, and pedestrian/bicycle trips. The project is estimated to generate a gross total of 1,510 P.M. peak hour trips, and, after reductions, a net total of 1,135 P.M. peak hour trips. 11. Trip Distribution: The project is located within new TAZ 510. As part of the Downtown DRI process, a full FSUTMS model was created. We agree with the project distribution Exhibit J-10 E and it was correctly applied in the study Appendix D Future With Project table. ............ 12. Future Conditions Capacity Analysis: The HCS analyses of future conditions with project are consistent with the existing conditions analyses. The analyses indicate that the study intersections and corridors will operate with acceptable LOS under future volume conditions with the project. We find that the report with the additional revised information adequately quantifies the traffic impacts from the project and is sufficient. Note, no queuing analysis has been provided and the applicant has indicated that the site plan geometry of the garage entrance will be adjusted as needed to facilitate on -site circulation, all of which must be addressed as the project continues through the site planning process. It is our understanding that a completely revised, bound report, inclusive of all the attached revised information will be provided to the City — please look for that submittal, Attachments 05/19/2004 12:24 FAX Lnr-I 1 00(44g4'Itib E 006/0l6 DAvlll PLUMMERANDASS© Island Garden.! MUSPTraffic Impact Study Island from the east and west. Corridor capacity analysis was performed for the two segments of the MacArthur Causeway and intersection capacity analysis Was -performed for the intersection of Parrot Jungle Trail / MacArthur Causeway westbound ramps and the proposed project driveways. 1.2 Study Objective The objective of this traffic study is to assess possible PM peak hour impacts on the project area corridors using the person -trip corridor capacity method. This method is designed to meet the challenges posed by Florida's growth management laws: to promote compact urban development, discourage suburban sprawl and improve urban mobility. This method is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and promotes improved transportation efficiency through increased private vehicle occupancies, making mass transit a full partner in the urban transportation system. Page 3 05/19/2004 12:24 FAX e1D! 1 tl! GLSC14 oJ: n3 Jbb4444986 DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO 4 vvv10 PAGE B3 act Study 2.1 Data Collection 2,0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Data collection for this study included roadway characteristics, intersection data, and intersection volumes. The data collection effort is described in detail in the following sections. 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics Parrot Jungle Trail Parrot Jungle Trail is the perimeter road around Watson Island. The road is a two-lane, two-way roadway providing access from the MacArthur Causeway to locations on Watson Island. Vehicles approaching from the west (traveling eastbound) exit the MacArthur Causeway onto Parrot Jungle Trail onto the south side of Watson Island. To return, in order to access the MacArthur Causeway westbound, vehicles must continue on Parrot Jungle 'rail and go under the MacArthur Causeway to the north side of Watson island to access the westbound on ramps. Similarly, vehicles approaching from the east (traveling westbound) exit the MacArthur Causeway onto Parrot Jungle Trail onto the north side of Watson island. To return, in order to access the MacArthur Causeway eastbound, vehicles must continue on Parrot Jungle Trail and go under the MacArthur Causeway to the south side of Watson Island to access the eastbound on ramps. Accelet' tconldeceieratrtan lanea exist for vehicles appreaching/departiztg MacArthur Causeway to/from Watson Island. On -street parking is not permitted along this perimeter road. 2.1.2 Traffic Counts Consistent with the methodology submitted to and approved by the City, peak period vehicle turning movement counts were collected at the intersection under study. Seasonal adjustment factors were obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Traffic counts are included in Appendix C. Exhibit 2 shows the adjusted 2004 PM peak season, peak period hour traffic volumes at the study intersection. Segment volumes on the MacArthur Causeway are reported in Appendix A (Transportation Assessment. Proposed Boundary Change to the Downtown Miami DDRJ Increment IL) Page 5 05/19/2004 12:24 FAX Km/ id/ tYe4 : 5 .3n4444986 DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO l.t.}VVo, u1❑ PAGE 04 Island Gardems MUSP rraf c Ir act Study 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysts Future traffic conditions for the project area conidors are reported in Appendix A, in Table 21 _D 10(R), year 2009 Person Trip Conditions, in the Transportation Assessment: Proposed Boundary Change to the Downtown Miami DDR? Increment II on page 82. AU corridors analyzed are projected to operate within the established LOS E threshold. 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis Background growth and committed development trips were combined with the adjusted 2004 existing traffic to get the total year 2009 vehicular traffic without project on the study intersections. The project trips were then added to obtain the future with traffic volumes. Exhibit 5 shows the project PM peak hour trips and Exhibit 6 shows the total (with project) PM peak hour vehicular traffic volumes at the intersections under study. All intersections operate within the LOS E standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 7 shows the resulting LOS at the intersections under study. Intersection capacity analysis worksheets and the intersection assignment matrix are provided in Appendix D. Exhibit 7 Future Intersection Level of Service Weekday PM Peak Conditions Intersection Trams Control Future wl Project arrot jungle Trail / MacArthur Causeway WE Ramps U C Parrot Jungle Trail / Driveway # 1 U Parrot Jungle Trail / Driveway # 2 U B A Parrot Jungle Trail / Driveway # 3 Parrot jungle 'Tail. / Driveway # 4 U Al v/c=0.59 rU� unsignalized 5= aignatized R= Roundabout tMain street LOS Source: DPA Page 11 05/19/2004 12:25 FAX C!J/ 1 bi- ZCILI4 On4444`.I' 8b L jUU�/E7117 DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO PAGE EIS INTERSECTION ?DRIVEWAY LEGEND A - PARROT JUNGLE DAN 1 MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY RAMPS - ACCESS FOR iG MARINA AND ¶RACTIONALS" AT le LIGHTHOUSE HOTEL 2 - IG MAIN ENTRANCE AND ACCESS FOR "FULL SERVICE" IG LIGHTHOUSE HOTEL 3 PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE FOR ALL IC LAND USES •- ACCESS DRIVEWAY FOR Ia RETAIL DRIVE • TRAFFIC VOLUMES DO COUNTER CLOCKWISE AROUND CENTER ISLAND. 3 45 . 21 N.T.S. SG : ISLAND GARDENS P ISLAND GARDENS MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TM_ PROJECT TRIPS f» frr Na 5 Page 12 05/19/2004 12:25 FAX 05J12/2D04 05:53 3054444986 DAVID PL.UMMERANDASSO LL11ul U/Ulb PAGE DS 0 L 4 3 INTERSECTION 1 DRIVEWAY LEGEND A- PARROT JUNGLE DM 1 MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY RAMPS 1 - ACCESS FOR IC MARINA AND "FRACIIONALS" AT IQ LIGHTHOUSE HOTEL 2 - IG MAIN ENTRANCE AND ACCESS FOR "FULL SERVICE" ID LIGHTHOUSE NOTEL 3 - PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE FOR ALL IG LAND USES 4 - ACCESS DRIVEWAY FOR tG RETAIL DRIVE TRAFFIC VOLUMES GO COUNTER CLOCKIMSE AROU/sMI] CENTER ISLAND. PAOOECT-, ISLAND GARDENS MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 1 IG : ISLAND GARDENS FUTURE WITH PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES 6 Pave 1 305444498E 05/1B/2004 6t1>EidBc7loll P4AN01 1111ALE T7410,? 26.2AR71004 40WO ORAMPi : AL D0224(04 RJyawala)ni Ma0:14 Iom a.O 614AA01616mr 140TVEL4202 NiA. NV 116N 381. Orr 602 E$L 40T E76R Wit W07 WPK 740L sin 1O7 02L 1017 606 kHl ERR MIL 1THi W Tu 300014 n0101041ma 12 IT 4 z a4 11 15 14 TI b 6 2 R77 a 6A 0 0 116 No. a4421sa a4K% R am S 17 11 4 2 10 11 16 15 77 6 a 7 -. a 40 0 0 114 0 0 a 0 a la 102 0.160 0010 0.000 00110 MOM 0000 0000 6030 0000 mar 0006 aOW , 0D0 (Ma 02113 0000 43.029 0 202 lantu aaW law 400 GAM aAI>D a,„ ODm 0000 0Dat 0002 0050 0010 6M0a nxn UM 61 m 0.002 '� ROOD 020 001 MOO 0740 a00 WOG ame aa70 0.00 0000 0210 7 7s 1M 1 0 a 6 a 0 14 0 0 0 a 0 0 O -. 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War 04 r772L Oft 44.4.u. Taal Oft Ttli I/n PHe•I6c-r O1S10 m Lox F 2E IS 511 4002 Dan 001[IO 4 a my 17 DDOm 17 9010 0420 0520 41T aDtA 0 04 aDm 0 6 1 09m maul 2000 9401 a 054 2160 0001 0 000 0 sal 0 a&a 0.101 0000 0020 MAXI 1200 0 000 1001 0000 112130 0a00 0000 MOOD 01700 0A00 0100 aaam 414300 9b 4 a a 0 a 0 0 13 a a 0 10 0 a a 4 24 4 6 A 3a a 63; a •Pd 0 64 • 4S 0 b a 0 0 610 Sea 0 0 69 212 0 D 4 0 a a 769 4t 515 6 100 6 44 6 a 0 0 W /4 99 491 a LT= 62 A a 0 0. Bea 0,1219 0143 9.002 0090 0210 0.012 GOOD 0zono 0000 DODO apn 6416? 0,002 6}E 0001 4010) 0D07 Deaf Oar 0Daa arm 0001 3010 77 a 24 a 0 a a 0 0 0 a 24 a 0 4 D 0 0 a 0 a 2 71 Y7.7 a5 a a 1T 222 422 04 D 9 1744 sas 0 4► 1S7 00 104 0 a a 045 7AT 0 14E 227 40 a a4 a 2 1050 010 a 44 274 4 16 0 4a4 9 a a 1051 SZ:ZT b00Z/6T/S 05/19/2004 12:25 FAX tri(1 rsf Ldifi a4154444586 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY DPA Analyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: REV 5/17/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAR FUTURE W PROJ Intersection: PARROT JNGL TR/RAMPS Jurisdiction: CITY OP MIAMI Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2009 Project ID: FLAGSTONE PISLAND ARROT JGARDENS E TRAIL East/West Street: North/South Street: MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY RAMPS 0.25 Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Southbound Major Street: Approach Northbound 4 5 6 Movement 1 2 3 L T R I L T R DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO PRU1/olti Volume 102 11 4 2 25 17 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR110 11. 4 2 27 182 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- - Median Type/Storage undivided / RT channelized? 0 1 0 Lanes 0 2 0 Configuration LT TR LTR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 % T R I L T R Volume 8 3 2 21 15 551 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 3 2 22 16 5982 2 2 2 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/StorageNo / No / 1 1 0 Lanes 0 1 0 Configuration LTR L TR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Config LT LTR I LTR { TR v (vph) 110 2 C(m) (vph) 1561 1601 v/c 0.07 0.00 95% queue length 0.23 0.00 Control Delay 7.5 7.3 LOS A A Approach Delay Approach LOS 13 22 614 220 625 1009 0.06 0.04 0.61 0.19 0.11 4.29 22.4 11.0 13.9 C S B 22.4 13.8 C H 05/19/2004 12:26 FAX DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO Gar 1 yr Lr�Uv nl: n.� .�e�oyvuvizss� HCS2000: unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: REV 5/17/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK FUTURE W PROJ Intersection: PARROT JUNGLE TR/DWY 1 Jurisdiction.: CITY OF MIAMI Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2009 Project ID: FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS #02103 East/West Street: PARROT JUNGLE TRAIT, North/South Street: DRIVEWAY #1 Intersection Orientation: NS DPA rr-iff Ultlo V1U Study period Chrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Major Street: � Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Volume 42 515 208 9 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 45 559 226 9 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Median Type/Storage Raised curb / 1 RT Channelized? 1 0 Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 L T R 1 L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/storage Lanes Configuration 0 45 8 0.92 0.92 48 8 2 2 0 No 0 LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach N$ SS Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Config LT LR v (vph) 45 C(m) (vph) 1332 v/c 0.03 95% queue length 0.10 Control Delay 1.8 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 56 435 0.13 0.44 14.5 14.5 P• 05/19/2004 12:26 FAX .*ib4444986 DAVID PLUIMMFRANDASSS 4g014/U1t PAGE 89 HCS2000: Vnsi.gnali2ed Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst! Agency/Co.: Date Performed: REV 5/17/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAR FUTURE W PRO1 Intersection: PARROT JUNGLE TR/DWY 2 Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI Units: tl . S . Customary Analysis Year: 2009 Project ID: FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS #02103 East/West Street: PARROT JUNGLE TRAIL North/South Street: DRIVEWAY #2 Intersection Orientation: NS DPA Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments_ Major Street: Approach Northbound 4 Southbound Movement 1 2 35 6 Volume 99 460 213 22 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 107 499 231 23 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- - -- Median Type/Storage Raised curb / 1 RT Channelized? 1 0 Lanes 0 1 configuration LT TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 5 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/storage / / Lanes 1 Configuration R Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NE SB westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 ( 10 11 12 Lane Config LT 1 i R v (vph) 107 5 C(m) (vph) 1311 797 v/c 0.08 0.01. 95% queue length 0.27 0,02 Control Delay 8.0 9.5 LOS A A Approach Delay 9.5 Approach LOS A l)b/I f/GUU4 1Z: Zb IAA v� ' "�" e�oa y ot z�ny ty; 03 ;iY4444�tib BAVID PLUMMERANDASSO HPW" HCS2000: th signalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: ,Agency/Co.: Date Performed: REV 5/17/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK FUTURE W PROJ Intersection: PARROT JUNGLE TR/DWY 3 Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2009 Project ID: FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS *02103 East/West Street: PARROT JUNGLE TRAIL! North/South Street: DRIVEWAY #3 Intersection Orientation: N5 DFA Study period (hrs) : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound 5outhbound Movement 1. 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R J L T R Volume Peak -Hour Factor, FHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configurations upstream Signal? 273 0.92 296 2 Raised 187 141. 237 0.92 0.92 0.92 203 153 257 curb 1 1 L T No Minor Street: Approach westbound Movement 7 8 9 L T R / 1 1 0 TR No Eastbound 10 11 12 L T R Volume 428 94 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 465 102 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / / 1 1 Lanes L R Configuration Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NS SR Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 ( 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config L 1 I L v (vph) 296 C(m) (vph) 1149 V/C 0.26 95% queue length 1.03 Control Delay 9.2 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 465 273 1.70 29.84 363_9 300.3 102 757 0.13 0.46 10.5 B V0/10l LVV'1 1L.41.1 FAn In/ [nest/ YIt: ,iif1b44449db DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO ty_JULUI V 1 V F'A ab.11 DPA DPA Phone: E-Mail: HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d Fax: ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS Analyst: URA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: REV 5/17/2004 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK FUTURE W PROTECT Intersection: PARROT JUNGLE TRAIL/DRIVEWAY 4 Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI Units: U _ S. Customary Analysis Year: 2004 Project ID: FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS #02103 East/West Street: PARROT JUNGLE TRAIL North/South Street: DRIVEWAY 4 Volumes and Adjustment Westbound 1 Northbound L T R 1 L T R 1 Eastbound 1 L T. R 1 Volume 119 0 104 PHF 10.95 0.95 0.95 Flow Rate 120 0 109 0 0 0 I o 615 .0 0.95 0.95 0.95 10.95 0.95 0.95 0 0 0 10 647 0 Southbound L T R 44 274 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 46 288 4 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Approach Flow Rate 129 0 647 338 Conflicting Circulating Flow 334 667 66 0 Critical Gap (sec): Upper bound Lower bound Follow-up Time (sec): Upper bound Lower bound Critical Gap and Follow-up Time 4.10 4.60 2.60 3.10 4.10 4.60 2.60 3.10 4.10 4.60 2.60 3.10 4.10 4.60 2.60 3.10 Results: Capacity and v/c Ratio Capacity (Eq. 10-124): upper bound 1065 Lower bound 872 v/c Ratio: Upper bound 0.12 Lower bound 0.15 816 650 0.00 0.00 1315 1097 0.49 0.59 0 0