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F L A G S 1 O N E Island Gardens LLC Joseph L. Herndon Project Director Island Gardens Walsori Island, Miami, Ho;ida TO: City of Miami, Horida Members of the Planning Advisory Board DATE: June 2, 2004 RE: Flagstone Island Gardens & Watson Island Workshops of May 24 & 26, FPNDtNGS & PROCEDURES: Email requests to attend the workshops on May 24 & £ ay 26 were sent to the following groups: PARROT JUNGLE CHILDREN'S MUSEUM FISH MARKETS 1000 VENETIAN WAY VENETIAN CAUSEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MIAMI YACHT CLUB MIAMI OUTBOARD CLUB Follow-ups with each contact were made by phone_ At the Workshops, a presentation was provided to familiarize participants with the history, objectives, design, and status of the project. Architects provided digital tours and boards of the project. Representatives from the City, FDOT, Turnpike Authority, and Police attended. Engineers for the Tunnel & BayLink projects provided en overview of those projects and the limitations to Rioh.t-of Way modifications. The 08-24 Workshop had attendees including representatives of all groups as follow: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY URBAN ENVIRONMENT LEAGUE PARROTT JUNGLE CHILDREN'S MUSEUM MIAMI OUTBOARD CLUB 1000 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY VENETIAN CAUSEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD ALLIANCE The 08-26 Workshop was held in the Community Room at 1000 Venetian Causeway. people attended representative of: 1000 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY VENETIAN CAUSEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD ALLIANCE MIAMI YACHT CLUB PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER. KATHY LOEFT At both meetings, the following list of "Concerns and Requests" was centrally displayed. Additions. Modifications, and Deletions were made to the list. Flagstone Island Gardens, LLC. 1674 Meridian Ave, Suite 300, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 USA Tel 305-531-3747 Fax 305-531-3748 ED INTO THE it . LCCD FOR 05-24-04 FIG Neighborhood Workshop Formsv7A.xlsFindings 1 I 1 r FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC. WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS Page 2 of 8 At both meetings, the following list of "Goncems and Requests" was centrally displayed. Additions, Modifications, and Deletions were made to the Iist. Each person and each group was specifically requested at the opening meeting to confirm that: 1. This was the entire list of topics from their group 2. They were satisfied that the list was accurate The entire list of topics was then circulated to all groups by email and fax the following morning. Groups were asked to make additions, deletions, or modifications. In light of the upcoming holiday, and in order to provide Flagstone adequate time to prepare responses for the special Planning Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday, June 2, 2004, all recipients were asked to return any changes to the list by dose of day, Thursday, May 27. Additional responses were received only from the Children's Museum. The list can be sorted by Group, Topic, or Response. There are 49 requests on the following topics: NO. TOPIC 7 TRAFFIC 7 USE 6 PARKING 5 ROAD 4 VIEWS 3 ACCESS 3 BENEFITS 3 NOISE 3 SECURITY 2 FISH MKT 2 SHADOWS 1 BOATS 1 SCHOOL 1 SCREEN 1 SITE The number of issues by Group is as follows: NO. GROUP 18 CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 13 1000 VENETIAN WAY 9 PARROT JUNGLE 7 URBAN ENVIRONMENT LEAGUE 2 MIAMI YACHT CLUB 1 FISH MARKETS Of the 49 requests, Responses can be provided in the following categories: NO. RESPONSE 22 Inaccurate 10 Agreed 8 Not Agreed 6 Condition 2 Unrelated Given our limited time for presentation, we have selected to sort by Response, then by Topic, then by Group. 05-24-04 FIG Neahborhood Workshop Formsv7AxlsFindinas 2 PAGE 3 OF 8 FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS OF MAY 24 8 26, 2004 me following is the list of "Concerns & Requests" made of the Island Gardens Project by the "Groups" and .ified by the Groups at the Neighborhood Workshops of May 24 and 26. These items will be presented to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board at their Special Meeting on June 2, at which time responses will be provided by Flagstone Island Gardens, LLC. 'J- ;P�UP TDP,C ..-I`:T -;FE': .F;TS .FESPONS. i 1 CM SCHOOL SUPPORT CHARTER SCHOOL Unrelated 2 PJ TRAFFIC BUILD FLYOVER TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC CONGESTION Unrelated 3 VW TRAFFIC RESOLVE LEFT TURNS ONTO HIBISCUS & STAR ISLANDS BACKUP TRAFFIC Unrelated A 4 UEL USE INAPPROPRIATE USE OF LAND Inaccurate 5 UEL USE THE SHARES PROHIBITED 4lnaccurate Inaccurate 8 UEL USE HOTEL USE IS MORE THAN 20 ACRES 7 UEL USE PRIVATE CLUBS NOT PERMITTED Inaccurate 8 PJ USE MEETING SPACE IS COMPETITIVE Inaccurate 9 PJ USE PARKING BELOW MACARTHUR BRIDGE IS COMPETITIVE Inaccurate 10 PJ SHADOWS SHADOWS RESTRICT PJ LANDSCAPE GROWTH Inaccurate 11 CM SHADOWS SHADOWS IMPACT CM PLAY AREA Inaccurate 12 PJ VIEWS VIEWS FROM PJ BANQUET ROOMS WILL BE RESTRICTED Inaccurate 13 VW VIEWS VW VIEWS OF DOWNTOWN WILL BE RESTRICTED Inaccurate 14 VW VIEWS PICTURE FROM VW IS NOT TRUE PERSPECTIVE Inaccurate 15 FM 'FISH MKT EXISTING FISH MARKET NOT INCLUDED Inaccurate 16 UEL FISH MKT FISH MARKET ACCESS IS RESTRICTED Inaccurate 17 MYC SECURITY SECURITY OF WATSON ISLAND WITH INCREASED NUMBER OF PEOPLE Inaccurate 18 PJ PARKING 'PARKING ON WATSON ISLAND IS NOT ADEQUATE Inaccurate 19 PJ TRAFFIC CURRENT ISLAND ROADWAY DEFICIENCY RESULTS IN TRAFFIC ISSUES Inaccurate 20 MYC TRAFFIC RESOLVE TRAFFIC IMPACTS TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND ISLAND EXITS Inaccurate 21 VW TRAFFIC INCLUDE VC IN TRAFFIC STUDIES FOR NOPC Inaccurate 22 VW TRAFFIC INCLUDE EVACUATION PLAN , Inaccurate _z VW BENEFITS REALISTIC FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO CITY, ETC Inaccurate UEL BENEFITS NOT PROVIDING ENOUGH PUBLIC ACCESS & AMENITY Inaccurate UEL BENEFITS AMENITY GUARANTEES Inaccurate 28^ VW BOATS PERMIT TRANSIENT BOATS Agreed Agreed 27 CM ROAD SOUTH ROAD (EL 9) SHOULD BE BOTH INGRESS/EGRESS 28 CM ROAD DROP OFF SHOULD MAINTAIN CM PEDESTRIAN PLAZA Agreed 29 CM ROAD MINIMIZE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE OF PERIMETER ROAD WITH MUSEUM Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed 30 CM ROAD MITIGATE DRAINAGE ONTO MUSEUM SITE FROM PLANNED ROAD 31 CM SECURITY PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION STAGING OPERATIONS PLAN 1 32 CM SECURITY CONSTRUCTION STAFF TO PROVIDE IDENTITY CREDENTIALS 33 CM ACCESS PROVIDE PEDSTRIAN ACCESS FROM PROJECT TO MUSEUM SPECIFICALLY FOR CHILDREN 34 CM PARKING PROVIDE SUFFICIENT PARKING FOR FACILITY AND STAFF Agreed 35 CM PARKING AVOID ENCROACHMENT ON MUSEUM PARKING SPACES Agreed 38 CM SCREEN H PROVIDE LANDSCAPE & SCREENING TO GARAGE a Condition 37 VW VIEWS BUILDING LIGHTING SHOULD NOT BE OFFENSIVE Condition 38 PJ NOISE NOISE MAY DISTURB ANIMALS Condition 39 VW NOISE NOISE MAY BE DISTURBING Condition 40 VW NOISE CONTROL SOUND FROM PROMENADE Condition 41 VW& PJ TRAFFIC EVALUATE SPECIAL EVENTS (OFFSITE& ONSITE&WEEKENDS) TRAFFIC AND PARKING AND 'Condition PROJECTIONS 42 VW USE SCALE BACK PROJECT Not Agreed 43 CM SITE AVOID RAISING GROUND LEVEL HIGHER THAN THAT OF THE MUSEUM Not Agreed 44 VW PARKING PROVIDE FREE PARKING 1 Not Agreed 45 CM PARKING BUILD 2ND GARAGE ON DOSP SITE SOUTH OF MUSEUM Not Agreed 46 CM PARKING SOLVE -ISLAND WIDE OVERFLOW PARKING NEEDS OF SPECIAL EVENTS Not Agreed 47 CM ACCESS LIMIT USE OF SOUTH ROAD BY VALET & OTHER USERS Not Agreed 48 CM ACCESS SERVICE VEHICLES, GARBAGE TRUCKS AND OTHERS SHOULD ONLY EXIT THE PROJECT FROM THE NORTH/WEST END Not Agreed 49 CM ROAD _ISLAND GARDENS SHOULD ASSUME COSTS FOR PLANNED ROADWAYS IMPROVEMENTS Not Agreed LEGEND: PJ = CM = FM = VW= VC = M8 = UEL = MYC = MOC = PARROT JUNGLE CHILDREN'S MUSEUM FISH MARKETS 1000 VENETIAN WAY VENETIAN CAUSEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION CITY COMMISSION, MIAMI BEACH URBAN ENVIRONMENT LEAGUE MIAMI YACHT CLUB MIAMI OUTBOARD CLUB 05-24-04 FIG Neighborhood Workshop Formsv7A.udsLIST FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC, WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS 06-02-04 PAGE 4 OF 8 WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS OF MAY 24 & 26, 2004 The following is the list of "Concerns & Requests" made of the Island Gardens Project by the "Groups" and verified by the Groups at the Neighborhood Workshops of May 24 and 26. These Items will be presented to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board at their Special Meeting on June 2, at which time responses will be provided by Flagstone Island Gardens, LLC. UNRELATED 1 CM SCHOOL "'SUPPORT CHARTER SCHOOL 2 PJ TRAFFIC Flagstone has not opposed the Children's Museum proposal for a Charier School, but believes there are several issues that need resolution This issue is unrelated to the Question before us today. © BUILD FLYOVER TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC CONGESTION Ifa fly -over is ever desired, 11 will be a molter between FDOT and the City of Miami since they control all the lord and right-of-ways. It would have have to add additional right-of-way and would have to be compliant with the proposed Tunnel Road and BayLink, whose requirements will not be known for several years to come. 11 is unrelated to the Question before us today. 3 VW RESOLVE LEFT TURNS ONTO HIBISCUS & STAR ISLANDS BACKUP TRAFFIC This is an existing situation within Miami Beach and is unrelated to the Question before us today. INACCURATE 1 UEL USE la INAPPROPRIATE USE OF LAND Consistent with Master Plan passed Jan. 25, 1996 which was adopted unmhoously by PAB on 01-17-96 subsequent to Public Hearing (PAB 2-96). The Flagstone project passed Nov. 2001 General Election Referendum by 68% 2 UEL USE ©TIME SHARES PROHIBITED City's "RFP " stated no residential uses permitted but hotel and offering of certain timeshare licenses are. The referendum included tune shares. The lease between Flagstone and the City (the "Lease) provides that Flagstone Ls entitled to sell timeshare licenses which comply with Section 721.05(35), F.S.: 35 "Timeshare license" means a right to occupy a timeshare unit, which right is neither coupled with a freehold interest, nor coupled with an estate for years with a future interest, in a timeshare property". The licenses, which will be sold by Flagstone, fully comply with that statute. 3 UEL Li HOTEL USE IS MORE THAN 20 ACRES The entire land side lease parcel is only 10.7 acres, and the hotels are only a fraction of that area. 4 UEL PRIVATE CLUBS NOT PERMITTED 5 PJ There are no Private Clubs" Staff lounges are for crews and are required by industry standards. MEETING SPACE IS COMPETITIVE 6 PJ 9 Conversely, Island Gardens could be Parrot Jungle's largest referral and repeat client. Pricing could also give Parrot Jungle a competitive edge. PARKING BELOW MACARTHUR BRIDGE IS COMPETITIVE Island Gardens primary need is nrress to the Loading Docks and Fish Market parking. DOSP is the manager of the parking areas and will maintain fair policies, by providing Parrot Jungle AND Children's Museum priority bus parking. A presentation is avaiabk. 05-24-04 FIG Neighborhood SES FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC. WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS 06-02-04 PAGE 5 OF 8 INACCURATE (cont) 7 PJ SHADOWS 10 SHADOWS RESTRICT PARROT JUNGLES LANDSCAPE GROWTH Island Gardens shadows encroach Parrot Jungle only after 6 PM in Summer months, and canoe affect landscape growth. A presentation is available_ 8 CM fi1SHADOWS IMPACT CHILDREN MUSEUM'S PLAY AREA Island Gardens shadows do not encroach upon the Children's Museum play areas. A presentation is available. 9 PJ VIEWS 111IVIEWS FROM PARROT JUNGLE'S BANQUET ROOMS WILL BE RESTRICTED Parrot Jungle's banquet rooms views are Southwest and are south of Children's Museum and are not restricted by Island Gardens. A presentation is available. 10 VW 11111000 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY'S ViEWS OF DOWNTOWN WILL BE RESTRICTED Project is 1340 FT distant from Venetian I slannd Flagstone's Split Tower design permits upper floor residents of 1000 Venetian Causeway to see downtown as well as landscaped rnofs_Competing RFP proposals featured a 45 story single structure with larger base and mass. A presentation is availabk. 11 VW IN PICTURE FROM 1000 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY IS NOT TRUE PERSPECTIVE Illustration was calculated for height, distance & perspective and laid over actual photo from 1000 Venetian Causeway. 12 FM FISH MKT ®EXISTING FISH MARKET NOT INCLUDED Despite Fri Markets' attorney refusal to iet us meet with the existing Fish Markets, we managed 10 have some productive meetings that resulted in a program, location, and new fishing piers. We provided a Lease with very favorable terms. The Fish Mantels responded by filing a law suit against us for business interference. The suit remains active. A full copv of an correspondence is available. 13 LJEL IN FISH MARKET ACCESS IS RESTRICTED In fact, Fah Market is accessible to the project, and to residents as well. 14 MYC SECURITY INSECURITY OF WATSON ISLAND WiTH INCREASED NUMBER OF PEOPLE 15 P3 PARKING 18 Security will actually increase with more people, with security personnel and apparatus. PARKING ON WATSON ISLAND IS NOT ADEQUATE As long as island tenants do not exceed their parking capacity, parking will be adequate. 16 PJ TRAFFIC CURRENT ISLAND ROADWAY DEFICIENCY RESULTS IN TRAFFIC ISSUES 17 MYC 20 Local Traffic Study is required for the MUSP to include driveways and nearby intersections. Current roadways are designed for higher traffic levels than the combined MUSP Traffic Analyses oflsland Gardens, Parrot Jungle, and the Children's Museum and the other island tenants all together. The results met the required applicable LOS Level of Service Standards, but, nevertheless, will pay regional transportation mitigation fees. Traffic bottlenecks have only occurred from island sources at periods of Special Events_ I/ Special Events parking is restricted to available parking spaces. the only source of traffic bottlenecks will be Miami Beach Special Events. The project's Traffic Study methodologies and results have been reviewed by 2 State Agencies, 1 Regional Agency, 2 Quasi Public Authorities, 2 City Agencies, 5 Traffic Consultants. RESOLVE TRAFFIC IMPACTS TO EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND EXITS There Ls no change to emergency access mutes Flagstone will support any island wide evaluation of emergency services and MacArthur exits by the City. 18 VW INCLUDE VENETIAN CAUSEWAY IN TRAFFIC STUDIES FOR NOPC Venetian Causeway was included in the Traffic Studies for the NOPC. The NOPC expanded the Downtown DRI to Watson Island It included both venetian Causeway and Miami Beach. The DRI trips remained constant, and no significant changes in t ffic impacts were identified D5-24-64 FIG Neighborhood WorXsnoo Formsv7 A.bsRESPONSES FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC. WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS 06-02-04 PAGE 6 OF 8 INACCURATE (coat) 19 VW ®INCLUDE EVACUATION PLAN FFJIIA regulates all hotel evacuations which is always prior to any residential evacuation Hotel operations will provide coordinated Hwrricaine Action Plans 20 VW BENEFITS 1211 REALISTIC FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO CITY, ETC 21 UEL 24 In fact, financial benefits may be understated since evaluations used careservatitie numbers. Economists are available for questions NOT PROVIDING ENOUGH PUBLIC ACCESS & AMENITY BENEFITS PROVIDED BY FLAGSTONE: Maritime Gallery 11 aterfrvnr Pros(! node Roadway Improvements, Landscaping and Beautification Fish Market Fishing Pier Garden Areas Accessible to the Public (more than 60%) Fairchild Tropical Gardens & Historical Museum of South Florida Waterfront Cascade Fountain, Caribbean Cultural Fountain, Interactive Forodain/Perfor a nce Stage, Maritime Memorial Fountain, Reflecting Pool, Arrival Fountain, and Fountain of Sails. Festival Calendar Parted Price Point Retail Shops and Restaurants Civic Arts Trust $2,000, 000 Annual Lease guaranteed, plus percentage rental revenue $1.000.000 Annual Construction Rent Recurring City Tax Income $ 4.313, 865 Recurring County Taxes $6, 813, 782 One-time Fee Benefits $3, 460, 566 Overall Eeononuc Impact $521.7 Million 950 FI Es & 3,040 Construction Jobs. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS PROVIDED BY FLAGSTONE: Si, WO, OOP for Additional Public Benefits Master Plan for South Park & Improvements to South Park 22 UEL ®AMENITY GUARANTEES The Lease, and all pending land use approvals require that the property be developed in compliance with the site plan approved under the MLISP process. All of the site plan clearly include the Public Amenities. The Lease incorporates by referencing Flagstone's proposal submitted in response to the RFP. Thai proposal clearly outlines all public amenities to be provided by Flagstone. AGREED 1 VW BOATS Fig PERMIT TRANSIENT BOATS DERM has agreed to permit limited short terns transient boats to dock on the Fishing Pier 2 CM ROAD tilEDNTRY BLVD (SOUTH a EL 9) SHOULD BE BOTH INGRESS/EGRESS Flagstone will make this concession requested by the Children's Museum 3 CM ga DROP OFF SHOULD MAINTAIN CM PEDESTRIAN PLAZA Flagstone will make this concession requested by the Children's Museum, 4 CM ISIMINIMIZE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE OF PERIMETER ROAD WITH MUSEUM Flagstone is required to comply with both FDOT and City roadway and engineering standards, but will attempt to nrninvze the differences as requested by the Children's Museum. O -24-O4 FIG, Neighborhood Nbrksnx Four 7A_ tsRESPONSES FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC. WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS 06-02-04 PAGE 7OF8 AGREED (cont.) 5 CM 30 MRIGATE DRAINAGE ONTO MUSEUM SITE FROM PLANNED ROAD Flagstone is required to comply with both FDOT and City roadway and engineering standards including drainage. and will address this issue as requested by the Children'sMuvewn 6 CM SECURITY ®PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION STAGING OPERATIONS PLAN Flagstone agrees to City review and approval of a construction staging and operations plan. 7 CM ®CONSTRUCTION STAFF TO PROVIDE IDENTITY CREDENTIALS Flagstone agrees to City review and approval of an island wide security plan that includes all tenants as well as construction worker, vendor, and transporter identification. 111 8 CM ACCESS PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS FROM PROJECT TO MUSEUM SPECIFICALLY FOR CHILDREN AND DISABLED Flagstone agrees to provide ADA compliant walkways and lifts as required by Code, as well as coordinated previsions of an operational security plan relative to children, that is supervised by the City. 9 CM PARKINGgig PROVIDE SUFFICIENT PARKING FOR FACILITY AND STAFF To the contrary, Flagstone has exceeded parking requirements including hotels. retail marinas, and staff and is on record that at peak, it will shuttle staff from mainland stations and paring locations. 10 CM ggi AVOID ENCROACHMENT ON MUSEUM PARKING SPACES It would be contrary to good policy and relations for Flagstone to encroach on Museum parking spaces. CONDITIONAL 1 CM SCREEN (lid PROVIDE LANDSCAPE & SCREENING TO GARAGE Flagstone agrees and desires the landscape approach to its garage elevations. However. the Children'sMuseum and 1000 Venetian Causeway resident should request such condition, since the Urban Design Review Board stipulated an architectural solution in lieu of a landscape solution to this issue. 2 VW VIEWS 15IBUILDING LIGHTING SHOULD NOT BE OFFENSIVE Flagstone agrees that in addition to the conventional Building Department regulations governing exterior lighting, that the City Assistant Director of Planing and Zoning be empowered to review and assure that each island tenant's exterior lighting is not offensive to it's neighbors. 3 PJ NOISE gg NOISE MAY DISTURB ANIMALS Flagstone agrees that City Assistant Director ((Planning and Zoning be empowered to review and assure that each island tenant's noise control, abatement, and reduction activities are not offensive to their neighbors. 4 VW NOISE MAY BE DISTURBING 5 VW 40 Same as et 38. CONTROL SOUND FROM PROMENADE Same as 38 & 439. 6 VW& PJ TRAFFIC ®EVALUATE SPECIAL EVENTS (OFFS(TEA ONSITE WEEKENDS) TRAFFIC AND PARKING AND PROJECTIONS The City's traffic consultants have looked beyond the refor the MacArthur Causeway. The data shows that weerkend peak hourly volumes-, C29 are lower than weekday peak hour volumes. Flagstone agrees to participate with all other island tenants in development, documentation, and enforcement of City Class 1 Special Event Pernuts. Based on the MUD"' Traffic Studies, Flagstone will pay regional transportation mitigation fees. 062404 FIG Neighbor, Workshop F,r,rev7k seESPONSES FLAGSTONE ISLAND GARDENS, LLC WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS 06-02-04 PAGE 8 OF 8 NOT AGREED 1 VW USE SCALE BACK PROJECT The protect's uses. programs, and design character has not changed substantially from that original proposed in Flagstone's response to the RFP as determined by the Water runt AdvisoryBoard the Large Scale Development Connuttee. the City Manager's office. as well as the City Attorney. To the contrary, should these features be reduced, Flagstone would he in d_futli of its ogreernents with the City, and vncanutstent with the voterreferendum approval 2 CM SITE Ea AVOID RAISING GROUND LEVEL HIGHER THAN THAT OF THE MUSEUM if Flagstone's project were not raised, under new US Dept.ofIlonteland Defense regulations. the Promenade would have ro be fenced off and would not be accessible to the public. Given FDOT"s proposal for the Tunnel Road, if the project were nor raised, the entire project would be concealed behind the has el's flood walls al 18 FT height. Also, if the project were not raised, all the hack -of -house activity, loading cocks, service vehicle movement, megayacht fueling and provisioning activity would he exposed, aesthetically unacceptable. and in conflict with both pedestrians, and guest vehicles. It would have a serious negative impact upon pedestriansu nd traffic including the guests oflsland Gardens and the Children's Museum and the genera! public. It would be an issue of quality, appearance, inconvenience and liability. 3 VW PARKING PROVIDE FREE PARKING Fret panting would significantly increase parking demand on the island would lead to even more "special events" , would overwhelm the capacity of the islands facilities. would make the the project infeasible and not financiable, and would den' the public their fair share of parking revenues. 4 CM WBUILD 2ND GARAGE ON DOSE' SITE SOUTH OF MUSEUM This site is controlled byD.O_S.P. It is an awkward site such that if a garage were ever built, it would be a very inefficient one. Plans for such a garage are dependent we undersstad upon an Aviation Center being built, and other than ,4viation needs, there is, we understand that D.O_S.?. policy is to provide parking priority to the Children's Museum and Parrot Jungle, 5 CM Ea SOLVE -ISLAND WIDE OVERFLOW PARKING NEEDS OF SPECIAL EVENTS Special Event" and "peak day" events are better controlled through the City's Class] Permit process, and City coordination which should !rout events to available parking capacity and directly involve police, fire, and emergency services as well as the Department of Off Street Parking in parking, traffic, and event management_ 6 CM ACCESS ® LIMIT USE OF SOUTH ROAD BY VALET & OTHER USERS 7 CM 48 The use ofpublic roadways cannot be exclusive. Flagstone is as concerned as anyone that their guest experience is not only satisfactory and pleasant but also safe. Nevertheless, marina services, fractional guests, aviation center traffic as well as the Children's Museum buses must use the road, which al the request of the Children's Afuseurn we have made two way. SERVICE VEHICLES, GARBAGE TRUCKS AND OTHERS SHOULD ONLY EXIT THE PROJECT FROM THE NORTH/WEST END The loading dock and large truck ingress and egress is at the north end of the project. A second ingress/egress is also provided at the south end whose primary use is for emergency, seaerity, and marina destined vehicles. 8 CM ROAD ISLAND GARDENS SHOULD ASSUME COSTS FOR PLANNED ROADWAYS, IMPROVEMENTS, LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE. Flagstone is aware that with the erception of the 5200,000 payable to the City by the Children's Museum for the roadway improvements, and some contribution by a potential future aviation center, that the balance of costs. including all the above requests from adjacent tenants. are Flagstone's cost. 05-24- 4 FIG Neg Ploorhood Wo' s!+ccOsRESPONSE