HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit B• EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF UPLAND PARCEL . Commence at a point shown marked by an 5/8" diameter iron rod and Cap Stamped F.D.O.T., shown as P.T. Sta. 25+50. on the "Official Map of Location and Survey of a - portion of Section 8706, designated as . part of State Road A-1-A in Dade County, Florida", prepared by the State Road Department of the State of Florida, as recorded in Map Book.56, at Page 71 of the. Public Records of Dade County, Florida.. Said point being the point of tangency of the original center line of the Douglas 'MacArthur Causeway running Easterly and South Easterly from the Westerly limits (West Bridge) of Watson Island as shown on Sheet 3 of the State Road Department Right -of -Way Map, Section No. (8706-I 12) 87060-2I 17, revised March.25; 1959, said most Northerly • curve havinga radius of 1432.69 feet and a central angle of 62 3 00' 00 seconds" ; thence South- 59 ' 51' 26". West departing radially from said centerline a distance of 987.36 feet to a Projected Bulkhead line; thence North 17 3 i2' 21" West along said bulkhead line, a • distance of. 238.86 feet to the paint and place of beginning; thence. North 173. 12' 21" West continuing along. said_. bulkhead line a distance. or" 924:70 feet to. the. Southerly= -right: -of:-:. • way • line • of State Road - A -I -A Douglas MacArthur . Causeway; thence along said Southerly right of way line the following coursesand distances; South 89'. l 0` 55" East, a . .distance of 73.08.:.feet;. thence North: 85-. }..44' QO". East, -..a. distance; -of 6 t .09'- feet -to, no+ ,- . . tangent curve concave to the Northeast .whose. radial line bears North 39'. 29' 18" East: - having a radius of .1 60.00 feet and central. angle of 22 ' 09' 33"; thence .along.: said curve an arc length of...61.88 feet; .t ence.:South._.12 ' 40" 15" `East -continuing -along said - Souherly-right of way line a distance of 276.49 feet; to a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 600.00 feet and central,angel. cf46 3.17' 39" thence along said curve a.ri arc length of 484.79 feet to a point of tangencyothhence South26:3-22' 36". East 'Continuing along the southwesterly right of way fine of State Road.A-1-A, a distance of 196.59 feet; thence South 54 3 07' 39" West Departing Said right of way line, a distance .of-55 32.16 - feet; thence .Nort 35 3 54' 03" West; a distance of-132.74 feet; thence -South 54'-07' 39" West, a distance of 150.14 feet to the point of beginning. • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBMERGED PARCEL . Commence at a point marked by an 5/ 8". diameter iron rod and Cap Stamped F.D.O.T., shown as P. T. Sta. 25+50 on the • "Official Map of Location and Survey of a. portion of Section 8708, designated as part of State Road A-1.-A in Dade County, Florida', prepared by the State Road Department of the .State of Florida.. as recorded in Map Bonk 56, at Page 71 of the l'iiblic Records of Dade County, Florida. Said .point being .the point of tangency .of the original. center dine of the Douglas MacArthur Causeway running Easterly and South. Easterly from the Westerly limits (West Bridge) of Watson Island as shown on Sheet 3 of the State Road. Department Right-of:Way Map, Section No. (8 706- • 112) 87060-2117, revised March -25, 1959, said most Northerly- curare having a radius of . 1432.69 feet and a central angle of 62 3 00' 00'; thence South 59 3 51' 26" West departing radially from said centerline; a distance of 987.36 feet to a projected bulkhead line; thence North 17 3- 12' 21" West along said .bulkhead line, a distance - of 238.86 feet .to the paint and place of beginning; thence South 49 '32' 57" West departing said bulkhead line a distance of 550.92 feet .to a point of.intersection • of lines:of turning basin limit .as established- by. U.S.. Arrny .0Oros --of...engineers:: anri :p+asitian .by --:-coordinates- North:, 527,878.62 feet, East 926,135.22 feet (based on.North. Anerican Datum. 1983-NAC83); thence North 31.3 03' 50" West, along the- limits of said turning basin a distance of 428_4.4. feet to a point -of intersection.w th •the.E :st right -of way' Iinc ofthe•iatracoastal �vatcrway , thence North 03 3 27' 54 West along said East right of way linea distance of 874.43 feet - to a point of intersection vrith .he. Snutheriy right.cf.way line, of said Douglas. MacArthur._ CaU5..f.?i.y, said point--:it.-intensecdo43':s:in :a.point•'on-_a-cur e..concave•.Southerll.:and.:. having a radius-of-10, 716.59 feet., a radial line to said point bears South 01 3 15' 15''- East; -thence run Easterly for 387.46 feet along the arc of said curve. and along said Southerly right of t lrough`'.a ct.:Eltrai:_anCg e -of J3 3. `- 1 7-to, a point of tangency; -thence.;.. South 89 10-55" East continuing Easterly along the said Southerly right -of way. tine, a distance of 31.87- feet more or less to a point of intersection with an existing bulkhead. . line; thence. South-17_ --12' 21 ` Eat -- long said:bulkhead..line.. a -distance._ of 92.4:.7,i feer:io- - -: the point of beginning.