HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-04 FIG City Commission MUSP HearingISLAND GARDENS PROJECT t= MIAMI CITY0= COMMON - 4, 2004 --446114'.-31rAiLar PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS • ONLY POSSIBLE LOCATION • CONSISTENT WITH MASTER PLAN • CONSISTENT WITH RFP • 68% VOTER REFERENDUM • NO ADDITIONAL ZONING CHANGES • NO IMPACT TO DRI & TRAFFIC ipreft' • SFRPC & DCA APPROVALS 1 • '= • SUBSTANTIAL PUBLIC BENEFITS • UNAMIOUS APPROVAL FROM UDR SHORELINE, & WATERFRONT & PAB • COMPLIED WITH RS.!JIA IREQ.. •TIGHT TIMESCHE ---441;i "A-4j 406 71 ONLY VIABLE SITE • DEEP WATER CHANNEL • COMMERCIAL MARINE BASIN • LANDSIDE TRANSPORATION CONNECTORS • MIAMI - MIAMI BEACH CONNECTOR • PORT & CRUISE FACILITIES SERVICES • REPAIR & SERRVICE FACILITIES • SECURITY, COAST GUARD, PILOTS, U • TOURISM FACILITIES,::. SEAPLANE BASE HELIPORT �R - RECREATION & AM • PARKINGQ.RA BALLOT QUESTION NO. 1 AUTHORIZING 45-YEAR LEASE OF CITY -OWNED UPLAND/SUBMERGED LAND ON WATSON ISLAND Shall the City lease City -owned land consisting of 24.2 total upland and submerged acres on Watson Island to Flagstone Properties, LLC for development of a mega yacht marina, fish market, hotels with timeshare units, a maritime museum, public gardens, cultural facilities, restaurants, retail and support facilities, for 45 years with two 15-year renewals, subject to capital investment, subject to a minimum annual guaranteed rent of $2,000,000 and other conditions the City may require? PROJECT OBJECTIVES • LEADING MEGA YACHT FACILITY FOR NEXT 30 YEARS • LANDMARK GATEWAY ICON -DOWNTOWN ORIENTATION • MAKE MIAMI A GLOBAL CITY AND SOUTH FLORIDA A GLOBAL COMMUNITY • ACCESSIBLE GARDEN ENVIRONMENT WITH LANDSCAPED ROOFS THAT TERRACE TO - WATERFRON • OPENPUBLICAREAS&ACCESS SEPARATION OF SERVICE AND SECURITY FRO GUEST PEDESTRIAN &VEHICULAR • COMPATIBLE-wiTH FUTURE PLANS FOR FDOT1:: ' 4'4-- �" PROJECTS ;411 LEADING STATE-OF-THE-ART MEGAYACHT HARBOR FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS LANDMARK GATEWAY ICON Azu 1, lei 1 . ■J ■' i_r S r. ° / M111.SIF•_• GARDEN ENVIRONMENT lib — r rs ■ ■ri il. � 111 ■■■r■■ •7■7mul,a 7 � ■. r■i ■y ur.� 14 glit _r• CD f::: i'. ..UI.. • lit X_ ..... . 9LLL% . ��i.■...eee Ifk ��■.s�r:=sy:y=F■�ed■■ -:irri� ri.17R1li�J • 'r.. it ■■°::: .: .rF■ 7 rmrr#r r r p a a f.w riy r 41% GARDEN ENVIRONMENT 111111111111111i;F:111111.1t:11 . IIVPh;111111! II . . • I . Liddlinikie_ rt • .. .! lir ,airm-la i • —Ai. IL•Iill• If ivaliML,IMill Mk Ak.1111". !@1 9 P.TT IINFL117311116 "TPINk— -r 111' —1--' ' :I".. • __.-... ..L • - . . .. . _ I .e . 4 .. I____ I * N. ' MIMXIlk SECURITY COMPLIANT 1;" gr PROMENADE LANDSCAPE PLANTER SEATING WATER BENCH-1 FEATURE SECURE EDGE SEC MARINA PROMENADE an YACHT ACCESS/SERVICE LEVEL !"7,1Pri4 \I I I I 1711* 40elkaing Lai:L727 911e6,-.7 re1.1.W1,11.11.11,1I L,T1...1111 1,7,e: 01,1611, 7,1 n1.11.,,,IIVIria...11 pny,"{: COMPLIANT WITH FDOT ..M.EllEIEENIBROMEL e • Fr qi.1=R FAY, SF:7717A 2 • F.--iyoETS9 r_OL SE4-70}4. 4.1 ro • L pr rArTr n MOP r ••• _ !—z - ay-MS2=ffre,5: I "Nrr-' 5 aliJE,E; PrDor. - iflierlo: - - _ - ----- _ - - • *ii•sa ••,,,ALD LWJI4JInea, I If:17 FrAc.r-r.,.7nrea knj Prlie r! i I IC:AJ C• 11,_21j *Iirrlrmam ‘1•116r-.. _ _ 5,ETEF - - - - - prrior-rqra.r.r!arrA, 4 AR. 4 1. 11(- 22 - - - .*.,L.2ZAa177-,m,zr/t -64'•— • ytt-fE9 MO' Cc, •-•"'" T 111 frricru {mg. - • — MAW EIAPCEIG3 111r1M1=1. Web thaf• DIM r DE..4 Iner•II 1.2 6,1• 0411.1. es. oh wn Lr-'-" Ian .613 RV_ au NU 441. MIN PUBLIC BENEFITS PROVIDED • CREATE A GLOBAL PROJECT FOR A CITY GLOBAL IMAGE • GARDEN AND OPEN AREAS ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC (MORE THAN 60%) • 950 FTES & 3,040 CONSTRUCTION JOBS. • MARITIME GALLERY • FISH MARKET • FISHING PIER • $2,000,000 ANNUALGUARANTEED PLUS PERCENTAGE RENTAL REVENUE • $1,000,000 ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION RENT • RECURRING CITY TAX INCOME $4,313,865 • RECURRING COUNTY TAXES $6,813,782 • ONE-TIME FEE BENEFITS $3,460,566 �-- • OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT $521.7 MILLION alk411 • ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, LANDSCAPING AND BEAUTIFICATION • FAIRCHILD TROPICAL GARDENS & HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF SOUTH FLORIDA • NUMEROUS FOUNTAINS AND PUBLIC AREAS • FESTIVAL CALENDAR• VARIED PRICE POINT RETAIL SHOPS ND. RE URANTS CIVIC ARTS TRUST _ ` $1,000,000 MASTER PLAN &ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENT TO SOUTH PARK J 4 ISLAND GARDENS PROJECT WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS . r Ail ) i -tea = .r a --mzmararyoli JUNE 24, 2OO4- t1 -/ ,MIAMI OUTBOARD LUB tom. n � C - ` '$;'4+, ,. ;JUNE 26, 200 1000V ETIAN WAY WATSON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS OF MAY 24 & 26, 2004 The following is the list of "Concerns & Requests" made of the Island Gardens Project by the "Groups" and verified by the Groups at the Neighborhood Workshops of May 24 and 26. These items will be presented to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board at their Special Meeting on June 2, at which time responses will be provided by Flagstone Island Gardens, LLC. NO GROUP TOPIC CM SCHOOL__ - PJ - VW TRAFFIC 4 - UE_L_ USE 5 UEL U_SE___ 7 - UEL U_SE 8 PJ USE___ S_H_AD_OWS_ 11_- CM_ SHADOWS 12 PJ VIEWS 13 VW_ 14 VW VIEWS 15 F_M_ FISH MK_T_ 16 UE_L_ FIS_H_MK_T_ 17____MY_C_ S_E_CU_RITY__ 18 PJ PARKING 19 PJ _ T_RAFF_FIC 20M __YC_ TRAFIC 21 VW_ T_RAF_FIC _ 22 VW_ T_RAF_FIC _ - VW _ BENEFITS_ 24 _ UEL_ B_E_NE_FI_TS_ 25 UEL BENEFITS 27 28 CM_ _RR_OAOAD______ CMD___ 29 CM__R_OAD___ 30 CM_ ROAD _ _ Ti CM_ SECURITY 32 CM_ S_ECURITY_ 33 CM_ A_C_CE_SS 34 - CM PARKING 35 CM PARKING 36 CM_ S_C_REEN_ _ 37__VW__ VIEWS ____ 38_ PJ __ 39__ VW__ NOISE__ 40 VW NOISE__ _ 41 V- W& PJ - TRAFFIC 43__ - CM__ - SITE_ __ 44___ VW__ PARKING_45__ CM__ PARKING 46__ CM__ PARKING__ 47__ CM__ ACCESS_ _ 48 CM ACCESS 49 CM ROAD WANTS & REQUESTS SUPPORT_CHARTER SCHOOL BUI_LD_FLYOV_E_R_TO_IMPRO_VE_TR_AFFIC_CO_N_GES_TI_ON RESOLVE LEFT TURNS ONTO HIBISCUS & STAR ISLANDS BACKUP TRAFFIC TIM_ESH_ARE_SPR_O_HIBIT_ED------------------------------- HOTE_L U__S_E IS MORE THAN 20 ACRES PAR_KIN_GBE_LO_W_M_AC_A_RT_H_URB_RIDG_EIS_C_OMP_E_T_ITIV__E__________________ SHADOWSRESTICT PJ L_AN_DSC_A_PE GROWTH VIEWS F_R_OM_PJ_BA_N_QU_ET RO_OM_S VW VIEWS_ OF_DO_W_NTO_WNWILLBE PIC_TU_REFROMVWISNOTT_R_UE_P_ERS_ E_XISTIN_G_FISH_M_AR_KET_NOTINCLUDED___________________________ SEC_U_RITY_O_F_WA_T_SO_NIS_LA_NDWITH_IN_C_RE_AS_ED_N_U_M__B_E_R__O_F PARKING ONWATS_ON I_SL_AND_IS_N_OTAD_EQ_UATE_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _________________ C_UR_R_EN_T ISLA_N_D R_O_AD_WA_Y D_EFI_CIEN_CY R_ESU_LT_S IN_TRA_FFIC_IS_SUES_ ___ RESOLVE_TR_AFFIC IM_PA_C_TS_T_O EM_ERGE_NCYVEHICLESAND ISLAND IN_CLU_DE V_C INTRAFFICSTUDIES FOR NOPC --_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_______—_—_ R_EA_L_ISTIC_FINANCIALB_EN_EFITST_OC_IT_Y,ETC___ ___________________ NOT PROVIDING ENOUGH PUBLIC ACCESS &AMENITY SOUTH ROAD EL 9 SHOULD BE BOTH INGRESSIEGRESS D_RO_P_O_FF_S_HO_U_LD_M_AINTAIN_C_M PEDE_S_TRIA_N_PL_AZA_ MINIMIZE ELEVATION DIFFERENCEOF PERIMETER_R_OAD_WIT_H_MUUSEUM P_RO_VID_ECO_NSTRU_C_TI_ONS_TAGIN_G_OPERA_TI_ON_S_PL_A_N__________________ CONS_TRU_CTIO_N_ST_AFF T_O P_R_OVID_E IDENTITY C_R_ED_ENTIALS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROVIDE PE_DS_T_RIAN_ACC_E_SS F_RO_M P_RO_JE_C_T TO_M_USE_ PROVIDE SUFFICIENTPARKING FORFACILITY ANDSTAFF AVOID ENCROACHMENT ON MUSEUM PARKING SPACES PRO_VIDELA_ND_SCA_PE_&S_CRE_ENIN_G_TOG_A_RA_GE_____________________ B_UI_LDIN_G LIGHTINGSHOULD NOT BE OFFENSIVE N_OISE_M_AYDIS_T_UR_BAN_IM_A_LS ----------------------------- NOISEMAYBEDISTURBING CO_NT_ROL_S_OU_N_DF_R_OM_P_R_OM_E_NA_D_E____ _ _ _______ _ __ ______ EVALUATE SPECIAL EVENTS (OFFSITE& ONSITE&WEEKENDS) TRAFFIC AND PARKING AND PROJECTIONS AVO_ID_RAISING_G_R_OU_ND LEVEL HIGHER THAN THAT OF THE MUSEUM PROVIDE FREEPRKING-------------------------------- BUI_LD_2_ND_G_A_RA_GE ON_DOS_P_SI_TE_S_OU_TH_OF_M_USEU_M _ _ _ _ _ _________________ TOLVE-ISLAND_WID_E OV_E_RFLO_W_P_ARKIN_G_NE_EDSOF SPECIALEVENTS___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LIMIT_USE_OFS_OUT_HOA_DBY_V_ALE_T&_O_THE_RUS_ERS___ ______ _______ SERVICE VEHICLES, GARBAGE TRUCKS AND OTHERS SHOULD ONLY EXIT THE PROJECT FROM T_HE_N_ORT_HMI_EST_EN_D_ ____ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _____ ISLAND GARDENS SHOULD ASSUME COSTS FOR PLANNED ROADWAYS, IMPROVEMENTS, RESPONS Unrelated__ Unrelated___ Unrelated Inaccurate __ Inaccurate___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate ___ Inaccurate __ Inaccurate A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed A reed Condition _ Condition_ Condition _ Condition ____ Condition Condition Not Agreed - Not Agreed Not Agreed Not Agreed Not Agreed Not Agreed Not Agreed Not Agreed COMMUNITY CONCERNS To date, we have held 19 public hearings, 2 Workshops for Watson Island and Venetian Causeway neighbors, and numerous meetings with our immediate island tenants. The Workshops identified 49 issues brought up by neighbors on the following topics: Traffic 7 Access 3 Shadows 2 TOTAL 49 Use 7 Benefits 3 Boats 1 Parking 6 Noise 3 School 1 Road 5 Security 3 Screen 1 Views 4 Fish Market 2 Site 1 • NOT PROVIDING ENOUGH PUBLIC ACCESS & AMENITY (see "BENEFITS PROVIDED BY FLAGSTONE") • AMENITY GUARANTEES The Lease, and all pending land use approvals require that the property be developed in compliance with the site plan approved under the MUSP process. All of the site plans clearly include the Public Amenities. The Lease incorporates by referencing Flagstone's proposal submitted in response to the RFP. That proposal clearly outlines all public amenities to be provided by Flagstone. • FISH MARKET ACCESS IS RESTRICTED In fact, Fish Market is accessible to the project, and to residents as well. • INAPPROPRIATE USE OF LAND Consistent with Master Plan passed Jan. 25, 1996 which was adopted unanimously by PAB on 01-17-96 subsequent to Public Hearing (PAB 2-96). The Flagstone project passed Nov. 2001 General Election Referendum by 68% • TIME SHARES PROHIBITED City's "RFP" stated no residential uses permitted, but hotel and offering of certain timeshare licenses are. The referendum included time shares. The lease between Flagstone and the City (the "Lease') provides that Flagstone is entitled to sell timeshare licenses which comply with Section 721.05(35), F.S.:35 "Timeshare license" means a right to occupy a timeshare unit, which right is neither coupled with a freehold interest, nor coupled with an estate for years with a future interest, in a timeshare property". The licenses, which will be sold by Flagstone, fully comply with that statute. • HOTEL USE IS MORE THAN 20 ACRES The entire land side lease parcel is only 10.7 acres, and the hotels are only a fraction of that area. • PRIVATE CLUBS NOT PERMITTED There are no "Private Clubs" Staff lounges are for crews and are required by industry standards. CONCESSIONS MADE ENTRY BLVD (SOUTH @ EL 9) SHOULD BE BOTH INGRESS/EGRESS Flagstone will make this concession requested by the Children's Museum. DROP OFF SHOULD MAINTAIN CM PEDESTRIAN PLAZA Flagstone will make this concession requested by the Children's Museum. MINIMIZE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE OF PERIMETER ROAD WITH MUSEUM Flagstone is required to comply with both FDOT and City roadway and engineering standards, but will attempt to minimize the differences. MITIGATE DRAINAGE ONTO MUSEUM SITE FROM PLANNED ROAD Flagstone is required to comply with both FDOT and City roadway and engineering standards including drainage. PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION STAGING OPERATIONS PLAN Flagstone agrees to City review and approval of a construction staging and operations plan. CONSTRUCTION STAFF TO PROVIDE IDENTITY CREDENTIALS Flagstone agrees to City review and approval of an island wide security plan that includes all tenants as well as construction workers. PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS FROM PROJECT TO MUSEUM SPECIFICALLY FOR CHILDREN AND DISABLED Flagstone agrees to provide ADA compliant walkways and lifts as required by Code, and a security plan relative to children, supervised by the City. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT PARKING FOR FACILITY AND STAFF To the contrary, Flagstone has exceeded parking requirements, ,but is on record that at peak, it will shuttle staff from mainland stations and parking. AVOID ENCROACHMENT ON MUSEUM PARKING SPACES It would be contrary to good policy and relations for Flagstone to encroach on Museum parking. PROVIDE LANDSCAPE & SCREENING TO GARAGE Flagstone agrees and desires the landscape approach to its garage elevations. However, the Children's Museum and 1000 Venetian Causeway resident should request such condition, since the Urban Design Review Board stipulated an architectural solution in lieu of a landscape solution to this issue. BUILDING LIGHTING SHOULD NOT BE OFFENSIVE Flagstone agrees that in addition to the conventional Building Department regulations governing exterior lighting, that the City Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning be empowered to review and assure that each island tenant's exterior lighting is not offensive to it's neighbors. NOISE MAY DISTURB ANIMALS Flagstone agrees that City Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning be empowered to review and assure that each island tenant's noise control, abatement, and reduction activities are not offensive to their neighbors. EVALUATE SPECIAL EVENTS (OFFSITE& ONSITE WEEKENDS) TRAFFIC AND PARKING AND PROJECTIONS The City's traffic consultants have looked beyond MacArthur Causeway. The data shows that weekend peak hourly volumes are lower than weekday peak hour volumes. Flagstone agrees to participate with all other island tenants in development, documentation, and enforcement of City Class I Special Event Permits. Based on the MUSP Traffic Studies, Flagstone will pay regional transportation mitigation fees. TRAFFIC • TRAFFIC METHODOLOGY AND STUDY APPROVALS INCLUDED — (2) State Agencies — (1) Regional Agency — (2) Quasi -Public Authorities — (2) City Agencies — (5) Traffic Consultants — DCA has concurred • REGIONAL NOPC TRAFFIC STUDY Expanded Downtown DRI area to Watson Island Included Miami Beach and Venetian Causeway Analyzed the inclusion as well as exclusion of the Tunnel Keeps DRI trips constant Created No significant change in traffic impacts Does not even require additional bridge openings on Venetian Causeway • LOCAL MUSP TRAFFIC STUDY — Weekend hourly volumes are lower than weekday peak hour volume — Included driveways and nearby intersections — Met applicable LOS standards — Project will pay regional transportation impacts mitigation fees TRAFFIC • MacArthur Causeway, is classed as an arterial, but functions somewhere between an arterial and a freeway due to the absence of driveways that impede arterial traffic. 11111 • Based on the comments from Miami Beach, the applicant • revisited the analysis using the figures for an arterial and the lift analysis was still sufficient. • i lk • While the roadway level of service (LOS) was not met, the 5% threshold was not exceeded and the resultant impact is not considered significant. • Only if both the LOS fails and the 5% threshold are exceeded is the impact of a project considered significant per the approved methodologies. TRAFFIC • CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WAS INVOLVED FROM THE OUTSET — Of 32 critical public approvals, only 9 were not advertised — Mayor Diaz specifically met with City Manager and Staff of Miami Bich on 08-28-02 requesting their suppOrt Staff was involved in all SFRPC meetings including the Approved STOP Met pdology of 11/25/02 s to iami Beat i has made no ro specific traffic rela d proposals osals for �� s consi�e�� p ration — If Miami Beach wishes to clai su s antial deviation from the DRI, the DCA is the proper forum F''P - -- Broader Issues beyond this projectetween municipalities should be resolved before the MPO I mi ITTW 11 - + .. oat ' MIAMI BEACH DEVELOPMENT No. Project Units FT Floors Type Status Year 1 Canyon Ranch South Tower 2 Canyon Ranch Residence North Tower 20 39 Mixed Use Mixed Use Approved 2005 Approved 2005 3 The Setai Hotel and Residence 4 Murano Grande at Portofino 5 Continuum on South Beach 6 Villa di Mare 7 Grand Venetian 8 Flamingo Resort Residence III 9 The Waverly at South Beach 10 Murano at Portofino 11 Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Tower 1 12 Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Tower 2 13 Blue Diamond 14 Green Diamond 15 Yacht Club 16 Loews Miami Beach 17 Marriott 18 Royal Palm 19 Ritz Carlton 20 Fontainebleu Hilton 21 The Carillon 22 The Clevelander 23 Hilton Grand Resorts 24 Radisson Deauville 25 Bently Bay North Tower 26 Bently Bay South Tower 27 Akoya Condominiums 28 Ocean Blue Condominium 29 Bel Aire on the Ocean 30 6000 Indian Creek 31 Fontaunebleau II 32 The Bath Club Residence 33 ICON at South Beach 34 Publix Supermarket 35 Lincoln Place @ Washington Ave 36 Lincoln Plaza 37 72nd Street Site 38 Anchor Shops 39 Collins Ave 40 Cultural Campus 41 Lincoln Road 42 Ocean Steps 43 II Villagio 44 St. Tropez 800 230 424 460 1,005 2 Hotels 544 47,955 SF 142,000 SF 160,000 SF 4 Acre 127 91 386 38 Mixed Use 407 37 Mixed Use 471 40 Mixed Use 14 Mixed Use 25 Mixed Use 338 32 Mixed Use 362 35 Mixed Use 402 37 Mixed Use 16 Mixed Use 16 Mixed Use 559 44 Mixed Use 559 44 Mixed Use 361 33 Residential 16 Hotel 11 Hotel H ote l H ote l 36 Hotel 42 Hotel 1 Condo H ote l 3 H ote l H ote l 243 24 Mixed Use 259 26 Mixed Use 495 47 Mixed Use 15 Mixed Use 18 Mixed Use 25 Mixed Use 36 Mixed Use 19 Mixed Use 43 Mixed Use 3 Commercial 8 Commercial 6 Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial 4 Entertainment 18 Residential & Retail 28 Residential Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Expand Expand Expand Renovate Renovate In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog Prog 2004 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 1999 1998 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 PROJECT PUBLIC & ADVERTISED MEETINGS DATE ACTION DESCRIPTION ADvmTiSED Dec-09-98 City Connnission Hearing Public hearing to determine development of approximately 29.66 acres on Watson Island to be a Unified Development Project (UDP) Yes Oct-26-00 City Connmission Hearing Public hearing reducing area to 24.2 acres of land to be included in the UDP Yes Nov-14-00 W at erfro nt A dv is ory Board Review of draft request for proposals (RFP) No Nov-29-00 Waterfront Advisory Board Workshop to review draft RFP No Dec-14-00 City Commission Hearing Public hearing authorizing issuance of RFP Yes Feb-01-01 Request for Proposal ("RFP") City of Miami issues RFP for mega yacht marina and adjacent upland Yes Apr-26-01 City Connmission Hearing Motion reconunending public hearing to consider a fish market as a required use No May-10-01 City Conunission Hearing Directive to amend RFP that a fish market be included as a required use Yes May-24-01 City Conunission Hearing Appointed individuals to review connnittee and extended deadline for proposals Yes Aug-01-01 Selection Connnittee Flagstone selected to develop Project No Sep-17-01 City Conunission Hearing Public Hearing to choose the Project pursuant to the RFP. Yes Oct-09-01 W at erfro nt A dv is ory Board Presentation of proposal by Flagstone No Nov-06-01 General Election Ballot Project placed on general election ballot. Approved by City of Miami voters. Yes Apr-19-02 Meeting ofDDA(Downtown DevelopmentAuthority) DDA votes to expand its boundaries to include Watson Island. No Jul-23-02 Meeting with South Florida Regional Planning Council ("SFRPC") Pre -Application meeting for NOPC with DCA, SFRPC, City of Miami, City of Miami Beach, DDA and Flagstone No Sep-19-02 Meeting with South Florida Regional Planning Council ("SFRPC") Pre -Application meeting for NOPC with DCA, SFRPC, City of Miami, City of Miami Beach, DDA and Flagstone No Dec-12-02 City Conunission Hearing City Connmission approves expanding DDA boundaries to include Watson Island. Yes Dec-12-02 City Conunission Hearing Approve Flagstone's lease and development agreements for Island Gardens Yes Nov-19-03 Pre -Application meeting with City's Design Review Board Major Use Special Permit No Dec-03-03 Planning Advisory Board Hearing 1st Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change Yes Jan-22-04 City Col unission Hearing 1st Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (First Reading) Yes Jan-26-04 Zoning Board Hearing Special Exception Application to permit marina Yes Feb-05-04 Large Scale Dev. Review Connmittee Meeting Review Site Plan No Mar-17-04 Urban Development Review Board Review Project Yes Apr-01-04 Miami -Dade Shoreline Dev. Rev. Commnmittee Review Project Yes Apr-06-04 Notice of Proposed Change ("NOPC") DDA filed NOPC with the Department of Community Affairs ("DCA"), the South Florida No Regional Planning Council ("SFRPC"), the City of Miami Beach ("MB") Apr-07-04 Planning Advisory Board Hearing 2nd Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change Yes Apr-13-04 Waterfront Advisory Board Review Project No May-05-04 Planning Advisory Board Present NOPC to PAB Yes May-06-04 City Conniussion Hearing 1st Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (Second Reading) Yes May-10-04 City Zoning Board Present Major Use Special Permit Application Yes May-11-04 Waterfront Advisory Board Meeting Review Project No May-19-04 Planning Advisory Board Present MUSP Application to PAB Yes May-27-04 City Connnission Hearing 2nd Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (First Reading) Yes Jun-24-04 City Conunission Hearing NOPC and MUSP scheduled to be heard by the City Connmission Yes Jul-10-04 City Col unission Hearing 2nd Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (Second Reading) Yes (tentative) ISLAND GARDENS PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE AREAS- GROUND LEVEL ONLY PUBLIC AREAS NET SITE AREA = 469,974 SF (io.79 ACRES) BUILDING FOOTPRINTS = 207,433 SF GROUND LEVEL ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC SPACES GREEN SPACE = 88.580 SF GROUND FLOOR T 147,94O SF VEHICULAR CIRCULATION = 46,000 SF +I MEM 4,VIRErat I' I ._' !Iii2r11111111.11 1 : muimirmeirip. it 4 Mt 111ENNIE !fa, 61-_.,a d plopIINNIPINPIer -gist . ',, I SIM HMS MIHIPM11 r ID !PIM rrirTr II II II 1 1 INNillur itemising HMI I 11111kler11111 1111111114 1'1■1r 111 III Et -mit `-NI Do you watch City of Miami Television? Tune in this week for special programming about the November 6th and 13th ballot questions. Informational programs will be presented in English, Spanish and Creole on City of Miami Television (cable channel 9) for the next few weeks to educate residents on three different issues for public consideration. The issues include: • Lease of land on Watson Island for a mixed -use development • Revisions to the City of Miami Charter • Neighborhood Enhancement Bond Two of these programs are presented here in the lobby as a preview. The complete programs will air daily in 3 languages between 6:00 - 10:00 AM and 7:00 — 11:00 PM. Ballot Question # 1 Watson Island Development Island Gardens by Flagstone Properties, LLC The City of Miami requested proposals for the redevelopment of the existing 13.4-acre Watson Island Marina and the adjacent 10.8-acres of undeveloped land into a world class marina and mixed use water- front development to emphasize diverse and public open spaces, pedestrian activity, and offer a wel- coming mix of uses to residents and visitors. After a competitive process, the City Commission chose Flagstone Properties, LLC to create a mixed -use development on Watson Island. The development features a fish market, marina facilities, public gardens, a maritime gallery, two hotels, as many as 14 restaurants, and retail shops - Island Gardens. Flagstone will invest $281 million in the project. No public funds are involved. Details of the Flagstone proposal include: Job Creation • Approximately 5,000 construction jobs during two year construction period • Approximately 2,500 permanent jobs will be created • Will create a Skills Training Center and an Employment Career Center • Will enter into a "First Source" Hiring Agreement to hire City of Miami residents Parks • 50% of the minimum base rent paid to the City will be set aside for development and programming of parks throughout the City • Approximately 7-acres on the south side of the island parallel to Government Cut has been designated to remain as a public park Public Amenities and Cultural Arts • Approximately 60% of the upland is accessible for public use 6 Partnerships with Fairchild Tropical Gardens and Historical Association of South Florida • Festival terrace programmed for annual events 1060 0 RESOLUT ON NO. 0 9 1 3 0 4 A RvsOLUTION OF THE XIAMI CITY COMMCOMISSION0 WITH rT C HME T (5) , AUTHORIZING THE CITY MMAGER TO EXECUTE. W R EME T TO ENTER T_ = A SRO= LEASE GROUND LEASE n`=DEMENT , IN SUBS.2ANTIALLY THE ATTACHED ij. O a r WITH FLAgSTONE ISLAND GARDENSo LL C FOR THE DEVELOPMENT D OPERAT:ON OF A EGA -YACHT MARINA0 FISH MARKET TWO TELS a RETAILe D=NING, AND CULTURAL AND PUBLIC FAcILITIEs ON APPROxIMATELY 10,6 ACRES OF CITY -OWNED ATER.F T PROPERTY LOCA.TED ON WkTSON ISLAND AND 12,4 C AE op SUWERGEO LAND ADJACENT TO WATSONIS#6AND FOR A PERIOD OF ?T' - E =vZ YEARS wITR AN OPTION TO TEND r' Two ADC'ITYONAJ ' F:rTEEN-YEAR PERIODS 5 F° UIR G SAID LESSEE TO MAKE A TOTAL CAPITAL r vE THEN T IN SAS PROPERTY OF NOT LESS 'TrH N $2G7 i 0D , OOO r PIzLYING THE CITY O "The Watson Island Site is one of very few sites on the S uth Florida Coast that can provide the advantages necessary to develop a facility_ such as ;.this. In fact, it m 1913 -1K; tr1.iv •,..r P�#iir NI AFrt *ti tlAtL.T pew AND u�t ' R � ,_._ -- .-,.- . I I A I DOCK PLAN PREPARED BY PLA NK B 'Sf .1.47/V S 6- ii� iC �40i tlt iifr=iArot. r BAY / Yry ,Mlymwtr,/;+/ 611/11 l7 _ ' tv t, '4 5 VE E ITA N_ CAUSE ' Y N..._ J EIL:1.4P BASE A S E A P �. A FT E 1*-4;:,,,.' 6, VE A 5 E 5 ,sk, ,,,,,z 9 f&/ cos 8 { 7 . - A r 44/, �i --: 3 j-•)7ero.40 '%-"1—..r.6.3% \ -- \ .7 _ E : L 11 :IF -Ni _-1 Lgn i r,..) I • It:..- F :7 0.../ \ 1;' ri_ILL.,.. - _. .._----ci i Lr-‘%-%.'..q,-N-..,%. y7 �r HL HUJNG.AME ISLAND / f :.L<o _.,_ 1. 8 3 i_ YSTi ii. r , 41 4 `I 952 c STAR I, 44, e:‘ 44,0 8 Table 1: PARTIAL SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF MEGA YACHTS ON THE TRI-COUNTY REGION — 1997 ($ MILLIONS & NUMBERS OF JOBS) Impact Type Total Direct Indirect Induced Output $497.O $287.0 $89.0 $120.0 5,364 2,931 850 1,583 Employment (FIE Jobs) Employee Compensation 166.7 97.8 26.9 42.0 Personal Income 179.2 103.4 29.5 46.3 Total Value Added 236.6 109.3 47.5 79.8 Business Taxes (sales, excise, etc.) $21.5 $7.7 $5.2 $8.6 Murray , Thomas J., & Associates, Inc., Recent Growth, Current Activity, and Economic Impacts Of Mega Yachts In South Florida— 1997-1998 on behalf of Marine Industries Association of South Florida, Inc. and the Broward Alliance, Inc., October, 1998, updated 2001. WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES • History • Design • External Factors larda • Questions & Cjarificatidns: LANDMARK GATEWAY ICON r1! rl r I i 1 r rrr rrr Irr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr r 1 1 rrr Irr rrr rrr 111 rr r 111 rrr rrr /rr rrr !If Ir1 frr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr err rrr rff rrr rr I / / DOWNTOWN ORIENTATION JIIM r1nPAninEMI-- Iuu,mn :iuu1 eusi ZEMJ1 SECURITY COMPLIANT TIF i AIS1•I•1III.# ■�■ ■ms � .. �- SECURITY COMPLIANT "SANITIZED" SECURITY CORRIDOR SECURITY COMPLIANT . L_L MU DX kkos•fV. Mk, , ' • -<C'\• -r,---11111111.11. Hu\ 11111[ I II II; 11.11 1 I I • T.TA II 11 III 'WI Tirri ri I I I I 11“ —&„ .; 5 WA -AM 4.3.kr kr...414.51 5.11L‘f <-7 i‘f • 4 t, . - • 1., ..,,;., ...\- ---.... ......". ‘‘‘‘ LIL,P7 /MS • 14iMa PIM" [LIM riSA d Irmmu Imu 3,1 .4St rc:c7:1-1 rL 4,7 wie. 1198,...1,1e • A1.4.00