HomeMy WebLinkAboutGables studyCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO FROM : Honorable Members of the City Commission Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: January 30, 2004 FILE : Report from City of Coral Gables re Annexation of Certain Areas Enclosed is a copy of documents from the City of Coral Gables concerning the impact of annexing certain areas. Our office is forwarding a copy to you for your information and files. This matter seems related to item in the draft agenda for February 12, 2004, District 4 discussion regarding proposed annexation of the LeJeune Road Corridor. PAT:ss C: Joe Arriola, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney City of Miami Meeting Agenda 2 City Commission Manuel A. Diaz, Mayor Arthur E. Teele, Jr., Chairman Joe Sanchez, Vice Chairman Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner District One Johnny L. Winton, Commissioner District Two Tomas Regalado, Commissioner District Four Joe Arriola, City Manager Alejandro Vilareio, City Attorney Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.ci.miami.fl.us Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:00 AM City Hall Commission Chambers 04-00070 Draft Regular Agenda DISCUSSION DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO INITIATE A STUDY OF THE LEJUENE ROAD CORRIDOR INCLUDING A REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE UNICORPORATED AREA FROM S.W. 8TH STREET TO S.W. 16TH STREET AND FROM S.W. 37TH AVENUE TO S.W. 47TH AVENUE FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF MIAMI; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THE ADMINISTRATION REPORT THESE FINDINGS TO THE CITY COMMISSION WITHIN A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS. City of Miami Page 1 Printed on 1/30/2004 JAN,30.2004 10:18AM CITY CLERK'S_ OFFICE nuu-t i-c&J.D 11.01 NO, 265 P. 1 P. @2/06 Annexations, which we hope meets with your approval. If you need further information, please let me loaow. Thank you. Attachments CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: MARIA ALBERRO TJMENEZ DATE_ APRIL 4, 2003 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: R. ALBERTO DELGADO, P.E. CT: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR v ANNEXATION DATA Per your request, enclosed is the infonnation on High Pines and Little Gables JAN.30.2004 10:18AM CITY_CLERKS_OFFICE AUG-11-2003 11:03 NO.265 P, 2 P.06/06 LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT April 3, 2003 The following was observed: There roads are in good condition There is little to no drainage in the area There are an average of two (2) FPL owned street lights per six -hundred foot (600') block Approyim it'iy li4 of the area has sidewalks.' There are nuzuexous trees in the right -of way. There are no sqrfrnry sewers in the area. Estimated Costs: Drainage S389,000 Sidewalk $448,000 Street Lights No initial cost but increase ixt monthty cost The Public Works Department needs an additional Coition Inspector_ The cumulative effect of the recent annexations, has reduced the quality of our inspections due to increased demand for inspections. Currently there is one (1) inspector who handles all inspections South of Bud Road. The new inspector will be used to handle the newly annexed areas such as Ponce, Davis, Kaags Bay and others. TnTaI P Gib JAN.30.2004 10:18AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO,265 P 3 CITY OF CORAL GABLES - MEMORANDUM • TO: DAVID L. BROWN DATE: May 28, 2003 CITY MANAGER FROM: DANIEL KEYS l PUBLIC SERVICE D CTOR SUBJECT: LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT Regarding the Public Service Department, the following additions to staffing levels, equipment inventory, and material and supply funding, is necessary in order to provide the required services for the proposed annexation of Little Gables. SOLID WASTE/RECYCLING SERVICES Garbage- add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Personre,1 1 Sanitation Operator 11 2 Sanitation Workers Cost — Capital Expense Cost — Reoccurring_ $41,189.00 $71,176.00 Subtotal $112,365.00 Equipment 1 Garbage Truck $125,000.00 $24,600.00 Subtotal $125,000.00 $24,600,00 Pump Fees 797 homes x $61,28 x 1 ton per house per year $48,840.00 Operating expenses Employee related $1,800.00 General required additions $ 500.00 Subtotal $2,300.00 Subtotal Garbage $125,000.00 $188,105.00 LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT JAN. 30. 2004 10:18AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO, 265 P. 4 Trash — add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Cost — Capital Expenses Personnel 1 Sanitation Crane Operator 1 Sanitation Operator I 1 Sanitation Worker Subtotal Equipment 1 Trash Crane 1 Trash Trucks $110,000.00 $ 65,000.00 Subtotal $175,000.00 Dump Fees 797 homes x $41.54 x 2.741 tons per house per year to WM 797 homes x $61.28 x .259 tons per house per year to DC Subtotal Operating expenses Employee related General required additions Subtotal Subtotal Trash $175,000.00 Recycling — add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Cost — Capital Expense Personnel 1 Sanitation Operator III 1 Sanitation Worker Subtotal Equipment None, only increased maintenance/operating expense of existing vehicles. Shuttle Trucks Trailers Cost- Reoccurring $43,243.00 $39,228.00 $35,588.00 $118,059.00 $30,000.00 $ 6.600.00 $36,600,00 $90,747.00 $12,649.00 $103,396.00 $1,800.00 $3,000.00 $4,800.00 $262,855.00 Cost — Reoccurring $43,243.00 $35,588.00 $ 78,831.00 $2,250.00 $3,000.00 Subtotal $ 5,250.00 LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT JAN. 30. 2004 10:19AM CITY_CIERK'S_OFFICE NO. 265 Operating expenses Employee related General ie uired additions Subtotal Subtotal - Recycling Required Spare Employees Required additions Personnel 1 Equipment Operator III 1 Sanitation Worker Cost - Capital Expense Subtotal - Required Spare Employees GRAND TOTAL Solid Waste/Recycling $300,000.00 $1,200.00 $ 250.00 $1,450.00 $ 85,531.00.00 Cost- Reoccurring $45,406.00 $35,588.00 $80,994.00 $617,485.00 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES General Landscape Maintenance - add new sites to maintenance contractor Required Additions Cost - Capital expense Cost - Reoccurring Additions to contract $ 1,000.00 (The estimate includes maintenance of large median areas and traffic islands that are not associated with specific addresses and assumes only incidental maintenance of public right of ways in front of homes). Tree Maintenance- add one additional contract crew Required Additions Cost - Capital expense Cost - Reoccurring One Half Additional contracted tree maintenance crew $43,482.00 (The workload capacity of the contracted tree -trimming crews has already been exceeded assuming our goal of the maintenance of an acceptable level of standard care. This proposal compensates for the additional cost of maintaining the existing trees in the two new areas and the previously annexed areas, including the maintenance of trees that we anticipate will be planted over the next 5 years. Approximately 25% of this expense is attributable to the existing trees in the Little Gables area alone, with an additional with 50 % being attributable to the trees in all of the older annexed areas combined. The proposal will also provide for a necessary increase in the frequency of trimming cycles for the other 35,000 existing trees Citywide). LTTTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT JAN.30.2004 10:19AM CITY_CLERK-S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 6 Tree Installation Required Additions Cost — Capital expense Cost — Reoccurring Planting 1275 Trees $255,000.00 (With the assumption of an eventual tree population of two trees per home and a further assumption that 20% of that population already exists, these new areas can support the planting of an additional 1275 trees at a conservatively low cost of $200.00 per tree). Subtotal $255,000.00 GRAND TOTAL Landscape Maintenance Services $255,000.00 $ 44,482.0 0 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSE REOCCURRING EXPENSE ' $555,000.00 $ 661,967.00 Cc: Maria Jimenez Assistant City Manager JAN,30,2004 10:19AM CITY_CLERKS_OFFICE N0,265 P 7 CITY OF CORAL GABLES TO: DA VID L. BROWN CITY MANAGER feecy- r i AM; RICHA D P. COOK FIRE CHIEF - 111EMORAMIM4 - DATE: AsP 11 24, 2003 SUBJECT PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREAS The following are the recommendations and estimated costs associated with the am azatian proposals. Lithe Gables • Instal/ 20 arir-Ti tional iiy aLants $100 , 000 • Convert 31 hydrants in the area to City specifications $ 4,500 • Replace/install 1,500, of 8" water mains $200 , 000 • No additional expenditures, staffing, ore equipment t is anticipated • Radio communications for this area has been tested and is adequate High Pines Area • Install 21 additional hydrants $105, 040 • Convert 64 hydrants In the area to City specifications $ 9,000 • No ad. A i tiona l water mains are anticipated at his time • No addition1 expenditures, staffing, or equipment is anticipated • Radio communications for this area hPs been tested and is adequate JAN.30.2004 10,19AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO,265 LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT April 3, 2003 The following was observed: There roads are in good condition. There is little to no drainage in the area. There are an average of two (2) FPL owned street lights per six -hundred foot (600'),block. Approximately i of the area has sidewalks. There are numerous trees in the right-of-way. There are no sanitary sewers in the area Estimated Costs: DrainRge $389,000 Sidewalk $448,000 Street Lights No initial cost but increase in monthly cost The Public Works Department needs an additional Construction Inspector. The cumulative effect of the recent annexations, has reduced the quality of our inspections due to increased demand for inspections. Currently there is one (1) inspector who handles all inspections South of Bird Road. The new inspector will be used to handle the newly annexed areas such as Ponce, Davis, Kings Bay and others. JAN.30,2004 10:19AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO, 265 P 9 CITY OF CORAL GABLES - MEMORANDUM - TO: DAVID L. BROWN DATE: May 28, 2003 CITY MANAGER FROM: DAN.E,L KEYS kft P I UBL C SERVICE D CTOR SUBJECT: LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT Regarding the Public Service Department, the following additions to staffing levels, equipment inventory, and material and supply funding, is necessary in order to provide the required services for the proposed annexation of Little Gables. SOLID WASTE/RECYCLING SERVICES Garbage- add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Personnel 1 Sanitation Operator 11 2 Sanitation Workers Cost — Capital Expense Cost — Reoccurring $41,189.00 $71,176.00 Subtotal $112,365.00 Equipment 1 Garbage Truck 5125,000.00 $24,600.00 Subtotal $125,000.00 $24,600.00 Dump Fees 797 homes x $61.28 x 1 ton per house per year $48,840.00 Operating expenses Employee related General required additions $1,800.00 $ 500. 0 Subtotal $2,300.00 Subtotal Garbage $125,000.00 $188,105.00 Lr1TLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT NO.265 P. 10 JAN. 30. 2004 10:19AM. CITY CLERK'S_OFFICE 7sh — add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Personnel 1 Sanitation Crane Operator 1 Sanitation Operator I 1 Sanitation Worker Cost — Capital Expenses Cost- Reoccurring $43,243.00 $39,228.00 $35,588.00 Subtotal $118,059.00 Equipment 1 Trash Crane 1 Trash Trucks Subtotal $110,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $30,000.00 $ 6 600.00 $175,000.00 $36,600.00 Dump Pees 797 homes x $41.54 x 2.741 tons per house per year to WM 797 homes x $61.28 x .259 tons per house per year to DC $90,747.00 $12,649.00 Subtotal $103,396.00 Operating expenses Employee related General required additions $1,800.00 $3 000.00 Subtotal $4,800.00 Subtotal Trash $175,000.00 $262,855.00 Recycling - add a portion of one complete crew Required additions Personnel 1 Sanitation Operator III 1 Sanitation Worker Cost — Capital Expense Cost — Reoccurring $43,243.00 $35,588.00 Subtotal $ 78,831.00 Equipment None, only increased maintenance/operating expense of existing vehicles. Shuttle Trucks $2,250.00 Trailers $3,000.00 Subtotal $ 5,250.00 LITTLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT JAN.30.2004 10:19AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 11 Tree Installation Required Additions Cost — Capital expense Cost — Reoccurring Planting 1275 Trees $255,000.00 (With the assumption of an eventual tree population of two trees per home and a further assumption that 20% of that population already exists, these new areas can support the planting of an additional 1275 trees at a conservatively low cost of $200.00 per tree). Subtotal $255,000.00 GRAND TOTAL Landscape Maintenance Services $255,000.00 $ 44,482.0 0 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSE REOCCURRING EXPENSE $555,000.00 $ 661,967.00 Cc: Maria Jimenez Assistant City Manager LrrrLE GABLES ANNEXATION REPORT JAN.30.2004 10:19AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE Na 265 P. 12 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: DAVID BROWN DATE: MAY 7, 2003 CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES H. HARL CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: LITTLE GABLES & HIGH PAS ANNEXATION STUDY Attached are the supporting documents from the Divisions within the Police Department as to the resources and personnel that will be required in order to meet the challenges of the proposed annexations of the Little Gables and High Pines areas. A summary of these documents is as follows: • The Uniform Patrol Division is advising the need for the additional resources .of seven sworn officers and equipment to service these areas at an estimated cost of S649,185.00. • The Criminal Investigations Division is advising the need for the additional resources of five sworn officers and one civilian at an estimated cost of S488,186.00. • The Professional Standards Division is advising the need for the additional support resources of one additional sworn officer and one civilian at an estimated cost of S130,050.00. • Total $1,267,421.00 13 sworn officers 2 civilians These figures are based upon the assumption that the five additional police officers requested in the proposed 2003/2004 Budget, due to the anticipated annexation of the Kings Bay area, are approved. If not, then five additional officers need to be added to these numbers at an added 0ost of $452,275.00 Enclosures cc: Senior Staff JAN.30.2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK'S_OFFICE NO, 265 P, 13 The below table indicates the ratio of officers to 1,000 residents in the surrounding municipalities and county as compared to the current Coral Gables Police Department staffing and proposed annexations: City/County Sworn personnel Population Ratio of sworn per 1,000 residents Coral Gables` . , with current .: Sworn incl.:, popuItion:.<J 172 43,000 4.0 ' With ,' anne±atioiis aid' no %ncrcase Of, • 172 48,581 3.54 • with., . • anneaations .and . 5 additional `sworn"' 177 48,581 3.64 ;:. '.With. : :annexatinxis arid:' .18 Swo�nu p'ersonnell'• .• 190 48,581 3.91 Soiith'lMXiaioai,°'',. 57 10,741 5.30 'West Hawn i' :• 13 5,863 2.21 .. �Piotc.res :':. 58 19,055 3.04 °•• Miami'':;,, 1,045 362,470 2.88 :•:AiialmiDade ,`.:. 3,170 2,253,362_ 1.40 JAN,30.2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK"S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 14 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: CiLIEY JJ MES BARLEY DATE: MARCH 18, 2003 VIA CHAIN FROM:. LT. PAUL MIYARES TRAFFIC SECTION SUBJECT: SURVEY FOR HIGH PINES & LITTLE GABLES AREAS Sir, as requested the following are the results for the calls for service for the High Pines area and for the section of Miami -Dade County kaiown as the Little Gables. The chart will show the comparisons of the last two calendar years (2001 & 2002) with the totals of each type of call and the total number of calls for that area LITTLE GABLES TYPE OF CALLS 2001 2002 14-CONDUCT INVEST 215 203 17-ACCIDENTS 163 150 18-HIT & RUNS 28 25 21-STOLEN TAG/DECAL 9 15 22-STOLEN VEH/VESSAL 41 36 25-FALSE ALARMS 227 224 26V-BURGLARY VEHICLE 22 31 26R-BURGLARY RESIDENCE 41 37 27-THEFT 51 46 28-VANDELISM 24 27 29-ROBBERY 6 8 32-ASSUALTBATTERY 40 64 33-SEX OFFENSE 4 7 34-DISTURBANCE 130 156 36-MISSING PERSON 8 6 37-SUSPICIOUS VEH 22 24 38-SUSPICIOUS PERSON 22 31 3/41-SICK/INJURED 31 36 43-BAKER ACT 4 5 52-NARCOTICS INVEST. 15 18 54-FRAUD 8 7 TOTALS 1111 1156 JAN. 30. 2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK'S_OFFICE NO.265 P. 15 HIGH PINES TYPE OF CALLS 2001 2002 14-CONDUCT INVEST 184 147 17-ACCIDENTS 81 67 18-HIT & RUNS 15 13 21-STOLEN TAG/DECAL 4 4 22-STOLEN VEH/VESSAL 13 9 25-FALSE ALARMS 581 486 26V-BURGLARY VECLE 21 31 26R-BURGLARY RESIDENCE 14 27 27-THEFT 16 32 28-VANDELISM 42 25 . 29-ROBBERY 5 4 32-AS SUALT/BAT i ERY 22 14 33-SEX OFFENSE 0 2 34-DISTURBANCE 127 139 .36-MISSING PERSON 8 4 37-SUSPICIOUS VEH 27 9 38-SUSPICIOUS PERSON 24 23 3/41-SICKIIN. URED 22 25 43-BAKER ACT 3 _ 1 52 NARCOTICS INVEST. 1 3 54-FRAUD 11 10 TOTALS 1221 1075 The difference in the High Pines area between the two years is that in 2002 there were 95 less False Alarm calls and 37 less Conduct Investigation calls which accounts for 90% of the difference between the two years. Thank you JAN.30.2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 16 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: C)OD:EF JAMES S. RARLEY VIA, CR4XN OF COMMAND DATE: MAY 7, 2003 FROM: MAJOR MARK A. GINN SUBJECT: ANNEXATION STAFFING STUDY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIVISION The Professional Stancimrds Division has reviewed the Annexation Study prepared by the Department for the Office of the City Manager and recommends the following personnel additions: • One civilian Police Support Services Assistant. This should be classified as a 15C with an hourly salary range of $13.9532 - $18.6986 or an annual salary range of $29,022.64 - $38,892.87. This additional civilian position would be responsible for assisting all sections of the Professional Standards Division. With the proposed annexations to the City there will be an additional workload produced for recruitment and selection. An additional workload has been created in the Accreditation Section due to an increase in the CALEA standards and their complexity. New state statutes have mandated additional criteria to the Department's SOP's, directives and training There are considerations by the City and the Department to pursue the Florida (State) Accreditation Standards and the Technical Services — Communications National Accreditation. Due to budgetary constraints there is an increased reliance on the Department to seek grant funding. Should the recommendation be approved to add the civilian Police Support Services Assistant the Professional Standards Division would be able to reorgani7P to develop a Command Staff Inspection Unit. A Command Staff Inspection Unit would improve the overall efficiency and professionalism of the Department and help assume the increase in workload, • One sworn 5020 police officer position. This officer would be assigned to the Human Resources Unit as a background investigator. The additional position would allow for the development of a full time recruitment program in accordance with Accreditation Standards. Currently the Department does not meet all of the requirements established by CALEA for a recruitment program. The recruitment and hiring of qualified police officers is recognized as a national dilemma.. The Department must have an aggressive recruitment program for police, dispatchers and fare personnel. There are currently four (4) swom vacancies within the Department to meet the approved 172 police personneL Approximately six (6) officers are projected to retire or leave the Department in the next year. With the proposed annexations between five (5) and twenty-two (22) sworn positions may required to properly staff the Department. These figures do not include civilian support personnel or Dispatchers and Fire Department personnel. As many as ten (10) more Dispatchers may be required The additional full time background investigator would help to reduce the length of time it takes to conduct the JAN.30.2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK'S_OFFICE NO.265 P. 17 investigations. The individual would also help reduce the overtime cost and fill the void of trained officers to conduct background investigations on a part-time, overtime basis. The additional background investigator should help improve the overall efficiency, budgeting and time factors of the Unit. JAN. 30. 2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK•S_OFFICE Na 265. P. 18 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: MAJOR RICSA.RD J. NAVE - CRIKINAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION DATE: MARCH 24, 2003 FROM: LIEUTENANT HARRY S. PICKERTNG SUBJECT: CRIMINAL JNVES : GA 7NS„SECT. ANNEXATION STAFFING STUDY The supervisors of the •i • al Investigations Oction researched and studied what our additional staffing needs may be if the proposed new neighborhoods are annexed by the City. Please refer to the attached memorandums from our squad Sergeants. In summary the additional staffing requests would include: ▪ One additional School Resource Officer in the Youth Resource Unit • One additional Economic Crimes investigator. • One additional Crimes Against Persons investigator assigned to domestic crimes. • Two adeitional Property Crime investigators, one assigned to Residential burglaries and general investigations, the other assigned to Auto Theft and conveyance crimes. -, . ar, -vcs C: C.I.S. Sergeants File JAN. 30, 2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO, 265 P. 19 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: MAJOR RICHARD NATJE CRIN NAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION FROM: SGT. FART T. B..ARTA YOUTH RESOURCE 'UNIT b � 1..7 DATE:, MARCII24, 2003 SUBJECT: 2003-2004 STAFFING NEEDS OF TEE YOUTH RESOURCE UNIT The current staffing of the Youth Resource Unit is one supervisor, one unit secretary, and four detectives. Our pretent staffing level is adequate based upon our community's current needs for service. One supervisor oversees the unit's daily operations. This includes the direct supervision of the four investigators and the secretary assig>S.ed to the unit. These duties include but are not limited to; managing the D.A.R.E., Police Athletic League, Officer Friendly, Red Ribbon, and Police Explorer Programs. Supervisory duties also include overseeing the investigations of crimes. committed by juveniles, as well as crimes committed against juveniles (i.e., child abuse and child neglect cases). The supervisor is also a D.A.R.E. officer, who teaches students in one public elementary school and one private school about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Onendetestive is desiignated as the unit'' ,juvenile investigator. She is responsible for conducting ya _ -follis p•investigations•cSa -reported--ehfid abuse/negiec .. ie is also resp efo-. conducting follow up investigations of crimes where juveniles are the tuspected'perpetrators. She is also the department's composite artist and prepares numerous composites offcriminal suspects. She is also active instructor/coach in -the unit's PAL program. One detective is permanently assigned to Coral Gables High School as he school's full time school resource officer. He is very active in assisting the faculty and staff with any potential problems. He is called upon to counsel and speak with students about a myriad of subjects. He. has been very active and extremely effective in aiding the school to curb potential gang problems. One detective is permanently assigned to Ponce de Leon Middle School as the school's full time School Resource Officer. He is also the Director ofthe Coral Gables Police Athletic League, which is presently based out of Ponce de Leon Middle School. He is also a D.A.R.E. officer and instructs students in two public elementary schools on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. One detective is being utilized as the school resource officer for the City's three public elementary schools and alternative high school (ACE). He is also a D.A.R.E. officer and is currently teaching students in one of the City's private schools about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. He is also the advisor for the department's police explorer post. He is very active and r. JAN,30.2004 10:20AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 20 r effective in working with the teenage youth in the explorer post, Members of the post have also contributed their services to several charities in our community. The unit's secretary is the receptionist and secretary for the unit. She is responsible for maintaining all files for the Youth Resource Unit. These files include, the Police Athletic League, Police Explorer Program, DARE, and all juvenile criminal files, subpoena log, and DCF abuse log. She is responsible for typing numerous pieces of correspondence for the officers and the sergeant She also designs new forms and updates oiitr1 ted forms for all the programs in the unit. She is also assist in ordering all educational supplies, officer friendly materials, office supplies, etc. She is the recording secretary for the Police Athletic League Region I. She also assists with numerous Youth Resource Unit events (PAL, DARE, Explorers, etc.). She also serves as the recording secretary for the City Wide Anti -Crime Committee and the School Community Relations Committee. She prepares the agenda, minutes, and correspondence for both of these committees, and maintains their files and records. With the anticipated annexation of certain areas within Miami -Dade County, the Youth Resburce Unit is expecting an increase in the needs for service. There are currently three very Iarge schools located within the proposed areas for annexation; Epiphany Catholic School (student population 1,100), Our Lady of Lourdes Academy (student population 850), and Sunset Elementary (student population 1,100). With each additional school, there comes a unique challenge, For example, Sunset Elementary School is involved with the DARE program. More tban two hundred fifty students are taught DARE annually at Sunset Elementary. By far, this would become the City's largest student body. for DARE instruction. In addition, there are three separate dismissal times for Sunset Elementary School, and the neighborhood surrounding this school has had on going traffic problems for years. Miami -Dade County Police Officers are often summoned to assist with the traffic surrounding the school. With the addition of these -.,�, 1'hre`veryrlar-erseis, the imf c&kasta�sgrforiT�.,,to. and drug prevention presentations, as well as reported cases of neglect and abuse which are often tunes reported to trust counselors at schools, not to mention an increase in juvenile crime. I would like to propose that the department add an additional detective to the Youth Resource Unit in order to effectively service these additional schools, and the more than 3,000 students who will accompany them. JAN. 30. 2004 10:21AM CITY_CLERK S OFFICE NO, 265 P. 21 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: MAJOR RICHARD NAVE DATE: MARCH 21, 2003 VIA CHAIN OF COISIMAND FROM: SGT. KEN ARMSTRON 0- CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS UNrr SUBJECT: . FUTURE ANNEXATION Future annexations of High Pines, Kings Bay and Little Gables will have as impact on services provided by our police department. Looking at the three neighborhoods that could be annexed it's effect on the Crimes Against Persons Unit could be limited. There are no businesses in Kings Bay and it is projected that it will be a gated community in the near future. This would limit potential targets for robbery. In addition the socio-economic level of the community should limit the amount of assault and battery while possibly making them targets for property crimes. Looking at the area of High Pines there is a limited amount of commercial business along Red Rd. as well as Sunset Rd. There are a number of small apartment buildings in the western boundary of High Pines. These apartments appear to be of a much lower socio-economic level than the znaj onity of High Pines. This small area could increase the number of potential battery, assault,' harassment and domestic related crime. Little Gables is another mostly residential community with a limited number of businesses in the p4 SW e T oe, ;Feonozu .0 Ie el csftl s ..bmmumity as well as-it'•s - proxinaitytomajor thoroughfares such as SW 8 Si and Lejeune Rd con71-d trarislate'rato more targets of property Grime that could include robbery. There is a significantly lower socio- economic community in the northeast boundary of Little Gables that could account for more assault and battery investigations including domestic related crime. Overall the three potential new communities have such small commercial areas and high socio- economic levels the current complement of crimes against persons investigators could handle any sporadic and isolated purse snatch, home invasion, sex battery that might occur. There are enough lower socio-economic areas embedded in these communities that could account for an increase in assault/battery and especially domestic related battery, stalldng and threat. At current staffing levels we have one investigator handling all domestic related crime in the city. I would submit that an additional investigator be assigned to the Crimes Against Persons Unit that would be assigned to investigate domestic related crime_ JAN.30.2004 10:21AM CITY_CLERK S_OFFICE NO.265 P. 22 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: RICHARD J. NAME 'VIA CHAIN OF COMMAND DATE: CID COMMANDER FROM: SERGEANT EDWARD HUDAK S OBJECT: PROPERTY CRIMES SUPERVISOR ANNEXATION ST.APFJNG SURVEY MARCH 1.8, 2003 Z have looking into the proposed boundaries and the current cases handled by the Miami Dade Police Department In considering all the variables, from increased patrol activity to the geo-aplucal analysis of the natural deterrents to residential burglaries a minimum requirement to not further impact the lone detective who handles all residential burglaries south of Bird Rd.. Would be, at T*UDiUniro. to add one additional detective. This would be a minimum requirement only. Proper stiffing citywide would be for two additional detectives as well as one additional Auto Theft Detective. ..,• .. --- -._, �_ .� ...�.... 2 @3 ' - ', .a •... . - .' - srr .e, . h. n,. • - d. . M '^tip' sr 1 • ".iaN ...r• . . - . ati. 1.,J.. JAN. 30. 2004 10:21AM CITY_CLERK-S_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 23 CITY OF CORAL GABLES -MEMORANDUM- TO: MAJOR RICRABD NAVE DATE: MARCH 18, 2003 VIA CHAIN OF COMMAND FROM: SGT.1:ENE' TASTET SUBJECT: ANNEXATION OF "LTIILE GABLES & "HIGH CRI1v32sTAL INVESTTGTION SECTION a/4A- PINES" AREA Per your request, the Economic Crime Unit conducted a check of the Little Gables and High Pines area in anticipation of annexation in the near future. Little Gables has approximately 29 businesses consisting of numerous individual businesses, a Walgreen's, gas stations, several salons, a hotel, a cemetery, a funeral home, a shoe store, Midas, 2 day care centers, a liquor store and a pawn shop. ' The High Pines area has approximately 26 businesses consisting of numerous individual businesses, a church, a school, several cloth;og stores, several salons, Chicken Kitchen, an art store, a restaurant, a pharmacy, a cleaners, a market and a printing company. With the annexation of one or both of these areas I would anticipate a rise in commercial •b-urglaries, residential construction site burglaries and fiaudsconsisiing ofidentity theft, credit _. c1 et txirnes,--employee embezzlements, etc, ..0 imiaal-1 vestig .ve�e ._ and specifically my unit would be directly impacted by this annexation and the need for additional investigators would be imminent JAN.30.2004 10:21AM CITV_CLERKS_OFFICE NO. 265 P. 24 CITY OF CORAL GABLES - MEMORAINIDUM - TO: DAVID L. BROWN DATE: MAY 27, 2003 CITY MANAGER FROM: RICHARD P. COOK SUBJECT: FIRECHIEF PROPOSED ANNFION AREAS The following are the recommendations and estimated costs associated. with each of the proposed annexation areas. Li tt.Ze. Gables • Install 20 additional hydrants $100,000 • Convert 31 hydrants in the area to City $ 4,500 specifications • Replace/install 1,500' of 8" water mains $200,000 • Radio communications for this area has been tested and is adequate. High Pies • Izistall 21 additional hydrants $105, 000 • Convert 60 hydrants in the area to City $ 9,000 specifications • No additional water mains are anticipated at this time • No additionale xi nrks, staffing, or equipment is anticipated. • �Radio co u1 cati.ons for this area has been. tested and is adequate.