FILE ID: 15-0135-7
Date: 10/26/2015
Commission Meeting Date: 12/10/2015
Requesting Department: Solid Waste
District Impacted: All
Type: Z Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Sole Source finding for the DriveCam System by Lytx, Inc.
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
The nature of this item is to authorize a resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachment(s),
by a four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, pursuant to Section 18-92 of the Code of the City of Miami,
Florida, as amended, after an advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City
Manager's finding of a sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding
procedures and approving the request to enter into an agreement with Lytx, Inc., for installation,
training, and purchase of 154 DriveCam Systems with an annual subscription for five (5) years at the
end of the one hundred and eighty (180) day trial period, with funding for future years and purchases
subject to availability of funds and budgetary approval at the time of need.
Background Information:
See attached for background information.
Budget Impact Analysis
Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Operating Supplies Account No: 04001.213000.552000.0000.00000
Other Contractual Services Account No: 04001.213000.534000.0000.00000
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
$199,079.16 (year one)
$70,975,52 (years two through five annually)
$482,981.24 (aggregate amount)
Final Approvals
If using or receiving capital funds
Risk Management NA
Dept. Director . 0
Chief � ° i l ��'i ity Manager_T ke'
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Background Information:
Pursuant to Resolution R14-0436, the Department of Solid Waste (Solid Waste) will complete the
approved one hundred and eighty (180) day trial period of the DriveCam Systems installed by Lytx, Inc..
on December 31, 2015. The DriveCam units were installed in 142 Solid Waste fleet vehicles and 12
Street Sweepers in an effort to reduce injuries and collisions.
The report card on the trial period shows that overall Solid Waste is riskier than the average
government Solid Waste fleet, but is improving at a slightly higher rate than other agencies over the trial
period. Due to the unique features of the DriveCam System, Solid Waste has been able to: 1) capture
real time vehicle status information; 2) track vehicles and their locations through the Global Positioning
System vehicle tracking; 3) monitor driver safety; and 4) monitor driver behavior, including hard
breakings, near collision events, and certain traffic violations. As demonstrated during the trial period,
the City experienced a one percent (1 %) improvement in severity of risk. During the months of August
and September the report card shows that: a) collisions have decreased by forty-six percent (46%); b)
seatbelt violations have improved by sixteen percent (16%); and c) cell phone use violations have
improved five percent (5%). Thirteen of Solid Waste's riskiest drivers represented 60% of the total risk
to the City in September, however, eleven (11) of those drivers have improved eighty percent (80%) on
average in the last four months. This reduces the overall risk profile and leads to direct cost savings
for the City.
Lytx, Inc. is the sole source manufacturer of the DriveCam system and its products are registered
trademarks that can only be acquired through Lytx, Inc. The Lytx DriveCam product is not available via
any other vendors other than from Lytx, Inc. Solid Waste has expressed its satisfaction with the
DriveCam System and therefore wishes to purchase the equipment with a five (5) year licensing
subscription. The old GPS contract with Verizon would be eliminated, thus offsetting the overall five (5)
year cost by $158,615.
In year one (1) of the subscription, the cost is $199,079.16 and is a one-time, upfront expense for the
installation of the hardware. The subscription will cost $70,975.52 annually, for years two (2) through
five (5) of the contract, for an aggregate cost of $482,981.24 for the five year term of the contract.
By utilizing the DriveCam System and its risk scoring methodology, Solid Waste will have the ability to
change driver behavior by reducing the frequency and severity metrics, improving avoidable near
collisions, reducing traffic violations, while improving overall safety.
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