HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2015-12-10 AdvertisementMIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review tilde Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper. published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22736 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - CITY OF MIAMI - HEARING - DEC. 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/24/2015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County. Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication i e said ne Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of NOVEMBER, AA..DD.. 2015 /LIPd!ter (SEAL) OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE personally known to me RHONDA M PELTIER MY COMMISSION # FF231407 EXPIRES May 17 2019 rtorida"tn.:v•s.•.i,;e .;ur cs -n tarn —1 Mr, h CAI rn .fi MM CON rri P1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10, 2015, at 9110 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, 33133, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the sole source purchase of one hundred fifty-four (154) video event recorders with related equipment, at an amount not to exceed $199,079.00, from Lytx, Inc., located at 18911 Balboa Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego California, 92123, for the Department of Solid Waste. lnquiries from other potential sources of such a package who feel that they might be able to satisfy the Ciry's requirements for this item may contact Pearl Bethel. Procurement Contracting Manager. at the City of Miami Procurement Department at (305) 416-1949. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.286.0105(. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) nd later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. 1t22736 11/24 Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 15-84/0000051241 M Orlrc5[000LES 255 NE4,1521E15isg0E oal? Na'.9s La Naci�n "Banco central y la economia, adictos a los estimulos" El fanancista Douglas Obey af`irma que la anica forma de salir del circulo vicioso de los soportes economicos es a troves de una politica fiscal responsable 0Sf+(5005 Al iuual que los opiti.os en sus dhorses form. e utiliaan pare elieier el dolor ...qua el pacieme puede race Parise de eu Ne puedo defer de cnm• entermeded y recuperar parer* lac...Mi. aC• 30 lnerrayau salu$]e Pe - hi des de todo el mundo litioa mooetaria vie aluste -coma la ele FStsdus Val. u sal uagoorda- funclone dos- con la ached n a las de la misma meoera en has drags:. Las economise. de senneunias. hoy se heel vuella Lan de• Se puerte utiliser can pendentes al eatimulo eforooie ea diverse: dosis moneterio {hancos den. damnte peeledes earlos lnles que imprimee d1- de tiempo. Pero si n0 se note y bifan las tams de Willem en cenlunrlen eon interns eerca de cerol una buena potitica Gscal, Coln Uri dregtd lcio es a Ea e5B0°mla en cues[len !ahereins. ounce se recupera. Le po• St1 tree lnleis1 ea allele Iltlda fiscal responsible y propnrciooa el eseepe fun e021j1n110 de medideS 4ue se note buscado, per* llseales y de gesso de los dospuos de untiempo se gebiernasl ea 12I unite so- neceske segulr utllimin- laddn a [ergo plan° pare dole pare Fader m.0le• recuperar le sand eto0u• nor el reneionemiento. mica necktie' y mondial. Sin line political fiscal adecuada pmmulgada par los gobiernos, las eeonomias nunca recuperan la fuena sufcienle pars dej ar de depender de la droga que meta el dolor Ma* Iarde. td utilin/Mad earth ions ads dot Brio re Cods la prodttnlvidcd qua Mauna rielia, hasta quo ue.n aolerodnsle final• ante mate al aide. Enl0ncee. yeu5l es 14 50• lurioo?, eheyespecie pare else politica m0nelaria7 Y si es rile on qui dosls7, „clime destel0r al pa - maser el dolor. Muchoa enten que ecomaraies se hen based. en la eslimu- Lcidn modeled. durance Large tiempo. y Mora van que ya esdereaniedo lards Y los psclentes .tan con- damsdoe aline sabredoais. 9se puede ser nueatro so. Pero ao he Perdido La esper°naa todavL. Mi u nice/ comer es rem le genie en el Feder per to general na reacelena east. que hay una crisis par desgraria• la pr5xima crisis podrla hater quo eaceeilean. Ea sobredosJs que deberla- mot eviler. CaadlhrlareantaSdrl Neeesilemos lideres que puetlln cameleer a bier Is 1. mentallded y las pel11Ee1S eeen0mieas Aloe machos paisas ben °dop• lad° antes de que se des - en los Einem.s por su pr°pl0 peso. Teneemos que utilizer le TOM lee ma - malaria solo pare apoyar a los gobiadn°e mienine reduces los Impuealen y aument&o el gesso en in. fulideaahalides lraaetruel°ro 4ue nece- Desalortunadamente, las sited deaesperad.mente palhJcaa Ss°eles necest,- a haeen reparaclones a la rims de le mayoris de los in&aestnlctue. existeote, pis. hod falta'. grave- ere°nde means anestas melee en cos ulti mos dos detnbajo. Eaonm querai- decenios. Sin una politica gamos en una sobred°sls y fiscal .dedueda pmroof• q°eestes palltk:ue Ilssles gads por los goblerp°s, affect. elmcimienteeco- s. respeclivas economies n mieo nrcasarlo pare re- nunca recupenp LB foena paperer verdaderamente Manse de Lo drugs y ratan Muldenle pore dejar de la aaaudelrn. lea enrodo par a la salud economics? depender de su droga pare el mundo. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUHLICO La Cede.. de Alt Cudiel de Miand, Florida, 00514.9r5 u. sLAienrn deWlra el 11:1 6 ddembe,5015a Ids9.03 am.,enlea Careens de leCrnyslen de le Ciudad an el Ayunlamemo. 3500 Pan Andre -en 50*0, Olden. FI°M0, 33133, Caner peopeaee da °hNar el eaqubll.0 de Weiler !d510010lee :irides ten 0 Anallded de le adpd0clto a Lin proveeoer unico de delta dnruenea y metro {i 0aj,Adao graMtlo- nada e,renlnl Y enolpo re00donedo, por..00. rnanle qua no excede nos S1030730,00, de Lynb, isc., d°ntiohada and 10011 Bdb°a Avenue. OSlo 200. Sen Diego Califor- nia, 92122, Para el Depafame0ode D.wJars Saldon Leseonaullasdl ouaiquiervaapaemd toren de cfnatio earwig, cluesd considers raps de salkeacer cos requedmi0Mos de le Ciudad pare ado equips, need. dinglreq a Plan 9e11d, Conned. 10 Pdg,>l»]0lS {Prpyaement Cpn0eelln AWrcapdrl, se d Depanmenlo de Ad1Wpdones de is Ciudad des 1V✓i (try M Kant Prdo a.nef4 Depanmanlj al 13051415•1949. Ulm 15* porles htte[yladdS dida0 Ywiadea Bucklers y poban sec exududes en re4feMCi1' a la pry Isi5Eeprcipuc le, SI ON. persona 4uIsIe50 epeler onelquler deeeelbt de la CM15Wn de la Chace respell° a.elplgder adored cenelderado en esm au4ersda, Wdaa Pena. ahem aeeguane que ea mice una Vansap1Aln verbatim de la wain InduyeM4 fednlmtedonla y oederrmg000 *Ina ousted der dkile meted. IF.S.7A6.0105i t1e acle.do con l Ley de F lw...wrues Dlocapacllades de 1990 {Amer.. with Disablnies Ad et 1990}, eras personas We rednieran rt0 arre5°a espedalea Pam perninpar en In :idea puedon coat. r a la O9cboa del Secrete. de le Ciudad (05e9 of She Cry Clerk} el EMS/ 260.538} ryml no manna do dos (21 dies Males antes de to sesldn ° has usoedoe de TTY lawdon Ilemar rad on% of 711 (Flurkla Relay Servkea) no rims de One {31 dies 13Glee aisles do a sesidn. 9bryca r*duelasslae.loosepen0Nwadaheyan.1.odrpendientaedeiwyo0nco.de aaHmuleeaahaguenlaceme undregodlr0ealnh.rolna. a44oao HnN Toeemos care 0poyer a el nepotism°. y redoolr to laeancidn de John Len• inlluendia de los agent. non -imagine, en el Ben- del poder y foe anions de lido de que todo ester solo preside de lode tipe. Lide• to bast en el been Mein, res de lode el mundo tie- la sabiduria y le abnega- nen que empecar a orates eion de puma. Mares coma nerdederos hombres en el ender en ledge Its de Esledo,y de mercer& el- institucieues. tt'uietn a Iratejat par el E3peroquesedeoeoenre hlen eomun y no egoists• de que colas pr0hlemas men to enriddeeeree, co- deben reeolverseenles de erhende votes pare 1. que sax demesiade scree. proulma etessei n. no solo par su intents pro. Mantras ascribe eat° no pia sine Ter al de redls los paedn dejor ete pensar ed personas e as novas tecnol°gias, es- pecimtmentc c:P e! Campo e la medicine pan mi- igar a natter lne.inentea oriels del sister. de salad qua yam05 cinder at clean mac con EP edad de nues- res poblecion "(enemas gore *caber can {ado ripe de corruption n el Gobierne, lab lnslitu• nnes y Ees empreses, en esfuersa par. eiiminar las legacies fr0o.dnlentes, CIUIDA➢ DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUSLIGO LPCwnipan Bela Cidad ea *Band, FlsrWa, scatendre uneasdesdepabine N 10 de dlpepfue 2015, a rat %CO am. en los Cameras de 1a Comffildn de tar Cidad °n et Aromani1 old, 3500 Pin Prna0an Dive. Wend. Florlaa, son la &landed de dewier bos r0qucdn500000 de o0tenar lleece:nes sened00 para. otnpre de aiwo (SE Sinsnes do Cimrwas de ,Alta De0Wdhn ten eaparidad de Peres, Inc'naddn y Aceman:onia iPa0Tit Zeininlieenineteisodon. pare e1 DBpartarnenco de Bomberos y Restate LDeparmieat of FM-Rasa/Ka de EptnAarks. 1aG. 4ue opera halo is ddnominaden comeroel de WcadlroWg, un prov0edor no mt1 1ano, no local. memdllarw en el 12411 Mtrralorw Croats Cos'Y. Side 30.3. 2emoontewn, MD. 20076, par a.n meow que vie NSW de aa00d0 cos g450250.06 Las fanciers seven..slyoodos del Rayon] Na 11•100004, Toren — 01.02,51: Suhveocltrr No. 2121; D0003.bvlse Tlpo—€qupet Cosel5ra0Wo de Gusts 100000, de Is Comets denerd Na 11100159W0.B60S00.0WC.C40*0, dtl Programs de SuhvemJwlea Irfrraagea de Serydtled de Ana Urbana ELM.] Arta Person/ 4ai0*oo ('13A511. 1as cwlluaaeee Cams Wended. fuaraes del los Geaos promrd°s, raw se aimless en Tamer. de 1011s18aer los ro4ualnlenlos ese ie Mimed pare .las ard0Aoa, pupden diyr0e a MBUseta D. McLaren, Depwtan.•ento de Adentddrres de le 0ud61Ale 0Aami {C11y et' Maul Soponmmf of FufehasIngj, el (363j e18>1958. Todeu las perms dee medal ..van an;Iveo a anode y p°dnk % sec eecumades en m'orendo a le af5Wsidan prednesla SI agum pertenap0tlere apelar raralquler deels1Gs de la Carrd6M0 dela CNA re.spedo a cuddlier asc.*4 smoldered° en este sudkrda. Mena pe a°na debase 010501n0100 taco so Or. urn aanmriadlin verbatim do 1a seddn, leduyendo tdd tesammin y id°r1gi euo ;Wm 1uslarr der dkha ap0lad5n {F.5.2A0.010d} De Muse.e can le Loy Pe Esladanklanses Dieceparkad00 de 1990 (Modems with Q15a0i11.5 Act of 1990}. 1as penonnv. que requleran do eneglos ssp3cl01Oa pare pans**. en Es cede. pneden eenler00r a te (ffi:ha del Senda10 de le Cased ECM. of Ste' Gi Ch.} M {305(25P5931 (Vac)00 morns de Goo QI dies habtes trees de le lesion o los asuman do TTY puceen arms nladleran el 711 {Florida Relay 005ls )vie merles doltas R3lulna R51001 ernes os9 sestets. Todd B. Hannon 022.736 Se°letano de la Ciudad Todd B. Hannon 122737 Se crolarla de la Ciudad The Miami Times c, r...1 900 NW 54th St. • Miami Florida 33127 • Phone: 305-693-7093 c) pr.;pi Published Weekly rn — Miami -Dade County, Florida c c, " 0m — rn r 22 o x STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF Miami -Dade PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GARTH REEVES, who on oath, says that he is the Advertising Representative of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 25th, 2015 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached co• of advertisement: further affiant says that he has neither paid nor prom's person or corporation any discount, rebate, commissio or refund for t securing this advertisement for publication in this newsp.: er. ising Represe'ive ,Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 25th day of October A.D. 2015 0 ARY PUBLI STATE OF FLORIDA AT ARGE, My commission expires: •►g"o Notary Public State of Florida Karen Renee Franklin or My Commission EE 211477 Expires 06/26/2016 CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hail, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, 33133, for the purpose of waiv- ing the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the sole source purchase of one hundred fifty-four (154) video event recorders with related equipment, at an amount not to exceed $199,079.00, from Lytx, Inc., located at 18911 Balboa Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego California, 92123, for the Department of Solid Waste. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a package who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements for this item may contact Pearl Bethel. Procurement Contracting Manager, at the City of Miami Procurement Department at (305) 416-1949. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that per- son shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.286,0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons need- ing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Ser- vice) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. #22736 Todd 8_ Hannon City Clerk VIIAMI TODAY A Singular Voice in in F:v.ilvritg t'it MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI Notice To the Public, DriveCam System 12-10-15 CC Ad# 22736 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: November 19,2015 Affidavit Further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the sai.•a.er Jean Notary .scribed before me this o ILI01 al leek, 0266 CI'iy 11r M1A?111. 14 URl I)A r orlt'r IC7 ilia f t'lir li" A public heantag will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami_ Flonda on December 10, 2015. at 9-00 a.m., nr the Ctry Commission Chambers at City Ball 3500 Pau 5.mertcan Deice, Miami. Honda. 33133, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining staled bids for the sole source purchase of one hundred fifty-four (154) video event recorders with related equipment, at an amount not ro exceed 5199 079:00. from Lvtx. Inc located at 18911 Balboa Avenue. Suite 200. San Diego California. 97123. for the Department of Solid Waste lnqutnes front other potennai su!ates of st:ch a package who feel that ,.her might be able to ;oustthe Citv's requuumtents fw rhie rem may contact Pearl Bethel Procurement Contacting Manager at the City of .\!tam: Fe urenhect Dep:tnment a-. 305) 416-1949 All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such pro- posed acquustuon Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Ctrr Commission with respect to any matter considered at tots heanng. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.286-0105). In accordance with the Anencans w°utb Disabilities Act of 1990. persons needing spe- cial accommodations to participate m the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (.30). 750-5361 ,Voice) no later than two (2) bur mess days pnor to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 71 i (fron& Relay Service) no later than Three tit btismess days prior to the proceeditte Todd B Hannon City Clerk: 422736 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA tNOTICF TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing vi ill be held by the City Commission of the City or Mianti, Florida on December 10, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, 33133. for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the sole source purchase of one hundred fifty-four (154) video event recorders with related equipment, at an amount not to exceed S199,079,00, from Lytx. Inc., located at 18911 Balboa Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego California, 92123. for the Department of Solid Waste. Inquiries From other potential sources of such a package who feel that they might be able to satisfy tlic City's requirements for this item may contact Pearl Bethel. Procurement Contracting Manager, at the City of Miami Procurement Department at (305)416-1949. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such pro- posed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this herring, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon Which any appeal may he based (LS.286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing spe- cial accommodations to participate iri the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than. three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Todd B. Hannon City Clerk MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami. Miami -Dade County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/kla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22737 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING - DEC. 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/24/2015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County. Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said news Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of NOVEMBER, A.D. 2015 -1!e4 1/d (SEAL) OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE personally known to me RHONDA M PELTIER MY COMMISSION # FF231407 *as d're EXPIRFS May 17 2019 14413ti:•L .» 1•iaow.#:M:s.r31SCe ;4Ir e7 W m. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORA NOTICE TO THE PUB C A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Cham- bers at Gity Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the procurement of five (5) High Definition Pan -Tilt Zoom Camera Systems with installation, for the Department of Fire -Rescue, from Earthworks, Inc., d/b/a as Weatherbug, a Non-Minority/Non-Local vendor, located at 12410 Mile- stone Center Drive, Suite 300, Germantown, MD, 20876, for an amount not to exceed $46,250,00; Funds will be allocated from Urban Area Security Initiative ("UAS1") Grant Program Project No. 18-180064; Task — 01.02.01; Award No. 2121-,, Ex- penditure Type — Equipment; Expenditure Organization - 189000 General Ledger Account No. 11100189000.664000.0000.00000. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a product who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this item may contact Ri- chard D. McLaren, City of Miami Department of Purchasing, at (305) 416- 1958, All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any deci- sion of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the Gity Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Fri CD Fri D Todd B Hannon City Clerk 15-85/0000051258M The Miami Times 900 NW 54th St. • Miami Florida 33127 • Phone: 305-693-7093 STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF Miami -Dade Published Weekly Miami -Dade County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION n Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GARTH REEVES, who on oath, says that he is the Advertising Representative of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: November 25th, 2015 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that he has neith=r paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commissi• or refund for - +ose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newst, - per. rtising Repr ntativ ,Sworn to nd subscribed before me on this, the 25th day of October A.D. 2015 OT RV PUBLI A --0 L i RI AT L + RGE, My c • mmission expires: 401.P Notary Public State of Florida Karen Renee Franklin 17 My Commission EE 211477 *? mod`' Expires 06/26f2016 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida an December 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the procurement of five (5) High Defi- nition Pan -Tilt Zoom Camera Systems with Installation, for the Department of Fire -Rescue, from Earthworks. Inc., dlbla as Weatherbug, a Non-Minority/Non- Local vendor, located at 12410 Milestone Center Drive, Suite 300, Germantown. MD, 20876, for an amount not to exceed $46,250.00; Funds will be allocated from Urban Area Security Initiative ('"UASI") Grant Pro- gram Project No. 18-180064, Task — 01.02,01, Award No. 2121; Expenditure Type — Equipment; Expenditure Organization — 189000 General Ledger Ac- count No. 11100189000.664000, 0000.00000. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a product who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this itern may contact Richard D. McLaren, City of Miami Department of Purchasing, at (305) 416-1958. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that per- son shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons need- ing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Ser- vice) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Todd B. Fannon #22737 City Clerk I 10A ]nut] La Nacion DEL VrEMMOLE. 15AL NEcorsel OE00 0EOEn^i "Banco central y la economia, adictos a los estimulos" El financista Douglas Obey afirma que la unica forma de salir del circulo vicloso de los soportes econamicos es a traves de una politica fiscal responsible OPINION h.l Egua1 out M+epidcer>.a on sus dioceses forma* se utilicen pan gluier el MUCUS E:vEnat dolor haste quo el peeler. puede reeuperarse de no rem puede dejar de cam- enfermedrd y recuperoo perms les economies am se fusee y su solud, la pia. 'soles de lode el monde Mica maneteria -de aMonne •eorno Ea de Estates L'ai- a aalvaguarda• funeiona dyer eon la adrtcien a Las dela misma maven en lac dreg.. Los cronemlas de 000nomles. hay se hen vue€to len de- Se puede utiliser can perish totes al untlmul0 otcacia en diocesan duals meneterto theorem con- duranta periods cartes irides quo imprimon di• de liompo, pore Si no se need y ban las tasaa de utiliaa en coryunclin con inttros terse de sere] rimm buena panties fiscal. comaun drogatieto es a la ee000mta ea cueslidn ]a heroin's. nonce sereeapera. Le ha - So us. inieiol dal alivio I/'Lica fiscal responsible y preporoiona el escape tun e.g.. de medidee que se este husrado, pens Canatrn y de name de los despoils de on tlempo le gehiernosl es la nnira s.- aecsaita seguir uILllaan• lucian s largo plaza pare deli pare Fader ornate- recuperee Le salad mend - nee el Taneia n,mien Le, mica nasianal y mvndiHl, Sin una politica fiscal adecuada promulgada par los gobiernos.Fan 000. wmius none rem petwn la ruerzasuflchentepara dejarde depender de la drugs que mats ei dolor Mid tarot, su utaixaol0n polRtrnfegWea co. inaeon deierlera l7esefortunednmentc. ]ss toga a produrlividsdquo politicos Dscnles neoesa- alguna .ao exittio, hoses Lies de le mayoria de lot quo una sabrerins:a linnl- peEses hen fellatio grave- rneni0 male al odiet, merge en las °him. dos Entonces, gcu4] es' la so. derenion. Sin una politica lusida?,ghay espaole pars fiscal adecueda promul- otra politica monelaria? gads por los gohiernos, Yoe enoli. ginquod.sis7, sue respeetleas mammies o0ne deserter el pm tom. etcoped. la fuercr ientedela drogay ester suilriente pan door de oar a la saludecendmica7 depondor de su dense pare muter el deter. Machos sientenque sus economies henbnaadaen la estlmu- !arido monomria doramo largo tiempo, y abate yea Me ye es demasiedo tame y los pacienles est4n con- denados a una wbredosis- Eae puede ser nuestro cas0, Pero no he Perdido to eapemnaa Mimic Mi do toe tenter. que la genie 0E1 el nosier perla general • arcione haata que hay one crisis y pordrageeeie, la proximal crisis podrta haler que neeesltemos la s.bredosis que deberl a• m.se'rllo0 GrabIuLmmntalldnd Nocoaltam.s liderss que puedaa eomencer a. cam - bier la Men:elided y lac pollutes economical que. Moehua poises hen *step - lade antes de que se des. moronen Eon elglemas per su people peso. Tenemas que utilizer la politica me - malaria se.. pare apoyar a los gobiernos mlenrras reducers las lmpuestos y aurnenteo el gaste .n in. freestrueture que nace HI nil deStsperadamentr e haren reparecionesa 1a infrn.aleuchre. exialenle, • ando machos attest. talrubala. F.° stn nnt eel- gamos en unasnbriedesisy nosestas paslhlG s fiscal. erect!. el crerimientoeco• namipa 'seamark) pars re- eeeperar verdaderementa lasalud ecandmica en tedo e lmunta CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLICO Le Conasrdn de la Ciudad de Mlan, Florida, soden:lea unaaudlaxAapahgca e110 de bidemhm, 2015 a las 9.00 a:ea, en lac Cameras de la Corrlskrt de la rioted oed en Ayumm0emo, 3500 Pan Am.. Dnue, Mean*, Florida, 33 r33, acrid propdeao de ob.eer el reciislto de obierur Ileiradares selladas con la fmaldad dal. to adwlsic37n a un pmveedor urdco de dense oicuentay cue. 11541a:doo grab.o. rasde everros y equip° rorawnav, per un rnmde qm1 no accede los 5199079,00, do Lye, Inc, daridfada end 1 E1311 9a4eaAvaue, SuIto 200, San DFago C..afira'• tan. 92123, pared Deperlict ol0 dal 00seenoa Serama. Las cameos Re oe0a4ulerea a cowls hansom de [LIMOpag0NO, eve ne MO.. mpa2 de nlerarer Ids nsquM0 0100 do is. Ciudad pare 04Ca .guise• pu4Abo ddlglrae a Pearl 9elhn, Comae de Ad4Wskanea (pmruremers. Conaacang Managers, en el Depeor.nlo de Adqulayaxa de In C.O. de Miami i1ay Mlana demo ramem ooparanenl] al (3051a10-1He$. Today las panes iaeresadas estan imdadias a a.* y pldran sal esaWledas en relera 010 a ie edgoskionpropuesla. SI Aguas pers...as:era apdar Lua4ula dedsile de la Cm.. de 1a Clue. rospeao a cualquler enema mrclder.dv en asta aldlenda, dicta persona debate .egurarse que se torte una leanmalpclEo ...earn de la scion, Indoyorulo lodet.slenanq y evklende qua pmsera 02400- derdlth. apdaddn (F.S290.01051. Oa awerdo can! Loy do Eratadwddoneps DI30apaddL100 do 19,10 (4 me1an3 add! O isabeides Ad or 19901. las p0rsdn. q e rdqutartie de anoplsa 03430d3103 par pankirer en la sos,m pleden comet. a le Dad. del Seaadafo de is Ciudad IC0K0 of de0 Clay clerk) d (305} 2505301 (Vaal 110 manta de dos (2} dleu harass *rams do le aesitn o ks uauarb0 de TTV Medan Iarror iediBrte d 71 (FTaida Relay Soak.) no menus d0 toes (31 drys PaWee artoe d0 sal ..sloe. nloyamepaaqus Lucietemuaeen/mkaedrhay.an2nd.endionerad•l5pol5Etcesde .anmuloowlnlgasn4eeree undayadtub, a (ahemlea.I200aa. t0a1sl Tenemas que apoyar e las nuevas tecnolegias pecialmeare en el Campo e fi medicine pars mi. Igor a evilsr lnminenies cells d,L sietoma de. salad We imams erre.. al dime unto eon Le echo de noes. ram pables:0nm. Terse osque aeabar con 10d0 Iipo de e.rr.pel0n o el Cehierna, lasinWltu- eignGS y ]en enspresod, en esfuerse para elimine.r es negorlus jrenduientes, el nepotism,. y reducir la influeneia de Los &genies del coder y los grupua de preside de lode lido. We- e. de tado el mu ode tie• non que amperar a aeblar comp eradaderes hombres de Estado, y de mane. al• trail to a Irnbajar par el bier" nom.un y no egoista. mente enrlqueceese, co- sechando veles gars la prdx:ms eleceidn. lliontrss escriho raw no puedn d jar de pensar en la candor, de John Len- non 'Imagine . en el sen- lido de que tddo esw adl0 se bass en el burn julrio, ]a sabidoria y la ebnege- eldn de ouestrns lideres en et parer an lodes lad nalimtiones. 1 Esperoque seden amnia de que cols prablemas deben resolverso antes do qU0 Sea demo slate torte, no solo nor su interim pre• pin aEno for el d e lodes toe personas. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLIC() La Co*leOhn dada.. de.Wrd, Florida, noataldr3 un ausorrrae mi011ca el 10 dal dateline 2015,a lad MD a.m. an las Camaasde In Con .de ra Cerean en d Ayttedeiento, 35130 Pan American Drive. Mier . Florida, an la rre1ld.d de ohdar Ita requerineendsda. 0oos1Ik0a1anes °Madam pare la camw de moo I5)51a4ea50 deC.amrss de Alta Daniel. can*padded de Paned. lain JMry Aralple10000 CYan.Tr 2oom1 con:n.Wadnn, pared Deparmmmtode 8wrbe es y Restore (Depichborit 00 Pfre-ae0q,o}, qe Fanheorto, Ina. que opera hejo la do+umeladeu ...al do 1a70a.elbec, un moods, no rri11a41 dal, no re., damldrado 61 N 12410 IA !cone Comm Edo.. 1140 300, Gelmontusn. MD, 20870, Or un rlw140 Mre no aaere Cie arre1sie ten se6250,00; Los fordos aerie adorned. Act Prey.. Np, 113.190t9A, Tana - 01.02.01; &leveed. No. 2121; D0001st lso TOO -EcNicac 014a2sadonde Goat. fe0000, dal la Cuema Gemrd No. 11100109000,661000.0050.00006, eel Pregrema rip Ditee elates Inldatha de Segudded de Mae Urban* DAM° Area 5ecurey Inaiallaa (YIASI•(. Las ansunse do acaa pqa nclads Nantesdel leamodes pmduntns, quo se slo ere en cauddaa de dadslacar lot requedmiennrs de la Ciudad Para cstos arched, :deemdingese a Richert 0. MoLae. Departamenlo de Adqualcltaeo de a Coded de Miami LC:ey a 1lhaln Department of Pwclnsalgi, el (305y a 161950. rrq, a I70 pae05 !nie es.as wren invitee. a emery podran sir osa `a4o rnrererx r a fa argtrtni0dn prapueulo. Si alg.ma pewna qulolera apsls, arala er dedsekl de la CwNston do Ia Ciudad ,esedC0 0 cualGuins aaun:0 umAderado en este addenria. did. parse. daaa e.g.nie quo ye toed una 1rsesaipcdn ...allot de la lesion, Ydyondq led* des anl0 y 0NdercW qua pudlaa.ualm- dar dldls apeladon (F.S.200.1054 De eaerdo run le Ley de Fsledwnldana.a Dkrapaciladan de 1990 (AmeM. .Lim Dlsaragrlos Add 109011, las p rson s que rimier. de amsyyos woes alas Para peNelpar en ra sermon pose. contactor a la. C1rci a dal Soecete io do la Coded Ivrea d qua CRy Ckdrl ei (ass} 2005341 [Vamp rro mecca de dos (2i dies habOos ante de le aesiW. a las lmwlos de TTV p Aden Harm madame d 71 (-4x0da Rday 5andcta) n0 rrena, de Vex (3} Elias hgooes antes m Is sesi0a Todd B. Hannon #2273E Sacnotarlo do la Ciudad Todd 6. Hannon 022737 5a0ratorl0 de is Crudad VIIAMI TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving City MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI Notice To the Public, WeatherBug Camera Systems 12-10-15 CC Ad# 22737 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: November 19, 2015 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami. in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami. in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement, and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firrn or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for the purpose of securing this ai ver seme for publication in the sa' paper. /r Aid / 1 11•1 CI - \19 4111 11.R]ttill.1 Nf,irltL . to Tll PUBLIC A public hexing will be held b7 the Cry Comsussaon of the Cary of Miami, Florida on December 1C, '2C15 at 9 00 a.m. an the Cat) C in'i issnorr Chambers at City Hall, 3.50C Pao American Drive, Miami. Flccida, to: the purpose of waiving the reglere- rserate of obtailuag sealed bidc for the procureahenr of five (5) High ➢efinrnou Pan Tilt Loom Camera Symms 'xitt Installation. for the Deparo neat of Fire -Rescue- Emu I arthwo±s.Inc, d?bia es W'eatheihug- 0 Non-P.Iiuonty.•']+lcu•Lacar vendor located at 1241D Maae:roeu�e�[Cstltet D,i+r- 5uiir 300. Oela1au-uw:l, MD.'DE7G. for ill euFv:e:1 1-nl eturn 11 'rPP,1 ' 11 (-1,1 tunas uitt 5e allocated tom L-'bar. ilea Security initiative t '..AS4 ) Crranr prngrom Prates- tic 7'•11iIOi4. Tn L 01 .'!wild No :121. Expendarhrc Type - Equip ruent Expenditure Organization - 189900 General Ledger Acconat No. 1110010000.6540:l0 (40010.00)00 ltlelmnes frcau other potential sources F arch a pr:+chtet who feel that the'' aught ba able to satasf the C.ty _ requrrenieat fcr this inns any contact Richari D McLaren, City of Maim liepanment o11'urchmstag. at t 00) 410•19_5. All interested persoas a-e invited to appear and may Ile heard concenrn€ such pro- posed acqunittcn Should ant person desire to appeal any decision cf the City Conmrstion with respect tc may maser co:11iderec at this hearing; thlt person shall eucu-e that a vert+ariaa rnor3 of the proreadlnn is apace, lxhtthug ail testimony stud evidence :upon which auy appeal may be based (F.4 285.0105). In accordance with the Aune;r+:am'oath Dtsabduus Act of 1990, perwrs needing s.r- cral accenm:odanons to participate in the proceedng may coatac• the Office of the City Clerk at (3O5)250-5361 (Chace) no later than two ('-) business days prior to the proceeding or r: l" avers may c.0 via 41 Itro:lda Kelay ien-ce) no later than three �) btasteer..z day_ prior to the proceeding Todd 3.Haman care Clerk CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUB1,IC A public hearing.. will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10. 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City ball, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the require- ments of obtaining sealed bids for the procurement of five (5) Fligh Definition Pan - Tilt Zoom Camera Systems with Installation. for the Department of Fire -Rescue, from Earthworks, Inc„ dlb/a as Wealherbug, a Non-Minority/Non-Local vendor, located al 12410 Milestone Center Drive, Suite 300. Germantown. MD. 20876. for an amount not to exceed 546,250.00; Funds will he allocated from Urban Area Security Initiative ("UAW) grant Program Project No, 18-I80064; Task — 01.02.01; Award No. 2121; Expenditure Type •- Equipment; Expenditure Organization - 189000 General Ledger Account No. 11100 i 89000.664000.00{)0.00000. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a product who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this item may contact Richard D. `vlcLaren, City of 1vMianii Department of Purchasing, at (305) 416-1958. 111 interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such pro- posed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal tiny decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including ail testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may he bayed (F.S.28{.O E 05). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. persons needing spe- cial accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (31)5)250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may tall via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than three t 3) business days prior to the proceeding. ff(f)(4( MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Sarurday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami. Miami -Dade County Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County. Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement. being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22738 ruBLIC HEARING - CITY OF MIAMI - DEC. 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/30/2015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, F#orida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in thth�e Sworn t 30 d scribed before me this BER, A.D. 201 (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally known to me ..J RHONDA M PELTIER .z MY COMMISSION x FF231407 e!,:t;, EXPIRES May 17 2019 ult;i; :5�."..L-.;; fig, kta°vnc,:•.S_ .i:r: .:ua CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida an December 10, 2015 at 9:00 AM at City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of granting the following: 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO, 1 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 18,2013, EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI ('CITY") AND THE MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA"), FOR THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI SIONAGE AND WAYFINDING SYSTEM ("PROJECT"), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, ACCEPTING AN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FROM THE DDA IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $350,000.00, FOR A TOTAL DDA CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT OF $500,000.00. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning these items, Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon any appeal may be based. (F.S.286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 Doride Relay Service) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. #22738 11/30 Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 15-67/0000051819M efts v en rrl Car, CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLIC° La Comisien de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, sostendra una audiencia publica el 10 de diciembre, 2015, alas 9:00 AM en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad, situado en el 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con la finalidad de otorgar l0 sigu ente. UNA RESOLUC1ON DE LA COMISION DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, CON ANE- XO(S), AUTORIZANDO AL ADMIN1STRADOR DE LA CIUDAD PARA QUE EJECUTE LA ENMIENDA NO. 1 AL ACUERDO DE PARTICIPACI6N CONJUN- TA FECHADO 18 DE OCTUBRE, 2013, SUSCRITO POR Y ENTRE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI ("CIUDAD") Y LA MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA"), PARA LA SEIVALIZACI5N Y SISTEMA DE ORIENTACION ("PROYEC- TO"), SUBSTANCIALMENTE EN LA FORMA ANEXA, ACEPTANDO UNA CON- TRIBUCIC N ADICIONAL DE FONDOS DE LA DDA POR UN MONTO QUE NO EXCEDA LOS $350.000,00, PARA UNA CONTRIBUCION TOTAL DE LA DDA A ESTE PROYECTO DE $500.000.00. Todas las personas interesadas esttn invitadas a comparecer y podran ser escuchadas en referencia a estos asuntos. Si alguna persona deseara apelar a alguna decision de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto tratado en esta audiencia, dicha persona debera asegurarse que se tome una transcripci6n verbatim de la sesi6n, incluyendo cualquier testimonio o evidencia que pudiera sustentar cliche apelaci5n (F.S.286.0105). De acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses Discapacitados de 1990 (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), las personas que necesiten de arreglos especiales pare participar en la sesi6n pueden comunicarse con is Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad (Office of the City Clerk) al (305) 250-5361 (Voz) no menos de dos (2) dies habiles antes de la audiencia o los usuarios de TTY pueden llamar mediante el 711 (Florida Relay Service) no menos de tres (3) dias habiles antes de la audiencia. Todd B. Hannon Secretario de la Ciudad #22738 om 7401),i c,4 VIIAMI TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving Cuy MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is; Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miarni-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI Notice To the Public, Downtown Signage and Wayfinding SystemsReso12-10-15 CC Ad# 22738 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: November 26, 2015 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County. Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, reba e or commission or refund for the pur a securing this for publication in the s. d newso aer. Sean Ur No S'Drpto a c rn C7 r -'v C? sin CITY OF V11.k\ir, FLORIDA Mil I I('t; ro l i-IK I'L 1.I1.1C A public heanng will be held by the Citvv Commission of the Cin. of Miami. Flonda on December I0. 0015 at 9 00 AM at ()EY Hall_ located at 3S00 Pau.A.mencan Dnve. Mianu. Florida. for the purpose of grannng the following: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WITH ATTACH• MENT(S), A1.TrNORIZTNG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AH[END- ME.NT NO. 1 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 1 g. 2013, E CLTED BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI .AND THE MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA" 1, FOR THE DOWNTOWN hi3.kMI SIGNAGE A -ND [VAYFINDING SYSTEM ("PROTECT). IN SIJBSTANTLALLY THE ATTACHED FORM. ACCE`TNG AN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FROM THE DDA IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 5 350.000.00. FOR A TOTAL DD?. CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT OF S500.000IX All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning these item. Should any person desire to appeal anti- decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. sncloding all testimony and evidence upon any appeal may be based. (F.S.286.0105). In accordance with the Amencans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250.5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via , rl (Ronda Relay Service). no later than three l.+'F business days pnor to tare proceednna Todd B Hannon City Clerk d 2273S CITY OF mtmvu. FLORIDA, bOTICE TO TIIF. PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10, 2015 at 9:00 AM at City Ilall. located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami., Florida, for the purpose of granting the following: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, Wim ATTACH- MENT(S), AUTHORIZINCi THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMEND- MENT NO. l TO TEIE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER IS, 2013, EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY—) AND THE MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA"), FOR THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI SIONAGE AND WAYFINDING SYSTEM ("PROJECT'), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, ACCEPTING AN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FROM THE DDA1NIANAMOUNTNOI TO EXCEED S350,000.00, FORA 1.0 f AL DDA CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT OF S500,000.00. All interested persons arc invited to appear and may be heard concerning these items. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon any appeal may be based, (F.S.286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 89 THE MiAMI TIMES, DECEMBER 2-8, 20I5 -7'.,jt THE NATION al BLACK NEW5P,{PER Support Black owned businesses this holiday season By Shemecca Hama tifu,'kelmenen41. fry. had to take a quark guess, what would you may e the mast celebrated holiday tradition? (Hint: it emit. with n'E°I a Na, out Santa Cleame, my friends. The answer ie chap- ping And for Bleak shoppers, in particular, the holiday seaaan "a a time to mere., That SL3 trillion in spending power marevoraciously than emir. Unfortunately, only • small chunk of those dollar. am spent at Bitch -awned bueE- Even so, with growing sup- port arm eeoomicboycott on Blank Rridny. the axial irtceotive for African Ameri- cans to `buy Black' is argu- ably et its height. According to a Narthweatem University Study, aver half a million jobs could be created if Blacks with diapoaabte income spent S1 Mowry 510 at a 131ack- nod business. As Blackunemplemment rims to nearly doubt., that of whit., lest Louie startup is merging the buy Bteck mo- vement with social mediate empower African American conaurnere in a creative way. Launched in October, the Yelp - inspired mobile app rearurea n directory of Black•owned bun scot., caul manta in ma- jorcities around the country. Called Taloko, the application alt. to familiariaa shoppers (anal their wallets) with the- se localbusineeaes,thereby cutting at the racial gap in unemployment Wondering stow you can join 10 Cohn in auppert or Bleak enlerpriae? Spend yam dollars wisely and rhem your holiday ne Fiala with these Blnek- owned business.. FOR THE TABLE The holidays play host to some of the greatest meal or the year. Support Black fart mars and bring fresh produce to yam hothday dinner table with groreriee from a local G rmcrs ronrket While marry Black farmers escape the told and fly south for the win• ter, there are some who hold e'verae year-round, including Prue Seed. Parma of Baltimo- re. Check oat this filet of Black farmers to buy from to find . market near you. Flowever, you don't have to craved reinter than your neighborhood to support Black business. Chances are your local supermarket is stocked with everything from fresh greens and cooking hates to premium cake recipes from Bleck -mined food hrnnda ouch na Glary Foods. and Comfort Cake 1.!.,- FOR THE TREE Decarationa are perhaps the moat visible displays of hoLidgv cheer. if you're tanking to add a cultural flair toyour de- coeth'w season, tame theme old twinkling lights and replace them with African -American comments Like Bieck Sonia er {even better) Black Jesus from It's a BtaekThaeg. FOR THE TURN UP Speaking of ornament., da rkyoue relatives and make yourex swoon et this year's lentivities with a. little holuiny primping. You can channel your inner Skye/me with sem gold roil tattoos by Melanie Marie .w get your mistletoe genre right with some hold lip liqueurs Freon The Lip Bar. Oh, and remember, a party ain't a party without a little wine. Treat yonelf and your guests to a glace of the geed Stull from are of these Black - owned wineries and vineyards. FOR THE KIDS One of tie fondest holiday rnentories for parema is the pitter-pattering or tilde feet running to tee what Santa 10Et rider the tree. Give year little one n present that helps them appreciate all their kinks and coil. with these natural hair dons by Natural Girl. United FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE Shopping for your dad or the father hgure in year life ran be real €halEeng. When in deu- ba, keep it aimple with wardro- be.oapke. Buy Black and get pops in the holiday spirit with n pair of printed socks from Gentleman's Choice [Collection or m [c keep hire deeper weds n handcrafted bowtie by Knotted. But, fuel free to go a little more creative when it cornea to'bee. Oft your 1cyx a gift that fit. both ofyeu with some perfectly nude Liageris from Nubian Skin - Property values rising rapidly in Overtown OV ERTOW N continued from 7D Wed:ter. ter. and Simkins. Miami Innovati- on Tower, the signature pi- ece to a technology district he wants to develop in Park West, the neighborhood di• ready shutting Overtown. `The area we are focused on was the min re main cielcorridor for historic Overtown; Simkins said. 'The Overtown of the 1.940s was a thriving place- The neighborhood has soul and character!' Poring the Jim Crow era. the neighborhood was known as 'Colored Town' and was a buattingbuainess and enrerrainmentcenter for Miami's Black community. Ira Where entertainers like Count Basic, Cab Calloway and Josephine Baker stayed when they performed u1 Mi.. ami. However, the canatrue- ti0n or 1-OSthrough portions of Owrtown decimated the neighborhood's prosperity. Riot. in the 1980s further eroded Overeaten. Today, the annual median household income for Over - town residual is $17,450, cording to recent U.S. Cen0aa data. Nevertheless, investors like Simkins have recently paid top dollar for Overtown properties. in mid -October, he closed an all -cash S2 ndllion deal there Otto two apartment buildings With a comnbined28 unite and three commercial units. Simkins paid $116 per square foot for the 16,300-square-blot as- semblage. 'Theme buildings will be renowned with our own dol- lars anti continue as ren- A historic Laundromat sign in Overtown. teas; Simkins said. 'The people living there will hopefully continue living there, as well as other Over - town residents.' He said .,market -rate rent in Overtrorn for n orte•be- dreonl unit Es $700, compa- red to $1,963 in Miami, and a two -bedroom unit is $850, compared to $2,911 €n Mi.- all, recording 10 RentJun- glT.c That des[ marks the third seven -figure Overtown pro- perty transaction i nvot- ving Simkins in the past 10 months, In February, Simkins paid $9.1 a square foot for three vacant fats to- taling 13,750 equaro feet. In June, he bought two va- cant parcete rotating 15,000 square feel mot Northwest 11th Street and Northwe- st Second Avenue For $92 a square foot - Simkins is riot alto.. In January, Bahia Aparrrnenta LLC• a company registered m Horaclo Segal and Marce- la Segal, a North Miami -ha - :led real estate broker, paid $3.5 million for three apart - merit buildings with a com- bined 26.887 square rear. That's 8130 a square fanr. According to Miami -Dade records, Bahia obtained a $2.4 million Matt from Oce- an Bank that it used toward the purchase. In July, an entity called Beaton 87 Member Inc. purchased a 75-unit apart- ment building 30. $3.68 million — about $107 a. square foot. According [0 state incorporation records. Beacon's manager is Joan- ne R0Sett, a partner in New York City.tiosed real estate vestment and development firm. Bemoan Advisors, LLC. The seller 1]U Acquieitiona 1136 paid 52.6 million for the property in May 2014- T114 more recent prices are e ter cry from what Simkins paid only ayear ego. The de- veloper purchased a 21 -unit apartment complex at 1100 Northwo[ Second Avenue for $330,000 in November 2014. Today, the property has a market value of $1.6 million, .cording to the A4eama-Dade County Pro - porn' Appraiser§ webaite. He also paid $555,000 for a -two-floor retail building a •" Nprrhwear Third Ave. in :.saber 2014- r he. name year, Simkins .:chased another 22 Lora between Northwest Ninth and Tenth streets and Nor- thwest Second Avenue and Second Court for a - bined S14.1 million. Aside from the city of Miami Park. Weet1Overtown Community Redevelopment Agency. he believes he has the largest pectfalia in Ovortown. 'Ida an unprecedented le- vel or LnyeatmYne, he said. 'We are committed to real- ty reviving and redevek+ping Overrown into what it has always been-' But Overtewn .,rill races challenges. Retarding to Emile Farah, chief get e utive or the Penal Group of Cos. Farah assisted En brokering Sirnkina toast re- cent deal. "Whoever wanted to buy it had to SOR1e with cash.' Farah said. 'its dip flouts to get financing for thertown properties' Banks will catty lend mo- ney based on the rental in- cerrx a building produces and not an the property's appraisal price, he said. 'En that area, rents are avera- g ing $600 end are starting to go up to $700 a month,' Farah mid.'The income ap- proach doesn't justify ma- king a deal for moot buyers.' Farah said the area re - maths 8 tough roll, despi- te All Aboard Florida and other major peaj0010. But we are optimistic about the impact of Simkins' eoqui- aitions. The developer 'has • ton for the future of the neighborhood," he said. How to profit from neighborhood events HATCHER off at college. er people thin worat be in rovers. TOO men known some people co just player in the shared coon.,- gay "You kerma whet, Fro say, AirE,IB is an optwnfor going to go hang out on eery you to be able 10 rent out a friend's tooth for a wrck, ouch, a betheorn, muLtipfe and be able to make dou- bedroom. riot yours not Isle my rent for the month using in your .apartment ar during ehu one week of Art your home, or even your en- Bred 'because E'm charging Tire apartment rn' tome Far 5300-S300 a sight lwhich u a doily" rate- Thia .e casket .Lsr,Lcantly !eesthen hurls for peopte who h,olo a apnea during that week) T1.o.e bedroom, parents with k.ia 1emulg in from out of teen cmrttiooed tram 7D for Art Baal really wane to rtay in clime -walking proxi- mity to Art r3s.+e1 festiriries and everything thetO going an. Tnox ere three quick ways Iluttyou can use the sharing economy to year Ise. dent Ss thnr you can make extra tn0neq during Art $riot- The €ear thing that I ant to add m thus article . when you think about tech. nology aril. tnnrwntuin 4n themeommuacy, keep tieing way after Art 0aeel to keep making money either fall rant or an a pare.rime bos1. ArlIaB u the largo. hotel chow, tboreesentially, meas no hotelr. Ub.r 1. the Inrgeat transportation [CM pane in the world that ow. m corm A. we gel toady to [aka on Art Basel, you now have me eptiww le. to ma there t of An Basel crn- Public Allies states its economic mission W E LSON continued from 7L drops' in hell through the air of service and volnrneering. Thin hells true eapeciaLly for African Amaricnn and Lati- no youth. Further research Aimee young adudls who vo- lunteer have a 27 percent greater chance or finding mploymrm than nos-volun- a, particularly T those with the loweai laves of ed- ucation, It is for these reasons shot we urge our community lea - don to rake their voices to w funding for the Corpo- ration for National and Com- moony service. which helps ustain programa like Public Allies and provide. mervice upporlunitie• to mom than $0,000 young adults nation. wide emote year. Right now, the U.S" House and Senate are caneidering cots that could cripple the organization -• either eliml- ring 20,000 AmeriCorps position. and ether natio- ns/ .rvioe program, w gniheanity diminishing the ngeory'a ability to continue its comeffective investments in young American. As a cake growlarge and too ee diverse, r no Conger afford to overl.wk, ,Ie,n,ias, or *acre the premi- ae and potential of so many who live in them. Justice end e.onomios demand that w create more opporlun aims for young adult., and notional service is re prevea ntrnlegy. Public Allies operates a Amer.Corps pregrsm in 23 communities nationwide, acid partnere With hundreds of grasnroola community or- ganian[i0ns each year. Since 1992, nacre than 6,000 di. • ae leaders here graduated a from the program. Eta - .,ion in to create a just and equitable moiety and the so leadermhip to sustain verso CITY OF MIAMI ADVERTISEMENT FOR BEDS Sealed prepo.:M .ap to mealy. by the Coy of Miami City Clerk's office tomb ell at City lien 3500 pea American Delve. Miami, FL 33133 for the following IFB NO. 527387 BREECHES AND BOOT:. CLOSING DATEITIM E. 2.90 PM. MONDAY. DECEMBER 25, 2015 3Deadlihe to Rainiest additional I nlormatioolcieri0calkris 12i8115 al a"00 P1i Petaled specificaboes for this hid are available at the Coy of haami Puroa.- ing Department webelte St wAyw,6riamiooe CamloldCUrem35I Telephone No 353.418-1378 THIS B10 SOLICITATION 15 SUBJECT TO THE 'CONE OF SILENCE' IN ACCORDANCE WITH cm, OF MIAMI CODE SECTION 18.74 ORDINANCE NO.12271. Al; NO 15574 Dame! J. Alfonso City Manager CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the Cagr Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10. 22E5 at 8R02 AM at City Hal. Neated et 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida for the purpose agranting there..wing A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION IMTH ATTACt1h1ENT{S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO 1 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPA- TION AOREEIAENI• DATED OCTOBER 16, 2613• EXECUTED BY PNO ISE7WEEN THE CITY OF M1AMI l'CETY-j AND TFE MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 3ODA'j, FOR THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI SIGNAGE AND NWYFINDING SYSTEM I'PROJECTI. IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, AC- CEPTING AN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF FUNDS FROM -rile DDA iN AN AMOUNT NOT TO PYCEFD $350,000.00, FOR TOTAL DOA COKERR BRION TO THE PROJECT OF S500.0 0.00. Ile lnletesleelperserie ale Invded to appear and may be heard concerning geese items. Shasta any person desireto oppesf any decision date Guy Commwlan with reepecl t0 any metier considered at this ha'9rinq teat person shall ans.* that averbatim record of the preceednga le mad.,, including all teeomony add .,Violence upon say appeal may be Eo o1 (F.&258.0105) In acts:Mance with the Ammncanswdh Dlsabdlb.A. of 1900, pel6ons need- ing spec€ accommodation t0 participate in the proomeing mar contact Lite Oltice in the Cry Clerk el (305)250.5381 IVohtol ao later thee Noil2) brrsinesa days Dolor 1a the praceedng or TTY users may ca9 via 711 IFlgida Relay Ser- vice) no later than three (3) buai0ass days pear to the proceredng. a22738 Todd S. Hannon Cry Clerk NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA PLEASE ALA. TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of ailing Com- mission has been schheduled !of Tharsday, December 10, 2015, at the City of Miami City Hai( 3500 Pan American DTI., Mlaml, Florida 33183, A private attorney -client session will be Conducted under the parameters of §280.011{8l, F.S. The person chairing the City of Miami Commission t.11l0 will announce Iho commencement of an ettornoycllenl Sinaloa. closed to the public. for purposes or discussing the pending litigation cases of: Miami -Oita County, et. al. v. Rork?, Power 3 Light Cornparry, et. al.. Case No. 31314-14117. before the Third District Court of Appeal; City of Miami v. Stare of Florida Department of EMI*enmentaf Ronnie/ton, et. at., Case No,15.7a7, before the Division of Administrative Hearings:IP the Hansa offloads Poway & Lfght Company TtrnreyPvfnr, 7nits5 S 7,13..M A Nos. 52.0e0 and 52-041, before the U.S. Hotlear Ragutatory Commission; and in re; Nuclear Casl Recovery Gauss, Docket No. 150009, pending be- torethe Florida Public Service Conlmisskort This private meeting will be- gin at appro%Imalely 280 p.m. (ores Soon [hereafter as UN C0mml14E01, erd schedules pertain and conclude approximately one hour Eater. The Scanlan will he attended by the members of the City Cammksslon: Cher - Mart -Wi ity" Gent, Hen Rasneli. Francis 5uar.t, Funk Carona• and Kenn Hardest oe: the City Manager, Daniel J. Alfonso, the City Attorney, Victoria Mender; Deputy City Attorneys, John A, Greco and Sarnaby L. Min; and Assistant City Attorneys Waist L McNWIy, Nloholas P. Basta. and Matthew S. Haber. Acertiffed oturl reporter Win be present to -ensure that the session Is fully transcribed and the transcript Will be made public upon the cotmkfs€o0of Ihaabove-tiled, ongoing Ih1gatlon. At the onclu- Ilea of the attorney -client session. the regular Cammisslen meeting 0Lll be reopened and the person chairing the Commisstun mnoling 'will aa• nounce the tanntnati0n of the attorney -client session Todd 8. Hannan 022739 Lay Clerk MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami. Miam-Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-LADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK. Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/kla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22739 MEETING - CITY OF MIAMI - DEC. 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11130/2015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami. in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County. Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and aflant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the p. - e—. securing this advertisement for publication in Sworn 30 day {SEAT-? MARIA MESA personally known to me RHONDA M PELTIER I MY COMMISSION A FF231407 FXPIRES May 17 2019 Hui NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2015, at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. A private attorney -client session will be conducted under the parameters of §286.011(8), F.S. The person chairing the City of Miami Commission meeting will announce the commencement of an attorney -client session, closed to the public, for purposes of discus- sing the pending litigation cases of: Miami -Dade County, et. al. v. Florida Power & Light Company, et. al., Case No, 3D14-1467, before the Third District Court of Appeal; City of Miami v. State of Florida De- partment of Environmental Protection, et. al., Case No. 15-747, before the Division of Administrative Hearings; In the Matter of Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point, Units 6 & 7, Docket Nos. 52-040 and 52-041, before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and In re: Nuclear Cost Recovery Clause, Docket No. 150009, pending before the Florida Public Service Commission. This private meeting will be- gin at approximately 2:00 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as the Commis- sioners' schedules permit) and conclude approximately one hour lat- er. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commis- sion: Chairman Wifredo "Willy" Gort, Ken Russell, Francis Suarez, Frank Carollo, and Keon Hardemon; the City Manager, Daniel J. Al- fonso; the City Attorney, Victoria Mendez; Deputy City Attorneys, John A, Greco and Barnaby L. Min and Assistant City Attorneys Kern L. McNulty, Nicholas P. Basco, and Matthew S, Haber. A certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully tran- scribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the above -cited, ongoing litigation. At the conclusion of the attorney - client session, the regular Commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termi- nation of the attorney- client session. #22739 11/30 Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 15-66/00000517761V1 CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLICO SE HACE SABER QUE la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami tiene pautada una reunion para el jueves 10 de diciembre, 2015, en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Se realizara una sesibn privada abogado-cliente bajo les parametros del §286.011(8), F.S. (Estatutos de la Florida). La persona que este presidiendo la reunion de la Comisk5n de la Ciudad de Miami anunciara el inicio de la sesibn abogado-cliente, cerrada al publico, con el prop6sito de discutir los cases de litigio pendtentes de: Miami -Dade County, et. al. v, Florida Power & Light Company, et. al., Caso No. 3D14-1467, ante la Tercera Corte Distrital de Apelaciones; City of Miami v. State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, et. al., Caso No. 15-747, ante la Division de Audiencias Administrativas; En el asunto de Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point, Units 6 & 7, Folios No. 52-040 y 52-041, ante la U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion; en referencia a: Cfausula de Recuperacfon de Costos Nucleares (Nuclear Cost Recovery Clause), Folio No. 150009, pendiente ante la Comisien de Servi- cios P0blibos de la Florida (Florida Public Service Commission). Este sesion privada se inciara proximamente a las 2:00 p.m. (o tan pronto comp fo permitan los horarios de los Comistonados) y concluire aproximadamente una hora riles tarde. A la sesibn asistiran los miembros de la Comision de la Ciudad: Presidents Wifredo "Willy" Gort, Ken Russell, Francis Suarez, Frank Carollo, y Keon Harde- mon; el Administrador de la Ciudad, Daniel J. Alfonso: la Abogada de la Ciudad, Victoria Mendez; Los Abogados Adjuntos de la Ciudad, John A. Greco y Barnaby L. Min; y los Abogados Asistentes de la Ciudad Kerri L. McNulty, Nicholas P. Basco, y Matthew S. Haber, Un(a) estenografo(a) judicial certificado(a) estara presente para asegurar que se levante una trascripcion completa de la sesibn y dicha transcripcibn se hare poblica al cuiminar el proceso legal pendiente antes cited:). Al finalizar la sesibn abogado-cliente, se reanudara la sesibn regular de la Comision y la persona que este presidiendo la reunion de la Comision anunciare la finalizacion de la sesibn abogado-cliente. Todd B. Hannon #22739 Secretario de la Ciudad 80 T11E MIAMI TIMES. DECEME R 2-E. 2115 c3I. 1 THE 1w4TIONS v1 BLACK NEWSPAPER Support By Shame -coo Harris Nfa.'R.3,1ari..fy.L If you had to take a quick goose, what would you says the most oelebeated holiday nrodnic.7 1Hink Ir estrte with n "Si.a No. tent. hands Clause, my friends. The sister is shop. ping- And for Sleek shoppers, in particular, the holiday Siff. to exercise shot 51-3 trillion in spending power more veranou.ty than Unfortunately, only a small chunk of those dollars are spent et Slack -owned /mai- n Evan so, with growing sup• pert of an ecmnnmio boycott en elleok Friday, the social incentive im African Arneri- n. to 'boy Black" is argu- ably al its height, According tea Horthwertern University study, over half a million jobs could be crested if 8lacks with diapo.nbla income spent 51 of every $ t0 at a Block• Black owned businesses this holiday season rnod business. A. Sleek unemployment se. to nearly doublet that of whites, a Su Louis startup is merging the buy Slack rrm- yement with social media to empower African A tnerican creative way E,auneheel in OCtob.r, the Yelp' inspired mobile ripe feolures a diroclory of Bieck -owned b.i.asee and event. inma- jor ein around the country. Called T>,n loko, the application ma to familiarise shoppers {and their wallets) with the- soInca] bueineeaee, thereby cutting at the racial gap in unemployment. Wondering how you can join Tulokn in support of Black enterprise? Spend your dollar. wisely and .hap your holiday .enliels with these Black - owned bu.tnesaeo FORME TABLE Tho holidays play ha.t to acme of the greatest meals of the year. Support Black far - raters and bring fresh produce to your holiday dinner table with greeeriee Prom a 1ace1 fanners market While many Black farmers escape the cold and fly south tar the win• ter, there ore some who hold event.. year-round, including Five Seeds Farina in Baltimo- re. Check oun them diet of Block farmer. to boy from to find a market near you. However, you don't have to travel farther than year neighborhood to enpport Black business. Chances are your local snipermark.i is crocked oilb everything from Fresh green. and cooking hes e m premium cake recipes from Black owned food brands such es Glory Foods and Comfort Cake Stec FORME TREE Decorations are perhaps the Mom visible displays of holiday cheer- If you're looking to add some cultural flair to your da• oor this season, tors those old rainkling halos and replace them With African-hmteri0an or.ments like Bleck Santa or loom hatter! Black Jrsur from ler a Black Thong. FOR THE TURN UP Speaking of ornaments, deride your relatives and make your ex semen at this year's festivities with a little holiday primping, You can channel your inner Beyorrce with moms gold Foil tsuoa. by Melanie Marie er get your mierleree game right with acme hoed lip liqueurs from The Lip Bar, Oh, and remember, a party ain't a party Without a iintle wine. Treat yo self and your guests to a ease of the good stuff from one of Ow se Black - owned wineries and vineyarda FOR THE KIDS One of the Fondest holiday mernoriea for puerile is the Otter -parroting of lade feet running to see what Banta left under the wee. Giye your risk ono a present that helps them appreciate all their kink. and coils with these natural hair dolts by Natural Girls United. FORTHE MAN IN YOUR LIFE Shopping for your dad or the fatho figure in your life ran be real challenge- When .n dou- bt, keep it simple with wnrdro• be emotes, Buy Black and get pope in the holiday spirit with a pair of printed socks from Gentlemen's Choice Rollection or keep him looking dapper with a handcrafted b0wtte by F:a0ared. Sur, feel free to get a little more roetive when it comes to "bee. Gel your love a gift chat at m both of you with acme perfectly nude lingerie from Nubian Skirl Property values rising rapidly in Overtown OVERTOWN continued from TD Wnrldeenter, and Sirnkin's ptop4sed Miami Inomeati• on Tawer, the eignutu re pi• ace to a technology district ha want. to develop in Park West, the neighborhood di - reedy abutting Ovarrawn. 'The aria We are kcused on w nun as the commer- cial corridor for historic Overtown," Simkins said. 'The Overtewn of the 1940. Was a thriving place. The neighborhood has soul and character." During the Jim Crow era, the neighborhood w known as `Colored Towns and was a hustling business and entertainmentcenrer for Miami's !stock community. It's where entertainers like Count Basis, Cab Calloway end JeStphine Baker 1utyed when they performed in Mi- ami. However, the construc- tion of 1.95 through portions of Overtown decimated the neighborhood's prosperity. Rion in ire 1990s further eroded Ovefrown- Teday, the annual median ilatasehald income for Over - town residents is S117,450, .cording to recent U.S. Genesis dal., Nevertheless, orators like Simkins has'er recently paid top dollar for Overtown properties- In mid -October, he cleated en all•cash $2 million deal there for IWO apartment buildings with a -combined 28 unite eyed three oontmerefal units. Simkins paid 5116 per equate foal for the 16,500-aquaro-feat as- somblagc. "These buildings will be renovated with our awn dol.. I."rs and continue es ran A historic Laundromat sign in DVerNOW n, isle; Simkins said. 'The people living there will hopefully cominue living theta, he well ee altar Over- iaw. residents.' He said market -rate re in OYertown for a onebe. Broom unit is 5700, comps• rad to 51,963 in Miami, aril a kwo•Iredr0am unit is S884), compared to $2,911 in 7dia- Int aecording to RenLJDn- gie1c Thor deal Mork.. the third .even -figure Overtone. pro- perty transaction n evol- ving Simkins in thepeat tS months. 1n February, Sintkfne paid $94 a square foot for three vacant lots to- taling 13,750 squaro feet. to June, he bought two va- cant parcels totaling 15,000 square feet on Northwest nth Street and Northwe- at Second Avenue for 592 a square foot. Simkins is net alone, In January, Bahia Apartments LLC, a company registered to Horatio Segal and Marce- lo Segal, a North Miami -ha - 'red reel estate broker, paid S3.5 mi!iinn for three apart- m buildings with a com- bined 26097 square feet Than's $130 a square fetn- ACCording to Miami -Dade cords, Bahia obtained a 52.4 minion loan from Oce- an Hank that it tined utwerd the purchase. In July, an entity called Beacon a7 Maulber Inc, purchased a 75-unit apart- ment building for 53.69 milticn — about $107 a equine foot. According to state incorporation records, Beacon's manager is Joan- ne Rogan, a partner in Now York. Cloy -booed real estate investment and development hrm, Beacon Advisors, LLC. The setter 13,1 Acquisitions 1136 paid $2-6 million lac the property in May 2014. The snare recent prices are a Ear cry from what Simkins paid only .year ago.The de- veloper purchased a 24.unit apartment corhple8 at 1160 Northwest Second Avenue for S330,000 in November 2014. Today, the property has a market osier of 51-6 million, a.000rding to the Miami -Dade County Pro - petty Appraiser's website. He also paid $955,00. for a two -floor retail building at 937 Northwest Third Ave. in October 2014. The coax year, Slmkrt. purchased another 22 lots between Northwest Ninth and Tenth streets and Nor- chweat Second Avenue and Second Court for a cam- bined $14,1 million. Aside from the city of 'Miami Park WestiChtertawn Community Redevelopment Agency. he believes he ban the torgeet per ifoli0 in Ovcrlown. It's an unprecedented le- vel of investment,' he Raid. "We are cammilleel 10 real• ly reviving and rednrNaping 0vertown into what it has always been." But °venoms still fare. ehalIeng.o. according to Emile Farah, chief mae- cstrive of the Farah Croup of Cas. Farah assisted in brokering Si mkin's moat re- cent deal. 'Whoever wanted to bay it had to came with cash; Farah amid. 'It's die. Emit to get financing for Overtown properties-" Sanks will only lend mo- ney based on the motel ire come a building produces and not on the property's appraisal price, Ise said. °1n that area, rents are morn. ging $600 and are Marring to go up to S700 a month,' Farah said. 'The income ap- proach doesn't juarfy tor• king a deal for KOOK buyers-° Farah said the area re- mains tough sell, despi- te Ali Aboard Florida and other major pmjecn- But We are Optinristi0 about the urgent of Simkins' acqui- sition.. The developer "h[1s it Vision for the future of the neighborhood,' he said How to profit from neighborhood events ]ia1-CILEIL cR at college, sr people Khali bar Aro Hanel »a!1y want to co:ainued [men 7D vont be ou seine u Pie stay in rloee-:.-alking prose- s to just city to Art Be.] feerivitres pl0yer in the shared scare- soy, -Youknow what,lien and aorythi .g rhea's going aq, Air6n8 is .t1 option for going to go hang out on my on. you to be able to rent out a friend's couch fen' a week. These are those quack cruets, a bedrooms, raphiple and tx able to raeke chit- w.y0 that you wen nee the bedrooms that you're ran h1e my rent for the month sharing eronoroya yo..r be using in your apartment or during the ono week of Art neht so that you ramrook. yetis home, er even ytnr eh- Basal leWelr.a I:'m dee -ging extra Deny during An term epartmant of home for 5200-5300 a night Mwhicb is Bag. The lest thing that a [Leila- roe- Tin. is perfect sigre5cantly lees thin hatek want to add m Bur article is for peolda who hose ei spare during that week!." Thee when y u think .bane mole bedroom, patens. whit feria coming in from out of roan nabgy and innovation an our miry, keep using them way after Are LB aoe1 Sc. keep raking . Key either Tilt time a part'time basisAir➢nB is the largest hotel them, that essentially, oene no hotels. Ubee re tire largest transportation corn• pang in the world mar owns care.no rto we get ready m take on Art Bored, ,you now 1tw some 0ptiane la make the moat or Art 0.ocI rm. xiness Public Allies states its economic mission WILSON continued from 7D drops in hair through the act of service and volunreeriog. This hold. true eepecislly far African Amerman erred Leer• no youth. Further research shows young adults who sw- immer have a 27 percent greater chance of landing employment than nee- volun—teers,nen-volun- teers, partieularly for those with the !owes& fevele el ed- uce/ion. It is for these realm. that noting 20,000 AmeriCorps young adult., and national we urge our community lea- pmaitione and other natio- service is a proven strategy. den se raise their voices to nal rewire programs, or in. Public Allies operates on eave fending for the Corpo- gniheanly diminishing the AmeriCorps program in 23 ration for Nation./ and Cum- agency's ability to continue communities netionwido, unity Service. which helps ire met -effective inveennenm and partners with hundreds ueting pregrena like Public in young Americans of gras.woto community or - Allies and providers varvice A. our cities grow Larger ganications each year. Since opportunities to more than and room diverse, w. can 1992, more than 6,000 di- 5l1700 young adults nation- me longer afford to overlook, verse loaders have graduated wide each yean diemisa, or ignore the prom.• from the program- !1 mic- Right row, the U.S.Rouse se and potential or 00many glen is 1e crash a just and and Senate are coneidering who live in them Justice and equitable moiety and the di - cum hatcould cripple the economics demand nil h rse leadenbip l0 suamin organloelion • either el,m. ate more opportunities for it, CITY OF MIAMI ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Scales proposies sag he received by the Choi or Moms Crly Clots ofece local- ed at City Nell, 3500 pan Antennae Dnve. Miami, FL 33133 for the following IFS NO. 527367 BREECHES ANO B00TS CLOSING DATE/TIME: 240 PM, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2015 headline to Rao west additional intgrrrtatf0f0el0rijlaotl.n• 120015 et 4-gel 001! Detailed npeci4caiona fat Uva led are eva1atle at the City of Miami, Purchas- ing Depaitmenl Webs. at ww,v ml apl'lOv c1m1orcrurem erg Teloptnne No 305-416-1378. THIS BID SOLICITATEON IS SUBJECT TO THE "CONE OF SILENCE" IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI CODE SECTION 18.740RDINA/10E NO.12271. ACING 15574 Daniel J. Alfonso City Manager CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A gorge hearing cal be bed hi The Coy Commissi0n of [ha Cnq of Miami, Florida On December 10, 2015 et 9:00 AM et CO Had, located et 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami. Florida, far the purpose er venting the fellOwiag A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMI5510N, WITH A7TAGHMENTISI, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPA. DON AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 16, 2019,EXECUTED Sr AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI 1"CITY'1 AND THE MIAMI POWNTOJVN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOM), FOR THE DOV,NTOMN MIAMI S1C.NAGE AND WAYFINDING SYSTEM !-PROJECT"). IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, AC. CEPTING AN ADDITIONAL CONTRISLMON OF FUNDS FROM THE ODA IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 5360,000.00, FOR A TOTAL DC A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT OF 5500.000.00. All interested pectoris are irNNsd to appear and may ba heard 0anoerning these arms. Should any person desire to appeal any decision tithe City Commission with respect te any matter considered et this hearing, that person shall ensure !hat a verbatim teoxd of the procsa6ngf to made. incWdmg all tesltmnr y and evldsnca upon any appeal may be based WF.3.210.0105f in aotordence wens the Amenca s wrlh Disabilities Act of 1990, parsons need ap spec.! aCcomnedati0.9 ten participate in the ptorseling may contest the Office of th. City Clark et 0051202.5361 (Voice) no later than rem 42) buaneae days prior to me proceeding or TYY blots may Call Via 711 IF1orlda Relay Son vlcel no later than three f31 hos1aees day. prior la the p1Ocelet1ng. O 22738 Todd B. Hannon CIS [deck NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami Com- mission has been scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2015, at Ehe City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, Florida 33133- A p/Nate atlafney-cllenl sesslen will be conducted under the parameters of $298.01119), F.S. The parson shaking the City of Mlaml Commission mooting wilt announce the coo mancoronot of an.attorn0y-ellanl session, closed to the puhlk, for purposes of discussing the pending Mitigation e ases o•1: Mlaml•LMkle Caunly, aL 0I- v. Florida Power 8 Leghe Company, et al., Case No.3014-1467, Wore rho Third District Court of Appeal; Cily of Miam1 IS Stare of Fi0Hora 0eparrmerd W Eneerartenenrse proro0tlon, et. .L, Casa No. 15.7317, before the Division of Admieletrathee Hearings; In me Afarlar or Florida Pawor g Light Company Turkey Point, Users 6.5 7 Docket Nos. 52-040 and 52041, Deere the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: and In re_ Sucher Cost Recovery Claus., Dockal No. 160009. pending be- fere the Florida Public Service Commission. This private meeting will be- gin al approximately 2:00 p.m. for as soon thereafter as Ilia Commission- ers' schedules permltl and conclude approximately one hour later. The session will be allend0d by cha members of the City Commission: Chair- man 1Rrede "Willy" Gor t, Hen Russell, Francis Suarez, Frank Caroflo, and Haan Hordemon: the City Manager. Daniel J- Alfonso; the Clty Attorney, Victoria Mendel; Oepury City Attorneys, Jehn.9. [Mica and Bamaby L. Rio: and Assistant City Attorneys Karr) L MCHWIy, Nl0hosas P. Beano, and Matthew 5, Haber. Acertfied twirl reporter Will be present to ensure that the session Is fully transcribed and the Itenscrlpt will be made public u pon the tenslaston al the abate -cued, ongoing litigation. At ilia conchs. W on of the attorney -client session, the regular Cemo,ISS1on meeting, will he reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will an- Koonce the termination of the attorney.cllenl session Todd S. Hannan 022799 City Clark VIIAMI TODAY A 5ingutor Voice in an Evoh ring City MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MiAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI Notice To the Public, FPL Attorney Client Session 12-10-15 CC Ad# 22739 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: November 26, 2015 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for the puraose of securing this aevilsAment for publication in the : id newspaper. Jean d rh t n, Accounting Director Notary wo to a'dsu e me this :1o1 lcE ro THE. R BL:t C 1 r1 OF II1A.1i1, FLORIDA PLEASE ALL 1AKE NO110E THAT' a meeting or the City of Mined Cuminission has been scheduled for Thursday, December l0, 2115, al the City of \/lank City Holt, 3500 Pan American Drive, \finial, Florida 33133. A private aitarno-clieal t.ession ++ill be nulducted under the parameters of §286,411( . F.S. The person chairing the City (1 .Miami Commission meeting Hill announce the commeaceii eut ai an attomey-client session, closed tattle public. for purpos- es of discussing lie pending :Itigotian ears of: Woad -Dude County. et. al. s, Florida rawer S light Company, et. oh, Caae No. 3u14-1467, before the /Bird District Court of Appeal. Cis) or ',Mini y. State of Elfin//$ I/epnrltitent at Environmental Protection. el. al„ C:au tio, 15-7.17, Mare the Division el Arkn1iit tl'athe liearitigs;; In the Hatter of Florida rioter & tight Comport) 'Parke,' Point. Units 6 t 7, Docket Noe. 52.040 and 52-64I, before the U.S. Ntericar Regulatory Cumrlttasion; and in re: Nuclear Coat Recovery Claua6, Docket No. 150009, pending before the Florida Pubic Service Corntuisslotr, This pr'I'vate meriting will betel at Approximately 2:00 p.m. (or as roan thereafter as the Cosamissioltera' schedui%n permit) and conclude approxitiateh one hour later. Tie cese ion •rill be attended h, the member+. of the C'h} C'umaursioa: Chairman %'i LFretlo "Hilly" Cott, ken Ru+sei:. Feaacls 4uait .. Frank C'atrolla, uiii1 1{ran liardrtnyn: thr f'try '.Ianal:rr, finale/ -I .1lfaata: tat, City Attorney. Vittoria Aien,iec; Sicputy City Attorneys, .lohu A. Greco and linconty L Mier; and Asara111n1 C11i Attorneys Kerr' 1.. MEN ulVs. Nicholas P. Basco, anti \fat -thew 5, Huber. A certified court reporter wilt be present to reroute Brat rite session l5 rota transcribed and tite lranscripr will he blade pibllr upon the conclusion of the above -cited. unt;uing lllig k[ithn. ,Al the conclusion or the iiltor-ntw-client sc* Mon. the rg filar L'ammkslou meeting %%III be reopened end lhz perroa chairing the Commission meeting Hill irtnuuace the termination *Nile inanity -client ses- sion. 1utld l3, Hannon t Ity Clerk tt 22739 • r.4a NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2015, at the City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. A private attorney -client session will be conducted under the parameters of §286.011(8), F.S. The person chairing the CIty of Miami Commission meeting will announce the commencement of an attorney -client session, closed to the public, for purpos- es of discussing the pending litigation cases of: Miami -Dade County, et. al. v. Florida Power & Light Company, et. al., Case No. 3D14-1467, before the Third District Court of Appeal; City of Miami v. State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, et. al., Case No. 15-747, before the Division of Administrative Hearings; In the Matter of Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point, Units 6 & 7, Docket Nos. 52-040 and 52-041, before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and In re: Nuclear Cost Recovery Clause, Docket No. 150009, pending before the Florida Public Sen ice Commission. This private meeting will begin at approximately 2:00 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as the Commissioners' schedules permit) and conclude approximately one hour later. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commission: Chairman Wifredo "Willy" Cart, Ken Russell, l; raneis Suarez, Frank Carollo, and Keon Hardemon; the City Manager, Daniel J. Alfonso; the City Attorney, Victoria Mendez; Deputy City Attorneys, John A. Greco and Barnaby L. Min; and Assistant City Attorneys Kerri L. McNulty, Nicholas P. Basco, and Matthew S. Haber. A certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the above -cited, ongoing litigation. At the conclusion of the attorney -client ses- sion, the regular Commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termination oldie attorney -client ses- sion. Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 22739 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami. Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review. a daily (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County. Honda; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22740 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES CITY OF MIAMI - DEC. 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/3012015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County. Florida. for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the Sworn to a d sub r.ed before me this 30 day of 'OVEL BER A.D. 2015 d''' (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally known to me RHONDA M PELTIER MY COMMISSION a FF231407 EXPIRES May 17 2019 n ECDVED 2015 DEC —4 PH Z= 59 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE^nK MULAL CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on December 10, 2015, commencing at 9:00 A.M., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 54/ARTICLE I/SECTION 54-6.3 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS/IN GENERAUSPECIAL EVENTS", TO INCLUDE A PROCEDURE TO CALCULATE FEES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS OF LESS THAN TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR DURA- TION FOR THE USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY; CONTAINING A SEVER ABIL CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 52/ARTICLE IX/SECTION 62-259 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, AS AMENDED. ENTITLED "PLANNING AND ZONING/URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD/PROCEEDINGS", 70 COMPLY WITH CURRENT CITY OF MIAMI AND STATE OF FLORIDA RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING MEETINGS AND ALLOWING THE PUBLIC A REASONABLE OPPOR- TUNITY TO BE HEARD AND MAKING CERTAIN OTHER CLARIFYING TECHNICAL CHANGES AS PROVIDED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION CREATING CHAP- TER 37-12 TO CHAPTER 37 "OFFENSES - MISCELLANEOUS". OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ENTITLED "PUBLIC SAFETY AND UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS ('UAS") COMMONLY KNOWN AS DRONES", FOR THE PROTECTION OF CITIZENS ENGAGING IN LARGE PUB- LIC VENUE EVENTS FROM UAS AND REGULATING THE FLYING OF UAS IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BY CREATING REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION, AND PERMITTING OF UAS, AND ENFORCEMENT OF VIOLA- TIONS FOR UAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday. excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or httpl_/leggy.ci.miam,fl.us/LegistarWebI five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons are invited to appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no Eater than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding, #22740 11/30 Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 15-116/0000052292M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Pub fished Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/kla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper. published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 22741 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MIAMI - DEC- 10, 2015 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 1210312015 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County. Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County. Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for t purpose ofcuringthis advertisement for publication in t. - said news Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 da f DECEMBER A O 2015 g•t (SEAL) OCTELMA V. FERBEYRE personally known to me RHONDA M PELTIER MY COMMISSION x FF231407 EXPIRES May 17 2019 Hw,daN0.r-,Srace :car o +20 —n - -rl cgs d OM rrt `, ir'lfr; en C7 M 73 co CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on December 10, 2015 at 9:00 AM at City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 for the purpose of granting the following: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4/STHS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE AFTER AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION AND WRITTEN FINDINGS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-85 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING METHODS AS NOT BEING PRACTICABLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND BEAUTIFICATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD; APPROVING THE AWARD OF SAID SERVICES TO GREATER MIAMI SERVICES, CORP., FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 3, 2016, AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $174,000.00; WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY MANAGER , IN A LEGAL FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Todd B. Hannon City Clerk 1 5-85/0000054953M CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLIC° La Comisian de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, sostendra una audiencia publica el 10 de diciembre, 2015, a las 9:00 AM en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad, situado en el 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 con el proposito de otorgar to siguiente: UNA RESOLUCI6N DE LA COMISI:N DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, POR VOTO AFIRMATIVO DE CUATRO-QUINTOS (4/5) POSTERIOR A UNA AUDIENCIA PLJBLICA NOTIFICADA, RATIFICANDO, CONFIRMANDO Y APROBANDO LAS RECOMENDACIONES Y DETERMINACIONES ESCRITAS DEL ADM INISTRADOR DE LA CIUDAD, EN ATENCION A LA SECCI6N 18-85 DEL C6DIGO DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA, TAL COMO HA SIDO ENMENDADO; EXIMIENDO LOS REQUISITOS DE LICITACIONES COMPETITIVAS SELLADAS, POR NO RESULTAR PRACTICOS 0 VENTAJOSOS PARA LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI, PARA EL MANTENIMIENTO Y EMBELLECIMIENTO DEL MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULE- VARD; APROBANDO EL OTORGAMIENTO DE DICHOS SERVICIOS A GREATER MIAMI SERVICES, CORP., PARA EL PERIODO DESDE EL 1 RO DE ENERO, 2016 HASTA EL 3 DE DICIEMBRE, 2016, POR UN MONTO QUE NO HABRA DE EXCED- ER LOS $174.000,00; CON FONDOS ASIGNADOS DE LA PARTIDA GENERAL; AUTORIZANDO ADEMAS AL ADMINISTRADOR DE LA CIUDAD PARA NEGOCIAR Y EJECUTAR UN ACUERDO DE SERVICE LA CILIOS DAD, EN UNA FORMA,SATISFACTO- LEGAL RIO PARA EL ADMINISTRADOR D ACEPT- ABLE PARA EL ABOGADO DE LA CIUDAD, PARA EL CITADO PROPOSITO. Todas las personas interesadas ester invitadas a asistir y pueden ser escuchadas en relacian a estos asuntos. Si alguna persona quisiera apelar a cualquier decision de la Comisian de la Ciudad con respect° a cualquier asunto considered° en este reunion, dicha persona debe asegurarse que se tome una transcription verbatim de la sesion, inciuyendo todo testimonio y evidencia que pudiera ser base de cliche apelacian (F.S. 286.0105). De acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses Discapacitados de 1990 (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990), las personas que necesiten de arreglos especiales pare participar en la sesion pueden contactar a la oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad al (305) 250-5361 (Voz) no menos de dos (2) dies laborables antes de la sesion o los usuarios de TTY pueden Ilamar mediante el 711 (Florida Relay Service) no menos de tres (3) dias laborables antes de la sesion. Todd B. Hannon Secretario de la Ciudad #22741 VIIAMI TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving f'itt MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Jean Urban Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: CITY OF MIAMI Notice To the Public, MLK Maintenance and Beatification Reso for 12-10-15 CC Ad## 22741 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: December 3, 2015 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for the urpose of secui g t is ad ertisement for publication in iii+ fwspaper. // `ri CD -ri nni —4CI rri - Ce X CD rn X/ 9G = I Nd 8- 3301I0Z CITY OF 31.I a?1ML FLORA �C�TICF of PUBLIC HF A public hearing wi11 be held by the Or, Conmusiion of the City of 4ltamt. Florida on December 10, 2015 at 9--00 Atvl at City Halilocated at 3 500 Pan American Dtive, Miami. Ronda 33133 for the purpose of granting the following ARESOLUTION OFTHE MIAMI CITY COMMIS SiON.BY.AFOUR-1 IFU4S(4 `THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE Al- 1hR AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING. CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE CflT MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION AND WRITTEN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-85 OF THE CODE OF THE CFrY OF M AMI. FLORIDA, AS AMENDED WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COi 1PEtlltvE SEALED BIDDING METHODS AS NOT BENG PRACTICA- BLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOPTHE MAINTENANCE AND BEAUTIFICATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD APPROVING THE AWARD OF SAID SERVICES TO GREATER MIAMI SERVICES. CORP FOR Il-IE PERIOD FROM JA.NUARY 1. 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 3. 2016. AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO E.NChED El 74,000 00. VSTN FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND: FURTHERALTHOPJ3ING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEWT!. ATE AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. SATISFACTO. RY TO THE CITY MANAGER . IN A LEGAL FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATORNE'r: FOR SAID PURPOSE. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heatd concerning this item Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Comimssnon with respect to any matter considered at this meeting that person .shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all 4esnmony and evidence neon which any appeal may be based t S 286.01 t05) In accordance with the Americans '.t'ith Disabilities Ace of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to par..iapate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-536I 0 otre) no later dean two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users ntay call %la ? 11 (Florida Relay Service) no Utter than. three -..3) buatness days prior to the proceeding Todd B. Hannon C itr C Ierk 422141 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida an December 10, 2015 at 9;00 AM at City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami. Florida 33133 for the purpose of granting the following: ARESOLUTION OF TB E MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BYA FOUR -FIFTHS (4/5TFISI AFFIRMATIVE VOTE AFTER AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING. RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION AND WRITTEN FINDINGS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-85 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING METHODS AS NOT BEING PRACTICA- BLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND BEAUTIFICATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD; APPROVING THE AWARD OF SAID SERVICES TO GREATER MIAMI SERVICES, CORP., FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2016 THROtTGH DECEMBER 3, 2016, AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $174,000.00; WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTI- ATE AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, SATISFACTO- RY TO THE CITY MANAGER , IN A LEGAL FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATORNEY FOR SAID PURPOSE. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Comtnissian with respect to any natter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (ES, 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service) no later than three (3) business days prior lo the proceeding. �, ,s+ ft #22741 Todd B. Hannon City Clerk w } Tl1E N,ATIOtig al BLACK NE PAPER. 50 DE 1. IAMI TIMES, DECEME R 24. 2015 1216 NW 163 Lana Neonatal Non bedrooms. arta Lain. pied aseviir, ilk. 1050 .r,Ivy Sr700 more n. 1'ab.451-O 9s 1525 NW 1 Place MOPE IN S8BCIALI One badman. ens bath UMW! oil Mt mein 995.767-7659 Bat ImkseAWagtmem 2245 Nay N. Meat One badmam. 5700. Tl a 7Mreerna.3500.. Cab Tarry 995-773-5529 6a31 MW 5 Parr 6mdo. S125 makrp 776.286.25o0 8281 NE 9 Avenue One he4roe,e, ore talk 5675 Glary. 5e5-T674a93 Bit Wawa Managnn.nt ARENA GARDEN .beeei with fat3notal, rent FREE BASIC CABLE AND FREE WATER Remwitera uo. anew tea 1ee,So-, des. I4u9dy, gala. ROM4E50. Tncy7aaat2 CAP TAL MENTAL AGENCY LanetBED REAL ESTATE BROKER 305-942-7089 Comma 5lbs r Day. 9mwnsala. Abealan. Agar men s, Doepl.ns, hares. Des, 5 Tleneal3weraorm. Sweat day canvas. Gail Mat sPaekls. 3056e2.3450 wow [mink iearataganey aaln TirnesClassified 0 NEWARENASO13p5E Wades hearse es Wool M ra Nab. Remochned e, twarow4. two baths Carnal ek,Mun 574. gilled Mee 1(23 kW Ate 385-372-1363 MOVE aN SPECIAL St Geoww. Mats 5260 NW 'm Avenue Gnarly aaadabi aye: rMa. Mew tenet, 'one, Awe 1121 NW 51 5ere0t Huse bdems. string 5520 mph 1rc'nep1I•,h1. M5700. Gated eoel,uray natant and rarer on see manner Ms Myce 756-44a•peel 1 •yt 7-612.0155 « Cdxe, FO 190 Mete Mel Newly lamented. prIvme 64111, and klt[hen, Wass and cable 01190.5E . E5PNI. 2e Spur seamy cameras ran. kN at 5t9S May. 51(2 m:ny 305.0542+a6 3O6a362008 1S3y5 NW 17 Arena. Orr badneatrs 148 bathe le ale 34.e4 61WerTnry 3elletee01205891-6778 2550 E. Sufwime Steel cleat L nearni. W Ire 51.300. SW. Teny Oenenn. 335-11$736 15630. NW 0d Piece 2300 NW 65 Street Say meekly Free unarm. MOVE IN SPEGIALI ban. locket. an0 5rsan Tire eed...es. WWI..,, 305-4748188, 30598797t0 S4.wp, Hale en Ili WM 211122 ifff 30 MAILS 47e4 NW SS Coon 305.787•Td99 Mire bebooms. ow Lech Cam rawer ail, Women' Mg Lang.Munge nal'll Comm' Mest1015 54r g05-4]9 S2 5890 NW 5 Are Wawa Smo5a matte Gam Tba9e Ledo0m5. wean Bray me NW u k1 5 „aaN rankled. seaer9 003.9]3A8a0 WmSAM aeuP, B. king site velum! 51300 aamF.j Bea Caa lk'B. iab36tae33 9056326}5p MIAMI GARDENS AREA Fear Leammn0. rag Mira $1600 am11y, Swam a Wittmme. 766.261434e 251 NW 55 Same cep bodement, arc bate camel elr.6960 maainl. 309-609-6,2 265 NW 34 Errant Tap Iledmma, are baM. MO wawa* Big Leapt MarwomeN MIAMI AREA One brae... pen eel, 7ya•214•YH1 205.261.8396 MIAI,U GARDENS Famished scan in Pmre home. aka area. Call 786-470.0078 or 305- 763.3239 NORTHWEST AREA Cram nice mum 5aap a MCAT m- 786-445-8453 NORTHWEST MASA. rare, roan, miens ileIllded 305.296-9069 NORTHWEST MIAMI AREA Gmlal21. cable rY. waY,ar Net Own Sew Sa75 tarty 105-255-2a04 NW MIAMI Ficaria in Chl84en acme. senate lame, av sei6 +smell, CAPE" rs'16510-0511 NEED YOUR HOUSE SOLD? PLACE YOUR AD IN OUR CLASSIFIED CALL, 305-694.622E NORTHSIDE AREA n !ninepimple.wopm5.:wo or 305643-9166 Olrme era WNutca space araoacla. can 305-+94-51at 1185 NW 1a3 Shen Cmeples'mamma . 5500 ,+one* Gee Jar 786267.2067 RENT TOUR HOUSE IN OUR CLASSIFIED CALL 305.694•6225 We Y9. GM over Ypa Dar Heaylbaty iCann 50r LP705500a On A0N Hamer.*5awe re F-fn 11 /a.4nELM-P7774T 306.44111 t:5 hkufe N Wm. Fluky 117117 425 C0tn01TI0N W G Great serer,, ion inaraa. be. perms. LICENSE CAC55865B Cap 765-333-0417 EMPL POUTS [Hewn PS We are seal, imam :6 dolrver reespaper la read outwl5 m Ele,ald and Wm Case Weanasdey 05M mu must ea available belm0,A a. heum N '3 pin. Raie,Mar tenantInsuredn, Insured 4.l4S and ums Whet Lamm�Acol s person a1: The Mani Tkeas 2517 N.W. 2444 Seen Snow DADE A011TE MM1548 ailmamas Weise Mayoraewapaeerto tern. enact do Sour 8.14e. W.dmadayOnt7 You shirt be ave4rtts deleo.n Me Wore el 6 are. end s p.m. Men Mae rabbit. tatted .Ikekttad w 1 &kw Limns.. as pond. at TM IFm4 Gams 040 N.W. 6e.M areas Bishop Victor Curry needs help to fight apathy CURRY atonal earning only 515,000 rya passion to uplift his eons• earn a in4rative, yet power - continued from IC eternally unityy and now, almost 10 km Irving as same Sort of a Carry like many reader., years later. I once again eat canals tiara on Urban Affairs. Black vote, 1 wonder if Carty were .hocked that parapet- in New Birth inspired. o They five with the harsh himself is tired. Minions' la aaebaring d-na4led A native of Carver Ranches reality of defeat only to be Can he cantinae to fight Par etudenta were inanely scrap- and former dish nnher, Cor- patronized and brsxncelly a people who are either too ing by. rat continues to fight for his supported by the very in desperate er brokento fight The neat morning at Sun- people. t'oe sure he's ammsed tutione of injustice they ones k r them.elvam? day service, he read the an .rough money and influence fought against. Some may call my intro- tide and wrote a personal to retreat into affluent abhor I can't e Curry's final dustiest to Curry a thing chock us the parapro5 rain- en like se many Black tandem chapter being scripted a of legend. late utie Same- al matching his aafary. The of Md. such, but unlike David w70 day evening in 2007 Curry congregation followed suit Eventually such men and fought on unfamiliar enemy called me and to tell me he and mtrame mars gees the n get tired, then u n Goliath, Curry haulm A wint mimed by a eto•y 1 wrote parapmfesaannal a car- U eir prestige garnered Item mdee formidable and Runnier about at aohool paraprefee- [.sat there inspired by Cur- years of public service to fee: His own cerrammity. Dancing in December at the Arsht Center DANCING by sarieoleland international 1015 taper lr-ry by Juslln Ra- and her Ns... giber Prime ceatinued Gem LC das cs stare lira Miami. The groom act co tmkrae by eon" aA they travel through A wia- program include. 'Steppe temporary Iarea3i compeer.. ter wonderland of dancing Rmu1t'a ryas and varied re- Tango' by Aranando Oonaa• and 'Premien' by American an8wfiak7n, a sugar plum. pss4043 'Vi.5*. of the Flee- lea, principal dancer with Jaz. great, Dizzy Gdlkapie. Gary end du epic battle bet- ting World," 'City,e "Wins' the Unisys Heifer, Swarm- Shpwa Are Dee 1840 ar wean heroic toy soldiers and and 'Dolma' 'Rioult Dance land: 'Mae Se Eaquentea' by 7:30 pea. and Dec. 20 at 4 inischitwom mice. This 1A• NYS 410050ngraphv ie known Meinea Fernand.*, a 10,54 pea Tickets: $40 viah performance -sere of the to ba ranting and Mimsht. with Ballet Hispanko Laud All .shows are in the Car- only productions of ❑eerga provoking. Shows are L1ec 13 in New York C10e; 'Tangles naval 5ludio Theater, Afl ti- Ha1anhine•s Nutcracker in and Ib, at 7130 pen. 'Nobel's Not- by Jeffrey Lloyd Smith, cleats cart be purchased at the Hatton - feemrea rem 545 fanner NMI Taylor dancer, ersh,centenceg; by phone at gni5cent armory, elaborate 'One Stolen Kits' by Gentry 305.444.5732 or in patter at ee arid the muain of PETER LONDON GLOBAL Uaiah George, kamar AILEY the Arsht Center Box Mhos, Tchaikasky. This is the pee - DANCE COMPANY INC. II dancer .rid artistic direr- 2307) Biscayne Blvd., dolor. feet holiday treat for Me on, lice coma the Peter I.orA- ter of Zell Collective in Mew town Miami, re Nattily dort O1ab.t Dance Comps• Cork City; and 'Santa Babe' Shaw. are Dec. 17, 18.7:30 ny lr.r. (PLOC7l giving au by Pater Landon New marl 'THE NUTCRACISER' pm.: Dec 19, 2 p m & 7:30 'Dante/ing Moder 4464 Nitrite- include'Litik Holiday Gifts' Miami heal havingyou dm p.m; Dec. 20.6:30 p.m,: flea toe Tar the holiday. performed by RAMC Smear amulg of anew/lakes? 32, 2 pan R 7:36 pm.: Dec. Peter London m rvea a. the starer Lloyd knight (principal 20a0 miss Miami City 23, 2 p.m. 0. 7:30 pm.; Dec. founder and artistic director dancer with. Martha Ocahsm Buller. production of Geer- 24, 1 pro- of Miami's premiere multkn- Dame Company). Gentry ge Balanchinele "The Nut- Call dle Miami City Ballot Ieural daame troupe and is set la.uh George, Justin Rape• cracker-' Treat yourself and Han Office ee 395.424-7010 to fire up the holiday maws port, Melissa Renmandsr, Sad /wed erns to a (little holiday er visit raLami0^irylsolla.a6g with five world premieres of Leon Cobb Imcenr addition to dear with tickets tR George Vann. Adrienne Areht Cen• dynamic. luscious 6.1 off- Martha Graham. Dame Can- Halanchiaek 'The Mama- ter {Ziff Ballet Opera Home/ the tat4. atntemppyey mho- penyl. Other new work. To c/ker" a. performed by the 1300 Biscayne Blvd., Miami: r.ogrtlplp based on rho tango be proe.nred are "Leah: now 39 iami Cityaa]]eL Join Marie Tkkerst 525 Book is a good story to share with children NIAN'LANO CC the ascend floor were aeaskya on Second Floor, starts out sad and ends in c5.ti42ed from 1C yearned about money, Simon and they asked Franklin co such jay that you wan'r be was yelling about snowing, leave his apartment. Mrs able aoop atsmiling. The Puerto Rico. Everything war and the DiPalma kids were Whitman came, tea, and at, ingenuily of Joao and hie bigger there, staking a huge racket Even did LIm Santiago.. Each per papa boost this tale in a per But haw dayou cook a gra- the tuato eta ar Rappy eon brtught a little mine- feet way, and 1 loved how at bdg meet? Jo.. had an Tummy Food Store seemed thing le Je.e', apartment. Mangano minty portrays . idea, P.pi put the resat in a very unhappy. And that wee where a mf multf-kv,L multi•eadlured great big box, and they met Three lours later, ['laugh, rack occurred,., apartment building and the met for Regyiler Ray's Fires- the great big roes[ had been The first guest arrives people inside it. Add in ma- emked in A great big pia- at your holiday celebrate gicat, sparkling pictures They ware barely out the sa morn e and the ent w n. Then the second, fifth, by Merdem rie Pric5an and door, when their neighbor, Stglariaua.. ma garli- eighth, and tenth, and your you've got an instant holiday Mrs. Whit men, complained sky And °Elva oily and deli- child mightwondet if there'll demsie about the noise, On the third .' It Smelled So yam• be enough for lhi4 crowd. Though this Look le mein - floor, hlr, and Mra. Santiago my that Jame felt like 11e was The anmrer, of crime, is yea Iy for 4-to-S•yeanolds, I mentioned that their child- floating en in perfect, treaty and'Miraefe on 133rd Street think sightly younger child• renwarm": mining to visit goedne • will show him how. might Sit still for dt Ono this Christmas Franklin 'Ells i:avidad,' said Ray There1 always room for read -through rbedtime o thought there were burglars as Jose and Papa headed oral more, ail author and rood Ala4Ad, and your kids in the building, and he re- home but not b.fora they Emmy Award winning as- will agree that 'Miracle on fused m came out of hie invited Rely to sham their tress Sonia Manrane proves 133rd Street- is a good story apartment, The Wormiskys neat.. They invited the We- in Chia sweet little glory that so share. IN NOUSE SALES REP 51i0Wr ommaeed-maws Weal !almalwns la Cal pared newspa0n. Mt roe AC wean,ell cnoea. Woodard M.N.,,' relate W ' Kerr Orel and 7 0951040. Mint hues a enslosm Nan. crab degree. Fax raaume alceN with rmmy-728 m: ]65-Y3a39 t7 Ema1: henramarno e- Rnemm ITN AIWA tam w :.:1 We've PolJuak to Pamwr Lostora lervaependem sd8drMmarenfisM1A Bata. aid Keitrtam, AIW avert Ce1tanrd01 Eluting. &]temee5 Call 30503,6210 Weer MAI, FLIRTY. LOCAL Mow I CM Mra5Erm61ry Fmw1 AvelWs nem GENE ANC SONS. INC. Cuewrn'mace cabins:ten Nlcnena and an:Weemsm a1ndanearkea NJ* N.W.24re *1.104e CM 325{65.3565 INSTANT ACTION I LOVE! MONEY! Ccva. cases Spamaa 35596a-7553 CLAt653FIE15 DEADLINE 4 P.M., T U ESCAY Mythology Night at MOCA 4IOCA bring it to life ... he make.. art and continued from 1C people corm alive ... Director Ba- lomar is , moat interesting piece of Reclaiming Art: Rower, Ideas and art himself.' Vision in an Ethnically Plural Cam- The DiGeroninios said there la a unity,' made up of a collection of need to raise funds to keep up with essays Ly college prok.eora and the expenses to provide activities edited by M'Baw. w the ixnmachere arid aurrounding 'There in no question ahem the communaUer. quality of the charm roe 8Fn art 'This is our first fundraiser for anymore. That is what is exciting this worthy cause and we plan to about the work,' said M'Bow. make it a furl -fitted and enjoyable Bur the main challenge is fi- evening, the couple said. 'Our nnn2ial support f program- goal is to rnisa4uce MOCA to our cuing-. For the Caries Salsa exhibit, friends, patients and guests.' Colombia's Aviomar covered the The arts will be celebrated with oatof crating and stripping the roan dreamed "urn black tie and la - narks to north NIiaml. dks in White g0wna, with a nod to The majority of the anancral cup- Omsk mythology, co17plete with porters of the museum went with maaka. the board that foamed ICA, leaving The goal is be raise funds and MOCA with the city of North MEC- expose MOCA to others who meat nli es ire main Source of income as otherwise net have the opportunity well as [minty and stele supporL ie join and be exposed I. the mu. But already its nme heard metro s bars are stepping up to help the 'The future of MOCA is promi- mumum rebuild financially. afng,' the biCar.onimes said. anerd rmmbers Dr. Ernest and Outside of North Mica,, them it his wife Nirvm D1Ger4nim0 are ho- plenty of art activity for the Black sting a fundraiser to benefit MOCA. cammuni' y. From a mmpkte take - A -Creek and Roman-thcmed My- over of the Hiater,e Lyric Theater se rhalogy Night," will take place imtailations at Chef Creole to me Saturday, Dec. 12 from : p.m. to habits in Miami Gardena, Black an midnight at One TUrn1Jerry Place liars are on Show. n Aventura. A formal evening of To inject divenity in what he cun- cocktails, hare d'oeuvres, dancing eiders the largest and meat presti- and A silentauction is planned. gigue art fair in the US., Neil Hall ' We have been part Of the board in 2010 produced Art Africa Miami at MOCA since it was developed Arm Fair, the Bear large-scale arc about a year ago when Babacar fair solely featuring artists from the Wok up the challenging task of African Diaspora This year the ate reorganizing,. the Dian -animist hibition will lain an 5.000-aqueme- Said. 'We met him two yearn be- foot lent lec.ud in Miami's historic fore that at his art gallery and we Overtown neighborhood. were immediately drown by his re- 'The arta ere very important in tentless drive, hie enthusiasm as foauting mammunny involvement well 6a his ability to fascinatingly and emotivity,' Hall said in a state - ell the every behind the piece and meat. NOTICE OF INVITATION TO film OR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1460 N.E. 21113 AVENUE, ROOM 660 II1IAMI, FLORIDA 33152 Sellout:tons are subject to Board Pokey 6325. Cone Of Meese. For more details please visil. htfErliarOGGraRi6NT MeriebeMOCri&sgf BID NUMBER/ BID TITLE/PRE-RID CONFERENCE OP ENING DATE IT6.16.632•MT 10612915 Auptlen Serylee6 Dreamt419. 2015. at 10 a.m EST I74.16-631•YWP 1210f1016 Underwriting Services Deoambel E, 22015 at 10 a m EST A MOM heanng Florida on DateMbar American Drive, Mlaml, A RESOLUTION Of5T1-151 AFFIRMATIVE 0013, RATIFYING, RECOMMENDATION 3d-55 OF THE CODE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS METHODS AS NOT CITY OF MIAMI FOR TIN LUTHER HUNG VICES TO GREATER JANLUARY 1, 2015 TO EXCEED S174,000,00. AL FUNS FURTHER AND EXECUTE TORY TO THE CRY CITYATORNEY, Al Interested persona Ram Shdt7d any potion Mil raspab11e any that a verbatim record madames upon which In secoldeace with ing special anterri Office of the City Clemb gays poor to tea proceeding vice) no tale, than 122741 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ELC.TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING vd11 be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, 10, 2015 at 0.00 AM al City Hall. located at 3500 Pan MOMS. 9319310e Bea paopees W granting Iha falrn4ny OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BY A FOUR°FIFTHS VOTE AFTER AN ADVERTISED PIJBLNC HEAR- CONFIRM[NG, AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S AND WRITTEN FINDINGS. PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, AS AMENDED. FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING BEING PRACTICABLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE THE. MAINTENANCE AND BEAUTIFICATION OFMAR- BOULEVARD; APPROVING THE AWARD OF SAID SER. M1AMI SERVICES. CORP FOR THE PERIOD FROM THROUGH 1]ECEMBER 3, 2019, AT AN AMOUNT NOT NATIi FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE GENER- AUTHORIZING T]•IE CITY MANAGER TO MEOW -FATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT SAT4SFAC• MANAGER , IN A LEGAL FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE FOR SANO PURPOSE. are 17.51.d to apMMar and maybe hoard cooco.rdn0 Ih1. desire No appall any &UMW, able OW Commission matter CCn9Nemed al Nis meeting. that person shall ensure of Um pmteodmps Is made, berating all t%OOrm Sad any appeal may be based 1F. S. 205.0105/ Om Amal1osoo With Disabilities Act of 1590 per60tn need- lod4llent t5 participate In Ow *menacing may corder] the at /305/ 250-5301(Vine.) no Waltham bee N2i bu11dess or TTY users may ra11 via 711 IFImlda Rel6y Ser- three 13/ business daya Prier Ia 1h. prove dew Todd Hannan City Clerk ' ,„