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PSA- Kimley Horn
SaMta category' Cattradt. Type •Pr6j!ct C9:05alt4nt. CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND. TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AdRtEMENT TranaporIatIO0:program:StippoIt§arVIO.07.P NM2O31,. CoritintilrigSarVidet for the TranapOrtatkri Program fhp:Traii#6.00011.0rid Transit Program: t<10.yL.1100::,Ni AND TABLE_OECONTENTS 1,01 TERM • . 243 tOMPEN.SATION . ••••• .. sla..4 ARTICLE3PERPORMANCE 4.1110 .1**0100,0iiiitykOptio11,4,v 7 342 REMOVAL.OF UNSATISFACTORY'PERSONNEL.;,: . ... . go •••• .... • ... 303 YCONSULTANT KETSTAFF . . . . • . .. 4.,.04 TIN FOR PERFORMANCE ARTICLE 4 :SUB CO NSULTANTS • 4.0. 1 •. . , • • z • ' . . qi5t4uLtAINIT kELAtiokSiliitit'; . .. 403 CHANGES. TO SUE CONSULTANTS -•• ••: .• • ARTICLE 6 DEFAULT, - • • • • , •-• ▪ -• : 8 ....... .. .... 0000.004000.04...... . .. 008 0. 0.2 ,CONDITION$ OF. DEFAULT' 0.a„ R '5 TERMINATION -OP AOREEMENT:-. - • - 9 , . HT TO TERMINATE. ..... ..... 0 . .0000.0000. ....... 4.0.0 . . ... ... • .... .. .. .. 802 ONSULTARrE RIGHT:To TERMINATE' , 643 TERMINATION DUE. TO :]Ufsl DISCLOSEOLOSEMST DR AGENT iiiw- ▪ ':'• ARTICLE 7. OCU , w,x1v0.v.-kr0,4,1„kffio.t*m.4.1.1.A,.....1q"!‘”,...0.#:!,.•,...!”41.0vv.v.A. .A.....;.............— - 7.01: .. '.9. 4.vyNE8PIiIP,PP PPP141V1Pr-sr:J,#•.,,,..,,,,w;:...,,,::,.4...,4.;4....4..i,.,...b........;,...:,;,,..:4-44:..:;,:,:i.::.,,,,,,,4;...,...4.,...,;...;....,;,,...0.,-.;.,,',..:;;:,,,,,,:„.s: 7.02 . DELIVERY. 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LAW AND VENUE LITIGATION • - - • 13 ..... ,• .., .... , . ...,..,. • , , ... • .... .... .... . . •• r.,,,r.yv,..s!,,,,,,,I.,..11 ... . , . !,..*:,.:...*!..". . t;!! . 14!...,0i,t.effi,./.(,,,,!...E.0., 1,0,0S : NOP COS '4-4,,i4iii.'ii't*494,iitxiit,e,;iii4t' ''• ''.. ' . ' •' • '•:' ,', ' ' ' '' '• '' ''.: ' ',;'. -1.3' . .. ..,.. ... . .. 4m!,+Pro.,.,..”4.,..,4*”.,?,,•!.....",,,,”...,..-,...,,..”“1,.,...,,o,”.,,,.,,...4,,,N..,w-.,...!!!”..-”',.•-• . 11**tii$etati*6•Orob,,Orit. Kimley Hgrn & Ast 140, g (Z..4:.. ........ A..., *4 e0.444 s4i,, nig OL.M*44,0110.4s.• ........... 0, Aqi .. 4 .... , rd 110, /0�0 JfL 'ir REtitA'G't�/ �ir/� �• .11 yi.�1' i09 PRIORITY-OF-PRO({�F�ll L$1O y[.i,YJ �ryrw E1 i �1.{. YiiiY.. i / / Yik 4ifi - V iY Y iiti i% .(,[ 1O 0 MEDIATlirlht;4.;�fAV ER,Oi JLJR.Y TRIAL ,.., , ,.. ,K i;iii.t... ;t . ..,.st,} i., r4i i i,ii) , 4,.o.4,+n lR '.7')r )'�1.+F 10{.1 �1'� TIME 'i Willi 1_�Yj{{iy�'i♦i i, , lNt,A EI:1 !ii 1il�iE +A!!i y 2 COMP jk,} ':f{,llli, !'�.(jCi.7i i F.ro 1 ri.IY Yi . Y. f r., .ir,nVF,. i R r 4 A 41 194310 PARS ,) • rt r4 4i 10 U iISCRETIOH.0r DIRECTOR, -*. n ,. ,!a r } •,: ...................................... 10 i , RE � LLkUTLC N€:Oy�Fi CONTRACT �-01SPUTES rkii,.:, i,i,0404A .,,,,�.<:ir ..:,,., •.i, .i..,,. ,i...., 11118 INDEPENDENTy1. CONTRACT CTLL:xi iY 2:4 W} iii4 RY 94 :{ .FY,,Y ,Y ii t.0 , -R i.1,., } ...,s4 i i TTA.EtV#1=% CC}%EDP 0 ARTi:CLE , .i4"K.ii.,r irrr*riii s':.'l,ri Ors H f:'-GS1.xiY.Kr +. k.a:Ji i iii:*.iY i utr i xi iKni'rK iicifiri..i./r/4b.w.raf Ki. A�1TI�*0n1•}, tr IJ�:i S/iif_7�.xkY }V�FSEiSx{Milr�!`V�E,,}�(j° -k , a. , S . . i{tf i i, l.i Y iC '��f i _i. .!,•! COOPERATIVE Y�V4E f , . 4 ii Y i/f 44 i kr ,fIiI44 1 ii t"fit ♦ ! 4 t 1" .. .[ �1�:` YYjj :PAYMENTS Y18 AI 02 Ftl PAYMENTS { , ! t• i f i ,S n,} . 4 , 4},)V K•prili4 * R S4 :tfR, i Jti,R k, S .., RI fr.. f i�,S ARTICLE A2 .- OV�+EpRr,�VIIEi+W OPT'F NSPbRT �T1ON AWD TE NSIT PROGRAM SUPPoRtSERVICES..i, kj99 A2 0;1• PRI}t{11i'A/RY S.E�^RV CE(�S e} r y. t - k rk 4 4 ,r rir u 4 iri ii a i 4 1. an7 ypi iM.,YAe y{0rMi4.r-'yM:.r!4%7�PEWiN��NYei.9y�r,.i�r,.4i�{A���: /YRy3Tyg+rF.iIvVIr+3rc�F1 1{y�i.fi.�ii}{Yfa�'i i `!i r r. • r i'it� f r i fi 11� !i ii iri i rii�Ykil9 : ART!CLEA3.,:. f li.i rARf SER ICE i4i YXi1i i i0 i'alk�i'fi i 4 44i ii 4 i •t'r i'i is! Af},r •44 • •..-. .. �R]PM1� NIS1T�iRjA4l a� I�iIj{ ( y (��^�1�1 `' `, ( �r (� A3rt12;• IP,{ODUC { IO,a MAt'6AGEMENT $ERMIC 47 i 1 :, , Y, S! 1 420 A5 0STA FIINGc #[JR;(Y`PI •Gl • -SERVI I=S, E! r . e i r, , C5.7 {f*'ii._s'`1`AFFING KAI�IGES a *49 4i 4V Y Yfiik in, g!V{+Jr r4 !;" .{lrt kp 4 �.., SEY t, .! .. i, f ,iS e,, • 4 r,FY,Y rr �6,IF RTICLIAV ASSIGNMENT M f•F R,tir}lltr CCn'Y4 itl,aaiitii kl.rSr�yxY tllr t,Y tS F, sr: . .n.7.i[1) . Ri,,i l.J,Riilw. .... A.Y70.,f j..• ia'_r.li I� :.t rri i i.•ni. i Y ,.s.vii 44 ir• n i Fxr*x ♦ kri,irai4 d ix: 2I,iA • zeeout_ i\i.11' T 1 k Y KYi } k yMRf FXII}Y- xiK • }<M' ! fi KY<r fF5 ATTACHMENT B COMPENSATION ANC. PAVMENT�: •ARTICLE BI ... ' METHQCoFCOMPENSATION KKaw YY: ,,Y . • $1 02: -:CONsuLTANT.NOt TO EXC EI ,4:', ...ARTICLE B2 WAGE.RA`CES i ri;.a44!k n ,ra rii; 8 t01 FEE BA$1Y5 i :. .4 S2i 0Ej�lyVIKO.YgES:.AND JQS CLASS.IF1CA'I'10I 6 03; Ihii+Jie"1IPLIER 1 .: i , i i'ii �32r0 EMPLOYEE;EENEFITS AND OVER TEAi '�yyrii��75iI'��:Fsuil IQI' {n�Y �Ygkl�ryk�i}. Y - �a j� jY�..�fir> �'tf4 y)�[�`�{T �.i'."j�+�+ i� :ARTICLE BJ • < COM U # A":E IO OF E S ANt) COM ' NSA l I ON r arlvr* E9t'1` LUMPSU1 '}i�yly 1t�r. 1j/�..-., p�-f�i" i�"M"�'r@t!.i i A -i (OURLY i%/1'1 P4eF_,1+, a Y 'YFi r•rw,rx.4... Y..ii 'i.0 ,F.r•,F r ....r:s r .i.< ....xis .. tirf i iY•,r,F Y ,0 4 i ji4 } 1 83•04 FEES for SI'I=CIALT'Y SBRVEGES i t: i•f 3 0 PEES, RESULTING 1"RO PROJECT SUSPE ISION , .i:i iE }ti i.ra 4......, ARTICLE B4 `PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULT' P4 t I PAYl4IE C NERAL -Y x, ;: R < 1;34 0 I3IIQIs HL P1 b R1 SS REP RTI < . B4.03 •B1C»L1P+1Ca t RU112L CE 4i :• 4 i ) K i,}.'['s f iy kl44} Yf1,kiW,Y,� Atl k riYWii ' �RiK*asrtrti,*tt*wK�a*KFF�i}iik k1Ykk Ey%4,if.4 'r'x rrtwrww.ra Frti+raw.,F..s`i`a J •t1 -Ax i 1 S. . 144 i 4. R PAYrtEENT P ?R AbtITI-PO4 SERVIOES $c1 .1\4 40AI" >~, F E ARTICLE E $4 E�IMBUR ASLE EYPEN ESti .. . i .. id4 .* B .°; A" iu E!>, . L .ii: ii, ii•r r i•w04.aii 3i '14:644.it i. “94.,.A _ :js ,C.W }Li`. , Yii 3; li a 1,r i:. i a .!F i Y,. .�i, ii; Gi7... I9 02 TYPES OF REI MIEURSABLEsEXPENSES`r...:i.i. l.ii. .,.,,..:i4i , ..,...:: ... . .....< Y . , 0 :S 03AyTKQ.T1tQN,.G!•••• i l4 ,i 30 ,:i . l5404DE0N1TCS4tnd`ATEORIES.i,Err 4 , ,ikr rS 30 -t Og-_ t1t12rRBURtME TS Q7FL0ttOt A•�t$Y:--: : i3lFYY iR Yi .V t 1 i . ARTICLEBSCOMPENSATION FOR-REUSEOF PLANS AND PECtPICATlON .0,K,.x. , ry Bi&...,, �Yr�L7EWKEf:„.„z ./��+',}�i a ,,, ,,,,,,,,,&[ ,,. .. y l S 4 4.4 R- ! ,31� SCH.EDU.LE FBI %1AGE.I ATESSGt1YiMAR 3 . Y i.n..ali: .ia.iiiir,aax H1ilc .iwYa Yia,x31 kklxnri.i5 i sli iii-ii1.ii.i+32 SCHED�}.♦�tl�s 1j VF �.r �}//i �yv��Il yyM��l, ■�ti{. {��+wi }�x�(y�si ,}�.r��•t. 1�'�'i }{.,!�i( !}w� EXPENSE ULE,F�7.2 ESTIMA E.Of REIM WURY�ABLEE EX ENSE { !'4iAa:i d i 11:i4.47i4,4AlfiiY: ivea iar5i44'li iY37 • iiiiikwixxixrr:xe G� ,426 raga, . ▪ ..rn,...74iiyy�G}.7 7 4 4'i Y i ". YYyyap �{-429 wrsi�0 iir0 ,ir a- •}�yY,fA#y♦'��.ay {l.:Y.�y# � �.y�,,T�!! 'a'./4 .�i 1.y�4,Fp�.y�i(t+,h�i}:.�� IA' :$.CE LYnbULE B 4 ii-..L:XiL"�f(lii+� 0�lx4 "Tr04 PaO tort POO.FP Ft PORtt §0:040s: `Kinney Horn & A Wates, Inc, 00ntra410 • CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE or CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MANSFORTA1104PROGRAM PROPESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT SatVide Cata§oty ContraOtlype Project Consultant ConsUitatit Offida Loation . , 0OhtinOiryiSetylPOfdr thO:Tfa000rtetiO4..:,Pf00(0tili Treahapooatiort:.::.SUOotsit's.erVioefOrIfte.Tfail*ppr#tIOh PrOdrerh• ktrviLeY,HORNk.:stcrAtti:54NT5S-,1.R. . „ . 12218ribkell !'i3313.1 City,AtithortiatItiti t8i87" • This Agreement :day of and between the City af Miarni, Food Florida: 'hojoieter ,thited.thp City," and Kirniey-Horng A0eOof0fOw Inc., hereinafter called the.4v)O00t.:11tert" RECITAL A. The City 'Requestior'dudiffitatiorle .04F0!) No, 1.1.,4;13,1 On April 16, 2012 for tho proviOon.. Management : er9loo$ for the Transportation Program VPrograni.or -Services") (Pfolect) and Consultant's response thereto, was selocted as one of :eildft*t#401004'fOr the provision of said Services. It10'.RFO And the Prcipbeal are sometimes referred to --bollootrvety,:::ea.to aotol.tapoir pooutitoilta, and are by this reference expressly incorporated into and made ‘a..,oartl'of• this Agreetneht,AS1f.tet forth in full, B. WHEREAS, .tlie -City; :through action of th City :moihodot. :iand/or the Oif'/ 'orn.rh1eiforva.a.ao.ItijiOaOe,t.--'hae-'.eIeOio.dfho!-donet.iitpri 'ettordiripr: *th'..:OedtiOri - Florida .:18tOtutOo„.„:(0orfooltatife Competitive -Negotiation : '..heineffer referredto as ''00NA), and the applicable piny of the PjtV.:Pt0:4ifeThettf.00000.., to provide the fif.00$..10t101 services •as.doettlbedhotertt WITNFSSETH,that end the Consultant, for the considerations bereft)set forth, agre as follows: 8eil'ifo•eA Nr9JOY4iprn.:4 '46ti(0.0.:Nd;1;. ROO 1l-1:2;:631 •tRT=CtE `1 PROOFESSIONAtn e RVI ee AdRC 1 01 AddnfionatServices mean arty wori dafined:.a; comp•lianc•e wiih Florida st tutes;and GIty Code. 02 A ftachrnents meant the Attach ttente to ttirs Agreerne it wiricti are expressly incorprirate4: by reference `arid made a pert of this. greernentas if: set forth in full.: 1i.03 Base Fee rnaaas the,amount of c zrnpensat►on;mutuaily agreed upon for the :completion :of task Services... ' asap Serur e : mean those se rsston r eans the Iagielativa , rmeansthe duly appointed clitof_adrntnis rati teofficer pf•the Qity of Miami. _.. City or.Owner mean the City of M1ianii i-horrda, a Florida tunicipal cOrpo tion, the pubiiG agency Whici `is a 'party hereto .and :far which this Agreement rs to be performed lri all respects hereunder, City% performance is pursuant to City's position as the '.wrier of the Project lit the everit;the city exercises its regulatory auttiorcty as'a governmental body, the exercise of• such regulatr ry,autho, ty and the enforcement of any rules, reguPat ons, codes', laws aria ordinances •T. k e deemed a have occurred p zrsuant to it+ s'authority as a gown rim tat body and shall not, be.attributaiale in any nmariner to Glty ae ,a pariy to this Agreernerit TChe City of 10:0:trit shall be referred to herein as"City" For the purposes of tht Agreement, "City" without,rriodificatron shall mean th•e•City:_ 1.oa Consutfanti' leans the individual, partnershipxcorporation, eeet4etiori, lorntventure, or any combination thereof, of properly .registered professions(' architects, or ertgtneers, which has enter0 into the Agree:Ment. tp.provide:•profeeslona1.serv1ces:to ilia ty, 1,09 onfractor` means an,f ndividual, part iership, corporatiion, association,.joint venture, ar any .00mbinatlon thereof, which has entered 'irito a coritract'with the :C ty.for construction 'of City fsollittes•and incidentals thereto 1 1 D Director mearis`the Director of the City. Department designated hereiirwho has the authority, and responsibility•fat managing the specific pr©tector projects covered under this Agreement.• Unless of or.0. se specified herein or in a .Work Order, for the purpose of thre. Agreement, the Directorrsthe t o?.1.r•inistrator of the: capitei lrnproVerrterits• •)='rog'ot.n car. designee«' till: Errors mean items iri the plans, specification or: other documei is prepared by tile:. Cohsriltant that are. shown incorractIy, whirch ii..01tAlit-it..61106di:ta.'-th4'$iiii00,r.,'..E.iirid results;in the need for the construction ointractor try per`rorrri rework or additional: work orwhichi causes a delay to time completion of construct en; 1.12 ,Etrittrs i nnri .Orzrnssiot s mean dest r d nor other documents r'epared by this Consultant',. which protect to #unction or be built.ls intend d, . • 1.1•3 inspector• rrieans an •ernptoy•ee• of tkie City or of a eonsultng firm iitzed ;Ely the City apd.. •assigned bythe City fo make c bssrVatrons . € work perfortYie t by a Contractor. •1.14 Key Personnef:means Staff io0Otio.n4 assigned orl a foil time. basis to the ?mt. m by the Program Coordinator with tins Direc€or's approval, .to serve as an evtenalori of the City`s staff ,y. typi:cslly wort prig inside the bity`s M of ii E iverside Center.(MRC) o`r other requested; Clty facility, TrOp.40rtatj4A Prn9ram.OPPort, Setvtces ,Ktmtelt::t o n & Associates„:Inc �Gorite�ci Noy ark Order,',secured in. dot' grtated as.auch In.t�iork Order.:: R Q11.12 Q 1. ef[cterroies in the plans, ;spec�rcatio rrtust be 'corrected in orriel for `ffte • i F dESS1dNVAL 5ERVIGs AGREEMENT associa• ted with supporting #he; t✓ity s:.de#err r necf uy fhe P Bator or das"i•grte .lri tf a execr t on end %mplernez�tatton ca the Ci y's Triinsportation and Transit Program„ 29 Were Rates m n the effedtive drreot expense fo Cc�rlsi ltar�t arjtlfor Sub CohsUltettt, an<an tourty rate basis, 'for. etnployeea in the specified pr'ofessiorts end ob categones ;assigned to provrde :services under this Agreement that Justify Intl form the besis fair professional :fees, regardIee*caf eetuet manner of„compefsattdn. is Agredihent 301 cirk means atk`=servtoe , mateitals aril euiptri l Withth . Co ; iltent 3 Work Order means a d ictimerlt infernal to the Ci y authorizing t ie professional services for a ctef read Project or Projects; VYork Girder Propose! means a dooument prepared icy file Consultant, a% the- request of the. fy for. Services to tee provrcded by the .Consixitant tan,a,;specific phase pf a Project of :for 4,c ittotiat Sei tces.- .i arise of spece : �CRTIOLE 2 - , GENERAL OOf4bETIONS 20f TERM ThQ term of this. Agreement shall be fpr luvo (2) years comrirreractng an tt<re effective oate hereof The'Cfty,. ecboil of the Ciiy Itnanage or City ommissjor shalt have the optrart toe tend toe- tern i for two 'onal•'peric ds of pne (t year eac r� subject to continued sat sfaotory performance as d termined (2) by. or, ant t fa the availabd3ty anzi 'appropriation of funda bity Comrnissiori authortzatton cf this e greernent includes delegatrcin icf authorrty" to tttrr City ttilfanager #o administratively approve said exteald s prpvided thetthe 9010i etiori lirrtits set f+ rth ttR g3are=hot exceeded "puxrri+ 'the -tent cif this-Apree€iient the 0or. .....rit rs irectuded front entaTtn"` in an other contrad•ts or: agreertient•s '•with the Cit tt roved Se JGes -t ated t.ibide t l or alli+stl td or contained in the. Tfarrsr orti lion. Proararn re the Consultant has existincr confracts oc enreerrrentsWith other agencies: ote�-oroeraprgvlde:sirn-la ' ,ro` ems or: se': ice. withtn`t e Cit' the Consult "t sh fl be -''secluded: rorn pcoVidrriq-TPSS:for suchatibitootititas.or ent pare as I©np as this Agreemto an effect: Z 1. eft fin o`,=xpirattart bate`: In the event the Cotsttllartt is ,grsgp Tt date then this Agreement shall rer rain ire Project(&). 'N€i netlork prriers `shall be is ed i 2 t7 SCQPE tit= SERytCES ;Consultant acg.rees to ,provtde the Serv%as hat'*Oivbicki by this refare1**as ittorpora ed. 2 { 3 COMPEN8A.TI€ 0 2 03.T Compensation Lrrrtrts . The amount of gonipei satrcrn payable by the City to the Cartsttltapt &nett be tirntp :sum or rrot,to: exceed fee aced on the rates and schetlule establistred in Attachment }3: t�ereto� which by this .k reference is incorporated iritcr ttrtJ Agreetmient, Of evrdeci, ho evivr, treat ii no evetrt sl�att the embutrt of • compensatron exceed Five Hundretl Thousan .dollars ($ OO,0• 0,0 Agrtie totat:'over the term of the eement and any extetis1Qf(s), unless exptrcitljr approvedby`action o the Ctty CQr1missirrn and puf into eft'ect by a prior Written amet cfinent to this Agreem nt exeatitect b tt�e parties Ttte City'rrr y, at ifs. sole discreticri use other compensation mothodologie"s i"he pity shalt riot h site any tlebitity nor will the Gonsuit�nt have any recourse against the ',City for any ctitttpensatiorr,-twymentr raimbUrsa i6 e €pendituie, cost, fee p:r charge beyond the compensation fl nits of hjs Agt$et Brit: ea .It may be err ertd 4*om ttn7a to ti tie.tn accorctangq Ith.ttie terms of fhis A re merit. ny Projects) are t Jet uritU opm lets xpi reerrient expiratto er terminatiop.of said defe. "transit-ottstlari P000.0 Supp0tt.soNj es KrrttYrn &1sscclat;lnC; otltrscf 1�t:;>:. . as speorticaily ;described an set forth tot r n'tl merle a Pert oft%is Agreer_nont.. ris i achmfen lir=P• 1. z_i sa PRorEssiONAL SERVIC.RS..AGREWENT • 23ja,.2. Patints U410.0 otheKilse$140.qtribalVit)itvidad in Atta046.160'4; Opyrrjot?:011011:156.r.4.00at ed00r0400 With Florida ;210, Part viL L6641: Government 'Ptbdipt Paymrt At:t after receipt CwitiJiterit's proetletVale as defined by thrs Act, Which shall be companied by .sufficient §uppirtiftdO61.1thEfrit6tiOrt aha bOntittf'.§uffiblent to a proper audit bV6hOltift0.; should sOlty:requir.e orie to be. peilorrded, if onstiOant ts entitled tor.61trib.4i.zril04 Of IraV.o). 'axpen:eett ten .aii bills .f.br trayaraxpanao$ shall be a0bolitedld.gbcordanoa;With ille;provii.410d$ pre 000410 the imitations-= :pOot(On 112 061, F1ortd Statutes OPt.Vi,jit.ant- .60#:a Att4Pbrnarit for the •s0l.secOn 41-jtvoltps-, „ARTICLEi,O. 1,4.ERFORMAN0.‘ 301 PERFORMANCE AND DaLedAT1614 . . The SeMoas to be performed hereunder shall 16p pPArfqrmPct own !$.1Aff, Prifess • otherwtse provided n this Agreemerit or approved, In wrrung by t1r*,Otty, $410q1;)9r0,,vOtP411 rit74,,ko cobot*0:A-046.:500ti.tid*I':.g.0.*906t:4090:#01411;0101:60!* of any kind ,,.00 0100POticih or flrm 3;02 REMOVAL OF UNtAT.iPAOTORY..PERS014K8L , Directoror maketo Consultant for the prompt tertioyation&r'Opilabernent of • -• any per$9nn01:•anVipy04;Prratalned by the Consultants plA0O;;.coliti,7.eoforg,:,or any persOn.nal Of any such Sub Q9...nat4tar4 or s1114 Oprifrg0PrC•009e,0 by i:7*::OoQpvit60:: to pcpyide.An.c.1 performtb::!tde recarer,raptapfliliaAgrWra#:: Tha:.PPnOtarit:0011r.pp9d4 :Cty tedeig:t:f uch teq4e4:4if.000.. iha.toniOYAI*4101400arit:of such personnelersonne or written juhftcation as to why tht may n�t occur :'Aft:44‘16-t.*100itit 00" be'iitedebi Consultant Such fequest shalt solely relate to said employees work under thi Areement , ,• . .•,••, , . . ,• 3,P3 CONSULTANT KaY. $.ThkEF „ . • •, The parties 0.eic-nc0a0gPAhart :000a144arit..:WA4 selected by Cy, In part, on the basis ef qqatittqatiPn$:,'Pf 00)...i100',0t4ft •ti.ereiilat.t0,:telet(od to as "Kay State' 00401*..sholt ensure that 16y..:tofti6f6,0611.abl6 for ervces hereander ae. tong aid Key Staff is in.•C�nsultant's employ Consultant wifl bbt4ifi Oiefta:rf4Y:•$.taff., Consultant shall provide Director, or dealbdeaWitd i.001dfbithatibn;ei.i100s04fry16 .deterifitiel the!tbiteb1110 of proposed new Kay :Stiff. ibirebtof wll sot reasonably in ,6410tIN'Kay Staff quahficatofls.SUbli.'ibbeptifibOft hall not constitute •.,64.r 04 TIM ..:FORPERFORIVIAN0a: • The :046eatalit..0'eee:to start alt S017gf0•• Nt6tihidOt upon receipt of b"NWe.T.16.1;?eitteed issued by the Director an4l to compete ach asstgnment, task or phase OthitiTIbe litre stipulated in the Nbtfae,.--to Proceed :„ laoftri614$00o6vilfti:?io$p6Ofto.I)orforti.16oO6:-of *0;Aor.66416( A -t0.006.010:..0.4001§1:1 Ith*:!'t00::1t-0010.1000 grsnted by the. cy should there be a delay on tha part of the Otyin fait Mfg ;46:rfObliaib ndertht Sdfl''#4.6niforf of bme shalt fibt.b.'e-,•bioib:•.tir any clatrn by ConsUttant fora-At..§:-.tompegeatibil, •-3.44 . . . Oonsu[tant :,fa: pp101y - reepodObielor lbejeciviipaisaqpqrgyaripLzcigetiti:0: 0-itl:qtrfl:11.:06:0404.alo':0901010:0•P.-:wit*OP090*.'Pfci0001181,4•010:0600@•004illOtr009,'.:0060 without tiet4:0061 ue 0101$4.0,601(4) ad gh006(411.,**0.-to6i00006„:01**4,47,1gi01144 "466 Surveying and vi4000§7i 0.044..0fOti.4004 as dire accordance: ,.Oth :'!00tri`6 • T4047pthctioes, In gatenng information and inapecting a Project site prior to the commencement of destgn Consuttant 4b61) be *000)6 for ,tht,..'prot6014114-1 to:titity;.;-tOotirti40 tpodrootAto 000titotiotf41c61r,d6agq,, drawrngs 000iftpatiod, arid other OpPlo0 furnished by the Consultant undrithk,A6r661•464- 00040gat 001:, ,withpAi p,00)tto.opf ompensation, correct or .(00§Pany errrs prni[100,::add/br $eftaefi.614-10.1;t0 etgs iraW1ns, pification r thet4:00.k.0.4N '00101tOti*-1140::04':*4-010 for daf.f4,.fOt :delay costs, ift066:§6d:tditOti. ,Td00,diti6f.,50t 0dditibda.1 •• • .• • • .,. • • 7 iltrAp:ort;061 Otogr.p.m.,$qpoopct Sias i3F,b,11-12.431 efnolitlnri of eXls esEgris,.drafrtgs; k reworl air>;" ARTICLE 4 N6LIL "ANTS`', 4f04 GEI+IEt 4,tt t ASub consultant, as defined in Seotton l t18, Is a firm that was rderitlfied as part of the. CQnst lting turn It[tFie competttivo selectiorr process by which Consultant was chosen t perform tire. seri7lcos wri ter this l greertient,, aril 0s such, is..tdentlflsd:and listed rt SoheciuL .Al attached hereto anti jrteorparated ky reference„ etc resulttn: from an PRO iRESS ONALSEr t/CGESAGREEMENT ors, on')t tioria, etiotetiOisS;_!fi • 4 A pectalty Sub oorrsulteiit ts„ atrei;torentered into a written agresn professtortat servrces neosSA.sy •fdnti' S clalty tb consultant shall tip 4 41 SU COHHSUL1ANTA RE All atvtces pt`o to agraaments bets aaery and pfat organigation that hss, wttf ' rho Consultanttito furnish unite antfIor or= task described un Cer Addttlonat Se-:;. 6.0, t ed trl-Scha�f t leA1.. NotniTtg c+ titartiecl. trt this Agreerittent shall oreafe any contractus between the City and the Sub cvnsuC#artfs "he -Consultant. a8kitowledd eri**6ly t rotor s.:tt eoitort,� cQbtraf, srtp stQt.• ratan#ion n4:10. isc rat 4 U3 C 1AI�i ES TO SL1� Ct7N.3U.LTANT$ The Consultant shall•h€0t adds fmodlfy;,. or ohapge anyr wnttai approuaC {i the'° Qlretrttir or destgneein response ilia reasonsfor dri propassettiostl€r iorr.: { ti'F 1 J"FA t1W EU• ERAL ' ff Consultant faits to co tp y with any`term or condltron of tkhrs Aearaement, `or fails tee perform any of Its obli atton•s hereunder, then Cons•ultant shall -;be in •defaul•t Upon the •occtttrance `of a default hereunder the Cray, In addtttort'to all #emedtes available to Itby law, i�rtay. ' mm dtately$ upon Written notice -to • :Consultant, terminate this f greoment wtrareupptt aft payi erns, advaitpe;x, tir other eoonpensatton paid by tote City to Cott*idiot t +uhtla. Cons,.ttant Was 1n tf e atilt shall be' trntrrlodtately r'eturrtect to the' City^ tsultant uiiderstarids andyi tgrtros that # trtna#rant of the Al raofnol nda h„ sacttorr•shall not arrow CQrtsutantyfrrrn any of the pectaltzed rittoes, ;Mach. suant o appropriate Cl cot)t in pro r1st4ns co stlltant ltstedrn 5otie€itzla o a writiel: request fro the Ca .toOs- hip :coflsuitaflta ace tt prior tr sultant st'Atirlg itiotti:0100-„:40.00,4t.Wraf Pad Irt thieevent of f orrntnaflort due to default to add►tton to the fv..re omg ortsultant shall be liable to tl a C at for all expenses incurred by C e Gkiy ill prepSriitg and tiegai sfrrtg tiros :expenses lrtourred bj the City rile rs piecttertont of, the Sri Incidental deal gas In the -event ai default •Co tetittant until Sudo tit e.. 'theaatfcins giving oNDttto :a tiF DEF•AULT A:findFng f default and ailbsequent ter matron for cause tray include,; vtrlfho if llrttltation, Om of tile, folowtrt0 5 02 4. : Onsuitarit fails to gbtaln';ot Tnatrttaln the fin ursh e en br�hdtr g lief in: regwtred< 5' 02 2 C`onstrlts t fails to ompl t rn a substantia(or rrtateriet sense, with any'of its duttss under this A rsetrtont, with. r-ty ternrjs €tr coitdtittiti : set forth In • eer teat or to any'a0reement tt has• with the City, beypnd the specified enod 1l wed tp cure.such default. 2 3 Consultant farts ;to contnience the Setvrs w ceithin the tirrte prodded 5 0or contemplated tietein ar falls to,complete the.S:ervices itt a timely rnari:tier as; tequlred:by thts:Agreel ieftt oei Pr.pgratrt 5p)14.0 Sq.P1)C g. A•0 4f0}•Ws,.'ts c,: RFct:11.R12 ) 1 PROFES$IONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 64)24 -0.10)1i 41t0ht 0.1004 cis 6646.1..$ pursuant t6.-.§0Otfoh or is (iiti0060 debarred by agency. . „ . TIME.To:.quq8.:0EF40.;TrFoROE tvIA4EURO Bity through the tDuactor 4r*1164p':0011:4)rOy18.4:wflOrt AA' pf•As to tridIng ofdefault, and take aU necssary action ta Qura said defau w1thk tme stipulated in said notice, after which time the 04( may trmfrate the iiVi°0t:rft, The City at tts sIe discretion, i*4oW addtionaI day to 156.#rt any required cure Consuftant provides wntten justification deemed r$otiably tOttiOWtt, h:. id.nu • 1 if „on ft. o. 4. kr #p0 ap(j)p .cipp f:;oor.),! lon ,f ;.arqeMaI rs f.: „. term Iti166:Ah6 commensurate` •'•• • • ATP *4.1).:;00,:04400 00t) f0.14#0.10*10.0:0.0*,. ......: . . , . .ARTIOLE. TERMINATION OFLAOREEMENT „. . . $3):1 • rITY.341;IT TO TEgMINATE The Pjqt..4414r1..0the Manager, Director or his/her designee, has the right to festi*OtOttIS,ftt00.0.gt, for 6600110.14,f.Or any reason or no reason, upon ter (1 0)::.:44**(4* ntice Upon tOlri.4006:. of this Agreemant, al charta, sketche, studies drawings, and other documents incuding all e1etroniccopies to.l.d to .180eViodt:..ttitil101i#4.1jiidor thii.Alt0...6friehti.,,:Whdther'firShethrjt;b6tiTh:Oit b6luthdd.:::6V4e to the Director or desinea The bori$41rAtitaccordance With proVItiel::::,:Of Attadhttrit Prw..1404i)14010.49:ovrpeeitottoq-,.is.'fprriod ouer to Plrodor.;q.:460gpowitiltrlotv.!(10) 'buitost•'..cloys'.. of ten1001.pn...:F010re to !fig:10y deliver the ;19.omr.PRtOtiOn*gtf 00;;Oguso..:'-fo..'WO11010 any payments duo without recourse by Consultant ugfil:01.:doouropr.ifOtiOn t••••,4pilyereOi.9 thp:,0.frgotOr:grAgi40,.. .'0.96$01t4fitShOli have no rcoursa or f0T10(4Yfrotri a termination 0'0'0 excapt to retain the fees earned POMpiehiitIa4 for the Servtce that was petformed in'966,10t, . awill511.Mt6.•:Witti this Agreement, as and trial ••,:iettIbiii0ii l'cost,1 bhare or 07itif10110it it may have, cr will, have agairist filo; City, '.i.ts.o-tifesis•iofiet'40Foyes t OONSULTANtS rild4i`TOT8WINATThe Consultant t . • - • • `; si)p11111pvg:thiluitto frg711gte this AgreAmprg,:::Jg'.wrIttrygi.folipyvirlg-prep0:1.1?yth,•0tty,, if .1400.44 of contract has not p001OrrOPtei OftO,PitAT,0010,1-,,0 a *140t(000400#9*:P0040f.it*0§0001*.0046h oititoto$#ii'Lt)it-wert_c$14.,k6.641. Cdriotiliant •tiivOtitnts..fb4f.)i has not employed tr,rstslrf0i,ony.:OPMPatiT"-OtPrPort,.bthOrthOti a bona IMO emp[oyee working •*olefy for the, Consultant to $9110 or s000te:IWAgtgonle.,0*119ttiOi-17.)p::gr she has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, filci•ivd401, or firm, other VT411. a'...bci.na fid GAPtcYp*,*000.,:pplelyfPKIP.PiPrAYtt0.11 any fes, commission percentage, gtft, or ...9.1bg.r..9940id9roton 990f10:0)#::499.0 Ot-t00.0g.frOf)j!lo*k#N:'6r'',o:sot4:.Ot'tbtk'iNOt00#1:O4. Fort* breach or 00)'Otiart of thts provt.sidri, the City shatl have th0".tiollt:to the ta" • • . . .0.00tiiVteN.T.SANP..0ECORDS ':6V,V.61EK41310:OF 00:004gt0$ Alt C4.9!)A. maps, PATTTP plq0.1P0. 4401tit*:;6000mOti.-S-*Oft.:4'::Ali 400 000.004,,to§.00**1%,.;!:44610i.4400:-..444-,p004,40.000100 fragi; inciudinp alt etectronia digital copies will be considered Works made tor hire and wilt, basd an joritooitilktittgriger Wher&n lhe above that :060:tie% f116:01'.60(fy, . at the City u�n payments made to Cultarit or rminion of this 0.r.°61.106jk11:45:th.reStr19ti.titt'br.ltirli*.t99v-Or.flh9it ut% anct wiR be iNd.e: gv4I14414:;•.:pRTAPPA4,•`)0•4tyPt'0.11YrtiriA;c419.111P.:P.O'OnTioiloo::.ti.t $1x611:prOpooiph40.14000„::oorriOlotion ..thio.:.Agroornott,:'OPPOOltaahlf -;.1.*.Popyildilf.,,AriymOtpriW:'.gp0]prp0001t or patOrit.,.priy jnvenion evetopad under ths Agreernent The City shall have ttie right to vislt the sit.fOrIn, !PAO:1QT) of . . . T.torlopprottono-pgratp:suppprt Srvis vihte.a.coo.t I:T.4:114g •gsi grid the products of C04; Iiri reprt drtcibfe d;opiess, sorely occupancy of the F�ro�a 7y12 %ELIVE &V .POM REt UEST Ott CANC.:1% C I Failure r€f the i onsuitant to promptly' deliver ail such :documents, both hard copy and digital, to the Director,or designee within ten tt) days of cancettattort, or +�fihtri ten ( )days of request- y the y,. ti lust cause for ti C>ty to wittitiold peyti7i rid of any fees due onstiltent until Cbrieuftaut delivers. . 944r ts,, CotisctitaClt shall Have rte.. cn rse irarn ti~se requiraifteilts.„ 7 n3 R>w USE 0Y CIT`l It. s understood That .ail Consultant provisiofl for the ra use of plans option, acid by ti€tue of;signing•tf-' provfsiditt withotitthe neceasity of without recourse for such re tee :documents, stu lies,,d r `other' lots* this Aeerrtrf: 7 Ct?NCiSCL p4 +SURE* t o the 'exfent alld�wed .lay to g Consuttant agrees net to divulge, furnish oc rpake auaila6le to any fihird tree PROFES ZONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT me The Consultant shall tie permitEed toe on a d ePgcertoe tr.2:-00 otfon with i'- greements and/or ►Mork Crriefs for iiew 5ert Ices W Itl. footude the: specthcatigns, including cortstructtait drawings, at the CiWs sole teemer t Consultant agrees tip, such reuse in ;accordance zwi ih�s iar approvals, totrpensat7on, fees or documents being;required and.. "he Consultantvtil note liable for reuse1r the pity of plans, any puiprs tither than; ti at iit>idid %y thetetnttd>cct tdicrrs of Lisa and ersorif firm ororgartf anon, u ifihotat b for ar des gMe .a- pilorwrittan consent, orunless irj. j, .ent to the. Proper pef f..0 fence of the ConsuItarnt`s obligations hereunder, or ift the course of iu iciat or legislative, • proce dGn s Where such rnforrnetiofl hae teem properly subpoenaed, atny non puoi►o tnforrflabon (.e g., ;documents, dater records etc exempted from Pubhic,Records Act disclosure) concerning the services td f se rendered by Oonst►ltaht hereunder, and ,Consultant shall require all of •its erriplayees :; egstits, Sub 000s04an0eho subcorilradoi to comply With the prtatiisiatts of this paragph; rft 60.I4TEtAf+lC>= aF•�2Ct?tiS consultant will Seep , dquate records services hereunder l ecordrs0 slab `iig, shah brr .Kept III accordance wit ocurterrtatiort will be retained by Con • tetmiriatlorl of :flip Agreern rit: or the Date i h authorized agents or yepresentatrves of ,rds and ):lo: Lime :ntattilon as of e :during the three Iy3 year period rig dur4n, normal k�uslri> 0 hcura l "f"l Ll B tti oEMNiFLCATION • end; suppcattirtg dctcumei tatipti-Which helafc�vfsir�n Iaf public Record ttaw, I" tfte provtsiorls of'thia statute{ AtheY saltier for a biro rum rf thrg e. Prt�je't �iiettyy dsehem'deeisdc,Cor lgthart iW'tiog ta1p OV ,paollv.ihnaveeittstheyvder such huedciitet« bncerit dt refiIect its a Stetrues 0hapter, he records end. omt)eCleteof } "•y fir ahy duly `ll slyd;h 'tit aid orify rho ConsuitaYsi shalt indieriirllfy, defeptf, sane and hold harmless rho{ty and its officials,mtaloYe;,P-41°. .agents(caketiveiy referred to ss '`ftldetnniteach of iheni froi aail loss, , penalties fines, d emages� clairns, expenses (iriciudifig attorney s fees) orliabllitre4 (cdtlectiVely referred to • as iiabilifiesu) tea the::extent .ar sing:,out of or resulting (corn tar itt cprinestion With (i the negligent fir otherwise wrotagfful perforrnatice crrxioh performance of the. duthes,: responsIb!Iities, stati`derds, seivice5.; supplies, materials and equipment contemplated byr #file Agreement wf filch is directly• or ihdirectty caused,. to wholo.or in part, by any act, omission, default, profession?t errors. ar omissiorls, pr` riegllgenoe 0/hither active or passive) of the Corisuftarttor its employees, agents' 0r sub cohdultnts (ggflectivaly referred to as 41:44. Jfyin Parties" i•egardtess of whether it is, or• is. sileged to be, caused to hole of part (whether joint« oncutrertt or contrrbu in by eriy act€`orts;aion, defai{ilt, breach, or negligence (whether active or passive) of the indemnifying Rar(fes or irldemniees, or aiiy- fire failures of the Cd5iisulfant to: comply with ariy or.the prouisio►is herein, .or (ill) .fhe faildite dif ttte Consultant, i r tI- lnderririitees, if apphicahle, to oorifori to statutes, oTdtnattces, rules., or dither reegubatioris cf requizernetrts of ariyfederai, state,: county:, or c�ty.goyernriiental authority or agericy, special district or state school, inconnectiort with the granting, approving or perfsarmartce of this Agreement, or any Amendment to this Agreement, orally actions ot°•choileiiges:that they arise Taut of this th*:-. gf ernent, a amended, by, as dlue to alleged failure to vompty w th any applicable ropureri e t requirements or sirn►Ier limitations : trnpospd Pr) such 10.- Transp t:t they? pprpr:O:o.por Seivie riI Q,�1 i tJ3i • Kmlay Flora&Assact tee; jnck Goni a $ 445't FiRMSSIONAL EERVIOEs AGREEMENT P.•d.rOti*rts o9f;60 or ny .ai4hotd itp from arid aanst a1J 1b1itis which may be ad by en .eni0106eOfiforrnef' emplayee of 6001tAiii or APY.#,'4 subo ators as provlded abQve foe ).016h:311.6 0040644s 110014:.,#) such Yed 'fOttnei ;.etri'piOyee. •P"Oitti3Or#' uncir sate orkos 1d*:Thi#"-ti01611.0411 b0:1i,It6Oratetl•;tild'•deottitoid, hiMitiel'iO....b&OYWith grqAprigobsio.eforidoi:PtatuttsetoOttdoo;',Withdut liMitetION.Wtioh$•,:Ver4lOn'A 725;,.Q.eitpd 725,;;98; 1:1i0044S, ,ontoti4:6rthit $'6(k5,h,fT.iiimirittettitAatidti thA:0:110110t(on oroX.p.itAtioipf3110'-14r00.mAnt; The Conuftant shall rpROIrp:ga.-gb.,p.900tant:;AgrPOrrAltP;t9 tncjude a proi*Aitt4tft-Ay:wit.eiricioriOy. the Cy Tha Consuitarit agrees and recognze that ,h0 City hsll not be held habte or responstble for any clamsWhioh may result frorn any acttons or §16140)44,:eiffh*.r.,46,..0410pt,14.044th*PV0.0,0100.,.*: 6.1t110111# 6h4:',e0e*: '4§iiO4.6:400:0:d14:-.00404;04:k06i,,, :.41-it4Y.1.0 00:i, :00001.60 Ott0i0060 any by submissions the Consultant •6400iiff:the Cty in no way 44004 shares any retfrafielblii*bi' liabthty of the Consultant bi:#466histit6iit.i4hOefAhle:AdiOnient;, , To...4440o '0:1:0.4. -;tfle .City cpn0tut.: jrfOoppn4ont 4001400:00:Vt44k0000.0:::00114)M60(tizifi90401;:th*:000:4f1014110§*rgiOiokt*:yolotorrfiy,00:d Arkild.Ltt WSURANE rie :011:4ij pot ',AO.reeiheht :Until the C- itent Obtetrie-d-ill ,„ . .. . !nsuranca• clOred.hereunder:end,the•City% Rsk Manager has approVed sueh uisurance• 01 PQMPANIFOpRovfOttsio cOVElkAd. . Alifjr.t§cfranco:polipfosi:thWt bels.suf4:3Y1-0omPAnie.$'04thotizAd to e0;1bV.OlnesS:'-un4er .,• • •• „. , • a State of"Oc200-:Apcl'-ottoitaotopitojthe:--Rioc:-,4di*Otrot.c4-••• agent 0.04 06..t0i4.•;4)0:00A0c):-, 9O2 COVERAE Tht certificates o h*Ofeite-fOlf*ROc•Aciieninitt)*tOf•f0r4410:::'„04:1010.f0Y..0 otio-rto #.1.6.10gettittoiliof this Areement The Certtthates halt learly ifloate that the 06ti•OOto.6t has obfgiodf:190417Ano,;::00:htlYPAi- :diasEftottori.:r6qpir4d by these provisions, tfl excesa f any pending :qiaiftit:i'otth throof., contract award tci the O�nsultantConsultant shall::t;0016fOlri'::tOv:Of0019Vith equal or betterrating eAlidecilified..hereitfOr.lhe:iercn of this contract •'06riagiteint-:*011'PrOld0'Wfitten. nPtiCAFIP1h@•:00:,..:P,,:,'00Pgrfth94;Pf Risk Management 0.ny-n100.1710i#ADgPk'-'PACIPPijAt6ril001Or,notiq0„..0 44-..440rj04[ of the '.14:0440 within 0 days of the change Consultant 0,1,i4fOrri.'10) a 0Opy-:Of 010, RI4K-Mi7016,1004.• doropitApt. shall furnsh 0oples of insurance pbliciee 'pettdihttt0.10.Ahle•Agreehieht.:to.::;•Ritk•Adtnitil§teettle. Within lAh.:(i.0..4y,t,bt wpOri•-toctwoa, • • pr,opprty•i0p0:9% Ths cQvara9a *hot.: 100a:::(01140$„:000:;00001100,,,„ppoitooiltov.:00000041..o#1gyi:;w14:Po440*.04'.090100_ ,.:0000064y.:601 !0:0010010.t o4.0.§r061§60 as appllcable WeWr0-:g0t00000k00.0:110-!4...f.#00;: OfThe oVerage shall : ItYCOOtt.it(.44.1)0,1004 be Written !.04 pruiary and rion coributory basis. With thti:?CitVrit6ted•i§en tefiebt6d by endorsement 2011.0:' 11/85 •of: . „ ... • • . • • ..:O00:00:Itetion'0101t1:teett.:00)-4ey0i40)..Aey$lor .• •, , 9 032p.1JsimpApTpmpail4f, The consultant shalt pitiVide•busthess,atitornohlie ifebilitycoveregelnduefing,icovQragebrerowned .600 and non 0.WfiO4•'.0040ti addibonat insured respect :000/ tft'o) .„..... •. • • • • • -•. • d:406eiipii Irokoppoits)oroororri.Oppost:$p*o4, t•.•,tiritr66C-N& .11 10PE$SfQNA;L LtAB[U1 ultarit shaft rrtaintaii Profession lip thefts it Ecti:te Ce nsultenf snail legally obJii .0rviss performed by the Consultant or ;thy p4 ttnis A reerr'i'ent "Fh1 insukance shaft be tnain eoE•iskrL JO and ar ceptaiide, of any pro,#ectics l i • s a= Gdrisuitant> The'Consuttant shalt maantani corker's on ensati Chapter 4:t, asr amended, and Employee's Lia ocPErrence Waiver ofutt 0gaf lort'apptses In favof';it CQt`t t } Alf Y Gt�Nt'UAN E at eI€ Sub consultants comply with these sa 04 Mbb!F GATLONS TC The l rsf4 Arirrtinistrator or 1lisll�er authehzed d ge PROFESSIONAL Sr~E vicEs AAREE n NT iriorease }k r p an n the r hired insurance r. obi%attons by rrov,diri a th► ty { � O. wr�ttert 1 Brain Consultant shah comJ fy wJth, such r u avaitakle in the: nat€onal market, an�t=:tnay requ ustifictiori:. kt LE 1 t 'tl+flSCi=L.L.APIEous 0 Cif Appr. ' Rt HTS �,ie i✓ity resarvas the:rEght to audit tf e Cons titant's accounts during th$ pefformande of tilt a Agreerrieiit and for three.,t3 Years after fmat payment under thisA9reeEment "ilia C;Snsuttant agfees t° furnish copies' of any records necessary, .in ;anthe epn.ion of;the Director to approve any regi4ests�for payment lay tine. Can'J e uttant. Audit:cd frispection, pravisians of 8 'itlCt tly41i h l$ Ct€r�f City of,Miat�u City Cade, as amen�€ed apply fo #Ytcs gr em nt sirs 'are dsrerned as tieingiincorporr ted fey:feferefipe tiere.,Irs.:" ©i32 ENTERS AGREEMENT his Agreement, as it rriay tie amendsd from time to time, rapt esents the ently.6:' d integrated Agreement ,etween the 'city acid the ,;.Gc7risultant eta , supersedes a1J prior negotiat€°ns repreaehtatiiihs cr agreers eitts. written ar oral This'Agreemerit may not be,;amendaci, changed,, modified, or atherwEse ;attefed'ErE any respect 'at any tirrre aftsr the execi.Et 0 hereof except by a w .itten docurner t oxecuted wilt? saE�le Qrrna i y an equa rn r , ee ttent sail riot e dpem d{to tee a w ire of ar y ntf er a eackt of arty prcv€siort;of this greeCpeht. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ormarice of tilts Agreement shall not be"transferred pledged, sord dele ai hcste,or €n r art, by the Gor�su€tanf� ulthout the written canserit of tie i: ap grief feserves =gp c( rerrEerits, cevete obce tp the Cons{ finless the InsiAr addEtto al; cons€de odiflcat1nts, ar tnsuranpa: withg1Q).6 of theni re0ddy' iecornJzaniecl t y and QrnEsst°ns,- ' egate providing fort( aiEns arise out of the' (it En Corineotion �Ath colt p tton . �t the titera0 Rust r'eterehoe.the. a Branca in compliance Furth #t°tide 8faf ites, With a rpinirnuim Jirnit, of ;5O0,O0t each: is certiffdate.h01der t dig ty he ewEtt2 Waiver icy eiter pa y of a breach of any prov€stop=ot this 7zxtissionn li is untierstotid that e sals of the malori€y ^ of the sick WOO op i enefif of fired€tors slalf cacti constitute art a&sEgnil •ent .or sale hereunder requlrir prior City approovai; ;G issf or assigned, d through its Gift', hares 'of the be deemed Ultant�s servJos arp inEgiie ip rteture and arry ttai}sfererzce withraut Gity aimm ei� approval sri�rll tie cause for the i :its to cancel Phis Agreerner t Tne Gonstii#ant shelf have no recourse frorp such caeca€tatioit The City i ay I quue b ri irtg ether seotirfty, certified financial sfatements nd tax returns fro .t any proposed A6signee ails€ tttie e edition of an Assignment Assumption Agreement, in a force sat'tsfacfory fo'`the G:ityAttorE et' as aCc rSditJor#. pr`ecadent fc considering .P rav:l of an gegnhittit, Thh anSuitant .d th 00.,, 660 binds orEe anon err their partt►srs successors, leg t epieser tatives f authorled assigns to ilia other Jarty of ttt1s AgEeeient and o tits partners, su'ccessors, legal rasirntatives of d `assigns of such part r iri respect:;to ail cover'tarifs of trris'.A :ei .ent`: 04 t" t.i'T;t-I f I,1E,0T1Ai'IQN artatioii Program �up�ari �arVtsr��' t4irrileY::: `.Conoco 12 RFC 111Z-0:31, PROPE8810NAL8 VICES AGRaMENT 111 p9rnP4npe onaultan a .ompo.hti 6.Negotiabon .Aot for -any, Prpleot....,to 1.).p pprop.ahsated gryclet:Jna Lump SUm rnethod he Q6.000t04.erhfie that wge rate And attar factual f60,11#10 Ot NoticeP60441. 'Tf.16 oitl*:00.4004.30toOto'cio :04y grgoifitmt.'§bitit by whth .th6:0,:..Vdeterrifiheilfie'Orojed70eft;e:Wai..!:itareated;,46'.teittiaO.OtIratai -sjild.Ohiolatia. OfbOrilt.tOrierit'Wa§6 rates :and othee factual Unit- Obiata:. All such prideadjuattrieritt:':Wlitb6-,.rhatieWIthirt.i year toitioshinglhe end Of thePtcgoot. and :000*LiOd ti100400.0-i4t) and gverned by the laws of ths Stat of Fiord Ariy stht ar action brought by riy party, concerrnn this AgrerMnt, or artsfrtg out bf ths AO.rearheilti %hitt, be -oh64glitfh Ea-dil.'00tyilloitte4i*':Owit*tiffiet 1.66§ 6k66-0.t b otons 6061110:piit of ConsuItntts duties to r44601.11-fY the .6tty.:.un46rARTIO11 8 where Consultant ihalispay.the'CitAreaaoriabt6:'.,aftorneVo:f66a1:146,0,1tkittlateriforoelthe'4on$..oltari6:ft to ihdomnify;: 10.06 140Trq4 Whsnever ether IjArtSi ...datitas to give tiOtied unto the tth6r, suoh noUce rnust bein Wrttng, sent b' 46toted United Sth±es mail, return receiptrequested, addressed to the'party.,for wham it,-)a:Eirftantiad at the plate last 066ifiect,:---. ancl. the place giving af notice shall rarnaln.,;6a6h untd ft shall have been oharia0 by:written -nOtto6 in compliance with..the provitiongij.:of '01.6 paragrph Fr ihoprosoni, the partlear461gnate thefollowing...as 'the re.s.p.0.01ve.ptadas-for.:givfng of.,n3tto0; .F0f 01tY:Of .N11,011.1.1 Mark:$:onbib . 00144:1.0grOVOMOrit'$'iii.rograrti (010):' • - -:Mtami, Withe .copy ,i6ovarfriy:.Ro0figuet:;.,Et.:,..8.,,, At Ostaiiibit 00141 ffilor00.-Orf$:,P4rAm (010): lifiont'rEttxida :$b, I iFor.:0;:ati6tiltdiit i'OrOg.4p4A100 Vice Fresident '• ,fut ariakeit AV6ffuSttita. 40.0 00.000..TATh* , Aar.011:0rit4r*I0r*f0...0600 purposes. of.t.64mt-40004.t.M;b0400,1:0f0046k.-004i1Olviii.440fOtit*i0:1040014:§140,Oha04 and th :1114616(06111tit1tid6,:th6i$461,-; and 4_41ibWori0 not to ny pOittier :t000.:rioo,•:!pta:argp.k or section where they appear, Wli.opoyrefarenoala:.„Ria0619:.g.peottori..,,.ptArti.o.164f this.540roar:IPnti.:§q011,..r0forPtr61algAtyP.;.:$„:p.dph.:.0f- ArtfO16. as a whplo,-1ROOitig:*11 ef th§440.:00140 of $..140tN'%0094., 1).61:0§§10 reference is made to a pir00.014.041?0001.0.0:00.414.5*404.'h af #..:Oh'00t6ii..,4',..;*1010;. ,40i)t,Pitt.altt.NtzAtt0N: this Agreement: has teen, :f;jOlii-effort:,:of the "cohsoliantianii resulting ....,... . . dooprrO:ritthall not,6o161y6a.:6 mattOr'of114010alOnatr,O.010ni:.be•obrAtn.t6d plaro:spvPrOY,ogatonst:ane of the patties any othar J.3 • Titt)0.04#0.0Pr004,trI;$0.006rt 8n4ces :1110; 'borittkot Phone 954-535-5100 Greg.Kyle@Kirnley-Horn.com SSr i&AL SERVICES.,AGREEMEi�IT 10 Ctt PRfC7RCTY t 1000.N$ it's them is a conthct or rnuonsistoncy be attache-pyt1eret 1 any Q ,.tr,:t nt pf e Agr rrient bit k r r d SA k 1 stateirrt, r re tiirer`r4ht :ar :pr"o tsiort coritalne IEI LA "ION WAIVEI OF JU Y TRI t' ttnrt to engage In a cooperative effort tp res; and for corrbtruion of the subject pry parttos to this ,greemet agree alt disc . prior t the inrtratran of litigation, unless xifhervrtse agreed in writing by the artras A ce who th :rparttee find r>?rattraliy acceptable, writ, conduot any ledlatron Proceectrngs in' liamr t3ade County State of;Ttorrdak h'he parties wilt splitthecosta oo a certified madrator can a Qtag pads The Cahsuttant: agrees la, orchid such atrrlitar contract Cavisrans irth`all Sub'consultants artdtcr Independent contractors and/;or Q nstUCtarits reta€rted.tar the pr eat(s ,>ttterai y providing f'or nonbtidtng mediation 'as fhe primary mohonisrn for dispute~ _reaolutl01, in an: `effort tape peditetf a conclusion of any Iitigatrort the patties voiiariterily valve their rkgfrt to jury trial cir s#atetiient, regiCrremertif , or prr�vrplan of to erri, or` etiy document irtccrporaie luirerrtertt, or provision of this Agreement Agreement, shall`prevarl'end begr'ien off #o fite;pormissive cbuCiterciatme:ln arty'• action arising under.thks Agreement zI�tIE ssence it 1 1 12 Oil? TAt glic fr ;1.. &WS Consultant shad •corriplr with alt appircable laws, cozies, ordlrian>~es, rutes, including, r rthout irmkts .ti rt : the A ericans with Disabilities #act (t'AbA) a ielrnes and standards in perforrtlrng its duties, resptr`risrbrlitiesi rnant Th Qonsuttar t_r eraser fs and'warrants th0-:•• ere a sit ed by is in connection, with the performance oT;this Agreernerit 10 42 4 Non C iscrrmtn iron ' City, warrants and •represents that it does,irot and: will not ene age in disortmrnatory practices end that thara shall oe no dlseriminatior rn connection with Consultants performance under this. Agreerrtent on account of.'race, color sex religion£ age, handicap, rnantat staters 7'''' national oil rr bonsuttart further covenants tktat era et ierwtse uairrrezi rndlvtdiaak liati, soI [y by reasarr df hislher rape; color;: •sex, reiigibn, a.e,; handicap, marital status or motional rrgin, be rrxclrztkeci frz}rh particle tics i i, be; •d`eiiied sal ides, .nr be. trl ject -to: aiszirkrttiriatrdi under any prbuisran of:t my exhibit . into this germ, e course of the prajcctsts)y the tding medletron. tiled Iediator 10 t240SHA.00MPLIAP•IDE• • Tl�a Constlttarrt wLrranfs that it 41 comply vet tgcal laws,`'rules, regulations and ordinances to Clty property, to Iudin project jobstt s� :safety gaol;- to accordance , suety tons is exf ribl 1012.3 ADA.C:QMFUANCE. Consultant: shall af€irmativot� Act t" 3i ") rn the course ©f i.l. of thrK'A i (regardln guidelines artd standards pondk.4crsm natrorr_!rt employme, 40 'fa N© j�ARTNERSHIP :. :consonant rs air independent contractor other business" enterprise .between the pa p€omise, det t,:-.defa rtt,;or undertat ng.;of th h aIC safety precautions as re he Citjt reserves the right C'ortstritakit employees'ar`e not prespei toils air tf a coritihtrincg pattern of non ulatra,4 anti resolutrc ns. rlded- and alt appiicabte gattons related to this •minst►on as 5rily wits elk a vdirlg anywork isot1rninatron 0r dOtionM y tFi rt of dialed pi 9a 14 .CISCRETIOHH.OF DIRECTOR Any matter not epressly provtded,for herein dealing with tt a City ar decision fire exercise= of the :reasonal le p ote?stonal dtsdretion of the Director.:or :r designee,. Trar sp os5.rt front trr s,opo e.:01A S Kirrirey I orn a As arat s l"no:. Cbntraat rtx phcbie°proytsions of the Americans �nikth Disabilktres. labor or."servrbas funded by the?City, rrtctudtn i Trties ;he basis of disability and all applrcabte regulations,. insultant shall take ° affirrrtative st:*ps t4� insure is Agreerrrent does nte a jcaint vMntttrir, partriers_ hip'Or ties The Oonstrltant has ncr• authority to bind the City to any. ,;Coh$ultsn 14 of tke Criy shakt be:within• he t erector's authorized FtF41,1=17ro33: PROFESSIONAL St.NVICES AGREEMENT 10.4$ ESQLUttQ.NQNTMQT b(SPLAIS. .}*'6.Lito1.)ptiAt000rt and theCty based ;.9,1;10h grt allegedi 0.0.tiP:''Of 0:10 V:00#10bt:* The initi1 step shaft be for the ConsultantConsuItnt to h0ffy ihs:.".?:taisgt:MariA9qr,14:w6t1.62 of the dispute and. 'got lope, .• Should the:;conttijt.tht Project Manager fail to tosoivolho-oisouto ttid:::,Cortsultot shall Sybhilt • .4 thOir,...c4010•in wntJng with alt supportng doctJentatqn, t tha Asslstant 14itootor asidOtifid Irt Attiolo :Ppoit:roolot•:.:otogid nbtif10.00rrtht•Mstitofli DirOttOri.:h011 *low tbo',I$SLIWrOIOtiVoito *Mon. Should the Caffstiltahtand the Assistorft Director Sritliar Directors 0010SO:fall to resolve the dispute the C0iiSt4ItSht shall submtt the thsputs in Mititt•Within five .(6) calendar clays to tha Diribtot .TFOut.016' qLibtOt tubb. shall tOrIttitute 66Opttlt. Of tfl.• firfOit4by tflisi.04fIpittot Obbn receipt of card .hbfificabri the bireotorhiit toyfovlho ire.lativ•6:to'ffii..ditbut# and IISSLIS written nnalhq. • _ • • Consultant rnust otibhiit oy;ffurther obooOrinT:writihd-vithiti (5) calendar days to FallUe to submit such appea af th6*tlit6bIffidift shall constitute iec660t&I4) of the finding by the Obb-Otkri,,.A00.661,tb:lm•Oliy•Mohagot. for his/her P.Ssaitglah,4S‘: tStitiffScl. 'Odor lb :.boti§4.1tahtbstrig-ishtitiod, tmount tlf bbbipontttibri,b0reup:dof exceed $50O,0O0 fi OtyMor*gpro 4Oo1oiOn;;..;.001 to ,'obrovo-01,,or. tfiSapptovid, thebity:f:•Corntrii$Sior R.L. Consultant $hO:;:nbt:bp,:orttitioditb•,,sookItiOtolW :reirOf .uhiess; • .• (I) it: has ;first received City thii6r". Wiltterf ddedion,. .:6bOteivd by tie City ::CattiniNSiohif - ••pplitAbro.:'•or• , • • (1) ioriba of igbdy •(pti)Ooys', has expired after submitting to the :City Viartegero:det4edewterpertt of the .depute, :accompanied by ..gj.t -,soppor..titv :documentation or ig period of (9.0 days has explrPct where City M$114.ge4, doct§.k..,r(iS:!$P$1eat foOity.....POrnri*it(40,PP'Prow0ti•pr• City has waived oorhp4orioo with the procedure forth in this section• by .w.t....tttb instrument(s) Manager. • • , • • liNPEOENDENT-CONTRAPTOR.t • • • •• D'co$ultgrit has bP00:-ProPuro0;04ct0::0;0100 engaged to ,peovii.e:.-ryjos.-to ,tho Ott AS!..-.4t(:10.pponcIont contractor, and tiot as an pgarit.:01..c.n010.y0e of the „AoogrOng1y,.:0...0naf3itgo(040(m.f. be entttled to, Pri:Pg11090:0FdillaP9PAOf •$9.01yA nor any rights generaily afforded ctassified o uncIassifld amployees ConsMltant further 04aOrStOrtOS Workers• 0Orri.O0hSOtiOrj beneits availabte to employees of the Cy are riot gcieljeble 10 COr!otAterit and agrees to OrOVIdewitkerii:::horhOofisotioh: Iiisdi'.6hoo::fOrOhiot:tibloyeo or agent dohst•iftlhit rendering citytihd6rthis ••• • •• • •. • ••• • • • • „. •••• • • 14417 PCNIIII.O.aN.CY.CLA14$8:, • , •. , ••. • • • • , • Unding for this Agrothiertl: tort.tiogo;ht ori the avatlability of funds and tihge' d: ti.thOrtiStio:n:or ..ProOratk.aOtkittos„.•*idiho„,Agrorhont_ls. :sobjObt•to_omehetrytont:or_ifghlindtiort:'..eitlo_itolook of olds, . .reopotion • • .• • ,•" ,,• 104 f3 11411kD P.A14.tet4thtftjAkY 0#'101440fi„tE0(1441:4 Gity agree that it is not 00.)000•11f any provision it this Agreement'0.0.01100,0, third party fi:ShOtiOial.i0106 or 46.04 AiY,'•04trif 0_00 of action ,10`,00900pythld thte-A§reorhoht.: - • - • • • • • • • • .••••• •:„. • ADOI)TONALTRIVI;$ • • . . N9 3001tiohOi terms 'enci ,'pon,elftiOn4 loolocied with t'e sollOafjoil •reppriso shit he.. eyaluated p9pSjcipre0, and any and alt such additional terms and condition s shall have no force or effect and are ineppicopOle to this SOlOotionIf submitted pithe.ipprpppoly, fh.rbogb hitent ordesign, or.f6sdVPriPtAY,. appearing separately trp6iMittel letters, specifications, litpt,eture, petca 144 or warrai1ties, it is lit.a.htP:Ottotigri PttiOr01.:SOPPOrt: OfV100$ REQ 1112.'57P31 RifT.1169'1460',101/4,3oDiatki$;.iho; ,Cor*da.146,-t e ott attests to rnctud tavhtcn r tiatettaliy' it eats tantiafly. very, Modify or alfbr opialon arttf reasorrab[e dtscretiorr of frre Clty will he of ns ond'ttcin shalt havr~-rib force r eftsct and are " S,A& orf othOt Greerrkt: y 13 Q t>to p ttaes 4410'e year rst aba to written: WIT ESS€ATTEST cknsttrt' ecre, tt�rrt OQnstttarif ATTS': ary rt (It ; tr#c, sk Manage brit:; gip: Batt cart t.Progral t Suppd gP.) ts:. p OFEs$tO.1 AL$ERyIOES:AGi E IENT i#tons to tuts satietfatian ars tha anJY candltotis ko er`s authorized srgnatttre of fixed to the a r ro%ssionar Services rs r�tent (PSSA) or in this solicitatti5n no •actdittonal"terms'or conditions. she terms ar oo aria ns o1 the kraement`, irk the=sole meted Any akcf air su, cl ddtttotiat terms and tnapplic bio o this Pts*I4tdr ar rstv%0 Agt`eomerit 'lTY tF tltt1111�trntctal' tr± Sat of Ftartd ay and rattr)n"of the "k.PPROVP A, 0 LEGAL ND Kl ley Ho ro and Ass�tates, Inc Certfficate of'Se40tAiy 001AtOpti4icolp. , To Whom It May Coricom:. I am tile duly qualified aid acting Secretary. 0 'KiDThley=1.16 arid Associates, 111 lioit4 Cgdlin4. Corporation The..follaiiiug is a trite tOpy, of a resolutiOrt.!thily.*lopie4 by the Board of liireCtOrs of the oOrpOratlogt at the Board Ittooth4,11Old on December '20, 2011 and -exitqedh the rnhuLtes of s4014, ..OleettuF, in ffie ifttrihte .book 'of the Wirritio11. "The:1)04rd itathicAsily a'ppfaved the contract aiguing aUthority,otemployees as presented. (A copy Of the entipleyee.list-5 as pies hted is ertclesed.) The is in conformity With the articles of incorporation and bylaws Of the corporatiot, has 116tt 'been mated or repealed, and is now ir. full. force and effect. Dated: Richard N. Cook Secretaiy (corporate seal) • El Ta .0144V*0.0 IO *NOW:ES:: 75rree> �st?U$ella, r€f3F: Fares, Ceor B Kerry, `l zco2 M iaberspn, eti; t}RLAWDO Chap; BaQ"T. �1Gli$OtI, T��'T� SA1zt f1'S'A.. aOlga Sep B. Stayal ,'Mama TAIL S Barr, Rlcharc . $eta, Cott TAIP Campbell, ban tllter,,Sci saelafes, be, GNf t i3 O X20$241Xr enue DUR`HAM Nucols, diaries �EiG} alTil*;,'A i$b ,Atktngotl . S!i Bnrcltett, horltas.F; . Stebbilie;S ' OW- COLLIN COUNTY iti.erc;. Brit A. �urriS; �regor,�B: lgrysinger, Cla s.V. Hall,axrtes fit, Ientg mzn, Dean A athatl,aro' i lxls FORM() ideriielc P. . „ . . 4.ey!gorn .044 As.0e-Ine$., tie!. CON.rP,A.C,r $i0NiSO ALITHO „ DLembe 2011 `I'44e ljetoii .have aid!' Orit'y sign 'dentnets iatt edified nnlex-Hotn-ft*Ins•Knefellent.• ftafteUeentind,§). tAtIFOIThra LOS ANGELEg- ORANGE tattn,,I, •lientrge.n, E. Yintent RLEA&ANTON Mowry, L. sAidkAMs— fit0 • •$(141-t; MicIp.pj. sANDIEqo ParrielcB: .t<frn7M1obae1 J. Sorens,On David ,SANIosE; 1-1d-d4y41,1.0,14 01,00.Th— MleIrekr. TORttAtn5tADAtt 910; 0i6g6isi S, JA0s.cptir,Lt -$004;:. ' 4t4); Aktt: •st 4.sep ORLAMO. Bkft Lan Maihrt,' John- tliatiA, SAttASol'A WaddillAtuardp:. 1,01PA., -14(TAM 0.40P.'40.. -CH • t-Of.0.: w4tii HERO BEACH. Ai',Ithoqj. Liens' S: fer, Mietael.B.: WEST PAUI BEACH AnAilirtA .110.$04, Christopher Peas', 7:014E. , . MED-AIVIERICA CHICAGO, Ajit.d0,-DekaM. CHESAPBAn c4itet, Ro4i, JakR. MEiAPHIg Monroe, X epneth otift, 'AST go,AciSVardA, .AtI,ANTA, 1 :NeWton,-:.0* RN-y,tkolt4 P000,.saitod mckvfo.A-b- P1004 •':t47.1WV,gi twcrrxEs DAtaelsoP, SUian. zanneM. BtApn oirgb66; Ibtt g- Dierk4, Keoleth A. Prane,Wilhani D. MePAergon, Icnren. AitANTA— •MrOTOWN E1li3�rgj Penney 17.,a-wvn tt, 14*0.; 4PagY Styobat4 1ayragn4 Weth14144 P. „BEAUFORT '<BM reneifer cHAnoirrE cox,. trim, unie„Robot,M. L Wi1beb ithamR- OAL.LAS GaskyXe91Th s. ktnizee, Wa.yne PORT WORit Arnold, .Scott. LAS COLNAS • VotAllson, To0 SO, ARLON10 SteiAlen PROFES$tONAL;SERVIc sAGREEMENT Under the direction of the Director or designee, Consultant is to . assist in the programmatic managermerit and admrniatration of the Transportatlan Progrern of the City,, consisting of, but not itrrr ted ta,:planned and p[arrr ed firarisfaortation • improvements, analysts, stuudi.es,`• esrgr : purcf ases :Of capital ,goods and uipment land cot tri otiorl l rojects It Is the Intent and purpose,af the City that Consultant shall p ptit.e the Services hereunder as an:. .extension of .O ice -of Transportation'$ resources by providing qualified administrative, technical and` professtona[ personnel tie perform tie duties and 'responsibilities assigned under the terms of this: t greement ie onsultant shall minimize ra(lance Qn ttio t 'hce off Transportation's resources four assigner ents sand activities provided under the Agreement,;; a s Ire authoiized b tE e Director or designee. :Consultant shell usa its pest effort at all tires to cause the Services to be• perfo expeditious and cost effective manner;cons€stent.with the rnte..rests ofthe Ci' Atal -.RANQ OF SERVICES AT: o1 9. Coanstuitan't they be regttired to psrforat all:Or so Agreement; clepeitding an tha needs of the City Tire sspecrfically authorized by 'this Agreerent,: which Service- • dlociplirtee.in,adClttjon to those held by tfte'GQrisultarlt boils Sar ricer onsuttant shall ° turn encompass ane':or rrrerj In the 'most. resented in this entices rafesslonal. At0. 2 T 'SS rraay iricittdafi buit are rnot Ilrrrlted to, research and erialysis, preparation of reports;. studies, ceordinatrgri wit[t comet[ nity ai~ anizatrons, project management, production management. owner`s representative, constrtro.tion a.dn ritstrattori, inter agency coordtnatiorr cost eat rriatit1g,')value ertgtneeiing, scheduirr grt utility coordination, ,docUrrrarit contre[ and. records manager nt, eand. admtrtlstrattve, �,nd financial Program managermeri[ for the City'a T.ranspor atton Prograrrm; The Services may further include taut are not limited;to plannin0, proprarrtrntng, 4ek investrcoations, tai,ser+ratierfs, fe slbittty studies, elternatiye analysis and environmental ettldted, trartsportatlort cost ritpdelirig,: f►rtrtFal analysis a> rd `other ptt'zltros: that itay ba required to corn. pproved Work Q 'dei'Si-. Attic Corisu[tant ttrITI not b:e responsible o waist rlth the purohasa oto . petal. good and/or equlprnent, but sl at[ assist wit[ the fiscal mgrtitoring fi these pttorl:.'rojects and, including them in annuatTransportattornnProgrir, A�€:o41-a T.he Cityr at its capttori, may elect to expand, reduce: or de[ete the extent cat,. ork elei rents described in the Scope of $eNlces, provtdeol such action does riot alter the intent: of the•Agreement:' The Director or designee will request Consuttant Services rats an as.�needed basis. There rs no guarantee that any or all Of -the Service descrii ed in thjs Agreerrrenf will be assigned during the term o`thts Agt'eerticlit; A'[:,tl2-5 COOPERATIVE WORK The Consultant wit[ tae resportsib[e to Work in aooperatton with the `Office cif Transportetio n, City. administration, officials of the City, d(erit departments acid agencies, community and: ether stakehntders, With c'onsu1tants, attd contractors to adrit iistarthe T`ransportattoii Progran s l reject$ A'I 02 B NCB EXCLUSIVE 0IG0T it sunderstood fiat anyWork Or rand Notice to Proceed will be_ Issued under this Agreem entat the safe 'discretion of the Director or destgriee Arid that the Consultant: has no expectation er'titlemerit, right to or privilege to receive a. Work Order or Notice to Proceed for any Project or Work The city =rreseives .at al[ tlrrres the right fa perform arty and all Services; in house, or With other private professional consultants; architects or engineers consistent with applicable law, including ,Section 2$7 055, :Fioride Statutes, (Corrsuttants''Competitive Negotiation Ac9'if`required, or to dtscontinue or withdraw: any:or ailPrplects orWorlk or: to exerdise.• every Oth6r:cholee.atlowed bylaw,: Transportattori tc(irr[ay :l iott'i;& air Sui�po i Se ices trio,.: iRFQ 11 12:7M pAbFEssiatALsEiMoE$A6REENT Tfird,"Agradinerif4oa.'6,6.t :qdrifat 04.001ati aX6140;0..4:00at,101•6*Y Work • ,••.reuired••.,ky theCiy PAYMENTS The Gty wll pay the Consultant in .apporetance,With arKr Attaolinwni 8 No payment W:1)f•b.a 61000:10i-tla . Work Order proposa or for any Work done n the #}.0,p0,.,,af:,,06.6,0,.0400V00 '0004 Notice to r-5i.00e614051:girPwg11P,..T ARTICL.A OVERVIEW bF:',TRiMINp vO: :Mb IRANtit. oldbom . . SERVICES . 4Z61, PRIMARY SERVICES whol:Dirrodorboawooa%in116/herIole.diserefitn.:;,Id tifs thai'nead .faeSeNlee.a, provlde 'a Work •:(461-Proposal 'foe .th6::petfortlante said Set9ites,:The. itiOlade„,,:but are , .„.. notnepaaaarllylrnite.0, Whose, kientifiedin:Attiole.,At 01 RangabrZonii6e.s, The award and P.01.Q11.*4W.9.tic Order Citytsid*or,Olork :40 aul:irri:1401:Pf.a. PrPPP.44114-,no guarantee Or, asspranoef, thaf the,,,,ConeglIant. will be 4,4,tb.Ol*OCi.000000the Wor, COrnOnsaliRri feratlYSON.10.e para ely neot atednd irnay .:ba lumpistitn,:bourly.tats,based pprorateby A1.02 SPECIALTY -pERNilos,. Where tXteOtdp or designee n 1)10'161-Sok'diSdrOtI06,identlf166-#ie. 'OW !ftif:So:MOO: related to and po8tibly latg-‘`tdala.:01einaiit:Jit the Progrm and such Stvoes tea;'ona*lablefrom wthn the Ctft pot...tonna' :tatouf.40%iOrainOtaft:t oolaity shtI provide a Work 'Order -Piopopol;fOt tho:.porformanpa Of..•arid:•$01'Vida0.,.• Said pitoodi 0414111y, In spoi). 40011 as deemed appl.optiatt.-ty:fh .:Director or 'Oslo nee / fhanaturaiorlftopt,Oppaad .$.•w\4p0.; the extent of manpower -,and s other:reeOproe, required or uch SpecaIty'$,OP1.tcP4,• and the iri0d4a1(0,- .... v. firm(s):,41-kator ,,eKpatflia •;f1a, .fiald of:tha otibiaot fandeavor„ 'the a$,.010rilept of Work as 8pesIty Servces shaU Director and wliJ b000061004010 Ths a and executon o a OrderWork••16'§ ft. Q Ica: q,. roqp0 aryloes.shall, be oIey et the .01t10;dicretion and submittal of proposal is no guarantee ar asuranob:thatina :O.onstittatit will t0 POtt,PritillOitoka..Ai:Ocjail(Og•MOO • • 0.001panottiOnfOr any Specaity $eimpea shall to40potatoly.,:tlegotatea 'a lid: :•itay be lump it„Litt•,-:..hourty ratobasaciprothar tnitnoctaa.,tiaaniad-„gpprOnate.$y th patis.• ARTICLE A3;PRIMARYSERVICES; Those '',$.-r1/44Qea;,orpfaorogi by the Cty to be fundamental to ;fh.6.$(,Ict:e$$fut rt.tott4gottorit,':offhp.oyerall Capita tmpt.pyarnqntkProgrOt shall be considered Pnrnary:•8grV.t.Oev:ond:iallatlf,opfWat generally of the f401.I.4:@rpg.a.;, . . . . A ADINISTRATIVE'PRQG.RAM.IVANAGEMENT . M , , :10# capacity as Oft1-401:):N104100Tri sole discretdn, dentIfies the need in r,';86.9ttottitent, and management, icuing but 171.0.101.tp411Thof0.1i0.46.9 ,,......, PrQgram . „, • ..• .., • : • • titilita:mOtatiOti • Ottafe.00.: recomrnend,the moat efrpOilve methode tothg§hi00:01.1*Pt0:0f:0*.,0yooipoototk .A3,01,2 PrOgralti -Ocidrditittidit 'Coordinatio6-,001 adied01Cfnariabartient.:feje-Pebject:deSton, pr000ternebteerrtreet:riegotia.flOn and contract admnitstraton actvitie 0,04 Poram 1400t10'; 'WOrk0101*, .php0)o.and 44004„, f000datin4,,i0101.00-„004116Pic •daytation„ and'aiiiroealo aoef04411ie.litio.a.d.t of potential otiajiot-'16.0.010007 plan 19 iitt'00 Pr:40 81.•40cif.f!0:1-0.ca' Kir6101146m $tAat561.6:Wirltio, iii 1a Staff & 0usirtess; �pttti once P. epai`e offtciat. rntrrt' di ; amination. ,1€3 € i ROLit C1 iQt1.1 The :Consult; htsle. ;sp1:e pR:OFassiOm siRvIG 43isaal 'tans ement ti ststanae Dsveiop finncia al pro Prograrrt fu nds, #ina Laing and cash ftov�s Assist v ith the deveirapii7ant c fbr'Reton pi. f nanclrig opticirts, tnplixding roves#me#it bonds, whtcli may A�1 EEMT cction*. inonit4 an4 3rapi4 f tiirtigrarn and toanaral data b'e uttiized to i pteroent the A3 tt,1 5 rep ►rt tt9 Furnish tegutar pfogress ancj fifatt s reports ort the F'rc�gram ;sat irifervals deter rimed by the Uir ctgr or as r tg'ntficari't slues b come.kntwn fry the Oonsuttarnt.< A3 st B Staffing Maintain staffing efficlencieswithfrt tC a cansu1Ear s Team A3 tt4 rocedufe mantiats for` various Program acttuities rid processes :Dibvetori'" or .assisf with fibs ieveiotmecit cif stannard documektts andtgr:for is.. A3 t1i 3 , Document carttro► & records itlfanagemeitt : I3evetopmenk of daatiriten .: t►tat agement systerrt for the i�rcc ram, rpalntain documentation aitd pt�rfespon ence re{afing to the ssihceandwifl 1»owned bytbe - A3 Dt 3 titter Ac erxcy codrdrnation Civet ii aoord%natiOr ,if the city�s Programs with other. go :errtrrrentat agencies, such as the Ftorrda Pepartrr nt of Transportation. (FDOT) '-Mtaint-i ads Ccliunly Pulaito, Work3'end Water acid SSWer Departritenta ut1Ut/ companies, regtitatory egenetes and � Ith'prN00. clevel© iarsa. jtrori rrteetirigs ent and rrr!>:item�nfafton of star ctayeiaprrtarifi. r;bn�gciii) � irt(otmai basis, the Director' ar desiiie'sprovat' and ere(vhen Director or deignee; c�r;:activtftas, Genera; Protect Ad 'rntstration and i"rsoal Atytivrt`ies n A3.021{ay ''cost cr�"it rvl Provjde vatue eitgirteenttg throughout k inject life;;cyo1es : 5 regcrestec3, and verify constructabitity of tab spea fircattons A3 CJ21(b) Frnan riot Prepare rrnt nthly cash dr w prcz#ectiot�sr m snttor ontF 1y f ro{sot expendrturos. Review, ritortitoi acid advise the city regarding. the disposition of contractors andfor consultants payrrtr~ht regti€Sitic s / Silt with trrrjeiy Sti171 tiii son 4f payment re£ utattC4t s to ritee't cash fiow commit rer is Mon for Pr jest funding, anti prepare financrat protections-asregth ed AS;Qz 1(c) Repcsrttng Provide progress ra sort and stoats nformat on on assigned Prole city designees. dt frequencies identified by Rrrect€�r• •or designee A302 liid} conniuntcation & 0utreecit At thir direcborr of th€ Director ai tdesto adios rt' eetinge with City offiotais, n ighborhaod groulas, arts pnvata-rjtl�eris co rssisond to questions artii coficer is about the Project at Crty Gommissi4ri me& With public ►rtforrnat€on, :it tif"oat ons arty pcibii meet[ngs required in -relation donstrti tier► prajeQfas A3;a21tej tnformatron Mana carrespor den e relating o tha sub ttted t_o tha City upvr coat Aa,oz 1{tj Legal & OtCler Serv;{Quid tear rs depositren and `i estirnany abolt_ affected Projects rt _ sting ta;the Projects andtor Program..; A144 ,C3d ctn: &"Pri ztuctroii Acti itiiii Tile Consiitant, to its oapacity as Prog7em lsfher edge discratic n,. id..antifie tine rte'ed; it "rrarisp©rtatiort Frog R Suppoi# ervi "es: Off*, 1716rif:tAts **, nac att ncernin Projects assist thtle City. .asslgried 'esig'rr :to rid aril ?roteatgi s --- wil ntain bepsrd aaEih vi(i aintain fie'tem;•whc prProstrimari orderPlyrsjyess, tncattrdrss,rovdedes ase teatinggtoSN1ces ootFerdaostProvn istAvh.era/hen Ptrector'or44sgnee, in dery ass -011. or" ae€vittee:: RFt�i1w12 Q3'i PROP5t8i ON& SEivicEAGFEErvIENT A342.(a). P651664 tOeifittriAtaild,Peolett..,66*bt with staff b:40:,d1prif tho'fatUrtioy.'0.:ArchitoptV001:06ez.U0d•:and a6$101.0ititri4s.potiltitt:4tth tog: commitments shfl ttirittder-dridritltatlein arid design alternates as .006o0110y rneesuresId.verifyinat,t0.01-11.4wcotriniittywits-.0,1*Allovea, A3:02(b) Sdhedide$ &-E3u46t'f DOVIOP Work 016i* .•,Ptie0.41Pt rfO f.dt 0(0: ttiVar411: PrOaltiti and foratWatiod.Pit.jetti POT.440:'24 Atikoy4w,.:PaOftgt1:4Artd.r.a*t14:.PAY.in-)9 0A11110g40F..*I 0-rgb'tO*nd. locapermits or approvals #19h aande such V:VatOr and L':Seweri. DERMi Environmnta, and.°000100t1 Of :H0014 ,:04-:•RP.910100:01,• prits foriOor.10000.5y with City approved plans and: for :SpeOal .0414IrenientS' ar conthtons1 if any It s the reponsibthty of the designer of re00:10::filO:f4t P:1)0. .:0;0*•0): t104y tc.:OrO:iilgtjory..,:roOlfttatopormprOlipopfyq.:141* cddrdlnatldr,*asslitvittli:odtadt.: rso1utiori't•j0:'•00:Or4tr)Opri amon City, dasners of record, and PW.tiOrP; • • • , . A3,0'2..i2(e) Public Outreach Assist ddordInating and hostrng of -perlddid;pleetIngs -•at.:fretioStrcies detsrraled, 1pythg:OirePtPrPr de nee, 44 prprnote tio4t;prWto,$. by :•0*.,-00'.1tIcto.$1.-ty., ARTICLE A4 :SPECIALTY:SEgS (INCLUDING THEi:M/A11/441 TROLLEY PROGRAM): required •vvy:aeriettafilo the $61VIPPs',The Tgittirg4 Work ,hp() beOp.sOr))*1 itne 9Vdric::Ord:er Prppos01-01a.$kitfOrt*tho..1),afafot:Wotkr0r4rto ppowb , . . Arly:.Sp.ddiatty Services shall have a Work Order issued for:411-0000100s of the foltowing ARTICLE A4 AtztitL5 A4 TILE A4 ARTICLE A4 ARTICLE A4 NI6004:**60** FInandrai analysls inctLidift the availabthty of grant IOroorofts AlternaiiSreart0 tnvironmorttaiv.0.1y$,fs- :':040404641,400*Otic :PrbO.F4friirnin.0 Atitttt •A4 tropipmprit4t1Prfmarl4gemont Afirja4.4.;.1.k„.4 :Propioti:§11:04 ARTICLE A4 tldycle and Pedestrian Ertandtlistits:.and Safety Improvthietits M,TIcLg,A5 Or#0.100.0J*1.4.#0..4:44.:400?.44060,4*.1410;" fh,- fit, W4VP'...rP.P.N4.:0.0.]..,•00:•PrOv. ..0:fiedifid:bdiikiltalits::'..6iiii410y0eg,: • l'„[10 :porttjrO -9 erviaes::*10te/WhetiiDi(odibr.:itif4400dr1.66;16 -Of• the Program : •&,:cteoribieti belw 0'6'•btti4t$4,10-14t:!,f0g4teg„.0 staff and Work 's*igibribetA6. ke"y. ?OrOrftrtOfi:A0di:P r Staff or $.1o.$01fyt ort0000. 011itj.4ttoty:o.ipt4atta-by--_btftultbfitiii.:1#6004,thy lrt.ONi** Work Oder - proposal -fate toadequately ;4ddies$ such conoerns readin9 staff assignments triayba:pauseldr(itieStdrls:02,144100:0Sarne,, Alt staff sheti be dulytrthtfoci,ond/4f1144:404d.:A4,p.o,fortoto•VV,411cEisjohotl:ttit ercl, • Th6'-09h0tMt POOdOtott01.16640.',Itt4:Aer0Oft*Pt40#, at 9.:k the Oohsultant tq Oidir‘t6i." sha be rAgpOntibl for ali , fomtiPri$ assocatad with the Agreernent mis lndivduat andatiy..6thm,ditlotoy6es af the Qri$1;ittatit. "performing ocirzithistrdve functions, whr6ti are not -located at the MRCi:thall bdOrt of the- 1:car4Prt•Ptrt4ii'4groosupfsoft-semoA Kiroies? Hom$,A5,001#esi.tro. RFO 'RCFESSrONALSER/C SAGREEME T ;i tars overhead and not direct b€(labia chargas: under tktts l greerrtent; The Pr q.rarri Coordinator eligible for billable charge wit ri performing sped F°te hnloal funs tons wtion so..rogt,,tested by Sea A porticirt of the Primary Servtaes sFi< futl time:basis and housed at thq l+ to Gi'utra-oasis: orirficaia. in #h Scope, of Work assrgrie� todtiicatton In tie Ll t tp € Cmpert$ation, as prow fed Upon award of :art Aqr oltent t'ha iireetor or:efestgrtea sMI iasue a'- lark order oov Parsonnet whtth shall reflect the monthty .ievafs pf, omperisattori ai d Serves Order;covertng ti Qse individuals assigned to po6i..tim what wg0ip; be• ponsideio whrpll refloat t_he method;t:and Oa pf eorrtpenstlan. .As ct2 •vraFtitG t. by rho i onsoltanf's t eY F'er orinet igne liar britdir4, Soh prsonrteiheii toe bided The 11 Or asstgnmen for indiv1d'i4al c eierriertl of thr~ Scope of SePvices "he tevsl of otter€ anticipated. tot these sty ssi Inii tents will be ari lyzet b'y the1. Director oc his/her designee on are as needed base .ruin .ba:;rneasured through the Monthly Progress Raportto accorrtpat y`the monthly iri totcin Staff shall be assigned via Vlfprk Of terto a gtv'en s � _ ,_r , .. staff and/or activities as beiri-offered,on a rump! basis=, A$,p3 $TAFFiN G CHANGE if ,eddltirirtal staff is warranted'in the:,opinton .of the C'onsuttant duetci wcorktoad issues, a. Written request wilt, be. made by Con6:uttant ta: the Director or designee whose writtert apprrr"oval is.'required as: described below: A5 o3-1 Charities rtue tci Absence 9 Termination: tf the•re tiro ohangos {ri the st fi depicted ri art:attthorfzed dark Order, particularly•Wtth Key Per ;arinel as tdent ad In'tba p'rq gsers' RPQ ,subm•ittal;-be absent cfue'to voiunifary or involuntary terrtiination, that posrtion'tiitilt be replaced'within • :five (5) business days of the date'.of separation, i t as regciested by the Director. or designee : S.hoOld art'indtvtr3aal stafft,pa i uiariy Kay Persorit el as iclei0tified to t ie Proposers RFQ submtttai be absent. formore than t5 conseoui:ive business days dus to vaaationn rffn-ess or other matter, Consultant shad provide a qualifed replacement that is acceptable to the Director or desrgnes D►rectororrfestgnae tn; C rector oil designee's sate discretion may additionaily request qualified replacement staff due tq at sennes �9f Iess than 'i business days .if Warranted try the nature of tf e Wort `handled by that stafr. •The bireotor or designee`rnay request at'te or"rnore resumes for any personi let fit be assigned and. nay also request.to inter tisw'the;.propoed personnel and select the most qualified perso City's $orry opinti3O Setentton Of such a person to Work on the program does not change tii Consultant's cote 'resp€ rlsitiitity an tiab[11ty fal` the terftirrriatnce tnd actions. _tit saki person: Such changes shall be note ! a d soon ved.in wrltitio. j', A5 03 2 , Changes dt:te to Work iRetiuiretrtents tDIreetor or designee&s approval •shalt' be In writing far; ell additional er raptacamant Progrant Staff` not Included in the Proposals. ork Order and estimated to work rt excess of20 htiurs'per month in total Consultant shall provide a.v/r€tten proposal to Director detailing enticipated rriait hour aril rotated"requirements for the task or activity to bs- assigned to addttionat Kay Personnel or $�ef f assigned for Specialty Ser` ices the t3irectoor. of destgntre m ay regu#est one or more reslirno fcir airy personnel to be e signryd alai mar also request, tQ i interview the proposed pe.rsorinel grid 01eiect ttis 1'rt, t qualified persr rl, in t> e Ct'tyYs sole opinion,: j Selection of such person to Work On the Prog€p'n does rot gnarl e the Consutt�ant's sale: 1 roe onsibiiit and Uabilit for the ert`ohtiance.arid action; of satd eI'sdn. iot• a tt tCe. pending irtg the Etta t Key sparate Work. r .101ty Sery cos,. 22_ -. i ranspgrtation €og€am:Suppnrt.,$ n. i. es. tirriiey Hem`& �issitieiates; it7c: or •or design,e, sociated v+rith any members and their s and'the progress Duel orlc braes shalt depict' r iio'tirt�t to e, I t 7iting a Count, Ri=Q ;1142 c3:9 Pk9FEtS1014465.RVIC8.A6REit#14'i ARTICLE AS AtSI.GNIVIENT OP WORK it is the intent and purpose of City thaf.:Consulterftibeitiprovi4e thelOrltriari'$erVioes hereunder'es'ah extension of office af 'TrOppipQrfabeS resources as be authorized by..the,,t)freOtor: It is eroitslorod. that areas of responsibilities and speo(fied-teskeNtiftie-ptsiOned by the Director or designee. A8.014 Work Orders When :'.a''.,Spedifid.ltaSK is above and 'beyond the scope of theThltiel Work Order assigned to Key Personnel .prooroni. Support .Staff or Program $upport.. Staff assigned to tpeofetty Services Work Order, The Director or :deelOne!:01-reveeta Work Order Prdpotel from. the Consultant for ServiOet. proposed 800.6.0ti.SerAces provided by theDirector or destollee.:T.heiCeheuiterit end Directoror designee ; .e.ncloiller, If appropriate, mey have preliminary meetings, if warranted, to 14rther:det.ihe :the $cope....ef!Werf.c..md: fq.resOie any questions regarding the,proposedProlest, The prefiare,a Proposal for the required Services genere6' .• • • ... • •, • „" following the -1410eltriet provided by Or, -..indicating the .0.6keed. .:Scope of Services, '‘time : :Of 0effdOet0,1#600e00:fee* 86..606006toffw*rotod,:o*Noole.1*00of documnts1 and timefrarne to 66eriOlit6. the Work, Tha Work Order Proposef depict 460ed. eteffir(g cmmitments for the titopded.SeNicet-.ehd the'rrietftd:Of cotriperitetiOnileitheittiMlYturrfbf Houriy ReteiLiffildng Arri6Uht The Cdtietilteht..thaIl • not bo:':tattOtisat6d for th.preparetion or Work Order Proposals. When 'Ofia0r** is fe#hed.i....ti*CdrS4Itehr:00061500,40400E'*(firi01.:. Orce. Order Proposal which will be..attached and litt64:56i0talo.th6,:VOlk Ordr authoriod by the CYlii*c5t- Of ::40040i, Upail..adelit6tice of the Wdtk Wet Proposal e "NOtideldPro6ded.4*III be issued by the :Director Or. ..desiohee, No. guarantee is made as le, how rneriy.end the extent of Work Orders issued:to the Cdrisultent; ..• .•, . . , . . . Trenspott010RPr9gr,@rq :PuPPPIt§9.r.YIPPs' kihileyHorii's<AsSbeidtdk-ihE 23 RFc), b§ folio* n t4b thyrtxfesitOnat tarrspo tton_ ro rar t FRAFE5I4iU6 .8ERV{G $ AGRi*W NT SCHEDULE .Al CONSULTANT' "EAM :4tirritivrizei the robs to t1 mrrmbsrs of iees,A� Transpprtpti9r Prograrl ifiirnt Horn &:Asocial ipport Services 24. LE KIMLEY HQ N AS . tA' ES, tNC CALTRAN ENGINEERING .CRC UP,.INC.. PRO ssicir , REEM r4T B Ci N t ,fiA.NTS.: CONSULTING TING FIELD Transportation Flan i g/Erlgineering . ta: otte ion Servtces./'Trarist Planning/Program i abagernentl ivirorir erl at tt dies ar,d Perrn tti i Train eta Collod an PAC CONSULTING:, ING. CONNETICS TRA SPt RTATION CROUP, INC, GEC Ate, tl• RO$ANYA, SURVEYING, Tr4nsppct4tlari I?lannrn li ng eerie g Services L:Pirogram Management Trtri pit Plannrri €tecnlcai EV;SIRVICES, P.trbIro Outreach 1 Crant Research.-: 'rep.. KEY STAFF JOB ;CLASSIFICATION Program Coordinator 4urt Baldo, Paui.Eirn:an •Project. Manager (Transportation $erces Aaran :BU titer, Luis.Cubas,::Suzanne Dan elserf, ne , John Otijriams, Stewart Robertson -„Ntark Antos: uca :sarAlarn, tear to Aimot>te, Adrian. Debkow lOthew. G bson, Tan Rair+_ten, EdgarTarresy Ravindra Wijesundera •Christopher Falce3•Stepliano Viola Senior E rgfneer Protent Engfneer rrtneer Lee . useb nrris Crsnaersdca 0041:)-er ... . Atf H r es, Vladimir Velasca: •C' Iar'ertee Etig, Llact I~€ Z' r K (ley ie000, 0eorge..Purg :'Erin Emmons, Kirn,ltlirseKAttieWhrte Eether'Monzott Aguirre retie Engineering intern Public Ieiatr�3n Special st PObilo. tiff ifriAIort 0f'f LyrtrrKiefer, r aved Goldman 00ef iviront'entat 1"rolnorr Joa tS ip F1Cttkr EokerSte�li.1. Sue Rodn son Si7,easlay- AiRot Kaptarno, Stianrla :Layne, iez, iaudette Smith �sntor tvlt°o Ole .5. r at sppr:ta,p on Pfo6f:arrt support Sea;U'ices: Ktmley Horn As' date; In . R.F t 1: 12-03 t ne to fdlto,, :lie>t . 2 j.7�kV A All fees and tertrtperrsatir?i fled ft$ otla't Wage :Hates a design, o€iisuttii #flat are =to b ufilize con pensatfoi7 of C©ilsuttant e tie ;ititiec to pcsvide' S2 g2 I:MPLcY cfte iale I Jd 171fitt l3 Itittl I°l-l0 •OE CiOMPENSATION for lProfessiernat 5er roes for.the Project'and eac r l 'rtteth zcls br a. mbrn_tiori tl�.areof, gat the optiorj. of ci n 3t} efin s'd ►n` Sect[or� 13t2 anct et the rai tern intern: wr[ter o. fat[. including, wit depreciation of support otfrer;etxiploye ttthrckiori shaft t are surrt narized in S ite e dlrecurly rates, ae"' Sub oco[st[lterit ernlQy e: provide the $.erv40. kite+ ce 3rofess10,^rta er travel cause :? rartsportatter► rograrn Support $ervieee KitI.ay Ftnrn `&Asesi 1t. ENT. Qrd"er shall :be determined ,by one of the: e Director or:designe• WItitti nt< :conse:of in Sct edufe` ders ar>y;: rr[axttriVrn dollar r e event they area o exude ied I x SS whl h :4 *. fit: }r e 'specified cifesion's7irtc men CATIO acts, tilltjy sukscnpftans, stei ag k sistence riotisdirectly related to e cariaeliatiorr of - thgreerrienf The erence. gorses: nner of : cries that are'to cernpeasat[on, expected lc sed during the rldaoape a[ohi.19fs, prof ssroneI nmental spec[alist, speclfrcation yrl:tletermlr►[n corrrpensa rot[ for. dotsuCtant arrtplt�eesi. e,:.uy. oused Pt a: adw no o\erneao ing S{ppi[es;, irrtstratrVe and clerical oJe'ct allure to comply Consultant and. all t4: Cahtiaants leball PrOV1de .tP the :City: current Pertified audit refIePtIhg.lhert 004100::4:the' reqUeStatheCity tag;04: $.0s1d Waa Aotot. are 10 b utilized by Oorisultant in aaTutathig ornpertsetiOn. for all Tre,nepPrtet1Pri .:17frfogrom. glor, TheTha Gorisultant 4tim1: identity Job c flcatQns avaabh e.toft: And P79,jP.010 176014040•1-..'(040704 toLtho.:proorpompiAilop',0-404...0410r grogP$.•Olit$10:.i milOgorios and' peOver#0,10.•Identif*1 under .thepoope. pf:V.VotexProPlifid . „ . 8205. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND ,i0VERREAD Regerdless Of the eleted hereth,:trittIOdn§atidil'paid thait, the: Multipliei',.opyer elf Consulteht opstaindludiho,'Without . . yaootloo, •tiO1Idey,.:pnernpf.p.yrhent *Os, r.e..tIrement, 01dletdrieutortce,ohd:'tiher.olpyr.heot`benetitS) and an :oyerheedleOtor„. Peilorelo;oomoty:Withihile oeOtion, sho11: be pause:for oartoelletion.OthISAgt00.06t, l B2.06 , .ESCALATION. ThereIhall,.b'e•riti:wooebea.letib.hilutiho:theTtettri.bf thit contract. ARTICLE 153 0011,11PLITATIONOE.;PEES AND'•COMPENEATION . The;:eitNj agrees 16:-..pay the :CeitIO:tilteht. and the pit?ht,littO:ht 4ree8 to:460150ot :O:epijOeS re17i0ered F ptirOdrit:A41hit.::,ftteitiebti..fe computed by:bfie.-tre dohibitietfriftof the hiethddt';batlihed thtiVei!et, , Oppitableiltf.thfollowlh.g.'niarfher, . . $P401- .44.rvIP §.PW .00.46.0$0.0 f.0 k$0i;j0:0.I:Of Work may be a 140p .S01ti Orthel4'-F(*e0-.Fee or Not to g:4004.:F00:0*. b deetried:015rOpriete.:* the eitkiji6..i:e iTiLitileil'Obreed:b0h iiiWrifliViI-thi,CltiOiatf*C000:1teht.'.04 steted in. a Work Ceder, . .. ..• .. . ... E53.01,1 Lirrirt) Sum ihall be the totet..emOdht..Pf Oohipeheat.to *.hete,*11 Ospepfe-tif Work are teelly.-defiried -dUehtitied-: ehO'Palotileted • . E53014. IVIOdtticatIons to'LL11110 Sumr D the bly.aufhoil es a sub Ientlei or 'rneterel•Ohange 1n: the :Pc01,0...'10f Servces 0ri lev.01,Of '-eteffinz.:111P -1141.tp. $Uro ,..pomporysetico.ffOrAhot portiOn of the P:IYAP9-P :MOY be::PluifOIY:Pn01. Pr9PPOn.efely .PO.:114t01 .'by ..1791401,::cPnsent of the 'DlroOtor, or 100e1,060 arld 000protiA:40.0#fpP404:,-040:001:01A0000,300 hie.y.'.,:b0.:,reqU1reci:.'bk legIsletiOn or *Ihehpe., • . „ . , aa.°14 14-troP.:Pum: be..01P0.1eted Coled.lforitr: tit11140:g the V.Vege Rakes. :epW:410hed • herein Anotud1ng. multiplier, and reirribursable.,exPenses as attached in $slidPle Prior to i4euing..Wp*OrOer, the City may require Consultant, to verify OrAl4tifYits:reqqeeted Lump Sum rcnipensaboil Such verifioation shafl 0e$ent.4iffipOpt information .ap.,d'eptc4e.cl 133.02 ti(:)URLY RATE FEES tio1:04:10:t0Fowthallt)e those atee for Consu1tnt nd 8titi.OphStiltaiit-::erripleyees WentifiPalitia.04040fe 81 Wage -1Fot* All hourly -rate .i:Itztrp,,toluww)*of:fill::;40$4,eXpret$0t1.14tho:gotitroOtOortiotito; ThoOty*i4it tiabity any cost or expense..,:Obdee ON fl.M.:Ife; C0nOtent.ihalf: molritath tirriesheets kre11:'.1001dpefs. compensated on ari hourly basis .:SelOif1(11...0heet*Ore to refleOthO•P0110 •P.r.1(t ;000 Ci:iihW1110444.: WOrk week, alt Worl performed *Otk:we*,.p.A.4 tho hours perfonned Tirr*t.)001;-`000,,,OP4001.10tV. ridiritone for Dec!, Hourly Rat Piet thalt be. ueed-A-i14-thbe'iriOeii0Amieethe oehles.::,e6reethefitis notposiible to determine, dafin, quanfy-endfor,belogie elheeprnp,eta:ne ure,angpr:opgqA:00, .tneo7.4)orP, or 0041006:kr* parboular prolkt,6rpOitiOrilherebt etthelirr0, Wo*PrOoti.*$*:100!.:, !Hot411Y Rate P660:.-tntktOr'titilited for Addftioriat Work that is slmilarly indetermlnats, n suh O066 the:City.: will establish. :,:entAlloi.q..anoe: in the WOrk-..Orderthateha ssrva s a Not to Edeed-FeeifOr.:. the Work to be pe rforme1. on •all 1.40IJOY:It14 27 :Tfilri§:p'.046tiOrirrparOrh..84pott:S6Niaes mleiliornA4P.ocigto6,in; Rr(1.1 l3 Z. Martttrte for Stet l ose sett' ees are petd based on roars Worr is perrorr emall provide written IUstttloattort for rise of ovvrtrrrte ln.adv traca of acp0rring srtch overttrrre;and, must obtain dvattco written approval ofthe I hector or dostgrlee atlute try abtetn prterrnlriiten' ap .rouat shall result In the CEty deryying arty teque;;t for tyornpertsatrdhld the thcurred overtftte The kDir'eot ir niay a., , '4, tz tha . s'o df overtirrte;'sttblec$ to the forr%trdrrs th t the ovartth e may dryly be trsed"fbr,Staff who i? ' pe dtrtttrl ,Speer ttyy Services andTsuch. taft shall ttttt be eX0.,. ' t employees as defined U ter the Fedora[ raj v labor tartdard (act Further oertime obm nsat1orr shalti of e• ed ondofta hatf t1 t1 } ttrtt the erttptoyees regrttar hourly rate, as provided tri Schedrtt 't,• Thy ragular repeat -ad. u t~ p nveritme is prsrour ed artyrrtay try dented by l redto pr,de gnee , Atty fees for authooat el rnrtf or avert eed t twnses c ouppli,s, de sp0.t.411 of eelu specffl aticsn , 'tatitnT, steno directly relate: tpra ectx the Corlsultaz tq Clty auth r'r ebie ;ex enaas shalf; of r7olude chatges t"bp Cortstiltartt ha di arty telephone and; citil►ty'dhargesR affl artd gent, pro essional dues,. srtbscrtpftans etc * reprQdgctfp pftro� , clerical, or ether emptoyees4 tirrte c ^ rav rerinbr rsa6f : fc slial(be tltei ha Ctfyi wilt rejrn ur; e :the Cpnsultant for autl ohzod ReimbutsahteExpenses of this. Agreement as verified by supppntng deoumerttatto€n deemed epproprat irtcludtRat,v it zut lrmitatrcp, detailed bills, eternized rnvoicas and/or copte5 of cane E3x€4 Prt~ES for SPECIALTY SERVLCES The Consultant mayr be authertzz€t tp pertor t Sitectatiy+ = ervtces f artdi r f3elrnbtirsable open s as provided..frt tftia tigraat?ter t. tifffeo rafting and a. not dy v�iill Polio Abe Pirrtttti.arts rector or dasrgnee ecksr l :compensettan li3';041 :peterrrtfnattott rxf Fee the t~ompensatrotz,for su b sarVtcea vttll, be one:of The rn thods stesor,bad hefd n; ro upon Lurrtp Sum .. Hourly:Rate with a toot to Exceed,Limiit, I�attatlS aervtces to ba ptovtdad by k Up ar rxttaltlptet. troy all.relmtittrseble set ;Cart�ul�anl< Shall Services When strap riot be aaj E'rt -if s or lot fat servtCes duly uthQTI e f aufh6clied reimbursable set ocumentt d expanses result►ng from ltavtng> bean'sUspanded for':€Hare tl stzbaeet to renegotrattons Trartspotiatton Program Support Services KiritfeY ftQrri•Asstr'i;latss,• trio; n three tnontbA Lib �onsultattts:the es the �ortsttltat�rt iNti tltl 4 0 0 SllSl l � SiCISI e91 is suspended for kha nC}rtlierl muse ! wftole or rrt pelt alb ton or #errrtt brit ead el -tell kytt5Get' h shall n Ppt haslrtg. onsu{tant shall riot apply anjr r4ftht ut 64 ba'secl arr::ectuel. rl1ork ptoductJtartor C!y CorlSu. artd ptncess►rip pre them thrae sultartt sriall bs: tl trio abler ertd mad :after "halt be ARTICLEB4 PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULTANT g441 P.,q1\40frO:p8 N$M,43 PO:y*00 10 Basic Servkes my b f#0000 'mtptithy 16.'0f0.00§1t0 .$0.i.66..::0001t014400.# th prior rnonth. For the Lump Sum ortion of this Agreernent payrrients shafl be made'000.0 in an offi.000.**0 101/1e .1000. Sum ta0is.'0.006ti‘OttOrt; HOUrty'Retk:POYMerits:hall:-betnade orilhe',Petit of actual hours; Waked based on the Hourly Rate Fee, i6dtiffipdfiled,'14-t.dliff;:tettified invoice, gMng nams, cIasifioation, salary rate per hour cnot to exceed the values Iri'Shodulo 5A)i:fais,‘eiid..ettodetedtetks wOfked and Iota tliove‘..•fcir tit.poto-nni,:dire6tVottagod:,6NTt't, be nvok&I and paid IWL01-,40: Sum. 00.0600.V01010: g.44440 to i:Of:IWO.Oi%01011t1.-$ . expenditure thereof., Sub CortsuItanis fees and RAliT114)4.1.zAVA:gX0A6AA 01.-1014*:1-411td to the Cty.10:11.1.0 actual orttp:qt#:,p0t.cI:IN • ... • , • . CortsPItarie:P1-10,141Plii0 04y StanOrd:Oonsiltantinvoloa-Form.aVallable-on-the GIP wo$itp.. Foure'•tpsubmit irvoice(s) within 60 days foliowing the provislon f Services contained in such nvoice may be .• cause for a -finding bf.defat,it • - 84.02 MONTHLY tr additionf ttibthit NIO4thly 'Pip§rO60. •:Ret5:60:306t.ty,:dotOilift4.1hO sseptvotrx provided t Reportvicas. The v ties .,tvtifIgt.totkr pi vith deaiIs as to th; e status of afl ttilii)r16400:tto; activities andolejiyeratiles and ps0ottpte(tiopts.:0$ al . licabte The Report shalt also prQvide AritiOPA.tP0 thta.Pf>qPrrilalAtic)fl f9r:vg0tIltPm City shafl rojedt4ny'rtiVOI not •adobrnPahled'15y*:e Monthly Progress "Ttio, fmttia:riatditeiit•of thetbnit-iii.Peogt-ettlteportehell.be:tUbjettld`thO ogsrovoiof the or HOURLY RATE Invoices submitted by Consultant ;the!) be syffloitriffy detaUed oodH,oqcortlponteei. by supporting documentation to allow for!,:.proper audit..pf*pp,r4itOto.. • herv:setyloes.ecthorFed•on..,.an Hourly PW0,16010,14:00641j tAn 1.•:q1,S;i1111t"for.'..000r•Pv0tWth6 Director, a : olettlfloatiOn; -teary rate pe(hetr,:lie0r:sWorkedend total Q etge for allperson ersorneI directly engaged on a project or task. To the sum thus '..eevidee.postfriOY:b1P c10, The Gontilitaht- shall attach to the invoice all supporting two-. for perents made tOthd.incurredfv. pub . tOrittAtotAt':'000141.00:tn RttIttt, o--.06.ti.06i0of.:.thott,:i6t 14. outry":Rit6 44104z40ri$4 subrnit a progress report 091-601he.-:0.o..roorito00',0'0001$0ti6o.45f thoyptoloa•clov.0[qprit0rit r-lalbOlOtOliWniatd fee to 8444.P.Y.MENT.FQ,ADDITIONALSgRV10E•4-REBouRpx3LEgxPENppp. 'Pay"-ttfetitlot!Additib.hal SerVicet'-er*-betedUes ted.,m." On"tlifyilh.ploPortioh:10 theteryldet „., , , At6.. :•001:14M40.0,0. :0(itf00,„.# 0,.:.00• ..... Hourly0k,bO016, tkg.,00000tt0fOj4.0:*m•t f4020001101by . . „.. , ate per hour, hours woked arid for alt ot4,060 on a project or task. 16-**0.*ift thus obtained, ani authoilzed ReiilibUttebietb:61.1ce Cost may added. The Consuitarit 0hOrPittotti'AitAtiiAiivdice at• supporting (100,-tbtooymotittitA0d016 or costInocifted by.:Zuf>itOritti.4000 fogtood.titilito prolottti, • task. 16.iadclitiOn to the trivOioe;:lhe Consuttant shati, for HOUit..',ROtki„Oufh..6.11tAtiPb4i0brilis. iving the petehtegeef.:66rnpietiorfof thePrOletti:,deVelOPthent.thd thelOteiettitheted fee to tOrtPietiOft ,• 1kATICLE;.tst. :.REIMEWR$A1$14. EXPENSES: GENERAL Any fees for :e0thOrlied relmburSableeXpenses shall not .indlUde charges for consultant's handllng, office rent or overhead -eXpO"so$ of .any kind, itiblUdhg depredation of ,eluiprnenti 'professional duesi . , TrAtippprtotlpriP(Ogr-rqWppgrtiSilYI:OAs 29 RFQ i1-f21631 and lodging expenses will not be rear of Consultant's offices` t© anothe orkrng cf or' a,:a E�t� 2 PsM All Perrrrit fees permit fees do ua The C ty;will .te. imb i of furs Agreement a' c u }rrg, Documenttatton s Rein tbursement ex a tits sup inciudeel, i }"trre 1 aIIW ri 'Order and hg Ggnsuitartt r. Avtk onze . ,f pli -tbursabSe xpeCt s ,LOP60to t%e f rifled by sr}pporting dacgnientatron deemed ppptop late by MO Or: or �letal!ed s, itemized i(tt{oicee. arid/or to oancelted ed wits irr i Variable I nses, for or mitt Reim >:trsabt xpetlses shall be rdentif � Rermbrable Expanses are those tteta" a Work es identified h Work Order (a expenditures made by tare Certs�tltant consultants in ilia inlwOtest of ttia t B5.02 TYPES OF REIMBURSABLE E EXPENSES rr, quantted, to the le s of eimburset rent Expe kart l the 't nuat lump surnr ar orkmg.rfocurr entatren wait bregttited nt pr aa., .100, th. e� .o ttorr�ed �y the pity oirtstde of ar rrt addltrorr to rO Serrttces arrdlor,Addrt onal Servrces)a rd e0T% onsrtltianfi`srptrayes,..Bub oorrsrrltalrts, arrd :irposes tderitrl'ssd beig�X. pF ttatrons.. eargrtee der, rcvpe of: astral 1 Sub. set:s a Nionthty i.urp Stain arnountrir atttli*tal le :taty PeTaonriei :or O for direct expenses,: rect oasts paid by Consultant for Variable y, subject to tie advance apbrouai.b€ ttie s riepiEtect In S0heduYle i32,.Reirt�btirsable EXperises arelcrh as �tlariabte IR'eirrrbuteenier) : givens 'es a limiting amount 'primarily allowai %e, subject to.the advance approval or"ttte D rector or i restgrt kterrrrbursabie Expenses ere shown in Schedule B2. Actual dt Rerrrtl ursemer l Expenses•shall bs the basin of fnvolce 'to Ctt Drrect'ar sit fdesibliaa ai.prosildad beloii `B5 0 AtJ ° 0Rt2 t1C0hl fotlh irrg Rermbursersrat is and estr Cates of Varrabie Rerrrtbursementax as .s1 are to e ideritred �ltiable # ermbursement_ xpenses•for' Il travel and per diem atld oily otlre fre iterrt dr •category rshall`,be subject tp specific written. advance apprc _ : ._ .. .. i .ti ..-�. .. .. .s: x ., x.:. <.. .c-- ..� ,.....�..>«i' L$LIIrx..:.':'A ..u...y:cti iestgr NITI Ill an CATEG 1Rll:S alit 64b641101004, etc x or e Projact(s} l elrtibursab iri i �vrthut ptoyee.}s time ar trau t and sat;drreetiy resat ibs t3nce e e pett�es shalt b btl(e o`tki � y d Fcos axpande rb petrses are fihbsa liar ees as idenb iecj rn the V�torfc c rd r` al y €1 .ansultant s srpioyee, or Sb consi i` race 1 e Program sir 0 te:Cansulterrt 0 B� 04 -'t ,: Arid Per C lderntifieble per diem, rrieal ar 11t:• • :xpelise Cp ltsnt`s ta6rsbnn6,. amended lsrieats far mess C ironer rni tot ir60 r�. ii vo ces for n document nca fther'sup rg a s3 fetes: ays, Lead will be nimbi. d Drily for rob e km' �o�Xe• rrrzrrerr#at lodging or meals vrirl c rse it��vt1 its schedule B?x mrscetleneous iterris: of.tfe .Director :or ent.: tpfesait ita ouistde of o din additarr to ditur $ rrrade;by the G` irrsUita X illffiil for lli p rposaS ideatl prig, to -girt taxi fa and irr cied blest to the iimrtatrarrs of t -'l 12. 61 Flbr dot S Lutes as. M'arrrr Dade or Bros d o t Il f b;e r"errnbursed Moats ursed for ierrtporarhjr_:relosating t' employees trvrrt rstro; r the ,employee rs relocated for rtiote than (3.} earraecubve_. es quivatent.tcr Holida :i jrr, l owe Rind Mraml=pads, roward or P.airr Beach':Counties. of ire r'es ar 0Ottp un ]fit rib C6 nitre rs'cellarreous travel borrh err btrnson; not.; ae rerrri;bLir'sod that result front travel, within 6g-6 ies for pptavoja•drl ectiy attnl tit elOoSaibertrtifs required to be paid by the i onatru trursable Expennses Ail Other etpensea as tinkled in Schediite B2't?i thoea•`otherwise t•e itiested irr advance Arid approvad in writing: by the Director or designee: are eligible for reimbursement as Variable R.eirnbttrsetterttst iorr'i ni . prcajeci •ha.a ractor rranspot-tatiort: rrrograrit Support_8enil s: #<itirrisY Floret �S�4ssocia�s,. lizc..., RFQ 1. 12 031 . . . B$,Q0 ,.REIty[OuRsailg.NrsT.0:,$fis, CONSULTANTS . . „ . keiti.bureable,:‘.Sub•,:ooristittants expenses are *tilted .tolhe:. items ,desctibad'-obo9e. when the Sub consultant : agreement :]!provides or r0)trr:i.1:Kireal* expenses and when suoJi agreemnt:hap, boon preNitOusly apOroyed.in*rking by the:Orector and sOlept to •0 budetary limitationsof the ..0ty and reqqtrernonts-Of TILE 05 heto.):P. ARTICLE:SS COMPENSATION FOR REUSE OF .PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONA „ . .„ 1S8,01 .IIENERAL tt•:11.s. tmdertoOd:thet,,,Oone..(iftonfe Agreernento':end4oVVork::Ordors 'for e4Sting newrWo*.Inclu00:-ihe . proldion:fpr th0:re usa ofplpris and spoOlfidations, including oenetroetidiT:.•drawIngs,.0.:1hOlt\is _solo Optton,..f?y,yirtua0iigning•this.,e,greemeht thoy;agreaicyA reuse in aocordarloa#fttiti0,Prpyt..04r10660,t the .pecpWty, further apopyalo,:gornpensat!pn„fee or ci..044c6101:4$ ein required '7P:POPP.Pq#0117r9Or@PIgtAPP:Ort agirYi* • t<iniipytiol'n & ASSeOateina Aaron Busher, LuIs:Ctrbas, uzanrr+ t"lariae)sen Juan ]imeriez Job :1001-11tArrls,, Stewar'Rob rtsi�n, Marlc'Sanf4s: MudassarAlail; teont#tont AdrlariDabtsp L4,141a11haw0tbson t4b Rilydert, i=dgerT0rres,; Ravindra VVijesundera iJhrrstopher �aice; Stephano Vigla e Eusebe, D4:nnts Cundersdortt. it R3nesao Ctarence Edg`, L fisa Frazter,• Kefle Klepper,• Geode Puig nn Emtnuns, Ki mMrseit 1X ie101te` Esther Hansen Aguirre uar Lyon. f r, Davirt e aft trig Sktpu##rtn, lnSileasiy '11011( r cars trullltd den Eckerstek Lexy ttaptaine, $ha3 L2j?ile, Sue Rodriguez :Claudette Srnith JonathanA, Merrit Devi Rghatr 'S Grier; tuis.'Gub:as 3 roanCze t (t aRy aurdan ): §E71, 60 4 mtiah. crew (Hefty Burdend) $tt75.00 Protect aordinator` ra0spbrtr.40 . s) .. Sanfmr F.n,gineer yet ;Public Relattons SReelallit Publio tnt`orrri0t)on Onicec t nvirof nlentat gngrngr Erw&onirnantal: nglneer �1[r4nni`�rf#a l Ert9ilee� glneerir g Teohri ciar Carnputer Survey±ar Prrnai.aturvex r' •UttlIty Coardmatbr' 32. Transpurtatipn Frog€amSuppprt ServtO tCltniey t iorrl & AS tsciates, It�c_ 33.02 r12 a47 79 20,0 $5s:97 $44,04 53540 $20.60 $33.65 $38,.1 4.00 R v4.03 $140,47 R ?ENED oLJ RLY -2.4 (1. tultipller` Applied 5 Te S: $195 ^I7 0 $12772 01s $50.74 tl9 4:4 5 90 "'RFC) Trau0l.arid Per Permit Fees. Miseellenetu TTAL Des Trav tlei edd Per eiiit Fees U TOTAL BJR ?EAR 2 YEAR YEAR 2 SEAR 3 YEAR 4 (Nate). Nol of s pTO :L. i RY- 'rr nsportation Program €upport..Services Ki (e Horn & Associates, one. ri Fees. M}sceHHaneor«s: It TOTA J ML SUBTOTAL TOTAL SPECIALTY TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT 34 rarisport0on:?rogram uupport$BrYtoes �rrley f Iarri & 1s4aeiatest no. Consultant Submitted by; Approve! by: HE UL E. -4;2.EXPENSEXPEIN,SEVOUM7igR TRAllstioRTAttoN okoo.rtAm MANAC M NT •-VARIABLE ;REtMBU S M ENT ,ADvmpg APPCVAL (For expanseitems other than #rave() Let„: bate: Tray sportat ,n Or agrar Support S rvi s RF,C1 11