HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSA - HNTB Corporation• . • • . ,• . T fORPERFORMANCE"---,-- • - ** 7 1RTICLE4 OS "CONSULTANTS.. „.. CITY OF MIAMI • OFFICE OF OF'CAPITAL. IIVIPROV MENTS AND TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Sor4qe Category Transportation.:ProorarnSupp,dit SeMcee Ne), 11424061 , CohtraOt TYPe Cotitimang Services 'for the. Treheptirtatidn PrOYartl Treneriaiietioh S(.46166/ 'Services for the Transportation and 'transit Program • 1-1NTO CORPORATION Oroject tafietitteift ARTICLE I - • ' • . 3 01 PERFORMANCE AND D 7 .3.02 REMOVAL OF UNSATISFACTORY PERSONNEL ▪ ' 7 3.03 CONSULTANT KEYSTAFF 4.01 A02 • - .; !..1; CEANES TO SUE doNtuLtANTe ARTICLE S aa w ;$1,44 iiiiraika ilia ti),i a a4 04j, ii'144'4! ja.ii ••••••::+t .5.01 PP Ng F9.,11”!,'",'1'”'!..-9Y!'")v.*Y^1,,,:v.',A",,,k.,• *•*•,4 L02; CONDITIONS OF DEFAULT • .4.03 TIME TO CURE ;DEFAULT' ''FORCE MAJEURE ' •" "•*".'•"•:••- • 9 , , .• .. • . . . ARTICLE .6 'TER MINAT12,I9,:0 OF AGREMENT 33 3item • 1 iv f.a.. sat tol•ktait 6.01 CITY4S-.RIGIIT. , 82 PP.NSOLTANT$ t03. 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I • AUDITA.,f1. 4 !-!:,,!,.4;4."...ti.i.,0;tAvt4,:a 4,j(i,i 441'4 AGREEMENT'•••:•.!!!!”......,04“,q!!:!!!!..#*!01.*!!!!!!!4i44,!4!!,$0144,12 1:003 ' '$UCCESSORS AND ASSIONS 34• • • •••••••••' 412 ;,‘ • - 10.04; T.RUTH,IN-NEGOtIATION CERTIFICATE-. 44 • - •-• • • • • , • • • • .• •4 44• 12 1 0.05 :APP,LICAEILEL.AW AND VENUEOF LITIGATION • • • • • • • .• • -13 . . ... . . .. INTERPRETATION OAKS., d 44a f'4.4 Trsn4g9itation Oroot4m 1,1pport Servido kr,t1.11:40"31 Ott 9§' •1OI 1 PREPARAT 9 : 10j�.0�}0M� PRIORITY O PROVI$1 10 1 .TIME k Li' t€t 12 CO1111 L1ANGf Cew{{jPtA�CRTiNE `�'� yytLy. f�'p'y�l� I0 44 'iIS RETiVN I'" k.%I l,i +•t FiJFI r.r. • .e ▪ :.4 .. tij �}{ ( f. F F +t t4f rt nr i- r��4 RI Tr}FAiXa Y� jt ...1t � �JkiG�_LM1Y f t.Mb.r�f YFi Y if k11'w ;t • 4! xbi4R.; F ti ♦ 1 yi AY r i 4 {Y X Ark 41 Y r .i ti 4 { . 74 ................ +i4it. lkr.♦e•k 1 F:Y,• .' 4- 4 RtF k_A 4Y# t 1:0. RESOLUTION G( l�T'RAC" DISPUT S. 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ART1i.YL fr. lii fi+ EFI L ENV A3 0 t ACttVI�NISTtiAFIVE PROGR�4t11t:NfANAGE ARTICti : B-NE I DUCTIOIN :F,INCi P41 AI1�;GBMEN'I' StaI�V�OES 4 `: ; SPE l4At TY SERVIGE`a ,r .!.:: 5 TAPPING �rA��k{yyiES: T.iJA« ice■(. SF #) R; ASSIGNMENTDPWOR.%if S !R ,/'7t6 Gi t - IVort4 �+ 4['ii4xskrai a. •.a.r iA .Iri#A��i w.rk R.'!'F, • .4 T r -! T ejrl4pkY 4 . t S..f 444YkY F tk. :ATTACHMENT EATION APAY"MEN' TR%,.... ARTICLE84 Et 0 !METHOD:DirCOMPENSATIOI »r% • ;* ....., ».... R.k ! COMPENSATION LIMITS h 1 t of deR 4 4Atr. # s Y.. f4 i a i{ J� 1:.0A2- Xy._... +,ya{aQNSj{llrl�LiyT�lAY kte..ytT!l...,N. T{�7'?wQ.' eXce p F K.a A• i •a b. Rb Y}� �'}RT1jCLE �92�n l.,,,i, f''fL' btF £'it R xSY.!K ,B 31»»*r. %%}R . .+i .Y:ir ... by%:%!I: !S a e.R aR. 2.li k. 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RE E`'C#F PLA S AND EP C F ATIC ICE i R4%,; »R 34(�, B6 01 *:.�- [GENERAL .y�'a.�i31 /• .5 A XK�sA4 " t..}....}�''�(p�l /¢ eF MN Y A it 4tAiiMl i - : Y ..y SCHEDULE Brt`- WAGE ATESI$UMMt' R r: a • ii.:; 4 btea i k d• :k , ..y1 .y, '?■f �Ll�1 •f }.E' "fli'MA�T]�ll a4.}�.�s7�]Pp'"'�F�.EI {�I.�B.t.{�Uit FiSABLE E f.PEI� .V:,i .. k :t�V% 11.i^LJi:JLE �"'ii +Ft R ENS {'T 1N-3wJ E IL.Ei B BY�fIli.Y R .RR_) 4:Svs day >E .,,, ... 6 s.I»} k R_ri.R # i*4 Y .-kr B5y',02. TYPES }c F RETtt t}ai iisAaLE I Xt Irt+iSES#Ft� .135 Ai - AUT(-t RIZAT:iON4 i4 -» S i -;A 05 04 DEFINITION and ATEG0 U S R A 4 BLS 05 REIMBURSEMENTS TO SUB COINSUL1ANT TrAnspc r1019rtGppPrt:aafvfo s` w r". T • t44 2 2 -fit 12.031 CITY OF "MIAIVII OFFICE OF CAPITAL, INIPROVEMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM` PROFESSION L 'SE VICES AGREEMENT Xe atege Coritraet Type Pealed Consultant Con sultattt Office Location City. Authorixatian Prcfeseldnal Services (RFQ N'o 11 12. 031) Continuing-Senilees for tie TransportationTrertep9rtatt911POVEarri Tr n►sporl;atiori Support Services for°the Tr bbrtatipri Program • HMiITB C4 RPORATION 4700 West Fiagler Street, Sulte 00, 1111i rt i, i M_ 81/4 1 -87 This Agreementit made this day of tr ' inthe year;`2012 ("Agreernont�) by aril ; tweet the ty of ; am , Fio ida:, Florida municipal corporation,. hereinafter called the and H NT .CORPORATION, h reir►after Oiledthe orisulta t" RECITAL A ; The City issued Request far` :Qualifications " "') No. ' I 1 - on April le, 2012 for the provision of pro tar Services for the Transportation "Program ('Program or servi es'"} ("Project") and' orisultanit's proposal ("PreiSee "), in.;r spouse thereto, was selected as one of :the roost; gi ialifted for the pr rvision i f said services. The RF and the Proposal are tornbtiios referred to herein, c Ilectiveiy, as. the Solicitation Docurn.ent ,'and are. by "this reference expressly inc rporate lr?io grid mi de p t of this Agr einerrt es if set forth In full.. B, WHE1 EA,the ity through action of the City Manage ndlor the City 'Qernmission., as : plica le, h x sele ted the: Consultant iri accordance With : ecticri .207,.0$6,. Florida .Statutes, {Consultants' Competitive egotiation Act 4 henafter Metre to as:"GcN "):, an.d trite applicable -provisions. of the City Pro:curer grit Ordinance, to iptokooriai. ;services a described herein VUIT ESSETH, that the City and the Consultant, for the: c nsld'erations hierein set forth,. agree es foll wt Traiisportetron Prograiri:Support Service: RFCt i 1 12$"$31 comPita nce,wit U2 Attachme' toy reference any 1 yt?3 Base .Fee tnead .asic'Si~.rvices. P# t? E.5; IQNAL S1=NCEs ASSRl=l=M 5 ces mean arty . work defined .as such in e tatute and pity C€ e. n the Attachments to tht pa;€ f #his Agreement a, he amount of ccm j epsat Nt izepyred In expressly 'Incorporated greernent whin: are :set forth. In till ed as such irt'a Work Order: ief adrninistrattve. officer cif the pity cif Miami Duda; a Florida monk ipal corporation, the public; igreernent is to be performed to all respects s ppsitiori as the t wner• of the l rolact respects 00,0101ental body,. fie exeitiee of such egul Eicarts, codes,. avvs and ordinances rity aaagovernmental b dy and shall: tie City of iami shall be. hdut n .'ratlificetio`ri stiali comtrtetiori. of association, joint venture, or architects, or engineers, which has, entered unto the, Agreement to"provrde:;professionai seitvices to the Ct;_ 1:0.. Contractor means an individual. partnership, corporation. associat..t jgait venture; ar any combinatr€an there©f, which has entered into a contract with the Crty fo ' ccrristructron ofitit City fael itres arrd Internals thereto.: Trsrtspo Se vices mean•. :n! ssIon means°t: . city Manager means 'f.. 7 #fir or t? net meant 1 ageri'cy• which is a party°Hereto hereunder, City's performance event the City e cercr regulatory autticrrity and the enforcer shall be Teemed tc fiavi occurred purse not. toe attrtbutat la iri erry marrt er to City referred to herejti sa "tty" l a the ptrr meari;the Gity t artagerw 1 ft Consultant rrisena the individual, partrierstiip, corporation, any comb nation :thereof of properly registered professionat.' Dereactor mean grad responsibility f E lnless c therwtis s Cirector: the too a ie i hector efthe City Departrrierrt deslgtt nioriaginrg the $pecific project or projects t ed herein de -hi a boric Order, for Else nrstrator of the Capital_tmprovet ents Prof ors r`nean items in that aree shown iricar e constructici i contractor, Platteof coi :structlarit ans, speolflcatlan or c which resiifts 1rr 0-9 Prl r'petfc�ri rework, or ac ct erern who has the authority red u nder this Agreement, use of this Agreeritent, th.e prepared by the ces and results in the Rich ,causes a deley nrs and Om!ssf©ns mean :design.; deficiencies ih the plans, specification or other dosurrtortts prepared ,py the Consultant which triust be corrected in carder `for the priject to. ftlnptioif it be,ktu:lit as intended.,: 1.13 Inspector means ari employee :of the City cr d a consulting firm faired by the City add assigned b•y the.'City to make observations of:work performed- by a entractot 1 Key paracppef -rriearis Staff positrons assigned' on a'fu.rll untie .basis t4 tI ie Pro rani by the Progr, rn :;Coordinator *ith ;the,Director's approval;, to serve as •ari extension of the City"s staff 'typically`workinginsidie the iOftyfs Miami Riverside Center (iyMRRC} or Cher requested"city facility, ticn Prograi7i ;iApppoli rviices. 4 RFQ 11 1 -O?1 1.44-.100c019 Ptoceedpegne ,oet.to,,,tt.'4,AUtbfi26tidti to: ..,-PtoO04"._ 4:off.:10#.04.'Nkt.it,te0- ' • letter or, oftectlylse.00d:;1y. tho tirettor 'ot PrOjettl\11.01)4§,00.0010049•,:f11441.::0,600r..).$ ...propo46'nt have ;Jieer rnOt lhar Qc5r1040.0,t iay begir wprk on 4:Pigie6t Ng. work may be oommericed tMti1 a ktititb,:ta ::pto00.0-14:(014:411*P0 '0.1.40•40 0.00 vostor foo:ro:titive:toitt6Wokrif.:4 NOtidet6::Pfd000 has riot ben issued 4.0the the ptgni4speoIflcation, r ather documents.firootdd .0)/fhe - 0erkUltOtft •that ,Ore. rrot shown or 01400 which wCitieceotatylot. the proper eijokt safe ':.-00*Ott'911 .0-TtnkPrOjo# or roquir:oct:tg:;:0%4tliwStplso•ofServces .040,4erpct!,ty City to be fundamentai to the ,o1.4.00.$-.041 t.4000010.thtlhePte0itifiiitettd.iiith*RP4,44,1.6,-440.000,A:010I§rO.,91119,,qk 1.18PicfealoWSiiiikeitilarrthose.'Serviees•provided by:theot%tiltetifte-48ttettrioaty ri 1)10 1tal.APP041100 •ProgroA, ititiudttlgt idthbfit irnrtation, H dmntsirt1Ve tchrncat and manaement.0wwo ,-trit16)106tt s part of Prim*. Service orBtiet(oft9' SeMces In this irstance such otofes,tionAj-.,-t-hi"-et':"Wt' 6-6 dThed r Section 10•-•;:00, 4,:001V4tioo .:NegtittatjoriptaonVetiiiVC$4010 jProptMe:of the Cty of Mtami '7f1:00 services •1114. '01).1#PY.100 her.#1t( e$: Ireogoortetiontiteffilt :"Otareittiti4t , .„ :§00.0.01?1000.1iO4„ere.AtIothie .0:Otttittltn,, Transportation Programs, pitepqrOtt.on .ef) annual basis that detaJs the plannod fhianctat resources anci Implementation toliedOltntrate.§10,fat.drie,titr.O:,001te(firOJO.0(p,OOt:0 five (,$):'•••eorts:O.pri..o4:.pon$140.79:,'Of both evetidliutet,ati'd t20 Pti1000000aPrirr1P0.§''Arymt$Ioy.e.Dt.tOpre:$:mi-tOtN0...d:f the b tho DitoOtor t manag and monitor tt4:Sorylp,00lok0:„.ppilOritea tarider4hit,.Agteeltdtit',ebcf;ifiik:000*011.0 iq:P.0.10.0,t0g-A4T0.0tPPrAa.Pt.1.149::e...qtEit*Oity; 1.41, iPtoje.Ct:,oebttethe..40bt.'.ttt446i,:OtterettOkO'giOf•OOK and a sP0119,e4 Prld104011tit5 a'aVfabiliVidkOfit0.b.01,6i0-460'P016e104::!0;t0 City it4P0:00tihOiVhefi4ethet. ,datiftettlittiaseopvaseMOONIOMOK000*6•04140Ntieritio,ifits AO-roe:mar* , . .R..ea/i4.1041110ane;the(1acurner&coriefitt4iro tha ofticial approva ef the City es required for the Clty Vienperld:-eXecdte: this Agroement, hicrease th rojeot Budget . ,arrov. othr.:rnetters: 23 R10...4ti7ght4tratOi 6,415, ,•ManagOrnent jActiliinfOitrita.)01$0::refOrrOd tt) th RikN,O6401Ont !Oltoot6?, Oit':•0e4gt).00, .017.Hthg: (04k10al: irjrn,o1 by the City Manager to ity . . , , d, 124 Scope oi -;§Onilc means d'bbitiptotionWve-:(iegoOtioff of the activitIes tasks, design leatureg,,-04eotiot,,:3#NOteOlei',:dia.Thilettott0 requtred tortnO.;:01tipt4tion:*:P.01.O4f or on .osilgnmontwith OutWeiitdetail to ailoW a teoior0:1;ity ',ElcoptatO: *§#0'..#) of resources: neopsearylOeite.:OropietiOii, 1 25 Specialfy $0.*100 mean f.0.0sefi,'iSPXYtc0§' m4y11Of 0,orteOly; tied f'fidefidOfti01V'Or,[11:0 Transportation Program but to.,',.spnlaitini00i ;poetthq tette' of the TO,.jr1P-0000Qn :Program, , ih.el .Trolley Progrard, that tequltet ,00.00:401b400.:017.0:444*:frOKWillifri: OttV"':;,per$:o.n net Teeouxces,. • . ,•.,. „.............. . . 1,25 .,:speaetty $ervkes Pro9r.iin $"tqf.t.,! 0000 ,$tOff. of Sub W.t16111...4.iieitpttat:Iffe,t0.(:Wh0**0-4014•":600..*qtjo.:::P06f0** or1006,:,form:part4tirrio-bOOls, 1,27$000.40/100gleer.4porogn:.pr.'0r9orcjzottpollvtfies.:.otered irito,6yititteb eoteometit. wth the Consultant to furnith vpO.Jod. trofesionaI Srvies for a Pr9ect o Prf00t6iti''Vk that. has enteteti.Jho.o.'wrifien agreement with the Primary tonotlitarli:th furnish Pro10.4 otask, 1211, Ttehkpoitooh. Prooefit,SoppOtt. SON100g TPSS #1000e• !$er\ifpee.p‘r.p.vide4. by the ;*ithO.utlititOini :006fnlittitt:VO, 'tc4Jfit•UM,:on0 trarlagernentodtivitie$, _ $ Tr.an,§poitaiton progreroStop.ort.:orvic.e PROFESSIONALSERytCE. AGRE MENT sa[ated .:.S tppartrttg; deterretined by the Drreotor tar d s 140 m;:th xe utiatt n'irn-pterneritettbri of th e Grty'.s<TrarLsfaortatian anc Trahsit Prograt>? ffective djr et eXP,Onae to Gorrsu tart artdlor Sub Consu.itant, on an at rasl ,for er rptoyees n tie specfted ptrafes it�rra and jab categonas assrgtied to e aetvlcee tinder -.this A reerri rrt that justify• the; basis ;for professional °fens Aver ra 0mpertsgttart, s a1l s0rvic0sF rlt tgtiets �ri�le 0 work me; pith fire Carr iris Agraerrtgnt 1 t pGr3tQtyfe'fsosrtorrSr."kielOs 2V6 rk Creadrfeerrrrc Pts eo faotrtbat;demfoiec arrdnrsrie.anrot djornae[l nrttoo pethetepa Grei yd :abryitisroe ctfie phapseerfaof tatrlodeceuarrrr cstrta:thpreiCogsuheant otrtroer Prereauefcsspoefctrfoe ervee he Consuanor Addttional ervttes T[C 2. NERAtr..,CQNO1TlOP1 . 1:::-.6!pl:...torrliT.,..,t VChis Agreerrtent shall 6e for two (2}`years comrrierierng ah the affective date hereof Thee Qity; try action of the`C�ty tlanager r City Commrssian, shalt have the optiarl to extend, the term for two (2) acfs itiorrai .pe ods° €�f one (1) dear each subject to: co� tlhuedsatisfadtory parforrrrat ce as detertntr ed• I.V. t re' Director, aria tip the ^av• ailability and apprdpnatrort cif funds Gity _,... d ssiorr auttroc zatiori cif this A regiment nciudas. delegatior of authority;;#a the; Ctty .Mahage'r `to aetmirrstratrri edens01:1$ pro-v100d ttr•atthe corripens tiort irrritts set.forth:in 2:03 afe`notexceeded ttsriYrc ttie term if this,Aeteerriertt the Gpnsiilfant is preoluctec€ frorrr: terirtg into arty other contracts- or adreemanits with the'. City to 'provide _ Services related, tnciderntal or. shied to ,:or contained In tt e Trant'bdee bon•Program Where the Qiipeciiterst has aiilatinq ;contracts or ectreamerits With otheraoencies wh operate or'provrde . sirrrriar~ arograrris or services wittiiri: fkre City the::Gorisirrttarit ehalt be rirecluded from pravldiri TPSS for`such contracts or agreerrrefits as toei€t as trtfa.Agreemerrt .ts-: n effect 2(#2 Crtheriltant age ees tier :t0.;8 ii. 2� Exier�slarr af:xpltaton IaEe Iri thy* eVel t ttia Constritah•t• is ertg d te, them this Agreor i nt shatN le Projectta} No-riCiders SCOPE `.€}F SERVICES .244 QMP WATION 2.(13..4 ,Cotnpensatitan Ctmts a amount pf carripensation payable by the City to the Cortsuitanrfi shall be a lump sum or not to exceed fee, based ;an the :rates arrd achedutes established rtr Attaehrnent B hereto which by this reference is•`ncorporatect into Chia reomentr provided, howpuer; t ratt ire` no event shall the amount of com erisahert exceed Ftva. Hundred Thousand dollars {$ OO40.0 00 . }0 totaov l: er the tmofth'e er. Agreement and any es�tens b(sj,,n0.-0.ess estpircitly approved by abtlon cif the Crt'y Corrmmissto 1 d put an into effect by:a prrgrwrittert amendment to ttris Agreor rertf exeouted by tha patties The City rimy, at its stile discretion use other°Gampetisatiot. methodotogie The City shall trot have any `ilabitity hot will then .Consultant ttave any reootir'se against the City for -iany compensation, payrrrent, rerrritiuraabte expenditure; -cost, fee or ptiarge bgyond t e oortrpensatrori iinx'its of airs Agieemet t, as it may be amended from time•to bins in 006oidanee:wrttr the terrris ref airs A reerrrent. regiment expiration 14010. of said ton.Spkirtation: P€o,ar upport Seru�ces,. rtFQ 1'1-12 f35.1 PkoFtssioNAL bEgvi,Qps AcRMENT 2,.03,4•,.0.altmentS OrilaSs..titherWise 'specificallyl5foVided ih A#achtflat413 -00.i.teht:00if b M#1014:iaPP00040)0th Plorida Statute Chapter 218, Part Vil, Local ..Government --Prompt Payment ;80, aItor fooeipti of: Consultants proper invoice, as this .A0t; whch shall be :006OMpenie0. by pdffidlefit. . suppOrttho:Ed6OUnleatatiori and tOlitato .$officlOfit Ota, .0::00/04koopoOttpf expepaptas,;#optd Gity fettdIfe,oriatO:-be perfornied If CptfsdttatitjS entlacf.fP:retitigitaernaniIPttrayatppAnses:::i: then tfaVet.apenseS::-h0.11'1*S.6.brnjttail in :,tiOthtdaiiOelOth th 0t0N41000-,:-•an4 :410.0t101t$,, limitations- of Section 112::861, r:FlOftde Statutes .0OOS4itat., shall 4tfli#3. Attachment for the tilVotoes. ARTICLE'3 PEFtFORMANCE 3.01 :;14Er4FORMANE.AND.D.ELE:.GA*.tiON • , . The Services to be performed hereunder altall be performed b :the tortStilianta oWn staff, unless (4fie0:446 :"provided tnthi*Agreetooit, joriapproved,th..wrttthg.::.py. the Clty 8ad pprovaL Shalt tot-...:Jha Ponstrue. s- constituting -an,agreement :orcontraotual of any kthd.between the :City end said •........ relationship• • . O.thetf,i4erapo.offt(fit, 302 REMOVAL OF UNSATf$}ACTOY PER5ONNa Diradoebr.b0.4gri00::t.#4.y..itlAo'iNtittOn t6064to,..ortouttorit: for toprotopit roroovolold.;r4footrootit.:of Otj.'000•0001.:pthptoyaid.brrotOitled•-by the ConsttRaritt-• pr.:.any:1.$01? Consultt3ts or sub contraotots, brotiy 0OrOOtiti010-00 •01401..:$01.PbtiOt;j1tObtO...0 sub engaged f0SpOti within fourteen (4)'..•01S00,•.0..It•.40kof:teOet6f'4,s4o request • - temovat'a.p0-0lact.tent of' e40h:00r00t.vript.'At-Wrt an.i .st float on as to Why that may not occur, All decisionsJovolvibg-personitot•will teqUasta.bett-APIely,relate:to,saittemployess.woi-kvriderthiS ,vreement, „, ,„.., . 303: -0014SULTARTKEY.:STAPP The„ nowledge that ,Conultant -was seletted by city. :in ,p i,...ort:•!the,,basle-:of.!qualifications of . •• • ••,., • •• obbottafits response to . StfrOo,,$W-key y . Staff IoryggrAPt nt .errOlgY., „Conaultant.Will: obtain prior written acceptance of Director .•orsi.seignee• to change Key 'Staff,. ,•gdfisilitatit•thetl,:pfoVide Dliettdr, or designee with such in. prrne100:,•AaS negespAry.tg • betortryitio 'triosuitabsUty cif proposed new Key Staffi, Director will act.itgor10)ylii:011040160'.:..::0/..;S:itlf q4:01:0 tiona.,.$...U.011.;:attootatto6ehall not constitute ro.tpposipijity. y- for ..thethdAilduars'!..ablitty 10-0otfOrrY.1•,,., . „ The :00i*b1tOrtt, agrees to start alt Services hereunder upon recetpt of o.Kottoolo Proceed issued by the • ;OtitOloteoh eattgiarnetit task or phase within .the fitna'ittiptilated. ifi the .Notthelo Pf0.0040, 110.0 s ef Ihe:ee0t10P,NiAth. respect to. parf,Prinance:orthls..-AgreeMerit.. .• 7' Support .A..],r,easonabla .e4001.on...of.-#10:11ffio-f completion .,00006i0te, tasks 4pr: p1144ag-ithey . „ by the city should there be a.:,dalaY. on the part of the City n fulfilting its obliationa under this Agreenient as $totoo trot be cause for any 4.1010 by th PPf14010•11k ftif:extre tOttipetisatido,, --Consuttarit W 'gat* responsible for the technical :addiftedy,'.4114 tWity-of its tahildes-; :donsditant:Shall perform alt Setvices!fri 061-60.ja00.-6- witfj:applioaNe:prok4SIPrIS ofthe Flonda Administrative Cocte Ineluding, '0100.(4.1ti0410106.)i.woflogt Surveylng :and Mapping', Chapter 481 kitIt104 'Archltecture", eto of tt*,90itto !01•4it.es1,as amended Consultant shall erform de diftblekOk n accordance with best inctuatry p1R900a]; in .4ath66ngirodpitatioff,40 • *tioottt a Projeot site prior ',(O1•1h0-.0001PloriOtriont, of bpgdOt !OLoTattltont shalt be responsible for the 1:.ie.0001041:400144: technical 00.4r#Y: and oo..Qrtiinqtign of011 desln drawirs, speclficaton, and 0t)* :000)0.0 furnished by the gookopt under this Agrestrler*: 006i0beit shalt, without 6•4000•4 ohipensation 0040 or revlse any errors, omissions, andlor detkienois In Olairria•for,:dbiaytottei.,ang any:1040SO( costs ri),:OOnat.,r4Ot.(04, 1.!'.1010.0g. yvorovt.of1; tetouitibtfitbra'griy.dabroi,bit00.0.*, .40.0,/br ifs.de4.ns dravviivs-$pebifro6fibotroftia.8,btvict;,•, 441 • , ' • -• • : , -• • • ' . ,. • • . • . •„, • • • • • • • • ;••• •••, ' • 040 ,.oto4ttoot- ioti!vq- ifl Section 1 O8 s firm tMt was tdetified - .'0.0000.104t004141*-oropi.ofttio.-,$010..0.4ti process by which qprio4Itti1t wa*:0000, -.'oottot..k:tiik. hereto 4fi0:0004:444-.:**f009*:•c'" -::k.8.0.'00.0.10::';sbk.,0011.0:910Iit *##i*.00 S‘ooh.. 402 SUB CONULTANT RELATIONSHIPS that . '•': ti-toN.4,0j1.4 eofoaifi6:t.rdhlio'i:0 irfoOttV,pildof - _ . : 1-1*--46-40.#01-)t,;,0101(oro,40..*r.40.o00trOolgorotc15404304:),,Oottoith)0 041.f:41iii6002-.01t0;01§Ki if6ir4.1W)74:taiqrth• .4....04-(',..0,':444 Og:I.., O':::•44:0::-.0.-014:atk.tit.i4fg-, -:._,..., ' -; '...- ' : ' 7 -.--. ..._ , • ..• :-.. ,,...._„, -,,:i _. . _ : , _••---T.11.0;00.4$:ottitItitigEt.-•tibt .d0e17:-' modify, '-0-(dh0ff00•:allY",$0-.qtiii".0)4101.4tifg1007:10..-'$#1)-#01.10t.:;A.,1:',.vyf.h:..6,-ci..t..' prior WOtto.n.:-..-4pprPYot--pylf.1.-.0rapr:tirei.46010iee-i"-.:trii-regpOrlOO':f0*wtift§0,:t0440t:#0040,::00,400)#::04:tiiiig the r.ea§0.41br oly:-.p.ibpbod*:bgtitOtibif,:, . .. .._ , ...,. .... F-AEULT: -:-"--"-".-- ' ' • --'"''' ' - ' . „,.., COI if tbbisi*Ot)t:f-0t$'#)-' bbil40110*-*.aifi404 4161 0.0441tOit :0140:':E141ij40tpojt Ubpr(iffitibbot:rotitk*,...e.:00.40;;:tiOte4406i7 41f-ioto-00:Ayolf04A4 14,',i1•0,A,,;-,tr#,',.ircib.*010itielyi: upon .0.10o0100600:-'.'6 Consultant, terminate tht Agreemerit Whreon all paymerts, acvan?s. or other coiprisation paid by Consulttt while(-;'00)044.00.-*,goltf 06fIgUitdot-r(64-0*b06--'*144'*--lhAti-001J64.0•46.:;,4:-ltik.f0.013jOtif 407-60arib6.--Aritt..ndoo6tipit00§0.00K.ok*Tokt,0*§#4000(0-00 • olzri40:$ .jopprrpti iiiodprotdamages n the event af default, Ctty thay aIsc suspenct ar wjttthoki reimbursemeflts from :con sortori,t..ti nto..:u4st iirtio.:A0:146.4001:0410Adtrgrotd::?:dofoitt0000tt:0-0,0*.,:•-.:. i0Q.NPrtlt_r440'10F_PgPAVO: A-f.1641.t".:0cWault-,a0. !Lib$equOsn:,letr,bilbotibb:lbr lieriltddrv-&1'of-thd IdifP*1„9.0; 1 „„ . , , , • ,,e . : - _ _ .00140tarit-f0410,01)tOitie:•.priliathwitilt*:..1#41r000r 4211.40.koroiRrooroo, 5O2-2 Consultant fails to comp in a substat al or rtitria1 sensa, with t-l)rsOf tts dutfes•••-- .Prt"1)s tt has with to OPtritildtiP016:00Nipbo:Mthiktholite.)e-:provi00 pr .ppraprotate.0. r. br:14:11tto:bbiiipreld;.-tf4a0Nibie-- 'fre4w.tc'fOS by ,tb5:,/,4:00.tnobt . . , . . Tr..prtspbr,msibb:PmgrotT",,04ppottaomat$ PROF4ajoilAt...;$-FkVicE A040Mtili Cntan s placed ion the .00,barrod vendors iiet-!,.porstiartt t Fto•notia tetlites, •ae. arnerAeci,i or Is. otherwisedabarred by any Florida'.0.151idatteno,y, i'•§0.1.4010ht: • Shtiottrebyie.00'fail'40..*1.:00 .4.01::br P0166.4(t.00 be due 10,e•pondition'pf Force afegrea e .thatierrn is ihterOreteid:-OideriF1404:10* then he Otty may allow an time reasonably:orrmetiurale Withlhe:Oe60:4-Of:40,'..fiii40.*OffOrnfiOi'tOre, • • Al TERMINATIgN.OFI•AOFWpVIEW-r, • 6.0I Ois NO.HT1:010,KMMO-,e, T10;:c.4)b1001009 the N1riggr;::•01rootOir:or hislheri•desIgnee,: has the.n.ght to:ternUp: n terminaonofThis Are1for . berneht, Olettsr: Ret011ee'i• sti.ti:408',.ti.rwifhg%' and ,• other toduffieht 1te '01fi'edi01,4466:'.0re fetete.d. 8.ervioeA,etthotizeQ1 underthisAgreenietti.:4hother-finisbedbr not must OphYp010app.:, fpriatlyfe@§.9n•:os,.y.pmpop.y.poh iorq.10) daye,tifittett:iibtide:, :ftt ,accordance with •13fovitiefit:ipt. Attachment B4 Apmrperi,,laflo (p-:140te4 pver. ta-:Oireato1" •Pt:::::detoti'64•mittlifflett (10).,Ait:tertfe#0•:'40.0of xerrhtnetIoN to :timely i•Oe0er theidoournon:trattOn Oar daus:e ••withrid14.:09 !o&to--.00 Offci.(itte0(.140hy Consultant [,,d00urnoritairoh .deliVered •fo;the',Direetorait000000,,, . . . . . ,• . ••6.,01 1 00404@.•0:(001•('flgY•0.00:•NPP4r§P•orrenleciYfroro 4itorthitiatiri tfia.*Otthe•iity:'ekept to retain .,the feas erned as compensation for the Services th$t.. -wog p4fiorthOd, compliance -,./Vt0006t, as tuffand 4inal setUernent of any dak otioni 'demand, 'boat) charge o'entittement ft may have, or wiilhave against the ,dityile 002 coNv LTANTRielly-Tp:Tgror.11 NA:1.g . „ TheOefelott4ht'it10110000.:11dhticifO(4644:tito A6eeernent,••'.1)1 wntnig NfOvith•g;')reaOh,:t..)y,ifte-;Ottyilf.: breach of contract has not bee 01t01004'WM10:**':(00),•:44*'f.r.POtihk4ptP,•sif'0:PAYSi-re'cotPt::'61'a wtittehetatetnent frOrti:00601tant.:60409016: •4(ities LinfOrihie reithent,• • " .„ ,..,..., , . 1011)111NAT tO.N.1/13e TO UNDISCLOSED• 140ParST o A0T Consultant warrants that It not employed or retairiOtehY cornpany or peron, other therl4,10•ho- fide ernotoyee'-worXtng sol&yfor. the -Gansu Ita lit to. soitctt peeeOgrtt4:Ag:5000.P.ft0.';t11.0.tiWoreiletfge..hot p44.0r.',a000.4 to payany person, company, corporation .1641000i, employee W0100•Solely.lcirthe Consultant any feei:04100#4);r0eiOentabei.4,4,,.9(Other:•,constOpretion conttngrit upon ar foto:too 'fittii the tw0t.-0:*06106I:f6t Ole ..AOreef,:heht , . shafl hav the rtght t termihate tWO As0,00*.tlt without IrabIhty and, at ItS•41orotiOn,- to•tiodt,otitarit the 0:00.004:ith:0401: 1710Pati.cif::::$'OttetitO§kbift•- atottatairoti, .$.0,, .:, 1..j. Wf:000fkObtp.AUtt,:#A14:t :NfAjet)kt I".'D'-' 'i ord ' • -shall ' sita. . lit • - t. f--&-- 'oft- ------ 7'. ' ' of t, through -: the rec or : es)gnee,pro • e'wr en no Ice o.: ,ons •ent•as to a finding --,of, default Arld. :900uOilet Af-011:10keiV:.:r0000$aq action 0,4cfre;taid default Withitt:tifild§t4i01:6:d: lii-Mid...treitioe. Ofp...r:v.V,110:. tulle: the QV -raw terminate til•ti Agreement The-••tity at. its:able: :diSdretfOri,•: may,otow additiohat days to .petform any 'recpire'd cure if Consultant : providos •Voitt011! ittitffegig0' deemed . .., .......... .. . _ ,. . :. _ ...- ARTICLe i000pwitiqtt-JAND4teddki:lq 701 .00114lilt8.17.6.E.,D0.CUIVIgNIs • All t'• tyoht;, ..thopt :toll:after ,,fifetndforreports,pre re as all 100011V.:*1001111)14t.10§:,'Ar0 :Oafts 40•Neci: thto will 140 -006014.0*- work 0 made for kofebehtei itiptfer whoiefolhe 0400 ti1.411:'004:00 fhkofopeTft-i:ci.t*.t ::0t.kitipprrmyr.r400,010; 6.dnaltent:,,oriettritriatiOhif :th%.',VO000fit'Otho(iti.:tOttOtj.00:.0010111t40•0..cSktheit.4.00:, and Witt be4flecto aVaab1e, en requost to City t ariy fime dunng the prformance of such servces and/or upon:00.41000 o.totiiottibtat ihrO_A(0004 Consuitant shall nt copyrght,o.tJi,'Trot9001 and prqOPPW'gr,,,P.40it: OY. inverlhon developed under ths Areemant Tbe fty shall have th rtght to vinit the ste for ii)epeOlohfOr trahop,offoortOrooroni ,$iipport$oNkts 9 i0IvnlSc•0$tJR "To the extent attoWed by iawr C resultant agrees not to divulge, person, firm or? organization, without birectcrrc r designee's error wr proper performance of the Cons iltant's obtigatiohs hereunder, or (n prpceedrngs w ier strcEl ttifc rm iron leas bean properly subpoenaec ctccum nts, data; records etc exempted from Public Records Act disc be rendered by Gonsukant hereunder;. anti Consultant sh it roqu►re Consultants arid-su contractors tc co pry wttl `fha provtstons of th s poi [? MAINT NANCE O RECO DS Consulta• nt wilt keep a• dequate records aPd 'supporting "documental:. serVtc s hereunder Records subTect to th provisions of Pttbli0 Recz • 'th tkte'?proVlsrons of the state onsuitarit for a rrtlnirrrum of tl ate the;;Prolect`is oorrtpteted, vv th d t f t f City h !t It v tli ht # ctur�rtg the titres . ��� year period noted:. ab0vey provided, hcrweVer sue , shall be kept tr :'accordance V documerifatton will eembe. retained by t terrnrnatrcin of this Agrent or tree d au°, orize ager `s or represen 'a Ives tt s a e a rig a records aid deice trnentatton as often a's they deem necessary 9durrrtg t • ducing trorrrtat,p tstness hours, AkICGLE 1NtlMNIl=1CATlt?t leant shah• Indemr a :tints (dblieoti e(y referred t penaities fines, darna0.es,'cfai•ms, e' • " Irabllltfes'i) arrsfr out of or resul sf `the duties, responsibiirties,tandads, services, sea this Agreement which Es dtrectty or lnd`lrectiy caueq< prcfesstonal errors'. <Orriegtierce employees agent;z ar suf consultants {colleen 'sty re whether it is, or is alleged to be,, caused in whole or t«"_`. Brat, orrtrssrorr, dfatalt, b'react,'c�f negligence• tndemnitees, or arty of :them, c r it the failure: hdr'a►r, iriti the failure of #tip CarlsitlfarTt, ordin nces, rule , or other reggratt iuthorify or agency, peciat distrtc perfort once of his Agreente`nt orate rimy arise. out of this the Agrernertt; appticable .pro ure tent: requfrdrrie its ar sirir . Tien§pq€Edtran. Pregrerrt . uPpnritervres' PROF SSrt3NAL Sr r�Vrt S AGR EMENT tha140tx and the products cxt ortsult r►t t nji #tme:''T he Co su�tari s1 inoludtng roproddcibJe cciprea, lately for inforr atlon e°rid reierence n c occupancy of the.Project,: 7 oZ ELIV l�l UPC;IV t i E aT 1 At4i i.AT1Ol aitur e e# #tie !tank #o promptly ellvor ail such doourrtents, Jx Director or desigtiae within tart; 10) days of eanceltatlon, or. Vithrn Teri; shall be lust ruse for the Gity to w►tshhold payment:of any fees due: � etf such cfcrxrrerts Corysu{rant>strarl iisve nc recourse froiYt tf 7~t • :USE It ?ta understood that aII Con prMrs1o4for #ht re use of pl optlorr grid bjt virtue of sigrrfr proVisrarr withou# the neoesslt without recourse far such re 16ouments, studies, or'dther tl% Agl emgnt; ain co lies, '.use arid: ajtartt agreerrrents anchor 'ark Orders for heweivices wltl fnc[ude -the.•. rr arrd spec►trcatiorrs� .nctudi g construction rawings, at the Gity's .sole this lreerneot Consultant agrses tosuch ra trse lrr accordance wail ties, i f furor r :�pprri± all, corrrpert atinn; fees or i octarrterits belnp required and use 7#re Consultant wilt not:; be liable for re use by the Glty of eta eke for riy purpose other tharttiitat.trttended tyy the terms anti eondit ns `f its; 0 furnish or make avariakile to arty third liken consent, or: unreel incideri to the . the coufse cf Ittdic►af ar Igstatt�ie any nort pubtte 4informatioh (e g; red concerning this services to if Its emp1oyaes., agehts, Sub Cit ._comer. Reflect its. Utes Gna�tf e records and rain #fie.: date, of i iiy,, r=arty tu1.y nd opy ,ell sue[ jrcerrrant arid:. o duetg- 00: of5041s, drttplcyees Arid ea cf of th m from and against ail loss; costs, 4.010sologoyorkatriJtties teollectiVeiy referred to ectton with, (r) the pe. grrrranrie or ncn perfsai manse es; materrais and equtpri ant contemplated by or fry part, by any act, 0mission, default, live or passv0} of„the Consultant or Its o es 'ttndemrtrfying4 t arties') regardless of erjotnt, iior current or contrtbuttng} by any or passive) cif rho Tndemnityrng Parties er gltant to com f ly wrth''an' of :the provstatutes,ns:isio minces, if applloabto, tv confarht to irry federal, stag, crauniy, or city governmental n eonq ion wit the grenttng:,; approving• Or is ent, or arty acfidns or ehatlenges that as clue. to alleged failure to oor•nply With any tots imposed Sri $4.ai agreements o i law; RFfl'# 12 o i Pribe8eicki,51..$0vid.ee Odrsditant oxpressly agrtes: tolnatmeiffy ttid: bold httitiftttlht Eidotifiittet• tfthy,Oftti.i.fi 'frO6) A90471.stt .11,1febijittes .Wfitottiroty:bt asserted by.twittripityttitr itt....subooritra4Orsi s provided abov, Itt'1Whiell the. :pd'hilit.00,0 tability to such e)iiployeo trmer employee yoOtd..,',0ffierwi$t. be:limited to payment•tt*::**04;00(000M10t1:.01'..94.0f laW Ttlit-Atofloti hii be interpreted nd dohtttiet In a manner ',i4::OOt6,1*';i1kift0 an 00110.4f.415: Aci(100 OWtdteti-...:iindtudfpz 'without firriittitok ??Sedans:::.VOft0): A 725 06 and 725 08 8 t appiiabie Sevor0011Y .:$halr.:0141y tot5ablisentence .:;of 144, section, 1•40errriffidOtidd. 2:004 ItTie„ . . cgrldiUtioti tif]expitattat.16f tl*Aqttettietit: . . 0011$11 Ott thtift.Otilit.:61UttibtOf)tiOdritAgt64ftibttl;1000,(104.15t.0101:044401 the Gity The fittiltdiiti*geet§. #0#44006i00 that 00i$fielj fr4-:00: sfor . . .:.• any diglms':whidh-t4sf.:',.te.titilfifrow****4'pe,dhitiOie' ofthe Consuitant iri Whicti the C4ty,i560114104*1 iti:4‘004406.0•#04*if rw4(04.00004::.,:0"01:edttOg any• submissions by iht‘cteituitarit or other acts of the Consultantthe. irttpatitibnitivtr bability af ttf0..tholt00.**f4VO.rItijIt4tit this ,AgieernontTen :0011prt ttP;made by thathe ditgitti .611t1; Itiddijefideht c)/10,ctereOP0 for tbo granting ott*100.11;111140atiOri.,1h0 receipt ufticteny fa.VOItintdtily::btid knOwingly..40.knowtpo.d.,:p0 by:th0:04?).01tarit. ARTICLE1 The ConsUltant.h611: not start inturtivt'vtvittd.liertutidbr an litdr:-qtykRwmoogdoiio. opiltfovo:0061;.1.6:04ron:0„ , . . .,;.. ::$;01 ..0010PANIES:PfOVIDiNG :COYERAE. AJI insurance .polices!etiait be lasuad b ,dorrIpdritot ufhoti±td to do diteittegAthdeftte100 _dftkgtoto of •Fldrida.:ari0-;tptiNdtdry to the Rtsk Actmnstrator AI companes shsfl hgie, a Fonda residetjt agent arid 1;Ig ,1100 Guide, letettiditt:dri 0•.;0.:•-81.0000010N Oift0:0:(40010 0010t.Adt; L.,- • • . . „- , •?e.er:efloates "drin$drancelo :thal:Rtek.„AdOtfietrator for review :orid approval Ort,604.'!#a-OX.PPLft.i0.11::,of this :Agrp.proor* The tlettitketeeshall Iey tridrcate that ite!.;Pbriedifeht has obtain nsurance of the ty.p,,!:Orp.otint and :otaeeffidatidnretidiredi'bywetobrovigione,i!tri txotot bf any .000410g clainis at the time of contract award ipklig•;00:1740tight; coverage With *.jontillo4i:hol014'fqrlhOlPrtti,:aiht$:0004, :00146itgit'$41 11t0.1d41kritteli ntke to the Cty' Department of Nek'Martpoemerttdf .:bny.:Materi01:,c4erte;deridelIttrart.tridtar hdticd:df • • 00k.fOsi0**;01 the lnsurance thni 0 days of the change Ccnsultant shafl turnish a copy of the Itittko.04:go.40*:01100.-von:Tocipotf of theRisk A,OrAiri0Mtri • • • 066$(4:tibt-0;NI1 furnist copjs of jnsuranoe poiicies pertainhig. :to.:tt6,:4reorilorit to Risk administrator withtn ten (1O days of Witter(request 9.0'3 .PORNI..8 OF.COVERAGg 903-1 40111,44.gri01.4.-0EislE)34:00.1UTY:.--:Mg. AtitOM , • • 17.b0. consultant 001 .m10.01 q..).mmer06lgq.notoliobilitytogrogomitil.liPtatktf at east $10DO,00Q ib0:8010juryon401700.4),":,tIO,m0§0;•-Tht,bov6e400:'.41t f:Itti0410-Pretr4legelorld OperatiJis, Corbrent arjd Odottooto#Itipbtit tlid.:ptddudt.;464,06fillfireted: Oporott04; wih addthona endorsernents s apphabte Waver tr.sagoottorrtPlittOtlifUidfitb.bf #1.0.:0001000.-figkigr::. 11.1s...povomoe shall be written on a pnmaryct ttorr.tontfi6iltoOt-:,:bagt::Vith.j.tbfe citv listed san dddifkingt rrtsured as 1.!efledfe:d by endorsement CG 2010: 11/85 r its equivalonce Nctice Of. 0#000iOn.7411%A.10::read::(40),:dtOr (1.:0).-0ys'f:6i-0-0APArt oft BUSINESS AliTO.M0a145, tho,,qpnpittarit shali provide buuoss automobfla liabThty dover000tidIddirig:-.'ddyetNe for 7011 .00p:41 hwed and non owned:Ohirndt oditditTed•tb.i6W-firtiit $1;066000 itatit1:4 thedity.,4' adan ditional Insured with .:rosptat to this thodid Toad days for nonpayment Trentort61ida Program Support E pRaPESSIONAL.SERVICES:AO MEN' 9 43 2(Ai PRQL L F StiO,NA.{A'I3.tLITY INSURANCI The onsuttant shalt rrtaintatn professlorial l.tabitity Ir€sttrance iriduding l~rrors and Omissions ;cgverag.e in the mLrumr.im amount•of $t,000100t7 pef clam, $f+atl�,000 aggregate proilding far att. sums : vhiah the Consttttant shall be iegall)i:obligated•to pay as damages:for claimstarisirig out ► tthe serve es periorrned by tl#e. ttttai�ltani or tty �eraon e ay0.4lay the onsuttaiit to atannectiort With this coAgreement" 1 hid insurance st all be inainialried fai t least one year after completion of the nstructisrt 4nd c fan e of itt pr�a ect coverer try #h s Cgreornent overage must reference the. 1etro40.04e data.:: WCRKE1 .' onsuttantshe eiisatiori Ins,,ri p e in camptiance witF 's Labiilty with a''rriiitrhlrrl brnrt'f t`avoirittM o f t j ceiticate holder; Cons t[tant 5hatl ensure thata€I Su 'ca'risultarits !` 0riiPtGATIows 'ottJtVIrR11 p The Risk Adrniriistrator rtr blather authorizea design ee reservbs .the right to require 'modifications tnceasas° Qr changes lit the rdquired insurance requi•rernents coverage deductibles or other trisi.irance tuts each ents; obligations key providing a thirty (36) clay ►Nri#tei notice to the Consultant tti accordance witty 10.g6. he ein Consultant shalt comp! with such request tentless the irta trance coverage is not then readily eviattabie -in. the: nationalmarket, and may req st additiona cozislde tion from City„accomipanied .:by justification.. MISCELLANEOUS RtGI-1TS o ax lit the Ce0nsultartt"s accounts during tli0perfertrj0n three (3) dears after in l payrpent under this Agreement The Cort intent ag records necirssary, €rI the optntarr Qf t e Cireotor, to•approve any. tit The Audit artd Inspection previsions of 1'g 104 thrr�ugh 1tn "" en ed ap ly tc this greement and are deemed GIs tieing flcorprated- ENTIRE AGREEMEMT •This Agreement;_ as It trisy be amended f between the pity and'•the ;Consultant and agreernenis, vciritteti of 'vrat 1 fits Agreement altered in any respect, at any time after the execution'! the s mefc�rmsilty and squat dignity herewith Waiver Agreementahaif not be:deetrrad to.be'a waiver ot"any'dtherbre; • e ri O.. Ttxe perormarics of this Agteernent Olhatl not be transfer in partY;by the„Consultant without the written can0 yiTilsslon it is underskood" that a,;sale of the }rta ority chi#suttant, a rporger of bylk sale, an ass€gn Ient for the sapttans treat via lid, 0060t4 to an a 09i11 tent ar s= to here The Consultant's services are unique '(t naturettd knl malt lee cause for ttteIt fo dance! oancetlation ThCity'r Icy retjuire tit n from an propcsea Ass€gneearid Cite execu satisfactory to the City ttorney as a aondttron: >enifito ti Ott:0 uirii ferchoe without Ci erli shalt lieu Agreeirterit urnishcbptes yment-hy the City. Cede,, as „rated Agreement epresontatiplis ter or otherwise ent es ectted witFr. revision of this reetiaeIt ed ',0 assig f. e i, try through its city ship :shares: of the all each to '`deer -led tatty afpravalw tin ssion Ppproval course tram such 4nd t4x yeti-iMs iroamertt It .a torm assignrrient Tire Consultant: and the City each binds orte anrtter, their partners, successors;, legal ,representatives and authorized: `assigns to tl oti er'party of ,this t greernent and to the partners, sticceasors; lebel represerttatives:and:ass gns ofsuoh party Iri respeot't0all deVenents of this Agreeriieht: 'TRUTfd-IH t QTIMiOW Cl iFiCAT ; trsnspactattoriPP:igram .i?ppott,SPnrie. RFC'1.1.:12-031 ,PROP.E,88iONAL.E.aViEs'10,EEDONT In •:•cqmpitome w44 the Opheuttarit's,.0Ohlrietithie •Negptietion .0.0peq0a, t.9c1.• under the ‘:41.1thP sum methcd, the Cansultant certifies thoVw.00:0, *00 .eum,ertl,9::40.etormjensOttert.04,douret%Ibettipletei:,ergt '0.4000:03he071 of Notice tO rod The, epyi,edditidh theroto Will te..edf4tted*i40100 ny obolffpoot:400: ;Pt *NO the Ofir-,:10to.r..00e.,$..:Opi:proJet prc Was ItidIttrsod::'00016 ii*, cuirent Wage rues eqdtifher.'faetuel All•ttioh,t5tIoe:OdjU04)efite:Wilt.:1*itiedeWith'itt..11.1 ,:ye0e.felteiNit)gltke end af thePreject, • ,• . •., •• • ..• ••.• ••,•. :•.• ,•,. .• 1040so.:0;40-4e,,46iwA190Y.gNt)().F.,JTIOATION TThskri*otit 000, )?0 ftiforprortotiAr4q,00rued n accodahoe wlth and .0-6Vt1116d hYlKele**# : • .6,11y,...:!§:o pr:JoPtiOrtitir0#61)tit:1)y.Arty:pg4y,,,otlivrrittlq .900010,*sol.bp:1#914gbtio;;;moropoogggutoy-i::riocio,.., .0466'4)04stMill.,b6:drit6:i5Writ •ittOf041.0*4,:_ ,0040 ARM,* 8 0.400 diititateht:ehatIpasr the Gity.'sreaserrebie.etterneyie,feeeAtthedity'm tiett hf6rdeitteedtieutiefiriAt416 tasie• ,NOTICES Whenever ether party desires to ,give nobce nto the othr such notic must be in wnting Oetitit6y 1700teltd United :s.t.000-.;!..i.f0ii.:;.i.etiwp0000t,i;:r.q40eto4,**0004..1Q,-:01..9 party ::fer..Whqra:)up::piterttieti the la* .0.00.040:: 041:1-Arnoln such unti it. 0at.:ihm bogo ohanged by written nottoe tn 005010P*01he provistons of thls pararaph For the present the parties de lOtiete the foflowng as the i70004i)v0 Tottc9.;: ••• For Cty of Miarru • • Mr)0.PPnicilt i01ty:Of:19)ami: 401:01..•ttprgyp..rrion4 thogrAr.6.101Pi Florida331.30 00101:11jtiiiniii:6ttikit:4'00grO*tqt 8700 :,HINT,0,200,•rriOretidm :..:14:00.:Fledfet Street, ttiOkg09- i,W4rili;:5L "3$1•14.• • • •• •,.• • ••:• INTIRPREIATION 17h#1ehotegeetith:iNbreertlertta$ been agreed to by both 14ofttoo,16:vrq*:..„.:0-tio**101-00t•ofio.it14 fute-]Of,$,Olet 0-,mproont.'.0to- fotrefrno purposs only and shall not ffeot an any way the meanrag or interpretataon A.0:0:40.100totio40t,titdti 011* arad the StiV1101otot:10-0040:,A40 and vtce .°,i10170tiT)'4tiorpoti!. to any portipt,itar.toh-torfoo, wono.vor..rotero0040...r.000:14.:0:$0dtito ar Ng* of Ifile.Mfeetef.4-;:such refarone Is jo he Seclion or of unless the 11LO .001.07r:Plq4PAR4TION R(0 OtAllOP of th Agreement has been 0:401.r1.f••:gffort.pf. Arta -...0or)$tition-ti and the rsfflng dooumen shall trOttet..cdf.j4g[el:pertatirugtidrt;:f?e, peOtiVed,:opii..eteverely edeltitt Oiebf triepe, yer.err other 'TrPhsP0.4$tion. OrogrAtri Supplitt$eevfdeg 1q :1"R1QRli`Y til; :00:9t; .lobs if t `ere t A canfbot qr Irtg insiSte to t bef! attaclbe i hereto,., any dpcumet t r eve Agreement by re erenc .er#d e: term1 st statement, roquireentfi car prOvtstcrt 1 a 0 Merl ,1t > t 0, rt to en PRiaFESStoNAL ERLICES.AgftEEMENf men ati errn;=staters ellt, .retluirsment{ at;� it Y1 fork of any ts..tef rred'to herein, or many doct rnent ► tcorparat&d 11:40'1 tternent, requtren"roTtt or. prdrisior of tFlts Agrees Brit the AS In tftls Agi eer lest shall prey il'and be given effect rn effrr rgage rn cooperative effort to: resai�te`. rgri art Cos c€ i rstruction of the subject pralectcs z and a this Agreement agree, all disputes between tl the itilttatiai of tttigatl i0r tt less; otherwise afire partiesfiind mutt sily}aopeptabte, wilt conduct ai FJorld > Tlie parties will spilt tie costs of a cei o include Bi ch si i1ar contract provisions wrth:a tsuitar is relsa r ed fothe •rojeot(s), therob r ism for dispute resolution. • an effort to expedite tire. conciusrort bf and+ lit gatio> r th file permissive' counterclaims in any`action arising un lililf� e is of the essence `.irr tt-rts tgreertil I0 '12 COMPL1ANGg W1T Gensirttarit sha11 conipiy with ell applrpabte i daludtng,'�vithout llrnitatrorr, the rrrerlpans wi ttideltnos and %standards in perrrrirr ,greer:rient The .Consultant repre provided by law n connection vit' 1.0121 Non Discrimination tty warrants and representsthat Itdoes not and` WCol nnsoutlteanngt'as gpeertfntiosdrmtsacnricment1ahto therehaltb0, nodiscriminaton nEcnneccn wttt -account of race,00erntet or r}atiorta further covenants Brat n[i otherwie qualified tndtuidrxal shalt, solely fay reason p sex,;;religton;: age, handicap, riiartial status or riatiana1 origin, he excluded frotr denied services, or be subject to ;discrimit a`lort tinder arty provision of this P r"'' 12 t71i GtaM1',tAiQE T1 ie Consttitarit warrants that rt viol canipl r u 1th a.11 Y t�rcai.:laws, rules# regulations grid ai�dli�ancaa to Gty propartyineritding .projectobsiteo, f C1HA e,. ul a t.0 safety gear ,I.n aocorrfance ,with r g . safety to utattons t exhibited. by Con ultati£ �ldirn�s sand n,:disorinrtnatrort. MINER s jet p recauttons es re The City reserved the right fo re Cr nsultant employees dire not attcps er.i€ a, crtltrntllrr Pattern;:, vety coinpi} wttl ail applicable prpvtstons a. rovlding ar y work, tabor or'seruicas fu7 tng,nor1discrtrnrrtatort on the basis o Addtttonatl_y the Crisco lash OLIO ymnet cif disni led pr Taciris nt is encient corrirac#or Ttits Agreerrient cures other business erifeit tse between the parties The ,Consuitent profrrtse, debt, de€aultw Or and takingof the C°gnsuttari€. 1 ,14 '1b1SCR T1aN ob ig1R CTOR 1 .r1 11i r not expressly provided fdr'hereiri deaht the exet`cise .af the .reesonable professional disdration t deslgi�ae ;14 Trannpertaiio fl Fromm. Support: ibr,vfoss, of create "a joint )es no authority tse dutin tit :caurse of the mpletloh"c►" led to pizri binding medlattnrl sting ktY ttiie parties cettied 1r114di tto tV)ediatlofl Proeeedrrtg fies'ir liarnt bade jaunty, cf :ni~diatpr ou a °a0a JStl bsis The onsuttant Sub cc rtsu1ttnts and/orindepenleritcor tractors btgieting fort ori..ald rig lediattw.tas the rihie +: to jury trial: or es, rules, regulatiors and resoiuttons as amen ed, arxd all applicable id. obli atlorls ,yrelated 'to this no 4014 °drecrrrritnatiori es s attd that reentent ors Consultant er race-, color, rori In, be eral state or Liss Corlsultantaccess Eerly` equipped with err =cc rn llarice with cans v�tth C�rsabdrttes. e City,lncluding Titles 1 applicable regulations; iative eteps to-4nst re: ntur, partnershirr ..or bind the city tv 'anj eclsiorts sf the City ad be within ter: or • the blrectars aborted RFQ 'i`1 l2 031. PROFESSZNAL tERVIC8SAGEMNIT I•.P45 f3pooTIQN OF. P0NTRAP1;b15NTE:§ Cons*qt. understands 010 agrees that -disputes tetWeeitit and the -City ba-sed,tpOn on,41ego4 , • Aeletion ot the forms of this Agreenient.by the City shell ..be$,:t uetnitted for teSolution the follOWIN 11141nItiIStep aha�. be for th Cbnsuant to•-•notIfy tno.Projeot Manager in writing of Ahe,.dispute and submita copy to th4Cty o Mtafint prairniel identified fr Artois 1 Oka Notides, hO610".lhe Consultant ard. the Project Manager 'fell to lesO1v41the,41600te,#1.6]-2007100.tAlit -*11P11-t67n11 their .dispute n Wtittnai with elluppornng supportingdoeOther,0116r,iito ihd:,ASSISt4tit:OliP.0.-06 as rdentthed tr! Alt:611. .ttpott‘te06ipt'bf.:t6id notifidsitiOn flio:ASSIstOt:ofroto.;0144:;e0..00.*tflo:14i,i00 relative to ttie di§ote.:#hdit,6.tte:Aviititt6h.firidiv.„. „ . . $.40.0.10 te:.,COn.Oultant.and the: AsSistant Qireotorendior ilirettOredesignes Nitta teSOIVelhedisdute. 00 .,. ..„., .,... , . . , . . . . . • , • coritirtarg•:4-tlu sul?rnIt .thoir dispute,ln.-:wtiting Vvithin 'five 0):.041erider -,ilays to Direotat Pollute td, .....„... ,...... .. . , . ., . ,... . .., .... , .. . • • . • ." the.,, .:,.. .., elOtolt Spon appeal :of: tho..-..-:w.rittoo:::.findind..SligliptittitOtO O•tto-otonto:: of -the-finding-.:.tiy tho '.QOti:SOlt.41)t.,:- PPO.,.,:r0.:00Pt,..000 .h000ption:140 bIro:Otor tivii rovlow..ino,:Wuoo:..rOIOtIV.O' to the ttigpowtott:1000 a ..„ , 8k00.0.-!tioclip.g,. Consultant niti#:..004lifit -#11Y 'ftlibetiOOdar in writing:Within five (5)-:OPIOncler 4ays'to. the 01y.:1.VI:OrMgPr; • • •,... .. ..• ,,,, ..... ... 0 Faitute ',to••-etibtlift.:-StiOn appeal - Of- the •Wtittetilltitling:shall constitute acceptance of the?.fInOing by the ronsuiton i Appeal to .o,Citv Mentgeller hmiher resoltitkin is required .pribt to.. Consultant being entitled' . .., ... .. , „. ..,,. tO.:-,eeek Jit1160110.1,1Of in••••00409P9,4 thOr0Mt11:,,ifOici the..40)00t,f :PcfnROnsgt€Pivilopoona0,!Ox'opoci $500.-boatc fhb: Qitii...191004.Oei...,;40.6100,....00) flO'.,;:40tif00, 'df ,disapproved.',by-the city Commlision, ConSOltentShell.tet -beentlitle4tOj.S-Seal4dfdleitott 0060.k (1) lt ..hpa.:11rot reoei9ed City Nanagers. written ',dadion; :approved -Oy. the City '00tt)n*Ipn_ It P1404.0(10or. Oil ::e period -pf sixty-(00.),.41a0 hps_exotted aftetetibinating ldttle:clty'N14000r 'Actot41044atonont ,_ .•, , ,.: :0.• the- 'dispute i' :000rnporiled by alt supporting documentation, ,:or .01 ::oet . ::..,..., .:.....„.. :.,.:,....,,, •"64 of §C.i days has e4irodwboro,Oity ManegeestlediSlon io.-tuilettlo'Clty:COrrlitiletidit:.plofdkiet-6t' (10 .City :hos w01v0 compliance -with the -prodedUre set -bah ln this Section by *rittoo itotrorarit(s) .: .,., .. .......... s tOirittt:by.--theCity'Nfenegeti.: 040:: :4NQaPENpgNT 'pQNT13);ctQR: coh:60itOnt'::.110)ziOeiffP17601#0i*ild ts 1,:0!q engaged to .prpv147•oaniices*5 th City w80:111:depondOrit OPtt600f)*14..rdt as an rtt & ernptoyee ofthe Cl1y APPPicitrkgiy..,•tonsultant hall not attainbe entitted to any 44tit.oOfotwito010.0itt.:to 010..0orvfoo. or•16pri$(64.--001.40110ebtibe City, not any itgb•ts: 4eri4t11Y- 0NNOgi'040440 or',.440000100:.-00010ypps..i :00-1sPliant'',f6rinor:undoritprids Ithat FtGiida Workers Compensation ori4t4 avaitabte to mptoyaes of tho:01iy ore:'0tovOliWolfo.',Qpntultallt, and agrees to 0010.0.10.4fo' .00roon.s.40 InOronoo for any -employee or:o900;t:o.f toriatitant tentiejtg services toAgreement ts CONTIKOENCYCLAtjtf,. •:::. . • Funding :gyall4Idijityiprfun4S'An0 oorttiotod.?;:44thortottoti- for prograrrl activities amendment or *m1046611 reduction af funds andlor ohane ri rgulat1ons, upori thirty (30 days flotica 4. 044 1.131gb PARTY ttmthelARY ....„ poogyttoot--tro:p1p:',Pify agree that tt is not intended:tb.0 ony.provtOon,pf-Abi§:,Adroottiont..:ootobOhot-o third party diVirid.or o (towing, onroiitm, der : _ • . . t4,4:NfO0f.rtofit •ADDITIC,NAL TERMS AND No additional ;torn% included with•:the :601teti,:tf006061-f..0 ,0101, evaluated.. or . gPr1S1.40Mdi and any:,00(1 alt such ddltoOal terms and conditions shali have no fOrgOi ar effeot and re lhopplio0.1,t4•tnis SOIrpatiOn, if'otOrnittod.,-tithOrourOgo6i.ohrotidiiiri.:tOrtt or ;e;104$,, or ft1.00vottOtAy, transmitter iottoro, spaclfi�atidhs, jtfot4tpr. pke. Gate •,9orrot.to, it t 15 'fiensportallost:Progretiv$uopott.8,orvies utiderstoar! arrd greed'that the ipptioabI to ti is •isolicitatlon btdder'slproposeee #cl he wIedgn. Other Agreement is povtctd,k hrch rnaterisl[ or substanttaII; op[ sort arid Yeas coridrtlons shall (P.SA") Q other .dye aree P0.00000A S€RV�GES AGR frMElVT rare irr this 0110 its If F?rcless�dnat Serlces A ee3 it t is sollcrfatiorr na adt Ittonal tern terms or oonditto`ns attof tie G reer i dns►derecl An r end stt l a&ht tppl�oebte to thrs prc e *ml:,a1 S„ or Irons rp ttP sole orra torrns and ervicea Argroornant Admen I . t'''. . rrir3r Vlce l t4iderit ST. (Corp rate Sail) parterre. t0 -Trartspoii 0)1 ,rOOraij.Sapport.Service atoatn ;of the RFQ 11 12 03;E pkoltstioNAL seWUt Ao.Rthl\;IEN't .CERTIFICATEPF AUTHORITY (iF:qORFQRATION): HERESY O:ERTIFY lhet et. A :MAOtilt af the Board .0' Directors af .a ObrOofatloh..ONetilit,O ndexisting under :i..: . the aPday 1:4041kir.1 patt00.n.s1 edopted'etithotlilno (Nerr1:6.): . i:5! the! -0000Att&i. tof: 'tktio00: ebte4the.htt on: b6herf the 6040.40tiOtt 'proiftrihd: that 'fitolhor-oopcition ihrof: 'ditedtdd. by the :storetery. :of the bOtObt4oh,,Oell be -the deed the:borporatIom 1 further oettilty.;.thet.saiiir6d6tuttort:ttrheIht :10:t0110ro ncf effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF I':Iitit:-:.hetiihtatet:iiiy:fithatils.1:. ay o the tefe 4:t of of • tk;Sc=ik NOTARIZATION .COA,IN .24( for§g'.619 t*.tment was,e0Rno*Iodged before rn fl„ .*c).1 by '02:rdi t who id . . kr-I:OM to -:rho-)riv4ho het pittltibe.d ‘.~) who not) take art 00-1; SIGNATURE OF NOTA STATE OF FLORIDA PusLic PRINTED, STAMPED OR TYPED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC: T.E.trItporpn:Prcorarp.,:t.oppoti:8otyfoot 17 kraxox.4xx PRO 1_S$IONA'L.:uE1,VTGES AGREEMENT ACEINIENT A R ARTIICLE Al -.GENERAL UrleJOH h irect[an of tFt Qrtectot or deeignaer Oen Oltatit 'Is ter asslat rtt thy` progl .and',adrnrq stratiot of th . l ransportatton Proaraarn of the Ort th oi�nsistthg f, but not I unplanned transbbtoVeTnantsi analysts, studies, °design,. ?sea- _ ea e, act prne> tt an'd. tzonstructton l'rojeets ` It. Is e intent onti :fit extension of bfftce 0f prafes 10nal per` prrne Aoreetrretrt the 'Car assignments and091171 tes designee: artattc orm :hat[ i vied riagem e i tat ptar hed cagitat. an: and tkiattnsrrltant tiplt prorlde fhs Services7. hereunder ,es err' ices by prQvrding ra0li iert adrninistrattVV, tecftnrcat and anti . respon. Jlll[ttes assign rintkeri the terms of thls Irmiza reliance; on the Office of Trahsportatron's:rateireces for idarr jC e greemenf, ss ruay be :k iithorize by tttie bireotor or" r+esau duties Censulteh shall: rise its best :effort :at alt trines to cause extpedrtlet.ta and. oust effective manner consisteritwith the int Ai ElI lI�F'$I 1 0 1 Ccrtstaltai�t mays; be regr rrted n perform alt or $otr%e of the Sets tcos presented in this Agreriientxependipg rare the needs of: the pity Tle Consultant shall furnish the Services spr crlicaliy authorized J y tlx Agreement; which S'ervtcas: Irma :encompass one°`or frtore prQfessionat Ilia 5ertitrces td b'e rests of tFta Cray:, tat in the rrrQst E hose dtsclpJtzte iti drtipi7 ter held'by tit ort .0.0lrtt.. Al 01=2 'PSS may include, but are rtot limited for reaearoh and a alysrs, preparation of reports; studies, coordination with community organizatioris� pralect rnanageinent, prcduotion management o tnar=s representative, construction adm.rnrstretron, inter;,at erxgy coorthnatran cost eat mating value englnerrnng, :scheduling& utility coordiriatton,r document control and 'records rltanagempn#, arid' adrrii,r istrativi~, am =financial Program 0ana4ement for the Crtyrs Transpottat►on C r•ogram:,.; The Service n y further rnolude buff 'are not limited t€i •k tannitrg, progi mrn[ri , ftekd Investigations ohsetvation,s, feasibility studies, alternative analysis end envi ortrrtental stud+es, transportation c©at modettrtg, financia 'analysis aricl ;tither ac lvrtres that y be required. to ccrripiete approved Work erg:, Ai 0t=3onsultatit wJ[1,:::intat be;iesposrble tt.asslst;.wlttt the purchase of p egtirpsi �nt, . tt shall'assist ith the fiscal rttonitorirlg of those capital Projects an the•annual Transportation Program":; seo Ai 0 4 'The CI described In the aria The Rirecter:or design t€ar'atitee that any .oral! of :this: Agreerment..; eledt to erand rrduc or delete extont ti r�vrdeo such action does, loot atter the intent aghast Cons uteri Sauces on air as needed. bas rvices dasctrtr�d in this ��rc�rnent'wiil be.assgriec 41 q ,s Ca9 ►lat3ATt 't Wt Ri Ttie Consultant will. ba r`esppnslbls to Work in 'cooperatioh with the Office of l rans•portatran, City administration, officials of thie City, client depar•tments acid agencies, ccimmunity and other stakeholders, with cons titants,•and, contractors to adrriinister the Tranaportatkrri. Progrartt's i rojects, At 02.g It €sundetst rod that any Work Order anti i�Jotice :ta Praceett will be issued M006.thi0 Agreement at the acle cliscretrarr of the Dn$ector` or dosignee and::thet ;the Certsultarit: has .n.o expectatrori., entitl rnent, right to or prriiltegtw to i' ceive:;a tntork Order Pi Notice to Ptoteed for arty Prolact cr,' W6f.k. The City reserves at ati times the tight to perinrrn ,any and ail Services fit house, or with athot private professional consultants, architect or engineers consistent with applicable Jaw, including :Section 287 Q�bt Florida Statutes; onsultants" Campptitive I e otiatrtsri Act} if,r�cluired, or to'discontintiesor wttli-draw aity or all i',ro �cts ar Work or tc aX.erctse every' otherchatoe alloWed :by last; ork efsments tie 4017 einent. There is ro during the terrn 1.8 7ronspctt0#tp1) upon. Ssrtttaet i t 11.120't PR6FES$101\14 SERVICES AGREENiENT ThtM90110'1.00dfer on arty• dertidlitori!,00140iVe ':cir01;)01001d1.1t0 toAriy diiy. :•PArAtt0$.; The Cty will pay OP.•:OcritOitont::...in accordance vviii.proNirion$..oritt.).01itgtio....t:otiAttgthrright No . , , , .'4)§00:7f.pe,igto oonsuitan4 or "6tYt0.•0$ :":trE:pqrtneototr.viaq:Allo. prep6ratron pr'eny Vil015 Order OfOotgi :dO.og executed Workdedtt;..:Itotiet to .• PJ-.060.grtcil.Or ARTICLEOVERVIEVIT.,Of 'TRANIPSIRTATION AND 'TRANSIT' PROGRAM .18uPOPRi ;.SERMES- Agt9.1 if.0144RYg.13,VAO.g§: cr;, his/her e iscre , • -dotd" "."—d-riff th-fredl ;Odri Ult6 t 6401 proyidoi.0 Wdrk Order Prop0e0..fdr:the -perfdritithd&tt 014 fri:01.400i Ot-0,-to nedeeeedly triltedAdliidee:ittehtifiedidArtidie Trig,gward:00..8 .exgoufior.1 of WO.k!Order rN�lio3 ipstOgOtt fOrtg10.8golOg:stftiiii-bg.,,,tol4gt 460 (;.Vs,idttorettoti; and submittal oft propotgi is •ho guarnte or assuranQe that th Cosulart will be authorized fo.potiormthoWOrk. „. • ieVces , 1t):geeperatelyippodifetedArld togy.bolump tuft., hottily-fgt-btsed OtOttigfplgthor.gt.;dg,060d:Approp.i...igfe.ibyltig:iparliga • • ••-• • • - • •,.. :.SPttiALTY SERVICES Whom. Diteddr dr.deti:gried,:lh'41§/hert010:clisdtabh • idetitille•Olie.bdediOf -$ONISe tolgtOIQ,A•utilque, . and doeeibtY;Ibtgo scate element, Pfp)00-E*,fthili aro 0-o.voltdb10.1rortrckiithiti,Ahe fcityt: :00,,t0610..fgtO0('Ogti h0gitigftgit $000104•0gr.togt„Ogrm.ilt.apt shall --op.ovidgt Work Order Propoai forthe porformance osaid Setvces $03.:OrdijdOr0:41.1:.tdotcfik in sadf-Vdeta as deemed -gotoptiate:* the Director or designee, the tiatue of the 00460 Services, the °46.1j4)01:11-df'tjhr ah,°I::mei'.''taht:1 ., ftrm(s ssgnmeflt btlWoi*:'0 Specialty Srvioes shall b rnade so&y at the dioretion of the and will beed dOrtid e:di by a Work Order . . issued pursant The award and exeoution of aNkrt Or407,dr fiptid*to!,8rooggtt guilg,:pitA:Otgrgggrt ofa prppotglitt:Altir..0*7011100 orgtturatioolh the 0.0:e:1,41'10)#00:0::PIP„rfPrr,ft,t4P:Work,PP:46.0fOltY Sioit0e$: • . Obit. perifetidtfldr toy is.000ity-::;SoNj0400000 be oototoy:iriogo6stod and rnay be lump sum, hourly rate -based at Other diellIdd‘'ee daenied 00d.rd:01.4;§y7t.tie:dertie*, . Agli;OLE.AI IIVIA14Y,1"tt...Vtdt$ vp:r1§14..pro; ;by. beloderrlertidj itieetidd6tett1 rribrOOdhiedt,- 'Of tri:e20er.01 0.:40.01:41:itbygploOtt:',:prpg,told.Otiali.1)p,;ccost,dorod -Primary:-SW10.8. end .:ehaltddriewti,,i;eflerally'''Ofthe fd1.10.1rt.O.:ereee. q1 ..4r11%10.1P".r..RATIVATRIP.PRAivf 100•4001410 . ot,:agiignpot frf 46w4§bfotoi1, fri0101.0:ethe need, in the bbtop.rohp.00vo..:bbbrOniitor)„ devetopmen, arid • ti.00§00..t*.•'(#040104.,::;:ii4:40010400,.:4fiif01:06928'a7slpgs,gt,Wipr-:gPfNifies;,. • 01:06.fitlit0 frpccmrnend':iho.mc§i. oft6c.No methods to mptement alt of 11.P cv-Prp.1..::Program A3,01‘2i Program COOtdifOtOW:: 1Q0c5.14)00001 00:.;f0004i110 ,#)400.10•tif..for Projet design, P.i:oor:40t,....14:MOtIOC. :40v.giqP ttittir:thitigiv0 Work :onctigntisgt,:tO.'elotorrriiiig ib4inipaottf potgtitigi oiliiidot;toth4"'10fitte . Transportation ProgQern.$0ppdtt::Setvides 111.1 i'F0FESS10NII-,4•ERV10ES.FPGR.EEME T *it A3 o2:1ti depositions ani relafirig fa the F 3tt1 irisoat ,lti anagerrrent Assistatice. '1 evelc #franc% P1o1 Program funds, fittancin arin bash fiows :Assist with the- d velopmept c -far potential fib o ` trs�rf , .rrlciuttrri iriyestrrre t bard , wh%h trray P g�p g Otogram, Mite b tire: ;ta s Staffii .A3Yti `7 Froce rnarliais far vrias ,Pipe startt#ard tT cumenis arrdf A3.Cr1.4s Docutrient. management"systetrt f Prc�grarrr that'`is acdess'i toter l enc� govern.rttentar ageneEes, �orinty Public lark. and.: with frlkateeveiapers 0 1 Staff &, usi ness i3evetopmetst. oa telopmmlent and Crr1ptementi prograrris, and J'rternor affloe:of `transiortatio staff cn Sri, ors gc ig, inforrf taII A3 tit tit prepare off ci [ mrrrutes of'' trreettrlg tar .the .Director 'i dfssernrnatio ish r gulai ig gress `n4 atatuts re or as stgrirircan f sues oecbme kno in#aid staf i rg e€Iicienoi wjthri t o dad trltar t ' ea r.` *ocess Ir rpravements pevelQpjnent; ofS prow tilts anti procedure ec$tit1 es a �ci processes.. Develop or assist with the deiletopment Of d track; :nd f inarrcrai data, o:�m��arr►atlt ti�a wlanager. eni.: Reyeiaptnent i of a .c eun ent ootrmerrtatro ;arid oorraspol deuce relating to the. nsultarit� to its Capacity as Progfam ikanr eo[e dtsc :tren, rderrttftes:'the crap d1J t a24{a)tlS and erify cons A3 o -1tl�) Firs it. 6V1 VM/, r'non1ttS r yrnent regi.irertione Assist corr'ltnitrnents, lulonitor Project fun nz fury eportlu rouide es at frequencies ideri>:. fle i f 7ir tit A3 e ;ttd) Commurrication & c y At the direction o addrsss meetings .with City offloie! , neig )bodleedl groups, arty of th1 G1tyY; Program_ anspa Con (PD£ clrrlpaf iesati, ragC4FIato r r et, will assist where-Mhen Drr otof e foliowCng Services andlor acttvitres nistraton an'Flscallctlutfiies e velue engineering throctgtt ut Ptc „Olt, utrea respedti tuestioiie andenCert about the Project at Cif, With 'public fnform tier, _n tiftcattntis and public meetings r Conaf ruction: projects. A3 t12-1t'ej lnforr ation.M.anagement,.Document Control :Ma Chain files of ali dacurnental;Ibn arid.. corresppndertce relating fo the Program and spaccflc I roeotsrth an ordetly'systerrr whrch'wrll be tot kie Cify; upon compietton oftha Prj ct and/oir Program,: entices Should Jegai issues artae r`elattng to ony,'about effeete s Provide consultrrg s aridfor i?ragam_. A3 0242n rad.i`etion Activities.. Tn Consultant, in its cat?aeity as Prograrrr Mari histf ersole dirscrstian, rder tif►es the peed• oedictiporsrrs, otor mnrznthiy Pr . sltian€ of Contractions an rf paynfeht rquiitll44 to t nanMlai prof ectlan>"aessr qunired lgtafua irrfori rtatert vrt .ssigri titantaia oth r bade- ano eveloprnett rovaE err t ;nee, iri ofedt exper dituros an#7or Consultants et Cash floe eiect(e) to t1 TranaporkatiarrP:rograrrr eugpott ?et er; wil irectar nr deslgnae a to c►brzens concerning rmrssiart rneetrngs _assist d rri relation to I.assIgne ttend and. Proleote< fl3e ity, ,ojo.et, riavide records.; etvices orr other matter's assi`stwtlerefyuhen .hector or designee. i. In eryrees. andfor activities 031 PROFESSIONAL 'SERV! CES AGREEMENT A3.1)2-2(4) Project StQflP.0910§, epdtpr CP..4f.107).;4010.1101 .rrOje4Sco060vittl4feft oli.•otit• design setiteteS'.0g010t• 000( N*:00trieriitril61*., .0•66$.(.41teilte1a4 00.010et 'pfloriOattp.n:an4 :design. alternates as . . . • 02 audgets1 boveloP Work schedules and bOc10 fOrtWOM1011. , • • Provatii aid for assind14.41t.dtt. ' • • A*0*4(0. gnat.p.r p41"$t.1thp re0oraltStete.,e.N iocal perms or approvals * tfrOrck agenciee:'':ou0.11 ••.Nilamt40.A.do, Water artd tow0.-jDERM O 0004 plans arid •for ;g006(t1 requirements ar oprOftions,. ,iii-o-revoilsiRify..:ot. the. 40•0100..(0004 fOO:for!*-0Atitattlotpgrmli,% , , t 6 Thisefiw -1.6,9•11 ith 60:616 : l:0244(0). Vtility...ceerdthetiolit.,Peorite . 46; t ‘: ess.4# A t eotbleti-i5ft,bhd coirthnatiori amon clty, daners of 00.0-Itt; .OWnata: . . • • • 4 0.02.;g(0) ?olio gptypacti;::m$Iptity.pgprctingrig :and hosfiho':01:periodic fliaatihga at frequencies cl.Pt„*roin90 by the Prreefer r.designaet to pramote'best.practrces by City arietittdustry. ARTICLE A4 SPEOIALT:Y:SERVIg Nib THE::WitAiVii '1ROLL5Y: p specific aridea:Va04.:11d.tiost: ettPorri0Se:4f*c0..eli„,of:tre-04:ti00100'04.(Kifh•-'$4-..eV.:16qi; 'The roquirod Work shall be described n a Work cltO(Of60.400:1 that shall Ot*Oik4.010'fi#,:0** Order to b4,aptifoVedIittil4Difet taitir:44fOtiOol,- • • Any Speoitilty Services shell have Work • Order ssued for all or 00104 'Of.:.:00''f011001:00 Alt, ARTIL A4 ATICI-8- A4 ARTICLE A4 AkTICLE'A4 •ARTtCLE A4 ARTICLEA4 • ARTICLE A4 ARTICLE A4 .00-00:OO.O000rrionto- fltfor:101) or-01.-si*,10:04101VithO Ov:oflOblittStPtgrant b..poroffoolattOtailieht6 1).t1P1014)itatro monaRpmerit- 10fti0110 0#1P.0110::P.Oft.0000 $00ty lmrovemepts MtiOM-A4 STAPP1.06: ThoT,Dirootoror, 4:0-6.tgl*ht.tilia:ttht.-tiOr p.ras4)!'ab(1 rgUiate th C�suttsbrkforc d'0PPf00. apecifio Cort5ultants employees The Consultant wUl perform aj $06/104 E-0,0040.(10 thio,:*40 of SerOoes..wbereAkhoc, tirettor;or;detigritel 41§bt06:6;:,takotifto b us of tlie ;00$011'?-00.:.:116104.-:Tw Di-rei6v5-4 16:06.t ,nd Work •aapacj; 000464 .aa016r. Oaff f�r $0610s Oetlipb6thalt he duty conskiered by 0000040.(int:00000§ any- tromitLi4i Work :Jatair,pirop041 and failute 161-V041#019."addrss sych 0000 :Y00.0416# .staff •ottiond.rits-"m4ybototi64or Direbkir'g:roottilif0f*no, 01;; gtOff.4:4410.441Y.::44aftfi:00;lottto0A01‘pri,:tiogri$0.:4topotforr-r.tih-o'Woikgag,riOd to them The Cansutantthall-dagibtOta. a Progthtn 0.14041itOf 10' -).1) ,Agf00164111:010: 01,1 *1040:ItOd at an oThoe nialnta!nOd by the Consultant Ths roram 00taP/AtOf.'04)1 be ::t0S00:0410 for alt edr;istretive fuiotiore.§'tbciatoo with th A9remant This indMdteland glyo .orarppype.s P fh0. aditiit)10-atjva.100•Otis not ioCetect-at the iNtRq, Abell be pert:of.!f e 21 pry F scold ,t_:sri vidt A AGRE MEINT assi'nerl i dc*sigrtee t interview 1, r'lentton sponsll `iontsutt ht`s overhead artd not`:direct blllabte r sh tE be .el➢gible for.biltabte char e wharf per'forrptng spe the Director or desionee t5 01 pltIAI ST A orttarr, it the F' al futl-ttr rmd masts an City on a:tnc�ntti ggreemajt t hie t ragrai ntcat n so r odtdtriator ervtcas shall: be performed ;by ttre Cansul ants Key tpersanriel :$%.gr e g bl[1r vi;rsrdo Center btilldrrt Such Pasatinel`;s all be., of taf assigned to #Its;; drrtperisatrart s provided' eerrtent tie Cat€ector.,or estgnee shalt issue :c reflect thie mopihty levels crf .;campesatian an ivtduals asslgr ed tp. pei -Dart what wcutd: be and levels of cmpenattc?fl SPECIALTv SOR1ftl= ,; ed an a d: to the riding r dayerlrtg the initial Key er_vtces and a eeparate Work considered ±Soeciatty Ser)hcesf. ITie lork assrgameri.ts pat orr.na4 icy thaw staff well be requested rt wetting by the: pirectc r ar designee for irtcftvtd�uar or short terms tasks, or'for� Iong terrn and corttinurng .service tasks 'socrated wrth any ete:ment €if the Scopeof $orurpes tie level of s fft created for these staff members nerd their asstgrrnients wilt b.e analyzed y tits [Director or, htsiher dest"tr ee on areas needed basis and the progress rrreasured through the Montklly progress R por to accompany the monthly rnvorcingri . ha1115e aseigr€to a given sc staff andllor aptrvtf ies as: being offered on a lurid baels t 5.03 STAFFING CHANGES if 0ddrtlot al staff rs warrahtftatit due ;ill:workload Issues, a written request Wilt be rmar e by-ansuttant to :the 17irector: 3Der, ;designee whose•wr tterr approval [s re•quited at described below Aa 34. 0hanoo - r.trae `' o Aos.errce cr TOnitunation"lf th'erd are chaogee le the sta art authorized Work Order, particularly with Kay Perednnet as idebtifiad in subrn ttal, be' absent due to valuntary or involuntary fiermirtation five (ti) husir:ess clays of tii.e date of separation, cr as request are ►nth odua1'steftr p`arttau1arly Kay Persal nel as tdentrfted ire tf fir errors than 15 4nns+*cuti1e business days due tc vacation, t provide e qualited repiaerter>t that is•acceptabte to the iractor't Drreotor ar destgrie' able dtscratiott rriey eddittonalry; ragas' ab en s of :lass than �15 bt►stness days tf iarranted by ibis nafurre of [tie nttr her died ,k fit e[ nisif; 11 t O.,WOetor o d^esi f ja i may 4ist o roq ne ar mole resumast 1yo# an •':,",,::•.1 d.. 'ia r:...,.,....w in.J. ,..4n 1 tay'elso nest ttr:titorvrew the proposed personnel and select the rrras City' solo cipinrorreteotton o such a pnersoto Work err the P.ro Dons tltant'e sate resprrrislb1hty snot itatxtltty far:ttto pe'rforifiance anc' =�x changes attait be not d and'approV'att tnvirltinr� off dud: to ll ark. Reoutrements. Director:; or dee►g.rea`s approval iiiair be in iepcted It ees RFC iced vltithih .;should. ba:absent. .r[tarif shall Eesigriee i iaft"data; to anal p raplat xrtsnt 'rograrrr Staff ant included in the ropasattWork ©refer -and. estri t fed to or tit e case of g f ours per month let tots[ Consultant shaft provide awritten proposal man hour and related;;>requrrements ;for the task or natty{ty to ee sonnet or Staff assigt :ect for.: peciaity ervi Scesb The Director or e resume for ar y per; sonnet to be asaigrred Odd may also request to and select the roost, qualrfted person, ►n tC o Crty'.s sole opinion. .work on the :Pr0grat'n' does; riot .ohpoga the Consultant's sate ormahce. raft a ;ttQr'ls of said person.. part4tion program tt ipprt:.service`s PROPE*IONAL SERvICEs AGREEMENT .ARTICLE AS ASSIGNMENT OF WORK, •, , . 11 is 0.184ther.&00‘i•purgoee,afthe,citylmt.tan'ttiltatitthallprOld#11je'PJ $ef.V....160::h. pxignsl4r1.:0.,:ckftioo of Tren$portetiorfeletOttroes as may be authorized by 0-fo. Direatat. It is envisioned thtt:t,rete of respontibilitiee:tridspecified teeke:will be assigned by the Director or destgnee AG.014 Work Orders v9400. soppo.:011tyo 1.-0001 Work Order to Key Personnel Program SupportStaff .orPragram, $1.1gpOrt-'stafra8gid.otd.b. Specialty Work • Order 00:0koor-pr,-401gne-141.mqq0a'AWOr...0.rOor:•;PrOpaatfiottiSibesaar%tiltatttldr Services based.on a prapcised $cQp.e, .0 Servicos provided by the, Director br..iitesf064: 0** ;4.* designee, ifand may have preliminary meetings, warranted,. further ;.0:01:00.,,to:,-$.pppo Work and to resovePitlY',44eetior% regarding tne proposed Project The 000044-0:.:'•0011..:topq propare. the required Services generally foUowing the guidelines 0.ro*.ed by CIP, iridicating the proposed Scope af Services, prqppsc fees,:ftOb consultants wArrtritedr:detivereale Itoib and/ordocuments, and timeframe to:compte,6Work. The vvoos'.,ipraer• '0.ropos1: :,detaited:staffing :f thel• • if and theLHourly pbri.iro • e s. or. propose ervtoes.methodcompensation,ei er Lump urn or FO't01100r14:ArriOnnt, The 00401taiit.00::..rtabe•tompontglitir the preparation :Or Work Order • R4064", Wherittiti$tritu.Is eadlled! ths Corii:11#11t shall prepare arevised •4tict tThal Wor)c drder Proposti , , • Whibh will be attached and incorporated to the Work Order authorized by the ptrpotor or deeinee, Upon acceptance of the Work Order OrOOoOti a Notice to Proceed wUl be jeeqpii.by the Oiireotor, or `dtelriet: Nia.gija.ranteole made as to hiw roomy otio*the extrit of\Aiotk 'Orders issued to the -Contliftent ''Trn0)5,0r:tetioriPtorerti Support SerVes RF� 1l14Z;031 PROFESSIONAL; SERVICES AGREEtutENT s E uLE R`'{ C7f SULTANT ` EAr The;foCkiWing abC sumti-mar�zes the ro the Pr rfessionaf i rer►s o ate©) PrQ e for ell merOhers of the Q00s14ltant 1'e4. �a port Se u�ces A rsement fOr the: City rah Fated tp Wdrkbn Ott Slrppnrr SeivTc s PROFESSIONAL SEMMES AGREEMENT SCHEDULE Al B.0011SULT FIRM NAME I-INTB CORPORATION btAitii.dogULTIISikLLC CONSULTING FIELD FINANCIALSERVICES CALTIMN .ENGINEER:ING GROUP:I INC.. EV SERVICES tRA'FF19 'p671wp9,44, tiVt6itiVitiqf' NAME KEY STAFF' JOB CLASSIFICATION Prt4ratri—Coorditi6t0 (TrMItpOrtation ry 01.6joot,mtioAr ' t4' fd66). S.Prior ErtgInger Pro:100 glitne.:er: En9ineOr beilgnet Englrioorkg, .:,86rifOrrI41100:r Pubii.Rertio,:s Spdbraligt. . , Pubflc trifartrtOtiqr) Osit.icer ::CtdOtEr,i0fOtilil,06t0). Enditlgr soot' govit0,*(1116(000.1 25 Trotitporld.tioifintoqr4rn SuppOlt PROW RVt ES AOR EMP4T AR. 11ET O Prc;!essior tfhode.:or: ct tmbi, NIt7LTMPL.IIR sig •itfroOpftflo r clt d ng, without Itrn ._ dprCietlort of oc#ittpe slippu other ernptoyee tirr or n - shall. 0e :too tidy utiltzpd with ..i� ernent. E Wage . art Oppri y ,.... use mu tlplter kltertt empto tee bei l telephonO And t sf s b cripttonS. tanCe not dtrect C�i 11 kt . tf is Agr E NTS. e'by �n�_al`t orient of ;r • Aft pouted at a lfl Dade rputattsd rates: �d.oVathead. r tilr t sup li tine rid Ctertl to CQ pty. r '.d Alt :Scita �nsportatt n r u port eni de$ Canstattarits shall •provide to the City ourrent, trertifled .eud(t ,statorriat ts. refiectinq tttefr• rrverhead at.'the r.0.0u ttfth::Cty BZ 04 CALCULATIO'N Said lage Rates ire to b utilized try C00sk4ltertt to celorilalitt •oemp'ensation pay'abte lot ail Transportation Program Staff tie ettsultant •shalt identify: job classtfications, avellatste' Staff and projected man hours -required for the proper t;er ,pletion of tas s` and/or groups,of tasks,_ milestones and deliverables identified 'wider the.Scope of Work:as;•exerrtplifred ire scl, ute A2 ; 2,05 EMPLOYEE Ba1NEFITS Arab t 1/ERFWA l egarcliesa of the method f dor ensatlon eie tied herein, cO.ft ensatlon paid by Crty shalt, via:the Muttiptler, cover all Cansuttaft casts, including, without limitation, empioyee fringe benefits (e g:.srol leake, vaoattdn, h it ay, uriamptoyrnen# t 'stes# retirerrient, hteclieai, insurance and•unet p6yment beneffts�'arid, en orrerheact ;factor Fai1u0 tO cqi ptywiil thl;; se tion abed beicause.forpancellabon of thisAgreement. ESCALATION •There;:sheft k e no'wag escatatroh;i unng the term of this:con#rani; , TICLE ' 1 U ATKKN t F F ES ND t E J ATtt The Cr! agrees tc: pay the Gonsu,ltaht, and the Can.sultant agrees to accept for service rendered • pursuant to this Agreement, es fecomptryuted air e ar a combination of the rrrethods:cutltned aoo�te,,as: appttt;al Ie, to:the foilowu- g r fanner* ' 133 01 LOW!, it 'U i Compensation fora Scope of Work may be a I ttrnp Silrir, either fa Fixed deemed appropriate by the`Otty, tore mutually agreed/upon in:vrrrtrng bey stated in a Work Order°. B3 �t L Sum shall be the :total amount Of..compensation .Where'alI speets_ tit Work.°are clearly dal'ined,, quantjfiad and,oafculatedr. • g*f Modifications to Lurx€ta Sum. If' the tarty authorizes a substantial or imatertal, change. in tl'ie S.00pe of Services or level of staffing the Lump Boat oompertsatldrt for that potttorr of the Servtres may lie egLlitably and proportionately adjusted by rnufuai consent of the I trecto ar d srgnee and .i orYsultariit, irbjet t t€r suoh ad iiiortai apprp l y rr, y # r q rtrao by islatlon d rdrnarid' f 3#f 3 Lump S im.eompensatton shah e caicutated by consul#ant, utiil irtg the Wa e Rates established herein Inckuding multiplier, ante reimbursable expenses as attached in cli' ule B-2. Prior to issuing a Work .Order, ilia Ctty:may requrre Consult0rit, to 'vOl'oelookitkte4.0600 tut p: Stfrn compensation ueh verif ida#ion shall present sufficient information as depicted in Schedule A2:. $i2 IiLIRLYA" Fl=ls 2 °t Ftourly Raate; Fees.>shall be those rates for Consultant and Sub cahsultant employees. i entified in Sot dine tit Wage atea� Att Court >ate fees �rlitl r telude a tnaxirri:urn not to ekceed figrare, rndlusive .of al! costs expressed in the aohtrac documents The C(ty shall i ave'n ' Iiabiiltyy for airy foe,.:cost or_e4ports'e ebdve this figure onsttitartt ihOtC,mairita n tirriesheets for all mdivicluai'S: cpmpereated rail ari hourly basis Sard tirnastreets;,ae to .reflect :e nerve grid title of the:rndividuaf, ror weeks all `ZWork, performed during the work week, and the tiouis ,a`.ssodiated with each tas)< perferrrie Tirn sheets m,ust,ao :bunt for the tote!, rtu►: ber of uthor zed cork hours rn Cho work Week: B3 f 2 Cnr#clition for llse Hourly Rate Fees ship e used only Irf #hose Instances wl ete the parties agree that it is not posslbie to:deterrriinte, define, quantify and/or ceiculate the complete Nature, andior aspects,: tasks, man hours, ot'ritilestones for a particular l inject or portion thereof at the time. of Work Order:lssuanco Hourly Mate Feed ni ay be utilized for dditiotl l Work that is;sirnilarly indetermin fe In„such ceses, the 1ty vtlil eat k lish ah. Allotiva ce iri t ie Work order that shell, serve sa Not to Exceed;;Fes for the Worktt be perfor'mad on an 110 lily Rate 13as!s.. irarts prtetittn:Progr r spot te1vts. 3b. B342 i'Or eta Justifige written`>, Fuse c perforrnln Federal F (1/2)•time tse of cAerile,tS,i tM 3t1 SABL XPEN fees- -fcir- uth'onized eirtlt iirsa )slit or overhoed a <penses cif any suppIiea,. depreciation cfequrpient,•ptofasstorat speoiftcattons, hiaiiing, stenOgrapFi(c# Gtertca ; ar,. directly retatect tri as protect Ali reimbtirsal3fe serv1 the: tOnattitart#it ai tthorizoct rsl ..:::.. *be a Reitt b it eble EEO:elide, °vetite�, rho sets css ara psrd for use of overti ie j at or t eDirector or any reVVast forbrri e� subiecfto the fri�lt aed Ort tiotii k „ ork I. oerforrnad Dal sr lt, dvanoe of opcurrttng such overtime an' r stgrte failure to obtain pnnr written apfsr etiotr for the incurred ayertrne, T e i iret ng I tailors that the ovartime m y only uch Staff shall nc t be + xetxtot em0t yees: Hither, ;Overli a com5essatlop shell not eg• hourjy rate, av prgvlded to 6chedute B1. ray be;denied.by'Djrectox or;destgnee,.. shall provide written t� lain ad er(ge.:: it shalt result :In the m y0440,z the. yes €ar Staff who rs: eft"ed urider.the;: d otie ond~o�te half e regular tope4ted dung; office n drafting )wings Arid sistenee rtCi expended by: < idrk wlii; it y wilt re!m urse fhe POnsu(tarif;tgr i uthirrtzed Retmbursabls expenses pursGentto the limifations. of this Agreement as, vertfed•by supporting doouman€attori deemed appropriate by Director i�r de igriee including, watheett limlta: ian, detailed ills tterritzed initaices arld/or copies of eance(I;ed'checks I33.44 PBE$ far SP C AL The l onsultent may lad. a tthonze and/or.Reitribttrs bte gxpenses ,:o B3 f}4� IGietel"mit :atcc g of Peen_ gigpe'nsattoti 1pr such ser�rioes upon,t ump Sum or Rourty Rata w.tttr:a B3,04=2 t<'roce 1 £ n independent a oast r dacur le±/Ii�g` suiie Trre igppr Opal `aornpertsatian e one of the rr►ethods desedbe r' g xcee.d Unit: rocpedx and an Amerrdrnent to a spe lfic itttOxl > lei seta) far sueh srservos-eueor ach additional ;stegievcand upper -omitofh feee the pity of irll(arrrt rec9utati0rts, including the Negotiat►an Act,, and rittierr applicable ta+4s FR�1 0:04.8CT Stf 8,1. 4$1.0N amie)) thoreo i •uspelyded for the cgnventence ar'the City for it bre than three without my o use in whgle or in part; during` any Phase) tkte Gorisultant shall be uthor(zed, pertorrnsd :prior to:suah au penatgn or termination, tagether with the irrjbursable ±~rviees. and' oxp+ nsss then due, .and all),appropriate, applicable, and tans , result n fi crri such suspens cri r #errrtip ken Il tha Project is resumed after end rt for poi e than three .months, the.:Consultant'a t> trther compensation :shall be tlatierts.. eeg: y al rroctuot or ti.baultent bessing ri l ro teii' b o. rv10 lRI= % l2ly31 ARTICLE B4 PAY Vllol T a TO " THE CONBULTANT. 'B4 01. PA�rlwlrl ;T$ € ENERALL Peyrnartts for i3asto Services may fie reguestec monthly; in proportion: to Services,per`tormed:during tine prior xrionth•For the Lump Sum:;portion of this; Agreement, payments shall be Made rriot thly In an amount egUd to 11i2 tho annual Lump $ total compensation Hourly Rate payments shall be nude on the basis pf act .af hours wymgrkked based oa 'tile Hourly Rage Pee, accorripanied, by a duly bertified invoice, givl6.0 narrles, oIassificcatian; salary rate per hour riot to exoeed the values depioted in Schedule f ),.hours Ana' assooiated tasks u orked ancl to#a[` charge for all personnel dir'eatly engaged Serulces Recurring Reimbursement 4peneeteStelillOned at an annual be inVoiced rrtonthly; grid paid as protect above for; ttie Lramla Sum. approved Vor€abte Re€mbursemfftt, Expanses era to b$ Irwd1c cI expenditure thereof Sub Consultant's fees ertt Reimborsab€e Expenses shall`:be bi€fed t Consultant, s sh' wni rn Scha i Ie a may In of the Agreement ,tliar,. prer. n 120 days of:1<he C nstiltant's Cify in tithe a dtual'rilObtit bed:by. Cor)trfttant shell utilize the pity standard Cr nsi ltartt lnvoi0e F .. available on the CLP websit b l4eilure to submit n such invoice moy Abe cau e for a fui tng of default . 84.•62 IVIONTEILY PROGRESS REPORT In addition td the Inuaice, the Consc€itarit shell subm t a itllonthly rog Press Report (Report) ddtaillri� Services prcitridei;l 'efld activities urideYtaken fay Consultant's staff{ it of isive ;of all Staff assigns Specialty Servtoat, The Report sheil also provide details at f e the tetUts o activities end denote -Wet and associated" hours as may be applicable: Ttte .R p9 anticipated date cif :conipltiori for each iterri €ncluded.in the Repot_ :. City sl ;ail retool any `€nvotce not aocompan;'ied lay a.lVtonthl r Progress report The format acid:oontent of the Monthly Progress ,Report shall: be.eeubject to the approval of the l ilreotor or designee. B4 l?3 !BILLING HotiRLY RATE invokes submitted by COhsultsnt shalt, be soli€ciently de#ailed and s000rriparned by supporlhr g docurrientettori to allay for proper sudrt of axpeditures: When services are authored on:an Hourly Rafe bets', the Consultant, hail submit for approval by the Director, a duly certified rnvdioe, giving nprne. classiflcatten, ;salary' rate per hour, hours worked And total charge for ail personne dtreotiy engaged an project or task To the sit thus olatained, any.scithorl d Reimbursable Services Coat may.:bs added:: The Consultant shall attach °to the ilivotoe all supporting data for payments ma e to and incurrert by ub Cortsuttat is engaged oti the Proiect< in addition to the rnvpio ,the onsult nt sli t , for hourly. Rate anti ibrizataons, submit a progress repprt,g€vingthe percentage at completion. ol'the Pr`oJeot eVet p e t: end the total sstirric0t d fee;tp. completion,: 0 assignments tasks;, >l'all also pr'ovid0 an a4 04 AVM:I NT FCR; ADDITttNAL SERVICES & I3EIMEUR$A LE EXPENSES Payment for Additional SerVides may Jae re 'nested, monthly h i pr0port ern to the services: perfpi`rried,,. ttuhen such servtces;vare euthort ed orb an Hpurly data .b sts,the oasuttent shell submit for approval b the!,Director,•a duly ertifled :`invoice giving names classi fioetiop : eatery:late per hour, ;hours Worked end total charge for all personnel •directly engaged on re, protect or tastt Tor the: s�itir "tlicis c�btsitiedr oily' aut11onzed Reimfaur ;alale services :Cost may e added The GonsUltartt shalt attachto the `fnvotce all supporfincd data. for; payments niece to.or:casts incurred'by. Sub. consutants"engaged on ilia protect fir ih addition to:the invoice, the Consultant shall, for 14oUriy Rate a5uthorizetions, submit_a progress report givrng'lhe percerttagi of domplation of ilia l roje t developmert an d the total estimpted fee,to completion, iiTiGLIt.R$ABLE EXOE l3S g1 G10R1L. Any fees for authorized reimbursable expenses ;5h`att tot include charges for Consultant's handling, office rent or :overhead expenses of any kind, inctitdirr depreciation of equipment, `professional dues, 3? Transpartatiara :Prograrri Supp'Ort e s: srbsr;ctpttoti, eto, Or e.playee.`a t€ l roject(sj, C ermbursabte.:experPos,;si TFie :ity w.fl t tmburse the ,conslittarn of this figreement as �tenfied by sup including, T.iiitliptit iimrtatiort, •d taF " I oourrtentatiori stall lee sty Reimbursement expenses; to Iuded' l�n the Pr pgsal/ Rel�rit�larsble ��cp�t erg as reentitie xpend€turps ma srtlterits..trt tint Pon e or travel grid fc�r at [}91#0i ring deicer alflsY tei t.r�yt�ioes ing dncu rstertce nek directly relatsd to the 'roram dr City ;It direct:cpst e 'pended tty the Consultant =imbrarsabte l xpenses pursuant to they ftrnttettons: appropriate by,Director er designee. idlor copies, of cane?Ited checks. urserrlent Expet&es for Reourr[ng. anrruat ` lur .p sum amount shall be ;t�portit7i� dpcumarttatipn witt b�:,requlred., lied and'rluarttified, to the extent passible, in earth 1t or c Order: i s a- rt :- zed b the City oust ids 0.J. or €n edditia% to the Seope of: i:::, Bastc`servi es rtd!`ar Addit ortsl ervlces) and consist of< ctua[ d the CQrisraltant's errrpleayees, Sub :CQnsttltaiits, and Speelal is ' the ptrppse tdenf ifectr befcw� URSABLE EXPENSES As :depicted trtpFtedule BZ,erriibursabte Expenses are to`be set<as a Marttht(y l.ratir Sprit arrioU.nt or as..Reimbursertterit given As ., -a lirnting amount primart[y attributable to Key''Pr rsori .el t r- eltowarice,.subject to thre advance approval Of the Director or designed for direct sxp rases, tt ((kept:dust$ paid by Certsti$tant for Variable urs rrtartt ExperiAes shajl be the task- of invoi 3to Ci� ' subject to the ai vertce 'approvatVof the or or dssihae. as pro ldet l�ela, tfsa ie Expenses are e o tp in Oheci01 ti3 AUTHORIZATION othi Recurring R'einibursements and es are to be identified Variable Reirnbursemeni aricl arty ethrer item or category shaft be sutijec: desrgnea:'using• forms ,provid ed to the Consultant -:t14 Ogomit $ 0ii t ..At o—tiRIIMS ;eimbureebfe Expenses: are these iterhs authr. es asrdontif[ed rt. the Worn Oroer�and-corn ;ensuttant`s employee r rib. goiteu[tant, r .Q • iientrtial. expen6. arriendeet• and lodging expo of; Cons(iItant's of Working .stays Li orRarnada lfr tli file [�e d¢t Bray �i;� 04;� Perrrrrt leas Alt t e m t fees paid tor regtitator „tip, fees_do not inc[ude tt ase:l as shown in Sohedu[e 02, i per diem f~ rrusceltaneoua Items. anee approval of he Director or �reemert# ii:001.tyd6titineyratsiditure re interest of the fer '0 And Prr :meals trid lodgings .IOdgIR , t xi• fa ist ltaritFs iersorirte[ subject to the limitations of for class C travel titsttid 111tia. Dade er roWarc` teas will riot be relmbiirsed for te'nporarity ref faces to another office 1f the erfip[oyee Is rel aging will be reirnblltsed Ditty for room rates e,' rvernmentat rodging or insets will not be rare nC l aim:Beaoti gtkiri tee : gepoles f9 apF mite regUirrert to surf• s Rei►nh60401e Expsisa other`exper see as':irrctudes art Schechlle UZ erthose:. apprrveo •in. writing try the' -Director or designee =are el" •Reirrrbtrrseiterts, ow rcatibc cuedi ovals drrecf[y attrrtytitable fo the. Projeot> Thgse aid by ti e ctirietructioti Coritract`or. r tiePted. tie Jgnnsoi el within `rransportetrrrr► �'rogrartl uppisi't Services 'fable B5 U '. R.> INIM SEMIS NT$ TO SUB Cb.NS iLTANTS Reirnbureeblo Sob; donsultnnt's expenses are Hilted ,`to .the itenie . esbribed above When the '$ub consultant egrrernent prr V1des for rermbursabte expenaes end when such agreement hee been. previously approved to wni ng by the Director and subject .to ell, budgetary'Ifrriif tii is of the Cray end re uirernents';of ARTICLE E3:5 herein. ARTICLE E36 CONIFENsATIO OR REUSE OF pLANS AND p ciEIt ATr41IS. S& .1. Gg.NERAL is It erstood thot Cons ttarrt's Agreements'and/or tons Orders for ;e lsairlg or ne Work .ir dude the. provt undcan for the ro use of plans and speplfrcat ons, rnGluding Cfty's Bole ptio ; by lrtrtue of signing tf is agreornent.they aurae to a re -use in accordance withwithout the race§.sityof further approvals, :compo cation,fees or docur onts.b. ing required" and without•reetirse. far ;ouch riw use Taahsporti 34 l rograiri suppdr€ Sera pas RF 211 i `-u31'. ys C e(g2dr G. Prag natue Ytve Guerrera Larsy Font GrdOh ifellaptagada WI ir5tott t.ugky ukunrie Gopala its :nF Mark, ErWln Moharrtr 1a ! SIddiqu Mara 1.3.%eeff Haffiiei;Qtai g "Garcia Teri Fosok k Garonne, arle TES B' Prpieot Managet (ire Seri'ices) 0.t er• nginae esi0rier CT HOURLY RATE a1.; $33 Q2 116.40 $5.1O 0,6.91 Gregoris;Gonzale: (clarly' burdened crew (daily burdened' $871;6..0. $107280 gineeilrrg; In Publra:ir Chief vrrenm, tel Engine 97 37 $164 07> Senior En;vi ntel Eng n, Enbilieering'Teentaciart rrcipet Surrteye 20.80.,1_ 121 BURDENED (F) Multiplier rApptied 706 '. $89,89 4 .80 8'1'60 1673 $1o6<7Q: $84 06 $4.44: 4ltility C;t Transport Uon Prc rarr1 Support'Serulpes 171M $ Qnrporatron r 35' 4€0 RFQ:' 2 031. avl fld Vern TAL . .,. Am 4al 0 : 6 \m JUG {Q 411 4aƒ a $ /: \ \:#\ isce 00440 :#U TOTAL\ %n#¥Pr/ suo 8e# Corisultatit: a'Clia.PpLOE:1542 *EXPENSE VOUCHER TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM 00.1s4pgmeNT VARIASLE !qmivip.):OsgmtNT: Apvoim.:AFTROvAL (For:expense items ether travel) . , 2 • ":, ,.., . „i:t• ,,,,' 44., .1:: i „ .*. .2 2, „„ , ., .. v, , :A; : A . .., , .''' 4 - ',- .,.. tivtv ..... -.. . IS 4P' ' ftefriklit -- ..:2 . „, • ,2,.. ,,„ ,..,:,2,222 11It.,,,,1111101 Mt .,..,....,,,,,,,:..„,„,,,.._,..,,,.,,,r,,,,. , .'''' '"46ige,045,11. , , . „.,, .., • 0,,,, — . ..„, .„,„.. , IOW* 222fika 2i.: 1 try . : A -, j ,.. , „ — * ,, , vg, . AA ' • ,.1.•Ai. , , • m'Aii ... MINI - - ' - .. a .. ...• :.:.• . MEN MEI • -. - I:: • .. . :' . , .., •_ . . ... • Ma Subffirtte4 by; Apprbved byf TI.Oiipottati -$(1)300ii8.(41V160. Date: Date: 38 Od. 11-127031