HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Board Reports 3-26CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable City Commission FROM: Daniel J. Alfo City Manager DATE: January 20, 2015 SUBJECT: 2014 Annual Board Reports and Presentations (March 12, 2015 Commission Agenda) Pursuant to City Code Sec. 2-890 (Annual report of City boards and committees), each board chairperson shall submit a written report, approved by the board, to the city manager setting forth the following information concerning the board: 1) "Whether the board is serving the purpose for which it was created, 2) Whether the board is serving current community needs. 3) A list of the board's major accomplishments, 4) Whether there is any other board, either public or private, which would better serve the function of the board. 5) Whether the ordinance creating the board should be amended to better enable the board to serve the purpose for which it was created. 6) Whether the board's membership requirements should be modified. 7) The cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the board." Furthermore, Code Sec, 2-892 stipulates that during the month of March of each year in which a board is to be reviewed, the chairperson shall make an oral presentation, based on the report set forth in Code Sec, 2-892 above. The following boards are scheduled to make oral presentations before the City Commission on March 12, 2015: — 1, Bayfront Park Management Trust 2, Civil Service Board 3, Code Enforcement Board 4, Commercial Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee 5. Equal Opportunity Advisory Board — 6, Mayor's International Council 7. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Enclosed are all the written versions of the oral Annual Reports which have been received to date, Copies of all other board reports received are on file with the City Manager's Office, if you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. C: Honorable Mayor Tomas Regaledo Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Julia D. Hernandez, Agenda Coordinator Attachments LAUDE P EPPER N. A 3(fl 1\1,: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, MIAMI, PL. 33132 TELEPHONE; 0o605.8,-V$50 FAX; (06) 35I21S FROM: SUBjECT: DATcc F4 Daniel .1, Alfonso e-- °Se Gell, Administrative Officer Annual Report to City Manager December 19, 2014 Mr. Todci Ilanno,n, City Clerk r:!? t's) Attached please find the Bayfront Park Management Trust's Annual Report to the City Manager which was approved by the board at the December 9, 2014, Trust meeting, A Copy has been sent to the City Clerk's office for record keeping. Thank you for you attention to this matter. Date ieceiveth • By: rri MILCRED AND CLAUDE PEPPER Y MANAG T PA K .MENT TRUST 801 N. BISCAYNE B ULEVARC, MIAMI, FL 88132 TELEPHONE:(305)858-1800 PAX!. (306)350.'1211 December 10, 2014 Mr. Daniell Alfonso City Manager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Deat• Mr, Manager, Pursuant to City Code Section 2-890, attached please find a copy of the Bayfront Park Management Trust's annual report. This report was approved by the Trust at its December 9, 20 board meeting. Please contact rne if you have trny questions, Sine • ely„ lissioner Frank Caron° ersofi • Cc: Timothy F. Schrnand, executive Director file Brio, t'*,) 1..t) 1):,) • tv Governance The City Commission created the Trust in 1.987 to operate, manage and maintain Bayfront Park with the goal of ensuring maximum community utilization. In 1994, Bicentennial Park (now Museum Park) was added to the organization's portfolio, The Trust's governing board consists of nine (9) individuals, appointed by the City Commission. Bayfront Park is a 32-acre park located in the Miami Harbor District and immediately adjacent to the Central Business District, Built on filled bay -bottom in 1925 (2015 marks. the Bayfront'S 90th year), it has been a gathering :place for :Miami's residents and visitors since that time, Museum Park, located at 1075 Biscayne Boulevard in the heart of the Miami Harbor District, is a spectacular 21-acre waterfront site, adjacent to the cruise ship turning basin in Biscayne Bay, :Museum Park re -opened to the public on June 14, 2014, The park Is also home to the Perez Art -Museum Miami, which opened in December 2013,nc the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Selene; currently under eonstruCtion, Initial improvements to the park are complete with others contemplated for the future, With the reopening of Museum ?ark, there are now 53 acres of public waterfront parkland under the Trust's management. In addition to "ensuring maximum community utilization,the founding legislation included a further directive: The Trust. shall, to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible, implement the exercise of its powers in a manner which utilizes and encourages the fullest and most active participation and cooperation of private enterprise." The Trust recognizes the balance. it Must 8trlke between; managing public parks and encouraging private enterprise. It uses its resources to create social value, whether through the hosting of major concerts and festivals or the management of excellent public parks. The Trust's governing board consists of nine (9) individuals, under the leadership of Commissioner Frank Carollo, who through their work on the Trust have demonstrated their commitment to making our community a better place for residents and visitors, Staff Pursuant to City Code Section 38-105, the Trust shall appoint an executive subject to City Commission approval, who, "shall have general snpervision, over and responsible for the management arid operation of all trust facilities," 4,721 ' I 2.0". The PY 2014-.2.015 budget contains '16 full-time and two part-time staff positions. Accomplishments 7,4) rri 4, „I 1"11 The Bayfroat Park Management Trust has been extremely =cash! in managing revenue:against expenses for the past thirteen years. During Fiscal 'Years 2009 through 'ZOO,. the City of Miatrti'6 investment in Bayfront,Park totaled $585,000 while the Trust's gross revenue totaled V1.,066,099, Those funds werensed to operate and maintain Trust raa:naged facilities. During that same period the City realized $4,340,,000 in savings by not subsidizing the park's •OperatiOn,'Whi3Oh is arKI: egatinues to be self . Attstoining.. During those five years, the Trust also paid $1,398;604 .for fire sorVices and $;3,848,658 in pollee services, providing thousands of hours of overtime pay forpur first responders, An estimated $11„650,736 was generated in parking revenue, translating to a S1,4.20,244 In parking surcharge to the City of Miami, ,The Trusts' success is the City's suecess, And, that success is a direct result of the :social entrepreneurial model that has guided our operation for the past ten years — our mission is to create ,vocial valw, BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TIRLI$T 301 North DoulOvard Mlaml, EL 33132 (305) 358,7550' in the past five years the Trust has also demonstrated an ongoing commitment to facility improvemonts by investing, on average, $750,000 annually in capital improvements., In .VY. 08/09 and 09/10 alone, the rrrut' S 4fforts resulted in an additional $3,5 tnilliort in improvements, represented by $801,000 Baywalk improvements and amphitheater renovations:totaling $2,7 million, In.,EY 2012/2013 the Trust continued its efforts at upgrading Bayfront Park's physical plant,. The Trust partnered with the City's Capital Improvement Department to renovate the pales existing eleetrical system, whiCh. included u.pgracios for earned income opportunities and increased efficiencies. These efforts will. continue into, die future. The t`itl-y.;foot Holiday Tree that brightens 13ayfi'ont Park from Thadagiv. lug through New Year's will continue to seVe s clowntoWn'smicl-winter beacon. During the .liolidays, the park is also- the host site for our Menorah Lighting, sponsored by the Shul of Downtown, and the :Miami Outboard Motor 'Clubs Holiday Boat Parade. Our free, thrice. weekly yoga classes continue their popularity with over 117,000 residentsand visitors having participated in the classes since they began. in September'20.05, The Glasses have boon featared by NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, The Wall Street Journal, Fax Sports Network, CNN, Delta Sky Magazine, Celebrated Living (in flight: magazine for American. Airlines), V nes d'Ailleurs (In flight magazine fa' French airline Corsairfly), and numerous local outlets. Five separate sponsorship agreements helped the park offsetthe expense of thisextremely popular and oft copied program.. In 2015, through various partnerships and permits, the Trust added free Capoeira classes, a free boot.canap program, a puppeteer in the park, and an expanded FIT 4 Mom program for pre and post natal mothers. The Trust looks to add ,additional programming to all of its facilities, In FY 2014/201.5. The newly renovated Museum Park opened t& the pub lie in June .14, 20.14, with a visit by the Coast Guard Barque Eagle, This 21 acre facility, with the longest continuous length of bay walk within the City of Miami, and two cultural institutions as neighbors promises to bring renewed energy to. the downtown waterfront. The Trust has prepared. a $1,000,000 budget to meet the needs of the. restored facility. The single largest expenditure IS for security, with a $300,000 annual line item to provide appropriate. soourity,, twenty four hours per. day, °seven days per.week. The budget also contemplates the faellity's maintenance. needs..using outside .contraCtors to handle the landseape maintenance in Museum Park, Ric Trust is optimistic that once the opportunities presented by the park beeome realized, event promoters will recognize, the park as an attractive 1.00ation to entertain their clients, and a revenue stream can be developed to help offsetthe operational, maintenance- and future capital 'costs of the facility. The Trust continues to plan, promote and coordinatetwo of oar cenunurtity's largest celebrations, the America's Birthday Bash on ititly 4th and the Bayfront Park New Year !s Eve Celebratiam The Trust is. committed to providing these free, cornmunity ino.inSive celebrations for Miami's'residents and ifsiterrtit Bay&ont Park's New Years Eve event 'attendance has boon consistent and the estirnated atteridaio fcthe December 31, 2013,,event was 80,000. The past Tilly 4' celebration,. America's Birthday BasOrvea ;:7,0 the host site for the Colombian Consulates World Cup watch partyand attracted art attendana_Otinigl r t. ei• ttt 70,000, m The Trust reeognized the need to support activities outside the Bayfront and Museum Park b4idatieNtid to help where rarest needed. The FY.2013/20.1.4 operating budgetincluded a $54:2,000 line itellgitletP? Senior Homestead Exemption Relief, Throughout the year Bayfront staff feat their expertise to.gstentkqeld around the city, from Coconut .Oreve to Little 'Haiti to City Flail, The Bayfront Park portable stage, our festival on wheels;was used in every commission district at parks and community celebrations, for events rangingfrom Hones Culturales to the City's Summer Parks PrOgram. Between Tidy 2013. and 2014, the 13ayfront Park portable's -tap was used 10 tinteS, The Trust's Fitne,s's Caravan, funded by the Public.Space Challenge and the Health Foundation of South Florida, tra.veled fi-om Bayfront Park.to Little Havana and. Little Haiti, providing 56 yoga solasses, from April through July 2014, to over 600 participants, and helping burn over 113,400 caloriecontributing to a healthier Miami. BAYF WONT PARK MANAGEMEIVE TriUST. 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miamt, FL 33132 (300358-7550 An. issue bedeviling publio parks in the City of Miami, from which Bayfront Park has not been immune, is unacceptable levels of toxic material in some locations, tt appears in the early 1980s material was brought into the park to change elevations, That material contained debris from au, incinerator which we now recognize as unacceptable in a public space,. Test conducted in early 2014 identified locations requiring retnediation and additional testing will follow -- to more fully define the scope of Cleanup. The Trust has Already authorized over $104,000 for testing. The final clean-up cost has not been identified, but management expects it to be significant. Additionally in the past year the Trust: • Negotiated a five-year agreement 6 host the Ultra Music Festival in Bayfront Park through 2018., securing. the event's already enormous economic impact for downtown Miami and surrounding areas, • Entered into an agreement to have produced a weekly Farmer's Ivlarket in Museum Park,: • Continued with the diversification of events hosted.— ranging from film shoots to the MIA Art Fair, pop concerts, and community festivals, Continued to host some attic coraniunity'S premier fundraising events such. As Raoe for the •Cure, Light the Night Walk, and the Corporate Run, • Lent staff expertise to City departments and partner organizations through participation in committees, .werkshops and focus groups to help improve our community, • Continued care. and maintenance of the statues and plaques throughout the park and at the Torch of Friendship, •Added additional moveable Adirondack chairs. to Bayfront Park, inereasing access to one of the park's most popular exercises, enjoying Miami's natural beauty, • Continues to work with the community for alternative transportation opportunitles with Bayfront Park serving as a designated. drop off/pick up location for the Miami Trolley, an expanded Big Bus Tour operation, and continued support for organizations such as Car2Co • and CltiBike operations„ As demonstrated by the above list, the Trust has accomplished Much in the past. It does not appear that there is any other board, either public or:private, that would better serve the public's interest Membership Requixern ras The uwinbership of the Bayfront Park Management Trust was reconstituted in May of 1994. •The streamlining of the Trust, decreasing, its membership from 21 to nine, has made it a more effcctive decision making body. The nine members ofthe Bayfront Park Management Trust are representative of Miami's cultural and ethnic makeup. One member of the Trust is an elected official of the City of Miami; the eight remaining members represent Miami's business, professional and cultural communities and are appointed by the Miami City CommiSsion, The Trust currently oversees the 32 acres of Bayfront Park and the approximately 21 acres of IVIuseum Park. Membership in the Trust does not need to be modified. "•17,-In r4. *W.4 Ed 31011.10'1 .i"c,...):3U BAYFRONT P.AK MANAGEMEN," Tflu$T 301 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33132 005)358-7550 Cost Effectiveness of Trust The Bayfront Park Management Trust is an extremely cost effective method for the City to operate and maintain Bayfront and. Museum Parks, Total, operating costs for both Parks in FY 2014/2015 totals t 5,845,000 with .no funding from the City, Canc1uson The Bayfront Park 'Management Trust has been extremely SucceSsful in bringing guidance. and leadership to the developtuent of Bayfront and Museurn Parks and.serving as: a catalyst for positive change in downtown Miami, It has fulfilled and surpassed the mandate of its charter, and intends to continue to do so into the future. The Trust board of directors and, staff intend to build on these past accomplishments, pumuant to our •mission of "ensuring maximum community utilization and enjoyment" : Thank you for allowing. us the P. unity and the privilege to continue our efforts. t E3AYFRONT PARK MANAGI1MNT TRUST 801 North Biscayne, Boulevard Miami, FL 312 .(306).358-7660 tr.) Mayor's International Council 2014 Annual Report (Pursuant to City Code Section 2-890) The Mayor's International Council was created to (1) plan and implement the city's International Trade promotion policies for the purposes of stimulating commercial and residential development and expanding the City's tax base through the promotion of foreign trade and local in accordance with the bylaws adopted by the Council; (2) serve in an advisory capacity for the City of Miami Sister Cities Program to plan, implement, and oversee the City's international, professional, and technical education and cultural exchanges, promotion and policies to create and stimulate friendly and meaningful relations; and (3) coordinate protocol requirements for national and international events and dignitaries pursuant to the standards and practices adopted by the Council. Responses to items requested in accordance with City Code Sec. 2-890: 1. Whether the board is serving the purpose for which it was created. Yes, The Mayor's International Council continues to fulfill its purpose. 2. Whether the board is serving the community's needs, The Mayor's International Council is serving the current needs of residents, visitors and businesses of the City of Miami. The Council serves to stimulate commercial and residential development and expand the City's tax base through the promotion of tourism, foreign trade and local investments. Additionally, the Council plans, implements and oversees the City's international, professional, and technical education and cultural exchanges, promotion and policies that create and stimulate friendly and meaningful relations. 3. A list of the board's major accomplishments. In 2014, the Mayor's international Council brought to fruition the signing of 6 sister city/cooperation agreements, Agreements were signed with Beirut Lebanon, Madrid Spain, A Coruna Spain, Manizales Colombia, Caldas Colombia, Quindio Colombia, and Armenia Colombia. A visit to Tegucigalpa, Honduras was made in an effort to discuss, plan and agree on terms for a sister city agreement. A media trip to Merida Mexico was organized in celebration of the third anniversary of the Sister City Agreement between the City of Merida and the City of Miami with the goal of promoting the City of Miami arid exposing our local media to the City of Merida. The Mayor's International Council wasinstrumental in bringing the II USA - European Union Forum to the City of Miami where during a two-day event, different topics of interest such as the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership between the US and EU, challenges in the XXI century in the transatlantic axis of the EU, USA and LATAM and to strengthen the bonds between the three due to the similarity of values, interests and goals in comparison to other geographical areas, The Council also formed part of the delegation that travelled to Spain for the official signing ceremony of the sister city agreement with Madrid and establish relations in other cities. A delegation was sent to Puerto Rico as part of a business development trade mission to promote investments, tourism, and strengthen our partnership with San Juan, Puerto Rico and Latin America. With the sponsorship of Aeromexico, a delegation travelled to Mexico for their 8th annual top executives' event to promote investments and tourism in the City of Miami to these world executives and •estab.lish relations with important international companies. The relationship between Kagoshima and the City of Miami were further strengthened by another year of exchange students visiting both cities. The Mayor's International Council held three board meeting where proposed agreements with Paris France, Qatar, Cairo Egypt, and La Ceiba Honduras were discussed to develop the agreements and timelines in which they may be signed. The Council also hosted delegations from Yucatan Mexico, Beirut Lebanon, La Ceiba Honduras, Thailand, and Hong Kong. 4. Whether there is any other board, either public or private, which would better serve the function of the board. There is no other board, either public or private which could better serve the function of the Mayor's International Council. Although other municipalities have personnel or boards similar in scope and/or nature, this Council is specific to promote the City of Miami as other are not, 5. Whether the ordinance creating the board should be amended to better enable the board to serve the purpose for which it was created. No. 6. Whether the board's membership requirements should be modified. No, 7, The cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the board, None,