HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks & Recreation Advisory BdCity of Miami PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD DATE: January 15, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members af the City Commission FROM: L. Elijah Stiers, Esq., Chairman Parks and Recreation Advisory Board RE; City of Miami 2014 Annual Report -. Parks + Recreation and Open Spaces Hon, Mayor and Members of the City Commission, In compliance with City Code Sec. 2-890, and in furtherance of my recent appointment as Chairman of the City's Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB), I provide you with this 2014 annual report, it has been an honor to serve on the PRAB since 2013 as Commissioner 5arnof's appointee. Since my appointment, the PRABhas made amazing strides, and I can confidently state that the PRAB currently consists of a group of dedicated community leaders who share the vision of improving our City's parks and helping our Parks Department reach its full potential. The PRAB asks for your continual support in enforcing all City Ordinances to assist with this aim including Policy PR-5.2.1, whereas the "Board will also review and advise on capital plans and designs based on the Master Plan and advise the Commission on any proposals to expend more than $50,000 to acquire new park land, to diminish or convert existing park land, to accept donated land for parks, or to sell City land that may be suitable for parks." in 2015, the Board seeks to better the lines of communication with relevant departments, including Parks, Planning and Capital Improvements, and request that the City Commission continue to provide their support to assist us in this goal, Please do not hesitate contacting me at es('aronovitzlaw.corn, or at (305) 484-6244 should you have questions or comments, On behalf of the PRAB, I look forward to working with you to ensure a sustainable future for the City's park system. c: Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager Amanda D. Fiallo, Parks Liaison Maggie Fernandez, Vice -Chairman Whether the board is serving the purpose for which it was created, The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is serving the purpose for which it was intended. In 2014, appointments helped us achieve a full Board by which, in turn, has led us to positive and productive monthly meetings where important projects have been presented and discussed. Recommendations have been made to the City Manager and Parks Director from the Board, and new topics continue to be reviewed and discussed for improving all parks and the effectiveness of the PRAB. • Whether the board is serving current community needs, The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is committed to enhancing the quality of life and delivery of services to the community. Input from residents and community leaders regarding the improvement of park services and operations has been brought forth and evaluated. When provided, the CIP monthly reports have been helpful in updating us with the status of current projects. To continue with this momentum, the Board requests to be provided monthly CIP reports on a consistent basis so we may be aware of all upcoming projects or those taking place to continue to provide the best services possible to our community. The PRAB asks for your support in providing consistent measures .for us to better serve our community. As done so before, the PRAB will contact Mark Spanioli, Director of CIP, with said concerns so we may have an efficient 2015 calendar year, « A list of the board's major accomplishments, The PRAB was able to review several parks projects and initiatives and provide valuable recommendations in 2014. Some, but not all, of the PRAB's accomplishments included the following; 1:, Soil Contamination In Miarni Parks In March of 2014, the PRAB conducted an inquiry into the contaminated soil found in several of the City's parks. As you know, it was recently discovered that several of the City's parks, including Blanche Park, Merrie Christmas, Curtis Park, and Douglas Park, among others, were found to have soil tainted with hazardous chemicals In areas of the park, The PRAB convened the meeting to identify which parks have been Identified as having contamination, to discuss the cause of the contamination, and to gain an understanding of the work being done to remove and/or bury the contaminated soil. The PRAB learned from Harry James, CIP and Environmental Compliance Specialist, that the cause of the contamination was incinerator ash which was used to provide infill for parkland. This resulting in the depositing of heavy metals, which released dioxins and other toxic chemicals into the soil.. The PRAB learned that the City had tested approximately 25 locations, and had developed a plan to address the problem by covering the contaminated soil with clean soil and geofilm, The PRAB also discussed the expected budget for the clean-up and the expected timeline for covering the soil and reopening the parks. The PRAB requested that it be kept abreast of this project as its work progressed, and received reports at two later meetings, The PRAB would like to receive an update from the City an the clean- up efforts, the status of expenditures for the cleanup, and the timeline for reopening the affected parks in 2015. 2. Alice Wainwright Park Trail Blazers: In April of 2014, the PRAB held a meeting to discuss Alice Wainwright Park, a 25-acre natural hardwood hammock near Miami's downtown urban core that has been largely fenced -off since 1997. Among others, the PRAB heard from resident Frankie Ruiz, Director of the Miami Merathon, as well as from Juan Fernandez, the Parks Naturalist for the City, The undersigned, along with Mr, Ruiz and Mr, Fernandez, Later met with Commissioner Sarnoff and received permission to begin the process of removing debris from the Park with plans to re -open portions of the fenced -In area of Alice Wainwright Park, In November of 2014, Alice Wainwright Park Trail Blazers was formed by the undersigned as a group of volunteers committed to meeting regularly to clean the park and build running and biking trails through some portions of the Park,. There is much work to be clone, as the Park has been long- neglected, but as the City's urban core expands rapidly in the near future, open spaces like Alice Wainwright Park will be invaluable. Thus far the response from the public has been overwhelmingly positive, and this project would not be possible if it were not for the PRAB and the support of the City Commission and the City's new Parks Director, Kevin Kirw'1n. 3. Discussion Regarding the Elimination of Neonicotinoids from City Parks in July of 2014, the PRAB took on an investigation of the City's use of neonicvtinoids In its parks by Board Member Jonathan Burgess. At Mr, Burgess' request, the PRAB learned aboutthe use of neonicotinoid pesticides and its role in destroying bee populations. More specifically, the drastic decline in bee populations has already had, and will continue to have, wide -swooping effects on our food supply. This phenomenon, also called Colony Collapse Disorder, has resulted in the loss of about half of the US honeybee hives. In terms of numbers, the National Agriculture Statistics Service reported 2,44 million honey -producing hives were in the United States in February 2008, down from 4.5 million in 1980,'and 5,9 million in 1947. The widespread use of neonicotinoids has been identified as a likely cause for this epidemic, and in response, Europe has banned their use and several cities throughout the United States have also passed measuresbanning the use of the pesticides. More recently, the city of Eugene, OR adopted a resolution banning the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on city property. Mr, Burgess proposed a resolution that the City of Miami similarly pledge to ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in its parks. As an alternative, Mr. Burgess invited a vendor who provides non -toxic "green" pesticides to the City of West Palm Beach for use in some of its parks. The PRAB applauded Mr, Burgess' initiative and agreed to take up this issue in the future to ascertain to what extent the City of Miami implements neonicotinoid pesticides in its parks, and depending on our findings, to propose to the City Commission that said pesticides be discontinued immediately. 4, Selection of New Peeks Director The• POi.3, was pleased to participate in the Seleetion of ithe neW City of Mira Parks DireOter, as both the .current Park Diredtor, Mr, KirWin,: and hls predecesser, Stan Motley, were shortlisteCI from the inteeview process with:the Input of the PR4. The PKAIIE3 wis t$1.0WO that Mr Motley made 0 point to attend every PfAB meeting, and we ate happy to inform yon that Mr. &win has continued this habit and has not Only 'attended every meeting in his appointment as Director, but has vothally tommitied to attending future meetings, With e full Board now in pIaca nd with the atterldnce• of the Pinks Director, the PIAR Is poised to a'chleve itS:goals of Improving mIarni's park5, and helping Miami's, parks system better serve its constituents; Whether there Is any other board, either public or private, which wouc1 bottor serve the function of the hoard, There is noother board..that relates to park.specIficissues and it would..be detrimental to .the•PtirPose of why this boat'd was formed if these duties were givon toanother b.oarci, The PRAB iscurrently made up of dedicated tomrnunity leaders and puhilq,serVantS that bellevein the current .parks System and see the :potential that. can be achieved: With :the .assistance, end. participation of .community leaders In coOrdination with theCity'S elected. officials anti Parks Department.. Whether the ordinance treating the board should beemerideti to hotter enable the board to .servethe piirpoSe for which it.was created. A mentioned before.this board took great stride' s In a positive direction in 2014, and even better things -are expected for .201$. We will .contimie our efforts to work with the City's ParkS Department and to make irecomMendations, to the, City Manager and department heads with resPect to their duties In the rkS. syste tAihether the board'I ro,emberthip requirements cshotild be modified. At this2tirne the Pk does not: re ornmend that meinhership reOulre,irtents be nand • 'The:cost, both .tiire0,ard ,indirect, of Tiaintairilng the. board., The board has minimal cOsts. The board liaison estimates four hours a month onboard related activities which would totaf to$1,500.0..year,..Suppiles such as paper, office rn ate ria15.0pying. could be capturedat .$200, So the .pbysical 'cost to have the board function s under $2,000 a .yeart though this does not consider cost :of using the City Chambers tl.nd the cost of airing the board meeting on the. City Channel. 77, Thank you for your Consideration or the fore1ng, and we look.forward to better sssijrg yo,u and making Miarn 4 parks even better in. 2015,. Very.truly 'yours, L.,. Elijah ,Stier$ Esq,