HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2013-01-10 AdvertisementTHE MIAMI HERALD `h.; DEATHS I I 'RJ' 2`:. t'I S8 WISH BOOK VERNICE D. FERGUSON. 84 Top nurse helped to expand field eY DA IEL E. SL01NIk Vern ice D. Ferguson, who fought for greater ufr immunities, higher wages and more respt t for nurs- es a longtime chief Dues. rqt °nicer for the Karam Administrati•m. Jied Dee.* at het home it Washington. She wasM.i Her niece Hope Fere, wl'confirmed her d,,ath ilw LT,. faced a moral : shortage when Ferguson began o ctngthe age.. sy'sTthan Malmon!) nurses nn,a�ionwiik in Inar historically. the musing ranks arse overwhelming, h' f •Dole, hot as soh opp,r- lunilies began to expand (or young women in the bah: 19y(Ls, nursing, with its prospect of st rcations work. irrogmlar hours and ndali*ly low pay. wee Its' ing its appeal. Imoors. most of whom were men. were paid far tun• mkttimely dismissed medical treatments with nurs. despite nurses' hands -an knowledge of patient.& ON EQUAL GROUNO "What is good enough for the doctor is gond enough for me and the nursing staff," Ferguson VAS quoted as saying in the. honk Pivotal Moments in Nursing: Lenders Who ChmRsd the Path of a 1kn- fession.by Beth Houser and Kathy Player. "Whatever the boys have, lam going to gel the same thing for the ghls' In 19RI, Ferguson told National Journal, "Ilospi- tale are going mhaw mre. think and restructure their policies m lee nurses per- form cursing netokes and let others anew( to 'hest services: like making beds and handling phone ,.alit. Ferguson helped estab- lish an age. nov scholarship program to rs-oit and re- tain nurses and made cdr calcine] pnq:mms that had been restricted to doctors FRED GRIMM open to nurses m well My 1'!92. when she belt the agency —them the De partment of Veterans Af. Nos .... the Iumhs of reg- istered nurses there with b a:hrbrs degrees or high- er had more than doubled. aries in- cro sad tht rnaghoulthe field hi 1980, their average annual pay was 12o.126 in lntiedollars: in 2005. it seas S6o073, according to the stet recent sitreey s4 l0 and nurses. TRAILBLAZER Verrvu Doris Ferguson as born. June U, 1928. in Fayetteville. N.C. Iler fa- ther was a minister in Maki. mare, where she grow tip. and her mother was a teacher. At a time when few black women attetldmi cob lege, Ferguson graduated firm New Y,rk University with a nursing degree in 1950 and was awarded the Lavinia I" Dock prize: Mr high schulast is standing. At the awards ceremony, the director of nursing re- fused to shake her hand. !louse. and Player wrote. Ferguson's lint jab cut of college was in arch unit financedby the Na- Hone! Institutes of health at Monleftore Medical Center in the Bronx. She went on In be a on -author of (opera in Ow American Journal of Nursing. The Internal of Clinical Muth. Min and The Journal of Clinical Investigation She worked in several hospitals anund the coun- try. and from 1972 1.01980 writhe chief of the nursing department of the (:lineal (:smsr at the National In- stitutes of Health. A brief nearrioge ended in diverse. Hersnrvivors irmldea sis. ter, Vrimoo. Fetgus n.and several nieces and nephews. After retiring in 1992. Ferguson was appointed senior fellow at the Univer- sity of Ik:nns)dma School of Nursing. Comatose man's family struggles •COLEYS. FROM pitches in time and money he earns Mom a part-time accounting job. He also studies at Miami Dade College. "We never have extras:" Amelia said. Making ends meet is MOTe difficult when it tlIfile5 10 paying km Eduar- do' medical supplies. Bud- get ems mean that Medicare onty pays for a new feeding tube far Eduardo every 90 days. white the tube. which goes tends Ins skin. s Moth be replaced every 30 days. his mother said -It's plastic and It goes bad It gees black and even smells bad," she said. The insurance aim doesn't covet diapers or wipes for bedridden Edou- do,sahne inhalation drugs. that help him breathe. nr • en gauzes. The Ciller; have had in dig into their ias,:kets lea lam gel pals to put under him to help pre- vent bedsores. and a ma• chime that chest's FAuandos finger to measure his breathing "Without it, how Jo I know?"' Amalie asked. "He will turn Lira and ell have to call rescue:' They got an inflatable mattress (mat a Meal hospi- tal. but his another wishes she could buy a soder one She also wishes she could afford a new wheelchair. The headrest forlhenne she has is tnnken, and her son's arras don't fit on the armrests Rut perhaps her greatest wish ties in a little room in the front of the Cilleys modest home on Sunset Dove near Soul h Miami. She humbly apologizes for the mess as she pulls open a wool sliding door, just off of the cramped by. ing room. Inside is an un- made bed below a window. and some folded laundry scattered around. One Jay. Amalie hopes to turn this mom into a more om(rlable and mere ma- neuverable place to take cereal tier needy son. It has been a work in progress fro A year now. Already, the family has managed to turn a closet into a small door- way that leafs straight into shower. Rnghi new Amalie has to carry her son down the hall I fin:mlkrart r-^ © . Fulfill a Wish! imt'thorr nKa0 W an Beek tees Slm ie, of put neyN)on who ant hurvg'a. homeless et A . lbw rel,rewnr the fates of Inngheds oars• WW1 need yn,a hie p. 411na)ia', out ntndl• I h.!be best way le help the twist P),d,io fin mom san•shlOL pieate , all 305-376-2906 To donate online. visit: www.miamihefald.tom/wishbook Make suer :heck 10)00 a In Select (haitlec let gab mntl to: Heratn :hunts[. Ira . one herald Plus. sham. Ft mil o the bathnn,m where she lays him in an :afapted chair o bathe him twice a week. n the new rapt. once it's finished. Amalie would he able towhees her .von direct- ly Into to shower. The Dom gets done slow- ly. whenever the family has the time and money to work on it. Anialit especially likes the big window in the rant and that she could easily watch Eduardo from the kHchen or living room. His,reran had room is around a corner. blocked off from Mew. Wetholl the time and morn ey the family spends liking are of Eduardo, Amalia'n own medical needs have gnneunnel.Shed,esnt have heath insurance, sn when nodules were found in her thyroids, she had in M book to Argentina to have surgery She takes medicine to regu- late her meMbohsm because hor faulty thyroid sant but slips reguLsr checkups and bknol work that she should amdergrs Despite: tl)c• hardships. a mile isn't very far from Amalie's taco. She speaks in a gentle, inviting tole — even when complaining about Medicare cull. Itaquel Unarm — a fami- ly advocate for Cf:Dli. a nonprofit agency Mal helps families with members who her disobililk'. — said she admires Anulia"because of her strength''CCDH, which has helped the Cill y. in the past, nominated them fur Wish Book. "The thing that never ceases to amaze me is her unwavering faith." Linares said of Amelia. In foluardn's noun nodal! around the house. family photo hang on the walls, as well as religions mementos. Her Catholicism. Amapa said, Is what sustains mu" Amelia said she has learned to find the positive side in everything. She feels guilty that her older son spends his may day on' do- ing yar3wouk around the house. Rol Amalie takes Has 1 IIov to help WsM Earl, n t•yin(: to eon 'nlne rh+n 0/0 families ir. need (hie year. To dOnala, n+y 1;e0:•N.) ai MinenMnr4Mcomi w.alls:ea For Information, call )0",319•290E n• eta, wishbone •; nlialnHm:aM Most requested Item Lemons fie• scFv.):•r:oea. luln:lu•n, :dci::.,es. are rs- sae vacs Read Mtea at Meson, akl.ro .0 v ,,0900a. n nppnrtunity to spend time with Tiernan while she octal to her garden, which she enjoys. Fancily members couldn't think of a single thing they wanted for themselves for Christmas "Wehee learned to do with line" Amalie said. Follow dnrveigu nn 7Witler. A crisis was averted, but public policies are flawed •rtaNN. FROM le he agrees to a hospital mitten(, l.iofman With all those weapons. term (, the vet may walk null have had mane- out of the crisis stabfllaa- thing as horrible as Sandy lion unit after his mania- (Mak " tory seven days and de - On the Saturday before °sand that police return and again nu the Spada; his weapons. Sweetwater police offarrs, 'the judge is not even with no idea what kind of sure that ohs: state n0- filetuwer they were ran- cab. under these murky (minting, had knoelaM on circumstances, can pull his d,me unwittingly at- his concealed weapons tempting to execute en permit (Because the vat order to take the man to a has nnt been charged with crisis stabiliaation unit. Ile a crime, because this is didn't answer the door, technically a medical, not else there might have been a criminal case, I'm no deafly confrontation. puhlishiag his name.) But here'sthe thing. All Crisis stabilization those aysauit nfles were. Lkfnnan emphasized, legally purchased. The vet should not be confused even had a stnteisssed with actual treatment for permit to carry a son- mental illness. And med- ceakd firearm. teal sciensee has deter - Because he has never mined that postponing been charged with a crime real treatment alter a and h:canse he has never ¢gnomic, psychotic ells• officially been pronounced sole, like last Monday's, mentally ill, he had a per n exacerbate a ctis- fect right to turn his house turbcd person's cognitive into en armory. Arad unless mate, leading to penna- fl% OFF With the purchase of two single mausoleums &. • Select areas d • Fora limited time only • Restrictions apply, can for details Serving the community since 1936 117t/f all those n'Papons, 11'r f)ald ham grip of damgeron, delusions. had .something as horrible as Sandy Most athe mentally ill, /fear/. . of course. aren't armed and Arent dangerous. — Judge Steve Lehman. sonata of 114 runty'; mental Except to their own wulb health ,nlersenliun hulled being Mnnllq, they're )ant mental damage. Of course, like so many victims, they're viner 1t doesn't much matter of the mentally ill wan- able. many of them adrift nder Florida law that his daring the streets, Lief- in the urban landscape. viatices know that the vet man said. "Ile has no living in a kind of perpet- will likely slide back into insight into his own df teal confusion with a life s abyss, that he is in nem.' expectancy some K yc•errs resit treed of hospital- Yet. unlit he actually less than the average izatinn. Unless the vet commits a crone. or American's. presents an immediate makes a threat, we'll leave Hereabouts. they live in heat to himself or oth' the crucial deem'nn abort a state that begrudges the rs, he can't be forced to treatment for mental ill- cost of mental health undergo treatment. ness up to someone in the aervircr, Florida has been fighting n out with Texas for the disttnethan of the state that spends the least lin,uni of money leer cnpitn on mental health. badman said we've finally sunk to dead lase in men- tal health Holding. . "Ito pathetic; he said. Maybe. once he's suhb )lard. the vet will agree in hospmllznlion Or maybe he'll he back. untreated, to his a)utcalyp• tie visions and a house full of assault weapons. living at confluence of Iona flawed and dangerous public policies. CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2013 CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATES Beginning with the January 10, 2013 Commission Meeting, the regularly scheduled meetings of the Miami City Commission will be on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, with the exception of both November meetings, which will be on the third Thursday of November and both December meetings, which will be on the second Thursday of December. AO meetings will be at 9:00 AM at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, Florida. For the specific dates of 2013 Commission Meetings, go to the City of Miami's website at www.miamigov corn or call the Agenda Office at (305) 416-2070. All interested persons are invited to attend. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days pnor to the proceeding. (d19289) Dwight S. Dame City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2013 CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATES Beginning with the January 10, 2013 Commission Meeting, the regularly sched- uled meetings of the Miami City Commission will be on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, with the exception of both November meetings, which will be on the third Thursday of November and both December meetings, which will be on the second Thursday of December. All meetings will be at 9:00 AM at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. For the specific dates of 2013 Commission Meetings, go to the City of Miami's website at www. miamigov.com or call the Agenda Office at (305) 416-2070. All interested persons are invited to attend. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons need- ing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5361 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (#19289) Dwight S. Danie City Clerk CIUDAD DE MIAMI, AVISO DE LAS FECHAS DE REUNIONES DE LA COMISION - PARA EL 2013 Comenzando con la reunion de la Comision el 10 de enero 2013, Las reuniones regularmente programa- das por el Comisionado de la Ciudad se Ilevaran a cabo en el segundo y cuarto Jueves de cada mes, a excepcion de las dos reuniones de Noviembre, que saran el segundo jueves de Diciembre. Todas las re- uniones saran a las 9:00 am en el Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Para las fechas especificas de las Reuniones de la Comision del 2013, visitar el sitio web de la Ciudad de Miami en www.miamigov.com o Ilamar a la Oficina de Planifi- cacion al (305) 416-2070. Se invita a comparecer y ser oidas a todas las personas en relacion con este asunto. Si alguna persona desea- ra apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisio- nados de la Ciudad en relacion con cualquier asunto tratado en esta audiencia, dicha persona debera ase- gurarse de que se produzca una transcripcion literal de las actuaciones, incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias que pudieran servir de base a cualquier apelacion (F.S. 286.0105). De acuerdo con la Ley denominada Americans with Disabilities de 1990, aquellas personas que necesi- ten acomodaciones especiales para participar en este procedimiento pueden ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk) Ilamando al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) a mas tar- dar con dos (2) dias Iaborables previos a esta audien- cia o al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) a mas tardar con tres (3) dias previos a la audiencia. (#19289) Dwight S. Danie Secretario Municipal