HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2012-03-22 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 22, 2012 9:00 AM SUPPLEMENTAL City Hall Commission Chambers City Commission Tomas Regalado, Mayor Francis Suarez, Chairman Marc David Sarnoff, Vice -Chairman Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner District One Frank Carollo, Commissioner District Three Michelle Spence -Jones, Commissioner District Five Johnny Martinez, City Manager Julie O. Bru, City Attorney Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 SI.1 RESOLUTION 12-00278 Department of A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE Off -Street Parking CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TEMPORARY USE AND OCCUPANCY PERMIT PROCEDURE APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AS THE PROPERTY OWNER, IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE AND PROVIDE FOR RESIDENTIAL PARKING SURROUNDING THE MIAMI MARLINS STADIUM DURING THE 2012 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL SEASON HOME GAMES AND OTHER STADIUM EVENTS. 12-00278 Summary Form.pdf 12-00278 Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Vice Chair Sarnoff, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 4 - Commissioner(s) Gort, Sarnoff, Carollo and Suarez Absent: 1 - Commissioner(s) Spence -Jones Roll Call: Present: Commissioner Gort, Vice Chair Sarnoff, Commissioner Carollo, Chair Suarez and Commissioner Spence -Jones R-12-0116 Vice Chair Sarnoff We're going to do another time certain item, SI.1, which is the Miami Marlins parking situation. Commissioner Spence -Jones: (UNINTET,T IGIBT ,F). We're going to take that now? Chair Suarez: Yeah. Three. Commissioner Spence -Jones: Oh. Chair Suarez: You'll get it. You got it. (UNINTET,T IGIBT ,F). You'll be good. We got to do it eventually so might as well do it now and get it over with. We're still fresh from lunch. You're not up for it just yet. Go ahead. Commissioner Spence -Jones: My (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Suarez: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, he's ready. Commissioner Spence -Jones: He's ready. Chair Suarez: Yeah, yeah. Commissioner Spence -Jones: And that means (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair Suarez: Yeah, exactly. Mr. Noriega, you are recognized for the record on SI.1. Art Noriega: Thank you. I'll defer kind of quickly -- Art Noriega, Miami Parking Authority. I'll defer quickly to the Commissioner -- to Commissioner Carollo 'cause I know he has an amendment to make to the resolution. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Noriega, and thank you for working with me on this. First thing want to do is I'd like to, if possible, show a couple of pictures so you get a description of the lot. City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Commissioner Gort: I'm sorry; what item is this? Chair Suarez: This is SI, supplemental -- Commissioner Carollo: SI, Supplemental -- Chair Suarez: -- SI -- Commissioner Carollo: -- 1. Chair Suarez: -- 1. Commissioner Carollo: Supplemental item 1. Chair Suarez: It's a supplemental item. If you don't have a copy of it, we can get you a copy. Commissioner Gort: I don't have a copy. Chair Suarez: Here. Commissioner Carollo: And if possible, ifI could start with a motion, Mr. Chairman? Chair Suarez: Yes, you may. Commissioner Carollo: I'm going to make a motion to approve the item for discussion and with amendment that this resolution be subject to no cost to the City ofMiami or any agency of the City ofMiami. Chair Suarez: It's been moved by Commissioner Carollo. Is there a second? Vice Chair Sarnoff. I'll second for discussion. I mean, I'm not sure -- Chair Suarez: Okay. Vice Chair Sarnoff. -- what it's all about, but he certainly deserves a second 'cause I want to hear it. Chair Suarez: Right, right, right. Okay, so it's been seconded for discussion by the Vice Chair. So let's discuss it. Commissioner Carollo: Do you have the pictures? Let me show you -- let me start showing you the lots. And although I'm not going to get into a long discussion, and whether it's NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team), Code Enforcement, Public Works, Public Facilities, I will say thatl am embarrassed that these are City -owned lots kept in such deplorable conditions. The lots that we're talking about are right in front of you. These are the pictures. If you look all the way to your left upper -hand corner, that is the Marlins new ballpark. If you see on -- the building above that yellow house is the new Marlins facility, and you can see again the Marlins facility. And you get the gist of what I'm saying. These are actually City -owned lots. First of all, I'd like to begin by saying that the approval of Marlins stadium happened before my tenure in the City Commission andl inherited the decision to build a stadium along with the location, the financing, et cetera, et cetera. With that said, there are issues that are occurring there now and I'm sure we've heard quite a bit of it, the traffic, the parking, et cetera, and those issues are affecting the citizens -- the residents of the City ofMiami. Andl have been in numerous conversations with Mr. Art Noriega, Miami Parking Authority, the Manager, the County through City ofMiami Page 3 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Commissioner Barreiro, the police department, and the Marlins to identify the various issues and seek viable solutions. It is very simple to lay blame, butl am trying to, in a team fashion, work together and find solutions to these issues. This is a possible solution that needs approval by this Commission andl seek that approval from my colleagues because it could be one possible solution that we have been contemplating where residents will be able to park within walking distance from their homes, it will clean up the slum and blight that goes towards my cleaning efforts of Little Havana and the revitalization efforts that I have mentioned time and time again, and it will be at no cost to the City. It is premature to discuss at great length, but I had been in conversation with third parties that will consider helping paying for these efforts. I'm willing to entertain any questions that you all may have. But the bottom line is this is an option for residential parking at no cost to the residents, at no cost to the City; and at the same time, you're seeing the pictures. It will also go to revitalize -- my revitalizing efforts and to clean up the slum and blight in the area. Thank you. Chair Suarez: Thank you. Commissioner Gort. Commissioner Gort: I think it's an excellent idea. And while we're looking at this, we also should look at all the other lots that City ofMiami owns, like we just did -- the motion that we made today where we approve today in giving the shopping center to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), it takes it out of the hands of the City ofMiami, the expenses are taken off so the City ofMiami owns a lot of lots. They're over there. We got to look at them and do something with them. I think we can get non -for -profits to go ahead and build housing and improve the neighborhoods. I think it's an excellent idea. Vice Chair Sarnofff. Mr. Chair. Commissioner Gort: I don't have a problem. Chair Suarez: Yes. Mr. Vice Chair. Vice Chair Sarnofff. I don't mean to be ignorant, but I feel like I jumped into -- well, yeah, I do feel like I jumped into a river sort of midstream. Your -- this is a resolution which will accommodate residential parking in areas surrounding -- I read this thing; it doesn't have a lot of meat on the bone to me. What are we trying to do? Are we trying to use that zone that I read about in the Herald? 'Cause the only place I know about the zones, candidly, is through the Herald. I've never been briefed on it. I've been never told about it. And I'm not trying to back up. I've made my Marlins statement, but that day is over, you know. Mr. Noriega: Yeah. Vice Chair Sarnofff. Andl want to see this a successful stadium andl also want to see the residents protected andl don't think those are mutually exclusive results. Mr. Noriega: Sure. Vice Chair Sarnofff. But I don't know exactly what it is we're doing. Mr. Noriega: I'll -- Commissioner Carollo: Do you want to take it or do you --? Mr. Noriega: Yeah, I'll take it, I'll take it. Commissioner Carollo: Okay. City ofMiami Page 4 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Mr. Noriega: I think -- you know, to sort of square it off with an analogy, this whole process has been kind of like a heavy -weight bout that doesn't have an end, sort of doesn't end. We keep sort of uncovering new and new problems as we kind of realize and to our -- to the extent that we had the benefit of a couple of exhibition games to sort of unearth some of this and to sort of face the reality that the operation for the new Marlins stadium is significantly different than it was under the old Orange Bowl, so the old Orange Bowl plan is just not going to work. And under the old Orange Bowl plan there were no parking signs throughout the surrounding area and that's completely unfair to the residents, so we've tried to come with some sort of hybrid system that sort of compromises on, one, the need to address the traffic issue 'cause that's the biggest issue. That's why this entire plan is really being put in place to begin with 'cause we got to get cars to the stadium and from the stadium. And so in order to implement that, those no parking areas, we had to address where we're going to put these people because it's not fair to them to just say you're on your own 81 days a year. It wasn't hard to do it when it was eight 'cause they can adapt and it's a little bit of a easier pill to swallow, but for 81 games a year, it's absolutely unfair to them. So we started working on some ideas and some plans. This is one piece of it. It's not the entire plan -- Commissioner Carollo: Exactly. Mr. Noriega: -- by any stretch of the imagination. This is one piece. It's one resource we -- Vice Chair Sarnoff. So let me put some meat on the bones so I understand it. Mr. Noriega: Sure. Vice Chair Sarnoff. So you are asking the residents to park in what, I take it, will be City -owned lots? Mr. Noriega: Correct. Commissioner Carollo: Correct. Vice Chair Sarnoff. Which I guess will be within hopefully a block or two of these residences? Commissioner Carollo: Yes. Mr. Noriega: Yeah. These are right in the heart of the area. One is on Southwest 3rd -- or Northwest 3rd; the other's on Northwest 6th so they're right up against the stadium -- Commissioner Carollo: Yes. Mr. Noriega: -- almost. Vice Chair Sarnoff. Okay. So then -- and I could look at Commissioner Carollo -- what you're doing is you're trying to take the on -street parking off so you create a more through lane? Mr. Noriega: Correct. Vice Chair Sarnoff. Okay. And guess you do this in zones, correct? Or is this your zone plan, zone 1 --? Mr. Noriega: Yeah. There's going to be no -parking -any -time zone and then -- Vice Chair Sarnoff. Okay. City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Mr. Noriega: -- there's another zone that'll be a residential neighborhood, similar to what we have all over the City ofMiami. Vice Chair Sarnofff. Okay. And -- all right. So now -- Commissioner Carollo: And Commissioner Sarnoff, while you're thinking, I also want to point out, we -- this is still in the works. We're still working. There's many issues that we are addressing, so I -- this is one part of this possible solution and it needs to come before City Commission andl don't want it -- Chair Suarez: (UNINTET,TIGIBT,F) Commission meeting. Commissioner Carollo: -- to pass up where then we have our hands tied and we don't have this possible solution on the table, and that's why I made a strong effort that we pass this, subject to no cost to the citizens and to the City ofMiami. Vice Chair Sarnofff. So then will this be like subject to our temporary parkings -- like when we make these in the parking lots like we do downtown, temporary parking structures? Commissioner Carollo: I will yield that to Mr. Min [sic]. Mr. Noriega: Well, the termination we have is these will be given to us under a special permit, not under the interim parking ordinance so we're going to make some improvements to these lots. We're in a very -- obviously a very short time frame. I think the intent is to issue the special permit, allow us to operate it during the year. We're going to make some improvements to the lighting and to the grading and put on some parking bumpers and really kind of create an area -- they currently park in these areas now anyway. As you can see, they're also used as a dump yard in one particular case. So we're going to create a scenario that accommodates this problem for this season. I think, ultimately, it's not a good long-term solution andl think we'll come back, I think, after this season's over, reevaluate it; and then, if we feel like we need to spend more money to fully develop these lots, we'll certainly brief the Commission and get some direction at that point. Vice Chair Sarnofff. How many of these lots are we talking about, one, two, three, four? Mr. Noriega: Okay, there's four actual lots in terms of legally zoned individual parking lots. There'll be two areas. They'll -- we're going to end up getting about roughly, plus or minus, 90 spaces out of the 2; 60 in one and 30 in the other. Vice Chair Sarnofff. And how many off-street -- on -street parking you're going to have to give up? Is that the equivalent of or --? Mr. Noriega: We're still working on -- Commissioner Carollo: That's what we're working on. Mr. Noriega: Yes. We're still identiing the overall number. We're also going to be able to accommodate some of that no -parking area in those residential zones 'cause we have some capacity there too. We're probably looking at three different resources to help resolve that problem, so these lots, the residential zone, and then maybe another parking component as well. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Chairman. Chair Suarez: Yes. City ofMiami Page 6 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Commissioner Carollo: And ifI may, just to some of the questions that Commissioner Sarnoff had, Vice Chairman Sarnoff. At the same time, this is something that we've been working on for quite a few weeks; actually driving in the neighborhoods late at night to see how many cars are actually parking on the street so it's been pretty thorough. I've done it myself where I've gone block by block to see how many cars are actually curbside and off-street and see the number of spaces that we need, where we could actually locate some of the resi Vice Chair Sarnofff. Andl haven't, and I'm going to respect the district Commissioner. I'm going to respect what you have to say. It's just that Marlins was always viewed as a sort of citywide issue and -- but on those kind of analysis, I have to -- you did it; I didn't. I have to respect what you have to say. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. And it's not done yet. We're not finished yet. There's still a lot of calculations we have to do and -- but l just wanted you to, you know, know a little further of what we've undertaken in order to make sure that all viable possible solutions -- and that are numbers are correct with regards to how many residents are actually affected, how many spaces we actually need. Mr. Noriega: Yeah. Ultimately, ifI may, what you're providing us here is a additional resource. Whether we're able to use it in the end is going to be subject to us obtaining the resources to actually make the improvements. So you're just really providing us -- Chair Suarez: The possibility. Mr. Noriega: -- really another tool and if we can take advantage of it, we will. But we didn't want to miss the opportunity to get the approval from the Commission, given we're two weeks out from opening day basically. Chair Suarez: Mr. Noriega, I have a question. How do you intend or what's the intention of -- are you going to be the ones that are going to be administering the parking? Are you going to be -- how are you going to be -- Mr. Noriega: Yeah. Chair Suarez: -- enforcing it, is what I'm trying to say? Mr. Noriega: Yeah, yeah. I mean, we're going to issue -- Chair Suarez: Because it's game day; there's going to be -- Mr. Noriega: -- we're going to issue -- Chair Suarez: -- thousands of people. Mr. Noriega: -- decals to the residents. Chair Suarez: Right. Mr. Noriega: It's going to be obviously properly signed. And for the initial part of the season, we're going to actually man the lot -- Chair Suarez: Yeah. That's what thought, yeah. Mr. Noriega: -- so that we can make sure that none of the normal constituents to the stadium park there. City of Miami Page 7 Printed on 4/26/2012 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 22, 2012 Chair Suarez: That makes sense. Mr. Noriega: Ultimately, we'll have decal parking tow away zone signs up so that if -- so after we've really gotten past that learning curve, we'll just enforce it -- Chair Suarez: Perfect. Mr. Noriega: -- with a tow -- Chair Suarez: Perfect. Mr. Noriega: -- request. Chair Suarez: Yeah. I just wanted to make sure there was a plan for -- Mr. Noriega: No. There's a -- Chair Suarez: -- making sure that it remains -- Mr. Noriega: -- very specific plan -- Commissioner Carollo: Yes. Chair Suarez: Okay. Mr. Noriega: -- at this point. It's just a matter of getting it built. Chair Suarez: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, signift by saying iiye. " The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair Suarez: Passes unanimously. Commissioner Gort: I only have one question, that any master plan that you have before comes in front of it, please. Get together with us and inform us. Mr. Noriega: Yes, sir. Commissioner Gort: Okay. Thank you. Are we going to do anything with the duplex on 17th Avenue? Commissioner Carollo: Unsafe structure. Believe me, we want to. Chair Suarez: We're trying. Commissioner Carollo: We want to. Yes. Chair Suarez: Okay. City of Miami Page 8 Printed on 4/26/2012