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Exhibits A-D (Legal & Graphics) SUB
27 og - oc) UpzC Exhibit "A" Nassau Rezoning to SD-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1 through 3. 5. and 9 through 20. Stock 23. LESS the South 10 feet thereof. of ;WENDED PLAT or iitE FROW NoIJESTEAD. accordng to the plot thereof. os recorded in Pbt Book 'B, Poge 106. of the Public Records of kliomi—bode County. Florida- ** SUBSTITUTED EXHIBIT. ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END ** EXHIBIT "C" Planning Department Recommendations 0 62.5 125 250 Feet 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , 1 L\L EXHIBIT "B" N Planning Department Recommendations :US ST T3-R to _. �...... ...� Cl age W N a «16 T1 NATURAL T3 SUBURBAN QTI GENERA. URBAN =T5 URBAN CENTER Q T68' URBAN CORE T612. URBAN CORE T621. URBAN CORE C2 T638. URBAN CORE T6/8' URBAN CORE ® T660. URBAN CORE T680. D alD2 oD� IMa OCI Daro URBAN CORE WORK PUCE INDUSTRIAL MARINE CMC SPACEFARNS CMC INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT T Island and FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE harles venue Neighb BIMIN BLOCK 111 w .T�ti71 y)i17-717?�ii77'1i7�yi THOMAS AVE 0 62.5 125 250 Feet I o o_o I i oil PARADISE ISLAND 08-00166zc1 BLOCK PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a WILLIAM AVE 25' T3=R 25' T3-R T40 H N Y 20' T5-O T5 0 GRAND T4-O BAHAMA BLOCK 08-00166zc2 GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE T3-R Miami 21 Zoning 1- N H V) N a. FLORIDAAVE Single Family - Residential GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE led Parcel. Mee1.nd N.D. V... 'r'�-.LT�`• ▪ Comeivailon Pudic Parke end R.creMicn Comm.m•MI R.u...on' MI Man Faciltes' Single Needy Residential Duple. R.stdwhll Low Density MI.MYnIy Road.. N Medium Dernaly Mrol.mly Residential Nigh Deny Mualbmly RelNeW Low Owen Re*dc*d Germania M.dum Density R.etrlrled Comm.rciel NM Revealed Commercial C.Mn1Restnee. Dietrkl MN General Commortlel Mye Inf it n.L Pubic FedR4., Tren.podaicn and Uy/( Light Industrial ▪ Industrial • Not dealgn..d w mw HIBISCUS ST "Exhibit D" Duplex Residential NASSAU 08-00166zc3 Single Family - Residential 25' Low Density Restricted Commercial BLOCK PARADISE FRON Restricted Commercial PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a Medium Density Restricted Commercial Single Family Residential WILLIAM AVE N_ J FLORIDA AVE GRAND BAHAMAABLOCK 08-00166zc2 GRAND AVE Medium Density Restricted Commercia Medium Density Multifamily Residential THOMAS AVE MARGARET ST Future Land Use Map Exhibit "A" LEGAL UCS IIIPTIUN 1 refs 22 is".,uyn tot a. on.: tt.c Wcst t/2 ct lot ."t Er+c.:w 28. AA t4t)lF i'I,nt era Ira, +ur rN In:4051E1.J), ante ;) or, rr,e ['Lai thereof. os. rrc ord..eF .n Not Hoeg H. r'oyr t06, Records n! Von. p.. i'a..,,,ry 1 r;..:U.`, c, u.r Horlt. 10 fret ond tree We^..I I cti reel ,>f 1..1I ci 28. soa7 "TOGETHER WIT,4 toll 11 Ihrougr. 27 nt crl [)O114AUCS SUB1MSlOtt, occord;ng to the F•L�t U.e*cc.+. w .er onae,f in Piot Htxsi H Poge 1 S,[7. „ t the Puhl;c Reccwds of l,I.om. - Chad, Cnunir. rlonc1.s \SD-12 F NCD-3 1- N -J FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOM AVE 0 62.5 125 11 1 II 11000 Current Designations ;=MM 250 Feet I \\\ \\\ \\ SD-28 PARAME ISLA`N__4_ rCK 11T OS-00166zc1 � PARADIkr°t‘z‘11\il. LAN OC\E\ \-% . , WILLIAM AVE V) w CO N W FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE :.A1I11 teMnal \\ 11000 Zoning SD 28 (/) N -J 0_ FLORIDA AVE THOMAS AVE 62.5 125 250 Feet 11111111 WILLIAM AVE L|ZA8ET FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE Proposed 11000 Zoning Planning Department Recommendations FLORIDA AVE WILLIAM AVE FLORIDA AVE Proposed 11000 Zoning Miami 21 Current Designations 1- N N J PF— 1- In N J Pamela T3 SUBO TI NATURAL T3 SUBAIPHAN TA GENERAL URBAN QTS URBAN CENTER =TIM' URBAN CORE Q7612' URBAN CORE © T624' URBAN CORE Q T638' URBANCOR ®T848' URBANC =TO00 URB�} ORE ® T8-Er URBAN CORE 001 ,V*DRK PLACE 1=132 INDUS113IAL QD3 NNRINE Q00 CIVIC SPACE/MRKS MCI CMC INSTITUTIONAL DaM0 HEALTH DISTRICT FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE (MINI BLOCK THOMA HIBI Village W st Island and Charles Avenue Wsighb"Orhood Conservation 0 62.5 125 250 Feet 0 A I 1 1 1 1 1 Q PARADISE istrict BLOCK - FRONT ISLAND BLOCK 8-001 36zc1a WILLIAM AVE FLORIDA AVE GRAND BAHAMA\BLLOCK 08_00166zc2 GRAND AVE BACO)B OCK O8-OO_ ,166zc4 THOMAS AVE MARGARET ST ROStrd Miami 21 Zoning T3-R "I age We 1— N N a ad NA T+ NATURAL cels 1=1T3 SUB -URBAN QT4 GENERAL URBAN QTS URBAN CENTER Q TSB' URBAN CORE QTS-lr URBAN CORE ® T6.2/• URBAN CORE T03C URBAN CORE TAB' URBAN CORE 1TBB0. URBAN 11MT6-80• URBAN QHt PUCE pc* INDUSTRIAL Q0,3 MARINE OEM CIVIC SPACE/PMRS al CI CMC INSTITUTIONAL QCI-Ho HEALTH DISTRICT FLORIDA AVE FREEPPOO R BLOCK 08-00166zc5 GRAND AVE HIBISCUS ST [41= I : i t siY.IQ ,l i=NN ,_1 1- e I i.k 6I =< <1 's rb = M °RN, I 72- a2 BIMINI BLOCK w THOMAS 0 62.5 125 250 Feet 1 J 1 J D J 1 "Exhibit B" -PARADISE FRONT 1— N S 1— w m N 1 w FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE T3-R ISLA\ID BLOCK 08-00166zc1 WILLIAM AVE Proposed Miami 21 Zoning Planning Department Recommendations T3-R FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE jIage We t Is!and and hales venue Neighborhood Conservation N is/BIMINI lord 6acad Parcels TI NATURAL T3 SUB -URBAN QT4 GENERAL URBAN 0T5 URBAN CENTER 0 TSB. URBAN CORE ▪ T&12. URBAN CORE - T6,24. URBAN CORE T636. URBAN CORE _RIM' URBAN0ARE - TB66' URBAN CORE T6 30• URBAN CORE 001 NARK PLACE 002 INDUSTRIAL / 003 MARINE -CS CMC SPACERARKS 0CI CMC INSTITUTIONAL 0-!O REALM DISTRICT BLOCK THOMAS AVE 0 62.5 125 250 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T5-O NASSAU BLOCK 08-00166zc3 BLOCK PAR DISE ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a WILLIAM AVE FLORIDA AVE 25' T3-R GRAND BAHAMA`BLOCK 08-00166zc2 GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE Restric Miami 21 Zoning FLORIDA AVE ■ Single Family - Residentia GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE Ma d Parcels l.nd Uss C..4141.a,. ▪ Con.n..m, Public Pas. and R.c1.Mbn Comm.rt's! R.w..Yon• ▪ Maine FMMb.• SipM Family Rad.n.M O.ppk RuMnIWI Low Dn.IY MMMan* ROMdental M.d.Rn Density MuWa my Reidtn*I High Density M.I.Mmly Residential Low Dn *y R.MItbd Don.R.1C1st W. Medium D.nMly Restricted Comm.,cla ▪ R.MMIW Commercial MI Control Bo.Ms. District / S ▪ Osn,sICommu6M Major InMlolems4 P../iFatd.., Tfanpodtbn end D.W. L#4 Ind,M.M ▪ MMSMM • Not deign.Md on mop 'Exhibit D" Duplex Residentia Single Family - Rest • ntial LORIDA AVE Low Density Restricted CommI III N ASSAU BLOCK 08-00166zc3 Restricted Ani PARADISE Commercial ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a Medium_Density Restricted Commercial 25' I! Single Family Residential WILLIAM AVE 25' L GRANDJBBAH_AMA BLOCK 08-00166zc2 GRAND AVE Medium Density Restricted Commercial Medium Density Multifamily Residential THOMAS AVE MARGARET ST 25' Future Land Viso Map i i 1. 0 62.5 125 250 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Aerial L PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK - FRONT 08-00166zc1 PARADISE -ISLAND BLOCK- REAR' 08-00166zc1a WII,LI