Date: October 21, 2011
Department Contact Name/Number:
DepartmeritfDivision: Purchasing
Terry Byrnes, CPPB - (305) 416-1917
Bid/Contract Number: 274345 Sr. Buyer: Terry Byrnes, CPPB
Summary/Description of Purchase:
Provision of Cast Iron Manhole Covers, Tops and Various Tree Grates - Citywide
Justification for Award/Contract:
See attached
Type of Contract:
Single Purchase
Short -Term Contract
Term Contract
Contract Increase
Contract Period Two (2) Years.
Recommended Vendor(s):
Method of Purchase:
Formal Bid (include bid tabulation)
Competitive Negotiation (include documentation)
Other Governmental Contracts (include documentation)
OTR: Two (2) additional One (1) year periods
HD Supply Waterworks, LTD
MWBE/Location Status: Award/Contract Value
Non-Minority/Non-Local N/A
Total Value of Award/Contract (including value associated with potential OTR):
Award Recommended By:
Source(s) of Funds:
Account Code(s):
. Department Director/Designee Signature
allocating funds from the various sources of the user department, subject to availability of funds and
budgetary approval at the time of need.
Funding Approval:
Certified By:
Justification for Award/Contract
This contract is for furnishing the metal inlet covers, manhole covers and tree grates to be delivered by
the selected vendor to the Public Works Operations Yard located at 1290 NW 20th Street. These metal
parts will be installed by PW Operations crews in order to provide safety to pedestrians and drivers along
the City of Miami maintained rights of way. These metal parts will be placed at locations where the
covers or grates are missing. In addition, this contract will ensure a safe and secure pathway for our
citizens by decreasing the liability on trip and fall cases.