HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiami-Dade County Backup InformationDate: To: From: Subject:: ' ernorand ur% 71-, , February 5, 2008 Honorable Chairman Bruno A Barreiro and Me:rnbers, Board of County Commissioners Gec ge M Burgess CounV, d nnnger Memorandum of Agreement regarding Discharge Planning Policies for Homeless Persons e:ide Item 2c. 10('.'• ( Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopt the attached resolution authorizing the County Mayor or his designee to execute, in substantially the same form as attached, the. Memorandum of Agreement (MCA) that includes the participation of Miami -Dade County's Homeless Trust and Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, the Florida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children & Families, the 1 11h Judicial Circuit, Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, - Our Kids, Inc., and various community mental health facilities. Scode The MOA details the responsibilities of all parties under this agreement. The impact of this MOA is countywide. Fiscal Impact[Fundinq Source A proposed discharge planning budget illustrating the estimated costs Is attached to the MOA; however the anticipated costs in the current fiscal year wit be for six months only. A fiscal impact of no more than $170,250 will be generated in the current year as a result of the implementation of this MOA. The additional full-time equivalent (FTEs) required will not be in the County's table of organization-, rather services and staffing will be provided by a community based organization(s) selected via a Request for Application process. The Homeless Trust does not provide direct services, thus the proposed services as described in the MOA report would be procured through a competitive process. Funding for these services will be provided via private sector funding and additional unanticipated Food and Beverage tax carryover funds from the previous fiscal year that were not included in the 85 2007-08 Adopted Budget_ However, prior to utilizing additional Food and Beverage tax funds, the Homeless Trust is securing potential private sector funding through community partners such as the Miami Coalition for the Home! ess to reduce the need to fully fund these services with Food and Beverage Tax funding. The Home! ess Trust has already secured $40,000 from Community Partnership for the Homeless in FY 2007- 0 . Inc Homeless Trust will continue to work with community partner. to identity private funding for recurring costs of thi.--, project which are projected to be no more than S340,500 on an annuai axis--as_detailed in line attached budget to the MCA. Honorable. Chairman Bruno A. 'Barreiro and Members, Board of County Commissioners Page 2 Track Record/Monitor The agreement shall be monitored by the Homeless Trust. Backaround On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice Chair Barbara J. Jordan, the BCC passed a Resolution (R-432-07) which directed the Homeless Trust to develop and recommend an MCA establishing discharge polices for agencies in Miami -Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance Taskforce. Resolution R-432-07 required that the Homeless Trust present the recommendations and memoranda to the BCC within 120 days of its passage. A memorandum dated August 21, 2007 was sent on behalf of the Chairman of the Homeless Trust requesting additional time to complete this work because issues regarding individuals with mental health issues residing in County jails needed to be resolved. On November 6, 2007, the BCC adopted Resolution R-1238-07, extending the reporting deadline by an additional 90 days from the date of passage. The attached report is the work of the Homeless Trust. • The goal of this MOA. is to prevent homelessness, by setting forth discharge planning policies and the identification of roles and responsibilities of each participating entity related to the discharge of homeless individuals or those who are at risk of homelessness. Process Beginning in May 2007 the Homeless Trust implemented a planning process related to establishing a MOA. A series of meetings were held with all pertinent parties, which were led by Ronald L. Book, Chairman of the Homeless Trust. Additionally, sub -committees met over the course of several months related to various special populations including: the felony population, civil court probate cases, individuals with mental health, sexual predators/offenders, youth exiting Foster Care and families involved with the Department of Children & Families. Recommendations were made, discussed, and shared with representatives from the systems of care representing at of the above referenced entities as well as the Public Defender's Office, the • State Attorney's Office, law enforcement agencies and other key stakeholders.,The result of this group's work was approved by the Homeless Trust Board' and is presented as an MOA for the consideration of the BCC. Additionally, the ongoing monitoring of this agreement and further work of this group wit be conducted under the auspices of the Homeless Trust and will be reported to the Board of County Commissioners as requested. This MOA was approved by the Homeless Trust Boaro on October 26, 2007 and by the representatives of all participating entities. Attaci ;meni `"Assistant County Manager : 1E_`IUR.-\-7I lie.�i,cd i ✓1 FRf),1�i: R .4_Cctc.vu.v,. J County : kro mey. E. `✓ L`fi,TEC I : Aucondfl o. lq(r) (1) (A) 1'.lease none any items checked. - "4-Day Rule" ("3-Day Rulc" for committees) applicable if raised 6 weeks• required held ecn first reading and public `iearing 4 weelcs notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or increases czpennitures without balrrncin.g budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Bid waiver requiring County Manager's written rceornmenuation Ordinance ::. creating a new hoard requu es CJetailetI C(lun tv iilati f cr''s report for public ilcarin,g :JQusekect)ing item (no policy decision required) 10 corn in t1ce review Approved Veto Override Mayor Agenda Item No 02-05j-03 RESOLUTION NO. 0(C)(1)(A) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF .AGREEMENT (MOA) THAT INCLUDES THE PARTICIPATION OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST, THE _MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION, THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES, THE 11T H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL/PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST, OUR KIDS, INC., .AND COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS AND FACILITIES WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M AN/II-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA., that this Board hereby authorizes to the County Mayor or his designee to'execdte, in substantially the same form as attached, the Memorandum of 'Agreement (MOA) that includes the participation of the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust, the Miami -Dade County Corrections & Rehabilitation, the Fiorida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children & Families, the 1 Ith Judicial Circuit, Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, Our Kids, Inc. and Community Mental Health Faciiities to file and execute the MCA and any necessary amendments to the MOA, following approval _by the County Attorney's Office, for and on behalf of Miami -Dade County, Fiorida, and to exercise any amendment, modification, renewal, cancellation and termination clauses of the MOA on behalf of Miami -Dade • County, Fronde. Asenda Jium No. O' I'aec No. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Bruno A. Barreiro, Chairman Barbara J. Jordan, Vice-Chaimbman Jose "Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson • Carlos A. Gimenez SallyA. Heyman Joe A. Martinez Dennis C. Moss Dorrin D. Rolle Natacha Seijas Katy Sorenson Rebeca Sosa Sen. Javier D. Soule The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 5th day of February, 2008. This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA .BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK Deputy Clerk Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency.? Yia:,dana Da: nzal<. L III, Li ) 1.1s01 ,�lL L1 i "LZ 1 111 [ 11 , 1d, ll LtLltO:) n 7 L[ [tuluzitu Ulpill 1 S -01 [I1liJC� 111 [0 � :� ���� _� '-! ],57�, LLUJ[! �� Li,lL1t.4 L1� gall ., 11 [)�Llt)ilL.^iC I)L(�� LO �`sr.;) UI14 [V 0II .>1ll ICE S'1I OS V 1 [��,P i C�'Jt 1Q uCI C�1 t[ICI y� u�� s LI1 I ita!t � u 44. [l� 2u ���,rL ` u LEI L[[1'a 01 2L(1 �Cu-ti1�AU L L .. 1u`V' � i � Lil(1l IO[�\. l � [��1 e p .1 2Lela[c10. lsn t_ s3I+T'DF,J 1411E2.4 pi_12111 ;A10.10 LLILL[O0 ou[ `S piZ] _lil0 pL1b lsnll,41 o �1[C[n (i1r11Soh [1110LLT1L10S1[3T21' puv S[ollo[ 0 0124S aLj,1 pLy' saI1 Lur, 2/ 000p[u[p F° luottil eda(rptlo[, ~L J p00v suoupau0D o 1UQLLn,le(14Q. Pcio[� a Yam. p0v 00[+eagt2t[0y suuL aasLo'O ,Cluno;) ppvQ_LTue W • puv ssa44Luo[ ,Ctuno� �ppC ILL1 tyu_aL'tI (L, LL12'Q 01/ J o r p LIr.I 0 LLi2 [Aj ..vao. Itool e 10 1p01 1000041f to is 1 �, ssal�Luo[? pasodolLl Sul pal ss1 j u1 0 te[�i f 1Snl SS G1Lm .aq1 SI. L,u 0[1°J Alo10 [?hQ L0� �n011_IP)l UP. aLl1[iJ.'1,1 nTt1L��[�[ J:(1 -❑ )l,tl[OSt)d gLI j() 11.T aL[1 LIt011. SCI ) Clip ul tlr) ) t 1L�anu�1If() QC[11 [os d Lilfo srP ulp 0 uolln os "I e [' ``I Dd I,ar. v, L' 0} 1 )Lr.uou. 'L I I I u12111 ;,� I {i _lol I[,b T I'�IIn_i .11 1RL1 J Ililh) LCC1C111[JS L{ 0l,I I�� 1 I_t041 1,1 t,l IC 1 LIE UI i:=4.1,.<._ p! O I r�L:.; �iLn., tuff: SI lT' ',.�hf1 t I nr G=f 1)T I I • i;"ID �qr 1.1,t�) , n� I,t �I�! i, IOi I ,L n [ it 1 l l [i j�li LL T 1. � �. i J Thisu 1tat slits ibmiiitts eturl: nit:sertsd rem itait tin t\litaiiiiellitatile (I °utast,: Imidspeless aitsi tams thee etrup-sratu idactidirsti trig nits ilitittsraidut atail ',VOT.1.1 'DC con iireitstit ihet auspices et] tiast it-lc...metes; Trust Lind as Ibenopail 21 Iht BOLI1 d or Purpose The etcal of this Interueency Agreement is to pi-citan( 1clno1c;flS by settng forth ciischarge planning policiesnd the ielienification of roles and respcsesibiliiies related to the discharge o ['homeless individuals os those avitio 210 01 r 100o less Agreement Goals ThcD;oais of this At:_ereerneterit inC1L)Ck the i7ol lowing: I. To establish 'formal iinIgcS, training policies; and dhal-de poi -ides between the Miami -Dade County HarneleSS Trust and all of the arDOVe referenced parties. 2. To establish discharge policies as:Meer the State of Florida. Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Miami-Dadte Cotrity -Homeless Trust for Slate i ruin ate-S. • 3. To establish discharge. policies between the Miami -Dade County Borrieless Trust and the Niti.ami-Dade County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for Countytjail inmates. To establish disoharge policies between the :Nlliarni-Dade County Homeless Trust and Jackson _Memorial Hospital/Public Real -lb Trust for homeless patients or those, at risk of horneless-ness. 5. To establish( discharge policies between Ole State of Florida Ill' Judicial Circuit and the .Miarni-Dade County Homeless Trust for homeless persons and those - persons at riSk of homelessness invok,ed with title 1.1th Judicial Ciircuit (-misdemeanor, felony, civil and diversion cases). 6. To establish disela at policies betwoota Our Kids, Inc and the :Miami-Dade- Countji. Homeless Trust for Youth 1011201 Foster Cara who are at risk of bomelessnoss. 7. To establish disclaarde policies between community mental licalth c.ortters and fbellities for homeless persons c:;0102 ocfllill health facitilies and centers. S. To establish linlea tress betweon the Iviiami-Dade County Homeless Trust Lind The Florielsi Department of Children Si Families rciated to Tomilies at risk oi essness. 2. To establish disclintittie policies boadectsin hospitals and the Miturti-Dinie County omeloss Trust for homeless borsons and Li) OSC h 1.11 .11 joint Resnentsiinilities eidterin. Hill adreen tent Lii aanies eic.niee te Tio assi eippropriedte rchresentaiiviiis to tiici CeiniitYl-lorrieiess Tritist. SCI"ViCtS COMMiUtt fOr origoinLe dialottue, refinctihit, and imarlitoinLi, of the proLtress of this .AnitC.111(fnl 011 a minimum of o quariecrly basis. 2. To tai-dish :Ind maintain the use of a data VSLCM (HOIMICSS Ivlaricniernent information System) to identify, refer, and track homeless individuals served by mutual systems, particulainy high utilizers of Sci-ViCOS 0f iulUp1 csystems of care. 3. To create and revio,v systems data in terms of the number of homeless people or peopIC at risk of homelessness entering and exiting each system o1 care involved in this ,Atn-cernent and to identify trends ancl LI11111et needs, and the identific,ation of chronically homeless people. wliO arc hi nh utilizers of 111Lilflple, SySl. CailS of Care. 4. To provide cross -systems training t0 appropriate personnel of atl systems related to resources, rules, and regulations pertinent to homeless people and those at risk of -homelessness. 5. To refer, and accept as appropriate, homeless persons, or those at risk of homelessness into housing and se-rvices, as available and appropriate. Agency R.6.Spnnsibilities: M iami-Da de County Homeless Trust 1. The ivliami-Dade County Homeless Trust will provide a minimum of quarterly training sessions on :Homeless Trust resources to the other entities involved in this asgeernenti The training 11111 ide provided lo, but not be Until:cid to: Drug Court case mainae.rs, Judges, Bailiffs, Probate Bat, Wiiarni-Dade Correctional Counselors or appropriate, Corrections staff, DOC Classification and Probation C_fificers, HART (Homeless Assessment Referral and Tracl:in2) staff, 24.A-1/Public Health Trust Social 'Workers or approprialie staff. Hospital Social Waidcers, Community- M.enta.1 Health Centers and Facilities staff, State Attchney's public Defenders Office, Guardianship proarain staff, DOS staff, Our Kids staff. 2. The. iMianni-Daci.c County *Homeless Trust will provide access to and training on the Homeless Tvl aina.gement Infon-nation System (leS) for client referral, tracking, and case Irian aidennent purposes. - 3. The Ivliami-flidc County 'Homeless TrUSi Will establish a tni-11 of i-i01.1SiM4 Spc,cLil.iStS, linked to the Homeless Heipline, wile will accept re:P01d-3.1s uid serve as appropria lc willorn available. resources; notnelcss individuals or those at risk of homelessness, fron3 all of the °Wei- parties involved in this Agreement. Those spec.ialisls may be located3 stratonic locations le.Lc. The ustic.e. Center) or oilier rates to be dotermildiod hy the ricimelcSs Trust. The NI County Homeless .Trusi 0111 icientriy housinn, and sicii-inces, resources. or throutch1113 iiievLicipment cif new resources within bilri±otary a1 111 1 for homeless incindattills or ',incise at risle of hornet essi-I•Lss lav 31 othea- 53E-605 1.111631 511 5. Inc 10 (.20121-.C10 1-10171C1CSSTmsIII roi5 \vi'd) ia rLhc 0i0Ic3H'1dci 10 OnlIhhl7C.1-‘2.F70.1 i 1L.11.j;2 •[Cf) hcl• ijCnLify ja••.!:, rus;. L.:1,larra.-3 ard rariel-e deniland pen-II:Li-vent supportive othar and sei-vices Ls ...c,:Jilatble indpproPfli 7. The 1v.liarM-13)ucie, Llountv Homeless Trusl i-oyiew ancl rciaied to nnoriti/J nu "court involved clients tomui of Trust funded bed availabilily for nicni al heulth anci subsicinc,e ahiise treatment pro iam S. T}te State of Florida 11''',Iudieial Circuit S. The 11 ludiciiil will ensure that 'fudges, Judicial Assistants, the Probate Bar, Bailiffs, Hon-ol cuss Assessntant Referral and Trueltinu,Ciii\RfIlli nrortars stoff, Drug Coin stall', and other appropriete, sniff ari trained in 1.11e, liSC of Homeless -Trust rescaffees. The 1 Circuit will ensure that appropriate preurarn staff is trained in the use of the Hona oless 1\4ana gement Information System 10. The 11'1' Judicial Circuit will identify appropriale staff and utilize the 2Uv1 IS lo make referrals, track clients, and identify hiulti utilizers of services, and special needs populations. 11. The 110 Judicial CirCUli will ensure that homeless individuals will provide referrals to the honnaless outreach teams oil she at the Justice Center for homeless individuals in need of emergency housine, placement who are hivolved with inisderricanors and felon es 12. Thc 11nJudicial Circuit will identify and provide in-kine office space far an on - site housing specialist as'made available thro.uult the Homeless Trust, who will provide housing refentals to homeless indivlduals or those at risk of hornelessness who arc involved with niiscierneanors, felonies, civil and probate divisions. fvfiami-Dade County DOD a rtment of Corrections und Rehabilitation: 13. Upon adice at boolking, The, 1\4iami-Dade County Department of Coirrections and Rehabilitatiori will identify all homeless individuals as desiu-nated nican of arrest afFiclavits in3 icaton. 114. Tito fvfianii-Dade County Department of Cloii ections ane ensure hiLl Con-colional Counselors and oilier ernoloyees a aolapprol-.)71',11c :110 trained in the LISC, of Homeless Trost resources at a minimum of quarterly, al. no c.o so to the Mini -Ili -Dude CoLlrIty Depariffleill of Coirections and Relidl)illim ion. 15. The Miami_Dad.c.., CoLiolty Depaidynem 01 Clorrections and hchabili000 \vill CrISLIPL' that Cturrcionieinill Counselors other employees :is ;in), be app1 opri3ie arc truined in the use 01 the Hon iciess ivlanuocincro lnfoni on Sy5,1cm. 16. Thc I\ Con :try 1-2/cpdrimem Correcdons ;i7ld RelnLibilil al On Will 1,HAVI I {1111./CISfnC 45.a11k:1 FTC.c. 17. Tilt:0 1 1 Cc)li-•;:cLioils, 1,•:11 h.,11! C117',711 1"11,2111i:1 . • 1,1011 1-) Corrociions. Is also lefleelsid hon 41. as nal-. it( .itt,t'tHttl?:-::: titt:Itt :etc:Hetes see:bort t itattiornereted tritC, i ft.cliabilititt!on shall (toliteitri timernselves disir Stand:oft) ticeraOtr.1 itr.-:.o,jchtt-tttr, purse all t to Lo policies For nuental health serttist reeetitylttUrot ait,f); FertitamanLOlt rit) y triniattes, and 1-000ste 01 inmates vitittli special needs, as :tray he amended as C). The Nliiiiini-Dade Count v Dent:tun-tent o Con-eel:tens \Ati 11 as:tis: 1-1(tructitts individuals exitintt (lac jails by; referrind tem to approprioosinu, servieest and cominanity resources via homeless bona:den 5(110 or liousinii, soccialisrs provided by the Atli anii-lnade Courtly Homeless Trost. Fkrida 'De:part:merit of Corre.CIA0P.S.'11Vii:inii-Dadit coin tv Hornelcss TTIISt 20. The Florida Depturtrnent of Corrections Will that classification officers develop anpropriale dischartic plans for inmates at least ISO (lays intior to release 21. The Florida Dop0mCn1 of Corrections will Forward dischartLrt inns from classification officers to the Homeless Trust Trieusint4 Speciali sts for those individuals who wili he003sa homeless upon release ofithin 150 days of releitse, with Cie consent of the inn -late; or for those ismtates on probaticm, corfin-luni(v correctfions staff (-oroloation officer) will submit dactr placement requests to tlitte TTorneltess Trust Housing Specialists within 30 days of release, witls the consent of the inmate 22. The l\tlianii-Dadc County Homeless Twat 1Housinu Specialists yttill review thet discharae plans and resteond to the DOC ela.ssification officers witltin 30 clFits of receiving the discharge plan as to the availability o f Isousing and resources within Mja'osiDad00ounry. 23. The Mi arai-D ad re County Honici ess T7l1S1. Housing Specialists o3)I respond in \i'01t130 o the, classification officers as to any placement bairriers (e.u. 2,500 foot rule for sexual predators) so as to provide suf.-fie:tent time to iciontitly alternative. p2a0Ern ell IS. DeFiorido n aT-tnient of Children Se Families (Circuit 11i: 24. The, Florida Deb art -merit of Children & 1Tairilics \tall cusare that clisebilitiv specialists and protective investiaalors, attorneys, and other appropriate staff- are trained as to 3joniolCs5 Trust resourc:s. 25. The Florida Depart:port of Clttildren & Families will ensure that homeless :301v i duals and faint I i es or tlictse at fis; of homelessness ;,,ppropr;Lto scrvices, housry:, sp2cialisis and 0005flllilli5 ICSOLlliCCS hy protective investiLators and siaecittlists :met Vol') notify itta Hotnct,its Trust as to airy 1-a-friers iu iiecossi met ihose servic(s. 2O. The Florida Department oil Children ,Qt. Tantilies )vill post Homeless Housi.,.)„ Lomitct)/ otittcy (orstrt ratttottrttc lfirormetionr LOF lli)ffictes iind cetess 51(05. 2 2. -1"1-1.: Flora e Dena rtraem Ct-tll,litui F ariat. t It rti-ott trio It runt 001 i CPI c T�'ai'� VJ rib_Talaier idL'. an "\'Tune! nrfir\ If f 1 :1C Inc of FYI i1 -� 29. Our Inc. id11 siriili full case l ll it nt LiCCt and d"jI''it 71 a program .tat' rarer hc;l ' indiviatals, , or those. L�t 1 t. U, Il Ci.11 ,:aSil _�� 10 ay pIOpi-1:11F '1 1 !>l i� 1V' C1L pdci I '. and c0inlnunity resources available h i ltl Lab 111C Homeless , Trust or other .11'.Il C5 30. °Lill Inc. will ensure that "independent 1 /u1t.' and other appropriate tall. as ide.,lti pied by Our ]aids, Inc. are ircincd by ,1m Homeless Trust in the use. of the 1-11v4IS and ]-lomeic ss Trust resources. 31.'Our Kids. Inc will erasure. that Independent Living staff lid li :cs thr; id.M.IS to hake referrals, tract: clients, and identify those youth grist,:of homcicss;ess upon exit from Foster Care. Trust to identify unmet needs and 32. Our Kids, Inc. wt'i1l \'ol] with dieHomeless twill maximize the coordinatlon of monetary and community resources utilized for move in and rental assistance 10 yoatl, cxitirth foster cars. Jackson Memorial Flos;li?a1/PubiicNcali.h Trust T _ Jackson M', Memorial Hospital/Public c Health trust ' 1I ensure that yIi-HTPi,a.t Social Workers and other appropriate staff are trained in the use of Homeless Trust resources. 344. Jackson Memorial Hospital%Public Health Trust will establish itnba_.cs wv'itil Homeless Trust funded outreach teams. 35. _Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will ensure that J;C4-1/PHT Social ��%orrcers are trained in the use of the HMIS: 36.1 ackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will utilize. the FlMIS to slake referrals, identify, and track homeless people and those at risk ofho lmalessness 37. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trusi will identify homeless ilia h utilizers. of Hospital, Emergency Roon1 and Health Crisis Services and refer and link them to the 1-Toirel.ess Trust chronic our a1 otl.i•��ith the Homeless 3S. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust Trish to identify and rcali`_n resources to servo individuals ( .0: undOeurnellted iillllli<,1-anl.$) in • tlaa least restrictive sittings and to utilize currently funded ylon1Cl051; Trust funded programs (c.o. The Polo&eSS Assistance Comers or ALFs) where anpropriatf. 39.lackso 3lonmrial Hcsllital fur s 7ni Will :r)n And, thi patients 11t risk of Imnnclessnass to the 1]omcl 5S Trust lluasll'. Specialists as appropi-iutc 40. .lack scan 1y1:n-lotial llospilaillac1 tin 1v1emorial I I °spit al shall I anandiill tc reed 1cm. beiwccll 3l:anr Dade Co wary c P�len�urantsa of � � , � i �rlleti the is ,ions li, yin. Corrections grid l•.'=.oab.11t:1ir,li .nrl 3 d Pi-1�1 1. rr_lllal li aliii screc'niu_ instr'0rl ;nt as described in Ni:nlhor 1;. lbo c. (11 14€ii altit Centers i(1TriCts) and .Vionral Health Faciiniiies: and 0J.n0 Hooh Fa:Pties 112;),j,..IIIiOUICI.;;Ii.0!I iom 42. CivIiri (cis and Mental 1-lciLltii ensure tiiat Cirstso.il Scoi Viforliers: and other approtiriatisz staff are trained in this; use et rioness Trust reiscithis6s CtvtilHil.ls, and Mental Hertiltii Factlitics tvilnntrotLnl (11-1 sis Urn I. 7(,o; and 0 grit appropriate staff are Tinned in the use of Pie I4MIS 47 lair: utoniickss Trust. 44. C'f\41-1.(ls and Mnnla 15ca114 Facilities viIl uiiInn the IIIVIIS to make referrals, track clients, and identify homeless people and those tit risk of homeli.2ssi-les1 need of housing and scrvices_ 45. (.71\4.HCs and Mental Health Facilities \vitt identify hornedess CrisisServices and refer. and link thern to the Homeless Trust chrcinit: outreach 46. ClvIiHC.s and Mental Health Facilities will screen and refer those homeless patients to the Homeless Trust: Hoesin4 HousingSpec.ialists as appropriate. Statte Attorneys Office 47. The State Attorney' s Office shall recommend that the Grand Jury re, -examine their report and the pros:ntess and rernainincti, barriers on mental health and the criminal justice system. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of this Agreement The success of this dY.Ticiennent shall be evaltiatcd on a quarterly basis by the Homeless Trust Board mid appropriate Committees based on thc following criteria: • Identification of Baseline data on the number of homeless people and those at risk of hornelesiSness scrved by the entities involved in this aci-coment • Annul reduction of the number of homeless persons entering. exitinc. and recidivists invo]ved \x.1111 all entities involved in this agree:I-I-tent- percentage to he determined Confidentiality The Parties io Hs ,ALtriternerti iParttlesil uncicrsiatild 11101 dunne thc ciourFic ihic:i-foriinn-ig the Scimiiiecis lacreund er. hacil pally 111 IIY 7000000775710 CICTILLII) ,;„00 040111101 and pi-opriciary iitfoi-naaton and iriiitcri:tis of the ottict- party in odor In furillcr perilormancc of the Sery ices. The Parties shall protect cscanflainLial in foirniii ion and comply appliciihie federal iid stide 1,i:iv's on coiiiidential v pificvciii, oiiiiiitlioriseed us-disserninaiion publication cif confidential inform:Ilion as each tiecs lo protect it s ov;ii cortdential Mtcum:Ilion in a liltc manner The Parties Thal! not ilisclosc the conficiciitial inform:Pion to any third party or to :Inv ciiiii-60010 cortraciOT V\II)0 11IIVI: 1-:1()V: 0II:TIf71711.1.z.1c o Of III I OSIIICIIISIN 1 \'‘' 0 %.27. IIII 1'; ; ) i M _1i. 1 1, i .1 ';,,i i. _rL�'. ` i i: o, or for i r�-.' i 1, . it �� �ti 1 ..,.,L,riur� (v) I I7 �prt �I uil I GI ��� �,1;' t'ih the other U� 1.-�. 0 npCrSt!o1i of C I } , (1) is cliseic secs by I ritlen (lj1oro''a'I. The confide11fl 1ty provision of this t't.:reternent shall ior,iin in :ltil r L;� s,.t�_111.;;1t. fOrcC and effect after the, termination of this Financial Obliiiatinns of fit c Parties •not iniendcd to crcatt financ.:al �,'i f0CmC11t . '1'll('., parties 0Cj•;ll�JlA�lr�do�, that this = costs 8r�' incurred �`, ;] 'eSu1t obll<<ations beh00e-1 the parties. llovve er, in the event that U ,yes rc he of any party performing ripen- roles timer this lt,greC111Cnt, each I -tarty responsible for Weir own costs - Termination of :-A urcemen i he terminated h)� all party 11e1 t0 by Cl71CLCih The Palsies am-ce that this Aarcel-nent may U calends- days notices to the other parties of such intent to te.rmin .t0 al. least thirty (30) prior to i:he effective date of such termination. Termination of the At teelllellt aS 10 011d pasty will not affect the Ar_creeMent as to the remaining parties. AIcnc.�' Contacts ur ose U ad ninisiration of �, t,c.v Contacts for p The. following, individuals are named as A,� . , this Airreelnent: (To he completed upon execution) Effecri__ \'c Dar.c OS This Agreeme1it shall become effective on January 1 tie document to be implemented by tale The follow, ink* parties have caused this page authorized officials (To be conlpiet.ed upon e:Necution) 'Farther flecurnnat-mdiujons to he eri:nbreci lip:.linty TThr-,,y?Acir,s Tri"ll- via ' DevErilonnaeinta7(immitttit. ilictudine renrciseniatives SexuI Predators '• Identify 'National Recsisticy of Sexual Predators and hovi' ategess . We haver determined that the. Miami-17We PO1iCc Denatanicin maintains malintling of 2,500 foot rule and have produced a map of the County identifying those areas where sexual predators may/may not- reside We have also been advised that an iniernet based mapping program is in the process of development iivhieb allow the, public to review and check Soecificiareas where sexual predators reside. . Reproduce map (With a diSCial MCI Slating that aitiElliiiSSCS must he officially cleared by the .N.4:ianni-Dade County Police Sexual Crimes Bureau), \viticla can be tililiz.cd by, Classification., Con-ections and Probation Officers, and Housing, Specialists, sexual predators and offenders, and other interested entities. • Review state statutes related to sexual predators and offenders, - 'Nov,/ "Romeo and Juliet" exemptions for -young adults classi.fications • Explore Legislative changes to State Statutes requiring a residential 'address for inmateS as part of the discharge plan prior to release into the community • Ongoing need for data- How many people convicted, serving sentences, released'? Obtain ilumeri o data from the Deptartment or Corrections • Explore Risk Assessment based 'placements for sex offenders versus sexual predators -Offenders with certain sentences could be placed at „ON." feet Versus sexual predators at 2,500 feet. Review Best Practice's Models in Now York arid or other communities. • Exp tore develop:hem of specialized facilities/scattered site placements • El),aplore linkages with South Florida Workforce for employment opportunities Me.ri • Baker Act training of Homeless Trust providers . • ldontif.y Jackson Id em,Drial Hospital/Public 'Health Trust (.11\4H/P3-1T) funded programs- Assisted Livins Facilities; Salvation Army, Guardianship -Placements, and the potential realignment of resources • Explore funding Assisted. Living Facilities ilutsing Horne placements • Identify funding, for .Th-ill-1./PHilf guardianship phicemeras • Explore .Agcticy for Perscins with Disabilities vacancies as potential placcincni - opportunities t. Florida 1 I Erstabli sh I i itue s 10 the. Homeless Coalition ruliticni to accessing perm .appropHate housing, and set -cures for reilletaiee1 by Ibo 1111 `.' Frusa and tlat- Soutla Florida l'i-o-viciers anemsuiapp-aiver afordable. or other clients gct (..' „.. 1-)C-S.01-1d 0.21t.111 h(C.CC.lS e, E.:.:7iC.IC .7-ari:r.:01-1QI1(1-, •:-_':,-i.i,.::, i,I,L:;:'..3 ,:-•;" fr.,.-21' trail;:p, q-.:1:.'1',1.-;) PI; C'Air;.. I la:. CH.',-..'i silc,rintjr:m ;',::,,- ,::Ir_lw-1. 21-,D.,:..17',1n.•1S Y:V-i 2.,1-,iue 1-cr1 ,,Ail individuals 1Xni0s0,,1 pir idal, in neeid of mental licaith and or substair:e iibuse ire:An-lent . Need to obtain N,ic,)i-,ii-ily Reports from HART from the ivliarni-Diid,,, County Depaiimunt of 'Human Services , • iain Fiu-ida Departmnt ami eof Chilciren A Flies data on miciaial licalth clients owailin12,p1ncernein, arli 11-ic,sa imicied inio State Civil and Forensic Hospitals . Explore' issues of youth involved in criminal justice system 2t lisk or 110310lessness- inc] Lid c the Don :tin -nerd o 1 . tmeni le .1 ustice and Mc' .1 avbili I e Assessment Center • Provide 2rai02I19., on floc SOAR pr0i2121111 \vhicb expedites tbe nracessintn, of Social Security InaneFts. Youth Eilitin2 Foster Care ' Explore mentoring 'programs for youth niting foster care- Link to Educ;„1,1t, Tornorrow, currently protzrain starts at 17 years of 203, we need to staid a 113 years of age- need for volunteers • Explore Formal Training- Best Practices, 211, 311, Switchboard • Our Klds iE, drafting an invitation to naiptiate, for intensive case mana•J,ement- for independent living p ro c4rai-ns- explore incorporation of housing sp ecialists • iclentify Our Kids After Care bud uct for youth exiting foster care move in assistance- Can Housing, Assistance Grant, Emergency Fond i.:, Shelter Board, Homeless Trust and other community resources to fund these services? • Identify individuals with Developmental Disabilities and hanriers to their care - advocate For State funding of these, yourn-i, adults via the Medicaid Vjai.vcr DC F Families . E-xplore linkaaes with Neighboraood Centers to eNplore rice,d for night and weekend access to outreach • Cash for Protective: lasti‘.2anars flex funds- C;a11 we link to Camillus nev,./ prevention pro ULTUTI . Statc AttOrT1 CV'S Ctilice he: Si;11t: _A.1.1:01-ne:"'s 0 Cli c... c has 3 3000015 pOliCy 1331 ol!dOcInCniatiOn 300paperwork for "No Acl!510 ases where a, defendant is still 10 custody is processed by the SAO and 101iv0red to corrections an ci rehabilitation stairby 4,30 o.m. T11112 SILIAC .1,til:IITICYS OfFICC. 511',111 W011: \Vith [OIL'S 11 :11-1 L'ji01-i 10 0 up a :J0IISC,11 .!\ '2:1110ri 1305;17,11.L11C.NT.Ci0-1S 1-10lih Ser‘accs, andior ijiac 'Deposit-nem. whch of Cori-cc.tions SA(i) rind idei-iny pci-saits 5.citisincl.",vhio, via in 1. no 0300011100 lc) bave 21 inicaial cas2s. 1-1.1.2 (I) will 1.15c 11is1 1 )oli tioctirnoniat ion relatail idiOseyi ',10 :3C] i • ()ther .`",-'2„-sturn capricirj! nisties. rurist noprturiTis iichrdancrit supricittivo slipnoirtivti licrusin tint Partners/Fun (I eTS MiaflCoirmion for the I -kink -doss Community Parithicirship for Id onicless tViim--ni-Dadc County Children's Dade Community Fouflulofl United \?\7i.ry Health Foundation of Soft Florida Healtd-, Found at on South Florida Providers Coalition Alliance for AnhilLit.,, c. ami-Dade County Homeless rust. Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) Discharge Planning uc get Background On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice -Chair which 'Barbara J. directed the Jordan, the Board tiara of County Coy. Resolution ( 32 07) P r develop, l- and reissmners (BCC) passed a establishing discharge pokes for agencies m and recommend a tv'iemoranda of Agreement e g Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness in an effort to prevent homelessness as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance Taskforce. acted that a budget reflective of the scote of recommended also directed � tie i~liOA..� draft of this budget Theh Homeless Trust a supplement to t enhancements De created and attached as a follows for yourevlerw: Housino Specialists ti / eFiend Outreach Night Outreach Bus Tokens 2 F I c's: one stationed at Justice Center S1 0.000 w: FT`,s (5 16 hoursiweek addsystemcaoaclty . *1 10.000 G 1= I E's: Must ar� prior to funding positions. nr!r?ir?a �? O; Miami akrea..\' `%"; hour outreach on a limited and targeted basis 7.000 (c'1.50 each 510.500 S55 u00-i1D.000 FILE ID: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM 0K'US ,-,.17 Date: 5/27/200g Reaucsting.Dcpartment: NET/ Homeless Commission Meeting Date: 6/12/2008 District Impacted: All Type: 0 Resolution C Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion hem Other Subject: 200S Memorandum of Understanding for the Miami Homeless Assistance Proeram's Discharge Planning Grant Purpose of Item: _ - It is respectfully requested that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission adopt the attached resolution to create a Special Revenue Project to accept the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust's Miami Homeless Program grant, awarded to the City of Miami's Homeless Assistance Programs in the amount of S113,333 for a period of four months, and authorizes the City Manageer to execute ail documents necessary. The giant was awarded to the City of Miami to provide outreach, information, referral, assessment and placement services to homeless individuals discharged from the Miami -Dade County's judicial court and public health systems. Background Information: The .Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust, recognizing the need for intervention to prevent those discharged from the criminal justice and public health systems from becoming homeless, established the Discharge Planning grant to fund a service provider to provide a range of services designed to address the needs of the temporarily and chronically homeless. The Homeless Trust, after a competitive review process, chose Miami Homeless Programs as the grantee, to provide evening and weekend outreach, housing assistance, and coordinate with the jail, prison, hospital, foster care, mental health and emergency room facilities to provide appropriate interventions. Budget Impact Analysis NO Is this itern related to revenue? Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below. General Account' No: Special Revenue. Account/ j\o: CIF Project No: • Is this item funded by Homeland Defense(Veighbarbood Improvement Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost: Maintenance Cost: Total Fiscal Impact: CIP Final AT rrn� a[s (s1GN AND DATE Budget V 17 us OF rctciVir I funds Grants funds ds / !% Purchasing Chief Risk Manaeerp nl Dept I}ireeto:\' �� _ City Manager — �" Pave 1 of 1 City of Miami •Legislation Re.soiuti0fl File Number: U8-00=13 City Hsll 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 vw.W miamIgo v.com Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEVV SPECIAL REVENUE PROJECT ENTITLED: "2008 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING' FOR THE MIAMI HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM'S DISCHARGE PLANNING GRANT", AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $113,333FOR A FOUR MONTHS.PERIOD; TO PROVIDE EXTENDED OUTREACH, AND HOUSING SERVICES TO HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS REFERRED THROUGH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY JUDICIAL AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AND TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY A I I ORNEY; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF THE GRANT FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE FUNDED ACTIVITIES BY THE CITY OF MIAMI HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following Special Revenue Fund is established and resources are appropriated as described below: Fund Title: "2008 Memorandum of Understanding for the Miami Homeless Assistance Proaram's Discharge Planning Grant" Resources: Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust Appropriation: $113,333 Section 2: ThepA rroPriation is contingent upon the receipt of the grant from the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and the City Manager's acceptance. Section 3. The City Manager is authorized{1 } to accept the arant from Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust, to provide extended outreach and housing services to homeless individuals referred through the Miami -Dade County Judicial and the Health System, and to execute all necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Section 4. The expenditure of these grant funds is authorized{1} for the operation of the City of Miami Homeless Assistance Program. Section 5. These authorizations shall remain valid and outstanding even if the grant award is reduced or increased. Section 6 Tr'S Resolution shall become effective immedia Mayor-.{2} Footnote ly non its.adoption and signature of the 0; of Miami Page 1 cf2 Printed On: 6'3/200o" File Number: 08-005 1 8 {1} The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed • by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. {2} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Footnotes: {1) The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements. that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. •{2} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution; it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date if was passed and adopted. if the Mayor vetoes this P,esolution, it shall become effective• immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. 0i3O' 0.1 Aliorni Pnge2nf2 Prinred O,. 60 2005 Date: To: From: Subject: October 4, 2011 Estephanie Resnik Ass'istant County Attorney Miami -Dade Cop> ) ttorney's Office emorandum David Raymo (c( xecutive Director Miami -Dade 6unty Homeless Trust Approval of Agreement ❑ Sub -recipient ❑ U.S. HUD Grant Agreement 0 State ✓❑ Other: Extension and Amendment Agreement Attached, please find for your review and approval, three (3) originals of the referenced Grant Agreement between Miami -Dade County, through the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and the agency listed below: Agency: The City of Miami Contract Number / Name: PC-1112- MOA/Memorandum of Agreement Program Contract Amount: $340,000.00 SHP: ❑ F&B STATE: 0 OTHER (Specify): Authorized by Resolution: R-859-09 ❑ New Renewal Authorized by A) 3-38: 0 ❑ New Renewal We are requesting your assistance with reviewing and approving the Agreement as to form and legal sufficiency as soon as possible. Please contact our office once the Agreements have been signed at (305) 375-1490. As always, thank you for your assistance. E 1 approve the above referenced agreement for form and legal sufficiency. s MLy5 =641 Estephanie Resnik ate '� R-SCelaq„ � S toriefr o'vrl7Q� Assistant County Attorney (crvtlejokci ta.NAN.10 • G I do not approve the above referenced agreeme for form and legal sufficiency because: Please resubmit again for review after these problems have been addressed. Please return to Terrell Thomas Ellis, Contract Monitoring and Management Supervisor.