HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupporting Docs and GraphicsANALYSIS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT for GROVE VILLAGE located in Coconut Grove Net Area LEGISTAR FILE ID: 08-00166mu PROJECT PROFILE: Major Use Special Permit for the "Grove Village" project consists of a six -block mixed -use development program located within the Coconut Grove NET area, further described below: Block 1: Freeport: This block is bound by: Florida Avenue to the North, Hibiscus Street to the East, Grand Avenue to the South, and Plaza Street to the West. Block 2: Nassau: This block is bound by: Florida Avenue to the North, Elizabeth Street to the East, Grand Avenue to the South, and Hibiscus Street to the West. Block 3: Grand Bahama: This block is bound by: Florida Avenue to the North, Margaret Street to the East, Grand Avenue to the South, and Elizabeth Street to the West. Block 4: Bimini: This block is bounded by: Grand Avenue to the North, Hibiscus Street to the East, Thomas Avenue to the South, and Plaza Street to the, West. Block 5: Paradise Island: This block is generally bound by: Grand Avenue to the North, Elizabeth Street to the East to back of lots fronting Thomas Avenue on the south and Hibiscus Street to the West. Block 6: Abaco: The block is bound by Grand Avenue to the North, Margaret Street to the East, Thomas Avenue to the South, and Elizabeth Street to the West. The application for the Grove Village project includes different program options for two of the six Blocks mentioned above. This multi -optional submission results in varied program scenarios that would be allowed within the proposed zoning designations, which may result in different intensities depending-ontheoption chosen for development. _ - — The Applicant has presented what they consider the most probable development scenario, herein after identified as the "Base Development Program". Said "Base Development Program" may be modified based on the selected development program but may not exceed the "Maximum Intensity Scenario" as identified in Table 1 (Grove Village MUSP - Base Program and Maximum Intensity Scenario), below. Any future modifications to this MUSP which are considered Substantial shall be processed pursuant to Article d, 2.,c. and meet applicable Transect regulation. Page 1 of 8 Table 1: Grove Village MUSP - Base Program and Maximum Intensity Scenario CRITERIA ALLOWED BASE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MAX. INTENSITY SCENARIO Density Residential Use (Dwelling units) 1,519 263 349 F.A.R. Retail Office Residential 799,750 706,261 750,924 Parking Spaces 1,622 1,820 1,566 Open Spaces 74,319 74,319 125,374 • Maximum height of the Freeport, Nassau, Grand Bahama, Bimini, and Abaco Blocks will be 62 feet 0 inches AGL at mid span between the roof ridge and eave. • Maximum height of the Paradise Island Block will be 82 feet 0 inches AGL at mid between the roof ridge and eave. • Zoning write-up dated 10-25-11, attached hereto, is based on information provided in the "Grove Village Proposed Mixed Use Development Program" table, part of this submission. The application for a Major Use Special Permit for the Grove Village project has been reviewed pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended and is subject to the following Special Permits: MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (1), to allow a residential development involving in excess of two hundred (200) dwelling units; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (2), to allow a non- residential development involving in excess of two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet of floor area; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (7), for any single use or combination of uses requiring or proposing to provide in excess of five hundred (500) off- street parking spaces; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (11), to allow a multi- phase development; SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per ARTICLE 8, Section 803.6.3, to allow a large-scale retail establishment; Page 2of8 SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 917.7.2, to allow reduction in parking requirements for multifamily residential development when located in Community Revitalization Districts (CRD), particularly for Paradise Island and Bimini Blocks; This Major Use Special Permit encompasses the following Special Permits and Requests: CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6, Section 602.3.1, to allow new development in SD-2 district; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6, Section 628.3, to allow new development in SD-28 district; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 903.1, to allow a project that is designed as a single site and it occupies lots divided by a street or alley; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 922.4, to allow maneuvering of trucks on public rights -of -way with referral to Public Works Director; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 908.2, to allow driveways of width greater than 25 feet; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 927, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway and if encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 906.9, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 916.2.1, to allow parking for temporary special event such as ground breaking ceremonies; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 918.2, to allow temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews working on a commercial -residential project under construction; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 920.1.2, to allow construction trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 10, Section, SD-2 Coconut Grove Central Commercial District, Temporary Signs (3) , to allow temporary development signs; REQUEST, for waiver of CHAPTER 36 NOISE, Section 36-6 Construction Equipment (a) permitting the operation of construction equipment exceeding the sound level of a reading of 0.79 weighted average dBA at any time and/or day subject to the City Manager Exception pursuant to Section 36-6 (c) and all the applicable criteria; Page3of8 REQUEST for applicable MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, that the following conditions be required at the time of issuance of Shell Permit.: Record with the Clerk of the County Court a Declaration of Covenants and/or Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner and/or a mandatory property owner association; Record with the Clerk of the County Court a Unity of Title or Covenant in Lieu of Unity of Title. Provide the City of Miami, Planning & Zoning Department a certified copy of the recorded documents. Pursuant to Articles 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. FINDINGS In determining the appropriateness of the proposed project, the Planning Department referred this project for additional input and recommendation to: • Planning Internal Design Review Committee, • Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET), • Large Scale Development Committee (LSDC); and • The Urban Development Review Board Recommendations from the aforementioned Committees and Boards have been considered in the preparation of the following findings and are attached hereto: • The original project was submitted for initial consideration in 2008. • Corwill Architects, Inc, design firm for the Grove Village project, has been working on a revised proposal since 2010, arriving at this submittal. • On May 7, 2008 the Large Scale Development Committee reviewed the original project and provided technical comments. After several revisions and changes, the project was again submitted to the Large Scale Development Committee for their review. On May 12, 2010 the Committee evaluated and issued comments for said submittal. On May 19, 2010 the applicant submitted a formal application for Major Use Special Permit for the "Grove Village" project, which has subsequently been revised as reflected in this submission. • Project is being considered pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000, the applicable zoning code at the time of submission. Proposed designations of all six blocks have been converted to the most comparable Miami 21 Transect in order to consider the proposed development with equivalent zoning designation of the Miami 21 Code. • The existing Future Land Use category for the subject properties, pursuant to The Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan of the City of Miami, Florida, are identified in "Exhibit D" Page 4 of 8 • The proposed project is not located within an Archeological Conservation area, however part of the Abaco block is categorized as the Environmental Preservation District EP-65 and must comply with Chapter 17 31-36 of the City Code. • The City of Miami Public Works Department reviewed the project and provided a set of comments dated on May 7, 2010, attached hereto. • On May 4 and October 12, 2011 the Miami -Dade County Public Schools issued determinations that an aggregate number of 263 residential units for The Grove Village project meet levels of service standards for the area. • On April 26, 2010, the Miami -Dade Aviation Department issued a height analysis review of the proposed project based on a maximum project height of approximately 70 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) and found that it conforms to the Miami -Dade County Height Zoning Ordinances. In addition, any proposed construction or cranes for this project at this location, reaching or exceeding 200 feet AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) is required to be filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) using Form 7460-1. • The proposed project was reviewed by the Internal Design Review Committee on May 19, 2011, and provided comments attached hereto. • The proposed project was reviewed for design appropriateness by the Urban Development Review Board on July 20, 2011, and provided comments attached hereto. • On October 5, 2011, the City's Traffic Consultant, URS Corp., provided a (Review # 16) Sufficiency Letter stating that "the traffic impact report meets the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient with following conditions: 1. Present a list of traffic control measures; and 2. Provide vehicle maneuverability details within the site access locations, including but not limited to parking areas/garages and access locations. • The project's analysis includes a review under Section 1305.2 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, following the Design Review Criteria: I. Site and Urban Planning; II. Architecture and Landscape Architecture; III. Pedestrian Oriented Development; IV. Streets and Open Space; V. Vehicular Access and Parking; VI. Screening; VII. Signage and lighting; VIII. Preservation of Natural Features; and IX. Modification of Nonconformities. • The Economic Impact Analysis provided by the applicant states that the proposed project is expected to cost approximately $ 306,197,101, and to employ approximately 306 workers during construction (FTE-Full Time Employees); The project will also result in the creation of approximately 219 permanent new jobs (FTE) and will generate approximately $ 1,797,577 annually in tax revenues to the City (2011 dollars). Page 5of8 • On April 1, 2010 The Spinnaker Group issued an "Environmental Impact Analysis Statement" concluding that: "the proposed development site is appropriate and that this project will have a favorable impact on economy, public services, environment and housing supply within the immediate neighborhood..." • The proposed development project will benefit the area by creating additional residential and commercial opportunities in the South/West Coconut Grove NET District. CONDITIONS Based on the application submitted and comments provided by IDR, NET, LSC and UDRB, the Planning Department recommends approval of the Grove Village Development Project with the following conditions: 1) Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws and pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of any building permit. 2) Allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the Department's discretion, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Planning Department, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Planning Director why such recommendations are impractical. 3) Obtain approval from, or provide a letter from the Department of Fire -Rescue indicating APPLICANT'S coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Department of Fire -Rescue in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply. 4) Obtain approval from, or provide a letter of assurance from the Department of Solid Waste that the PROJECT has addressed all concerns of the said Department prior to the obtainment of a shell permit. 5) Comply with the Minority Participation and Employment Plan (including a Contractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan) submitted to the City as part of the Application for Development Approval, with the understanding that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow the provisions of the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program as a guide, as applicable. 6) Record the following in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, prior to the issuance of any building permit: • Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity; and • Record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a covenant in lieu of a Unity of Title if, applicable, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney's Office. Page6of8 7) Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, provide the Planning Department with a recorded copy of the documents mentioned in condition (6) above. 8) Provide the Planning Department with a temporary construction plan that includes the following: • Temporary construction parking plan, with an enforcement policy; • Construction noise management plan with an enforcement policy; and • Maintenance plan for the temporary construction site; said plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits and shall be enforced during construction activity. All construction activity shall remain in full compliance with the provisions of the submitted construction plan; failure to comply may lead to a suspension or revocation of this Major Use Special Permit. 9) In so far as this Major Use Special Permit includes the subordinate approval of a series of Class I Special Permits for which specific details have not yet been developed or provided, the applicant shall provide the Planning Department with all subordinate Class I Special Permit plans and detailed requirements for final review and approval of each one prior to the issuance of any of the subordinate approvals required in order to carry out any of the requested activities and/or improvements listed in this development order or captioned in the plans approved by it. 10) If the project is to be developed in phases, the Applicant shall submit an interim plan, including a landscape plan, which addresses design details for the land occupying future phases of this Project in the event that the future phases are not developed, said plan shall include a proposed timetable and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. 11) The following conditions apply to all development (Blocks) within the project. The applicant shall meet the following conditions, prior to the issuance of any building permit: a) Applicant shall provide updated FAA Height and Land -Use Analysis consistent with NGVD Heights for the project. b) Provide for Planning Department approval, details on the "decorative screens" indicating the articulation of the final product for each of the proposed exposed parking garages, specify the opening sizes and depth of screens. The screen should be flush with the interior wall so that there is a window depth between the wall and screen. c) Provide color elevations for all proposed facades including material details, precedent photos, and samples, especially for the garage screening elements. Proposed parking on the rooftop also needs to be screened. d) Show street improvements and ground level pedestrian views of each building along Grand Avenue. e) Provide for approval, complete landscape plans for all blocks with the appropriate legend and calculations, promoting continuity and connectivity between each block, including shade trees disposition or mitigation program, as well as the appropriate buffering between the project and the adjacent single family residences Page 7of8 f) Provide a tree survey and a tree disposition plan showing existing trees location within the property, in order to determine tree replacement requirements, on -site and off -site accommodation, as needed or contribution to the tree trust fund. g) Surface parking facing Florida Avenue should provide a landscape buffer area of no less than 15 feet, containing dimensional layers of landscape features. h) The current Future Land Use for parcels in the project was adopted by City Commission on October 28, 2010 (08-001661u1, 06-0011661u2, 08-001661u3, 08- 001661u4 and 08-001661u5). The intent of this adoption was to provide transitions within each parcel towards the existing residential areas in close proximity to the "Grove Village" project and to buffer abutting signal family residents from the adverse impacts of commercial uses and low-rise and mid -rise mixed use developments. All development for the Grove Village project shall be consistent with the adopted FLUM amendment identified above. i) Provide further details for the project demonstrating compliance with the Caribbean character, reinforcing the pedestrian realm, pursuant to the SD-28 zoning designation. j) Provide, refined loading maneuvering details for loading areas. k) Provide drawings showing proposed transition from proposed project to the surrounding neighborhood. 12) Any future modifications to this MUSP which are considered Substantial shall be processed pursuant to Article d, 2.,c. and meet applicable Transect regulation. 13) Any increase to the approved 263 residential units requires resubmission for School Concurrency. 14) Project must comply with comments issued by Public Works Department on May 7, 2010 by the City of Miami attached hereto for each block. 15) Within 90 days of the effective date of this Development Order, record a certified copy of the Development Order specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the Applicant, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. Page 8of8 if OFFICE OF ZONING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT t,r ,. INTERNAL DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT GROVE VILLAGE APPROX. 3400 GRAND AVENUE FROM MARGARET TO PLAZA STREET IDR-11-032 ZONING DESIGNATION: R-1, SD-2, NCD-2, AND SD-28 NET DISTRICT: SOUTHWEST COCONUT GROVE 5.13.201 1 The following comments are being made in an effort to develop projects to their highest potential and make a significant contribution to improving the quality of our built environment with great architecture and urban design. On September 29, 2008 was the last comments generated concerning this proposal by the Internal Design Review Committee. This document represents the most recent review of the proposed Grove Village project by this Committee. The following comments reflect the committee's commitment to developing a pedestrian friendly City with developments that respond to and are sensitive to the City's and immediate community's urban, cultural and architectural environment. Zoning: 1. Paradise Island Block • Since 11000 Zoning Code does not apply anymore (replaced by Miami 21), there is no way or a mechanism under that old code to increase the maximum height of a SD-2 zoning district from 62' to 82'. Therefore, the proposed development for the Paradise Island block must meet the maximum allowed height of 62'. 2. On all Six (6) Blocks (Freeport, Nassau, Grand Bahama, Bimini, Paradise Island and Abaco) • The zoning legend of each block independently as well as the zoning legend or summary sheet of the whole project (6 blocks), must be revised to include breakdown of F.A.R. for retail, office, residential, and hotel uses (base & alternate developments). • Update the Grove Village proposed Mixed Use Development Program (sent it via e- mail to applicant), to clearly differentiate the "base" developments from the "alternate" developments. This chart will be an attachment to the zoning MUSP write- up. Planning: General Comments: 3. Project needs to abide by all of the underlying zoning designations: SD-2, SD-28, and NCD-2. 4. Please ensure that the overall Grove Village package represents all originally proposed elements and all newly proposed changes: overall site plan and individual blocks site plans, overall zoning calculations and individual blocks zoning calculations, overall landscape plan, calculations and individual blocks landscape plans and calculations. CITY OF MIAMI Office o f Z o n i n g& P l a n n i n g Department Ph: 305-416-1499 & 305-416.1400 444 SW 2nd Ave 4th Floor & 3'd Floor Miami, FL 33130 www.miamigov.com/zonin• 5. Provide a narrative explaining the objective of the proposed changes and the way they match with the current neighborhood conservation district designation, specifically how they achieve the objective of the project with the change of the small sized stores with the big boxes proposed. Does the proposed change from small box commercial elements to big box comercial elements reflective of the SD-28 intent? 6. Provide a Conceptual Plans explaining how the project is going to work as a whole with the proposed changes, considering: vehicular circulation, pedestrian circulation, points of conflict and mitigation measures, interrelation/connectivity between open spaces and parks within the project, height transition within the project structures, and between the project with surrounding areas, as well as parking required and provided per block and how it works as a whole. 7. All of the exposed parking garages need additional details on the "decorative screens." It is important that screening details are clearly articulated for each proposed garage and that the detailing is achieved within the final product for each proposed garage. With this in mind, the proposed garages should provide details on the opening sizes, depth of screen, and the screen should be flush with the interior wall so that there is a window depth between the wall and screen. It is suggested that the screen should be very tight spacing or 3' depth to block the interior lighting. 8. Please identify the unidentified/blank areas. 9. Please provide complete landscape plans for each block. The presentation of the landscape plans should promote continuity and connectivity between each block, which also must provide significant buffering from the single family residences adjacent to the project. Propose small open pocket parks for the front setback areas along Florida Avenue that will remain should also possess heavy landscaping features to mitigate the project impact on the adjacent properties. Please consult the City of Miami Landscape Ordinance concerning appropriate landscape legend, species, street trees, and tree mitigation at http://www.miamiqov.com/Planninq/paqes/Landscape ordinance/Landscape.asp. 10. Provide a tree survey and a tree disposition plan showing existing trees locations within the property. Refer to the Miami City Code Chapter 17: Tree Protection requirements, in order to determine the tree replacement requirements and how this will be accommodated. That is, the accommodation will occur on -site, off -site, or as a contribution to the tree trust fund. 11. A Future Land Use change was recently adopted by City Commission on October 28, 2010 (08-001661u1, 06-0011661u2, 08-001661u3, 08-001661u4 and 08-001661u5). The intent of this adoption was to provide a transition layer within each parcel along the backsides of the "Grove Village" project (along Florida Avenue for the Nassau and Grand Bahama developments and along Thomas Avenue for the Abaco development) to protect the abutting signal family residents from the adverse impacts of commercial uses and low-rise and mid -rise mixed use developments. It is important that ALL new Grove Village site designs consider the principle of the FLUM amendment recently adopted for this area (See attached document). The following Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policies also support the protection of existing neighborhoods: 2 of 6 12. Future Land Use Element Policy LU-1.6.9: The City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of new development on existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements. 13. Housing Element Policy HO-1.1.7: The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high-rise and low-rise residential developments. Policy HO-1.1.8: Through the land development regulations, the City will protect existing viable neighborhoods in those areas suitable for housing and, where appropriate, enhance them in a manner compatible with their existing character. 14. Please note that your proposal is located within the SD-28, which denotes that the architectural design and color scheme should be indicative of a Caribbean style and culture. The proposal of tall and mass buildings tends to move away for the origin of Caribbean style. 15. Provide color elevations with materials clearly noted for all blocks blown -up to'/4". Color elevations should be provided for all proposed facades from a pedestrian scale point of view. Extend the palate of facade materials vertically to expand some stone veneers to further differentiate the architecture and articulate the buildings. Provide material samples or photograph of proposed materials. 16. Show street improvements and ground level pedestrian views of each building along Grand Avenue. BLOCK 1: FREEPORT: No proposed changes. 17. Please provide zoning legend and calculations and landscape legend and calculations. 18. All color elevations shall be included, as well as material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements. Provide also blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view. BLOCK 2: NASSAU: By comparing both submittals it is evident that, in most of the cases, the requested Caribbean character and human scale have been lost. There are several elements that contribute to those unfortunate results: 19. The Retail area concept has changed from multiple small scale retail units to one big unit. This big scale does not respond to the character of the neighborhood as it happens with the small scale criteria associated with the SD-28 Caribbean style and character. 20. The set -back from the building's facade to Grand Avenue changed from 15'-6 to 5', and the colonnade has been eliminated. Shade trees are not shown neither is there enough space to locate them. 3 of 6 21. The expression of the changes is evident on the facades' design. The North Elevation facing Grand Avenue reads as a continuous 490' building, as opposed to the original submittal that showed two articulated buildings separated by an 84' green open space. The South elevation has the same issue. East and west elevations were not provided. 22. All color elevations shall be included, as well as material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements. Provide also blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view. 23. Four floors of non -lined parking facing Grand Avenue contribute to the massiveness and non -human scale of the image exposed to one of the most significant streets of the neighborhood. Parking reads as the main function of the building in a neighborhood where a pedestrian oriented urban development is recommended. Parking on the rooftop also needs to be screened. 24. Surfer parking facing Florida Avenue should provide a larger landscape buffer area of at least 15 feet containing dimension layer of landscape features. 25. Transition of the block with the surrounding neighborhood should be demonstrated within the proposal. BLOCK 3: GRAND BAHAMA: The one massive building occupying the lot, instead of the softer human -scaled group of elements articulated with open green spaces originally proposed. This architectural demonstration is not conducive the SD-28 intend illustrated in the Caribbean style of the area and intent of the Special District. 26. The expression of the changes is evident on the facades' design. Although the South Elevation facing Grand Avenue has a better design, it reads as a continuous 460'Iong, 62' high building, as opposed to the original submittal that showed two articulated five story buildings separated by an 83' green open space with a slight 2 story background; definitely a more appropriate approach to this neighborhood's character. 27. The North facade shall be articulated. The central portion shows big blank walls and non lined garage openings. The plan does not show the existing residences facing Florida Avenue. 28. All elevations shall be colored. Material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements, shall be provided. 29. Blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view are to be provided, as well as all requested Landscape plans. 30. All the areas in the site plan shall be identified and labeled. 31. The proposed service areas and access elements need to be buffered from the existing residences. 4 of 6 BLOCK 4: BIMINI 32. All dimensions must be expressed on the plans. 33. The pedestrian activity is constantly interrupted by vehicular curb -cuts, two facing Hibiscus street and three 53' wide on Thomas Avenue, in addition to another vehicular access on Plaza Street. 34. All elevations shall be colored. Material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements, shall be provided. 35. Blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view are to be provided, as well as all requested Landscape plans. 36. Provide more detail of the loading area. 37. The curb cut on Hibiscus is not allowed. 38. Plans express future townhomes south of the property. In the event the proposed townhomes are not constructed, what is the proposal to treat the exposed blank walls in that area? BLOCK 5: PARADISE ISLAND: Two alternatives have been submitted for approval. ALTERNATIVE: The first alternative occupies less area but increases the high to eight stories. From an Urban Design stand point, it is evident that this solution generates a negative impact in the neighborhood: 39. A continuous 82' high 393' long building facing Grand Avenue does not respond to the character of the neighborhood neither it does with the Bahamian style that this particular zone requires. Height and massiveness are opposites of a Caribbean style. All four facades have the same issue. 40. All elevations shall be colored. Material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements, shall be provided. 41. Blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view are to be provided, as well as all requested Landscape plans. ALTERNATIVE 2: The second alternative is developed within approximately the same area as the original Max Strang submittal. 42. Articulate the four facades and create openings and. Variation in height and bulk would give the building a genuine Bahamian character, which cannot be achieved with small details only. Again the bulk and scale of the block does not respond to the character of the neighborhood. 5 of 6 43. The pedestrian activity on the south side of the block facing Florida Avenue is affected by three vehicular curb -cuts that, although the dimensions are not shown, seem to be significant. The facade shows three garage gates at the ground level, affecting the pedestrian view from the sidewalk. 44. All dimensions shall be shown on the plans. 45. All elevations shall be colored. Material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements, shall be provided. 46. Blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view are to be provided, as well as all requested Landscape plans. BLOCK 6: ABACO: No changes from 2008 submittal. 47. Please provide zoning legend and calculations and landscape legend and calculations. 48. All color elevations shall be included, as well as material details and precedent photos and samples, especially for the garage screening elements. Provide also blow-up'/4" color elevations or renderings from the pedestrian point of view. Additional comments will be provided upon review of a more detailed submittal. Consequently, the City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on this additional information. Upon your review of internal Design Review Committee comments, the committee would like to set a date wherein the full proposal can be presented to the members. You may contact me at 305.416.1466 with any questions and to arrange a meeting date and time. Thank you for your consideration regarding this matter. 6 of 6 October 5, 2011 Via eMail and US Mail Ms. Lilia I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2nd Avenue (10th Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Grove Village Traffic Study (Update) — (Review # 16) Sufficiency Letter Dear Ms. Medina: In response to our August 23, 2011 review comments we received an update to the study with a new development program dated August 5, 2011, prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. (KHA). At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report meets the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient with following conditions: 1. Present a list of traffic control measures; and 2. Provide vehicle maneuverability details within the site access locations, including but not limited to parking areas/garages and access locations. These conditions should be satisfied prior to the MUSP approval. Should you have any questions, please call me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, URS ern Raj Sh:nmuga Senior raffic Engineer Cc: Mr. Antonio E. Perez, Planner 11, City of Miami Planning Mr. Adrian Debkowski, PE, Kimley-Hom & Associates URS Corporation Southern 3343 West Commercial Boulevard Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Tel: 954.739.1881 Fax: 954.739.1789 CITY OF MIAMI, FL0RIOA INTER -OFF CE MEMORANDUM TO: Ana Gelabert - Sanchez Director Planning Department FROM: Nzeribe (Zerry) Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P. Director Public Works Department DATE: May 7, 2010 Fi ECT: Large Scale Development Review Grove Village REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The Public Works Department has reviewed the Large Scale Development plans for the mixed use complex entitled Grove Village located along Grand Avenue between Margaret Street and Plaza Street and has the following comments. General Comments 1. If this project is intended to be developed in phases, no temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) will be issued until all of the required roadway improvements adjacent to that phase of the project are completed. 2. All transitions from the established street profile grade to the building flood elevation must be accomplished on private property. Stairs, ramps, retaining walls, etc. will not be permitted in the public right of way and the record profile street grade can not be changed to accommodate the proposed building ground floor elevation. 3. All stormwater must be retained on site including the driveways and plazas on private property adjacent to the public streets. All plazas and driveways must be graded or trench drains provided to prevent "sheet flow" entering the right of way. If deep drainage wells are selected for stormwater disposal, they must be located on -site in an open area to accommodate future maintenance access. 4. An agreement between the City of Miami and the property owner is required for any landscaping and decorative sidewalk treatment located in the public right of way. Public Works approval and permit is required for any landscaping improvements in the right of way. 5. Standard parking spaces are 8.5 feet wide and 18 feet long and require a 23 foot back-up distance. A Special Class II permit is required to reduce the back-up distance. 6. Public Works policy requires that no closures of vehicular travel lanes will be permitted during the course of construction unless a temporary replacement lane, approved by the Public Works Department, is constructed and maintained by the Contractor throughout the duration of the lane closure. A Maintenance of Traffic plan is required for any temporary right of way closure request. 7. Changes to the street cross section/ horizontal / vertical alignment shall not be permitted on Grand Avenue. 8. New trees, and shrubs are not permitted within corner and driveway visibility triangles including their extension into the public right of way (see Public Works Standard Detail Misc. 35-85-109A). 9. In order to mitigate traffic congestion and problems associated with unregulated parking throughout the neighborhood, the Contractor/Developer shall be required to provide approved, designated off -site parking for workers and a shuttle service to the work site. The parking/shuttle plan shall be coordinated with the local City of Miami NET Service Center. The magnitude of construction of the Grove Village project, including transport of vast quantities of excavation materials, will be a major disruption in the residential community abutting the project and the narrow transportation routes to the construction site. Special attention shall be given to coordination of construction activities. 10. All greenspace and landscaping required by the Zoning Ordinance must be accommodated on private property. Greenspace and landscaping within the public right of way cannot be included in the calculations for meeting greenspace zoning requirements. 11. City of Miami driveway entrances, in compliance with A.D.A. standards, shall be required. Continuous sidewalk is required across the driveway entrances. Approval must be obtained from the Public Works Director for driveways exceeding 40 feet in width. 12. Since this project is more than one acre in total construction area, the methods of construction must comply with the City of Miami Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Permit (MS4). This project will require a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Stormwater, Erosion and Sediment permit. For information on a DEP permit application, please contact the Public Works Department at (305) 416-1200 or www.dep.state.fl.us./water/stormwater/npdes. 13. Approval from the City's Off -Street Parking Department must be obtained for valet parking and/or loading zones on Grand Avenue. A "Valet Parking Zone" permit shall be required. 14. The cross section dimensions of the existing streets and avenues shall not be altered. Separate approval must be obtained from the Director of Public Works for any changes to the existing street elements including the elimination, extension and/or addition of street planters, modifications to on -street parking spaces, cross- walks, etc. FREEPORT 1. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections on all four corners of the project site. 2. The building and wall are not permitted to encroach beyond the 25 foot corner radius dedication on the Northwest and Southeast corners of the site. The building and wall is not permitted to encroach into the required 25 foot by 25 foot corner visibility triangles or the 10 foot by 10 foot driveway visibility triangles. 3. 10 foot by 10 foot visibility triangles are required at the driveway exits on Plaza Street and Hibiscus Street. 4. The proposed "R-1" residences along Florida Avenue do not meet minimum lot size and Zoning regulations. Re -platting, in conformance with City Code Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance regulations, is required if these parcels are intended to be individual single family purchased properties. 5. The tree planters shown on the Landscape Plan does not match the Site Plan. Coordinate the various plan sheets. BIMINI 1. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections on all four corners of the project site. 2. Verify if the 1.5 foot strip of right of way dedication has been made along Hibiscus Street as shown on the survey prepared by Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, Inc. 3. Separate approval must be obtained from the Director of Public Works for a driveway exceeding 40 feet in width. 4. A Special Class II permit is required for the truck maneuvering in the public right of way. 5. 10 foot by 10 foot visibility triangles are required at the driveway exits on hibiscus Street and Plaza Street. The building and landscaping are not permitted to encroach into these visibility triangles. NASSAU 1. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections on all four corners of the project site. 2. The basement and wall are not permitted to encroach beyond the 25 foot corner radius dedication on the Northwest and Northeast corners of the site. The wall is not permitted to encroach into the required 25 foot by 25 foot corner visibility triangle. 3. Explain ownership and maintenance of the property identified as "park". 4. 10 foot by 10 foot visibility triangles are required at the driveway exits on Elizabeth Street and Hibiscus Street. 5. Re -platting is required to create new lot/property lines. Proposed lot lines must align with zoning district boundary lines. 6. See the general note concerning improvements on Grand Avenue right of way and the "Valet Parking Zone" requirements. PARADISE ISLAND 1. Platting of the property is required to close and vacate Thomas Avenue. 2. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections at the Northwest and Northeast corners of the project site. 3. A Class II Special Permit is required for vehicular maneuvering into the service area from Elizabeth Street. 4. Insufficient sidewalk width is available on Elizabeth Street right of way for tree planters within the sidewalk area. 5. Elizabeth Street is a narrow roadway. Both travel lanes will be encumbered by truck maneuvers to access the loading area. The driveway approaches must be designed to best accommodate the maneuvers necessary to enter/exit the loading area. 6. Trees, shrubs and the elevated portion of "Founders Park" are not permitted to encroach beyond the 25 foot corner radius dedication or into the corner visibility triangle. 7. The proposed split, double entry driveway on Hibiscus Street creates conflicting turning movements. A single entry and single exit lane divided by the existing tree in a median is recommended. If the existing tree is to be mitigated, select a new position outside of the driveway visibility triangle. 8. 10 foot by 10 foot visibility triangles are required at inc driveway exits onto Hibiscus Street and Elizabeth Street. The building is not permitted to encroach into the visibility triangles. GRAND I3AHAMA 1. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections on all four corners of the project site. 2. Re -platting is required to create new lot/property lines shown along Florida Avenue. Proposed lot lines must align with Zoning district boundary lines. 3. Coordinate the planter locations shown on the Landscape Plan with the planter locations shown on the Site Plan. 4. The proposed "median" dividing the entry/exit to the parking garage conflicts with turning movements and "trash room" access and the proposed sabal palm trees conflict with the driveway visibility triangle. Public Works recommends to delete the median/divider and palm trees and align the driveway with the garage ramps. 5. A sidewalk cafe permit must be obtained if the cafe extends into the Grand Avenue right of way. 6. Insufficient sidewalk width is available in Elizabeth Street and in Margaret Street right of way for tree planters in the public sidewalk area. ABACO 1. Dedication of 25 foot corner radiuses are required at the street intersections on all four corners of the project site. 2. 10 foot by 10 foot visibility triangles are required at the driveway exits on Elizabeth Street and Margaret Street. 3. Coordinate the location of the planters shown on the Landscape Plan with the location of the planters shown on the Site Plan. 4. A Class II Special Permit is required for truck maneuvering in the right of way. The driveway approaches must be designed to accomodate the truck turning maneuvers. 5. Approval must be obtained from the Director of Public Works for driveways exceeding 40 feet in width. 6. The proposed building is not permitted to encroach beyond the 25 foot corner radius dedication or into the corner visibility triangles on the northeast and southeast corners of the site. 7. The "townhouse" doors are not permitted to swing beyond the property line into the public right of way (F.B.C. 3202.2). In addition to these comments, the Public Works Department will require the following street improvements. Replace all damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter adjacent to the project site and mill and resurface the full width of the roadway on the following streets and avenues: Plaza Street between Thomas Avenue and Florida Avenue Hibiscus Street between William Avenue and Florida Avenue Elizabeth Street between William Avenue and Florida Avenue Margaret Street between Thomas Avenue and Florida Avenue Thomas Avenue between Plaza Street and Hibiscus Street Thomas Avenue between Elizabeth Street and Margaret Street Protect, to the maximum extent possible, the recently constructed improvements on Grand Avenue, including lighting, signage, decorative features and street furniture. Any damaged sidewalk, pavement, curb and gutter and specialty features shall be replaced/repaired in kind to a pre -construction or better condition. Pre -construction photographs are recommended. On Florida Avenue between Plaza Street and Margaret Street, construct sidewalk, curb and gutter and sod parkway with street trees on the south side of the roadway. Construct new stormwater exfiltration drainage system and inlets. Mill and resurface the full width of the roadway. Construct sidewalk, curb and gutter across the Thomas Avenue opening on the west side of Elizabeth Street. Construct A.D.A compliant handicap ramps at all street intersections on the corners adjacent to the project site. In addition, pavement restoration for all water and sewer extensions, existing damaged pavement and pavement damaged during construction, as determined by the City inspector, shall include milling and resurfacing of the full pavement width, curb to curb, along the entire length of the excavation and/or damaged pavement area. A thorough cleaning of all stormwater drainage inlets and storm sewer pipes adjacent to the building site shall be required at the completion of the project. The streets and avenues adjacent to the project site must be clear of dust and construction debris at all times, If you have any questions concerning these comments, please call Mr. Leonard Helmers, Professional Engineer IV, at extension 1221. NI/LJH/ms 9 4to c: Max Strang Architecture 3326 Mary Street, #301 Miami, Fl. 33133 Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Director of Public Works Roberto Lavernia, Chief of Land Development, Planning Department Development and Roadway Plans Central C I T Y 0 F MIA MI PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (UDRB) RESOLUTION FOR RECOMMENDATION UDRB MEETING 0 7- 2 0- 2 0 1 1 Note: The Project GROVE VILLAGE includes 6 blocks. The applicants submitted 4 of them to the UDR Board (Nassau, Grand Bahama, Bimini and Paradise Island), since the other two (Freeport and Abaco) have not been changed after the UDRB approval in 2008.The Board decided to give their recommendations block by block, complemented by general comments on the whole project area. OVERALL COMMENTS: In general, the Board members support the project and recommend it to be approved after addressing the general and particular block by block conditions stated below. General conditions: • Provide more details of the materials to be utilized. Samples and precedent photos are encouraged. • Screening details shall be provided. • Lighting solutions shall be included. • More detail, patterns and material samples of the surface treatments on the ground floor shall be provided. • Incorporate urban design elements to beautify and diversify the project. Perla Gonzalez, UDRB Officer Block by block conditions: BLOCK 2: NASSAU A motion was made by Robert Behar and seconded by Rudolph Moreno for a resolution recommending to the director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to Deny the BLOCK 2 (Nassau) of the project GROVE VILLAGE located at 3400 Grand Avenue with a vote of 5 to 0. Vote List: Yes No Refused Absent Anthony Tzamtzis X ■ ■ ■ Jesus Permuy ■ ■ ■ X Robert Behar X ■ ■ ■ Ernesto Santos X ■ ■ ■ Robin Bosco X ■ ■ ■ Dean Lewis ■ ■ ■ X Rudolph Moreno X ■ ■ ■ Willy Bermello ■ ■ ■ X Reasons of Denial: • The project does not respond to the Caribbean character envisioned for the neighborhood due to the massiveness, elimination of design elements from the original MUSP, unarticulated facades, lack of color and variety, lack of a human scale, uniformity in the use of materials, and others. In order to help resolve these issues the applicant shall incorporate the following : - Include the arcade removed from the original MUSP. The retail area has been increased in lieu of the colonnade. - Articulate the facades vertically and horizontally. Differences in height and volume shall be applied in order to diminish the massiveness and obtain more of a human scale. - Use variety in color as a component to break up the massiveness of the facades as well as to obtain a Caribbean character. - Use a variety of materials instead of stone only at the ground floor, to enrich the pedestrian experience. Different textures and colors are recommended. e Provide liners to the garage facade fronting Grand Avenue and Elizabeth Street. • The connectors from garages to office areas shall be more open. • The surface parking on the North facade facing Florida Avenue and abutting two single family residences shall be removed. Attest: Franciscd Clarcia. Director Peri ez, UDRB Officer BLOCK 3: GRAND BAHAMA A motion was made by Robert Behar and seconded by Rudolph Moreno for a resolution recommending to the director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to Deny the BLOCK 3 (Grand Bahama) of the project GROVE VILLAGE located at 3400 Grand Avenue with a vote of 5 to 0. Vote List: Yes No Refused Absent Anthony Tzamtzis X • • • Jesus Permuy ■ ■ ■ X Robert Behar X ■ ■ ■ Ernesto Santos X ■ ■ ■ Robin Bosco X ■ ■ ■ Dean Lewis ■ ■ ■ X Rudolph Moreno X ■ ■ ■ Willy Bermello ■ ■ ■ X Reasons of Denial: • The storefront line shall be moved back and the colonnade removed from the original MUSP application shall be replaced. • Lack of articulation in the facades, especially the garage facsade. The first three levels must be broken up to conceal garage openings. A less formal style shall be considered. Variety in colors, texture, materials, height and volume are requested in order to attain the requested Caribbean character. • Eliminate the angle parking to take advantage of this area in benefit of the colonnade and pedestrian pathway. • The site plan shall show the landscape buffering of existing residences provided in the landscape plans. BLOCK 4: BIMINI A motion was made by Anthony Tzamtzis and seconded by Rudolph Moreno for a resolution recommending to the director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to Approve with Conditions the BLOCK 4 (Bimini) of the project GROVE VILLAGE located at 3400 Grand Avenue with a vote of 4 to 0. Vote List: Yes No Refused Absent Anthony Tzamtzis X ■ ■ ■ Jesus Permuy ■ ■ ■ X Robert Behar ■ ■ ■ X Ernesto Santos X ■ ■ ■ Robin Bosco X ■ ■ ■ Dean Lewis ■ ■ ■ X Rudolph Moreno X ■ ■ ■ Willy Bermello ■ ■ ■ X Conditions: • Articulate the north facade facing Grand Avenue vertically and horizontally in order to break up the continuity and massiveness of the overall design. • Add variety to the design elements of the facades, such as fenestration, materials, colonnade, textures, color, and other treatments, to achieve a Caribbean style envisioned for the neighborhood and surroundings. • Recover the colonnade from the original MUSP • Eliminate the parking facing Thomas Avenue. The spaces can be provided within the parking garage and improve the landscape areas abutting the proposed liner units. • Study solutions to improve the pedestrian areas which are interrupted by numerous curb cuts in the design. • Add roofs that correspond with the rest of the fa9ade at the two ends of the North Elevation. Attest: 60/.. FranciscC—Garcia, ' erla S r onzalez, UDRB Officer BLOCK 5: PARADISE ISLAND (8 story alternative) A motion was made by Robin Bosco and seconded by Rudolph Moreno for a resolution recommending to the director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to Deny the BLOCK 5 (Paradise Island-8 story alternative) of the project GROVE VILLAGE located at 3400 Grand Avenue with a vote of 4 to 0. Vote List: Yes No Refused Absent Anthony Tzamtzis X ■ ■ ■ Jesus Permuy ■ ■ IN X Robert Behar ■ ■ ■ X Ernesto Santos X ■ ■ ■ Robin Bosco X ■ ■ ■ Dean Lewis ■ ■ ■ X Rudolph Moreno X ■ ■ ■ Willy Bermello ■ ■ ■ X Reasons to Deny: • The proposed 8 story height is considered unacceptable and out of character for the surrounding neighborhood. BLOCK 5: PARADISE ISLAND (5 story alternative) A motion was made by Robin Bosco and seconded by Rudolph Moreno for a resolution recommending to the director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to Approve with conditions the BLOCK 5 (Paradise Island - 5 story alternative) of the project GROVE VILLAGE located at 3400 Grand Avenue with a vote of 4 to 0. Vote List: Yes No Refused Absent Anthony Tzamtzis X ■ ■ ■ Jesus Permuy ■ ■ ■ X Robert Behar ■ ■ ■ X Ernesto Santos X ■ ■ ■ Robin Bosco X ■ ■ ■ Dean Lewis ■ ■ ■ X Rudolph Moreno X ■ ■ ■ Willy Bermello ■ ■ IN X ------1 Perl.i S. G•nzalez, , •RB Officer BLOCK 5: PARADISE ISLAND (5 story alternative) Continued, Conditions: • Articulate the facades vertically and horizontally in order to attain variety in height and width as a characteristic of the Caribbean style. • Use a variety of materials at the base level to break up the uniformity of the pedestrian level view. Suggestions: • Interrupt the long continuity of the interior corridors by creating a difference in one of the units that would help to obtain more light entering and a more pleasant and humane environment. s Attest: e.,,trt-Francisc r a S. G, UDRB Officer ANTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Commercial Airport: Miami Intenwtional Airport General Aviation Airports: Dade -Collier Training & Transition Homestead General Kendall-Tamiami Executive Opa-loclra Opa-locka West Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director City of Miami Department of Planning & Zoning 444 SW 217d Street, 3rd Floor, Miami, FL 33130 April 26, 2010 Miami -Dade Aviation Department P.O. 13ox 025.504 Miami, Florida 33102-5504 T 305-876-7000 F 305-876-0948 www.miami-airport.com RE: DN-10-04-335 Review of a Mixed Use Development (Grove Village MUSP Project) to be Located at 3400 Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida Dear Ms. Gelabert-Sanchez: miamidade.gov Based upon our cursory review of the project information provided to us, a maximum project height of approximately 70 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) at the referenced location conforms to the Zoning Ordinance for Miami International Airport. This height determination is an estimate issued on a preliminary or advisory basis. Please note that as a preliminary height determination it does not constitute approval by MDAD for construction until coordination and a "No -Hazard" determination from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is obtained. Please note, any proposed construction at this location reaching or exceeding 200 feet AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) is required to be filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) using Form 7460-1 `Notice of Proposed Construction Alteration for Determination of Known Hazards'. In addition, any construction cranes for this project at this location reaching or exceeding 200 feet AivISL must be filed by the construction contractor using the same form. Thus, for any structure or crane reaching or exceeding 200 feet AMSL, FAA form 7460-1 must be filed. The form is available through this office or through the FAA website: https://oeaaa.faa.gov. This form should be mailed to: Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Airspace Branch - ASW-520, 2601 Meacham Blvd, Ft. Worth, TX 76137-0520. Alternatively, the applicant may "e-file" online at https://oeaaa.faa.gov. April 26, 2010 Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez Page 2 This determination is based, in part, on the description provided to us, which includes specific building locations and heights. Any changes in building locations/layouts or heights will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including an increase to heights requires separate notice to the FAA and the MDAD. Should you have any questions please feel free to cpnfact ie at 305-876-8080. Res eictfiilly, s, R.A. f of Aviation Planning JR/RB/er C: Su nil Harman Renee Bergeron File Zoning Miami -Dade County Public Schools Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho May 4, 2011 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Ms. Lucia A. Dougherty c/o Grove Village LLC 3250 Mary Street #200 Miami, Florida 33133 giving our students the world Miami -Dade County School Board Peria Tabares Hantman, Chair Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice Chair Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingail Carlos L. Curbelo Renier Diaz de la Portilla Dr. Wilbert "Tee" Holloway Dr. Martin Karp Dr. Marta Porez Raquel A. Regalado RE: PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION — EXTENSION No. 1 GROVE VILLAGE LLC LOCATED AT 3400 GRAND AVENUE SP0110080500296 - Folio No. 0141210074620 Dear Applicant: We have processed your request to extend the school concurrency capacity reservation for the above - referenced application, under Master Concurrency Number MA0110080500296. The school capacity reservation for this Site Plan application will expire on September 2, 2012. Concurrency reservation may be extended for additional one-year periods, provided 1) City of Miami confirms the application is still valid; 2) you request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date, via email address concurrency@dadeschools.net, and 3) the total reservation period does not exceed six years from the original effective date of this certificate. Failure to request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date will result in revocation of the reservation, and a new application must be submitted. Extensions will be granted, upon payment of the corresponding review fee and acknowledgement from the local government. The reservation period may not exceed the term of the development approval issued by the City of Miami. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 305-995-4501. Sin Ivan M. Rodri. uez, R.A. Director II IMR:mo L422 Attachment cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP Ms. Vivian G. Villaamil City of Miami School Concurrency Master File Facilities Planning, Design, and Sustainability Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP, Eco-Sustainability Officer • 1450 N.E. 2nd Ave. • Suite 525 • Miami, FL 33132 305-995-7285.305-995-4760 (FAX) • arijo@dadeschools.net Concurrency Management System (CMS) Miami Dade County Public Schools School Concurrency Reservation Extension Local Government Acknowledgement IV MDCPS Application Number: Date Application Received: Type of Application: Applicant's Name: Address/Location: Master Folio Number: Additional Folio Number(s): PROPOSED # OF UNITS SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED UNITS: SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED UNITS: MULTIFAMILY UNITS: Miami -Dade County Public Schools Concurrency Management System School Concurrency Determination SP0110080500296 8/5/2010 5:34:00 PM Site Plan Valid Until: tea, aoja Approved by: C Date: Local Government (LG): Miami LG Application Number: Sub Type: Grove Village LLC at 3400 Grand Avenue 3250 Mary Street #200, Miami FI 33133 0141.210074620 0141210073800, 0141210073740, 0141210073780, 0141210073510, 0141210073480, 0141210073570, 0141210073380, 0141210073320, 0141210074410, 0141210074350, 0141210120250, 0141210120200, 0141210074700, 0141210120230, 0141210120270, 0141210074610, 0141210074560, 0141210120110, 251 4 21 226 0141210073690, 0141210073720, 0141210073790, 0141210073560, 0141210073630, 0141210073590, 0141210073300, 0141210074450, 0141210074430, 0141210074320, 0141210120300, 0141210074660, 0141210074460, 0141210120220, 0141210120290, 0141210074600, 0141210074550, 0141210073700, 0141210073770, 0141210073830, 0141210073490, 0141210073610, 0141210073660, 0141210073420, 0141210074340, 0141210074420, 0141210074390, 0141210074730, 0141210074670, 0141210074710, 0141210074650, 0141210120130, 0141210074590, 0141210074540, 08-00166mu Redevelopment 0141210073710, 0141210073670, 0141210073820, 0141210073650, 0141210073550, 0141210073600, 0141210073410, 0141210074370, 0141210074400, 0141210074330, 0141210074640, 0141210074680, 0141210074720, 0141210120280, 0141210120150, 0141210074580, 0141210120160, 0141210073730, 0141210073760, 0141210073680, 0141210073470, 0141210073580, 0141210073370, 0141210073400, 0141210074440, 0141210074360, 0141210074380, 0141210120210, 0141210074690, 0141210070240, 0141210120260, 0141210120140, 0141210074570, 0141210120120, CONCURRENCY SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS CSA Id Facility Name Net Available Capacity Seats Required Seats Taken LOS Met Source Type 5561 PRANCES S TUCKER ELEMENTARY 149 22 22 YES Current CSA 6741 PONCE DE LEON MIDDLE 60 10 10 YES Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH -407 14 0 NO Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH 61 14 14 YES Current CSA Five Year Plan ADJACENT SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS 'An Impact reduction of 14 ;01%o included for charter and magnet schools (Schools of Choice). MDCPS has conducted a public school concurrency review for this application and has determined that it DOES MEET (Concurrency Met) all applicable LOS Standards for a Final Development order as adopted in the local Government's Educational Element and incorporated in the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami -Dade County. Master Concurrency MA0110080500296 Number: Issue Date: 9/2/. Expiration Date: V :01:11 AM :0':1 CPS Administrator Total Number 251 of Units: Capacity Reserved: Ele e:10 / Senior: 14 MDCPS Authorize • Signature 1450 NE Avenue, Room 525, Miami, Florida 33132 / 305-995-7634 / 305-995-4760 fax / concurrency@dadeschools.net ,n Op . 0,- City of Miami Public School Concurrency Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements Applicant Fields Information Application Type Public Hearing Application Sub -Type Zoning Application Name * Grove Village Application Phone * 305-859-8915 Ext. 214 Application Email * mnee@pointegroupadvisors.com Application Address * 2840 SW 3 Avenue, #100, Miami, F133133 Contact Fields Information Contact Name * Lucia A. Dougherty Contact Phone * 305-579-0603 Contact Email * doughertyl@gtlaw.com Local Govt. Name City of Miami Local Govt. Phone 305-416-1400 Local Govt. Email GDGay a.ci.miami.il.us Local Govt. App. Number (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Property Fields Information Master Folio Number * See attached Additional Folio Number Total Acreage * approx. 12.049 acres Proposed Land Use/Zoning * Restricted Commercial Single -Family Detached Units * 4 Single -Family Attached Units (Duplex) * 18 Multi -Family Units * 241 Total # of Units * 263 Redevelopment Information (MUSPs) - Re -development applications are for those vacant sites for which a local government has provided vested rights; or for an already improved property which does not have to be re -platted as deemed by the local govemment. The number of units to be input into the CMS is the net difference between the existing vested number of units and the newly proposed number of units. Example: an existing 20-unit structure will be torn down for redevelopment. The newly proposed development calls for 40 total units. Local government shall input 20 units in the CMS (net difference between the 20 units vested less the newly proposed 4 units). Required Fields for Application * a Owner(s)/Attorney/Applicant STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADS The foregoing was acknowledged before me this I day of who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of o--L(_e 2 /.J Ja(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or w as produc d as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Z600E 33 # UOISSIwwO3 1710Z 'LZ daS sandx3 •wwo0 All ep!1OJd Jo Non - O!IQnd die1oN ' ; ``•/ ° c Z119IJ300E1 10S11itlW Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho September 2, 2010 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Ms. Lucia A. Dougherty c/o Grove Village LLC 3250 Mary Street #200 Miami, FI 33133 RE: SCHOOL CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION GROVE VILLAGE LLC LOCATED AT 3400 GRAND AVENUE SP0110080500296 — Folio No. 0141210074620 Dear Applicant: r students the world . County School daC=iai a d ,'l Dr. Solomon C. Stinson, Chair Perla Tabares Hantrnan. Vice Chair Agustin J. Barrera Ranier Diaz de la Portilla Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman Dr. Wilbert 'Tee" Holloway Dr. Marlin Stewart Karp Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Perez Pursuant to State Statutes and the Interlocal Agreements for Public School Facility Planning in Miami - Dade County, the above -referenced residential development application was reviewed for compliance with Public School Concurrency. Accordingly, attached please find the District's School Concurrency Determination. As you will note, the applicable Level of Service (LOS) standards of 100% Florida Inventory of School Housing (FISH) have been met at the three school levels and as such, capacity has been reserved for a one year period, under Master Concurrency Number MA0110080500296. The reservation term for this Site Plan application will expire on September 2, 2011. Concurrency reservation may be extended for additional one-year periods, provided 1) the City confirms the application is still valid; 2) you request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date, via email address concurrency@dadeschools.net; and 3) the total reservation period does not exceed six years from the original effective date of this certificate. Failure to request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date will result in revocation of the reservation, and a new application must be submitted. Extensions will be granted, upon payment of the corresponding review fee and acknowledgement from the local government. The reservation period may not exceed the term of the development approval issued by the City of Miami. Should you have any questions, please feel free to co tact me at 305-995-4501. Sinc Ivan M. Rodriguez, R.A. Director II IMR:mo L101 Attachment cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP City of Miami Mr. Fernando Albuerne School Concurrency Master File Ms. Vivian G. Villaamil Department of Planning, Design and Sustainability Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP, Eco-Sustainability Officer • 1450 N.E. 2 Ave. • Suite 525 • Miami, FL 33132 305-995-7285 • (FAX) • 305-995-4760 • arijo@dadeschools.net Concurrency Management System (CMS) Miami Dade County Public Schools MDCPS Application Number: Date Application Received: Type of Application: Miami -Dade County Public Schools Concurrency Management System School Concurrency Determination SP0110080500296 Local Government (LG): 8/5/2010 5:34:00 PM LG Application Number: Site Plan Sub Type: Applicant's Name: Grove Village LLC at 3400 Grand Avenue Address/Location: 3250 Mary Street #200, Miami FI 33133 Master Folio Number: Additional Folio N u m ber(s): PROPOSED # OF UNITS SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED UNITS: SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED UNITS: MULTIFAMILY UNITS: 0141210074620 0141210073800, 0141210073740, 0141210073780, 0141210073510, 0141210073480, 0141210073570, 0141210073380, 0141210073320, 0141210074410, 0141210074350, 0141210120250, 0141210120200, 0141210074700, 0141210120230, 0141210120270, 0141210074610, 0141210074560, 0141210120110, 251 4 21 226 0141210073690, 0141210073720, 0141210073790, 0141210073560, 0141210073630, 0141210073590, 0141210073300, 0141210074450, 0141210074430, 0141210074320, 0141210120300, 0141210074660, 0141210074460, 0141210120220, 0141210120290, 0141210074600, 0141210074550, 0141210073700, 0141210073770, 0141210073830, 0141210073490, 0141210073610, 0141210073660, 0141210073420, 0141210074340, 0141210074420, 0141210074390, 0141210074730, 0141210074670, 0141210074710, 0141210074650, 0141210120130, 0141210074590, 0141210074540, Miami 08-00166mu Redevelopment 0141210073710, 0141210073670, 0141210073820, 0141210073650, 0141210073550, 0141210073600, 0141210073410, 0141210074370, 0141210074400, 0141210074330, 0141210074640, 0141210074680, 0141210074720, 0141210120280, 0141210120150, 0141210074580, 0141210120160, 0141210073730, 0141210073760, 0141210073680, 0141210073470, 0141210073580, 0141210073370, 0141210073400, 0141210074440, 0141210074360, 0141210074380, 0141210120210, 0141210074690, 0141210070240, 0141210120260, 0141210120140, 0141210074570, 0141210120120, CONCURRENCY SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS CSA Id Facility Name Net Available Capacity Seats Required Seats Taken LOS Met Source Type 5561 PRANCES S TUCKER ELEMENTARY 149 22 22 YES Current CSA 6741 PONCE DE LEON MIDDLE 60 10 10 YES Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH -407 14 0 NO Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH 61 14 14 YES Current CSA Five Year Plan ADJACENT SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS *An Impact reduction of 14.01% included for charter and magnet schools (Schools of Choice). MDCPS has conducted a public school concurrency review for this application and has determined that it DOES MEET (Concurrency Met) all applicable LOS Standards for a Final Development order as adopted in the local Government's Educational Element and incorporated in the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami -Dade County. Master Concurrency MA0110080.500296 Number: Issue Date: 9/2/2 Expiration Date: V :01:11 AM MDCPS Administrator Total Number 251 of Units: Capacity E Reserved: MDCPS Authorize Ie:10 / Senior: 14 Signature 1450 NE Avenue, Room 525, Miami, Florida 33132 / 305-995-7634 / 305-995-4760 fax / concurrency@dadeschools.net Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho October 12, 2011 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Lucia A. Dougherty, Esquire 2840 SW 3 Avenue, Suite 100 Miami, Florida 33133 RE: SCHOOL CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION GROVE VILLAGE (08-00166mu) LOCATED AT 3400 GRAND AVENUE SP0111100400189 - Folio No. 0141210074620 Dear Applicant: giving our students the world Miami -Dade County School Board Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice Chair Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall Carlos L. Curbelo Ranier Diaz de la Portilla Dr. Wilbert `Tee" Holloway Dr. Martin Karp Dr. Marta Perez Raquel A. Regalado Pursuant to State Statutes and the Interlocal Agreements for Public School Facility Planning in Miami - Dade County, the above -referenced residential development application was reviewed for compliance with Public School Concurrency. Accordingly, attached please find the District's School Concurrency Determination. As you will note, the applicable Level of Service (LOS) standards of 100% Florida Inventory of School Housing (FISH) have been met at the three school levels and as such, capacity has been reserved for a one year period, under Master Concurrency Number MA0111100400189. The reservation term for this Site Plan application will expire on October 9, 2012. Concurrency reservation may be extended for additional one-year periods, provided 1) City of Miami confirms the application is still valid; 2) you request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date, via email address concurrency@dadeschools.net; and 3) the total reservation period does not exceed six years from the original effective date of this certificate. Failure to request an extension at least 120 days prior to the expiration date will result in revocation of the reservation, and a new application must be submitted. Extensions will be granted, upon payment of the corresponding review fee and acknowledgement from the local government. The reservation period may not exceed the term of the development approval issued by the City of Miami. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 305-995-4501. IMR:mo L190 Enclosure cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP Ms. Vivian G. Villaamil City of Miami School Concurrency Master File Sincer Ivan M. Rodriguez, R.A.6/5 Director I Facilities Planning, Design and Sustainability Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP, Eco-Sustainability Officer. 1450 N.E. 2nd Ave. • Suite 525 • Miami, FL 33132 305-995-7285. 305-995-4760 (FAX) • arijo@dadeschools.net Application Details Page 1 of 1 Conturrency Mcmagernent System (CMS) Miami Dade County Public Schools MDCPS Application Number: Date Application Received: Type of Application: Applicant's Name: Address/Location: Master Folio Number: Additional Folio Number(s): PROPOSED # OF UNITS Miami -Dade County Public Schools Concurrency Management System School Concurrency Determination SP0111100400189 10/4/2011 4:34:14 PM Site Plan Local Government (LG): LG Application Number: Sub Type: Grove Village 2840 SW 3 Avenue, #100, Miami FL 33133 0141210074620 12 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED UNITS: 0 SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED UNITS: 0 MULTIFAMILY UNITS: 12 Miami 08-00166mu Redevelopment CONCURRENCY SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS CSA Id Facility Name Net Available Capacity Seats Required Seats Taken LOS Met Source Type 5561 PRANCES S TUCKER ELEMENTARY 99 1 1 YES Current CSA 6741 PONCE DE LEON MIDDLE -13 0 0 YES Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH -398 1 0 NO Current CSA 7071 CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH 0 1 0 NO Current CSA Five Year Plan ADJACENT SERVICE AREA SCHOOLS 7341 MIAMI JACKSON SENIOR HIGH 1047 1 1 YES Adjacent CSA *An Impact reduction of 17.04% included for charter and magnet schools (Schools of Choice). MDCPS has conducted a public school concurrency review for this application and has determined that it DOES MEET (Concurrency Met) all applicable LOS Standards for a Final Development order as adopted in the local Government's Educational Element and incorporated in the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami -Dade County. Master Concurrency MA0111100400189 Number: Issue Date: 10/10/2111 2:01:07 PM Expiration Date: CPS Administrator Total Number 12 of Units: Capacity Reserved: Elementary: / Micjdle 0 / Senior: 1 MDCPS Authorized Signature 1450 NE 2 Avenue, Room 525, Miami, Florida 33132 / 305-995-7634 / 305-995-4760 fax / concurrency@dadeschools.net http://gi s-webO l . dadeschools.net/MDS CM S W eb/printapplicationdetails. aspx?appNum=S... 10/10/2011 Exhibit "A" Freeport Block GV Freeport LLC - Owner/ Contract Purchaser 3545 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3800 3508 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3690 3540 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3700 3548 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3710 3576 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3730 3582 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3740 Edna Mae and Thomas Dermeritte, Owner/GV Freeport LLC as Contract Purchaser 3558 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3720 Freeport Development of Village West Corp. Owner/GV Freeport LLC as Contract Purchaser 3585 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3770 Stirrup Properties Inc.- Owner/GV Freeport LLC as Contract Purchaser 3500 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3670 West Group Development Corp.- Owner/GV Freeport LLC as Contract Purchaser 3597 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3760 3567 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3780 3547 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3790 3501 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3830 Paradise Island Development Corporation - Owner/GV Freeport LLC as Contract Purchaser 3535 Grand Avenue - 01-4121-007-3820 3506 Florida Avenue - 01-4121-007-3680 MIA 180,414.289v1 2-2-09 Nassau Block GV Nassau LLC - Owner/Contract Purchaser 3440 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3510 3361 Hibiscus Street - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3560 3422 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3490 3415 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3650 Nassau Development of Village West Corp- Owner/GV Nassau LLC as Contract Purchaser 3400 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3470 3412 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3480 3441 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3630 3461 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3610 George A. & Dazelle Simpson -Owner/GV Nassau LLC as Contract Purchaser 3472 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3550 3485 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3580 Stirrup Properties Inc. - Owner/GV Nassau LLC as Contract Purchaser 3495 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3570 Paradise Island Development Corporation- Owner/GV Nassau LLC as Contract Purchaser 3475 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3590 3401 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3660 Andros Development Corp.- Owner/GV Nassau LLC as Contract Purchaser 3471 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3600 MIA 180, 414, 289v1 2-2-09 Grand Bahamas Block GV Grand Bahama, LLC- Owner/Contract Purchaser 3370 Florida Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3370 (3370 Fla Ave LLC) 3380 Florida Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3380 Jarrette Bay Investments Corp.- Owner/GV Bahama, LLC as Contract Purchaser 3301 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3300 Grand Bahamas Dev of Village West Corp - Owner/GV Bahamas LLC as Contract Purchaser 3355 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3420 3375 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3410 3395 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-3400 Twyman E. Bentley, Jr. 3340 Florida Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-3320 MIA 180,414,289v1 2-2-09 Bimini Block GV Bimini LLC - Owner/Contract Purchaser 3428 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4450 3522 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4340 3574 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4370 3509 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4440 3551 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4410 3521 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4430 3547 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4420 3559 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4400 Andros Development Corporation - Owner/GV Bimini, LLC Contract Purchaser 3560 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4360 Paradise Island Development Corporation- Owner/ GV Bimini LLC/Contract Purchaser 3530 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4350 Bimini Development of Village West Corp. Owner/GV Bimini LLC/Contract Purchaser 3410 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4320 George and Dazelle Simpson - Owner/GV Bimini LLC Contract Purchaser 3577 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4390 West Group Development Corporation - Owner/GV Bimini Contract Purchaser 3520 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4330 Stirrup Properties, Inc. - Owner/GV Bimini LLC Contract Purchaser 3587 Thomas Avenue- Folio No- 01-4121-007-4380 MIA 180,414,289v1 2-2-09 Paradise Island Block GV Paradise Island LLC - Owner/Contract Purchaser 3460 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0250 3456 Elizabeth Street- Folio No. 01-41121-012-0300 3449 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4730 3428 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4640 3407 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-012-0210 3420 Elizabeth Street- Folio No. 01-4121-012-0200 Paradise Island Development Corporation - Owner/GV Paraclise Island LLC Contract Purchaser 3440 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4660 3456 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4670 3396 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4680 3401 .Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4690 3241 Hibiscus Street - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4700 3435 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4460 3441 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4710 3445 Hibiscus Street- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4720 3454 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-012-0240 3432 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4650 Centermidl0, LLC 3441 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-012-0230 George A. and Dazelle Simpson, Owners/GV Paradise Island LLC Contract Purchaser 3439 Thomas Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-012-0220 City of Miami 3400 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4620 Christ Episcopal Church, Inc. - Owner/GV Paraclise Island LLC Contract Purchaser 3430 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0280 3452 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0260 Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, Inc. - Owner/GV Paradise Island LLC Contract Purchaser 3440 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0270 3454 Elizabeth Street - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0290 MIA 180414289v1 May 15, 2010 Abaco Block GV Abaco LLC- Owner and Contract Purchaser 3335 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0130 3353 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0150 3341 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0140 Grand Abaco Development of Village West Corp. - Owner/ GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3384 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4610 3364 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4600 3354 Grand Inc.- Owner/ GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3354 Grand Avenue- Folio No. 01-4121-007-4590 High Hopes, Inc.- Owner/ GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3340 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4580 Grand Abaco Development II. Corp. - Owner/ GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3330 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4570 3324 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4560 3320 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4550 3310 Grand Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-007-4540 Shiela Bullard, Owner / GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3363 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0160 George & Dazelle Simpson, Owner / GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3325 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0120 Stirrup Properties, Inc. - Owner / GV Abaco LLC as Contract Purchaser 3315 Thomas Avenue - Folio No. 01-4121-012-0110 MIA 180;414,289v1 2-2-09 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 through 8 and 10 through 18, Block 24, LESS the South 10 feet thereof, of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the Plot thereof, ❑s recorded in Plat Book B, Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami-Dode County, Florida. (SHEET 3) AND Lots 1 through 18, Block 27, LESS the North 10 feet thereof, of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the Plat thereof, os recorded in Plot Book B, Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 4) AND Lots 1 through 3, 5, and 9 through 20, Block 23, LESS the South 10 feet thereof, of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book "B", Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 5) AND Lots 22 through 30, Lot A, and the West 1/2 of Lot 21, Block 28, AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the Plot thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 106, of the Public Records ❑f Miami --bode County, Florida, LESS the North 10 feet and the West 1.50 feet of said Block 28. TOGETHER WITH Lots 18 through 22 of DE HEDOUVILLE'S SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 150, of the Public Records of Miami --Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 6) AND Lots 31 and 32, Block 28 of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the plat thereof, cis recorded in Plat Book "B", Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, LESS the West 1.50 feet of said Block 28_ TOGETHER WITH Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, ❑f DE HEDOUVILLE'S SUBDIVISION, according to the plot thereof, as recorded in Plot Book "B", Page 150, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 7) AND Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 10 through 18, and the East 39.25 feet of Lot 3 Block 22, LESS the South 10 feet of sold Lots 1 1 through 18, of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book B, Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 8) AND The West 1/2 of Lot 11, LESS the North 10 feet ❑nd Lots 12 through 19. LESS the North 10 feet thereof, ❑nd the East 1/2 of Lot 20, LESS the North 10 feet thereof, of Block 28 of AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book "B`", Page 106. Together with Lots 10 through 15 of DE HEDOUVILLE'S SUBDIVISION, according to the plot thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 150, both being recorded in the Public Records of Miami --Dade County, Florida. (SHEET 9) EXHIBIT B GROVE VILLAGE [S A SIX BLOCK MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (SEE ATTACHED GRAPY) FRONTING ON GRANT) AVENUE BETWEEN PLAZA AND MARGARET STREETS, REQUIRING A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) AS FURTHER DESCRIBED BELOW, FOR CLARITY AND CONSISTENCY PURPOSES, THE SITE PLAN IS LABELED BY BLOCKS AS FREEPORT, :BIMINI, ABACO, NASSAU, PARADISE ISLAND, AND GRAND BAHAMA. 1. ALL BLOCKS BETWEEN FLORIDA AVENUE ON THE NORTH AND THOMAS AVENUE ON THE SOUTH, BETWEEN PLAZA STREET ON THE WEST AND MARGARET STREET ON THE EAST. EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE LOTS INDICATED AS NOT PART ON THE SURVEY. 2. THE BLOCK BETWEEN THOMAS AVENUE ON THE NORTH AND WILLIAM AVENUE ON THE SOUTH, BETWEEN HIBISCUS STREET ON THE WEST AND ELIZABETH STREET ON THE EAST. CURRENT ZONING DESIGNATION FOR ALL SIX BLOCKS: (1) O, OFFICE (2) SD-2, COCONUT GROVE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (3) R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (4) R-2, TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (5) SD-28, VILLAGE WEST ISLAND SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT (6) NCD-3, COCONUT GROVE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT Please note that the blocks entitled, Abaco, Nassau, Paradise Island and Grand Bahama are being rezoned in connection with this MUSP application. However the blocks entitled Freeport and Bimini are not seeking a rezoning along with this MUSP application. PROPOSED RE -ZONING DESIGNATIONS FOR NASSAU, GRAND BAHAMA, ABACO AND PARADISE ISLAND (1) SD-2, COCONUT GROVE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (NASSAU & GRAND BAHAMA) (3) C-1, RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (PARADISE ISLAND AND ABBACO) ALL DESIGNATIONS INCLUDE AN SD-28, VILLAGE WEST ISLAND SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT AND AN NCD-3, COCONUT GROVE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for GROVE VILLAGE located as described above in Coconut Grove, Florida, has been submitted and reviewed to allow an application for Major Use Special Permit, subject to all applicable criteria; APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SUBJECT TO COMPLIAN C . TH ZONING ORDINANCE 11.000 AND THE CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND TO ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS The proposed development "GROVE VILLAGE" will be comprised of six (6) mixed used buildings as shown in the attached Development Program. Note: • For the base development program, the project will provide 1,820 off-street parking spaces where 1,622 are required after applying parking reductions as per Section 917.7.1 on Nassau and Grand Bahama buildings, and Section 917.7.2 on Paradise Island and Abbaco buildings. Alternate developments will provide off-street parking as shown on plans. • For the base development program, the project will provide 263 residential units (4 SF, 18 TH, and 241 Multifamily), where 1,518 are allowed. Alternate developments will provide residential and hotel units as shown on plans. • For the base development program, the project will provide 284,800 square feet of residential space, 173,929 square feet of Retail space, and 247,532 square feet of Office space, where 779,632 square feet is allowed. Alternate developments will provide residential, hotel, retail and office space square feet as shown on plans. • Maximum height of all mixed used structures will be 62 feet 0 inches AGL at mid span between the roof ridge and eave (Freeport, Nassau, Grand Bahama, Bimini, and Abaco). • Maximum height of Paradise Island structure will be 82 feet 0 inches AGL at mid span between the roof ridge and eave. • Approval of this Major Use Special Permit is contingent upon the rezoning of the four designated blocks as proposed on MUSP application. • The Grove Village overall development capacity cannot exceed or fall short the following thresholds: 1. Maximum allowed density: 1,518 DU 2. Maximum allowed F.A.R: 799,750 SF 3. Minimum required Parking Spaces: 1,567 4. Minimum required Open Space: 74,319 SF MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (1), to allow a residential development involving in excess of two hundred (200) dwelling units; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (2), to allow a non-residential development involving in excess of two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet of floor area; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (7), for any single use or combination of uses requiring or proposing to provide in excess of five hundred (500) off-street parking spaces; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. Section 1701, (11), to allow a multi -phase development; SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per ARTICLE 8, Section 803.6.3, to allow a large-scale retail establishment; SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 917.7.2, to allow reduon /n parking requirements for multifamily residential development when located in Community Revitalization Districts (CRD), particularly for blocks Paradise Island and :Bimini; THIS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT encompasses the following SPECIAL PERMITS and REQUESTS: CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6, Section 602.3.1, to allow new developments in SD-2 district; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6, Section 628.3, to allow new developments in SD- 28 district; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 903.1, to allow a project that is designed as a single site and it occupies lots divided by a street or alley; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 922.4, to allow maneuvering of trucks on public rights -of -way with referral to Public Works Director; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 908.2, to allow driveways of width greater than 25 feet; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 927, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway and if encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 906.9, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 916.2.1, to allow parking for temporary special event such as ground breaking ceremonies; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 918.2, to allow temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews working on a commercial -residential project under construction; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 920.1.2, to allow construction trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 10, Section, SD-2 Coconut Grove Central Commercial District, Temporary Signs (3) , to allow temporary development signs; REQUEST, for waiver of CHAPTER 36 NOISE, Section 36-6 Construction Equipment (a) permitting the operation of construction equipment exceeding the sound level of a reading of 0.79 weighted average dBA at any time and/or day subject to the City Manager Exception pursuant to Section 36-6 (c) and all the applicable criteria; REQUEST for applicable MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, that the following conditions be required at the time of issuance of Shell Permit instead of at issuance of Foundation Permit: The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and/or Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner and/or a mandatory property owner association; And the requirement to record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a covenant in lieu of a Unity of Title. zalez eviewer nA�P ��?Date GROVE VILLAGE PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1. BASE DEVELOPMENT 2. ALTERNATIVE/ OPTION A FOR FREEPORT BLOCK 3. ALTERNATIVE/ OPTION B FOR BIMINI BLOCK 4. ALTERNATIVE/ OPTION C FOR BIMINI BLOCK Description Freeport (Base) (1.21) Freeport (Hotel) (1.21) Nassau (Base) (.86)* Grand Bahamas (Base) Bimini (Base) (1.01) Bimini (Office) ,' 3 Bimini (Residential) (1.21)** Paradise Island (Base) (1.72)** Abaco (Base) (1.72) Totals (Base) Totals (Hotel) Totals (Res) Totals (Office) Allowed/Req. Proposed Allowed/Req. Proposed Allowed/Req. Proposed Allowed/Req. Proposed Single Family 4 4 - - - - - 4 4 4 4 - Duplex/TH - - - - 8 - 10 1,514 18 - 18 18 Multi Family - - - - - 223 12 241 320 320 Hotel Rooms - - - - - - - - - 84 - - FAR S.F.R./ 7,872 7,872 10,054 9,973 9,973 35,213 17,926 7,872 14,953 9,973 14,953 FAR Multi -Family - - - - _ - 94,648 244,921 21,953 744,419 266,874 - 146,807 94,648 146,806 FAR Ret./Rest. (SF) 33,281 33,281 27,264 20,587 19,256 60,441 56,244 20,572 52,969 173,929 33,281 56,244 60,441 FAR Office (SF) 48,230 - 60,800 51610 86,892 62,971 - - - 247,532 - - - 62,971 FAR Hotel (SF) - 35,216 - - - - - - - - 35,216 - - Parldng Spaces (S.F.R/ TH) 8 8 - - 8 12 - - 12 16 8 8 12 Parking Spaces 227 227 297 219 471 435 381 225 1,622 1,820 227 280 197 Loading 12x35 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 16 16 ? 6 Loading 12x55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Nassau (Base) - Denotes 90% of of 294 spaces required = 265 spaces (As per 917.7.1) * Grand Bahamas (Base) - Denotes 90% of of 233 spaces required = 210 spaces (As per 917.7.1) ** Paradise Island (Base) / Bimini (Residential) - Requires Special Exception (As per Section 917.7.2) S IISIHXE MeeD M▪ eS o=P„ sP� Cl▪ sole w FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE /A , i /BL' BIMINI'OCK/ N S E 0 THOMAS AVE �R 2 62.5 125 I I I I I 11000 Current Designations atziel 1i 250 Feet I I I WILLIAM AVE SD-28 FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE 61,lawrzK,866z�4 THOMAS AVE ��� 11000 Zoning 1, W E FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE \R 2 0 62.5 125 1Taare1:S:11 250 Feet PARADISEtISLANDlBLOCK`FRONT� 1114r01-50"166'ro1 �\� WILLIAM AVE FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE R-1 Planning Department Recommendations 1 5.18 FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE 1Taare1:S:11 SD-28 •r• MINI BL'OCK4,/� THOMAS AVE 0 It V c— 0 62.5 125 250Feet I CD-3 WILLIAM AVE 20' FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE Proposed 11000 Zoning Miami 21 Current Designations 1- (n (n U FLORIDA AVE T5-0 FREEPORRT 08-00166zc5 FLOCK GRAND AVE T3-R o s -st I I rltgi artaiss BIIVIINI BLOCK MUM venue THOMAS AVE Legend ffected Parcels NA URAL Q 13 SUBURBAN Q 14 GENERAL URBAN 1=IT5 URBAN CENTER 1=IT6-8* URBAN CORE Q16-1Z URBAN CORE QT6-24* URBAN CORE 1=11+36' URBAN CORE 1=1T648* URBAN CORE QT6-66* URBAN CORE 16-811 URBAN CORE 1=ID1 WORKPLACE Q D2 INDUSTRIAL QD3 MARINE GCS CIVIC SRACEIRARKS �01 INSIIIUIIGNAL MICI-HDHEALTH DISTRICT T3-O W N S F 0 62.5 125 250 Feet I I I I I I I I BISCUS ST ighborhood Conservation PARADISE T4-R District ISLAND BLOCK :1i i ELIZABETH ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1 T3-R REAR WILLIAM AVE FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE THOMAS AVE MARGARET ST Miami 21 Zoning T3-R FLORIDA AVE PM FREEPORRT FLOCK 08-00166zc5 T5-0 Filage We 1- N GRAND AVE HIBISCUS ST "Exhibit B" T3-R NASSAU 08-00166zc3 BLOCK T5-O Legend IRffe4ed Parcels NA URAL Q 3 SUBURBAN Q 14 GENERAL URBAN 1=1T5 URBAN CENTER 1=1T6-8* URBAN CORE Q 16-1Z URBAN CORE 1=1T6-24* URBAN CORE Q K+36' URBAN (WRE 1=1T648* URBAN CORE 1=1T6-60* URBAN CORE 16-811 URBAN WRE 1=1D1 WORKPLACE Q D2 INDUSTRIAL QD3 MARINE GCS CIVIC SRACEIRARKS �a OVI INSIIIUIIONAL MICI-HDHEALTH DISTRICT THOMAS AVE T3-O W N S E 0 62.5 125 250 Feet I I I I I I I I HIBISCUS ST PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK IC)NT 08-0011c1 PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK Q REAR 08-00166zc1a T5-O T3-R WILLIAM AVE ELIZABETH ST FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE MARGARET ST Proposed Miami 21 Zoning Q J a Planning Department Recommendations 1- D T3-R VI age We 1- N FLORIDA AVE T4-O T3-R IT4-a I rNASSAU BLOCK 08 00il 166zc3 T3-R T4-O 25' GRAND AVE land and harlesAvenue Neighb BIMINI BLOCK "IMMO' rhood onservation District THOMAS AVE Legend �ttectecl Parcels T1 NATURAL QT3 SUE -URBAN 1=1T4 GENERAL URBAN I]T5 URBAN CENTER I=1T6-8" URBAN CORE - I6-12* URBAN WHt MI T6-24* URBAN CORE MI T6-36* URBAN CORE MI T6-48* URBAN CORE MIT6-60* URBAN CORE MiT6-80* URBAN CORE QD1 WORKPLACE Q D2 INDUSTRIAL MID3 MARINE MI CS CI VIC SPACE/PARKS ICI CI VIC INSTITUTIONAL -CI-HD HEALTH DISTRICT T3-O W N S E 0 62.5 125 250 Feet I I I I I I I I BISCUS ST ELIZABETH ST 20' PAR',DISE T3-R ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a WILLIAM AVE T5-O FL GRAND BAHAMA 08-00166zc2 GRAND AVE T5-O THOMAS AVE T3-R MARGARET ST Restric Miami 21 Zoning 1- N n FLORIDA AVE Single Family- Residentia FREEPOIMI3LTOCK 08-001, 66zc5 GRAND AVE HIBISCUS ST "Exhibit D" THOMAS AVE Legend ffected Parcels utu re Land Use Designations ▪ Conservation Public Earl¢ and Recreation Commeraal Recreation' ▪ Mamie FaullOes" Slnyle 1—dmlly Reslden0a1 Duplex Residential Low Density Multifamily Residential Medium Density Multifamily Residential: High Density Multifamily Residential Low Density Restricted Commercial ▪ Medium Density Restricted Commercial ▪ Restricted Commercial ▪ (xntial DusIness Uutnct 5' ▪ General Commerual ▪ Major I nsti[utonal, Public Faali[ies, Transportation and Unties ▪ L1ght Industrial ▪ Industrial Not designated on map Duplex Residentia Low Density Restrictea NASSAU 08-00166zc3 BLOCK PARADISE Restricted PARADISE BLOCK FRONT' Commercial ISLAND BLOCK 66zc1a Medium.Density Restricted Commercial 25' Single Family Residential WILLIAM AVE Single Family - Residential 25' Commercial ZABETH ST w FLORIDA AVE GRAND AVE Medium Density Restricted Commercial Medium, Density Multifamily, Residential THOMAS AVE MARGARET ST Future Land Use Map THOMAS AVE PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK 08-00166zc1a ' WILLIAM