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City Commission
Meeting Minutes December 15, 2011
w1ra, it'd like to do on !'Z.10, ofccxrrse being vol unary.
1.11erer Dougherty: 1 gave those conditions to the Nanning eli,ccurr• and l have to get another —
Commissioner ,SarmJ So they would include a Minty c'rJran-t.tinn en:plolarreat plan. 11
would iinclucle retail opportunities.
r11s. Dougherty: Yes, sir. I'Ve have at minority construction mut subcontractor plarl. If i' have
recruiting o(retail businesses 10 locate within Coconut Grove. :Fe have affordable lrnusrng.
which we described to you in detail. We have a jab own —dug commitment. hotli jab training fin
not only cansh•m'tion workers hm also jab teaming for people who work in the retail irulusta y
and n?ce component njoar project.
Commissioner .snot(: Did 1 ecluany hear you soy mu' you would have a joh program which
sraulti give opportunities to people 1Fit .f lurov convictions?
,11s. Dougherty: We have clone that in the pat, , but 1 don't —
ogmodrss,m,cr Sumo(%: 1''m sorry. 1 dk/,i't hear ynn,
iLls, Dougherty: We have dote that in the past.
Commissioiter Sarnolf 1still didn't hear .;'ou.
Ms. Dougherty: We still continue to do i1.
C"onrrmissiamer,S''urira.(T' That's what I thought 1 heard. That was voluntary was it not?
Ms. Dougherty: Yes.
Chair Gorr: Yes.
Commissioner,Sirrna(f Okay.
Ms. 1)o ugherty: Yes.
C'rrrnuliss'inr7cr Serrne0 Pei moue 1V..1A.suhject io the statement cum that the -
C-anrmmrri.s,sirnier S'ur/r'c,: ,S`ecolraf.
Commission sr•,S'ar•rrraf];• -- Planning di,ec/ar'will put into the recant
( Mninissianer .4l/are:: .S'ecund
Francisco Garcia (Director, 11fr1iniing): Thank 9•ait. sir. 1'd i:k1 al dead into the FL'colY1 briefly
three additional mutinous. These are io dispense with some pending (.'ode 1:0Jf7.'einem Board
nrnrer:s. They are these. One, the fines jar violation number C'h: 20111-/71 675 and C • ::
7010-001 Tall-i .shall he paid within 30 clays of the order of sririgci/ian, which is se-lrr Bided r}u
.htnmrm;v 5, 21112. Two, the iirrl/err 3355 Grand nd,•h'enue a iN he paid within ill altts:i afthe ruler
truce !1 is sc'hedulerl fni• mitigation. Three. the tree rniligafrcm fine in• 3585 Grand :I tenth
number -- violation number C'1: 006-t 0292.2 shall be palid al closing or braiding permit.
whichever crnnes,fir•st. The mitigation fine or lien shall be hail within 30 dcn's of the order of
t77ttt7trtran. Thank}'arr.
Commissioner ,ku'nof' Maker understood that: sure ,seconder rid Ina.
iry „7 afu my
t'1wo 1t 'Woof due 1 Yet'