HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook Vol. 2 Supporting Docs Pt. 2TAB 3 April, 2010 Site Utility Study Grove Village MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (MUSP) Miami, Florida Prepared for: Grove Creek Partners, LLC 3250 Mary Street Suite 200 Miami Florida 33133 Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33139 O Grove Village Site Utility Study TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. SITE LOCATION MAP 2 III. SITE DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 3 IV. WA"IER DISTRIBUTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 4 V. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYTEM 6 VI. SOLID WASTE GENERATION 8 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page i Grove Village Site Utility Study APPENDICES APPENDIX "A" MAPS APPENDIX "B" PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS APPENDIX "C" EXISTING UTILITY RECORDS APPENDIX "D" PUMP STATION INFORMATION Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page ii CD Grove Village Site Utility Study I. INTRODUCTION The Grove Village is a proposed major mixed -use development that will encompass approximately six (6) blocks. The development will cover approximately 11.9 +/- acres in the Coconut Grove / City of Miami area. The subject site is bounded by Florida Avenue on the north, Margaret Street on the east, William Avenue on the south, and Plaza Street on the west. (See Site Location Map -Figure 1). The Grove Village project shall include a total of 232 high rise residential units, 11 town homes, 199,000 SF of office space, 165,664 SF of retail space, 36,757 SF of Grocery Store, and associated parking facilities to serve the development. Table 1 Project Summary Occupancy Units Floor Area (SF) Apartment Residence (Gross) 232 Town Home Residence (Gross) 11 Office 199,000 Retail/Shopping Center 165,664 Grocery 36,757 Permits for any site work must be obtained from the City of Miami Public Works Department and Building Department and other jurisdictional agencies. Proposed stormwater management improvements and right-of-way improvements will require approval from the City of Miami Public Works Department, Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Water Control Section, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Proposed water distribution and sanitary sewer utility improvements will require approval from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the City of Miami Fire Department, and the State of Florida Department of Health. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1 Grove Village Site Utility Study II. SITE LOCATION MAP OW OAK A'': MOW Mr 'A ,V wAsliNGToN ..! . Z'ROMAS AV cHARLFS AV Figure 1: Site Location Map LLrr Lik\i) P� ,i ja 4L 4A 1, �r, Orr r +rr 'jn I x uwt hS y 'OWN J r m 11, is �? Gl jta _- co,v AV .- '-"-` Di °AK �A' - s OJE T ._.-�---� E 1 FRCAY AV I-001)AT V IRVINGTON A`` U? ePo RAINE7' LIME: ,CT Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 2 Grove Village Site Utility Study III. SITE DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT A. Existing Private Drainage Systems Based on site observations and available historical information, there is no onsite stormwater management system existing within the subject parcels. A new stormwater management system will be constructed for each parcel to retain the runoff generated by the proposed improvements, as required by code (see below). B. Proposed Private Drainage System Design Criteria The drainage system for the proposed development will consist of drainage wells, and exfiltration trench for water quality purposes, to facilitate on -site disposal of stormwater runoff. The five-year design storm event will be used to design the stormwater management system, in accordance with Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works manual. Based on preliminary calculations, it is anticipated that twenty-three (23) drainage wells will provide sufficient capacity to dispose of the design 5—year 24-hour stormwater runoff generate by the proposed development. Preliminary drainage computations for the project areas are provided in Appendix `B" Preliminary Drainage Calculations, which includes the basis for design. The final drainage design for the project shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Water Control Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. C. Floodplain Management The proposed project site grade elevations will be design to meet floodplain management criteria according to Federal, State, Miami -Dade County and City of Miami standards as follows: 1. The subject property is located in PANEL 189 of 625 of COMMUNITY - PANEL NUMBER 12025C0189J and PANEL 190 OF 625 of COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 12025C0190J of Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). According to the National Flood Insurance program, the property is located within the following Flood Zones: a) Flood Zone X (See Appendix "A") Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 3 Grove Village Site Utility Study 2 Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation is estimated to be 7.5 ft. NGVD. This will be used to determine proposed minimum site grade elevations. 3. The average October ground water table elevation is estimated to be 2.5 ft. NGVD. This will be used as the control water elevation for stormwater management calculations (Source: Miami -Dade County Public Works manual, Volume II- Design Standard Detail WC 2-2). IV. WATER DISTRIBUTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS A summary of the water mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) in the vicinity of the project are shown in Table 2 below. The MDWASD Water Atlas is also provided in Appendix "C" for reference. Table 2: Existing Water Mains (Per MDWASD Water Atlas Sheets) Location Between Water Main(s) Florida Avenue Plaza Street & Margaret Street 4" Grand Avenue Plaza Street & Margaret Street 8" Thomas Avenue Plaza Street & Hibiscus Street 6" Thomas Avenue 120' east of Hibiscus Street & Margaret Street 6" Plaza Street Thomas Avenue & Florida Avenue 8" Hibiscus Street Florida Avenue & Grand Avenue 8" Hibiscus Street William Avenue & Grand Avenue 8" Elizabeth Street William Avenue & Florida Avenue 8" Margaret Street Thomas Avenue & Florida Avenue 8" Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 4 D Grove Village Site Utility Study In accordance with Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) criteria, a 12-inch water main is required along the frontage of all commercial developments. In addition, MDWASD may request additional fire hydrants be placed in the vicinities of the subject project. A final determination of the points of connection and requirements will not be provided by MDWASD until Water and Sewer Agreement is requested by the owner. Water service meters would need to purchased by the owner and installed by MDWASD official. See Appendix "C" for a copy of the MDWASD water atlas sheet for the project area. The Fire Code (NFPA) requires fire hydrants be located no more than 300 feet (drivable distance) from proposed buildings or structures, and that there be no more than 300 feet between hydrants along the frontage of a property, as measured along the water main. As such, the City of Miami Fire Department may request additional fire hydrants be placed in the vicinity of the subject project. Additionally, fire hydrants must be located within 150 feet of each proposed building's fire department (Siamese) connection. The fire department connections to serve any proposed structures must also be located at the front of the building. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 5 Grove Village Site Utility Study V. SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM A summary of the sewer mains owned and operated by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) in the vicinity of the project are shown in Table 3 below. The MDWASD Sewer Atlas is also provided in Appendix "C" for reference. Table 3 Existing Sewer Mains (Per MDWASD Sewer Atlas Sheets) Location Between Water Main(s) Florida Avenue Plaza Street & Elizabeth Street 8" gravity Florida Avenue Elizabeth Street & Margaret Street 8" Gravity Grand Avenue Plaza Street & Margaret Street (2) 10" Gravity Thomas Avenue Plaza Street & Hibiscus Street 10" Gravity Thomas Avenue 120' east of Hibiscus Street & Margaret Street 8" Gravity Plaza Street Thomas Avenue & Florida Avenue 8" Gravity Hibiscus Street William Avenue & Grand Avenue 8" Gravity Elizabeth Street William Avenue & 100' north of Thomas Avenue 8" Gravity Margaret Street Thomas Avenue & Grand Avenue 10" Gravity The existing gravity sanitary sewer mains along the frontage of the property may have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development. However, this cannot be verified until a downstream analysis of the existing gravity lines is completed. A letter of availability and further coordination with MDWASD is recommended to verify the proposed sanitary sewer service connection points and requirements of this project. MDWASD may require upgrades to the existing sanitary sewer system, but this cannot be determined without a request for a Water and Sewer Agreement. Kineley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 6 CD Grove Village Site Utility Study MDWASD Pump Station #30-0011 at 3698 SW 28 Street receives the flows from these mains. As of 04/14/2010, this pump station is projected to have an average operating run time (NAPOT) of 8.49 hours per day, which is 84.9% of its design capacity. Therefore, a new sanitary sewer pump station or upgrades to said pump station may not be required for the proposed development. A final determination regarding the status of the existing transmission system and the need to make improvements will not be known until construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade County DERM Wastewater Section and a Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification Letter is issued. Please refer to Appendix "D" for Pump Station Information. A request for a letter of Sanitary Sewage Capacity Certification must be submitted to the Miami -Dade County DERM Water & Wastewater Section during the building permitting phase of the project in order to reserve the necessary allocation for the proposed development. Below, in Table 4 are the estimated water and sewer flow generation rates per Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department's schedule of daily rates. Further coordination with MDWASD is recommended. Table 4: Estimated Water and Sewer Flow Generation (Per MDWASD Schedule of Daily Rates) Type of Occupancy Quantity Usage rate Total Average Daily Flow (GPF) Apartment Residence 232 Units 200 GPD/unit 46,400 Town Homes 11 Units 250 GPD/unit 2,750 Retail / Shopping Center 165,664 5 GPD/100 SF 8,283.20 Office 199,000 10 GPD/10 SF 19,900 Grocery Store 36,757 5 GPD/100 SF 1,837.85 Total Anticipated Flow 79,171.05 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 7 Grove Village Site Utility Study VI. SOLID WASTE GENERATION Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up services will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County's or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volumes of solid waste projected to be generated by the project are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Solid Waste Generation Type of Occupancy Quantity Usage rate Total Solid Waste Generated (Tons/Day) Apartment Residence 232 Units 51b / unit / day 0.580 Town Home Residence 11 Units 51b / unit / day 0.028 Retail / Shopping Center 165,664 SF 7.51b / 1000 SF / day 0.621 Office (Gross) 199,000 SF 21b / 1000 SF / day 0.199 Grocery Store 36,757 7.5 lb /d1000 SF / ay 0.139 Total Anticipated Solid Waste Generation 1.567 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 8 Grove Village Site Utility Study Appendix "A" Maps Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 9 Grove Village Site Utility Study 4 I ws.MAS �L inzri r i ey-Ham and Am:dales, rn . 40.:1 U ii f]�tih, FI i;I ..Ti%Ikj �tx.Vs .4k,-6i.1-'1125 Fri; . 5-W?,l-4 f 2 uen z '1l drr CU.y of 12 65 i on. rcaE GRAND 'VILLAGE CITYOF FLORIDA FIRM MAP Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 10 Grove Village Site Utility Study --" - ----t 7 - - --' . PROJECT SITE KimIoyHcrnend Ant 'Oates,. Inc., IND 141:1-1:35.4 JeoT. DV if AK( 1.1A11 A61111, 11.;-331:51 Phot: 16-651-215.25 .IDS-671-4H-s) GROVE VILLAGE. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA OCTOBER WATER TABLE Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 11 Grove Village Site Utility St dy C.r.Y12• • 1 PROJEC SITE L.... t'. „Fiji J4..d.FAej u q KInnl'ey-Hern and Associates, Inr,. I, GROVE VILLAGE CRY OF MIAMti'FLOMIDA FLOOD CRITERIA MAP Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 12 Grove Village Site Utility Study Appendix "B" Preliminary Drainage Calculations Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 13 Grove Village Site Utility Study Freeport at Grove Village ��� KimleyHorn City of Miami, Florida and Associates, Inc, DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM—DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation= 2.50 NGVD B. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation= 11.95 NGVD C. Proposed drainage inlet grade elevation= 11.50 NGVD 2. Total Site Area (A) : 1.75 Acres A. Impervious Areas: Impervious Area (Pavement, Hardscape, Roof) = Total Impervious Area (Al) = B. Pervious areas: Green Areas = 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) = Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C = [(Al x C 1) + (A2 x C2)] / A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; C= CxA= 1.51 Acres 1.51 Acres (86%) 0.24 Acres (14%) 0.90 0.30 0.82 1.43 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F-111I) +t (0.5895 +F-213)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; V(; ;f,) = Qt(; ; �, t(; ;,,,) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff Vp ;n) = CIAt(; in.) 1" x A = CIAtt; in) ; Solving for to ;,.I, to ; ) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to generate 1 In of runo = 12.44 Min. = 10.00 Min. = 22.44 Min. K:WllB_Civi11043243000_Grove Village\DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL MUSPDrainage Well Calculations FREEPORT.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 14 Grove Village Site Utility Study Time CxA (acres) I (inch/hr) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 1.428 6.405 9.15 4,391 10 600 1.428 6.166 8.81 5,284 15 900 1.428 5.641 8.06 7,252 22.44 1347 1.428 5.007 7.15 9,629 30 1800 1.428 4.493 6.42 11,552 40 2400 1.428 3.956 5.65 13,562 50 3000 1.428 3.534 5.05 15,144 60 3600 1.428 3.193 4.56 16,420 90 5400 1.428 2.477 3.54 19,104 120 7200 1.428 2.023 2.89 20,804 180 10800 1.428 1.480 2.11 22,837 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well di charee rote of: 600 GPM/ft. Head Well No. Lowest Inlet/Vent Elev. (NGVD) Structure Finish Grade Elev. (NGVD) Oct Water Table elev. (NGVD) Headloss due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting. on Well (ft.) : Well Discharge Rate (CFS). DW-1 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-2 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-3 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 Well. Discharge Rate (CFS) 14.04 and Assodales, Inc. 7. Detention Time: S-4 The underground stormwaterstorage structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior to Qd = Design Runoff Rote (CFS)_ Vd=Detention Volume (CF) = Qdx 90 sec. = V dr - Detention Volume (CF)_ W =Width of Well Structure (it.)= L=Length of Well Structure (It.)= 7.15 CFS 643.57 CF 643.57 CF 12.0 ft. 12.0 6. H,,;a is the minimum depth required from the structure top slab to the floor of the stormwater storage structure to achieve 90 second detention time: H,,,I,,(ft.)=Vdt/(WxL)= 5.00ft. Structure Rim Elev. = 11.50 Lowest Pipe Invert Elev. = 7.83 Elev. at Floor ofStormwoter Storage Structure (NGVD) = 2.83 K:NAB_CM0.043243000Grove Village \DRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAI. MUSPMDralnage Web Calculations FREEPORT.xIs Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 15 Grove Village Site Utility Study 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge Rate (CFSIIt ofHead) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff' (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 14.04 6,738 4,391 0 10 600 14.04 8,422 5,284 0 15 900 14.04 12,634 7,252 0 22.44 1,346.56 14.04 18,902 9,629 0 30 1800 14.04 25,267 11,552 0 40 2400 14.04 33,690 13,562 0 50 3000 14.04 42,112 15,144 0 60 3600 14.04 50,535 16,420 0 90 5400 14.04 75,802 19,104 0 120 7200 14.04 101,070 20,804 0 180 10800 14.04 151,604 22,837 0 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Time Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated. Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 4,391 0 6,738 0.00 10 600 5,284 0 8,422 0.00 15 900 7,252 0 12,634 0.00 22.44 1,346.56 9,629 0 18,902 0.00 30 1800 11,552 0 25,267 0.00 40 2400 13,562 0 33,690 0.00 50 3000 15,144 0 42,112 0.00 60 3600 16,420 0 50,535 0.00 90 5400 19,104 0 75,802 0.00 120 7200 20,804 0 101,070 0.00 180 10800 22,837 0 151,604 0.00 � -I , IGmleyHorn and Associates, Inc. Safety Factor 1.96 Safety Factor 1,96 K:WIIB_CM0043243000Grove Village \DRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Dralnage Wel Cekulatlons FREEPORTxls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 16 Grove Village Site Utility Study Bimini at Grove Village ri_r1 Kimley-Horn City of Miami, Florida and Associates, Inc. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM— DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation= 2.50 NGVD B. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation= 11.95 NGVD C. Proposed drainage inlet grade elevation= 11.50 NGVD 2. Total Site Area (A) : 2.40 Acres A. Impervious Areas: Impervious Area (Pavement, Hardscape, Roof) = Total Impervious Area (Al) = B. Pervious areas: Green Areas = 3. WeightedRunoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) = Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C = [(Al x C 1) + (A2 x C2)] / A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; C= CxA= 2.26 Acres 2.26 Acres (94%) 0.14 Acres (6%) 0.90 0.30 0.87 2.08 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control SectionD-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F °'' I) + t (0.5895 + F-2/3)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; Vl; ;n.) = Qt0 ;n,), to )= Time to generate 1 inch of runoff Vo in) = CIAt1 in.) 1" x A.= CIAtt; in); Solving for to in.), to ;n.) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to generate 1 in of runo = 11.57 Min. 10.00 Min. = 21.57 Min. K:UWB Civi11043243000_Grove Village)DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP1Drainage Well Calculations BIMINI.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 17 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ = .1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Time CxA (acres) I (inch/hr) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 2.078 6.405 13.31 6,388 10 600 2.078 6.166 12.81 7,687 15 900 2.078 5.641 11.72 10,549 21.57 1294 2.078 5.074 10.54 13,642 30 1800 2.078 4.493 9.34 16,805 40 2400 2.078 3.956 8.22 19,730 50 3000 2.078 3.534 7.34 22,030 60 3600 2.078 3.193 6.64 23,887 90 5400 2.078 2.477 5.15 27,792 120 7200 2.078 2.023 4.20 30,265 180 10800 2.078 1.480 3.08 33,221 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of. 600 GPM/ft. Head Well No. Lowest Inlet/Vent Elev. (NGVD) Finish Grade Elev. (NGVD) Oct. Water Table elev. (NGVD) Headloss due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting on Well (ft.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) DW-1 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-2 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-3 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-4 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-5 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 23.40 7. Detention Time: s-1 The underground stormwater storage structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) _ Vd =Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdi =Detention Volume (CF)= W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 10.54 CFS 948.79 CF 948.79 CF 12.0 ft. 12.0 ft. K:1MIB_Civi11043243000_Grove Village1DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations_BIMINI.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 18 Grove Village Site Utility Study ,1 Kimley-Horn and Assodates, Inc. Hmin. is the minimum depth required from the structure top slab to the floor of the stonnwater storage structure to achieve 90 second detention time: (ft.)=VdI / ( W XL)= 7.00 ft. Structure Rim Elev. = 11.50 Lowest Pipe Invert Elev. =7.83 Elev. at Floor of Stormwater Storage Structure (NGVD) = 0.83 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge Rate (CFS/ft. offload) Accumulate d Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 23.40 11,230 6,388 0 10 600 23.40 14,037 7,687 0 15 900 23.40 21,056 10,549 0 21.57 1,294.02 23.40 30,274 13,642 0 30 1800 23.40 42,112 16,805 0 40 2400 23.40 56,150 19,730 0 50 3000 23.40 70,187 22,030 0 60 3600 23.40 84,225 23,887 0 90 5400 23.40 126,337 27,792 0 120 7200 23.40 168,449 30,265 0 180 10800 23.40 252,674 33,221 0 Safety Factor K:1MIB_Civi11043243000_Grove Village\DRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations BIMINI.xIs 2.22 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 19 () Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ 1111 /I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Time Accumula ted Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF). (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 6,388 0 11,230 0.00 10 600 7,687 0 14,037 0.00 15 900 10,549 0 21,056 0.00 21.57 1,294.02 13,642 0 30,274 0.00 30 1800 16,805 0 42,112 0.00 40 2400 19,730 0 56,150 0.00 50 3000 22,030 0 70,187 0.00 60 3600 23,887 0 84,225 0.00 90 5400 27,792 0 126,337 0.00 120 7200 30,265 0 168,449 0.00 180 10800 33,221 0 252,674 0.00 Safety Factor K:1MIB Civi11043243000_Grove VillagelDRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations_BIMINI.xls 2.22 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 20 Grove Village Site Utility Study Nassau at Grove Village City of Miami, Florida DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM — D ERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation= 2.50 NGVD B. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation = 11.95 NGVD C. Proposed drainage inlet grade elevation= 11.50 NGVD Kimley-Horn Ell 1 and Associates, Inc. 2. Total Site Area (A) : 1.72 Acres A. Impervious Areas: Impervious Area (Pavement, Hardscape, Roof) = Total Impervious Area (Al) = B. Pervious areas: Green Areas = 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) = Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C = [(Al x C1) + (A2 x C2)] / A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; C= CxA= 1.49 Acres 1.49 Acres (87%) 0.23 Acres (13%) 0.90 0.30 0.82 1.41 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F °'I i)+t (0.5895 +Fat3)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; Vo in,) = Qto in), to in.) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff Vo in.) = CIAto in.) 1" x A = CIAto in) ; Solving for t(I in,), t(i in.) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc:) Total Time required to generate 1 In of runo = 12.40 Min. = 10.00 Min. = 22.40 Min. K:\MIB Civi11043243000_Grove Village\DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations NASSAU.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 21 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ri Kimley-Horn MIIIand Associates, Inc. Time CxA (acres) I (inchihr) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 1.406 6.405 9.00 4,321 10 600 1.406 6.166 8.67 5,200 15 900 1.406 5.641 7.93 7,136 22.40 1344 1.406 5.009 7.04 9,465 30 1800 1.406 4.493 6.32 11,367 40 2400 1.406 3.956 5.56 13,346 50 3000 1.406 3.534 4.97 14,902 60 3600 1.406 3.193 4.49 16,158 90 5400 1.406 2.477 3.48 18,799 120 7200 1.406 2.023 2.84 20,472 180 10800 1.406 1.480 2.08 22,472 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of 600 GPM/ft. Head Well No. Lowest Inlet/Vent Elev. (NGVD) Finish Grade Elev. (NGVD) Oct. Water Table elev. (NGVD) Headloss due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting on Well (ft.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) DW-1 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-2 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-3 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 14.04 7. Detention Time: s-1 The underground stormwater storage structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) = Vd =Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdi =Detention Volume (CF) W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) _ L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 7.04 CFS 633.67 CF 633.67 CF 9.0 ft. 9.0 ft. K:W1IB_Civi11043243000_Grove VillagelDRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Cal cu lation s_NASSAU.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 22 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑rl Kimley-Horn NEIand Associates, Inc. Hmi„, is the minimum depth required from the structure top slab to the floor of the stomiwater storage structure to achieve 90 second detention time: Hmin (ft.) = Vd l / (W X L) = 8.00 ft. Structure Rim Elev. = 11.50 Lowest Pipe Invert E1ev..7.83 Elev. at Floor of Stormwater Storage Structure (NGVD) = -0.17 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge Rate (CFSafl. of Head) Accumulate d Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 14.04 6,738 4,321 0 10 600 14.04 8,422 5,200 0 15 900 14.04 12,634 7,136 0 22.40 1,344.26 14.04 18,870 9,465 0 30 1800 14.04 25,267 11,367 0 40 2400 14.04 33,690 13,346 0 50 3000 14.04 42,112 14,902 0 60 3600 14.04 50,535 16,158 0 90 5400 14.04 75,802 18,799 0 120 7200 14.04 101,070 20,472 0 180 10800 14.04 151,604 22,472 0 Safety Factor K:1MIB_Civi11043243000_Grove Village\DRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSPIDrainage Well Calculations NASSAU.xIs 1.99 Ki»¢ley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 23 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ MN F1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Time Accumula ted Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 4,321 0 6,738 0.00 10 600 5,200 0 8,422 0.00 15 900 7,136 0 12,634 0.00 22.40 1,344.26 9,465 0 18,870 0.00 30 1800 11,367 0 25,267 0.00 40 2400 13,346 0 33,690 0.00 50 3000 14,902 0 42,112 0.00 60 3600 16,158 0 50,535 0.00 90 5400 18,799 0 75,802 0.00 120 7200 20,472 0 101,070 0.00 180 10800 22,472 0 151,604 0.00 Safety Factor K:1MIB CM11043243000 Grove VillagelDRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations NASSAU.xIs 1.99 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 24 Grove Village Site Utility Study Grand Bahama at Grove Village o—n Kimley-Horn City of Miami, Florida I(• and Associates, Inc. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM— DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation= 2.50 NGVD B. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation= 11.95 NGVD C. Proposed drainage inlet grade elevation 11.50 NGVD 2. Total Site Area (A) : 1.50 Acres A. Impervious Areas: Impervious Area (Pavement, Hardscape, Roof) = Total Impervious Area (Al)= 1.15 Acres 1.15 Acres (77%) B. Pervious areas: Green Areas = 0.35 Acres (23%) 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) _ Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C=[(AixCI) +(A2xC2)]/A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; C= CxA= 0.90 0.30 0.76 1.14 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F °'I I)+t (0.5895 +F'213)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; Vo i, ,) = Qt0 ;n), tu in,) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff V(I = = CIAt(t in) 1" x A = CIAt1 in.) ; Solving for to iap to i) =1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to generate 1 in of runo = 13.68 Min. = 10.00 Min,, = 23.68 Min: K:1MIB_Civi11043243000Grove Village\DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSPIDrainage Well Calculations_GRAND BAHAMA.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 25 Grove Village Site Utility Study 111i...1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Time CxA (acres) I (inch/hr) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 1.140 6.405 7.30 3,505 10 600 1.140 6.166 7.03 4,218 15 900 1.140 5.641 6.43 5,788 23.68 1421 1.140 4.915 5.60 7,960 30 1800 1.140 4.493 5.12 9,220 40 2400 1.140 3.956 4.51 10,825 50 3000 1.140 3.534 4.03 12,087 60 3600 1.140 3.193 3.64 13,106 90 5400 1.140 2.477 2.82 15,248 120 7200 1.140 2.023 2.31 16,605 180 10800 1.140 1.480 1.69 18,227 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of 600 GPM/fL Head Well No. Lowest Inlet/Vent Elev. (NGVD) Finish Grade Elev. (NGVD) Oct. Water Table elev. (NGVD) Headloss due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting on Well (ft.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) DW-1 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-2 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-3 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 14.04 7. Detention Time: S-1 The underground stormwater storage structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) = Vd =Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdi = Detention Volume (CF) W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) _ L =Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 5.60 CFS 504.24 CF 504.24 CF 8.0 ft. 8.0 ft. K:1MIB_Civi11043243000_Grove Village\DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP1Drainage Well Calculations_GRAND BAHAMAxds Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 26 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ _ I, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Hm;n, is the minimum depth required from the structure top slab to the floor of the stonnwater storage structure to achieve 90 second detention time: Hmin (ft.) = Vdi / (W x L) = 8.00 ft. Structure Rim Elev. = 11.50 Lowest Pipe Invert Elev. =7.83 Elev. at Floor of Stonnwater Storage Structure (NGVD) = -0.17 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge Rate (CFS&ft.ofHmd) Accumulate d Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 14.04 6,738 3,505 O O O O O O O O O O O 10 600 14.04 8,422 4,218 15 900 14.04 12,634 5,788 23.68 1,420.81 14.04 19,945 7,960 30 1800 14.04 25,267 9,220 40 2400 14.04 33,690 10,825 50 3000 14.04 42,112 12,087 60 3600 14.04 50,535 13,106 90 5400 14.04 75,802 15,248 120 7200 14.04 101,070 16,605 180 10800 14.04 151,604 18,227 Safety Factor 2.51 K:1MIB_Civin043243000_Grove Village \DRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSPIDrainage Well Calculations_GRAND BAHAMA.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 27 Grove Village Site Utility Study 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: ❑m r1 Kimley-Horn -_ and Associates, Inc. Time Accuniula ted Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 3,505 0 6,738 0.00 10 600 4,218 0 8,422 0.00 15 900 5,788 0 12,634 0.00 23.68 1,420.81 7,960 0 19,945 0.00 30 1800 9,220 0 25,267 0.00 40 2400 10,825 0 33,690 0.00 50 3000 12,087 0 42,112 0.00 60 3600 13,106 0 50,535 0.00 90 5400 15,248 0 75,802 0.00 120 7200 16,605 0 101,070 0.00 180 10800 18,227 0 151,604 0.00 Safety Factor 2.51 K:1MIB_Civi11043243000Grove Village\DRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations_GRAND BAHAMA.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 28 Grove Village Site Utility Study Abaco at Grove Village City of Miami, Florida DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS ASSDIAGRAM—DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation= 2.50 NGVD B. Average Existing Onsite Grade Elevation= 11.95 NGVD C. Proposed drainage inlet grade elevation= 11.50 NGVD Pr KimleyHorn and Associates, Inc. 2. Total Site Area (A) : 1.76 Acres A. Impervious Areas: Impervious Area (Pavement, Haniscape, Roof) = Total Impervious Area (A1)= B. Pervious areas: Green Areas = 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C 1) = Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C=[(AixC1)+(A2xC2)]/A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; C= CxA= 1.49 Acres 1.49 Acres (85%) 0.27 Acres (15%) 0.90 0.30 0.81 1.42 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6xF °')+t (0.5895 + F-2/3)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; Vt; ; � = Qt0 ;,,.), t0 ;,,.) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff V0 "1=CIAt1;ol 1" x A= CIAt1; ); Solving for t01, ), t0 ;n> = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to Eenerate 1 in of runo = 12.62 Min. = 10.00 Min. = 22.62 Min. K: MIB_CiviI\043243000 Grove VillagelDRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations ABACO.x s Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 29 0 Grove Village Site Utility Study ^ Kimley-Horn ❑ and Associates, Inc. Time CxA (acres) I (inch/hr) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 1.419 6.405 9.09 4,363 10 600 1.419 6.166 8.75 5,251 15 900 1.419 5.641 8.01 7,206 22.62 1357 1.419 4.993 7.09 9,618 30 1800 1.419 4.493 6.38 11,479 40 2400 1.419 3.956 5.62 13,477 50 3000 1.419 3.534 5.02 15,048 60 3600 1.419 3.193 4.53 16,317 90 5400 1.419 2.477 3.52 18,984 120 7200 1.419 2.023 2.87 20,673 180 10800 1.419 1.480 2.10 22,693 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of 600 GPM/it. Head Well No. Lowest Inlet/Vent Elev. (NGVD) Finish Grade Elev. (NGVD) Oct. Water Table elev. (NGVD) Headloss due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting on Well (ft.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) DW-1 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-2 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 DW-3 8.00 11.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.68 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 14.04 7. Detention Time: s-1 The underground stormwater storage structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) = Vd =Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. _ Vdi = Detention Volume (CF) = W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) = L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 7.09 CFS 637.82 CF 637.82 CF 9.0 ft. 9.0 ft. K:4MIB_Civi11043243000_Grove VillagelDRAINAGE\CONCEPTUAL_MUSP1Drainage Well Calculations ABACO.xls Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 30 Grove Village Site Utility Study ❑ _ rl Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Hm;n is the minimum depth required from the structure top slab to the floor of the stounwater storage structure to achieve 90 second detention time: Hmin. (ft.) = Vd1 / (W X L) = 8.00 it. Structure Rim Elev. = 11.50 Lowest Pipe Invert Elev. =7.83 Elev. at Floor of Stormwater Storage Structure (NGVD) = -0.17 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge Rate (CFS/f.ofHead) Accumulate d Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF.) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 14.04 6,738 4,363 0 10 600 14.04 8,422 5,251 0 15 900 14.04 12,634 7,206 0 22.62 1,3 57.09 14.04 19,050 9,618 0 30 1800 14.04 25,267 11,479 0 40 2400 14.04 33,690 13,477 0 50 3000 14.04 42,112 15,048 0 60 3600 14.04 50,535 16,317 0 90 5400 14.04 75,802 18,984 0 120 7200 14.04 101,070 20,673 0 180 10800 14.04 151,604 22,693 0 Safety Factor K:1MIB_CiviIl043243000_Grove Village IDRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSP\Drainage Well Calculations ABACO.xIs 1.98 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 31 Grove Village Site Utility Study 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: ❑/I Kimley-Horn r� and Associates, Inc. Time Accumula ted Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 4,363 0 6,738 0.00 10 600 5,251 0 8,422 0.00 15 900 7,206 0 12,634 0.00 22.62 1,357.09 9,618 0 19,050 0.00 30 1800 11,479 0 25,267 0.00 40 2400 13,477 0 33,690 0.00 50 3000 15,048 0 42,112 0.00 60 3600 16,317 0 50,535 0.00 90 5400 18,984 0 75,802 0.00 120 7200 20,673 0 101,070 0.00 180 10800 22,693 0 151,604 0.00 Safety Factor K:UWB_Civi11043243000_Grove VillagelDRAINAGEICONCEPTUAL_MUSPIDrainage Well Calculations ABACO.xls 1.98 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 32 Grove Village Site Utility Study Appendix "C" Existing Utility Records Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 33 (-) Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. goeS 11.L. I MAI !MCA* ! `T•7' ii•• ( I 7 1'744.3 guir74 ; " 1 V 7,3r4 p: I 4,•dr.11.% , „ '22S; 1 et ..1 . . .24EC• : ••,' 77 .,.-.._/ 4j1I,i i1 S,I• ''; a.r-a-w• •'I •"fot--=4,4h '-,•, 1•2 - ,- ,:ttrai k! ! t TAVeR_FiL.r ,. .- II,; ,,,-,,,11::-•,:l,_.E-,-;-• Lcil-.• 3 I I - -7-F-- :r----1aIM11I %-e7. '*- I --- , 1 . ; . ''' W*1 't I: ::: ••:, 7. 3 ) 1, . f . 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Moratorium: OK OK Section - Township - Range: 16 - 54 - 41 Type:❑B Class: L❑ Speed:El H.P.:❑+ Peak Factor (last 7 entries): 2.40 Peak Modified Date: Factor: By: 2.40 TRANSFER 01272007 Number of Pumps: 2 Moratorium In effect since: 1/27/2007 Generator: ❑N Telemetry: Y❑ ET Clock: Y❑ Yearly NAPOT (hrs): Reserved Flow(gpd): Protected Napot (hrs): Used Capacity (%): 8.31 32,947 8.49 84.90 Stn Gross Capacity (gpd): 4,320,000 Station Reduction Factor: 1.00 Stn Net Cap Certified (gpd): 0 Station Net Capacity (gpd): 4,320,000 Indicated Flow (gpd): 1,495,800 Date: NAPOT: Avg. Daily: Reading: #of Comments: Pumps: Modified By: Date: 2/102010 1/13/2010 12/9/2009 11242009 10/142009 9/9/2009 8/12/2009 7/8/2009 6/102009 5/13/2009 7.52 10.02 8.74 8.36 9.80 8.28 6.78 9.23 8.56 5.83 Generated: 4/14/2010 - 04:06 PM 7.52 10.02 8.74 8.36 9.80 8.28 6.78 9.23 8.56 5.83 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR NEUMAR 03222010, 02242010 01282010 12282009 11252009 10282009 09282009 08242009 07/29/2009 06262009 Page 1 of 1 Kinzley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 37 Grove Village Site Utility Study Kimley-Horn was retained to perform a site utility study and performed only those tasks specifically stated in our scope of services. The Client may use this report as part of its site feasibility assessment, but this report should not be used as the sole basis for the Client's decision making. We endeavored to research site development issues and constraints to the extent practical given the limited scope, budget, and schedule agreed to with the Client. Our assessment is based in large part on information provided to us by others (city staff DOT staff Utility Company Representatives, etc.) and therefore is only as accurate and complete as the information provided to us. This report is based on our knowledge as of January 2009. New issues may arise during development because of changes in governmental rules and policy, changed circumstances, or unforeseen conditions. Our assessment is based on the desires of the Client that have been specifically disclosed to us. The Client should do its own due diligence to become comfortable with our findings and to be sure no other significant development issues exist. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 38 ;4A3 4 GROVE VILLAGE Economic Impact Analysis (Updated June 2011) Submitted to: City of Miami Prepared For: POINTE GROUP ADVISORS Prepared by: SHARPTON, BRUNSON & COMPANY, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue Suite 2100 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 374-1574 -J GROVE VILLAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) THE PROJECT OVERVIEW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Summary of Benefits OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Objectives Definition of Economic and Tax Impact Direct and Indirect Effects Measures of Economic Impact Description of Results 3 4 6 6 6 7 8 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Impact Indicators 9 Results of Indicators 9 Impact of Construction 9 Impact of Ongoing Operations 10 Impact on Local Tax Revenues 10 Analysis by Economic Indicators 10 Employment 10 Wages 11 Output 11 Local Taxes 12 Public Sector Cost 13 Impact Fees 13 EXHIBITS Exhibit I: Summary of Economic Impact 14 Exhibit II: Impact and Other Fees 15 Project Overview Grove Village (the Project) is located on Grand Avenue in Coconut Grove in the City of Miami, Florida. Coconut Grove is one of Miami's oldest suburbs and premier residential neighborhoods. Grand Avenue, the location of our project, is the major artery between Coconut Grove, US1, and Coral Gables. Miami Metrorail is located on US1 and Douglas Avenue; within walking distance to the project. Additionally, the City of Miami runs the Grove Circulator bus from the Metrorail down Grand Avenue looping through Coconut Grove every 15 minutes. The project will be built on an assemblage of six city blocks totaling 13.6 acres. The assemblage runs along the east and west sides of Grand Avenue from Margaret Street to Plaza Street and the north and south sides of Thomas Avenue to Florida Avenue. The project will consist of 13.6 acres of land and approximately 187,000 sq. ft. retail space, including a 36,000 sq. ft. grocery store, drug store, bank and eight to ten local and/or national restaurants; 225,500 sq. ft Class A office; 277,200 sq. ft. rental units, with 40 Town homes and four (4) single family homes totaling 42,000 sq. ft. A unique and defining feature of the project will be the ease of access and parking. The project will have covered parking to accommodate each residential and office building on site, as well as a centrally located parking garage. I The project will have ample, new, secure parking facilities to assure a pleasant, convenient experience whether you are banking, dining, working or shopping. Grove Village will be a LEED accredited project which has been designed to be built in four phases over a five year construction period with a total cost of $160 million. Excellent demographics and a strong local economy enhance Grove Village as one of the premier sites for a mixed -use development where locals and visitors can live, work and play. The excellent local demographics provide for multi -million dollar homes on Biscayne Bay and up -scale housing inland from the Bay. Grove Village is a timely, mixed -use development, well designed and superbly located to meet the specific needs of its target customers as defined below: o The pedestrian friendly ground level retail segment will target the local affluent community. o The office space will appeal to professionals living in the string of affluent communities running south along Biscayne Bay from Coconut Grove to Homestead by reducing their peak -hour commute 20-25 minutes (relative to down -town Miami). The location will similarly reduce the commute of support staff as a Metrorail stop is just eight blocks away with bus service running along Grand Avenue every 15 minutes. 1 Project Overview o The unique mix of rental apartments, single family homes and town homes will offer attractive, low-rise, living options for young professionals, families, empty -nesters, and those who choose to live/work at Grove Village. The project is located less than two miles from the University of Miami, on the east side of US1, just seven blocks from a public waterfront park, and approximately 15 minutes to downtown Miami and 20 minutes to Miami International Airport. The basic economic drivers of the South Florida economy remain strong and well diversified across tourism, trade, service, banking and international finance, health care and entertainment. As the southernmost major city on the East Coast, Miami serves as the gateway to Latin America with over 1,250 major multinational corporations and the second largest concentration of financial institutions after New York City. Coconut Grove, five miles south from downtown Miami, and is one of Miami's most charming, historic and affluent neighborhoods. Several blocks east of the property lies the Streets of Mayfair and Coco Walk, which are indoor/outdoor shopping, dining and entertainment centers that attract professionals, locals, and tourists. The project's proximity to US1, 1-95, Main Highway and ease of access to the surrounding transportation network, waterfront and southern luxury housing communities augments its central location and creates a uniquely convenient and desirable address for living, working, playing, and shopping. 2 1,ii ntroduction SEP 7 ° . 9:20 This document represents an in- depth economic and tax benefits analysis of the developmental and operation of a first class mixed -use project consisting of residential units, office space, and retail. The Project currently contemplated is comprised of the following components: ❑ 239 units of high quality residential space. ❑ 225,500 square feet of office space. ❑ 187,000 square feet of retail. — Grocery is 36,000 square feet of this space. ❑ 1,800 parking spaces. This analysis encompasses the entire Project and estimates the economic and tax benefits for both its developmental and operational phases. 3 Summary of Benefits3Ep 79 1Htige The Project will bring significant economic benefits to the City of Miami (the City). This section summarizes the impact of the project on employment, public sector revenues and other economic benefits as a result of the development. Employment Employment considerations include the direct employment resulting from the Project. Average developmental construction phase employment will be for approximately 306 employees and the Project management is expected to employ 219 people for on -going maintenance and operations of the facilities. Wages To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project, and we incorporated data from our research on retail sales. Total direct and indirect impacts expected from wages associated with the new development approximate the following: One Time $100,785,254 Annual $ 7,140,960 Tax Revenue The estimate of the public sector revenues associated with the development includes taxes and other revenues generated directly by the Project. Although public sector costs are important elements in measuring fiscal impact, these benefits have not been quantified in this document. This analysis only measures the benefits derived from the development. Annual tax revenue expected to be created totals $5,455,631. Output The estimate of total economic impact is measured by total output. This analysis measures the economic impact of developmental costs and ongoing, operational expenditures. To determine the effect of respending within the City, we utilized a multiplier to compute total direct and indirect benefits. Total output expected to be generated, as a result of the developmental and operational phases of the Project will approximate the following: One Time $ 363,197,101 Annual $ 14,281,920 4 Summary of BenefitssEp ilNMS:2 Significant Community Benefits: ➢ Jobs ➢ Wages ➢ Taxes ➢ Economic Activity Residents' Spending Impacting Local Businesses: ➢ Food ➢ Recreation/Entertainment ➢ Transportation ➢ Retail The following table and charts summarize the economic impact of the Grove Village development. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ANNUAL IMPACT RECURRING Economic Activity Stimulated Output $ 363,197,101 $ 14, 281, 920 Wages 100,785,254 7,140,960 Taxes 5,455,631 Jobs Created $ 463,982,355 $ 26,878,511 306 219 5 Objectives And Definitions Objectives The objective of this analysis is to provide information on the various benefits created by the Project and to prepare an estimate of such benefits to the City. Our analysis is based on an economic model, which estimates economic and tax impacts of various projects on a designated area. The model is specifically tailored to the City of Miami (the City). Definition of Economic and Tax Impact The construction and subsequent operation of the Project will create important benefits within the City. These benefits include new income, new jobs, new tax revenue and new economic activity impacting upon every sector of the local economy. Moreover, through the multiplier effect of respending and reinvesting, indirect economic benefits are added to the direct benefits brought about by initial construction expenditures, the expenditures from ongoing operations and new spending at the retail enterprises. Direct and Indirect Effects The total economic impact of public and private projects and policies on a region does not end with the impact from the initial construction expenditures; the continued benefits to the local economy must also be considered. Income to firms furnishing construction materials and services is subsequently converted into employee salaries, material purchases, investment in plant and equipment, savings, profits, purchases of services, and a variety of other economic activities. Income to laborers is subsequently respent for purchasing of food, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, medical and dental services, clothing, personal services, and a wide variety of other goods and services. Furthermore, income to the governmental unit is respent as salaries, purchases, and support of a variety of programs, including education, transportation, and social services. In turn, individuals, firms, and governments furnishing these goods and services again spend their income for more purchases, salaries, investments, and savings. In this manner, indirect benefits result each time the initial sum is respent, and the additional sum available in the local economy induces further job creation, business development and savings. Quantification of these indirect benefits has been the object of considerable economic study. Because economic relationships are so complex in our modern society, no single area or political unit is a completely self- contained economic unit. Therefore, purchases from other areas and political units are necessary, and goods and services are exported in return. As purchases are made from other units, some of the benefits of economic respending are lost to the local economy. Ultimately, a smaller and smaller portion of the initial sum would remain, until, after several rounds of respending, a insignificant sum is left. 6 Objectives And Definitions The indirect effects can be viewed as a set of "ripples" in the economy. Indirect, like direct, resources require labor, materials, equipment and services for their production to induce further job creation and spending of wages. The "ripple" of the indirect effect multiplies the original impact of the purchase. The common measure of the magnitude of the "ripple" effect is called a multiplier. A multiplier measures the total magnitude of the impact on each particular economic indicator as a multiple of the initial, direct effect. For instance, a multiplier of "1" would signify no "ripple" effects as the total impact is 1 times the initial impact, while a multiplier of "2" would imply that the total impact is 2 times the direct effect. The actual magnitude of a multiplier depends on the likelihood the goods and services purchased in a region would be produced in, or provided from the region. The model we used to estimate the total economic impact incorporates a multiplier developed by utilizing past consumption and production patterns in the City. There will be significant economic benefit derived from the expenditures of the residents of the Project on eating, drinking, grocery, recreation, retail etc. This report does not include the economic impact of such expenditures. Measures of Economic Impact Various measures can be used to indicate the impact of a policy or project on a region. Specifically, for this study, they are the increases in local employment, wages, tax revenue and output that result. Definitions of these measures are as follows: Employment is measured full-time equivalent jobs. Wages include wages, salaries, and proprietor's income only. They may include non -wage compensation, such as pensions, insurance, and other fringe benefits. Wages are assumed to be expended by households in the area at which the wage-earner works. Local taxes include additional revenues from both ad -valorem and non ad -valorem assessments. Direct expenditures include those sums expended for land acquisition, site preparation and all hard and soft costs associated with a project. Indirect expenditures are those sums expended within the local economy as a result of the "ripple" effect described earlier. Output describes total economic activity, and is essentially equivalent to the sum of direct and indirect expenditures (exclusive of wages and taxes). 7 .71 Ltd ;- Objectives And Definitions Description of Results For the purpose of describing the total economic benefits of the Project, the related expenditures and economic activity stimulated have been broken into two categories: ➢ Developmental ➢ Annual Recurring Developmental expenditures include those expenditures related to the design and construction phase of the Project and related amenities. Annual recurring activities stimulated are those expenditures incurred in connection with the ongoing operation of the Project, and the sales and expenditures of the retail enterprises leasing space at the Project. 8 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Impact Indicators We measured the Project's impact on four commonly used indicators of economic activity. Those indicators are: > Jobs > Wages > Total output > Local taxes Results of Indicators Exhibit I details the Project's direct and indirect impact on the above economic indicators for Miami. A summary of such impact follows: DEVELOPMENT (One Time) OUTPUT Direct Indirect ANNUAL Operational: Direct Indirect $ 193,272,191 169,924,910 $ 363.197.101 $ 7,600,000 6,681,920 $ 14.281.920 The economic indicator most ?;m°a commonly measured, and publicly r".. reported on to gauge the economic Et impact of a public project is output. '"'" The impact of a project on the indicator output is often referred to as the project's economic impact. Impact of Construction The site preparation and construction expenditures, including soft costs and impact fees are estimated at $246 million. Such activity will create approximately 306 new full time equivalent jobs and employ a maximum of 532 workers during peak periods. The workers will earn approximately $53 million in direct wages. WAGES TAXES EMPLOYMENT $ 53,632,000 47,153,254 $100.785,254 $ 3,800,000 $5,455,631 3,340,960 306 306 219 $ 7,140,960 $5,455,631 219 9 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Impact of Ongoing Operations As a result of the on -going operation and maintenance of the Project, Miami will gain approximately 219 new, permanent full-time equivalent jobs. The wages of the workers who obtain these positions will provide an impact of approximately $3.8 million annually. The total expenditures for the Project's operations, will provide a new, permanent impact of $14 million annually to the City's economy. This impact consists of the effects of the direct expenditures from the maintenance, security and day-to-day operation of the Project, and the multiplied effects of such spending thus creating indirect benefits. Impact on Local Tax Revenues As a result of the construction and operation of the Project, various state, city and city governments and agencies would gain an estimated annual tax benefit of $5.5 million. Analysis by Economic Indicators Our analysis of the economic and tax benefits of the Project was done by each major phase of the Project. We identified the major phases to be developmental and operational. This analysis determines the economic benefits to the City by identifying such benefits for each of the phases. The effects on economic indicators used to measure benefits (employment, wages, output and taxes) were computed for each phase. Employment Employment is one of the most important economic benefits of the Project. It is one of the most accessible and direct benefits for the City's residents and is a primary means by which developmental, operational and maintenance expenditures generate indirect economic benefits. A portion of this employment occurs on -site as a result of new spending at the retail enterprises, and a portion is derived from on -going operations of the Project. Further employment is generated off -site by the expenditures of employees of the Project and businesses located in the Project, at area businesses. As can be seen in Exhibit 1, total short-term (developmental) employment will average 306 employees over a sixty month period and total on -going employment will average 219. The total on -going positions can be summarized as follows: • Management • Security • Parking • Maintenance/Facilities Retail 10 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Wages The analysis deemed wages are a direct by-product of employment. As discussed in the above section, both on -site and off -site jobs are created. They are both temporary and permanent in nature. To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project. Employment, such as construction related employment, was obtained directly from construction estimates. These numbers were tested for reasonableness. Output The output generated, as a result of the development and operations of the Project, is caused by the following type of expenditures: > Development costs expended in the City (100%) > Annual operational expenditures of management company > New spending in the locality by employees of businesses located in the Project To incorporate the impact of dollars being respent and/or reinvested in the City, a multiplier was applied to total direct output. A multiplier of 1.8792 f,;,,, was used to determine total direct and indirect output created by the Project. This multiplier indicates that for every $100 spent in Miami, another $187.92 will be respent or reinvested in Miami. This multiplier was obtained from the Dade County Planning Department. Direct output from the developmental phase of the Project is primarily a result of developer costs. These costs include land acquisition, site preparation and soft and hard costs relating to the Project's construction. To determine the total output we determined what development costs were expected to be or had been spent in Miami. Total direct output during the development phase is $193 million. Total indirect output created by the direct respending in Miami is $170 million. Thus total Miami Output from the development of the Project is $362 million. The final component of output results from the direct operating expenditures of the Project, and the indirect benefits created as a result of the multiplier effect on direct output. The Developer provided us with an annual operating budget for the Project. An overall assumption was made that all expenditures would be spent initially in the City. 11 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Output (Contd.) The total operating expenditures incorporate all estimated expenses of the ongoing operation of the Project. The impact of the retail enterprises was measured separately as an economic indicator. To incorporate the potential respending and reinvesting in Miami, the multiplier effect was measured. By applying a multiplier of 1.8792 to the total direct output from operating expenditures and the retail enterprises, we determined total output (direct and indirect) from on -going operating expenditures and retail sales. Local Taxes A key and significant benefit generated from the development and operation of the Project is taxes. Several types of tax revenue will be generated from this project including ad valorem taxes. Specific ad valorem taxes include real and personal property taxes. Other taxes include occupational taxes and community development taxes. New real property taxes will be assessed on the Project. The assessment is based on a predetermined millage rate being applied to the taxable value of the real property. We computed real property taxes for the developmental phase based on the cost of the development of the Project. -a This assessment base is very conservative since tax on real property typically is assessed on i i" appraised values and not actual cost. I;.�g;! The basis for ongoing taxes is also overall cost. The millage rate was obtained from the City Tax Collectors office relative to the Project's location. The projected annual real property taxes are approximately $5.5 million. Total ad -valorem taxes assessed by Miami -Dade County are allocated based on millage rates to certain governmental entities. Listed below is the allocation of projected tax revenue. City Operating School Operating County Operating Debt Service - City Debt Service -County South Florida Water Library Operating School Debt Service Florida Inland Navigation Environmental Projects Children's Trust TOTAL $ 1,797,577 1,864,091 1,127,714 142,233 70,180 131,644 94,608 93,081 8,496 22,014 103,990 5,455,631 12 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Local Taxes (Contd.) " a Although not quantified, the City, through its receipt of allocated state sales taxes will receive an additional benefit as a result of the development and operation of the Project, and from the retail enterprises. Public Sector Costs Impact fees Very significant factors in measuring the economic impact on a specific region of a project are impact and other required development fees. A summary of these fees are listed below: ➢ City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee ➢ City of Miami Developmental Admin Fee ➢ Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee ➢ Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee ➢ Building Permit Fee ➢ Installation Energy Fee ➢ Other Fees For the purpose of this economic impact analysis, fees are included as a part of the direct development cost (output). Impact fees total approximately $2.1 million and other fees total approximately $1.7 million. These fees are shown in detail in Exhibit II. Exhibit List Exhibit I Exhibit II Summary of Economic Impact Impact and Other Fees SEP Exhibit - `€149:d OUTPUT WAGES EMPLOYMENT TAXES DIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL OPERATIONAL TOTAL DIRECT INDIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL OPERATIONAL TOTAL INDIRECT TOTAL BENEFITS $ 193,272,191 7,600,000 200,872,191 169,924,910 6,681,920 176,606,830 $ 53,632,000 3,800,000 57,432,000 47,153,254 3,340,960 50,494,214 $ 377,479,021 $ 107,926,214 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL $ 363,197,101 $ 100,785,254 TOTAL OPERATIONAL 14,281,920 7,140,960 306 219 $ 5,455,631 525 5,455,631 525 $ 5,455,631 306 219 $ 5,455,631 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 377,479,021 $ 107,926,214 525 $ 5,455,631 SEP 7 11 AM; 9:2l Exhibit - II IMPACT AND OTHER FEES: A. Development Square Footages: Square Footage 1) Gross Allowable Square Footage 1,693,225 2) Maximum Development Area (Total FAR) 999,969 3) Gross Parking Area 716,569 B. Impact Fees: Amount 1) City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee $ 1,604,640 2) Developmental Impact Administration Fee 48,139 3) Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee 709,004 4) Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee 170,748 Total of all Impact Fees $ 2,532,531 C. Non -Impact Fees: 1) Miami Dade W.A.S.A. "connection fees" $ 1,202,167 2) Building Permit Fee 309,182 3) Installation Energy Fee 169,323 4) Major Use Special Permit Application Fee 30,000 5) Miami -Dade County Code Compliance 80,000 6) Radon Gas Fee 5,151 7) Fire Plan Review Fee 9,788 8) Ground Cover Fee 2,775 9) Land Use/Zoning 5,929 10) Zoning Review for Building Permit Fee 60 11) Certificate of Occupancy Fee 250 12) Application Fee 35 Total of all Non -Impact Fees $ 1,814,660 Total of all Fees for Project $ 4,347,191 Source: City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. Miami Dade County Impact Fees 15 r=u =a —_.i.l THE SPINNAKER GROUP 501 SPINNAKER WESTON, FL 33326 www.thespinnakergroupinc.com (954)347-0967 Fax (954)-217-3614 RE: Grove Village MUSP Application Date: April 1, 2010 Environmental Impact Analysis Statement (EIAS) To Whom It May Concern: This EIAS considers the environmental and social issues of economy, public services, environment, and housing supply within the immediate neighborhood. We have determined that the Grove Village ("Project") located at 3400 Grand Ave. (6 parcels) will have an overall positive environmental impact on the immediate neighborhood. This conclusion isbased on review and consideration of the Grove Village Project MUSP application components provided by Greenberg Traurig P.A., and prepared by Greenberg Traurig P.A., Max Strang Architecture (Architect), Kimley - Horn & Associates (Traffic Study & Site Utility Study), Sharpton, Brunson & Company P.A. (Economic Impact Analysis). The Grove Village Project has also considered the concept of social capital when defining performance and establishing metrics with respect to what may or may not be appropriate as a development. Social capital is composed of many different components. It is defined, by Dr. Reid Ewing and Dr. Richard Kreutzer in a paper titled "Understanding the Relationship Between Public Health and the Built Environment", as a feeling of belonging and that community member needs will be met, as the series of social networks that inspire trust and reciprocity among citizens as a psychological sense of community, and as civil society or the world of voluntary and purposeful organizations distinct from government where citizens draw together to socialize youth, take care of the sick, promote cultural and political life, and forward their social and individual needs. Including this type of ideology to the Grove Village Neighborhood Development produces dynamic, exciting, positive and innovative results. A complete economic impact analysis provided by Sharpton, Brunson & Company P.A. is included in the MUSP application. The report states that the fiscal benefits to The City of Miami and the increase in employment opportunity as a measure of full time jobs, wages, local taxes, direct expenditures, indirect expenditures and output generated by the Project are determined to be a positive economic result of the proposed Project. Please refer to the MUSP application for further analysis. The Project's relationship to traffic flow, pedestrian movement and transportation access is thoroughly examined by Kimley Horn & Associates and can be found in the MUSP application. While all study area corridors were found to operate at "acceptable levels of service" I believe it is essential to consider the following social and environmental concerns. • Impact on natural resources can be protected by channeling redevelopment to urban infill areas, with existing infrastructure. • Reduce the impact of vehicular traffic, improve productivity, alleviate parking problems, and promote healthy levels of outdoor physical activity for communities with at least ten basic services within a half mile radius and in close proximity to bus lines and light rail. Building Commissioning • LEEDT"L Consulting o111L0.4C COMMS. O Dl6 a:sxwma: a Ait THE SPINNAKER GROUP SpiNC Ak R • The Grove Village Project promotes public transit and alternative transportation use due to its close proximity to basic services, bus routes, and the metro rail system and public garages. • The Grove Village Project proposes less parking then initially required by code. Providing near the minimum amount of parking acceptable promotes the pedestrian oriented aspect of the Project and encourages ridership for alternative means of transportation, reducing fossil fuel consumption. • This Project is requesting a zoning change and land use reclassification. This project is on infill land with many linkages to basic services and public transportation, there is great potential here to promote community connectivity through thoughtful roadway improvements and planned pedestrian oriented hardscape. • The Project will be positioned to demonstrate positive social, environmental and community transformation by providing direct, safe connections to open space, local destinations and community centers. The traffic study suggests road improvements will not be required for the increased density being requested for this Project. The Project will be continuing the "greenway" bike path supporting the existing road status. Bike lanes should be well marked, protected and provide direct access to transit corridors. This projects design promotes a walkable community. This strategy will reduce automobile dependence as well as the energy demand for transportation thereby cutting CO2 emissions, and allowing for a greater service life of existing vehicular infrastructure beyond the 2011 forecast provided for in the Traffic Study. The Projects 201,664 square feet of retail space and 199,000 square feet of office space are designed to complement the 476 residential units by encouraging pedestrian activities and cultural usages. This Project embraces a Live Work Play philosophy in line with a "new urbanism" growth model. In order to integrate this Project into the community and encourage pedestrian activities, the design team has included exterior plazas and walkways that allow for native plant varieties and vegetative space, shade and breezeways in order to integrate this Project into the community and encourage environmental and pedestrian friendly activities. A connection between hardscape and native habitat with the intention to maximize open space and restore native habitat has been utilized by this project team. Ground floor plaza areas are currently in the design where sitting, socializing, meeting and walking will be possible. • The proposed site for Grove Village is a previously developed site which is not considered prime farmland or a Greenfield or habitat for any species on the threatened or endangered species lists and is not within 100 feet of wetlands, or public park land. Since this site has been previously disturbed, damage to the environment is limited and more sensitive land can be preserved outside of the metropolitan core. • The proposed Projects plan exceeds City's requirements for open space. • By using native plant varieties to increase the amount of vegetative open space this Project will help restore habitat in its dense urban surroundings.- -- THE SPINNAKER GROUP S. ter . NNA : E Major efforts and costs have been taken to design this Project around existing trees. Examples of large, well developed, native vegetation provide ecologically valuable habitat. Consideration has been given towards preservation of well established, mature, native or adaptive, vegetation. Covered above ground, surface and below ground parking spaces allows for a smaller building footprint and also will reduce the urban heat island effect for a.Project of this size. Heat Island Effect occurs when warmer temperatures are experienced in urban landscapes compared to adjacent rural areas as a result of solar energy retention on constructed surfaces. Principal surfaces that contribute to heat island effect include streets, side walks and parking Lots. These differences in temperature gradients between urban settings can be detrimental to habitat, wildlife and migration corridors. Additionally Heat Island Effect can create uncomfortable conditions for residents, transient users and occupants. Heat island effect will be further mitigated by the use of roofing materials and hardscapes with a high solar reflective index. •Site lighting can also have an impact on nocturnal environments for people as well as wildlife and habitat. Reducing light pollution by limiting light trespass and up lighting can improve nocturnal environments and provide greater access to the night sky. This will be accomplished by thoughtful placement of permanent Lighting, such that it does not escape through windows, minimizing up lighting, using lower power densities then recommended by ASHRAE/ IESNA standards for exterior lighting, and by carefully designing site lighting that does not escape the site boundary horizontally or into the night sky. The Project's .lighting plan has not been reviewed or developed at this time however the Owner and Design Team has indicated that it is their intention to meet the leading national requirements addressing minimizing heat island effect and reducing light pollution. The orientation of this Project in relationship to the sun's path across the sky lends itself to efficient energy use. Energy modeling software will be used to compare proposed roofing materials, building orientation, glazing characteristics, insulation values and energy systems, in order to determine the most efficient and cost effective means for cooling the interior of the buildings while providing a product with high Ievels of comfort for occupants, transients and residents. By using energy modeling software as a design tool, this Project will lower energy costs by at least 14% annually. Additionally The Owners Group will be using to using EnergyStar rated appliances for the residential portions of this Project. Stormwater will be managed with drainage wells and catch basins designed to recharge the Biscayne Aquifer. Sewage will be gravity feed to existing Miarni Dade Water and Sewer Facilities for treatment. Contractors will be required to adhere to an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan before groundbreaking in order to reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation and airborne dust generation. Rain water harvesting, and low flow flush and flow fixtures can be used to alleviate the increase demand on municipal water service infrastructure for a Project of this size. The ability for tenants and residents to recycle workplace and/or household trash will be provided for in this Project. Recycling facilities are a requirement of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building rating system. Through out the demolition and construction phases of this Project attention will be given towards recycling a significant percentage of the demolition and construction debris. 0 0 THE SPINNAKER GROUP Issues pertaining to the supply of housing are addressed in the Project Description portion of the MUSP application as well as within the Economic Analysis. Approximately 77% of the net building square footage for this Project is associated with office or retail usage and 12% of the net building square footage allocated for residential housing. When considering how to encourage balanced communities with a diversity of uses and employment opportunities and simultaneously reducing energy consumption and pollution from motor vehicles by providing opportunities for shorter vehicle trips and/or use of alternative modes of transportation these percentages can be telling. The Southern California Association of Governments www.scag.ca.gov/Housing/balance.html website contains a definition of jobs/housing balance, analysis of regional jobs/housing balance issues, and benefits of achieving a jobs/housing balance. A recommended balance is to include a residential component equaling at least 25% of the Project's total building square footage, and locate and/or design the Project such that the center is within a 1/2 mile walking distance of a number of pre -Project jobs equal to or greater than 50% of the number of dwelling units in the Project. This is the recommended way to considering the housing balance. It is my professional opinion that the proposed development site is appropriate and will have a favorable impact on economy, public services, environment and housing supply within the immediate neighborhood after reviewing the potential environmental impact associated with this Project. While developing the design for Grove Village and building on this site, consideration will be given towards using water efficiently, maximizing energy efficiency, using environmentally appropriate materials, and monitoring indoor environmental quality. In this way the impact of development will be ecologically balanced with the performance of our builtenvironment. EED AP The Spinnaker Group Environmental Consultants 786 897 7783 TAB 5 TREE LEGEND ; (AS LOCATED ON 2/15/08) :w.. -T T—i�—AF—g w i�.o. ±e r me j �—"— g "' i BOUNIOAFRY SURVEY re e o 11 —12--� .;r.. 23 w 13 —I2--i—� m Y =_ o 5055500.111n1gH m —�—IT —0— [ � I' vu. v i •wN ,e. . w >um `9 w a.,�.,... m _m_ _ nrmr�oraaru'� m i.m .r. u M mx e. rm• rlw. r.m V. bew...l. _ �- —sue —Yr—T —63— N ra. ,... it _ A-_ T_ m >4 ,Dw wm 01004 w ur- W� �. w i . w w` x'"a �.�..... ro, w. D. r.ante x w ae.. S -11-- Ir —_0— --y '�- rwy �: —r -g --- ra. en Ip I.x 1.7.."....,wm[e 1.....Ow. i>, w seo. e — —i— 1.4 ." he 150m::0 ei 10e4mp.'4 s,. Mat. e. a.a.a>,1 .;1056n5 BOUNDARY SURVEY FORTIN, LEAVY, SKILES, INC. CONSULIINO ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS GROVE VILLAGE PLORIDAOBLI1FlGi9 OPAVINGYRAi1GNNUO6LD.06.1S CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ISOM:art 168. Straw/xmm Suwlewel,. Rod. 31162 lkem)O1-0f14.V1 Pui6Y6f1419/Email6 qm --a— —1,— 40-104 130 reel �m¢�IGDmi in a wzq w w rt1 un.W.,m asa ,�.'�'lev I». aaDDxuts n�uar.vr.:-Des �1,. ieu. Ivrtn n 0444,050040.010.4.400.3.5MO.,a e•we••COMM `v� "i• 133.V. 5 om .[ra,, urs Irn.¢au wrvnl Id. V. ,so. a w 1we nawm a vau-rte. w.v. va.. or S : ' e..w�A'm&'°.;11."+ wmoa"> ":4 0.,�1. «.'w 'MOM e) ten Im a w rore rwas el «..rpm. pa.V, 1222 m, ter 1..010t Imam ass tr. ram ro ,a w:Aiiw: ,.. ran .1.x m ras w 1..,� .o r:ww*, n wu.D[D . a n r9Nsrt.D...z.v Ie Is a.1 Doi ' ."v" can a a w M Ip Iwo a u 6*. i» a. 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(0-130) 1 ( 100). 1 u u� kkirin 24 g ,B ; ( jd6) 11B � THOMAS AVENUE `, n r r m w'66 o 0 0 w THOMAS AVE. m_ 3;� SII i7 7 in m rr mrx " am '� mar o x• a v 1 I 1 1 1 1 �' I I 9 1 1 1 I _ - 23 -124 25 1 261 27 I I I 20 39 30 31 32 33 39 }5 01 o x r rearm un ar u 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 3 I am ur m x q am er ea 6 33 { )i n �j1' 1I 34 6 66 65 64 63 62 61 601 59 I��n""„a�dpm.,.°:M 58 57 56 55 54 —�— LOCATION SKETCH I 35 a n "�^ NOT TO SCALE: I� PIT WILLIAM AVENUE/{3 mTu Tar— ... 48 r A 1 1 1 2 1 3 1�4J 5 1 6 17 1 8 \F'-11"6)i 12 13 1 14 1 15 I 9 I 1 T—� 0 kw 10 I 1 r.w la.am q..4e..iD .wa. 1w ors .ua. n Or am i) ammem 4603 .wa. 10 44 Lass w.a. -O0,w.x aloe 1•1 _ 0.00Om 00. _ .m,........,,,•aWa uwe.eb M pp,. u..o°ua..0 ere a .,eevwae a... -p..1 oe .oWe1..., yrrrkw... va •ww > = e.,.4''' ,.m. IM u. la x.wre w 1e n,x..1 ,n ,. - [.Dx ..worw xw ue mm eam a..e vw...ae. Iwa,.m � —1,-- —6-7--P--4— mum m 'T—!T—*--6i,— T.—P-19— � sn0 � �i— Of T'-18— 10 T P .u.s 0 y m or a q ...,4 wa1 s b. aw, a .e. ,... a .srlex.• ivin b .,e eaoulizio rm..iss . - S.n.#', Idn ".. 'orr.i4t.m�,�i.em DI'Jb ID pe.le —�— � ,w IM wx2* u1 a w1. a1 1 s1 n � w e, u . ,r .n a w.x A SVBVEV0850E810I66I 4I0 t+.m h� 49 TV ir e T r•ii Pi .hv 9,.a _m.w,e um w1010Ow i:WL',tim Iea fore. d _ e A 01. Dow T —g— F FO200533-103911165900.1542 1ww s0. w - or 0 e e Pi �_T Tier s .be. ca..,a...a.e rs ttmfW 0031 m T-1i,- -__ T o, w o w emu.. 1 et 0 L Ee- :; e. r° °°'i "ems e. r 1 n. ' 112 GRAND AVENUE I ii- iii) - ILI9 iiii1,II _ 11lug irifir: i • THOMA 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 _— H — H _— + — — H _—I_—+—_H_H— I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I• I I I 1 I I I 1 1 L 1 J L 1 J _ GHANO AV NU, I I OMAS ■ri. MIi0IJIPV WILLIAM AVENUE I I L 1 1 j FLORIDA AVENUE o 4 loll. fg s I IL 11 gF �� EI end —� iE___ I p !� aD A13 :UIFI�"-° al THOMAS AVENUE J. -1 L 1 1 L 1 GRAPHIC SCALE j u i Ir i F -- � THIS SHEET IS FOH GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ONLY. REFER TO THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE SHEETS FOR BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC DETAIL OF EACH BLOCK. a rout. there Br. 017112..1 0222222122 02215.16122207.1517 120240 2010821 VACANT I VACANT NO BUILDINGS I NO BUILDINGS ;LT to LOT11 irc I d 5e Ic.,n LOT 6 BLOCK 24 FLAT BOOK B. PAGE 166 VACANT NO BUILDINGS VACANT NO DIALDIN.39 VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT13 VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT 14 ' •. LOT15 53545 10TONY 53506 2STonY BUILDING 2 STOBY BULDING VACANT NOOUILDINGS ::+;��ir. '.iM ifv.s 31{Z? Gcs :....�9i5:'r.i.,�t r ii�.e+e St ca�':F'c r.�r3 c cai�a r 5� =�3,�-i Cir'Pier; �r:�r, rYltil ce yr r e e'S.?�•�cirt�`ue a �v<i a ca c Ask 43,010/.,e.ff '%%/111 Know Aar, below. Call before you dig. LEGEND auu Pot dlAPIIIC SCALE I 'u .0 F3 GRAND AVENUE `.a SjS��e %r' iS►�i2�.cC'•�'a%r:L_w s%i1",� z %�L i. �w: %. •' ,.. ���~�r LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE tt: AVENUE THOMAS AVENUE WILLWA AVENUE 11144 1'f'IBSXN'r'1..11.1.1 AO[NV TO ADD LOT 4 01% 22 (1/8/101 0 mpittgottarearifiliv.vaustitevormententvtatil:/ t.rvier$ 14' T-T.2e1=1.= tr, 55 • . ffaletz zieztralAme5fmr.-- 7t„ FrOMJP.,.......114.94.S449,-.T. • - '04:1;k441•9,4MS:14,•,•4%.! ........................................... ••• • • ,•••-f , , pg ni,SNWV, • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e pc:AAA:44 ;.v.v,..1,5,:svA.k.;,.m.,cx;•;•..0 1.:,potrzp•Kr.A.k... s.T.41010.4.latk..7.*,-Aft4r4rAi..74:44:qc,PasikACkA,.wf4::•owsr. 11111116, • • • F. 9II0. '" I., • fir othev .r.liner4marr.1 — :r "!Illr.., 5' -r.,,''. s=rec - 1 S'.41.4.: - \ 1 NI•iiiii6: •• t liwrzimberms* • : 3.101/10. .-2.. pt 1 xr.....,. ,:e' k==.-- , •• It. %;:re,w.a.4,:inr-lia' I • 5 5 i'' :„„„„„„, : LOT 9 LOT 8 I LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 01 1 . LOT 4 11 1 " „ oilio6F651' &Oa ...........alL ni"gr........ \" A AG ' ., NOVBUILDINGS VACANT NO BUILDINGS VACANT NO BUILDINGS VACANT No DuiLDINGS VACANT NO BUILDINGS 1 It 72 -4 LOT 2 i I i 5,,77-c/7.1 ri 1 BLOCK 27 1 I 113420 2 STOTIY BUILDING , - - - .I'• PLAT B00124 .°A..... LAG 106 ,.. 1 Ii LOT IT , i LOT 10 . . Hi . .1 torn ,A 1.-1V_3ar_I 91 r I VACANT I NO BUILDINGS 1 1716 S§6, S.. ill ,1 1111 )1 E : - LOT 13 N 0 VI TAUCLA ND I NT GO LOT 14 NOVBAUCILANTSINGS LOT 15 NOLACILANDINTGS LOTIE NOVBAUCILANT DINGS LOT IT 141"" VACANT NO BUILDINGS I 9 LOT 18 .L717..1'7' t .. r 14- - .— "‘ 1 [ . serproave ..* I_ 441L5,7 ,,, \9 .F I !It' ,,, , ...., .. - -,, .-- •:•....,-, -:- ..., , ;-:-*2L__'.--.±.-.._1. _ _•____.:','f 'L.__ -_ _f..-Dt• _ _ ''-, ....4. ;,____::.-='• .„.,..-- ..7‘___ - .1.--..,r,-.. 7, ` rertrurnooKe.maa .1 / ,,...- jlitR111101111MIWillin ' .., Mr LEGEND LaL ICa cf wn.t - Slettartert • Know lows below. Call be ore you dig. 50*71110 SCALS w co w 0 FLORIDA AVENUE TT' g2-- e THOMAS AVE. - I 1 1:111: LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE: 1-1-449-1-4-r • I FrrrNc, "?trioRrN, DPW '''11.)421'51r27"1-'"-m THOMAS AVENUE • $0101,010i0i0 -1E99-1-- 1111 — WILLIAM AVENUE ' 1, .180994.1""1".: AMP 70 ADO LOT A. etx SZ (0/0/10) DANA 8 >- w > cc 2 B w >- 5 Er cc < 8 g a . z 0 0 ca telt 0.30/10 ge•l• ocrTmEm eatt 071(0211R2 Plotted: 05,1010Daa 24060,0-1. factd Deek.FILL Bab1510 9407.151) lea Ite. 2010.1 Sneet • et 0 at.111.9...:Lgta /2.. 1Se. `50.031 _L rn Tarami./ ,w1 LUIL %Wage LOT 2 =Z. 11/ V./ i3 PLAT BOOK , PAGE 106 BLOilk 23 A g.L.4.4iya. ., 14 ; 1 VACANT LOT15 LOT 15 Lori NO BUILDINGS 1*0881188*08 I' 3 II . I 7 h Akt, • /./ I I Isint=r,vev'r KMV,..2/S.102.41a0.55f/C/Nr.,/.7.Thrt,a./.' .t./* ;IL/1 t,01..ar/55.c./Nr/S.S./tieZ.:E'5,1",/itar.grIV'Tafte/rar:11:121K./...g/g.414.....5ria:All -"Argammszi, "41.112CMir 411 - it ty N ,AVEN111 I STORY BUILDING RON 51.55. 1339 15, Or MAO/. 515551111 250 Kno.whar.below. Call NOM you dig. LOTIS 41- =• mq,Ttsst mzr4ag.v. irt:',g44S4sivi424 ,,tte.ssg tz.-.,i.;...4svotx.Affc.ItArzs‘00,tizAli4,t$RiAoiTigArk%Selv IEttA,Sirtt...1WJAnt."rtiI'ig..katv:O.Z1.1 tfr,V;i3zttizeir3fi'lvi,4701;e1 LEGEND .• 111 0.1.11 ▪ t1501 001.5 13. 5559 51,rta 0.1. 5510 V515 R. mt. 05.51•551 ▪ VIVIY 0 • /12111 Rai - 00110111 5111511.0! 501. 50111/Ar I= • 5.111/41PAK1611 1.11.111. 1,11 0, 01115 G.I,MPIllg MALE LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE: 81 ,-Is-14PYTT1- "JA"..e2Onn!i'lz 1-1A 1-1,7T T a'M,M.M2;oi, f THOMAS AVENUE •• telt/16/1u . - i+1141+1- IL AV • .K; 0 0 8 14.1oe Osoo.U•n 8 W CC 313 g o >- CC Lu < 8 o z D 0 °- OD ° 5 5r-51.551 555.110. 97109211.52 9/11910551 20931-033-1 nda /la 51.115/15 902/15155599951512 13. Va. 100240 7015931 Shov1 5 /51 9 •tip ri$\.�:i3:�\¢SetiCc5tF4 S •`f�'i 4:/ \ 4AS .• • \r�al�I�i i� \ �•Ili GRAND AVENUE \�l�ai�Ii�rlf:i\f\/�f; �i' iEE—er�L+e-si``€ c%�i. .:>�II:.R 'A� 'rt�".,,5., ....FT- S5 �I.: ,�ss !jrlr!\1\/ 16 ! 1f�; i* \ 1 31i3i"��i'�ZA !y a� j�I \1 LY \r1 ! I \]!i 11E Il 19 i VI Ra/!:\i, !i,-\�\'•:i I \ rry-; AI,i/\I ,i •/C r i / . \I!/l \/ .-I I\;,/\/%\ • \I\ \i ��F: �i\i �Jiara/.Y Y' � \/ .. ; ;•f � �... �\r�� /• ... a✓.V _ �! : •'; ).\!' :e�.ue7.rl.! v :e �.�/u\i\�\../.�y•3./ �. � \�♦ �.\�\iu.7S.akh �n�a•'ddi�i�•ti nr�E:ikCn, VACANT NO BUILDINGS MTV. ru 1.60 v macs Ea VACANT NODUILDINGS • o LOTTO N UJ • ya IP O Lim Sa0:Aw 90.I7 3 = Qo i 3 m m "3 tL IOewwl, s below. Call before you dig. VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOTGI LEGEND Ify VACANT w NO BUILDINGS FROW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 28 PLAT BOOK B, PAGE 106 ' hOMAS- AVE E Pi VACANT west unurr ORAPIIIU SCALD A'R ! "w R32B 1 STOFT( BUIIDING i rat Wriamumw-Pilimmilemw DE HEDOIUVILLE'S I S BOOI( B,I PAGE 150 ..... .• I I I -t- - ' 'TTTtI7T 1-T' 'I i --r++±48-TYTA I1 l-l }'9-; ' .. :F[' I I 1 1 1 1 I I —I- la, LOBIDA I ,y�g11,��s a T- la, 1EI,a I,a • AVENUE TT ., IT, l,a In lw �_J_LJ_LJ_L�"L:w alga EE a33a , , I,a _ GRAND AVENUE w -TT--l-iLLl-yyT-I1I-J�I--wyrnnfnnl-,fFt ¢ - lIl-T 'PoGG'19i rm --a YY141W11 .�'alr 1 .Poi' , "I gE a e,--- , ;1HOI al sx Alen `T_24 THOIAAS AVENUE a THOMAS AV AVE.i 1 k LOCATION SKETCH S(-1 7 -i191-1- [ '" "I"I" -I_`t i-i-i-- "iiw, "i'S I ' (-_ NOT TO SCALE: l, WILLIAM AVENU 9 TO A99 LOT 4, MY 22 (9/0/ 0) 9 0 001000 066060.1 001002110 200.001 0.1616160061611 0060, , VACANT NO DU/WINGS LOT30 < co c‘i L('5' < 0 sarnurw • 0 1 vAcANT NO BUILDINGS LOT3I Kno..hara below. Call before you dig. LOT 32to i50 " • '.: 4: amtspammetriklaistiaveyfiagatok-mait 3 LEGEND MAI QS' MA - Mop - tirareOl rap 'PM WK. war 0 - more par t=1" • - man OrMIC IlIVATO1 oar. - 11011CY Or snwenac 60)01) 44x-riotEl . me...xce ,11.•oge arpAl lune L DE HEDadVILLE'S \,t* I T BOOK B,I PAGE 150 " TI LiLLOT 25 NOT t —7- -1— I \ I A PART VACANT I NO BUILDINGS 156 VACANT NOBUILDINGS FLORIDA "1iff Eil_'1" AVENUE - " 1" . -,1"-.' '. " " ii. 1- .-Ifi.l!'ellIneaL% ..-.t . GRAND tiVENUE .114.714 ' .1117.74 11 ,T. NefErne % THOMAS AVENUE i. c.. T4101MA: S: AVE. . i .1441.1.111 :. og:Mili LOCATION SKETCH r, NOTTO SCALE: V •,..._... - ---. - 1111111 WIL IAA AVENLI . , • . • 1.1. '' 1. .EKB LB BOO LOB ELX BB (9/13/10).1.61 :aRW :•:: - 6h ELORIEf . •�'. V(ENEIEM: eealsi".aMt ......deli'i�1F.'R;76AItl " �"[9�� w� ;•�1ev� k.��_r_n4Eic3Y�t3�tsr3x>A i3� SPA�RT I STORY B�C PLAT BOO PA E 1U6 m �sieo l � sae I..6 I n LOT2 - :Mk.I A IER ' f 93003 mueti ,N:rnom war am. DSTOBY ,sto BUILDING m� Wu is e a°•i 43:4�Nm&�e� f - � .ia C i_ . 'F "3>a> (-ti['[`y;T.7S� Sa ]!uj•�C:�✓.� S ♦ >�(ii?�?:�:�ii:'S>U' �ys?:ii3.",�„v=�_ JaJ' c r •Ha" hl - ,yr„q r - -a .>a"ti�'S `. /.t`�\ � �: it r Cr'.>'ia r > a a v� q>�. >2>a5]i ar]>av^:®6ia a7,]f2 Z C,i:.> leg i� g atk > i Y !a 1R> A>!i ]/k > tC> li i I 1/F■s. 1 `'iStf �$�:�� S:i i�Aa.•[,aa� "' F3f - ;;. -. -o. . ., .e.. - ✓ • °. °iic a.'fh �■ s ' ■I �I': zz a O tSraef. V. O i„b Know what's below. Cali before you dig. LOCATION SKETCH tll' AVENUE, Ij1•r, t, 1, F Y xr u , -LJ fT-rT I• THOMAS AVENUE NOT TO SCALE: WILLIAIA AVENUE 5 10 10 A99 LOT 4. BUT Sz (9/8/10) A w CC w z D Ur 0 J 0 i > O Q w 00� z0a O o m A:e 03130,10 x.� /BABB By. anmso flea 0000. illy SIM es 0 1,3340 1 STONY DUIIDING • IOT15a WIAPIIIB OCALA yr:D*�"rYwii r9� /, YrYSYQ3 'i*SV ji: r•S_WKIN f,S�a!t iiN i'INS. 41 .r.. ♦ .,r...• f :\r rQ.0 .' 3cj$ lt,,IN.' . ,%A,,y.•$i7tl ''.a',s '-i. !""?,— i71d 'Y i s5r ih i�4, ii�i�i�:�S�' i�r�r�f,>Sci���!"tMei. u :�.Zi.. Yip=:e:i?a:��rle.Y%YSinSa:%i>: ?cf4A1• 43�r�S:itivv:5:i ,ir�rl�:i;Fir:%'ea�9tS:i2i'E::32LaN:o:'F9`:t It i��3.lillf cj n,.,�����,���r .. ..— a 1lf t�RYr� Y111I %iY��.`� < �.,,'�rf Q. a t -, ice: F—.:Ya" h ..s�:� f�- :sr s i ,at: f.!1r3!.:uh. [w. �:. x3.N 7,: /� Y% i ; 1 / �� "��I .,u••'e' 04 �ii?d-ii .. �. i1P "�IIiTw .,. W. Q��® V- 1 - 1 ' SSI:; .� di Stl rtrz^ M'a1—'7a 091 1 rY Y �.YY -Ini vpw, :1 d Yfi�?+�f;f�37k 251 MR gY QSi7l7ti 1<!' a ual. fl S+N..:. .f".!.'FS _ GII IL'4%'• !id „P 1;1`r,e 1 ,_ e in sue' ° 7...vSri �wss A� �vslav mm��T9n ®'€c 3ii�%�o9Y .!�.,�c:.•: ci�33,..., a^r;rr�rys,_ 31f111 >:f3i d:Cl 11,5 •'.SJi "��il �.VY` fi2��rv■I INIAI i3�i�Y'` RL1'rs+A ii it`�!2!t�.:.d3��.i�iY:•'r3r.>,ih]•d``� eZt..:�:v.`e::es�SV.,�1?:a:Y!a:r�3:YiiuYLKv:%•5'.La%e:i� Sf2:%:j:�::%i:�.��Yii�i?:e: � ��ss::�:v? �:vYY�t2�i u_ 8 Le NO BUILDINGS I `^�:,, Y::... i r J Ceeiae Know what's below. Call before you dig. THOMAS • LOT 17 D33o1 1 STONY BUILDING to s wxnn•m, na LEGEND IL o. THOMAS AVE. 1 � WILLIAM AVtNUt 5. LiEeg 011 14 bear 0.10 MOM 2000,033-1 1.11,113•59301.13.117 100240 .10-031 sTest EXHIBIT "A°" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lots 27, 28 and Lot A, of Block 28, AMENDED PLAT OF THE FROW HOMESTEAD, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book "B", Page 106, of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of said Lot 27, thence South 05'10'48" East along the West line of said Lot 27, of Block 28, for 10.00 feet; thence departing said West line North 84'11'16" East along a line being 10.00 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Lot 27 for 1.50 feet to the Point of Beginning of the herinafter described parcel of land; thence continue North 84'11'16" East for 80.17 feet; thence South 05'48'44" East for 93.41 feet; thence South 84'49'12" West for 81.19 feet; thence North 05'10'48" West along a line being 1.50 feet East of and parallel to the West line of said Lots 27, 28 and Lot A, for 92.52 feet to the Point of Beginning. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: — This site lies in Section 21, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Miami—Da'de County, Florida. Bearings hereon are referred to an assumed — Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for — Lands shown hereon containing 7,500 square value of S 05'10'48" E for the West line of Block 28. easements and/or rights —of —way of records. feet, or 0.172 acres, more or less. This is not a "Land Survey" but only a graphic depiction of the description shown hereon. tensions shown hereon are based on Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, Inc. sketch #4008-008. 6URVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this "Sketch of Description" was made under my responsible charge on April 28, 2010, and meets the applicable codes as set forth by the Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. "Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper" FOIN, LEAVY, SKIES INC., LB36 By. - Daniel C. Fortin Jr, For Surveyor and Mapper, r'435 State of Florida. irm DOMINO PARK RELOCATION (Drawn By 0 Yo. DANJR LEGAL DESCRIPTION, NOTES, AND CERTIFICATION 080367 Dwg. 4008-008 FORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS Date 4/28/10 Scale NOT TO SCALE Job. No. 100342 Plotted: 4/28/10 10:07a, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls@flssurvey.com Dwg. No. 1010-022 Sheet 1 of 3 1 1 24 -2 1 5- 24 a. I I I I I I i— It 1 IIi 1 1 I i/) 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 I I I I I I I FLORIDA Si I (=-1,06) 1 AMENCIED f?LAT!O4P 1 3 2 1 1 THE FFTOW r 9145 T�AD� 2 A I I I 1 1 1 1 10 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 GRAND 9 10 H 1 11 I EXHIBIT"A" I 1 1,L 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 120 I I I I I I I AVENUE 1 i (B-11106) iii 10 I s 6 1 7 106 105 1 4 1 3 1 2 11 --I—I- -I— I- 1�4-1--1—a-- 1 1 I 1 AMENDED PILATIOF 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 1_LJ T f 7 T-I (A-1Cm" (f)"!- 8 I Is 15 I 13 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I �j I I I I 11-I 12 1 13 14 115 701 a6)- AMENDED PLAIT OF 118 THE FIt1OW HOMESTEAD 12 THOMAS AVE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 I I I I 1 I 11 SITE m I= 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 I I I 2 1 I I THE FROW HOMESTEAD I 10 1 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 1_ 1 L AVENUE 27 �AMENI ED�PLATT C�F ? �24 123 i 22 6 I \(B 10 I I I I LU 2 30 CO s 22 21 1 20 1-140)9 18 I 1 ( THOMAS AVE. o I I 1 31 11 32 33 34 35 23 124 1 25 1 26 --c�150)_ I I 1 66 165 1 64 1 63 I 1 I 27 62 17 19 1118R 17 HO�VIEI'1`4`fi3 12 I1 1 1 1 11 1 I I DE HE?DOUVIL.LEIS 116 ISY RI `( IYIN� I „ 10 I I ( 1, 0), I I 28 1 1 1 1 1 29 13131 132 133 134 D kD314 VI�LEIILS --- TSU D1E 1S1 YN — 61 60 159(�58 �57Q)I 56 155 1 1 1 1 1 WILLIAM AVE. 35 54 07 cc AMENDED 1PLATIOF1- j THE BROW HOMES11EAE�2 (B 106) 1s 1 Drawn By DANJR 080367 naz. Dwg. 4008-008 LOCATION SKETCH FORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS Date 4/28/10 Scale NOT TO SCALE Job. No. 100342 Plotted: 4/28/10 10:07o) FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls®flssurvey.com Dwg. No. 1010-022 Sheet 3 of 3 GRAPHIC SCALE 25 50 100 ( IN FEE) I I 1 inch = 50 ft I LOT 12 \ LOT 13 I LOT 14 I LOT 15 I _ I_ - _ I� G�N AVENUE OF MIAMI � CITY OF RPAGE (AVENUE PER LAT BOOK B 106)_ _ L70' PUBLIC OF W BLOCK 23 PLAT BOOK , PAGE LOT LOT16 (Drawn By o COMMENCEMENT o . POINT OF CORNER of LOT 27 4. g NORTHWEST 20.00' DANJR ( 1 e' 080367 Dwg. 4008-008 `lotted: 4/28/10 10:07a) S84 111 6"W 1.50' 1► 5.00' I' 25.00' I S84°49'12"W 81.19' 0 o 6 co N u1 tti O ]C J 0 mg IL EL LOT A LOT 29 LOT 30 0 to O 106 LOT 17 LOT 16 MONUMENT UNE CENTERLINE OF GRAND AVENUE 0 ui NORTH UNE OF LOT 27 LOT 26 FROW HOMESTEADI BLOCK 28106I PLAT BOOK B, PAGE LOT 22 LOT 25 LOT 21 DE HEDUVILLE'S PLAT BOOK B, \PAGE 150 0 0 0 RIGHT OF WAY CITY OF MIAMI ATLAS SHEET NO.46F RIGHT OMWATLAS a CITY OF M SHEET N0.46K n_ -f I I I I LOT 24 I I I I LOT 20 I I I I I LOT 23 \_ _ THOMAS AVENUE (50' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION F ORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS FLORIDA. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls@flssu vey_com Date 4/28/10 Scale 1" = 50' Job. No. 100342 Dwg. No. 1010-022 Sheet 2 of 3 TAB 6 CITY OF MIAMI UDRB SUBMITTAL 05-04-2011 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3400 GRAND AVENUE COCONUT GROVE, FL GROVE VILLAGE BLOCKS 1. FREEPORT (Previously *pawed nut part at this submittal) 2. NASSAU 3. GRAND BAHAMA 4. BIMINI 5. PARADISE ISLAND 6. ABACO (Provinusty approved not pad ot this subtonic° 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 VC. Ib. 1.1,002151 TEL 305.4411 7373 AD\ tsons 3250 MARY Srect, Suite 200 Miami, FL 33133 PH: 305.859.8915 CITY OF 111/1.11 "KUTAA14/7S • .,..tti,16 • TREE LEGEND (AS LOCATED ON 2/15/08) if De gr ff 05 WS Or. ff Shea COO 1o3 21. 3,21.1 Cos. ram ho Tres SOSO DOM POI Spa. tne OMOl saran 1.4. Ort es mama Nor atlY eer IS fen Zff ff ff Goo velne I-. ff Zff x•P Fo'i� !/ L�..... ... ..... .. cn N 0_ I I FLORIDA (3-1,06; SH8E IOI 12 I12. �1a 7-- 3 18 1- cn a THOMAS AVE. 1 1 3 1 I GRAND rn co U m 2 26 IG! 18 AVENUE (a-106' . - 9 - ' s 1 - 3 2 9 22 SHEET 5 i �S —IFFY; 8 11 1-i'3I1 SIGIV1911912G=IC j11I'2II3I1<Is416.1,I'CH AVENUE iu cc --- --r--i--in m - T r-----�<�rt i --2_.. 261 '1... --- i• il9? i G•1 ill 1-i•21'' V m 25 8(-asjrN 1 1'128 -. Im ETI 6 W F I ET 9: C 19 8 6 151 I' I I' 12 '11 tE THOMAS AVENUE �8 %i6151)j5 2 HEET; 4 151 LI115• I6 (0-1($6) 13 LOCATION SKI_iTCH NOT TO SCALE cn co U m 30E 31� n 3.1 SH' __ 121 ,2 • SHEET 7 23 2 2°' : 21. 1 27 (R-150S 1 55 1 Gslfi. 52 28 291 36 31 j 32 (g 150) 41 ; GO 59 , 58 57 53 ;a ' 33 55 WILLIAM AVENUE 1 3ir"✓:7 a(d106)1II I2:13 151'15, rG9r i LEGALOP.SC91P510Y .P`m.:i"=7" m 1P.a .new n le: m.F o: r�.Mion .i I : v.�- (aic .1 ua. _ Inema0. u's. v. I[ss u. Lu1F to r,.1 x..<°I. of wumS l m sl e m • .- y, w° MPa.may.1'.1,.•Im.:Zm•ti MUM 1.1 x.. i 1;F.°ITC :',27= I;I71=L:gUrIo;<I.., m„ 1. L.111 alffffr .. .tr.! e5,.I...1. .5..F 1 (a3R4� w, x lee e.. 1nal W. mICSNex.., 10 1w1 We WY 12 though 15.Ir33on1e. 15 nAar uahtu.1 Mt�tul °..Tartu 2er') :7 Page °ST :a G v "1 P ough m 566 7.5. 15o..b u Le oa:..aad ., 1J.n s) SUNEVOISS NOTES • . b m ,..w 0. 1.. (i1Fin. a 1w�1.1.a m1: Ia1ev n ngn1-.1-..r xieenamman. not r ..M m v. h.m .ccam v...65....1 teauna.,.e a me F,...n. .. A I. vie. x.•. 1�2o^ecc°.src e roe or Less SRO Can Skil 4) Dolan, 104.693 whore reel et 2403 wee. con glen .) .a.. 51..ae 1555 151 n eel .o.. e. n ... m em :.m 7) u.an, .4.03 sumo Ian.., 10. was, eels .r F.. hoot 1. 511m °) ...op 7.55 ,.a. 1..1. or 1753 mn. - Pm,.• 1P n1YYW 44478 , ,n.....1hn',1,r m'° -S. "=i:n4 h:,... we.: �i'f 1jIUS; It W1. 02,3640 bran, urx H':.P.mt.1_ 9710921112 bleed O'10121P 20908311 ale 1easgsIR 5o).15.n ij Ir 1 T._ _J I 111.099 241 !JC FLORIDA AVENUE •—J ( (71-,s„ Es- ' j- ",4-61 •.e —GRAND AVENUE 1- 0 L J L _1_ j i L L J _J 1 n r-4 • ri 3,1j,11 MI 'I I- ,-„si c . - 01 ! TI ''.-1.12_ I at. I ill' 111 1 [ 11011111 [ II , I ! riligg I ,..r... . .=. . I .. ..=. .. 1-- 1 .1.!..- ' ..--,..., I .-.. - 1 ..-.=.., •--1-. ''. THOMAS AVENUE 1 1 1 J L i1 J 0 GRAND AVENUE I I2,109,7:2919.+. 199 "TIFI" 112I - 1= =J r THOMAS AVENUE 0411_114 I I —1- - .:= — r I —411 I ' • WILLIAM AVENUE 17.1 1- (0 u .m VW: FLORIDA AVENUE IT] H 141 HIM GRAND AVENUE — 4 • • -"":"• I.- - 1-- - AI i - I ..!=. El* I I ! — TliOMAS AVENUE _ MIEN. SCE. • e3 11. :HIS SHEET IS FOR SIMMS REPRESENTATION ONLY NEFEFI TO Ti FOLI CYNING PPPLICABLE SHEETS FOR BOUNDARY AHD TOPOGRAPHIC DETAIL OF EACH BLOCK > I o 8 co 5 >- 5 a a CC Z 0 0 , 0 1, SPY uzio.61t. varmoln, 200.211 FLO SIM 092,15126.2021,12 31 PQ I v NODCA .s LOT 10 KAo1T rrbars below. Call before you Big 1 � I a•B L l _T i§4 unuco ren Pux uueuu .nu,m, _.� _ —moo ar;_ .,� 3` +'' FLORIDQ AVENIUE>^ a \ — ry 7ir ,ru.,�aa,r.or.,n ,+ i.,+s ,'' .il r. VADVIT VACANT GG BUIw2GS LOT 11 LEGEND BLOCK 24 LAT BOOT( B. PAGE 108 VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT 12 VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT 13 011APIlle SCALE I-4�1 VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOTH " 2 STONY N 3q BUILDIIIOG� f I fa .1 VACANT \ NO BUILDINGS ly`° rl GRA...g... VENUE o k ' • ^ JIF T11 FLORIDA 11 B-r AVENUE T'1'19-fl' i 1. a'°I•i.l �`¢yy 2. THOMAS AVE T .l LOCATION SKETCH j2 NOT TO SCALE N 04,4, ',.u•2BI„ ail¢ . ySOOEET O `: SHEET 9 u TNOLIAS AVENUE SHEET1 1 1 1 1 1 `•WRLIAIA nv6i50CJ , : `21) .IN:!PS... , , • a w ciB oo CO 5 >-J � > O cr 0 D- Z� 0' bela 03413, Ia DC.r}S[N �sr 1a 1A ape 6334 lw ac Flo Stir m1No 399041. tomb y.� LOT9 IOTA VACAIr NO BUILDINGS LEGEND VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT11 01.1.401 ❑-unin p[ C_� cvrron Waal ef va¢ Lamm.;O mwrw m¢ "mac-11—. VACANT VACANT NO BUILDINGS NO BUILDINGS L0T 12 I ; Know 81hal'S below. Call before you dig VACANT NO BUILDINGS �L m GRAND AVENUE ]fr L� VACANT NO BUILDINGS r LOT 16 VACANT NO BUILDINGS VACANT 1,10 BUILDINGS VACANT NO BUILDINGS 9AVI112 SCALE i u i i �snm'n VACANT NO BUILDINGS E3410 2 STORY BUILDING LOT IRir VACANT NO BUILDINGS m l do LOT17 " m LOT18 y_II hI tjT e 5,1 wl� -T rtip'_tt:8_ 17, FLORIDA Td71a THOMAS AVE' 63, LOCATION SKETCH,(-, �I I:01 70 SCALE ef, —`VALITal AVENUE' uae M1MCBEE Cad 300101. ailraw oia.I s ,ISN 161. Po 4 a ]9 LOT 10 LOT 11 VACANT NO BULDINGS 1104.11.1. LOT 12 ,✓ <� sAsJ '0.q ,_ - I I L ea•, r,ce • a� ::;.�• w x d ���- GRAND AVENUE .li d:,�.:J . �•........ _ tgarzu— VACANT NO BUILDINGS VACAJIT LOT5 VACANT NO BUILDINGS J I OT4 NOT A PART ANEA / INACCESSIBLE WON 04.1V1G.W saw Knowwhar:below. Cali beloreyoudig LEGEND OS 050 ram n.,,II,r rv. C,J-eo G1NNO LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE 0 %LET 1 SO ELT. Cr accr: „,Le2g, VACANT .s• NO BUILDINGS 00 '8 LOT 30 .4( LOT 24 VACANT no BUILDINGS FROW HOMESTEADI BLOCK 28 ! PLAT BOOK B, PAGE 106 DE HELIPUVILLE'S PLAT BOOIC B PAGE 150 CS! ILI • 1.11 11 C. et ,4M 0013' i1I 9so 4 LI 8 • k6 0 m00 VACANT NEE t LOT 21 ..ec NO BUILDINGS ;1314-1. Km:what's below. Call belore you dig. VACANT • LEGEND EL - ¢CvnlIce, end 011.1.10: PrAcon TOO 0,071.1E COS - 001101 0, SIILIcluilE 43.132 1 STORY BUILDING LOT 24 THOMAS AVENGE v..1,141 9. ' / / DE HEDOIUVILLE'S • PLAT BOOIC B,I PAGE 150 :"."-• // LOT 27 1— / i18-H-1--1 -14.4-19-1--;-;- 2,;:ii,...,....y,:,...td..‘"6,,,,,, 10itii.t,.._,..,.._: 18 25 ; 1'.1.;.:, :. • ;• ;, ••• :,'• ;-.;,; fqXi.',--5-1r- -„t-i?syr-4,-.;:-.; 6 CRkni Aiii i -j-":----n-:--'--- 01 "gram:, b., =f1.11'1.1=4: i LOCATION SKETCH /.4? 10 ',CALL ; so-iaL.r o 26 '=".1611or 012 AVE UE, THOMAS AVE ; ; 1-4e THOMAS --!9"! , • , sew* bremn 44,11VICLI_ LOT 35 I/ I ' Ettl-TI'M . 41 : ":5,1".+:1:•\ ...*(;:i ,—; ,;;&• • N_........,........„4\ , 411 et: . •"‘, '' '''\ ila ..- . ,.. Di9MAS. AVSi4JE 1 _":4 _ L . 4,9! L'n.`jr'''''''' _; _ e _ I i 4 4 ,4.. eueu plcatorwo. ,,...., l'-'-- - — - - -8...=.„..,-.„:„., 7-- ,-45-4 "g51:!.m.,TITZ5VW...,.. I ' .tzt.11% , • 14 , 0' >,' * VACANT NO BUILDINGS LEGEND LOT 23 EMSCIMUFIE/1 laggara3 as LOT 66 ....,_ I PLAT BOOK B, PAGE 150i VACANT NO BUILDINGS LOT 24 LOTUS 4 A I P A Fl 711:' I I LOT 63 I 1 1 I ' -"I : I i • I -.E.F_a__411 i 1 1 444) 4, Ti - i _ ft.:L. _ r _ _..1.211.. 4,› ....,..., . 1 . 1 ,, ,... ..., -4'="":tfp-e-- - -.1,7,,,,...----1 -...,--- - - 3 1---- ac _____I---.' ..* 11.--,,------• 1 , _ ,L, .-.,...,.. _ _ EEEii ._. )., - kW' T®i ' - 0 • VA. 1,1.111 LX1. 11. 0101 04E1 tn. SI - wunt PCLE Aff.Ill EL - ELMO.. ...mxttr •••' r...c - to,r tome itms - MULL smcrunc Lai25 I. t gi' VACANT NO BUILDINGS 4 - Q LOT 30 CH LLI E -1 I CO & W - y 'OE -', ', i i'4.1 .„ co m 'Wraps, , VACAtif NO BUILDINGS LOT 31 I CANI 00 EIALIL DINGS 0: LOT 34 LO00:11000 01t0lurFwEs01. arettsr- \ 11 was 0177 [LW,. - - - LOT 33 11173 1 STORY m9'4.?..4 1 LOT 54 Know what's below. Call before you ciMinlic Seat: N 0 T LOT 61 VACANT NO BUILDINGS AVENUE , t, • ;17175: -171, rj. .23. ,.rr ...2_ THOMAS AVENUE WILLLAIA AVENUlt a. THOMAS AVE LOCATION SKETCH MOTTO SCALE 154.4 th. MOW. 0449 1301.11171,_ 1.,•R I 006103.1 0.1.1 911 02/15 01150117.1517 lob Ite 1802411 -14 7 LOT 9 flL- b / i . ..., ---7. - ce. — -..,..-7- - _ .,_0-,--1 -F- —.•,—• „____,-_-7, 7."•-•.,...7-1 - • ,g---ii_ •••• : K.„,,,ars below. Call before you dig. ,9 %COPT .e VTICAlir /10BUILDIMS PLAT BOOk LEG END noir otac gz,r3,< Pa- 11.,011[11 ewSal 1=p, MK, RiE g: tam— :11.10111FLAPU 3?1,-2.8r1G .7„ NEMEC SCA. 1-1-; LOT 14 L_ monyluoTwntnrpIlK41M 3 STORY 5 BUILDING I tF9713-i'll I LOT 17 I LOT181 e , I IIL 4•±44-.18-H-1- FLORIDA AVENUE 1'771' mmuE .1_ 2,P LOCATION SKETCI I 411V,1.,1A,L.1 A,V.E.1,2pUt, NOTTO SCALE HSSfl • THOMAS AVENUE :"1".•1'!'N 1.0 IMMO otriicut 07109211.12 y+ 83383 - 2 Know what's below. CaII before you erg. LOT IB LOT 17 83384 1 STORY Ixa s" BUILDING �n� oa.¢�nusn nv 83340 1 STORY BUILDING LOT 15s LOT 14 I LOT 13 DE HELOUVILLE'S PLAT BOOK B,IPAGE 150 VACANT a VACANT NO BUILDINGS I'9. NO BUILDINGS VACANT NO BUILDINGS BLOCK 28 w,b PLAT BOOK B, PAGE 1063. - ' __ I LOT 13 VACANT 41cc 9 NO BUILDINGS • VACANT NO BUILDINGS I z LOT13 LOT II _o ww.w.fu n < `.. I"':."' =n«•.. •a_ THOMAS aAI VENUE '^.::.` �,;..— =-si}— —a-- 49. 1,46 LEGEND wmut VrOE our Qm OMMALL , uv[ auaaxrn S _ mrmva n.r 1 001101 Cr n[ 034p11IC SCALE Ia�—ImIM1 . 2G` I • ' I 1, Q ' 1FLO IAA AVENNUE is r� li 1xi��� {0 ylfeefr� r L�er� �� 1_�1�-1._y•-_ifl_ 17, •ja4I4T'.• a_ THOMAS AVE LOCATION' SKETCH 7' MOTTO SCALE •� 43 1 -19-N- • LJ_L3� �C 2E�io �� ;ice=Sia '0 -�•. ... .91 31x1ECT r leet D. THOMAS AVENUE SO#ET 7 II -11oA584U__ v i�;w1i; tj „ WILLIAI4 AVENUE �Y ' a'• Ixe'I I'NOPPk.• ti nt. YL3N10 Male M rARiFIA m21/12 hem Book FLO MIF 02/1,100.107,15.0 Job Ilo '41101[4 SCHEME-1 FREEPORT (Mixed -Use) L NASSAU (Non -Residential) GRAND AVENUE G. BAHAMAS (Non -Residential) /ff BIMINI (Mixed -Use) PARADISE ISLAND (Mixed -Use) ABACO (Mixed-ltse) SCHEME-2 r FREEPORT (Mixed -Use) L BIMINI (Mixed -Use) NASSAU (Mixed -Use) //./ ///- // // /.// •,•• //- • // // • //, / • / ,/ PARADISE ISLAND (Mixed -Use) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DIAGRAMS G. BAHAMAS (Non -Residential)! I . ABACO (Mixed -I*) I CITY OF 11EACTI.,.. V AT, ,,i Pir,tg: [7: .11%..1 R....,..., 71;-: • ..-6 .r.._ . __.....n:.!Z(._ ,,,ii•••J _."--/A-A "3..." ti47-41N,7f — C R.W IL A'Rdiugcrs, INC. 4102 InGUNA SMCCI COIMGAIRES. fl, 31146 .01E0 NnAle. GROVE VILLAGE MIX - USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCOIMMOVE. OIVNIZ C0.161/VIS: aljz( Nat!". •i-• SETCONIENTS FREEPORT BLOCK gi SET COVER PAGE ARCHTTECTURAL . •-• •... ..• G-1C0 A-100 A-101 A-10113 A-102 A-103 A-103.B A•200 A-201 A-400 GfU ROVE VILLAGE FREEPORT BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL 2011 ZONING DATA SHEET SITE PLAN I 0 FLOOR P1AN ind LEVEL FLOOR PLAN - UNDERGROUND BONUS PARKING o FLOOR PLAN -3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN- 4111 & MA LEVEL 0 HOTEL FLOOR PLAN - 4111& Sh LEVEL OPTIONEI NORTH AND SOOT' ELEVATIONS EAST AND 1NEST ELEVATIONS PERSPECTIVE NASSAU CITY OF WWI HEANNS COARDS PL93.e.m.avy A.._ < 11) z 0 0 01 ui 221 22 0 1.11 53 01 000 0 rn ittlrity 314334144 SU. FREE.. 5020.3 Pllowod 45447744 SA 41 5.1 TS.. 52 50•2 SO 2.0PTION 0 0103.1 3.1 5112 502.0011.0013 POMO 3.1 1.00. 3“,. ., 34.1.31aue 15.03 02 I. 4 0 34 4094E4 1.i.., 65 734 ..154 13 744 33.7. 95.134 Id.. la MI 73700 11.707 70750 13101 31707 1621FA. 121 4.35.4091.1L',04 0.4., 060 4.0 0 3,0 442.3 99.9 39.531 20500 31.501 63.437 7.472 i 0104.4 4 .1.7..7-33 4 NA . 197. I. 3370! / 33731 7 !WA Wt. ti, 1I0 43 110 7 0 9....... i 0 . 071 C 33.213/ 71172 TWA 8.1.5a FAR 1 2. 5.1114.11... . IVA TA 95336 15 nti 20,260 81,571 66,497 7,672 54.07. ' F043 537 73FT . FT 10 FT 507 541 21T1 5 T I 331 70 Fr .4,013 377 .FI 73 31,344..11 7 .5 FT 5F T 6F T 19 F1 571 6 FT 1557 .1.,.. OF) 5FT . OFT OFT 071 17 OFT OTT 3 FT •99_, 9;3. .0.00.v.141 /3..1.. 07 1.0.11 703F5 5FT . 1444 114. 377. I. I. 511 OFT110.4.05.15TF1.1 OTT 155 OFT VIT.. GF- 10011505003 073 017 OFT 0 0073140Fa.4 .1 I. 3. 4 GIA 0404 CIA 004043 . IPA 10707 140, . 3932 !.....1 / 0 10 3 GA 0514 G. 0103210 0453 G. 0673 0.014 1050 :CIS 70515 13516 I469305400:03 57.7.45, 0.3951. fad IIA U WA 3 57.11 2537 0 1. 3 137.0333 0 003 1.4471447175134330 1. .50...3070 FM. Wit 501SI. 033 It. . 11.400 . 177. 1211 1140.000 hi,. 323T02.1.51031.0211 .31 441 2051 6/ .. . 11 25 G'...:Parlir, gc,11 3 1,.".g1 ZI, 1 FS.,11:1 20..501 N. 2 PS.73.0.1 G 0 4 a 3 S I PSI IX St 0. P414 1,1 If I I. ZS . . .5., IFS.. . . tEl . 2193 IVA 14,34ar UM I. . 4/ 3 110 Ira . Z. GI 4 .1 3 - ....40.736ing IWO . 300 eg,1`,41.1.I0l!!!! ...Y. . I. . t I 00 . 104.410 0 0 F. 0 0 NA T,u, 390.90030.70. .12,131.17 11. MA 0 , .,..,! 51 4974311119 0. 1/433,15 lEA :A 10A FREEPORT ZONING CALCULATION SCALE: , SEE SI IEET 3 ON SURVEY :. , 1 R-1 (NCD-3) (MAX DENSITY .LOWED: 4 uNrrs) MAX FAR: 26 , 966 S.F. N LA ,, 70 700 SF _21E, 55 754 SF (S13-2) 33.767 SF (R-1) 1 16,744 SF (L1.1) 112,557 SF (TOTAL) 75,456 SF (TOT-ALT I !", k FREEPORT , SD-2 (SD-28, NCD-3) (MAX DENSITY ALLOWED: 162 UNITS) , MAX FARS5.3.36 S F. "..4.. ..),/ i nn n n nnnn n GROSS AREA CALCULATION (FREEPORT) ( I SCALE: :400 TOTAL GROSS AREA: 112,553 S.F. -FLORIDA-AYE- 0.0011 KM/0MM 1 ol 1 OPEN SCALE: -UMW ''FCL31!"•'!1'iTtlibS SPACE CALCULATION " 1E I if co: f-YV ACI-IITqrS, INC. .1102 LAGUNA SWEET CORAL .1.15 ta:MG.11.3 FR,ti mE E. ptuo: X RESIDENIIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONul GROVE Iii0916A c'P'O'INTE GROUP 3713/.......,u.r,ss!!,!cLI. 210233 COMULIA1.11.. 1.1•ASE CONMKUAL DESIGN ce-re'( 7f/KIA UNDERGROUND BONUS PARKING 1 • 3776 G-OO ..e.zeffze- ,/ 2•STORYRESICENCES • rfri r4/% 25 RITTMAN 46' 6 o 144 ESICRTREIDEN:6 ar1 RETAIUOFFICE 19,543 S.F. VAU-T RM 6 SF 0 FLORIDA AVE 40U T I OS 4' 00,7 GRAND AVE „valimpw „.,4c15w hmr ..7-Anazt AY/ TRSERIC6 MPI R.I 2STORTREMENC6 E_ALLEY LOBBY 1,291 SF ENTRY COURT 25,8" 104 -4' ,, . ;14. ic• - • • • ' • • • SITE PLAN 1 1/16" = T-0" ' ,' "if-- '1 -',I c,"-,,,• •'...;i ..:-. ....,...-.4 „. er...,. ,,.., c.J.,,... —..;,, , i 6. 4—, . 1- ISIBIEYTRIAN 101 REA NINE IPPIARDS CITY OF ClIATIS PLATIE ,o,r7 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN CO 4102 LAGUNA STREET COM GAINE1•11 33146 Paosicrtme i FREEPORT MIX - USE / RE Sl DE DEVELOPMENTNAL COCONUT GROVE. ROMA OVUM: • POINTE GROUP 32.SOSScnollrool.Sdlo200 JAVAtl..13.331. CONSULTANTS: aizAzazui=gc mama MOND FOR BY comma.. ntE 0:0111,11. no MORO ROCOORROOM jam 2nd STORY RESIDENTIAL 18P-0' 2nd STORY RESIDENTIAL 371'A' _ 1k RAMP UPTO � E> a > I D I' ( � SI-Nam.=-IU so RAMP DOWN TO G�tND-LEVEL LLSR-'12%'I 31 ssll� 2nd STORY RESIDENTIAL 180'.i' 2nd STORY RESIDENTIAL 96 14 91 59 es al no 109 105 59 so 31 104 103 103 70 7111 72 74 „II 7J117,,/' 110 PARKINGSFACES-. B ` 10 Ilj�IS II ''J N II11I I7 16 17 1 10 I IY 511 21 1 42IppI 9 HIII1I� I I 1 " III III ]I ] 35 b 37 _ 3E L—.�L_ U�I ' _� �!� 21 D 271�1 � L L_� _l_l I l—.l ._I 236-8" 389'8' 42 111 258' I 109'-F" X I 18' d X 1 CITY OF NI/131 IE1EIN•3 MAROS PLANT Fl 97.VJ • !r SECOND LEVEL PARKING SCALE 1/16" = 1-0" 110 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 1 IV074i -zcnb! HRC ulii. eY..r PROACIIWIFl FREEPORT MIS -USE/ RFSIDENRAL DEVELOPMENT COCOIM OROVEHO®A "5Y13[R: POINTE GROUP awnseon.amzu WA.4 12?1133 caanuws! nuse CONCIPR1ALCEAG11 106110111 SEAL um j SECOND LEVEL PARKING u+c AI-1 01 181'4' 19U-4' 9' 99 Po 9> 96 9s 91, 93 91 t0 BP DOWN TO 2ND LEVEL SL12%4 e1 9 so 11 33 11 16 13 SI • 1.6 L) as 111 1' -( m I 61 1— 1= A 236'A' 63 III 31R 3 10 07 Im 369'-r 7211 A 31 as 0.4 • 39 P 40 ea 1 C. f, I 25-8' I 109'-4' LI 18' 1. THIRD LEVEL PARKING SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 111 TOTAL PARKING SPACES CITY ql' T3C1dI ;1.:.ROS e11022 LAGUNA STREET COW. GNUS. R 33146 ,cwu®s 9RO*R38 36Li FREEPORT MIX- USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT C000143I1 GROPE R000A GWPOINTE GROUP 329T/m95Yeel, Suns 110 96ALL R13113 COIuuINRsI mule CONCEP1 131131011 0.103113 SEAL MIME 1111RD LEVEL PARIUNG EWE 04.1111 NAC A102 D is `:.Iilli:Il PARKING BELOW -m D nmi �l crxi 244'4' 82'4" 25-8' 82'-4" WOMENS RESTROOM OFFICE 24,115 S.F. D 2 MENS RESTROOM • PARXINO HELM 00-1 FI Fr. ! MECH Ih L -U— r • I111II Cllllll � 8_�� 25 8' , 27' I , 2T-8' , 27-13" 2T 18' 262'-4 f+ FOURTH & FIFTH FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" CT,' CF nil 1 F.ARDS r!E'JI_W • h PROJEC .A. FREEPORT MIX -USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMA MOVE ROROA OWNER. POINTE GROUP 2251Wry Seeel;5!Ce RCO NAM Ra!v COIVAIANR CONCEPTUAL pmC. SELL LIM FOURTH &FIFTH FLOOR PUN I 113.1110. 0..1111 /REST MAC Rm14 A-i103 OPTION A 2625' 4( 43-117 168.10' 43,10' f6/ =REUEL= Lil 1711 Lai PARKING BELOW • L:1 Ell ED POOL DECK Ell 13110:11V CB) EVL, EILIDE101:11:1111Q Jet. tr.b— 71717- r---q-mq947 n ffl ffl Li A doTELEIEv. WERT 64 mi Ein Iff1 6IJ_T,3 mo 1E1 71/4 BALCONY HOTEL 17,608 S.F. 42 ROOMS PER FLR TOTAL: 84 ROOMS dr • 04 CITY OF MIAMI 1 it 7LAROS FL r• FOURTH & FIFTH HOTEL FLOOR PLAN ( SCALE 1/16" = 1.-0" ;,;7414Z-niI7-ea.4 11-ye-4,-/co. .s\I CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. 4102 LAGuiYA. MEET CORAL GABLES FL 33146 in...maw mon...no PROJECT ILLIA FREEPORT MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCCHI)! GROVE ROMA OWNOL POINIE GROUP 3250043or Cox. Butle 200 LIMA FL 33111 CONSULTANTS: 111.43E COIICEPJILALOEILGII FrAcals BEAL C ANGH PULHTE! ABC, 010 M0.41091. 1111500..0 0 .•1101131110i COOMS IJK2•7[03... 11[V-1. 2=ClarOZOTO'F' F21:41141161NUIDIVIVI ?0711r;liCI"aktlaWIII''' Slal1011 FOURTH 8. REM HOTEL FLOOR PLAN OAR !OS. 114.1.41 A110 ne A-103B 111111:""' SOUTH ELEVATION (GRAND AVENUE) I) SCALE: N.T.S. sf..;;L:LL.Li NORTH ELEVATION SCALE N.T.S. EL ,,PVLSW Caw OWLS. H. AI le WOK -MUM FREEPORT MIX - USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUI-GROW. OWIW: POINTE GROUP www11.3.11. 0014. CON wra014 A-20C SOUTH ELEVATION HOTEL (GRAND AVENUE) rp SCALE N.T.S. NORTH ELEVATION HOTEL SCALE N.T.S. OAl REVIEW EV rLnsiT law11.40 4110 LAGUNA SIRE! CaYAL�AR�. PL PROACTN ME: FREEPORT MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT POINTE GROUP l=:OMay R.N.RWen MW.Y.0.RRSb AR n CON(EPNALOPscx SOL ANGEL PREM. SOUTH & NORTI ELEVATION HOTEL xYRxo. A-20C so t2 • owiNNTEDint 111111111101311n11111!lit (T-; WEST ELEVATION (PLAZA STREET) SCALE: N.T.S. 4102 LAGUNA NAM COW. GANZ. 11 13144 PROJECT NAME FREEPORT MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVEAORILIA OWNEIL POINTE GROUP 325T TA. xiodisouxoT mum 0.11113 CONSONANTS: IINSe CONCEPRIALGESIGN rzebow 71/ 4/1 ANGEL PUENICS CAN115.11.11146 BE45.1 rzai, arm= gutat=4,4tg 11110111112 WEST & EAST ELEVATION 0.$ s . ,': ; •:::: I:;••::: ,. •.`— , 'i; OF ITIM0.11 HEA& 3/X1 [WARDS JON. IrLs1W RIZVIEW m...0 EAST ELEVATION (HIBISCUS STREET) es..........1, i.r.4.2 • ,,,,,,,p1 . ,.._...._.2417011 Lt. / '7?;1743t SCALE: N.T.S. A-201 WEST ELEVATION HOTEL (PLAZA STREET) (I \ SCALE: N.T.S. F P.'.IPMI RY EAST ELEVATION HOTEL (HIBISCUS STREET) , EI :A_- 4,1t.LL'� SCALE: N.T.S. 1 i fir CO.RW;I(, ARCHITECTS, INC. e102 LAGUNA STREET COM GAM. 33.1415 PROJECT NM. FREEPORT MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCOIWI GROVE. FLORIDA Owl®: POINTE GROUP 02501.1nwSheet.A118200 MA. R]119 CCN510.1NlR: ow ^ COIICEPIUALIMIG 1 arvpazia ANGEL P&1E4i(5 LTITATITA !Mg axe ELEEVVAPON HOTEL 201 B le /f'//a A GRAND AVE. PERSPECTIVE SCALE N.T.S. CITY OF MIAMI 4 A. *'t (' /Ho CORWII ARCHITECTS. INC. 4101 LAGUNA. SMUT 00.1G.6 R MI. wromni dPnraa P¢OKTIUAiE FREEPORT MIX USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCOIIN GROVEHOIroA OV¢Elt POINTE GROUP 32 .brr Stmt. kilo= AVMLLR9111 lirsE COIiCFP1Wt0E90i1 SEAL 94v uµc GEL MANTES IKE A-400 GRAND AVE. PERSPECTIVE SCALE N.T.S. CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. OT.v CORALAR. fRR.. montRon• Rxo FREEPORT MIX - USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMM GROVE ROPDA mom POINTE GROUP =OMVR SRo.Sas RO1 SWAMR]slss CONLDNIIS MAR CONCEPR1AL RIGl1 irtrzais SEns aad ze gilVa ANLELPUENTE5 COON uifiRUCT '� Infalme GRAND AVENUE PERSPECTIVE OILLYINN AMIN A-401 ON GRAND GROVE VILLAGE NASSAU BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL APRIL 26TH, 2011 e-ct gfrIfoRcHt •1011,01.1NA STREET CORAL GAB., R 3.314-11 SET CONTENTS NASSAU BLOCK IN SET ARCHITECTURAL COVEN PAGE SURVEY / LAND USE A 0.1 SITE DIAGRAMS ARO PROJECT DATA 0/ SITE DIAGRAMS AND AREA CALCULATIONS A1.00 SITE GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-1.01 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A1.02 THIRD THRU FIFTH TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN C. A-1.03 RoOF LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A200 BUILDING COLOR ELEVATION A-201 NORTH - EAST ELEVATIONS A-2.02 SOUTH -WEST ELEVATIONS A203 ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATIONS OF 1111..011 11EJ411KG HOARDS PleteccrIEV:EW n ow.., ;11_2,3' . • - w^ou^ooLovx 1- 1:0 02 0 1- 00 00 111 cN 0 GROSS LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. NET LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. (!) PROJECT DATA ACTIVITY AMEFIOEO SD-28 NISSAU FICD3 ALLOWED / RED. PROPOSED SD-2 SD-2 (Non-Roiirl.j SD2 (FIon'Re90.1 DENSITY: 150Unil/Acre N/A N//. NET LOT AREAINLAI: 70.647 S.F. 70.647 S.F. GROSS LOT AREA (Gu1: 105.792 S.F. 105.792 S.F. FA.R. BREAKDOWN: .86x LGA 90.981 S.F. 80.0645F. RETAIL: 27.264 SF. OFOCE: 60.600 S.F. SETBACKS: Front: 5FEET 5FEET Sheol Side: 5 FEET 5 FEET Sidelnlenor. (AO 1000rProi9 R-11 0 FEET 16 FEET Side Interior:(A4 to R-1 not as Prop.) 20 FEET WA Rea: J OF1(10 FTAUovo 1N) 24'-.5 LOT COVERAGE N/A N/A 40.39452 GREEN SPACE/ OPENSPACE 0.10x G1A 10.579 S.F. 22.845 SF. BUILDING HEIGHT: 62.0' 62 ER OFFSTREET PARKING: JFRCE: 1PS/3005F. 203 203 EETAIU 1 PS/0ro5.F. 91 94 TOTAL PARKING: 265' 297 OFFSTREET LOADING: FROM 25O03 -FLI.tYDSF. III-Ih35Y15' 1 1 FROM 50.000- I00A03SF. N1-I235'x15' 1 1 FROM I00.000-25WS.F. (II.12a1Sx15 N/A N/A FROM 250.000-SCO.000SF. (11.12r55x15' N/A N/A DENOTES 90%OF 294 SPACES REQUIRED= 265 SPACES (AS PER 917.7.1) PROJECT LOCAT ON J LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. (1) = = nom, A.VEM InL FREEPORT mice KEY PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. CD PRDILCI IIMIE NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT cocain GROVI nORw OWNER: OINTE GROUP wrw9sme4 416. ILv1v COIwHANIS: n C011CV1.10f1. 1 / i'F3 f/. ANGEL I'UENTE5 u L1u14L ittru SIIE ONGRAI.'SAND MUM, OATH N. mom AMU A-0.1 CRMD AVENUE LOT COVERAGE AREA (40,394 S.F.) SCALE N.TS. - - — - — - FLCkiCA AVENUE I I 1 A —_ fro GRNID AVEFIUE OPEN SPACE/ GREEN AREA(22,845 S.F.) SCALE N.TS. F.A.R. AREA: 27,264 S.F. GROUND FLOOR SCALEN.TS. F.A.R. AREA: 15,200 S.F. 1 SECOND FLOOR SCALE N.TS. F.A.R. AREA: 15,200 S.F.1 THIRD FLOOR F.A.R. AREA: 15,200 S _F1 FOURTH FLOOR SCALE MTS. F.A.R. AREA: 1b,200 S.F. FIFTH FLOOR CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC, 4102 LAGUNn STREET CORN GANG. N 01116 ,cru.®w i w9u,m PROJECT MA" NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT COCONUT cpovE.NORw POINTE GROUP 520JAMay Stoat Sue2t0 NOA4RUM _ I SCALE: Cm' G=rLL rAI CA.... C-.^aNGS :._.CL, K.4.1 CONR4G1112 mime COIICBNAS0 40N SEAL ANGEL PULNTTS oncx PAT ROT MA.. mSITE DIAGRAMSNIO PROJECT DATA A-0.2 ;Qc Lot uJz (/) 2 (X) CO FLORIDA AVENUE 0 eig1,1 xovr LAnrer,P,, ID ASO.Y. LL" taa 3 1,112 MOUNTABLE CURB ILLS. nrila 30.31.1 GRAND AVENUE SITE/GROUND FOOR PLAN SCALE: 1" = FloTrt SOEKII :1ST CITY OF 311A.MI 11cASAI.YA SIOAEOS ut mpsw 7j5 !ill 1. STANDARD P KING DETAIL SCALE 3/16. A t,cr 4102 LAGUNA SUMO CORAL GABLE. a MIAS 1.06.046•114 'a.m. no PROJECT NAME NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT COCO= GROVE fiDAIDA MAKE PONE GROUP 33503.100601M3310100 AlIA111. maul...Jim MOSE CONCEPWAI.DESIGN Sr. =glen MOM KAMM, alannE SAE/ GROUND FLOOR RAF 041,2011 10104 033 MAC 1010-14 -""*. A-1.01 °Mfg& 11 321 31 15 13 25 151 6616 533377 PAPP. 66. 6.3 66122 ../6.15 11 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (F.A.R.=15,200 S.F.) SCALE: 1" = 20'-0r , CITY OF MIAMI HEARIN1 moms ri...AH:;actaztv 1199292113969_29L_ .0. '-1:V211- .31963 • n 571 iSE 55 2.-j 0 2'14_ t4.} 871 8" DcALE.,ETNA.i..51L. 51 21 .F,g1 '1,11 ACCESSIBLE AND STANDARD PARKING DETAIL CORVVIL ARCHITECTS. INC. 410277A06NA STREET C01626/6113.11. .16.6. 61.6.2 PROJECTS.. I NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT C063111110207.13.02113A 0661,21 I POINTEGROUP 225021.22001.51216202 21102412.63122 C01661561331 6162 C011.12126.012166 22269216 =X" 3116111113 SECOND 1.611. FLOOR PLAN owe AMU 6631. A-1.02 261. 1 1 ml 44. <x Oil R< .sl x kim `o N! R U MI MI 00 23 NI 2I xE 251 N-I !- r ...v. Orer wvt O3 PAVa.0 P.6 KR NIN n 22 I. 3rd THRU 5th TYPICAL LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (F.A.R = 15,200 S.F.) SCALE: 1"= 20'-0" 4 R r COY OF MIAMI OEAP;t:A OC'hWDS PL'di:i,icanaw .-idB- EN LAGONA STUB CORAL GAGE. R. 31156 PROILCIIW.IE �r>< NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT COCOIRRGROVE. NOROA OWNER POINIE GROUP 3xs0M EESbel. Bee MO MMI. 3)100 CONnnANE: G COICWIUAL D61GN SEAL AANG4L o IItS um nu L11IRPlAL EV FLOOR NAN ate 10140. CUMIN 01-262011 0010B LIC AMC 201010 A-1.03 0011111 NORTH ELEVATION (@ GRAND AVENUE) SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" 201' EAST ELEVATION (@ ELIZABETH STREET) SCALE: 1"= 20.-0" ELEVATION LEGEND En_ pas.arin sin,. slue. mu aw ❑t 1FLOrt. 1000001Wv*R W� ❑j iH-il00110 Or0.1.1 WO 0101(0 LI F0-rW4110 NRRNN NW4100lams �f xOvw lam. WMG Rqu: . e01 51.0 FN� © 1011 1410S SR4W. O w cote / 51[RNR00. IS. ORE WO§ 0" ml woo 8 nL-004100010 IH{,Iq 01000ORN 0NM1l5010tt C0RWLG ARCHITECTS, INC, maces a STREET P10..1NNAE NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT C0001M GROVE 0001A OWNER: POINTE GROUP 0210 Nary 0100. swe.W iwAR3a13a CGNLa.u1O. SE n CONCFFlUMOdGN 1.01010 ANGEL PUOTN ES are U#0((3 .16 10101 own. ev MIN oaSae R1Na A-2.O0E SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" ELEVATION LEGEND M evaOM um sWOUO Wa iIV Wife �z PG... JM MP°A,N: WIL YM El r-rrsxaio o O WR .../.. We. UROWOt OPUS �s uuew (®. serf) MARC. El 51.0 RW/( env �i mum Ram ME ❑e roar 0001OYse ❑o xctaw t wxo s,,ms O xiww a1OA / 0.P.. II rm. sum a.al. U: Aae ItseeE 51.0 CI jrv: nn(101414 reun. g hot edo r`U'�s mIX ROcnmt xu=w © rR-rYPYAno ONWN PP E 1.-DP ..no er®un& Row PIG '❑° PPP /M wrt a umP,us 0 sarcni Sn20 P MM E DanU tor / rwrosi OI pet-OZWAOo 0 IIPPIwno PM%W www CUPS cam CRr OPe0101 i l'cd.001 1:= :: ;ANUS • PROPONAMF NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT COCOIM GROVE RCRM OMI@: POINTE GROUP ]2WMmrseeal. sues 000 t. R CONanwEOrLGN OPPOKS ( 1A.Ur1 AN .FUENTES vv .IPP siOFin Pffrolif Tam u�0.1.4911 AaNl 201040 wn Ov AIC Army AMC Ira 2,010-43 A-2.02 Mj atilLildi UNE 11.11.111MLIAII.I A .0411 41102.1101410 AIN ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION ----- SCALE: 1" = 1 0'.-0" .„. ldifflth :1111: f1.0, 11N15,1 SA:Wry. prm ,LEVAID: fl'Vl taft115C1C111 OM LOA r..1. AI ALL C 1.91. 514Kr.0 ealia - /MM UCOW / welkin --- on cal cuss SluCCO 0.MA /111100.k1 / 50i61.11 0.7.1110r MON) -nawno [Mallet VX0 nom 141-f 4.1.111 110.11rt MOO E1,00,05 E,Lr.c• 1,111P411,1r.:. • FIS-00 [GOMM SI.J110d LOC HAW 511XCO lIMAILY CPAIE Flu1S..1,07 ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 111,00.1111 1¢10. GIE GINN W.11. ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION -•---- • __________ SCALE: 1' = 1 0'-0" I , I : ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 1 0'-0" 00 R W IL 'ARCHITECTS, INC. PRO.FECI NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT C0001411 GROVE ROPLIA POINTE GROUP 3.01.1,313.5l00 M.1.1113113 CONSULDNIM C:1": Alr.f1.1 IIE ' •••, r..,M1OS 11,:n Oar., (7._ • CONCEMADESIGN ItAT.1613 MARGE° PARIIAL EIEVAIONS 0116.11 2011,10 AMC .10. 0‘405.. 5 510Rf 1044 1:20,1-1k0.10: 0.9.7vC ROOF LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1". 20'-0" J1- fIflhI 11: 111 (7% „ i Mi. 0.51.0 G0.0: 60 (56 0.006 R.% „! J(_,;I 1L- r1;1. .12 3 4 5 03- 55 -454 5 I 46 44Ltrr 23 211 n 10 I 15 1, =CM', OF MIAMI "Va 111 46:160e,206*01;1 CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. 02 LAGUNA SIRES' COM GM.. 331.46 •0100.00101040020 PRO., Fake NASSAU MIX -USE DEVELOPMENT COCONIN GROVE. ROODA POINTE GROUP 32.921.10,0001 swear 141000. 33133 C1:00181/.110: 0100. OXICEPRIAL 01.01 [00i0116 22ATT,2=7:2.111,11 0111110V0E NON. IOR 0001.1,110 comm. am LIZAINT. 3001.1100E0020.01101000 OMR 0.0v ocon 01,030131 10 PPR .0001=1101.400 .300 ROOF�VEL 00202011 .103110 2010-0 00.00 ..000 AMC 4.4 201.0 310E1140. A-1.03 1, ON GRAND -ZOVE VI "AGE GRAND BAHAMA BLOCK ILL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - REVISION! SUBMITTAL APRIL 26th, 2011 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORAL GABLES FL 3131/15 MI./ACM.1 1211.1401.9 SET CONTENTS PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK 'EAU ARCHITECTURAL COVER PAGE 0 SURVEY / LAND USE PROJECTDATA& LOCATION MAP 0 A-1.1 DIAGRAMS PLANS A- 2.0 A-21 A- 22 A- 23 A- 24 A- 3.0 A- 3.1 A- 3.2 A- 32 GROUND FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN THIRD FLOOR PLAN 0 FOURTH FLOOR PLAN FIFTH FLOOR PLAN 0 COLOR ELEVA710N FRONT ELEV. (SOUTH)- REAR ELEV. (NORTH)) 0 SIDE ELEVATION (EAST & WEST) ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATORS 0 GRAND BAHAMA BLOCK DEVELOPEMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL PROJECT DATA ACTIVITY AMENDED SO.20 GRANO BANANA A2102/20/NW. PROPOSED SO, SO2 SD3 BENSITT: WA t11A NA 1IETLOTANEA(NIAY 61.411 S.F. GROSS LOTAREAIGLAI 85.516 S.F. ar. 51.610 S.F. FAO, 0Oe a LOA 62161.665 F. 22.192 SS. Front SRO s.P 512s1511r. SFEET 5'0. 5210!Mav(AO lo wrPlop N-I) 0FEET O.0' Silo 10O11onInt910N-1lw1001F.pl 20 FEET 254 N0f 0 FT (10FTADwO INFO BUILDING FOOTPRINT. Nu GREEN SPACE/ OPEN SPACE: 0.111a01A 11.551 SF. 16.016 S.F. A... Open Spvm IV, 10V. 17.6296 91111.01110 HEIGHT: 62,0" 620. OFFSINEET PARKING: Pam.. WA AM Rel../019= IPS/200 S.F. 2.11 219 Tani Pal180: 210' 219 OFFSTREET LOADING: PION 25.000-50.0005F. IN. 12526515 1110 N/A 1000.150,000-100.000 S F. (1)-124154115' 2 2 MOM 100.000-250.0905 F. OP 12f95'a15' NA I0A 11m21_50,000-520.000 S.F. I11.12a555Is NA IUA • DENOTES 9D% OF 233 SPACES REQUIRED .210 SPACES (AS PER 917.7.1) PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. KEY PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. PROJECT NAME': GRAND DAHAMA OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT CO..ONN GROVE FIORIOA OwNFR C0115UI2A/115: COIICEPT.I. IGH SEAL oANCEI PUOE11TE5 t1f 1PROJECT DATA. AN() LOCATION MAP MEW rSPACE Sq. FL FLORIDA AVE MAW LOBBY 2.474 Bq.R. u � 41_I t ELEC. FPL ire\ 4 nd ROOM VAULT COI I 14 RETAL SPACE 9,420 S9. FIFI. LI:L.M.1.1..M -_.. .LIErrl'.Vv.LJ.Vv.l.1.17V.Lil l_ 1Z1..1. ear- j� 9 _ 110 11 GRAND AVE F'- 12 GROUND FLOOR PLAN Cj SCALE: 1/16,1,0" 20.587 Sq. FI. TOTAL RETAIL SPACE 2? PARKING STALLS CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. LAGUNA,4102 STREET CORAL CARETS 0. 3314E PROSECI NAME GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE. FLORID/ OWNER: CONSULTANLS PAYE COnCvi�`_��iu�1 E 53535 SEAL KWOI AS tc874 P 8ES Asa COW. ATIC011.1CTI OM OTIELAWSE IROVIND F. al TO MK MIME 01110 MITI MGM MAO= ALoinmaittKAmc GROUND FLOOR PLAN jog pay CITY OF WPM MAW., IIGt114'! ; O'-A805 PLAS:a; m""'Y! INS Ly ��SS ._._ •0 II NTR.r Z6�/ Lmla 04-262or 201011 f4 AMC 91169 A-2.0 2ND FLOOR SCALE 111& 1'-0' 94 PARKING STALLS CQRW .L ARcHIrECTs, ING .11021AGUNA STREET CORAL GARB. R 131e1 PROJECLNAI.IF: GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUIGROVE RORK, OWNRG C00SL IANR: Nwt C. YCEPIUAI DESIGN AnISPat A NC L PiUUENoo rEi aoul unrN nw Onle 1011/10. CITY OF TOOTH II11a:.;":',1IHUAADS • nr__ SECOND FLOOR PLAN 04 61011 20102E W ArAC 201020 13, ir_ A-2.1 3RD FLOOR SCALE: 1/1G =1• O 96 PARKING STALLS 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORM GABLES. FL 11146 161eMT�N1,m 1m PROJECT NAME GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE % RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUIGROVE.00RIOA 091106 COIWOTASIIS: COGC&IW.L C:: SEAL ASCIL MENUS 0.1111.ACIAL COW.. Of 116 9161.16/11615.13.1111,610/. foga— seE11111R I TIIIRD FLOOR PLAN O6R CITY OF MI9.61I :.^ I':.9iI31)S FRE T Q�; 2RM. A-2.2 01-26-2011 901026 TG MIC 201096 4TH FLOOR PLAN SCALE:1/10,1W 25.605 Sq. F. OFFICE SPACE CITY OF elt MI cf2-W.1 L ARCHITECTS, INC. 4102 LACUNA STREET CORAL GM.. FL 31146 PROJEC NAALE GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUIGRO oMER: COIWLLiNR: FLORIDA mu P CONG:^JALOESIGH Mums SEAL Mal FUENTES MOM. 110.1COOVS BM P.M mencomirtrof mums FeCtaxtriat onme MO' MOM AS AGifID DEEMS FOURTH FLOOR PLAN 04.26A111 ]01a.a EG MAC 201018 RRNRa. A-2.3 TERRACE Ba0W—F 2r 222 ELEVATOR LOBBY r.!OFFICE.:03,4PAFC2 E TERRACE BI—EL-0-1--N1-- 111111 • • I L nzpliAcd,BELow lERRACE ULM, — --- -- 5TH FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/113,I,0' 25.805 Sq. Ft. OFFICE SPACE 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORAL CARES. ft 13146 PROJECT 1.1Ame GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE/ RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE.11.01133A OW141311 cousumuns: en!. CONCEPTUAL DISIGN —4/00 ANGEL PLANTES ..0111101.0.000114 410/1Ar.M.A311411 ,10“ nIscoAtwon .Atzva: 0010010L PBOVIDED BY COMA. Mg CC•40413 0! nes ttra,r—!..11.mtlex • rAg.n. 10 41.111a ABOOMIS/11.2107.3. 3111311111E FIFTH FLOOR PLAN 01464011 .101110. 2010111 crry OF VIIN/11 Pt', • INAW101 11,a,1111aml!._ 0:4,3.44! MIR IRE r61.1-3 7!4!!1!!!!! FG AMC 2010-4 A-2.4 ▪ 01,N.n1 gal smec 1m4 nv weR ▪ �-„ Lacwo 1� WOOS o n1-11MARAAMRalIFI1N<10116 ❑Q .1mu!1s. LINO RA.t. WEST ELEVATION SCALE 132=1'V' SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE:13,GO- ELEVATION LEGEND l LIE=Rnul Ram 0 . LIL nwu m aec o e031.e mw mm u 1m11 m,N15m.01 E❑ [MAW slot Nn1R Q nyW o MENpm0=AO ▪ nwmlmt .l01 Rewm I ▪ uuOAv m0]e / 510311m0 VA1 -1S:0. nm43. Auw4 PaL1A dI� ❑" v�ic n1A WALLA wL-ir / �a POMMCIan GUNK. :I ..01 . mew V Ia-Leak. ALAWAN uMOM 1301111 Auvme MI o slam 51400 ROIPL ❑m n.4w1 0Rn CRY OF NI.:711 or/ COOR.LL GAABLEE.ii 121ie PROIECTINME GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUICROVE FLORIDA 01.010, C0IUIRTANII: SEAL oaV /VII ANGEL1 PPUM0NTES cow Gomm Eau non...an M MINIM OF f1 MIT/SOUTH ELEVATIOI{ Bue 01162011 Lam. 211020 orAw nY EC Now AMC 2010. sum No. A-3 OA : 'I:li!i!Pi.!i .i IMEEI:!R!dl!� ' . !'........... !IEEE! liNl" !.EEEEEEEENEEEE it E. NORTH ELEVATION 6CALE: 1/16 =1'P ELEVATION LEGEND GIONN o WA SNWEL v.1 car a.W �i ra GS.AAI0 Navuot a1mW ▪ RE-Iwa:NO SWASibl .am MOPS ▪ mr-00.110 Aa:NL armIK anus ewN, 000 2g.0 rn ROCCOMU. WO El 0(0511,l 0022 sea writ start warn L'1 wawa504 2121216 E MU.%xw.u5 / 51001.11 1121 E :.,. MEW rWo a : -� u,E lD Elw w�..R1-w / o ELL Da. EN. E 02r.asu6R Kano. 0004 won o IOEE tows SIUl0. o R0NIlf0 0100015'mu otunku one/1la06' � 6OSAlr NEW/ iM Ramul avc 1^I Meow MAW I�i 61000 SIIttO maul ta-nEa.nn rtWROH ,...w ❑m IG1ut O1Iu CITY OF MIAMI UPC: �❑ . r:SABOs FL...:li:ViCW LAGUNA4102 STREI COWL GABM. R .1. PNOIECINAke GRAND BAHAM/ OFFICE / RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCCI. GROVENOL. OWNER: COIWl1WIIO: SE N CONCEPIMI DESIGN LOIROWS SEAL ANGEL POE ES %VIZI :Ur EAST / NORTH ELEVATIONS EWE 004101111 ILE 31.1110 aas 201 2 A-3.( dIll a 1 Ind • 41140. , 11111 TiviN me ;4404161 • V.4!/PliZEC SKR 7411Ul4G VI:CCRatjF 'ome 514+.:KUS r SnECO F.F.VEt. WINCT) 4I0111449 G;.;.SS ALV41111111_61 fifairiE EL1 RIX1F SLAB FINISH IELE/A11011 PRE-KRIC.ATED DECORkitol TREAES Euura FiF111110011 NNW ELM= .r-r Fymr. 5161:0 ELL01.4 0i:1/0 FC0111110028 F01101 1112/ALVII !•! 11rkR1.1,1" ek. Eje2010 ELM. SECOND FLOOR HEN EIBA110H 010 FINISH FLOOR RETAIL LEVEL ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION RE4ir3r32;i:o' MUICILIg fEBf. Wrij %kV.; 001Grial, 11!1.,74.!;,5.10RERC4.11 6, ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALC50.2,1,0" 414. um' 116/11111.41 ,s•1 in33113S CORWI ARCHITECTS, INC 4102 LAGUNA MEE CORAL GARB. rt. 1.314 P300331033011 GRAND BAHAMA OFFICE/ RETAIL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROW. ROW OWNLIE CONSULTANTS: C01103104 000011 SEAL miCIL PUENTIS .0-111.1110.0031114 LACU.SMILI CORM C.11, .10131•1 ILL GROVE VILLAGE BmiHNI BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - REVISION SUBMITTAL APRIL 26th, 2011 o IL 41114cm- A102 LAMM^ Mien COPAL GABLES. ft .4 SET CONTENTS PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK EL__ET ARCHITECTURAL COVERPAGE SURVEY / LAM USE A- 0.1 SITE DIAGRAMS AND PROJECT DATA A- 02 SITE DIACHAUR AND AREA CALCULATIONS 0 A-1.00 snEIROOF PLAN 0.1.01 SHE GROUND FLOOR PUN A-1.02 SECOND LEVEL FLOCIR PLAN A- 1.63 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A-1.01 FOURTH LEvEL FLOM PLAN A-1.05 FIFTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A- 200 NORTH ELEVATION - COLOR 0 A- 201 BUILDING ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS A-2.02 ENLARGES. PARTIAL ELEVAHONS 0 2 0 10 z 02 w o_ 0 MIAMI IfIAP_MI HOARDS 1.11 PLILIS.W_EVIEW > w a w GROSS LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. "'�rTtYTr'D—D�O / // /j/�/ j// /. ////; / / / // /// /INOWSMON NET LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. PROJECT DATA ACTIVITY AMENDED SO-28 BIMNI NCD3 ALLOWED / REQ. PROPOSED 50-2 R2 SD-2 (MIX -USE) R-2 5D-2(80.115E) R-2 DENSITY: 150U/Acre 18U/Acre 323UNIs 18 UNls N/A 8Unl1s NET LOT AREA(NIA): 93.194 S.F. 10,943 S.F. 93.194 SF. 10,943 S.F. GROSS LOT AREA (G1A): 121.328 S.F. 24,9225.F. 121.3285.F. 24.922 SF. FA.R BREAKDOWN: IDIs G1A 0.60x GU 122541 S.F. 14,953 S.F. 106,148 SF. 10D54 S.F.. RETAIL: 19.256 SF. OFNCE: 86,8925.F. RESIDENTIAL : 10,054 S.F. SETBACKS: Front: 5FEET 10 FEET 5FEET 20 FEET 5FEET 211-9' Street SIda: 5 FEET 75 FEET 5 FEET 15 FEET 5 FEET 5 FEET s38elntorlor:(A91 to our Prop R-1) 0FEET 0FEET 20 FEET 5FEET °FEET 0FEET SldeInterior: (AcR to R-I not our Prop.) 2FEET N/A 20 FEET N/A WA WA Rear: 0FT(10 FEET Above IF1) 0FEET ION Above GF 0FEET OFEET 0FEET BLDG. FOOTPRINT/LOT COVERAGE WA OA°x GU 0 9,969 SF. 78.710SF. 5.1545F, GREEN SPACE/ OPEN SPACE 0.10K GU 0.15KGU 12.1325.F. 3.728 S.F. 1239E S.F. 3,137 SF. BUILDING HEIGHT: 62FEET 25 FEET 62 FEET 25 FRET 62FEET 21 FEET OFFSTREET PARKING: RESIDENIML IPS/UNIT 2PS/UNIT 0FS 8P5 0PS 8P5 RETAIL- 1PS/ 300S.F. WA 65 PS N/A IMPS WA OFFICE: 1PS/3005.F. WA 290 PS N/A 371 PS WA TOTAL PARKING: 355P5 BPS 471 PS BPS OFF5IREET LOADING: FROM 25.030- 50.030 S.F. I1)-122351115 N/A 1 WA I N/A 521 FROM 50.000-100.0005F. (1)-12K15 WA I N/A 1 N/A FROM 100,030-250,030 S.F. (I)-12)35x1S N/A 1 N/A I WA FROM 250.000 - 500.000 S.F. (1)-I2x55'IS N/A N/A N/A WA WA LOCATION LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. KEY PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. eMAO'NV OIMINI MIX USE / DEVELOPMENT comma G¢OVEROPOA POINTE GROUP 3321NnyShool. / MAN R9513313 --I COM MU N. ndroe CCI C8NMOE3IGN IMBIYes MNC"'EWFS yesnE DIAGRAMS MD PROTECT DATA LIAM ATM W300e11 10118 9R AAR 30118 A-0.1 11 i LOT COVERAGE (83,864 S.F.) SCALEN.TS. LOT COVERAGE AREA:85.0375.F. GRANO AVeWE OPEN SPACE/ GREEN AREA (15,535 S.F.) SCALE N.TS. EB F.A.R. AREA: 24,156 S.F., GROUND FLOOR SCALE: N.T.S. F.A.R. Q.REA: 5,154 S.FJ SECOND FLOOR SCALE: N.U. LF.A.R.JAREA: 20,338 S.F. THIRD FLOOR SCALE:N.TS. F.A.R. AREA: 66,554 S.F. 1 (33,277 S.F. / FLOOR) FOURTH- FIFTH SCALE: N.TS. CITY OF F31.".SFI NE. V"TS mums PLAI.3 711:V VW Dr—y, LAGUNA4102 MIME( PROJECINA. BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCOON' GROVE RONDA OWIIEIS POINTE GROUP 203 ARMA.a 3SIS3 CONWTANO: COIICO'NALDERGN T:fIYUEMFS . Coen CWrza III M nu R SREDIAGRAIASAND AREACMCULAIIONS OAR Mean 116010. 0.120 EMIL AA 2011. A-0. 40:19' -• • :- .4 Oa um' ERIK, UV: iv)/ 11LI1.11 141:11.,i,I I ........................... ; c.: r. ,:t • : I GRAND AVENUE FACTOSTO 5 5Tal SAD. TEPSOSEC 3 5RETI V.TML TtiCe (0) Part. SITITST r. ' r.zr,ILmIs ,S1PC5113 SiVii4lOI .0.'5I0 2 Steiri 4 pkvaTT LUISIU45 PHT5 0, 5 10.03.Li LIUSIERS VACTS ',1415;LIC.1, t1' Jit •••• 2 K.04 tiZIL7 -5 , t• THOMAS AVENUE • SITE/ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1” = Fug! CITY OF All AWII F117.P.,T. rt" ARDS IEW ..... • c • 1111'11 1 CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. 4102 LAGUNA STREET COM CANES, SIM PROJECT... BIMINI MIX- USE / DEVELOPMENT COCONUIGROyEROROA owNot POINTE GROUP MO /4,mA...a %a M1.211.32133 CONSULTATILI: COTICEPTIMLIDOIGO Feral:Nis 03.7011 MC 2011-00 A-1.00 i -1,I,IiI- \:1.•;.."/•-_.7-:; A .• ,_ 2iLIt•-_;:.-,:--_.- • . _-"-,.::".?i;I.'!1ig1.i.1r•:.!.I' :i:-. 1. E._ _•-;::/- ;/...4 _, .4--.•.,' .::.,?• ':4,,.1/ iI'/f•I_:'."/,./':;,.i::* '//'7/1 i!! ,i,./,t:/.i.?,'.'/f:/"Id': /.•'i./:."2, ../,4':.1.....-..,/,t •. .//7L:F'-:a'' 4:r.., ,' i.. .' , :",:,,-',.- ,- 77i•',.-,• !,',./','.,-7' ::,.:... GRW2A.i0x345 :N0S53F-..DA VE'''X-t.'i 7.NU: -:- :,:•E ...:..,...441.:.,a,_ir!.,, .,-.,.ii",;ii 11D,;:y1,1.'i:':-.t ,7.i:''.v,,-1E4'".,,',-,C,ii.-•M.lPitj-i.,-!t;,,,4'',4iqi iiE;'jI.•t;,:ir,qm' -.t-:,''::i'1!,; ol1il7,ii,.'g!E.-7-1—.,s_.:.17.L::74,1Prr6-i4y3::- '-=‘'.`,67;!41 '1.''-'-:--4:' :;'7'1 i;7 s'qf' -•'•• 7'•i'':',7•:'“'1',•1.`-'r`,.; ':7!,11,77':,'C. ,_'-,:•_7 /, ._, t _j'1'u:Rptin 7,„r7:7:„..._k_L1 27 k.,i„_p111 ,i,', Ili ,s•-' Aai lilts kr 1 \ ! ' I ! •,, .4.2.,i I 1 i ii•ri I 1 459 29 III J-e7iII;, 'a:r...iFt•', .,.P.?„,//I .,. ..i• =,=E,S,L/ EENV'A.T4CO4E—R .• —AR99K1-94I !C.79'E 41,1I l f 0I ••"1:&P4I O60,15".,A0,%I2 7,,,, 14 ;:1_. 111,1 • I°, ,.,•' P--t7 1LA• 41:47 I I _..:u ' --f717 42I 23 2 2I ® 's.-.4.,•1,. / , .• r, I ...- 57 4,4 1 .__.... ES 1 — —1 uv-o- 22•-0 42-5 bri SPACES i '-'• U 9.1.14104,-.5 t__F :... ;A\i "'•.7? ,.F.,,TI \ A. •--4 WfA 1IT7UDE r1k 1I T,'. 4r1.,1f,-;,-..4'K1 ,Sjr, :;-!,. , •I, gogrzOlgEZErar 1 \\‘..,,,J± !2,,,_ pl.,--Vi ii..! i,,i•lisi-.11,-:-i ill; I lif, 1 "•-...,,-xli) ,1 . FA - • 245 4, . 62,-1- 453 ,I. 62-4 45.-462.-4. I OMEItmll MMUS Mk ST GOMA. ME CESSAILASOF EIS rstirEolerrEAEALc'7A"'n'EllsfoT,?, I— _____________ SIAM. SITE/GROUND ' ' 'Fr•li FLOOR PLAN CORM]. ARCHITECTS, INC. 4102 LAGUNA...LEL, COILLIGABLES. 11. MIAS AulsANAm PROSECI NAME BIMNI MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENT COMM GROVE.SLOSIDA POINTE GROUP 31301Aary SSA. Sul.= AEA. FLTI111 COIESULTANES ISSASE CONCEISUAL HMSO. SITE/GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/76"62'0 CITY OF MIAMI HESAM1:9 FIOARDS ULM.; WS:RSV .44442u44444.__ -04., Arl,,,SA • OAs MAE sos.A. OUNTABLE CURB 41*2624413 ne4C4L P0ENTE5 ALOAIECT.40.0031,44 C:7117. =r)17Le nose Et1337011 sCesa 20110S Owssies Man NAC 70110S SEE1110. A-1.01 11 1 COLS`:560' u6LCYl II I RDN ------------------------------------------------- SFN= Saari ---------- SPA SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /16' = CUI1 MIME 1 02101 iC aaa019 50:0,M. LNFL 'AI1L\G 0214E (,^° SPACES) 5, i 39 1 i0'NNHOIES , '1fAR= 1.26 .5 SF.I A O DETAIL N.._- SCALE N.TS. CLV-5N130! "it52320 60283 2a 27 20 26I25 ,03 Ins Vi—lEirtiFouts FAR.= 1,2E6.5 SF.I 51 J 153 152 Tm_ 151 15e i5E 4102 LAGUNA STREET 1Ccn14.11 ilw�n usqn. uno PROJET11N.tf: BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE. ROCCA OVRIEIE POINIE GROUP 3250 11O936ee1, 3u11e 200 SIMMS FL33133 C0161RVJ51S rAms OF L;U691 3 UOAUOS i i W SEAL ndEn 01GO. PUENTFS ow c.eui.5 swum. pis Ea 3ECONO LEVEL DOOR PIAR ACCESSIBLE AND STANDARD PARKING DETAIL LuMe 2.1110. 0130 011 2011.00 M. AMC mllm A-1.02 00.1 I63 ;.?ON!OLi 3:i6I: THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN -_... _..__....... _._ ..............___-- SCALE: 1 / 16" = 1'-0" 76 77 75 ROOF 3E107/ SEE DETAIL ONSNEET A-1.02 ;AORPT 5171.881 1601'3510 447567 59455 20,336 S.F. OP1.. 40005 ROSI0C5U 1111118 LLyil RWIOIO CAVL5 (155 SPACES) m0- RFO'x C01.03'1105 3110y 5 140 '41 145 f 146 147 R'OF eF on 155 154 ` 153 `— 152 ' 151 I u 149 9 142 CITY OF 111,e,131 Ue4010 11 15DAODS PL_vs a-:JI5WN o >7.15,11 I Atilf1Aran 4102 UGUW. STREET CORAL GAMS: n. 00146 PROTECT T AME BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCOIMGROVENORIUA OVMEL POINTE GROUP 039J May meet. Sum 200 M306464LS13l CONSAIMI2 Rst IT COICEPIWO OEOWT .11.19411 SEAL AO EL 664TLS IiTl�frae coM.TanE'n Tnu u.11111S 11350LIYF4. FLOOR PLAN NV. NT 03.30.2011 mnm PAC AMC 23110 A-1.02 12 I4 15 'S O 0 55 26 2/ 57 2 1 29 FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0" PFCPIXES Fitt 5PAC FAR 33.222 5F. O O 0 IOW m:T P>jKI,0 f ,/„T BELOW CITY OP 6EIATA Ni6API :? NOAROS i4i`.Vl6W • CQRWIL -ARCHITECTS, INC. .1102LAGUNASINEET COEALOGtlE5.311146 PROJECT NAM BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCOM110ROVE IOEDA CyM9C POINTE GROUP 12S2MvySt &.5Ule2L0 60V.LLft31115 CONYai.W3' nksz COncertmounn REVISOITI u 671:/LPU 1 kNTES Mtn. TOUR1HLSSEL ROOK PLAII nme 04.4,01111 PEE WJ?Zlll AINB MC 21101 A-1.04 V-OSEC OFFICE iPi.1- 03.277 S.F.) FIFTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 / 16" = 1'-0" CITY OF FOAM LIEATTO SOARS YFW COPAL GNUS. F< MIN 1110.1 rove 61M MI MIX -USE / DEVELOPMENT COCQMGROVE fORCA OMRR: POINTE GROUP ]IRIRbyiheot kaki KO 1.14 111311.1 COMNATANR MOSE CONC@IWI DESIGN 3.1•13 IMF FP11 EEVEL FEOORPWI arc MOM .101119 MU. MAWR w..R E13110. A-1.05 NORTH ELEVATION (@ GRAND AVENUE) SCALE:1/16•=1•d EAST ELEVATION (@ HIBISCUS STREET) SC-- _._.._._... scAle Ina•= rJr ELEVATION LEGEND 4LWNAO sun ,I,AZC sr. kN roar o Ex rrrravIN arum. Mnto:N OlQMY QIOWI? vitro watts cl mr ratoJro M1WI,E I1IN ps101.10.1us•.limn rms. CI p ....It Ir smo mrN p mos slut WINI1 o Nr35„I.E•004.I11116 L1a mN%1, 11M4.53CEIFINa4 E rax pow wax E trorme: sum 11.[..0 1:1:C4.,Im rum swum. o ('I/O• rrr.,IOCCO ova. Ll raw. mom,.. • N[-rNNM4E wit 1BI • rir-rwseArta NCIAN? ICNmom o =MII?.MOS K p, R N. MOWN MOM 003 WOK PROJECT NAME BIMINI MIX - USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONr1 GROVE NOMA POINTE GROUP 024O Amry5Yw13 1•700 MW.Y.N91D rI CONCEPRIAL DESIGN trosCotl SEAL atirdev' r//5/1T ANGEL ME1JTE5 00011441 rrev m. „ NORTH / EAST ELEVATIONS EWE Oumin 0130.111 301.011 AMC AIIOJ Nmlb. A-2.00A SOUTH ELEVATION (@ THOMAS AVENUE) SCALE: l/16'= 1'd Fi. raga. WEST ELEVATION (@ PLAZA STREET) SCALE I/1C.1'd ELEVATION LEGEND �s 1LU ITn ma sun. um Fur MN u rec_00,w5w annwwm wmo.N p 110 P.ww.1m 1La«.0R,wa mmww11 C. PB ro.1m woos, ism p Nww Rp. 1, men ©mwauel o . ww _ noun w1TN I7 mum s110worn p =auln<wwo sons 11=20.. V1001 GSM 0Pwl or , Q OW SAGO 10010 8 Wn II.1aS sumo. p vet 10 women ran waiver. O 1-vo am morn (mar. p rlww.r w.n, EA 101 00 0C•BMG110 o -N00w1n ar R.11 p 0La0w1 w0A 1aG gi wane LGMNt 1Ea rmss won smac CITY OB 1110101 AER IE N BOARDS PLANO i40V1EW IW1SB BINS= 11yL�_•CMf X Li•fl - CORW.IG ARCHITECTS, NC. 41102 NGU11A STREET CORALGABLIS FL MI. LcosnAconost PMILp NMY: BIMINI MIX - USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE ROMA POINTE GROUP 31101.1m0 Shoe.MO AVN.U.N1.111.1 COUa1ANR CONCPNAL AEVON SEAL NeCOUENTES mw uiinni�:1« >.M IMF SOUTH / WEST ELEVATIONS one 03.2011 rein R m11.e Pr .., AA C nE MN. A-2 OOB ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION :!:: / u:wrtG 111.11111111.11030 Pnguzu oSG a.. !ai rtCM.1x vmaw nn Ann tar 1.0.811 .a:a...:.:a raven MVO ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /8"-1--0i LO TO SIM 50.1101.0—S 1.11111,1141 .av MOSS 101.10 wu wlrex snrsn �41> 1 sA nILY 110811.11101 rt+0100611m Hf05r 510[ NMO 4n[ -R iH-fNl DICWn nwvl 0nvo+ 1-1/I' I Kw (ACWID rvlvU rmi— I i CGP: (GM'nuul f U gOrdlian w1 OeYIGnOm vi inn in/rall s1m slum .31 ioou+/ucwrP Iwm arniun (Alr Dull Gus n w nCuoul Muni ROG \Ilb + carol . a1a-o• J. 6111- FriSn a• Crmrma CaCaG 1.lit mrmrmoaeu— ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE_1 /8" = 1'-0" I ENLARGED PARTIA ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /8^ = 1'-O" COI2WIL ARCHITECTS. INC. 4102 V^GONA SIPES C01140.410. 11MLCl11/4E BIMINI MIX - USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCGMIIGIIOVE ROMA osn! t POINTE GROUP 32501.14.0LON.5410 200 A+N.IEHO.II.11 COASNIAAR CITY OF ESIP..MI .n-mnos OD11CF.181.1Al COIGN //N0 ANGEL PuENNS+ ENVJIGEDP111"" HEVA11DHf cam. 03302011 .01In Allen pnrnln I.1C ATM' MAC 201108 +pM A-2-01 N AND GROVE VILLAGE PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - REVISION SUBMITTAL APRIL 26TI-1, 2011 CF mon Pr; SET CONTENTS PARADISE ISLAND BLOCK 010fa ARCHITECTURAL COVER PAGE SURVEY LAND USE A- 0.1 SITE DIAGRAMS AND PROJECT DATA 0 A- 02 SITE DIAGRAMS AND AREA CALCULATIONS 0 A- 1.0D A- 1.01 A- 1.02 A- 1.03 A 1.0.1 A- 1.06 A-1.08 A-1.07 A-1.08 A-1.09 SITE / ROOF PLAN SITE GROUND FLOOR PLAN 0 LOWER LEVEL PARKING FLOOR PLAN SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 0 FIFTH LEVEL FLOOR PlAt. 0 SUM LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 0 SEVENTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 0 EIGHTH LEVEL fLOOR PLAN 0 A- 2.00 A-201 A-202 A-203 NORM ELEVATION - COLOR NORMAND SOUTH ELEVAllONS 0 EAST AM WEST ELEVATIONS 15 ENLARGED PAR1TAL ELEVATIONS 0 L ALII rAnos PARADISE -ISLAND -BLOCK -DFSIGN-DEVELCYPEMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL kr; 0 GRAND AVENUE GROSS LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. 1 'I GRAND A`/ENUE 74,630 S.F. C i __ 29it9• FRM. 50-2 NET LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. PROJECT DATA ACIMTY AMENDED SD-28 PARADISE ISLAND • OP110N 2 NCD•3 ALLOWED / REO. PROPOSED — C-I C-I IMIX.USEI C-I (MIX-USEI DENSITY: 150 UIti1/Acre 257 Unill 229 Units NET LOT AREA(NNI: ]4.630 SP 74.630 S.F. GROSS LOT AREA (GLA): 103,667 S.F. 103.667 S.F. F.A.R: 1.72 x1GA 170,3075.F. 265.493 S.F. RETAIL/ COMMON AREA: 20.5725.F. RESIDENTIAL: 294.921 S.F. SETBACKS: Fran1: 10 FEEL 10 FEN Slre0153/0: 7.5 FEET 7.5 FEET Rear: 10 FEET N/A 'BUILDING FOOTPRINT: •.60x GLA 62.200 S.F. 59.9635F. GREEN SPACE/OPEN SPACE 0.10 x GLA 10.367 S.F. 34,0EOSS. BUILDING HEIGHT: UNLIA10E0 B7-0' OFFSTREET PARKING: RESIDENTIAL: I/I-BED)93) "1/20E13(130) 1/10 UNITS (96.) 93 13) 23 312 0ETN1: IPS /300 Si. 69 69 TOTAL PARKING: 315 391 OFFSIREEI LOADING: FROM 25.000- 50.0O3SF. T11.12135,15 1 I FROM50.000- ICO.000S.F. (I). 1Tx35k15' 1 I FROM 100.000- mow S.F. (1).12k35x15 I 1 FROM250,000- 500.1.15.F. (1)-I1x5SAIS I 1 REQUIRES CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIRES SPECIAL EXCEPTION PER SECTION 917.7.2 PROJECT LOCATION 41. 14,4 •:kJ ,a �I pf t'%15P:'AS.I LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. ITOIECI IMME: PARADISE ISLAND MIX- USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CCCONIOCRO96.0093A POIIIIE GROUP 32SOLT,Sireet.sdlaw NNMITT COMullAtilk mustCONCFPICAICESGN NAL RESIIE OIAGYAIAS AND PROJECT DATA 151.,111 1111.111.113. 201031 ,4G wroG 201011 A-0.1 LOT COVERAGE 40 FT. ABOVE GRADE SCALE: N.TS. LOT COVERAGE APE, SB.963S F. L- OPEN SPACE AREA SCALE N.IS. OPEN SPACE AREA 11.080 S F. GB E!D T F.A.R. AREA: 30,837 S.F. L- I F A R. AREA: 97,719 S.F. (32,573 S.F. / FLOOR) a GROUND FLOOR SECOND -FOURTH FLOOR SCALE N.T.S. SCALE 0 Fti E.A.R. AREA: 35,882 S.F. I FIFTH FLOOR SCAIENJS. H L IC rT F.A.R. AREA: 101,055 S.F.j (33,685 S.F. / FLOOR) 11 CITY {{F OAR Nrn..Pk'N4)nonnos SIXTH - EIGHTH FLOOR SCALE: N.SS. 1 As [11 COPAL G... it 33146 PROIECNIUAF. PARADISE ISLAND MIX -USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT C0C41.11O1OVE ROMA POINTE GROUP Stael.Suila 7m FAWN. /1.33133 CONSULINIIS:: tme A corcEPIIIA. o.«.. NAL ANGEL ENIES ..9C111.11.000110 rati ca., ,SIZE DIAGRAMS AM AREA CALCI1LW0ONS A-0.2 Lt7 ^•1 7-1 t2T ---r----- , —i! GRAND AVENUE -o-- - - - -nret77„sp: , OUN 1.4.116 C.:1•4 (S• 9,1,1 • " I I I u4+, • ESS Sr. I ert sr; ( us sr) ""."—Ti \ .1_ A• ._... ..,-.-- ..____ .. - - b ,1"-, ••,-,,,---., .... '_..! — -----„;>-- 1.., .: IC, ' ."-- r , • , n'4 _ . "..".• 4,---,,tu• .. , - — .--,CE•a4•1,,,— -.23 I1 FL--,, .4.1 - THOMAS 'AVENUE- SITE/GROUND FLOOR PLAN ( FAR.= 30,837 S.F.) (11 SCALE: 1". 20-0" cu.+, :prom MOUNTABLE CURB SC LE: MS. DM.. Sum FICORCO,U 1.0eaCtu , Kuuccau PPOJI.C.Iimce PARADISE ISLAND MIS - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COOOMIGROVEr109.1A Ovak4 POINTE GROUP 3230 Man, Stecl.SUra ic4,1 R3113.31 COICULI,ItTS: MAW COIACePtUn. MSC,. e tcs,,,X0 SEM GROU• UMCIR MAW., 041141 111 03 a 70$0 MOM ••C MAL 20103,1 uclica A-1.01 L'ill'i3i LL'I PAM GAR E (76 PARING SPAZES) LOWER LEVEL PARKING FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" CITY CF MIATUI MAROS a.J .II02 LAGUNA CORAL GABITS. H.3SM ROECT P PARADIEISLAND MIX -USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVEM10ROIA POINTE GROUP 32WAImyS1100LSSo2® IALL4R33133 COIL M..= 11V.1f CONC1nR1A1.0001 ANGEL CORAL GUM.. 31144 IraSORAWMil MOM. Oa comarg2riOrtY ..n.A.ol�`nL,uoN. ..oT LOWER LEVEL PARKPIG FLOOR PUN OuvaiRY 038 tom 201041 AMC 201041 A-1.02 It - •-•.•:',"•---7"---• • ir -SS•Al SISP• SR•A S f163A ir; 0 0 0 0 a -6 . .03 00310:Er t l•• 26 • •E(31(•.,, Air (11 SA.) isSID, A A • :36 13'i 043•0 SI 11 IS IL X X Pla`,11.' 111 SS r IS .0 • 1, to/ at 11 1 , 1.0 SS AAAL: AL.LA. •-?,F00(0.1 01T ( Rei 031301.100. 1460406 6 630 10 WPM LEVU si 1-36130:41 I-Ei35-0}3', ( 335 SY.) ESE ' 61•3r, 41 • I 6L7,717-17/ I -Fsi:.106.0 440 305 s.I.) S"..'4)A; tf36001 I-333060 031 tem SY.; 33I(13t10 ,r(rf 1 -BECi600 10,51 -1(513-31 _Nt•E ( E65 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR. 32,573 S.F.) 7". T1 BEEPIOSSLL I: 1 SESIROOLA sorts - losAA. . 1—+ •:r• :‘• 1 " . . : ;11 (70 DETAIL SCALE: NYS. ,..S.LILL r.TraTara: •X• )11,- TO• FILOLECIOPALS: PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COC.0.111:1-.0,1SCPYIA OVIPLIS: POINTE GROUP 3.1,n/ SIrooL Suita SALA, a MID CONSULIAILIS: ssiAL1 CONCIPILLALDES011 snsacss CITY OF MIAMI IlEAB:0^ BOARDS SEAL FL A. TIEVIITM r 0,, 111LIL Wit ANGEL auENTEs VE;;V: grsUggLA=t1r1; Inn ons IF8011}LneiL toy 3367016 te0001 n11411 ACCESSIBLE AND STANDARD PARKING DETAIL Sifirt.L. A-1.03 .5o MI 51OK11.5 52 2,2'51 ........ =we weas ,...1 , ..... mak ..a.es eel 1 I NM Ile ea a l a ea ea ee es ee 'i ii I, ea. I el oo 53 rot, 37 3i 32 :43 49 4tl ...... sae .s. ......i, i ..,... • -i . )i,:fAi .1, 7 1 -1.152.,D1114 121111' 1-i(J.21:11,22:1;11 :fi'.1111•22 C7-7-'4- 11.25-111, b.lx 10 WM( (Ca THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.= 32,573) SCALE: I / 1 6" = I '-0" 2 1 21,2,11 ..111 I, rri -11f :4,11( 11111 ''' 1551 5 . ei' S.F.) 1 -2E2200(1 21.3i (551 5.2.) 1-31.1,525PC 1.1:55=o 2511 1 .81LE.22./ 7 3.) (11, .r— A v!. Minn. IM1111.00R COU111 IffDROOM 111E01.... • i000l I CITYSAMIAMI „ L . HiTig 'WOOS tom ;`, • !" I '-'-"—'1;13L--"7: _ owe: a,- PROACI ON. PARADISE ISLAND MAO - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT C000111.11 GRCNE. ROMA POINIE GROUP 32.93Aimy Sheol. SUM MO 2.1,414.311111 COIISULUNTS: PPIAlt CONCUR. MC. 13.111.111 /t,SR,11. 0.7110 201031 /AC AMC 201031 10) .1.11112.14 A-1.04 FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.=32,537 S.F.) 0.1 PSC t.•, SI 1•S,Ciaa) aat 5.7.) •-krcx-sSzi )4,1 ,:5S1 -6S ):0‘..) " TS1 ss; Fr,-17rd fl.NE11.10.111 upox Calla I 134)4,0 lEva,L I-2E1E0DM. win .nte 1, I rtrz 6 CITY, iota 1 mum ETIT3 41 • oz.A.1.1 PROKCItinf.. PARADISE ISLAND MIX • USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMETIT COCO.IGROVE RMS. POINTE GROUP 32301.1,Shool. Salo. E.11.1 PHASE CONCEPIIAL OH. 2-11.6IC-01 L001 (1026 SF.) 2.011122003 001 (2,012 s.F.) [LEY WEN 2-esoicts, skir (1.02.2 , M-01. ROOm 0 2-51DR00u 0011 (1.0)2 SF.) 2. SECROP., UiIIF (1.1112 SF.) 2-E1000001 0:07 (1.032 Sr.) a 2-0TOROOTI 0210 (1.0.12 ss.) 2..E013r00014 TRTT (012 sr.) 12) CNC. Amu 1-1)EDDX11 Tra' (7I3 (F) '2-BECITO001 umr 12 (1.032 SF.) 1-0itarm• (€,). S-9 '1-6/00001, csir (10)12 S.F.) • I -SIDB003.1 (f.s‘ 2-2030I211 0140 (IAN sr) 2-0170ROOM (601 (1.006 Sr) 2-5E000100Tea (1.1.S0 'it amen AR, r5.963 S.F. 2-960110010 UOI (1.100 SF ) 1-BEDROOM utor (681 S.F.) FIFTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.= 35,882 S.F.) ( SCALE: 1 / I 6" = 1 '-Cr 1-0E00O012THAI (691 S.f.) 1-610R00i0 0110 OBI SI.) 2-000R030 10110 (9IS SI.) 01.5233070001012 (2,1126 Sr.) oEcooau 66T (661 SF.) • .:11 240116 Taal (1.032 ST.) • . am IOW ,-ea ,.".,.;" si. Roam Mil 1-13E6RCO3 01112 (6BI S .) J.. I MIAMI MIT 1-BE600012 0101 (691 SI.) (691 s.r.) 2-136ER0001 U011 (1026 S.") j.' ?-1 BEDROOM uta 4102 LAC., SMCEr COPM.G.E.S. It 33146 PRO1I0 14.E: PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEIrr C.C.14111 GROVE. ROVAL. POINTE GROUP 020010.2-,S0001.1.0 0co 1..11.33113 CorlstnInNIS: COICEP1.1.1..11 [MO. ANGEL IVINTES COMI WO< ••••• 2-0112a2 13s1 (1A26 SE) (1.022 S).) a CM, • Mere 2-11.14.! (I.932 Si.) 2-6511.3.1 *8751 (1A32 ST.) 1-123.39011 1251 (631 SI.) / • 1-1160910*294 52.4711 2-3E60009 6161 (1.032 SI) 2-07066011 01.11 (10132 SF.) 2 &MCC/ 9391 (1.032 S.F.) 2-60070011 UTZ (1032 S.F.) 2 .020110 tIN. (IP3i S F.) C0M1011 AMA 65.678 S.F. 1, 2-ar=9 Dal (1.032 SF.) 1-61t.,ASu00,11)..1)11111 2-11E11009‘1 01 (1.1. SF) ° 1 2-6109070 001 (1,16.0 S.F.) I-OM:MU our (691 5.r.) I-6E00755tMai (661 1-7*62000 6601 (661 S.F.) 2-02011051.1 13111 (7.032 S.F.) `.2-61:62.0014 UMT (1.032 SF.) '-T)cTr.ra , 2-96060.1 *1111 (915 SY.) 2 -¢C DarDa 15.17 (6026 OMEGIN Urn IF (011 16F.) . 1-62050101 1-6.196.031 0910130. ' SLR. (651 S•F) PI S.F.) 2-01.099031 000 (032 CC) SIXTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.= 33,685 S.F.) . . SCALE: 1 /16" = 11-0" I 1' 1 1-.011076 1-130021029107)31 (601 S.F.) (691' SF.) -; r.11:17:7747.FrIFT--7- R.' 2-.0169011 111111 (1026 5.1) 2 MUM( WM (1026 SF) - , 0,011190 Mel tOma CO11111 MORO.. r UDR.. CIT035F MIAMI 101.r rn . HIO.C111.1E PARADISE ISLAND MIX • USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GrOvr.110.0y POINTE GROUP Taiotm, Stito TOO f LIMIT CONSDLIDNIS: coM66.31.609c, KAT OR.S/ /O01 ANCE rFUENTES AMMO. 0.14. COVI awnaul- mom.) traraisT A-1.07 f 353 [C1 CNI 2-5.6713“7 7037 (3.025 SO 2 SE030031 off (2.032 Sr ) 2) !IN 70E1 P. 211.0374.FTL. 2-&-013103/ 880 (1.012 SI.) 1-6131100311 080 (661 sr.) 2.8005028224401 (631 ST.) 11 '‘ (F81 SF.) Int... a 2-609003 0111 (1.032 SF.) 2 618118.011 3061 (1.00 SF.) 1-937000333 utirt (1.032 SS.) 0 0 1-4600031111110 (1.032 So 2 Ef07010( 07711 (11332 Sr.) Lila 0.0.12 55) COLTEN 1005 5.0113 Sr. 0E01, 6900 ELEC. 110.1) 1-02060011 Will (113 SE) 2-61993300 1,1 (1.103 SI.) 2-6E0.801 01111 (MOO SI) -1-0018601.1 01111 (681 SI.) 1-111010331111111 MI S.F.) 1-111111112011 INS (691 SY.) 2-13101090 0311 (31S SO 2-9.0160031 7151T ? (1.032 SF) 2-008111301 01111 (1.032 SF.) 1-601241001 11811 SEVENTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.= 33,685 S.F.) ( SCALE: 1/16" = 1-0" 741.11 1-0106800 11011 1-BECROD11111711 (E81 Sf.) (6131 S.F.) 1 lit STO2-331393L 1446 (IOW SF) 2-0001031 31/11 ((626 SI.) 1 300137131 31110 (661 S.F.) ELM WWI 2- iii11011,31,0)1711 1-0060011 3110F 1 BEOR000 18111 MI SF.) (fisi sr.) 1.1331.-2 1117107001.-“ _r 2 SED110011 081 (1126 S.F.) 13VJUINGY101i10011C01.1. 30 011 FM:MC.110,e PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE / RESIDENUAL DEVELOPMENT COCGIIIIGKIVE ROMA POINTE GROUP 32501..0144.1.Sulle20.1 1,11,..11.11. 33133 C0141.111/0,13: COIICIP01.,1.13.01 atrMA? rf ANGEL PUENTES wg.rez.vaxgegit. 'FrAgmE2 03 0 2010 7010 31 14C .1031 A-1.08 2-[[DFQ.0 01L1 (I,G2E Sr.) 2-EE09000 0I01 (1,032 SF.) 0 n 711 2.-0?0902it tut, (1,0122 Sr.) 2-EEOPIU UIIB 1: I 0 0 2-EEBiCOu Uail (I,032 Si.) 2-EEOB000 UNIT (1,032 Sr.) D 0 2 BE05Wu LINT 2-11(0000u W10 (1,032 Si.) (1,032 S.F.) 2-BEUF0Uu Uttli (1032 Sr.) 2-OEOSOCat LIRE (1 032 ir.) —m 1 I, uFD+. fi3u 2-EElY0E1.1 W+1 ROO,/ (1 tea 1-961R000 WO1 3 (711 SF.) �rr C011031!AREA =5.008 SF. 2-G(00051.1 lu0i (1.1C0 51.) 2-030FW0 U!CI (1.032 sr.) a-- (1,032 Sf.) I-50U60W UOt (6BI Sr.) fx'MON OY11 (6RI SF.) j-000R000 12W1 (1.031 S.F.) I-BE0lCZN cur (6.1 51.) 1-0EDR00u U101 (651 Sr) 1-0(01MR• Was (r91 sr.) 1-13E0900u UOII (Eat 5r.) IJ 2-G➢D30u 111.1 (S15 Sr.) 2-0E01r,Gu UI:IE (1,020 Sf.) 0E0000u LW) (6E1 sr.) C1LV. E0.10t TEL I SOS. ROM BOON 1-0EC0030 ux0 (651 sr.) 1-E(0400u MIT (6E1 5f.) el_ 2-BECS00/1 U611 (1,03 SF.) I-WCECOu U110 (681 Sr.) 1-1E00000 UW1 (601 5F.) EIGHTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (FAR.= 33,685 S.F.) SCALE: 1 / 16" = 1'-0" 2-BE1Wu W1 (1026 SF) 11 ri5 (1,020 SF.) Ir 0 WHI ING OxU 1IOOR COIN! IEvo 4E010303.1 L x4EVROOM 101 a PRID ECIAWE: PARADISE ISLAND MI%' -USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CCCOxut GROVE. ROROw POINTE GROUP 5250f u4m1.5we S0 rtvm C.1111GYR M CEONCE11UA0E1G11 SEA cirr, nnnnn NEAT'�IH^ OAfl05 ♦,1, pt. ASP)44CVl0 G.U./// o,n um=rO.Ory "1"° 11,310 MOM tnc MAC 231631 A-1.09 — —gym CRANO AVENUE_ — GROSS LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. 09539' MP. Wig g' I49'. ivy_ 9tl.13' SD-2 — — NET LOT AREA SCALE: N.T.S. ti, PROJECT DATA ACTIVITY AMENDED SD-28 PARADISELSIA00-0PIION2 14CD.3 ALLOWED / REO. PROPOSE° C-1 C-I 1M1%-USEI C-1 (MI% -INSET DEN3RY: 150 Unil/Acre 257 Units 229 Unis NET LOT AREAINLAI: 74.630 S.F. 74,oY1S.F. GROSS LOT AREA (GIA1: 103,667 S.F. 103.667 S.F. F.A.R: 1.72x LGA 170.3075.F. 265.493 S.F. RETAIL/ COMMON AREA: 20.572S.F. RESIDENTIAL: 244,9215.F. SETBACKS: Front: 10 FEET 10 FEET Slrool Sidon 7.5 FEET 7.5 FEET Roar: 10 FEET N/A 'BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 1./0x GUI 62.200 S.F. 50.9633S. GREEN SPACE/ OPEN SPACE: 0.100610 10.367 S.F. 34.09O3.F. BUILDING HEIGHT: UNLIMITED 81'41' °FFSIREET PARKING: RESIDENBA6 1/1-BED (93) "1/2-BED1130) 1/10 ONO (WSJ 93 130 23 312 1ETA1L• IPS/3005.F. 69 69 TOTAL PARKING: 313 381 OFFSIREET L0AOING: FROM 25,1100-36003BF. (1)-I2.x35x15 1 1 FROM 50.000- ICO.00OSF. (11-12535305 I 1 FROM mama. ZS0.OfAS.F. (11-12535'415 1 I FROM 250.000-S00.050 S.F. (1)- 12x55415 I 1 REQUIRES CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT " REQUIRES SPECIAL EXCEPTION PER SECTION 917.7.2 PROJECT SUBJECT PROPERTY` LOCATION �4L - ' : • 14- LOCATION MAP SCALE: N.T.S. 13.33111 PPORCI PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT OROVEFLOBOA • PPOI IT0000UP CONCIPIOAL 1111,14.1 SCM tW A ES 511.1...14PROJECT DAM A-0.1 11 NORTH ELEVATION (@ GRAND AVENUE) SCALE: 1 / 16" = 1'-0" bi' [JI ,�(1111 _i i»NIIjj1 c„ SOUTH ELEVATION (@ THOMAS AVENUE) SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" 1IlIHd (rl III[II'.~,, ELEVATION LEGEND I] E.13.11 911 9 tic vw „r 13911 p C*Ro mut.. T m Ems„ n nrKiro M;rls © .vg,N uv. uN!d Mr. guru nm ouo L7 ..a, IrINnsI�IaR. Mn139114: vIG DI an"Q"d1.nR�...EO p 5I4.3 o.o t IT_] ra-rav,IEo PI.ol cat n dot iNUN rot-nd=,l!o ricow.. von n>r. n P.M 1tow.1. row M,n0 I7 I.In• rao 990 R.3119 MIC.<aunw'�sfn'. =i! 01 r a ua ( MWI MAP MGR M. peal. Mair�y rIOC KM. KM LIFO) ;Jl3OAnoS P•u,Atfil :77PIEv,Ew d/�T4'• _/ rA' 91. of PROJECI PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCOI.GROVE ROW.. POINTE GROUP 32w Mary arnol. solo w .w,u. rl my CaEsmdewx nun 93UCEPNA1.091OO SEAL Cd NgCELPUEENTES 1401. NOR:MI/SOIIRI OIVnilPuS 1.133910. 9.31 MO 31 RUED A-2.01 -L "L CJ COM/ Kai ar LISCAA GIXIE .� OWT4L'IED rmn[n ,��ru CGY:9(GAL EAST ELEVATION (@ ELIZABETH STREET) SCALE: 1/16"= ....... __:-IEaI l it11 11 ,I usi mu I.G III[;1� 1 RH] f g �P7-1,$ Eli MI T. I.TEn r, Inca !!I 1 ml r Ell ims ® 3IBa Bale �-�tm-la a rrrmr WEST ELEVATION (@ HIBISCUS STREET) SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" HBa9 ;mP., R61¢CIEO LM CNAuuFEER4E� Onsvtffi4 �—n w L mml t�rtT _ I 7 zl:Er=i 1 11 keno sago Dam" ra,.rzcK MIL/Cie.] ca.V.¢eD4 ELEVATION LEGEND [j w,+,.,m sum r,,roc m E,,. n4' 1r Sams NWA LE Mt. :LW WWII . WO ShAIII6 o. - .EN 0 1112,.01NI. ,. ▪ ,R S�Wac o�.E a, SWIM ▪ OK. am= uor Jos rowan .00.1. va.0024110 Rua. NM a,M 14.2 In, tweot el PARADISE ISLAND TAX -USE/ RESIDENTIAL COMM. VENE c o, POINTE GROUP awlawSi„ut1,1,2LO 33131 CONCEF1.1.06G4 SEA frp-Ite ANGEL PmENTES cgm _if-0 rr� Ti 1'1 ?� ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" NTII`I hill', ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" 1-yr MP If.6.1.rd Mae DM .n WIT ucu 511.0 4(OOINM1t /L4L PR IS IE MICRO tt 001111 / N[11115.[I 51060 m�RD +®sm Stun. .,.. xc Np'DA SIM MOIL SOL ROY at-(n.a DEWS PL+.a 11110.11.1 wn BLOW „'... n_rw. waver¢ Rvu awns L w•ozP 51.054a NLrwam tam. swat bag alma= enumw WmT0AL m-na umN:.t TAcuT-- 31. 4 I: �llTU}1�q�, F, IP; k: i I I. I . FilerifiTT li I i P III' .,; L' 4 a 1 J BIll L 11 1i --'? iL'� .'A. I.I..I 3. I;I 9,, Li ;II I K i I EN111 mr,1.03„ ENLARGED PART AL ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-O" I ENLARGED PARTIAL ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" L=L PaolFaxv.. PARADISE ISLAND MIX - USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GLOVE ROFIDA POINIEbiary rt GROUP p'm N CONCFP11. DESIGN crand 5,1 naFv;�ro� RIUl 1E D5 .E N ...�nr nSlD Su nPAC A-2.03 ILL GROW: \ LAGS ABACO BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - REVISION SUBMITTAL 2011 cn-, of A'L9Ld1 SET CONTENTS---'— ABACO BLOCK ARCNTTEGIURAL COVER PAGE G-100 ZONING DATA SHEET A-100 A-101 A-101B SITE PLAN- LEVELI FLOOR ELM - LEVEL 2 UNDERGROUND BONUS PARKING 0 0 m m A-102 A-100 FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 3 - PARKING FLOOR FLAN - LEVEL 4 - PARKINO A-200 ELEVATION - NORTH S SOUTH m 4-201 ELEVATION - EAST S WEST • A-100 WALL SECTION A4W PERSPECTIVE - - o DESIGN DEVELOPEMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL ABACO Activity Required Proposed P1 C-1 263 22 Density (Mills) 76.294 76.294 NLA 99.336 99.386 F'LA 170.944 74.922 Base F.A.R. (C-1= 1.72) F.A.R BREAK DOWN: WA 52.989 Retail/Restaurants 1 NIA 0 Office IWA 21.953 Residential 170,944 74,922 Base FAR Setbacks: 10 F IFT 10 FT Front 7 5 FT 7.5 FT Street Side j 0 Fr 0 FT Side Intend (Adjacent le Our property R-1: 5 FT 5 FT Side Interior (Adjacent to R-1 not our propertyl 10 FT I TLA Red• 50.632 52,703 Building Foot Print (Class II per Pride 4, Sec 401) I9,939 15.512 Green Spate I Open Space 1 10% 15.6% Open Space Penton::^s: Unlimited 62 Building Height Offslreel Parking Re9'd & Proposed 36 36 Residential 177 189 Ratan Office Hotels 213 225 Total Parking Oifctreet Landing R9'0 1 1 From 26,00050.000 SF 7 Rom 50000-100000 SF 1 ROT 100000.250000 SF Flom 250,000500 00A SF -- 50014 SF see 401/115 ZONING_ CALCULATIONS (ABACO) SCALE: N.T.S. f. /47 GI 99,306 GSF )G1) ABACO Cl (MAX DESITY ALLOWED:263 UNITS) MAX FAR: 170,944 S.F. (R-1 REZONED C-1) N.LA. 1 76,294 NSF C-1 \ jl \ Ij Ij jj 11 li II ij Ij Ij jj / it GROSS AREA CALCULATION (ABACO) j I\ �j SCALE: 1:400 '///////// ;; ' X47Z..7///// Ara // :� 4ETAILP R TAI.B WroM 0 j`I a _.._ _ o Pf �iiiii�iizw..ia�iii%/iii-i-i/////d/�Ciiii %///////11ff ""—, ZY OPEN SPACE AREA CALCULATION (ABACO) % SCALE: 1:400 CO R T R ARCHITECjSj,ING: < 02 I A.Gdr4A STREET EkONCr NMLL: ABACO MIX - USE/ RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCgIN GROVE RONA POINTE GROUP MO Mary lnau1.wan494 6.1w.11. R73133 ^ CONCEP!UAL 079G SEAL 11011.116 OPEN SPACE AREA CALCULATION (ABACO) CITY OF h1I.16 r., I IF_hi' 5 2 725110s • • PL^y��.s:;YLVh G-1 On GRAND AVE (SIDE) (c ].)i — 0000 0 0 0 e °T TREE TO BE RETAINED l\OGANY 1.W 35'SPILEA01 EXISTING LOT NOT IN SCOPE OF PROJECT EXI5PN0 LOT NOT IN SCOPE OF PROJECT t0 - , / -1 I \ _----/ 1 I I I 1 DETAIL Ai >vE. =EE 1 4,740 SF I I I I I 52 PARKING SPACES RAMP UP IFVE �J 9 7 LI ---__-TOWNIIOUS. _--_--- [1ST LEVEL 1 RETAIL 11,100 SF 1 I COMMUNITY CENTER 2,200 S.F. 1 RESIDENTIAL: 6,757 SF fTOWNHOMES=I0 UNITS)! TOTAL: 20,057 SF 1 PARKING REQUIRED: RESIDENTIAL (101015=12 , 25OIBAS=m I a SPACES(, SRVESF R IU Wm51= 36 SPACES RETAIL= 178 SPACES I REQUIRED= 214 SPACES TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: 225 SPACES LOADING ZONES: 3 (12' x 35' x 15') f" c050UNITY CENTER 22�5F tl 1 V -I `— L LOADING DOCK h 11 ! I I \- ffoxIPACTI A >_i 1 = _'4'a' P� TOWNHOUSE ------ Z' THOMAS AVE (SIDE) SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0' CITY OF MIALLI HEAP,: BOARDS EL OVISW C.0 R`:W I,L ARCHITECTS,.INC, RAGu NA STREET PPOkCI NAME ABACO MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL, DEVELOPMENT COCOINI GROVEFlOR/A ONTE t POINTE GROUP 31501.tmy3Rccl. Stile 210 AIwd,Rvm COMUMNIS: CONCEPIONIX.ION nvetviS 9/41 ANGEL PUOENTES tgll GRIM :IT Vigvnriii SITE ,ELAN PVC N„z A-1.00 63'3' 241'3' I�t,kjpy L RETAIL 35,417 S.F. 22. CLEAR TO 14,17. CLEAR TO RAMP ABOVE— a 2 RAMP UP TO 3RD LEVEL OPEN TO BELOW TOWNHOMES 2ND LEVEL RETAIL: 35,417 SF RESIDENTIAL: 6,757 SF TOTAL: 42,174 SF v v v CITY OF r,IALU TOWNHOMES I tEhF'R"3 BOARDS PLJL:J ili:ViRN • +pis 1..• Or 72/1.1 ..lee Aril? P9r 1`/O. v v 2ND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = 4102 LAGUNA STREET PROIECINAME ABACO MIX -USE/ RESIDENRAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE nrdanok OVINB: POINTE GROUP 3250MRrysnad00 UM M.0.33'3,11}1 COIRIRIMRS; M.!CONCERWLOOIGN reeruonS 1/10 ANGEL PUEE ES ID Stile MCIIIII,,a1).1.411.3. SOO MIL 2ND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN fule OMWPINI MI. A-101 3rd LEVEL RETAIL: 6,049 SF RESIDENTIAL: 6,239 SF (1BDRMS=12 UNITS) TOTAL: 12,288 SF PARKING: 83 SPACES CRY OF mini' 4iclu 'X:' BOAADS iia W Iw _j irr ao/?ta k-/Tiv • co:J2 w I L ARCHITEC S; INQ. 1O2 LAGUNA STREET I AO'wAAe I ,m ABACO MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCOMUT GROVE ROMA OWIIEn: POINTE GROUP 6wAuaana CONSOLTArmar nun COHCErnwoEscu Frrocon MAL AAHC E UEEHTLS .omm 3RD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = FLOOR PLAN AMC A-102 . RETAIL 1 = 81468 L. 1 fi fi • . ''' dIA ' .,_ • MPT'W %KAI-. •_...41.7...c.4 ,FratPet...-PliFekLg, ,C144, ,a 4 @ . TR AB LLLIS VE = = = = = = = 81 TREL—IS ABM E ==, !4; 90 PARKING SPACES ROOF BELOW RESIDENTIAL ROOF BELOW TRELL1 A_30VE EQUIPMENT ROOF BELOW RESIDENTIAL ROOF BELOW 4th LEVEL RETAIL LOBBY: TOTAL: 403 SF 403 SF PARKING: 90 SPACES LEVEL 4 (P-2 ) Uri OF 8.11/111.51 11/1., : /MAROS F 411IVIEV/ 4TH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = 1-0" CORWIL ARCHTEGTS, INC. 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORM GABLES 81 33146 su..rea. SualScreusle ABACO MIX - USE / RESIDENUAL DEVELOPMENT COCOMGROVE ROMA 01.4116t POINTE GROUP =OM, Strael...6.0 4664618133133 CONSULTMIM RIME CONCIP11.4.1.011 RVISCAll ANGEL FUENTES 1Tf==• CAM fi 11146 UAW./ SIR11.10. NAC A-103 • ta1iM1 Nadi :aft NORTH ELEVATION (GRAND AVENUE) SCALE: N.T.S. Men Vagill S..111 plirMir';;IPZET.T ritOPATZTOT LT; `,.:L4.,,T,.:::SKOLLS • V, 1 '• • • -'1.7L'IL 11, • ,ERGS SOUTH ELEVATION (THOMAS AVENUEI.r r 107 I AGIN.. SWEPT OLATES. MEAL PROTECT LUATE: ABACO MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCO.. GRONE1101110A POINTE GROUP 32:0 TA, SONO. SuSa. ANNEAL EL 33133 COLISUNALTIP MALL CONCEPT.. COIGN ITTLYLL'AG SEAL oAt ANGEL PULMTES ALICIIITICE NO WOO. AMC 'SCALE: N.T.S. 1•I•CL;;BT• •,• 1114;14,•,:11, 'n1NiagZ12.IIHINIIIE41101910101riAlipT06104F1.01MITIlkla 4102 LAGUNA SWEET COILAL 131.1.. PROJECYNAME ABACO MIX - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GtOvE .10110.• POINTE GROUP =own s.o.i.sul. TOT MAIL f1.33133 CONSAILIANIS: CITY OF MIAMI /1H.F COARDS aEVICW ..F • /1 S I ;31'.'. I.. V A in 1:::-..11•41 F. !i., ';iiiii..11:;••• • EAST ELEVATION ----• SCALE: N.T.S. • vlhlesm: . . . RETT 7.1111110. A-201 csi Ab ELEV. +56'-0" T.O.PLANTER At ELEV. +52-0" ‘ FOURTH FLOOR ib ELEV. +40'-0" `F THIRD FLOOR k ELEV. +17'-0" " SECOND FLOOR AELEV. +0'-0" 'FIRST Fl OOR PANDORAEA JASMINOIDES VINE 6" WIRE BOX SCREEN CONCRETE PLANTER BOX 6" WIRE BOX SCREEN CONCRETE - PLANTER BOX PLANTER ENCROACHMENT SHADOW BOX SPANDREL GLASS CLEAR STOREFRONT GLAZING . F . 3' RETAIL 3' 2' r -I, SETBAEK I , , I '1 '-6" RETAIL WALL SECTION _Y SCALE: 3/8" = 1 'FFO" CITY OF MIAMI MAROS .19VIEW CORWIL -ARC:TSTFCIS, INC. 4102 LAGUNA STREET CORAL GA.BLEL FL 131.14 P901L-CIIMIE ABACO MEC - USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMIUT CAMERAL,. 0.11. I POINTE GROUP 32.1.1,Stmet Me= PAWL FL33133. COMILILIAMIS: MVO CONCEPTUAL MI. mILFLFFS de2e," 7112,0 ANGEL FUENTES LACHIFICF c=" .6044.11031S =WIN= 1.1C. MISS All"WriaT:r• ,OcrIgtZ1111 .2111.1 SEWCION cirl OF MIAf.lI Y.P.' . WARDS 4102 LAGUNA SEREET CORALGANES. MI. tcwmaxelli PAORQ NNAR ABACO MIX- USE / RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE ROMA POINTE GROUP Mu, Skeet kiteffi nWA1RdlI3l Plat cacmuMOLLGN SELL /y/if ANGELPUENTES .001.101.0201.4. [nui uNT�Vi� ATrt 1.11111111. NORTH WEST PERSPECTIVE (GRAND AVE) 101.1. NAc NORTH WEST PERSPECTIVE (GRAND AVE) SCALE: N.T.S. A-500 OPTION B ON GRAND GROVE V1LLAGr BIMINI BLOCK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT REVISION SUBMITTAL APRIL 26th, 20'11 CITY OF VIIIVAI wat,F.T nriArms II :issw 5000.0 . me .0,0 0,000,0 SET CONTENTS OIIIIIIIBLOCK ARCHRECTIRAL — COVER PAGE A-100C 1S0EL0OR PLAN. (GROUND My_ELORIV_E,MAN) A-101C MD FLOOR PLAN - RESIDENTIAL A-101C UNDERGROUND BONUS PARKING A-102C 3110 FLOOR PUN - RESIDENTIAL / PARKING 4Th0 RN FLOOR PLAN - RESIDENTIAL / PARKING A-200 EAST ELEVATION 11-201 NORTH ELEVATION A-202 SOUTH IS EAST ELEVATION AO 00 BUILDING SEC11ONS A.900 WALL SECTION BIMINI BLOCK 1- 00 0 1— w 0) LLI PLN, ›L, /0 ,60,1 71 • 0 01 0 0 q6eS Require. 30.2 30.2 1OFF1CP 60.2.0,101,1 311.21OFFICEI 30.2.01,101111RESIDI IS 11111,77 32.1 121 x t...terOLS. P.R_ eREAK DOWN: lost. .7.70.0ef NSA NIA 1,15.81. 146.306 14.083 123.412 10, >FT S FT SFr Inttifwf......ol to cur Ofentaly ..11 6.71.0.tri40,..0oluf nel cui /00.411,1 •I Re. OFT 73 Fr 71,14 07 .041.67 FL. OPT . FT 10 FT alanuf GG 57T ori ram 0 PT I11.0 OFT 0 , 114 0.40 x.0/.4 0 .3 IVA 77. 07.0 6.s. sP IVA SI Tura 2S, 02 02 12. 25 Par.. 11.1,1 6 neopoe..1 11 07 12 201 120 1 ffS13.151, 210 iss 411 230 107 ...0.11 ',IOC-100.000 SF 1.113:413. BIMINI ZONING CALCULATIONS kG,7-rilly SCALE NTS - _,..— 1 _____ , N BIMINI SD-2 (SD-28, NCD-3) (Max OmeanxslyFAR:AIloiwed;63.21Units) 1 / ' 121.32i Lt1813.21 03.19=50.7.1 141=6r(gt. 103401FITZYkr."' R-2 (NCD-3)0;;;(;;;FY/;;;41ETU 1) /N GROSS LOT AREA CALCULATION (BIMINI)1 411 1104 T - . SCALE 1400 ... Aillis ..- 410 • • • SO-2 ZONING 4 1 Y ..-Cli•.s. .„.., . . . • . . a- 1,.....L. lipir-_,,406.15. .0.,..,p- ..-..a. - N, • , + (12 OPEN SPACE AREA CALCULATIPID,N scAti:aoo -- "----cip-,;NT5,--..4,---" .,_ Br , (,BIMIN FL.!,:•..-:',ifFii.sw - ) 4102 LAGto...f. silf LEI CUlui (WEB. niSlite BIMINI MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENT GeV" WI GROVE. POINTE GROUP 32313.,517.1.0.40. f1.3.1111 CONSULIA010 COrICEPIVAL a GRAND AVE 6'� 23'-B" 61'-6" 448 2" • RETAIL 10,368 SF SLOPE ELEV 1 4' IIOADING DOCK 36915F RETAIL 18,869 SF 1ST FLOOR: +0'-0" NGVD: + 12.67' COL▪ UMN GRID: 401460' MAX▪ . DRIVE THRU WINDOW - A W WN �11�11 RETAIL 13,684 SF _ PUBLI%FOYER I,661SF. — 91 25TORY COVERED ENTRY LOBBY \ / 2145F1 \ / v / / \ • / \ / 155 / RETAIL 2,909 SF + ISTRQdt•NGVD,1267'a-0' DRIVE THRU WINDOW - B 14L-8" • 6 DRIVE THRU-A sJ11^WlE3 (CLEARANCE REQ. 110' X 10') rNQ SD-2 TOTAL 22' 20' SERVICE DRIVE 11,13B5F. • 88' DRIVE THRU ONEWY • • • fu_s U L 5i b2'-0" i 45' 11" 96'-2 RETAIL 4,021 SF 15TfLOOR, 0 O' �NGVO:"1268 15TORY COVETED ENTRY ENTRANCE LOBBY 1,243 S.F. 2595.F RETAIL 1 1,673 SF 1ST FLOOR. ♦av DRIVE THRU-B (CLEARANCE REQ. 88' X 10' FROM FIRST DRIVE-THRU) DRIVE THRU TRA91 RAI FPL 777SF. 9) IPARKING ENTRANCE POLICE 2,074 SF. UBSTATION 3925.F. 391 SF. STORAGELNotrl1SNPRA 6 4 394 S.F.5WE C BOOiI1hE 1 62'-4" 49'-7" 448' 7" TD rd �EL LL52.G 9.a,171 --TOWNHOMES (9,971- R � 62'4" 49'-7" b2 H �Al Iffi BTa I P-xs -1t RETAIL RESIDENTIAL' RESIDENTIAL UNIT TOTAL FAR TOTAL: 56,244 SF 94,648 SF 92 UNITS 150,892 SF PARTING REQUIRED' RESIDENTIAL (1 PER UNIT) : RETAIL TOTAL REQUIRED: TOTAI PARTING PROVIDED- 92 SPACES 188 SPACES 280 SPACES 197 SPACES LOADING ZONES: 3 (12' 235x 15') R-2 TOTAL 1st 82n4 LEVEL 9,973 SF (TOWNHOMES= 8 UNITS) PARKING REQUIRED: RESIDE IA (1 PERUN19: TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: 8 SPACES 12 SPACES THOMAS AVE ' 1!',NNOS AZV 111 6, SITE PLAN -RESIDENT AL r ' SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" *co. rirc fly Y 0-tov ROMCI NAME: BIMINI MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENT coca+., cao"E now. oyPOINTE GROUP 3210 ^'ay30ml. Sut0'm WHO33m COrIIUllw,l SEAL 8/lx'a ANGEL `FUENTES ais, m,l ,o,, 17011.08 7 iy 448'-6" 15'-r 266' 41'-8" 4 LOADING AREA BELOW 2 STORY VOLUME I rIPbIB�-- i L �\ 20' SERVICE DRIVE BELOW 0101 al INITo • OPEN TO BELOW 1 STORY COVERED MIRE \ / \-- ?ENT°TO \ / ABO\E 110sB 1 1 L. RETAIL MEZZANINE 1,250 SF 4 AORO0ft*W.d meF HO 113'-1" 7'-2 APARTMENTS 15,000 G.S.F. �END 11DOFt+WO' 1E0 110 EEO COMMUNITY ROOM 2,840 S.F. as MECH 1ri&OPE O1 ERMA Tin) FLOOR 1s SLOPE 6. l7� " ACCESSIBLE PARKING 10,887 S.F. (PARKING & RAMP) 071210. it 010, 0 owili1 14 CAGED SPACES STORAGE I101Ill� U tom y 1 1 Ff 1 TOOWNHOMES— -' 44B'-7" r a�1E I CEEB OF Mr.Lit NEA,`!.; T 3An0s MM..; rtE3L2W rva 'yl ..vae sl.r'il F 00 EEO SP ICI 1136'Of I, lner 110 REO N.XF 110 10081 1 T F.A.R. SECOND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL/ RETAIL: 1BDRM= 7UNITS 2BDRM= 4 UNITS TOTAL= 11 UNITS Tst RESIDENTIAL= 12,724 SF ( RETAIL=1,250 SF 6r1 l SECOND FLOOR (RESID./PARKING) A `i9 SCALE:1/16" l-0" CORWIL ARCHITECTS, INC. 4102 LAGUNA STREET IwouTw,F.,e BIMINI MIS - USE / DEVELOPMENT COCOMrt0YOVER01®A OWNER: PONE GROUP 31501.1ery50eel 00eiL 'NAM R.1]1 00E90IAN0:1 InuE C(0NSPaU10E0O1 SEAL ANGEL YUEN'ES • 0.10/00711 TO w ,[ 0.0E011 Awn mum 04.1421, MEP AMC 1 7011m yA-101 C 200=0 448,6" r r - W MIVEYVALLUILLLITILL I= F. DOWN — W 10 4— TOTAL PARKING: 75 SPACES 63,708 S.F. (PARKING 8 RAMP) - W 31 r 9- I - W 6. t 3MRCORRE8IDBMAL 3a111.0011.211-0. 31 MECHANICAL SPACE 1.15116 F. serf0.0051 P.m) SPEED -01119.0111 11111 11.1 'MAP RAMP 00. 11110 1111111031 TOWNHOMES BELOW 448I-5" t MECH STORAGE 1111001 CiTY PE MIAMI ; MAIMS J4Viatl! •Dies 4,- 3rd FLOOR RESIDENTIAL / PARKING: 113DRM= 7 UNITS 2BDRM= 4 UNITS -TOTAL---7-1TONITs RESIDENTIAL= 12,724 SF • •—••••••••••". 41132 LAGUNA MEET C0501..0113, IL 131/6 10AL.A04101%.1.0-As/AS 1110.1.11NAE Mix - USE / DEVELOPMENT C000111.11GROVE 1.1.0150A OWNER: POWITEGROUP 32.50140,1111001.3400 203 Gs, affir/ ANGEL PUENTES onconto oo novo sysL ,AtjAA0 CORAL C.110 ovArnals 116111.11110{ MINS mom. NC 010111 ODIUM. ISSAS310 .00 SY 000111ACLIM 0000000,110 WM. MICOM1130MAL 1-10111101111110.04111.10A111 on. 1,0110001 ASALSILLD 10 0010 At001.00/0410111. 111.11101 ''3330-1011 nom j 1011. AMOY AA. THIRD FLOOR (RESID./PARKING) SCALE1M6,1,6" 903102 A-1 Q2C 1011-00 9-9 448'-B" 340.3 T TOWNHOMES BELOW KA SF 220 100 120 260 1150 hyl �l- 503 OF 150 200 100 7 71'-6" V 200 448'-5' 200 517 SF 200 200 "Ivy 1,103 SF r Im II . rm rm 102, 517 OF 200 POOL DECK 200 POOL 41118 5111 FLOOR RESIDENTIAL: 4N FLOOR •3Rd' SRI FLOOR...WO C0151011 250 120 1030 220 035. 250 TO SF 100 160 060 BF 250 200 II L 71'-6" I I' 777 Tn CITY OF t IAERI HEAT 'F:3 MOAROS FLAIL: TILVIEW . a," t . _ cur' u/* a6 (0>7 4th & 55th FLR(RESIDENTIAL),I SCALE: 1118"=1'-0" 1, F.A.R. 4th & 51h FLOOR RESIDENTIAL: 1BDRM= 14 UNITS 2BDRM= 21 UNITS TOTAL= 35 UNITS x 2 FLOORS=',70 UNITS 34,600 SF X 2 FLOORS= 69,200 st CDPyrit. MK'�I CORAL GAB.. FL 23141 PROECr NAM BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONUI MOVE ROM, OWNS! POINTE GROUP 025OM.y SReel""e 000 MN4R3U0] CaaA wins:I 4.12 " 001.3C6211L,L DESIGN 225001.11 ANGEL FUENTES col vGdefWiu"rt" 2601152 ere nuo-mN J01xo 90Mm n.N,,., Rx: nresbr .wc .H. "A-103C OPTION C RETAIL 10,368 SF SLOPE 2W: ON AM' •Ra ROPER E• LOADING DOCK 36915E } 5OE UOCAIFW 1ST FLOOR TOTAL FAR: 59,195 SF 4— —ISEXCEVIERSEES SLOWS RETAIL 18,869 SF 1ST FLOOR: +O'-0° NGVD:+12.67 COLUMN GRID: 407.60' MAX. 20' SERVICE DRIVE 11,13A5F. GRAND AVE .-dr.— --___— uuu u PP nB nlulumuunumi LIt IIIIIUIi31i01111 IlttlUIJIIBIIIiIII CARTVEYOR UP RETAIL 13,684 SF 70VRROMES1-10,080-SF)-- „ '--"— PUBU(FOYER 1.661 S F. RETAIL TRSN 136SF. 2S11C1Y COVERED ENTRY LO66Y 214SF RETAIL 2,909 SF 15TFL0n3.PAF $N6V0:. 1261' RETAIL LOAD NGI SERVICE AREA/ ' ' KING —TOWNFIGMESTf0,080 SF) THOMAS AVE sasnBACK RETAIL 4,021 SF •I5T FLOOR +641' NOW:+126T BACK OF HOUSE 1,839 S.F. MOPS. . ]6 SF. 5T0RY COVERED ENTRY rn ENTRANCE LOBBY 1,243 SF. RETAIL 1,673 SF 15TFLOOM.V ii6V0: • 126r RETAIU OFFICE 2,714 SF EMS F. 3915F. TIMOR I SSIOP ROUGE SUBSTATION 392SF. PARKING ENTRANCE 2,B746.F. SITE PLAN - OFFICE/GROCERY SCALE 1116'e1'A' wfn CORPS WAUNA W I '. 33)49 PROkC1Nutr: I BIMINI MIX - USE j DEVELOPMENT COCONN GLOvE NOOOA OWNER POINTE GROUP 32.10 Nor. Sonolkute:m Mims NMI], CONSULTN11S: E CY N 6.&1 rro6TTE5 COuI uM [ �na SENN_ SITE PLAN ANp 0]'MUO1 at PUN CIi •aA-100 ISP LOADING AREA BELOW 2 STORY VOLUME STORAGE y 231 S.F. OPEN TO BELOW VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING 10,697 S.F. (PARKING & RAMP) 20' SERVICE DRIVE BELOW UPTOTN�RD FIUORPARAINO 12%SLOPE 0cann iian a 2 SIOPE 2510RY COVERED ERMRY 2 STORY OPEN TO ABOVE I sE RETAIL MEZZANINE 1,246 SF Y 2ND FLOOR:414'JP COMMUNITY ROOM 1,411 S.F. 1 1 1 14 CAGED SPACES BALCONY 430 SF OFFICE 10,973 S.F. $2NOFtoorz: SPEED RAMP RE51N0o1A5 4215F LIECH RN. 29151`. 0 J 41021AGU1414 1113EE1 ,cicuva 'u .ww1 WOIEC1 xHN: BIMINII MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENT COCA. cacv ROMA OW1411 a 0 POINIE GROUP T Z ]].%I AwWwl.svu Zoo xnmm L.1 Iy1E1 9v Iwu ull 49 9)"' CI glllUll r_ jil ! ..or 1 TOWNHOMES p 7�9R01 C1 �IIIWII 4+ TOTAL F.A.R. 2ND FLOOR :15,616 S.F. TOTAL PARKING = 16 SPACES SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16""=1'-0" — --- 0T44 OF rum! HE.;7i4J3 ❑9M05 PL•it. ;IGVIEW _ . Cac2A1AMF CONCIPN.LL DFSIOII 331..0 SEAL ACE PONIES Oolo 011 1.11. Iaiav I AMC RA-i0i 4- CAR1VEYO DOWN 1222SF. II TOTAL PARKING: 75 SPACES 63,708 S.F. (PARKING & RAMP) 9 ELEVATOR FO ER E. io E V. Y 3I vF. -43 6. 4- 6. 4- MECHANICAL- SPACE- -, 4- i SPEED 111 RAMP TOWNHOMES BELOW • t BALCON 430 SF • OFFICE 11,761S.F. 31TO FLOOR. ♦]60. RESTROOL S . 421'SF RIEDI 1 1L'I'1' 2 - - 1 TOTAL F.A.R. 3RD FLOOR: 12,907 S.F. TOTAL PARKING = 175 SPACES i .h THIRD FLOOR PLAN (OFFICE / PARKING) 10 SCALE: 1/16=1'-0' PRO•CI NNn% BIMINI MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENT COCOM.II GROVE FLORIDA OWNER: POINTE GROUP 3150nvan VRr, Solo ZL u3lu CONSIAIANR usE N COGNI ANGEL PUENI[3 yin 3RD FLOOR CEP/ OF MLNMI n.I. mhos 11140. I LQ'ry itJ1 W v1t.11 323301. .. A-102 PARKING BELOW CARTVEYOR ROOF BELOW 1 t 1 t 16 TR LLIS AB VE 16 26 4- TOTAL PARKING 4TH FLOOR: 118 SPACES TOTAL PARKING 5TH FLOOR: 118 SPACES TR AB LLIS )VE p;),T 24 MECHANICAL SPACE 1.6.10 S.F. 50,067 S.F. (PARKING & RAMP) 4111FLOOR.3047 + SDI R.00f24 WO' • ROOF: o-62.41. TRE ABOVE 15 COI SPEED RAMP 070 ELEVATOR FOYER 75 BE. I 1 V. 31 r REEN WALL CANOPY —/42. WIDE ABM COURTYARD 7,646 S.F. • • LOBBY BALCONY 430 SF 4TH FLOOR OFFICE: 16,437 S.F. ' 5TH FLOOR OFFICE: 16,826 S.F. 4 ERIF1.00F2.50,0. I. g I RESMOOMS 02207. MECH ' 28ISF. • !Ha TOWNHOMES BELOW TOTAL F.A.R. 4TH & 5TH FLOOR = 35,694 S.F. TOTAL PARKING 4TH & 5TH FLOOR = 236 SPACES CITA OF IA APAI 1 TIEA:,-PS Er. ARDS r• A-71-7,Ea, FOURTH & FIFTH FLOOR PLAN (OFFICE / PARKING) 09 SCALE: 1/16,5'-0" 0 0 W L LKR[Fra PRO0E01 env.. BIMINI MIX -1150 DEVELOPMENT C.061.11 GROVET.0131,A 0161.113, POINTE GROUP 3250 Wry Siteet.51..10 MlN.Y.21.33133 COMM/NM In NU CONCEPILIAL liEvi6266 alf-cay ANGEL PUENTE5 A2a..nra 4101 LACUNA SINIE1 a EAST ELEVATION —HOTEL SCALE: NTS CITY OF MAMi `. NEA;AN OOARO RANG NEVIEW xu_ 1'1 4102 LAGUNA SRIE T COVA O. . H. Mild BRAIN! MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCOIM GROVE RdI®A 0011E11: POINTE GROUP " Al.lmm.5.6 ao AOOM.EEA19 Pak R C011C1,111. FYGN SEAL ASCII MENUS 41101....1111111 C0.1.1115. it 11111111111 tbadt,l, C It4., 4.1".;:cidlibli.-a0 IlteL NORTH ELEVATION ENLARGED SCALE NTS J.) AWE 44,0V%ii2i tearfWrgAFF,4 , • L 4 41;1,t,VI • "fr • _ mdsdi itrIABOS 11,:n 1‘5..sml.. • • 0 0 IR W I «IddniddcR, PK' 4302 1-,GUNA SMELT COM. GO.. IR 331.1.3 I.C.r.mfortS1 PROX-0 /1A. BIMINI MIX -USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVEROPIDA POINTE GROUP /. CONSWAHR: ANGEL YUEN1ES .1p. manum samoun FOR RI comma.. comma Re mu- For„roca-uva. DRAVoiar FRE 111-112011 2011,0 3011.110 (72 -1,NoRTFL SCALe. ma-00. A-201C v!!!!!:!i!!!i .............. • • (' \WEST ELEVATION RESIDENTIAL 41-20r'/ SCALE: NTS CT' OF MIAMI SO:DDS FLAFU3 LtAALW IE..kc omm - -cra I}t�) SOUTH ELEVATION RESIDENTIAL 21 7 SCALE: NTS 00 0,, 'Fill, opie 4102 LAGUNA STREET VDOACTIMMrt BIMINI MIX - USE / DEVELOPMENt COCOM MICAS ROMA OWN.: POINIE GROUP ., Ala• SA.d. Salta 210 AWALL 11.11111 COIZOLMIrtl MAY COIIBIUUDEVGN SEAL ANGEL MINUS 01:4 COMM DEMME DAC DEM 01OD2011 mlll MC A.0 2011. "-202C PARKING :.,;,:' '-1-.:. OFF. PAMING ,V;;.':':vg. :,-:,,..Efi...,ii, t:,:,:::•:7,- PAW LWOW d£: W COURTYARD ENTRANCE FRLE 1.440NO = ELROCEil PAR.] ..• • . FETAL • - • - • • =7. 3. I I 11 0 WM' Toimmaiet • ! g e_locisccALER0,sSCTION in6,S1.4)E. OFFICE PA102010 Raf ART' tt.1: (Zs's, LONGITUDINAL SECTION SCA1E:1/113,1,W CITY OF NIMBI HE BOARDS FL:174.111EVISVI et-t5-4: iL —4 CORM'. ARCHITECTS, INC, .11021A6GUNA SUM CORAL GAMES. It 33146 moiameteet0 PIMA:Olathe BIMINI MIR-USE/ DEVELOPMENT COCONUT GROVE 110RIDA 014107 POINTE GROUP 32.501.10ralool.1.dle MINA FL .111 CONsuivms CONCEPRIALOES/Gli 1..504 re(In ANGEL FUENTES • MI -Row '-"A-300 NORTH-EAST PERSPECTIVE(GRAND AVE) CORWIL AFCHITCTS; INC. 4102 LAGUNA STREET COIL. GA0113. rt su: MACS ISAA. BIMINI MJX-IJSEJ DEVELOPMENT COMMA GROVE. 110903A OWNESS POINTE GROUP azsomorovect sato MO AUK 11.133 COSOUUNGS: CITY OF MIMI riOBIIDS REVEW tiru MAY CONCEPTUAL 013/GN ELVOCEss 2/1 ANGEL PUEHIRS cnqm da MS DEEM. 111E190/111tt Of MUIR! MAW. 747.,:g=hZT. g :1111::=A2 1111111111RE 1.41! ON:12011 201103 SAC AMC 1011.00 A-500