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Book Vol. 2 Project Desc. & Supporting Docs Pt. 1
-Jo A gm. Miami, FL LLGE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT Prepared by: Max Strang Architecture Design Architects Urban Resource Group (a division of Kimiey-Horn and Associates, Inc.) Landscape Architects Greenberg Traurig, PA Attorneys at Law II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARTICLE II. Project Description A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 1. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan 4. Section 1702.2.3 Development Impact Study MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Section 1304.1.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statements of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity. The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article I. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development or activity. Grove Village is a proposed mix -use project located on six blocks in the Coconut Grove area. The area encompasses 12.3 acres from Margaret St. to West Plaza Street, and from North Florida Avenue to South Thomas and William Avenue. The proposed site creates a buffer zone around commercial areas by introducing single family residential, landscape buffers and townhouses on streets that abut residential zone. The overall project is divided into six blocks, each block contains mix - use designations and parking garages. Areas abutting Grand Avenue are designated mix -use with building of maximum height of 62 feet or five levels, ground level is designated retail. Open areas are provided for recreational and private use within each block linking all blocks into a single entity and respecting surrounding neighborhood. The project is zoned SD-2, C-1, R1, R2 with SD-28 and NCD-3 overlays. The Net Lot Area is 537,395 sf and the Gross Lot Area is 737,657 SF. The maximum FAR for entire project is 947,732 sf. and the proposed FAR is 668,574 sf. Parking required is 1,591 and parking provided is 1,725 spaces. Drawings showing the architectural character and location of the intended uses are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application: (1) Aerial: Aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site and the proposed building. (2) Area Context Map/Site Aerial: Map of the project area ) indicating buildings and their functions that surround the site. (3) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location. (4) Photographs of the surrounding area (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show: The general information requested is shown on the Ground/Site Plan, Sheet A-100 and A-101, provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The site plan includes the following: (1) Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, buildings, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets and easements are shown on the Survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (2) Exact location of all buildings and structures; (3) The exact location of all existing buildings located on the property is shown on the Boundary Survey under Tab 5. The location of the building to be constructed is shown on the Site Plan, Sheet A-1.0, located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic; Vehicular access is provided primarily from Grand Avenue.the. Detailed layouts are provided on the Ground Floor Plans, Sheet A-2.0. A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow is provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (4) Off-street parking and off-street loading areas; The structure provides off-street / on -site parking for residents, office and retail use in multiple parking garages lined with residential townhouses and greenscreens. The plans for the garage are shown under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The Zoning Ordinance requires (17) loading berths at 12'x35' for a total of (17) loading spaces. The structure provides (17) loading berths at 12'x35' berths. A reduction in loading berth quantity is being requested through a Class 11 Special Permit. Loading vehicular circulation off of site in public right of way on the Abaco and Paradise Island block is being requested through a Class II Special Permit. The clearance provided for the loading area is 15 FT. Service areas are shown on sheet A-2.0 Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Recreational facilities locations; None in project. (6) Screens and buffers; (7) (8) Landscaped areas are indicated on the Landscape Plans, Sheets LA-1, LA-2, LA-3, LA-4, LA-5.1, LA-5.2 and La-5.3, and the green screen details are under the A-400 sheets located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located within the service area. The building will include a dry wash, refrigerated garbage rooms and can wash. Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to: (1) The various permitted uses: Residential SF = 247.669 SF Office SF = 192,600 SF Retail SF= 231.683 SF Total SF = 671,952 SF (2) Open Space: Open Space Required = 93,635 SF (GLA x .1 min) Open Space Provided= 152,155 SF (f) Tabulation showing the following: (1) The derivation of numbers of offstreet parking and offstreet loading spaces shown in (d) above; 1\ The total number of offstreet parking spaces required is 1,591 spaces and the total number of spaces provided is 1,725 spaces. Derivation of the number of offstreet parking is shown under the Site Data & Development Program within the Project Data, located under Tab 6. (g) (2) Total project density in dwelling units per acre. As per 6.1 the maximum project density is not applicable under SD 2, C-1 150 units per acre and on residential areas R1 allows 9 units per acre, and R2 allows 18 units per acre. This project will provide 31 units under C-1, R1 and R-2. If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. All common facilities provided will be maintained by the Owner. (h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans. Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (I) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; exact number of dwelling units, sizes, and types, together with typical. floor plans of each type. Detailed information and breakdown of square footage of all uses are found under Article 1. Typical floor plans for residential units are shown on Sheet A-6.0. All drawings are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. • (j) Plans for signs, if any. The project will obtain signage approval at a later date. (k) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. (I) 4 The landscape plans showing vegetation are found on sheets LA-1, LA- 2, LA-3, LA-4, LA-5.1, LA-5.2 and La-5.3. All landscape plans are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general description of buildings for such use. None in project. CD (m) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. The details of the spaces and calculations used to compute the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) are shown on the Site Data & Development Program, provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (n) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the architectural character of the building are shown on the Buildings Elevation and Enlarged Elevations are shown on A-200 through A-203 for each block. All elevations are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. 5 (1) Property ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article I. The nature of the unified interest or control. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article I. Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the Surveys are included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (4) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the Boundary Survey of the property located under Tab 5. The site features and the utilities are also described in the Site Utility Study, located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (4) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The drawings submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (6) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the property is "0", R-1 and R-2 with an SD-28 and NCD-3 overlay pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 11000 as amended and is being rezoned to SD-2, with an SD-28 and NCD-3 and C-1 with SD-28 and NCD-3. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation for the properties is Single Family Residential, Duplex Residential and Office and is being amended to Restricted Commercial. 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. a. Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses, activities, systems, and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, service systems and similar uses. Article II contains a written narrative of this project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets are included in the drawings submitted with this Application. The list of drawings submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. b. Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The project proposes the rezoning to SD-2 with an SD-28 & NCD-3 zoning district designation for the properties. The comprehensive plan future land use designation are being amended to conform with the land use designation proposed for the property. 4. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study. (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger. The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment and shall demonstrate that the proposed development is favorable to the economy, public services, environment and housing supply of the City. The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. See attached Environmental Study under Tab 4. (c) A housing impact assessment. Over the last several years prices of urban housing have increased dramatically; despite the recent slow down in the economy. Subsequently, a substantial amount of people within metropolitan areas has begun to return to the city to live. This has created a shortage of multi -family housing along with an upward surge of housing prices. This pattern remains the same in South Florida where there continues to be an increased demand for housing, particularly in Miami -Dade County. (d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Tinted glass will be used throughout the building. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered at cores and public spaces. (e). Historic Buildings There are no historic structures located on the property. (f). Environmental Zone The property is not located within an environmental preservation district. ( ) III. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ARTICLE III. Supporting Documents Tab 1 Minority Construction Employment Plan Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis and Sufficiency Letter Tab 3 Site Utility Study Tab 4 Economic Impact Study and Environmental Study Tab 5 Survey of Property Tab 6 Architectural Plans TAB 1 MINORITY CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT PLAN MINORITY CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT PLAN It is the policy of the Applicant to base its employee hiring and promotions, as well as its vendor and contractor hiring, on merit, qualifications and competency and that its personnel practices will not be influenced by an applicant's or employee's race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. One of the management duties of the Applicant's principals is to ensure that the following personnel practices are being satisfied: 1. Take every necessary affirmative action to attract and retain qualified employees, regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national original, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. 2. Maintain equitable principles in the recruitment, hiring, training, compensation and promotion of employees. 3. Monitor and review personnel practices to guarantee that equal opportunities are being provided to all employees, regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. The Applicant is committed to take affirmative action and aggressively pursue activities that will serve to enable all employees, vendors and contractors opportunities for employment. Specifically, the Applicant shall utilize the following to achieve the above -referenced Policy: 1. RECRUITMENT/ADVERTISING All contractor and/or employment advertising will include a statement of Equal Employment Opportunity. 2. HIRING PROCEDURES All positions will be filled without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Applicant is dedicated to a policy of equal employment opportunities for minorities. 3. PROMOTION PROCEDURES The Applicant maintains equitable principles in the promotion of employees. The Miami -Dade County community can only improve if the lifestyles of every single disadvantaged group in the community is advanced. We will continually monitor and review personnel and contractor employment practices to guarantee that equal opportunities are being provided to all employees, vendors or contractors regardless of race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran and handicapped status. 4. UTILIZATION OF LOCAL MINORITY BUSINESSES The Applicant will endeavor to utilize Black Minority and Women -owned firms. Furthermore, it will require all of its contractors to also solicit and utilize to the fullest extent possible minority and women -owned subcontractors and vendors. MIA 177,399,792v1 6-14-07 0 2 TAB 2 October 5, 2011 Ms. Lilia I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2nd Avenue (10th Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Grove Village Traffic Study (Update) — (Review # 16) Sufficiency Letter Dear Ms. Medina: Via eMail and US Mail In response to our August 23, 2011 review comments we received an update to the study with a new development program dated August 5, 2011, prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. (KHA). At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report meets the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient with following conditions: 1. Present a list of traffic control measures; and 2. Provide vehicle maneuverability details within the site access locations, including but not limited to parking areas/garages and access locations. These conditions should be satisfied prior to the MUSP approval. Should you have any questions, please call me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, r URS orpor yf?ern Raj Sh�nmugarr P.E. Senior raffic Engineer Cc: URS Corporation Southern 3343 West Commercial Boulevard Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Tel: 954.739.1881 Fax: 954.739.1789 Mr. Antonio E. Perez, Planner 11, City of Miami Planning Mr. Adrian Debkowski, PE, Kimley-Horn & Associates ®1®n Kimley-Horn �I®-......-......... and Associates, Inc. September 29, 2011 Ms. Lilia Medina, AICP City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33130 Re: Grove Village MUSP Updated Traffic Analysis Dear Ms. Medina: ■ 5200 NW 33n, Avenue Suite 109 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Provided herein is the updated traffic analysis for the Grove Village MUSP. Trip generation, trip distribution, trip assignment, and future total intersection and roadway segments have been revised for the Base Conditions, Alternative A, Alternative B, and Alternative C based upon the site development program dated August 5th, 2011. Tables 1 and 2 contained in Attachment A provide a detailed summary regarding the intersection, and roadway segment level of service analysis for the updated traffic analysis. The segments studied met minimum Level of Service standards under all four scenarios. The peak hour directional volume LOS thresholds for both directions of Grand Avenue were increased by 5 percent to account for the left -turn lanes on the one -lane divided roadway segments while the thresholds for northbound SW 37th Avenue were decreased by 5 percent to account for the left -turn lanes on the multilane undivided roadway segment. Detailed trip generation, trip distribution, trip assignment, volume development, and analysis worksheets are contained in Attachment B. Please note that the maneuverability analysis is forthcoming. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss any of our responses to the comments. We look forward to working with you to quickly resolve all the outstanding issues related to this application. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Adrian K. Dabkowski, P.E. (LA), PTOE CC: Raj Shanmugam, P.E.; URS Corporation Attachments K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed-Use\Correspondence\Itr\09 29 11 Comment Response.doc ■ TEL 954 535 5100 FAX 954 7392247 Attachment A Table 1: Future (2015) Total Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Intersection 2015 Peak Hour Overall Level of Service (Base Conditions) 2015 Peak Hour Overall Level of Service (Alternative A) 2015 Peak Hour Overall Level of Service (Alternative B) 2015 Peak Hour Overall Level of Service (Alternative C) LOS Delay (s) LOS Delay (s) LOS Delay (s) LOS Delay (s) A.M. Peak Hour Grand Avenue and South Dixie Highway (US 1) C 33.7 C 32.1 C 32.7 C 32.8 Grand Avenue and SW 37th Avenue D 36.3 C 32.0 C 34.4 C 35.0 Grand Avenue and Elizabeth Street D / CI11 27.7 / 16.4 C / C(1) 23.6 / 16.3 D / Cl�1 26.1 / 17.1 D / Clli 26.8 / 16.2 P.M. Peak Hour Grand Avenue and South Dixie Highway (US 1) C 30.6 C 25.0 C 28.5 C 28.9 Grand Avenue and SW 37th Avenue D 40.1 D 38.3 D 40.2 D 40.3 Grand Avenue and Elizabeth Street F / DI�1 82.2 / 27.0 F / Cl1i 52.0 / 23.5 F / D(1) 76.8 / 25.6 F / DI�1 81.3 / 27.2 (1) Overall intersection LOS not provided for two-way stop controlled intersections. The two LOS stop controlled approaches are shown. K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed-Use\Calcs\Segment Analysis\09 28 11- Tables.doc Roadway Segments Directi'un Grand Avenue EB WB SW 37th Avenue NB SB Grand Avenue EBI SW 37th Avenue Wr NB S6 Grand Avenue SW 37th Avenue EB W 8! N(3' SB ab e 2. suture (2015) Total Roadway Segment Capacity Analysis 115' A.11 / P M. Bac 1.round Pei t Hour Vol rues (1) Project Peak Hour Distribution (Maximum) A.M./P.M. Project Peak Hour Assignment(2) 2015 A.M./ P.M. Total Peak Hour Volumes(3) FDOT LOS C Standard Volume FDOT LOS D Standard Volume FDOT LOS E Standard Volume FDOT LOS E+50 Standard Volume(5) 2015 LOS Base Conditions 1,0 1 / 563 A.M. 48% in P.M. 58% In 150 / 133 1,224 / 696 61 / 962 68 / 399 45 / 401 A.M. 28% In P.M. 6% In 43% Out A.M. 15% Out P.M. 13% Out A.M. 15% In P.M. 13% In 51/205 667 / 1,167 690 / 453 499 / 430 1,064(4) 1,634(4) 1,0 1 / 563 A.M. 51% In P.M. 53% In 61 / 962 A.M. 13% In P.M. 52% Out 68 / 399 A.M. 15% Out P.M. 13% Out 45 /401 A.M. 13% In P.M. 13% In Alternative A Conditions 32/107 1,0 1 / 563 A.M. 42% In P.M. 61% In 61 / 962 A.M. 37% In P.M. 42% Out 9/107 6€ / 399 45 / 401 (1) Numbers calculated from previous t nal (2) Total traffic generated along the co ric; (3) The summation of 2015 peak hour .ac (4) Peak hour directional volume thres ,o (5) Minimum LOS standard increased i� 5 (6),Peak hour directional volume thres .o K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Villa)) e A.M. 14% Out P.M. 13% Out 1/27 9/26 A.M. 13% In P.M. 13% In s gro, by p, ound or Nc due t or Nc sd-Us to 2015 ba ect. flumes and State Road. Metrorail a State Road' Calcs\Segrr 1,106 / 670 625 / 1,069 681 / 426 464 / 427 Alternative B Conditions 87 / 145 70/157 7/44 26 / 32 ed on 0.5% annual growth rate. 504(6) 504(6) 1,161 / 708 1,064(4) 686 / 1,119 480 687 / 443 481 / 433 798)6) 504i6j 798)6) 1,539)4) 504)6J 1,064(4) 480 oject trips. Sys reduced by 5% for a multi -lane undivided roadway with left -turn lanes. ess within a 0.5 mile radius. Sys increased by 5% for a 1-lane divided roadway with left -turn lanes. nt Analysis\09 28 11 - Tables.doc 760 851(6) 798)6) 851)6) 798)6) 1,634(4) 810 1,539(4) 760 1,275(6) 1,275)6) 851)6) 851)6) 2,451(4) 1,634(4) 810 1,215 E/D D/E 1,275(6) C/C C/C 1,275(6) 2,451(4) 1,215 E/D D/E C/C D/C Table 2 - Continued: Future (2015) Total Roadway Segment Capacity Analysis Roadway Segments Directioh 2015 I A.M./ P.M. Background Peak Hour Volumes (l) Project Peak Hour Distribution (Maximum) A.M./P.M. Project Peak Hour AssignmenttZi 2015 A.M./ P.M. Total Peak Hour Volumes 13i FDOT LOS C Standard Volume FDOT LOS D Standard Volume FDOT LOS E Standard Volume FDOT LOS E+50 Standard Volumelsi 2015 LOS 1 Alternative C Conditions E / D Grand Avenue EB 1,074 / 563 A.M. 48% In P.M. 58% In 122 / 138 1,196 / 701 5041bi 798ib1 851(6) 1,275(6) WB ' 616 / 962 A.M. 28% In P.M. 6% In 43% Out 34 / 189 650 / 1,151 504(6) 798(6) 851(6) 1,275(6) D / E SW 37`h Avenue NB 11 680 / 399 A.M. 15% Out P.M. 13% Out 8 / 50 • 688 / 449 1,064141 1,5391°l 1,63414I 2,45114I C/ C SB 455 / 401 A.M. 15% In P.M. 13% In 34 / 30 489 / 431 480 760 810 1,215 D C / (1) Numbers calculated from previous analysis grown to 2015 based nn n sOu ann,,,i ,,rn,.,rh —,.. (2) Total traffic generated along the corridors by project. (3) The summation of 2015 peak hour background volumes and project trips. (4) Peak hour directional volume thresholds for Non -State Roadways reduced by 5% for a multi -lane undivided roadway with left -turn lanes. (5) Minimum LOS standard increased by 50% due to Metrorail access within a 0.5 mile radius. (6) Peak hour directional volume thresholds for Non -State Roadways increased by 5% for a 1-lane divided roadway with left -turn lanes. i�- �T� K:\ FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village M ixed-Use\Ca lcs\Segment Analysis\09 28 11- Ta bl es.d oc Attachment B Trip Generation Base Conditions 1 2 PEP C HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON DPO ED AM P AK HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP - BASE CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARAGTEP ;TICS Land Use Siegle•Fomily Detached Housing Residential Condominium/Townhouse RE ITE Edition Ccdi. Seal 3 4 High -Rise Residential Cardandniun✓Townhouse Hotel 8 2iC 4 230 18 241 8 8 8 5 6 General Office Building Shopping Center 8 8 7 8 Supernulkel 8 232 Th. 247.5: 32C 129.5- 3E' 44.3E RE Units du du du C ?ECTIONAL .D ITRIBUTION Percent 1 % 1 'ra Out 75% 83% 81% room 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PROPOSE ITE TRIP GENERATION CHAR/ ITE Land Use Edition Single -Family Detached Housing 8 Residentai CondomniuMTownlouse 8 High -Rise Residential Condonedcnyrownhouse 8 Hotel 8 General office Building 8 Slopping Center 8 Sapermarkel 8 ]TE ITT cc, 23: 3 35• ksf ksf ksf £ % E % E % 12% 39% 39% Total: GROSS • VOLUMES . - - .: INTERNAL CAPTURE ., - .EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY - CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS IC PB In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total 3 10 13 76.9% 10 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 2 11 13 76.9% 10 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 19 BO 99 26.3% 26 9 64 73 0.0% 0 9 64 73 341 46 387 2.1% 8 337 42 379 0.0% 0 337 42 379 109 70 179 32.4% 58 75 46 121 36.2% 44 53 24 77 97 62 159 30.2% 48 68 43 111 36.0% 40 48 23 71 571 279 850 18.8% 160 491 199 690 12.2% 84 449 157 606 AM 'EAK HO R TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - BASE CONDITION) ITICS :XTERNALTRIPS 165' VEHICLE OCC. REDUCTION 5% PUB TRANS/PED REDUCTION PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS NET NEW ADJUSTED Seal RE Units Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out Total 4 du 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 18 du 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 241 du 64 73 8 54 62 8 51 59 0.0% 0 8 51 59 7 14 21 room 247.5 ksf : 7 42 379 283 35 318 269 33 302 0.0% 0 269 33 302 248 9 257 129.5 ksf 46 121 63 39 102 60 37 97 36.2% 35 42 20 62 40 5 45 44.3E ksf 1 43 111 57 36 93 48 30 78 36.0% 28 34 16 50 32 5 37 1 199 690 413 168 581 387 155 542 11.7% 63 355 124 479 329 35 364 In Out Total MUSP Trips 355 124 479 Existing Trips 26 89 115 Total AM Trips 329 35 364 K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed -Use Ce. :9 28 1 4evisionstAM ase Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,4:07 PM 110 130 331 310 71 326 .50 60.110111011• MC% %MOCK 0.551013.111. Onsananon 0670011 lhasel nercnntnge 001 To101 Per te612. ol tnterIn6 unIn linon“nnr.0 ofNe %race nn143.00%. 75( 5noem0net 14330 31..1 20716/01 33% 47 10 6010101 0017201 49 60% 0 074 $1310/01 141% 01500, 15111e1 Pnrcen1713 In Oul Tolal 'menu. 01 With% 00% 301V/01 0.00Y 0 606. 0 606 Percentage 011413, 004.5112e In 001 Tool 61%610666 67 Emetlas 2,.%%47.7ge of 0016( 01%171 leasel PerC06.267 70% Oul Tout Penemage 01 Interl.q 60603 •015001 306001 52 $017/01 •017/01 54 6016101 19.37% .2.36. 61110/111 5.71% PK netnenuse of WM% 671 nentate OK In Out rerun.. 7. nenereagn 56% C C Ern.: C I 5 2 Tet., 1721. 15 51.61. 301V/01 21% 606001 53 301V/01 0017/01 54 •1316/01 15.31% 6016/01 5.70% Pr361 6010/01 35% 301,701 37 110150111 607601 nbn.001 300001 201,101 61310/01 7.06101 6017101 376001 6010711 676701 107:701 2010,0 1/07227. 11 52 62 17.6% 29% 606. 114% 27111 21% 1.42% 266% 596. 16% 15% 147532 16% 70 53 61 12.611 3.04 93 97 2600 36 4171 10,6% 31 5 37 022, :7 22% <2.,22 17 7 56 11776 2,0% PEA ( HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON )PO ED PM P AK HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP - BASE CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARA13TEk /TICS Land Use ITE Edition ITE Cot: 1 Singte.Family Detached Housing 8 250 2 Residential Gondomantumrownmuse 8 230 3 High.Rlse Residential Condominium/Townhouse 8 232 4 Hotel 8 3 _: G 5 General Office Building 8 R 6 Shopping Center 8 32e. 0 7 Supermarket 8 35_ U 8 P 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 15 ITE Scat Units [ 2ECTIONAL D ;TRIBUTION 4 18 du du 241 du E E E Percent Out 37% 33% 38% room 247.5 129.5 44.3E ksf ksf ksf 1 % 4 '!a 83% 51% 49% Total: GROSS - VOLUMES INTERNAL CAPTURE - EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS IC PB In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total 4 2 6 66.7% 4 2 0 2 0.0% 0 2 0 2 10 5 15 60.0% 9 5 1 6 0.0% 0 5 1 6 60 37 97 63.9% 62 27 8 35 0.0% 0 27 8 35 61 295 356 7.6% 27 45 284 329 0.0% 0 45 284 329 371 386 757 22.2% 168 290 299 589 36.2% 214 183 192 375 268 257 525 27.0% 142 199 184 383 36.0% 138 130 115 245 774 982 1,756 23.5% 412 568 776 1,344 26.2% 352 392 600 992 PROPOS I PM LEAK HO R TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - BASE CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATIONCHARAJTEr. ;TICS ITE ITE Edition Cod, Seal. Land Use Singlo.Family Detached Housing Residential Condomireu,nTownhouse 8 8 HiglnRise Residential Cmdonunioo townhouse 8 Hotel 8 General Office Building 8 Slopping. Center Supemarkel 8 8 2>; 4 231. 18 23.r 241 31C 71C 247.5. 82_ 129.5 85C 44.3E ITE Units du du du room EXTERNAL TRIPS Out 0 8 Total 2 6 35 16% VEHICLE OCC: REDUCTION In 2 4 23 Out 0 7 Total 2 5 30 5% PUB TRANS/PED REDUCTION In Out Total 2 0 2 4 22 7 5 29 PASS -BY CAPTURE Percent 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% PB Trips 0 0 0 In 2 4 22 NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Out 0 7 Total 2 5 29 NET NEW ADJUSTED In 3 16 Out 0 6 Total 4 22 ksf ksf ksf i : 0 9 284 299 184 329 589 383 38 244 167 239 251 155 277 495 322 36 232 159 227 238 147 263 470 306 0.0% 36.2% 36.0% 0 170 110 36 147 104 227 152 93 263 299 197 26 105 75 199 133 82 225 238 157 776 1,344 478 653 1,131 455 620 1,075 26.1% 280 315 480 795 226 421 647 K:\FTL TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed -Us?. ;:at 19 28 ' Revisions\PM ase Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,7:08 PM In Out Total MUSP Trips 315 480 795 Existing Trips Total PM Trips 89 226 59 421 148 647 11759.1140111001•11100.1.110437SSIGNRIENT Tratpon Docriofion [Bala) PortenORR H Out Total Poloomage ReCeolage el NUM ol.leling (Airs MO 0 40 Tormlose Iononlase 1 Tom, .1.T'maz Inlel101 010011. OtaRei 0.0011 OtroonlaRe Poicontateol oerteo0. Total biol.( 017.11140 0 TWOS DOM BIWA 19714 'octant Corce..• el 70111 Interlot Peruniage laland.aael Pertrolase MDT: 01411.,T. 0.40111..4.10 0,1 0 DX Mau Off OD. arconeare 01 75a. 9..6 WM{ 16.0 Toren.. Du1 Toloi D CR1 0 D DO. Mare, Oft 0Into Sone 71.1/01 47.210 19, .0.0111 IR RON/131 2141 TOLV/01 01 foam 111 NoN/01 29K RO 49 otatuiel 16 Rooz/01 11E411 Pei,/ Re41.1.1 241 011 62 11.91. 0.01 14.6 211 014 22 26 3S 117 MOM 19311 OD. 91410 20.57 vorJ/01 2114 16% 011 17 R00,01 41 20 706/071 37 .130001 1.214t DOI 11019/01 001401 9.960 39% 6010/01 70 7091/01 79 1010001 39811 214 RON/01 R010/01 •Dro/01 ../nt 12 DOM •01.01 OD. 12 C 0 O. 0. C.TOR1 17 ooS 7.321 0.10111. 191. 16 ED 36 0 Y. 16 21 37 24 .63 67 26 116 11.914 24 ID. 75 SI 557 MI. 79.5. 10.611 92 116 57. 75. Trip Generation Alternative A PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON PROPOSED AM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE A CONDIT ON) 1 ITE TRIP GENERATION i CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL'. DISTRIBUTION GROSS VOLUMES : - • INTERNAL'-, CAPTURE . EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Land Use ITE Edition RE Code Scale RE Units Percent In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out G R 0 U P 1 Singlo.Famity Detached Housing 8 210 4 du. 25 % 75 % 3 10 13 76.9 % 10 1 2 3 0.0% le Out 2 2 64 Total 3 3 73 2 Residential Condominium/Townhouse 8 230 18 du, 17% 83% 2 11 13 76.9 % 10 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 1 3 HIgh.Rlse Residential COMominiumrTownhouse 8 232 241 du 19 % 81 % 19 80 99 26.3% 26 9 64 73 0.0% 0 4 5 Hotel 8 310 84 room 61% 39% 20 13 33 36.4% 12 13 8 21 0.0% 0 0 9 13 General Office Building 8 710 ksf 8 23 21 76 70 6 Shopping Genie( 8 820 129.572 ksf, 61% 39% 109 70 179 34.1% 61 74 44 118 36.2% 42 7 Supermarket 8 850 44.357 ksf, 61% 39% 97 62 159 30.8% 49 68 42 110 36.0% 40 53 8 48 22 9 10 i 11 12 13 14 15 Total: 250 246 496 33.9% 168 166 162 328 25.0% 82 125 121 246 PROPOSED AM PEAK HOUIR TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE A CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS Land Use Single.Fonrly Detached Housing RE Edition Residential Condominium/Townhouse High.Riso Residenlial Condorninium7ownhouse Hotel General Office Building 8 8 8 8 8 ITE Code 210 230 232 310 710 Scale 4 18 241 84 ITE Units du du du room ksf; EXTERNAL TRIPS In 1 1 9 13 Out 2 2 64 8 Total 3 3 73 21 16 % VEHICLE OCC. REDUCTION In 1 1 8 11 Out 2 2 54 7 Total 3 3 62 18 5% PUB TRANS/PED REDUCTION In 1 8 9 Out 2 2 51 6 Total 3 3 59 15 PASS -BY CAPTURE Percent 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% PB Trips 0 0 0 0 In 1 1 8 9 NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Out 2 2 51 6 Total 3 3 59 15 NET NEW ADJUSTED In 1 1 6 7 Slopping Center Supermarket 8 8 820 850 129.572 44.357 ksf, ksf 74 68 166 44 42 162 118 110 328 62 57 140 37 35 137 99 92 277 59 54 132 35 33 129 94 87 261 36.2% 36.0% 25.0% 34 31 65 41 39 99 18 17 96 59 56 195 29 29 73 Oul Total 0 1 0 1 10 0 7 2 31 1 30' 7 50 In Out Total MUSP Trips Existing Trips Total AM Trips 99 26 73 96 89 7 195 115 80 K:\FTL_TPTO1043211000-Grove Village Mixed-Use\Gales\09 28 11 Revisions AM\Alternative A Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,4:19 PM F ' r"`ry Jomen1JC MASHY 101141 00,143/111 3,001 lama, 03,131.0.1 0110,3‘.,410 a m 1,133/3441. ISO Suornlastlel 14 31111 GC, 113 „.„ 3. CC oil 0 o 00M4 0 M. OM. .1333.1.411MACOMIJIMN• 03.101.11313.3.516/0.13111 rolmnyce 31 CPI peroomage ot3330.• In Portenlage /110ollco rertenlam al 3.1mint OM, In :7= 310 16% OVA 13, IC 31, 15 GM, GC. OM% OM, JD Alm OM, 11191 MUM 31 11. 31 . PROPOSED PM PEAK _............... ..... ..,....t.......tr-l..vtNJ a..vtvit—i- r IIJVPi HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE A CONDIT ON) j ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL... DISTRIBUTION. GROSS -. VOLUMES .' -- INTERNAL' CAPTURE EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS ITE ITE RE; Percent IC Land Use Edition Coda Scale Units In Out In ,_ Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In 1 Slrgle.Fomily Dorothea Housing 8 210 4 du 63% 37% 4 2 6 66.7% 4 2 0 2 0.0% 0 2 Out Total 2 Residential Condominium/Townhouse 8 230 18 du 67% 33% 10 5 15 60.0% 9 5 1 6 0.0% 0 5 0 1 2 3 High.RlscResidonllalCondominium/Townhouse 8 232 241 du 62% 38% 60 37 97 62.9% 61 28 8 36 0.0% 0 28 6 G 4 Hotel 8 310 84 room 53% 47% 27 24 50 36.0% 18 18 15 32 0.0% 0 18 8 15 36 5 General orate Building 8 710 ksf 32 R 6 Shopping Canter 8 820 129.572 ksf 49% 51% 371 386 757 21.4% 162 291 304 595 36.2% 216 183 196 0 7 Supermarket 8 850 44.357 ksf. 51% 49% 268 257 525 26.7% 140 199 186 385 36.0% 138 130 117 379 U 8 247 P 9 , 10 1 11 12 13 14 1 15 I Total: 740 711 1,450 27.2% 394 543 514 1,056 33.5% 354 366 337 702 PROPOSED PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE A CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS - - EXTERNAL TRIPS 16% VEHICLEOCC. REDUCTION • .. 5% PUB TRANSIPED • REDUCTION PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS NET NEW ADJUSTED Land Use RE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE Units In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out Total Single•Family Detached Housing 8 210 4 du. 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0.0% 0 2 D 2 1 0 Residential CondonBm Ju'Townhouse 8 230 18 du, 5 1 6 4 1 5 4 1 5 0.0% 0 4 1 5 3 1 1 High.Rise Residential Condonm4uniTownhouso 8 232 241 du 28 8 36 24 7 31 23 7 30 0.0% 0 23 7 30 16 5 4 Hotel 8 310 84 room 18 15 32 15 13 27 13 11 23 0.0% 0 13 11 24 9 9 21 Gonoral 011ice Building 8 710 ksf, 18 st, ppi, conlo, 8 820 129.572 ksf 291 304 595 244 255 499 232 242 474 36.2% 172 146 156 302 102 121 Supermarket 8 850 44.357 ksf 199 186 385 167 156 323 159 148 307 36.0% 111 104 92 196 72 72 223 144 543 514 1,056 456 432 887 433 409 841 33.6% 282 292 267 559 203 208 411 In Out Total MUSP Trips 292 267 559 Existing Trips 89 59 148 Total PM Trips 203 208 411 K:\FTL TPT0\043211000-Grove V Ilage Mixed-Use\Calcs\09 28 11 Revisions\PM\Alternative A Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,7:18 PM OS 1,94704 ittattl In Penent/a ot t9.714 09,1417.111 004 3•0 ,tt 79.1911toutns 111. Spa. Is91 034 OVA LC% teetat1/1491. 1111 26% SuOttmartel 7.1 41 Al.,01•01110m •141064 4.411%004 41.1111.1 iercentao .911, Petrtn1a2e C11 rottentage of 1,1-trIvtige 31.9c o13.9139 0-03% 0 10C1 7.67. 0 00% 000% 33.9k3i 10+sel Percent... CA 0 321 1 %%Montage 01 tetcon 401.33.n9 3araaso 111. 11.9e1 CI 0 014 iC111 PC1(.01.1te al %raving el 33039. Altam 103,41 • 091 Pottonlaite t .n129% 01194, OMR 01-.1 C43% 21 40% .71 17 LS, 11 32C1t. 1.37% 11.6 t2.4.tty OM% .16 16 3S 7.2.174 9.13% 11 33 19 23 42 1S 1 45, 72 72 114 •VI1,19,46.141.9749.ev,9 999.111”14ontetti 11 ottt ett...Xt.9.99•94.%. 19 20 39 3.0 3.4 20. .33 161 Trip Generation Alternative B PEP C HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON PRC PC ED 1 .VI PEAK 1 OUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP -ALTERNATIVE B CONDIT ON) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTL'd. 1TICS Land Use ITE ITE Edition Cocl Seal C 2ECTIONAL D 1TRIBUTION RE Units Percent Out 1 2 Single -Family Detached Housing Residential Condominium/Townhouse 8 211Z 4 8 3 High -Rise Residential Condondniun✓Tnwnhouse 8 4 Hotel 8 du 23C 18 232 473 31: 5 General Office Building 8 71: 99.8 6 Shopping Center 8 32; 160.9 7 Supermarket 8 du du ,o 1 1 ,a 75% 83% 81% 85_ 44.3` 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 room ksf ksf ksf E f 12% 39% 39% Total: GROSS. VOLUMES INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS IC PB In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total Percent Trips In Out Total 3 10 13 76.9% 10 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 2 11 13 76.9% 10 1 2 3 0.0% 0 1 2 3 32 134 166 19.9% 33 17 116 133 0.0% 0 17 116 133 165 22 187 4.3% 8 161 18 179 0.0% 0 161 18 179 124 80 204 30.9% 63 88 53 141 34.0% 48 64 - 29 93 97 62 159 31.4 % —50 68 41 109 36.0% 40 48 21 69 423 319 742 23.5% 174 336 232 568 15.5% 88 292 188 480 PROPOSED At 'EA! HOUR TI 'P GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE B CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARA OTGf iTICS ITE n"E Edition Ceti. Seal 8 21: 4 pmn;umTownnpppe 8 23: 18 232 479 8 I 31_ 8 7' 1. 99.8 8 32: 160.9 8 ' 32. 44.31 Land Use Detached Housing Single -Family Oe� Residential Cond Residential Condominium/Townhouse High -Rise Reside Hotel General Office Building Stopping Carder Supermarket RE Units du du du room :XTERNAL TRIPS Out Total 16% VEHICLE OCC. REDUCTION In Out Total 5% PUB TRANS/FED REDUCTION In out Total PASS -BY CAPTURE Percent PB Trips In NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Out Total NET NEW ADJUSTED In Out Total 2 2 116 3 3 133 1 1 14 2 2 97 3 3 111 1 1 13 2 2 92 3 3 105 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 0 1 1 13 2 2 92 3 3 105 1 1 12 1 38 2 2 50 ksf ksf ksf 3 3 6 18 53 41 232 179 141 109 568 135 74 57 282 15 45 34 195 150 119 91 477 128 70 54 267 14 43 32 185 K3FTL TPT01043211000-Grove Village Mixed -Use CO )9 28 Revisions'AM Iternalive B Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,4:24 PM 142 113 86 452 0.0 34.0% 36.0 15.4 0 38 31 69 128 51 39 233 In 14 24 17 151 Out 142 75 56 384 Total MUSP Trips 233 151 384 Existing Trips Total AM Trips 26 207 89 62 115 269 114 44 35 207 6 120 9 7 53 42 62 269 .st• t.t.tr CO, Oat tIntegtrade 113, '7,7Z 1 6. 0 6 DTI ecrtantl. 11.0:11 Utand 101artias. At 0,1101,011 • OLOC.111.1 1151411,1011 In Ito.111.16e • 1 ttltinc 0 On Out a MN 1.teetlate 0, a Ow I 230 111 310 lln ale CR. 0=1 C 0 1. all,. CDC: OM% 0, 0 10 13 .13./131 1451. •0111.1 1.13. n'rera 12% 11341111 0 4lit 031V/01 •111V/01 113IV/01 II% •DIV/01 5111V/111 .0116.01 111./01 Oat, sIllY/O1 151, 121 43. 42, tes,e1 tent/Ol • ot, 0 I oat,. e.1,21 ,3211 13, 0 0 cum 1.61, *f.“ ea, la 56, 1 2 0.41, 0 On, 1St, 40./C1 itaralat •LVV,Z1 It:1W 1.10 16 20 a On OM. 43.. 6Lett 1.6:11 111 st tor. Its,. 11 211 le 10 21 8.10N. 1413, 10 16 26 “Itt 23.11% 2 C er, IA, IS 7 42 1611, 14, 11¢1. tl:rx 11 131 4.1a 10 62: t 2 PEA ( HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON PRC PI ED F 11 PEAK F JUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP -ALTERNATIVE B CONDIT ON) C 1ECTIONAL ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTE , ;TICS D ;TRIBUTION Land Use Single -Family Detached Housing Residential Condominium/Townhouse 3 4 High_Rise Residential Condominium/Townhouse Hotel 5 General Office Building 6 Shopping Center 7 Supermarket ITE ITE RE Percent Edition Co u, Soak Units 2"C 4 du E 232 18 du 6 i 232 472 du 6 3' 7`.c 99.8. ksf 1 % 322 160.9 ksf 4 To 85_ 44.35 ksf 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 room Out 37% 33% 38% In 4 10 109 GROSS VOLUMES Out 2 5 67 Total 6 15 176 INTERNAL CAPTURE Percent 66.7% 60.0% 61.9% IC Trips 4 9 109 EXTERNAL TRIPS In 2 5 51 Out 0 16 Total 2 6 67 PASS -BY CAPTURE Percent 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% PB Trips 0 0 0 In 2 5 51 NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Out 0 16 Total 2 6 67 83% 51% 49% 32 429 268 159 446 257 191 875 525 15.2% 22.6% 30.7% 29 198 161 16 333 190 146 344 174 162 677 364 0.0% 34.0% 36.0% 0 230 132 16 218 124 146 229 108 162 447 232 Total: 852 936 1,788 28.5% 510 597 681 1,278 28.3% 362 416 500 916 PROPOSED PN 'EAI HOUR TF P GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP -ALTERNATIVE B CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARA 2TF.' ;TICS BE Cad_ Scal. Land Use ITE Edition Single•Famdly Detached Housing Residential CondominlumTownhouse High -Rise Residential Coedom+ iongtownuouse Hotel 8 8 8 8 General Office Building 8 Slapping Center 8 Supelmarkel 8 1XTERNAL TRIPS 16% VEHICLE OCC. REDUCTION 5% PUB TRANS/PED -.REDUCTION PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS NET NEW ADJUSTED ITE Units 21;. 4 23: 18 232 472 312 71;, 99.8 822 160.9 85C 44.3E K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed -Use al !9 28 9/27/2011,7:26 PM du du du room Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out Total 0 '16 2 6 67 2 4 43 0 1 13 2 5 56 2 4 41 0 12 2 5 53 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 0 2 4 41 0 12 2 5 53 3 30 0 10 4 40 ksf ksf ksf 3 0 7 146 344 174 681 162 677 364 1,278 13 280 160 502 123 289 146 572 136 569 306 1,074 12 266 152 477 117 275 139 544 129 541 291 1,021 0.0% 34.0% 36.0% 28.3% 0 184 105 289 12 175 100 334 117 183 87 400 129 358 187 734 9 128 74 245 100 156 74 341 109 284 148 586 Revisions\PM Iternative B Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR In Out Total MUSP Trips Existing Trips Total PM Trips 334 89 245 400 59 341 734 148 586 03,24 12.0r rt.pen 1..1 At MAIM DC M1111001 • 10C, 1.3100.CC 31.00.1lie 6.1. 1100.1 ',amuse 01 thIng 602. MOD. othamt WW1 Out 0 MY rercent200 of D11.10.0 re.0.401.20 DM{ OW< 00% OD% 1.0 11 1.6114 113.1 13. 701401 •011.4101 cOCC/01 acm,111 001401 trOD1/01 omv/01 ZOIV/01 001101 •31111,01 ADM/01 .01V/01 IS .2002/0. 11% Dia 17 52 (1.0091 11110 02 17 lam 0 00401 19 DINC/01 5.11, stliV/01 6.00 11 I, ON let. ct 0.1 0 54% 331 .1111. 0 MY 17 37 6.941 3.977A. 7O3.11 16 20 16 2.32. PI: SLIM 4S SS 100 11131. IL 13% 17 17 DC, 1 0 0 0 3 S. 1 0 41. c0,1 4.113701 OD, nt,t1 411 0-10.4 0.4 0=1 11 16 11 it 71 91 202 74 1.4 346 30.1014 2.3 St 17,154 .01 166 14.14.4 Trip Generation Alternative C PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON PROPOSED AM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP -ALTERNATIVE C CONDIT ON) 1 ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL ' DISTRIBUTION: GROSS - VOLUMES -.. INTERNAL. CAPTURE EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW Land Use SInglo-Fomly ITE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE , Units Percent In Out In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB EXTERNAL TRIPS G R 0 U P 1 Detached Housing 8 210 4 du : 25% 75% 3 10 13 76.9% 10 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Trips 0 0 In 1 1 Out 2 2 Total 3 3 2 Reslaemml cpnapmnipmTnwnhnase I 8 230 18 du 17% 83% 2 11 13 76.9% 10 1 2 3 3 4 High•Risc Rerldpnlial CondomniumRownhoUse Ham 8 232 241 du , 19% 81% 19 80 99 27.3% 27 9 2 63 3 72 5 Gement omen 8 • 310 roam 0 9 63 72 Bnilmng 8 710 172.001 ksf , 88% 12% 254 35 289 2.8% 8 250 0.0% 34.7% 36.0% 0 48 250 61 31 27 281 78 6 Shopping center 8 820 150.17 ksf. 61% 39% 120 76 196 30.6% 60 85 31 51 281 7 8 supermarket 8 850 44.357 ksf , 61% 39% 97 62 159 30.8% 49 67 43 136 110 40 47 23 70 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total: 495 274 769 21.3% 164 413 192 605 14.5% 88 369 148 517 PROPOSED AM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE C CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION Land Use Singln.Fondly ['clothed Housing CHARACTERISTICS RE Edition Residential CondoniniUMTownhouse High -Rise Residential Condoniriumrownhousc Hotel General 011ie° Building Shopping Conic, Supermarket 8 8 8 8 ITE Code 210 230 Scale 232 310 4 18 241 RE; Units du du du room EXTERNAL TRIPS In 1 1 9 Out 2 2 63 Total 3 3 72 167 VEHICLEOCC: .:...REDUCTION. In 1 1 8 Out 2 2 53 Total 3 3 61 :5% PUB TRANS/PED REDUCTION In 1 1 8 Out 2 2 50 Total 3 3 58 PASS -BY - CAPTURE Percent 0.0 0.0% 0.0% P8 Trips 0 0 0 In 1 1 8 8 8 8 710 820 850 172.001 150.17 44.357 ksf 1 ksf. ksf 250 85 67 413 31 51 43 192 281 136 110 605 210 71 56 347 26 43 36 162 236 114 92 509 200 67 53 330 25 41 34 154 K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Vil age Mixed-Use\Cates\09', 28 11 Revisions\AMlAlternative C Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,5:44 PM 225 108 87 484 0.0% 34.7% 36.0% 14.2% 0 37 31 69 NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS 200 48 37 295 In Out 2 2 50 25 22 17 118 Out Total 3 3 58 225 70 54 413 Total MUSP Trips Existing Trips Total AM Trips 295 26 269 118 89 29 413 115 298 NET NEW ADJUSTED In 1 1 7 182 44 34 269 Out Total 0 0 1 1 12 I 19 189 6 I 50 4 38 29 298 110 /IC le 940,70.414 renen1.11. 6.4 .134.9111 11, .39Ple1 1,09/01 17 57 4 50 10 61 03% 26134 tttt of 14010. 1-6 .311,101 6 94 Pima: 1114.41 91.71.3197193 ;COMM. • 1.1104114.91.0611. 044.346 .31 1913 .141.4.6 gt.04.11 011.06 ea 'al 1 .1 440.401.66 10 013 1.1.1 ten391.6. 01 141..143 7717701177 613.103 Mr.. Iblel Pe... h 0.0 401.1 Percentap 61 Interle, r,,cn.v p11.11ong .,,. 164Ie1 Fn.... . 0.1 161.1 144.6.36. 91 WO, Pert:M.6c 91101.ng 3naco 130.91 ....0.69 In .061 Icial .6000.... 0.101e, 64-03.1.46 of 10046 631. 111asel 0 0 0 C.34 02. 04 0 0 0 02. 0 OM V Of 0 0 0 00. 0.1. 0 CM 0 0 0 6 0146 0.6 C 074 0 0 0 0.1014 0 MA - • 3 0 04,4 ne. 09. 0 o 0 0.0. .0% • 124 0 a 0 1400% nee, : 233. 0 P P MP, 0.4. 1,. 4. I 0 1 e.17% 0 O. 3 . p...,3 ....,..6 04 0 0 0 ne. am, a cX 0 0 0 OS. 03614 154 9. 7 11 11 LEM 373374 I r 671 0 1 1 0 0444 3394 :06 .onlot x011.1 403031 .011901 'be./ 401432, t wo.v/01 •011.901 406,01 .00.101 401,01 •oneni e IDN/ol •cruni abr.,01 •oryte) or,01 sonAl : eorool •sivion No.! 3.901 .014101 40441C1 2 64 2104K 63. I, II% si 2 54 193IX b...,.. 1.72,6 II% la I 21 731% 314591 3 0.6 0 0 0 03. OD. ; Clt 0 0 0 0.04 0004 173105 1 6 ;S. 14514 . 17 IVA 4 1 5 1 49.4 3.4V.: 11,117 1114 19 2 21 7.06‘ 6.5. 21.14-1 12% 4 0 4 1.491. 0.19. 373. 41. 2 0 2 .714 0 7014 10.94.43 3 n 15.59‘ 10344 56 3 59 Mel, 103. 39 3 12 143014 1.4. ,, ,, ,2 .3":.: ,,,,,, a2 133571 17.14% 1: Ch PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON PROPOSED PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION (MUSP -ALTERNATIVE C CONDITION) 1 ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION GROSS - VOLUMES . INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL Land Use ITE Edition ITE Code Scale RE Units Percent In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips TRIPS In Out Sirple.Famuy Detached Housing 8 210 4 du 63% 37% 4 2 6 66.7% 4 2 0 2 0.0% In 2 Out 0 1 8 213 Total 2 35 242 2 Residential Condominiun✓Townhousc 8 230 18 du 67% 33% 10 5 15 60.0 % 9 5 1 6 0.0% 0 3 High -Rise Residential Condominium/Townhouse 8 232 241 du 62% 38 % 60 37 97 63.9 % 62 27 8 35 0.0% 0 5 27 4 Hotel 8 310 room 0 5 Gomel office Building 8 710 172.001 ksf 17% 83% 46 225 271 10.7% 29 29 213 242 0.0% 6 7 Shopping center 8 820 150.17 ksf 49% 51% 409 426. 835 20.4% 170 327 338 665 34.7% 0 230 29 8 Supermarket 8 850 44.357 ksf 51% 49% 268 257 525 27.0% 142 199 184 383 36.0% 138 212 130 223 435 9 115 245 10 11 12 13 14 15 965 Total: 797 952 1,749 23.8% 416 589 744 1,333 27.6% 368 405 560 PROPOSED PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS (MUSP - ALTERNATIVE C CONDITION) ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS Land Use Single -Family Detached Housing RE Edition Residential Condoni&u,nTownhouse High -Rise Residential CondominiumiTownhouso Hotel 8 8 8 8 ITE Code 210 230 232 310 Scale 4 18 241 RE Units du du du room EXTERNAL TRIPS . - In 2 5 27 Out 0 1 8 Total 2 6 35 16% VEHICLE.00C.:; In 2 4 23 out 0 1 7 Total 2 5 30 5% PUB TRANS/PED REDUCTION In 2 4 22 Out 0 1 7 Total 2 5 29 PASS -BY CAPTURE Percent 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% PB Trips 0 0 0 In 2 4 22 NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Out 0 1 7 Total 2 5 29 General Office Building Sherwing Conley Supornwrkel 8 8 8 710 820 172.001 150.17 ksf ksf 850 44.357 ksf 29 327 199 589 213 338 184 744 242 665 383 1,333 24 275 167 495 179 284 155 626 203 559 322 1,121 23 261 159 471 170 270 147 595 193 531 306 1,066 0.0% 34.7% 36.0% 27.6% 0 184 110 294 23 169 104 324 NET NEW ADJUSTED In 1 3 16 Out Total .0 1 1 4 6 22 170 178 92 448 193 347 196 772 17 - 122 76 147 164 154 276 81 157 235 389 624 In Out Total MUSP Trips Existing Trips Total PM Trips K:\FTL_TPTO\043211000-Grove Village Mixed-Use\Gales\09 28 11 Revisions\PMIAlternalive C Conditions - Trip Gen PM 06 08 10.xlsx: PRINT -PEAK HOUR 9/27/2011,7:28 PM 324 89 235 448 59 389 772 148 624 117) r"1 Steepen .161 Iptal ol W.% 15.6141 SID 1221 DON 0274 2.6-6 4PVIO1 4249121 464.1 17211%;,6:42.2 • 4.21C 1:1 12.27. sr. ba 1611 16342 171 44 rt 0 0691 : Total 91 11.061 16.971 112:6.3206 C C 120171014 • LOCK 051.25.129/.10.7 01.64, ancess1.40% NI tote rm.. 01 96,22.62402 01[41690 02.1 104421 Pc•cn1422 01 0.12.12 01.09, .4esse IssOn0 1113.21 52rtenlase 7.1 :earn. 66:61 1.221 021 702ass 15.1 0 229 22211 COA OM. 011-1 01 0221 2696 PS 0 2.0214 Ct 6X, C 26.9 6110% OOP: 32% 061% 643% 6.9.9 643% 616% 23 LOT% 0% 0.2211. 6606 01-4 164 9411 15 631% 12 6% 0.43o 0 Cora :26 5216911 51316/01 5[49/01. 925.9211 51166•01 soma, 4211/01 5131a/01 52.01 tan. •Dar/11 4046/21 602,01 .401 426.631 401,6! If 21. .03.6 .1 42 2.136 10329 3.6 10 0.56% 2 OCT pt 0 179106 31 2.20% 0 95 1.76%. 6.661 51 IPA 11 IS 3366 raolf 41% 61 110 12.1 1697% 16. 1324 1.934 I 61: 020% DOC% 0.001 0.006 0 C06 2626. 4.17 1.0616 IS: 12.34% 1211t. 1661% 11.1 14.631 SS 23.40% 11221 31 24 SS 62.76 171 36321 22.621 Trip Distribution and Assignment Base Conditions AM Peak Hour ,•."I NOT TO SCALE Vri rand Avenue. 6.0% (6.0%) 4- (20.0%) d 1 4 26.0% J Pow-INSVI grig Kirriley-Hom • and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (13.0%) (25.0%) (3.0%) 42.0% t. (14.0%) • (11.0%) • (42.0%) ▪ (57.0%) • (1.0%) 4,1 1 r (3.0%) J 57.0% =S. C 4 I 11 e J .o% =14, it f QStudy Roadway Study Intersection Site 0C:100 EnteringSProject Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution I 4 4- ,o..% "nject Trip t Abaco Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village Cityof Miami, Florida N NOTTOSCALE i Lc) rand A 'Itae o 2 o t.. o I.. 0 1 4 oj 10 .4. o Kimley-Hom ibef and Associates, Inc. © 2008 = 0 (LI s...:, CD' ..... 4,'.. =.4..., 01 -c1•11. al cl$:: ,.=1 -.=, 4u-•+r 714-77:` ca: C.) cli reY. Vil Cf) itt C ir.,.: 6' CL ..= ILI A.. 1 .4m. 2 ° 411 r, t. 1 3 1 4 _c- ki 1 4' +1 1 r, is 21 .4. t. 1 I.. 4 1 • oj 0 .4. 26 t. 0 0 ° kejarAl r.A Study Roadway VII) Study Intersection [1:1 Site 000 Trip Assignment 1 4 4— - 4 , r Abaco Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami..Florida ) N NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenu 6.0 % .µ (6.0%) 4- (20.0r) 4J14 J 26.0% 53.40. Pii"" Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 cu �. (13.0%) k:• (26.0%) ,- (3.0%) �14 ht r° 38.0% .44 4.0 Lie Ca �. (14.0%) /® (38.0^ ) g «1 1 4 29.0 16.05' 4, 14 h1r, if J 52.0% Z V 1 I* (12.0%) J I f (16.0%) m; (1.0%) Legend Study Roadway QI Study Intersection (Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution v tAT 4. 10.0% 1 4 t- (5.0%) J h 1 r4 (10.0%)I Bimini r )ject Tr p Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Mimi, Florida NorTO SCALE =7:2 0 0 Gran © 2008 1 r, 5 ...4• 4 1 4 0 .1 • 24 o Kirniey-Hom and Associates, Inc. CD 4-2N. 4,) 1 4 1 r, 35 .40. 4 nk. 4 I 4 48 4- r. 27 0 0 4 1 4 o 1 .4 . o 0 4.. 15 1- Legend Study Roadway tkO Study Intersection Site 000 Trip Assignment 1 LI —9 J 1 r, Bimini Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N - qui- TO SCALE GrandAventr 6.0% e<+ ,4.... (6.0%) 4.- (20.0%) i 1 ee .? en 4 1 Lo te.1 (13.0%) 44.. 4(26.0%) (3.O%) <4 R <4 7... Z. 5.2. 4 1 4 4...it_ 32.0% -r 4) I t.. +a n 29.0% a f+ J 1 I 14 42.0% J 441, t I 41 t (4. (12.0%) 26.0% =4 a. ')i. g (29.0%) .4 4' (16.0%) (3.0%) (1.0%) PIP7 frf Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 16.0` t Legend Study Roadway (191 Study Intersection Ell Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution (5.0%) (10 .0%) (1.0%) t Freeport "-Dect Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N ,..1 !NOT TO SCALE :L7 it! 5 CZ) t•••••, CZO, CO7a- Gra.ndli/j4.13u 0 •at 3 .4 0 ". !Li 4.1 I e 0 15 4 0 PP-1 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 fa clY a.), CD ilf 2.....1 a) (J) 07 Ca 14 .f.j.....: 0 , sa; CC1 67 itk ELI 19 -r vt. 17 411 1 4 -e- 8 1 4 vt. o 9 ° Legend StudyiteRoadway kej Study Intersection s 000 Trip Assignment CS) 6 e 0 N 24 j 41 e e oj ,1 1 I t4 0 0 Freeport Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida t I r NOT TO SCALE J rand Avenue r 6.05. y K mley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 tlY d , Q M t (13.0%) • (26.0%) (3.0° ) 014 �. (14.0%) • (42.0%) (1.0%) 4) 1 4 as a) a L. U1) C.) F1 e F_L t (11.0%) ▪ (57.0%) 4- • (3.0%) J 42.0% b h1r' 57.0 % s► h1 r' Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection of Site I 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 67.0% J' 9 Grand Bahama 'I oject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village Citylof Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE 0 0 rand ktliu r oJ t 0 © 2008 1 4 o 15 o fr.71 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Clii' ia) di Cii Ell CL) r-1 4.W. U.) ef3' Ul C.). • CD' OS: fil co' 4:7k ..t4 CL, = III o 4.m. 1 to 1® 2 4 1 4 4- 4.1 1 4 4- C .1 41 1 f4 J 41 i f4 ,s. 24 =4. 33 t. 0 0002 4 I 14 3.)- tr 3o o .- E1 Projec Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Trip Assignment CD. tp' PCS' tn. t. 6 1 4 4 39 .1 tr Grand Bahana Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida ,I.C4 TO SCALE 1 Gran:dikenu , - (6.0%) 4- .. ... 6.0% 1 Lk- t. (13.0%) - (26.0%) (3.0%) 1 4 26.0% FP"— MN Kimley-Hom heb—j T I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 42.0% 1.4 t . (14.0%) - (42.0%) (1.0%) +1 e JIL1 r 57.0% J t e 16.(Y. Legend Study Roadway (j_tjt Study Intersection Ea Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 4J 1 4 (5.0%) J4.11 r 00.0%k (1.0%), Nassau "1 ect Trip DistributionA.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 11.40T TO SCALE .• LJ rand Aiehlrtti a .1 4 0 ••••• Nc• CZ:1 -t- o 4-• a -r a 41 f* 0 I 4 0 j 18 .4 0 -4 iPP-1 Kimlay-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 CD' CD Cri• w ai 2:.. Cb i40. CO' en 0) (/), .•!'qii - CD N: sz. as' in crs -,--,, .71: m. CL. = ILI -t- 4- 40 _At ti I 4 o o o -11 0 0 4.1 e Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Trip Assignment 7 t Nassau Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TD SCALE CIZY ‘f, ZZ!') CZ) cg? GrandAvenue 6.0 % 1 14 J 26.0% INEN VI }<May -Horn hum_H Ir 1 and Asscdates, Inc. © 2008 CD ti.... (13.0%) 4..m, (26.0%) 7- 4.- (3.0%) 0 1 4 t r,J 42.0% .4 ri t r, (14.0%) (42.0%) (1.0%) J 57.0% ri a; C13 a; uJ 16.09 f Legend Study Roadway Q.2.9 Study Intersection 000 Site Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise "i Jject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hou Grove Village City of Miami, Florida cr. . —1 LLJ ft NOT TO SCALE Grand: of t— o 4— +1 e 0 4 0 jr 3 .4. 0 '14 p.-1111161111-1 Kimley-Horn itief.,1111111r_11 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 1 w ; Cr) IL 2 — 4 ° t e CI 0 I 4 J 5 ...I. 1L, 2 4— t e J 7 4 4.w t r, CI N ONO 01 4 o J- o 0 o 4— .4— 2 t e ONN e en 000 Study Roadway Study Intersection Site Trip Assignment 0 I 4 —t lt- 41 — 4— t Paradis Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hou GroveVillag City of Miami,,Florid r e A NOT TO SCALE Legend Study Roadway Qg Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution •;..4 , I , I I I I 1 4i 1 Li 2010 is 0 -1 r 7 4., 1 Li 411 r, 0 65 Grand Avenue ° Kimiey-Hom ME and Associates, Inc. 24 j 109 .4. i 40 j 55 .4 55 ".1, 1L1 23 4— 27 r, 26 2 t Base Conditions 'r: ject Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour I Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Base Conditions PM Peak Hour NOT TO SCALE =. w G>: OY CD s.-..,, ,_ (I) czt, U J• ei, ct, CIS co* CL M. ▪ (13.0%) (26.0%) 4) 1 ti (3.0%) 26.0% J- 00"-IM Kimley-Ham boa._ EM I' 1 and Associates, Inc. CD 2008 4i 1 ..1 42.0% .4 (14.0%) • (42.0%) (1.0%) 411 e +1 1 4 57.0% mg, t. (11.0%) (57.0%) (3.0%) 411 e Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 rEntering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 3ject Trip CD CD' CD' (11 CS) +11 e Abaco Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE Li Gra 0 mt 5 .4 t. 0 6 4. 18 t e kirniey-Flom hst.._::1111111 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 L 4 1 to 0 .„1' 22 0 44, t- 12 4- 24 4— 3 4114 t e J 35 44 '1 -t- 4- 52 41 1 4 -r 3 4 114 - Study Roadway Study Intersection M Site 1 4 «- 4— 8 J 48 41 f+ so t r, 2 .7 Abaco Pro ect Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT1TO SCALE -.. ... < ...-. c) -r- Cr) co-vz 14:w. (6 0%) Grand Avenu 1 6.0% 1 4- -6° 26.0% gotg-- Kinley-Hom hite..2 UMW and Associates, Inc. © 2008 a4-aa 'are. CD CI 111) CI Sa ...F.... 0) a iij ...c ,.(:•-/, C .r. '0 ei .,1=2 .2.1 - __., _. IC. (13.0%) ae Z. (14.0%) 4... (26.0%) 7-' 4... (38.0%) := r (3.0%) 0 1 4 r° 0 1 4 a.) ..1 4.1 1 e J C4; 38.0% ..4 ..* 4.0% 52.0% 4- 4-- 29.0% t al a! E • f..1 (12.0%) (16.0%) (1.0%) LI. a 16.0 Study Roadway ' (1) Study Intersection 1 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution I (000) Exiting Project Distribution ! Bimini :)i.D.,ect Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, ,Florida lJ NOT TO SCALE"! Gran ,• C C 0 2 0 0 1 (4 411 e o ,j- 7 0 gr§ Kimley-Hcm 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 4,J J 10 ...I, ". 40' a)" 65N Ca; L 13 1...! 34 4- 8 -L 0 4=.1 4 4' Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Ej Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution JIL4 1...! 3 411 19 .2 'A 11 14 i sj 9 .•4 1 II 14 Bimini Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida --) , ! 1 I \ i N NOT TO SCALE Grand Aventi 6.0% 26.0% 4 Kirnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 r/- cp L..., -4-,-..- . (r) ii) ttt m- 1St 0; itL. :,..... ==. csi (13.0%) Y. 32.0% (26.0%) (3.0%) 41 1 e 42.0% .„t 41 1 r, -0 - (29.0%) (3.0%) ▪ 29 099 4.1 I 4 -r 3 411 (4 (12.0%) (16.0%) (1.0%) a or. LL a 16.0 1 t f Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 3r oject Trip Freeport Distribution F.M.Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO:SEALE I LC? Grand ktigu 0 _1 2 0 1. ..,. •-...' di 'LI: Cli 1 2..... CO e,;.: .tt: - ol (A .! CzE is,: ! CZ! i..... .i-r5! 4:1; . cr-P C.."- o 4 15 t d 1 t4 0 j 9 .4 0 figP7 NEE gri Kimley-Hom hisk-j 11 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 9 19 2 I r, 11 1 4 4- 14J 41 I r, «I 1 4 J 21 2 o o I... 5 r° gj itr 12 .4 "1. Legend Study Roadway Qt9 Study Intersection FE Site Freeport Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida ! ;tJOT TO SCALE 3 n Is (6.0%) ra1 1 Ave.:-nue: 4- (20.0%) 6.0% © 2008 26.0% ..r. Kirniey-Horn and Associates, Inc. (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) J 42.0% ®i kV - T! to ' 11) , ". . V_ as ch Q.it �. (14.0%) (11.0%) �.. (42.0%) (57.0%) (1.0%) 4% 1 b r (3.0%) 411t' J htt' 57.0% .®► 4 {b Legend '^ Study Roadway %`- Study Intersection ifjSite 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution -t. 10.0% �1b 67.0% J 411 1 z Grand Bahama :1r;ject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N bT TO SCALE •CE. 0_7,1 rancrktku -r " -I 41 © 2008 0 1 4 o J 6 o Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. cu. to E: it'a: CO CO (4 CrS: N ctl. -Fii CL, = It.. 9 44.:. 26 0 1 4 •1 1 J 1 4 ...{0 7 36 2 r, 0 0 0 1 4 s 16 0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site A.. 2 4... ^ 4) I '- 0 16J I r' Grand Bahana Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida • N 90T TO SCALE <- C. .;" IS) Gra.nds Avenu 6.0% 26.0% pis-immiro Kimley-Horn kikaij I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 cb ‹C. 0 rn: lt— (13.0%) g A. (14.0%) t. .4., (26.0%) ..1. 4... (42.0%) 4.. 4- (3.0%) 4.) I kt 4- (1.0%) 0 1 14 -C 4.1 1 r.1 411 r, 57.0% J ep 42.0% .4. ...'.4 ...4. "4- 4 16.0 , Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection EZI Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiling Project Distribution CD. CS?' Nassau Trip Distribution P.M.IPeak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N • --1,10T TO SCALE -.= fr. ) rand:M04 0 J 0 0 4.. 5 16 0 L11 1 4 11g o 9 0 1. Illwr fri Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t— 10 4.. 21 ,r 2 e 1 4 J 15 11 33 `,7 4— (1 4J4L 1 4 cb CI,' 6 4-0! 0 : Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection M Site 1 4 4.. 4 411 e 20J t 07 0 411 e o o o 4 Nassau Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N tpif TO SCALE 117,71 Grand Avenue 6.0% 0 1 4 J 26.0% 110091 Kimley-Horn Min r and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) 0 1 4 42.0% =4 (14.0%) 4— (42.0%) 4r- e 4.) 1- 4 57.0% 16.0' Legend Study Roadway (19 Study Intersection , Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise "J-Diect Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village • City of Miami, Florida ' N NOT TO SCALE Grand kielH o Cl2V zZr) CZ)! t_ 0 4-1 r! 5 0 VI 4.1 14 t e o j- 6 Kimley-Horn kab—i 1 and Associates, Inc. 3 vt..1 1 0 1 4 4- 4jj4 4- e 114 4— 0 4- 4 Study Roadway 0 Study Intersection M Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution CO. CO CO' 01' 4-2 4J44 !‘" e 10 sat 14 t 119 0 o t e Paradise Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida I - rTi N NO TO SCALE C.) a) 1 4 o 4. 25 .e= 85 C 0 NJ 4) 1 4 0 -1 tr 0 ,t 13 'J 59 0 Grand Avenue °"- Kimley-Florn and Associates, Inc. SW 37tTkenue: Z. 54 109 ,e- 13 8 cD CD tu ,..., ra Cf): OS. = .0, N; ril2 Or 4:It a.•16Mni CL, ti= I.. 60 4=m 142 4) 1 4 4- 3 t r, 0 0 14 .„,,t 41 I e 80 .4. 1 1 4 20J 83 30 ".4. tr. 17 98 13 41 i 6 54 5 Legend Study Roadway Q9 Study Intersection )j Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 4) 1 t4 30 .2t 26 3 I.. 2 4.. 12 4." t r, Base Conditions :rulect Trip Assignment P.M 1Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative A AM Peak Hour ( .1.• (6.0%) (20.0%) 1 4 6.0% 26.0% J PliP7w Kirnley-Hom IBM! T 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 w. 44 P ay i.;-:: a a) ..1 Q. 0/ 0. ..: OP =, t..) , rei 03 ti— . = (13.0%) t. (14.0%) (26.0%) • (42.0%) (3.0%) 1 4 (to%) t r, J 1 r, 42.0% 57.0% 41 cr; (11.0%) (57.0%) (3.0%) ci f- t IJL J Lo% 1 I 1 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection 0 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Abaco [Project Trip Distribution A.M.Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 'NOT TO SCALE t. cJ 0 0 1 4 o .!* o VIPP"I Mill Kimiey-Hom hak.—I T 1 and Associates, Inc. 2008 G) '11••! N, oz% EL 4 1 Ci 411.r 411 e e 13 .4 18 mt. 4J i o o 23 ". LLI t. 0 41 e Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site Project Assignment 000 -t. 4— 4 1 4 -e" 0 t e Abaco Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N INOT TO SCALE 1.0 Grand Avenu 6.0% 4-1 26.0% EENVI Kimley-Horn MIUMJT and Associates, Inc. © 2008 di -44 = 0)' a a cu &...! ›.. <- 0). -=: SI :▪ . al Hamill Cjj Itti• (13.0%) ▪ (14.0%) (26.0%) 4— (38.0%) (3.0%) 4jj4 41 ej 1 1 r' 38.0% 4.0% 0) (0 (.3.‘ tL 4.. ▪ 29.0% (12.0%) (16.0%) (1.0%) rr: E) 4 IL 16.0 Legend Study Roadway iV) Study Intersection E2 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 80 4— - 10.0% 4./ I 4 4" (5.0%) J 1 1 r+ (10.0%) (1.0%) Bimini r:ject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida "..N N6fiTO SCALE t (XX' 1:71 t:IF) CZ) COaC): rand Asiiikt o 0 Y o 0 4- 0 t o 1-4 OP6*-1 Kimley-Horn hiat..1111111T 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 4-4. •-•=0: •-•*--i• ai• tlj CD L... CIA —,',. (/). OD CO: = (1). - ett st CL ,r4 La .. ... 0 - 0 1 4 2 ". 4- t r, o j 0 .4 o 4- 0 t Legend Study Roadway QS) Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment 4 I ti J 41 I r' Bimini Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 1 NOT TO SCALE (6 0%) Grand Avenu (20 0%) 4.1 t. 6.0% mmi• 26.0% .4 Pow-. ing Kimiey-Hom hob— VIEN F 11 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 c) N▪ -s • (13.0%) ▪ (26.0%) (3.0%) I r' "ta .+=.1 29.0% 16.0 1 4 4- 1 41 1 r, ..1 1 t r, (12.0%) J i I ;1 (29.0%) ssi. g (16.0%) (3.0%) "4- (1.0%) -3 Pr 0 Legend Study Roadway , Study Intersection Ell Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiling Project Distribution Freeport ect Trip Distribution A.M.: Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida .NOT TO SCALE oa +44 "14. 1Li of 4 son Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 C' z5 z i— i— 5 4,14 r 414 r 7J 11r, J htr, 41a Legend ©Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment Freeport Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE rand Avenue 6.0% --� © 2008 4- (6.0%) (20.0%) a►14 26.0% �S riKimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. >: (13.0%) g 4--' (26.0%) (3.0%) 4.1 1 4 h1 r' 42.0% w ri is (14.0%) 4.m (42.0%) i (1.0%) 4,1 14 41 La Legend Study Roadway 0 Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution L 10.0 % 4--' 14 67.0% j 4.1 1 i �► o Grand Bahama P-oject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE Grand kiditi o a o -t— .r4. _r 4it r = 4 oj 2 .4. 0 Kimley-Horn 1111114 T and Associates, Inc. 2008 J 3 t. lltt+ 4) I Li J 3 .4. 41 1 4 jf 4 0 o t e 0 0 0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection E Site 000 Project Assignment 4;1 4 4 j CO' CD: s—, 44' CDct CM: t.i e Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida t N NOT TO SCALE `%''-i Grand" Avenu 6.0% y • Q.), Q ` +J li 4— (6.0° ) r (20.0%) d14 1 26.0% # Pir WI] Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t. (13.0%) 0. - (26-0%) • - -r (3.0%) 1.11 4 42.0% J 57.0% J L. 14. Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection In Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 10.0% 414 r .� ht r' Nassau F roject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT T9 ,SFALE 11.-5 Granavan -1 o o o 0 r 0 4:61-4 / 1 1 e IFe7 Kimley-Horn gib...JAIN,' and Associates, Inc. © 2008 J 3 4." 0- I w. -L. r. / 4) e 4 „„it 4) e o o o Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection El Site 000 Project Assignment 4— i t r, 1 Nassau Project Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE C:) Grand AvenuL- 6.0% I k.) 26.0% J pri Kimley-Horn kiskj and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t (13.O%) (26.0%) (3.0%) 1 14 J 42.0% .1* t. (14.0%) 4-.. (42.0%) (1.O%) I L• rR'e4a..f�,Fa�Pr; c.,i+pPSsS� I Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution' (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise F oject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hou Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT70 SCALE Grand MMu, oJ 1tt, , 47) 1187-1 rit Kimley-Hom EMT and Associates, Inc. \\..7:008 t- o 4-1 ,(0 t r, 4 .4 QY cl; di 43.: ...i.., W cii] Cd P' C...1: 4-1 1 4 J 5 -L. 4- 4:1 o o o ! Cry ..F4E '0 4— 0 4" hi t 0 0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment E2 al I 4 -r t Paradise Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Floridy ) j N NOT TO SCALE 1 la omit 4 °"4 0 .1 1 4 0 j 19 0 '••4. THESIMI ire Kimiey-Horn Mir and Associates, Inc. 2008 <IC -t_ 0 4— 2 o 1 4 t e j Grand Avenue t. 5 4.. 2 Jr t e 1/1 0 JIL o 4 23 4 t Legend Study Roadway Lt') Study Intersection El Site 000 Project Assignment tos 1 Sm. 4 4.J I 4 43 4 j +1 r' Alternative A eject Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative A PM Peak Hour N NOT TO SCALE 6.0% — © 2008 1‘4 J 26.0% -4 Kimsey-Hom and Associates, Inc. 4.114 42.0% �► tV' loser (14.0%) {m. (42.0%) .r t P' J 57.0% ./ L 4— (11.0%) (57.0%) (3.0%) Legend Study Roadway Qi Study Intersection ©9 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Abaco = oject Trip Distribution P.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCA,1.1 1.1 I -- .1! • 5 CO Grand kvu 0 5 .4 0 tr = • C C 4)414 o 21 .4 0 gri Kirriley-Florn EMIT 1 and Associates, Inc-. © 2008 4)414 J 34 "4- «) 4' J 46 "4- t. 46 2 41 r' 91-•!: 03' gq.), w. CTS.! t_. 0 4-0 -r0 4 it° Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection El Site i J 4- 4r Abaco Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida I y " N NOT TO SCALE LL GrandAvenu 1 Li 6.0% 26.0% 110'IMBEI Kimiey-Horn kil,mor and Asseziates, Inc. © 2008 14.4 (13.0%) 44. (26.0%) (3.0%) 1 4- tJ 38.0% .444. 4.0% .11, t. (14.0%) 1. (36.0%) 44. 4J 1 4 29.0% t 52.0% t (12.0%) (16.0%) (1.0%) I 1 4 J 1-1 16. ' 41 1 Legend Study Roadway Q1) Study Intersection El Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000 Exiting Project Distribution ▪ 1 10.014 4r. (5.0%) •4.1 t (10.0%) 1•4 (1.0%) Bimini F roject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE <E. C 4J1,4 0 4.. 1 4.• 4 4tt o 4 0 Rigowl Kimley-Hom itab.1 r 1 and Associates, Inc. 0 2008 4144, csei‘• 2 5 (I-Avenue1 1 C• r 6 =4 LL it. 3 4.. 7 4- t e i 4 -r 5 (V 0 0 4.) 4 J t e 2 „jr 3 0 Legend .„.„. Study Roadway Study Intersection El Site 85 CY/ -t_ 2 4J14 t t 2 Bimini P oject Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE -f rand Avenit 6.0% (6.0%) r (20.0%) 5 I. (13.0%) ,f. 4..... .. (26.0%) 4i I 4 4- (3.0%) 0 J fl t I* 26.0% ....10 E —4- Now.7: 1,1 Kimley-Horn I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 42.0% mt L 32.0% 4— Le.g.trLd Study Roadway Study Intersection Site ((00 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution leo% 4J1 4 (5.0%) (10.0%) (1.0%) + t'4 Freeport roject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N:1‘ NOT TO;S?ALE -..,., f44-::' ciW,.._.r cti .......e .`. . tz•) Ili .;w. .4,-.• •:` ,..; •CE '11,...a.l.' Ca 61 . <7..1 (0 .=, C:ZE vi, N1_, ..:-..,' Me XI (4' Co? rand Avenueft. 0 .. ... ..... t5 t. ...„ 0 2 Imlp 0 I 14 o ,J io o ®' BEEVI Kimley-Hom bb....1 INN 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 4g 11 jr 1 h I e 4 4 Jr 41 i f4 12 .4. 5,J 7 0 Legend Study Roadway ,U) Study Intersection Ej Site 4.. ▪ 4 'tr 2J 411 —* Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hou Grove Village City of Miami,, Florida Freepor rt, NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenue. 4... (6.0%) (20.0%) 6.0% r 26.0% Pa'l WM§ Kirnley-Hom MIT I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t (13.0%) • (26.0%) (3.0%) 4,) b I r, 42.0% J "31 t. (14.0%) et. (11.0%) I.. (42.0%) 7- 4... (57.0%) .r (to%) «) 1 4 (3.0%) *it r I 19 57.0% 0. Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection 113 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiling Project Distribution =44 cu ,o.o% 4.1 I b 67 0% 1 r' Protect Trip Distribution Grand Bahama P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NO TTTO SCALE ‘12. Grand A °.s 1 W ctr 0 t. o M 1 r; 14 h1r, of 5®► 0 1. ®1® Klmley-Hom and Associates, Inc. 2008 a�14 J 8 t.3 ai trY L 2 4 11 �l`► r1 t_ o M 14 �14 r Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site �14 t.. 2 4- r J hi r' 11 �► 1.J h 1 r4 13 .► c c 0 II 13 h 1 r' Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida I NOT.30 SCALE • (6 0%) Grand Avenu , (20 0%) I 6.0% 26.0% .4. warTuts Kimiey-Hom EMT 1 and Associates, Inc. C) 2008 (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) tot 1 4 41 r, 42.0% (14.0%) 4- (42.0%) 4- (,.0%) n Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection In Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Nassau ect Trip Distribution P.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO:8CALE .0: ,,- Grand:Aim 0 0 „ 1 0 j 6 0 sig—i vr§ Kimley-Ham Blik..j NMI T I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 1.4! CO (.11. 3 10 4Jjt44" I 1tt 9 .4- 4— 0 0 al 1 4 t oj 0 0 "V t _ a— ° Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 15 1 t 0 0 0 —1 ' ^4t. 4-2 +I Nassau Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida "i•Y N9.1)TO SCALE ;) Grand ken u. 4- aci.o5),0) 6.0% f4 711. 1 4- J 26.0% .24. liggwi 1111 Kimley-Horn butbi and Associates, Inc. .‘s! cre), (o) (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) 1 r, 1 4 42.0% (14.0%) (42.0%) 4- (to%) Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection EZI Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise = ject Trip Distribution P.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Flory NOT TO SCALE LL 1:1 p---11111111 Kirniey-Ham 1111111 I and Associates, Inc. 201 +1 r, 4 1 4 12 4- t 4 J 16 4 1 4 o 0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection In Site cu. 0-5 cry cD CrS; 4- 1 4 jr +1 , Paradise Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO ,S6LE ;LT d 1 4 0 .1 12 0 1t* 1 4 o 53 =g10 o ow -lamer -I Kimiey-Hom MIT 1 and Associates„ Inc. © 2008 C1) irs 27 .4.1 55 CD' eD (ZS' N: 36 ig 4—, 70 1 ' 41 I f* 6. .4 Grand Avenue ' h t e 1 4 8 23 57 13: 4 tm 23 Pr o Legend Study Roadway (0 Study Intersection 121 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 1 Alternative A ect Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative B AM Peak Hour 6.0% (6.0%) (20.0%) 1 4 26.0% J Piw7iiMpri Kirniey-Horn 1=T and Asscdates, Inc. © 2008 = CD: CIS C. t1)- (1.: 1..1 c L d) 4,.! GI; A: (13.0%) (26.0%) r (3.0%) e c•-; 4.1 1 to 42.0% t. (14.0%) t.. (ii.o%) (42.0%) (57.0%) (1.0%) 41 4 t; (3.0%) 1 4 t r,J 57.0% .2.4, "V Legend , Study Roadway U, Study Intersection Ef Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000 Exiting Project Distribution Abaco P ,Dject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO S:C4LE Grand 0 2 0 +.1 e C 0 0 4 1 4 o 10 0 •44, 11121 Kirnley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (b. CIS tn. t. 41 2 4- 0 41 I Legend Study Roadway Q:9 Study Intersection El Site 000 Project Assignment 4 4 4 .1- +it e ..t +It e o a 41 I e is ...I, 22 ¢ 0 28 j itt t P oject Trip Assignment A.M. Abaco Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO'SALE 1;17. !Id Grand Avertu 4... (6.0%) ,e- (20.0%) 6.0% =4 1 4 1 26.0% pau-1 wo Kiniley-Horn Ir 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 ta ›; -+q --< W ...1 NJL.-, fq CO' t. (13.0%) ▪ (26.0%) -r (3.0%) I 14 4) e 313.0% 4.0% t. (14.0%) z,,..' •R It... ! L 1... (36.0%) 41.4. 4- 4 1- Lk ,r 29.0% + 1 1 e .1 1 1 14 (12.0%) vt ) 1 (16.0%) ..{.. 52.0% 1.. (1.0%) '.4. e• ..-s Legend Study Roadway 0 Study Intersection El Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 4...10.0% t 1 4 (5.0%) -1 1 i e (,...%) -4. g (1.0%) -4 Bimini P-oject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NO,T.I0 SCALE Grand Atttu 4.1 1111 41-re 0 0 5 ••.• op-. F-11 Kimiey-Hom BEEll r I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 1 L; 4.0 i J .34 9 1. cD GY (.4 r 5 41 1.11 01 0 0 2 .3.1. 0 t- o 3 4.• 0 41 r, jrgagld Study Roadway Study Intersection it Site 000 Project Assignment ij •.1- 41 r, Bimini Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N „10-1- TO SCALE CD 4k P CD = (1) ci) L.... › .-.p...-.. •:::C: CO _=. 1--,--...- 61 pry rand ken 6.0% .4 a, 1 Li 26.0% Jpw--.1 NEE rql Kimley-Horn 1r and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) CL. g g c4i 2 g 1 42 0% J "4- t. 32.0% 1 4 t. 29.0% t r, j t (12.0%) (29.O%) 62 (16.0%) (3.0%) (1.0%) . 16 C Legend Study Roadway Q...f.) Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Freeport ect Trip Distribution A.K Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE L,E .tzf, azz, Grand Men.q 1.... 1 oj 4 1 14 r 2 11 I IN 7 .4 0 0 C.2 4 1 4 0 j 32 .4 0 OPP-1B111111 Kimley-Hom kisk—] MEV and Associates, Inc. 2008 40 4 1 4 4- 36 1 Li 52 j - +1 1 e 3 J - Legend Study Roadway QV Study Intersection [21 Site 000 Project Assignment IL .4— 12 1 4 h r+ J 1-4 o h r+ 0 0 J 1 .4 - h 1 r+ Freeport Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SC4LE Aran 44 w Avanue.: +"" (6-°°) 4- (20.0%) 'iii2 ;2 4 1 4 IL (13.0%) 4:- (26.0%) 4— (3.0%) c,...", ..".. 4 1 4 -t..-: (14.0%) 4... (42.0%) 4- (1%) g .7 al 1 4 -t- (11.0%) il•—• (57.0%) 4— (3.0%) el 6.0% ...0 14 j 4) 1 r, J lie ..)- g 26.0% ..* 'O 42.0% ..4. .... o 57.0% mi. 14 ri IPP7V Kirniey-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection 11:1 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution -t- a 1 4 4- 67 0% j r, Grand Bahama o ect Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N iN9T TO SCALE • • <7.r. t0 Qt.:and ii4titt. a .1 0 0 0 +) I 0 j 0 -4. Kimley-Hom bab._ T 1 and Associates, Inc. 2008 I 4- 3 CD w .41.7q 1L. 4i= 3 1 4- -t. 4 0 0 0 I 4 a)LI t- 0 .4- 0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site Project Assignment 000 I 4- 4- I r* yot 4 t r, 0 5 .4 0 t 5 .1 e Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami,- Florida NOT TO SCALE Grandkern" ,IJi' 6.0% 14 26.0% .4 Kiday-Horn hakjblffillif and Associates, Inc. © 2008 44 :4-49 CD CD Itb il) 2...., (i) ihl Nt eq -i75. = 1r... (13.0%) e. 1r... (14.0%) ,4..* (26.0%) 4.. (42.0%) 4- (3.0%) 4i 1 4 4- (,..%) A- 4- 0 I 4. t. e 41 t e 42.0% .3.1. C�S��..iF,F.E%�u �YVR/gY Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection BEI Site 000 Entering Project Distribution' (000) Exiting Project Distribution Nassau P .Dject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N 'NO TO SCALE •,- LiJ 4:. =:!) ••• Cara it. 0 0 40'`• 2 0 i., 1 to o 2 INP-11111111prKimley-Horn 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment Nassai_ Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 1 NOT TO SCALE Grand, Avenue {® (6.O%) (20.0%) 414- 6.0% —4, © 2008 J 26.0% Kirnley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Er) t. (13.0%) 4-4 (26.0%) (3.0%) 4 1 4 42.0% t. (14.0%) (42.0%) (1.0%) r, 57.0% J t r, 1 4 16.0 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 6 1 4 4—i 10.0% (5.0%) a (10.0%) -t 0.0%) 1. Paradise oject Trip Distribution A.M Peak Hour Grove Village NOT TO SCALE 1.0 ctr Grand:Mot 4- 3 0 0 CV oj 3 0 1, iffi• Kinley-Horn ilithj T 1 and Associates, Inc. 2008 C) (i) t. 2 4 r 0 4) 1 4 4 t. 2 7 4,.. 4- 4- 41te GI CV 6 oj 0 0 0 r• 2 t r, 0 CY VI Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection go Site 000 Project Assignment 1 1 4 t 2 Paradise Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour 1 Grove Village City of Miami, Florida } N NOT TO SCALE A— 0 5 4- 12 41 e I Ls o 54 0 itiP7 WEI Orli Kirniey-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 stp. 61) v•-• re) C6' te 7 4 16 +1 I e .44 a) a). co s., ....--. u) 0) eh u =, o, co -ui fi, ...... nc: 47 4) I A.. 2 ID n 4as 45 1 t+ -r 5 52 j Si r' 34 1 5 j 29 15 t 1!". 15 28 2 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection EU Site Alternative B Drplect Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative B PM Peak Hour N NOT TO SCALE .rand Avenue 6.0% 002-1-wit fro Kirriley-HoM JUNI' 1 and Associates, Inc.. © 2008 til; 'CL; 1 CD s.,_,, 3. 1?—, iiii. ,s• CI (n (ri J. (t P- rcS -tii ( 41. .a. El t. (13.0%) t. (14.0%) (26.0%) 4 (42.0%) (3.0%) 4) I 4 (to%) 4) I 4 0 42.0% J 41 I r4 • (11.0%) ▪ (57.0%) (3.0%) J 57.0% .4) -4 41 I r, Legend - Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution' (000) Exiting Project Distribution L 1 Abaco P -oject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour 1 Grove Village City of M ami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenue 1 4 a 4—, 5 17 a 5 -4 a -A- 41 r 1 4 0 _t 22 Kimley-Hom lited—i IMF 1 and Associates, © 2008 ".4 11 4-, 22 4- .1 r 0 0 CY 44' , 0) a) a) cis. ..-., di. 0) Ca 01 eli:, ' ..— JA ..,..., •4.7i z .t4 tie . MC' .=..... til , 4. 12 4. 9 4-, 35 4-, 47 ol 1 4 .(1 "C" 2 1 1 1 41 14 35 47 ,.,46 1 t. 0 _r 0 Study Roadway Study Intersection El Site oj 0 59 s t 4 4- •C" Abaco Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenu 4.= (6.0%) 4r- (20.0%) 26.0% riwnswYI Kimley-Horn kak,IMM r I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 al 414 =._ av <- 01 r•-: Ni. (--)▪ . - (13.0%) • (26.0%) (3.0%) t r* 4 14 J 38.0% 4.0% "11. Am. (14.0%) - (313.0%) 4- 94 t e 16.9: t Study Roadway Qj Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Bimini oject Trip Distribution P.Mr Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE o c .1.• 3 Grand Athut © 2008 +1P 3 0 irt ileg T 1 and Associates, Inc. 1 4 20 CD' (.0 0 0 +I II) 15 1 4 -t 41 1 e 7 j .84 27 1. o 8, 0 41 e 1=tortd Study Roadway Study Intersection Efi Site a 5 4 1 4 3 .1 6 1 41 e Bimini Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE rand keno. 6.0% .- - (6.0%) r (20.0%) 26.0% .4 Kim1 y-H0m iteaL IMF and Associates, Inc. © 2008 ti M (rn' to (13.0%) 4m (26.0%) r• (3.0%) 41i r4 tm 32.0 % 414 .r 42.0%,j '1 1 r 46.. 29.0% 4114 s 41lr' o► o (29.0%) W (3.0%) 16.0 �t! Legend Study Roadway Q • Study Intersection ; Site 000 6 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution 44 C17) 44 cd. t. 4- 10.0% i4114 �r (5.0%) .J h (10.0%) .64 (1.0%) Freeport PiojectTrip Distribution P.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N Cr*ki NOT TO SCALE. C73 Cl•> Grand Avenu i 5 4- 16 0j 4fi 2 "4 0 0 4) 1 oj 5 o INS Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2008 4.. 9 4.11 1 t+ J 23 2 "S. 0 0 4I 1 4 ,,j/ 13 1 Study Roadway Study Intersection E21 Site ; 1 4 4 JP' • Freeport Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 41-.ZP NOT TO SCALE :•se ..• 1.0 Avenue', so% 4— (6.0%) r (20.0%) 1 4 cD 4-4' ,471,i •= c2 CV w CD' 5...., ..=.: = c--) ,..—< t,... (13.0%) 4 - (26.0%) ,a r (3.0%) 0 1 14 26.0% J Kimley-Horn itist.-1111MT 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 411 f+ J 6c1 42.0% • (14.0%) ▪ (42.0%) 4— (1.0%) 1 t4 J 57 .0% •••4> er.td , — Study Roadway 1 Study Intersection I gE Site 000 Entering Project Dis)ribution' (000) Exiting Project Distribution . 7.0% .1 t_ 10.0% +— h Grand Bahama P -oject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida r- N NOT TO SCALE 0 J 1 —0. 1- o 4 14 *it e 471 o 5 o —A. Kimtey-Hom and Associates, Inc. 1 9 .4. t e 1 4 J 12 t. a 41 411 e 0 0 0 I 4 1 14 o 4.. 51 4- 41 i Study Roadway Study Intersection in Site 14 4- Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour I Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenu 6.0% •-.4. 1 26.0% NJ! t.. (13.0%) .-,,! lt.... (14.0%) 4.. (26.0%) ..'1 4.. (42.0%) -e- (3.0%) 4 1 b 4- (to%) 1 4 11110'IMM Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t 42.0% .4. 41 e 57 0% .„t Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 0 Entering Project Distribution' (000) Exiting Project Distribution ' oject Trip Distribution Nassau P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florda N NOT TO SCALE Orandiiv4„ti (4: 0 b .1 4'11 e 0 2 -0. 7 .4. 0 0 IPPT Kimley-Hom EMT and Associates, Inc. © 2008 0 IL; J 11— Study Roadway Study Intersection El Site a>._...; a, cr). --.1.-- 1 • 03.• X. 3 to 0 — 4-4- 4I4 41 e is jr 41 I e 0 0 0 +—• 3 0 1 4 •r ij 411e, 2 ; 1 1 I 1 i I ; 1 I 1 1 Nassau Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour • Grove Village 1 City of Miami, Florida 1 NOT TO SCALE Grartd Avenue: 6.0% 4— (6.0%) 4- (20.0%) 1 4- J 20.0% klyr—IIMNI Kimley-Horn .-tiaD,-H VW and Associates, Inc. © 2008 co 4.0 c. a cii .1...: ..i..T'. .42. U) :.o2 t'll ird ,...- tr) CI-. t. (13.0%) 44. (3.0%) + 1 4 (14.0%) (42.0./0) (1.0%) 4.1 1 4 411 r' 42.0% J 411 r, J 57.0% .16. s f. 16 f Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise oject Trip Distribution P.M Peak Hour Grove Village 1 N NOT TO SCALE Grand: Avert z Nor MN gri Kirnley-Hom iikki r and Associates, Inc. 0 2008 Legkr_tri Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE lrand Avititle o 15 `4 O 'N ...„, .... _ tr, •••• .C.opj'C> 1G. 0 4. 20 4- 66 1 4 0) -L. 44 4.. 90 4- ,0 A 4J1'4. NI .. 47 108 2 • 17 497 4j 444 • ,9 41 i4 o „f 64 .44. 0 Fax; -TV Kimley-Hom kaki I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 e 13 .1 88 .4 2 411 0 ioj 41 I it* 47 ag_Qad -,.., Study Roadway Study Intersection [21 Site CD CO. Alternative B ect Trip Assignment P.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative C AM Peak Hour NOT TO SCALE (1) 0 e eli Ca 47'7. ftr, tf (1) M. = a .S...) .4 tk1 ks: . VCS eh c. .7.1:1 .1 a.= Li .... '62 it" (13.0%) =1 e, 1— +— (6.0%) (26.0%) Zit 4-- 4- (20.0%) •1 Lk "r (3.0%) 41 1Lk 0 (14.0%) (42.0%) (1.0%) 4) 1 4 • (11.0%) • (57.0%) ▪ " 6.0% — J41 irk t 26.01/. 42.0% "i wa--1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 J 57.0./0 oo). 1 4 „ Study Roadway Study Intersection 171 Site 000 Entering Project Distributio (000) Exiting Project Distribution Abaco oject Trip Distribution A.M Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE piPP-i Ira Kimley-Florn Ems 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 •11Hi.: --4-,-•-..' (1) CLY a 0 i..;‘. ..4--..- ..W, O' ea CA cill = N. =.. 1 2 •4•••., 3 1 4' It+ 0 4.1 1 4 A- a 0 0 Study Roadway (g9 Study Intersection rEt Site 000 Project Assignment t %tr 16 21 o J a 26 t, r, Project 4- 1 4 r 4 0 Abaco Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida I -- N NOT TO SCALE Grand ken 4 6.0% (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) *it 14J 26.0% 38.0% 4.0% rid Kimley-Horn .1.1M and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (14.0%) (38.0%) 52.0% J 4.; 29.0%o I /4 411 14 (12.0% (16.0% (1.0% b. b. ;n 16 Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution , t- d I t+ 10.0% {5,oyo t r (to,) Bimini F roject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE Gran o 2 .4. © 2008 frit Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. 41 ir 15 .4 2 1 20 4,- 11 i Study Roadway Vt Study Intersection E2 Site 000 Project Assignment 41 I 4 -t Bimini Project ;Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Vliami, Florida • N NOT TO SCALE rand Averiti 6.0% amml. 26.0% 44.4.. ow-e-assirl Kimley-Ham I and Associates, Inc, ID 2008 41 r+ 2 Ci it., 32.0%o t..L, 20.0%, ... 15 I b 42.0% j 4t14 +1 14 (12.O% (29.0%) (16.o1.: ,10. (3.0%) 11- (Low Fr .1q2_1m1 Study Roadway (iLr) Study Intersection. EZ Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Freeport 'ect Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of M ami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE 04P7 V1 Kimley-Hom ibit„1 Mil 1' 1 and Associates, Inc. c 2008 CD' t- 4. 17 +I 4 4 o 1 o 9, 1- 9 Study Roadway Qt) Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment I-. 6 t Freeport Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE (60%) rand Avenue 26.0% .44 R VI Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (13.0%) (26.0%) (3.0%) 42.0% .4ttto 164 (14.0%) (42.0%) 4- (1.0%) (11.0%) 4.44. (57.0%) 4- (3.0%) 41 r, 14 5.0% .1- 57.0% 4=I. 36.0% I Yr Ltapri Study Roadway Study Intersection Site I 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution I Grand Bahama P-oject Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE GrandiPi?/_41ti _r 0 0 o j is .4- o PPn 11111111,1 Kim' ey-H o rn bliskj T 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 41 r, «, 1 4' 24 .4 d 1 4 J 32 44+ 4-2 411 t t+ t- 0 000 1 4 0 3 J I e 37 =.1, 0 4, Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment t- 6 ‘i'J I 4 36 ,J1 14 Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida , j N NOT TO SCALE Grand:Awn: 26.0% J wi-Tinsirt Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, © 2008 co t. (13.0%) +.•• (25.0%) (3.0%) tt* 4 1 4 42.0% J • (14.0%) - (42.0%) 4r• . (1.0%) 4 1 41 I e L 16. Study Roadway 6j Study Intersection EZ1 Site 000 Entering Project Dis(r(butior (000) Exiting Project Distribution Froject Trip Nassau Distribution A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of M ami, Florida NOT TO SCALE 4 It_ 0 Grand itietiu 4-1 o 4 0 1. t 4 1 4 0 j 18 .4. 0 -4 ro-1-1101 gni Kimley-Ham lkiikr—i MEW 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 45 it4 30 .0 o o o 000 Study Roadway Study Intersection Site Project Assignment 47i 4—• 7 -r Nassau Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Flo ida NOT TO SCALE Grand Avernue © 2008 6.0% rcir di, • Q: cti Q co,' O �. (6.0%) 4- (20.0%) �14 Kirniey-Hom and Associates, Inc. t. (13.0%) t.. (26.0%) (3.0%) 14 42.0% a► t (14.0%) 4.m (42.0%) (1.0%) 4 1 * e 57.0 % J 444 (15 4 t e ai Ii Legend Study Roadway U) Study Intersection Site I 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution I al 14 41, i P' (1.0%t Paradise Project Trip Distribution A.M. Peak Hour 1•i Grove Village • ►/ ,o • •. N NOT TO SCALE Pov- 0 2008 • o • 0 4- 2 0 .4- , kirniey-HOm and Associates, Inc. Ltagml Study Roadway V.9 Study Intersection Site 000 Project Assignment 1 t4 ,J 1 -Ir 4.1 t Paradise Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE rand Avitik © 2008 Ste- cop i.o I 1 .r7 3 4.. 8 C 0 t. 21 h 10 JJ 1 a r o,j 71 �► 0 'y ftir1ey-Hom and Associates, Inc. htt° 24J t 89 �► 2``i Z.. 1 22 r 11 �► 1 4 �. 39 -, 54 v► 26 g ht0 Cl 1.4 4 3 .% 38 .► 26 17 17 f. 2 11 Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection In Site 4J I L L 6 18 4 39 i+ h t I* 1v► Alternative C Project Trip Assignment A.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Trip Distribution and Assignment Alternative C PM Peak Hour ai di c ..,...-, .. (y). ti• .cf ›...: co • Cii Or* ..,.k -.........: ...:, C21' erY iS•1! ./1„: : -.4..., '..,.,.. - - -. Ca 4:I = . 2 it (.1 .:1 a., = Li c...3isz: 4 Z. (13.0%) (14A. .0%) (110%) zi-1 'ae q g. t.. :2 4- (26.0%) (42.0%) 7..-- 4— ..`' .. 4... (6.0%) (57.0%) 4- (20.0%) 4.1 1 4 4r- (3.0%) 0 4 C (7%) 4) 1 r (3.0%) 1 I 4 r @ • 57.0% ...., 4) t e, J ) 1 6.0% ...4 r ®t *I I r j 41 I 14 26.0% ...I. C; 42.0% ...0. g: g ._ g rn ,i 1 1.0% `1.. b. b! Kimley-Horn litibiligUr I and Associates, Inc. © 2008 „ Study Roadway Qj Study Intersection 17] Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution P -oject Trip Distribution Abaco P.M.Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida tt NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenue i 4 010 ti .1.• 23 41 1 0 j- 22 44+ 0 PIP'l Kimley-Horn kiba..111111111 T 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 t CY 1 4 35 a a) CD 16. 12 a 37 ,e4 1 -t— a 50 4 1 4 3 rat 41 e 47 a 4 1 4 o o 59 'V o 0 ,C4 0 1_,Ag 1 Study Roadway Study Intersection Site 4 4- X" 8 Abaco Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida • . n • • ‘-.._-••• NOT TO SCALE Grand Avenu 0% 26.0% J Kimley-Horn IMET 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (12.0%) (26.0%) (2.0%) t 38.0% 4.0% "1. (14.0%) 4— (38.0%) 4- i 4 52.0%0 co c CD 'S -4.-- --it tirS a (1) 4, -.= 01 ci tg:t -it. = Li 4- 29.0% ; J 16., Study Roadway (DI Study Intersection E3 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution, (000) Exiting Project Distribution , Bimini Project Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE t Pin 11111111 IKimley-Hom ktit....4111911F I and Associates, Inc, © 2008 t a> as di 444 tr" C137".. ' CD -ck : 44 ,ist al 31 0 0 4.• 9 4 I 4 4- 4 4 4r. 16 4 IJ 4 0 +1 14 • 41 r, ioj 21 .4 13 .4 2 I, 29 Study Roadway (9 Study Intersection Site 41.4 4 .1 6 4- - 4— ▪ 6 t e Bimini Project Trip Assignment PM. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida 1 N NOT TO SCALE r.:.and Avenu 6.0% a 26.0% J FIKimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. © 2008 cp t. (13.0%) ▪ (26.0%) • (3.0%) htf 42.0% �Ate; VOA t. 32.0 % 4— 41 1 b tr (2s.0%) '► (3.0%) ci C Coq Le4end i Study Roadway ) Study Intersection 0 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Freeport f= roject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N T‘j NOT TO SCAt.. .,:r e o 110P-iiini WTI Kimley-Horn T 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 0= 8 1 4 4— .. 41 1 14 19 2 4,11 1 4 a ,Jf it o 4) 1 r, Study Roadway Study Intersection [n Site 45 1 4 3 j 7 1 1. 4... 3 4) r' Freeport Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida N NOT TO SCALE rand Avenue 6.0% (6.0%) 4. (20.0%) I LI J 26.0% .4 11=1,11 Kirniey-Horn IMP and Asscdates, Inc. © 2008 co) (13.0%) ▪ (26.0%) r (3.0%) 1 14 4.1 t ro 42.0%..4 a) CL ti) CD Li. (/) CI CO = kIS .1711 Ui Ci., .—..• Ma- (14.0%) ▪ (11.0%) (42.0%) IL 4... (57.0%) 0.0%) 4.11 114.r (3.0%) 4.1 t • t 57.0% .4 1r? P 14 5.0% 56.0% .4 Igericsi i Study Roadway Q.9 Study Intersection • 1 0 Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution i Grand Bahama FrojectTripDstribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE Grand Meriu 01 1 0 3 11 00f, 4 1 Li r 0 ji 4 0 111P7 MI Kimley-Hom r 1 and Assoc]ates, Inc. 2008 7 .4. t. -r 1 41 t e «I i; t. 6 •4., 32 f-• 2 4 1 4 CO' ay t•iz w. ▪ t e 10 t.0 40 1_,EggiLd Study Roadway Study Intersection 0 Site 4 1 4 Grand Bahama Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour iGrove Village City of Miami, Florida NOT TO SCALE /4.. (6.0%) 1 Grand Aventi -r 5 0% ?.; 1 14 J 26.0% .5to pix-i-mri Maley -Flom hisk-SIMET 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 (13.0%) (26.0%) • (3.0%) 0 114 42.0% ay Ni cL -t. (14.0%) (42.0%) • (1.0%o) e <6 4- 0 1 4 57.0% jt- 41 1 r' Study Roadway Study Intersection En Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Nassau F roject Tirip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Flor da N NOT TO SCALE tr IC. 0 im• 19 Grand iivta r I I* 4- 2 41 -1 14 c 4.. 4 o 0 VI 0 jr 6 .4 0 IIPP-1 Kimley-Hom hal.-1 1 and Associates, Inc. i© 2008 e 4J t: 10 .4. otD 4); 4-.6.8, iitz, 0) ti); tti m. 0.' Ni .... a=e Ci., ........, tIO Mi. 30 i t e 05 05 IN4 LI—I I— 4 .4m. 0 r 0 0 t e Legend Study Roadway Study Intersection Site Nassau Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida, ) N NOT TO SCAGE4 <Y. Lc) Aven.ue: 4—. (6.0%) 422 (20.0%) 1 4- t.(13.0%) • (14.0%) ▪ (26.0%) (42.0%) -C" (3.0%) 1 4 s" (1.0%) 6.0% J 25.0% .4* misi rig Kimley-Horn kiva,INNIF 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 41 I e J41t 420% L.* 1 4 57.0% '11. Legend Study Roadway (t.9 Study Intersection E2) Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiting Project Distribution Paradise roject Trip Distribution P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village N. NOT TO 44LE GrandAveni g 2 0 “4 0 0 0 0 IP' ME Kimley-Ham litak-INIINT 1 and Associates, Inc. © 2008 iJi r, 13 =I, 4.) i a 4— 41 1 4 CD 113 t. o 0 4- 5 Study Roadway Study Intersection in Site 000 Entering Project Distribution (000) Exiling Project Distribution 1 4 -t- 3 r' J la 1. t r, o o o t 1 2 1 t r, Paradise Project Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida ) NOT TO SCALE rand Avr 0 J 14 r-4 C) 2008 o 4— 22 ri 77 4) 1 4 4) 1 e o j 61 0 "4 VI Kimley-Hom T • 1 and Associates, Inc. t'714` (i)• IL. so 4— 101 12 4) 1 t+ 'IL 52 .4—, 132 3 +11 1 is 90 ,e0 21 411 e j 86 2 13 j 76 49 `11, 4'11 i* 1 L., 4 t-2 53 J 1 4 r 6 19 ,J 1 I 35 E2 61 keagml „..„„ Study Roadway Study Intersection 17,3 Site Alternative C P .Dject Trip Assignment P.M. Peak Hour Grove Village City of Miami, Florida Volume Development Base Conditions AM Peak Hour 3Ec INTEt SECTION: CO NIT DATE: TIM PERIOD: HOU! FACTOR: "EXISTING TR, 'FIC" Raw Turning h'ir' merit Peak Season C.3n e-. on Ft for TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.97 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 2.513 1.000 1.000 D00 66 1.000 237 1.000 4 1.000 1.000 121 1.000 218 1.000 19 1.000 1.000 1.000 3,163 1.000 338 1.000 1.000 112 1.000 EXISTING COG!! TION: rvr_onrrau rn[n 66 I 237 I 4 I 121 I 218 I 19 I I 3,163 I 338 I 2,513 I 112 BR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR ...,,,,• Free pry ; r.... 4 - --- 1 0 13 I Nas sm, 1 2 1 2 j Grand 13a11, la 0 1 0 2 Bit lilt 6 1 0 20 Paradls r. 1 ;'. 3d 1 3 1 2 Ab3Co 2 2 0 7 i I TOTAL PROJ EC`! RAFF : 0 14 0 10 2 0 0 46 0 0 Years To Buiout 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Gr2vJ ;ate .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUNDTPJ`--.r' C GR WTH 2 8 0 4 8 1 112 12 89 4 TOTAL'"RP `IC . 68 I 259 I 4 I I 135 223 I 20 13,275 I 396 I I 2,602 I 116 I • TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: AM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.92 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor 1.000 85 1.000 466 1.000 39 1.000 1.000 212 1.000 264 1.000 51 1.000 1.000 77 1.000 483 1.000 221 1.000 1.000 53 I 311 1.000 I 1.000 40 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 86 466 39 212 264 51 77 483 221 53 311 40 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR , Freeport' 17 0 2 1 I 2 a Nassau _. 3 0 3 1 0 1 i,Grand Bahama 2 0 2 1 0 1 _ ...• Bimini ' 25 0 1 1 3 13 iParadie island 3 1 4 2 0 2 Abaco . 1 :. 9 0 2 1 1 5 TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC 0 59 0 1 14 7 0 0 6 30 0 0 - Years To Buildout - ". 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate . 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.514 0.5% BACKGROUND _TRAFFIC GROWTH 3 17 1 8 9 2 3 17 8 2 11 1 -TOTAL TRAFFIC B9 542 40 221 287 60 80 500 235 BS 322 41 INTEl ;ECTION: CO \IT DATE: TI(1' PERIOD: _Ee IHOU` FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive AM Period "EXISTING Tft' 'FIG" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turnlnf h1c. ,menl Peak. Season C >n 'a Fr tor EXISTING,CON ''f1ONE "BACKGROUND Free par Nasec Grand Ilalla Bic lnl Paradlsc li!: `. Ab7DD TOTALPROJ&CS Years To DWI Yearly GI:v' - BACKGROUND Tf'Ar. NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 27 20 1 2 0 3 4 0 5 2 0 1 is 3 0 3 1 0 1 37 4 2 1 0 14 Id 5 0 7 2 0 2 15 0 3 1 0 5 RAFF 7 27 64 4 20 27 1 25 3 'out tate .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% IC GR WTH TOTAL'fRJ': 'IC I 27 I 64 I 4 I I 20 127 I 1 1 1 1 1 25 I I 3 I INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: EAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WET WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Freeport - 2 0 19 2 Nassau --..__ 6 0 0 6 Grand Bahama : 5 0 3 1 0 1 Biminl _. - 51 28 3 1 1 11 Paradise Island 7 10 2 1 .. _ Abaco ... 20 0 5 1 1 4 TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC : 6 27 58 28 27 2 15 3 2 5 12 6 Years To Buiidout Yearly Growth Rate. _... 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 10.5% 05 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH . '.: . I TOTAL TRAFFIC 6 27 58 28 27 2 15 3 2 5 12 6 INTEI SECTION: CO 4T DATE: TIM PERIOD: HOUf FACTOR: "EXISTING TF1. FIC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.92 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turni ment 42 I 957 9 11 520 5 7 6 21 3 19 Peak Season Curia on Fr tor 100 1.000 ( 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 EXISTING COI,1 :IONS; "BACKGROUND I ;AFFI. Freepnr:' Naset Grand !lain BIn11n1 Paradte Atilon TOTAL PROJ 'V1 42 I 957 1 9 I I 11 I 520 I 5 I I 7 1 6 I 21 I I 1 I 3 1 19 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1 1 0 10 1 8 2 0 2 0 :a 0 5 0 4 0 1 1 0 15 1 12 _ id 2 2 3 1 25 6 1 4 RAFF ; 2 7 25 2 30 2 8 3 3 2 5 : 20 . Years To [3,.!'< Jut Yearly Gria "''' ?ate BACKGROUND 71?J0 ' 'C GR VVTH.: 7 7 s% 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 34 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 TOTAL YrRAi 1C 1 45 1 998 1 34 1 1 13 I 568 1 7 15 I 9 I 25 1 I 3 I 8 I 40 I f 'I NTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SET SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT Freeport 0 1 0 6 1 3 Nassau 1 1 0 1 0 1 Grand Bahama: 5 1 0 1 0 4 Bimini 0 1 0 10 1 5 Paradise Island; 1 2 0 1 0 1 Abaco 4 0 1 2 TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC 7 5 4 10 1 2 1 1 2 14 Years To Buildotit Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5;; BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH. TOTAL TRAFFIC 1715I 1 I 4 I 18 I 1 I 1 2 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 14 1 Volume Development Base Conditions PM Peak Hour TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.96 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EBU EBL EST EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1.000 53 1.000 104 1.000 6 1.000 1.000 152 1.000 325 1.000 2 1.000 1.000 1.000 2,302 1.000 221 1.000 1.000 2.917 1.000 I 1.000 131 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 53 I 104 6 I 152 I 325 I 2 I 2,302 I 221 I 2,917 I 131 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EB Freeport 2 15 5 6 .- Nassau _.. 2 5 1 5 ;Grand Bahama' 1 4 1 4 Bimini i1 :. - -- 1 19 6 5 Paradise Island: • 2 6 2 6 - .... Abaco - - 5 17 5 16 I TOTAL'. PROJECT TRAFFIC 0 13 . 0 66 20 0 0 42 0 0 1 Years ToBulldout . . ', 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC:GROWTH -' 2 4 0 5 12 0 82 8 104 5 TOTAL TRAFFIC . I 55 I 121 I 6 I I 223 I 357 I 2 I 12,364 I 271 I 3,021 I 136 I INTEi SECTION: CO VT DATE: TIN' PERIOD: =E.t HOU" FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue February 5, 2008 PM Period 0.98 "EXISTING TP. 'FIC" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turning, Mc ;ment Peak Season Corn.:: ion Fr: tor EXISTING COND 171ON: "BACKGROUND 1AFFI. Feet(xes 300 48 I 274 1.000 11.000 60 1.000 1.000 489 1.000 399 1.000 85 1.000 1.000 77 I 263 tom I tom 124 1.000 1.000 81 I 266 1.00o 11.000 43 1.000 48 I 274 I 60 I 489 I 399 I 85 I 77 I 263 I 124 I I 81 I 266 I 43 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 8 2 20 10 4 Grand f3aka is Sirairij 7 6 3 3 5 5 3 3 6 3 25 12 3 Paraoise'1 ': id 8 21 3 7 22 4 11 2 4 10 TOTAL PROJECT 'RAFF 0 55 0 11 85 43 0 0 7 27 0 0 Years To Evvl! 'out Yearly GrIn-:'.' late 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 .5 % 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TFt1'1'• IC GR WTH 2 10 2 17 14 3 3 9 4 3 9 2 TOTAL 'rR 4 IC I 50 I 339 I 62 I I 517 I 498 I 131 I I 80 I 272 I 135 I L 111 I 275 I 45 I INiTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFiC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive PM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' Freeport ' 13 10 0 24 1 32 Nassau : 11 0 10 3 0 4 ' Grand Bahama 8 0 9 3 0 3 ...l Bimini ' .. . 9 1 36 13 4 3 ::•Paradise Island . .. ' ' - . 13 0 12 4 0 4 •! Abaco ...- . ' -- 34 1 36 12 1 11 - - TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC . • • 13 75 1 1 103 45 4 1 49 1 32 - Years To Buildout - Yearly Gtowth Rate - - _' 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC,GROWTH , TOTALtTRAFFIC I 13 I 75 I 1 1 I 103 I 45 I 4 I 49 I 1 32 INTE SECTION: CC NT DATE: TIt. : PERIOD: PE. HOU FACTOR: ' EXISTING TR/ ;FIC" Raw Turn rig tj •, men' Peak Season Ccrrr Ion F ior EXISTING CONt 'TION "BACKGROLNC, ZAFF. TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street PM Period :BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I IBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NB NaL snu '. 15 1 1 14 Grand 5rsi:, ea 11 1 12 2 1 2 , BIlnl^! 12 7 49 10 28 3 Parad:;'1 Is? nd . 17 16 3 3 AhaG'c, 46 3 49 9 2 9 I I I- TOTAL PRO, E[;'i IRAFT 3 15 79 31 11 70 11 66 14 31 12 6 14 I I Years To El ,lout ... Yearly GIo1T9" Rate L5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND111N' IC GF.' TH TOTAL [Er.' 'IC I 15 1 79 31 1 I 11 I 70 I 11 I I 66 I 14 I 31 I I 12 I 6 1 14 1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street ,COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.94 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 460 1.000 34 1.000 1.000 26 1.000 1.000 12 1.000 867 1.000 12 1.000 1.000 2 1.000 2 1.000 2 1.000 1.000 1.000 I 1.000 46 1.000 EXISTING. CONDITIONS I I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" I 34 I. 460 I 26 I I 12 I 867 I 12 I I 2 I 2 I 2 I I 1 I 8 I 46 Freeport .. — 9 12 •. 1 •••-•• .....� ..o r 5 vvors nov NUL 0 NLf I NUR SBU SBL SBT SBR 4 Nassau _ 4 0 4 0 I. Grand Bahama, _. 1 13 0 15 0 _Blminl. _,__ _ 11 15 1 4 0 3 ;3Paradlse Island.. . 5 3 4 4 Abaco 57 61 10 10 TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC .21 40 59 5 24 4 61 13 4 4 14 7 Years To Buildout ... - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - Yearly Growth Rate .: -,.. - 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFICGROWTH. _ 1 16 1 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 TOTAL TRAFFIC I 56 I 516 I 86 I I 17 I 922 I 16 I I 63 I 15 I 6 I 1 5 I 22 55 INTE 3ECTION: CO HT DATE: TIN PERIOD: PE, HOU FACTOR: "EXISTING 'TP, FIC" Raw Turn ng Mu ment Peak Season C 3rrs 'on Ft tor EXISTING CON. NOW "BACKGROUND 1AFFI TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street PM Period BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I I I I I I I I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NB Fier per.. ' 4 8 1 3 0 - - - - --- -- . — 2 N3f, flt11: 1 2 0 3 0 1 ' Grand 13ah'i ta. 13 2 0 2 0 15 Bli :irtfl 5 10 1 2 0 1 ] Paradlsv ':',": 'id , 1 3 0 3 0 2 A/11c $1 8 4 9 4 : I TOTAL PROJ Mr; ' RAFr ; 24 23 2 8 11 2 4 9 2 4 21 I Years Tr: S.,1! 'out Yearly Grr.,..,,t:' 'late .5% 0 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND "110.1 ' IC GP WTH TOTAL ''IC . 24 I 23 I 2 18111121 1 1 4 1 g 1 I 2 I 4 I 21 Volume Development Alternative A AM Peak Hour INTE SECTION: CO UT DATE: TIN PERIOD: T-"El HOU FACTOR: "EXISTING TR. 'FIC" Raw Turning ht, ,ment Peak Season Con•ac ion Ft tor EXISTING CORM LION: "BACKGRCLAW, 1'AFFI TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.97 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 000 66 1.000 237 1.000 4 1.000 1.000 121 1.000 218 1.000 19 1.000 1.000 1.000 3,163 1.000 338 1.000 1.000 2,513 1.000 1.000 112 1.000 66 I 237 I 4 I 121 I 218 I 19 13,163 I 338 I I 2,513 I 112 I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR Nae sat, 1 2 1 2 Grand 13ah! is 0 1 0 2 Bimini 6 1 0 21 Paradise isi id 1 3 1 2 Ab 3 cn 2 1 0 7 TOTAL "PROJECT TRAP IC . 0 11 0 9 2 0 0 38 0 0 Years Tc Se!! out 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Gr:vri!: "fate .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND '1P,p?t' IC GR INTH 2 8 0 4 8 1 112 12 89 4 NON -PROJECT ,AFFI . TOTAL.1Ri -IC 68 256 4 134 228 20 3,275 388 2,602 116 I 68 I 256 I 4 I 134 I 228 I 20 I I I 3,275 I 388 I I 12,602 I 116 V TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: AM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.92 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning --- ........• -•-•. ••..., ....L ....., ..on nou NMI.. NtsI NBK StlU SBL SBT SBR Movements 86 466 39 212 264 51 77 483 221 53 I 311 I 40 Peak Season Correction Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 too0 1.000 1.o00 t00o t0oo 1.000 1.00o 11.o0o I 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" 86 I 466 I 39 I I 212 I 264 I 51 I I 77 I 483 I 221 I I 53 I 311 I 40 Freeport • 5 •••-•� •.•. 0 ..u. 1 ..{JR 1 nou nol NUI NM< 1 SBU SBL 2 SBT SBR Nassau - 3 0 3 1 0 1 Grand. Bahama.: - _. 2 0 2 1 0 1 Bltnlnl .. _ 28 0 1 1 3 14 - :,Paradise Island -. - ... 3 0 4 2 0 2 Abaco- - 9 0 2 1 1 5 - - is-. TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC ' . 0 50 0 0 13 7 0 0 5 25 0 0 ,._.. Years ToBuildout.. 7 7 7 7 7. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth. Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%. 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% ,BACKGROUND TRAFFIC.GROWTH_ 3 17 i 8 9 2 3 17 8 2 11 1 . NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC-, 89 533 40 220 286 60 80 500 234 80 322 41 ;TOTAL TRAFFIC I 89 I 533 I 40 I 1 220 I 286 1 60 I I 80 I 500 I 234 I I 80 i 322 I 41 INTE: SECTION: CO NIT DATE: TIN PERIOD: ?Et HOU, FACTOR: "EXISTING 7n, TIC" RaW Turninf• ha.:merit Peak Season Corr - Ion Fa. tor EXISTING COT GIONF TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive AM Period BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I I I I I I I I "BACKGROUND 'tAFFI BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR , Fretpe ' Nar ory 6 6 0 2 0 2 4 0 5 2 0 Grand t3alt.. 1a 3 0 3 0 Eh lln! Paradisrid Abaco 40 4 2 15 5 0 6 2 0 2 15 0 3 0 5 TOTAL"PROJE(;: TRAF IC B 67 4 19 13 26 2 Years Te Buil lout Yearly Gr=v::t Rate .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND IPA!'C GR WTH NON -PROJECT' ;AFFI TOTAL'[Rn' :IC B 67 4 I I I I 26 121 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" =MT Freeport 1 -- 1 0 ••,,,, ••LaL ••lJ• 5 ..�, rvo,, NO, 1 IW 1 NBK SUU SBL SBT SBR Nassau :' 6 0 0 6 -'.Grand. Bahamai - -- 5 0 3 1 0 1 Bimini 55 31 3 1 12 ,.i=Paradise Isla -rid d .. 7 9 21 2 1 Abaco _ . .... ..- 21 0 3 1 1 4 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC .. 6 27 62 31 11 2 13 3 2 5 13 6 Years To Buildout -.: .. Yearly Growth Rate .' 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%. 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH , NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC:' 6 27 62 31 11 2 13 3 2 5 13 6 .TOTAL TRAFFIC 6 I 27 I 62 I I 31 I 11 I 2 113 13 I 2 I I 5 I 13 I 6 INTEI SECTION: CO 4T DATE: TIN! PERIOD: 'E` HOW FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.94 "EXISTING TFL- FIC" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turnihc ment Peak Season Cnrre .:on Fa tor )00 EXISTING LION. "BACKGROUND tAFFI Fret port Nasez_. Grand Fah Bir11[11 Paradise l;f Ali1crt TOTAL "PROJE.C" Years To 9 + I Yearly Growl' BACKGROUND FFIAI 42 1.000 957' 1.000 9 1.000 1.000 1.000 520 1.000 5 1.000 1.000 7 I 6 1.000 I t000 21 1.000 1.000 1.000 3 1.000 19 1.000 42 I 957. I 9 11 1520 I 5 7 6 I 21 I 1 3 19 GU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NB 1 1 0 3 0 - - 2 2 0 2 0 is 0 5 0 4 0 1 1 0 17 1 13 id 2 2 2 1 26 4 1 4 TRAF IC 2 7 26 2 24 2 5 3 2 2 5 15 Out 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 .ate. .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% fC GR WTH 1 34 0 0 18 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 NON-PROJE:C1' ' tAFFI TOTAL "R!. IC 45 998 35 13 562 7 12 9 24 3 8 35 45 I 998 I 35 I 13 I 562 l 7 I 12 I 9 I 24 I 13 I 8 I 35 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw. Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport 0 1 0 •••_•-• •••_., ..o 1 2 .uorc rvou rvnL 0 NB I NUR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1 Nassau 1 1 0 1 0 1 Grand Bahama 5 1 0 1 0 4 BtminI :I 0 1 0 11 1 5 Paradise Island - 1 2 0 1 0 1 Abaco 4 0 1 2 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 7 5 4 15 1 1 1 1 2 12 Years To Buildout Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 7 5 4 I 15 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 12 CJI Volume Development Alternative A PM Peak Hour TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.96 "EXISTING " COG. Raw Turning Moverhents 53 104 6 vv._ 152 wv in i 325 wesr( 2 NBU NBL NBT 2,302 NBR 221 SBU SBL I SBT SBR 2,917 I Peak Season Correctidn Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 tom 1.000 I 1.000 131 1.000 I 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 53 I 104 I 6 I 152 I 325 I 2 I I 2,302 I 221 I 2,917 I 131 I • Freeport I __... .-.-..- •-•-. • 2 ,...•-•,‘ "LA,. WV., 8 VVID I 2 WV OM NUU NtiL NB I NBR 7 SBU SBL SBT SBR • Nassau I 2 5 1 5 il •Granc1Baham .. 1 4 1 4 . Blinini .1 _ . 1 21 6 5 Paradise Island • 2 6 2 6 Abaco j 5 16 5 16 1 .. . . TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 0 13 0 60 17 0 0 43 0 0 [Years To Buildout . . Yearly Growth Rate BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH ._ NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 2 7 0.5°A 4 7 0.5% 0 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 5 7 0.5% 12 7 0.5% 0 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 82 7 0.5°A 8 7 0.5°A 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 104 7 0.5% 5 55 121 6 217 354 2 2,384 272 3,021 136 TOTALTRAFFIC 55 I 121 I 6 I 217 I 354 I 2 I 2,384 I 272 I I 3,021 I 136 I INTE SECTION: CC NT DATE:. Tlh i PERIOD: PE, HOU FACTOR: ' EXISTING TE; =FIC" Raw Turnir.sd I :men" Peak Season Carry. • Ion F;. :tor EXISTING C.O!'! TION: "BACKGROL PIC} 2AFF( TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue February 5, 2008 PM Period 0.98 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT. WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 000 48 1.000 274 1.000 60 1.000 1.000 489 399 1.000 1.000 85 1.000 1.000 77 1.000 263 1.000 124 1.000 1.000 81 1.000 266 1.000 43 1.000 48 I 274 I 60 1 489 I 399 I 85 I 77 l 263 I 124 I 1 81 I 266 I 43 :BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NB Freep'-r 9 1 10 5 1 5 - - --- Na43 1e, 7 1 6 3 1 3 Grand B! -la 5 1 5 3 1 3 Fibrin' 6 3 28 14 1 3 Paratft rE ft.' s1d 8 1 7 4 1 4 11haC) 21 2 21 10 2 10 TOTAL "PRO.I:F='. TRAF - IC 0 56 0 9 77 39 0 0 7 28 0 0 I. Years To EV .!out . _. . -, 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ;Yearly CI tl'':'.._ Hate .. .-. L5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUNC1IL`' ,CGF',rWTH 2 10 2 17 14 3 3 9 4 3 9 2 NON -PROJECT RAFF! " TOTAL.ITU %IC 50 340 62 515 490 127 80 272 135 112 275 45 50 I 340 I 62 I I 515 1 490 I 127 I I 80 I 272 I 135 I 1 112 1 275 I 45 I TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EXISTING CONDITIONS EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1 1 1 1 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- ........- .-..... 1-1-., wvou VVDL Vib I VVIJK NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Freeport 1 15 11 0 13 0 ., . Nassau 'Grand 11 0 10 3 0 4 17 Bahama] . 8 0 9 3 0 3 Bimini 9 1 41 15 4 3 1-Paradise Island} 13 0 12 4 0 4 ] I Abaco 34 1 34 11 1 11 . ., I , TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC - 15 75 1 1 106 47 4 1 38 17 Years To Buildout Yearly Growth Rate BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC . - 0.5% 0.5°A 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5% ' TOTAL TRAFFIC ' I 15 I 75 I 1 I I 1 I 106 I 47 4 1 1 I 38 I I 17 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS NTEI JECTION: Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street CO sIT DATE: TIM PERIOD: PM Period 'EA HOW. FACTOR: "EXISTING TE FIC" Raw Turninc N:c , merit. Peak Season Onrc,: on Fa tor EXISTING, COt rioNs 1 "BACKGROUND , :AFFI: BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I I I I I I I I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT R Feeeper: ' 12 1 10 1 . Nh65Ft! - 14 1 1 13 Grand Dal: : :a 11 1 12 2 1 2 .E31014,7 12 7 56 12 31 3 I Parad151: 41' -id 18 16 3 3 ,.. Air Icc 46 2 46 9 2 9 TOTAL "PROJECT -I CRAF C 14 69 31 10 68 11 73 16 34 12 6 13 Years 1 c StI'l out Yearly Gr7v:1'. 1.ate .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TFV\ IC GR WTH NON-PROJECI IAFFI TOTAL —RA"IC 14 I 69 31 I 10 I 68 I 11 I I 73 I 16 I 34 I I 12 I 6 I 13 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 PM Period 0.94 EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1.000 34 1.000 460 1.000 26 1.000 1.000 12 1.000 867 1.000 12 1.000 1.000 2 1.000 2 1.000 2 1.000 1.000 1 I 8 46 000 � 1.000 1.00 1. 0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 34 I 460 I 26 I 1 12 I 867 I 12 2 2 2 1 8 46 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport --- 5 --• 6 --•- 0 ••-•.. ••.•. ....• 6 ..1,1. 1.1-31-1 1101- 0 rvoi ror JtiU JBL J" BI SBR 4 Nassau 4 0 4 0 . '.Grand Bahama, - 1 13 0 15 0 1 Bimini 13 17 1 4 0 3 !Paradise Island. 5 3 4 ... Abaco ..,-.: ..,.. 57 57 10 10 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 19 36 58 5 25 4 57 13 4 4 14 7 Years TdBulldout , _ .... 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - ' Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND. TRAFFIC GROWTH 1 16 1 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 54 512 85 17 923 16 59 15 6 5 22 55 . TOTAL TRAFFIC 54 I 512 I 85. I 17 I 923 I . 16 I 59 I 15 6 5 22 55 INTEF ;ECTION: COt JT DATE: TIM PERIOD: 7E HOUr FACTOR: I I "EXISTING TF. FIC" Raw Turning Mo ment: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street PM Period 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Peak Season Cc•rre on Fs -tor EXISTING COW, "IONE. "BACKGROU J!U AFFIL • I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU SBT SBR Free FC" 2 4 0 4 0 Nes3ao 1 2 0 3 0 1 Grand Et;3':-'" a 13 2 0 2 0 15 Binticl 5 11 1 2 0 1 Paradir3l€'r.:d , 3 0 3 0 2 Atai:^.. 8 4 8 4 TOTAL "PRO.i'.:CT fiRAF: C 22 20 1 8 12 2 4 8 2 4 21 Years To 13t..tL out YearlyGt7t/n`s. ;ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND T'1A 'C GR. ANTH NON -PROJECT ' ;AFFI. 1 TOTAL 1 r I IC 22 20 I e I ,2 12 I I 1 4 1 8 l 1 2 1 4 1 21 I Volume Development Alternative B AM Peak Hour INTEI SECTION: CO VT DATE: TIN PERIOD: =E.=' Out FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.97 "EXISTING TiFFIC" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turninc hle +ment Peak Season ,Curve - on Fr for 300 66 1.000 237 1.000 4 1.000 1.000 121 1.000 218 1.000 19 1.000 1.000 1.000 3,163 1.000 338 1.000 1.000 2,513 1 112 1.000 1.000 1.000 EXISTING COST. NONE "BACKGROUND ' :AFFI ' 66 I 237 I 4 I I 121 I 218 I 19 I 3,163 I 338 I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL N 12,513 I 112 FreEpor. 4 1 0 14 - - - --- --- --- Na65rt.. 0 2 1 1 Grand 13ah is 0 1 0 1 Biriln! 1 2 1 3 Paradise!:,L id 1 4 1 2 Ab let/ 2 2 1 7 TOTAL "PROD EC.' ' FRAF C 0 8 0 12 4 0 0 28 0 0 Years To Bi:'t .out 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Grc:vil late .5% 0.5% 0,5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND T RAI' IC GR WTH - 2 8 0 4 8 1 112 12 •89 4 NON-PROJE.0 I' ;AFFI TOTAL "RI"` 'IC 68 253 4 137 230 20 3,275 378 2,602 116 I 68 I 253 I 4 I 137 I 230 I 20 I I 3,275 I 378 I I 2,602 I 116 I TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: AM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.92 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1.000 86 1.000 466 1.000 39 1.000 1.000 212 1.000 264 1.000 51 1.000 1.000 77 1.000 483 1.000 221 1.000 1.000 53 I 311 1.000 1.000 40 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS I I 86 I 466 I 39 I I 212 I 264 I 51 I 77 I 483 I 221 I I 53 I 311 I 40 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport ! - — — — ....— • 18 ' ._..-.•.. •......, •••_•1_ 0 vv.,. 1 vri-rt• 1 Pdoli ND, NO 1 rwr 2 Wili StIL 9 SBI SBR Nassau i • 2 0 3 2 0 1 li Grand Bahama 1 0 2 1 0 1 -. 3 0 3 1 0 2 I' Paradise Island 3 1 5 2 0 1 ,1 Abaco ; . 9 0 2 1 1 5 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 0 36 0 1 16 8 0 0 3 19 0 0 .Years To Buildout 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH 3 17 1 8 9 2 3 17 8 2 I 1.1 1 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 89 519 40 221 289 61 80 500 232 74 I 322 41 TOTALTRAFFIC I 89 I 519 I 40 I I 221 I 289 I 61 I I 80 I 500 I 232 I I 74 I 322 41 INTE SECTION: CC NT DATE: Tit, 1 PERIOD: PIc, HOU FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive AM Period "EXISTIU(: TP 'FIG" 1BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU ' NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turn n:j rF, -amen Peak Season Carr., Ion F.:tor EXISTINGCOI'di TION, "BACKGROUNI" 1AFF• EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NB Fte:p't: 29 22 1 ---- --- -- -0. -2.. NEr:s-,; 3 0 5 2 0 1 Grand EIC.-= na 2 0 3 1 0 1 HI!ili^' 5 1 4 1 0 2 Paratti6- �+ ' lid 4 0 8 3 0 1 /11: Etc,: .. 15 0 4 1 0 5 TOTAL "PRO,'E `1 'TRAP IC 29 29 1 24 30 1 12 2 Years Tv El'- lout Yearly C! o'`,'' Rate. _ J.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND I12''' 'IC GP iWTH NON-PROJI1ICT RAFF! TOTAL TFtf. 7IC 29 29 1 24 I 30 I I 1 112 I I21 r: INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I I EXISTING CONDITIONS I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport 1 0 20 2 Nassau 4 0 0 7 Grand Bahama,''. 3 0 4 I 0 1 Bimini .. _.. 7 4 5 1 3 1 Paradise IslandJ 6 11 2 1 Abaco 21 0 5 1 1 4 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 4 25 13 4 29 2 15 3 4 5 2 7 _Years To Buildout ._ Yearly Growth Rate - 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 4 25 13 4 29 2 18 3 4 5 2 7 TOTAL TRAFFIC 4 25 13 I 4 I 29 I 2 I 19 I 3 I 4 5 I 2 I 7 =E' INTESECTION: CO MT DATE: TIIV PERIOD: HOU FACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.92 "EXISTING rR' 'FIC" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 42 Peak Season C 9rroy. 'on Fe tor I J00 11.000 RawTurnirt h'lc+ rnent EXISTING COW. now "BACKGROUtI!, tAFFI 957 1.000 9 1.000 1.000 11 1.000 520 1.000 5 1.000 1.000 7 1.000 6 1.000 21 1.000 1.000 1 I 3 I 19 1.000 11.00o 11.0oo 42 1957 I 9 11 I 520 I 5 I 7 I 6 I 21 1 I 3 19 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SB Fret pm` 1 1 0 11 1 8 Na'tse^; 1 0 2 0 Grand 138h F. 1a 0 3 0 5 0 BIT dui 1 2 0 2 0 2 Paradist,:r:Y. 1d 2 2 3 1 A/MI 26 6 1 4 TOTAL "PROJEC`: 'TRAF IC 2 6 26 2 18 1 7 3 3 2 5 10 Years To 0!.4:1 gout 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Grov.q -. late .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND Iflti iCGR WTH 1 34 0 0 18 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 NON -PROJECT ?AM TOTAL'1R! 'IC 45 997 35 13 556 6 14 9 25 3 6 30 I 45 I 997 I 35 I 13 I 556 I 6 I 14 9 I 25 I 3 I 8 I 30 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport ' __ _ ___ 0 -- • 1 .-....... 0 •••-••-• ••..."- •••.2 . 7 vdun INIOU 'VOL 1 PM I Mir( Still SESL SBT SBR 3 Nassau 1 1 0 1 0 0 Grand Bahama 3 1 0 1 0 5 Bimini 1 1 0 1 0 1 Paradise Island 1 2 0 1 0 1 Abaco 4 0 1 2 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 6 5 4 10 1 1 1 1 2 10 Years To Buildout Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH I NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC1 1 6 1 5 1 1 4 I 10 I 1 1 1 1 2 10 Volume Developrnent Alternative B PM Peak Hour TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 'COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 'TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.96 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction. Factor EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR I 2.302 1.000 53 1.000 104 1.000 6 1.000 1.000 152 1.000 325 1.000 2 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 221 1.000 1.000 I 2,917 1.000 11.000 131 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 53 I 104 I 6 I I 152 I 325 I 2 12,302 I 221 I I 12,917 I 131 I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport -. .. --- --- --• 2 ---•- ..�.. ...+� 19 ...,, 6 .r o,, Nov NOL, NCI NbK 6 SUU SBL SBT SBR r..l Nassau 2 2 4 1 5 .Grand,Bahatna' 1 4 1 4 I. Bitainl 3 11 3 10 it Paradise Island . 2 5 1 6 i i Abaco 5 18 5 18 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 0 15 0 61 17 0 0 49 0 0 - ." - Years To Buildout- .. _ .... _ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate ..... 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH. 2 4 0 5 12 0 82 8 104 5 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 55 123 6 218 354 2 2,384 278 3,021 136 TOTAL TRAFFIC. I 55 I 123 I 6 I I 218 I 354 I 2 I I 12,384 I 278 I I 13,021 I 136 I r-1 Lr 1NTEf SECTION: CO SIT DATE: TIN PERIOD: E' !HOU, FACTOR: "EXISTING TR FIC" Raw Turninc b1: ment Peak Season )rr on Fey tor EXISTING PION; "BACKGROUND ;AFFI Frecpor, Na; 52k, Grand Ilah Bit flu! Paradise -i, Alt icy TOTAL "PROJECT .Years To 9' Yearly Gran'(" BACKGROUND111"' TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue February 5, 2008 PM Period 0.98 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR J00 48 1.000 274 1.000 60 1.000 1.000 489 1.000 399 1.000 85 1.000 1.000 77 1.000 263 1.000 124 1.000 81 t.00 1.000 0 266 I 43 1.000 I 1.o00 I 48 I 274 I 60 I I 489 I 399 I 85 I 77 I 263 I 124 I I 81 I 266 I 43 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL W 8 3 25 12 1 4 7 1 6 3 1 3 to 5 1 5 3 1 3 14 2 14 7 2 7 id 8 1 6 3 1 4 24 3 24 12 3 12 TRAF !C 0 66 0 11 80 40 0 0 9 33 0 0 out - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 late .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% !C GR WTH 2 10 2 17 14 3 3 9 4 3 9 2 NON -PROJECT ZAFFI TOTAL [RA! IC 50 350 62 517 493 128 80 272 137 117 275 45 50 1350 I 62 I 517 I 493 I 128 I I 80 I 272 I 137 I I 117 I 275 I 45 tTI INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive PM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" Freeport -. : 13 1-� i L...-PIN ..UU VOL■ VVD I VVCK 10 NOU NBL NBT 0 NBR SBU SBL 30 SBT 1 SBR 40 Nassau _... 11 0 9 3 0 4 Grand. Bahama 8 0 8 3 0 3 Bimini 20 2 21 8 2 7 Paradise. Island -_ 13 0 10 3 0 4 - _ Abaco _. .. 38 1 38 13 1 13 "PROJECT" TOTAL TRAFFIC 13 90 2 1 86 40 2 1 61 1 40 Years To,Buildout Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH I 0.5% NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC . 13 90 2 1 86 40 2 1 61 I 1 40 TOTAL TRAFFIC 13 I 90 I 2 1 40 I 12 I I I 61 I 1 I 40 INTE 3ECTION: CO "ITDATE: TIN PERIOD: HOU FACTOR: "EXISTING 'TP FIC" Raw Turnint M meni TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street PM Period BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Peak Season C,nre, on Fz tor EXIST1NG:C oN, now "BACKGROUND AFFI Free pur Nase Grand fish- Blrid Paracilse,h'„ Ab TOTAL "PROJEG.i , Years icST Yearly Gi7V,") BACKGROUND BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL 28 3 9 -14 1 1 13 ta 11 1 11 2 1 2 27 15 29 6 16 6 Id 18 14 3 3 52 3 52 10 3 10 TRAF 'G 14 91 48 19 72 12 44 10 20 13 9 13 out late .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% C GR WTH NON -PROJECT 1 1AFFI TOTAL 'rEt/' IC 14 I 91 I 48 I 19 I 72 I 12 I I 44 I 10 I 20 I I 13 9 1 13 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 PM Period 0.94 Raw Turning Movements --- --- 34 —.... 460 ._u,. 26 ..uu vv., 12 VVOI 867 VV6K 12 NUU NBL NBT 2 2 NBR 2 SBU SBL 1 SBT I 8 SBR 46 Peak Season Correction Factor - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 1.000 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 'BACKGROUND TRAFFIC' I 34 I 460 1 26 I I 12 I 867 I 12 I I212I2I 8 46 Freeport 11 15 . 1 ..LJU Vv0L VVDI 5 VVON NBU NBL 0 NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Nassau 4 0 4 0 4 i Grand Bahama - _ 1 13 0 14 0 Bimini 7 9 1 8 1 1 Paradise Island. 5 3 4 4 6 Abaco ... 65 65 11 11 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 19 37 67 5 27 4 66 14 4 4 15 10 Years ToBuildout .. .. , 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate _.- 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC.GROWTH . 1 16 1 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 54 513 94 17 925 16 68 16 6 5 I 23 58 I TOTAL TRAFFIC I 54 I 513 I 94 I I 17 I 925 I 16 I I 68 I 16 6 5 I 23 1 58 INTEI ;ECTION: CO IT DATE: TIM PERIOD: HOW FACTOR: "EXISTING Tr:., FIC" Raw Tut -nil -to ment TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street PM Period BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Peak Season Conn on Fr tor EXISTING CO.'" IOW. "BACKGROUM AFFt' Frer Po". Na!rtr,.: Grand ti& - ParaiiNt:, TOTAL "PROJ:T.Cll Years 1 o Yearly Grcw BACKGROUND irtl: BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NB 5 10 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 3 0 1 ta 13 2 0 2 0 14 3 6 1 5 1 3 td , 1 2 0 3 0 2 9 5 9 5 TRAF1 C 23 20 2 9 14 2 1 5 9 2 5 22 out 'late .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% C GR WTH NON -PROJECT 1 tAFFI TOTAL 'IC I 23 1 20 I 2 I I 9 I 14 1 2 I 1 1 1 5 1 9 I 2 5 I 22 I -;' Volume Development Alternative C AM Peak Hour INTE SECTION: CO NIT DATE: The PERIOD: E4 HOU FACTOR: "EXISTIN_ Tr. 'FIC" Raw Turn'np ktr, anent Peak Season C 3rr : ion Fr tor TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.97 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 000 66 1.000 237 1.000 4 1.000 1.000 121 1.000 218 1.000 19 1.000 1.000 1.000 3,163 1.000 338 1.000 1.000 1.000 2,513 I 112 1.000 1 1.000 EXISTING CONL fiON "BACKGRO L ND Free{1ai` Na: out.. Grand 3eh Btr2in? Paradise Abaco TOTAL "PROEC Years Tc Eu Yearly GI c•w: BACKGROUND 1It',' ;AFFI 66 I 237 I 4 I 121 I 218 I 19 13,163 I 338 I 12,513 I 112 .BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL 5 1 0 15 5 - 1 0 18 is 5 1 0 15 3 1 0 9 1d 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 8 FRAF IC 0 21 0 7 1 0 0 67 0 0 out 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 late .5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% .0.5% 0.5% - 0.5% fC GF VVTH 2 8 0 4 8 1 112 12 89 4 NON-PROJtC'" ;AFFI TOTAL IF:• ,IC 68 266 4 132 227 20 3,275 417 2,602 116 68 I 266 I 4 I 132 I 227 I 20 I 13,275 I 417 I 12,602 I 116 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: AM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.92 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements -- --. - 86 .-... 466 1- 39 vvoI- 212 vva t 264 vvcn 51 Nt1U N13L 77 NBT 483 NBR 221 SBU SBL 53 SBT I 311 SBR Peak Season Correction Factor 1.o00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.o00 1.000 1.000 11.00o 40 1.o00 EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" 86 I 466 I 39 I 212 I 264 I 51 I I 77 I 483 I 221 I I 53 I 311 I 40 .-1,1. VIOL/ VVOL vva i vvclt< NtUU NUL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT Freeport i- 20 0 1 1 2 10 Nassau j 23 0 1 1 3 12 .' Grand Bahama! 20 0 1 0 2 70 - .. Biminl _.. 12 0 1 0 1 6 Paradise Island 3 0 3 1 0 1 Abaco 1 10 0 2 1 1 5 i TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 0 88 0 0 9 4 0 0 9 44 0 Years To Buildout .. SBR 0 Yearly Growth Rate BACKGROUND TRAFFIC I GROWTH _ .. 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 3 7 0.5% 17 7 0.5% 1 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 8 7 0.5% 9 7 0.5% 2 7 0.5% 7 0.5% 3 7 0.5% 17 7 0.5% 8 7 0.5% 7 7 7 0.5% 0.5% 2 11 0.5% 1 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 89 571 40 220 282 57 80 500 238 99 322 41 • TOTAL TRAFFIC I 89 I 571 I 40 I I 220 I 282 I 57 I I 80 I 500 I 238 I I 99 I 322 I 41 1 7_ NTEF IECTION: CO[ IT DATE: TIM PERIOD: 1>El HOUF =ACTOR: "EXISTING TP., . 1FIC" Raw Turni Vo. !Tient. TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive AM Period 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Peak Season CC.ITE" a n Fa :or EXISTING C.111-1l IONS "BACKGROU i11 AFFli Freeper, Grand Paradls TOTAL "PROJECT Years In 13—! Yearly Gr:nir•P' BACKGROUND 1 1 I I I I I I I I 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SB 32 24 1 1 0 2 37 0 2 1 1 12 a 32 0 1 0 1 11 17 2 1 0 0 6 d 4 0 5 2 0 1 16 0 3 1 0 5 FRAF! C 32 106 2 12 28 1 2 36 2 3ut .ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.51/. 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.51/. 0.5% C GR WTH NON -PROJECT ,AFFI TOTALftr IC 32 106 2 12 28 1 2 36 2 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street AM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SET SBR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Freeport .......- ._....._ ......... 1 s_a_t•s. 0 wrom vivo, %Win I 22 VVb NtSU NBL 2 NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Nassau 51 3 0 ,Grand Bahama 43 0 2 0 2 8 2 ... Bimini , . . 23 13 2 0 1 5 Paradise Island , 6 6 1 f Abaco ; 22 0 3 1 1 4 . . "PROJECT" TOTAL TRAFFIC 51 66 29 13 27 1 10 4 4 12 6 2 Years To Buildout . Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% I BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH 0.5% I NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 51 66 29 13 27 1 10 4 4 12 I 6 I 2 TOTAL TRAFFIC I I 51 I 66 I 29 I 13 I 27 I 1 I 10 I 4 4 I 12 I 6 I 2 NTEP ,ECTION: COI IT DATE: TIM PERIOD: I'E1 HOUF =ACTOR,: "EXISTING IF • . ,=IC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street February 5, 2008 AM Period 0.92 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turni i Yn snent 42 957 9 11 520 5 7 6 21 3 19 Peak Season Cc rr' on Fa .or EXISTING (3 Dill IONS "BACKGROU' LI Free pc-,. , au Grand Paradi,ll Ab1 i TOTAL "PRO.) 5 C Years 1•o f3i Yearly Gn•r"''• BACKGROUND T <Fl! AFFIc. )00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 42 I 957 I 9 11 I 520 I 5 17 I 6 121 I 1 I 3 119 BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 0 1 0 12 1 9 14 1 1 0 a 4 50 0 2 1 0 0 0 7 0 5 2 1 2 1 27 4 1 5 rRAF' C 4 51 27 2 21 14 5 3 3 1 6 14 Tut 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 .ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% C GR 'WTH 1 34 0 0 18 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 NON -PROJECT ;AFFI 47 1,042 36 13 559 19 12 9 25 2 9 34 TOTAL `:RR. IC I 47 I 1,042 I 36 I 13 I 559 I 19 I 12 I 9 I 25 I 2 I 9 I 34 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & Margaret Street COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: AM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Freeport 0 0 0 ..o.. vvo, vvai 8 vvott NBU NBL 1 NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Nassau 0 0 0 s 1 4 Grand Bahama ., 51 8 1 0 4 Bimini 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 Paradise Island ; 1 1 0 1 0 2 Abaco 4 0 1 2 1 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 52 1 4 23 8 2 1 1 2 13 Years To Buildout Yearly Growth Rate BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 10.5i NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 52 1 4 23 8 2 1 I 2 13 TOTAL TRAFFIC.; 52 I 1 I 1 4 I 23 I B 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 13 1 Volume Development Alternative C PM Peak Hour TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway/US 1 COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: PM Period BEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.96 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction Factor EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 1.000 53 1.000 104 1.000 6 1.000 1.000 152 1.000 325 1.000 2 1.000 1.000 1.000 2,302 1.000 221 1.000 1.000 2,917 I 131 1.000 I 1.000 11.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 53 104 6 152 325 2 2,302 221 2,917 131 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Freeport Nassau 2 1 15 17 5 5 5 5 Grand Bahama.'. 14 4 4 Bimini 3 16 5 10 Paradise Island; 2 5 1 5 Abaco 5 18 5 17 TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 0 14 0 85 25 0 0 46 0 0 Years To Buildout ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly GrowthRate0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH - 2 4 0 5 12 0 82 8 104 5 HON.-PROJECTTRAFFIC 55 122 6 242 362 2 2,384 275 3,021 136 TOTAL TRAFFIC 55 122 6 242 362 2 2,384 275 3,021 136 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTEF ;ECTION: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue CO NIT DATE: February 5, 2008 TW PERIOD: PM Period E. HOUR ;"ACTOR:0.98 "EXISTING T. FIC" BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR RawTurnihj N; ment Peak Season Ci:±'; on Fr. for 100 48 1.000 274 1.000 60 1.000 1.000 489 1.000 399 1.000 85 1.000 1.000 77 1.000 263 1.000 124 1.000 1.000 81 I 266 1.000 f 1.000 43 1.000 EXISTINGCC)I!f' rIONE ••o nrvr_onnnin •ncc❑ I 48 I 274 I 60 I I 489 I 399 I 85 I I 77 I 263 I 124 I 81 266 I 43 WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Frio . ' 7 2 20 10 1 3 N11252ti 6 3 22 11 1 3 Grand Da'"' a 5 2 18 9 1 2 Rimy} 13 2 21 11 2 7 Paradi.^,31': 1d 7 1 6 3 1 4 Atlll^.-^ 22 3 23 12 2 11 TOTAL "PROD=CT FRAFI C 0 60 0 13 110 56 0 0 8 30 0 0 Years To 13, Out 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Grr3Wfh :ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND T <F',i` I C GR 'NTH 2 10 2 17 14 3 3 9 4 3 9 2 NON -PROJECT :AFFI, 50 344 62 519 523 144 80 272 136 114 275 45 TOTAL "'RA IC I 50 I 344 I 62 I I 519 I 523 I 144 I I 80 I 272 I 136 I I 114 I 275 I 45 INTERSECTION: COUNT DATE: TIME PERIOD: PEAK HOUR FACTOR: "EXISTING TRAFFIC" TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Plaza Drive PM Period EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NET NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turning Movements Peak Season Correction! Factor . . EXISTING CONDITIONS "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Freeport. .. - _ 11 8 0 24 1 32 Nassau.. ;.< ..:.,-...: 10 1 36 12 0 3 Grand Bahama. ... _ _ 8 1 29 10 0 3 Bimini '_ . �.. ;. 19 2 31 11 3 7 _.. .... Paradiselsland _ _, 11 0 10 3 0 4 .. c.. Abaco 35 1 37 12 1 12 TOTAL."PROJECT" TRAFFIC _ .... 11 83 2 3 143 56 3 1 53 1 32 Years To Buildout Yearly Growth Rate _,. _.. 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.57 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.57o 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH ... NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 11 83 2 3 143 56 3 1 53 1 32 TOTAL TRAFFIC' 11 83 2 3 143 56 3 53 32 NTEF ,ECTION: CO IT DATE: TIM PERIOD: 'E,, HOUF 'ACTOR: TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Hibiscus Street PM Period "EXISTING Tl, FIC" 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw Turning Mir ment: Peak Season Corm, on Fa :or 1 EXISTING t;.I11 'IONE "BACKGROU !D AFFIr ' I I I I I I I I BU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Fre=rc: 22 2 8 1 N.'.350.t: 14 1 3 49 Granc! Pall,' .- ,a 11 2 40 8 1 2 Bimini 26 15 43 9 24 6 Parad`a3117,E- ;d 15 13 3 3 Abir 47 3 51 10 2 9 TOTAL "PRC,I C:.1. IRAF1 C 14 80 43 20 99 18 57 13 27 14 9 49 Years In L3u!' 3ut Yearly C3-9•All .ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 1 0.5% 0.5% BACKGROUND'+,I,?': GR' 'PITH I NON-PRO,!ECT AFFI' , TOTAL 7I1A! IC 14 80 43 20 99 18 57 13 27 14 I 9 49 14 I 80 1 43 I I 20 I 99 I 18 I 13 I 27 1 14 I 9 49 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS INTERSECTION: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street COUNT DATE: February 5, 2008 TIME PERIOD: PM Period PEAK HOUR FACTOR: 0.94 "EXISTING TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Raw;TUrning Movements - 34 460 26 12 867 12 2 2 2 1 8 46 Peak Season Correction Factor -. .- 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 EXISTING CONDITIONS 34 460 26 12 867 12 2 2 2 1 8 46 "BACKGROUND TRAFFIC" EBU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR Freeport 9 12 1 4 0 3 .,;:. Nassau. . - 4 0 14 1 . :Grand Bahama'... �:_ -. .. 1 13 1 50 0 Bimini ... . .... 10 13 1 8 1 6 ;Paradise Island' . .. . 4 3 4 3 Abaco . .. 59 63 11 10 - i TOTAL "PROJECT" TRAFFIC 20 38 61 5 62 4 64 14 4 14 14 9 Years To Bulldout 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yearly Growth Rate 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% I 0.5% 0.5 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH 1 16 1 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 NON -PROJECT TRAFFIC 55 514 88 17 960 16 66 16 6 15 I 22 57 TOTAL TRAFFIC 55 514 68 17 960 16 66 16 6 15 22 57 NITER ECTION: :COL IT DATE: TIM PERIOD: t a IOUF :ACTOR: "EXISTING TR] 'IC" RaW Turning Mc- nentt Peak Season Cerra,. ln Fa, or EXISTING CoNI: 'B AC KG140 LI I D Frecisorl Nat.71a^...1 Grand T vIrr Bir.-191 ParadIt:E, Ain co TOTAL "PRO,Ific-lTs Years To Flu!' Yearly GFC BACKGROUND war - TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT STUDY INTERSECTIONS Grand Avenue & Margaret Street PM Period I 3U EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR IONS I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 IU EBL EBT EBR WBU WBL WBT WBR NBU NBL NBT NBR SBU SBL SBT SBR 4 8 1 3 0 1 4 9 1 2 0 . 1 a 13 2 0 7 1 50 4 8 1 5 1 3 d 1 2 0 3 0 1 8 4 9 4 RAF[ : .:- 26 27 3 8 13 2 1 4 9 7 5 56 rut 'ate 5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% GRr MTH NON-PROJE:lT 9FFIC 26 27 3 8 13 2 1 4 9 7 5 56 TOTAL 1 :C 26 27 3 I I8113121 4 9 7 5 56 AM Peak Hour Analysis Base Conditions HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway Movement :. .. Lane Configurations SL Volume (vph) 68 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4,0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 Frt 1.00 Flt Protected 0.95 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 Flt Permitted 0.35 Satd. Flow (perm) 661 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 70 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 Lane Group Flow (vph) 70 . Turn Type Perm Protected Phases Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.0 29..0.; Effective Green, g (s) 31.0 31.0 Actuated g/C Ratio . 0.21 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.0 Vehicle. Extension (s) 3.0 . 3.0.%, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 138 387 v/s Ratio Prot v/s Ratio Perm v/c Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Annroarh LOS intersenoWSummaiitkoti.d HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Canarity ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) Intar. r..tinn Canacity Utili?atian 0.11 0.51::..`0;7:1:.; :. 52,2 54.9 1.00. 1,06. 2.9 6,1 55.2 61.0.` 59.8 E 41 33.7 1.00 i49.0 bum or Iosr time (a) 106:8% ICU Level of Service I A(IUl�;iib r IIUU till!) n,t1ii !CAI is a0 141.1o. c Critical Lane Group 264 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1859 1.00 1859 0.97 272 0 9/2812011 �t- T...'t•-EBR, •INBL, ; `WBT..r WBR„, ..!NEL' ., -NET. NER, .,':'SWL x.'.SWT..;-:SWR 4 132 227 20 0 3275 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.95 1.00 0.91 1.00 0.85 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 3475 1583 4999 0.56 1.00 1.00 1977 1583 4999 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 4 .. 136 . , : 234 21 0 3376 0 0 0 2 0 10 276 0 0 .; 370 .. 19 0 3796 Perm Perm t'a 417 0 2602 116 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 0.91 0.99 1.00 5053 1.00 5053 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 430 0 2682 120 0 0 3 0 0 0 2799 0 2 6 8 29.0,., 29.0'.. 108.0 108.0 31.0 31.0 110.0 110.0 021 0.74 074'`- 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 -3.0 10,` 3.0 3.0. 411 329 3691 3730 c0.76 0.55'.. c0.19 0.01 57.5 47.3 1.06 : .:1.00 ; 22.2 0.1 ;797 '74.. E D E 1.03 0.75:. 19.5 11.4 1.00 1.00 22.7 1.4 42.2 . 12.9 D B 42.2 .12.9 D B HCM Level of Service C o.0 G Baseline %user name%o Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway it 4-- , 9/28/2011 Plig.FrilaigiMMO.ONV7(707?,TiNfiEfirlEIWKSVMM.7.gtiMERREM.LigtiilTIMENASERINSE Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Max None , Max .- None . Maximum Split (s) 114 36 114 36 Maximum Split (%) 76.0°/c. 24,0% 76.0% 24.0% . Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 yellow -Time (s) •• 4 • .4 .. ' 4...:',- '4:. - - All -Red Time (s) - 2 2 2 2 Minimum•Initial (s) . Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 Minimum Gap (s) ' .... Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 Time. To Reduce (S). -.-:"', • ' 0 :.:::01:i::,t•:;; 0::•::1'.7::';.":.:(),':',.',.-i' ::.."::: ..• Walk Time (s) 0S ilitraaregfigeWSWATORTAMMEMatiMMUNNA 5 5 5 5 Flash Dont Walk (s) - . 11...-' `.-:. 11j.-.,;:-'.....1.11,:::_i-e, .11,....,,;:,;.,. Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes Inhibit,Max _.• . y6....ii..:.(esif:-:L...i'..yd.-,.:.::.'xek'.,•.;,..•e Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 Epd.,Tiple (s) .- . -,.... .. ...:114..,.,::::.-:t.'.0;;I.,',.:j....- .'-,7-...'..,;;;-,i-.:-----,..''''-- - ' -.,:,... -,.:•-ii-:••,-.....,..,;.:,...,::::_-: . '.., c.,...... ,.. -....;,.....-".;:.;:...S.,,,....1'1,.,,,..;.,-;:.,•;-_;....,., Yield/Force Off (s) 108 144 108 144 Yield/Force 0ff170() ...,... ..-..97'.:::: .' ,,......._,.. _ .,...,:,'. Local Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 Local Yield (s).,,,, ..,.-.': , .-;'108',',,,,',.'..._..144. ...._,..z...1L, Local Yield 170(s) 97 133 97 133 Mil.ara.7071664WAS Cycle Length ContrOljType Natural Cycle 150 Semi Act:Uncoord.. 110 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 04 /* 02 11/1r4 08 gg 'IF Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 ..)1 -°' -. C 41-- .' 4 \ t Mi5V6iff660:5;747P5:101WYialN7faTirgiffR.F.ZWIjgra:MAT.4::f,"-' ----MCN blEKNa:337Nbitig2F-OG:fritfaig§bi. Lane Configurations I 'PI, ) 1:1- 'Ili ti.. ) t3. Volume (vph) 89 568 40 220 283 58 80 500 239 99 322 41 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1,00 Frt 1.00 0.99 100 0.97 1.00 0.95 1,00 0.98 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prof.) 1770 1845 1770. 1815 1770 3367 1770 1831 Flt Permitted 0.44 1.00 0.14 1.00 0.19 1.00 0.17 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 828 1845' - 258 1815 350 3367 310 1831 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) .97 617'. ,,:-43l,. : 239' •f'.. 308 63 • 87 543 260 108 . 350 • 45 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 Lane Group FloW(vph) . 97' :. : 65./.;;;:. : • .'0'".,‘:' • . 239: ':, .36a - 0 . 87 743 0 108 '.... 390 . Turn Type pm+pt pm+pt pm+pt pm+pt Protected Phases • ' . 5-1'...::•;...,2...:::':-4,;:' ',.. ..,::-. :.!-:: ..1: - 6- ' .3::, ' . '8 ., • ' • '7 : .4 Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 Actuated Green, G (s) . :,47.7-, ,.,',4'1;',6..-..:::,-.....,..,-:. - ;51.5,', •:',43.5. : 30.5--: ,25.0 - . .30.5 .' .:.: 25.0... Effective Green, g (s) 45.7 41.8 49.5 43.7 28.5 25.0 28.5 25.0 Actuated g/C Ratio • •: ::•;0.48-.,; 0 , it'J':::;:.:!;.;4,:!1;;;;:,52I ''..•,Q.4;-;'''.:..S,;'-.:;:•-:'0..30.....:1'..,,p.27;,-,,.---,.-• . :....o,3o - ...-6..27-,.:.:,':.'E.';',-1:,T): Clearance Time (s) 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension ,(S). . ' .•:;-• ::'..30 :'''..'..,:-.3".0:-..;:•q':ift:',:;.`,.:7,':;;;•:,;t:.'!-30',./.-::-:.,-,3.0:.::.:.'..•.:If,:...-...''. .3.0 ,3.0 :: ', • 3;0',,.:.- 3,6;4, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 452 818 248 841 174 893 163 485 v/s Ratio Prot . -:":- ..l..:::,:0.01.:,:.'.036'':,;!,f,-:;::;::,..CO'.On,,.;020•:.-:%:--;.,''_:;.,.:,:•.: 0:02t•'•'„c0.22 : - - '.. ' c0.08 .,-',..1 0.21'':-•:':::::.':' .. v/s Ratio Perm , . 009 , , c0.44 0.13 0.17 v/c Ratio- ''. - ... . ::.:': ''' ..' :,: -C).21/....:;':-0.89.:;:`'.:--:,!,,,.::::: ,..:•.0:..96:;',),:;i.,..043:-,-.T-,...::-..',.. ' . 0.50', 0:83-- ' •. , . ;„.,: 066'.. , 080 : . • Uniform Delay, d1 13.6 22.7 18.5 17.0 25.5 32.7 Progression Factor • ': 1.00..:;.,:. ':, . '1 -.00;J:. 1.06 . . . -.. 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 8.2 46.7 1.6 2.3 6.7 Delay (s) -118f'.-•:..30.9:;:.-1'• :::";:.•;.'.1., 65:2'.;-T. 188: ' . . 27.8 39.3 Level of Service B C E B C D Approach Delay (s) , ,,:: '28.7 ;, . .• ',, .; . • ..,:,- 36.8::- - 38.2 Approach LOS C D D inigr'seniMmm HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratia Actuated cycle Length (s) Intersection Canacitv Utilization 01 o 7j! I lPj :11,1 HCM Level of Service ui lobt moo oi ICU Level of Service I0.0 E 26.2 32.4 1.00 1.00 9,7 13.2 35.9' • 45.6 D D 43:5 Baseline Youser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Movement Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Maximum Split (s) Maximum Split (c/o) Minimum Split (s) Yellow Time (s) All -Red Time (s) Minimum Initial (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 Time To Reduce (s) Walk Time (s) 5 Flash Dont Walk (s) 11 11 Dual Entry No Yes No Yes Inhibit Max . Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Start Time (s) 0 11 56 66 End Time (s) 11 56 Yield/Force Off (s) 8 51,8 63 91 le. Yield/Force Off 170(S) Local Start Time (s) 84 Local Yield (s) 92 Local Yield 170(s) 92 29.8 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 4\ 1, 'gr,',47,-.P.0-577-YETOTIF—.2715011FSFRERNETErf6i3170:ENAW.VORNIMMTOREANM WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Max None Max None Max None None 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30:5% 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 3 4 3 4 , 3 4 3 4 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 , 4 3 3 33 3 .3. 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 11 No Yes No Yes Yes 11 56 66 1 56 66 0 51.8 63 91 45 55 84 0 45 55 52 69 52 69 92 29.8 rigniTatruriim.4 Cycle Length Control Type Natural Cycle • • • 95 SeMi ACtLciriCae 70 JpIllb CIIIU F I ICIOGO. 01 =.0. "' G. VIC.. 1,-, / tv,i iu•..• •-+ •-• • • 4.. • •• • • • • ....• •-. - 02 44\ 03 I, i*" 04 1 ;11 17:ii.;•-, .:'." gar -0 08 . . .• • o5 06 \''' 07 4-- 1 INOWANI : . '..46',i's ,,, kci flar4$6k i , Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street 6;163i6i-nailiaifl,R3F51-iUlgi':::.,L3EaUffilifiE7TREENffillAFTVE,;: ''.51§10.51afiggi 71TE EDlig'sB.:EIR:::SBR Lane Configurations 1 II, llr 49. Volume (veh/h) 46 1031 35 13 564 16 14 10 25 1 9 38 Sign Control Free Free . Stop Stop Grade 0% r: '0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 50 1121 38 . 14 613 17 15 11 27 1 10 41 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type TWLTL ..•:::;•;'1:: ' STWLTL. Median storage veh) 2 2 Upstream signal (ft) • •:':..:ii.:<:-''::....'-1.;f.:11,-. ': .',.. • pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 630 ' ' ,::C::::,,:.!!',,,:,;.,1:15*4,4,-....:•:'•::.:, vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage'2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 630 tC, single (s).. - 4.1 tC,•2 stage (s) tF (s) • p0 queue free % cM cpacity.(veh/n) 115941 , . • 1927 1898 1140 1903 1909 1240 1240 650 650 688, 659 - • 1253 1259.. 1927 1898 1140 1903 1909 622 71 65- - 6 2 71 6 5 • 6.2 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 ,'4LO.'.-..:.•••••••:'.!•.. 3.3 • 3.3 95 98 91 95 89 99 95 92 " :487 ENFUtaltaialtailantraFEININSEBJ=131b W$ 2 .• .1tE3.31i5§33.21 Volume Tatar.: Volume Left 50 0 14 0 15 1 Volume Right •• 0 ' 7'.•(;,;..:::. .. ,41 .::....:- .: cSH 952 1700 603 1700 211 367 Volume to Capacity 0.05 0.68:::-:, •••••002::'," ',0,37_..0.25:- :' 0.14. '-. Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 0 2 0 24 12 Control Delay (s) 9.0 0:.0 '.. . '11 :157:'0C-:;'27;:r -:-. 16.4 • 622 .VOMBLArnitc,,,,,,rwa Approach Delay (s) ..4"'""' i..-- 0:2fl7i4127:7 16. • Approach LOS Average Delay .,..„ Analysis Period (min) 1.5 • Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 PM Peak Hour Analysis Base Conditions HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 , Movement' Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Fit Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Fit Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated g/C Ratio Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/s Ratio Prot v/s Ratio Perm v/c Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Annrnanh I Os 41I) 70~ / 4/ li 14. +It r 55 121 6 242 362 2 0 2384 275 0 3021 136 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 , 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1,00 1,00 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.85 0.98 0.99 0.95 1,00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1770 1850 .3470 1583 5007 5052 0.14 1.00 0.72 1.00 1.00 1.00 257 1850 . ' 2546 1583 5007 5052 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 57 126 6 '252:,,.' - VT.:, • . 2 0 2483 286 0 3147 142 02000 20100030 57 130 0 , : ,,O.,-:.:, 629 .:..., , 0 : 0' 2759 0 0 3286 0 Perm Perm Perm 4 6 4 8 8 27.0,:i.. 27.0 .' : 1010 101.0 29,0 29.0 29.0 29.0 103.0 103.0 0.21 021'...:;" ::"..•ii.!.,-,ii;,,-.,..-7,-;1:.:,...,, ,:',..021-:. :. :,;: .... .. 0.74 . 0.74 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3:0 3.0 --',:' .--?..,.,. • ., 3.0 3.0 53 383 527 328 3684 3717 0,07' I:: '';:.-:;:...'':;,; ?: -,.?..''''i.:''')''.:.• ' '• 0'55 c0.65 0.22 c0.25 0.00 1.08 0.34 119 000 55.5 47.3 55.5 44.0 1.00 1.00 f . 146.3 0.5 104.6 0.0 201.8 47.9 1601 44.0 F D F D 94.3 • 155:8„ HCM Average Control Delay 30,6 tri mtio 0.95 Actuated Cycle Length (s) '140.0 r.qn2,-.ity I lfili7qtion 95.2%' (min) Criiic,ai Line Gloup 0.75 0.88 10.9 14.0 1.00 1.00 1.4 3.5 12.3 17.4 B B 12.3 17.4 romwenfarsifgmf. Amps HCM Level of Service ,• , 611m 01 iost time (s) o.0 1011 Level of Service Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway •41- 9/28/2011 PlEnfiffifEM;27;MAINTRZEIRRigNiTEMIPMESITONERRENSEINSORTEMERMENIZINETERI Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 107 33 107 33 Maximum Split (%) 76.4% 23,6% 76.4% 23.6% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow Time (s) 4 4 4 4 AII-Red Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minimum Initial (s) 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 Time To Reduce (s) 0 0 00 Walk Time (s) 5 5 5 5 Flash Dont Walk (s) . ,11 11111 11 Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes inhibit Max Yes Ys..-.Yes Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 End Time (s) . _107 0 107 • Yield/Force Off (s) 101 134 101 134 Yield/Force Off 170(s) 90 123. 90 123 Local Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 Local Yield (s) 101. 134 101 134_ Local Yield 170(s) 90 123 90 123 jrakengt$ MI.T.ia",' ty4 Cycle Length Control Type Natural Cycle , 140 ... . :Semi Act7Uricoord 80 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway /if 02 por 08 06 ROT —4 4 I • IJs Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 t 4' MOV67fWiEnPg:iffINETtffiR.qtbV27.1151TigNiffiRENY:rf114FANWW...7"--2-7ABIgg..1\i[jR,'''C'ffff.;71131:Ejl 50 343 62 519 522 142 80 272 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 4.0' '4.0 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 1820 1770''1803 1770 3362 0.23 1.00 0.36 1.00 0.21 1.00 428 1820 :. 670. .1803 399 3362 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 51 350. - , 63 ..' - 530, :::. 533:::.• 145 : 82 278 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 69 51 . 407 :;-:• : .0 •:',: :530•:..:. ,669'•. : :. 0- •:: ',' 82 348 pm+pt pm+pt • _ pm+pt 5 , 2 •'-. ....,:.;,,' %,-.-.:,:' ..;:.1:,'•.Q.,1::!J:.6.-;,,:,;:,,...1-. ... :.-: -, 3:: ' ' 8 , 2 6 8 466 '.,-, 42.5.. • .-.;. , „::. 53..6,'• •:"465,..--•,'. :: • .,',. 251:.H.,19,7 44.6 42.7 52.6 46.7 23.1 19.7 050 ...0.47,M;:',i..;:;;.-,-:•;-.q59i:',. 0.26!j:2,:- 0.22 .3.0 4,...._, 3.0 4.2 4.2 _ 3.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension (s), . : . • la •',-, 3:0'''-::::',1;:::•.!•:;'-Q.:3':0::•.--.':-T'.3',0!•--Y',':-?,-;-:';',;:,;•3.0:.,-..2."-3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 259 864 479 937 170 737 v/s Ratio Prot '. ' .•... .001.'..,:,';:: 0:22; ' '''..:;;',•:::',.:.''''*c0.:(19:••1;Q:•37'''li:',:,..'f.r.,',Y!•:.0'.02'..i -J.- 010 v/s Ratio Perm 0.09 c0,56 0.10 y/c. Ratio ;:.. .: ' • ' ' ()26,. ..:, 0411 ,:',ia;1•.,...,:j;s:, 4.',,5.::::,'?.,,1( 1,'J::t,;.)7,1.;..„.';_,,W;I:.:k.....,:i, ,048',',,...;:i047'.'. Uniform Delay, d1 13.7 16.0 19.5 16.5 26.8 30.6 Progression Factor 1,00 1.00 -,..„ . 1.00.,;::-..:7.1:0Q: .. :.- „1.0Q .: .1,00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 1.8 73.4 4 6 2.2 0.5 Delay (s) 14.1 178 • -:':, l: 929.-2;211.. -..-...: :. .-290'''''. 31.0 ,* Level of Service B B F C C C Approach Delay (s) 17.4 :- • . .52.5::-.-._ .--- - -• ' - 30.7 Approach LOS B D C NefsTINNEN ;7'IMITAIWX.,:fillititOOMN1I1 HCM Average Control Delay 40.1 HCM Level of Service HCM. Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated uycie Lengm (s) cib.:J Intersection C:anacitv Utilization 85.5% iron.s Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Fri Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated g/C Ratio Clearance Time (s) •b • fr';°'1:4 y11111/ “,0%.(.41 it; ,.$11,1.1F ul lub1 tiFI ) ICU Level of Service 136 113 275 45 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,98 0.95 1.00 1770 1823 0.35 1.00 655 1823 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 139 115 281 46 0 0 6 0 0 115 321 0 pm+pt 7 4 4 25,1 19.7 23.1 19.7 0.26 0.22 3.0 4.0 3,0 3:0 223 399 c0.03 c0.18 . • 0.11 0.52 0.80, 27.0 33.3 1.00 1.00 2.0 11.2 29.0 44.4 C D 40.4 Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report - Page 3 •••••'.. Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 FfiEeRlffilgfaffgg.MPAMITMTFRTRMEFAFEEslrMMSNEEMIRFEVEgCRNPTEZYNETff.g Movement WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode None Max None None None , Max None : None Maximum Split (s) 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 Maximum Split (%) 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% 11.6% ' 47.4% 10.5% 30,5% Minimum Split (s) 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 Yellow Time (s) 3 4 3 ,:'4: ...s. 3., `. • . 4 . 3' , , 4: All -Red Time (s) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 Minimum Initial (s) 4 4 4 4 'f- • ' -' .',;4: 4 ; 4 :,,, 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 .3 ,3 .. , 3 3 3 Minimum Gap (s) ., 3 (''..' '3;:.''.-: Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time To Reduce (4) 0 0 .,. 0 .::::',:,7:...;:: :',..:4.‘-t''.7.' ,0 . 01' Walk Time (s) 5 ‘5 ..,......; 5 flash.DontWalk (s) s ' •11::',.' -:. 11 Dual Dual Entry No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes lnhibit Max . . . : Yes - Yes ;- '; Yes :; ;:':'‘Yea'' ''---!Yes' : YeS:'7,5.Ye6'..,--..‘Yes.--.' . :. Start Time (s) 0 11 56 66 11 56 66 EpdTinje:(S).... :: '''.:,.' . .: ' ' ... 11: :,::1,1;,. , 56 .'i;:,,.;'.:r1 qP..;C:'::i.'1;':Cl.&i;Z:'!. r56 66 4. \ !..J10':i....: Yield/Force Off (s) 8 51.8 63 91 8 51,8 63 91 Yield/Force Off -17.0():: .8'-,..:408 ..63"9,g'ifi'::..'1:?'.. Local Start Time (s) 84 0 45 55 LociYild (S)'.::.-,::::':1 Local Yield 170(s) roteES.,eptioniStirta"ry . Cycle Length Control Type Natural Cycle ' • • 95 Semi 90 \ o 3 4' e4 02 itataal 45 . .. ' ..). 05 \to o7 1 08 " I' o6 if WNW gOitiOP.1 ,I.,:eurep,:fit,, ass ;‘,..v.f ,.' I .- 1,11;45;,,:4: • . ea i _ Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street Lane Configurations Configurations Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft). pX, platoon unblocked •vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2,,stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s), p0 queue free % cM dapacity (veh/h) 0.94 56 518 Free 0% 0.94 60 551 89 17 952 Free 0% 0.94 0.94 0.94 95 18' 1013 TWLTL TWLTL. 2 • 1032, •• • 1032 91 98 5.517,6,REEN,9, EBA Voiiinie Total , ;:. 60 Volume Left 60 Volume Right 0 cSH 673 Volume to Capacity 0.09 Queue Length 95th (ft) 7 Control Delay (s) 10.9 E 07124 DIA/ Efii A 646 • 1 8' 0 18 0 71 15 95 : :0 19 6 59 1700 940 1700 132 258 0.38 0.02 061 072 037 0 1 0 102 42 0.0 8,9, 0.0, 82.2 27.0 2 ,• , 9/28/2011 W-WW6T4WWE.T.MENNYANbtgr-'"-V.WiEg;a1TaiNtbR 6 14 22 55 Stop 0% 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 6 15 23 59 18 67 16 Stop 0% 0.94 0.94 0.94 19 71 17. 646 .1837 1786 , 598 .1744 1823 1022 718 718 1059 1059 1119;:::;,1 068 ' : • 685 . 765.. 646 1837 1786 598 1744 1823 1022 62 71. 65 62 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 35 40 3:3 3•5 38 92 99 93 90 80 :502 :. '2.15 2 232 .286 Approach Delay (a) 0,9'O. 82:272dy' Approach LOS Average Delay Analysis Period (min) 5.8 15 Baseline ckuser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 AM .Peak Hour Analysis Alternative A HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 .1''''Ebr''''.'Effr:'''Vil-bt::'7WIJk7.''':NtE;77 Lane Configurations Iiii 1:i• AI Pr 11}4. 11'19- Volume(vph) 68 249 4 125 266 20 0 3275 364 0 2602 116 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.91 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.99 0.99 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 5009 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1858 3483 1583 5053 Fit Perrnitted 0.32 1.00 0.58 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 600 1858 2068 1583 5009 5053 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj.. Flow (vph) 70 257 4 129 . 274 21 ' • 0 3376 1- 375 0 2682 120 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 3 0 Lane Group Flow (vph) 70 261 0 '::•.7 0:-;:. 403 ''..' ,: 19:' :, 0. 3742:- " 0 . 0 2799 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Protected Phases 4 • 6 Permitted Phases 4 8 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.4 29,4 .. , 29.429.4 108.0: 108.0 Effective Green, g (s) 31.4 31.4 31.4 31.4 110.0 110.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.21 0.21 ..: - ;x:, • ,,,0.21,.„:,0.21::, .: „ ::-,'-: .:.:•::.- 0274 '.,•! . 0.74 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 , , .*:-1,,I0';''• 3,0 ',-.1,.. -;^..--. :2, '-'':::.1.0-,::' '••• . Lane Grp Cap (vph) 126 391 435 333 3688 3720 v/s Ratio Prot 1014 .,:':'',. ..'] .!1;..'::::':-:-''-'::,:,:-,-'.'si'!i,':,:••;::.';','D4‘.:'-i,t..,:..,c0:75'''.!.!:''„' .: ' . '' • 055 - v/s Ratio Perm 0.12 c0.1.9 0.01 .V/C Ratio 0.56 0.6/ ; 1,13"cii.'',1:0.063'.-::?...::::;!:-..1...01.:'. ....... ', .',.''' , 0.75 Uniform Delay, d1 52 8 54.2 57.9 47,2 19.7 11.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 ''. 1.00 : : .. :1,00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 5.2 4.3 25.6 0.1 18.6 1.5 Delay (s) 58.0 58.5 83.5: , 47,3 38:3: 13.1 Level of Service E E F D D B Approach Delay (s) 58.4 81.7 . • 38.3 13.1 Annrnarh I n F F D B frifer-76".-FtiOiVBEfirriaMtWARERWAREFIRMAZ.I. ,,,,.,.4, ,.:21..,.4 .., Itt% A.ONEREfgraffilMagiliFirg0 hi 1 HCM Average Control Delay 32.1 HCM Level of Service C Prlil Vnli IMP 1-n Canarify rafin 1 00 . • . • Actuated Cycle Length (s) 149.4 Sum 0[ losi. time (s) b.0 In+nn-cw-firlri r anarifw I Ifili7afinn 105 70/e, ICI I I 'eve! o•Metiiire G ,.ilatlEil3 Feriou (iino) m pc,,Tac;to Left Lan. Reuocie with i ti iuuyi i idwe db d itli idtIC. c Critical Lane Group Baseline %username% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 111- 9/28/2011 PfaeNiiiilb'eiglIgfinItMEME).:431MICFM8144.,..3figag.02314FEWEiglggIVR70-73--grAWINVVisTi Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 114 36 114 36 Maximum Split (%) 76.0% 24.0% 76.0% 24.0% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow Time .(s) 4 4 4 0 4 All -Red Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minimum Initial (s) . .4' .4 4, : 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 Minimum Gap (s) 3 3 3 3 Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 Time To Reduce (s) Walk Time (s) 5 5 . .5 5 Flash Dont Walk (s) 11: 11 , Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes lnhibit Max ' . . Yes Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 Yield/Force Off (s) 108 144 108 144 Yielcl/ForCeOff.17,0(S)'„'f97 133 97 13 ,- Local Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 ( LPOagield(s),.> Local Yield 170(s) 97 133 97 133 z Cycle Length Control Too::: • Natural Cycle 150 Semi Act-UnCaCiticl 120 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway JIM 'elfr 06 —÷ 04 •i$4.4410,1 Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 Movement,.,' :�r.,. EBL :EBT,.,WBL.w :::WBT.TsP WBR; ,:,:NBC NBT� ,,;NBR1.., ;SBL ,.. SBT..,..:SBR. Lane Configurations j 'fi Volume (vph) 89 502 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0'' Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1842 1770 1817,' Flt Permitted 0.46 1.00 0.20 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 853 1842 369 1817 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 Adj. Flow (vph) 97 546 43 239 , 299_ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 3 0 0 7 Lane Group Flow (vph) 97 586 0 239 '350.: ,::`r' Turn Type pm+pt pm+pt Protected Phases 5 2 1 Permitted Phases 2 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 47.7 41.6 51.5 .. .43.5. Effective Green, g (s) 45.7 41.8 49.5 43.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.48 0.44 0,52 0.46;: Clearance Time (s) 3.0 4.2 3.0 Vehicle .Extension (s) 3.0 . 3.0 - 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 462 816 297 v/s Ratio Prot' 0.01 0.32. ' c0;06:;:; v/s Ratio Perm 0.09 c0.36 vlc.Ratio 0.21 0.72 .' .0:80ti Uniform Delay, d1 13.5 21.5 16.5 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 .1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 5.4 14.6 Delay (s) 13.8 26.9 r 31.1 Level of Service B C C Approach Delay (s) 25.0 Annrnarh ins C ]n`€ersectlon,rSummaaretW�'� �:. HCM Average Control Delay Vnirlma to Caracitu ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) Intorcartinn "('anarih, I Ifili7atinn 'inaiysls i'enou thin; u.Irvin ai Le.rle 'GI oun iig'I;�Ctij$RaTtdl 32.0 0:80' 94.4 79 1% 4.2 841 16.9 1.00 s 1.5 18 4.." B '9 14. 1 1 40 220 275 53 80 500 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 .1770 ..' 3372, 0.19 1.00 352 3372 0.92 0.92 0.92 87 543. .250 0 57 0 36 0 pm+pt HCM Level of Service Sum oY lust [Inle (s) ICU Level -of Service 28.6 3.0 174 0,13 25.5 2.3 25.1 0 27: 4.0 897 32.5 1.00 6.1 386'• D 37.6 D 230 64 322 41 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 1770 1831 0.17 1.00 309 1831 0.92 0.92 0.92 70 350 45 0 5 0 .70 390 0 Pm+Pt 4 30.6 25:1 • 28.6 25.1 030.. .,0.27: 3.0 4.0 :3.0' :., 3.0,.. 163 487 002 0.21: 0.11 .o.ao 25.5 32.3 1.00 1:00 1.8 13.0 27.3 45:3 C D 42.6 D Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SVV 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 PlagelMW3MEN741-VIERNWINFTSNTAITURIEWT5IIKEERIVIREMATTINTWAITNRATNIEgREEI Movement WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode None Max None Max None Max None None Maximum Split (s) 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 Maximum Split (%) 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% Minimum Split (s) 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 Yellow Time (s) 3 4 3 4 •'3 .., ' .: 4. : 3 4 All -Red Time (s) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 Minimum Initial (s) , 4 4 4 . 4_ i.. .,4 . . ; : 4 :. ' 4 ' 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Minimum Gap (s) . ' 3 ', 3. -: 3 .3 .. ..'.::,.. 3 '''''':'; ' 3'$:. .. 3 _ : 3 Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TirpeTO'Reduce (S), 0..' -: 0 0 . .., 01'••:..-""0":*;,,.':::::',::':0::-;..-. 0 -:::0 , ....': Walk Time (s) 5 5 5 5 FI40;..Dolpt-Walk:(s) ' . 11.i ':.. ,:. 11-..':,---ri:,;;;:•!.1',_,::;:.s.:11:',.L..,:".• '!.:',.,..„ H.11 Dual Entry No Yes No Yes No Yes -No Yes ilnhil?lt, Max, -, :.'.._ Yes - Yes- Yes ., , ; Yes. , .yes--.s..!',..,Yes:;..'Nes.:... 2 '.. • Yes.• •,':,-, . . Start Time (s) 0 11 56 66 0 . 11 56 66 Ojd.T.iflie.(0).:...:::::-.:: '..' ...-:...:.:•s.:. -....11- ' ';...' f...56,,,:';':'.,-1. '66.'.,,..'....,?:.:::0'.-*--.:.;ffi',1111.';::.&.56-:':!.,..:ig.66:rji,..,..i.;',7...-.., Yield/Force Off (s) 0 8 51.8 63 91 8 51.8 63 .91 Ylegg61-Ce:Qff.17.Q(S)I'-.:').:.. -.;:.....:8'.1'...`-''40.8:::'-...•:.::::E63•::::;-.'-:"::::80!0;',-iii.,8V.:4L4087 63 Local Start Time (s) 84 0 45 55 84 0 LOCal:Yield(0)-:;.,...,":.- ...,:.:,:::....:':. ..•.92;?'.,'„,, 408.:..:1,- ';';',52:,;'"::.....,..:::.80.;'::`::::,;.,,,,.... '' 40 8, Local Yield 170(s) 92 29.8 52 69 92 29.8 Iriedrmfierl$Urn-n-ia*gyA4.''rrV .441i1,07 =4.16lAt?MgfinP,"Il',A'k Cycle Length Contro! Type Natural Cycle 95 80 52 55 69 03 W:,,,.;:l 05 o6 07 .4t 08 1' !MONA 14 • • ' ' " 1 NM ' ' : M ' I ' . ' I ' - Baseline %user_name/0 Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 Lane Configurations '11 Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) .Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC; conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2,,stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM'CaPaqitY (veh/h).', brationLar,Ogil 07,1A.Tif;.:003 $,B . VOlOrne Total 47 1116 13 596 3 f 34 • Volume Left 47 0 13 1 Volume Right - 0 35 0 7 24 24, . 7 . _ cSH 981 1700 626 1700 232 353- Volume to Capacity 0.05 0.66' 0.02:: : Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 0 2 0 15 8 Control Delay (s) 8.9 0.0 10.9. 0:0 .216; 6.3 ApPrOach. Delay (s) 0.4 • Approach LOS C C HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street -). --1' -'117 C 4-- 4' .4 FANA-gitanlairP.'"1.EBE.,EBTEP3EBRWPW-YRrNV13.10Eglijklinililla7fibfg-FR i,:;:;iffliri.WE,SBTA-g'SBR ,49- 43 995 32 12 542 6. 8 6 22 1 8 22 Free Free Stop Stop 0% . '• 0% ' - ' 0% 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 47 1082 35 13 589 , 71 9-, 7 24 1 9 24 • • • TWLTL ,TVVLTL 2 2 , - 9/28/2011 596 . . 1116 1836 :1836.:.::!.1814:.:',. 1099. 1821 . 1828 .. . 592 1192 1192 618 618 .. -. :: . .. .•....;'..:.- ..;,...-.'ii...-...1,....]:',„..,.,,:;,.:•.;.,......- 643*...: 622 .; ' 1202 1210 596 1116 1836 1814 1099 1821 1828 592 41 ,....,.:„..•,.....z,..i..!:..;:,•,...41i...::,;',.;t:.,,.,;:::,;;:,..;::,:i::,,:, :, „, ' .,Z,„..,..Qk..;,.,:.,Z.,62 . -..,:!:::':4...._. ,,.. 6 ',' , 6,2 6.-15.5 6.1 5.5 •.-. 2,2 ''..-......H',:;..:;.i•::. 22 35 -.. -."'.''...1.:,•.j.4,-.;.0;.-'•,,•:-.•':: 3:3:::..• ,-..'. ',, 35.,.::: -,.,±,- 4-,9,:.,.:: ..,::, .3,3 95 98 - 95 97 91 99 96 95 ...,.,.7.-.....,....2',,. -- 'J.:, 4'',..,;,::4',i'.',-'-]'::'f,'•:;i1 ' ''•.,';.;,::164'.'.•.:'4-.;209..,-:-....,,506 981:.';:-..':: .....,,,........ .,.. ... ,. . ... : .. Average Delay Arialysiq Period (min) 1.1 nrv. 15 int., ri• Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 • PM Peak Hour Analysis Alternative A HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 0/28/2011 1 - Grand Avenue & South Dixie. Highway Lane Configurations .5052 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm 0.90 HCM Average Control Delay 25.0 HCM Level of Service C Actuated Cycle Length (s) luuu bum oT mmn ou 'n��prm`"rpnn,�,|»a�phnn 05% 1(',[ 11 Pvpi ofSnRlicp F "muyaisrenooy,mY — — - — - Synohm7 ReportBaseline %uoer-name% Page Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 Frigi.7\11iiiiTfeg,M;V:1.!M717,7§.WINIFE'..10:01'.".J.W::::"MaristiNaggiNkilMEITIMIT-iirOgilI..APD-7aiNUIE:-.1;,. Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 107 33 107 33 Maximum Split (%) 76.4% 23.6% 76.4% 23.6% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow Time (s) 4 4 4 4 .-. All -Red Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minimum Initial (s) 4 4 . 4 -., 4 .- Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 Mir!irnUm Gap (s) ' 3 3 - . 3 3-:[::,-::;.:',...:(:,;::,;:':..,,, Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 Tiiii TO Reduce (S) 1 6 . . 0 ::::-... s :0 -:-. 0r':',.,.7::::::r'f...-'.::.7,7.''.:1;:',-i!:i;. Walk Time (s) 5 5 5 5 fiest:(1)prit Welk (s) 11 11 - 11'.. .: Dual Entry Yes fr,ihibit MaX - :.-,.: Yes. Start Time (s) 0 Erdgimi'(s),-;,,-.:......;,-- Yield/Force Off (s) - y.:IgIcffilrcp:Off-170() '..-, '.. . a--90':' :,.:-123..!-..,:i::90 Local Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 f-...31...,,(16Idk.,:••-::,.•;',.‘:, , .10t......4134';‘-f,,::;...•101 Local Yield 170(s) 90 123 60 123 Int44.41:61.6Srrn. ri.R."OM 1_ Cycle Length ContrOl:Tso:, Natural Cycle Yes Yes Yes ,Yes 'YeS. 107 0 107 107 101 134 101 134 140 Semi Act:Uncoontl.". 90 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway /If o2 ION / 08 , r ' '-41: 04 tajt : ?AI L. I 08 • 1' 1 Baseline ckusername% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt. Fit Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Fit Permitted Satd;Flow.(perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Flow (vph). RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane' -Group Flow(vph) • 51 50 337 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 1770 1819 0.30 1.00 556 1819 0.98 0.98 51 344 0 6 401 -'17 I- 4-- EBl l 14, '41 62 513 468 115 80 272 134 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 . 4.0 4.0 1.00 1,00 1.00 0,95. 1,00 0.97 1.00 • 0;95 7. 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 1808 - 1770 3364 0.36 1.00 0.21 1.00 679 1808 399 3364 Turn Type pm+pt Pretected1=!haes. •5 Permitted Phases Actuated Gieen;:G•(s) •.• Effective Green, g (s) ClearanceTime (s) Vehicle'ExterficIb7(s), Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/s Ratio Perm Uniform Delay, d1 Progrpssion:Factor 9/28/2011 111 110 275 45 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 1770 1823 0.35 1.00 659 1823 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 63 523 478 117 82 278 137 112.. 281 46 0 0 8 0 0 68 0 0 6 0 • 0 523 - •587, 0' ' 0 pm+pt 2 ' '',. ,7':-.•.: ; 4.. 2 4 46.6 42.5 , :25:1 .. 19.7 44.6 42.7 23.1 19,7 . 050. 0.47 6.59,.-.:' 9521i..-7....7.7-.1,, ..,,,,!„...--;,,..::028:-:..622.....-:'' 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 • .--' • -. 30 • . 3.0:: -: ::: : ,;,..30L'I...-;,:3'.'0;ii.',:k-c:'..;;A:1;,7:.30l,,NV;16, 311...-.'::,I3.0,-;1::... 318 864 483 939 170 737 224 399 001' . 022 ''. = '. cq.,00:-.17.:::::.:03Z.:-;'„Ij.:::[,::!,,PI:';IN30.7..(I0F.4-...lif...!;P419itIA.::;Mc :''''':0:118 0.07 c0.55 0.10 0,10 ..016.:;: 0,46' ' -:,:::r, :-...,1pp:,.:',,,,:,,,063;..:::',2.,,,':,.,11:0.M4C4::::O.47Ninf:;Ir)..-:, , .7'.0:80.';',::;;:-.'7. .. 12.8 15.9 19.5 15.4 26.8 30.6 26.8 33.3 1.00 1,00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 1.8 65.1 3.1 2.2 0.5 1.8 11.2 Delay(s) .-' . 13,0 17.7 84,6 185 -,.. ,;'1.7' ''..71I:?.:29..:01;:.'..31.167:PV:':::::.-.::, 28e:,--,....44 Level of Service B B F B C C C • D Approach Delay (s) 17.2 49.47: . 'c'. ': .. - 30.7.1 :.7: = " .' 40.4 Approach LOS B D C ..TITATEORt „fffp HCM Average Control Delay. HCM Volume to Capacity ratio' • ACIUateci (.ycie Lepgm (s) IntFIral4ctiOn Capacity Utilization Hdliuu pm+pt pm+pt, 1 : 6 6 8 53.6 465 52.6 46.7 23.1 19.7 1.00 1:00f 1.00. 38.3 HCM Level of Service D 01 IUSt Mit (S) 84.9% ICU Level of Service"' I C.0 E • • Ai Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 4\ 4.17- • t IMEMTriiiiiNTAIMMERITEMEMFAMITMINEETENERIEMTRTEMNIMERIVATIME WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Max None None .None Max None . None 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% • 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% • 30.5% 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 3 . '4 '3 4 '••• 3 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 4 3 3 3 3 3 - 0 0 8 51.8 63 91 8 51.8 63 91 yiOciirgro,.:pjf,.:14c)()17,-,,-,,.: .., .ft.: , -408. y:', .63:::',1:,:;e:.,..,f Local Start Time(s) .,. 84 0 45 55 ,..,..r.i801;:V:::i......84 J;.,f--':-.'::::: 45 55 zi...rdCaUli14:(s),j2::::::,....:;;;;:: • :::::-,- .: ,,...;'.,92„, :40$4EJS 8. Local Yield 170(s) 92 29.8 52 69 92 29.8 52 69 4,41.1ritojaec on s mmAr,y i=r,....„,-..iciv. 00- ,,,,..4 t...1,4w:, '. N., .,:r :-_i.?,1VOIRT #40,00N4P) A 4r,sgtifgarr.V.4.VV4P4'tf'r',MW 17i400:14 Cycle Length 95 Control Type ..i,;,-,.... •,,,,, •• Semi A6t-Uficricird,±7.:.:2.1:;.!,,,....-,,..:::::,.::',:H•i:.. ':•f.:;:-...,:,i-::".... Natural Cycle 90 9/28/2011 Movement Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Maximum Split (s) Maximum Split (%) Minimum Split (s) yellow Time (s) All -Red Time (s) Minimum Iriitial (s) Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 MiniMuM Gap (s) 3 . 3 3 Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 TITY1970.Reduce (§) 0 0 ' Walk Time (s) 5 5 5 5 Ff.ash12gnt Walk ' . • 11 Dual Entry No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes nhibit Max Yes Yes Yes ..................Yes Yes Start Time (s) 0 11 56 66 0 11 56 66 End Time (s) 11 56 :0 Yield/Force Off (s) opiii. 01 Ill I-1100GO. c 01 L. ....* VIC,11 Ill /-11.,,i ,..•-• •-• •-,• ••• •• • • • • .....• •- .4\ 03 "."P. 02 abt 4,-,x,,,,,,.: ,,,,„,i4„..,,,,,,*, ilfira 05 ,-trex, 1;‘' o6 07 -41 ' 08 iSVASAVI '4.5fi : ' ..: . I illtiMi.... g$T1gtaNteranfaM1 . Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 nc-r Am:1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street .}' .-I --, c 41- '1. 4\ t /31" \* •,. 4/ WRIgifinilagERiaRgENE- 076-1TaNtiiit;IS. -170.0aTGEMMENEEffil37-tiNnifar -MK .`?",:ai3E Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 43 499 84 16 921 16 60 15 6 5 21 55 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0%. 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0,94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0,94 0.94 0.94 0.94 Hourly flow rate (vph) 46 531 89 17 980 17 ' 64 , '16 6 5 22 59 Pedestrians Lane Width .(ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type : , TWLTL Median storage veh) 2 UPstre m eignal. (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vc,.conflicting 'volume 997 vC1, stage 1 conf vol V02, stage.2 confvol vCu, unblocked vol 997 tp;.'4irigle(§) '•'.::''.:.';:''.,.. 4.1, tC, 2 stage (s) iEl(i)i.::::i:,.;::::..!.;.i.--,.-- ::,-: . 2,2 p0 queue free % 93 CM,06i61(6.1.11t1):','. 694 pitetattliONNERWEBTRI60,EBMWORM3172:1W 8 ARO VolCrhe'LT9i01,:',,:'.5-,:kf:!3:''..: ,,;, . , ,46_ 620 .'' . ''.17„--:::. :9970,k;* ';');'):.,;',,;,:'.86i'.-:•:501't;:igtV.',11.:-:'...J.Z5:,;,::,'.,::,V;•:;' Volume Left 46 0 17 0 64 5 VOlyme Right 0 89 0 - 17 6 59 cSH 694 1700 960 1700 158_ 279 1/dine to'Capacity ' 0.07 0.36 0.02 .. 0'.59. '-''''., 0,5:4..":"0"..81?-'''''.',!":.::','.,-:'::;'::.'1,:',L Queue Length 95th (ft) 5 0 1 0 69 32 Contrqf fiel6Y (s):' 10.6 0.0 8.8 0;0' ':. '..52.0- - ; 23.6' .''',:-'-:.' 0 TWLTL 2 • .620 1751 1698 576 1659 1734. .988 667 667 1 022 1 022 • . • . 1751 1698 576 1659 1734 988 . 6.2 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 • '40 33 35 40 3.3 98 54 93 99 98 91 80 620 KPPro.a`Cti OelaY. (s)': 01', 1 Approach LOS F C Average Delay 3.9 r-7 Analysis Period (min) i5 9/28/2011 Baseline Synchro 7 - Report %user_name% Page 5 AM Peak Hour Analysis Alternative B HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway -% -► -- .- 1 Movement`.>t , ;q- C,,; , , EBL .... EB.T, t, :BR. ` t1NBLt ,s'. +NB Y. VUBR 5.r 4'NELi Lane Configurations 1 34, fief P. Volume (vph) 68 257 4 137 231 20 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1859 3475 1583 Flt Permitted 0.35 1.00 0.57 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 644 1859 2001 1583 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj, Flow (vph) 70 265 4. 141 238' 21 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 0 2 Lane Group Flow (vph) 70 269 0 0 379 19' Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Protected Phases 4 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) . 29.1 29.1 Effective Green, g (s) 31.1 31.1 Actuated g/C Ratio ; 021.: 0.21 Clearance Times 6.0 6.0 Vehicle:Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 134 388 v/s' I ati Prot ` 014, v/s Ratio Perm 0.11 v/c Ratio ' 0,52 0.69 Uniform Delay, di 52.4 54.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 3.6 5.3 Delay(s) 56.0 59.9 Level of Service E E Approach Delay (s) 59.1 Annrnarh I OS E 8 8 31.1 31.1 6.0 6.0 417 c0.19 330 0.01 57.6 47.3 1.00 .1.00 23.1 0.1 80.7. 473 F D 79.0 E NE--T } t 9 0 3275 1900 4.0 0.91 0.98 1.00 5004 1.00 5004 0.97 0.97 0 • 3376 0 10 0' .3770. 2. 108.p •' 110.0 4' 6.0 30' 3692 c0:75 19.5 1.00`. 20.5 D 40.0 .. . D 9/28/2011 E tt 392 0 2602 116 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 0.91 0.99 1.00 5053 1.00 5053 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 404 0 2682 120 0 0 3 0 0 0 2799 0 6.. 108.0 110.0 6.0 .. 3.0 3728 .0.55' 0.75' 11.5 1.00 1.4 12.9 B 12.9 B �yh :ktii 3 a o:e.iti Fs°'a�a ,s E� r46 At, i t, .. , ... ^ 4 i 11471 341.t� 2�ii." z= )fit'erse�c i`o�ih'S.u'm��"'�ir aryt.�.�� . � �: .3i±i��r��u HCM Average Control Delay 32.7 HCM Level of Service I-IC,M \/niump tr, Caracity ratio 1.00 Actuated Cycle Length (s) I4. I bum of lust Lune (s) o•u Infarcoe-tinn ranarity I Itili7atinn 106.1% ICU Level of Service G %i ,ay:-.1 .. i'B i(& i;IIIII) di De:2::Ec Le:: Ldl It. !'CCCUUC vvtul I I: IUUI;t! ;Cillt, al, [! ir_:H IClile c Critical Lane Group C Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 RiTigiNtirireVEMIPIMPIE2'4,1'EW:,..4VSEFONIUNTEFArd.EREEP.M.EFIEriefESERNEEPATEMI Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 114 36 114 36 Maximum Split (%) 76.0% 24.0% 76.0% 24.0% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow Time (s) 4 4 4 4 All -Red Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minimum Initial (s) VehicleExtension (s) ..fitP.1§5.0110.13 Cycle .Length Control Type Natural Cycle 150 'Semi Act-Uncoord 110 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway efi o2 114' o6 —11'? 04 MI3 (:th" = Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 . Uniform Delay, di. Incremental Delay, d2 Delay.(s) Level of Service Approach Delay .(s) Approach LOS HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 1 WO meet{ZTHERRE`'EBLWE ": r- Lane Configurations B ik .111 Volume (vph) 89 537 40 220 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 .. 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 0.99 1.00 Fit Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1844 1770 Flt Permitted 0.43 1.00 0.16 Satd. Flow (perm) 809 1844 303 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adf Flow (vph).:' . 97: 584 43. 239 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 3 0 0 Lane;.Group.Flo'w (vph)'.' ` .97 624 0 '239 Turn Type pm+pt pm+pt Protected: Phases • 5 2 1 6 Permitted Phases 2 6 Actuated Green; G (s)' 47.7 .. 41.6 • 51.5 Effective Green, g (s) 45.7 41.8 49.5 Actuated, g/C'Ratio 0.48 : 0;44. 0.52 Clearance Time (s) 3.0 4.2 3.0 Vehicle.Extension (s) • 3 0 .3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 441 812 266 v/s Ratlo Prot; :-.0'.01 0.34 0.07 v/s Ratio Perm 0.09 c0.40 v/c'Ratio..._x..:, ` `:: .022 0.77 0.90,'-. 0.44, 13.8 22.5 18.0 17.4 1.00 1.00 ' 1,00 1.00 0.3 6.9 29.9 1.7 14.1 29.4 47.8 19.1 B C D B 27.3 30.2 C C lnteisect`i nTr')`iary TELIC ",. HCM Average Control Delay i-ICM .Volume to Capacity ratio r\etuaieu Vyule ueii9iii (SS) Intersection Capacity Utilization 34.4 0.88 82.5% 4\ t Tt 289 1900 4.0 1.00 0.97 1.00 1815 1.00 1815 0.92 314 8 371 43.5. 43.7 0.46 .. 4.2 3.0. 836 0.20 . ' '1'' 60 80 500 235 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1770 3370 0.15 1.00 287 . 3370 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 65 87, .''543 255 0 0 57 0 0 87 .:. 741... 0 pm+pt 3 .8 8 .. . 32.5 .. 27.0 30.5 27.0 0 32 3.0 163 c0.03' 0.15 053 252 31.1 1.00 3.3 28.5 C D 34:4... c 4.0 959 3.9 HCM Level of Service Muni vi woc unie k.ti1 ICU Level of Service i u.0 E 41 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 0.95 1770 0.16 303 0.92 45 0 45' pm+pt SBT,?',,';SBR 322 81 1900 1900 4.0. 1.00 0.97 1.00 1807 1.00 1807 0.92 0.92 350 88 9 0 .4290 4 297: 256 27.7 25.6 3.0 4.0 136 487 0 01. c0 24;'.::: 0.09 25.7 33,2 ;1 00 1.4 19.8 C D 50.6.. D Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Yield/Force Off (s) Local Start Time (s) LocaLYetd (s) Local Yield 170(s) e_rMti, 8.Arnacy CycleLength CtTyp Natural Cycle Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue '4\ \*. 9/28/2011 ffrigOirrifeNVIEVINZERNISMIMITMERBITAIRITRFOREIRINAllifekTellEIREIREWMARINggiii.ITT Movement WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode None Max None Max•None Max , None None Maximum Split (s) 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 Maximum Split (%) 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% '30.5% 11.6% 47.4% 10,5% 30.5% Minimum Split (s) 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 ‘YOloyv Iirr)e (s) 3 4 3 4 3 4 :3 . : :.' 4 All -Red Time (s) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 MtnirnuM,Inftial (S) — — : , 4 ' 4, .. 4 4 . 4 4.',3 -.. 4 -:::;',..-- :, 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .Mi.ilifniJM•Gap.(S).:: : •'. 3 .. 3 : 3.. , 3 .. 3,:. ; .3 -2,., 3.'ii::::: Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 TriiiTciF.pdd0..(s) : :'.:.:':-... 0 ' ' ' 0 ' - . 0 -.' ' ' 0 ,. — ,9:,:',...0::::::::.,i,::::,, , . ,Th......., ... . ._• Walk Time(s) Nii10:iit Walk (s),:;-'''.,,-.. :,. . ' ., 11,, 11 ' ' :.- '11.,..): :. Dual Entry . , No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Inhibit Max Yes ''. Yes .. Yes . Yes :. : Yep•",':.,Y.eiP::. Start Time (s) , 0 11 56 66 0 11 56 .. _.. . „ ... E r)k....TiriO3.P.I.';:,.'LL 11 56 56'*-..,-, „66:: ;,.•;;;,.0 11''"' "56..-A',..:s.: 66 8 51.8 63 91 8 51.8 63 .•;,i8': .408'.. ,... 63, . ., 80 -, . ,:":„...,.. 84 0 45 55 84 0 45 55 92 1:...-.408, • ., 5Z-...:...,...'^op::::,...:...p.';,..,:;..:,:::.. 80 '"'-j''::::',.r..'.;-,.'g'E':;:-,1;.,ige,•if...:::::;3_.:..,._g!,,-.,..'.3,-..: 92 29.8 52 69 92 29.8 95 Semi Act4LincO6rd • - 90 52 • ii`; 66 91 69 { oi 4, '0.• 41\ 03 o2 ..."4" o506 o7 4,t 1 o8 41 $ _ — Baseline. ) `Youser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street { 9/28/2011 MBRilight T ::::. liggglat)431TE-TiTWEtt2REAlki..: . ' IMF"' -tag7"ffR4,72ENtE.13,75iNIATORTFRIORNagfftriFENR Lane Configurations 1 Volume (veh/h) 45 999 37 13 Sign Control Free Grade.":. ...• • 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houdy:flow rate (vph) • 49 1086 40 14 Pedestrians Lane•Widtti.(ft)•-•' ...• . Walking Speed (ft/s) percent bloCkage,,,•- Right turn flare (veh) Median type : • i . TWLTL TWLTL Median storage veh)._.. 2 2 QPetieiriiignal'(ft)i... ••." .. i •• ' pX, platoon unblocked .. . yC;'-.diiflidtfifgtVolume ...... •: ' : 622 ' ,i 1126 -; i :1892--;•:...'„ 18,.5.4.1i:/-;,.:. ,..1106i.,, :1862 ;•:i.,:ii,187:-.1:,::•.;._:•:.:;618 vC1, stage 1 conf vol 1204 1204 647 647 V,O4Stage'.40rif.vii1;:iii,: .•..,!'. i ,. , • : • 689,..,:;,::,..:7..651:6,:;;.:'6....4::1216...:..-1224,::',..-,'",;;::r:, vC u , unblocked yol ... 622 1126 1892 1854 '1106 1862 1871 ‘.. 618 t•,,-,:.Sin,g)e(S),igie.'fiiii*:•,:l...'J.-:,.,'..;:::'„;•'..4l1.. i,:••• . i• . . . 4.1 •••:!.....:;'•ii....7:;12i,65 6'''','': 7 ' 65:;.••,,:5„:6:.2 tC, 2 stage (s) 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 tr(e).../;•:::l•2',..:?.,!,;-34;,!lif,..:,i:.*l.,E -!:,:::7;.: .22: : - 2.2 -.,: i': . '-;,..,,,,,,:.49i,i...:-,.,;:.;.: , ,ii 211.:-::::P p0 queue free % 95 98 92 95 8-9 98 95 92 01: apriati(Veti •).:i2:7i'''•••- • ' "• •,959. , : • ,:. 620.: •.• •: :::J.i: .pp.,:..,:',!;:::.'z2:ig.:•:.:',.. :„. 489 pfrection, Rano, IEBIREWA. IMBI-NEMMT2N4}311 ASE3Ail Viiii.iiiiftitOrt5.::::::•:',',,:-:-..-5, .49 .7:::'.; 11.126 : .::::14': :... : 622 ',. : '. :;51:... :::;).:t:: 5 ' Volume Left 49 0 14 Volume Right •• :. : 40 '0 cSH 959 1700 620 Volii.r.rie.t6'..g'd0pCitjr "1:"'' i''' 0.05 0.66 0.02 Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 0 2 O'dritrol beleY (s) ' 9.0 0.0 10.9 . . ,..., APProa'dh' DelaY:(s)i. :, : ''• r - 0.4 " ' •• 02 .. -26.1 ' .- '17'.1:f.'..,'...:::.,',.;:: i:?::,-;;.::,.',..!,;j:'': :!,;:...,::.5i.:...i.,,!,":4;;:::.',:,'.: Approach LOS D C 0 14 7 1700 221 352. 0.37. •0.23 0.15 .:.••••• • 0 22 13 0.0 26.1. • . 17.1 • • 566 6 13 9 25 3 9 37 Free Stop Stop 0% 0%.... • '0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 615 7 14 10 ,27 3 ' 10 40 Average Delay 1.5 . , Analysis Period (min) ,-• • Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 PM Peak Hour Analysis Alternative B HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 14- 9/28/2011 kleagireTIONST7 EtiL;.:'EFif':::' EBR -7----6ffiEY,NLW,iFiCittaTNETITAM§"--Eif3iFgiTtM§W.K Lane Configurations "5 14. iTiL r tiq, ttI9' Volume (vph) 55 123 6 225 357 2 0 2384 277 0 3021 136 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0•4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.91 Frt 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.85 0.98 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1850 3472 1583 5006 • 5052 Flt Permitted 0.14 1.00 0.72 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm). 257 1850 2550 1583 . 5006. . ': • . 5052 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj..Flow (vph).: 57 128 6 234 372 2 : 0: 2483 .,,'.. 289 li ...'., 0 3147 142 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 3 0 Lirblitip-Elow (vph) 57 132 0 0 606 0 ' - 0 .2762:;. ,. 0 • ,:'0.;":-'. 3286 0 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Protected Phases 4 8 Permitted Phases 4 Acipaied .Green, G (s) 27,0 27.0 Effective Green, g (s) 29.0 29.0 Atillated b/C Ratio, 0.21 0.21 Clearance Time.(s) 6.0 6.0 VehidetiterisiOn (s) 3.0 30 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 53 383 V/s'..Rati5PrOt:;.., .;:'-• . 0.07. v/s Ratio Perm • 8 8 27.0 27.0 - .,::.' .•........ ,101..;0;,...'„:: ,... .'..:, ;,'„-:1010,": 29.0 29.0 103.0 103.0 021...',.,Q21.:..::?q-,r:A•i;.9..441::I':'",:..::•.',,'':..:-;-ili.,ri,.:;;:j.'_:!..•,....•...."':':'.-.:,.o...;74'..;.i.;'.--.- 6.0 6.0 6,0 6.0 3.0. ::;.'.,"- 3.0; ''..-':-.':.''.',..:1•';';''...::,'•';.I'a'.'OZ'r-„;t0.f.:.:14.ff,'..:::;l;'.',:f;!'":.',.:?',,ji''.,:':'k'3:b':'i..-'.--.'-.':''Y• - 6 528 328 3683 055• • 0.22 c0.24 0.00 108 0.35 115 ...... '0.00 075:::',,:4';',1 :.:::;::..!.:',1!,!....7-:".,...:,,, .., 088 Uniform Delay, OH 55.5 47.4 55.5 44.0 10.9 14.0 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00, 1.00 - . -1:00.'....:1:.00 . Incremental Delay, d2 146.3 0.5 86.8 0.0 1.4 3.5 Delay(s) : t 201.8 47.9 142,3 ' 440 ....1z--4,..::-.!:-.:,'.:: ..,.': ..., • :::::'f:-....:.' :17-.4.'''. Level of Service F D F D B B Approach Delay (s) 93.9 141.9 - . .7, 1124 '',,,Ff: ;, .,, -.•.' -17,4- • Annroanh I OS F F B B 3717 IFIFfeir6ITSEMia0V4.1111_1gRIN91477...,,Wergfif' HCM Average Control Delay 28.5 HCM Level of Service HCM th Onacitv ratio 0.94 Actuated Gycle Length (s) 94 6°A • uIw ; LgIttt,d! LclIft 'of (JUp b1.101 01 lost time (s) ICU Level of Service ti.0 Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 ,r,111:1 1.7.; Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 , •Iii- P:,figgflqfffigiTliaffintEriginFAINTE17:15;',ITAMIT.8.13INIFEMSEURPIEW,61..TOR:',474.T4t:fiTOPMNIETINVAI Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode ; Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 107 33 107 33 114.201UM Split (%) 76.4% 23.6% 76.4°A, 23.6% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow-lime(s) :,::, ...-.; , 4 4 4 4 All-Red.Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minfrnym Injt01:(s)1-; .: . ; '4: : 4 4 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 3 3 Mir14flilfq:4),J;(0.):'-.-':-:. [:'. '. :3 ::: 3 3 3 Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 ,riiiila,1*1..(().,.;'::„.l.,:.::::.,..:li i. :0;:2,-. .. ' 0 ..: 0 : 0 W alk Time(s). 5 5 5 5 FlAh0101iiVilii:•6).:,'..:'.:l.' :';„i': 11 11 1.1 'l 11 11 Dual Entry " Yes Yes Yes Yes jritilliitlf):00,,.,:::,,,,..;:::..:,..;,,,,s.,,:..::::.:•..„::.:Ye :,-;,.... Yes - ',, • Yes Yes Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 gclfeliik(.).A-..§;;;:.f.lf,li:-,:fl..197,.:;:...;.;::::'0 107 -f. ,-; 0 ,..I-,:;.:'-.:'-:•l::,....',SH-: -..':,.,;_,:-,;-,.';.::..-,; Yield/Force Off (s) 101 134 101 134 Yil,C1J,PCJI,Oft 1-Z0(4,1,.:'a;_:j!..,=.:.90,,;:,,;--,:::::;'.13.:: 1.-: 90,... - j 123 Local Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 12$C7C17.ekilijIgiti,gW;,,, l,.l',gf:,.:.1,01',''...,l;',:.,',V4l..'::: •101..., .; 134 Local Yield 170(s) 90 123 90 • 123 amoe alma Cycle Length Contro Type Natural Cycle .• • ::..: , EIMMotama.wirtim 140 emi Act-Uncoord 80 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway -4 04 o6 p•-• 08 MOWN 1:•••: g .. • • Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28(2011 MovementEEM. ` ij ', 7 Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Fri Flt Protected Satd. Flow.(prot) Fit Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lanea:Group:Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Actuated Green; G'(s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated,g/CRatio . ; Clearance Time.(s), Vehicle Extension Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/s Ratio Prot v/s Ratio Perm vlc Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression.Factor,. Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Annrnarh I_OS ffEfiir 50 348 62 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 1770 1821 0.25 1.00 474 1821 0.98 0.98 0.98 51 355 63 0 6 0 51 412 0 pm+pt 5 2 2 46.6. 42.5 44.6 42.7 0.50' ...0,47 .' 3.0 4.2 3.0' 3.0 280 865 0A1 0.23. 0.08 0:181 '`'0:48.. 13.3 16.0 1.00 , 1,00' 0.3 1.9 13.6 17.9 B B 17.4 B 516 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 0,95 1770 0.36 662 0.98 527 0 527 pm+pt 1 6 53.6 52.6 0.59 - 3.0 3,0 475 c0.09 c0.56 1.11 19.5 1.00 74.6 94.1 F 41-- 14. 503 132 1900 1900 4.0 1.00 0.97 1.00 1805 1.00 1805 0.98 0.98 513 135 9 0 639 0 46.5 46.7 0 52 . ,_ 4.2 3.0 938 0.35 0.68 16.1 1.00 4.0 20.1 C 53.3• D fnf"eesectio ry, HCM Average Control Delay HCM \fdhirna to Caracity ratio Actuated Cycle Length (s) IntorGar.finn r. narity I Ifili7atinn vt:111) l,S1 k i I-diIC G1Ullp 11 BLz4>,;"SBT, 80 272 136 116 275 45 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4,0 4.0 4.0 4,0 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,95 1.00 0,98 0.95 1.00 0.95 1,00 1770 3362 1770 1823 0.21 1.00 0.35 1.00 399 3362 655 1823 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 82 278 139 118: _:: .281 : 46 0 69 0 0 6 0 82. 348 0 . :, 118 r:'.: 321 0 Pm+Pt Pm+Pt.. 8 251..;',197. 23.1 0 26._,_. 3.0 30 170 0.10 048 :047 26.8 30.6 1.00 1.00. 2.2 0.5 29.0 .• ' 31.0 C C 30.7 C 19.7 4.0 737 23.1 3.0 223 0.11 4 51 197:: 19.7 4.0 399 27.2 33.3 100 1.0.0.:. 2.3 11.2 "29 5 �44 4 C. D �• 40.5> D 40.2 0.97 ify.y 85.6% HCM Level of Service JUrrl Ul IOSI di fie (S) ICU Level of Service L.0 E Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Movement Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode Maximum Split (s) Maximum Split (%) • Minimum Split (s) Yellow Time (s) All -Red Time (s) Minimum lmtial(s) Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap,(s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s)_ Walk Time (s) Flash`Dont Walk (s) Dual Entry lnhibltMaX Start Time (s) End Tme�(s) Yield/Force Off (s) Yield/F.orce Offj170,(s Local Start Time (s) Local Yield" (s)fi`r_ Local Yield 170(s) nesp. :aion ! nlety Cycle Length Control_Type" Natural Cycle Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 r-',7ax. ,, rrr�rnrr, �?t ^I'i ^ -^' � r , , w �t 4 i.d" a - �"tlTl. 7. ar '�z a� 7i�E"{" �`R 'Z.r+� Ye, AT}:Z 3 oil' 1?haseTumbe r ` ., ��. ;, 1 f � rs'.1 5.�� ,;.2.��,�: ,:;: , 3..,rT . 4��:�.� wu�!. 5 f,. 6q�a 'c ��7,.�rar� k,€r� Ba a,; �a` �,�, 6 ' ) x l WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL 'Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None. Max None None None Max. None • None 11 45 • 10 29 11 45 10 29 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30.5% 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 3 4 3 4 3 • 4 3: '4 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 :`4. . : 4. 4 4 4 •.4_ . . .4. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3:s 0 0 0 0 5 5 1.1, 1.1 o Yes No Yes Yes:.. Yes Yes 11 56 66 56 66 51.8 63 40:8 63 84 0...,. 45 92 40.8 52 92 29.8 52 95 Semi Act-Uncoord 90 ue & SW 37th Avenue 91 55 84 69 5 11. Yes No Yes Yes Yes 11 56 8 51.8 92 29.8 63 66 91 45 55 52 69 1- al '�" 02 03 t%'I" 4 IgraffiVi Or 'LIMN ': M 06 t 07 r' 08o5 +7- If' fay jj.. - + ') I 8 s. Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street -,4` --+ YffailiNtinabTAWEBREFEBTIERBRMWRig , Bfe— BF.RINEMiiittigENT4NOTWAigliffigg Lane Configurations '1 14. '1 1, Volume (veh/h) 53 512 88 16 962 16 62 15 6 5 22 58 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade • • • 0% 0% 0% - ':. . '7.. ' .. Peak Hour Factor 0.94 0,94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.940.94 0,94 Hourly flow rate (vph) '•: 56 545 94 17 1023 17 66 16 6 5 • -, 23 62 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft). Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median ,tYPp TWLTL Median storage veh) 2 UPstrearrtignaf pX, platoon unblocked vCconflicting?oRim.:1040 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1040 tC single(s) 41 tC, 2 stage (s) 638 638 4,1 2:2 p0 queue free To 92 98 13ratibiPlarle TWLTL 2 9/28/2011 1835 :••,1779 591 1738 1817 1032 704 704 1066 1066 1131 • .,1P74 .Z672 1835 1779 591 1738 1817 1032 6.1 5.5 5.5 . 41 92 99 98 90 78 E B3210.73-ikei J3.12 13T1 VolumeTotal 56, .638:•:':;:-:? 17 1040 88 90 Volume Left 56 0 17 0 66 5 Volume Right 0 94 0 17 6 62 cSH 668 1700 946 1700 131 263 Volume to Capacity 008 .0.38 0.02 0.61 0.68 0.34 Queue Length 95th (ft) 7 0 1 0 92 37 Control Delay (s)'' 10.9 0.0 8.9 0,0 76.8 25.6. Approach LOS AverageDelay 5.1 nt, I Analysis Period (min) n Baseline crouser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 ( AM Peak Hour Analysis Alternative C HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 Movements i ; x4/ Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj. 9ow.60) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane GroupFlow (vph). Lane Turn Type Protected'Phases:.: Permitted Phases Actuated Green; G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated gie;Ratlo Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s) a Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/s Ratio,Prot;: v/s Ratio Perm v/P;Ratio Uniform Delay,d1 Progression. Factor Incremental Delay, d2 Delay'(s) - Level of Service Approach Delay (s). Annmanh 1 r1S WIEBL_, 14. 68 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 0.95 1770 260 1900 4.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1859 0.35 1.00 660 1859 0.97 0.97 70 ' 268 0 0 70''' 272 Perm 4 28' 9 30:9 6.0 137 28.9 30.9 0.21 6.0 3:0.... 386 0.15 0.11 51 0,70 52.3 54.8 1:00 1.00 3.2 5.8 .555:::.. `60.5 E E 59.5 E NER ;NET��' INER VER ns' , BT., t, :EBR, ..<!NBL...,,:V+16T,.a„ WBR�;.c� . .�.�. +.?t±t.. <;,+�SWl:3t) `iS1N,T ��'SUVR 4 132 227 20 0 3275 403 0 2602 116 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.85 0.98 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 3475 1583 5002 5053 0.56 1.00 1.00 1.00 1989 1583 5002 =5053 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 4 136 234 21 0 3376 415 :'.:',0:;:,: ,:2682 .<..• : 120 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 370 19 0 3781 ' 0.;' 0 .":`2799. , - . 0 t re e tfoolifa m nary HCM Average Control Delay 1-1!'M ;!;dune tr Canacitii ratio • Actuated Cycle Length (s) Intarc rtinn. r''anariti 1Ifilizatinn Lef: L2t;e. NeUUUt c Critical Lane Group 32,8 1,00 148.9 1 OR 3% Perm Perm 8 8 8 28.9 28.9 30.9 30.9 0.21 .0 21 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 413 329 c0.19 1.32d1 57.4 1.00 21.3 78.7 E 77.0 E 0.01 006'' 47.3 1.00' 0.1 47.4. D 110.0 074 6.0 3695 c0 76; 19.5 1.00: 21.1 .40.6, D 40.6, D HCM Level of Service bum or lost time (S) ICU t eve( of Service u IUul4lt IdiIC dJ d ICI! ;date. o.0 G .108 0 110.0 6.0 3733 11.4 1.4 B B Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 5.: Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway )I( 9/28/2011 WageNtiTilbelliNTIORMITIMMAkt;.aal7OFORMIBRETZENZIEEM,14IMPRITMEM151, ..1111FRI Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag • Lead -Lag Optimize.. Recall Mode ' Max None Max None Maximum Split (s) 114 36 114 36 Maximum Split (%) 76.0% r.,24.0% :76,0% .24,0% Minimum Split (s) YellowTime All -Red Time (s) Minimum Initial (s).' Vehicle Extension (s) MinimUrn 22 22 22 22 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3, 3 Time Before Reduce (s) .....„, .... 0 0 0 Tirne:1-6.1Rd!-Ic@..(11'.•,'-11:::;- ''''-:'....:::-; 0.'''''.: 0 .• 0 • 0 ....': WalkTime (s) 5 5 5 5 Flash DOnt:Wali( ...(e) `.•'..,Ii. 111'.,:. ,, 11; • . , 11 Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes intiiIiiMa Yes Yes :Yes ',.. 'YeS :-- - Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 El ctT..igi6(4):1-',•-U-:ii'd.:::&;:',':'.:::,.114,..;,111-4,,.-..„ 0 114 0 Yield/Force Off (s) 108 144 108 144 yield/E6F667:0ffil7P()]:;(f,:'..-,-..,i.97 133 97 ., .. . ••.- 133.-.. .. -.. , Local Start Time (s) 0 114 0 114 Es5,j1',110.'(s)Y.P-J',..$:.',:.•..,;;-,1'.!,?,i':',,:,;,!,:-108'-'3:';'::::.:-:..., , -:::::: :144: :,;.. .. ., Local Yield 170(s) 97 133 97 133 Iirfivatior7Elomary Cycle Length Control Type Natural Cycle 150 Semi Act Uncoord 110 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway ?14i 06 • —4* 04 1-7' 08 I I_ , - . 4,0 1 Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue -lb- 'if '- t r" Mov"ement VJ F,,Ax� l`.i) EBL `S`. EBTr° ':'EBR.,_,'.NMEIKeRA Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Total Lost time (s) Lane Util. Factor Frt Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Flt Permitted Satd, Flow.(perm) Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj. Flow (vph) RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type ProtectedPhases Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s)' Effective Green, g (s) Actuated, gIC;Ratio , Clearance Time (s) Vehicle Extension (s). Lane Grp Cap (vph) vlsRatio Frot; v/s Ratio Perm vIc Ratio Uniform Delay, d1 Progression:Factor _, Incremental Delay, d2 Delay'(s); " Level of Service Approach Delay (s) - Approach LOS 'it- 'i 1 '1 '' 89 554 40 220 281 56 80 500 237 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0, 4.0 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1770 1844 1770 1816 1770 3368 0.45 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.19 1.00 837. 1844 281 1816 350 3368 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 97 602 . 43 239 305 61 87 ` 543 ,258:' 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 60 0 97 642. 0 239 359 0 87 741 . 0` pm+pt pm+pt pm+pt 5,,., 2 1 6 3::,: 8 2 6 8 . 47,7 , 41.6 : '> 51:5. 43.5 . 30.5 :; 25.0 45.7 41.8 49.5 43.7 28.5 25.0 0:48 0,44 0.52: 0.46 0.30 - 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.2 3.0 0 3,0 ' . 3.0''... '3.030. :: 3.0 456 817 258 842 174 893 .'. 1 0.35 c0,07 0.20 0,02 c0 22 0.09 c0.42 0.13 0.93 0.43 . `;,. 0.50 . ;! .0 83 18.0 16.9 25.5 32.7 1,00 1.00 1.00 ' : 1,00. 36.4 1.6 2.3 6.6 54.4 18:5 ` 27.8 393 D B C D 32.7 38.1 C D 0:21 0.79..: ". 13.5 22.4 100 1.00 `. 0.2 7.5 13:8" : 29.9: B C 27.8 C 4.0 9/28/2011 \* t 4/ BRE $9. 89 322 41 1900 1900 1900 4,0 4.0 1.00 1.00 1,00 ' 0.98' 0.95 1.00 1770 I. 1831 0.17 1.00 310 `._ 1831 0.92 0.92 0.92 350 45 0 5 0 97: , •390 0 pm+pt 4' 4 28.5 25.0 0'27 3.0 163 CU,U6;; 0.15 4.0 485 26.0 32.4 '1 00 1.00 5.7 13.2 C D 42.9: D Intersec6on3umMary A. ,t <,.,..1 .....L.. ........ ... .... _ WrPI HCM Average Control Delay 35.0 HCM Level of Service HCM Volume' to Capacitvratio 0.88 ACluated uycie Length (s) J4.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 83.4% ;',II.'.Iy.:-.iJ f CIIUU 1.11 llI) ,DUnf of IUSi URIC tS) ICU Level of Service fu.0 E Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - 'Report Page 3 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 PhigENTIFFBRIFSEESTRIENEVIRENNTA:VMPUNTEZNEOTOMF/MATECIRMENSMIMYREEN Movement WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode , . None Max None Max None Max None None • Maximum Split (s) 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 Maximum Split (%):, :. : ; :111.6% 47,4% 10.5% 30.5% 11.6% 47.4% 10.5% 30,5% Minimum Split (s) 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 Yellow Time (s) : s ,.. .3 .:: 4 .. 3 4 3 ip+11-Red Time (s) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 Minimum initial(s)-.Z.:'. - ... ' :4: - 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 VehicleExtension (s) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MinimurrfGai3.(s).;:!,.:-,:;-:.„:i:,. ,. .3: 3 3 3 3 Time Before Reduce (s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 firile•T.6liciiiqg;,2.'T,iii."..-...,:f,':::.b..:".-•:::; 0 0 ,' o 0 Walk Time(s) 5 5 5 Flash Dont Waik (s) 11' :.: . 11 11 11 Dual Entry .,,. No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Inhibit Max .!..?'"i.:.,;',E•:;•!-:!,;:',Yes Yes Yes .Yes .:' Yes-. ' Yes -. :Yes ' Yes •':.- YeS::!i;:.;":', Start Time (s) 0 11 56 66 0 11 56 66 .60-TIP-11?(P)ir:ii;:4:',:2E-'-',..,.41;5:11 — 56 66 ,::::,)i0..:-.,.',.• -11 .: .: -56 166! ,.;i*:.--,.; ,.:10.,-;..:.;;.;.-:::,':::::-.-:, Yield/Force Oft(s) 8 51.8 63 91 8 51.8 63 91 Y.foor6ffofi17.Q(s)..4 .. Local Start Time (s) 84 116MNOCC...k....1,j!aitg:aa.e.: 92 Local Yield 170(s) 92 29.8 mee, .osSumma.A Cycle Length Contro! Type Natural Cycle • fit 95 90 •(rnd Avnue vv i(th /Avenue 03 win r• "4::;,1^,-,q, ...). 05 06 NI' 07 08 4-- V, ' r Baseline cAuser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street 9/28/2011 MoveinehlE TE'sxF+',.a; Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ftls) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream.signal pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting:volume • vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2,.stage,2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s).::.., .... tC, 2 stage (s) tF p0 queue free % cM_capacity (ve1. UMW -Lana; Volume, Totals. Volume Left Volume Right: cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS METEEboIgfferaft3W1113iftiga BTU 46 1029 35 13 555 Free Free 0%0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 50 1118 38 14 603 621 4;1 95 50 960 ;, 0.05 4 TWLTL: .,' 2 TWLTL 2 1157 1157 2.2. 98 604: sW.B- 621 0 14 0 13 8 0 17 27 35.. 1700 604 1700 215 365 0,68 0.02 - 0.37 0.23' 0.12 2 0 22 10 111'. .0.0 26.8 16.2 0 2 26.8 16.2 D C !VBR--ImENtiEVRigf 16 12 9 Stop 0% 0,92 0.92 0.92 17 13 10 1908 1886 1238 1238 671 649. 1908 1886 71 6.5.': 6.1 5.5 3.5. : 40. 93 95 '175'.' '206 Average Delay Analysis Period (min) 1.4 1,1 BR. B.fa,`'SBR 25 1 8 32 Stop 0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 27 1 9 35 1138 - 1891 ` `1897 ,., 612 640 640 1251 1138 1891 1897 .62..;;` 6.1 5.5 612 .2 3.3 93 Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5 PM Peak Hour Analysis Alternative C HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 M'6;01-117-7EIREMNTZETEEDPIKEffrEfffffMliii: B-1-,-;. ,\A/Bit.17. ;NECNE: . - rommgmawif. Lane Configurations 1 Ti, 414 r ttT, ttIP. Volume (vph) 55 122 6 234 349 2 0 2384 276 0 3021 136 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.91 Frt . 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.85 0.98 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow .(prot) 1770 1850 3470 1583 5006 5052 Fit Permitted 0.14 1.00 0.72 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) .... ; l; 257 . 1850 2541 1583 5006 5052 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vPh)., : .. :.; ;,:. ' 57.1'...li 127 6 244 364 2 0 2483 288 0: 3147 .,. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 . 2 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 3 Lane GrouPTIOW (vph):', :',:%.':....•:':;:; 57, : . 131 *.- 0 0 608 0 0 2761 0 0 3286' , 0 Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Protected Phases 1*. ,. .:::::',1,::!.';‘,,;.*::,•:',::::),;.:. 4 ''. 8 2 Permitted Phases n n .4_ 8 8 Actuated Green ;:G.'(s):'',,!!•;;":‘,..:--1,:,,270:::i;',..!:', 27 0 ''',' 27.0 27.0 Effective Green,. g(s) n_. .,n 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 Actuated g/C;Raq6:Nn.v.,,,::;:;g1.21:. ci.f,::',.:...,:„•, ; :..: . 0.21 0.21 Clearance Timen(s) , n 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Exterisiori (:,...-.1':•=3'.0.-,-;•,,',.,:.' 3.0 !',.; .. ' :3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 53 383 526 328 v/s Ratio.Pi-6r4 ,.'4::.'-'4.'!'..:1'';,!J .,:•.:, 4:-,-;?:,'!.d: (t v/s Ratio Perm . 0.22 c0.24 0.00 v/c iRatio'.::J.'.V)p':...-.,,-.-:::::p:34,.-. . ' 1.16 0.00 UniformDelay„ d1 n_ 55.5 _ 47.4 55.5 44.0 Progression Factor ,,,:.,,,:,;',:,'1..,00„ - f1.00,.. 1.00 1,00 Incremental Delay, d2 146.3 0.5 89.9 0.0 Delay (s), : :1' :::-..:.'.?":;:7'201-.8:fl:....';47,.9 ---: . . 145.4 44.0 Level of Service F D F D Approach Delay (s) .:: ..-. -941 145.1 Annronch I_ os F F 0.96 142 0 101.0 103.0103.0 0.74 6.0 6.0 3.0 3683 3717 0.55 0.75 088 10.9 14.0 1.00 1.4 3.5 12.3 B B 12.3 B B Wirel-gcliErailmm aryl...-. .i.;,,',.01,),74 -Foi,4,4-55.41, awNPREIRRAWMAT ..liteOokaiall, A 4::-.6, s::-..,,,t, • 41 HCM Average Control Delay 28.9 HCM Level of Service C HCM Vol ;r•rie• '6.C,ar,cihirntio 0.94 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 140.0 bum Of 1051 time s) cs.0 Intprcpr.finn' rThrianitv l Itili7gon ' . 94 6% IC11 Level of Service F -c CI iiicai Lei ie Gtoup Baseline °/ouser_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 1 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 9/28/2011 , .__•,',. / '4- ili:iiIgnifirgrEIREESTirdlfATTE-T4TEMINAIR:EMENt.tEgrARTZTIPPOIRAMMEARWM,REEN Movement NET EBTL SWT WBTL Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Recall Mode s Max None •Max None Maximum Split (s) 107 33 107 33 Maximum Split (%). 76.4% 23.6% 76.4% 23,6% Minimum Split (s) 22 22 22 22 Yellow Time (s), ' . . . ' 4 4 .. - 4 4 . , All -Red Time (s) 2 2 2 2 Minimum Initial :,:, -'..:,4"' 1:,i , 4 : f .4 '.... 4 :. . : 4 Vehicle Extension (s) 3 3 .3 3 - ..., •,,.,;- Minimum Gap (s) ...,-,-,.:1,,,---, , Time BeforeReduce(s) 0 0 0 0 Time TO.Redtipe:'(s)::1':,.';',:':t); .0 0 •:,.. •,•.::„ P.: Walk Time (s) . , 5 5 5 5 Flash DOntNalk...(s);;;;;:;,-::::1,'„3.:;,-.,,,-4,:;.;t11 11_ ,, . _,; :111 Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes Inhibit Max-±,i,i--,:_;:.:: - :5:': eYes Yes-:,:,;::, -Yes --i--•,:- ,Yes.:••: Start Time (s) 0 107 0 107 -0i0,Tirf1PMa.:•..i.:,-,,--: ;..i:,-,!':-'.i••:k:,..,_. Yield/Force Off (s) 101 134 101 134 _.,..__. Yleld/ForcQOff 170(s)j LL. Local Start Time(s) 0 107 0 ( ) LiCirYieid,..(6)AW:.',1,-;',a,t;,,,,,,,.,101VL'j'1144§:::,'.1„..'' ' Local Yield 170(s) 90 123 90 3. 107 123 1.557MIQUIirp—m—b—A wh VC.; 1. 'IV "RkTerit4Aff A9WAvirdANITORiftlAWAgrz Cycle Length Control Type Natural Cycle 140 SemiActijhc�ord 80 Splits and Phases: 1: Grand Avenue & South Dixie Highway 02 —41 04 .010„ s 06 +22 08 Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 2 Peak -hour factor, PHF Adj• Flow (vph)'" RTOR Reduction (vph) Lane •Group'Flo(vph) w:,''.'. . Turn Type Protected Phases.',; Permitted Phases Actuated Green, G (s) Effective Green, g (s) Actuated g/C'Ratio Clearance Time s Vehicle`Extension (s) Lane Grp Cap (vph) v/s:Ratio. Prot ' v/s Ratio Perm We' Uniform Delay, d1 Progression.Factor;; 4:: • Incremental Delay, d2 Delay (s) Level of Service Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue --r� 41-- 41l 9/28/2011 Movemen MET ERth, B '>;�Ir• E i..ltfbi. 5..01.BV.::WB7 BR,7 'NBL?#Y NBTryitRid (. `' nIVA SBAt'rSB:R Lane Configurations ik 'i 1+ 'i "r"T \ ' 9. Volume (vph) 50 345 62 518 514 138 80 272 136 114 275 45 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt .1.00 0,98 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow.(prot) '.1770 1820 1770 1804 1770 3362 1770 :1823: Fit Permitted 0.24 1.00 0.36 1.00 0.21 1.00 0.35 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm). • 447 1820' " 667 1804 399 3362 655 1823 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 63 529 524 141 82 278 139- ` 116 281 . ,.46. 0 0 9 0 0 69 0 0 6 0 0 529 656 0 82 348 . 0 116:,: 321 '_ .0 0.98 0.98 -.'51 352 0 6 . . 51 409 pm+pt 2 466 425`'> 44.6 42.7 050.. .047 3.0 4.2 267 0.09 13.5 1:0d 0.3 13.9: 864 0.22 16.0 1.00 :. 1.9 17.8 B 17.4 B pm+pt 2':. 1. .. 6 53.6 52.6 0.59. 3.0 3.0 477 c0.09 c0.56 -.1:11 19.5 1.00 74.4 93.9 F pm+pt 6 3 8 8 46.5 25.1 46.7 23,1 0.52. 0.26. 4.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 937 170 737 0.36 0,02` 0.10 0.70 .0 48 0.47, 16.3 26.8 30.6 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.4 2.2 0.5 20.7 29.0 31.0 C C C 53.1 30.7 D C 19.7 19.7 022 4.0 lnPeisectiETmma':i fis „� ., :; ,ill°� 't 15 1.- :� i'i,'•^�,.Ir 5'!E, M „ t HCM Average Control Delay HCM Volume to Capacity ratio Actuated tycie Lengtn (s) Intersection Capacity Utilization nil; `•r•_ct__: 1 r. •, t�nut.ai l-QIIC: �i�VUi� 40.3 0.97' 85.6% HCM Level of Service JUIII UI IUSI IIIIle (b) ICU Level of Service pm+pt 4 251, 23.1 3.0 223 0.11 .0: 52 ,.., 27.1 1.00- 2.2 11.2 293 c: 19.7 4.0 399 33.3 Baseline %user name°/o Synchro 7 - Report Page 3 Timing Report, Sorted By Phase 2: Grand Avenue & SW 37th Avenue 9/28/2011 .PiTiggiwirammil,, ,e1. ;4 701TERTERIE45.17ENFRE6ig,',W76116W1,781ATEMMENIVEMPlifia.z,:i Movement WBL EBTL NBL SBTL EBL WBTL SBL NBTL Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Recall Mode None ; Max.': None. None None Max None None . , Maximum Split (s) 11 45 10 29 11 45 10 29 Maximum Split(%) .;t'...' :.;11.6%- :47.00,1"10.6%•.- 30.5%. 11.6% 47.4% 10.5`1/0 30.5% Minimum Split (s) 8 .. 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 8 20.5 Yellow Time (s) . .'. '::::•.. '.:':•,•,. 3 :::. . 4 . 3 4 3 . 4 All -Red Time (s) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 Minimum Initial.(s)::',. ..,„,..,. -:4 ' 4s-,c,.:L.:,-.......4:: , 4 ." : 4 4 4 Vehicle Extension(s) 3 3 3 3 3 Minimum Gaii.',(S);:,2;;;.,..,',,.. ?..,.....3 3 3 3..,...' ' .3 ' 3 Time Before Reduce (s) ..0 0 0 0 0 0 Ti.rio,-0_3,.Aedk6.:(4)-:!:M•.:: .. .:i.':'.1:'0 0 0.. 0 ,. 0 ' 0 Walk Time (s) 5 5 Fla§h.156nt,Walk: 01'2 ., : 11 ,. : : . 11 • • . _ ... ,.„ ,... .... Dual Entry Yes No Yes No Yes Inhil311:•Mek;:l:,- . .es —Ye, ..:, YeiC' Yes' Yes Yes .. Yes.''.... Start time (s 11 56 66 0 11 56 66 . • • End Tii(..):il',4*kll'..-,T...-ltigl-:•,..iri,:iii.n• . ., kP..Pi1.:1%;;;:•,:,i.. 0 ' .•;-.;.:;,•,11.: 56 66 ; .p6:,,,.,.. 02,.. Yield/Force Off (s) 8 61:8 63 91 8 51.8 63 91 Yi..00/F..rOlgifii17.9.(gif-77J'.-4O8 6 80 8s'.• ..40-:8).,::: ,' ;63-, . •',80.rl:.,:j•,,,,, ...: --•1.:,••••'",':`,,..11y:.','''-`. Local Start Time (s) 84 0 45 55 84 0 45 55 Liidigelii3M:CZ.V.,%i'la_ 2sp„:526•,..•;:;..,.', ' •92.....: 408 . .... '52., ,•'• ••••• •80;'':•;..:,,,,-,-, ..,,,..,..,Y...ii7'.. ,..: . Local Yield 170(s) 92 29.8 52 69 92 29.8 52 69 ntemeDtionr,$' aim t a. d ., .. Cycle Length 95 q001.91100.il'::Mi';215:1•':'•:;.':l;.1e:-%F!..,• , Oill:''....0..':-YR6icill'i'l.;.•i..;:....::.l:-..' .--,' l' ' -.' • . - • Natural Cycle 90 03 iltr ,'..;t• 1,4, Y,5.'',: ,1-,vfile, , ',0, t.0,"1:,,,4 08 -,* 05 07 . -4'fr 7-- 06 , owe 2a.f..r 104";:-..A.kt.,-.4' ...It, ',c, • Baseline %user_name% Synchro 7 - Report • Page 4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Grand Avenue & Elizabeth Street 9/28/2011 MR6SREE47.240115REFE1-317;trfflifiSFENWPW flINF.M13'fi'qrfWARNiJURIFNiilliENtRIRKSifff.WMiatagg-614 54 511 88 . 18 951 16 65 16 6 13 23 58 Free Free Stop Stop 0% 0% 0%. 0% 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 57 544 94 19 1012 17 69 17. 6 14. 24 . 62 Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type ' . Median storage veh) 2 Upstream Signal ;(ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume. 1029 637 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vCu, unblocled vol 1029 tO,,sirigle(S) „H;41 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (S),' - p0 queue free % CM EgY.6.6.tiotg rarie,,t5; voi rn0 Rita r, Volume Left Voliime Right cSH Volume to Capacity. Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) I nnn I (1C Approach Dplay.(s) 272 Approach LOS 22 91 TWLTL TWLTL 2 637 2.2 98 946; _difAM1 tiV.MBRWRI31 1829.. -1772 590 1.811. .1020 705 705 1059 1059 1124j. • 673 1829 1772 590 1732 1811 1020 71 65 62 71 65 62 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 39 92 99 94 fiTa 57 0 19 0 69 17. 6 675 1700 946 1700 131 0.69 0.37 0;61 0.71 7 0 2 0 99 10.8 0.0. 8,9: 0.0 81.3 RAF 14 62 261 0.38 43 27.2 n F D • '•• • • , • . _ Average Delay InfrArc.nr4;nn romnrits, ,,nalysis Period (r1in) 5.7 ICI I FVPI nf qPntirp r, Baseline %user name% Synchro 7 - Report Page 5