HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Miami Dade Home Investment Group, Inc.October 31, 2011 Mr, George Mensah, Director Department of Community Devclopment 444 SW 2'd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Ref: 6020 NW 15th Avenue Dear Mr. Mensah: We are notifying you that we are returning the parcel of land iocated at 6020 NW 151" avenue back to the City of Miami. We were not successful in obtaining full financing to develop the property. The only; funding we obtained was $450,000 from Miami Dade County which repre.sented approximately 40° . of the total project cost. We would appreciate any assistance you can provide us in being reimburse for the expenses incurred. In the past we have spoken about being reimbursed by the person who receives the lot from the City. As of today we have paid $66,912.70 in architectural, taxes, waste container, fencing contractor, cleaning of site etc. but we still owe $1,215.81 for the 2010 taxes. We will pay all taxes due through the day the City of Miami accepts the property. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, Once aga19 thank you for all your assistance. Francisco J. Abe1la Chief Executive Officer Honorable Michele Spence -Jones Alfredo Duran, Deputy Director Dona Pinkhasov, Property Manager Miami -Dade My Home My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item Text only Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3114-035-2231 Property: 6020 NW 15 AVE Mailing Address: MIAMI DREAM HOMES INVEST GRP INC 220 NW 130 AVE MIAMI FL 33182-1140 Prorty Information: Primary Zone: CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: 10,600 SQ FT Year Built: 0 14 53 41 ORANGE HGTS PB 14-62 LOTS Legal 19 & 20 BLK 12 LOT Description: SIZE 100.000 X 106 CLERK FILE #99-1082 0800 OR 23817-3363 0905 3 Assessment Information: Year: 2011 2010 Land Value: $38,227 $42,672 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $38,227 $42,672 Assessed Value: $38,227 $42,672 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2011 2010 Applied Applied Taxing Authordy: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $0/$38,227 $0/$42,672 County: $0/$38,227 $0/$42,672 City: $0/$38,227 $0/$42672 School Board $0/$38.227 $0/$42,672 Sale Information: Sale Amount: 10/2010 27467-2380 Corrective deed, quit laim deed, or tax deed; Deed bearing Florida Documentary Stamp at he minimum rate Sales prescribed under Chapter Qualification 201, F.S.; Transfer of Description: ownership where no doc stamps were paid; or, ransfer of ownership by that than a deed snnh (ACTIVE TOOL: SELECT;. Aerial Photography - 2009 0 My Home I Property Information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer 110ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 Legend N Property Boundary Selected Property Street evy Highway Miami -Dade County ■ Water E http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap.asp 10/31/2011 Miami -Dade County. Real Estate Tax Information Show Me: Property Taxes Search By: Select Item Detail Tax Information: Real Estate Tax Info Prior Years Taxes Due O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Prior Years The 2011 TAX Roll will be available on November 1, 2011 . Today's Date: 10/31/2011 Last Update: 10/27/2011 Folio Number: 01 31140352231 MIAMI **** Prior Years Taxes Due **** Owner's Name: MIAMI DREAM HOMES INVEST GRP INC Property Address: 6020 NW 15 AVE Mailing Information : MIAMI DREAM HOMES INVEST GRP INC 220 NW 130 AVE MIAMI FL 331821140 Legal Description : 14 53 41 ORANGE HGTS PB 14-62 LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 106 Amounts due: Prior years taxes must be paid by cashier's check, money order or certified check in U.S. funds. Amount due Type Tax Year Number as of 10/31/2011 TAX CERTIFICATE 2010 4502 1215.81 TOTAL AMOUNT 1215.81 For historical purposes: Below is a list of redeemed certificates and the redemption payment details. TAX YEAR 2009 NUMBER 5080 CERTIFICATE Date:06/07/2010 Register/Receipt:0225 /0011001 Amount: 1862.48 TAX YEAR 2007 NUMBER 3449 CERTIFICATE : Date:07/29/2008 Register/Receipt:0227 /0017001 Amount: 3129.21 TAX YEAR 2006 NUMBER 2829 CERTIFICATE : Date:07/31/2007 Register/Receipt:0223 /0020001 Amount: 2187.39 Amounts due are subject to change without notice. Page 1 of 1 Contact Information E-Mail: proptax� miamidade.gov (305) 270-4916 Downtown Office: 140 W Flagler St., Room 101 Miami, FL 33130 Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Related Links: Tax Collector Property Appraiser Florida State Dept of Revenue 0 Property Tax Home I Real Estate Tax Info I Prior Years I Miami -Dade Home I Usino Our Site I About I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster http: //egvsy s. mi amidade. gov:1608/wwwserv/ggvt/txc aw03 . dia?folio=01311403 52231 10/31/2011