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U.S. of Justice
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partidipatingVederargrants or eoZtiacts,:ind/or any-V-nedy available w to the-federal.Governmeili
U. S. Department ofJustice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
2011 COPS Hiring Program Grant Terms and Conditions
By signing the Award Document to accept this COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grant, the grantee agreesto abide by the following grant terrns and conditions:
I. Grant Owner's Manual. The grantee agrees to.comply with the terms and conditions in the 2011 COPS Hiring Program Grant Owner's Manual; COPS statute (42
U.S.C. §. 3796dd, et seq.); 28 C.F.R. Part 66 or 28 C.F.R. Part 70 as applicable (governing administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements); 2 C.F.R.
Part 225 (OMB Circular A-87), 2 C.F.R. Part 220 (OMB Circular A-21), 2 C.F.R. Part 230 (OMB Circular A-I22) and 48 C.F,R, Part 31.000 et seq. (FAR 31.2) as
applicable (goveming cost principles); OMB Circular A-133 (governing audits); representations made in the grant application for the COPS Hiring Program; and all
other applicable program requirements, laws, orders, regulations, or circulars.
2. Assurances and Certifications. The grantee acknowledges its agreement to comply with the Assurances and Certifications forms that were signed as part of its
CHP application.
3. Allowable Costs. The funding under this project is for the payment of approved full-time entry-level salaries and fringe benefits over three years (for a total of 36
months of funding) for career law enforcement officer positions hired and/or rehired on or after the official grant award start date. Any salary and fringe benefit costs
higher than entry-level that your agency pays a CHP-funded officer must be paid with local funds.
Your agency is required to use CHP grant funds for the specific hiring categories awarded, Funding under this program may be used for the following categories:
a, Hiring new officers, which includes filling existing officer vacancies that are no longer funded in your agency's budget due to state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs
(B1A) budget cuts;
b. Rehiring officers who had already been laid off at the time of grant application as a result of state, local, or B1A budget cuts; ancVor
c. Rehiring officers who were, at the time of grant application, scheduled to be laid off on a specific future date as a result of state, local, or BIA budget cuts.
If your agency's local fiscal conditions have changed and your agency needs to change one or more of the funded hiring categories, your agency should request a post -
award grant modification and receive prior approval before spending CUP funding under the new category.
The Financial Clearance Memorandum (FCM), included in your award package, specifies the amount of COPS Hiring Program funds awarded to your agency for
officer salaries and approved benefits. Please note that the salary and benefit costs requested in your original application may have been updated or corrected from the
original version submitted to the COPS Office. You should carefully review your Final Funding Memorandum (FFM), which is also included in your award package.
The FFM contains the final officer salary and fringe benefit categories and amounts for which your agency was approved. You will note that some costs may have been
adjusted or removed. Your agency may only be reimbursed for the approved cost categories that are documented within the FFM, up to the amounts specified in the
FCM. Your agency may not use CHP funds for any costs that are not identified as allowable in the Final Funding Memorandum and Financial Clearance
Only actual allowable costs incurred during the grant award period will be eligible for reimbursement and drawdown. If your agency experiences any cost savings over
the course of the grant (for example, your grant application overestimated the total entry-level officer salary and fringe benefits package), your agency may not use that
excess funding to extend the length of the grant beyond 36 months. Any funds remaining after your agency has drawn down for the costs of approved salaries and
fringe benefits incurred for each awarded position during the 36-month funding period will be deobligated during the closeout process, and should not be spent by your
4. Supplementing, Not Supplanting. State, local, or BIA funds budgeted to pay for sworn officer positions irrespective of the receipt of CHP grant funds may not be
reallocated to other purposes or refunded as a result of a CHP grant being awarded. Non-federal funds must remain available for and devoted to that purpose, with CHP
funds supplementing those non-federal funds. Funding awarded cannot be obligated until after the grant award start date. This means that CHP funds cannot be applied
to any agency cost prior to the award start date. In addition, your agency must take active and timely steps pursuant to its standard procedures to fully fund law
enforcement costs already budgeted as well as fill all locally -funded vacancies resulting from attrition during the life of the grant.
5. Retention. At the time of grant application, your agency committed to retaining all sworn officer positions awarded under the CHP grant with state and/or local
funds for a minimum of 12 months following the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each position, over and above the number of locally -funded sworn
officer positions that would have existed in the absence of the grant. Your agency cannot satisfy the retention requirement by using CHP-funded positions to fill
locally -funded vacancies resulting from attrition.
6. Extensions. Your agency may request an extension of the grant award period to receive additional time to implement your grant program. Such extensions do not
provide additional funding. Only those grantees that can provide a reasonable justification for delays will be granted no -cost extensions. Reasonable justifications may
include difficulties in filling COPS -funded positions, officer turnover, or other circumstances that interrupt the 36-month grant funding period. An extension allows
your agency to compensate for such delays by providing additional time to complete the full 36 months of funding for each position awarded. Extension requests
must be received prior to the end date of the award.
7. Modifications. During the CHP grant award period, it may become necessary for an agency to modify its CHP grant award due to changes in an agency's fiscal or
law enforcement situation. Modification requests should be submitted to the COPS Office when an agency determines that it will need to shift officer positions
awarded in one hiring category into a different hiring category, reduce the total number of positions awarded, shift funds among benefit categories, and/or reduce the
entry-level salary and fringe benefit amounts. For example, an agency may have been awarded CHP grant funding for ten new, additional full-time sworn officer
positions, but due to severe fiscal distress/constraints, the agency determines it is unable to sustain all ten positions and must reduce its request to five full-time
positions; or an agency may have been awarded CFLP grant funding for two new, additional sworn officer positions, but due to fiscal distress/constraints the agency
needs to change the hiring category from the new hire category to the rehire category for officers laid off or scheduled -for lay -off -op a specifid future date post -
application. Grant modifications under CHP are evaluated on a case -by -case basis. The COPS Office will only consider a modification recnesti after an agency makes
final, approved budget and/or personnel decisions. An agency may implement the modified grant award following written approval from the COPS Office. Please be
aware that the COPS Office will not approve any modification request that results in an increase of federarfunds.
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subgranteesiaintractors,1-suecesso_rs,lransferess4larta assipignot to)ilin-11Ce ground-7a- racet,c4L7religion,Thationak.origin(whieh_Viudesiprolyiding I Oire7Ungl is
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to ani7p_c?Son, or subject arty40Uron to 44iscrii-ainatis4ninlonnectiolLYAth aayISI-Okrams, or a'Clivities.fil-pcld in whole -or in W.:Ah federal.fun71s. 1116--se7"--Civil rights
rei-airements are.found in the ion discrimination ProyTonsiptTitle VI of ilieidIvii lijeks Act of f-,-,7964-,-as arriA*8(42 u:-.5.e:§ 2000d)the Olno%is-Crime Control
and Safe Streets Act of 1961:-as amended (4211.$..C-; § 3789d); gectiori!:504if the.RbabilitatiOn7'A-a-rof 19.73" a.s amendtd:(29 U.sA §794).01174ericanEwith
Disabilities At (ADA)9(1990;garefended (42 1.).S.Czg 12101-1213'; 47 tj.ST.1--§ 225;-:"41)the Ale:.DikrimititriAct On 975 (42 ir•SC-.:§610.11Set Sig.); Title
IX of ifieEducatiOnfAinendmaitrof 1972 ; as anend0-tat) U.S.C;:„18T et se);_nd the 'arirres-pondin-ggi01 reglilailtiris impyinating t1.11)4';statutes.-4tif8-,G.F.R:
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611,"-and 61_ ; 49 C.F.R.,pirts 37 and 30. Yotkals0.4reeAcomply withExicutivetOker 132.7,9Equal Treatment forFajthAased9rganizationsTwN its impleFC'ntingr, ,
regulatioirslt 28 C.,F..Part 38.,..01ch req9irisequal treatment of religicius orgizat.Jons intfidundirlunkess andr%oliediscrimiTaon of beriefi-aiaries,byl: aith-Basid,.74
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Equal E-mp oymeriMpTiortuhair Plan (LLOP1-. All recipients oeftiting froVhe COPS-itVite must torriply ederal7regulatioMLMainingibllie
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= submit the finaTfiriancial reibort require7d-.:uTtder thiaWatd or cMe the firie,payrneryliicheverisTater. Thigteluires that 70-ti revie-klEr1 updatelheinfoikliagon at
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U. S. Depat merit of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
201 1 COPS Hiring Program Grant Terms and Conditions
provided its DUNS number to you.
2. May not make a subaward to an entity unless the entity has provided its DUNS number to you.
C. Definitions
For purposes of this award term:
1. Central Contractor Registration (CCR) means the federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a
recipient. Additional information about registration procedures may be found al the CCR Internet site at htto://ww-w.ccr.gov,
2. Data Universal Numbering System (D(JNS) number means the nine- or thirteen -digit number established and assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to
uniquely identify business entities. A DUNS number may be obtained from D&B by telephone (currently 866.705.5711) or the Internet at
3. Entity, as it is used in this award term, means all of the following, as defined at 2 C.F.R. part 25, subpart C:
a. A governmental organization, which is a State, local government, or Indian Tribe;
b. A foreign public entity;
c. A domestic or foreign nonprofit organization;
d. A domestic or foreign for -profit organization; and
e. A Federal agency, but only as a subrecipient under an award or subaward to a non -Federal entity.
4. Subaward:
a. This term means a legal instrument to provide support for the performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for which you
received this award and that you as the recipient award to an eligible subrecipient,
b. The term does not include your procurement of property and services needed to carry out the project or program (for further explanation, see Sec.
.210 of the attachment to OMB Circular A-I33, "Audits of States, Local Govemments, and Non -Profit Organizations").
c. A subaward may be provided through any legal agreement, including an agreement that you consider a contract.
5. Subrecipient means an entity that:
a. Receives a subaward from you under this award; and
b. Is accountable to you for the use of the federal funds provided by the subaward.
20. Reporting Subaward and Executive Compensation. The Office of Management and Budget requires Federal agencies to include the following standard award
term in all grants and cooperative agreements made on or after October 1, 2010:
a. Reporting offirst-tier subawards.
I. Applicability. Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award term, you must report each action that obligates S25,000 or more, in Federal funds
that does not include Recovery funds (as defined in section I 512(a)(2) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub_,L 111-5) for a subawardto
an entity (see definitions in paragraph e. of this award term).
2. Where and when to report.
i. You must report each obligating action described in paragraph a.1. of this award tern to www.fsrs.gov.
ii. For subaward inforrnation, report no later than the end of the month following the month in which the obligation was made. (For example, if the obligation was
made on November 7, 2010, the obligation must be reported by no later than December 31, 2010.)
3. Who( to report. You must report the information about each obligating action that the submission instructions posted at www.fsrs.gov specify.
b. Reporting Total Compensation of Recipient Executives.
1. Applicability and what to report. You must report total compensation for each of your five most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed fiscal
year, if—
i. the total federal funding authorized to date under this award is $25,000 or more;
ii. in the preceding fiscal year, you received —
(A) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues from federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and federalfederat financial assistancesubject to the
Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and
(B) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and federal financial assistance subject to the
Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and
iii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section I3(a) or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (To deterrnine if the public has access to the
compensation inforrnation, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at www.sec.pov/answerstexecomp.htm.)
2. Where and when to report. You must report executive total compensation described in paragraph b.1 of this award term:
i. As part of your registration profile at wwwccr.gov.
ii. By the end of the month following the month in which this award is made, and annually thereafter.
c. Reporting of Total Compensation of Subrecipient Executives.
I .,Applicability and what to report. Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award terrn, for each first tier subrecipient under this award, you shall
report the names and total compensation of each of the subrecipient's five most highly'compensated executives'for the subrecipient's preceding completed fiscal
year, if —
Page 3 of 4
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U. S. Department of Justice
Community Oriented Policing Services
Grants Administration Division
COPS Hiring Program
145 N Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20530
To: Chief of Police Miguel A. Exposito
Miami, City of
From: Andrew A. Dorr, Assistant Director for Grants Administration
John Oliphant, Supervisory Senior Policy Analyst
Budget Prepared By: Barry Bratburd, Senior Policy Analyst
Re: COPS Hiring Program Financial Clearance Memo
A financial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this award appear reasonable, allowable, and
consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions/Adjustments are noted below.
OJP Vendor #: 596000375 OR1#: FL01306 DUNS #: 0722207910000 Grant #: 2011ULWX0010
Budget Cateeory Proposed Budget Approved Budget Adjustments Disallowed/Ad us ed -Reasons/Comments
Personnel $3,639,475.00 $3,639,475.00 $0.00
Fringe Benefits $2,147,350.00 $2,147,350.00 $0.00
Direct Costs: $5,786,825.00 $5,786,825.00 $0.00
. , ....
Grand Total $5,786,825.00 $5,786,825.00 $0.00
Grand Total:
Federal Share: $ 5,786,825.00
Applicant Share: $ 0.00
Cleared Date: 9/2/2011
Overall Comments:
The total amount awarded has been reduced from the amount requested due to limitations on the availability of CHP funding in 2011.
Legal Name:Miami, City of
Grant Number: 2011ULWX0010
COPS Hiring Program
Final Funding Memo
U.S. Department ofJustice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
ORI: FL01306
Date: September 23, 2011
Quantity Cost/Item Total Item Cost Disallowed Total Allowed Reason Disallowed/Adjusted
25 $ 145,579.00 $ 3,639,475.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,639,475.00
$ 0.00
$ 3,639,475.00
Fringe Benefits Quantity Cost/Item Total Item Cost Disallowed Total Allowed Reason Disallowed/Adjusted
Fringe Benefits 25 $ 85,894.00 $ 2,147,350.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,147,350.00
$ 0.00 $ 2,147,350.00
Grand Total:
Total Federal Share:
Total Local Share:
Total Project Costs:
Total Disallowed Costs:
$ 5,786,825.00
$ 0.00
$ 5,786,825.00
$ 0.00
Cleared Date: 9/2/2011
Overall Comments:
''' The total amount awarded has been reduced from the amount requested due to limitations on the availability of CHP funding in 2011.
OMB Control Number: 1103-0098
Expiration Date; 05/31/2013
COPS Application Attachment to SF-424
Federal assistance is being requested under the following COPS program:
Select the COPS grant program for which you are requesting federal assistance. A separate application
must be completed for each COPS program for which you are applying. Please ensure that you read,
understand, and agree to comply with the applicable grant terms and conditions as outlined in the COPS
Application Guide before finalizing your selection.
COPS Hiring Program
SECTION 2: Agency Eligibility Information
A. Type of Agency (select one)
Ec Law Enforcement Non -Law Enforcement
From the list below, please select the type of agency which best describes the applicant
Law Enforcement Entities Municipal Police
- , -
ORI: FLO1306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
SECTION 2: Agency Eligibility Information
2A: CHP Eligibility Questions
In this section, we will ask you several questions about your law enforcement agency operations
and authority to determine your eligibility to apply for a COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grant. Please
note that CHP applicants must have a police department which is operational as of the 05/25/2011
date of this application, or receive services through a new or existing contract for law enforcement
services. Applicants must also maintain primary law enforcement authority for the population to be
Additionally, if funds under this program are to be used as part of a written contracting arrangement
for law enforcement services (e.g., a town which contracts with a neighboring sheriffs department
to receive services), the government agency wishing to receive law enforcement services must be
the legal applicant in this application (although we will ask you to supply some information about
the contract service provider later).
Part I. Law Enforcement Agency Operations
A law enforcement agency is established and operational if the jurisdiction has passed authorizing
legislation and it has a current operating budget.
Q1) Is your agency established and currently operational?
Q2) Which of the following best describes your agency (check one)?
We are planning to establish or begin operations as a newly authorized law enforcement agency
We are planning to re-establish and resume operations for a previously operational law
enforcement agency
Q3 Has your jurisdiction passed legislation which authorizes the creation of a new law
enforcement agency?
Part H. Contracting to Receive Law Enforcement Services
A law enforcement agency is established and operational if the jurisdiction has passed authorizing
legislation and it has a current operating budget.
Q1) If awarded, does your agency plan to use funds awarded under this grant to establish or
supplement a written contract for law enforcement services (e.g., a town contracting for
services with a nearby sheriffs department)?
ORI: FL01305 Legal Name: Miami, City of
• Application ID: 8965
SECTION 2: Agency Eligibility Information
[proceed to next section]
Part III. Law Enforcement Agency Authority
An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as the first responder to calls for
service for all types of criminal incidents within its jurisdiction. Agencies are not considered to
have primary law enforcement authority if they only: respond to or investigate specific type(s) of
crime(s); respond to or investigate crimes within a correctional institution; serve warrants; provide
courthouse security; transport prisoners; and/or have cases referred to them for investigation or
investigational support.
Q1) Based on the definition above, does your agency have primary law enforcement
authority? [Or, if contracting to receive services, does the agency that will be providing law
enforcement services have primary law enforcement authority for the population to be
Questions for a subset of applicants [Sheriff, County Police, State Police, Regional PD, Public
University, Private University, Natural Resources Police, Transit Police, Public Housing Police,
Attomey/Court, Multijurisdictional Task Force, Consortium, Constable, Marshals, Corrections]
Is your agency the first responder to all types of criminal incidents within your jurisdiction?
Is your agency the first responder to citizen -initiated calls for service outside of correctional
institute and/or courthouse setting?
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
A. Applicant OM Number: FL01306
The ORI number is assigned by the FBI and is your agency's unique identifier. The COPS Office uses the
first seven characters of this number. The first two letters are your state abbreviation, the next three numbers
are your county's code, and the next two numbers identify your jurisdiction within your county. If you do not
currently have an ORI number, the COPS Office will assign one to your agency for the purpose oftracking
your grant. ORI numbers assigned to agencies by the COPS Office may end in "ZZ."
B.Applicant Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 072220791
A Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number is required. A DUNS number is a unique nine or
thirteen digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for ident6iing and keeping track of entities
receiving federal funds. For more information about how to obtain a DUNS number, please refer to the
"How to Apply" section of the COPS Application Guide.
C.Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
All applicants (other than individuals) are required to maintain current registrations in the Central
Contractor Registration (CCR) database. The CCR database is the repository for standard information
about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and sub -recipients. For more information about
how to register with the CCR, please refer to the "How to Apply"ection of the COPS Application Guide.
Please note that applicants must update or renew their CCR at least once per year to maintain an active
Your CCR Registration is set to expire on 10/11/2011
Note: This information was received directly from the CCR database. If this information is incorrect, please
contact the CCR Service Desk at 866-606-8220 or view/update your registration information at
https://www.bpn.gov/ccr/default.aspx. If your CCR registration is set to expire prior to 09/30/2011, please
renew your CCR Registration prior to completing this application.
D. Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) ID: 2404247
Please enter your Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Identification Number. This is a unique ID
assigned to all geographic entities by the U.S. Geological Survey. To look up your GNIS Feature ID, please
go to the website: http://geonames.usgs.gov/dornestic/index.html . For more information about how to obtain
a GNIS number, please refer to the "How to Apply" section of the COPS Application Guide.
E. Cognizant Federal Agency:
Housing and Urban Development
Select the legal applicarzt 's Cognizant Federal Agency. A Cognizant Federal
Agency, generally, is the federal agency from which your jurisdiction receives the most federal funding.
Your Cognizant Federal Agency also may have been previously designated by the Office of Management and
Budget. Applicants that have never received federal funding should select the "Department of Justice" as
the Cognizant Federal Agency.
F. Fiscal Year: 10/1/2010 to 09/30/2011 (mm/dd)
Enter the month and day of the legal applicant's fiscal year.
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
G. Service Population
1. Enter the total population of the government entity applying for this grant using the latest census
estimate available in the American Fact Finder at http://FactFinder.census.gov.
2. Check here if the population of the entity applying for this grant is not represented by U.S. Census
figures (e.g., colleges, special agencies, school police departments, etc.).
2a. If the population of the entity applying for this grant is not represented by U.S. Census figures, please
indicate the size of the population as of the latest available estimate:
2b. Please indicate the source of this population estimate:
(e.g., website address)
3. What is the actual population your department serves as the primary law enforcement entity?
This may or may not be the same as the population specified above. For example, a service population may be
the census population minus incorporated towns and cities that have their own police department within your
geographic boundaries or estimates of ridership (e.g., transit police) or visitors (e.g., park police). An agency
with primary law enforcement authority is defined as having first responder responsibility to calls for service
for all types of criminal incidents within its jurisdiction.
3a. If applicable, please explain why the service population differs from the census population:
Census population + 250,000 employment population
H. Law Enforcement Agency Sworn Force Information
1. Enter the Fiscal Year Budgeted Sworn Force Strength for the current fiscal year below. The budgeted
number of sworn officer positions is the number of sworn positions funded in your agency's
budget,including funded but frozen positions, as well as state, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and/or locally
funded vacancies. Do not include unfunded vacancies or unpaid/reserve officers.
a. Number of officers funded in agency's current fiscal year budget:
Full -Time: 1137 Part -Time: 0
2. Enter the Fiscal Year Actual Sworn Force Strength as of the date of this application. The actual
number of sworn officer positions is the actual number of sworn positions employed by your agency as of
the date of this application. Do not include funded but currently vacant positions or unpaid positions.
a. Number of officers employed by your agency as of the date of this application:
Full -Time: 1087 Part -Time: 0
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: M'rain, Cfty of
Application ID: 8965
Note: Listing individuals without ultimate programmatic and financial authority for the grant could delay the review
of your application, or remove your application from consideration.
A. Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Information:
For Law Enforcement Agencies: Enter the law enforcement executive's name and contact information. This is the
highest ranking law enforcement official within your jurisdiction(e.g., Chief of Police, Sheriff or equivalent).
For Non -Law Enforcement Agencies: Enter the highest ranking individual in the applicant agency (e.g., CEO,
President, Chairperson, Director)who has the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant agency. If
the grant is awarded, this position would ultimately be responsible for the programmatic implementation of the
Your agency previously indicated that if awarded, this grant would be used in a written contracting arrangement to
receive law enforcement services (e.g., a town which is contracting with a neighboring sheriff's department to
receive services). Therefore, for question 4A, please provide the executive information for the agency which will be
providing the law enforcement services under this grant (e.g., Sheriff). For question 4B, please provide executive
information for the government agency which will be receiving the law enforcement services under this grant (i.e.,
Mayor, City Manager, etc.).
Title: Chief of Police Interim/Acting:
First Name: Miguel
Agency Name: Miami, City of
MI: A Last Name: Expo to Suffix:
Street Addressl: 400 NW 2nd Avenue
Street Address2:
City: Miami '
State: FL Zipcode: 33128
Telephone: 3056036100 Fax: 3053724609
B. Government Executive/Financial Official Information:
For Government Agencies: Enter the government executive's name and contact information.. This is the highest
ranking official within your jurisdiction (e.g., Mayor, City Administrator, Tribal Chairman, or equivalent).
For Non -Government Agencies: Enter the name and contact information of the financial official who has the
authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant agency (e.g., Treasurer). If the grant Ls awarded, this
position would ultimately be responsible for the financial management of the award. Please note that information for
non -executive positions (e.g., clerks, trustees, etc.) is not acceptable.
Title: City Manager Interim:
First Name: Tony MI: E Last Name: Crapp, Jr.
Agency Name: City of Miami
Street Address I : City Hall
Street Address2:
3500 Pan American Drive
City: Miami
State: FL Zipcode: 33133
Telephone: 3052505400 Fax: 3052505410
ORt: FL01416 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
For FY 2011, COPS Hiring Program (CHP) applicants are eligible to apply for the number of officers equal to 5% of
their actual sworn force strength up to a maximum of 50 officers with a minimum of one (1) officer per agency. Based
on the information provided in this application, your agency is eligible to apply for up to 54 officer position(s).
How many entry-level, full-time officer positions is your agency requesting in this applicaton?
Next, your agency must allocate the number of positions requested under each of the three hiring categories described
below based on your agency's current needs at the time of this application. Please be mindful of the initial three-year
grant period, and your agency's ability to fill and retain the officer positions awarded, while following your agency's
established hiring policies and procedures. CHP grant awards will be made for officer positions requested in each of
the three hiring categories, and grantees are required to use awarded funds for the specific categories awarded.
It is imperative that your agency understand that the COPS statutory nonsupplanting requirement mandates that grant
funds may only be used to supplement (increase) a grantee's law enforcement budget for sworn officer positions and
may not supplant (replace) state, local, or tribal funds that a grantee otherwise would have spent on officer positions if
it had not received a grant award. This means that if your agency plans to:
(a) Hire new officer positions (including filling existingexisting_officer vacanciesthat are no longer fundd
agency's budget): It must hire these additional positions on or after the official grant award start date, above its
current budgeted (funded) level of sworn officer positions, and otherwise comply with the nonsupplanting
requirements as described in detail in the Grant Owner's Manual.
(b) Rehire officers who have alreadyoff(at tirne ofapp1icatiori•ba
budget cuts.: It must rehire the officers on or after the official grant award start date, maintain documentation
showing the date(s) that the positions were laid off and rehired, and otherwise comply with the nonsupplanting
requirement as described in detail in the Grant Owner's Manual.
(c) Rehire officers who are (at the time ofapplication) currentL_schduled to be laid off on a future date aLa result
of state. local. or tribal budget cuts: It must continue to fund the officers with its own funds from the grant award
start date until the date of the scheduled lay-off (for example, if the CHP award start date is September 1 and the
lay-offs are scheduled for November 1, then the CHP funds may not be used to fund the officers until November
1, the date of the scheduled lay-off); identifying the number and date(s) of the scheduled lay-offs) in this
application (see below); maintain documentation showing the date(s) and reason(s) for the lay-off; and otherwise
comply with the nonsupplanting requirement as described in detail in the Grant Owner's Manual. [Please note that
as long as your agency can document the date that the lay-off(s) would occur if CHI' funds were not available, it
may transfer the officers to the CHP funding on or immediately after the date of the lay-off without formally
completing the administrative steps associated with a lay-off for each individual officer.]
Documentation that may be used to prove that scheduled lay-offs are occurring for local economic reasons that are
unrelated to the availability of CHP grant funds may include (but are not limited to) council or departmental meeting
minutes, memoranda, notices, or orders discussing the lay-offs; notices provided to the individual officers regarding
the date(s) of the lay-offs; and/or budget documents ordering departmental and/or jurisdiction -wide budget cuts. These
records must be maintained with your agency's CHP grant records during the grant period and for three years
following the official closeout of the CHP grant in the event of an audit, monitoring, or other evaluation of your grant
If your agency's request is funded, it will have the opportunity after the award announcement to request a grant
modification to move awarded funding into the category or categories that meet your agency's law enforcement needs
at that time (including updating the dates of future scheduled lay-offs).
If you need additional information regarding requesting a modification, please contact the COPS Office Response
Center at 1-800-421-6770.
Category A: New, additional officer positions (including to fill existingyacncies.no1ongerfundid
in your agency's budge:).
Category A Request: 0
Category B: Rehire officers already laid off (at the time of the application)•as a result of state or
budget reductions.
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 865
Category B Request: 0
Category C: Rehire officers scheduled to be laid off (at the time of the application) on a specific
future date as a result of state or local budget reductions.
Category C Request: 50 (total)
We also need some information about when the layoff of officers in this category is scheduled to
occur. In the space below, please indicate when the officer(s) specified in this category are
scheduled to be laid off.
Number of officers Date these officers are
scheduled to be laid off:
50 10/1/2011
Part II
Since your agency plans to use CHP funds to rehire officers who are currently scheduled to be laid off on a future date
(under Category C above), please certify (by checking the appropriate boxes) to the following:
My agency has and will maintain documentation showing the date(s) of the scheduled lay-off(s) and demonstrating
that the scheduled lay-off(s) is/are occurring for fiscal reasons that are unrelated to the availability or receipt of CHP
grant funds.
My agency will use its own funds to continue funding these officers until the scheduled date(s) of the lay-off(s) and
will use CHP funds to rehire these officers only on or after the scheduled date of the lay-offs).
My agency recognizes that the CHP program provides funding based on our entry-level salary and benefits
package and that any additional costs for rehired officers beyond entry-level are our responsibility to pay with other
sources of funding.
If an applicant receives an award, and needs to change the hiring categories after receiving the award, it must request a
post -award grant modification to change the categories of hiring and receive prior approval before spending CHP funding
by calling the COPS Office Response Center at 1-800-421-6770.
Part III
I. In FY 2011, up to $30 million is available for the hiring or rehiring of officers who will be assigned to Internet
Crimes Against Children (1CAC) task forces. Will any of the officers requested above be assigned on a full-time basis to
an ICAC task force?
2. How many of the officers requested above will be assigned to an ICAC task force?
Part IV
As noted previously, the number of officers an applicant can request under the COPS Hiring Program in 2011
is capped. However, the COPS Office is interested in leaming more about the overall need for officer positions
within your department. Therefore, If no officer caps were in place, what is the total number of officers that your
agency would be requesting in this application?
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
�������7U���� ��%^ �����������U����7 �� COMMUNITY POLICING
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Community Policing StOateQy
COPS n�omu�beu���r*oham�thamiosionanda��Uwuof|ewen�n�ma tagencies
| oagr n
! through initiating community policing orenhancing their involvement incommunity policing. If awarded
! fundo, your responses to sections U(a) and (|(b) that follow will constitute your agency's community
| policing plan under this grant. Your organization may be audited or monitored to ensure that it is initiating
� or enhancing community policing in accordance with this plan. The COPS Office may also use this
information to understand the needs of the field,'and potentially provide for training, technical assistance,
problem solving and community policing implementation tools. Please note that the COPS office
recognizes that your COPS -funded officer(s) (or an equal number of veteran officers who are redeployed
after hiring the entry-level COPS -funded officers) will engage in a variety of communitypolicing activities
and strategies, including participating in some or all aspects of your identified community policing plan.
Your community -policing plan may be influenced and impacted by others within and outside of your
organization; this is considered beneficial to your community policing efforts
At any time during your grant, you should be prepared to demonstrate (1) the community policing activities
/ enQaWedinpriortothe grant axverdthat are debaUedinoeobon|ofthis application d �how the grant
! — r1`
. funds were opacifioaUyused toenhance (inonwasm)orinitiate community policing activities according bz
your community policing plan contained in sections 11(a) and 11(b) of this application.
Minor changes to this plan may be made without prior approval of the COPS office; however, ff
your agency's community policing plan changes significantly, you must submit those changes in
writing to the COPS Office for approval. Changes are "significant" if they deviate from the specific crime
problem(s) identified and/or the type of community policing strategies identified and approved in the
original community policing plan submitted with this application. Minor changes to the scope or nature of a
proposed strategy that do not materially alter the strategy itself do not require pre -approval of the COPS
Finally, we also understand that your community policing needs may change during the life of your grant.
egal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Community Policing Definition Framework
The following is the COPS Office definition of community policing that emphasizes the primary components
community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving. Please refer to the COPS
Office website (www.cops.usdoj.gov) for further information regarding this definition.
Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic
use of partnerships and problem -solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that
give rise to public safety issues, such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
The COPS Office has completed the development of a comprehensive community policing self -assessment
tool for use by law enforcement agencies. Based on this work, we have developed the following list of
primary sub -elements of community policing. Please refer to the COPS Office website (www.cops.usdoi.gov)
for further information regarding these sub -elements.
;Community Partnerships:
Collaborative partnerships
:between the law enforcement
agency and the individuals and
organizations they serve to both
!develop solutions to problems and
increase trust in police.
'Organizational Transformation;.
The alignment of organizational
:management, structure, personnel and
linformation systems to support
community partnerships and proactive
;problem -solving efforts.
'Probjem Solving:
The process of engaging in the
! proactive and systematic examination
of identified problems to develop 1
'effective responses that are rigorously
Agency Management
Other Government Agencies
iCommunity Members/Groups
iNon-Profits/Service Providers
;Private Businesses
Climate and culture
;Labor relations
;Strategic planning
'Organizational evaluations
Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing
Analysis: Analyzing problems
Response: Responding to problems
Assessment Assessing
!problem -solving initiatives
Using the Crime Triangle to focus on
; .
;immediate conditions (Victim/
Organizational Structure
Geographic assignment of officers
Resources and finances
Recruitment, hiring and selection
Personnel supervision/evaluations
Information Systems (Technology)
Communication/access to data
Quality and accuracy of data
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
~~ " n=�� n ~~~w .
1. ��Kl������������]0^ ��]���K`���0D^��8�]0� �u Community Dn��li^0[ - Organizational - ="
1) For*each of the following statements, please answer -in terms of existing agency policies and practices as
they relate to collaborative partnerships and problem solving activities (please check all that apply).
---- - �\c±|v�� ' ---' Community -- �-
Pnob|ern8u' i
Q1m.Tho agency mission statement, vision,
and/or goals includes references to:
Q1b.The agency strategic plan includes
specific goals and/or objectives relating to:
[J1c.The agency recruitment, selection and
hiring processes include elements relating to:
(21d.Annua| line officers valuations assess
performance in:
[J1e. Supervisor and manager evaluations
assess peMonnancein:
[}1f. Line officers receive regular (at least once
every two years) training in:
2) Which of the following intemal management practices does your agency currently employ?
Assignment of officers to specific neighbor -hoods or areas for longer pedods of time to enhance
customer service and facilitate more contact between police and citizens
n-service training for officers on basic and advanced community policing principles
Defined community policing roles and expectations for officers
Early Intervention that help identify officers who may be showing signs ofstress, personal
problem, and questionable work conduct
Altematxeotoformal disciplinary practices that encourage ethical behavior
PoUoo officers ethical conduct initiative,
Use of o departmental values statement to establish officer standards of behavior and guide disciplinary
None of the above
ORI: FLo1306 Legal Name. Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
3) Which of the following do you count/measure to annually assess your agency's overall performance
check all that apply):
Response times
Reported crimes
Reported incidents
Arrests and citations
Problem solving outcomes
Department employee satisfaction
Clearance rates
Complaints of officer behavior
Repeat calls for service
Social disorder/nuisance problems (e.g. graffiti, panhandling, loitering, etc.)
Satisfaction with police services
Fear ofcrime
Victimization (i.e. non -reported crime)
Community meetings hold/aMendad `
Use offorce incidents
Meeting the priorities asidentified }nyour agency strategic plan
K8yagency does not conduct annual assessments ofoverall performance
....... . .
ORI: FLO1306' Legal Name: Miami, dity of
plication ID: oyna
4) Through whichofVhehdlowingdoesyoureQenoyroutine|yshonainformohonwKhcnmnmunitymembano
(please check all that apply):
Neighborhood, beat, and/or school meetings '
Local media outlets
Agency newsletter
Neighborhood newsletters
Social networking (B|n o.Twitterfeado.Focebookpogas.etc.)
Citizen alert system (tm|aphone, email, text, etc.)
Public access bdevision/nudioCommunity organization board membership
,Public forums with Chief/Sheriff/Command �taff
Posters, billboards, flyers
None ofthe above
Through which of the following ways does your agency routinely participate in collaborative efforts with
federal, tribal, state, and/or local law enforcement agencies:
Co -located staff ordetail oaoignmw��independent of task forces
Database systems that facilitate data and information sharing
|ntenopansNe communication systems
Federally initiated task forces (e.g. H|DTA's. Fueioh centers, J711717'o.etc.)
Other.mu0-aQencytask forces
None of the above'
G) Through which of the following ways does your agency formally involve community members in influencing
agency practices and operations (please check all that apply):
m| Citizen police academies
Volunteer activities
Auxiliary police programs
Civilian review boards (e.g. disciplinary review boards)
Citizen advisory groups (i.e. informal advisory function)
Involvement in hiring decisions (i.e. inter -view pane|s, selection boards, etc,)
Involvement incontributing &oannual line officer performance reviews
Representation onpromotional boards
Participation in accountability and performance reporting and tracking meetings
amtirh � ki�vm�a\ � resolution0 formal, mediation, disciplinarybo�n�s �c \
upmv�n complaint process (i.e. nna �non. . ,
None of the above
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
'11(a) Proposed Community Policing Plan: Problem Solving and Partnerships
COPS grants must be used to initiate or enhance community policing activities. In this section you will be asked to
identify the crime and disorder problem(s) and the partners to be engaged through your requested COPS funding.
Identifying the specific problem(s) and partnerships that your agency plans to focus on is important to ensure that
you satisfy the requirements for COPS funding under this program and to ensure that ultimately the use of these
funds will initiate or enhance your agency's capacity to implement community policing strategies.
7) Using the following list, select a problem(s) that will be addressed with these grant funds. Please choose the
option that best fits your problem. You may select up to five problems to address through this grant funding.
When identifying a problem(s), it is important to think about the nature of similar incidents that taken together
comprise the problem, and accordingly describe it in precise, specific terms (e.g. "burglary of retail
establishments", rather than just "burglary"). In doing this, it can be helpful to consider all aspects of the problem,
including the likely offenders, the suitable targets/victims, and how these come together in time and space.
Drug Related Problems
Drug Dealing
Violent gangs operating by schools,churches,apts.
7b. Briefly describe the problem that you will address with these grant funds.
The City of Miami Police Department (MPD) has documented over 45 active gangs with an estimated 500
gang members and associates. These gangs have increased drug trafficking as government resources to
investigate and prosecute these cases have decreased at the federal, state and municipal level. Just as the
City of Miami is central to legitimate businesses in South Florida, the City is also the epicenter of trafficking of
drugs particularly in its highly impoverished neighborhoods of Overtown (poverty 37%); Liberty City (poverty
40%) Coconut Grove (poverty 28%), Little Haiti (poverty 28%) and Little Havana (poverty 30%). There are few
legitimate businesses in these areas and residents are dissuaded from foot traffic due to the random drive bys
and killings that frequently occur, taking over 200 individuals since 2007, 20 of them under 24 years old.
The highest trafficking is in crack and powder cocaine, marijuana and heroin. The party and night life in Miami
with many using party drugs such as MDMA, cocaine and even amphetamines are used commonly in the
Miami party circuits. Ketamine is another drug that has found many takers in Miami. Overtown, a central node
of activity, Is known as a drug bazaar with 70% of the people arrested for drug trafficking residents of other
neighborhoods, counties and/ countries. The increase in home and business foreclosures and lack of foot
traffic have created new areas where drugs can be trafficked without observation.
Community policing and heightening the visibility of the police presence in these areas is critical to decreasing
drug dealing and the gun violence that goes hand in hand with drug trafficking, With over a decade of
community policing experience, MPD has reduced the trafficking in these neighborhoods significantly,
however, the blatant dealing of drugs by schools, churches, and on major thoroughfares will escalate if our
officers are laid off, maintaining Miami's place in the FBr's Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities.
ORI: FL01306 Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
8) Which of the following information sources did you use to prioritize this problem as aprobham to address
through this grant program (please 'Check all that apply):
Police department data (e,Q. police naports, calls for sarvica, crime data, citizen complaints)
Agency personnel (e.g. officer feedback, command staff priorities)
Other local non1awenforcement government agency data
Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, non'pmfi(o.00cia| service providers)
Local businesses
Individual community members/community meetings '
Community survey
Local government officials
The media
None ofthe above
8) If awarded funds, my agency will improve our understanding of this problem by examining (please check
all that appky):
Routinely collectelaw enforcement datarinformation related to the problem (e.g.arrest, incident
' reports, calls for service)
The |ocobonand/or time aspects ofthe problem (e.g.mapping)
The conditions and environmental factors related tothe problem
The strengths and limitations cfcurrent responses bzthe problem
' Non -law enforcement datafinfomnaUon related to the problem (e.g. insurance crash data, other
--' government agency data, census data, survey data)
Existing research and best practices related b»the problem
XU Datarnformation from the community related to the problem (e.g. resident associations, business
--~ groups.non-profit community service organizations)
nformation about offenders contributing to the problem (e.g. offender interviews, arrestraoordo)
Information about victims affected by the problem (e.g, crime repods.vichm interviews)
Strengths and weaknesses ofprevious responses tothe problem
None of the above
100Aoimportant part qfacomprehensive community policing plan )s the formation ofpartnerships, such as
working with other public agencies, private organizations, or participation in regional law enforcement
partnerships. If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance a partnership with an external
group/organization todevelop responses tothis problem?
1Oa) Ifawarded funds, how many externalgroups/organizations will your agency initiate orenhance a
partnership with to develop responses to this problem
- as
.' wormngvwmozn |�agenc/ea.pnvomorQaniz000ns.o, participation in.regional law enforcement
`^partnerships. |fawarded fund,..will your agency initiate orenhance 6padnaruhip,with- nexternal
groupkorganizoUonUo develop responses to this problem?
_Partner: 1
. Legal Name: Miami City of ,
Application ID: o96o
1 Oc) For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g, probation/parole, parks and recreation, code
enforcement, etc.)
Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating inthe community
Tribal law enforcement agencies
Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non -tribal) including through multi-jurisdictional/regional
Local educational institutions (sohoo/s/co||egoo/univeraiKeo)
Individual stake holders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
1Dd)For your Federal, state, local, Tribal law enforcementagency part.p|emoeidenbfywhatstepnyouand
your partner have initiated or enhanced to formalize your commitment to addressing this prnb|em(olease check
all that apply):
formalized MUU/MOA signed by both partners which governs partnership activities, ro|es, and
established shared ownership and responsibility
co -committed resources /finanuia|, ataffinQ, etc.)
established processes and/or systems toshare relevant data
conduct routine meetings at the operafional or strategic level to plan and implement responses
conduct joint training and planning exercises
Florida Law Enforcement
Leouwarnw Miami, City pv
Application ID:- 8955
1 Oc) For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
-- Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g. pnoboUon/paro|e.parks and recreation, code
enforcement, etc.)
Community based organizations (m.g.faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating in the community
Tribal law enforcement agencies
Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non -tribal) including through multi-jurisdictional/regional
Local educational institutions (schools/colleges/universities)
Individual stake holders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
iDd)For your Federal, state, local, or Tribal law enforcement agency partner, please identify what steps you and
your partner have initiated or enhanced to formalize your commitment to addressing this problem(please check
all that apply):
formalized MOUJMOA signed by both partners which govems partnership activifies, roles, and
established shared own . rsh' and responsibility
co-committedresources (financia.staffing, etd
established processes and/or systems toshanarelevant data
conduct routine meetings at the operational or strategic level to plan and implement responses,
conduct joint training and planning exercises
Partner. 3
Municipal Law Enforc.
Cm: rLo 3QG Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application to: �o*ao
10c) For this partner. please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g. probation/parole, parks and recreation, code
enforcement, etc.)
Community based organizations (e.g. faith basod, community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating inthe community
Tribal law enforcement agencies
Federal, uteto. or local (owv enforcement agencies (non -tribal) including through multi -jur)sdiotionn|/reQiona|
Local educational institutions (achmds/coUegeebniveraities)
Individual stake holders (persons reo\ding, wmrNng, or with an interest in the community or problem)
1Od)For your Federal, state, local, cxTribal law enforcement agencypartner, please identify what steps you and
your partnerhave initiated cvenhanced bzformalize your commitment toaddressing thiopvob|em(pleaseohook
all that apply):
X formalized K8[}U/K4OAsigned by both partners which governs partnership activities, roles, and
--- responsibilities
| established shared ownership and responsibility
X co -committed resources (flnancia|.staffing, etn.)
established processes and/or systems toshare relevant data
3K conduct routine meetings at the operational or strategic level to plan and implement responses
X] nonduct]oint training and planning exercises
implemented and achieved the desired outcomes (plecheck all that apply):
11\If awarded funds m will use the following information sources toassess our response tothis
problem todetermine whether the response was `
collected law enforcement data/information related to the problem (e.g. crime data, orrooto,
incident reports, calls for service)
Datotinforrnation regarding whether the response was implemented as planned
Police data collected for this specific problem (e.g. problem -specific surveys, field interview contact cards.
Non -police data/information related to the problem (e,g. insurance crash data, other government agency
data, census data, survey data)
Datatinformation from the community related to the problem (e.g, resident associations, business
groups, non-profit community service organizations)
Information about offenders contributing tothe problem (e.g. offender intervimws, arrest reoonds,
prob ation/parole data)
Information about victims and/or stake holders affected by the problem (e.g. crime reportn, victim
None ofthe above
ORI. FLO1306 Legal Narne: Miami, City of
Application ID.
12)Tothe best of your abilityat this time, would you say your primary goa|(m)knresponding ho<"idenUfied
problem>> include which of the following (please select up to 3):
Eliminating the problem
Reducing the number ofincidents
increasing public trust inyour agency
Reducing the seriousness ofthe incidents orthe amount ofharm
Reducing the number of victims and/or repeat victims
Reducing the number of offenders and/or repeat offenders
Moving the problem bzanother area
Getting other agencies and/or stake holders to assume responsibility for the problem
Improving the response to the *problem (i.e., more comprehensive and coordinated way of dealing with the
pmb\enn, providing better services tmvictims, or greater efficiency in dealing with the problem)
Improving citizen perceptions of the problem
Increasing the number ofarrests/citations
Reducing the number mfcalls for service
None ofthe above
Non -Violent Crime Problems
Other Non -Violent Crime Problem (please specify)
Property crimes and increase of bligh
7b.Briefly descirlbethe problem that you will address with these grant funds.
The increase in the number of abandoned'and foreclosed properties, increased layoffs of low wage workers
duriing the economic downturn, decrease,in school funding, and decrease of funding and locationsfo'r public
health assistance all have impacts on the non-violent crime rate in the City of Miami. Abandoned properties
generate a site for operations for drug trafficking, narcotic usage, public dhnking and drunkedness, theft,.
graffiti, and homeless squatting,. Increased, layoffs of low wage workers retums them to public housing where
they may have just gotten out of, and back into an environment where illegal activity is prevalent. Decrease in
school funding increases the numbers of juveniles without meaningful activity to occupy their time. The
decrease in funding escalates the intensity of substance addiction and mental health issues that increase
individuals' proclivity to commit property theft or find other means of generating income to feed their addiction.
With both opportunity and the resources of time and lack of Community policing, the City of Miami will see
again the resurgence of abandoned cars, property damage, theft of abandoned properties such as the copper
from wires and AJC units, prostitution, and deteriorabon of the physical buildings and the community fabric and
awareness that prevents non-violent crime.
DRI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miarni, City of
Application ID: uoes
8) Which of the following information sources did you use to prioritize this problem as a problem to address
through this grant program (please check all that apply):
X Police department data (e.g. police reports, calls for service, crime data, citizen complaints)
X Agency personnel (e,g. officer feedback, command staff priorities)
Other local non law enforcement government agency data
Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, non -profits, social service providers)
Local businesses
Individual community mennberskconnmunih/ meetings
Community survey
Local government officials
the media
None ofthe above
9) If awarded funds, my agency will improve our understanding of this problem by examining (please check
all that apply):
Routinely collected law enforcement datalinformation related to the problem (e.g. arrest, incident
reports, calls for service)
The location and/or time aspects of the problem (e.g.mapping)
The conditions and environmental factors related tothe problem
The strengths and limitations oycurrent responses tothe problem
Non -law enyorcementdata/infonnaUon related to the problem (e.g. insurance crash data, other
government agency data. census data, survey data)
Existing research and best practices related to the problem
Datatinformation from the community related to the problem (e.g. resident associations, business
groups, non-profit community service organizations)
Information about offenders oontribuUnQ to the problem Aa.g.offender interviews, arrest records)
Information about victims effected by the problem (e.g. crime reporto, victim interviews)
Strengths and weaknesses ofprevious responses tothe problem
None ofthe above
10) An important part of a comprehensive community policing plan is the formation of partnerships, such as
working with other public agencies, private organizations, or participation in regional law enforcement
partnerships. If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance a partnership with an external
group/organization to develop responses to this, problem?
Yes No
1Oa) Ifawarded funds, how many external grouoo/omanizabonowill your agency initiate orenhance a
partnership with to develop responses to this problem
°�.' .important-. �� comprehensive' policing � partnerships,
,'vvoh�ndw�h�Uherpub|� phvab*organ�aUono.orpa�dpaUoninre
_ '^ -`� If awarded wiwillin�a�orenhance�partnership �
'�henox��n�| -
hi—^ !
. | noup/organiza iomho develop responses to this problem? _ �
Partner: 1
Chmewatnh(varied areas)
0131; FLm306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
' Application ID: mema
10dFor this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
Local government agencies (nnn-lawenforcement, e.Q.pro |e.padoand/ooreoUon.node
enforcement, etc.) '
Community based organizations (m.g.faith based, community nadwvelopmentgroups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating inthe community
Tribal law enforcement agencies
Federal, state. or local law enforcement agencies (non -tribal) including through multi-jurisdictional/regional
Local educational institutions (ochoo|shcoUegeo/univensiUns)
Individual stake holders (persons noaiding, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
Partner: 3
Downtown Development Auth
1 Oc) For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner
X] Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g, probation/parole, parks and recreation, code
enforcement, etc.)
Community based organizations (e.g.faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating inthe community
Tribal law enforcement agencies .
Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non -tribal) including through mulb-uhwdictionmVrmgiono|
Local educational institutions (mchmdn/,co||eges/univerndam)
Individual stakeholders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami City of Application ID: 8965
1i)Ifawarded funds my agency will use the following information sources to assess our response to this
problem to determine whether the response was implemented and achieved the desired outcomes (please
check all that apply):
Routinely collected law enforcement data/information related to the problem (e.g. crime data, arrests,
incident reports, calls for service)
Data/information'regarding whether the response was implemented as planned
Police data collected for this specific problem (e.g. problem -specific aumeyo, field interview contact cards,
Non -police data/information related to the problem (e.g. insurance crash data, other government agency
data, census data, survey data)
Oatalinfonnahonfrom the community related to the problem (e.g. resident associations, business
groups,non-profit community service organizations)
Information about offenders contributing to the problem (e.g. offender interviews, arrest nscondo.
probation/pa role data)
Information about victims and/or stake holders affected by the problem (e.g. crime napodo, victim
None of the above
13)Tothe best of your ability at this time, would you say your primary goaKdhnresponding to<=idendfied
prDblem>> include which of the following (please select up to 3):
EUm|naUnQthe problem
Reducing the number of incidents
Increasing public trust inyour agency
Reducing the seriousness ofthe incidents orthe amount oyharm
Reducing the number of victims and/or repeat victims
Reducing the number ofoffenders and/or repeat offenders
Moving the problem toanother area
Getting other agencies and/or stake holders to assume responsibility for the problem
Improving the response to the problem (i,e., more comprehensive and coordinated way of dealing with the
prmb|em, providing better services to victims, or greater efficiency in dealing with the problem)
Improving citizen perceptions ofthe problem
Increasing the number ofarrests/citations
Reducing the number of calls for service
None of the above
Quality of Life Problem
Vacant properties escalating homelessness,gambiing
7b. Briefly describe the problem that you will address with these grant funds,'
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
For the last decade, the City of Miami has remained In the unenviable category as one of the ten most
Impoverished communities in the nation'. Statistically, Miami has a poverty rate of 26.5% and educationally,
only 16% of City of Miami residents have a bachelor's degree. Of those who graduate, 70% enter low -wage
jobs thereby adding Incrementally to the already high level-Df poverty. Only 47% of working age adults are
employed. The results are a high rate of individuals without the means to access employment, maintain their
homes or properties.
Miami malso the epicenter ovnnmwxessnesa.vwmn1./uumowmua/se/c"/g/m/ne/nomoimyoaxy.uunm
the density of services for homeless individuals and the weather, Miami has a year-round homeless
population that often exceeds the capacity of its she|baro, resulting in squatting in properties with the
accompanying property damage. More juveniles live in poverty in South Florida than the rest ofthe State of
Florida; coupled with a lack of afterschool programming, juvenile property crimes are a consistent issue. The
lead to escalations of crime and its violence. Community police officers are cdtical to ensuring that children
are guided to better cho|ces, homa(oum individuals find their way to shelters not abandoned properUeo, and
graffiti and other gang organized property damage isreduced.
8) Which of the following information sources did you use to prioritize this problem as a problem to address
through this grant program (please check all that apply):
--' Police department data (e.g. police napodn, calls for aervina, nhmm data, citizen uornp<aindo)
X Agency personnel (e.g. officer feedback, command staff priorities)
Other local non law enforcement government agency data
Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, non -profits, social service providers)
Local businesses
X Individual community
Community survey
Local Qovonnmontofficials
The media
None ofthe above
9) If awarded funds, myagency will improve our understanding of this problem byexamining (please chock
all that mpplyt
Roudne|ymo|��edlaw enforcement data�nformoUonrelated bothe problem (e.g.o�es�im�dent
--= reports, calls for service)
IflThe location and/or time aspects oYthe problem (e.g. mapping)
��l The'
^^ econditions and environmental factors related hothe problem
�� The strengths and limitations nfcurrent responses tothe problem
Non -law enforcement data/nformaUon related to the problem (e.g. insurance crash data, other
govenmnnentagency data, census data, survey data)
Existing research and best practices related brthe problem
Data/information from the community related to the problem (e.g. resident associations, business
groups, non-profit community service organizations)
Information about offenders contributing to the problem (e.g. offender interviews, arrest records)
Information about victims affected by the problem (e.g, cdme.rdporto.victim interviews)
Strengths and weaknesses of preytous responses to the problem
'`~~~ "===^" !
ORII: FLO1306 Legal Name: P,,Aiami, City of
Application to: omo
10) An important part of a comprehensive community policing plan is the formation of partnerships,such as
working with other public agencies, private organizations, or participation in regionallaw enforcement
partnerships. If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance o partnership with on external
group/organization to develop responses to this problem?
Yes No
1Oa)|fawarded funds, how many external mupokrgahiza0mnawill your agency initiate orenhance a
partnership with to develop responses to this problem
10b\Am importantpadof000mpnahenoivanommunib/poUoinop|onisUhoformoMonofpadnarshipo.ouchas
working with other public agencies, private onganboUono, or participation in regional law enforcement
partnerships. if awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance a partnership with an external
group/organization todevelop responses tothis problem?
Community Redevelopment
10c) For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner
Local government agencies (non-lawenforcement, e.g.p role, parks and recreation, code
enforcement, etc.)
Community based organizations (eg.faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating \nthe community
TMba|law enforcement agencies
Federal, stoba. or local |owv enforcement agencies (non -tribal) Including through mu|d 'udsdiotionaVregiono|
Local educational institutions (achoo|a/coUogestunivwmitiea)
Individual stake holders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
Partner: 2
Homeless Assistance Pnog.
10o)For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner.
Local government agencies (non-lawenforoamen���g. pn�bo�m�paroa, parks and recnaaUon, code
Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, commun8y redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
Businesses operating inthe community
Tribal law enforcement agencies
Local educational institutions (school s/xoUages/univ . ities)
IribiVidbal'sIalke holders (persons residing, working, or with an -interest in the community or problem);'
Parents, Police&Pastors
Legal Name: ' Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
1Oc)For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner-,
-- Local government agencies (non'|awenhzroement. e.g. pmbabon/pom|e, parks and racnsodon, code
-- Community based orQanizoUona(e.g.hy�hbased, con�mundyroduwdo .entgn»ups. social service
-- pmvidenu.resident ossociotions)
-- Businesses operating inthe community
' Tribal Iavvenforcement agencies
Fadeno/, stabs. or local law enforcement agencies (non4dbail) including through mu0-]uhodicUnnaKragiona|
Local educational institutions (schools/colleges/universities)
Individual stake holders (persons re'siding, working, or with an interest in the community or problem)
11)|f awarded funds myagency will use the following information sources to assess our response tothis
problem to determine whether the response was implemented and achieved the desired outcomes (please
check all that apply): .
Routinely collected law enforcement datmqnfonnotionrelated tothe problem (a.g.crime data, arrests,
incident reports. calls for service)
Datafinformation regarding whether the response was implemented as planned
Police data ooUacbedTo[this specific problem (e.g. surveys, field interview contact cards,
Non -police datarinfonnadonrelated to the problem (e.g.insurance crash data, other Qmmmmentagency
data, census data, survey data)
Datarinformation from the community related to the problem (e.g. resident associations, business
Qroups.non-pnofftcommonity service organizations)
Information about offenders contributing to the problem (e.g. offender interviews, arrest records,
probation/parole data)
Information about victims and/or stake holders affected by the problem (e.g. crime reports, victim
None ofthe above
.!.egal Name: Miami. City of
Application ID: 8e65
1 of your abilitythis time, would you say your primarygoal(s)in responding bz<<identified
problem>> include which of the following (please select up to 3):
Eliminating the problem
Reducing the number ofincidents
increasing public trust inyour agency
Reducing the seriousness ofthe incidents nrthe amount ofharm
Reducing the number ofvictims and/or repeat victims
Reducing the number of offenders and/or repeat offenders
Moving the problem toanother area
Getting other agencies and/or stake holders to assume responsibility for the problem
Y Improving the response to the problem (i.e., more comprehensive and coordinated way of dealing with the
problem, providing better services to victims, or greater efficiency in dealing with the problem)
Improving citizen perceptons of the
Increasing the number ofarrests/citations
Reducing the number mycalls for service
None ofthe above
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
II(b) Proposed Co unity Policing Plan: Organizational
COPS grants must be used to initiate or enhance community policing activities. In this section you will be asked
to identify the organizational change(s) that your agency plans to focus on through your requested COPS•
funding. Identifying the specific organizationalichange(s) that your agency plans to focus on is important to
ensure that you satisfy the requirements for COPS funding under this program, and to ensure that ultimately the
use of these funds will initiate or enhance your agency's capacity to implement community policing strategies.
13) If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance any of the following internal changes to personnel
management? (Select no more than 2 internal changes to personnel management that will be addressed with
these grant funds.)
Flexibility in officer shift assignments to facilitate addressing specific problems
Assignment of officers to specific neighborhoods or areas for longer periods of time to enhance customer
service and facilitate more contact between police and citizens
Recruitment and hiring practices that reflect an orientation towards problem solving and community
In-service training for officers on basic and advanced community policing principles
Field training officer (FTO) programs that teach and test problem solving, community engagement, and
critical thinking skills
The City of Miami Police Department (MPD) will utilize its annual training sessions for officers to ensure
that the principals of problem solving, community engagement and critical thinking skills are utilized by the
50 officers retained by the COPS Hiring 2011 grant. These officers will typically have served under 10
years on the MPD, and have gotten training as new recruits In the principles of community policing which
the City of Miami implemented a decade ago. Annually, MPD conducts one to two days of training to
update officer's skills, provide refreshers, and educate them on the emerging issues, strategies and
requirements for executing their job. The COPS Hiring officers will undergo this training provided by the
Comrnunity Policing division, which will include on pre/post test and a mandatory community meeting
attendance, inclusive of previous course in facilitating community meetings .
Further define and clarify community policing roles and expectations for officers
The City of Miami Police Department values community policing for the positive relationship building
VIV.IALPI4?Et ti9arNlyfiwragpg hi8E8Vpig7TSWid liSWFORyN"
gpi 4 pew so u ionsb our u lc sa e ' c al enges. he o ce to
e aintg S-,EftM n e critical in rolling out a new communications initiative by MPD
to beneflt the public awareness and participation in crime reduction. Beyond the day to day responsibilities
of -the officers, these officers will be charged with ensuring residents are aware of the availability of this tool
to understand crime in their neighborhoods via its new online platform.
MPD Crime Reporting Database: MPD will be sharing information about public safety in a new way in fall
of 2010 through GIS mapping and reporting in close to real-time of the crimes reported throughout Miami.
MPD wants to equip its residents with the ability to understand the challenges faced by MPD, however,
digital literacy and challenges of rendering statistics may cause confusion or frustration. Each of the COPS
2011 Officers will* trained in how to use this new platformand must conduct one community meeting a
year to sharethis information for the duration of the grant resulting in 150 meetings over the course of the
Early intervention systems that help identify officers who may be showing early signs of stress, personal
problems, and questionable work conduct
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
First -line supervisory skills to support officer problem solving and community engagement activities
Career development and/or promotional processes that reinforce problem solving and community
None of the above
14) If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance any of the following internal changes to agency
management? (Select up to 2 internal changes to agency management that wit be addressed with these grant
Agency mission statement, vision, and/or goals that reflect the core values of community policing
Agency strategic plan that outlines the goals and objectives around community policing and other
departmental priorities
Organizational performance measurement systems that include community policing metrics, and conduct
annual assessments of agency performance
11 Police officer ethical conduct initiative (e.g. procedural justice, values -based policing, etc.
Technology systems that provide officers, analysts, and the community better and more timely access to
data and information
As mentioned in question 13, the City of iami Police Department will be rolling out a new community
reporting database which will illustrate the types, intensity and occurrence of crimes. Police officers and
residents will need training on these systems in order to successfully and accurately access the information
pertinent to their concern. This is a change for MPD which previously did not publicly share in "real-time"
the safety and crime occurrences in the City. Now, every day, this information will be clear and transparent
for all residents to access in a timely fashion. As noted above, MPD will ensure officers retained under this
grant are charged with sharing this new platform, its uses, and availability in one community meeting a
Mediation strategies to resolve citizen complaints
Collection, analysis, and use of crime data and information in support of problem solving goals
Formal accreditation process
7 System to capture and track problem solving and partnership efforts and activities
organizational assessment of community policing
e: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Level and frequency of communication with the community on crime problems and agency activities to
enhance transparency
111 None of the above
OR!: FL01306 Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: ;8965
111 General Co0000u%I`t' �SuD����t�Ddl�Dm��e00ent
^^ Engagement
15) Did your agency consult with any of the following groupsiorganizations on the development of this
policing plan? (please check all that apply)
� Local government agencies (nori-lawenforoaman<. e.g, probation/parole, parks and recreation, code
-- anfbnoomont. do.)
X Community based organizations (e.g. faith based,* community redevelopment groups, social service
providers, resident associations)
X Businesses operating -in the community
Tribal law enforcement agencies (outside your jurisdiction)
Other Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies
Multi -jurisdictional or regional task forces/partnerships
Local educational institutions (aohoo|o/coUegeo/urivendUas)
Local government officials
Individual stakeholders naaiding, working or with an interest in the community and/or problem
None ofthe above
1G)Towhat extent are there related governmental and/or community initiatives that complement your agency's
proposed community policing plan?
a) There are a significant number of related initiatives
b>There are amoderate numbercfne|oted|nitiaUves
o)There are aminimal number ofrelated initiatives
d\There are norelated initiatives
17) To what extent is there community support in your jurisdiction for implementing the proposed community
policing plan?
FXI a) High level of support
NModerate level ofsupport
o) Minimum level of support
18)Ifawarded funds, towhat extent will the community policing plan impact the other components of the
criminaljustice system in your jurisdiction?
a\Potentially decreased burden
b)Nochange inburden
c) Potentially increased burden
Lenemumo miaml,nn m Application ID: 8965
A. Waivers of the Local Match
Section Not Applicable to 2011 COPS Application Attachment
B. Explanation of Need for Federal Assistance
All applicants are required to address the need for federal assistance. In the space below, please
provide a brief explanation of your agency's inability to address your public safety needs and
implement this project without federal assistance.
[Please limit your response to a maximum of 3,000 characters.]
In August 2010, the City of Miami administration declared "fiscal urgency", which is defined as
economic crisis so dire it allows a municipality to void all labor contracts per State of Florida statute.
Prior to this, the City underwent a complete hiring freeze. The FY12 budget proposed for approval In
September 2011 does not provide for budget expansion. In FY 2011, the budget for MPD was approved
at $ 14,000,000. For FY 2012, MPD's budget will be further reduced to $ 10,395,B46. Miami is an
incorporated municipality in the state of Florida, which does not have income taxes to assist in
supporting local governmental administrative and municipal services, such as police officers. No
budget reduction has been finalized at the time of this submission but preliminary budgets show
potential for reducing the police force by 16% in the budget that must be approved by our City
Commission and adopted prior to the start of the City of Miami's fiscal year which is October 1, 2011.
Without intervention, MPD will be laying off officers as of 10/1/11/.
MPD anticipates during and at the end of the three year grant period, revenues will increase that will
allow It to offset the costs of sworn officers retained for the duration of the grant period and allow MPD
to continue retaining the 50 officers at annual cost of $4.9M (estimate) and retain critical front-line
community police officers.
C. Fiscal Health
Note: Ifyour application involves a contract for law enforcement services please refer to the
instructions regarding contracting arrangements found in Section 7: Fiscal Health of the Application.
Guide before completing this section.
1) Enter your law enforcement agency's total operating budget for the current AND previous two
fiscal years. Please note: Allfigures must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
2) Enter the total jurisdictionalibal universityuniversitvUoca11ygenerated revenues
for the current AND previous two fiscal years. Locally -generated revenues may include
locallygenerated property taxes, sales taxes, and other taxes and revenue sources (e.g., transportation
taxes, transient lodging taxes, licensing fees, other non -property taxes, and franchise taxes). For
example, college/university police departments would include tuition and fees, park police may
include entrance and parking fees, etc. Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole
PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR (2010) $ $534,779,379.00
PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR (2009) $ $525,108,930.00
3) Since 01/01/2010, what percentages of the following employees in your jurisdiction (city,
county, state, tribal, university) have been reduced through lay-offs. Please note: All figures must be
rounded to the nearest whole percent.
Civilian LawEnforcementAgency Personnel 1°/0
ORI: FL01306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Swom Law Enforce mentAgency Personnel 0%
Other GovernmentAgency Personnel 1 °A
4) Since 01/01/2010, what percentages of the following employees in your jurisdiction
(city, county, state, tribal, university) have been reduced through furloughs that have lasted or are
scheduled to last a minimum of forty hours per affected employee over the course of a fiscal year.
Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole percent.
Civilian LawEnforcementAgency Personnel
Sworn Law EnforcementAgency Personnel
Other GovernmentAgency Personnel
5) Since 01/01/20 J. 0, what percentages of the following authorized positions in your jurisdiction
(city, county, state, tribal, university) are currently unfilled due to official policies and/or decisions
that limit your jurisdiction's ability to fill vacancies (i.e., hiring freezes). For example, if your
agency has ten authorized sworn positions and one is currently frozen, you would enter 10% on the
sworn personnel line. Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole percent.
Civilian LawEnforcementAgency Personnel
Swom Law EnforcementAgency Personnel
Other GovernmentAgency Personnel
6) The U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) provides multi -year poverty
rate estimates for communities. For jurisdictions with a census population greater than 20,000,
please go to the U.S. Census Bureau's American FactFinder (http://FactFinder.census.gov) to
determine the percentage of families in poverty in your jurisdiction based on the 2005 - 2009
ACS. For
jurisdictions not included in the census (e.g., schools, iiniversities, transit, parks), please check the
box for "Not Applicable." Please see the program Application Guide for additional information and
help in using the American FactFinder. Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole
Percentage of families in poverty
Not Applicable
7) The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program
provides monthly estimates of unemployment for communities. Please go to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics' LAUSwebsite (www.bls.govflau/data.htm) to find detailed instructions for
up your local area's unemployment rate. It
may be necessary to select the nearest best match to your jurisdiction (for example, a city of fewer
than 25,000 people may report their county level rate). Please see the program Application Guide for
additional information and help in using the LAUS data. For jurisdictions not included in the census
(e.g., schools, universities, transit, parks), please check the box for "Not Applicable." .Please note:
figures must be rounded to the nearest whole percent.
Percentage unemployed for February 2011 13%
Not Applicable
8) Indicate your jurisdiction's estimated residential property foreclosure rate for calendar '
year 2010. This rate should be calculated as the total number of new default and auction
foreclosure filings and new bank -owned foreclosures (REOs) in calendar year 2010 divided by the
total number of residential households. Please note: All figures must be rounded to." the nearest whole
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 6965
Bank Owned 7%
Check here if the inforrnation necessary to calculate this rate is
9) Indicate if your jurisdiction has experienced any of the following events since 01/01/2011
(Check all that apply)
A declaration of natural or other major disaster or emergency has been made pursuant to the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq,)
A declaration as an economically or financially distressed area by the state in which the
applicant is located.
Downgrading of the applicant's bond rating by amajor rating agency.
JHas filed for or been declared bankrupt by a court of law.
Has been placed in receivership or its functional equivalent by the state or federal
govemment .
Taken on additional law enforcement duties and responsibilities resulting from an agency merger or the
disbanding of a neighboring law enforcement agency (which did not result in a new or supplemented
funded contract to provide these law enforcement services)
Property / Violent Crime
1) UsingUCR crime definitions, enter the actual number of incidents reported to your agency in the
revious three calendar years, 2010, 2009 arid 2008 for the following crime types. Note that only
those incidents for which your agency had primary response authority should be provided
UCR Data* 2010 2009 2008
Criminal Homicide 68 59 63
Forcible Rape 73 91 80
Robbery 1856 2094 2415
Aggravated Assault 2882 2739 3151
Burglary 4604 4856 4941
Larceny (except motor 14465 13386 13591
vehicle theft)
Motor Vehicle Theft 2449 2536 3666
Please note: Only those incidents for which your agency had primary response authority should be provided. An agency with primary
response authority is defined as the first responder to calls for service for all types of criminal incidents within its jurisdiction. Agencies
are not considered to have primary response authority if they only: respond to or investigate a specific type(s) of crirne(s); respond to or
investigate crimes within a correctional facility; serve warrants; provide courthouse security; transport prisoners; andfor have cases
referred to them for investigation or investigational support.
'Note: If your agency currently reports to NIBRS, or does not report crime incident totals at all, please ensure that your data is
converted to UCR Summary Data style. Please see the COPS Application Guide or the FBI's UCR Handbook
_ . • -- • - •
(www.fbi.goviucr/handbook/ucrhandbook04.pdf) for more information.
0 I: FL01306
Legal Narie: ts1iami, City of
Application ID: 8965
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FUNDING ~-"""=~"
If you are applying for nCOPS grant with apost-award retention requirement, please complete A. If
you are
applying for o COPS, grant without a,poSt-award retention requirement, n}euoe uompletuB.
A. Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends (for COPS grants with 8 retention plan
Applicants must plan toretain all sworn officer positionsawarded under your COPS hiring grant for aminimum
of12months at the'conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each position. The retained COPS funded
positions should beadded toyour agency' law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds at the end of
grant funding, over and above the number oflocally-funded sworn officer positions that would have existed in
the absence ofthe grant. These additional position(s) must be retained using state, local, or other non-federal
funding only. You may not use funds awarded by other federal grants to cover the costs of ratenUon. At the time
ofupdated grant application, applicants must affirm that they plan toretain the positions and identify the planned
aource(o)ofretention funding. /eunderstand that your agency' oource(s)ofretention funding may change
during the life of the grant. Your agency should maintain proper documentation of any changes in the event of
an audit, monitoring or other evaluation of your grant compliance. Please refer to the frequently asked questions
on retention which can be found here http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/Default.asp?ltem=2364.
1.Will your agency plan boretain any additional positions awarded under this grant for aminimum of12months
at the conclusion of federal funding for each position?
Note: Agencies that do not plan to retain all the positions awarded under this grant are ineligible to receive CHP
2. Please identify 1hesourcm(s) of funding that your agency plans to utilize to cover the costs of retention: (check
all that apply)
General funds
Raise bond/tax issue
Non-federa( asset forfeiture funds (subject to approval from the state or local oversight agency)
Fundraising efforts
State, local, orother non-federal grant funding
Other (Please provide a brief description of the source(s) of funding not to exceed 350 characters.)
Apn/icumnnno. 89
This section should be used to attach any required or applicable attachments to your grant
application (e.g., Budget Narrative, Memorandum of Understanding, etc.).
If the program for which you are applying requires a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),
this document should define the ro]es and responsibilities of the individuals and partner(s)
involved in your proposed project. Please refer to the program -specific Application Guide to
determine if an MOU or other application attachments are required. The Guide will also specify
if optional attachments are permitted for submission..
File Name
COPS 2011 SF424.pdf 1424 Attachment
ORI: FL01308
Legal Name: Miami, City of Applic tl ID: ;8965
�����U������^�������������VU �������������
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Instructions for Completing the Budget Detail Worksheets
The following Budget Detail Worksheets are designed hoallow all COPS grant and cooperative agreement
applicants touse the aomobodgetforms horequest funding. Allowable and. unallowable costs vary widely and
depend upon the type of COPS program. The maximum federal funds that can be requested and the
federal/local share breakdown requirements also vary.
Please refer to theprogram-specific Application Guide bodetermine the allowable/unallowable costs, thm
maximunnon7ourtoffederal funds that can berequested, and the federal/local share requirements for the COPS
program for which your agency is applying. To assist you, sample Budget Detail Worksheets are included in
each Application Guide.
,Please |eba eachaenU ofthe Budget Detail Worksheets applicable tothe program for which you are
applying (nee the program -specific Application Guide for requirements), If you are not requesting anything under
a particular budget category, please check the appropriate box in that category indicating that no positions or
items are requeoded.
All calculations should berounded bzthe nearest whole dollar. Once the budget for your proposal has been
d, o budget summary page will reflect the total amounts requested ineach category, the total project
costs, and the total federal and local shares.
If you need assistance in completing the Budget Detail Worksheets, please call the COPS Office
Response Center at 800.421,6710.
Lroumam°-'miamiowof Application to: 8965
Instructions: This worksheet will assist your agency in reporting your agency's current entry-level
salary and benefits and identifying the total salary and benefits request per officer position for the
length of the grant term. Please list the current entry-level base salary and fringe benefits rounded to the
nearest whole dollar for one full-time sworn officer position within your agency. Do not include
employee contributions. (Please refer to the program -specific Application Guide for information on the
length of the grant term for the program under which you are applying.)
Special note regarding sworn officer fringe benefits: For agencies that do not include fringe benefits
as part of the base salary costs and typically calculate these separately, the allowable expenditures may
be included under Part 1, Section B. Any fringe benefits that are already included as part of the
agency's base salary (Part 1, Section A of the Sworn Officer Budget Worksheet) should not also be
included in the separate fringe listing (Part 1, Section B).
Please refer to the program -specific Application Guide for information about allowable and
unallowable fringe benefits for sworn officer positions requested under the program to which your
agency is applying.
OR: FL01306
Legal Name: 'Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
A. Full -Time Entry -Lev e*| Sworn Officer Base Salary Information
Part 1: Instructions: Please complete the questions below based on your agency's entry-level salary and benefits
package for one locally -funded officer position. As applicable per the program specific Application Guide, you may also
be required to project Year 2 and Year 3 salaries. To learn more about what types of officer fronge benefit costs are
allowable, please click here.
A. Base Salary Information Year Salary Year Salary
Enter the current first year Enter the current W_cond
entry level base salary for year entry level base
one sworn officer position, salary for one sworn
officer position.
Social Security
X Exempt
Fixed Rate
Fixed Rate
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Annual Hours 154
Sick Leave
Annual Hours 88
Worker's Compensation
Fixed Rate
. Unemployment Insurance
Holiday Pay
Fixed Rate
SHIFT Differential
$46.842.00 $48.116.00
Year 3Salary
Enter the current third year
entry level base salary for one
sworn officer position.
Year Rinoe Benefits Year 2 Fringe Benefits
Year Fringe Benefits
$733.00 1/46%
870% $4.380.00 870Y6
0/096 $187D0 040%
$2,109l0 4.60Y6 $2,223.00
$4�571.00 9.50% 1 $4.790.00
$10.236.00 20.3096
86.00 4.20% $2.035.00
4.2O %
$1.174.00 2.50 Y& $1.203.00
— -Benefits ouu�o� �p�vea,(1 — $27.697.00
— --
C,-Total Year Salary aoLLBe"'«s(11' � $74.O3Q.00
Total Sala
nd0 6nef1ts*6r'Year�
2.50 %
0.00 %
_ $28.808.09,
$80.328.01P �
ORL FLO1306 Legal Name: ' Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Part 2: Sworn Officer Salary
If your agency's second and/or third -year costs for salaries and/or fringe benefits increase after
first year, check the reason(s)why in the space below:
Cost of living adjustment
Change in benefit
Part 3: Federal/Local Share Costs (for Hiring Grants)
If the COPS Hiring Grant Program requires a local match, the grantees are required to pay a
progressively larger share of the cost of the grant with local funds over the grant period. Please
refer to the program -specific Application Guide to determine if this section is applicable. This
means that your local match must increase each year, while the federal share must decrease. Please
project in the chart below how your agency plans to assume a progressively larger share of the grant
costs during each year of the program. The chart is a projection of your plans; while your agency may
deviate from these specific projections during the grant period, it must still ensure that the federal share
decreases and the local share increases.
Year 1
Year 2
Federal Share
$3,7 ,950.00
Local Share
$3,82 ,250.00
,0 6,450.00
Total salary and benefits for years 1, 2 & 3 (all
Total federal share:
Total local share required (sworn officer costs):
(Based on Years 1, 2 & 3 costs for all sworn
b If 6)- kS
• •
ORI: FLD1306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
If your organization is requesting indirect costs for this project, please include a copy of your current, signed
federallyapproved indirect Cost Rate Negotiated Agreement. If the applicant does not have an approved rate, a
rate can be requested by contacting the applicant's cognizant federal agency, which will review all
documentation and approve a rate for the applicant organization. Please limit your description to 1000
Indirect Cost
Approved lndirect Cost Rate
Per Indirect
Cost Subtotal
Indirect Costs Total:
ORI: FL0131:16 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Instructions: Please review the category totals and the total project costs below. If the category totals and
project amounts shown are correct, please continue with the submission of your application. Should you
need to make revisions to a budget category, click the "Edit" button for that category. Note: Agencies
applying for Secure Our Schools (SOS) -must enter a "Total Local Share Amount" percentage of 50% in
the designated area below. Applicants for all other Fiscal Year 2010 COPS Grants are not required to
provide a local match.
Budget Category Category Total
A Swom Officer Positions $11,573,650.00
B Civilian/Non-Sworn Personnel $0.00
C Equipment/Technology $0.00
D Supplies $0.00
E Travelfrraining $0.00
F Contracts/Consultants $0.00
G Other Costs $0.00
H Indirect Costs $0.00
Total Project Amount
Total Federal Share Amount
Total Local Share Amount
Contact Information for Budget Questions
Please provide contact information of the financial official that the COPS Office may contact with
questions related to your budget submission.
Authorized Official's Typed Name: Mae Shepard
Admin. Asst. HI - Supervisor of Budget Unft
ORI: FL01305
Legal Name: 'Miami:City of Application ID: 8965
Several provisions of federal law and policy apply to all grant programs. The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services needs to
secure your assurance that the applicant will comply with these provisions. If you would like further information about any of these
assurances, please contact your state's COPS Grant Program Specialist at 800-421-6770.
By signing this form, the applicant assures that it will comply with all legal and administrative requirements that govern the applicant for
acceptance and use of federal grant funds. In particular, the applicant assures us that:
1. It has been legally and officially authorized by the appropriate governing body (for example, mayor or city council) to apply for this
grant and that the persons signing the application and these assurances on its behalf are authorized to do so and to act on its behalf with
respect to any issues that may arise during processing of this application.
2. It will comply with the provisions of federal law, which limit certain political activities of grantee employees whose principal
employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in purl with this grant. These restrictions are set forth in 5 U.S.C. §
1501, et seq.
3. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, if applicable.
4. It will establish safeguards, if it has not done so already, to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is, or gives
the appearance of being, motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family,
business or other ties.
5. It will give the Department of Justice or the Comptroller General access to and the right to examine records and documents related to
the grant.
6. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Department of Justice as a condition or administrative requirement of the grant,
including but not limited to: the requirements of 28 CFR Part 66 and 28 CFR Part 70 (goveming administrative requirements for grants
and,cooperative agreements); 2 CFR Part 225 (OMB Circular ,A-87), 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21), 2 CFR Part 230 (OMB Circular
A-122) and 48 CFR Part 31.000, et seq. (FAR 31) (governing cost principles); OMB Circular A-133 (governing audits) and other
applicable OMB circulars; the applicable provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended; 28 CFR
Part 38.1; the applicable COPS Application Guidelines; the applicable COPS Grant Owner's Manuals; and with all other applicable
program requirements, laws, orders, regulations, or circulars.
7. It will, to the extent practicable and consistent with applicable law, seek, recruit and hire qualified members of racial and ethnic
minority groups and qualified women in order to further effective law enforcement by increasing their ranks within the sworn positions in
the agency.
8. It will not, on the ground ofrace, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability or age, unlawfully exclude any person from
participation in, deny the benefits of or employment to any person, or subject any person to discrimination in connection with any
programs or activities funded in whole or in part with federal funds. These civil rights requirements are found in the non-discrimination
provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 3789d); Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 2000d); the Indian Civil Rights Act (25 U.S.C. §§ 1301-1303); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794); Title II, Subtitle A of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.); the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6101, et seq.); arid Department of Justice Non -Discrimination Regulations contained in
Title 28, Parts 35 and 42 (subparts C, D, E, G and I) of the Code of Federal Regulations.
A. In the event that any court or administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion,
national origin, gender, disability or age against the applicant after a due process hearing, it agrees to forward a copy of the
finding to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20531.
B. If your organization has received an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees, then it has to prepare an
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) and submit it to the Office for Civil Rights ("OCR"), Office of Justice Programs,
810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20531, for review within 60 days of the notification of the award. If your organization
received an award between S25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more employees, your organization still has to prepare an EEOP,
but it does not have to submit the EEOP to OCR for review. Instead, your organization has to maintain the EEOP on file and
make it available for review on request. In addition, your organization has to complete Section B of
the Certification Form and return it to OCR. If your organization received an award for less than $25,000; or if your organization
has less than 50 employees, regardless of the amount of the award; or if your organization is a medical institution, educational
institution, nonprofit organization or Indian tribe, then your organization is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, your
organization must complete Section A of the Certification Forrn and return it to OCR.
9. Pursuant to Department of Justice guidelines (June 18, 2002 Federal Register (Volume 67, Number 117, pages 41455-41472)), under
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it will ensure meaningful access to its programs and activities by persons with limited English
10. It.will ensure that any facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project
are riot listed on the Environmental Protection Agency' (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify us if advised by the EPA
that a facility to be used in this grant is under consideration for such listing by the EPA.
I I. If the applicant's state has established a review'and comment procedure under Executive Order 12372 and has selec
for review, it has ,made this application available for review by the state Single Point of Contact.
d this Program
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
12. It will submit all surveys, interview protocols, and other information collections to the COPS Office for submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 if required.
13. It will comply with the Human Subjects Research Risk Protections requirements of 28 CFR Part 46 if any part of the funded project
contains non-exempt research or statistical activities which involve human subjects and also with 28 CFR Part 22, requiring the
safeguarding of individually identifiable information collected from research participants.
14. Pursuant to Executive Order 13043, it will enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs for employees when operating
agency -owned, rented or personally -owned vehicles.
15. It will not use COPS funds to supplant (replace) state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds that otherwise would be made available
for the purposes of this grant, as applicable.
16. If the awarded grant contains a retention requirement, it will retain the increased officer staffing level and/or the increased officer
redeployment level, as applicable, with state or local funds for a minimum of 12 months following expiration of the grant period.
17. It will not use any federal funding directly or indirectly to influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction, or an official
of any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any legislation, law ratification, policy or appropriation whether
before or after the introduction of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy or appropriation as
set forth in the Anti- Lobby Act, 18 U.S.C. 1913.
18. In the event that a portion of grant reimbursements are seized to pay offdelinquent federal debts through the Treasury Offset Program
or other debt collection process, it agrees to increase the non-federal share (or, if the awarded grant does not contain a cost sharing
requirement, contribute a nonfederal share) equal to the amount seized in order to fully implement the grant project.
False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants (including cooperative agreements) may result in fines,
imprisonment, disbarment from participating in federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law.
I certify that the assurances provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Elections or other selections of new officials will not relieve the grantee entity of its obligations under this grant.
Miguel Exposito 5/24/2011
Signature of Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Date
Signature ofLaw Enforcemerit Executive/Agency Executive
Tony Crapp, Jr. 5/24/2011
Signature of Government Executive/Financial Official Date
Tony Crapp, Jr.
Signature of a Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive
ORI: FL01 06
al Ram: Mani, City of
Application,ID: 865
Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Federal Taxes and Assessments; Drug -Free
Workplace Requirements; and Coordination with Affected Agencies.
Although the Department of Justice has made every effort to simplify the application process, other provisions of federal law require
us to seek your agency's certification regarding certain matters. Applicants should read the regulations cited below and the
instructions for certification included in the regulations to understand the requirements and whether they apply to a particular
applicant. Signing this form complies with certification requirements under 28 CFR Pan 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," 2
CFR Part 2867, "Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension," Public Law 111-117 or the most recent applicable appropriations
Act, 28 CFR Part 83, "Government -Wide Requirements for Drug -Free Workplace (Grants)," and the coordination requirements of
the Public
Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994. The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon
which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant.
1. Lobbying
As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grant or
cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the applicant certifies that:
A. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officeror employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee
of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the making of any federal grant; the entering into
of any cooperative agreement; and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any federal grant or
cooperative agreement;
B. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or
an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall
complete and submit Standard Form LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions; and
C.The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards
at all tiers (including subgrants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements, and subcontracts) and that all
sub -recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (Direct Recipient) As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment
and Suspension, and implemented at 2 CFR Part 2867, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 2
CFR Part 2867.20(a), the applicant certifies that it and its principals:
A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal
benefits by a state or federal court,or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency;
B. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against
them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a
public-(federal,-state-or-local)-or_private_agreement_or_transac_tion; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or
commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax
evasion or receiving stolen property, making false claims, or obstruction ofjustice, or commission of any offense indicating
a lack of business integrity or business honesty that seriously and directly affects your present responsibility;
C. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local)
with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (A)(ii) of this certification; and
D. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local)
terminated for cause or default.
3. Federal Taxes and Assessments
If applicable, an applicant who receives an award in excess of $5,000,000 certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the
applicant has filed all federal tax returns required during the three years preceding the certification, has not been convicted of a
criminal offense under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and has not, more than 90 days prior to certification, been notified of any
unpaid federal tax assessment for which the liability remains unsatisfied, unless the assessment is the subject of an installment
agreement or offer in compromise that has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service and is not in default, or the assessment is
the subject of a non -frivolous administrative or judicial proceeding.
4. Drug -Free Workplace (Grantees Other Than Individuals)'
As required by the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 83, for grantees/recipients, as defined at 28
CFR Part 83.660 -
A. The applicant certifies that it will, or will continue to, provide a drug -free workplace by:
(i). Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession
or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken
against employees for violation of such prohibition;
(ii). Establishing an on -going drug -free awareness program to inform employees about -
(a) The dangers of drug (a) abuse in the workplace;
(b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; .•
(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs and - -
(d) The penalties' that may be imposed upon employees for drug-abiiSe violations C;Ccurririg hi the
'(iii). Making it a requirement that each employee to be engages in the performance of the grant be given a copy :of
the statement required by paragraph (i);
(iv). Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (i) that, as a condition of employment under the
grant, the employee will -
(a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and
ORI: FL01306
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 8965
(b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction fora violation of a criminal drug statute
occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction;
(v). Notifying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (iv)(b) from
an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must
provide notice, including position title, to; COPS Office, 145 N St, NE, Washington, D.C. 20530. Notice shall
include the identification number(s) of each affected grant;
(vi). Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (iv)(b),
with respect to any employee who is so convicted -
(a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination,
consistent with the requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
(b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program
approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency;
(vii). Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of
paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi).
Grantee Agency Name and Address:
B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific
Place of performance (street address, city, county, state, zip code)
iami, City of 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33128
Check 1 1 • there are workplaces on file that are not identified here.
5. The Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994 requires applicants to certify that there
has been appropriate coordination with all agencies that may be affected by the applicant's grant proposal if
approved. Affected agencies may include, among others, the Office of the United States Attorney, state or
local prosecutors, or correctional agencies. The applicant certifies that there has been appropriate
coordination with all affected agencies.
Please check here
if an explanation is attached to this application.
Please note that the applicant is still required to sign the Certifications form to certify to all the other
applicable statements.
Grantee Agency Name and Address:
Miami, City of 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33128
False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants (including cooperative agreements) may
result in fines, imprisonment, disbarment from participating in federal grants or contracts, and/or any other
remedy available by law.
I certify that the assurances provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Elections or other selections of new officials will not relieve the grantee entity of its obligations under this
Miguel Exposito
Signature of Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Date
Miguel Exposito
Tony_Crapp, Jr.
Signature of Government Executive/Financial Official
Tony Crapp, Jr.
24/2011 - -
ORI: FL01308 Legal Name: Miami, Clly of
Application ID; 8965
SECTION 16: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
Instructions for Completion of SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipient, at the initiation or
receipt of a covered Federal action, or e material change to a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The filing of a
forrn is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an
officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of
Congress in connection with a covered Federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change
report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information.
I . Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying activity is and/or has been secured to influence the outcome of a
covered Federal action.
2. Identify the status of the covered Federal action.
3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this is a followup report caused by a material change to the inforrnation
previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last previously submitted report by
this reporting entity for this covered Federal action.
4. Enter the full name, address, city, State and zip code of the reporting entity, Include Congressional District, if known. Check the
appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is, or expects to be, a prime or subaward recipient. Identify the tier
of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. Subawards include but are not limited to subcontracts,
subgrants and contract awards under grants.
5. If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks "Subawardee," then enter the full name, address, city, State and zip code of the
prime Federal recipient. Include Congressional District, if known.
6. Enter the name of the Federal agency making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one organizational level below agency
name, if known. For example, Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard.
7. Enter the Federal program name or description for the covered Federal action (item I). If known, enter the full Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans, and loan commitments.
8. Enter the most appropriate Federal identifying number available for the Federal action identified in item 1 (e,g., Request for
Proposal (RFP) number; Invitation for Bid (IFB) number, grant announcement number, the contract, grant, or loan award number; the
application/proposal control number assigned by the Federal agency), Include prefixes, e.g., "RFP-DE-90-001."
9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amount oi
the award/loan commitment for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5.
10. (a) Enter the full name, address, city, State and zip code of the lobbying registrant under the Lobbyingpisclosure Act of 1995
engaged by the reporting entity identified in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action.
(b) Enter the full names of the individual(s) performing services, and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Name,
First Name, and Middle Initial (MI).
11. The certifying official shall sign and date the form, print his/her name, title, and telephone number.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection
of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. The valid OMB control number for this
information collection is OMB No. 0346-0046. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget,
Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0046), Washington, DC 20503.
ORI: FL_01306 Legal Name: Miami, City of
Application ID: 8965
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352.
Not Applicable X If not applicable, then entire form, including signature area is grayed -out
1. Type of Federal Action:
2. Status of Federal Action: 3. Report Type
1: contract 0 loan 0 bid/offer/application Ild initial filing
0 grant 0 loan guarantee 0 initial award n matenal change
0 cooperative loan insurance EJ post -award For Material Change Only:
Year: Quarter:
Date of Report:
4. Name and Address of Reporting
Entity: Prime
Congressional District (number), if known:
6. Federal Department/Agency:
5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, Enter
Name and Address of Prime:
Congressional District (number), if known:
7. Federal Program Name/Description:
USDOJCOPS CFDA Number, if applicable: 16.710
8. Federal Action Number, if known: 9. Award Amount, if known:
10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying 10. b. Individuals Performing Services
(if individual, last name, first name, MI)...
(including address if different from No.1 Oa) (last name, first
11. Information requested through this form is authorized by Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. This disclosure of
lobbying activities is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed by the tier above when this
transaction was made or entered into. This disclosure is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. This information will
be reported to the Congress semi-annually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to file
the required disclosure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for
each such failure.
Typed Name:
Federal Use Only:
_ „..
• - " Date:
Authorized for Local Reproduction, Standard Form - LLL
ORI: FLO1306 Legal Name: Miami, Clty of
Application ID: 8965
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SECTION . " . o^~-~.~_".~° ��.~=, ~~"-"~".. .~°��."~°.~~~
1)Federal Civil Rights andGrant Reviews'
Please be advised that -an application may not be funded and, if awarded, a hold may be placed on the
award if it is deemed that the applicant is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws, and/or is not
cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation, and/or is not cooperating with a Department of
Justice grant review maudit.
2) Certification of Review of 28 C.F.R. Part 23/Criminal Intelligence Systems:
Please review the COPS Application Guide: Legal Requirements Section for additional information.
Please check one of the following, as applicable to your agency's intended use of this grant:
( No my agency will not use these COPS grant funds (if awarded) to operate an interjurisdictional criminal
- intelligence system.
Yes, my agency will use these COPS grant funds (if awarded) to operate an interjurisdictional criminal
~ intelligence system. Bysigning below, wcassure that our agency will comply with the requirements o{38
3) Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance with Requirements:
The signatures of the Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive, Government ExeoutivelFnancial
Official, and. the Person Submitting this Application onthe Reviews and Carbficodonorepresent tothe COPS
Office that:
a) the signatories have been legally and officially authorized by the appropriate governing body to
submit this application and act onbehalf ofthe grantapplicant entity;
b) the applicant iU comply with all |�go|. administrotivm, and programmatic requirements that govern
the applicant for acceptance and use of federal funds as outlined in the applicable COPS Application
Guide; the COPS Grant Owner's Manual, Assurances, Certifications and all other applicable program
regulations, |am/a, ordero, and circulars;
c) the applicant understands that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS programs
may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal grants, cooperative
agreernanto, or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law bothe 0sdens| government; AND
d) the information provided in this application, Including any amendments, shall be treated as material
representations offact upon which reliance will bep|acedwhen the r)epadmendofJustice determines
toaward the covered grant.
The signatures of the Law Enforcement ExecAve/Agency Executive and the Government
Executive/Financial Officialon this application must be the same as those identified in Section 4 of this
application. Appfications with missing, incomplete, or inaccurate signatories or responses may not be
considered for funding.
Signature mfLaw Enforcement Executive/Agency Ezecodve Date
(For your e lectronic signatture, please type in your name)
Tony Crnnn'Tr
Signature of(]nvenzrnentExecutive/Financial Official
(For your electronic signature, please type in your name)
Tony Cronn,Jr.
Signature n{the Person Submitting This /\nnbcatmI}ate'''��
For your electronic signature, please type'in your name
Legal Name: Miami, City of Application ID: 5965
By clicking this box, the applicant understands that the use oftyped names hnthis grant application and
the required grantforms, Inn|udingthaAaauranceuondCertifioationo.constituboe|ectnoniosignsduneoand
that the electronic signatures are the legal equivalent ofhandwritten signatures.
���~l[8o��� ��^ APPLICATION ����� �����U��K~��U���
~�~~~~""��x° "=. ��" " °_"~���v"��v� �°��o�� VERIFICATION
By signing below. | certify that \ have read, understand and agree to the [[
a) my agency has been requested by the COPS Office to review, confirmand/or update specific data
items that were previously submitted in our COPS application and our failure to respond to the request
may eliminate our application from 2011 funding consideration;
b) my agency has reviewed, confirmed and/or updated the specific data items identified by the COPS
Office, and certify that the information is true and accurate;
c) I am authorized by the appropriate governing body to act on behalf of the grant applicant entity to
make changes to our COPS application which will be considered for 2o11 funding;
d) the information provided in this application, including any amendments, shall be treated aomaterial
representations of fact upon which reliance will be placed -when the Department of Justice determines
award the covered grant; and
e) the applicant understands that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS programs
may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal grants, cooperative
agreements, or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law to the federal government.
Date Completed
Signature of the Person Completing this Form
(For your electronic signature, o}eaaetvneioyoorname)
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE: Bvclicking this bow_- J understand thatyping in my name on this form
constitutes onelectronic signature and that the eWchonkc signature is the legal equivalent ofahandwritten
|norder for your bobeconsidered for COPS grant funding, all application updates must be submitted
through the COPS wabsitmkxmvw doioov byQ:UOpmE.DIonMay 25.2D11. For technical
asaistmncewith submitting your updates ortowithdraw your agency's application from funding
oonoiderabon, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 8Q0-421-6770.
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to 11 .3 hours per
response, depending upon the COPS program being applied for, which includes time for reviewing
* instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other a:spects of the collection of this
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 145 N Street, NE, Washington, DC 20530; and to the Public Use
Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory* Affairs, Office of Management and Budget,
Washington, DC 20503.
You are -not required to respondto this collection of information unless it displays avalid OMB control
number. The OMB control number for this application is 1103-0098 and the expiration date is 05/31/2013.
ORI: pm1305
. Legal Name: _Mla�ni, City of Application ID: 8965