To: Honorable Members of the
City Commission
�. .012,-•
From: Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Date: September 28, 2011
Subject: Community Technology
Advisory Board
References: October 13, 2011 Agenda
Enclosures: List of members
The Community Technology Advisory Board was created to provide advice, oversight and grant
solicitation in support of community related computer technology and "distance learning"
initiatives. Community based grants and awards of funds relating to computers, technology and
distance based learning shall be referred to this board.
Members must possess some specific knowledge, training or teaching experience in the field
of Information Technology.
Four (4) appointments are needed at this time:
• Mayor Tomas Regalado has one (1) nomination for a seat currently:*
1. Vacant.
• Vice Chairman Frank Carollo has one (1) nomination for a seat currently:t
1 Vacant.
• Commissioner Francis Suarez has one (1) nomination for a seat currently:*
1. Ricardo Ruiz, incumbent, whose term expired on July 8, 2011.
• Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones has one (1) nomination for a seat currently:
1. Vivian Walters, incumbent, whose term expires on June 9, 2012, is a full-time
Employee of Miami -Dade County and a City resident; requires the waiver of
employment restriction of Section 2-884 (e) by a four/fifths (4/5ths) affirmative
vote of the Commission.
For your convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of said board. By copy
of this memorandum, we are requesting the Agenda Office to place this issue on the October 13,
2011 Commission Agenda.
Robin Jones Jackson, Assistant City Attorney
Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator
Cindy Torres, Liaison/Interim Chief Information Officer
* This item was continued from July 14, 2011 Commission meeting.
This item was continued from December 17, 2009, February 11, 2010, March 11, 2010, April 8, 2010, May 13,
2010, June 10, 2010, July 8, 2010, September 16, 2010, October 14, 2010, October 28, 2010, November 18, 2010,
January 13, 2011, February 10, 2011, March 10, 2011, April 14, 2011, May 12, 2011, June 9, 2011, and July 14, 2011
Commission meetings.
$ This item was continued from September 15, 2011 Commission meeting.