HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1 SUBOltI j Mai can beg '1 of extd c2 ' doC4 ' e/lf ECONOMIC STIMULUS Expedite Legislation Attachment "A" - 10/13/11 (REVISED) it • tx>l Ipr1 L'i .N J.)r {X'>r_Tr, J%tr®1 ax t 01:*---L.iUj1 B 30514 North Bayshorc Drive Operational Improvement° removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8-40686 Miami R ,er- roc,.;,. ,East Little Havana removed- project awarded 8 35883A Hadley Park Youth Center & Field Improvements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8-30675 Biscayne-Skate-Park--(design-build) removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 35002 Virginia Key Environmental Remediation removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30014 Northwest Road and Storm Sewer -Improvements removed- project awarded B-30008 Crovc Park Roa ements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 13-30681 g-ancl Re rfaG ~~ P ass lI removed- project awarded B-30011 Englewood Road and Storm Sewer Improvements 8 30629 Durham Terrace Drainage Project removed- project. awarded B-30566A Melreesc Colf Training Center removed- project awarded 8-30626 Omni Area Utility --Improvement° removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8-30035A North Shorecrest-Road-4Improvements (CDBG} removed- project awarded B-3003513 rfaeing removed- project awarded B-35806 Curtis Part-New-Reel-€acility removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 35853A Virrie*,-Rark-New-P-oel Facility removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-60453A Fire Station #13 B-30588 San Marco Drainage Improvements B-30130 Miami River Greenway SW 1st Court to S. Miami Avenue B-30676 Grand Avenue 8, McDonald St. ROW Beautification removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8-30167E Shenandoah Traffic Calming Pha°e-2 removed- project awarded 8 30167D Shenandoah Traffic GIIming Priority 1 removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-4067-2A Flagami Traffie-Galming-(including-€L-H-devices} removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 063 8-30 Palm-6 eats removed -,project awarded 8 30637 Mary-BriekelWiliage Drainage Improvements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 30621 'center Grove Street and Lighting Improvements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-30687 Coconut Grove Business Improv. District - Street Improvmts. B 78508 2A°ning segments) t4E-d-~nue-lmpr ovemenis-(Remai removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 35812A Duarte Park Building. Renovations removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-30696 MiaMarina-Pier-Fireline-Repairs removed- project awarded B-35861A Maximo Comez/Domino Park removed- project awarded B 30512A US 1 Roadway Improvements t~'s removed- project awarded 13-30695 SW 10th Terrace removed- project awarded 8 30718 ^" °� 95- e urinal Strccto removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30699 Beacom -Area -Street -Improvements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 30716 D2-Tigertaii Resurfacing removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 106720 P-lagami-Traffic-Calming- removed per floor amendment- 10%13/11 B 30687 Coc•nut-Grove-Business4mprov. District Street Improvmts. removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 30651 sway NW 10 Ave, to NW 12 Ave. removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-30336 Mean ami-.e;—Greenway NW 5th St Bridge Extension removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30621 9vertewn Grecnway at NW 11 Terraco removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8 60464 Dinner-Key-Marina-Deskmaster-Building removed per floor amendment- 10/13/1'1 B 30518 removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 13,30703 D1 Roadway Improvements Bob Dr. between NW 20th removed- project awarded -Hope St. to NW 17th St. B-30704 D1 Roadway NW 11th Ave. betwee W 24t"'" removed- project awarded -improvements „" St, to NW 27th St, 8 30705 D1 Roadway NW 21th St. between NW 11th- removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 -Improvements Avo. & NW 17th Ave. B 31206 4E-3rd Street Road Widening Project removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 8-30544-13 Kennedy Park Floating Docks, Phase4 removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30511C Kennedy Park Shoreline -Stabilization removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30711 NW 21 Ave between NW lot -St. & NW 3rd St, removed- project awarded B 30721 Spoil Island E Rest removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 S 30671 Garibbean-Marketplace-Renovation removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-30600 Civic-Genter-lnfrastnieture removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30613 Lurnmus Park -Landing removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30600 West End Park N esign-build} removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 5858 Kinloch Park Senior Community -Center removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 41-410004 Building Retrofits- Dept. of Energy Efficiency Grant added- upcoming solicitation B 30719 SW 16th Ave, from Coral Way to 20th St. removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B-30732 NW 9th St. Roadwa Improvements added- u•comin• solicitation _'ter ._r tOM%�' i 41 J4wi' . I.fi`...®p ,. ..,,k:i� 1'6 h' removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 B 30508 Virginia--Key-Beach - ar-k-Museum B 30616 Seuth Bayshore Drive RoadwaOmprovements removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 N/A Miscellaneous Traffie-Study-Services removed per floor amendment- 10/13/11 N/A Miscellaneous Marine and Coastal Engineering Services �5i2 14- ri_/co v3 ECONOMIC' STIMULUS Expedite Legislation Attachment "A" - 9/27/11 (REVISED) tProject # . r regfiftiMil `erie > a PRI 71i ! dctio: ;AN ' AK li itILVEVM , zMONSTRUC1Ti.0,N (include". deslgp;build)1ESVfNal4. ' ilft ar , 1 *iMISO B-30514 North Bayshore Drive Operational Improvements B-40686 M. removed- project awarded B-35883A Hadley Park Youth Center & Field Improvements B-30675 Biscayne Skate Park (design -build) 8-35002 Virginia Key Environmental Remediation 8 30014 Nerthwoet Road and -Storm -Sower -:-Improvements removed- project aw ded 0-30008 Grove Park Road and Storm Sewer Improvements 8-30684 G0BG-Readway-Iv4111ing-and R.eurfooing Phase44 removed- project . added • B-30011 Englewood Road and Storm Sewer Improvements B-30620 Dur#arn-Tereeee Graleage-Rrejeet removed- proj • t awarded 630566A Melreese-Gelf Training-Genter removed- pr•'-ctawarded B-30626 Omni Area Utility Improvements 8-30035A North-Shereeresl-Read4mpreverneets (COBC) removed- roject awarded 8-300268 SHerocrost Roadway-tvtilling-&-Resurfacing remove. project.awarded B-35805 Curtis Park New Pool. Facility B-35853A . Virrick Park New Pool Facility B-60453A Fire Station #13 B-30588 San Marco Drainage Improvements B-30130 Miami River Greenway SW 1s1 Court to S, Miami Avenue B-30676 Grand Avenue & McDonald St. ROW Beautification B-30167B Shenandoah Traffic Calming Phaso 2 removed- project awarded B-30167D Shenandoah Traffic Calming Priority 4 B-40672A Flagaml Traffic Calming. (including ELH devices) • B-30630 Palm CrevO-Read4raproveraGnts removed- project awarded B-30637 Mary Bdckell Village Drainage Improvements B-30621 Center Grove Street and Lighting Improvements 6-30667 Coconut Grove Business Improv. District - Street Im rovmts. B-78508 NE 2nd Avenue Improvements (Remaining segmes) 8-35812A Duarte Park Building Renovations 0-30696 M•aMaria.,., o;e�irellne-Repairs removed- project awarded B 35861A Maximo GemezlDomino Park removed- project awarded a-30542A US-0-Roadway-fmprevements - removed- project awarded 8-30606 SW loth Terrace removed- project awarded B-30718 . D21-95 Terminal Streets B-30699 Beacom Area Street Improvements B-30716 D2 Tigertail Resurfacing B-40672G Flagami Traffic Calming B-30687 Coconut Grove Business Improv. tricl - Street Improvmts, B-30651 Miami River Greenway NW 10 Av-. to NW 12 Ave. B-30336 Miami River Greenway NW 5th ` Bridge Extension B-30624 Ovedown Greenway at NW 11 errace 8-60464 Dinner Key Marina Dockmas -r Building B-30518 NW 14th Street Phase I & I D1-Read - • W W-201h B 30703 removed- project awarded - - - - - 000 St. to NW 17th St. D4-Readway4orp • -etc NW 1 B 30701 removed- project awarded St-1eNW-27-t1a-84 B-30705 D1 Roadway Impro..•ments- NW 24th St. between NW 14th Ave. & NW 171h.A -, B-31206 SE 3rd Street Ro-d Widening Project B-305418 Kennedy Park F•atingDocks, Phases 8-30541 C Kennedy Park - horellne Stabilization 8 30711 • -.- -- - - - . removed- project awarded B-30721 Spoil Islan. Restoration & Floating Dock B-30671 Ceribbee arketplace Renovation B-30500 Civic Ce ter Infrastructure B-30643 Lumm - Park Landing B-30690 West nd Park New Community Building (design -build) B-35868 Kink eh Park- Senior Community Center 41-410004 9yi ding Retrofits- Dept. of Energy Efficiency Grant added- upcoming solicitation B-30719 16th Ave. from Coral Way to 201h St. added- upcoming solicitation 6.30732 W 9th St. Roadway Improvements . . added- upcoming solicitation SW PROFES,SIONAL#SERVICESzSQLIC0AW11ION 3 • . r q` B-30508 Virginia. Key Beach Park Museum B-30646 South Bayshore Drive Roadway Improvements N/A Miscellaneous Traffic Study Services N/A / Miscellaneous Marine and Coastal Engineering Services .