HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-LegislationMiami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board Resolution: PZAB-R-10-054 File ID 10-01205sc November 17, 2010 Item PZAB. 3 Mr. Patrick Goggins offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI .PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION TO THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING FOR PUBLIC USE A STREET AND AN EASEMENT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SOUTHWEST 32ND ROAD AND SOUTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, WHICH STREET AND EASEMENT ABUT SOUTHWEST 22ND TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED 73-0" SUB -URBAN ZONE. THIS WAS RECOMMENDED APPROVAL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: INGRESS OR EGRESS ON SOUTHWEST 1sT AVENUE, SOUTHWEST 32ND ROAD AND SOUTHWEST 22ND TERRACE WILL NOT BE CLOSED. Upon being seconded by Mr. Ernest Martin, the motion was passed and adopted by a vote of 8-1: Mr. Ron Cordon No Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Mr. Patrick Goggins Yes Ms. Maria Beatriz Gutierrez Yes Mr. Lazaro Lopez Absent Mr. Ernest Martin Yes Mr. Daniel Milian Yes Mr. Guillermo Revuelta Yes Mr. Michael Schiff Yes Ms. Janice Tarbert Yes Francisco to cia, Director Plannin•' Department STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Anel Rodriguez, Clerk of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board of the City of Miami, Florida, and acknowledges that he executed the foregoing Resolution. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS D DAY OF .. '.' :" (72010. J• c Ws \ �� Print Notary Name `J .Nota �'u•lic tate of Florida Personally knowyor Produced I.D. My Commission Expires: Type and number of I.D. produced Did take an oath or Did not take an oath 1/ Iry �b� Notary Public State of Florida Sandra Forges My Commission 00859677 of a Expires 02/09/2013 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY kEQAI, pFSCRIPTION LQDI PL.�l1 izier twatrilvogAlt 04 .14 *V picurrirtLIAKC,11,Narw r-viz.c.:ATThiplannouNq r- um PrICWOU4'11 InAcor .A• 4:44. 08 PLAT T 1—RAZ.tir;mati"10144.., • • \\, (rod, *444 .6k \ e h 47:64: igC WOW riall I" / .04 111g/1?"**'`,.;‘1",....4, ..;•4 W I • ss:no- hPa 21/1s1 1 t9irfrVIVi.i0 if,alliVinffiTrirra? F4tri: r plurcpwa TRACT rut • VgaiYA °AM:Nan ilgi.1%/10114N 1 ilV#1110(2.111).LIR LEGAL EJESCRIPT/014 . . . A POI-00Ji. Pr Ftill.:40et\Aftly•fPf SW 213nr..i.Torrb00.as shown on 'the plot ofb M2Ogtign ClgleddeM." aa•rocortinid 1r).)-4101-laoOk.lf?.9 hado as ell the Publioneeorcie. or Miami DaciaCounty,. IFIOrlda, more parlto.utbflY r.1osortbe0; as fellows) cst 0NW Pgrnor:cif Trap': YAN•St011Icl plat of '`Vizopiron GarclOns.% thenao..09nCi1hq bowiclary•llnos pf eold Tract PAO for following OesprIbed Throe) .(4) =yams; 'I) thane S02°08'34Pe-for agoaa Net; to'lho 0.olnreff3eolnrilnq of tho hereinafter described paroek12) ttlenoo NR7.R1Jal VE.(or ap,c)C1 roof; 3) thenco $0208'.P4"E for 349 19.94.010floP 6,07°5011W. cIPPEIfIlict tIto aounclorY lirio. of sair.f TrootW, 4110.•runnina Won°. Ina eseterly extension of tho northorly.Tinht-of-vvesr lino or svv-..??rid. Terrace, for aa.po foot to cx paint: on. lho.South.orlit ostonslon.of the) west.11oo of 8051 Tract l'A"; thoripp.NOgRaflia4W. alon0 the) provloyoty clesprpocr Ono, ler 88,00 1.s.'\•9+ foot to tho POlhf of bOralnelno. 40. .Setld ilando containing '1,226 separo fool: rnoiv.Or loss. :t40 .• <•••• • N.‘ A • •:4A-•`•,.%7 2-••••,^7:-•—£- " URVEVOIVS. NOTES MO REPORT.; -0F,A9Ne bliowisi.iiimphi,trig BASED ON TUE SYSTEM -AS SHOWOR 114E PI -AT larc,IvizornnAN taAllnENS" , ptir. aboic•urrATRM-g-e0..i)LOSIG TILE CENTERLINE ...-tit.1"-V..14 • ( SVi/14i.AV.NU aq.AR.114 ar•navn. ICk- • is VOT.riociliisiowesoftkteli, et. t?, % -41.14 ‘t- • t, • -Ting IS. A.1(.grql'i AeCAMeidtsreri•FROI.REAPRIPTION! Le6eiun. ootiNcirpS moNtAisprpt.ltfo 'bgt,l0:411:4q.pst4TERLINp onSistoTrisPricers4,TY LiNs• ..OPNOlts.RIOI:ttior,AMY totitY,FeNNO'l WOOvir4t-f- Hoc ENOTES 'Titoop ppymEmotwerrr, pea 013ellOrah rCiINT bp. BEpitsipilNo. (11 iff 2 0 1/1 A I! 0 g 0 to • SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lar 1. BLOCKS' NAST SHENANDOAH M.S. 14-Pa ON NORTH LNOTRA0'IN9 r. PO10 • PROPOSSO TRAOr •A• • VCCOAY a uv 6eamloN • PQ ° • Qv PROPOSED TRAOr •E• Y VIZCAYA OAROENS SUBDIVISION • u IONPEOOROITO PLAT 1 , • N87.60'11°E 18.00' ,,1g uy .' SW 82nd TERRACE g�r- P017T10N OF TRACT A• D&JICATEO TO CITY OF MIAMI BY 0Aa 170 .3 Pa 4017• PROPOSED TRAM* •O• • VRRAYA GARDENS SUSmNSPN' (UNRECORDED RAI) 4 '�—''P- 'wmMBR TULTRA T°r•A•AS "Tit / /Bt.POB . iy —.51- • 41 I a LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain 15' Utility, Pedestrian, Emergency Vehicles Easement being a portion of Tract °A as shown on the plat of • Vlzcatran Gardens 1' as recorded in Plat Book 129 at Page 8J of the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW comer of said Tract "A ;.thence, along the Boundary Ilne of said Tract "A°I for the following described two (2) courses; 1) thence N O2°09'44" W for 82.08 feet 2) thence N 87°50'11 • E for 15.00. feet iA a point on a line parallel with and• 16 feet'east of, as measured at right angle, the westerly line of said Tract °A"; thence S 02°09'44" E, along the previously described line, for 76:57 feet to a point en the northerly'rlpht of -way line 'of SW 1st Avenue; thence S 67.43'41° W along the previously described Iine, for 16.97 feet to the Point of Beginning. • Said lands containing '1,190 square feet more or Tess. 9URVl;-'yOR'0 NOTES AND REPORT. —BEARING SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF ° VIZCATRAN GARDENS , PLAY BOOK 129 AT PAGE BS ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF S W ;IaE AVENUE WHICH BEARS N 67.4341n E. . ]T'IISISNOTABOUNDARYSURVEY- • THIS IS A SKETCH TO AOCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION. LEGEND: II =DENOTES MONUMENT -LINE R=DENOTES CENTER LINE .DENOTES PROPERTY LINE RIW =DENOTES RIGHTOFLVAY. ESMT.=DENOTES EASEMENT POO "UENOTES POINT OF COMM I4CEMENT POB 'DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING CO 0 0 0 4 City of Miami Master Report Resolution R-10-0571 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File ID #: 10-01205sc Enactment Date: 12/16/10 Version: 2 Controlling Office of the City Status: Passed Body: Clerk Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING FOR PUBLIC USE A STREET AND AN EASEMENT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SOUTHWEST 32ND ROAD AND SOUTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, WHICH STREET AND EASEMENT ABUT SOUTHWEST 22ND TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Reference: Name: St/Esmt Closure - NW Corner of SW 32 Rd & SW 1 Av Introduced: 10/7/10 Requester: Cost: $1,774.00 Final Action: 12/16/10 Board PZAB-R-10-054 Enactment Number: Notes: Board Enactment 11/17/10 Date: Sections: Indexes: Attachments: 10-01205sc Analysis.pdf, 10-01205sc Plat & Street Letter.pdf, 10-01205sc Public Works Analysis.pdf, 10-01205sc Mianu21 Map.pdf, 10-01205sc Zoning Map.pdf, 10-01205sc Aerial Map.pdf, 10-01205sc Fact Sheet PZAB 11-17-10.pdf, 10-01205sc Survey & Tentative Plat.pdf, 10-01205sc PZAB Reso.pdf, 10-01205sc Application & Supporting Docs.pdf, 10-01205sc CC Legislation (Version 2).pdf, 10-01205sc Exhibit A.pdf, 10-01205sc CC 12-16-10 Fact Sheet.pdf, 10-01205SC-Submittal-Photographs.pdf Action History Ver. Acting Body • Date Action Sent To Due Date Returned Result 1 Planning, Zoning and 11/17/10 Recommended Appeals Board Approval with Conditions 1 City of Miami Page I Printed on 9/28/2011 A motion was made by Patrick J. Goggins, seconded by Emest Martin, that this matter be Recommended Approval with Conditions. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 8 - Daniel Alexander Milian, Michael Schiff, Maria Beatriz Gutierrez, Charles Garavaglia, Patrick J. Goggins, Ernest Martin, Guillermo A. Revuelta and Janice I. Tarbert No: 1 - Ron Cordon Absent: 1 - Lazaro J. Lopez Vacant: 2 - **Vacancy Position and **Vacancy Position 2 Office of the City 12/2/10 Reviewed and Attorney Approved 2 City Commission 12/16/10 ADOPTED City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 9/28/2011 A motion was made by Frank Carollo, seconded by Francis Suarez, that this matter be ADOPTED. Chair Samoff: All right, PZ.4. Francisco Garcia (Director, Planning): Item PZ.4 is a resolution before you that seeks to close a street and an easement at northwest -- at -- the address approximately is northwest of Southwest 32nd Road and Southwest 1st Avenue, abutting Southwest 22nd Terrace. If I may make reference to the image that you see in your monitors, in order to clarify this item, which has led to some confusion in the past, we will say that the square, the red square that you see north of Southwest 22nd Terrace marked as A and the rectangular shape south of it, which is marked B, are the two -- one is an easement and the other one is a dedication that are sought to be closed off or done away with by this proposal. The result of this proposal, if approved by you, would be to undo portions of what was once a replatting of these two properties affected. And the intended result is to leave the two properties as they existed prior to the replat and allow them to remain whole as duplex residential lots. The only development that would be available for those two parcels, given their present zoning, would be duplex residential structures. And I would like to finally emphasize that Southwest 22nd Terrace, as it presently exists, would in no way be altered and would continue to function as it presently functions. That's all I have -- Vice Chair Carollo: So moved. Mr. Garcia: -- by way of presentation. Chair Samoff: All right, we have a motion by the Vice Chair, second -- Commissioner Dunn: Second. Chair Samoff: -- by -- Commissioner Suarez: Second. Chair Samoff: -- Commissioner Suarez. Public hearing. Anybody from the public wishing to be heard on PZ.4? Never snatch -- Vice Chair Carollo: Don't -- just -- Chair Samoff: Right. Vice Chair Carollo: -- let it be. Luis Herrera: My name is Luis Herrera, president of Vizcaya Homeowner Association. I come down to verify and specify because by the way be reading the paper they send it to the neighbor, they mention they going to close this street. I got some picture here for the record for the future. Never been used these two lot easement. They never been use. I want you to see the picture that I mark easement at the bottom. It's like that from 1985, I think. I can't remember exactly the year. Commissioner Gort: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it at one time, they wanted to have a building in there? Okay. Mr. Herrera: By that time you tried to get into -- running for Commissioner by that time. And these other pictures over here, you can see 1st Avenue, 32nd Road, the buses using 1st Avenue, and 32nd Terrace over here that's open, and you can see everyone. Commissioner Gort: Who owns this? Mr. Herrera: Do you see in the picture over there in the easement, in both easement, never been use, but it's exactly the way it is by 1985 or something like that. Now, we agree to give the people back the easement, the owner of the property, because in 1995, that's the settlement we have, to give it back the easement, so they can keep it, the City of Miami Page 3 • Printed on 9/28/2011 Aye: 5 - Marc David Sarnoff, Frank Carollo, Francis Suarez, Richard Dunn II and Wifrcdo (Willy) Gott 2 Office of the Mayor 12/22/10 Signed by the Mayor Office of the City Clerk 2 Office of the City Clerk 12/23/10 Signed and Attested by City Clerk City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 9/28/2011