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Date: 07/19/2011 Requesting Department: FIRE -RESCUE
Commission Meeting Date:M/43/a0n District Impacted: ALL
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance n Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Westnet First -In Fire Station Alerting System -Upgrades and Maintenance, Sole Source No. 10-11-033
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
A Resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachment(s), by a four -fifths (4/5ths), affirmative vote, pursuant to Section 18-
92(a)(1) and (3) of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), after an advertised public hearing, ratifying,
approving and confirming the City Manager's finding of a sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding
procedures and approving the purchase, from Westnet, Inc., of upgrades to the software currently used to activate the First -In Fire
Station Alerting System ("Alerting System") for all City of Miami ("City") fire stations, in an amount not to exceed $42,738.00 (as
shown in "Attachment no. 1"), upgrades to the Alerting System of Fire Station no. 3, in an amount not to exceed $69,084.00 (as shown
in "Attachment no. 2") and the purchase and installation of components to the Alerting System of Fire Station no. 1, in an amount not to
exceed $189,157.40 (as shown in "Attachment no. 3"), in an amount for all upgrades and installation of components not to exceed
$300,979.40, with a contingency reserve of $26,000, for a total amount of $326,979.40, allocating funds from Account Code (PTAEO):
P:40-B-72806, T:05, A:1105, E: Equipment, 0:181000; further authorizing the City Manager to execute a Services Agreement
("Agreement"), in substantially the attached form, with Westnet, inc., for the provision of on -site maintenance and toll -free technical
support for the First -In Fire Station Alerting System of all City of Miami fire -stations, for a total of five (5) years, payable in annual
installments*, in a total amount not to exceed $395,266.92, allocating funds from Account Code: 00001.186000.546000.0000.00000;
further authorizing the City Manager to extend the term of the Agreement for an additional five (5), one (1) year periods, subject to the
availability of funds and budgetary approval at the time of need, further authorizing a not to exceed repair contingency amount of
$10,000 per year, for five (5) years, for a total repair contingency reserve of $50,000, effective 01/01/12 to 12/31/16 to be utilized by the
Department of Fire -Rescue without further City Commission approval for repair services (not maintenance) to be performed by
Westnet, Inc., on an as needed basis, which are not covered under the Agreement, allocating funds for the first year from Account Code
(PTAEO): P:40-B-72806, T:05, A:1105, E: Equipment, 0:181000 and authorizing the allocation of funds for the remaining four (4)
years from the various sources of funds of the Department of Fire -Rescue subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval at
the time of need.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 00001.186000.546000.0000.00000
Special Revenue Account No: P:40-B-72806. T•:05. A:1105. E: Equipment. 0: 181000 j,$ r--3'rprovin61
CIPProjectNo: B72806 1+32.61-7a1,4o
NO is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds? .. to, coo
336, eri91. Rio
Start Up Capital Cost: $376,979.40 (Includes contingency of $26,000 + Repair Contingency of.$50,000: L► t p
``��jj 10,000/Year for 5 years)
Maintenance Cost: $395.266.92 .J/(*Year 1: $71,533.35;, Year 2: $75,110.02; Year 3: $78,865.52;
Year 4: $82,808.80; Year 5: $86,949.23)
Total Fiscal Impact: $772.246.32
Final Approvals
Budget\ S
If using or receiving capital funds /
Grants i Risk Management
Purchasing /946� Dept. Director
City Manager
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Background Information:
On July 20, 2000, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 00-605 as a sole source authorizing the
acquisition and installation of a First -In Fire Station Alerting System fronLWestnet, Inc., the sole source
provider, for an initial period of one (1) year, in a total contract amount not to exceed $30,000. This
alarm communication system was installed in only one Fire Station (Fire Station No. 3) for initial testing
to ensure that it met all necessary requirements and expectations of the Department of Fire -Rescue prior
to installation at the remaining fire stations.
The Westnet First -In Fire Station Alerting System proved to minimize emergency response time and
enhanced the firefighter's safe response within the fire station by means of a low level lighting system,
which reduced eyestrain and night blindness while permitting safe passage to the response vehicle. The
Westnet system is set by the firefighter to alert him/her only when the apparatus they are assigned to has
an alarm. This alert system further optimizes the response scenario by using audio and visual cues,
which decrease reaction time with a corresponding decrease response time. An additional benefit is that
the Westnet First -In Fire Station Alerting System is linked to the Commuter Aided Dispatch (CAD)
System, which automatically notifies the fire stations.
After successful implementation of the Westnet alarm system, the Department of Fire -Rescue received
on September 23, 2004, City Commission approval, pursuant to Resolution No. 04-0631, to acquire the
Westnet First -In Fire Station Alerting System to be installed through the remaining fire stations, in the
amount of $1,065,636.55, with a contingency reserve of $159,830.50, for a total contract amount not to
exceed $1,225,367.15.
During the Miami City Commission ("Commission") meeting of December 1,7, 2009, the Department of
Fire -Rescue ("Fire -Rescue) presented to the Commission a resolution, with attachments, to authorize the
City Manager to execute an amendment to the Agreement between the City and Westnet, Inc., for a
Maintenance Plan and Toll -Free Technical Support ("Total System Support") retroactively for years
2008 through 2011, in amount not to exceed $248,905 with Westnet, Inc., and further requested the
approval of a separate Total System Support, for an additional five (5) years (years 2012 through 2016)
in the total amount not to exceed $416,229.23. Pursuant to Resolution No. 09-0586, as amended, the
Commission oily authorized the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Agreement between the
City and Westnet, Inc., for Total System Support retroactively for years 2008 through 2011, in amount
not to exceed $248,905 with Westnet, Inc and requested Fire -Rescue to further negotiate the Total
System Support for the additional five (5) years (years 2012 through 2016) to obtain pricing closer to the
Total System Support for years 2008 through 2011.
Fire -Rescue has further negotiated the Total System Support for the next five (5) years (years 2012
through 2016) to bring an additional five -percent (5%) in savings, and is requesting Commission
approval to authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement for the new Total System Support
(years 2012 through 2016) in an amount not to exceed $395,266.92.
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Furthermore, approval of a repair contingency, without further City Commission approval, in the
amount $1.4 0kper year, for five (5) years, is being requested for repair services (not maintenance) to
be performed by Westnet, Inc., on an as needed basis, which are not covered under the Agreement for
Total System Support.
Additionally, Fire -Rescue is requesting Commission approval to procure, from Westnet, Inc., the
following additional goods/services:
1) Upgrades to the software currently used to activate the First -In Fire Station Alerting System
for all City of Miami fire stations, in an amount not to exceed $42,738.00.
The server software that is being used today is the original server software that was installed in
2004 for the original "test pilot" and became the production software when the remainder of the
Fire Stations had their systems installed and "went live." Since 2004 Westnet, Inc., has
improved the capabilities and functionality of their server software to further support alerting
functions at the Fire Stations. With the re-platforming of the Fire Computer Aided Dispatch
System (CAD) in August of 2008 Fire -Rescue can now take better advantage of the server
software improvements that Westnet, Inc., has incorporated and would like to take this
opportunity to upgrade and move to a new and improved server software that will operate on the
newer Windows Server Operating System(s).
2) Upgrades to the Fire Station Alerting System of Fire Station No. 3, in an amount not to exceed
Station 3 was the "test site" and as such is on an older hardware version. It was also never
included in the original maintenance contract. This installation will be a hardware upgrade that is
supported by the new Server Software (above) and will bring it up to the standard of the other
stations and allow Fire -Rescue to include it in the current and ongoing maintenance contracts.
3) Purchase and installation of components to the Fire Station Alerting System of Fire Station
No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $189,157.40
Fire Station 1 had a.minimal alerting installation because at the time (of installation) the sale of
the building was under consideration by the City. Now that Fire -Rescue will be maintaining the
station at its current location, Fire -Rescue would like to complete the installation of the Fire
Alerting System to bring Station 1 up to the standard of the other stations.
The amount for all upgrades and installation of components (listed above) is $300,979.40, with a
contingency reserve of $26,000, for a total amount of $326,979.40
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