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NIJ FY' 11 Paul Coverdell Grant Prgm.
}rants Management Handbook NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Pagel of Year Award Number Status Grant Manager Correspondence Action 2011 2011-CD-BX-0096 • Grantee Notified On 08/23/11 • _Awarded, But Not Yet Accepted Name: Spanbauer, Alan Phone:202 305-2436 Ext: 5-2436 Fax: Other: No Messages Compose message View Award Instructions Grant Monitoring Closeout ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/awards.do 8/25/201 From: donot-reply©ojp.usdoj.gov[mailto:donot-reply©ojp.usdoj.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 9:11 PM To: Blondet, Lillian; Blondet, Lillian Subject: GMS Award 2011-CD-BX-0096 Congratulations. You have been awarded a grant by the Office of Justice Programs at the Department of Justice. Accepting your award is a two step process. The first step is to designate a Financial Point of Contact (FPOC) for your award. To designate a FPOC please follow these steps: 1. Log into GMS. 2. Click the "Awards" link on the navigation bar on the left hand side. 3. Click the "View Award Instructions" link to the right of the award you want to accept. 4. A new page displays with this message near the top: "The FPOC designation must be submitted before the Award Package can be accessed." The page contains text boxes highlighted in light yellow to capture the FPOC registration information. a. If information for the FPOC of this award already exists in GMS, the first table entry will contain a box with the text "Available Financial Points of Contact." There is a box with a dropdown arrow to allow the selection of the FPOC. Select the name and click the "Load POC" box. GMS will populate the data entry fields with information from the user Profile. Click the button near the bottom of the page labeled "Submit." b. If the name of the FPOC is not one of the choices using the dropdown arrow, type the appropriate information in each of the fields. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Click the button near the bottom of the page labeled "Submit." The FPOC will receive an email requesting them to complete the FPOC registration. 5. Click "Yes" on the confirmation page. 6. You are allowed to assign more than one FPOC to each award. You are able to change the FPOC under the "Manage Users" link on the GMS home page. NOTE: If you come to the Financial Point of Contact designation screen and the information in the fields are already grayed out and no "Submit" button is available, then the Financial Point of Contact has already been chosen. You will have to accept your award and await confirmation before you can change this designation. If, at that time, you need instructions on how to proceed, you can review the "Creating a Financial Point of Contact instructions" or contact the GMS Helpdesk for assistance. The second step is to click on the "Award Document" link and download the award documents. If you choose to accept the award and ALL the special conditions, please: 1. Print the Award Document and Special Conditions. 2. Have the Award Document signed by the Authorized Grantee Official (Note: In Box 18 of the Award Document, the name and the title of the authorized grantee official are preprinted. The person named as the official in Box 18 should sign the Award Document in Box 19 and enter the signature date in Box 19A). 3. Have the Authorized Grantee Official initial the bottom right corner of each page listing any Special Conditions of the Award Document. 4. Return BOTH the Award Document and the Special Conditions pages to the Office of Justice Programs, Control Desk by email to acceptance@usdoj.gov or by fax to (toll free) 1-866-388-3055 or (local) 202-354-4081. Select only ONE of these submission options to avoid duplicate submissions. If you choose not to accept the award, or if you do not agree with the terms/conditions of the award and would like to discuss options, then please contact your OJP program manager, Alan Spanbauer at (202) 305-2436. If the Authorized Grantee Official named on the Award Document is no longer authorized to accept this award on behalf of your organization, do not alter the pre-printed name in box 18. Please go to the Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) link and request an adjustment to the name of the authorized official. This GAN must be approved before you can accept the award. Once the GAN to change the name of the authorizing official has been approved, you should: 1. Print the approved GAN; 2. Print the original award document; 3. Have the new approving official sign the acceptance next to the former official's name and initial the special conditions page(s); 4. Email or fax the signed acceptance, special conditions, and the approved GAN to the Control Desk as noted above in #4; if you have programmatic questions, contact Alan Spanbauer at (202) 305-2436. For financial questions, contact ()CFO 2 Customer Service at 1-800-458-0786. For questions about retrieving or printing these documents, designating a Financial Point of Contact, or creating a Grant Adjustment, please contact the GMS Help Desk at 1-888-549-9901 option #3 or email them at gms.helpdesk@usdoj.gov. Web link to GMS: https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov Please follow these links to access important OJP instructions: Creating a financial point of contact instructions: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/funding/pdfs/fsr user manual.pdf Post Award Instructions: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/funding/pdfs/post award instructions.pdf OJP Financial Guide: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/financialguide/ Please do not reply to this message. You can contact your program manager Alan Spanbauer at (202) 305-2436. 3 assigning FPOC Page 1 of NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-CD-BX-0096 Award Financial Status Reports Semi -Annual Progress Reports Correspondence Award Handbook The FPOC designation must be submitted before the Award Package can be accessed. Financial Point of Contact Designation Award Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Award Home Log Off Please select an existing Point of Contact (POC) to serve as the Financial Point of Contact (FPOC) for this award. Alternately, you may designate a new FPOC by entering their information in the form below. Once you submit the FPOC information, an email notification will be sent to the designating FPOC to complete the registration process. Financial Point of Contacts IMustafa, Patricia ad PO Prefix: I M.s. Prefix (Other): I *FPOC First Name: 'Patricia FPOC Middle Initial: *FPOC Last Name: 'Mustafa Suffix: ' -- Not Selected -- Suffix (Other): Title: 'Fiscal Assistant Address Line 1: 'Business Management Section, Budget Unit Address Line 2: 1400 NW 2 Avenue, 4th Floor City 'Miarni County: 'Miami -Dade State: I Florida Zip Code: 133128 : - 11786 Zip+4 Lookup Phone Number: I305-603-6192 : Ext: Fax Number: I305-579-6634 *FPOC E-mail Address: Email Help IPatricia.Mustafala)miami-police.org *Confirm FPOC E-mail Address: 'Patricia.Mustafa@miami-police.org ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/loadFPOCDesignationAction.st 8/26/201 sward Instructions Page 1 of Award Financial Status Reports Award Handbook Financial Point of Contact Designation Award Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Award Home Log Off NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-CD-BX-0096 Semi -Annual Progress Reports Award Instructions Correspondence The FPOC designation must be submitted before the Award Package can be accessed. To submit the FPOC Designation, please select the Financial Point of Contact Designation link. Please follow these links to access important OJP instructions 1. OJP Financial Guide 2. OJP Post Award Instructions Supplement Number Award Package 00 Award Document ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/analnstructions.st 8/26/201 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice Washington, D.C. 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Alan Spanbauer, Program Manager Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Miami The recipient agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable to the development and implementation of the activities to be funded under this award. Categorical Exclusion: Based upon the information provided by the recipient in its application for these funds, NU has determined and the recipient understands that the proposed activities meet the definition of a categorical exclusion, as defined in the Depai intent of Justice Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61 (including Appendix D). A categorical exclusion is an action that because of the proposed activities' very limited and predictable potential environmental impacts, both on an individual and a cumulative basis, does not have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. Consequently, no further environmental impact analysis is necessary under the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for these categorically excluded activities. Modifications: Throughout the term of this award, the recipient agrees that for any activities that are the subject of this categorical exclusion, it will inform NIJ of-- (1) any change(s) that it is considering making to the previously assessed activities that may be relevant to the environmental impacts of the activities; or (2) any proposed new activities or changed circumstances that may require assessment as to environmental impact, such as new activities that involve the use of chemicals or involve construction or major renovation. The recipient will not implement a proposed change or new activity until NIJ, with the assistance of the recipient, has completed any applicable environmental impact review requirements necessitated by the proposed change or new activity (or changed circumstances) and NIJ has concurred in the proposed change or new activity. This approval will not be unreasonably withheld as long as any requested modification(s) is consistent with eligible program purposes and found acceptable under an NIJ-conducted environmental impact review process. Office of Justice Programs I Financial Guide Page 1 of 2 OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS t7.S. DEFART,EN.T O.F JUSTICE SEANCH W innovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods OJP HOME I ABOUT 1 NEWSROOM 1 FUNDING 1 FOR CONGRESS I TRAINING & TA I CONTACT US OJP TOPICS American Indian & Alaska Native Affairs Corrections Courts Juvenile justice Law Enforcement Research, Statistics & Evaluation Substance Abuse & Crime Technology to Fight Crime Victims of Crtme 2011 Financial Guide General Preaward Postaward Organization Information Requirements Requirements Structure Foreword Table of Contents Top 10 Topics View Financial Guide in PDF format 11.34 Mbl TOC 1 Contacts 1 Guide Home Appendices Welcome to the 2011 OCFO Financial Guide We hope you find this guide useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the OCFO Customer Service Center. Foreword The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides Federal leadership in developing the nation's capacity to prevent and control crime, administer justice, and assist crime victims. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) provides policy guidance, financial control, and support services to OJP's Program Offices and Bureaus in the areas of grants, accounting, and financial management. The OCFO also provides technical assistance and training to OJP grantees in our grants financial management seminars. The OJP Financial Guide serves as the primary reference manual to assist award recipients in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to safeguard grant funds and ensure funds are used for the purposes for which they were awarded. It compiles a variety of laws, rules and regulations that affect the financial and administrative management of your award. We have provided the references to the underlying laws and regulations as much as possible. The Guide should be the starting point for all recipients and subrecipients in ensuring the effective day to day management of your awards. The provisions of the Guide apply to Department of Justice awards. For additional information on grants management, please visit the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Web site at htto://www.whitehouse.00v/omb/circulars default to obtain copies of current circulars. The Government Printing Office also maintains electronic copies of the Code of Federal Regulations at http://www.000.00v/fdsys/browse/coilectionCfr.action? collectionCode=CFR and e-CFR at htto://ecfr.opoaccess.0ov/c0i/Utext/text-idx? c=ecfr&tpl=%2Flndex.tol. The OCFO also conducts financial monitoring of recipients through site visits and desk reviews. The purpose of financial monitoring is to review compliance with the regulations compiled in the Guide and to provide training and technical assistance as appropriate. We are pleased to respond to any questions not covered by this Guide and welcome suggestions to improve the utility of the Guide and its content. Please feel free to contact the OCFO's Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 with any financial management questions or suggested revisions. In addition, questions and comments can also be directed to the OCFO via e-mail at ask.ocfo aeusdoi.gov. Leigh Benda Chief Financial Officer Bureaus and Offices • Bureau of Justice Assistance • Office for Victims of Crime Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street, NW Washington, DC 20531 http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/financialguide/ • DOJ Home • Archives 8/25/2011 acceptance Instructions Page 1 of NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-CO-BX-0096 Award Financial Status Reports Award Handbook Financial Point of Contact Designation Award Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Award Home Log Off Semi -Annual Progress Reports Acceptance Instructions Correspondence Congratulations. You have been awarded a grant by the Office of Justice Programs of the Department of Justice. Accepting your award is a two step process. The first step is to designate a Financial Point of Contact (FPOC) for your award. To designate a FPOC please follow these steps: 1. Log into GMS. 2. Click the "Awards" link on the navigation bar on the left hand side. 3. Click the "View Award Instructions" link to the right of the award you want to accept. 4. A new page displays with this message near the top: "The FPOC designation must be submitted before the Award Package can be accessed." The page contains text boxes highlighted in yellow to capture the FPOC registration information. a. If information for the FPOC of this award already exists in GMS, the first table entry will contain a box with the text "Available Financial Points of Contact". There is a box with a dropdown arrow to allow the selection of the FPOC. Select the name and click the "Load POC" box. GMS will populate the data entry fields with information from the user Profile. Click the button near the bottom of the page labeled "Submit". b. If the name of the FPOC is not one of the choices using the dropdown arrow, type the appropriate information in each of the fields. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Click the button near the bottom of the page labeled "Submit".. The FPOC will receive an email requesting them to complete the FPOC registration. 5. Click "Yes" on the confirmation page. 6: You are allowed to assign more than one FPOC to each award. You are able to change the FPOC under the "Manage Users" link on the GMS home page. NOTE: If you come to the Financial Point of Contact designation screen, and the information in the fields is already grayed out, and no "Submit" button is available, then the Financial Point of Contact has already been chosen. You will have to accept your award and await confirmation, before you can change this designation. If, at that time, you need instructions on how to proceed, you can review the "Creating a financial point of contact instructions" or contact the GMS Helpdesk for assistance. The second step is to click on the "Award Document" link and download the award documents. If you choose to accept the award and ALL the special conditions, please 1. Print the Award Document and Special Conditions. 2. Have the Award Document signed by the Authorized Grantee Official. (Note: In Box 18 of the Award Document, the name and the title of the authorized grantee official is preprinted. The person named as the official in Box 18 should sign the Award. Document in Box.19 and enter.the signature date in Box.19A.) 3 Have the Authorized Grantee Official initial the bottom right corner of each page listing any Special Conditions of the Award Document. 4. Return BOTH the Award Document and the Special Conditions pages to the Office of Justice Programs, Control Desk by email to acceptance@usdoj.gov or by fax to (toll free) 1-866-388-3055 or (local) 202-354-4081. Select only one of these ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/anaAcceptance.st 8/25/201 acceptance Instructions Page 2 of submission options to avoid duplicate submissions. If you choose not to accept the award, OR if you do not agree with the terms/conditions of the award and would like to discuss options, then please contact your OJP program manager, Alan Spanbauer at (202) 305-2436. If the Authorized Grantee Official named on the Award Document is no longer authorized to accept this award on behalf of your organization, do not alter the pre-printed name in box 18. Please go to the Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) link and request an adjustment to the name of the authorized official. This GAN must be approved before you can accept the award. Once the GAN to change the name of the authorizing official has been approved, you should: • print the approved GAN; • print the original award document; • have the new approving official sign the acceptance next to the former official's name and initial the special conditions page(s); • email or fax the signed acceptance, special conditions, and the approved GAN to the Control Desk as noted above in #4; If you have programmatic questions contact Alan Spanbauer, at (202) 305-2436. For financial questions contact OCFO Customer Service at 1-800-458-0786. For questions about retrieving or printing these documents, designating a Financial Point of Contact, or creating a Grant Adjustment, please contact the GMS Help Desk at 1-888-549-9901 option#3 or email them at gms.helpdesk@usdoj.gov. ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/anaAcceptance.st 8/25/201 ACH Financial Instructions Page 1 of Award Award Handbook NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-co-Bx-oo96 Financial Status Reports Financial Point of Contact Designation Award Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Award Horne Log Off Semi -Annual Progress Reports Correspondence ACH Financial Information In accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, payments by the Office of Justice Programs, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, are electronically deposited to recipient accounts by the US Treasury through the Automated Clearing House (ACH). The Automated Clearing House (ACH) enrollment form below will be used to establish Direct Deposit with the preferred financial institution used by your organization. Since you have accepted the terms and conditions specified in your award, you can now begin the ACH enrollment process. Please type .in the required information in the ACH form, print it, and take it to the financial institution used by your organization. Please note that all grantees are required to follow this procedure, whether or not your ACH form is currently on file with OJP. • You will not be able to save this form, so please print it out once you have completed it. You will also not be able to retrieve the information you typed in about your bank, so please print out this form as soon as you have finished filling it out. Have the financial institution fill -out the last section and send via overnight courier the ORIGINAL of the ACH form to: Office of Justice Programs Office of the Chief Financial Officer Attn: Control Desk - ACH -810 Seventh Street, NW - 5th Floor Washington, DC 20531 If the information on the pre -populated ACH form is incorrect, please contact your program manager Alan Spanbauer, at (202) 305-2436. If you have questions concerning current banking information, please contact the OCFO Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (press 2) or at ask.ocfo@ojp.usdoj.gov. You should also contact the OCFO Customer Service center to verify changes to your ACH Information. Fill out ACH Form Print Blank ACH Form ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/anaAchStatus.st 8/25/201 ACH Financial Information Page 1 of NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-CD-BX-0096 Award Financial Status Reports Semi -Annual Progress Reports Correspondence Award Handbook ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous-PaymentEnrollment Form Financial Point of Contact Please provide the following financial institution information. All of this information is Designation required to transfer funds to your jurisdiction's account electronically. Award Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Award Home Log Off Federal Program Agency Agency Identifier OJP Address Agency Information OJP Grant Number 2011-CD-BX-0096 Agency Location Code (ALC) OJP Contact Person Name Telephone Number Payee/Company Information Name OJP Vendor Number City of Miami 596000407 Address 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Contact Person Name Ms. Lillian Blondet Telephone Number (305) 416-1536 • Financial Institution Information *Mandatory fields *Name: *Address Line 1: 1 Address Line 2: *City: 1 *State: Alabama *Zip: • -Zip 4:► *ACH Coordinator Name *Phone I *Routing Number: *Depositor, Account Title: *Depositor Account Number: *Account Type: Savings ( Checking C Lockbox r Lockbox Number: ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/loadAchForm.st 8/25/201 NCH Financial Information Page 2 of *Telephone Number of Authorized Official: Pnnt1 ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/IoadAchForm.st 8/25/201 ACH VENDOR/MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENT ENROLLMENT FORM OMB No. 1510-0056 This form is for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments with an addendum record that contains payment -related information processed through the Vendor Express Program. Recipients of these payments should bring this information to the attention of their financial institution when presenting this for for completion. 1, PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The following information is provided to comply with the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579). All information collected on this form is equired under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 3322 and 31 CFR210. This information will be used by the Treasury Department to ransmit payment data, by electric means to vendor's financial institution. Failure to provide the requested information may delay or revent the receipt of payments through the Automated Clearing House Payment System. AGENCY INFORMATION FEDERAL PROGRAM AGENCY Office ofJustice Programs 1-OJP Grant Number/s: AGENCY IDENTIFIER OJP AGENCY LOCATION CODE (ALC): 15-04-0001 ADDRESS 810 Seventh Street, NW Attn: Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Control Desk Washington D.C. 20531 CONTACT PERSON NAME Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Customer Service Center TELEPHONE NUMBER (800) 458-0786 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PAYEE/COMPANY INFORMATION NAME: "OJP Vendor Number: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON NAME: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION NAME: ADDRESS: ACH COORDINATOR NAME: TELEPHONE NUMBER: NINE -DIGIT ROUTING TRANSIT NUMBER: DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT TITLE: DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT NUMBER: LOCKBOX NUMBER: TYPE OF ACCOUNT: l I CHECKING S SAVINGS PI LOCKBOX SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL: (Could be the same as ACH Coordinator) TELEPHONE NUMBER: NSN 7540-01-274-9925 388110: AGENCY COPY Sl-3051 (liev. 1ZOU) Prescribed by Department of Treasury tDepartment of Justice o� t Office of Justice Programs 'M National Institute of Justice Grant PAGE 1 OF 6 I. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (including Zip Code) City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 4. AWARD NUMBER: 2011-CD-BX-0096 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2011 TO 09/30/2012 BUDGET PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2011 TO 09/30/2012 6. AWARD DATE 08/23/2011 7. ACTION Initial IA. GRANTEE IRSNENDOR NO. 596000407 8. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 00 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT $ 0 3. PROJECT TITLE Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $175,000 11. TOTAL AWARD $ 175,000 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S). 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This project is supported under FYI I (NU - Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement) 42 USC 3797j-3797o; 28 USC 530C 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT GPRS - - .. AGENCY APPROVAL _ i GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL Laurie Robinson Assistant Attorney General 18. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Lillian Blondet Interim Director, Grants Administration 17. SIGNATURE�OF APPROVING�OFFICIAL v 6'� 19. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OFFICIAL 19A. DATE ;., , >, :. ; ...; , : AGENCY USE ONLY % r .._ 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES FISCAL FUND BUD. DIV. YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. REG. SUB. POMS AMOUNT X B CD 60 00 00 175000 • 21. KCDSGT0057 OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) irant Adjustments - All Active GANs Page 1 of All Active Change Requested Approved Denied Draft Create Grant Adjustment ielp/Frequently Asked )uestions 1'MS Home .oq Off Grant Adjustments - All Active GANs ID GAN Type Multiple Awards Program Office Status Award Number Project Title Date Submitted 263280 Sign Official No NIJ • Submitted 2011-CD-BX-0096 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 08/26/2011 R Recovery Act ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/gan/signOfficialGAN.st 8/26/201 'hange Grantee Authorized Signing Official GAN Page 1 of US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS GRANT ADJUSTMENT NOTICE Grantee Information - Grantee Name: City of Miami Project Period: 10/01/2011 09/30/2012 Grantee Address: 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, 33133 Program Office: NIJ Grantee DUNS 04-070-3220 Grant Manager: Alan Spanbauer Number: Grantee EIN: Vendor #: Project Title: 59-6000375 596000407 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Application Number(s): 201 Award Number: 201 Award Amount: $0.0 Change Grantee Authorized Signing Official Specific documentation is required for changes to a Grantee Authorized Signing Official. Docume the legal document that effected the change or a letter noting the official change authenticated ( proper official of the state having jurisdiction. Documentation must be electronically attached. If attach the documentation, please contact your Grant Manager. Current Authorized Signing Official Prefix Prefix (Other) First Name Middle Initial Last Name Suffix Suffix (Other) Title Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip Phone Fax Email Ms. Lillian Blondet Interim Director, Grants Administration 3500 Pan American Drive Miami Florida 33133 - (305) 416-1536 Ext (305) 416-2151 Iblondet@miamigov.com New Authorized Signing Official * Prefix Prefix (Other) *First Name Middle Initial *Last Name Suffix Suffix (Other) *Title *Address Line 1 Address Line 2 *City *State *Zip *Phone Fax *Email M r. Johnny Martinez City Manager • MRC Building 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami Florida 33130 - 1910 (305) 416-1025 Ext (305) 416-1019 johnnymartinez@miamigov.com *Required Justification for Change Grantee Authorized Signing Official The City Manager is the authorized individual to enter into an agreement/contract accepting an award for the City of Miami. Ms. Blondet is authorized to sign on an application. Thank you! 111 ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/gan/signOfficialGAN.st 8/26/201 ;hange Grantee Authorized Signing Official GAN Page 2 of Attachments: Filename: User: Timestamp: CITY MANAGER AWARD ACCEPTANCE.pdf miamipd 08/26/2011 3:49 PM . Paint Audit Trail: Description: Role: User: Timestamp: Submitted PO - Grant Manager miamipd 08/26/2011 3:50 PM ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/gan/signOfficialGAN.st 8/26/201 etails Page 1 of lame: Martinez, Johnny itle: City Manager iepartment: City Manager iivision: section: ocation: MRC loor: 10 Office Cubicle: 1025 ,ddress: 444 S.W. 2nd Ave. Miami , FL 33130-1910 City of Miami Employee Directory Detailed Information New Search Phone: (305)416-1025 Extension: Intercom #: Fax: (305)416-1019 Cellular: ()_ Email: johnnymartinez 61miamigov.com Comment: PC ID: R10L9357, DK2D9725 CLIENT ID: JOHNNYMARTINEZ System: Norte) Option 61c PBX TN: Type Phone: M3904 Last Revision: 6/22/2011 To change, add or remove any information click here ttp://citynet/phones/details.aspx?ID=7871 8/26/201 Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PAGE 2 OF 6 PROJECT NUMBER 2011-CD-BX-0096 AWARD DATE 08/23/2011 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non -Profit Organizations, and further understands and agrees that funds may be withheld, or other related requirements may be imposed, if outstanding audit issues (if any) from OMB Circular A-133 audits (and any other audits of OJP grant funds) are not satisfactorily and promptly addressed, as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide. 4. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, without the express prior written approval of OJP. 5. The recipient must promptly refer to the DOJ OIG any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, contractor, subgrantee, subcontractor, or other person has either 1) submitted a false claim for grant funds under the False Claims Act; or 2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct involving grant funds. This condition also applies to any subrecipients. Potential fraud, waste, abuse; or misconduct should be reported to the OIG by - mail: Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice - - Investigations Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Room 4706 Washington, DC 20530 e-mail: oig.hotline@usdoj.gov hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish): (800) 869-4499 or hotline fax: (202) 616-9881 Additional information is available from the DOJ OIG website at www.usdoj.gov/oig. 6. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of any contract or subaward to either the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries, without the express prior written approval of OJP. 7. The recipient agrees to comply with any additional requirements that may be imposed during the grant performance period if the agency determines that the recipient is a high -risk grantee. Cf. 28 C.F.R. parts 66, 70. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) IVIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 1 of 1 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-CD Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off Correspondence Overview Switch to ... This handbook allows you to complete the application process for applying to i Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program. At the end of the application process you will have the opportunity to view and print the SF-424 form. *Type of Submission Application Non -Construction *Type of Application New If Revision,select appropriate option If Other, specify *Is application subject to review by state executive order 12372 process? N/A Program has not been selected by state for review ontinu https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/application.do?aspect=Application&applicationlD=213708 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-CD Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked questions GMS Home Loq Off Correspondence Applicant Information Switch to ... Page 1 of 2 *Is the applicant delinquent on any federal debt No *Employer Identification Number (EIN) 59-6000375 *Type of Applicant Municipal Type of Applicant (other): *Organizational Unit Miami Police Department *Legal Name (Legal Jurisdiction Name) City of Miami *Vendor Address 1 444 SW 2nd Avenue Vendor Address 2 *Vendor City Miami Vendor County/Parish *Vendor State Florida *Vendor ZIP 33130-1910 Point of Contact Information for matters involving this application Contact Prefix: Ms. Contact Prefix (Other): Contact First Name: Lillian Contact Middle Initial: Cotnact Last Name: Blondet Contact Suffix: Contact Suffix (Other): Contact Title: Interim Director, Grants Administration Contact Address. Line 1: 400 NW 2 Avenue Contact Address Line 2: Contact City: Miami Contact State: Florida Contact Zip Code: 33130-1910 https://grants.ojp.usdoj . gov/gmsexternal/applicantInformation.do 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 2 of 2 Contact Phone Number: (305) 416-1536 Contact Fax Number: (305) 416-2151 Contact E-mail Address: Iblondet@miamigov.com Cont nue https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/applicantlnformation.do 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 1 of 1 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-CD Application Application Handbook Ove rview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Loci Off Correspondence Project Information Switch to ... Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Areas Affected by Project City of Miami Proposed Project *Start Date October/ 01/ 2011 *End Date September/ 30/ 2012 *Congressional Districts of Project Congressional District 18, FL *Estimated Funding Federal $175000.00 Applicant $0.00 State $0.00 Local $0.00 Other $0.00 Program Income $0,00 TOTAL $175000.00 ontm https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/projectlnformation.do 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 1 of 1 NUJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-Ca Application Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Log Off Correspondence 'Switch to ... Budget and Program Attachments This form allows you to upload the Budget Detail Worksheet, Program Narrative and other Program attachments. Click the Attach button to continue. Coverdel12011. pdf 'Con#roue41, Your files have been successfully attached, but the application has not been submitted to O]P. Please continue with your application. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsextemal/budget.do 8/26/2011 99000 70000 60000 80000 40000 30000 20000 10o00 0 ryf i z Frf Srtlf- lM�nieKu Rik rMi n iFt•IE.454a4.- • itid})' tit 9.S L�iya AGM o:. 1972 1973 1974 975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1993 1984 1985 1986 1987 989 1989 1990 991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1938 Part I Crimes: 25,761 in 2009 Part 1 Crimes: 26,097 in 2010. 336 more Part I Crimes reported {1% increase) Third lowest reported total In modern computerized record keeping 1999 8008 2001 200Z 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2009 2010 FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science improvement Grants Program Attachment: External Investigations The "Certification as to External Investigations° that Is submitted on behalf of the applicant agency as part of this application certifies that- A govemment entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially ' affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system; medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the state that will receive a portion of the grant amount • • Prior to receiving funds, the applicant' agency (that is, the agency applying directing to the National Institute of Justice) must provide —for each forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility that will receive a portion of the grant amount —the tame of the °government entity" (or entities) that forms the basis for the certification. Please use the template below to provide this information. (Applicants may adapt this template If necessary, but should ensure that the adapted document provides all required information.) • • IMPORTANT NOTE: If necessary for accuracy, list more than one entity with respect to each intended recipient of a portion of the grant amount. For example, if no single entity has an appropriate process in place with respect to allegations of serious negligence as well as serious misconduct, it will be necessary • to list more than one entity. Similarly, if no single entity has an appropriate process in place with respect to allegations concerning contractors as well as employees, It will be necessary to llstmore than one entity. Additional guidance regarding the °Certification as to 13ctemal, investigations' appears in the °EiigibiliV section of the program announcement for the FY 2011 Coyerdell program.' ' Name of Applicant Agency (including Name of State or Unit of Local Government): • Date; c{ f ti Name of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coronar's office, law • enforcement storage facility, or medical facility that will receive a portion of the grant amount 1. 2. Existing government entity (entities) with an appropriate process in place to conduct independent external investigations r*C) iflrn r— tJ0m, GackYki lC- 35 1 FY 2011 External Investigations Attachment (continued) • Name of Applicant Agency: OA 0)1m 1 • 3. 4-P 4. INDIRECT COST RATE AGREEMENT • The rate(s) approved in this Agreement is for use on grants, contracts, and other agreements with the Federal Government to which OMB Circular No. A-87 applies, subject to the conditions in Section II, A, below. The Local Governmental Unit negotiated the rate(s) with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in accordance with the authority contained in Attachment A, Section E.2 (a), of the Circular. SECTION I: RATES TYPE FROM TO RATE LOCATION APPLICABLE TO INDIRECT COST: Fixed. 10/01/10 09/30/11 20.0 % A11 All Federal Programs Simplified Method A. LIMITATIONS: Use of the rate(s) contained in the Agreement is subject to all statutory or administrative limitations and is applicable to a given grant or contract only to the extent that funds are available. Acceptance of the rate(s) agreed to herein is predicated upon the following conditions: The rate(s) cited in this Agreement is subject to audit. The difference between the estimated costs and the actual costs of this period coveted by the rate(s) will be carried forward as an adjustment to the rate(s) computation of a subsequent period. ' (1) No costs other than those incurred by the grantee/contractor or allocated to the grantee/contractor via an approved central service cost allocation plan were included in its indirect cost pool as finally accepted and that such incurred costs are legal obligations of the grantee/ contractor.snd allowable under the governing cost principles. (2) The same costs that'have been charged as indirect costs have not been claimed as direct costs, (3) Similar types of costs have been accorded consistent treatment. (4) The information provided by fhe grantee/contractor, which was used as abasis for acceptRnce of the rate(s) agreed to herein, is not subsequently found to be materially inaccurate. B. CHANGES: The grantee/contractor is required to provide written notification to the indirect cost negotiator prior to implementing any changes which could affect the applicability of the approved. rates. Changes in the indirect cost recovery plan, which may result from changes such as the method of accounting or organizational structure, require the prior written approval of the Director of Planning and Community Development, Miarni, Florida. Failure to obtain such prior written approval may result in cost disallowance. C. NOTIFICATION TO FEDERAL AGENCIES: A copy of this document is to be provided by this organization to other Federal funding sources as a means of notifying them of the Agreement contained herein. D. SPECIAL REMARKS: 1. Indirect costs charged to Federal grants/contracts by means other than the rate(s) cited. in this Agreement should be adjusted to the applicable rate(s) cited herein and be applied to the appropriate base to identify the proper amount of indirect costs allocable to the program- 2. Indirect costs allocable to aparticular award or other cost objective may not be shifted to other Federal awards to overcome funding deficiencies, or to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of the award. ACCEPTANCE By the Cognizant Agency on Behalf of The Federal Governrnent: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Name: Maria R. Ortiz Title: Director, Community Planning and Development, Miami, Florida Signature: 6:7-Date:. %/ - J 9 —10 By the Organization: City of Miami, State of Florida Naive: Title: Signature: Date: ,/ 3//J U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE • FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program ' Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories— . Application from a Unit of Local Government • On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the fotidwing to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: This unit of local .government has developed a plan for forensic science laboratories under a program intended to Improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided by the laboratories operated by the applicant.uriit of local goverment and any other government operated •laboratories within the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount. • acknowledge that a false statement In this certification or In the grant application that it • supports' may be subject to criminal prosecution, Including under 15 U.S.C. § 1 001 and 42 . U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants; Including certifications•provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs andlor by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to rnake this Certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency ap yi directly to the National Institute of Justice).• • • Sig r a of.Certifying Offici- rinted Name of CertiflitOfficiai CAt of s.ct n-1 'tor Tide of Certifying Official • • L. ) • C*N e-C'1,4m/+ . Name df pllcant Agency (Including Name of Unit of Local Govemment) 20 Date 1 30 • Is • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to Generally Accepted Laboratory Practices and Procedures • On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: Any forensic science laboratory system, medical examiner's office, or coroner's office in the State, including any laboratory operated by a unit of local government within the State, that will receive any portion of the grant amount uses generally accepted laboratory practices and procedures, established by accrediting organizations or appropriate certifying bodies. • I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or In the grant application that It supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, Including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by'the Department of Justice's Office of the inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). • Printed Name of Certifying Official . l&T C� ass .�15tC i� Title of Certifying Official . • Name of'Appllcant Agency (Including Name of State or Unit of Local Government) Date 31 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS • NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE. FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program •.Certification as to Use of Funds for New Facilities On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of, Justice: . The amount of the grant (if any) used for the costs of any new facility or facilities to be constructed as part of a program to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services will not exceed the limitations set forth at 42 U.S.C. § 3797rn(c) and summarized in the FY 2011 Coverdeil Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Announcement. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that It supports may be subject to criminal.prosecution, Including under 18 U.S.G: § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. l also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided In connection with such grants, are subject.to review by the Office of ' Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office.of the Inspector General. • • I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). • • Sig atur - of Certifying • rcaal t.l�J . Printed Name of Certifying Official . ---V1c:=Ifir C-C' ..e-C 04-'' -1--'-(1- Ve&::5*FN-). • Title of Certifying Official . C' ..`.. Name oD ppllcant Agency (Including Name of State or Unit of Local Government) 32 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to. External Investigations On behalf of the applicant agency named below, certify the following to the National Insfitute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: A government entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent extemal.investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical . facility in the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount I personally read and reviewed the section entitled °Eligibility" In the Fiscal Year 2011 program announcement for the Coverdell Forensic Science improvement Grants Program. I acknowledge that a false statement In this certification or in the grant • application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under'18 U.S.C. § 1001.and 42 U.S.C.§ 3795a. i also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such brants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. 1 h authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that Is, the agency ap lyi directly to the- l tional institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Otiai Printed Name of Certifying Official • Title of Certifying Official \ • Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of State orUntt of Local Government) • ZED Date 33 1IJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvemenf`Grants Program Page 1 of NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011- 91613-FL-CD - Application 4pplication Handbook Overview Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application ielp/Frequently Asked )uestions ;MS Home .og Off Correspondence I Switch to ... Assurances and Certifications To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this application/preapplication is true and correct, the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. Your typed name, in lieu of your signature represents your legal binding acceptance of the terms of this application and your statement of the veracity of the representations made in this application. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the following: 1. Assurances 2. Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug -Free Workplace requirements. If you are an applicant for any Violence Against Women grants, this includes the Certification of Compliance with the Statutory Eligibility Requirements of the Violence Against Women Act. *Prefix Ms. Name Prefix:(Other) *First Name Lillian Middle Initial (if any) *Last Name Blondet Suffix Name Suffix:(Other) *Title Interim Director, Grants Administration *Address Line 1 3500 Pan American Drive Address Line 2 *City Miami County *State Florida *Zip Code 33133- *Phone 305-416-1536 Ext : Fax 305-416-2151 *E-rnail Iblondet@miamigov.com F. I have examined the information provided here regarding the signing authority and certify it is accurate. I am the signing authority, or have been delegated or designated formally as the signing authority by the appropriate authority of official, to provide the information requested throughout this application system on behalf of this jurisdiction. Information regarding the signing authority, or the delegation of such authority, has been placed in a file and is available on -site for immediate review. Continue ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/applicationAssurance.do 8/26/201 Assurances STANDARD ASSURANCES Page 1 of 1 OMB APPROVAL NUMBER 1121-0140 EXPIRES 12/31/2012 The Applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements, including OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-102, A-110, A-122, A-133; Ex. Order 12372 (intergovernmental review of federal programs); and 28 C.F.R. pts. 66 or 70 (administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements). The applicant also specifically assures and certifies that: 1. It has the legal authority to apply for federal assistance and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay any required non-federal share of project cost) to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. 2. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain. 3. It will give he awarding agency or the General Accounting Office, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all paper or electronic records related to the financial assistance. '4. It will comply with all lawful requirements imposed by the awarding agency, specifically including any applicable regulations, such as 28 C.F.R. pts. 18, 22, 23, 30, 35, 38, 42, 61, and 63, and the award term in 2 C.F.R. § 175.15(b). 5. It will assist the awarding agency (if necessary) in assuring compliance with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. § 470), Ex. Order 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), the Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. § 469 a-1 et seq.), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. § 4321). 6. It will comply (and will require any subgrantees or contractors to comply) with any applicable statutorily -imposed nondiscrimination requirements, which may include the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 3789d); the Victims of Crime Act (42 U.S.C. § 10604(e)); The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. § 5672(b)); the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d); the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 7 94); the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12131-34); the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§1681, 1683, 1685-86); and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-07); see Ex. Order 13279 (equal protection of the laws for faith -based and community organizations). 7. If a governmental entity: a. it will comply with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. § 4601 et seq.), which govern the treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal and federally -assisted programs; and b. it will comply with requirements of 5 U.S.C. §§ 1501-08 and §§ 7324-28, which limit certain political activities of State or local government employees whose principal employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by federal assistance. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/displayAssurancesTextAction. st?method=assure&status=Y&id=1 8/26/2011 Certifications Page 1 of 2 h1>U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Acceptance of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," 2 CFR Part 2867, "DOJ Implementation of OMB Guidance of Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension," and 28 CFR Part 83, "Government -wide Debarment and Suspension," and Government -wide Requirements for Drug -Free Workplace (Grants)." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. 1. LOBBYING As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grant or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the applicant certifies that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement; (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions; (c) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subgrants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements, and subcontracts) and that all sub -recipients shall certify and disclose. accordingly. 2. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS (DIRECT RECIPIENT) As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and'Suspension, and implemented at 2 CFR Part 2867, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 2 CFR Section 2867.20(a): A. The applicant certifies that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this application. 3. DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 83, Subpart F, forr grantees, as defined at 28 CFR Sections 83.620 and 83.650: https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/displayAssurancesTextAction.st?method=certify&status=Y&id=2 8/26/2011 Certifications A. The applicant certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug -free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; Page 2of2 (b) Establishing an on -going drug -free awareness program to inform employees about (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; (e) Notifying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any _.. _ employee who is so convicted (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above certifications. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/displayAssurancesTextAction.st?method=certify&status=Y&id=2 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 1 of 2 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-CD Application Review SF-424 Print a Copy Application Handbook Overview Applicant Information Prolect Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Loa Off Correspondence Switch to ... APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATE SUBMITTED May 20, 2011 Applicant Identifier 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION Application Non -Construction 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Application Identifier 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier 5.APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name City of Miami Organizational Unit Miami Police Department Address 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130-1910 Name and telephone number of the person to be contacted on matters involving this application Blondet, Lillian (305) 416-1536 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) 59-6000375 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT Municipal 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION New 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY National Institute of Justice 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 16.742 • CFDA Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grant TITLE: Program 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT City of Miami 13. PROPOSED PROJECT Start Date: October 01, 2011 End Date: September 30, 2012 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF a. Applicant b. Project FL18 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? Program has not been selected by state for review Federal $175,000 Applicant $0 State $0 Local $0 Other $0 Program Income $0 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/applicationReview.do 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 2 of 2 TOTAL l $175, 000 IN 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION PREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT, THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsextemal/applicationReview.do 8/26/2011 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Page 1 of 1 NIJ FY 11 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program 2011-91613-FL-CD Application Correspondence Switch to ... Application Handbook Submit Application Overview • Application submitted on 05/20/2011 Applicant Information Project Information Budget and Program Attachments Assurances and Certifications Review SF 424 Submit Application Help/Frequently Asked Questions GMS Home Loq Off https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/submitApplication.do 8/26/2011 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice OMB No. 1121-0329 The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for funding under the FY 2011 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program. This program furthers the Department's mission by providing States and units of local government with tools needed to meet the challenges of crime and justice. Specifically, this program seeks to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services, including services provided by laboratories operated by States and units of local government. Solicitation: Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Eligibility Applicants are limited to States (including territories) and units of local government. State Administering Agencies (SAAs) apply on behalf of States, including any State government entity. (See "Eligibility" on page 3.) Deadline Registration for this funding opportunity is required prior to application submission, by selecting the "Apply Online" button associated with the solicitation title in OJP's Grants Management System (GMS). (See "How to Apply," page 14.) All registrations and applications are due by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 20, 2011. (See "Deadlines: Registration and Application," page 3.) Contact Information For technical assistance with submitting the application, contact the Grants Management System Support Hotline at 1-888-549-9901, option 3 or via e-mail to GMSHelpDesk(a7usdoi.gov. Note: The GMS Support Hotline hours of operation are Monday -Friday from 6:00 a.m. to midnight eastern time, except for Federal holidays. For assistance with any other requirement of this solicitation, contact Alan C. Spanbauer, Program Manager, at 202-305-2436 or by e-mail to AIan.Spanbauer@usdoi.gov. SL# 000952 CONTENTS Overview 3 Deadlines: Registration and Application 3 Eligibility 3 Program -Specific Information 9 Performance Measures 13 Notice of New Post -Award, Reporting Requirements 14 How to Apply 14 What an Application Should Include 16 Information to Complete the Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form (SF) 424 17 Program Narrative 17 Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative 19 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement 20 Additional Attachments 20 Other Standard Forms 21 Selection Criteria .21 Review Process 23 Additional Requirements 24 Reporting 25 Application Checklist 26 Appendices 27 Appendix 1: Estimated Amount of FY 2011 Base Funds by State 27 Appendix 2: Templates for Coverdell Statutory Certifications 28 Appendix 3: Template for "External Investigations" Attachment 34 2 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program CFDA No. 16.742 Overview With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants. Program (the Coverdell program), which awards grants to States and units of local government to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic evidence and to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel, as needed, to eliminate such a backlog. State Administering Agencies (SAAs) may apply for both "base" (formula) and competitive funds. Units of local government may apply for competitive funds. Authorizing Legislation: The Coverdell program is authorized by Title I of the Omnibus Safe Streets and Crime Control Act of 1968, Part BB, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 3797j-3797o (the Coverdell law). IMPORTANT NOTE All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. Applicants should be aware that as of the posting date of this solicitation, no full -year appropriation for FY 2011 for the Department of Justice or the Coverdell program has been enacted. Please refer to "Available Funding" under "Program -Specific Information," below. Deadlines: Registration and Application Registration for this funding opportunity is required prior to submission. The deadline to register in GMS is 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 20, 2011, and the deadline to apply for funding under this announcement is 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 20, 2011. Please see the "How to Apply" section, page 14, for more details. Eligibility States' and units of local government may apply for FY 2011 Coverdell funds. States may be eligible for both "base" (formula) and competitive funds. Units of local government within States may be eligible for competitive funds and may apply directly to NIJ. Any State application for funding MUST be submitted by the Coverdell SAA (see list of SAAs on the OJP Web site at 1 For purposes of the Coverdell program, the term "State" means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. For certain purposes, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands are treated as one State. 3 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell www.oip.usdol.00v/saa/index.htm). (Other interested State agencies or departments must coordinate with their respective SAAs). The Coverdell law (at 42 U.S.C. § 3797k) requires that, to request a grant, an applicant for Coverdell funds must submit: 1. A certification and description regarding a plan for forensic science laboratories. Each applicant must submit a certification that the State or unit of local government has developed a plan for forensic science laboratories under a program intended to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services in the State, including such services provided by the laboratories operated by the State and those operated by units of local government within the State. Applicants must also specifically describe the manner in which the grant will be used to carry out that plan. 2. A certification regarding use of generally accepted laboratory practices. Each applicant must submit a certification that any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, or coroner's office in the State, including any laboratory operated by a unit of local government within the State, that will receive any portion of the grant amount (whether directly or through a subgrant) uses generally accepted laboratory practices and procedures established by accrediting organizations or appropriate certifying bodies. 3. A certification and description regarding costs of new facilities. Each applicant must submit a certification that the amount of the grant used for the costs of any new facility constructed as part of a program to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services will not exceed certain limitations set forth in the Coverdell law at 42 U.S.C. § 3797m(c). (See information on "permissible expenses" in the next section of this announcement.) Applicants must also.specifically describe any new facility to be constructed as well as the estimated costs of the facility. 4. A certification regarding external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct. Each applicant must submit a certification that "a government entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount." Applicants are expected to review the requirements of each certification carefully before determining whether the certification properly may be made. Any certification that is submitted must be executed by an official who is both familiar with the requirements of the certification and authorized to make the certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to NIJ). Certifications must be submitted using the templates that appear in Appendix 2. 4 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Certifications made on behalf of subrecipients of award funds —rather than certifications made on behalf of the agency applying directly to NIJ—are not acceptable to satisfy the certification requirements. In connection with the certification regarding external investigations (described above), applicants must provide, prior to receiving award funds, the name(s) of the existing "government entity" (or government entities). This information is to be provided as an attachment to the program narrative section of the application. See "What an Application Should Include," below, and Appendix 3, which includes a template for the attachment. Please note that funds will not be made available to applicant agencies that fail to provide the necessary information. Important Note on Referrals in Connection With Allegations of Serious Negligence or Serious Misconduct The highest standards of integrity in the practice of forensic science are critical to the enhancement of the administration of justice. We assume that recipients (and subrecipients) of Coverdell funds will make use of the process referenced in their certification as to external investigations and will refer allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of forensic results to government entities with an appropriate process in place to conduct independent external investigations, such as the government entities identified in the grant application. For each fiscal year of an award made under this solicitation, recipients will be required to report to NIJ on an annual basis- 1) the number and nature of any such allegations; 2) information on the referrals of such allegations (e.g., the government entity or entities to which referred, the date of referral); 3) the outcome of such referrals (if known as of the date of the report); and 4) if any such allegations were not referred, the reason(s) for the non -referral. Payments to recipients (including payments under future awards) may be withheld if the required information is not submitted on a timely basis. Special Guidance on Certification Regarding External Investigations Into Allegations of Serious Negligence or Misconduct. The certification regarding external investigations has a number of requirements, each of which must be satisfied before the certification may be made. The official authorized to make the certification on behalf of the applicant agency must review each of the statutory elements and this guidance carefully before determining whether a certification properly may be made. After reviewing the information and guidance provided here, the official, on behalf of the applicant agency, must determine whether: 5 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell • A government entity exists • With an appropriate process in place • To conduct independent, external investigations • Into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct • Substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results • Committed by employees or contractors • Of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount. Note: In making this certification, the certifying official is certifying that these requirements are satisfied not only with respect to the applicant itself but also with respect to each entity that will receive a portion of the grant amount. Certifying officials are advised that: (1) a false statement in the certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a, and (2) Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. The following guidance, provided by way of examples for applicants' review, is designed to illustrate elements of the external investigation certification that the official authorized to make the certification on behalf of the applicant agency must take into account in determining whether the certification properly may be made. Because it is not possible for NIJ to provide examples relating to every type of government entity with an appropriate process in place to conduct independent, external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors, this guidance should not be viewed as all inclusive. In addition, this guidance is not intended to constitute legal advice from NIJ on the question of whether the required certification properly may be made on behalf of the applicant. Such a determination must be made by an appropriate official based on the statutory requirements of the certification after review of this guidance. Illustrative Examples: 1. The only government entity that will receive Coverdell award funds is a forensic laboratory that is a unit of a local law enforcement agency (e.g., a police department). The law enforcement agency has an Internal Affairs Division (IAD) that reports directly to the head of the law enforcement agency (the Police Chief) and the head of the unit of local government (the Mayor/City Commissioner). The IAD has the authority to conduct OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by laboratory employees and contractors. Guidance: Execution of the certification might be appropriate under these facts. Nevertheless, the official authorized to make the certification on behalf of the applicant agency must be satisfied that the IAD at issue has the requisite authority to conduct independent investigations (for example, whether the IAD is completely free from influence or supervision by laboratory management officials) into allegations relating to employees or contractors of the laboratory. 2. A State intends to distribute Coverdell award funds to State and local forensic laboratories and medical examiners' offices. There is an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the State with authority to conduct investigations into allegations of serious negligence.or misconduct by employees and contractors of forensic laboratories and medical examiners' offices, both at the State and local levels. Guidance: Execution of the certification might be appropriate under these facts. Nevertheless, the certifying official must be satisfied that the State (IG)'s authority in this regard is not circumscribed in such a way that the IG's ability to conduct independent investigations is limited (for example, through a reporting hierarchy that does not provide for the IG to report directly to the chief executive officer or another equally independent State official or office). 3. A city has applied for a Coverdell award and all funds will go to the city's forensic laboratory. There is a process in place whereby the city's District Attorney (DA) may appoint an independent investigator to conduct an investigation into allegations concerning the city's forensic laboratory. If the DA appoints an independent investigator, the investigator will have authority to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by both laboratory employees and contractors. Guidance: Execution of the certification might be appropriate under these facts. In this regard however, the certifying official must be satisfied that the process at issue (appointment of an independent investigator by the city DA) includes procedures under which allegations involving the laboratory are submitted to or are made known to the DA, and that the DA's authority and responsibility to appoint an independent investigator to conduct investigations of such allegations is sufficiently delineated in city policies and/or regulations so that the "appropriate process" in place is clearly defined. 4. An applicant agency determines that the forensics laboratory director (or some other individual in the chain of command at the laboratory) has sole responsibility to conduct investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct committed by laboratory employees. Guidance: Under these circumstances, execution of the certification would not be appropriate because there is no process in place to conduct independent, external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct committed by laboratory employees and contractors. 7 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 5. A State applicant intends to distribute Coverdell award funds to forensic laboratories at both the State and local level. An independent commission established by the Governor has authority to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by employees, including employees of units of local government within the State. Guidance: Under these circumstances, the existence of this commission is not itself a sufficient basis for execution of the certification. In this regard, the commission does not have authority to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by contractors of State and local government forensic laboratories that receive Coverdell funds. (If, however, some other government entity, distinct from the commission, has a process in place to conduct independent external investigations of allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by such contractors, execution of the certification might be appropriate depending on all the facts.) 6. A local forensic laboratory, which is intended to receive a portion of the funds from a Coverdell award to a State, notifies the State applicant that a quality assurance official is responsible for investigating allegations of serious negligence or misconduct by employees and contractors of the local forensic laboratory. The quality assurance official reports to the director of the forensic laboratory. Guidance: Under these circumstances, execution of the certification would not be appropriate because the quality assurance official reports to the director of the forensic laboratory and, therefore, there is no process in place to conduct independent, external investigations of allegations against the forensics laboratory as required to make the certification. 7. An applicant agency (a forensics laboratory) intends to employ a contractor or a nongovernmental organization to conduct investigations intoallegations of serious negligence or misconduct committed by laboratory employees. Guidance: Under these circumstances, execution of the certification would not be appropriate, as there is neither a government entity nor an appropriate process in place to conduct independent, external investigations of allegations against the laboratory, whether alleged to be committed by laboratory employees and/or contractors, because the contractor or nongovernmental entity is employed by and responsible to the forensics laboratory. 8. An applicant agency is accredited by an independent accrediting or certifying organization such as CALEA, ASCLD-LAB, NAME, FQS, etc. Guidance: In this situation, execution of the certification would not be appropriate. The fact of accreditation or certification by an outside entity on its own does not demonstrate that the agency has a process in place to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct committed by employees or contractors. There is insufficient information to properly make the required certification in this situation. 8 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Program -Specific Information —Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program This solicitation seeks applications for funding to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services, including services provided by laboratories operated by States and/or units of local government. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate backlogs in the analysis of general forensic evidence or to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel to eliminate such backlogs. A. Available Funding As of the posting date of this solicitation, no full -year appropriation has been enacted for the Department of Justice for FY 2011 and thus the amount (if any) that will be made available for the Coverdell program is not known. The figures and calculations reflected in this solicitation (for example, the estimated minimum award to States and the estimated amount of "base" funds, by State) are based on an estimated total amount available of $28,000,000, although the amount ultimately made available could be higher or lower (or even zero). Applicants are strongly advised to check for updates to the solicitation prior to submitting applications. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. 1. "Base" Funds for States Approximately 75 percent of the funds available for Coverdell grants will be allocated among eligible States based on population (State "base funds"). The approximate amount each eligible State would receive if $28,000,000 were made available for FY 2011 is listed in Appendix 1: "Estimated Amount of FY 2011 Base Funds, by State.i2 2. Competitive Funds for States and Units of Local Government Twenty-five percent of the available funds will be allocated among States and units of local government through a competitive process. The average annual number of Part 1 violent crimes reported by each State to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for calendar years 2007, 2008 and 2009, existing resources, and current needs of the potential grant recipient will be considerations in award decisions. For FY 2011, the maximum amount a State or unit of local government may receive in competitive funds is $175,000. Units of local government that provide forensic science or medical examiner services (whether through a forensic science laboratory, medical examiner's office, or coroner's office) may apply directly to NIJ for competitive funds. A State may apply through its SAA for competitive funds for forensic sciences improvements above and beyond those it can accomplish with its estimated amount of base funds. 2 Under the provisions of the Coverdell law, several factors (including the number of eligible State applicants) affect "base" amounts. 9 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 3. Minimum Awards to States The Coverdell law sets a floor for the total amount an eligible applicant State will receive as its Coverdell grant. If $28,000,000 were to .become available for FY 2011, the minimum Coverdell grant to an eligible State would be not less than $168,0003. In that case, if the amount a State would otherwise receive as its total Coverdell grant (including both base funds and any competitive funds) were less than $168,000, NIJ would increase that State's total grant to $168,000. B. Grant Purposes A State or unit of local government that receives a Coverdell grant must use the grant for one or more of these three purposes: 1. To carry out all or a substantial part of a program intended to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical. examiner services in the State, including those services provided by laboratories operated by the State and those operated by units of local government within the State. 2. To eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic science evidence,4 including, among other things, a backlog with respect to firearms examination, latent prints, toxicology, controlled substances, forensic pathology, questioned documents, and trace evidence. 3. To train, assist, and employ forensic laboratory personnel as needed to eliminate such a backlog. C. Expected Results and Outcomes The result of Coverdell grants to applicant States should be a demonstrated improvement over current operations in the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided in the State, including services provided by laboratories operated by the State and services provided by laboratories operated by units of local government within the State. Reduction of forensic analysis backlogs is considered an improvement in timeliness of services. The result of Coverdell grants directly to units of local government should be a demonstrated improvement over current operations in the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided by the local jurisdiction. See "Performance Measures," page 13, for additional information. D. Grant Period Coverdell grants generally are limited to a 12-month period. Applicants are asked to establish a project period of October 1, 2011, to September 30, 2012. Applicants should be aware that the total period of an award, including one that receives a project period extension, ordinarily will not exceed 3 years. 3 Minimum awards for America Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands would be lower. 4 A backlog in the analysis of forensic science evidence exists if forensic evidence has been stored in a laboratory, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility; and has not been subjected to all appropriate forensic testing because of lack of resources or personnel. 10 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Budget Information A. Permissible Expenses The types of expenses listed below generally may be paid with Coverdell funds. Note: The following list details the types of expenses allowed under the Coverdell program. These expenses should NOT be used as budget categories —instead they are to be incorporated into the appropriate standard OJP budget categories. For more information on OJP's standard budget format, please see the section titled "What an Application Should Include." 1. Personnel. Funds may be used for forensic science or medical examiner personnel, overtime, fellowships, visiting scientists, interns, consultants, or contracted staff. 2. Computerization. Funds may be used to upgrade, replace, lease, or purchase computer hardware and software for forensic analyses and data management. 3. Laboratory equipment. Funds may be used to upgrade, lease, or purchase forensic laboratory or medical examiner equipment and instrumentation. 4. Supplies. Funds may be used to acquire forensic laboratory or medical examiner supplies. Note: To help ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Department of Justice regulations, Coverdell awardees that intend to use funds for activities involving the use or purchase of chemicals will be required to submit additional information. Please see the "Additional Requirements" section of this announcement. Applicants should note that award recipients whose proposals involve the use or purchase of chemicals may encounter delays in the release of their award funds pending satisfactory completion of the NEPA review process. 5. Accreditation. Funds may be used to prepare for laboratory accreditation by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD- LAB), Forensic Quality Services (FQS), the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), or other appropriate accrediting bodies. Funds also may be used for application and maintenance fees charged by appropriate accrediting bodies. 6. Education, training, and certification. Funds may be used for appropriate internal and external training of staff that are directly and substantially involved in providing forensic science or medical examiner services. In appropriate cases, funds also may be used for fees charged by appropriate certifying bodies for certification of staff in specific forensic discipline areas. All education, training, and certification activities must be designed to improve the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. The grant application should demonstrate that the proposed training or certification is directly related to the job position and duties of the individual(s) receiving the training or seeking certification. 11 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 7. Facilities. Funds may be used for program expenses relating to facilities, provided the expenses are directly attributable to improving the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. Funds also may be used for renovation and/or construction undertaken as part of the applicant's program to improve the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. Limitations on use of funds for costs of new facility. The Coverdell law limits the amount of funds that may be used for the costs of a new facility or facilities. See 42 U.S.C. § 3797m(c). Maximum amounts are determined by the total amount of the Coverdell grant (including both base and competitive funds) and the total amount of funds available for Coverdell grants nationwide. The maximum amounts that may be used for costs of new facilities are as follows. (Estimates and calculations are based on the assumption that the total available funds for Coverdell awards in FY 2011 will be $28,000,000. Please refer to the discussion under "Available Funding" on page 9.) a. Grants that do not exceed 0.6 percent of the total available funds (estimated at $168,000) for FY 2011. If the total Coverdell grant to an applicant State or unit of local government is less than or equal to 0.6 percent of the total available funds (estimated here at $168,000), no more than 80 percent of the total grant may be used for the costs of any new facility. b. Grants that exceed 0.6 percent of the total available funds. If an applicant State receives a total grant that exceeds 0.6 percent of the total available funds (estimated here at $168,000), the amount of the grant that can be used for the costs of any new facility cannot exceed the sum of 80 percent of 0.6 percent of the total available funds (such 80 percent estimated here at $134,400) plus 40 percent of the amount of the grant in excess of 0.6 percent of the total available funds. For example, if $28,000,000 were to become available for Coverdell awards for FY 2011, and a State were to receive a total Coverdell grant of $200,000, no more than $147,200 could be used for the costs of any new facility. A sample calculation for a $200,000 grant would be as follows: Eighty percent of 0.6 percent of the total available funds: $168,000 x .80 = $134,400 Amount in excess of $168,000: $200,000 - $168,000 = $32,000 40 percent of amount in excess of $168,000: $32,000 x .40 = $12,800 Sum of $134,400 + $12,800 = $147,200 Note: To help ensure compliance with NEPA and Department of Justice regulations, Coverdell awardees that intend to use funds for activities involving the renovation or construction of facilities will be required to submit additional information (see "Additional Requirements"). Applicants should note that award recipients whose proposals involve construction or renovation may encounter delays in the release of their award funds pending satisfactory completion of the NEPA review process. 12 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 8. Administrative expenses. Not more than 10 percent of the total amount of a Coverdell grant may be used for a recipient's administrative expenses. B. Expenses That are not Permitted 1. Expenses other than those listed above (including expenses for general law enforcement functions or non -forensic investigatory functions). 2. Costs for any new facility that exceed the limits described above. 3. Recipient administrative expenses (direct or indirect) that exceed 10 percent of the total grant amount. C. Match Requirement: There is. no State orlocalmatchrequired under the Coverdell program. Performance Measures To assist in fulfilling the Department's responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), Public Law 103-62, applicants that receive funding under this solicitation must provide data that measure the results of their work. Any award recipient will be required, post award, to provide the data requested in the "Data Grantee Provides" column so that OJP can calculate values for the "Performance Measures" column. Performance measures for this solicitation are as follows: Objective Performance Measure(s) Data Grantee Provides To improve the quality Outcome Measure 1. Average number of days to and timeliness of process a sample at the forensic services and 1. Reduction in the average beginning of the grant period. to reduce the number number of days from the of backlogged cases in submission of a sample to a 2. Average number of days to forensic laboratories forensic science laboratory to the process a sample at the end of delivery of test results to a requesting office or agency. the grant period. 3. Number of backlogged cases at 2. Percent reduction in the number of backlogged forensic cases. the beginning of the grant period. 4. Number of backlogged cases at Output Measure the end of the grant period. 1. The number of forensic science 5. Number of forensic science or medical examiner personnel who completed appropriate personnel attending training. training or educational 6. Number of medical examiner t opportunities with FY2011 personnel attending training Coverdell funds (if applicable to the grant). programs. 13 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Submission of performance measures data is not required for the application. Instead, applicants should discuss in their applications their proposed methods for collecting data for performance measures. Please refer to the section "What an Application Should Include" (below) for additional information. Note on project evaluations: Applicants that propose to use funds awarded through this solicitation to conduct project evaluations should be aware that certain project evaluations (such as systematic investigations designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge) may constitute "research" for purposes of applicable DOJ human subjects protections. However, project evaluations that are intended only to generate internal improvements to a program or service, or are conducted only to meet OJP's performance measure data reporting requirements, likely do not constitute "research." Applicants should provide sufficient information for OJP to determine whether the particular project they propose would either intentionally or unintentionally collect and/or use•inforrnation in•such a way that it meets the DOJ regulatory definition of research. Research, for the purposes of human subjects protections for OJP-funded programs, is defined as "a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge." 26 C.F.R.§ 46.102(d). For additional information on determining whether a proposed activity would constitute research, see the decision tree to assist applicants on the "Research and the Protection of Human Subjects" section of the OJP "Other Requirements for OJP Applications" Web page (www.oip.usdoj.qov/fundinq/otherrequirements.htm). Applicants whose proposals may involve a research or statistical component also should review the "Confidentiality" section on that Web page. Notice of New Post -Award Reporting Requirements Applicants should anticipate that all recipients (other than individuals) of awards of $25,000 or more under this "solicitation, consistent with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), will be required to report award information on any first -tier subawards totaling $25,000 or more, and, in certain cases, to report information on the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of the recipient and first -tier subrecipients. Each applicant entity must ensure that it has the necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the reporting requirements should it receive funding. Reports regarding subawards will be made through the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS), found at www.fsrs.qov. Please note also that applicants should anticipate that no subaward of an award made under this solicitation may be made to a subrecipient (other than an individual) unless the potential subrecipient acquires and provides a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. How to Apply Applications are submitted through OJP's Grants Management System (GMS). GMS is a Web- based, data -driven computer application that provides cradle to grave support for the application, award, and management of awards at OJP. Applicants must register in GMS for 14 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell each specific funding opportunity and should begin the process,immediately to meet the GMS registration deadline, especially if this is the first time using the system. Complete instructions on how to register and submit -an application in GMS can be found at www.oip.usdoi.gov/gmscbt/. If the applicant experiences technical difficulties at any point during this process, please e-mail GMS.HelpDesk@usdoj.gov or call 888-549-9901 (option 3), Monday — Friday from 6:00 a.m. to midnight eastern time, except federal holidays. OJP highly recommends that applicants start the registration process as early as possible to prevent delays in submitting an application package by the specified application deadline. All applicants should complete the following steps: 1. Acquire a DUNS number. A DUNS number is required to submit an application in GMS. In general, the Office of Management and Budget requires that all applicants (other than •individuals) for federal funds include a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number in their application for a new award or renewal of an existing award. A DUNS number is a unique nine -digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of entities receiving federal funds. The identifier is used for tracking purposes and to validate address and point of contact information for federal assistance applicants, recipients, and subrecipients. The DUNS number will be used throughout the grant life cycle. Obtaining a DUNS number is a free, one-time activity. Obtain a DUNS number by calling Dun and Bradstreet at 866-705-5711 or by applying online at www.dnb.com. Individuals are exempt from this requirement. 2. Acquire or renew registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. OJP requires that all applicants (other than individuals) for federal financial assistance maintain current registrations in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. The CCR database is the repository for standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and subrecipients. Organizations that have previously submitted applications via Grants.gov are already registered with CCR, as it is a requirement for Grants.gov registration. Please note however;<that applicants must update or renew their CCR registration annually to maintain an active status. Information about CCR registration procedures can be accessed at www.ccr.gov. 3. Acquire a GMS username and password. A new user must create a GMS profile by selecting the "First Time User" link under the sign -in box of the GMS home page. For more information on how to register in GMS, go to www.ojp.usdol.gov/gmscbt/. 4. Verify the CCR registration in GMS. OJP requests that all applicants verify their CCR registration in GMS. Once logged into GMS, please click the "CCR Claim" link on the left side of the default screen. Click the submit button to verify the CCR registration. 5. Search for the funding opportunity on GMS. After logging into GMS or completing the GMS profile for username and password, go to the "Funding Opportunities" link on the left side of the page. Please select "National Institute of Justice" and the "Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program." 6. Register by selecting the "Apply Online" button associated with the solicitation title. The search results from step 5 will display the solicitation title along with the 15 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell . registration and application deadlines for this funding opportunity. Please select the "Apply Online" button in the "Action" column to register for this solicitation and create an application in the system. 7. Submit an application consistent with this solicitation by following the directions in GMS. Once submitted, GMS will display a confirmation screen stating the submission was successful. Important: In some instances, an applicant must wait for GMS approval before submitting an application. Applicants are urged to submit the application at least 72 hours prior to the due date of the application. Note: OJP's Grants Management System (GMS) does not accept executable file types as application attachments. These disallowed file types include, but are not limited to, the following extensions: ".com," ".bat," ".exe," ".vbs," ".cfg," ".dat," ".db," ".dbf," ".dll," ".ini," ".log," ".ora," ".sys," and ".zip." Experiencing Unforeseen GMS Technical Issues If an applicant experiences unforeseen GMS technical issues beyond the applicant's control that prevent submission of its application by the deadline, the applicant must contact NIJ staff within 24 hours after the deadline and request approval to submit its application. At that time, NIJ staff will instruct the applicant to submit specific information detailing the technical difficulties. The applicant must e-mail: a description of the technical difficulties, a timeline of submission efforts, the complete grant application, the applicant DUNS number, and GMS Help Desk tracking number(s) received. After the program office reviews all of the information submitted, and contacts the GMS Help Desk to validate the technical issues reported, OJP will contact the applicant to either approve or deny the request to submit a late application. If the technical issues reported cannot be validated, the application will be rejected as untimely. To ensure a fair competition for limited discretionary funds, the following conditions are not valid reasons to permit late submissions: (1) failure to begin the registration process in sufficient time, (2) failure to follow GMS instructions on how to register and apply as posted on its Web site, (3) failure to follow all of the instructions in the OJP solicitation, and (4) technical issues experienced with the applicant's computer or information technology (IT) environment. Notifications regarding known technical problems with GMS, if any, are posted at the top of the OJP funding Web page, www.oip.usdoi.gov/funding/solicitations.htm. What an Application Should Include This section describes what an application should include and sets out a number of elements. Applicants should anticipate that failure to submit an application that contains all of the specified elements may negatively affect the review of the application; and, should a decision be.made to make an award, it may result in the inclusion of special conditions that preclude access to or use of award funds pending satisfaction of the conditions. Moreover, applicants that request competitive funds should anticipate that some application elements are so critical that requests for competitive funds that are unresponsive to the scope of the solicitation, or that do not include all four certifications required by the Coverdell law, a 16 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell program narrative, and a budget detail worksheet including a budget narrative will neither proceed to peer review nor receive further consideration. (Requests for competitive funds from States must clearly differentiate between the information on program narrative and budget provided for the request for competitive funds and the information provided for the request for "base" funds.) OJP strongly recommends use of appropriately descriptive file names (e.g., "Program Narrative," "Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative," "Timelines," "Memoranda of Understanding," "Resumes") for all attachments. OJP recommends that resumes be included in a single file. 1. Information to Complete the Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) The SF-424 is a standard form required for use as a cover sheet for submission of pre - applications, applications, and related information. Grants.gov and GMS take information from the applicant's profile to populate the fields on this form. 2. Program Narrative The program narrative should include: - Cover page - Abstract (not to exceed 600 words) - Table of contents - Main body The main body of the program narrative should address the project objectives, the expected results, and the implementation approach. a. Formula (base) applications • State (base) applicants: The program narrative must specifically describe the manner in which Coverdell grant funds will be used to carry out the State plan to improve the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services over current operations. (Reduction of forensic analysis backlogs is considered an improvement in timeliness of services.) States are expected to consider the needs of laboratories operated by units of local government as well as those operated by the State. If grant funds are requested for costs of a new facility, the program narrative must specifically describe the new facility to be constructed and the estimated costs of that facility. b. Requests for competitive funds The main body of the program narrative for a request for competitive funds should describe the project in depth. The following sections should be included as part of the main body of a program narrative: 17 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013. Paul Coverdell - Statement of the Problem. - Project/Program Design and Implementation. - Capabilities/Competencies. - Impact/Outcomes and Evaluation. - Other / Part 1 violent crimes data (see page 23). • State (base/competitive) applicants: A State that seeks competitive funds in addition to base funds should include a separate program narrative (as well as a separate proposed budget detail worksheet, including a budget narrative), which should describe how competitive funds will be used to support improvements in forensic science or medical examiner services above and beyond the improvements it will accomplish with its estimated amount of base funds. As noted earlier, existing resources and current needs will be considered in awarding competitive funds and should be addressed in any request for competitive funds. Requests for competitive funds should specify the dollar amount requested, which should not exceed $175,000. If grant funds are requested for costs of a new facility, the program narrative must specifically describe the new facility to be constructed and the estimated costs of that facility. Any State application for funding MUST be submitted by the Coverdell SAA (see list of SAAs on the OJP Web site at www.oip.usdoj.bov/saa/index.htm). When applying for competitive funds, SAA's should consult with all interested State agencies to prepare an application for competitive funds. No more than one application for competitive funds per State (SAA) will be funded. • Unit of local government: The program narrative must specifically describe the manner in which Coverdell grant funds will be used to carry out the unit of local government plan to improve the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services over current operations. (Reduction of forensic analysis backlogs is considered an improvement in timeliness of services.) Existing resources and current needs will be considered in awarding competitive funds and should be addressed in any request for competitive funds. Requests for competitive funds should specify the dollar amount requested, which should not exceed $175,000. If grant funds are requested for costs of a new facility, the program narrative must specifically describe the new facility to be constructed and the estimated costs of that facility. All interested components of a unit of local government should be consulted before preparing an application for competitive funds. No more than one application for competitive funds per unit of local government will be funded. 18 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell The program narrative section for a request for competitive funds should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages in-12-point font with 1-inch margins. Abstract, table of contents, charts, figures, appendices, and government forms do not count toward the 20-page limit for the narrative section. If the program narrative for a request for competitive funds fails to comply with these length -related restrictions, noncompliance may be considered in peer review and in final award decisions. 3. External Investigations Attachment to the Program Narrative • All applicants are to provide —as an attachment to the program narrative —the name(s) of the existing "government entity (or entities) that is the subject of the certification (see Appendix 2) that— A government entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount. • Appendix 3 includes a template for this attachment. Please note that funds will not be made available to applicant agencies that fail to provide the necessary information. 4. Plan for Collecting the Data Required for This Solicitation's Performance Measures Submission of performance measures data is not required for the application. Performance measures are included as an alert that successful applicants will be required to submit specific data to NIJ as part of their reporting requirements. For the application ("base" and/or competitive), the applicant should indicate an understanding of these requirements and discuss how the applicant will gather the required data, should the applicant receive funding. 5. Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative • a. Budget Detail Worksheet A sample Budget Detail Worksheet can be found at www.oip.gov/funding/forms/budget detail.pdf. If the budget is submitted in a different format, the budget categories listed in the sample budget worksheet should be included. For questions pertaining to budget and examples of allowable and unallowable costs, please see the OJP Financial Guide at www.oip.usdoi.gov/financialouide/index.htm. 19 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell b. Budget Narrative The Budget Narrative should thoroughly and clearly describe every category of expense listed in the Budget Detail Worksheet. The narrative should be mathematically sound and correspond with the information and figures provided in the Budget Detail Worksheet. The narrative should explain how all costs were estimated and calculated and how they are relevant to the completion of the proposed project. The narrative may include tables for clarification purposes but need not be in a spreadsheet format. As with the Budget Detail Worksheet, the Budget Narrative should be broken down by year. Note: As indicated earlier, State applicants that request both "base" and competitive funds should include a separate budget detail worksheet including budget narrative for each component of the application. 6. Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) Indirect costs are allowed only if the applicant has a federally approved indirect cost rate. (This requirement does not apply to units of local government.) A copy of the rate approval should be attached. If the applicant does not have an approved rate, one can be requested by contacting the applicant's cognizant Federal agency, which will review all documentation and approve a rate for the applicant organization or, if the applicant's accounting system permits, costs may be allocated in the direct cost categories. If DOJ is the cognizant Federal agency, obtain information needed to submit an indirect cost rate proposal at www.oip.usdoi.Qov/financialguide/part3/part3chap17.htm. 7. Additional Attachments Coverdell Statutory Certifications As described above in the "Eligibility" section, the Coverdell law provides that, to request a grant, each applicant must submit four certifications specific to the Coverdell Program. A certification may only be completed by an official familiar with its requirements and authorized to certify on behalf of the applicant agency (i.e., the agency applying directly to NIJ). Templates for the statutory certifications appear in Appendix 2. (Note that there are two versions of the first template —one for State applicants,the other for applicant units of local government.) All four certifications must be completed using these templates. Certifications made on behalf of subrecipients of award funds — rather thancertifications made on behalf of the agency applying directly to NIJ—are not acceptable to satisfy the certification requirements. The four required Coverdell statutory certifications are as follows- 1. Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories —Application From a State or Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories — Application From a Unit of Local Government. 2. Certification as to Generally Accepted Laboratory Practices and Procedures. 20 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 3. Certification as to Use of Funds for New Facilities. 4. Certification as to External Investigations. Please note: Specific information and guidance with respect to the "Certification as to External Investigations" is provided above, under "Eligibility." Certifying officials must read and review this information and guidance prior to executing the certification. 8. Other Standard Forms Additional forms that may be required in connection with an award are available on OJP's funding page at www.ojp.usdoi.gov/fundinq/forms.htm. For successful applicants, receipt of funds may be contingent upon submissionof all necessary forms. Please note in particular the following forms. a. Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug -Free Workplace Requirements (required to be submitted in GMS prior to the receipt of any award funds). b. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (required for any applicant that expends any funds for lobbying activities; this form must be downloaded, completed, and then uploaded). c. Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire (required for any applicant other than an individual that is a non -governmental entity and that has not received any award from OJP within the past 3 years; this form must be downloaded, completed, and then uploaded). d. Standard Assurances (required to besubmitted in GMS prior to the receipt of any award funds). Selection Criteria Base funds and minimum awards Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, States that satisfy the specific requirements (including eligibility requirements) outlined in this announcement, the general requirements for NIJ and OJP grants, and all other applicable legal requirements, may expect to be awarded "base" funds or minimum awards determined in accordance with the Coverdell law. Requests for competitive funding Each criterion is weighted according to the percentage listed below. Statement of the Problem (Understanding of the problem and its importance)-15% 21 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Project/Program Design and Implementation (Quality and technical merit)-15% 1. Soundness of the approach to reduce and/or eliminate a backlog. 2. Soundness of the approach to improve the quality of forensic services. 3. Soundness of the approach to train and employ forensic personnel to eliminate a backlog and increase capacity. 4. Innovation and creativity in the approach to reducing and/or eliminating a backlog and increasing capacity. 5. Feasibility of the proposed project and awareness of pitfalls. Capabilities/Competencies (Capabilities, demonstrated productivity, and experience of applicants)-10% 1. Adequacy of the plan to manage the project, including how various tasks are subdivided and resources are used. 2. Successful past performance on NIJ grants and contracts (when applicable). 3. Demonstrated ability of the organization to manage the effort. Budget-25% 1. Total cost of the project relative to the perceived benefit. 2. Use of existing resources to conserve costs. 3. Cost effectiveness of proposed activities applicable to backlog reduction and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. 4. Cost effectiveness of proposed activities applicable to improvement in the quality of forensic science or medical examiner services. 5. Cost effectiveness of education and training as related to quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. Impact/Outcomes and Evaluation (Relevance to policy and practice)-30% 1. Improvement in Quality and Timeliness a. Anticipated reduction in backlog. b. Anticipated improvement in quality and timeliness of forensic results. c. Anticipated benefit of education and training to reduce backlog and improve quality and timeliness of results. d. Planned steps to achieve accreditation to positively impact quality and/or timeliness of forensic results. 2. Anticipated Impact of Eligible Project Activities a. Personnel: If applicable, anticipated impact of requested personnel resources (e.g., overtime) on improvement in quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. b. Equipment/Supplies: If applicable, anticipated impact of requested equipment and supplies on improvement in quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. 22 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell c. Computerization: If applicable, anticipated impact of requested computerization on improvement in quality and/or timeliness of forensic science.ormedical examiner services. d. Renovation/Construction of Facilities: If applicable, anticipated impact of proposed action on improvement in quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services. 3. Demonstrated plan for collection of the performance measure data as described in the solicitation. Other-5% Average annual number of Part I violent crimes reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009. Review Process OJP is committed to ensuring a fair and open process for awarding grants. NIJ reviews the application to make sure that the information presented is reasonable, understandable, measurable, and achievable, as well as consistent with the solicitation. Peer reviewers will review requests for competitive funds submitted under this solicitation that meet basic minimum requirements. NIJ may use either internal peer reviewers, external peer reviewers, or a combination to review these requests under this solicitation. An external peer reviewer is an expert in the field of the subject matter of a given solicitation who is NOT a current U.S. Department of Justice employee. An internal reviewer is a current U.S. Department of Justice employee who is well -versed or has expertise in the subject matter of this solicitation. Eligible requests for competitive funds will be evaluated, scored, and rated by a peer review panel. Peer reviewers' ratings and any resulting recommendations are advisory only. In addition to peer review ratings, considerations for award recommendations and decisions may include, but are not limited to, underserved populations, geographic diversity, strategic priorities, past performance, and available funding. When appropriate, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), in consultation with NIJ, conducts a financial review of requests for competitive funds to evaluate the fiscal integrity and financial capability of applicants; examines proposed costs to determine if the budget detail worksheet and budget narrative accurately explain project costs; and determines whether costs are reasonable, necessary, and allowable under applicable Federal cost principles and agency regulations. Absent explicit statutory authorization or written delegation of authority to the contrary, all final award decisions will be made by the Assistant Attorney General (AAG). With respect to requests for competitive funds, the AAG may also give consideration to factors including, but not limited to, underserved populations, geographic diversity, strategic priorities, past performance, and available funding when making awards. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. 23 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Additional Requirements Applicants selected for awards must agree to -comply with additional legal requirements upon acceptance of an award. OJP strongly encourages applicants to review the information pertaining to these additional requirements prior to submitting an application. Additional information for each requirement can be found at www.olp.usdoj.gov/funding/other requirements.htm. • Civil Rights Compliance • Faith -Based and Other Community Organizations • Confidentiality • Research and the Protection of Human Subjects • Anti -Lobbying Act • Financial and Government Audit Requirements • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) • DOJ Information Technology Standards (if applicable) • Single Point of Contact Review • Non -Supplanting of State or Local Funds • Criminal Penalty for False Statements • Compliance with Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide • Suspension or Termination of Funding • Nonprofit Organizations • For -profit Organizations • Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) • Rights in Intellectual Property • Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 • Awards in Excess of $5,000,000 — Federal Taxes Certification Requirement • Active CCR Registration 24 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Reporting If a proposal is funded, the award recipient will be required to submit several reports and other materials, including: Each grantee under the Coverdell program must submit semiannual progress reports, quarterly financial status reports, and, if applicable, an annual audit report in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. In addition, Coverdell grantees must submit a final report that must, among other things, (1) include a summary and assessment of the program carried out with FY 2011 grant funds, (2) identify the number and type of cases accepted during the FY 2011 award period by the forensic laboratory or laboratories that received FY 2011 grant funds, and (3) cite the specific improvements in the quality and/or timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services (including any reduction in forensic analysis backlog) that occurred as a direct result of the FY 2011 grant award. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if reports are delinquent. In addition, as noted earlier under "Eligibility," for each fiscal year of an award, recipients will be required to report to the National Institute of Justice on an annual basis- 1) the number and nature of any allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of forensic results; 2) information on the referrals of such allegations (e.g., the government entity or entities to which referred, the date of referral); 3) the outcome of such referrals (if known as of the date of the report); and 4) if any such allegations were not referred, the reason(s) for the non -referral. Payments to recipients (including payments under future awards) may be withheld if the required information is not submitted on a timely basis. The highest standards of integrity in the practice of forensic science are critical to the enhancement of the administration of justice. We assume that recipients (and subrecipients) of Coverdell funds will make use of the process referenced in their certification as to external investigations and will refer allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of forensic results to government entities with an appropriate process in place to conduct independent external investigations, such as the government entities identified in the grant application. 25 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell Application Checklist Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program This application checklist has been created to assist in developing an application. Eligibility Requirement: Coverdell Statutory Certifications (see pages 3-8 and 19-20) Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories —Application From a State or Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories —Application From a Unit of Local Government Certification as to Generally Accepted Laboratory Practices and Procedures Certification as to Use of Funds for New Facilities Certification as to External Investigations What an Application Should Include: Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) (see page 17) Program Narrative(s) (see page 17) External Investigations Attachment to the Program Narrative (see page 19) Plan for Collecting the Data for this Solicitation's Performance Measures (see page 19) Budget Detail Worksheet(s) (see page 19) Budget Narrative(s) (see page 20) Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) (see page 20) Program Narrative/Abstract Format: (see page 17) Double-spaced 12-point standard font 1" standard margins Narrative for competitive funds request (if any) is 20 pages or less Other Standard Forms as applicable (see page 21), including: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if applicable) Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire (if applicable) 26 OMB No. 1121-0329 Approval Expires 02/28/2013 Paul Coverdell 5 Appendix 1. Estimated Amount of FY 2011 Base Funds, by State. Note ;lf the amount a State would°otherwise receive as its total Coverdell grant award, includin both base funtls antl any competitive award, is less than the minimum grant;amount set by the Coverdell law,the total Coran verdell gt award will be Increased #o the,minimum grant amount x, ' Available Fun'ding"`under ".Program Specific Information" (pages 9 10) for additional details Alabama Alas ka'$ 47 ew amps Ire Arizona $ 410,842 New Jersey a Arknsas � 179,080 New Mexico w..Ak � � ��.,... .,.,.:��..�,. ,_. .<. California $.2,293,178 NewYork Colorado $ 313 537 North Carolina' Connecticut $ 217 028 North Dakota; Delaware $? 59 763 Ohio District of Columbia $ 40,933 Oklahoma Fldaon $ 1 149 342Oregon ,.e;: r..,._ A,..w."... �._..� ,,. Georgia wail $ 609,705 Pennsylvania Idaho $ 104,568 South Carolina 1(linoi96 526South Dakota Indiana $ 396 607 Tennessee r $186 023 Texas; ,� owa _ Kansas' $ 174,827 ` Utah Kentucky $ 267 025 Vermont Louisiana $ 278,715 'Virginia 9 Mai $ 88 019 ; Washington 2 R YX' 4f {. ne t - Maryland $ 353 040 WestVirginia Massachusetts $ 408 052 Wisconsin Michigan $ 611,113 ;,Wyoming Minnesota $ 325,544 American Samoa llorthern Mariana Mississippi $ 182,171 Guam* issou;n $ 369 ,929 o Mri � Montana $ 65,709 Nebraska Puerto:Ric Virgin Islands $ 163,400 $ 88 729 $ 537,368 $ 136:350; $ 1,204,704 $ 582,047 $ 43,829 $ 709,621 $ 229,182 $ 777,350 $ 7Q852'' $ 282,871 $ 54977 $ 390,012 w, $ 174,189.; $ 41 72T. $ 489,329.. $415123 $ 122,381 $ 348,809 . $ 36,713 $ 7,595 $ 12,287 $ 233;333 $ 7,352 5 Under the provisions of the Coverdell law, several factors (including the number of eligible State applicants) affect "base" amounts. Additionally, as noted in the text, as of the posting date of this solicitation, the amount (if any) that will be made available for the Coverdell program for FY 2011 is not yet known. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds. 6 The Coverdell law includes specific provisions with respect to allocations to American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana,Islands. Please contact NIJfor additional information on this allocation. 27 Appendix 2. Templates for Coverdell Statutory Certifications (Instructions: Scan signed certifications and submit image files electronically through GMS.) 28 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories — Application from a State On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: The State has developed a plan for forensic science laboratories under a program intended to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services in the State, including such services provided by the laboratories operated by the State and those operated by units of local govemment within the State. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of State) Date 29 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to Plan for Forensic Science Laboratories — Application from a Unit of Local Government On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: This unit of local government has developed a plan for forensic science laboratories under a program intended to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services provided by the laboratories operated by the applicant unit of local government and any other government - operated laboratories within the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of Unit of Local Government) Date 30 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS 'NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to Generally Accepted Laboratory Practices and Procedures On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: Any forensic science laboratory system, medical examiner's office, or coroner's office in the State, including any laboratory operated by a unit of local government within the State, that will receive any portion of the grant amount uses generally accepted laboratory practices and procedures, established by accrediting organizations or appropriate certifying bodies. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of State or Unit of Local Government) Date 31 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to Use of Funds for New Facilities On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice: The amount of the grant (if any) used for the costs of any new facility or facilities to be constructed as part of a program to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services will not exceed the limitations set forth at 42 U.S.C. § 3797m(c) and summarized in the FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Announcement. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of State or Unit of Local Government) Date 32 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Certification as to External Investigations On behalf of the applicant agency named below, I certify the following to the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice:. A government entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the State that will receive a portion of the grant amount. I personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Eligibility" in the Fiscal Year 2011 program announcement for the Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program. I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification or in the grant application that it supports may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 42 U.S.C. § 3795a. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Programs grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General. have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directly to the National Institute of Justice). Signature of Certifying Official Printed Name of Certifying Official Title of Certifying Official Name of Applicant Agency (Including Name of State or Unit of Local Government) Date 33 Appendix 3. Template for "External investigations" Attachment (Instructions: Scan the completed document and submit image file electronically through GMS.) 34 FY 2011 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program Attachment: External Investigations The "Certification as to External Investigations" that is submitted on behalf of the applicant agency as part of this application certifies that— A government entity exists and an appropriate process is in place to conduct independent external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or contractors of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility in the state that will receive a portion of the grant,amount. Prior to receiving funds, the applicant agency (that is, the agency applying directing to the National Institute of Justice) must provide —for each forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility that will receive a portion of the grant amount —the name of the "government entity" (or entities) that forms the basis for the certification. Please use the template below to provide this information. (Applicants may adapt this template if necessary, but should ensure that the adapted document provides all required information.) IMPORTANT NOTE: If necessary for accuracy, list more than one entity with respect to each intended recipient of a portion of the grant amount. For example, if no single entity has an appropriate process in place with respect to allegations of serious negligence as well as serious misconduct, it will be necessary to list more than one entity. Similarly, if no single entity has an appropriate process in place with respect to allegations concerning contractors as well as employees, it will be necessary to list more than one entity. Additional guidance regarding the "Certification as to External Investigations" appears in the "Eligibility" section of the program announcement for the FY 2011 Coverdell program. Name of Applicant Agency (including Name of State or Unit of Local Government): Date: Name of any forensic laboratory system, medical examiner's office, coroner's office, law enforcement storage facility, or medical facility that will receive a portion of the grant amount 1. 2. 35 Existing government entity (entities) with an appropriate process in place to conduct independent external investigations FY 2011 External Investigations Attachment (continued) Name of Applicant Agency: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.