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July 11 Protection
• Account Name and Number Item 1 Item 2 FY'11 Budget Encumbered Actual @ Estimated Total (Over)Under Expenditures @ 9° 07/31/11 07/31/11 9/30/11 00001.19XXXX.546000.0000.00000 Current Budget 844,216 Payables 450,658.96 600,658.96 GSA-28-JANUARY-2011-37 28-JAN- Total 591.80 591.80 Reverses"AJ103010 To Record Manual Accrual (99,584.26) (99,584.26) Reverses "AJ111310-02 To Accrue Addt'IAPInvoices (2,056.83) 1(2,056.83) Encumbered @07/31/11 154,135.45 154,135.45 Total -Repair and Maintenance Services 844,216 154,135.45 349,609.67 653,745.12 190,470.88 Page: 1 of 1 Report: 8/23/2011 8:03 AM