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Certification Taxable Value
CERTERCATION OF TAXABLE LE VALUE •('Ji Rt\'Eh Or DR-520 R. 6/11 Rule 120E101-13 Florida Administrative Code Elf.6/11 Year: 2011 County: MIAMI-DADE Principal Authority: CITY OF MIAMI SECTION : COMPLETED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER Taxing Authority : DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT Current year taxable value of real property for operating purposes 2. Current year taxable value of personal property for operating purposes Current year taxable value of centrally assessed property for operating purposes 1$ Current year gross taxable value for operating purposes (Line 1 pius Line 2 plus Line 3) Current year net new taxable value (Add new construction, additions, rehabilitative improvements increasing assessed value by at least 100%, annexations, and tangible $ personal property value over 115% of the previous year's value. Subtract deletions.) 10,197,812,741 (1) $ 798,074,162 (2) 517,792 (3) 10,996,404,695 1,445,432,330 (4) 5 6. Current year adjusted taxable value (Line 4 minus Line 5) 7. Prior year FINAL gross taxable value from prior year applicable Form DR-403 series Does the taxing authority include tax increment financing areas? If yes, enter number of worksheets (DR-420TIF) attached. If none, enter 0 $ YES 9,550,972,365 (6) 9,129,967,625 (7) ® NOI Number (8) 0 Does the taxing authority levy a voted debt service millage or a millage voted for 2 9. years or less under s. 9(b), Article VII, State Constitution? If yes, enter the number of YES NO DR-420DEBT, Certification of Voted Debt Millage forms attached. If none, enter 0 Number 0 (9) SIGN HERE Property Appraiser Certification , I certify the taxable values above are correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Proper3 Appraiser : SECTION II : COMPLETED BY TAXING AUTHORITY 16 millage from Form DR-422) July 1, 2011 If this portion of the form is not completed in FULL your taxing authority will be denied TRIM certification and possibly lose its millage levy privilege for the tax year. If any line is not applicable, enter -0-. Prior year operating millage levy (if prior year mi/loge was adjusted then use adjusted 000 per$1,000 (10) Prior year ad valorem proceeds (Line 7 multiplied by Line 70, divided by 7,000) Amount, if any, paid or applied in prior year as a consequence of an obligation measured by a dedicated increment value (Sum of either Lines beorLine 7afor all DR-420711 forms) Adjusted prior year ad valorem proceeds (Line 17 minus Line 12) $ c{ 5(0ugOur Dedicated increment value, if any (Sum of either Line 6b or Line 7e for ail DR-420T/Fforms) $ Adjusted current year taxable value (Line 6 minus Line 74) Current year rolled -back rate (Line 13 divided by Line 15, multiplied by 1,000) Q (12) (13) (14) S -7a1 5 (15) , L j %0 per $1000 (16) 17 Current year proposed operating millage rate 18 Total taxes to be levied at proposed millage rate (Line 77 multiplied by Line 4, divided by 7,000) O per $1000 (17) (18) Continued on page 2 DR-420 R.6/11 Page 2 19. TYPE of principal authority (check one) In County C Independent Special District Municipality Water Management District (19) 20. Applicable taxing authority (check one) Principal Authority I Dependent Special District MST') L Water Management District Basin (20) 21. Is millage levied in more than one county? (check one) Yes ){ No (21) DEPENDENT Sr STOP -THERE- SIGN ANDSt1.E,MET 22. Enter the total ad valorem proceeds of the principal authority, all dependent special districts, and MSTUs at rolled -back rate. (Total of Line 13 from all DR-420 forms) $ u {t4 G tS 4 _ 4i + (22) 23. Current year aggregate rolled -back rate (Line 22 divided by Line 75, multiplied by 1,00E .1.,i -i gO per $1,000 (23) 24. Current year aggregate rolled -back taxes (Line 4 multiplied by Line23, divided by 1,000) $ 5, 2-S € 12- 2. \ (24) 25. Enter total of all operating ad valorem taxes proposed to be levied by the principal taxing authority, all dependent districts, and MSTUs, if any. (Total of Line 18 from all DR-420 forms) $ �j 12 Cj<o1 2. 4? (25) 26.Current year proposed aggregate millage rate (Line 25 divided by Line 4, multiplied by 7,000) + t-k-1 g © per $1,000 (26) 27 Current year proposed rate as a percent change of rolled -back rate (Line 26 divided by Line 23,-minus 1, multiplied by 100) Q % (27) First public budget (tearing Date : r �{ t S 11 Time : G S 5' pY1 Place : CA t", cN'1 IAr✓-\ LIT tAh, L L. . -DC) 'ems—` AMECL.`�Ar,3 T7C2.. Iv.,r4 r-h, FL. Phone: 3 \\ Taxing Authority Certification I certify the miilages and rates are correct to the best of my knowledge. The millages comply with the provisions of-s. 200.065 and.the provisions of either s. 200.071 ors. 200.081, ES. 6 Signatu of Chief Administrative Offer . - L- r ' v Date : ?/,,_ „2. 0 / / r' fii Title : ( , {�L�cE (`('-\. `-\2--,c>C'.D !-: soli F c__. :\.,3 G q-,)\C2-�.c 00_,. Contact Name and Contact Title : CotLo(..,0-: f 1 t,--�c NJ() MNcc_c)., Accfl,,,yt«cc, a-Fi#,11Aoc-c E R Mailing Address : 'Z& ,'i�t v_..ia`t-arc 1-JD.i.&,3aC= 22--1 Physical Address : Zf�J 5 - \4CA�r--\E " JO. (SufEZQ2�( E City, State, Zip: ,\A),_,-� c. :�1S '\I\ Phone Number: 55-7` - -1,5 Fax Number : 30 '��uZ )-23 Instructions on page 3