FILE ID: J/ 00 83 7
Date: 9/7/11
Commission Meeting Date: 9/27/11
Type: ® Resolution _ Ordinance
Law Department
Matter ID No.
Requesting Department: CIP/Transportation
District(s) Impacted: ALL
Emergency Ordinance Discussion Item ❑ Other
Subject: Resolution to approve Amendment No. I to the Grant Agreement with Action Community Center, Inc.
for pre -arranged transportation services.
Purpose of Item:
To request approval of the attached resolution, by a four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, ratifying, approving and
confirming the City Manager's finding of an emergency that it is in the best interest of the City of Miami (City) to
waive competitive sealed bidding procedures provided in the .Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (City
Code), pursuant to Sections 18-85(a) and 18-90; authorizing an increase, in an amount not to exceed $87,500 to the
Grant Agreement (Agreement) between the City and Action Community Center, Inc. (Action), for pre -arranged
transportation services for low to moderate income elderly and/or disabled Miami residents. This Resolution further
authorizes a three (3) month extension to the Agreement from September 30, 2011 to December 31, 2011 and
authorizes the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1, for said purposes. Funds are to be allocated from the City's
share of the Transit Surtax.
Background Information:
The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and the Office of Transportation procured through the Purchasing Department
a Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 274276,1 on June 24, 2011 to procure a qualified and experienced company to
operate an On -Demand Transportation Service for the City of Miami. The City received a formal Bid Protest of Award
on August 29, 2011 and a stay of procurement was invoked per Section 18-104(d) of the City Code. In order to continue
on -demand services to eligible City residents and to avoid undue hardship to low income elderly and or disabled
residents, the City Manager has detemuned that it is necessary to waive competitive sealed bidding procedures pursuant
to Sections 18-85(a) and 18-90 of the City Code in order to increase and extend Action's Agreement. Said extension is
for a three (3) month period or until the pending protest is resolved and a Notice to Proceed is issued for the subsequent
contract, whichever occurs first.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No: 40 Action-122001
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
Final Approvals
CIP N/A Budgetr
lI us ng orreceiuing capita Grans`/A Risk Management
Purchasin Dept. Director
Chief % ,.,� City Manager
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ProjectManager: Lilia I. Medina, AICP