HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit Aa.—,�a —ru ;4 4 .rze e :I 6i 23'11 Am1t.):�c_ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of a 10 foot wide Alley lying between Block "C" and Block "D", both in T.W. PALMER'S RESUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 60, of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block "D"; thence SOO'39'45"W along the East line of said Lot 1, Block "D" for 10.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S00'39'45"W along the East line of said Block "D" for 344.84 feet; thence N89'59'32"E along the Easterly extension of the North line of the South 5.00 feet of said Block "D" for 10.00 feet; thence N00'39'45"E along the West line said Block "C" for 344.84 feet; thence N90'00'00"W along the Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 feet said Block "D" for 10.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: — This site lies in Section 36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Miami —Dade County, Florida. — All documents are recorded in the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida unless otherwise noted. — Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for easements and/or rights —of —way of records. — Bearings hereon are referred to an assumed value of S00'39'50"W for the East line of said Block D. — This is not a "Boundary Survey" but only a graphic depiction of the description shown hereon. — Dimensions shown hereon are based on Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, sketch #2010-144. — Lands shown hereon containing 3,448 square feet, or 0.079 acres, more or less. are made or implied. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this "Sketch of Description" was made under my responsible charge on April 22, 2011, and meets the applicable codes as set forth in the Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. "Not valid without the signature . a original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper" FORTIN, LEA SKILF�, INC., LB3653 By. • aniel C. Fortin, For The Firm Surveyor and Mapper, LS2853 Stcte of Florida. • 10' ALLEY TO BE VACATED Drawn By bANUR' Cad No 040873 Ref. Dwg. 2010-144 ( LEGAL, NOTES & CERTIFICATION F ORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS Date 4/22/ 1 1 Scale - N/A fob. No. 110367 Dwg. No. 1011-024 Plotted: 5/17/11 3:54p FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miara Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls@flssurvey.com Sheet 1 of 4 EXHIBIT "A" Drawn By DANJR Cad. No.__--040873-- Ref. Dwg. 2010-144 LOCATION SKETCH FORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email ils@flssurvey.com Date 4/22/11 Scale —N/A Job. No. 110367 Dwg. No. 1011-024 Plotted: 5/17/11 3:54p Sheet 2 of 4 EXHIBIT "A" NE l7th STREET (MORSE STREET - PER PLAT) (PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY) S90°00'00'E 129.93' POINT OF N.E. CORNER DEDICATED PER DEED BOOK 842, PAGE 402 & AS SHOWN ON CITY OF MIAMI ATLAS SHEET No. 23H 30.0' AS SHOWN ON CITY OF MIAMI! 0 ATLAS SHEET No. 23H 1 10.0' R/W COMMENCEMENT OF LOT 1, BLOCK "D" LOT 1 25' RADIUS PER 10.00` CITY OF MIAMI CODE, CHAPTER 54-58(a) 0, SOO°39'45"W POINT OF BEGINNING LOT 2 hs7t1 140� LOT 3 co m Z 0 EAST UNE OF C (q o LOT 4 BLOCK D i COrr,�Lt 1 pp� its CO-0- — — — M n. . LOT 5 CC NY —V 0 — — wm 7I" LOT6 0- a 1- LOT 7 in c rn CO a 0 O. N90°00'00"W g 10.00' pi ASE BUILDING UNE PER CITY OF MIAMI CODE, ARTICLE V, SECTION 54-186 LOT 1 CITY OF MIAMI MONUMENT UNE CENTERUNE1 DEDICATED PER DEED BOOK 1101, PAGE 259 & AS SHOWN ON CITY OF MIAMI ATLAS i ) SHEET No. 23H WEST UNE OF BLOCK C 25' RADIUS PER CITY OF MIAMI CODE, CHAPTER 54-58(a) LOT 2 Eli 0 s` co`` of co �cr CC LOT 3 ®WO m LOT 4 20.0' SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR CONTINUATION GRAPHIC SCALD 20 .40 BD ' (' IN FEET' 1 inch =. 40 ft. Drawn By DANJR Cad. No. 040873- Ref. Dwg. 2010-144 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION FORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NITMBER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls@flssurvey.com Date 4/22/11 Scale - - N/A Job. No. 110367 Dwg. No. 1 011-024 Plotted: 5/17/11 3:54p Sheet 3 of 4 rCITY OF MIAMI MONUMENT LINE] OI SEE W 0 Z W <a `Q a3 LL Q>¢ a 2r� am >a F..v CC O L_ Z 10.0' 30,0' �R/W r AS SHOWN ON 1 CITY OF MIAMI .0' ATLAS SHEET No. 23H L— EXHIBIT "A" SHEET 3 OF 4 FOR CONTINUATION ez co LOT 5 J `3 —^>� U.S. ILL---- Jan LOT3 ND =a -I LOT Joc, CC O Y OoCEa �— — W � � I— LOT 7 � J� g W a" 0. J'_ /-F.) H .. % c0 LOTPPP?„ _t j ct co Nod co LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 EAST LINE OF — — — BLOCK 8 LOT 12 25' RADIUS PER LOT 13 CITY OF MIAMI CODE, CHAPTER 54-58(a) LOT 14 J0 ' Lu LOT 4 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. LLI �%M T LO5 P: �� 0 z .YCts —I 0 so WEST LINE OF �[ ®O wP � m .1 /— CO �- 2 I= 20.0' LOT 6 25' RADIUS PER LOT 7 CITY OF MIAMI CODE, CHAPTER 54-58(o) NE 16th STREET N89°59'32"E 5 SHOWN ON CITY )F MIAMI ATLAS (PA ROTT TREET - PER PLAT) (PUBLIC SRIGHT-OF-WAY) 10.00' N 1 SHEET No, 23H CITY OF MIAMI MONUMENT LINE CENTERLINE-" /-CITY OF MIAMI MONUMENT LINE ,o z U �— - Drawn By DANJR Cad. No. 040873 Ref. Dwg. 2010-144 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION FORTIN, LEAVY, S KILES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS & MAPPERS FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF ATTTI{ORIZATION tTh4BER: 00003653 180 Northeast 168th. Street / North Miami Beach, Florida. 33162 Phone: 305-653-4493 / Fax 305-651-7152 / Email fls@flssurvey.com Date 4/22/11 Scale — 40'- Job. No. 110367 Dwg. No. 1011-024 Plotted: 5/17/11 3:54p Sheet 4 of 4