HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail from Dept. of Homeland SecurityFrom: Johnson, Kelli [Kelli.Johnson@dhs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:15 To: Turner, Robert Subject: FW: City of Miami Department of Fire Rescue, Florida: EMW-2010-F0-09932 - Modify Facilities Hello Mr. Turner, I apologize for the confusion. Please see the revised total budget below. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Kelli C. Johnson Grants Management Specialist Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Grant Programs Directorate Office # 202-786-9970 Cell .# 202-258-4867 Fax# 202-786-9905 Kelli.Johnson@dhs.gov From: Johnson, Kelli Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 10:42 AM To: rturner@miamigov.com Subject: City of Miami Department of Fire Rescue, Florida: EMW-2010-F0-09932 - Modify Facilities Dear 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program Applicant: I am the Grants Management Specialist from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate, assigned to review your Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 AFG (Assistance to Firefighters Grant) grant application. Your application was favorably reviewed by a panel of your peers. As such, I have a few matters to discuss/verify with you prior to processing your application any further. Please be advised, this is not a notification of award; it is only a preliminary discussion of your application. If the Program Office has made reductions to your original request, please maintain a copy of your E-mail accepting the reductions to your original application for your official records. 1) The Program Office has made the following reductions to your grant: The approved quantity for SCBA is 108, not 159. Therefore, they have recommended the award at this level: Total Budget $820,580 Federal Share $656,464 Applicant Share $164,116 If you are selected for a grant award, will you accept this reduction? 2a) If you are selected for a grant award, can your department meet the required cost -share? file://C:\Users\mmartinez\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\C:.. 3/25/2011 2b) How are you planning to meet the required cost -share? 3) If you are selected for an award, do you understand that the grant funds can only be used to purchase the number and types of items listed in the Request Details section of the approved grant application. Any changes to the number of items listed in request details must be approved by FEMA. You understand that you have to complete the project (Le., order the goods or services, receive the goods or services, and accept the goods or services) within the grant's one-year period of performance? 4). If you are selected, do you understand that your department will be required to report to National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for one year commencing at your earliest convenience during the performance period of the grant? Nonaffiliated EMS organizations do not have to comply with the NFIRS reporting requirement. * If you need assistance reporting to NFIRS, you may call the support center toll free number 1-888-382- 3827. 5) Is your department fully compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) directives issued by your State and your local jurisdiction? 6a) After you submitted this application, did your department have an urgent need to purchase any of the items requested in the application? If so, please provide the following information: • what was purchased • quantity of items purchase • cost of the items purchased • date item/items were purchased • rationale for purchase prior to award 6b) If you used a grant writer and included the grant writer's fee in your budget, please fax a copy of the bank statement and canceled check (front and back) that was paid to the grant writer to 202-786-9905, to the attention of the Grants Management Specialist who contacted you. Please include the following information: Grant Number, FD name, city and state. 7) Do you have any changes to your contact information provided in your application, such as the names of the individuals, phone numbers, or email addresses? If so please update your application prior to award. If you have listed your agencies primary phone number, and it is not staffed fulltime, please contact information where someone can be reached right away. * If the primary point of contact has a new email address, please follow the instructions below: Using the same user name and id when you applied for the grant, log into https://portal.fema.gov. Once you are into the Status screen, you will select Edit Profile located in the top of the screen. Your next screen will reveal your personal information where you will see your current email address listed. Once you have edited the email address you will click on the Save button. You will then receive a confirmation screen that your profile has been updated but you are NOT finished — you must click near the top left Authorized Applications. You will then click on Firefighters Grant link near the top left to ensure that all updated profile information is transferred through the system. 8a) Do you have any changes to your DUNS number, EIN number or your banking information listed in your application? file://C:\Users\mmartinez\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\C... 3/25/2011 8b) Are you sharing an EIN with your city and/or county? If so, please name the parent entity. 8c) Do you have authorization to use this EIN#59-6000375? (9) Does your department have any previous AFG/SAFER/FP&S grants that are past their period of performance and have not been properly closed out?.If so this may complicate awarding further grants (Performance on prior awards is taken into considerationwhenprocessing new applications. Closing out overdue AFG grants may facilitate further processing of your FY2010 application.). 10) Have you received any other Federal funding this fiscal year? If you responded yes, please indicate the name of the agency that awarded you federal funding and a brief summary of the items that were awarded. 11a) VEHICLE Applicants only: Do you understand that vehicle, awardees will be required to include a Penalty Clause as part of the contract with the vehicle manufacturer. If you request the 25 % of federal funds for down payment as discussed in the program guidance you will be required to obtain a prepayment bond. Please note, extensions to a grant's period of performance may not be considered if a Penalty clause and a performance bond are not included in the purchase contract. 11b) Do you certify that you currently have a comprehensive driver/operator training program (compliant with NFPA 1002) already in place or, if you do not have a comprehensive driver/operator training program and you are awarded a grant, do you certify that your Department will have a program in place within one year of the award? 11c) Do you verify that the vehicle being replaced will be completely removed from service? In order to comply with this requirement, you may NOT donate, sell, give, or transfer your unsafe vehicle to any other emergency response organization for the purposeof emergency response. Again, this is not a notification of award; it is only a preliminary discussion of your application. Once I complete my review, and receive your favorable reply to this message, I will forward your application on to the next phase. If your department is selected you will be.notified by e-mail through our on-line grants system. In that email, you will be directed to a website to print the award forms and other pertinent information. Sincerely, Kelli C. Johnson Grants Management Specialist Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Grant Programs Directorate Office # 202-786-9970 Cell # 202-258-4867 Fax# 202-786-9905 Kelli.Johnson@dhs.gov file://C:\Users\mmartinez\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\C... 3/25/2011 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 1 of 27 Entire Application Overview 'Did you attend one of the workshops conducted by DHS's regional fire program specialist? Yes, I have attended workshop 'Are you a member, or are you currently involved in the management, of the fire department or non-affiliated EMS organization applying for this grant with this application? Yes, I am a member/officer of this applicant If you are a grant writer or otherwise not affiliated with this applicant, please complete the information below. Fields marked with an • are required. Ifyou are a member/officer of this applicant, please do not complete the information requested below. Preparer Information • Preparer's Name Address 1 Address 2 City *State *Zip https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EM W-2010-F0-09932 Page 2 of 27 Contact Information Alternate Contact Information Number 1 Title Deputy Fire Chief Prefix Mr. • First Name Reginald Middle Initial • Last Name Duren *Business Phone 305-416-5403 Ext. *Home Phone 305-416-5403 Ext. Mobile Phone/Pager Fax *Email rduren@miamigov.com Alternate Contact Information Number 2 • Title Acting Director Prefix Mrs. • First Name Dorcas Middle Initial • Last Name Perez *Business Phone 305-416-1536 Ext. *Home Phone 305-416-1536 Ext. Mobile Phone/Pager Fax *Email dperez@miamigov.com https://eserviceslema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j p/fire20 1 0/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 3 of 27 Applicant Information EMW-2010-FO-09932 Originally submitted on 05/28/2010 by Robert Turner (Userid: rduren) Contact Information: Address: 1151 NW 7 ST. 3RD FLOOR City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33136 Day Phone: 3054165438 Evening Phone: Cell Phone: 9548565959 Email: rturner@miamigov.com Application number is EMW-2010-FO-09932 - Organization Name City of Miami Department of Fire Rescue * Type of Applicant Fire Department/Fire District Type of Jurisdiction Served City If other, please enter the type of Jurisdiction • Employer Identification Number 59-6000375 What is your organizations DUNS Number? 072220791 (call 1-866-705-5711 to get a DUNS number) Headquarters or Main Station Physical Address • Physical Address 1 1151 NW 7th Street Physical Address 2 City Miami *State Florida *Zip 33136 - 3604 Need help for ZIP+4? Mailing Address *Mailing Address 1 1151 NW 7th Street Mailing Address 2 *City Miami State._.__.._.........._....__.._._.... Florida._.. ...._... _.._......... 33136 - 3604 *Zip Need help for ZIP+4? Account Information *Type of bank account Checking • Bank routing number - 9 digit number on the bottom 063000021 left hand corner of your check *Your account number 2696204833948 Additional Information *For this fiscal year (Federal) is your organization https: //eservic es. fema. gov/FenaaFireGrant/furegrant/j sp/fire2010/application/print_app. j sp?p... 6/ 1 /2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 4 of 27 receiving Federal funding from any other grant program that may duplicate the purpose and/or scope of this grant request? If awarded the AFG grant, will your organization expend more than $500,000 in Federal funds during your organization's fiscal year in which this AFG grant was awarded? • Is the applicant delinquent onany Federal debt? If you answered yes to any of the additional questions above, please provide an explanation in the space provided below: N/A No Yes No https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFi eGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/pri t app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 5 of 27 Department Characteristics (Part I) Are you a member.of.a Federal Fire Department or contracted by the Federal government and solely responsible for suppression of fires on Federal property? *What kind of organization do you represent? All Paid/Career If you answered combination, above, what is the percentage of career members in your organization? If you answered volunteer or combination or paid on - call, how many of your volunteer Firefighters are paid members from another career department? * What type of community does your organization serve? What is the square mileage of your first -due response area? *What percentage of your response area is protected by hydrants? * In what county/parish is your organization physically located? If you have more than one station, in what county/parish is your main station located? *Does your organization protect critical infrastructure of the state? *How much of your jurisdiction's land use is for agriculture, wild land, open space, or undeveloped properties? * What percentage of your jurisdiction's land use is for commercial, industrial, or institutional purposes? *What percentage of your jurisdiction's land is used for residential purposes? • How many occupied structures (commercial, industrial, residential, or institutional) in your jurisdiction are more than four stories tall? * What is the permanent resident population of your Primary/First-Due Response Area or jurisdiction served? *How many active firefighters does your department have who perform firefighting duties? * How many ALS level trained members do you have in your department/organization? * How many stations are operated by your organization? * Do you currently report to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS)? If you answered yes above, please enter your FDIN/FDID No Urban 35 100 % Miami -Dade Yes 5% 29 % 66 % 600 362470 606 450 14 Yes 01042 https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 6 of 27 What services does your organization provide? Structural Fire Suppression Occasional Fire Prevention Program Medical First Response Basic Life Support Advanced Life Support Formal/Year-Round Fire Hazmat Operational Level Nazi -flat Technical Level Rescue Operational Level Prevention ProgramRescue Technical Level https ://eservices. fema. gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire2010/appli cation/print_app. j sp?p... 6/ 1 /2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 7 of 27 Fire Department Characteristics (Part II) * What is the total number of fire -related civilian fatalities in your jurisdiction over the last three years? What is the total number of fire -related civilian injuries in your jurisdiction over the last three years? What is the total number of line of duty member fatalities in your jurisdiction over the last three years? *What is the total number of line of duty member injuries in your jurisdiction over the last three years? * Over the last three years, what was your organization's average operating budget? What percentage of your TOTAL budget is dedicated to personnel costs (salary, overtime and fringe benefits)? • What percentage of your annual operating budget is derived from: Enter numbers only, percentages must sum up to 100% Taxes? EMS Billing? Grants? Donations? Fund drives? Fee for Service? Other? If you entered a value into Other field (other than 0), please explain * How many vehicles does your organization have in each of the types must include vehicles that are leased or on long-term loan as well ordered or otherwise currently under contract for purchase or lea your possession. (Enter numbers only and enter 0 if you do not have Type or Class of Vehicle Engines or Pumpers (pumping capacity of 750 gpm or greater and water capacity of 300 gallons or more): Pumper, Pumper/Tanker, Rescue/Pumper, Foam Pumper, CAFS Pumper, Quint "(Aerial device of less th"an 76-feet), Type I or Type II Engine Urban Interface .. Tankers (pumping capacity of less than 750 gallons per minute (gpm) and water capacity of 1,000 gallons or more): Tanker, Tender, Tanker/Tender Aerial Apparatus: Aerial Ladder Truck, Telescoping, Articulating, Ladder Towers, Platform, Tiller Ladder Truck, Quint (Aerial device of 76 feet or greater) Brush/Quick attack (pumping capacity of less than 750 gpm and water carrying capacity of at least 300 gallons): Brush Truck, Patrol Unit (Pick up w/ Skid Unit), Quick Attack Unit, Mini -Pumper, Type III Engine, Type IV Engine, Type V Engine, Type VI Engine, Type VII Engine 2009 4 15 0 210 84729247 95% 93 % 7 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2008 2007 5 6 5 7 0 0 205 200 or class of vehicle listed below? You as any vehicles that have been se by your organization but not yet in any of the vehicles below.) Total Number of Total Number Riding Positions 12 48 0 0 6 0 24 https://eseivices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 8 of 27 Rescue Vehicles: Rescue Squad, Rescue (Light, Medium, Heavy), Technical Rescue Vehicle, 1 4 Hazardous Materials Unit Ambulances for transport, emergency or scheduled 24 72 Other: EMS Chase Vehicle, Air/Light Unit, Rehab Units, Bomb Unit, Technical Support (Command, Operational Support/Supply), Hose Tender, Salvage Truck, ARFF 8 11 (Aircraft Rescue Firefighting), Command/Mobile Communications Vehicle, Other Vehicle https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 9 of 27 Departrnent Call Volume 2009 2008 2007 * How many responses per year by category? (Enter whole numbers only. If you have no calls for any of the categories, enter o) Working Structural Fires 673 811 742 False Alarms/Good Intent Calls 4178 4281 0 Vehicle Fires 408 296 483 Vegetation Fires 236 140 165 EMS -BLS Response Calls 29085 33560 31051 EMS-ALS Response Calls 43932 38440 36974 .EMS -BLS Scheduled Transports 0 0 0 EMS-ALS Scheduled Transports 0 0 0 Vehicle Accidents w/o 5391 6107 6093 Extrication Vehicle Extrications 94 118 120 Other Rescue 111 106 150 Hazardous Condition/Materials 555 420 339 Calls Service Calls 712 272 243 Other Calls and Incidents 3425 4979 4627 Total 88800 89530 80987 What is the total acreage of all vegetation fires? Ina particular -year, how many times does your organization receive mutual/automatic aid? In a particular year, how many times does your organization provide mutual/automatic aid? (Please indicate the number of times your department provides or receives mutual aid. Do not include first -due responses claimed above.) 0 2 137. 0 0 55 6 63 https://eseivices.fema.gov/FemaFi eGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p.. 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 10 of 27 Request Information 1. Select a program for which you are applying. If you are interested in applying under both Vehicle Acquisition and Operations and Safety, and/or regional application you will need to submit separate applications. Program Name Operations and Safety * 2. Will this grant benefit more than one organization? Yes If you answered Yes to Question 2 above, please explain. Automatic Aid for Key Biscayne; Mutual Aid for Coral Gables, Hialeah, Miami Beach, Miami -Dade County. • 3. Enter Grant -writing fee associated with the preparation of this request. Enter 0 if there is no fee. $0 Request Details The activities for program Operations and Safety are listed in the table below. Activity Number of Entries Total Cost Additional Funding Equipment 0 $ 0 $ 0 Modify Facilities 10 $ 253,580 $ 0 Personal Protective Equipment 2 $ 1,029,525 $ 0 Training 0 $ 0 $ 0 Wellness and Fitness Programs 0 $ 0 $ 0 Grant -writing fee associated with the preparation of this request. View Operations and Firefighter Safety - Modify Facilities $0 Modify Facilities Details * 1. What percent of your active firefighters are trained to the level 100 % (whole number only) of Firefighter I? 2. What percentage of your active firefighters are trained to the 100 % (whole number only) level of Firefighter II? 3. If you answered less than 100% to either question above, are No you requesting for training funds in this application to bring 100% of your firefighters into compliance with NFPA 1001? If you've indicated that less than 100% of your firefighters are trained to the Firefighter II level and you are not asking for training funds in this application, please describe in the narrative section of this application your training program and your plans to bring your membership up to Firefighter II. *4. On what type of modification will the funds be spent (Add one line -item request per station being modified)? Please provide further description of the item selected above Source Capture Exhaust System(s) Station 10-overhead passive system littps://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 11 of 27 5.If you are installing an exhaust extraction system, how many vehicles do you plan on attaching to the system (only include currently owned vehicles or vehicles on order - do not include equipment for future capacity)? *6. Number of units: *7. Cost per unit: *8.What is the age of the facility that is being modified? *9.What type of facility will be modified? *10. What is the level of occupancy for the facility you wish to modify? Note: The occupancy is defined by the number of hours the facility is used within a single 24 hour time period. Modify Facilities - Add Budget Item integrated with drop down to aid in removal of contaminants emitting from returned firefighters, trucks, surrounding traffic in these urban settings, and the accumulation of said gases due to lack of breezeways and ventilation. 3 2 (whole number only) 7500 (whole dollar amounts only) 21 years Station(s) with sleeping quarters * Item Select Object Class: If you selected other above, please specify: Personal Protective Equipment Full-Time(24/7) Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Details 1. What percent of your active firefighters are trained to the level of 100 Firefighter I? 2. What percentage of your active firefighters are trained to the level of Firefighter II? 3. If you answered less than 100% to either question above, are No you requesting for training funds in this application to bring 100% of your firefighters into compliance with NFPA 1001? If you've indicated that Tess than 100% of your firefighters are trained to the Firefighter II level and you are not asking for training funds in this application, please describe in the narrative section of this application your training program and your plans to bring your membership up to Firefighter II. 4*. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected. Other above, please specify. % (whole number only) 100 % (whole number only) SCBA--45 minutes with face piece -With extra bottle Face Mask WNoice Amplifier/Receiver; Communication System; First Stage Pressure Reducer; https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire20 1 0/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1 /2010 Application Number: FMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 12 of 27. 5*. Number of units 6*. Cost per unit 7* o For turnout requests, what percentage of your on -duty active members will have PPE that meets applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? • If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated riding positions will have complaint SCBA assigned to it if this grant is awarded? ., if you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? 8*. What is the purpose of this request? If you have indicated you are requesting PPE (any PPE other than SCBA) in the Question 1 above, what are the specific ages of your equipment in years? If requesting SCBA, click on "n/a", do not provide PPE ages here but continue on to the next question. Please assure that you've accounted for ALL gear for ALL members declared in Department Characteristics - not just the gear you wish to replace. If you have indicated you are requesting SCBA in the Question above, to which edition(s) of NFPA are your SCBA complaint? If • not requesting SCBA, please click on "n/a" and continue on to the next question. Please account for ALL SCBA currently in your department's inventory - not just the equipment you wish to replace . RIC Quick Fill System; Lung Demand Valve (LDV) with CBRN approval; Manifold, Hose, 40" adaptor installed; HUD; Buddy system 159 (whole number only) $2900 (whole dollar amounts only) 100% to replace old/obsolete equipment n/a Age (in Years) Less than 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more # of members with no gear n/a Year 2007 Standard 2002 Standard 1997 Standard Older Standards # of Items # of NFPA compliant SCBA 159 https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFi eGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 13 of 27 9*. Is this PPE : For protection use against fire If you selected Other above, please specify. Will this equipment be used for wildland firefighting purposes? No 11 *. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment Yes being purchased with grant funds? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this No application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Details 1. What percent of your active firefighters are trained to the level of 100 % (whole number only) Firefighter I? 2. What percentage of your active firefighters are trained to the 100 % (whole number only) level of Firefighter II? 3. If you answered less than 100% to either question above, are No you requesting for training funds in this application to bring 100% of your firefighters into compliance with NFPA 1001? If you've indicated that less than 100% of your firefighters are trained to the Firefighter II level and you are not asking for training funds in this application, please describe in the narrative section of this application your training program and your plans to bring your membership up to Firefighter II. 4*. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Other PPE (explain) Please provide further description of the item selected above or if Backplate with harness you selected Other above, please specify. 5*: Number of units 159 (whole number only) 6*. Cost per unit $3575 (whole dollar amounts only) 7 *. 100% • For turnout requests, what percentage of your on -duty active members will have PPE that meets applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? • If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated .riding positions.wil/_have.complaint.SCBA assigned to.itif ......... this grant is awarded? • If you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? 8*. What is the purpose of this request? to replace old/obsolete equipment If you have indicated you are requesting PPE (any PPE other than SCBA) in the Question 1 above, what are the specific ages of your equipment in years? If requesting SCBA, click on "n/a", do not provide PPE ages here but continue on to the next question. Please assure that you've accounted for ALL gear for ALL members declared in Department Characteristics - not just the �] n/a Age (in Years) Less than 1 # of Items https://eservices.fema_gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: FMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 14 of 27 gear you wish to replace. If you have indicated you are requesting SCBA in the Question above, to which edition(s) of NFPA are your SCBA complaint? If not requesting SCBA, please click on "n/a" and continue on to the next question. Please account for ALL SCBA currently in your department's inventory - not just the equipment you wish to replace . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more # of members with no gear n/a Year 2007 Standard 2002 Standard 1997 Standard Older Standards # of NFPA compliant SCBA 246 9*. Is this PPE : For protection use against fire If you selected Other above, please specify. 10*. Will this equipment be used for wildland firefighting purposes? No 11*. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment Yes being purchased with grant funds? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this No application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? --Budget Budget Object Class a. Personnel $ 0 b. Fringe Benefits $ 0 c.Travel $0 d. Equipment $ 1,283,105 https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire2010/application/print_app. j sp?p... 6/1 /2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 15 of 27 e. Supplies $ 0 f. Contractual $ 0 g. Construction $ 0 h. Other $ 0 i. Indirect Charges $ 0 Federal and Applicant Share Federal Share $ 1,000,000 Applicant Share $ 283,105 Federal Rate Sharing (%) 80/20 "Non -Federal Resources (The combined Non -Federal Resources must equal the Applicant Share. of $ 283,105) a. Applicant $ 283,105 b. State $ 0 c. Local $ 0 d. Other Sources $ 0 If you entered a value in Other Sources other than zero (0), include your explanation below. You can use this space to provide information on the project, cost share match, or if you have an indirect cost agreement with a federal agency. . Total Budget $ 1,283,105 https://eservices:fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 ------ Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 16 of 27 Narrative Statement Project Description- * Please indicate which of these Target Capabilities your request outlined in this application will satisfy. Check all that apply: Responder Safety and Health Firefighting Operations/Support Hazardous Materials Response Search and Rescue Emergency Medical Services Communications * Please provide your narrative statement in the space provided below. Include in your narrative, details regarding (1) your project's description and budget, (2) your organization's financial need, (3) the benefit to be derived from the cost of your project, and (4) how the activities requested in your application will help your organization's daily operations and how this grant will protect life and property. I. Project Decsription-Annually, MFR's 606.fire fighters answers almost 90,000 calls from 14 stations distributed through a 35 sq. mile territory, resulting in one of the top ten call volumes per firefighter in the country. These calls, within the densely populated urban environment of the City of Miami, protect the almost 1 million individuals who live, work, or visit the City on a daily basis. MFR faces the typical firefighting emergencies to combat structural fires (with 600 buildings over four stories; 291 considered high rises), car fires, chemical and hazmat fires, and arsons. In addition to these, MFR must be ready to respond to hurricanes, fallout from political turmoil from other countries, terrorist attacks and wildfires. Consequently, to protect MFR's Firefighters and the public we serve, each firefighter must have the requisite protective equipment to safely and effectively manage fire -related emergencies. During other emergencies, particularly weather -related emergencies, City residents and workers consider fire stations as refuges for public safety. Therefore, MFR requests: **1.A. SCBA Replacement: (159 @ $1,029,525: Unit Costs @ SCBA $ 2,900; Backplate and Harness $ 3,575) MFR's first project will replace its old and obsolete Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for all seated positions, for a total of 159 SCBA units with two 45 minute bottles, back plate harness, with cylinder quick release; a "buddy breather" system with 40-inch hose, which allows the connection of two SCBAs to one breather, voice communicators, and a Heads Up Device (HUD) MFR's current SCBAs for seated positions see high utilization rates and consequently suffer wear and tear that has compromised the functionality of the units. These units are over 12 years old and compliant only with the 1997 Edition of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) but also are not compliant or useable in the case of a CBRNE event. These units are not functionally upgradeable due to the compromises in durability and range of motion that would be required. Therefore, MFR believes that replacing its seated positions with SCBAs that would bring it to 100% NFPA compliance for all seated positions and CRBNE protection is the best strategy to ensure its firefighters are protected during fire and HAZMAT emergencies. NFPA requirements mandate that all SCBA for emergency services personnel also be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as compliant with the CBRN. approval criteria. CBRN SCBAs are intended for circumstances where the substance involved creates an immediate threat, is unidentified, oxygen -deficient, or determined to be immediately dangerous to life and health. Currently, our SCBAs are not useable in these situations. The new units would improve the quality, speed and effectiveness of MFR's response which answers calls typical -to ....-- -- urban environments,as well as large scale natural disasters, and terrorism preparedness. **1.B. Exhaust Extraction Replacement (5 stations $253,580: Tier 1 compatible turnkey units for drop hoses and filtration systems All 14 of MFR's fire stations, who are staffed 24/7, lack vehicle exhaust extraction, due to the age of the buildings (12 over 30 years old)and fire station safety standards at that time of construction. MFR wishes to provide the protection from carcinogenic exhaust for its fire fighters and the public that sometime use the facilities for civic events or seek shelter there during hurricanes. The proposed project would provide Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System, with drop down hoses on a rail track and accompanying air filter for 5 of our 12 stations (selected due to call volume). These stations have been surveyed to establish the vehicles and subsequently number of drops and filtration systems needed: **Station 1- 6 units @ $8929 includes air truck/47years old; 3 filtration Units @ $7500.00 **Station 3-2 units/35 years old $8929; 1 filtration Unit @ $7500.00 per unit **Station 5-5 units includes dive van /34years old $8929; 2 filtration Units @ 7,500.00 7 — iittpsWeserviceslema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire20 1 0/application/print_appjsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: FMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 17 of 27 **Station 6-4 /34 years old $8929; 2 filtration Units @ 7,500.00 **Station 10-3 units/46years old $8929; 2 filtration Units @ 7,500.00 The total project cost is $1,283,105 and 20% or.$283,105.will be provided by MFR. These projects are ready to be acted upon and MFR expects no delay in processing funding and making purchases within a 12 month period. All active firefighters are fully trained in how to use of both project components; therefore, no additional training is -requested as part of this grant. 2.) FINANCIAL NEED MFR depends on the City's General Fund to support the continuing operational needs, which is dependent on the wealth of its residents. Miami is the nation's fifth poorest major city with a 28.5% poverty rate. Miami's median family income is $27,225 — 46% below the national median ($50,046); 28.3% of the city's adults, seniors and children lives in poverty. The city has the nation's seventh largest older adult (over age 65) population with 17%. In addition, 40% of them live in poverty and 30% are disabled. The percentage increases dramatically in November as older adults migrate to Florida from colder climates, visiting for several months at a time. Coupled with state budget crises and Miami faces a current shortfall and no income improvement for the near future. Furthermore, MFR has a high utilization rate of its staff and operations due to its unique population. Miami continues to be a gateway for newly assimilated, poor immigrants. Low-income families (23.5% of the households), newly arrived immigrants, and the over age 65 population are the city's most vulnerable groups. This population composite results in a low rate of tax income in relation to the draw on municipal resources. The City of Miami is also listed as one of the top ten cities damaged economically by the real estate bust and economic downturn. Last year, the City had to close an over $200 million dollar budget gap resulting in salary cuts, layoffs, and operational downsizing of budgets, including MFR's equipment and operations budget which support SCBA acquisition and station modification respectively. MFR's Departmental budget cost centers are 90% for payroll, leaving only 10% for fuel expenses, fire and EMS supplies, and other basic items. The budget itself has not risen to meet the rising cost of living even as demands from its residents and businesses have grown. The city has grown exponentially in the past five years both in terms of commercial and residential buildings - 37 new high-rise condos and 20,000 new units built in downtown alone. This growth creates an increased demand on municipal monies for essential services and infrastructure issues, removing the ability to allocate any discretionary funds from the City's General Fund to provide funding for critical projects, such as this acquisition of CBRN SCBAs and vehicle exhaust extraction systems. Due to these budget limitations, the City's General Fund can only provide funding to meet the basic needs of emergency services, while at the same time MFR is seeing an increase in the demand for these services. Without AFG funding, MFR's ability to protect critical infrastructure, life and property will continue to be compromised and non -compliant as it responds to fire emergencies without the appropriate PPE to protect them from inhalation, assist in reducing fire risks, prevent exhaust exposure 24/7 and decrease fire suppression times due to the ability to enter situations with CBRNE protection and quality SCBA units. 3) COST/BENEFITS The grant funding of SCBA and exhaust extraction system will provide immediate improvements to the health and safety of firefighters and the public through the increased effectiveness of MFR's ability to respond to fire emergencies, HAZMAT emergencies, hurricanes, terrorist preparedness, and utilization of new communications capability. The primary focus of the SCBA and vehicle exhaust extraction system acquisition is to provide MFR's firefighters with basic and required SCBA support so that they can quickly and effectively conduct fire suppression activities in extremely hazardous conditions, and have safe living quarters to return to, free of exhaust pollution and contaminants. CURRENT SITUATION .. ... _ ._ _...... ..... ..........._ ...._ __ .. The grant funding would allow MFR to provide necessary coverage to all seated positions (159) with fully - compliant CBRNE SCBAs, of which 100% have one or more operationally compromising factor. The SCBA's proposed to be replaced have harness damage (100%), lack buddy breather systems (100%), have no CBRNE response capabilities (100%), lack voice over communications capability (100%) and are currently only compliant with NFPA 1997, and will be expired. Further, these SCBAs lack CBRNE components, making firefighters vulnerable. Funding would also benefit the health of the public and firefighters by installing extraction systems in all of the https://eservices fema:gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p,.. °6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 18 of 27 stations, bringing them 100% compliance with NIOSH standards; their current status is 0% compliance. The selected stations not only have the highest run rates but also are situated in urban environments with significant traffic and subsequent exhaust pollution from idling cars and lack of natural breeze ventilation. This exposes firefighters to extensive exhaust and contaminant exposure when on -call, an exposure that has been shown in some municipal' studies (Nashville, TN) to be directly linked to increased risk for cancer. MFR will benefit from funding by this new ability to protect its fire response territory, fulfill its automatic and mutual aid obligations and protect the safety and health of its firefighters. *Primary Fire Response Benefits: The City of Miami is a culturally diverse metropolitan city located in southeast Florida directly on Biscayne Bay. It is the largest city in Miami -Dade County and encompasses 35 square miles of urban high rises (291 structures over 75 feet tall), major highways, power plants, warehouses, the Port of Miami, and major hurricane evacuation routes. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ranked the City of Miami as the eighth most probable urban area in the country to be targeted by terrorist attack. Its metropolitan size, multi -national population (60% foreign born), and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, places the city at great risk for both hurricanes and man-made disasters such as oil spills or terrorist attacks. Therefore, it is essential that MFR replace current SCBAs in order to address its constantly expanding list of new risks. Its size and population is a unique mix compared to other communities nationally: -Ethnicity: 68.1% Hispanic, 20.5% are Black or African American alone, 0.2% are American Indian or Alaska Native alone, 0.6% are Asian alone, 0.0% are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander alone, 5.6%, 4% White are Some Other Race, and 5.0% are Two or More Races, -Immigration: 60% are foreign born; over 70% speak a language other than English at home. -High rates of domestic and international tourism-5.3 Million annually (2nd highest rate of foreign visitors after New York) high rates of domestic and international visitors for both business and tourism. These demographics heighten fire response challenges, as the residents may have limited English, different expectations of what are safe practices in the home for appliance use, have difficulty escaping fires based on • their physical limitations (elder), live in dilapidated housing due to poverty with high flash over risk, have few economic resources to obtain fire alarms and/or home fire exhaust equipment. The condo bust has also increased tremendously the number of empty or abandoned housing units throughout the City; 69% of housing units in Miami are rentals. All of these factors lead to fires that start frequently and escalate rapidly, and often without the opportunity to ascertain the nature of the accelerant, leading to yet another the need for CRBNE SCBAs. Based on alarms per firefighter, MFR continues to be the one of the top ten busiest fire -rescue departments in the country. This rate of use, in addition to the range of fire emergencies MFR responds to, from home kitchen fires, to factory fires, to vehicle fires, structural fires, abandoned building fires, and boating fires wear all components of the firefighter's personal protective equipment. The SCBAs proposed to be replaced have suffered from this intense use (see SCBA damage description above). The replacement of these SCBAs will have tremendous impact on the safety and quality of fire and hazmat response. *HAZMAT Calls/Response Benefits: Currently MFR responds to more than 500 dedicated hazmat and 1300 fire calls a year. With the new SCBAs firefighters would be fully equipped during these standard calls, thus improving response and recovery times; MFR would be properly prepared to safely respond to all CBRNE calls; and human lifeand property would be better protected. *Large Scale Natural Disasters Response Benefits -Miami's weather is characterized by a six-month Atlantic hurricane season; elevated levels of hurricane activity are anticipated throughout the next decade (NOAA Press Release 03-144, Dec.1, 2003). The public view fire stations as safe houses during emergencies. Residents currently using or visiting these facilities are exposed to exhaust because of the lack of extraction systems. * Terrorist Preparedness Benefits: Through the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ranked the City of Miami as the eighth most probable urban area in the country to be targeted by terrorist attack, most likely using CBRNE tactics which MFR would be unprepared for. *Firefighter/Public Safety Benefits: --SCBA--These grant funds will dramatically change the working environment for firefighters by providing them with the knowledge and confidence that their equipment will not malfunction. Currently, 3% of all MFR calls have a SCBA failure on call. Each of the newly acquired CBRNE SCBA systems will be equipped with a "buddy breather" (alternative air source) system, a critical piece of safety equipment that allows the connection of two blips-://eservices.fema:gov/FemaFireGrrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.j sp?p... 6/1 /20 F0-=a=— Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 19 of 27 SCBAs to one breather, which many of our current SCBAs lack. —Exhaust Extraction --Currently, firefighters and the general public are exposed to vehicle exhaust everyday. All facilities proposed as sites for extraction units are currently without any extraction device. The exposure to toxins via exhaust_ dispersed by apparatus is constant for the fire fighters on call as all of these facilities are equipped with living quarters; outside traffic also plays a role. Firefighters already risk their health in responding to fire emergencies; continuing to expose them to exhaust is a challenge they ought not have to face. * Performance: In addition to being flame resistant, the newly acquired PPE will be 15 minutes increased active firefighting times, essential to the high rise fire responses that require more time to cover more of the emergency area during a fire emergency. * Communications Improvement -Equipment enhanced by face masks with voice communicators and heads up display (HUD). Current SCBAs have limited, if any, voice communicators. New SCBAs will have the latest in voice enhancement for crisp communication, and HUD, which would aid in decision -making by the firefighter regarding their personal safety and decrease confusion due to not understanding verbal commands. The HUD is easy to use under extremely stressful situations and displays information such as current cylinder pressure, time remaining, and automatic distress signals directly in the face mask. Fire operations are very noisy situations; the HUD will help to overcome the current deficiency of the warning devices not being heard due to extreme noise of fire operation situation and save lives. Without the support of funding from AFG 2010 MFR will continue operating with the substandard equipment resulting in continued risk for firefighter safety, compromise of maximum response efficacy, and increased costs of fire incident damage. The city would also continue to be out of compliance with current regulations by using outdated substandard SCBAs. In addition to potential loss of life, this would most immediately adversely affect firefighter health and safety through exposure to harmful smoke and chemicals because of malfunctioning equipment on -scene. The compromise in performance in turn increases risk for residents and businesses who expect full fire response capability, but whom, without the funding from AFG, will not receive it. Impacts would range city-wide as fire -rescue could be potentially unable to save lives of residents and visitors. 4.) OPERATIONAL OUTCOMES The response phase of emergency operation is critical and is designed to minimize suffering, loss of life, and property damage. A fully functional fire rescue team with abilities to enter all types of potential emergency or disaster situations is critical to properly address emergency operation response. The AFG 2010 funding would allow for enhanced operations of MFR and properly equipped first responders. This would increase the types of calls that the Department would be able to safely respond to, ensuring that fire fighters will be able to respond more efficiently and effectively to the community during emergencies, ultimately protecting public property and health and safety. Operational Benefits for both the SCBA and Exhaust Extraction Projects include: SCBA OUTCOMES *100% Compliance with NFPA standards and CRBNE requirements *Decrease fire suppression time due to SCBA functionality *Increased Safety due to better communications technology *Decreased response time due to completely functional SCBA units. *Increased ability to respond to HAZMAT calls *Increased ability to respond for terrorist -related events. -EXHAUST EXTRACTION *Increased firefighter health due to exhaust extraction *Increased usability of stations by the public due to removal of exhaust. *Increased exhaust removal from idling cars surrounding fire stations in its urban environment. As a major metropolitan center with mutual aid responsibilities to other nearby urban areas, Miami is the keystone for fire -response in the south Florida region, but currently Tacks this core operational and safety component of having fully functional and compliant SCBAs and contaminant free -fire stations. By increasing Miami's level of preparedness, levels across the South Florida region will become complementary and increase response quality, leveraging the impact of the grant. * Please describe all grants that you have received from DHS including any AFG grants received from DHS or FEMA, for example, 2002 AFG grant for vehicle or 2003 ODP grant for. exercises. (Enter "N/A" if Not Applicable) =—https://eservices:fema gov/FemaFireGrant/fregrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 20 of 27 ) - Assistance to Firefighters for equipments and operations: 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2006, 2009 - SAFER to hire firefighters: 2005 - Urban Search and Rescue for operations: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,2007 - UASI for equipment, training and operations: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,2007 - Fire Prevention and Safety Grant: 2006 =__ https://eservices.fema:gov/Tema-FireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app jsp?p... 6/1/2010-s- �=_-- Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 21 of 27 Assurances and Certifications Form 20-16A You must read and sign these assurances. These documents contain the Federal requirements attached to all Federal grants including the right of the Federal government to review the grant activity. You should read over the documents to become aware of the requirements. The Assurances and Certifications must be read, signed, and submitted as a part of the application. Note: Fields marked with an are required. Assurances Non -Construction Programs Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have any questions, please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non -Federal share of project costs) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish .safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5 Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. Section 4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the ' nineteen statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination onthe basis ofsex; (c) Section 504ofthe Rehabilitation Act of...1973,.... as amended (29 U.S.C. Section 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sections 6101- 6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290-dd-3 and 290-ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Section 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (j) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. ---= =--,-https://eservices femazov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 22 of 27 7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a.. result of Federal or Federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interest in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. Sections 1501-1508 and 7324-7328), which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis -Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. Sections' 276a to 276a- 7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. Section 276c and 18 U.S.C. Sections 874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. Sections 327-333), regarding labor standards for Federally assisted construction sub agreements. 10. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and tb purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in flood plains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. Section 1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, (P.L. 93- 523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. Section 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. Section 4801 et se.q.),which prohibits the use of lead based ...paint ..in, construction._ or rehabilitation of residence, structures. 17. WiII cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. 19. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. 201), as they apply to employees of institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. = https//eservices:fema:gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010= ,--_=- Signed by Robert Turner on 05/2612010 l xnYn.. 6/l/2010 '-=� Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 24 of 27 Form 20-16C You must read and sign these assurances. Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension'and Other Responsibility Matters and Drug -Free Workplace Requirements. Note: Fields marked with an * are required. Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature on this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 44 CFR Part 18, "New Restrictions on Lobbying; and 44 CFR Part 17, "Government -wide Debarment and Suspension (Non -procurement) and Government -wide Requirements for -Drug -Free Workplace (Grants)." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. 1. Lobbying A. As required by the section 1352, Title 31 of the US Code, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 18 for persons (entering) into a grant or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 44CFR Part 18, the applicant certifies that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement and extension, continuation, renewal amendment or modification of any Federal grantor cooperative agreement. (b) If any other funds than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities", in accordance with its instructions. (c) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all the sub awards at all tiers (including sub grants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements and sub contract(s)) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (Direct Recipient) A. As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 44CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 CFR Part 17, Section 17.510-A, the applicant certifies that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced ................ to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civilian judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in -connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or perform a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen_property. (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification: and hops://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/j sp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1 /2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-F0-09932 Page 25 of 27 (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default; and B. Where the applicant is unable to certify,to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this application. 3. Drug -Free Workplace (Grantees other than individuals) As required by the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 44CFR Part 17, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 44 CFR part 17, Sections 17.615 and 17.620: (A) The applicant certifies that it will continue to provide a drug -free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; '(b) Establishing an on -going drug free awareness program to inform employees about: (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantees policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant to be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement and (2) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five • calendar days after such conviction. (e) Notifying the agency, in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to the applicable DHS awarding office, i.e. regional office or DHS office. (f) Taking one of the following actions, against such an employee, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or Local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). (B) The grantee may insert in the space provided below the'site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: https://eservices.fema:gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 26 of 27. Place of Performance Street City State Zip Action If your place of performance is different from the physical address provided by you in the Applicant Information, press Add Place of Performance button above to ensure that the correct place of performance has been specified. You can add multiple addresses by repeating this process multiple times. Section 17.630 of the regulations provide that a grantee that is a State may elect to make one certification in each Federal fiscal year. A copy of which should be included with each application for OHS funding. States and State agencies may elect to use a Statewide certification. Signed by Robert Turner on 05/26/2010 https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p... 6/1/2010 Application Number: EMW-2010-FO-09932 Page 27 of 27 FEMA Standard Form LLL Only complete if applying for a grant for more than $100,000 and have lobbying activities. See Form 20-16C for lobbying activities definition. This form is not applicable https://eservices.fema.gov/FemaFireGrant/firegrant/jsp/fire2010/application/print_app.jsp?p.... 6/1/2010