HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabulation of BidsTABULATION OF BIDS IFB 258233 !DURATION FOR BID FOR PURCHASE AND/OR INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE EQUIPMENT Fine Numb Ind Description PERCENT DISCOUNT Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Pro-gard Products 01 1 LLC,www. progard.com(expresses a decimal, i.e. 40% discount= .40) a2 2 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers list Price Catalog for Safestop by Pro- gard, www.safestopintl.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Selina Manufacturing, www.setina.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = d 3 3 .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers list Price Catalog for MawOn Inc, d4 4 www.mavron.com{express as a decimal i.e. 40%discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for RAM Mounts, 05 5 www.ram-mount.com)express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount =.40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for lotto Desk Vehicle Mounting Solutions, which includes: Patriot Products and Kodiak Mobile, g 6 6 www.everythingbutlights.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 40%discount = .40) Percent Discount ON Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Big Sky Racks, 07 7 www.bigskyracks.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount= .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers Lid Price Catalog for Bit International, 48 8 www.priorrtystart.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers list Price Catalog for Sound Off Signal, 49 0 www.soundoffsignal.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 4056 discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Tremco, It 10 10 wwW.lremcopollceproduCtu.COm Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Tutloc, 411 11 www.tufloc.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount= .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Gamber-Johnson, It 12 12 www.gamberjohnson.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Kustom Signals Inc, P13 13 www.kustomsignals.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Sound -off Signal, 4 14 14 www.soundoffsignalcom (express as a decimal, i.e. 40%discount = .40) e 15 15 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Truck Vault Secure Storage Solutions, www.tmckvault.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for American Aluminum Accessories, www.eerideronline.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 416 16 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Van -Cell, Inmate & Prisoner Transportation System, www.van-cell.com (express as a decimal, i.e. N 17 17 40% discount = .40) Prepared By: Terry Byrnes, CPPB 3/15/2011 Emereenrx Uchida 5unoly Co. LLC. Dana Safety Supply Inc. Quote Discount % 12e11 Quote Discount % I� COMMENTS 27 Each 31 Each Each NO BID Each 20 Each 30 Each N0 BID Each NO BID Each 30 22 32 48 Each Each Each Each Each 10 Each 25 Each 10 Each 10 Each 46 5 35 Each NO BIO Each 20 Each 20 Each 32 Each Each Each 15 28 46 20 Each Each Each 32 Each Each Each 12.5 Each Each TIE BID NO BID Each NO BID Each -LaiA ( Dept. D' dor or esignee TABULATION OF BIDS IF8258233 INVNATION FOR BID FOR PURCHASE AND/OR INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE EQUIPMENT Line NumE Twe pgscription Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for NOVA Electronics, ft18 18 www.strobe.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers Lin Price Catalog for Watch Guard Digital in Car Video, www.watchguardvideo.com (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% N19 19 discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for All Traffic Solutions, 820 20 www.alhrafhrsolutions.com(express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers IJst Price Catalog for Whelan (express as g 21 21 a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40 Percent Discount OR Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Federal Signal 822 22 (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount= .40 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Code 3 Public Safety 823 23 Equipment (express as a decimal, Le. 40% discount = .40 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Troy Industries rl 24 24 (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Adamson Ind uOnes p 25 25 (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40 Percent Discount Off Manufacturers list Price Catalog for Ray Allen d 26 26 Manufacturing Company )express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40 Percent Discount ON Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Havis-Shields If27 27 Manufacturing Company (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount = .40) Percent Discount Off Manufacturers List Price Catalog for Radlotronics Inc a28 28 (express as a decimal, i.e. 40% discount= .40) LABOR TIME (HOURS TO PERFORM TASK) 0 29 29 Labor Time to install Prisoner Cage (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour= .5) 830 30 Labor Time to install Prisoner Seat (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) Labor Time to install Prisoner Seat & Cage (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour 031 31 .5) Labor Time to install Rear Window Bars with OEM door panels (express as a 4 32 32 decimal, 1/2 hour= .5) Labor Time to install Rear Window Bars with ABS door panels (express as a it 33 33 decimal, 1/2 hour .5) Labor Time to install Four (4) Comer Universal LED Hideaway light System p 34 34 with Controller (express as a dechnal, 1/2 hour = .5) Prepared By: Terry Bymes, CPPB 3/15/2011 Emergency Vehicle Suooly Co. LLC. Quote Discount % 47 2 30 45 25 25 0.92 1.92 0.75 2 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Humor, pans Safety Sonol, Inc. Quote Discount % Unit COMMENTS 25 Each NO BID Each NO BID Each 45 30 Each Each 20 Each NO BID Each NO BID Each NO BID Each 35 10 Each Each 1.5 Hour 1 Hour 2.5 Hour 0.5 Hour 1.5 Hour 2.5 _ Hour TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 258233 INVITATION FOR BID FOR PURCHASE AND/OR INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE EQUIPMENT Line Numb type Description PACKAGE INSTALLATIONS (HOURS TO PERFORM TASK) Labor Time to install the Base Police Administrative Package as described in # 35 35 Section 3.3, (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) Labor Time to install Base Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat #36 36 and Cage as described in Section 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) Labor Time to install Base Marked Police Pursuit Package without Prisoner Seat and Cage at described in Section 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = #37 37 .5) Labor Time to install Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat, Cage and Window Bars with OEM Door Panels as described in Section 3.3. (express # 38 3g as a decimal, 1/2 hour .5) # 39 39 Labor Time to install Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat, Cage and Window Bars with ABS Door Panels as described in Section 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) Labor Time to install Base Un-Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat and Cage as described in Section 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour. # 40 40 .5) #41 41 Labor Time to install Base Un-Marked Police Pursuit Package without Pnooner' Seat and Cage as described in Section 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour= .5) Labor Time to install Un-Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat, Cage and Window Bars with OEM Door Panels as described in Section 3.3. it42 42 (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) Labor Time to install Base Un-Marked Police Pursuit Package with Prisoner Seat, Cage and Window Bars with ABS Door Panels as described in Section # 43 43 3.3. (express as a decimal, 1/2 hour = .5) PACKAGE INSTALLATION HOURLY LABOR RATE Hourly Discounted Labor Rate for all Catalog and Package Installations shown #44 44 in this Bid Ernereenry Vehicle $wooly Co. TLC. pane Safety Suooly. Inc. - Quote Discount %i 1!0 6.5 9 7 10 9.5 7.5 5.5 10.5 10.75 Prepared By Terry Byrnes, CPPB 3/15/2011 Hour Hour',:'. Hour Hour.. 1275 r.:Hour 11.25 Hour Hour 8. Hour! 11. Hour $65.00 Hour Hour Hour 12.5 Hour 555.50 ',COMMENTS