HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1 SUBLL2cfi fried ikKr' FISCAL YEAR 2011-1, CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT t ' �� C� APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS AS AMENDED 04/28/2011 From Project Amount From Fund To Project Amount To Fund Award / Source B-39910 - Quality of Life District 2 (3,400.00) 31000 General Government B-39910E - District 2 QOL Park Improvements - Manatee Bay Park Appraisal- Palm Grove 3,400.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 -.Homeland Defense Series 3 B-39910 - Quality of Life District 2 (110,000,00) 31000 General Government B-39910P - Brickell Park Playground (South of Icon) - D2 110,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-39910 - Quality of Life District 2 (35,000.00) 31000 General Government B-30716 Tigertail Resurfacing - D2 - Adding Trapp Avenue, Lincoln Avenue and Blaine Street 35,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-39910 - Quality of Life District 2 (10,000.00) 31000 General Government B-39910Q - Legion Park Improvements - CDBG Project D2 10,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-39910 - Quality of Life District 2 (10,000,00) 31000 General Government B-39910R - Douglas Park Improvements - CDBG Project D2 10,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-35904 - Neighborhood Parks Improv. Contingencies - ADA Modifications (70,000.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-30547K - Hadley Park ADA and misc. Improvements 70,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-35904 - Neighborhood Parks Improv. Contingencies - ADA Modifications (400,000.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-30547G - Parks ADA Modifications - District 4 400,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-35904 - Neighborhood Parks Improv. Contingencies - ADA Modifications (31,000.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-35883 - Charles Hadley Park Field House and Concession Building 31,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-40672C - Flagami Traffic Calming PH III - D4 (3,000.00) 36000 Streets & Sidewalks B-30614 - D4 Miscellaneous Street Maintenance 3,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1379 - Street Bonds Series 1 B-30627 - Coral Gate Wall - D4 (240,000.00), 36000 Streets & Sidewalks B-30614 - D4 Miscellaneous Street Maintenance 240,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1279 - Transit Half - Cent B-50703 - Fairlawn StormSewer Improvements Project Phase 2B - D4 (193,000.00) 38000 Storm Sewers B-30614 - D4 Miscellaneous Street Maintenance 193,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1379 - Street Bonds Series 1 B-35853A - Virrick Park New Pool Facility (140.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-30317 - Morningslde Park Shoreline Stabilization 140.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1368 - Homeland Defense Series 2 B-72810 - Replace Existing Fire Apparatus (164,116.00) 32000 - Public Safety B-70411 - Flre Rescue Personal Protective Equipment 164,116.00 ;Safety 32000 - Public Award 1426 - Contribution from General Fund B-30990 - Roadway Improvements (1.00,000.00) 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks B-30646 - South Bayshore Drive Roadway and Drainage Improvements 100,000.00 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks Award 1297 - Transit Half - Cent Surtax B-71215 - Miami Street Car Project (964,972.00) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 964,972.00 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1297 - Transit Half - Cent Surtax B-71215 - Miami Street Car Project (1,752,970,00) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 1,752,970.00 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FDOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley B-71215E - Miami Streetcar - Preliminary Design (3,454.72) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 3,454.72 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FDOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley B-71215G - Miami Streetcar- Topographical Survey Services (31,807.27) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 31,807.27 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FDOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley 1 of 2 5/2/2011 1:47 PM FISCAL YEAR 2011 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT From Project Amount From Fund To Project Amount To Fund Award / Source B-71215H - Miami Streetcar - Utility Master Plan (11.0,918.64) 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 110,918.64 39900 - MASS TRANSIT `Award 1131 - FDOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS TOTALS (4,091,052.72) 4,091,052.72 1 NEW APPROPRIATIONS Project Amount Fund Award / Source B-30542A - US-1 Roadway Improvements & Wall Replacement Phase II 83,537.00 36000 Streets and Sidewalk Award TBD - Contribution from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). JPA Agreement scheduled for 04/28/2011. APPROPRIATION NOT LOADED IN ORACLE 83,537.00 NEW APPROPRIATIONS 83,537.00 TOTALS 2 of 2 5/2/2011 1:47 PM FISCAL YEAR 2011 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS From Pro Amount From Fund To Project Amount To Fund Award / Source B-39910 • Quality of Ufe • strict 2 (3,400.00) 31000 General Government 6-39910E - District 2 QOL Park Improvements • Manatee Bay Park Appraisal- Palm Grove 3,400.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-35904 - Neighborhood Parks Improv. Contingencies - ADA Modifications (70,000.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-30547K - Hadley Park ADA and misc. Improvements 70,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-35904 - Neighborhood Parks Improv, Contingencies - ADA Modifications (400,000.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation 6-30547G - Parks ADA ModificatIons - District 4 400,000.00 35000 Parks& Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 8.35904 • Neighborhood Parks Improv, Contingencies • ADA Modifications (31, 0.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation B-35883 - Charles Hadley Park Field House and Concession Building 31,000.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1584 - Homeland Defense Series 3 B-40672C - Flagaml Traffic Calming PH III - D4 (3,000.00) 6000 Streets & dewaiks 13-30614 - D4 Miscellaneous Street Maintenance 3,000,00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1379 - Street Bonds Series 1 6.30627 - Coral Gate Wall - D4 (240,000.00) 36000 treats & Sidewal B-30614 - 04 Miscellaneous Street Maintenance 240,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1279 - Transit Half- Cent 6.50703 - Fairlawn StorrnSewer Improvements Project Phase 2B - D4 (193,000.00) 38000 Sto\ Sewers 0-30614 - D4 Miscellaneous Street , Maintenance 193,000.00 36000 Streets & Sidewalks Award 1379 - Street Bonds Series 1 B•35853A - Virrick Park New Pool Facility (140.00) 35000 Parks & Recreation 8-3 317 - Momingside Park i Sho line Stabilization 140.00 35000 Parks & Recreation Award 1368 - Homeland Defense Series 2 0-72810 - Replace Existing Fire Apparatus (164,116.00) 32000 - Public Safety B-70411 Fire Rescue Personal Protective ulpment 164,116,00 32000 - Public Safety Award 1426 • Contribution from General Fund B-30990 - Roadway Improvements (100,000.00) 36000 • Streets and Sidewalks 8.30646 - South ayshore Drive Roadway and Dral ge improvements 100,000,00 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks Award 1297 - Transit Half - Cent Surtax B-71215 - Miami Street Car Project (964,972.00) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami -ropey Program - Capital Acquls tin 964,972.00 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1297 - Transit Half - Cent Surtax B-71215 - Miami Street Car Project (1,752,970.00) 39900 • MASS TRANSIT 8-70715 - Cityof Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 1,752,970,00 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 • FOOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley 8.71215E - Miami Streetcar - Preliminary Design (3,454.72) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Mlaml Trolley Program —Capital Acquisition 3,454.72 39900 • MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FDOT- Mlaml streetcar &Trolley 8-71215G • Miami Streetcar- Topographical Survey Services (31,807,27) 39900 - MASS TRANSIT B-70715 - City of Miami Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 1,807.27 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FDOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley 8-71215H - Mlaml Streetcar - Utility Master Plan (110,918.64) 36000 - Streets and Sidewalks B-70715 - City of Mlaml Trolley Program - Capital Acquisition 110,91 64 39900 - MASS TRANSIT Award 1131 - FOOT- Miami Streetcar &Trolley • APPROPRIATxOH (3,926,052,72) AO.IUSTMENTSTOTALS 3,926,052,72 1 of 2 4/15/2011 12:48 PM FISCAL YEAR 2011 CAPITAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT From Project Amount From Fund To Project Amount To Fund Award / Source IN(W APPROPRIATIONS ��"kmount Project Fund Award / Source B-30542A - US-1 Roadway Improvements & Wall Replacement Phase II \ 3,537.00 36000 Streets and Sidewalk Award TBD - Contribution from Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT). 3PA Agreement scheduled for 04/28/2011. \ APPROPRIATION NOT LOADED IN ORACLE 83,537.00 NEW APPROPRIATIONS 83,537.00 TOTALS 2 Of 2 4/15/2011 12:48 PM 1