HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-15-0054 Exhibit SUBExhibit "A"
17. Compensation.
Beginning the earlier of (a) thirty (30) days from the issuance of a temporary certificate of
occupancy or its equivalent for the Retail Component or (b) five (5) years from the date of
recordation of this Declaration, the Developer shall separately pay to each of the County and
the CRA each year for twenty-five (25) years a sum of money commencing with the greater of
Thirty Eight Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($38,500.00) per year on an annual
basis for the first five years and increasing by 3% per year for each year thereafter over the
amount for the previous year, or (ii) 2.5% of the Gross Rent paid by tenants of the Property (the
"Project Payment"). "Gross Rent" means all monies paid for the occupancy of space within the
Retail Component, (but also including, but not limited to, any money -generating operations
associated with the Retail Component including parking revenues paid directly or indirectly to
the owner of the Retail Component), and including but not limited to flat rent or rent based on a
percentage of sales, but shall not include utilities, taxes, or security deposits. Within 90 days
from the commencement of the first anniversary of the Project Payment, and every year
thereafter for the next twenty four (24) years, the owner of the Retail Component shall submit a
"full accounting" of Gross Rent, from the business or businesses located on the Retail
Component for the previous year. Full Accounting means an Annual Written Statement, signed
by Owner, CEO, or Financial officer of the owner of the Retail Component and certified by it to
be true and correct, setting forth the amount of Gross Rent during the preceding year, which
statement shall also be duly certified by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The
statement referred to herein shall be in such form and style and contain such details and
breakdowns as County and CRA may reasonably determine or require. If this Annual Written
Statement when multiplied by two and one half percent (2.5%) exceeds the amount of the
previous year's Project Payment paid for the period, the difference ("Annual Adjustment") shall
be paid immediately by the owner of he Retail Component to the County and the CRA. There
shall be no adjustment if the Statement when multiplied by two and one half percent (2.5%) is
less than the amount paid as the previous year's Project Payment. County and CRA shall have
the right to cause, upon five (5) days' written notice to the owner of the Retail Component, a
complete audit to be made by a designated external auditing firm or other certified public
accounting firm selected by the County and/or CRA. if the owner of the Retail Component fails
to record, maintain, or make available sales supporting documentation as specified above,
which failure is not cured within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice, then the owner of the
Retail Component shall be deemed to be in default of this Declaration.
A. The term "Project Payment" shall mean the then current annual payment
due from the Developer to the County and the CRA. All subsequent Project Payments shall be
due on the anniversary of the first payment. No Project Payment shall be due with respect to
the Parking Component; however, any rent derived from the retail liner and/or office space, if
any, shall be included in the calculation of Gross Rent attributable to the Retail Component.
C. In the event Developer fails to make the Project Payment within ten (10)
days of when due, Developer shall pay each of the County and the CRA a late fee equal to five
percent (5%) of the Project Payment then due.
15-oi&oq- SuB
D. In the event Developer fails to make any Project Payment within thirty
(30) days of when due such Project Payment shall bear interest at 12% per annum from the
date due until paid.
E. Nothing contained herein shall prevent or otherwise prohibit either the
CRA or the County through their Boards upon application by the Developer from waiving their
rights to one or more Project Payments, including portions of Project Payments or penalties
thereof, In such event, the approval of the CRA shall not be required if the County chooses to
waive its rights nor shall approval of the County be required in the event the CRA elects to
waive its rights.
Community Benefits.
a. In addition to the Project Payment Developer shall pay to a community
benefits program to be established in the Southeast Overtown/Park West
Redevelopment Area (the "Program") Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars
($50,000.00) per year for ten (10) years to the Program with the first
payment to commence on the date the CRA conveys title to the Property to
the Developer and each anniversary thereof, The County shall act as the
fiduciary for holding and disbursing funds contributed to the Program.
b. In the event Developer fails to make the payment to the Program within
ten (10) days of when due, the Developer shall pay each of the County and
the CRA a late fee equal to five percent (5%) of the payment then due.
c, In the event Developer foils to make any payment to the Program within
thirty (30) days of when due such payment to the Program shall bear
interest at 1 2%per annum from the datedue until paid.
the approval of Gatehouse's proposed variance, if any), with no obligation on the part of the
Board of County Commissioners to approve any such variances from this Declaration, which
shall be in the sole discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. The variances shall
deemed considered if they are included in the documentation submitted for the Board of C
Commissioner's consideration by the CRA. If the Board of County Commissioners approv
is deemed to approve, the Developer and some or all of the variances requested •y
Developer, the County and the CRA shall execute an amendment to this Declared() • ref/
the variances approved, or deemed approved, by the Board of County Comniisslone
16. Construction. To the extent that this Declaration requires ction, and
regardless of the notation of the "preparer" contained upon same, both the C and the County
equally participated in the drafting of this Declaration, and accordingly, nt shall not
be construed in favor of, or against, either party.
17. Compensation.
Beginning the earlier of (a) thirty (30) days from the
of occupancy or its equivalent for the Retail Component or
recordation of this Declaration, the Developer shall separately
CRA each year for twenty-five (25) years a sum of mo
Thirty Eight Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Doll
basis for the first five years and increasing by 3%
amount for the previous year, or (ii) 2.5% of the
"Project Payment"). "Gross Rent" means all mo
Retail Component, (but also including, but
associated with the Retail Component includ
the owner of the Retail Component), and in
percentage of sales, but shall not includ
from the commencement of the first
thereafter for the next twenty four (24
"full accounting" of Gross Ren
Component for the previous ye
by Owner, CEO, or Financial
be true and correct, setting
statement shall also be d
statement referred to h
breakdowns as Coun
Statement when
previous year's P
be paid imm
shall be no
less than the
the right to aus
ur of a temporary certificate
5) years from the date of
y to each of the. County and the
mmencing with the greater of
500,00) per year on an annual
r each year thereafter over the
ent paid by tenants of the Property (the
paid for the occupancy of space within the
ited to, any money -generating operations
pax revenues paid directly or indirectly to
g but not limited to flat rent or rent based on a
es, or security deposits. Within 90 days
of the Project Payment, and every year
owner of the Retail Component shall submit a
business or businesses located on the Retail
Accounting means an Annual Written Statement, signed
e owner of the Retail Component and certified by it to
unt of °toss Rent during the preceding year, which
ertified by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The
hall be in such fonn and style and contain such details and
CRA may reasonably determine or require. If this Annual Written
led by two and one half percent (2.5%) exceeds the amount of the
Payment paid for the period, the difference ("Annual Adjustment") shall
by the owner of he Retail Component to the County and the CRA. There
nt if the Statement when multiplied by two and one half percent (2.5%) is
unt paid as the previous year's Project Payment. County and CRA shall have
upon five (5) days' written notice to the owner of the Retail Component, a
udit to be made by a designated external auditing firm or other certified public
rm selected by the County and/or CRA. If the owner of the Retail Component fails
alntain, or make available sales supporting documentation as specified above, which
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failure is not cured within (30) days of receipt of written notice, then the owner o
Retail Component shall be deemed to be in default of this Declaration.
A. The term "Project Payment" shall mean the then current annu
due from the Developer to the County and the CRA. All subsequent Project Pa
due on the anniversary of the first payment. No Project Payment shall be due wi
Parking Component; however, any rent derived from the retail liner and/or o
shall be included in the calculation of Gross Rent attributable to the Retail Co
B. To the extent the gross revenues generated by t
exceed operating expenses of the Parking Component calculated in a
accepted accounting principles consistently apply, as confirmed by
owner of the Parking Component shall pay to the County 2.5% of the
the o . • .tion of the Parking Component each year on an annual b
from the issuance of the tempo certifivate of occupancy o
C. In the event Developer fails to m
days of when due, Developer shall pay each of the Coun
percent (5%) of the Project Payment then due.
D. In the event Developer
(30) days of when due such Project Payment
due until paid.
E. Nothing contained
CRA or the County through their Board
rights to one or more Project Pa
thereof. In such event, the approv
waive its rights nor shall approve
Its rights.
P any,
'ng Component
with generally
auditors, the
venues derived from
enty-five (25) years
equivalent for the Parking
ni within ten (10)
e CRA a late feo equal to five
Project Payment within thirty
est at 12% per annum from the date
h in shall prevent or otherwise prohibit either the
n application by the Developer from waiving their
ncluding portions of Project Payments or penalties
CRA shall not be required if the County chooses to
o County be required in the event the CRA elects to waive
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