HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-15-0044 ExhibitMASTER PLAN 2015- 2025 "A lot makes me feel successful, but 1 feel successful mostly when 1 achieve something" Tyre!, Age IS Youth Focus Group Approve of ConthI:ntS INTRODUCTION 3 Vision Understanding the Structure of the. Plan GOALS ADD STRATEGIES 6 Guiding Framework Goal #1- Community Accountability Goal #2- Healthy and Safe Goal #3- Connected Goal #4 Leading Goal #5- Productive & Woiking COLLECTIVE IMPACT TEAMS 8 Implementation Partners IMPLEMENTATION Accountability and Timeline for Action Action Steps: Year. 1. COMMUNITY CONTEXT 11. COALITION REACH 10 BUILDING TIME BANK OF COMMUNITY ASSETS 12 Investment Priorities \`'hat Coignes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13 APPENDIX 1 5 FINDINGS OF NI CESS1 T'Y 1.5 The Profile of Children and Youth Well -Being in Overtown Location CC:)MMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 15 Youth Participation Community Participation 1ntr oduc 3 fl One Community, One Plano Overtown's Opportunity OVERTOWN, A COMMUNITY WHERE ALL CHILDREN ANI) YOUTH THRIVE In the fall of 2012, the. Ovcrtown Children and Youth Coalition (C)CYG) was formed by the anchoring community base.d non-profit organizations in the Ovcrtown Community: Urgent, Inc., Ovcrtown Youth Center, Touching Miami With Love, Lotus House and Dress for Success with the support of the Southeast Overtown/Park 'West Community Redevelopment Agency and City of Miami District 5 City Commissioner Michelle Spence -,)ones. Within a few months several other stakeholders joined forces and began to work together under the umbrella of the Overtown Children and Youth Coalition, Establishing the OCYC was a groundbreaking step toward addressing the needs of Overtown's children in a mote holistic manner, a focus designed. to move away from the service based. structure. that addressed needs in siloes and towards a collective impact and systems level approach. The Coalitioi charged itself with three distinct responsibilities: I. Create a shared vision for community wide action that promotes excellence, empowerment, economic growth and success for all Overtown children and youth; 2. Prepare an application to become Florida's fourth Children's Initiative; and 3. Develop a pipeline of integrated high quality pathways for youth to succeed from birth through college. While the Coalition has been involved in several activities related to these responsibilities, its most significant accomplishment to date is th.e completion of the community's first Children and Youth. Master Plan (Plant), In addition, the Plan is a necessary component of the Florida Children's Initiative Application. The Pbm .pt.ovzdes an auvestrnezlr bluepi1ntfo .those seekw to.allocate resources to tn3pzaue c�txtec es fc ]a ld ten, out3� aid dteu £amtlres w]zo call ivettowir h©ixie Tlxe I?latn is the 4irect a exult of i ndteds of bouts of cltscusston, debate and pt.oblem::solvfig.that began with strategtc plaaiung sessions,: focus groups; tntetvtews, surveys,ancl nontl F meetings Tsar fire past itvo and'a half hem , widr .rofessionflls, is e s, anz �o ith epresentation 1'he Puri is ahgned ith several exiting 1ilazts 3nMiami Dane County xnclixcl,iig The I tldxer€' Trust ttategts I'Ian, The Cray of S a+i,i,11 y 13rothe s Keep Cotnmunlfiy Challenge, acid Cify Mia ni Ai tt Poveily Inttiatt� e ' Tl e Plan aspi es to leverage current cnmmurulp assets anti rna"iirni,e opporturittles for private and pt bhc investment, thte dcvelopthent of a desiccated source of reveflue, .phi mth ropy and bull g an asset bank of cash acid rri kind ontrsbuttons,from across e for group of st kehold rs who destrc to lmpiovc outcome for all`of.C�vertown s children i.1V RIOWN.... (.;H!!1_Dr;[N s. ..,';I MASTER PLAN Vi Sion The Vision emerged earl` and is centered on tie idea that: "C) e.rt:owri, a community where all children and youth thrive," should remain at the forefront of the Plan. Community members approved of this statement due to its present and future orientation. Moreover, stakeholders wanted to make certain that the Plan would focus on all children and youth from birth through age 24 who reside in Ovcrtoryn. Values Community. Empowerment, Leadership, Integrity, Accountability, Cooperation, Communication, Creativi Guiding Principles 1, Engage ail sectors and stakeholders 2. See youth and families as change agents, not clients 3. Coordinate efforts and align resources 4. Establish real, reasonable expectations and. metrics to assess progress 5, Learn from the success of others 6, Assess and improve quality, .reach and impact across all of the places children spend their time 7. Build on strengths, not only on problem reduction : 1r✓N . ..'t;i._ „�-. is N sk °i:'i '' ri ?;+'.A ' R' tA?d GOALS AND STRATEGIES Guiding Framework The OCYC adopted the "Collective impact" framework. because implicit in this model, is the belief that all community stakeholders (individuals, organizations, and public institutions) share responsibility for the success of all of Overtowii's children. "Collective Impact" is a best practice framework that requires the commitment of a group of actors from different sectors to champion a common agenda to solve a complex social problem- By defining a common agenda, establishing shared measurement protocols and building a system of mutually reinforcing youth programs and services community -wide. Goal #1- Community Accountability OCYC will serve as a catalyst to convene, network., leverage, scale and impact a critical mass of children and youth who benefit from and contribute to the continued growth and redevelopment of the area in positive and meaningful ways. C3 YC will serve as a catalyst to- _ dvelop and support -multi -agency and cross sector collaboratioris that serve to empower all children and youfh to thrive OVE'RTOWN-C4-I LDH N & YOUTFH MASTER PLAN 6 Maintain Social Emotional IIealth and Well -Being Improve Safe and Supportive I-Iornes And Public Spaces Improve Safety and Prevent Injuries Promote Active and Healthy Living Coordinate Cradle to Career High Quality Children and Youth Programs Encourage Positive Peer Relationships Equip and Empower Families to Support the Well-being of Their Children Engage Parents and Caregivers as Partners in Children's Learning and Education Promote Cultural Appreciaiton, Respect & Competence in school, technology service, an( civic life Cultivate Leadership, Advocacy and Activism Increase Learning and Innovation in Technology Promote Community Connectednes and Social Responsibilty Through Service Connect Children to Arts and Enrichment Opportunities Establish a Youth Commission Support Academic Achievement and Positive School Experiences Celebrate Positive Connections Between Staff, Teachers and Students Support College Access and Completion Finance Workforce Readiness & Entry Develop Entrepreneurship, Micro -Business and Career Internships OVERTOWN CHILDREN & YOUTH MASTER PLAN 7 COLLECTIVE fMP C Touching Miami With Love New Horizons Community Mental Iealth Center University of Miami, Office of Civic and Community Engagement City of Miami Parks and Recreation Canimilus House & Ilealth Concerns Barry University, School of Social Work TEAMS Overtown Youth Center J South Florida Cares I\lentoring Movement Rainbow µfl Community Development Corporation Black Police Precint and Courthouse Museum Florida International University, The Education Effect, Booker T. Washington SITS Urgent, Inc, Dress for Success Miami/Suited for Success College Summit Touching Miami With Love Office of the Mayor, City o f Miami Southeast Overtown/Paris West Community Redevelopment Agency '.DVERTCWN — CHILDREN S: YOUTH hrlA;, ER PLAN 8 i rn Dlementation Accountability and Timeline for Action The vision and goals identified in the Children and Youth Master Plan can be accomplished with a strong commitment from elected officials representing the. Ovea:town community, government, nonprofits, philanthropy, the private sector, and engaged residents and most importantly in partnership with youth. To track success, the. accountability framework defined in Goal One. will be used. The successful implementation of this plan will also result in material and significant, measured improvement in the headline Goals within five (5) years of this Plan's adoption. The OCYC will monitor progress on every strategy each year, including prioritizing and assessing each strategy for feasibility. The Plan's intent is that each strategy be. fully implemented within four (4) years of this Plan's adoption. The Action Steps defined in the Plan are considered "first steps," and unless specified otherwise, will be accomplished within. one (I) year of this Pla.n's adoption. It is expected that the listed Action Steps to be undertaken in.ay change. in light of changed. circumstances, new information, accomplishment of an item and available resources. The OCYC will have an important ongoing role in monitoring and publishing the implementation of the Plan. Ultimately, however the results will rely on the active, coordinated leadership of the people and institutions providing services, adopting child policy, resourci.ng activities and providing opporttzni.ties for children, youth and families in Overtown. These efforts need to be fully supported by the entire community and Greater Miami -Dade., Action Steps: Year I Opportunity Jobs/lntci�s • Parent Support • Cot' munit Safe Parent and:° ibl g Encouragement_ OV(-RTOWN--CHILDREN & YOTH MASTER PLAN 9 Outcomes & Indicators ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK- Improve communications, coordination and conmuni y engagement in support of children and youth • Staff the C}vertown Children and Youth C:oalition • Coordinate/align existing successful programs to expand and ensure mutually reinforcing programs and services across the community • :Increase community awareness about available programs and services • Set a data development agenda: baseline and goals for the following indicators: HEALTHY & SAFE- Increase and improve mental health, resilience, wellness and healthy life choices • Designate safe7community spaces • Address food insecurity and nutrition CONNECTED- Increase and improve availability and access to developmental activities, opportunities and supports Inventory the number and percent of youth engaged in enrichment activities during non -school hours Inventory parent support systems and services that empower caregivers to support child development and success • Identify and support positive connections between students, staff and teachers LEADING-- Create opportunities for community engagement, leadership, and advocacy and activism • Establish a Youth Commission • Advocate for child policy that supports sustainable resources for youth opportunities PRODUCTIVE & WORKING- :Increase and improve economic opportunities, conditions and preparation for young people • Inventory number and percent of youth College Ready, Employed (School Year and Summer), and Post -Secondary Enrollments • Idernti:t:y resources and establish relationships with private sector business to increase opportunities for youth internships and employment $i 83O.O00 ivEerri# er Assets: 9 University lnstitutional Partners OVERTOWNI - CHILDREN & YOUTH MASTER PLAN IC) /�(l��r�U�'' ���l�lfA�f ~~.'.....-..`/ -~`~^.'~~'`. ! Building the Bank of Community Assets Investment Priorities Productive and Working 40% Master Pion Resource Goals $100,000,000 over 10 Tens Years Leading i 20% 2 Health & Safety 1 10% for Overtown Children & Youth Coalition Operations across investment priorities. What Counts Health & Safety COnneCted Leading w Productive OM d Working • • OVE:RTOWN -- CHILDREN S, YOUTH MASTER PLAN 12 Acknowledgements The Overtowrt Children & Youth Coalition, Inc. gratefully acknowledges the leadership of the Board of Directors for the countless hours of service devoted to the development of this document. The OCYC is also thankful for the contributions of several members of the Coalition including Dr. Tisa McGhee, Barry University School of Social Work and MC3 Consulting, Dr. Shelley Robertson, Robertson Consulting Group, Inc,, Dr, Donnie Haile, Florida International University, The Education Effect, and Dr. A.J. Franklin, Boston College School of Education who consulted on the development of this plan and to Miguel Milanes, .Allegany Franciscan Ministries who helped fund the Plan. We would also like 1:o thank the Southeast Overtowri/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director and Board Members, The. City of Miami Commission, School Board Member, District 2 and other elected officials who have supported our efforts since inception. We especially want to thank the residents and youth who participated in the interviews, focus groups, research projects and surveys. Finally, thank you to the corlunututy agency representatives for putting in their time and coimuitment to support the well-being, success and achievement of our children, youth and families. esi s jt le ire ogres o coitl2tan xr et,_ vie OVSTO N!--CH,,€.DFEN-Y 1_11=!'✓ASTE PLAN 13 Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redeveiopmenf Agency Board Members Commissioner Keon Hardemon, Chairman C ;onatniss.ionea: Wilfredo Gort, Vice Chairman Commissioner Marc Sarnoff Commissioner Frank Carollo Commissioner Francis Suarez Area Elected Officials Commissioner Keon hrardernon, City of :Miami District 5 Commissioner Audrey Edinonson, Miami Dade County , District 3 State Representative Cynthia Stafford, District 109 State Senator Dwight Bullard, District 39 School Board Member Dr. Dorothy Hendross-Mir d ngal, District 2 OCYC Board of Directors Saliba Nelson, Ch.airwomana Urgent, Inc. Tina Brown, Co -Chair Overtown Youth Center Sonia Jacobson, Treasurer Dress for Success Miami/Suited for Success Anna Frusciante, Secretary, Sundari Foundation/Lotus House Wornen's Shelter jason Pittman, Director Touching Miami with Love Clarence 1E . Woods, III, Director. ''Renee Jadusingh, Esq., Alternate Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Members Dacia Steiner, Center for Social Change Chapman Partnership Downtown Miami Charter School Sonia Jacobson, Dress for Su.ccess/Suited for Success Thema Campbell, Girl Power Institute of Contemporary Art. Anna Frusciante & Donna (MacDonald, Lotus House Dr. 'Pisa McGhee, MC3 Consulting Michele Sweeting, New Horizons Community Mental Health Center Tina Brown, Overtown Youth Center Lucille Rich, Rainbow Village CDC Tracey Carter, South Florida CARES Nlentoring Movement Stephanie vanVark, Stephanie Creates Jason Pitman, Touching .Miami With Love Saliha Nelson, Urgent, Inc. Pat. Williams, YWCA Committees Jason Pittman, health Committee Chair .Agnes Morton, Co -Chair Tina Brown, Education Committee Chair Sonia Jacobson, Youth Economic Development Chair Martha E liisby-Wells, Resident Engagement Chair Participating Organizations Black Police Precinct & Courthouse Museum Agnes Morton, Booker T. Washington SITS .Alumni, .:i ssociation Camillus I -louse & Health Concerns Code Fever College Summit Communities in Schools Miami 1:?rritnanuel Washington, Overtown Community Optimist Club Priz na hp2Us Takiyah Butler, University of Miami University Partners Barry University School of Social Work Dr. Donnie Hale, Florida International University, The Education Effect University of Miami - Office of. Civic & Community Engagement Institutional Partners Florida Department of Children and Families I1lianai Dade County Public Schools, Office of Educational Equity and Access and Diversity Domingo Echevarria, & Pat Santangelo, Office of the Mayor, City of Miami Nate Joseph, City of .Miami Parks and Recreation Southeast Overtown/Park West Comma ity,Redevelopment Agency The Children's Trust Janat Quresbi, United Way Sunders Miguel Milanes, Allegany Franciscan 1linustnies, Florida reaFnc ciange when everyonearound t ii t�tproblem and sees thetnsdi� as, C)VE.RTOWN — CHILDREN & YOUTH MASTER PLAN 14 Appendix Findings of Necessity The Profile of Children and Youth Well -Being in Overtown 'The Overtown Community Needs .A.ssessment 201.E is a companion document to The. Plan. The Needs Assessment contains data and research findings used to assess the well-being of Overtown's y(:mng people and support the development of the goals, strategies and action steps of The Plan. The data comes from public records, including the. 2010 U.S. Census, and from community interviews, focus groups, qualitative research and surveys. Location The Boundaries of i:he Plan include: • On the north: NW 2.2nd Street; • On the south: NW 2"a Street; ® On the east NW 1.1 Ave. • On the west: NW 7th Ave., Miami FL Community involvement Youth Participation Throughout the planning process, members were committed to the involvement of both youth and the broader community. -iigh school aged youth took part in focus groups, strategic planning sessions, interviews and completed surveys. Over 100 youth were sampled and their contributions helped 1:o generate the three themes: Education, Engagement en.t and Opportunity. Community Participation 'The OCYC held three community listening sessions throughout Overtown. '.[.'here listening sessions provided opportunities for community members to share their insights, .interest and concerns as they related to each Goal area..Ai1. comments and insights from these community sessions were captured and supplemented the Overtown Children and Youth Corn.tn.unity Needs Assessment. 1.n addition, during the srxtntner of 2014, the OCYC working in partnership with Barry University, School of Social Work and professor Dr, T.isa McGhee performed a qualitative research study using Fhotovoice tivitli. resident researchers and into the fall. of 201.4 completed a -survey of residents and youth to gauge the overall health concerns for community youth. C')VIER.IOWN -- CHILDREN & YO'„U1H MASTER FLAN ?S Correspondence regarding the Overtown Children & Youth Master Plan should he directed to: Saiiha Nelson, Vice President Urgent, Inc. Chairwoman, Overtown Children and Youth Coalition, Inc. 305-2054605 Cell 786-581-7821 Office overtowncy c(?grail.corm T00 CNiNa MiAN{l Wf 1 T H L C V me CONSULS it iNC BarryUniversity Elio° W7 euSiQs Schca.ci nT,Asnir3 .E11* Aileaany 7 NEW HO. tZONS community Mental Hee lb Center Ina. Center fir SOCIAL CHANGE SOUTHERN itEGiON . 17 papa biE5VXM thb sundcari foundation, inc. JUSS fOR SU CESS" M1AMt Smith Florida CARES 1.101ttcrrin-MOVetntstt F - UNIVERSITY OP MIAMI nciscan Ministrks, Ent:. of tca nrGIVIC Oiit TittW.N GRAR"i":lt 5CUU0L Camillus House instltufe of i Contemporary Art.,:= • COMMUNITY I,NGAGF�M NT eliminating racism oven,owri „NunmornasrcatMC. empowering women //rifted Way of Miami -Bade Rainbow CDC OVE RTC)V'I,1 — CHILDEEN & YOUT'-i i.^ASTE`s2 PLAT'-d 6