HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-15-0036 BackupCity of Miami Legislation CRA Resolution: CRA-R-13-0064 City Hall 00 Pan American rive lam', FL 33133 iamigov.com Tile Number: 13-01205 Final Action Date: 10/24/2013 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $900,000, CONSISTING OF A GRANT AWARD FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR THE ADAPTIVE REUSE OF AND REHABILITATION OF THE HISTORIC EBENEZER CHURCH, 300 NW 11 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA; RATIFYING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S EXECUTION OF THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD AGREEMENT ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL OTHER AMENDMENTS, EXTENSIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT THE ACCEPTANCE OF AND COMPLIANCE WITH SAID GRANT AWARD. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within its Redevelopment Area in accordance with the 2009 Southeast Overtown!Park West Redevelopment Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 163.370(2)(g), Florida Statutes, allows a community redevelopment agency to "to borrow money and to apply for and accept advances, loans, grants, contributions, and any other form of financial assistance from the Federal Government;" and WHEREAS, Section 2, Goal 1, at page 11, of the Plan, provides for the preservation of historic buildings and community heritage as a stated redevelopment goal; and WHEREAS, the Plan, at pages 89 - 90, describes the Ebenezer Church, 300 NW 11 Street, Miami, Florida ("site"), as being historically significant, and encourages the renovation of such buildings throughout the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, through grant support from the CRA, Miami Dade College operates the Hospitality Institute, which provides training and employment opportunities to residents of the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, Miami Dade College has expanded the Hospitality Institute to include culinary arts training; however, Miami Dade College is in need of dedicated space to operate the expanded programming; and WHEREAS, to assist Miami Dade College with its expansion, the CRA has agreed to allow the Hospitality Institute to operate at the site, but the site is in need of being rehabilitated; and WHEREAS, in an effort to assist the CRA with leveraging its funding support of the Hospitality Institute, the CRA applied for a grant in the amount of $900,000.00 from the U.S. Department of City of Miami Page 1 of 2 File Id: 13-01205 (Version: 1) Printed On: 8/26/2015 File Number: 13-01205 Enactment Number: CRA-R-13-0064 Commerce's Economic Development Administration ("EDA") for the adaptive re -use and rehabilitation of the site; and WHEREAS, the application also required participation by Miami Dade College, and the City of Miami ("City"), given that the CRA is one of its agencies; and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2013, EDA awarded a grant, in an amount not to exceed $900,000.00 for the for the adaptive re -use and rehabiiitation of the site ("grant award"), and requires the City and the CRA to accept the award within thirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wishes to accept the award, wishes to ratify the Executive Director's execution of the Financial Assistant Award Agreement attached hereto, and authorizes the Executive Director to execute all other amendments, extensions, modifications, and other necessary documents in order to implement the acceptance of and compliance with said grant award; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that the acceptance of the grant award for the purposes set forth above would further the aforementioned redevelopment goals and objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fuliy set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby accepts funds, in an amount not to exceed $900,000, consisting of a grant award from the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration for the adaptive re -use of and rehabilitation of the historic Ebenezer Church, 300 NW 11 Street, Miami, Florida ("grant award"). Section 3. The Board of Commissioners ratifies the Executive Director's execution of the Financial Assistance Award Agreement attached hereto. Section 4. The Executive Director is authorized to execute ail other amendments, extensions, modifications, and other necessary documents in order to implement the acceptance of and compliance with said grant award. Section 5. The Executive Director is authorized to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Section S. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 Pile Id: 13-01205 (Version: 1) Printed On: 8/26/2015 SUFl- SEA' 2 5 2013 mimeo STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic Developments Administration Atlanta Regional Office Suite `l MO 4D1 West Peachtree St„ N.W. Atlanta, Ge©rgie SDSDE-3510 In reply refer to: Investment No, 04-79-06827 Mr, Clarence Woods Executive Director Southeast Overtawn/Park West Community Redevelopment 1490 NW 3rd Avenue, Suite 105 Miami, Florida 33136 and Mt Johnny Martinez City Manager City of Miami 444 S.W.2' Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 and Dr. Rolando Montoya College Provost Miami Dade College 300 NB 2'd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dear Gentlemen.; 1 am. pleased to inform you that the Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) has approved your application for a $900,000 BDA investment to encompass the adaptive re -use and rehabilitation of an historic former church building to accommodate the newly expanded Hospitality and Culinary Institute, Enclosed are two signed copies of the Financial Assistance Award. Your agreement to the terms and conditions of the award should be indicated by the signature of your principal official on each of the signed copies of the Financial Assistance Award, One of the executed copies should be returned to H. Philip Paradise, Ir., Regional Director, Atlanta Regional Office, Economic Development Administration, 401 West Peachtree Street, N.W, Suite 1820, Atlanta, Georgia 30308-3510, If not signed and returned within 30 days of receipt, EDA, may declare the Award null and void. Please do not make any commitments in reliance on this award until you. have carefully reviewed and accepted the terms and conditions. Any commitments entered into prior to obtaining the approval of EDA in accordance with its regulations and requirements will be at your own risk, BDA' a mission is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy, BDA implements this rnrssion by making strategic investments in the nation's most economically distressed communities that encourage private sector collaboration and creation of higher skill, higher wage jobs. EDA investments are x :suits driven, embracing the principles of technological innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development. Mr, Clarence Woods Mr. Johnny Martinez Dr. Rolando Montoya Page Two 1, share your expectations regarding ilea impact of this investment and look forward to working . with you to meet the economic development needs of your community. Sincerely, • . Paradice,Jr.,.. — Regional Director Enclosures; Form CD-450 Financial Assistance Award (2) Exhibit A — Special Award .Conditions Attachment No. 1—Form ED-508 Budget RDA Standard Terms and Conditions for Construction Projects, dated March 12, 2013 'PJR4TMIENTOF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT COST CLASSIFICATIONS EDA Investment No. O4-79-O6827 Attachment No, 1 State: Florida County: Miami -Dade Cost Classification Proposed Approved Administrative and legal expenses Land, structures, and rights -of -way appraisals, etc. Relocation expenses and payments .(Cost Incidental to transfer of titles) $ Architectural and engineering fees 121,817. 121,817 . Other architectural and englneeringfees Project inspection fees and audit Site Work Demolition and removal Construction 1,602,061 1,602,061 Equipment Miscellaneous Contingencies 245,559 245,559 TOTAL PROJECT" COSTS $1,969,437 $ 1,959,437 Remarks: EXHIBIT "A" U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic Development Administration (EDA) Public Work and Development Facilities Investment No.: 04-79-06827 Recipient: Southeast Overtown/Park West community Redevelopment Agency, City of Miami and Miami Dade College, Florida SPECIAL AWARD CONDITIONS 1. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT TIME SCHEDULE: The Recipient agrees to the following Project development time schedule: Time allowed after Receipt of Financial Assistance Award for: Return of Executed Financial Assistance Award 30 days Start of Construction ,.., 18 Months from Date of Grant Award. Construction Period 24 Months Project Closeout - All Project closeout documents including final financial information and any required program reports shall be submitted to the Government not more, than 90 day after the date the Recipient accepts the completed project from the contractor(s). The Recipient shall pursue diligently the development of the Project so as to ensure completion within this time schedule. Moreover, the Recipient shall notify the Government in writing of any event, which could delay substantially the achievement of the Project within the prescribed time limits. The Recipient further acknowledges that failure to meet the development time schedule may result in the Government's taking action to terminate the Award in accordance with the regulations set forth at 15 CFR 24,43 (53 j od. Reg, 8048-9, 8102, March 11, 1988). 2. GOALS FOR WOMEN AND MINIORITIES IN CONSTRUCTION: Department of Labor regulations set forth in in 41 CFR 60-4 establish goals and timetables for participation of minorities and women in the construction industry. These regulations apply to all Federally assisted construction eontraets in excess of $10,000. The Recipient shall comply with these regulations and. shall obtain compliance with 41 CFR 60-4 from contractors and subcontractors employed in date completion of the Project by including ,such notices, clauses and provisions in the Solicitations for Offers or Bids as required by 41 CFR 60-4. The goal for the participation of women in each trade area shall be as follows: Prom April 1, 1981, until further notice: 6.9 percent Special Conditions EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Investment No. 04-79-06827 All changes to this goal, as published in the Federal Register in accordance with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance PTO gr ns regulations at 41 CFR 60-4.6, or any successor regulations, shall hereafter be incorporated by reference into these Special Award Conditions, Goals for minority participation shall be as prescribed by Appendix. B.80, Federal Registet, Volume 45, No, 194, October 3,1980,.or subsequent piblications. The Recipient shall include the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" (or cause them to be included, if appropriate) in all Federally assisted contracts and subcontracts. The goals and timetables for minority and.female participation may not be Tess than those published pursuant to 41 CFR 60-4.6. 3. REPORT ON UNLIQUIDA'i ED OBLIGATIONS: All Recipients of an EDA grant award of more than $ 100,000 whose Award has not been fully disbursed is required to submit Form . SF-425, "Financial Status Report" to EDA semi-annually to report on the status of tunreimbursed obligations. This report will provide information on the amount of allowable Project expenses that have been incurred, but not claimed for reimbursement by the Recipient. The first report shall be as of March 30 of each year and shall be submitted to EDA no later than April 30 of each year, and the second report shall be as of September 30 of each year and 'shall be submitted. to EDA no later than October 30 of each year, The Recipient must submit a final financial report using Forii SF-425 within 90 days of the expiration date of the Award (or from the date the Recipient accepts the Project from the contractor, whichever occurs earlier). Nonoomplianne with these requirements will result in the suspension of disbursements under. this Award. Financial reports are to be submitted to the Project Officer. 4. PRESERVATION OF OPEN COMPETITION AND GOVERNMENT NEUTRALITY TOWARDS -GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS LABOR RELA.TOINS ON FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY FUNDED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Pursuant to E.O. 13202, "Preservation of Open Competition axid Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' .Labor Relations on Federal and Federal Funded Construction Projects," unless the Project is exempted under section 5(c) of the order, bid specifications, project agreements, or other controlling documents for construction eontraetss awarded by Recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or those of any consti .etion manager acting on their behalf, shall not: a) include any requitornont or prohibition on Bidders, Offerors, Contraotors, or Subcontractors about entering into or adhering to agreements with one or more labor organizations on the same or related construction Project(s); or b) otherwise discriminate against Bidders, Offerors, Contractors, or Subcontractors for becoming or refusing to become or remain signatories or otherwise to adhere to agreements with one or more labor organizations, on the same or other related construction Project(s). • Special Conditions EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 Investment No. 04-79-06827 5, ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE/CERTIFICATE OF TITLE: The Recipient, prior to Solicitation of bids for construction of this Project, shall furnish to the Government an acceptable Engineering Certificate showing all lands, rights -of -way and easements necessary for construction of this Project along with an acceptable Certificate of Title on said lands, rights -of -way and easements showing good and merchantable title free of mortgages or other foreclosable liens, 6, CONSTRUCTION START, If significant construction (as determined by BDA) is not • commenced within two years of approval of the project or by the date estimated for start of construction in the grant award (or the expiration of any extension granted in writing by EDA), whiehever is later, the EDA. grant will be automatically suspended and may be terminated if EDA determines, after consultation with the grant recipient, that construction to completion cannot reasonably be expected to proceed promptly and expeditiously. 7, NONRELOCATION: In signing this award of financial assistance, Recipient(s) attests that • EDA .funding is not intended by the Recipient to assist its efforts to induce the relocation of existing jobs that are located outside of its jurisdiction to within its jurisdiction in competition . with other jurisdictions for those seine jobs. lathe event that EDA determines that its assistance was used for those purposes, EDA retains the right to pursue appropriate onforcemeut action in accord with the Standard Terms and Conditions of the Award, including suspension of disbursements and termination of the awardfor convenience or cause. 8. • REFUND CHECKS, INTEREST OR UNUSED FUNDS: Treasury has given the RDA two options for having payments deposited to our account with it; The first one is Pay.Gov. This option allows the payee to pay EDA through the Inter et. The payee will have the option to make a one-time payment or to set up an account to make regular payments. - The second option is Paper Check conversion, All checks must identify on their face the name of the Doe agency molding the award, award number, and no more than a two -word description to identify the reason for the refund or check, A copy of the check should be provided to the Federal Project O•.f icer. This option allows the payee to send a cheek to . NOAA's accounting office, who processes FDA's accounting f mctions at the following address: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Finance Office, AOD, EDA Grants, 20020 Century Boulevard, Germantown, MD 20874. The accounting staff will scan the checks in encrypted file to the Federal Reserve Bank, and the funds will be deposited in EDA's account. While this process will not be an issue with most payees who are corporations, it could be an issue for individuals sending EDA funds, Please make note of the following. Notice to Customers Maldng.Payna.ent by Check Special. Conditions EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 Investment No. 04-79.06827 If you send EDA a check it will be oonverted into an electronic funds transfer by copying your check and using the account information on it to electronically debit your account for the amottat of the check. The debit form your account will usually occur within 24 hours and will appear on. your regular account statement. You will not receive your original check back Your original check will be destroyed, but a copy of itwill be maintained in our office, If the EFT cannot be processed for techn oal reasons, the copy will be processed in place of the original cheek. If the EFT cannot be completed because of insufficient finds, we will charge you a one-time fee of $25,00, which • Will be collected by EFT. 9. SCOPE OF WORK: Recipient(s) agrees to undertake, prosecute and complete the Scope of Work (SOW) for this Project funded by this Award. which SOW is approved and agreed to by the Government as subsequently amended in mutually agreed upon written change order(s) and/or SOW amendment(s), if any. The SOW shall be as set forth and described in a.) the, application, Submitted by Recipient(s) and/or Recipient's authorized representative(s) to the Government for this Award together with b.) E3,11 enclosures, materials, documents and other submittals accompanying and supporting the application,.c,) all additional materials, documents and/or correspondence requested by the Government and submitted by Recipient(s) and/or Recipient's authorized representative(s) in. support and furtherance of the application and d.) such ehange(s) and/or SOW amendments, if any, requested in writing by the Recipient(s) and/or Recipient's authorized representative subsequent to the date of this Award and approved and agreed to in writing by the Government. To the extent suoh additiona3 materials, documents and/or correspondence amends and/or clarifies the application; such amendment or clarification shall be controlling. It is agreed that the Reoipient(s) and Government intend that the SOW describes a discrete, detailed and specific project that is funded and authorized by this Award and to that end the application and the above described additional information shall be fairly construed to and shall describe the SOW. The scope of work for this project is further described below: This investment will rehabilitate a 7,780 square foot former ehureh. The exterior work will involve the restoration of windows and doors, All non -original exterior window and door openings will be closed and modified original openings will be restored to the original size with new impact windows and doors. The roof will be repaired and re -shingled, A new accessible ramp will replace the old exterior ramp. Other exterior modifications will be completed, A steel structure will be added to the balcony to create a 1,110 square foot office mezzanine. A glass wall. will enclose the offices and preserve the continuity of the sloped ceiling while affording views of the banquet hall below, Special Conditions EXHIBIT "A" Page 5 Investment No, 04-79-06827 10. LIMITED LIABILITY FOR MIAMI DA.DE COLLEGE: This Award is made to the following multiple Recipients: a.) The City of Miami, Florida (City), b.)The Southeast Over-town/Park Nest Community Redevelopment Agency (Agency), and c.) Miami Dade College, (College). The College has requested and the Government has agreed to limit the CoIlege's responsibility and liability under this Award as provided in this Special. Award Condition. It is agreed by the Government and the Recipients that all responsibility and liability for the funds disbursed from this Award or provided by Recipients and all construction activities (including, but not 1rmi,tcd ' to, the property acquisition, design, plans management, completion, disposal, use, title, • engineering, architecture, insurance, enviromnental impact, historic preservation and maintenance) undertaken and paid, in part; from fields from this Award shall be borne by the Agency and the City. The College shall have no responsibility or liability for the funds disbursed from this Award or provided by Recipients and no responsibility or liability for construction activities undertaken and paid, in part, from funds from this Award. The College shall be responsible for the performance of instruction and programs at the College's Hospitality and Culinary Institute on the site improved with funds frorn this Award as provided in the application for this Award. 11. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. AGREEMENT: Prior to the disbursement of funds by EDA, the Recipient shall submit to the Government for approval an Architeet/Engineer agreement that meets the requirements of Section IV E of the "Summary of EDA Construction Standards, October 2007 as amended on. November 28, 2007" as well as'the competitive procurement Standards of 15 CFR. Part 24 or 15 CFR Part 14, as applicable. The fee for basic Architect/Engineer services shall be a lump sure or an agreed maximum and no part of the fees for other services shall be based upon a cost -phis -a -percentage -of cost or a cost using a multiplier, 12. ENVIRONMENTAL: Prior to advertisement for construction bids, Recipient shall provide • evidence satisfactory to the Government that the asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and lead -based -paint noted in the October 4, 2010 report by Dynatech Engineering Corp and the November 4, 2010 by AirQueswt Environmental, respectively, will be safely eneapsulated and/or evidence satisfactory to the Government that the ACMs 'and lead -based paint have been removed and disposed in accordance with applicable State regulations. 13. ENVIRONMENTAL: Prior to construction or alteration, Recipient shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Government that the architectural plan and specification have been submitted to the Florida Division of Historical Resources, State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) as requested in their letter of February 22, 2013, Additionally, prior to construction or alteration, Reeipiont shall provide written conotuTence from. the.Florida SHPO that final design is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for RehabilitatingHistorio Buildings. Recipient agrees to comply with any and all conditions of • SE.PO's final concurrence. I:'fthe Recipient does not or cannot provide SHPO concurrence, Recipient agrees, at the discretion of the Government, to terminate this Award for oonveniennee. Special Conditions EXHIBIT "A" Page 6 uwestment No. 04-79-06827 14. USEFUL LIFE: The useful life of this project for purposes ofthe First Priority Unsubordinated Lien required by paragraph L.3 ofthe Standard Terms and Conditions, is hereby determined to be 20 years. 15. LEAD RECIPIENT DESIGNATION AND OBLIGATIONS: This Award is made to multiple Recipients as identified in the Financial Assistance Award Form CD-450 to.which these Special Award. Conditions are attached. The Government requested that one of the Recipients be designated as the lead recipient to facilitate the administration of this Award. The Recipient named Est in. the Recipient name bloom on the CD-450 to which this Exhibit A is attached has agreed in writing to be designated as lead. recipient. The oo xeeipients acknowledge, agree with and consent to this designation. The Recipients agree that all funds available pursuant to this Award shall be solely disbursed by the Government to the Lead R.eoipient. The Lead . Recipient agrees to be responsible for the further disbursement of all such funds received from the Government pursuant to this Award strictly in accordance with the Budget attached to this Award. Such disbursement by the Lead Recipient shall be made in accordance with all applicable requirements ofthe Government as identified and set forth on. the Financial Assistance Award Form CD-450 to which these Special. Award Conditions are attached. The Lead Recipient further agrees to be responsible for accumulating all necessary information for and the submission of all reports required to be submitted to the Government pursuant to this Award.. MICHELLE SPENCE-JONES Board ChEir November 18, 2013 Mr, Jonathan Corso EDA Atlanta Regional Office 401, West Peachtree Street, NW Suite 1820 Atlanta, GA 30308-3510 CLARENCE E. WOODS, M. Executive Director Re: Grant Award Number: 04-79-06827 Title of Project City of Miami Hospitality and Culinary Institute Subject: Executed Financial Assistance Award Dear Mr. Corso: Enclosed is the executed Financial Assistance Award agreement between the U.S. Department of Commerce, Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA, City of Miami, and Miami -Dade College. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Xavier Vega Grants Administrator Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency cc: Clarence E. Woods, III, Executive Director, SEOPW CRA Brian Zeltsman, Director of Architecture and Development, SEOPW CRA Asa R. Williams, Civil Engineer/Project Manager, EDA Enclosure: Executed Award Agreement SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF M iAMI 1490 N,W. 3"I Avenue, Ste. 105 I Miami, FL 33 136 Tol (305) 679-6E00 Fax (305) 679-6835 I lIttp://www.rniamicra.com FORMCO4S0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (REv.3- 9 3) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT I:COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT AWARD PERIOD 45 months after date of EDA approval RECIPIENT NAME Southeast OvertownfPark West Community Redevelopment Agency AWARD NUMBER 04-79-06827 STREET ADDRESS 1490 NW 3rd Avenue, Suite 105 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $ 900,000.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Miami, Florida 33136 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $ 1,069,437.00 RECIPIENT NAME City of Miami TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 1,969,437.00 STREET ADDRESS 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue x = .r, , .. CITY, STATE, 7Jp CODE Miami, Florida 33130 RECIPIENT NAME Miami Dade College STREET AODRESS 300 NE end Avenue CITY, STATE, 7JP CODE MI Tsai i, Florida 33132 (AUTHORITY Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C, § 3121 et seq.) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE 11.307 Economic Adjustment! Building Rehabilitation - BUREAU 20 FUND 40 FCFY 13 PROJECT -TASK 0406827-000 ORGANIZATION 04 OBJECT CLASS 4110 This Award approved by the Grants Officer is Issued in triplicate and constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. Sy signing the three documents, the Recipient agrees to comply with the Award provisions chocked below and attached. Upon acceptance by the Recipient, two signed Award documents shall be returned to the Grants Officer and the third document shah be retained by the Recipient if not signed and returned without modification by the Recipient within 30 days of receipt, the Grants Officer may unilaterally terminate this Award. El Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions 1l Special Award Conditions (see Exhibit A) Q Line Item Budget (Attachment No. 1) 15 CFR Part 14, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with institutions of Higher ILI Education, Hospitals, Other Nonprofit, and Commercial Organizations © 16 CFR Part 24, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements to State and Local Governments - El OMB Circular A.21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions Q OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments El OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations Q 48 CFR Part 31, Contract Cost Principles and Procedures al OMB CircularA.133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations ® Other(s): EDA Standard Terms and Conditions for Construction Projects, dated March 12, 2013 SIGNATURE OF PARTMENT H. Phis OF RANTS OFFICER TITLE Director, Atlanta Regional DATE TYPED NAME /J jf Ciarnc 0 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED RECIPi T ICIAL TITLE Executive Director, Southeast OvertownlPark West Community Redevelopment DATE TYP R A D SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OFFICIAL Johnnk uiartinez : ' TITLE City Manager, City of Miami oA - i TYPED NNitE AND SIGNATURE OF` AUTHORIZED Dr. Rolando Monto . RE ..'LENT OFFICIAL TITLE College Provost, Miami Dade College DATE 0 OP/3 11 City of Miami, a municipal Corporation of the State ofFlorida ATTEST: CITY CLERK CE REQUIREMENTS: CA iL Arill E RI1KMANME.rNT AP ROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: VI TORIA MENDEZ CITY ATTORNEY Item: Agreement between the City ofMiami and the US Department of Commerce for the rehab of facility at 300 NW 11 Street.