HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-15-0015 Backup-SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. April 10, 2015 Clarence Woods, Executive Director South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2"d Ave., 3`d Floor Miami, FL 33136 Re: 2015 CRA Summer Youth Employment and Training Program Dear Mr. Woods: Please find attached for consideration Urgent, Inc: s proposal to manage this year's SEOPW CRA Summer Youth Employment and Training Program for 2015. Grant funds are requested to continue and expand the Film Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. The youth employment and training program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries Identified for Miami Dade County by One Community 0ne Goal. The program's successful innovative design Is an apprentice/internship hybrid model that blends work readiness, occupation skill building and project based learning. This summer we propose to employ sixty-five (up from 60) high school, out of school and college going youth between the ages of 16-24 from within the City of Miami South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)/1vertown boundaries and neighboring communities for a period of 8-weeks (up from 6 weeks) and provide summer internship experiences where youth earn, learn and grow under the direction of Industry professionals and teaching artist/entrepreneurs in an expanded field of institutes (6 up from 4) to Include 1) Film, 2) Broadcast Media (Radio), 3) Arts (Graphic Design & Creative Writing), 4) Cultural Tourism, 5) Information Technology (Coding & Web Design) and 6) Entrepreneurship/Business Management. In addition, to maintain our successful track record in helping at -risk youth succeed, the program provides Job, coaching. community service, crisis intervention, and continuous learning & leadership development seminars. We are also excited to report that we are partnering with Miami Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade College to provide opportunities for eligible interns to earn high school and/or college credit by completing thls summer program. The project budget for the scope of service proposed totals $305,584. Urgent has operated the SEOPW CRA summer youth employment program successfully In 2011 and 2013, 2014. Our most recent successes are documented In the accompanying external evaluation report. As a recipient of Federal, City of Miami, Miaml-Dade County and The Children's Trust grants for the past ten years, URGENT demonstrates the organizational, managerial, financial and youth engagement capacity to Implement the CRA's summer youth employment program successfully for the summer of 2015. Thank you very much for your consideration. If further information or presentation is required to inform your support, please contact me directly at saliha@urgentinc.org or at 305-205-4605. Sincerely, Saliha Nelson Vice President Center for Empowerment & Education 1000 NW Ave. Ste 100 Miami, FL 33136 786-439.1544(0) ( 866-111i-7178(F) I LiRL:www.urgentinc.org 1 E-Mall: offlce@urgentinc.org I 5 C 05 I - ackup-SUB T IS °COME T IS A SUBSTIT TI TO PG AL B CKUP °MI E SEE AT T EE D OF THIS CU (. Endo rest 1) Overt/few- Fact Sheet on What's New for 201 2) Prot Proposal 3) Budget Summary & Budget Detail 4) FACE Pregnant Evaluation 2014 & Executive Summary out Us UR& n Is a 501 (c) (3) Overtown Miami, FL based youth and community development organization cefabrating 2D years of service this yean URGENT is dedicated to edam, . ering young mines to transform their communities, Guided by the principles di Innovation, growth and. transformation URGENT sees young people as the drivers of change and works to provide empowering opportunities to develop the next generation of social change agents rising out of the inner city, Center for Empowerment & Ed tIon 2000 VI Anew 51WMm rt 33136 tosfaaatt (di 866-811-77781Fd URL: duRenthroors I EWA; addle urger) THIS DOCUrv' ENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. • More Weeks WHAT'S NEW LMIUi MORE YOUTH HIRED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN T �!'� END O' `CIS DOCUMENT. CRA Summer Youth Employment & Training Program AGENCY INFORMATION Name: URGENT, Inc. FEIN:65-0516506 Address: 1000 NW 1st Ave. Ste. 100 Miami, FL 33136 Phone: 786-439-1544 Fax: 866-811-7778 Email: office@urgentinc.orj URL: www.urgentinc.org Contact Person: Saliha Nelson Cell; 305-205-4605 Email: saliha@)urgentinc.org Project Tine:' Film Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) Mission Statement:' The Mission of Urgent, Inc. Is to empower young minds to transform their communities. Project Abstract:` Grant funds are requested to continue and expand the Film Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) Summer Youth Employment and Training Program, the premier pipeline for talent development originating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the, "Harlem of the South." The youth employment and training program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and information Technology growth Industries identified for Miami Dade County by the Beacon Council and One Community One Goal. The program's successful Innovative design is an apprentice/internship hybrid model that blends work readiness, occupation skill building and project based learning. Targeted for participation are 75 high school, out of school and college going youth between the ages of 16-24 from within the City of Miami South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)/Overtown boundaries and neighboring communities. Youth will gain real world work experience that supports the development of 21st Century work skills through a paid 8-week summer internship where youth earn, learn and grow under the direction of industry professionals, teaching artists and entrepreneurs in order to produce professional grade work products in 1) Film, 2) Broadcast Media (Radio), 3) Broadcast Media (Webtv), 4) Arts (Graphic Design & Creative Writing), 5) Cultural Tourism, 6) Information Technology (Coding & Web Design) and 7) Entrepreneurship/Business Management. In addition, interns are supported to ensure success and will receive job coaching, community service, crisis intervention, and continuous learning & leadership development seminars. Also now this year, Urgent has secured partnerships with Miami Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade College to provide opportunities for eligible interns to earn high school and/or college credit by completing the summer program. Finally, as In prior years, youth will develop supportive connections with career mentors and their peers, master new occupational skills, develop a work readiness portfolio and grow their professional network as they transition from high school to post -secondary education and gain entry into the workforce often for the first time. The Internship will culminate In a 2-day community expo and youth economic development conference. Page 1 of 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Program Description:" Program Goals: The goals of FACE are to 1) Reduce risk for juvenile crime and delinquency during the summer months, 2) Keep kids safe and engaged with meaningful paid work, 3) Build 21st Century work skills in order to Improve future employment and/or educational outcomes for participants, 3) Excite youth about continuing their education and career development past high school. Rationale Community Need: Overtown Miami, FL is designated a Targeted Urban Area by Miami -Dade County, a Local Targeted Area by the City of Miami, a targeted community of Ca reerSource S.FL the local Workforce Investment Board and is designated a Community Redevelopment Area due to chronic conditions of slum, blight, crime and poverty. The US Census ACS estimates for 2007-2012 indicate that Overtown's population of 10,090 Includes 7,925 persons who are low -to moderate income, and account for 78.5% of the population. Youth Unemployment: Moreover, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (Nov 2013) reports the black youth unemployment rate for ages 16-19 is 393% higher than the national unemployment rate (35,5% vs. 7.3% respectively). As of the 2012 Census, only 54% of eligible workers age 16+ are in the labor force in Miami -Dade County. Within Overtown, the unemployment rate stands at 14.8% almost double the City of Miami rate. For Overtown youth between the ages of 16-19, the unemployment rate jumps up to just over 28,7%, more than three times the City of Miami average (ACS 2008-2012 5yr Estimate). Participant Need: The most recent participant profile Indicates significant need. With 80% of participants with residence in the Overtown community, 66% came from single parent head of households, 8% were headed by grandparents and 20% of participants experienced homelessness while in the program. In addition, 48% were from homes with a family annual Income of less than $13,750. Thirty eight percent (38%) were from homes making less than $22,900. Unacceptable by any measure, eighty-four percent (84%) of participants indicated they and their families had been directly impacted by community violence. Summer Operations: The program will run from May through August (4-months). Table 1- Program Implementation outlines key activities, Table 1- Program Implementation Activity May June July Aug Outreach, Recruitment, Interviewing X internships Start X Internships End X Final Reporting, Final Payroll Distribution X Participant Eligibility: The program will hire 75 high school, out of school and college going youth between the ages of 16-24 residing in the SEOPW CRA boundaries and Overtown zip code 33136. Up to twenty percent (20%) may be hired from within the City of Miami District 5/Miami Dade County District 3 boundaries or other Miami CRA districts. in order to verify age and residential eligibility, youth must Page 2 of 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. produce an acceptable document, including but not limited to: 1) State issued photo ID 2) School register print out with address, 3) Utility NI, birth certificate and/or 4) College photo Id. All addresses will be verified using the City of Miami or Miami Dade County GIS systems. Program Completion: Based on historical data, 95% (71 of 75) youth are expected to successfully complete their internship, Program Sites: The program's base of operations will be conducted at Urgent's Centerfor Empowerment and Education, 1000 NW 2st Ave. Suite 100 Miami, FL 33136, Auxiliary work and training sites will be used In the community as needed, Core Activities Orientation: Youth and caregivers or other supporting adult in the young person's life will be encouraged to participate in a program orientation. The orientation will be designed to help youth and caregivers clearly understand what Is expected of and how the work and training experience will be structured. Topics covered include: a. Eligibility b. Length of involvement c. Attendance and behavior expectations d. Services and opportunities available by organization and community partners f. Enrollment and qualification process g. Overview of industry related project based learning Imolemen 'on: Duration-L day Frequency- One Saturday Intensity- 4 -6 hours Work Preparedness: Interns will begin their work experience with an Intensive training week designed to acclimate them to the work culture. Topics covered will include: a, Employment & Program Policies and Procedures b. Professional Etiquette and Dressing for Success c. leambuilding and Motivation d. introduction to industry related supervisors andjob responsibilities and expectations e. Pre -Evaluations f, Purpose and process to develop an education and career portfolio Impkmen4tIon: Doratiorel week Frequency- Dairy, M-F Intensity- 4 hours Page 3 of 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Paid Internship: A specialized team of industry professionals and trainers will serve as occupational training supervisors and facilitate weekly project -based learning activities with a select number of interns and guide them in producing a professional grade product to present to the community at the end of the internship period. Youth will be hired as paid interns and have the opportunity to explore 1 of 4 career pathways related to an emerging industry area identified by The Beacon Council. They include: 1) Career Pathways:Creative Design a. Film- interns will be ***entered and trained in the art of visual story telling. interns will learn the fundamentals of writing, shooting, directing and editing a short film. Interns will work together to produce a professional quality short film and a series of their own public service announcements. — Industry Partners- High De/Dreams; Tommy Ford, Actor/Producer b. Broadcast Media (Radio)- interns will learn how to create and produce broadcast radio content and produce a professional -grade news feature for radio broadcast. This process will Include formulating a story pitch, reporting, research, Identifying and interviewing sources, writing for radio, and mixing basic audio elements. Interns will have produced a series of 3-4 minute news stories that will be assembled into an hour-long radio special. industry Partner- WLRN c. Broadcast Media (WebTV)- Interns will create a youth -led online web show supported by professionals from the media industry. The industry partner will curate and showcase the media. Content will include showcasing Overtown youth doing great things In school and the community and elevate critical conversations being had by youth. Industry Partner- NiteCap, with Peter Bailey 2) Cultural Tourism* & Hospitality a. Visual Arts- Interns will support literacy promotion in the area by planning, wrftlng, designing, and publishing original comic books. Interns will be engaged in a creative process that reinforces reading literacy, social awareness, and character development. Intern work will be published and distributed for other children to use as learning and motivational tools. industry Partner- ChivasMan Art Productions b. Cultural Tourism - Interns will work to develop educational materials, marketing collateral, and souvenirs that will be used to promote Historic Dorsey Park Murals as a cultural destination for tourist and field trip experience for area youth programs. The final project will culminate in an educational art walk planned and presented by Interns. industry Partner- Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau„ Multicultural Tourism Deportment 3) information Technology a, Coding- interns will continue to develop the mobile application the, "Dorsey Detector" and companion website, interns will learn the basics of coding, website development and graphic design. Industry Partners, Monseqaxtie; University of Miami, School of Communication Page 4of 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 4) Business & Entrepreneurship — Interns will learn the fundamentals of starting a business, creating a business plan and professional etiquette. Specific to the experience will be creating marketing materials, manufacturing a product(s) and engaging in sales. The result of learning will be the production of a product or service available for purchase at a series of community events. Industry Partners- Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce; University of Miami, School of Business Implementation: Duration-7 weeks Frequency- Daily, M-Th Intensity- 4 hours Leadership & Learning (IL): All interns must participate in LLS seminars. These sessions will focus on determining education and employment goals, social skills, connecting to support services and the development of a sense of community with peers, staff and mentors. Interns will cover topics related to: financial literacy, professional etiquette, resume writing, application and interview skills, and career exploration. Students will create and maintain a career portfolio to include; Cover Letter, Resume, Work Application, Business Correspondence, Work Products, College & Career Blueprint, Service Referrals, etc. Implementation: Duration-7 weeks Frequency- Weekly, F Intensity- 6 hours Job Coaching: Comprehensive Job Coaching will be provided to each youth participant in the program. This process begins with a Service Needs Assessment during enrollment in order to gather information on areas in the participant's life in which they may require guidance. Referrals may be written to partner agencies for issues related to substance abuse, domestic violence, mental health, etc. Most importantly, the Job Coach will help interns work through personal issues that would ordinarily prevent them from participating fully and completing the program. Community Service: All interns must commit to perform a service to the community while in the program. Service projects will be developed as part of the LLS weekly sessions and carried out at various times and locations In the community. A key element of the service project will include a participatory community based research project designed and implemented in partnership with the program evaluator and doctoral or master's level student. Collaboration: Urgent, Inc. has developed many community partners, industry professionals and entrepreneurs who are committed to working with youth through this project. The partnerships are Identified below in the Partnership Table. Partnerships Table Partner Description Role in Program Implementation and Resources Committed In-Kind/Paid Page 5 of 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Dress for Success/Suited for Success Miami High Def Dreams Dress for Success has been serving the Miami -Dade community for 20 years with employment skills trairilog, workplace and business etiquette and professional business clothing. Full service multi- media company dedicated to create content from visualization, content, writing, music, web, video and film, Role: Work Readiness Partner Activities: Professional Etiquette workshops and provision of interview attire Roie: Creative Design industry Partner- Film Activities: Training supervisor providing film training that produces a professional grade product Greater Convention and Visitors Bureau, Mukkuitura I Tourism Department: The Multicultural Tourism Department promotes tourism opportunities In Miamrs ethnic neighborhoods including Overtown Role: Hospitality and Cultura Tourism Industry Partner Activities: Will identify training partner that will guide interns to develop cultural tourism marketing collateral and souvenirs; customer service training Paid/M-Kind Paid -Kind Paid/in-K nd ouse A holistic, trauma informed shelter with wrap -around support servlces for women and children and teen girls and experiencing hometessness. Refer high risk teen youth for employment during the summer and year round; Will also provide these young women with addition social service and educational supports as needed n-Kind MC3 Consulting Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce Consulting firm offering a range of assessment, planning, training, evaluation, leadership development and grant reviewing services Role: Quality Assurance Activities: Program Evaluation, data collection and analysis, lead community based research project with Interns as part of the community service project Paid The Miatni-Dade Chamber of Commerce advocates for the needs of the Black business community and provides opportunities to bring a diverse businesses together to exchange Role: Entrepreneurship/Business industry Partner Role: Assist with outreach and recruitment of career mentors, job shadow opportunities 1 n-Xind Page 6 of 12 [HIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. goods and services and to promote interaction and communication mutually beneficial to all businesses invoived. Miami Dade College Miami Dade College is a state public college. Miami Dade was created with the idea that anyone with a desire to get a college degree should be given that opportunity Role: Academic Partner, Conference Facility Activities: Use of facility, college to career transition counseling; Select interns will participate in the Student Success Course, and earn 1-3 college credits In -Kind Miami Dade County Public Schools, Office of Community Engagement MDCPS, Office of Community Engagement oversees the summer internship program and provision of course credits Role: Academic Partner Activities: Interns qualifying under MDCPS summer internship program will be able to earn 1-3 high school credits Overtown Children & Youth Coalition Community coalition lead by anchoring community based organizations in Overtown comprised of 20 member stakeholder organizations dedicated to creating collective impact to empower Overtown children to reach their full potential Role: Social Service Support Network Activities: Identification of mutually reinforcing activities to support and leverage members' network of services and resources to create additional opportunities to improve the positive outcomes for the children and youth of Overtown In -Kind Peter Bailey Peter Bailey is an American author and journalist. Bailey is known for his gritty, but yet inspirational profile stories on unsung heroes in Miami's impoverished inner city. Bailey graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in English with a concentration in Journalism. In 2007, Role: Creative Design/Media Industry Partner Activities: Training supervisor providing broadcast media training to create a professional grade youth -led webtv content Paid Page7of12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL, BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. t3alley won the 2007 award for best education reporting throughout Florida by the Society of Professional ]vurnallsts Tommy Ford, Actor - Producer Tommy Ford can be seen on your television screens every day of the week In more than four different syndicated television shows including: MARTIN; NEW YORK UNDERCOVER; PARKERS; and WHO'S GOT JOKES. Recently, Tommy's Industry ocus is shared with cling a successful er behind the a. He has directed and produced several webisodes; television dramas; and sitcom pito Role: Creative Design industry Partner Activities: Masterclass training for intermediate level production assistants in film and web media. Experience and training will result in a professional grade product Public Service Announcements, and short film. Paid lln Kind University of Mia Office of Civio and Community Engagement * Schoo of Communication WtRN The Office of Civic and Community Engagement (CCE) fosters university - community collaboration by gaging the ity's academi ources in the enrichment of civic and community life. R atlon Tech nvlogy Academic Partner Activities: Enhance career development programming by lending UM Faculty and students to provide curricula development in the areas of Information Technology, Coding and Programming as part of UM's Miami Youth Enhanced STEM Career Initiative n-Kind The Mission oflt LRN Public Radio and Television is to provide information, entertainment, and learning services with a commitment to excellence in serving local, national and Role: Creative Design Industry Partner Activities: Training Supervisor providing broadcast media work experience and training that produces a professional grade product in radios Paietllr;-Kind Page 8 of 12 {HIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE. SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. international communities. Recruitment and enrollment:* Recruitment & Enrollment: Proven outreach and education strategies will be used to recruit and enroll youth in the prograrn. The top three proven methods utilized include targeted outreach, community education and use of media. The activities that will be performed under each method are listed in Table I Outreach and Education Activities, Table 3- Outreach and Education Activities Ac Resu Targeted Outreach Community Education -3- Media nforrn past program participants it istimet� re -apply for the program inform area school adrnlnistrators, teachers and support staff of the program and how youth can enroll Utilize community coalition members In Overtown, Miami Dade Economic Advocacy Trust- Teen Court, Miami Dade Juvenile Services Division and Career Source S.FL to disseminate program enrollment information Conduct class presentations In career academy classes at the local high school Hold open info sessions at various key community locations at times where parents can also attend to earn more about the program • Update nforniaton on 211/Switchboard Miami resource listing • In person presentations at events organized by other groups, • Use public gatherings and community events to distribute program flyers • Staff an information table at local events planned by others. Le. back to school events, TCT Expo, etc. • Develop marketing materials which highlight benefits to participation, Le. flyers, palm cards and program fact sheet for distribution • Utilize agency email distribution list, Facebook and twitter to inform current followers of program offerings and enrollment processes Submit press releases to community news and mainstream radio, print and TV media outlets to inform of program offerings and open enrollment • Provide program information on dedicated page of website with access to enrollment application Outreach and Education Outreach & Education Outreach & Education Page 9 of 12 rffis DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Program Demand: The FACE Program has been operating for the previous three summers (2012, 2013, 2014) and has a demonstrated track record of being in demand and utilized by the target population within the South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment District In Miami. The demand for the program is high as each year, based on funding, the program has served between 50-135 youth and has maintained a wait list each year for the past three years. If the program is funded for the summer of 2015, Urgent anticipates an increased demand due to previous positive outcomes. Staffing Plant* Urgent, Inc. has the resources, experience and established network of partners to successfully implement the proposed program. Urgent has established a solid management plan to ensure that the stated goal, objectives and outcomes of the project are met and that there are sufficient staff with experience to implement the program. The management of the FACE program will continue to be managed by the Project Director {FTM, Program Coordinator (FT) and Intern Payroll Manager (PT). The Project Director will lead community engagement efforts, develop partnerships with industry organizations, and monitor and support the Program Coordinator in Implementing the grant program in compliance with contract deliverables. The Program Coordinator will supervise all staff, facilitate bi- weekly staff meetings, and implement quality assurance processes to improve overall program quality. The Finance Manger will educate interns about hiring protocols, time keeping policies and procedures, banking and tax related information. The Finance Manager will also coordinate and execute staff and Intern payroll, account for program expenses and prepare finance packages for the granting agency, Staff to be hired and trained will include a 1 FT Project Assistant, 1 FTJob Coach,1 PT IT Analyst and 8 Industry professionals to cover each occupational area of Film, Arts Si Culture, Coding and Entrepreneurship. In addition, Urgent will work strategically with community partners to address participant needs that fall outside the program's scope of service. Staffing Table n: n Education + 5 yrs experience Other: >Leadership skills >Excellent ganizatronai and unlcatio kills Administers Project operations, develops resources to support goals and plans for project sustainability. Responsible for program oversight, planning, development, implementation, budget management, program efficiency and effectiveness, contract compliance; builds community partnerships in order to enhance program; monitors service delivery for continuous quality Improvement, attends: community partnership meetings, provides active leadership and facilitates youth leadership council :meetings. Program Coordinator Education: >BA/BS required + 4 years' experience >Childcare Center Directors Credential The Program Coordinator oversees the day to day implementation of program activities, manages, develops and provides training and technical assistance to project staff; monitors contract deliverables, Including participant progress and Page 10of12 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. >Excellent communication skills >Ability to Schedule, manage and work without direct supervision Good organization. skills retention in the program; performs data entry into SAWS to produce accurate project reports in a timely manner, serves as the liaison to occupational training providers and project partners, facilitates classroom instruction as needed, plans and chaperones field trips, performs other duties as assigned by the Director. intern Payroll Manager Bachelor s Degree from an accredited college or university in Finance/Accounting /Business or closely related field, plus 5 years related work experience Project Assistant The Intern Payroll Manager (Manager) will set-up all payroll, review timesheets and approve pay. Manager will coordinate payroll schedule with fonder. As Interns' pay is a main driver of this program the Manager will ensure participants & staff will be paid accurately and on time. The Intern Payroll manager will &so manage and maintain the financial accounts for the grant program in the accounting system including recognition of grant receivables & expenditures. 50% of time will be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: Minimum Bachelor's Degree and 5 years related experience Qualifications: Minimum College Student and relate volunteer or work experience The Project Assistant will support the Coordinator with daily program needs and event planning . They will ensure all Interns paperwork is in compliance, maintain documentation and input program reports. 100% of tinge will be dedicated to this project. ob Coach FT Occupation al Training Supervisors PT I achelor's Degree from an accredited college or university in Social Work, Human Resources, or closely related field, plus 2 years related employmen or volunteer experience. Industry professional with demonstrated track record of success in I ilm, Arts & Culture, Coding or Entre preneu rship The Job Coach is primarily responsible for performing general intake of eligible candidates Into the program, assists participants with identifying barriers and establishing personal goals to success. Duties include maintaining case flies with detailed hard copy case notes, introduce community resources, and coordinate pathways to other educational and employment opportunities for the rticipants, The Case Manager Is also responsible for providing on -going support, advocacy and guidance for participants to assist them in dealing with the personal, legal and social needs that are barriers to their success in developing a career/job path. With participant cooperation, the case Manager will complete an Individual Success Strategy for each participant. Occupational trainers develop work -based learning projects that lead interns to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained and provide opportunities to build 21' Century skills, and expand their awareness of high growth industry career options. Page 11 of 12 i'H1S DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Assistant Trainers P High School youth in grade 11+ and related program participation, coursework or volunteer expert Performance Measurement ent Performs work under the direction of the coordinator and youth enrichment specialist. Essential duties include outreach, recruitment, peer to peer support and co -facilitation of lesson plans, serving on the youth council and leading comrnunity service project planning and implementation The program uses the Continuous Improvement Model (CiP) to measure whether services are being delivered well and to ensure the collection of ongoing data. The OP model consists of three core focus areas 1) Continuing and targeted p Qfessional development and training, 2) Coaching and monitoring to ensure successful implementation on site and 3) Data coIlectlon and analysis to document program strengths, weaknesses and student progress. An external evaluator will be contracted to monitor and assess these efforts. In addition, interns will be assessed at the beginning and end of the program. Outcome measures and tools will Include: 1) Outcome; (85%) of youth Improve leadership skills Data Source: Youth Life Skills, Leadership Survey 2) Outcome: {85%) of youth improve problem solvin Data Source: Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 )YES) n sponslble decision making 3) Outcome: (S5%) of youth improve work readiness/employability skills Data Source: Casey Life Skills Assessment, Sub scales- Work & Study; Life & Career Education Planning Page 12 of 12 rHtS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. URGENT, INC. Film I Arts & Culture I Coding I Entrepreneurship I (FACE) 2015 Summer Employment Training Program A- Youth Employment & Training B- Project Operations C- Program Expenditures D- Administrative Fee (Retainer) E- Contingency Sub -Total $125,544 56% Sub -Total $42,727 19% Sub -Total $41,685 18% Sub -Total $15,000 7% Sub -Total $1,045 0% Grand Total $226,000 100% PHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Institute FY 2014 Budget URGENT, INC. Film I Arts & Culture I Coding I Entrepreneurship ( (FACE) 2015 Summer Employment Training Program . A- Youth Employment & Training 1- College Level Interns & Program Alumni College Student Interns and FACE Alumni will assist staff teams in all activities. Specific duties include preparation of program materials, social media updates, correspondence, copying, filing and working with all program partners on specialized assignments within each industry related learning lab. Qualifications: Undergraduate/Graduate or recent graduate student in related field, volunteer experience required & select High School Students that have been in this program in prior years. Please Note: (June 8 to July 31= 8 weeks) Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 510 8 Positron Total $ 1,600.00 10 $ 16,000.00 2- High School/Out of School Interns High School/0ut of School Interns will be under the direct management of Industry Professional Training/Supervisors. Responsibilities will include producing a professional grade product ready to showcase for the Expo. "80% of positions prioritized for'0vertown Residents. Please Note: (June 8 to July 31= 8 weeks) Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $8.05 8 Position Total I $ 1,288.00 55 $ 70,840.00 3- Trainer Assistants Trainer Assistants will assist Trainers directly to oversee and facilitate all seminars and coordinate with the Lead Industry Supervisor and liason with the Program Coordinator. Specific duties include preparation of program materials, social media updates, event planning and work correspondence. Qualifications: Undergraduate/Graduate or recent graduate in related field, youth development experience required. Please Note: (June 8 to July 31=8 weeks) Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $12 8 Position Total I $ 1,920.00 2 $ 3,840.00 4- Industry Professional Trainers (5) The Institute Trainers/Facilitators will be responsible for placement, training and monitoring for student progress. They will implement and document program services, and prepare data for program reporting. 100% of time will be dedicated to this grant program. Qualifications: 3 years minimum related professional work experience. Training rates will vary per industry. Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $25 8 Position Total I $ 4,000.00 5- Fringe Benefits - FICA, Unemployment, Workers Comp, Payroll Processing. 5 $ 20,000.00 Fica Unemploy ment workers Comp Payroll Processing Fee Total Fringe Cost 0.0765 0.0403 0.0286 0.01 $ 14,863.67 Sub -Total $ 125,543.67 56% IRIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Inetitute FY 2014 Budget Projeet Opera tions 6- Project Director (PT) Role The Project Director will manage the grant program to ensure that implementation and prescribed activities are carried out in accordance with the grant contract; 50% of time will be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: minimum Bachelor's Degree and 5 years related experience. Note: Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 528 14 $ 7,840.00 Position Total- 7,840,00 6- Intern Payroll Manager (PT1 Sale' The Intern Payroll Manager (Manager) will set-up all payroll, review timesheets and approve pay . Mager will coordinte payroll schedule with funder. As Internspay is a main driver of this program the Manager will ensure participants & staff will be paid accurately and on time. The Intern Payroll manager will also manage and maintain the financial accounts for the grant program in the accounting system including recognition of grant receivables & expenditures. 50% of time will be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: Minimum Bachelor's Degree and 5 years related experience. Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 4 L$ 7,840.00 Position Total 7840.00 7- Project Coordinator (FT) Project Coordinator (FT) Role: The Prcject Coordinator will be to implement, evaluate, promote and oversee the program. He will also ensure program compliance with contract requirements, maintain documentation and submit program reports. 100% of time will be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: Minimum Bachelor's Degree. Hours/Week Salary Rate 40 I 521 Duration/ Weeks 12 Is Position Total 10,080.00 9- Job Coach (FT) The Job Coach/Case Manager will screen and assess youth fcr participation. He/She will also provide additional support and encouragement to especially high -risk youth participating in this project. He/She will provide resource and referral to other community services as necessary, perform crisis intervention, and hold small group and/or one-on-one counseling and perform worksite monitoring to promote youth healthy functioning and successful completion of program activities. Additionally, the Case Manager will maintain all case files and client database. 100% of time will be dedicated tO the grant program, 100% of time will be dedicated to this project Qualifications: BSW or 2 yrs related experience, Hours/Week 40 a ary Rate Duration/ Weeks 517 14 Position Total 5 9,520.00 9,520.0D 10- Information Technology Analyst The Technical Analyst will oversee computer systems management. He will maintain database youth for participation, provide ongoign technical support and maintain all computer equipment and computer 'Bite utilized by interns and project staff. Hovrs,M1Neek 10 Salary Rate $12 Duration/ Weeks 10 11- Fringe Benefits - FICA, Unemployment, Workers Comp, Pa Fica 0.0765 Unemploy ) Workers ment ) Comp 0.0403 0.0286 Position Total 5 1,700.00 1,700.00 roll Processing, Payroll Processing Fee 0.01 Position Total Personnel Cost 5,746.69 Amount Sub -Total 42,72.6.69 19% FHIS D CU E T IS A SU; STIT TIO TO OR I I AL ;ACKUP ORIGI A E SEEN .T THE END OF THIS D C E T. Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Institute FY 2014 Budget - Program Expenditures 10- Expenses Orientation & Work Preparedness 1- Week Intensive $ 1,500.00 Participant Workbooks, Software licenses, Resource Books, Curriculum @ $70/Intern $ 4,550.00 Industry Lab Materials, Supplies, Equipment Leasing/Rental, Photography, Video, Film, Script & Production Fees, Coding Materials & App. Registration $ 15,000.00 Intern Travel: Off -Site Learning 1 bus x 5 trips x $225/each, Daily Buss Pass for for select interns 55/daily pass x 100 trips $ 1,625.00 Participant Meals & Snacks: ($5 lunch x 75 participants x 8 weeks (Fridays only)+ $5 lunch x 75 participants x 5 Trip Days (Inc! Expo) + film institute shoots ($5 * 20 participants' 5 days) $ 4,680.00 Facilities Rental: Conference/Expo facilities $1000, Daily intern meeting space $2000 $ 3,000.00 Program T-Shirts $12x 75 (60 participants ,15 staff/trainers) $ 900.00 Expo/Conference Event; Guest Speakers ($12/person x 300 attendees) $ 3,000,00 Project External Evaluator- Perform and independent evaluation of the program to include the design, implementation, improvement and outcomes of a program. Qualifications: PhD with 2-3 years of research and evaluation experience. $ 4,000.00 Printing /Office Supplies $ 2,000.00 Travel Allowance for 5 employees / Trainer @ $160 each $ 800.00 Background Checks ($90/each x 7 staff & trainers) $ 630.00 D- Administrative Fee (Retainer) E- Contingency Sub -Total $ 15,000.00 $ 1,045.00 Sub -Total Grand Total $41,685 7% $16,045 18% 7% $226,000 100% 3 [HIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. .= ._ - • a ,• _..__• 1 . , VI • rya ..__ Film I Arts & Culture I Coding !Entrepreneurship SummerYouth Employment & Training Program Executive Summary Program Evaluation Report Summer 2014 *Older youth only Report Completed by -Visa McGhee. PhD NC,; #'()Xtir9:91,in 9]t' URGENT, Inc. i000 NW ifr Ave_ Ste. no Miami, FL33236 786-739-1544 Ph 866-8n-7778 Fax Executive Summary PROJECT DESCRIPTION Who? 68 youth ages 16-24 What? F.A.C.E., a workforce skill development, job preparation and career mentoring program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries identified for Miami Dade County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, the County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline originating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the "Harlem of the South." When? FACE operated for? -weeks from June -July 2014 How? One hundred and twenty (12o) hours of paid workexperience and training Budget? si8o,000from SEOPW CRA, s29,2o6 from Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs and The Children's Trust KEY DEMOGRAPHICS Age Range 15-24 with the majority @9i.6 yo (24%) ( Gender M 25 F 421 Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian 62% Race Black/African American 96% White 4%1 Group High School 47% College 41% Out of School 22% Family Annual Income Less than s13,75o 48% $22,900 38% I Residence Overtown 8o% District 5 28% Other 9% Head of Household Single Parent 66% 2-Parent 26% Grandparent/Relative 8% OUTCOMES ACHIEVED a_ interns experienced an increase of positive experiences within the development scales of Work Identity, Initiative, Basic Skills, Teamwork, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Adult Networks and Social Capital. More than go% increased on several levels of 21st Century Skills and self rated their skills as excellent or good. 2. Interns experienced meaningful work, increased work readiness skills and obtained specialized industry specific training. 951% interns rated their overall experience as excellent or good. 3. Interns between ages 26-24 gained meaningful entry into the workforce. Nearly m00% of all interns in all institutes were self -aware of their contributions as leaders and team members and confirmed that they learned meaningful work skills. KEY FINDINGS • FACE program met goals and outcomes to empower youth with 22st Century Skills Additional activities like Community Service Activities, the Youth Economic Development Conference and EXPO events provided opportunities for youth to demonstrate their skills • More youth were served and self -reported high satisfaction with completing the program • Accomplishments Achieved : • Completion of a feature film — UNREALISTIC • Creation of community murals, posters and paintings • Dorsey Detector Website & Mobile Application prototypes for iPhone and android • Pop-up shops and products (wristbands, t-shirts, postcards and tumbler cups) RECOMMENDATIONS • Continue to use feedback to improve FACE curriculum • Provide more opportunities for Overtown youth to be involved in the FACE program m O M m N z�v —I • Z r C m co m D Z • X —4 -n O 2 C N ✓ z-1 O D r r— C rn rn O z Z ao Z rn o0 Film f Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship SurnrnerYouth Employment & Training Program Evaluation Report Summer 2014- Summary Made Possible By & Prepared For Report Completed by Tisa McGhee, PhD 1�`he ChiIdren's1 ust Executive Summary URGENT, Inc. z000 NW z`t Ave. Ste, iao Miami, FL 33136 786-7gg-1544 Ph 866-811-7778 Fax FAC.E. Th:Experience IAJ.J.0;illoril1;11Y41.1! 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Who? 68 youth ages s.6-24 What? F.A.C.E., a workforce skill development, job preparation and career mentoring program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries identified for Miami Dade County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, the County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline originating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the "Harlem of the South." When? FACE operated for 7-weeks from June -July zoat, How? One hundred and twenty (=zo) hours of paid work experience and training Budget? si8o,000 from SEOPW CRA, $a9,1o6 from Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs and The Children's Trust KEY DEMOGRAPHICS Age Range 15-24 with the majority Qa 16 yo (24%) I Gender M 25 F 42 I Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian 62% Race Black/African American g6% White 4% I Group High School 47% College 41% Out of School 12% Family Annual Income Less than $13,750 48% $22,900 38% I Residence Overtown 8o% District 5 1.8% Other g% Head of Household Single Parent 66% 2-Parent 26% Grandparent/Relative 8% OUTCOMES ACHIEVED 1. Interns experienced an increase of positive experiences within the development scales of Work Identity, Initiative, Basic Skills, Teamwork, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Adult Networks and Social Capital. More than go% increased on several levels of zsst CenturySkills and self rated their skills as excellent or good. 2. Interns experienced meaningful work, increased work readiness skills and obtained specialized industry specific training. glib interns rated their overall experience as excellent or good. 3. Intems between ages 16-24 gained meaningful entry into the workforce. Nearlys00% of all interns in all Institutes were self -aware of their contributions as leaders and team members and confirmed that they teamed meaningful work skills. KEY FINDINGS ▪ FACE program met goals and outcomes to empower youth with zest Century Skills • Additional activities like Community Service Activities, the Youth Economic Development Conference and EXPO events provided opportunities for youth to demonstrate their skills • More youth were served and self -reported high satisfaction with completing the program • Accomplishments Achieved • Completion of a feature film -- UNREALISTIC • Creation of community murals, posters and paintings • Dorsey Detector Website & Mobile Application prototypes for iPhone and android Pop-up shops and products (wristbands, t-shirts, postcards and tumbler cups) RECOMMENDATIONS • Continue to use feedback to improve FACE curriculum • Provide more opportunities for Overtown youth to be involved in the FACE program Report Completed by Tisa McGhee. PhD 1_11 _ c ..� „_.• _ ]� �► oit • ,i . $ ++4.2 -_. .�,n Yam Film I Arts & Culture ( Coding 'Entrepreneurship Summer Youth Employment & Training Program Executive Summary Program Evaluation Report Summer 2014 'Older youth onfy Who? 68 interns between the ages of 14-22. W h at? FA. C. E., a workforce skill development, job preparation and career mentoring program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries identified for Miami Dade County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, Miami Dade County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline originating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the, "Harlem of the South." FACE provides a meaningful entry way into the workforce in i) Film 2) Arts & Culture 3) Coding 4) Entrepreneurship When? FACE operated for 7- weeks from June -July 2014 in rn m Z m m Z O T _ 0 0 c rn Z 0 r D c 0 Z in c 0 c 7,7 N c co c 0 Z 0 Participants Coming From Overtown District 5 Other 8o% 18% r :v40, ..YP- C1.edamr: 'Mtt s1161):3'? yews SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Age Range 14-22 with a majority at 16 yrs old (24%) Gender Male 26 Female 42 Head Single Parent of 2 Parent Household Grandparent/Relative Need Homeless Services Additional CommunityYouth Svcs Services Workforce Readiness Other Non -response 66% 26% 8% 7% 58% 7% 46% o Survey Respondents: 67 Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian. 62% Age Group High School College Out of School 47% 41% 12% m O = m �p 3)Zo = D C m W rn Z _1 C D 0 _ c 7,aW z o � rn Z Z r m Orientation & VVork Preparedness At the conclusion of the training, interns were assigned a work experience in one of four concentrations: Film, Arts & Culture, Coding or Entrepreneurship Interns participated in a 20 hour work readiness orientation and training over 5 days utilizing the evidence based framework of Career Beginnings. Career Beginnings: a Helps interns research and prepare to apply to college/vocational school • Receive career and work readiness counseling and instruction • Identify skills and interest • Begin a resume • Begin to develop professional etiquette skills • Dressing for success • How to handle conflict and solve problems m O rn = DG) v D O = r m co ,n A)m Z X 2 v °tea C O D C D m z O Z ao -4 rn O Project Based Training (PBT) Four Tracks. Frequency- Daily Length- 4 hours. Duration- 6 VVeeks CP INTERN ASSIGNMENTS -Film -Arts Cuiture Coding Entrepreneurship 39% 13% 18% 30% m O m Z cS -f D = r m Z o � O T -1:J _I O N C7 Z r rrnnZ Z co m PHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO Training Supervisor Jalen James Acosta — "The feature film "UNREALISTIC" is the most tangible product anyone can display. A process that should take 8+ weeks alone and a budget of $100, 000 minimum was completed with only two weeks shooting the film for only 10% of actual costs." Accomplishments: Shooting of the Feature film "Unrealistic". A process that should take a minimum of 12 weeks or more to complete was done in 2 weeks. With minimum budget and resources. 21st Century Skills • Leadership: Never -quit, Never -give -up • Productivity: Accomplish the mission at all costs • Accountability: Exhibit a committed work ethic at all times • Teamwork & Collaboration: They now know what it takes to function as a unit ``d accomplish a lofty goal 2 S m m 2 D O T fJY 0 c m 2 74 0 Gi 2 r co c v O oo 2 n c 0 C m 2 N C W c 2 W m About the Film From the creators of "Keeping it On, based on the play series "She Kept Her Bra On: Chronicles of a Teenage Love Affair", URGENT, Inc. brings you, "Unrealistic" under the direction of Jalen James Acosta. This youth led film is a product from the FACE (Film Art Culture Entrepreneurship) youth internship program. This film educates youth and community around the issues of homeless youth, bullying and how social and institutional barriers impactyouth development. (Click Picture to View Trailer) Film Director Jalen James Acosta President of High Def Dreams, LLC "1N3WfU00 SIH130 0N3 3H11V N33S 39 NV'J 1VNI9I80 df1N31/9 1VNI9180 Ol NOIll1I1S9fS V SI 1N31A1f130a SIHJ :9 NV 1VNIDI210 df1)IJ' 9 '1 , I : f sJU L.]ID MIIIMAll1 aIIKIJI1I I -Training Supervisor Alex Do u o n — "After our Art Expo the interns were able to see the impact of their hard work and edication. They saw the effect their art and focus can have in the community and to those around them." Accomplishments: The arts and culture group painted community murals, designed posters, painted canvasses of negro league baseball players, created poems and power point presentations commemorating the negro baseball leagues and assisted the coding group with community research and creating of the Dorsey Detector mobile application. zsst Century Skills Productivity: Demonstrated hard work & dedication Information Technology Application: ltnernet Research, PowerPoint Presentation Development & Design, Adobe Photoshop Graphic Design Collaboration: Public speaking, mural painting and decoupage collage Global Citizenship: community service development and public space beautification _.= Challenges: our most difficult challenge was dealing with the heat and rain outdoors. Ho✓✓ever we kept our selves very hydrated. made sure we took water breaks in the shade ti whenever necessary and kept a calm mood and positive attitude. ro o X 7., • C) 0 • z 0 c m co. m > rn • (-) Z C 0 -u cr, • C (71 Clo O 2 0 r- c c n g o m Z co m 0 1 Productivity & Accountability: The interns were able to take full responsibility and ownership for creating a web site that would 01 populate the Dorsey Detector App. 'Training Supervisors Rudo Boothe & Gessica Tortolano— have developed skills in the entire coding process. From planning,to design to development the interns have Teamed how each pieceits together" 21st Century Skills: Information Technology Application: Interns were introduced to Typing 101, Coding 101, Scratch, Wordpress Installation, Code Academy, Xcode, Eclipse, Omingraffe, invision Prototyping, UXPin, User Testing and Photoshop Accomplishments: Interns completed the Dorsey Detector mobile application for both iPhone and android devices (available now on the App Store and Google Play!) a Dorsey detector website, produced four community safety related mobile app prototypes and learned about the rich history of Overlown. o D C 6 0 . - - c m pp s Z o - y T S C • Z O D - c -1 • > o m Z z co m 0 The Dorsey Detector The Tvehsrte was designed and'developed by coding Interns teaming how to build wehsitc.s using WGr-d1Press_ ,• ► • 1 :1 ► n 1 • 11:11 Impact- Entrepreneurship m O x m 7,7 z x m m z 0 0 -n _-a Y 0 0 c m Z c -v 0 z r Training Supervisor Juan Casimiro and Sherese James — 'Y saw creativity and innovation grow and above all, teamwork was exhibited at its highest." Accomplishments: The creation of a viable group business included the opening up of Overtown's 1" Pop -Up Shop, selling wristbands. T- shirts, postcards and tumbler cups. The group was also very successful in adopting and fostering a collaborative environment in which they helped and encouraged each other daily to succeed. 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking: The group had many opportunities to exercise this skill designing their businesses. Collaboration & Teamwork: Was exhibited in the development of the end products with the Pop -Up Shop, i.e. T-shirts, Tumblers, wristbands and postcards Information Technology Application: Was applied as well as creativity and innovation in the development of ideas for businesses, marketing, advertising, and executing community service projects. Challenges: Motivating the fess motivated or less mature youth to accomplish the tasks associated with the fast paced program. Interns wore assigned to collaborate to assist each other in making a optimal learning environment. NI9I210 dfl)IDV8 'lVNI s �� Four products were designed and developed by entrepreneurship interns to include TownersT-Shirts, Tumblers, Post Cards and Wristbands! (Click Pic to ViewVideo) LEARN-2-GROW KIDS DAY $ • -.WW1 • GUN VIOLENCE RESEARCH Total Hours of Service: 5,629 Avg. Per Intern: 83 hours FACE The Experience Time Capsule �R ill Brittany Jean, FACE Website Builder The FACE website was designed and developed by Public Relations Intern Brittany Jean. Brittany is a 3rd year Broadcast Journalism student at Florida A&M University. Brittany is a long time resident of Overtown, Miami and a BookerT. Washington Senior High Alumna. She loves where she is from and is active within the community. Jean continues to volunteer at the Overtown Youth Center when home from collage and believes in being a positive contributing citizen. After college she plans on pursuing her career as a Broadcast Joumalist with hopes of giving back to Overtown. She says, "Life is all about giving". Click Picture to visit website. EMPOWERING YOUNG MINDS '1N3Wf1JOa SIH1JO ON3 3H11V N33S ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE al. NOI1f11I1S9f1S V SI 1N31A1f130O SIHI Special Community Research Project HOW DOES GUN itIOLIENCE.AFFECT. OVERTOWN YOUTH? 34^=w 9i rac7GTicE- . -xs '.7r'•a 1~FSS f..- =r ant by V1=•itay� 'When my tT,puh8r'IPErit'tc, crer%'ut ,`,is cam; , he hay a. aft antis:" with as1 eriplovee from a t. corr*trf. *to deuced rry tutther cid-not pay hits c r ncue. Trn aitcrczlian esca'ettrt:, and both 'ray. six5I ark each aher16 trbttbewas. cnty ISyserstid . Mahls, FACE R e ,th irte l aid 1wxaeeseu 84% F.A.E.E.YOUTH HAVE HAOSOMENEWEE WHO- ii R1B{ ��ls�GiL+• •• ai Fi rtet�if;eM t: eta:=i �r• 7,,te rOJlerwes ".? its of w ere was t•hotinlhe heed. He was shot bemuse the murae e s tho.:g'ttiry tinterwAs seone else The • mmxhappene4 an 5th Aga and F" Sseet'he dlle's we'e tuft! - rin"any. DACE Reseatth lhlem201t .Y• l S.11,4u1T11a•r. 25% QFOVERTONN'YtWTH 3 PRpI�fAM.4�NOTfPnE SAFETYPROCEOIRfSFOR 6UM-REL ATM INCIDENT&' a.a.. -•aa, taxM•ZMi M• IkMJI:���- Media Coverage Jjc Miami ZJItme5 WkS\A%sr Urge G• • • 'Read U\\ WL.FINI*altitterf Programs Offers Inner City Youths Professional Field Training El sure R`i Email e[ DC«ane« a Priv e ,v, a ya�pp u„te Doe., c. snre rrt ',„..:, " att. create h • Watch Promo id Snmmer internship ./r young adults, s wrapping ,crwing off what its parteipants II un to in the past six weeks, me of program stands for Mom. Attire (and coding) and :prene➢rsh*p. Partcinants choose an e of focus and pair no with industry ,facionals to develop and acetate a Listen Here BST' news manioc (3 Watch Clip rmn -1zo Z m co r o -11 C _0 "C • co Qzv, o ne Coy Z o m � •-ZI rn 0 Community Expos EVENT The Arnua! JANA- be:1 ,. o.:n•pN �. -At the conclusion of the intern experience interns, trainers and career mentors showcased the products of theirwork to family, friends and community. Each institute presented their projects completed over the summer. Exceptional interns gamered recognition for going above the required commitments. Interns also shared their experiences and lessons learned with the community and key stakeholders at the final expo events. (Shown Above City of Miami Commissioner Keon Hardemon addressing the youth). m O z Z Z Watch Mural Clip Here Zest Century Work Skills Critical think%nS cwnt•wm rorryn y, nN um. rv.et.y.a.,awe+u r,Vt lTMl'b N ltM W� Self -Evaluation Results from Interim to Final Oral communication Written communication 33% Interaction with peers 56% Ability to Learn 7o% T Willingness to Learn 7o% Planning and Organization 46% Teamwork and ollaboration 66% Creativity and Innovation 52% Information Technology Application 41% Diversity 57% Critical Thinking & Problem solving 52% ;Percentage of self reported excellent skills at end point 52% The most significant differences from interim self report to end point occurred in Ability and Willingness to Learn 11% and 18% increase respectively. rri 0 = m z D 0 2 rn g rn Z n z .'i oc� T 0 _mac in C m 0 C C Z Z m Zest Century Skills Self - Assessment Intern Self .Report Y. 40 35 30 .. 25 m E Z 20 15. 10 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11111 r- Teamwork Collaborati n. Creativity. . and Innovation d Oral comrnunicatcommunicat ion -• .Written ion .. Interaction with peers Ability Abllity.to :: Learn Willingness ..to Learn Planning & Organizatio Information Technology Application Diversity Critical Thinking & Problem Solving i NI Excellent 31 20. 34. 42 42 25 40 31 25 34 31 ■ Good 25 36 27 17 . . 17. 30 18 ; 28. 30 25 27 14w Satisfactory 3 3 ... 5 - .. .. ,1 . 1 , 5 2 1 4 • 1 2 •Fafr 1 rn 2 m m 2 0 T 1n D 0 r'1 C m Z -i 0 2 r- co C 0 2 r z co m x v 0 cri C m 2 in C C 0 2 0 '1N3Wf13O0 SIHJ io aN3 3H1111 N33S 38 NVD 1VN19121O df171JV91VN191»O Ol NOI1l111S8fS d SI 1N3Wf1DO0 SIHI Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 -Meaningful improvement occurred in all areas except "this activity improved my relationship with my parents and "I had good conversations with my parent/guardians because of this activity" The outh Experience Survey (' es) 2_1) 2014 1 set goals for myself in this activity Learned to find ways to achieve my goats Learned to consider posstle obstacles when making tuns put as tnp energy into this activity Learned to pasta myself Gamed tofoes my attention Observed how others solved problems and learned frvtn them Learned about developing plans for solving a problem Used my imaijnatrora to salve a problern Learned about organising time and net procrastinating (runt pulling things oft; Learned about sating priorities Practiced self discipline Le nd about controlling nry temper Became utter ar dealing :ear and anxiety Became— better al handling stress Loamod that mytootions affect !mow I perfcan Learned that working bo r requires sty comma misin A Became better at sharing responsibility Learned to be paient.with other group members Learned horny emotions and attitude affect others in the gaup Learned that it is: not necessary to ldre people in ceder to work with then t berms better at wing feedback 1 Icon. anoe letter at taking feedback Loomed ebout the cbaitericies or being aleader others In this..acilvity tooted on:rme Had an AppOdu Ey tt. be in than* ig peers Got to know people in the commit), This activity improved my relationship with my parenrsjoarmans had good corrVersattons tafOhlny parentseguardlarts because of this activity This activity opened ap iob or tamer oppartunilies for Ine INS activity nerved prepare me for college This activity increasedrty desire Slay in school hleerfngful irnpr venr1t is definedm ar esuevage ire of 2.D or Ies tiighbghtad macs Info shall; scores .> l over 2.0 kl ea rti 1.38 1.35 1.33 1.30 1.38 1.18 1.38 1.55 1.83 1.55 1.35 1,33 1.97 1.83 1.85 1..45 1.23 1,49 1,33 1.23 1,49 1.56 1_5i 1.50 1.65 1.98 1.7D 2.28 2.21 1,78 1.90 1.65 Evaluation by Interns of Program 'y Excellent ■ Good Satisfactory • Fair ! Poor How would you rare your overall experience so far? • O How would you rate the qualm/ of your ▪ instructors lessens? Row would you rate the ouai ity of your homework and/or assignments? How would you rate the creativity or impact of your institutes community service project? Total Responses 955% (60) Excellent • Good T, Satisfactory ■ fair It Poor How would you rate youroverail experience so far? How would you rate 95% (60) 16 - the quartiyof your = instructors lessons? 95% (60) 96% (60) LL How would you rare the quality of your homeworkand/or assignments? 1-low would you rate the creativity or impact of your institutes cornrnunityservice project? Total Responses 100%(61) 100%(61) 100% (61) 100% (61) 1 NOI1f11I1S8fS V SI 1N3AIf DO Evaluation by Interns of Program cont. 0 0 0 Haw would you rate your enthusiasm for your instittnes Project? How would you rate your confidence and abirrty to pre:.ent your in stitte's project as of right now? Flow would you rate your confidence and ability to execute and/or present your community service based project as of right now? How would you rate your instructors abilities to expose you to a variety of responbilities related to your insfitute, and interests? 95% (60) 95% (60) 95% (60) 95% (60) (73 c How would you rare your enthusiasm for your institute's project? How would you rate your confidence and ability to present your institute's project as of right now? How would you rate your confidence and abirrty to execuln andfor present year community service based project as of right now? How would you rate your instructor's abilities to expose you to a variety of responsibilities related to you - institute, and interests? 100% (61) 10070(61) 100% (61) cn m 0 = m pr; Lo 0 = 0 r m rrt. rn > z 100% (61) 0 c -r) —i 0 cn C m (7) co (I) o i o > C 0 Z M al I accomplished my short term goals for this summer which were to open up a little more and to learn how to communicate with others positively. 1 also wanted to learn more about computers and 1 was able to expand my knowledge of command prompt. The most valuable activity I experienced was developing the mobile app for Dorsey Park and also learning how to create a fully functional website. I also learned how to put the app together and build it from scratch. The biggest success that I had from this program was actually completing all of our projects. Every time that I completed a project it was a big accomplishment for me because 1 knew that I completed something that I would have never thought of before. What I accomplished this summer is painting murals at Dorsey Park. I also manned up and spoke in front of a lot of people. The most valuable activity I experienced was finding out about negro league baseball players. SEEN AT THE %121 OF THIS DOCUMENT. 38 NVD 1VNI91110 d11NDV9 '1VNI91110 THIS DOCUMLNNT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO Key Comrnents from Interns upc,FhT, "1 loved the program. It taught me a lot about being an adult, and responsibility." — Film Intern "My experience with the FACE Summer Youth Employment Program was a once in a lifetime experience. The reason t say this is because I met some wonderful people, and acquired new job skills_ Yes, it benefited me because it gave me a little taste of adulthood and taught me to be Independent." —Film Intern "My experience with the FACE Program was really good. I got to learn about entrepreneurship and how to write a business plan." — Entrepreneurship Intern "The most needed improvement to me would be including more time with the supervisor so that Interns can get more familiar with all of the required tasks, and the best approach to them." - Coding Intern "This intemshlp opportunity can be improved if this program had more motivational speakers to come and encourage the youth." - Research Intern "More snacks" - nearly io% of interns. - -This program gives the youth an opportunity to experience the workforce and it puts money in their pockets." — Entrepreneurship Intern "FACE benefited me because it taught me how to be a young adult." — Coding Intern "Job training programs such as these are beneficialto the youth because it keeps them preoccupied with teaming a skill that may potentially turn Into a career thatthey may in the future be interested in. These programs may help our youth continue to dream and see that they can make it In life ifthey j ustput in a little time and effort It also keeps them off the streets and keeps them out of trouble." — Coding Intern 'The internship opportunity can be improved by adding more things to the Dorsey Park Mural, not just baseball players. Maybe famous andlor meaningful quotes." - Art Intern "The internshipopportunity canbe improved by clearly stating what the intern is getting into, whi eans outline everything that they will have to do to get paid. Also, dearly stete the deliverable's for each institute" - EntrepreneurshipIntern "FACE;benefited m.e because now I. have more experience in thereal world.' — Entrepreneurship Intern The internship opportunity can be improved by, allowing us to take field-trips " - Hea rly lo% of the -interns --i rn O rn x; Z G - DO — I• r C rn co 2e --r • C -n _ C in E co ✓ z 0._r C = z2 m m -FILM Staffing: Co -Director & Production Assistant Needed Pre -Production: 6-9 weeks prior to summer start Film Equipment In-house 5 Mac Computers with Final Cut Pro and other production related software Post -Production 4-6 weeks All interns need to produce a small group or individual short film/trailer, etc. Film Sponsors -ARTS & CULTURE Graphic Design Software Upgrades/Additional Computers (MAC) Identify Mentors & Prospective Business Partners CULTURAL TOURISM/HOSPITALITY Kraft Services Event Planning Business Services Separate Track zo hr/wk Intensive Weekend Sessions prior to paid work experience in Professional Etiquette & Customer Service CODING Upgrades/Additional computers (MAC) More direct instruction needed for 10-20 hours a week Coding interns assigned to practicum site -ENTREPRENEURSHIP - More interns needed More Business Mentors Business Plan Competition with Prize Money Entrepreneurship Shadowing and Practicum at i.e. Lab Miami, Venture Hive, etc. Recommendations for 2015 GENERAL Staffing: 2 Case Managers & Project Assistant Intensive Training Week During Spring Break; (al a local college or university Project Coordinator oversees community service projects for all institutes Community Based Research Projects must be lead by strong teaching researcher; Dedicated Time Needed zo hours weeks Stronger Social Media presence New Training_ Institutes.----- • SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 39 NVD 1VNI9IHO d11)IJV9 1vNl91fiO THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO -Agency Overview -URGENT, Inc. is a 5oi (c) (3) youth and community development organization dedicated to empowering young minds to transform their communities. We do this by promoting shared leadership through empowerment, education and civic engagement to create collective well-being. We believe our elders are the .anchors of communities, parents are the coaches but it is the young people that are the drivers of change. Current programs include Rites of Passage for Girls, Youth Empowerment After School & Summer Camp, Intergenerational Project, Murals for Dorsey Park and the Campaign for Girls Well - Being. Stay Connected `like"us on @urgentinc facebook Lei' tissiater Mission To Empower Young Minds to Transform Their Communities -Vision All People Have the Social, Educational and Economic Resources to Thrive -Core Values Learning I Innovation I Teamwork I Patience 1 Compassion I Responsibility I Reciprocity =-Guiding Principle To promote shared leadership through empowerment, education and civic engagement to create collective well- being '1N31A1f1DOO SIH. 3O ON3 3Hl IV N33S 38 NY)1VNI9IHO dflNDVB 1VNI91aO 01 NOIllhi1S8 f S v SI IN3 W fUOa SI Hi M1AME COUNT Ct�li+�TY The Childrentihst Black Hospitality Institute- GMCVB I Camillus House I Catalyst Miami- SoundOut I Casimiro Global Foundation Chef Larry j Gusman Theater for the Performing Arts I High Def Dreams I Historic St. Agnes Episcopal Church I Jackon Soul Food ) Lotus House I Moores Grocery' Nonsegaxtle Moselles Boutique I Overtown Children and Youth Coalition I Overtowni `Cou1h Center I Proactive business Concepts I Touching Miami With Love I University of Miami '1N3Wf1DOU SIHJ 30 CIN3 3H1 ld N33S 39 NVD 1VNI9I210 df NDV9 '1VNIDIHO THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO 4/14/2015 Detail by Entity Name LQR1DA DEPARTMENT 01" STATE 1l'ISION OF CORPORATIONS Detail by Entity Name Florida Non Profit Corporation URGENT, INC. Filing Information Document Number N94000001986 FEI/EIN Number 650516506 Date Filed 04/18/1994 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 02/27/2007 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 000 NW 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI, FL 33136 Changed: 01/06/2012 Mailing Address 1000 NW 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI, FL 33136 Changed: 01/06/2012 Registered Agent Name & Address CRESPO, HENRY SR. 219 NW 14TH TERR MIAMI, FL 33136 Name Changed: 02/01/2008 Address Changed: 09/08/1997 Officer/Director Detail lame & Address Title VP THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. NELSON, SALIHA http://search.sunbiz.orgrinquiry!CorporaUonSearch/SearchResultDetai I?i nquirytype= EntityN ame&di reclionType =Initial&searchN ameOrder= U R GENT%20N 94... 1/3 4J14r2O15 11117 SW 9` `H AVE MIAMI, FL 33156 _Title Chairman HORTON, DENNIS 22330 SW 117 Court HOMESTEAD, FL 33070 Title S STANLEY,3EANETTE 25034 SW 129 PATH PRINCETON, FL 33032 Title D LEDON, JACQUELINE 650 OCEAN DRIVE, APT. 5-B KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149 Title D LAPCIUC, MARCOS 4900 PINE TREE DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33140 itle D WILLIAMS, PATRICK P.O. BOX 472634 MIAMI, FL 33247 Title Director W moth, Wendell M 7900 Harbor Island Drive PH 10 North Bay Village, FL 33141 Title Director Hernandez, Caridad 3161 Day Ave Miami, FL 33133 Title President Crespo, Henry 219NW14Terrace iami, FL 33136 Title Director Duarte, Edgar M Detail by Entity Name THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. httNieeer ctts unta 2.IXcifin ry/Corp€s ail nSear to archResultDetall7inquJrytype=EntityName&frecllonType=lnitlal&searchNamearder=URGENT%20N94.., 2/3 4/1412015 9200 SW '125 Te Miami, FL 3317E ace Innuel Reports Report Year Piled Date 2014 01 /09/2 14 2014 08/14/2014 2015 02/17/2015 Detail by Entity Name Document Images 02/17/2015 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 08/14/2014 .. AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View mage in PDF format THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 01/09/2014.-- ANNUAL REPORT View mage in PDF format 02/21/2013 -- ANNUAL REFQRT View image in PDF format 01/06/2012 -- ANNUAL REPQRI View image in PDF format 02/08/201�1.-- ANNUAL REFQRT View it> age in PDF format 0/19/2010 — ANNUAL, REPORT View image in PDF format 03/23/2009 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/01/2008 — ANNUAL REPORT Viewimage in PDF format 94/0212O07 — ANNUAL REPORT Viewimage in PDF format .2/27/20Q7 w- Amendment View in PDF format 3 2/2006 - ANNUAL RE[ QRT View image in PDF format 05/11/2005 -- ANNUAL REPCIRT View image in PDF format 03/29/20Q5 — ANNUAL. REPORT View image in PDF format 04/23/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 2/2903 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 4 1 D/2002 — ArtendirepA View image in PDF format {}2/`11/2002 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 07/19/2001 ANNUAL REPORT d 1/28/1999 -- ANNUAL REPORT 1/28/1998 ANNUAL REPORT /1997 -- ANNUAL REPORT 9 6 -- REINSTATEMENT l 1/01/1996 -- REINSTATEMENT View image In PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF forma View image In PDF forma nitp://searchsanbizinrgilnquity/CozporallonSearcntSeaFchResult all EnIltyName&directionType=lnitIer&seerchNameOrder=URGENT%2DN94... 313 April 10, 2015 Clarence Woods, Executive Director South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 211d Ave., 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Re: 2015 CRA Summer Youth Employment and Training Program Dear Mr, Woods: Please find attached for consideration Urgent, Inc.'s proposal to manage s year's SEOPW CRA Summer Youth Employment and Training Program for 2015. Grant funds are reques - • continue and expand the Film Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) Summer Youth Employme and Training Program. The youth employment and training program is designed to fuel the Creative • -sign, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth Industries identified for Miami Dade County • One Community One Goal. The program's successful innovative design Is an apprentice/internship hybris odel that blends work readiness, occupation skill building and project based learning. This summer we propose to employ sixty-five (up from . high school, out of school and college going youth between the ages of 16-24 from within the City of Mi South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)/IOvertown boundarie : nd neighboring communities for a period of 8-weeks (up from 6 weeks) and provide summer internship • riences where youth earn, learn and grow under the direction of industry professionals and teachin: Ist/entrepreneurs in an expanded field of institutes (6 up from 4) to include 1) Film, 2) Broadcast Media (Rad , 3) Arts (Graphic Design & Creative Writing), 4) Cultural Tourism, 5) Information Technology (Codin Web Design) and 6) Entrepreneurship/Business Management. In addition, to maintain our successful track r ord in helping at -risk youth succeed, the program provides lob coaching, community service, crisis inter ntion, and continuous learning & leadership development seminars. We are also excited to report that we are-rtnering with Miami Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade College to provide opportunities fo igibie interns to earn high school and/or college credit by completing thls summer program. The project bu' -et for the scope of service proposed totals $305,584. Urgent has operated the SEOP CRA summer youth employment program successfully in 2011 and 2013, 2014, Our most recent successes - documented in the accompanying external evaluation report, As a recipient of Federal, City of Miami, M 1-Dade County and The Children's Trust grants for the past ten years, URGENT demonstrates the orga-tional, managerial, financial and youth engagement capacity to Implement the CRA's summer youth empio ent program successfully for the summer of 2015. Thank you very m for your consideration. If further information or presentation is required to inform your support, please • ntact me directly at sallha@urgentinc.org or at 305-205-4605. Sincerely, Sall = Nelson V President Center for Empowerment & Education 1000 NW 1'R Ave. Ste 100 Miami, FL 33236 786-439-1544 (0) 1 866-811-7718 (F) I URL:www.urgentinc.org I E-Mall: office@urgentinc.org SUBSTITUTED Enclosures: 1) Overview- Fact Sheet on What's New for 2015 2) Project Proposai 3) Budget Summary & Budget Detail 4) FACE Program Evaluation 2014 & Executive Summary About Us URGENT, Inc. Is a 501(c) (3) Overtown Miami, FL based youth and community development organi celebrating 20 years of service this year. URGENT is dedicated to empowering young minds to tra communities. Guided by the principles of Innovation, growth and transformation URGENT see the drivers of change and works to provide empowering opportunities to develop the next g change agents rising out of the Inner city. Center fnr Empowerment & Education 1000 NW 1" Ave. Ste 100 Miami, FL 33136 786-439-1544 (OJ 1066-811-7778 (F) I URL: www.urgertinc.org I E-Mail: office@urgentinc.org on orm their oung people as ration of social 111 \. fiviq.'.1?1;1 c'1•;`, • PROGRAM LENGTH More Weeks WHAT'S NEW - MORE YOUTH HIRED .-itT11-47 11 SUBSTITUTED 9Cultural Tourism Radio SU BSTITUT Graph Design UR' RR: SUBSTITUTED CRA Summer Youth Employment St I rainin Program AGENCY INFORMATION Name: URGENT, Inc. FEIN:65-0516506 Address: 1000 NW 1st Ave. Ste. 100 Miami, FL 33136 Phone: 786-439-1544 Fax: 866-811-7778 Email: office@urp tinc.org URL: www.urgentinc.org Contact Person: 5allha Nelson Cell: 305-205-4605 Email: saliha C rgentinc.org Project Title:* Film Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) Mission Statement:" The Mission of Urgent, Inc. is to empower young minds to trans m their communities. Project Abstract:* Grant funds are requested to continue and expand the (FACE) Summer Youth Employment and Training Prog originating from the inner city of the Historic Black "Harlem of the South." The youth employment a Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information County by the Beacon Council and One Corn design is an apprentice/internship hybrid and project based learning. Targeted fo youth between the ages of 16-24 fro Community Redevelopment Agenc will gain real world work expert a paid 8-week summer Intern professionals, teaching artl in 1) Film, 2) Broadcast Writing), 5) CulturalT Entrepreneurship/B receive job coach development s Public Scho school an develo deve • a work readiness portfolio and grow their professional network as they transition from high sc ,. i to post -secondary education and gain entry into the workforce often for the first time. The ernship will culminate in a 2-day community expo and youth economic development conference. Fi Arts & Culture Coding Entrepreneurship , the premier pipeline for talent development munity of 0vertown, Miami, once known as the, training program is designed to fuel the Creative chnology growth industries identified for Miami Dade nity One Goal. The program's successful Innovative del that blends work readiness, occupation skill building articipation are 75 high school, out of school and college going 'thin the City of Miami South East 0vertown Park West CRA)/Overtown boundaries and neighboring communities. Youth e that supports the development of 21st Century work skills through Ip where youth earn, learn and grow under the direction of industry and entrepreneurs in order to produce professional grade work products is (Radio), 3) Broadcast Media (Webtv), 4) Arts (Graphic Design & Creative ism, 6) Information Technology (Coding & Web Design) and 7) ness Management. In addition, interns are supported to ensure success and will , community service, crisis intervention, and continuous learning & leadership Inars. Also now this year, Urgent has secured partnerships with Miami Dade County and Miami Dade College to provide opportunities for eligible interns to earn high or college credit by completing the summer program. Finally, as In prior years, youth will upportive connections with career mentors and their peers, master new occupational skills, Page 1 of 12 SUBSTITUTED Program Doscription:` Program Goals: The goals of FACE are to 1) Reduce risk for juvenile crime and delinquency durin summer months, 2) Keep kids safe and engaged with meaningful paid work, 3) Build 21" Century skills in order to improve future employment and/or educational outcomes for participants, youth about continuing their education and career development past high school. Rationale Community Need: Overtown Miami, FL is designated a Targeted Urban Area by Mid -Dade County, a Local Targeted Area by the City of Miami, a targeted COrTirllUnity of Ca reerSource the local Workforce Investment Board and iS designated a Community Redevelopment due to chronic conditions of slum, blight, crime and poverty. The US Census ACS estimates f 2 7-2012 indicate that Overtown's population of 10,090 includes 7,925 persons who are low -to erate income, and account for 78,5% of the population, Youth Unemployment: Moreover, the US Bureau of Labor Statisticsov 2013) reports the black youth unemployment rate for ages 16-19 is 393% higher than the natio unemployment rate (35.5% vs, 7.3% respectively). As of the 2012 Census, only 54% of eligible work age 16+ are in the labor force in iViiami-Dade County. Within Overtown, the unemployment e stands at 14.8% almost double the City of Miami rate. For Overtown youth between the ages of 1 9, the unemployment rate jumps up to just over 28.7%, more than three times the City of Miami av (ACS 2008-2012 5yr Estimate). Participant Need: The most recent participant profprot ndkates significant need. With 80% of participants with residence in the 0vertown com unty, 66% came from single parent head of households, 8% were headed by grandparents d partkipants experienced homelessness while in the program. to addition, 43% we s with a family annual Income of less than 5.13,750, Thirty eight percent (38%) were oni homes making less than $22,900. Unacceptable by any measure,, eighty-four percent (84%) o rttclpants indicated they and their families had been directly impacted by community violence. Summer Operations: The progr willMay through August (4-months). Table 1- Program implementation outlines key vities. Table 1- Program Imp Activity Outreach, Recto* ent, interviewing internships S internship nd Final , Final Fayrofl Distribution May X June X Aug X Pa pant Eligibility: The program will hire 75 high school, out of school and college going youth e ages of 16-24 residing in the SEOPW CRA boundaries and Overtown zip code 33136. Up to enty percent (20%) may be hired from within the City of Miami District 5/Miami Dade County District boundaries or other Miami CRA districts. In order to verify age and residential eligibility, youth must Page 2 of 12 SUBSTITUTED produce an acceptable document, including but riot limited to: 1) State issued photo ID 2) School register print out with address, 3) utility bill, birth certificate and/or 4) College photo Id. All addres s will be verified using the City of Miami or Miami Dade County GIS systems. Program Completion: Based on historical data, 95% (71 of 75) youth are expected to succes complete their internship, Program Sites: The program's base of operations will be conducted at Urgent's Cente or Empowerment and Education, 1000 NW 2st Ave. Suite 100 Miami, FL 33136. Auxili ' work and training sites will be used In the community as needed. Core Activities Orientation: Youth and caregivers or other supporting adult in the youn: .erson's life will be encouraged to participate in a program orientation. The orientation w .e designed to help youth and caregivers clearly understand what is expected of and how the wor . nd training experience will be structured. Topics covered include: a. Eligibility b. Length of involvement c. Attendance and behavior expectations d. Services and opportunities available by organi .tion and community partners f. Enrollment and qualification process g. Overview of industry related project bas- earning Implementation: Duration-1 day Frequency- One Saturday Intensity- 4 -6 hours Work Preparedness: Interns will -gin their work experience with an intensive training week designed to acclimate them to the wor Iture. Topics covered will include: a. Employment & Pi :ram Policies and Procedures b. Professional Et' ette and Dressing for Success c. Teambuildin• =nd Motivation d. Introductito industry related supervisors and Job responsibilities and expectations e. Pre -Eva .lions f. Purpand process to develop an education and career portfolio Im.Ieme ation: -1 week ncy- Daily, M-F nsity- 4 hours Page 3of12 Paid Internship: A specialized team of industry professionals and trainers will serve as occupational training supervisors and facilitate weekly project -based learning activities with a select number of interns and guide them in producing a professional grade product to present to the community a e end of the internship period. Youth will be hired as paid Interns and have the opportunity to e ore 1 of 4 career pathways related to an emerging industry area identified by The Beacon Council. ey include: 1) Career Pathways: Creative Design a. Film- Interns will be mentored and trained in the art of visual story telli ' -. Interns will learn the fundamentals of writing, shooting, directing and editing a short f Interns will work together to produce a professional quality short film and a series o heir own public service announcements. — Industry Partners- High Def Dreams; Tommy ord, Actor/Producer b. Broadcast Media (Radio)- Interns will learn how to create content and produce a professlonal-grade news feature will include formulating a story pitch, reporting, resear sources, writing for radio, and mixing basic audio el series of 3 4 minute news stories that will be ass industry Partner- WLRN produce broadcast radio radio broadcast. This process , identifying and interviewing ents. Interns will have produced a led into an hour-long radio special. c. Broadcast Medla (WebTV)- Interns will cr:.te a youth -led online web show supported by professionals from the media industry. e industry partner will curate and showcase the media. Content will include showcasi Overtown youth doing great things in school and the community and elevate critical .nversations being had by youth. Industry Partner- NiteCap, with Peter Bailey 2) Cultural Tourism & Hospitality a. Visual Arts- Interns will s .port literacy promotion in the area by planning, writing, designing, and publish' original comic books. Interns will be engaged in a creative process that reinforces read' literacy, social awareness, and character development. Intern work will be published d distributed for other children to use as learning and motivational tools. industry • rtner- ChlvasMan Art Productions b. Cultural T, 'rism - Interns will work to develop educational materials, marketing collateral, and so -nirs that will be used to promote Historic Dorsey Park Murals as a cultural desti• .tion for tourist and field trip experience for area youth programs. The final project wi ulminate in an educational art walk planned and presented by interns. lndustry rtner- Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Multicultural Tourism Department Information Technology a. Coding- interns will continue to develop the mobile application the, "Dorsey Detector" and companion website. Interns will learn the basics of coding, website development and graphic design. industry Partners, Monseqaxtle; University of Miami, School of Communication Page 4 of 12 SUBSTITUTED 4) Business & Entrepreneurship —Interns will learn the fundamentals cif starting a business, creating a business plan and professional etiquette. Specific to the experience will be cr sting marketing materials, manufacturing a product(s) and engaging in sales. The result of I- ruing will be the production of a product or service available for purchase at a series of c. munity events. Industry Partners- Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce; University of Mii, School of Business Implementation: Duration-7 weeks Frequency- Daily, M-Th intensity- 4 hours Leadership & Learning MI: All interns must participate in LLS seminars. ese sessions will focus on determining education and employment goals, social skills, connectin a support services and the development of a sense of community with peers, staff and mento Interns will cover topics related to: financial literacy, professional etiquette, resume writing, app ' ation and interview skills, and career exploration. Students will create and maintain a career portfo • to include: Cover Letter, Resume, Work Application, Business Correspondence, Work Products, Coll: e & Career Blueprint, Service Referrals, etc. Implementation: Duration-7 weeks Frequency- Weekly, F Intensity- 6 hours Job Coaching: Comprehensive Job Coachi vill be provided to each youth participant in the program. This process begins with a Service Need ssessment during enrollment in order to gather information on areas In the participant's life in wh they may require guidance. Referrals may be written to partner agencies for issues related substance abuse, domestic violence, mental health, etc. Most importantly, the Job Coach will h ' interns work through personal issues that would ordinarily prevent them from participating fully a . completing the program. Community Service: All in s must commit to perform a service to the community while in the program. Service projec vill be developed as part of the LLS weekly sessions and carried out at various times and locations In e community. A key element of the service project will include a participatory community based r .earch project designed and Implemented in partnership with the program evaluator and do .ral or master's level student. Collaboratio rgent, Inc. has developed many community partners, industry professionals and entrepren s who are committed to working with youth through this project. The partnerships are Identifie .elow in the Partnership Table. Par -rships Table Description Role in Program Implementation and Resources Committed In-Kind/Paid Page 5 of 12 SUBSTITUTED Dress for Success/Sulted for Success Miami Dress for Success has been serving the Miami -Dade community for 20 years with employment skills training, workplace and business etiquette and professional business clothing. Role: Work Readiness Partner Activities: Professional Etiquette workshops and provision of interview attire Paid/In-Kind High Def Dreams Full service multi- media company dedicated to create content from visualization, content, writing, music, web, video and film. Role: Creative Design Industry Partner- Film Activities: Training supe or providing film trainin_ at produces a professi • .I grade product Paid/In-Kind Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Multicultural Tourism Department The Multicultural Tourism Department promotes tourism opportunities In Miami's ethnic neighborhoods including Overtown Role: Hospitall .nd Cultural Tourism Indu Partner Activities. III identify training partner at will guide interns to deve I cultural tourism marketing col eral and souvenirs; customer s. ice training Paid/In-Kind Lotus House A holistic, trauma informed shelter wit wrap -around sup. • services for wom . and children a teen girls and exp encing homeless .s. efer high risk teen youth for employment during the summer and year round; Will also provide these young women with addition social service and educational supports as needed In -Kind MC3 Consulting Consuiti . firm offeri a range of ass • . merit, planning, t • ing, evaluation, dershlp development and grant reviewing services Role: Quality Assurance Activities: Program Evaluation, data collection and analysis, lead community based research project with Interns as part of the community service project Paid Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce The Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce advocates for the needs of the Black business community and provides opportunities to bring a diverse businesses together to exchange Role: Entrepreneurship/Business Industry Partner Role: Assist with outreach and recruitment of career mentors, job shadow opportunities In -Kind Page6of12 SUBSTITUTED , goods and services and to promote interaction and communication mutually beneficial to all businesses involved. Miami Dade College Miami Dade College is a state public college. Miami Dade was created with the idea that anyone with a desire to get a college degree should be given that opportunity Role: Academic Partner, Conference Facility Activities: Use of facility, college career transition counseling; S- ct interns will participate in the Student Success Course, a earn 1-3 college credits I • Ind Miami Dade County Public Schools, Office of Community Engagement MDCPS, Office of Community Engagement oversees the summer internship program and provision of course credits Role: Academic Part, r Activities: Inter • ualifying under MDCPS sum internship program wi • - able to earn 1-3 high scho • credits Overtown Children & Youth Coalition Community coalition lead by anchoring community based organizations in Overtown comprised of 20 member stakeholder organizations dedicated to • ating collective 1 .act to empowe Overtown childre• o reach their i I potential Role: '.cial Service Support Ne ork ctivities: Identification of mutually reinforcing activities to support and leverage members' network of services and resources to create additional opportunities to improve the positive outcomes for the children and youth of Overtown In -Kind Peter Bailey Pe Bailey is an • erican author and ournarist. Bailey is known for his gritty, but yet inspirational profile stories on unsung heroes in Miami's Impoverished inner city. Bailey graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in English with a concentration in Journalism. In 2007, Role: Creative Design/Media Industry Partner Activities: Training supervisor providing broadcast media training to create a professional grade youth -led wehty content Paid Page7of12 SUBSTITUTED Bailey won the 2007 award for best education reporting throughout Florida by the Society of Professional Journalists Tommy Ford, Actor- Producer Tommy Ford can be seen on your television screens every day of the week in more than four different syndicated television shows Including: MARTIN; NEW YORK UNDERCOVER; PARKERS; and WHO'S GOT JOKES. Recently, Tomrny's industry focus is shared with building a successful career behind the camera. He has directed and produced several webisodes; television dramas; and sitcoi pilots Role: Creative Resign Industry Partner Activities: Masterclass training f • Intermediate level production assistants in film and web m• :Ia. Experience and training w result in a professional grade pr. ct Public Service Announceme• , and short film. . d/In-Kind University of Miami- Office of Civic and Community Engagement * School of Communication The Office of • lc and Commu• Engagern- (CCE) fosters iversity- com ity col .oration by e :aging the niversity's academic resources In the enrichment of civic and community life. Role: Information Technology Academic Partner Activities: Enhance career development programming by lending UM Faculty and students to provide curricula development In the areas of Information Technology, Coding and Programming as part of UM's Miami Youth Enhanced STEM Career Initiative In -Kind Wi.RN The Mission of Wl_RN Public Radio and Television is to provide information, entertainment, and learning services with a commitment to excellence in serving local, national and Role: Creative Design Industry Partner Activities: Training Supervisor providing broadcast media work experience and training that produces a professional grade product in radio. Paid/In-Kind Page 8of12 SUBSTITUTED internauona communities, Recruitment and enrollment* Recruitment & Enrollment: Proven outreach and education strategies will be used to rec and enroll youth in the program, The top three proven methods utilized include targeted outreach ommunity education and use of media. The activities that will be performed under each method e hsted In Table 3. Outreach and Education Activities, Table 3- Outreach and Education Activities Targeted Otitreach -2- Community Education -3- Media Activ nform past program partldpants it is fime to r apply for the program inform area school administrators, teache' and support staff of the program and how y th can enroll Utilize community coalition members rtown, Miami Dade Economic Advocacy Tr - Teen Court, Miami Dade Juvenile Services DV on and Career Source S.FL to disseminate proi m enroflment information Conduct class presentat at the local high schoo Hold open info sessi locations at times learn more abo career academy classes various key community parents can also attend to m Update info211fSwtchboard Miami resource In person at events organized by other groups, Use p ic gatherings and community events to dist' program flyers information table at local events planned by .e, back to school events, TCT Expo, etc, Develop marketing materials which highlight benefits to participation, i.e. flyers, palm cards and program fact sheet for distribution Utilize agency email distribution list, Facebook and twitter to inform current followers of program offerings and enrollment processes Submit press releases to community news and mainstream radio, print and TV media outlets to inform of program offerings and open enrollment Provide program information on dedicated page of website with access to enrollment application Resu Outreach and Education Outreach & Education Outreach & Education Page 9 of 12 SUBSTITUTED Program Demand: The FACE Program has been operating For the previous three summers (2012, 20 2014) and has a demonstrated track record of being in demand and utilized by the target popu within the South East Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment District In Miami. Th ernand for the program is high as each year, based on funding, the program has served between youth and has maintained a wait list each year for the past three years. If the program is funde orthe summer of 2015, Urgent anticipates an increased demand due to previous positive ou mes. Staffing Plan:* Urgent, Inc. has the resources, experience and established network of pa implement the proposed program, Urgent has established a solid manag stated goal, objectives and outcomes of the project are met and that th experience to implement the program. The management of the FACE managed by the Project Director (FT), Program Coordinator (FT) Project Director will lead community engagement efforts, devel organizations, and monitor and support the Program Coordin compliance with contract deliverables. The Program Coordin weekly staff meetings, arid implement quality assurance p The Finance Manger will educate interns about hiring pr banking and tax related information. The finance intern payroll, account for program expenses and Staff to be hired and trained will include a Industry professionals to cover each occu Entrepreneurship. In addition, Urgent wi participant needs that fall outside the Staffing Table Position ers In Educaton + 5 yrs Other: adership skills >Excellent organizational and m mu nication skills to successfully plan to ensure that the re sufficient staff with am wilt continue to be ntern Payroll Manager (PT). The artnershlps with industry n implementing the grant program in supervise all staff, facilitate bi- esses to improve overall program quality, ols, time keeping policies and procedures, so coordinate and execute staff and nce packages for the granting agency. ect Assistant, 1 FT Job Coach, 1 PT IT Analyst and 8 rea of Film, Arts & Culture, Coding and eglcally with community partners to address am's scope of service. Educat >BA/BS required + 4 yearsexperience >Childcare Center Directors Credentlal ies Administers Project operations, develops resources to support goals and plans for project sustainability. Responsible for program oversight, planning, development, implementation, budget nianagement, program efficiency and effectiveness, contract compliance; builds community partnerships in order to enhance program; monitors service delivery for continuous quality Improvement, attends community partnership meetings, provides active leadership and facilitates youth leadership council meetings. The Program Coordinator oversees the day to day implementation of program activities, manages, develops and provides training and technical assistance to project staff; monitors contract deliverables, including participant progress and Page 10 of 12 SUBSTITUTED ' T other: »Evoe||nn/ communication skills >AbU|tytoSchedule, manage and work without direct supervision >Goadorganizet}om skills retention In the program; performs data ent SAIMIS to produce accurate project reports it timely manner, serves as the liaison to o training providers and project partners, classroom instruction aoneeded, plans chmperoncsfield trips, performs nnne assigned by the Director. chellor's Degree The Intern Payrol ies as nag- Manager) will set-up |from anaccredited payroll, review kbneshe |college or university Manager will coordin 'In funde^AsInterns' � , program the Man �/Bmnesor closely staff will be related field, plus 5 Payroll man financial acc years related work experience accountin � receha ded|c and approve pay, ayroUschedule with bamain driver ofthis ensure participants & cumtwlyand ontime. The Intern manage and maintain the the grant program in the including recognition of grant xpenditu res. 50% of time will be othis project, Qualifications: Minimum c or's Degree and 5 years related experience Project Assistant alTc /ng uuaiatcations; Minimum College Student and relate volunteer or work experience Bachelor's Deg from anum college In Social � ark, Human esuurces, orcle -IVrelated iel plus 2 years employment volunteer ndy5try rofes iona|with emoostmtedtrock amrd of success in 11n^Arts &Cuiture, od)ngur m&repremeurship T. Iroject Assistant will support the Coordinator h daily program needs and event planning , They ensure all Interns paperwork Is in compliance, in%aindocymmemkaUon and input program repurts 100% of time will he dedicated to this project. TheJmb[uachisprknahlyespons}h|efor performing general intake ofeligible candidates Into the program, assists participants with identifying barriers and establishing personal goals tosuccess. Duties Include maintaining case O|ex with detailed hard copy case notes, Introduce community resources, and coordinate pathways tnother educational and employment opportunities for the participants, The Case Manager |salso responsible for providing on-Dnlngsupport, advocacy and guidance for participants toassist them indealing with the personal, legal and social needs that are barriers %otheir success imdeveloping acareer/job path. With participant cooperation, the case Manager will complete anIndividual Success Strategy, for each participant. Occupational trainers develop work -based learning projects that lead interns tndemonstrate the knowledge they have gained and provide opportunities to build 21" Century skills, and expand their awareness o[high growth industry career options, Page 11of12 SUBSTITUTED NTED Assistant Trainers PT High School youth in grade 11+ and related program Performs work under the direction of the coordinator and youth enrichment specialist. Essential duties include outreach, recrultme , peer participation, to peer support and co -facilitation of Iesso tans, coursework or serving on the youth council and leading mmunity volunteer service project planning and impleme tion experience Performance Measurement The program uses the Continuous Improvement Model (CIP) to measure delivered well and to ensure the collection of ongoing data. The CIP m areas 1) Continuin• and tar.eted •rofessional develo.ment and traini ensure successful implementation on site and 3) Data collection and strengths, weaknesses and student progress. An external evaluat assess these efforts. In addition, interns will be assessed at the Outcome measures and tools will include: 1) Outcome: (85%) of youth improve leadership skills Data Source: Youth Life Skills, Leadership Survey ether services are being el consists of three core focus 2) Coaching and monitoring to to document program ill be contracted to monitor and inning and end of the program. sis 2) Outcome: (85%) of youth improve problem so ng and responsible decision making Data Source: Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 S) 3) Outcome: (85%) of youth improve wor eadiness/employability skills Data Source: Casey Life Skills Assess Planning nt, Sub scales- Work & Study; Life & Career Education Page 12 of 12 SUBSTITUTED i SUBSTITUTED URGENT, INC. Film I Arts & Culture I Coding I Entrepreneurship I (FACE) 2015 Summer Employment Training Program. A- Youth Employment & Training B- Protect Operations C- Program Expenditures D- Administrative Fee (Retainer) E- Contingency Sub -Total Sub -Total Sub -Total Sub-T b-Total Grand Total $15 62 49% $62,447 20% $60,975 20% $29,000 9% $2,000 1% 100% $305,584 Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Institute FY 2014 Budget URGENT, INC. Film I Arts &CuRum I Coding I Entrepreneurship I (FACE) 2015 Summer Employment Training Program A- Youth Employment & Training 1- College level Interns & Program Alumni College Student Interns end FACE Alumni will assist staff teams In all activities. Specific duties include preparation of program ma als, social media updates, correspondence, copying, filing and working with all program partners on specialized assignments within each i stry related learning lab. Qualifications; Undergraduate/Graduate or recent graduate student In related field, volunteer experience requlr & select Hlgh School Students that have been in this program in prior years. Please Note: (tuna B to July 31. 8 weeks) SUBSTITUTED Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $10 $ 1,600,00 Position 17 Total $ 27,200.00 2- High School/Out of School Interns High School/Out of School Interns wIN be under the direct management of Industry Professional Trainin Include producing a professional grade product ready to showcase for the Expo. •80% of positions pdo Note: (June 8 to July 31. 8 weeks) IoursAVeek Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $8.05 8 3- Trainer Assistants Trainer Assistants wilt assist Trainers directly to oversee and facilitate all seminars and dinate with the Lead Industry Supervisor and liason with the Program Coordinator. Specific duties Include preparation of program mated , soul media updates, event planning and work correspondence. Qualifications: Undergraduate/Graduate or recent graduate In rel d flefd, youth development experience required. Please Note: (June 8 to luty 31= 8 weeks) $ 1,288,00 Position 50 Total ervisors. Responsibilities will for Overtown Residents. Please Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 30 $14 8.5 = [ $ 3,570.00 4- industry Professional Trainers (7) The Institute Trainers/Facilitators will be responsible for placeme document program services, and prepare data for program rep years minimum related professional work experience. tE I-lours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 20 $30 8.5 5- Fringe Benefits - F1CA, Unemployment ent Workers Corn , Pa Fica Unemploy Workers ment Comp 0,0765 0.0403 0.0 roces Ing. ayroti ocessing Fee 0.01 on 2 Total $ 7,140.00 raining and monitoring for student progress. They will implement and g. 100% of tine will he dedicated to this grant program. Qualifications: 3 5,100.00 1 Position 7 Total $ 35,700.00 Total Fringe Cost $ 16,722.22 Sub -Total $ 151,162.22 49% Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Institute FY 2014 Budget B- Project Operations 6- Project Director(PT) . Role: The Project Director will manage the grant program to ensure that Implementation and prescribed activities are carrled out with the grant contract; 40% of time will be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: Minimum Bachelor's Degree and 5 years r Note: May 4th to July 31=13 weeks 4 3 closeout weeks SUBSTITUTED Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 25 $29 16 Position Total $ 11,600.00 1 $ 11,600.00 cordence d experience. 6• inrefo Payroll Manager FT .. . Role; The Intern Payrol Manager (Manager) will set-up all payroll, review timesheets and approve pay. Mager 11 coordinte payroli schedule with fonder. As Interns' pay Is a main driver of this program the Manager will ensure participants & staff will paid accurately and on time. The Intern Payroll manager will also manage and maintain the financial accounts far the grant program In the : • unting system Including recognition of grant receivables & expenditures. S0% of time will be dedicated to this project, Quallflcatl : Minimum Bachelor's Degree and 5 years related experience. Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 22 $29 16 7- Project fOordbtatot;(FT).. Project Coordinator (FT) Role: The Project Coordinator will be to Implement, evaluate, promote and overs contract requirements, maintain documentation and submit program reports. 1 Minimum Bachelor's Degree. $ 10,208.00 Position Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 40 $23 16 8- Project Assistant. (FT) •• Project Assltant (FT) Role: The Project Assistant will support the Coordinator wi in compliance, maintain documentation and Input progra College Student. $ 14,720. Hours/Week Salary Rate Duration/ Weeks 40 $18 14 - lob Coach (FT) e program, He will also ensure program compliance with of time wilt be dedicated to this project. Qualifications: $ 14 720.00 Ily program needs and event planning . They will ensure all Interns paperwork Is eports. 100% of time will be dedicated to thls project. Qualifications: Minimum Position Total I $ 10,060.00 1 $ 10,080,00 The lob Coach/Case Manager will screen d assess youth for participation, He/She will also provide additional support and encouragement to especially high -risk youth partldpatln: his protect. He/She will provide resource and referral to other community services as necessary, perform crisis intervention, and hol. 11 group and/or one-on-one counseling and perform workslte monitoring to promote youth healthy functioning and successful comple of program activities. Additionally, the Case Manager will maintain ell case files and client database. 100% of time will be dedicated to the . M program. 100% of time will be dedicated to this project. Quallfications; BSW or 2 yrs related experience. Hours/Week Sal Duration/ Weeks 20 8 14 Position Tot& I $ 5,090.00 1 $ 5,040.00 10-InformationTe gyAnalyst The Technlca alyst will oversee computer systems management. He will maintain database youth for participation, provide ongolgn technical support an alntaln all computer equipment and computer labe utilized by Interns and project staff. No Salary Rate Jw,, / Wne1, $20 12 11 IInge Benefits - FICA, Unemployment, Workers Comp, Payroll Proce Position Total $ 2,400.00 n. 1 $ 2,400.00 Hca Unemploy ment Workers Comp Payroll Processing Fee Position Total Personnel Cost 0.0765 0.0403 0.0286 0,01 7 $ 8,399.06 Amount 2 Sub -Total 62,447.06 20% Urgent, Inc. FACE Youth Training Institute. FY 2014 Budget C• Program Expenditures 10- Expenses Orientation & Work Preparedness 1- Week Intensive $ 7,500.00 Participant Workbooks, Software licenses, Resource Books, Curriculum @ $80/Intern $ 5,250.00 Industry Lab Materials, supplies, Equipment Leasing/Rental, Photography, Video, Film, Sclpt & Production Fees, Coding Materials & App. Registration $ 20,000,00 Intern Travel: Bus Passes for 75 Interns $15 each x 3 weeks + 3 trips x 2 buses x $225 ech $ 4,500.00 Participant Moils & Snacks: ($5 lunch x 75 participants x 8 weeks (Fridays only)+ $5 lunch x 75 participants x 5 day intensive F $5 lunch x 75 participants x 5 Trip Days (Ind Expo) +film Institute shoots ($5 • 20 particpants• 5 days) $ 6,800,00 Fadllties Rental (Daily Intern Meeting Space $100/ day for 60 days, Film Screening Venue i0D & Expo $2,500 & CE2 classrooms $300/mth x 2 ntths) $ 5,000,00 Program T-Shirts ($12/each x 75 Interns & 10 Staff) x 2 for Daily Work & Expo, + ($7,50 x 75 Interns & 10 staff) $ 3,045.00 Expo/Conference Event; Guest Speakers ($12/person x 300 attendees) $ 5,0 Project External Evaluator- Perform and independent evaluation of the program to include the design, implementation, Improvement and outcomes of a program, Cgtaliflcations: PhD with 2-3 years of research and evaluation experience. $ 4,000,00 Printing /office Supplies 3,000.00 Travel Allowance for 5 employees / Trainer gt $160 each $ 800.00 Background Checks ($90/each x 12 staff & trainers) $ 1,080.00 D- Admintstratieu Fee (Ref -allied E- Contingency 3 Sub -Total $ 29,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Sub -Total SUBSTITUTED $S0,975 9% $31,000 20% 10% Grand Total $305,584 100% Film I Arts & Culture I Coding !Entrepreneurship SummerYouth Employment & Training ['rogram Executive S Pr ogram Evaluation Report Summer2o14 Older youth only Report Completed by Tisa McGhee. PhD 111 C w c rn 0 Th PROJECT DESCRIPTION Who? 68 youth ages 26-24 What? F.A.C.E., a workforce skill development, job preparation and career mentoring program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries identified for Miami Dade County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, the County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline originating frorn the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the "Harlem of the South." When? FACE operated for? -weeks from June -July zoiy. How? One hundred and twenty (12o) hours of paid work experience and training Budget? si8o,000 from SEOPW CRA, $a9,io6 from Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs and The Children's Trust URGENT, Inc. Tvi-ni, KEY DEMOGRAPHICS ge Range 15-24 with the majority @a6 yo (24%) I Gender M 25 F 42 I Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian 62% Black/African American 96% White 4% 1 Group High School 47% College 43.% Out of School 1.2% Fam nnual income Less than $1_3,75o 48% s22,goo 38% I Residence Overtown 8o% District 5 18% Other 9% Head of ehold Single Parent 66% 2-Parent 26% Grandparent/Relative 8% OUTCOMES - EVED 1. Interns experien _ - n increase of positive experiences within the development scales of Work Identity, Initiative, Basic Skills, • work, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Adult Networks and Social Capital. More than go% increased on good. 2. Interns e. oerienced meaningful work, specific training. 959 interns rated their overall experience as exce • t or good. 3. Interns between ages 16-24 gained meaningful entry i e workforce. ral levels of east Century Skills and self rated their skills as excellent or eased work readiness skills and obtained specialized industry Nearly s00% of all interns in all Institutes were self -aware of t members and confirmed that they learned meaningful work skills. KEY FINDINGS contributions as leaders and team • FACE program met goals and outcomes to empower youth with 21st Cent kills Additional activities like Community Service Activities, the Youth Economic De and EXPO events provided opportunities for youth to deme •strate their skills More youth were served and self -reported high satisfaction with completing the progra Accomplishments Achieved : Completion of a feature film — UNREALISTIC • Creation of community murals, posters and paintings • Dorsey Detector Website & Mobile Application prototypes for iPhone and android • Pop-up shops and products (wristbands, t-shirts, postcards and tumbler cups) RECOMMENDATIONS • Continue to use feedback to improve FACE curriculum • Provide more opportunities for Overtown youth to be involved in the FACE program ment Conference a ]1f11L1S1 f S U R _ Report Completed by Tisa McGhee, PhD Film I Arts & Culture I Coding Entrepreneurship Summer Youth Employment & Training Prc, nram Evaluation Report Summer 2o14- Suwmary MIAMI-DADE !COUNTY Made Possible By & Prepared For The .4ta Children'sTrust PROJECT DESCRIPTION Who? 68 youth ages a6- 4 What? F.A.C.E., a workforce skill development, job preparation and careermentoring program is designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technology growth industries identified for Miami Dade County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, the County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline originating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once known as the "Harlem of the South." When? FACE operated for? -weeks from June -July zoar, How? One hundred and twenty (azo) hours of paid work experience andtraining Budget? si8o,000 from SEOPW CRA, $7.9,1o6 from Miami Dade County Cultural Affairs and The Children's Trust URGENT, Inc. ono NW 1`j Ave. Ste. :oo FL 33136 786-739-1544 Ph 866 811-7778 =DX I URGENT, INC KEY DEMOGRAPHICS Age Range 15-z4 with the majority @16 yo (24%) I Gender M 25 F 42 I Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian 62% Race Black/African American 96% White 4% I Group High School 47% College 41% Out of School u% ilyAnnual Income Less than s13,750 48% s22,9oo 38% ( Residence Overtown 8o% District 5 i8% Other 9% Household Single Parent 66% 2-Parent 26%Grandparent/Relative 8% OUTCO ACHIEVED 1. Intems ex • • - nced an increase of positive experiences within the development scales of Work Identity, Initiative, Basic Teamwork, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Adult Networks and Social Capital. More than go% incre • on several levels of zest Century Skills and self rated their skills as excellent or good. 2. Interns experienced meaning specific training. gs% interns rated their overall experienc - excellent or good_ 3. Intems between ages 16-24 gained meaningf •try into the workforce. Nearly i00% of all interns in all institutes were self-e of their contributions as leaders and team members and confirmed that they learned meaningful w kills. KEY FINDINGS • FACE program met goals and outcomes to empower youth with • Additional activities like Community Service Activities, the Youth Ec and EXPO events provided opportunities for youth to demonstrate their • More youth were served and self -reported high satisfaction with completing • Accomplishments Achieved : • Completion of a feature film — UNREALISTIC • Creation of community murals, posters and paintings • Dorsey Detector Website & Mobile Application prototypes for !Phone and android • Pop-up shops and products (wristbands, t-shirts, postcards and tumbler cups) ork, increased work readiness skills and obtained specialized industry Century Skills is Development Conference rogram RECOMMENDATIONS • Continue to use feedback to improve FACE curriculum • Provide more opportunities for Overtown youth to be involved in the FACE program Film I Arts & Culture I Coding entrepreneurship Summer Youth Employment & Trair,; q Program Executive Summary Program Evaluation Report Summer 2os4 Made Possible By & Prepared For COUNTY Me' C"()\til'J IN(.lal' Proiect Description Who? 68internsbetween - ages of 14-22. ■What? F. A. C. E., a workforce skill develc.r rent, job preparation and career mentoring program !S designed to fuel the Creative Design, Tourism & Hospitality and Information Technologygrowth industries identified for Miami Dade. County, FL recommended by the Beacon Council, Miami Dade County's economic development organization. Where? FACE serves as the premier youth talent development pipeline r iginating from the inner city of the Historic Black Community of Overtown, Miami, once knowr as the, "Harlem of the South." UR1lNC./ FACE provides a meaningful entry way into the workforce in 1) Film 2) Arts & Culture 3) Coding 4) Entrepreneurship When . . CE operated for weeks from J --July 2014 k Participants Coming From Overtown 8o% District 5 18% Other 2% h7tlif7ny�. ' :bn •dodmaf oufd -' ,�s KH,10M' d TAW R *met :�'r.• .. .iT,'Z :.. w.nwn+ri++e 7157"- N �w rn 0 D'mographics Gender Male 26 Female 42 Head Single Parent 66% of 2 Parent 26% Household Grandparent/Relative 8% Need Homeless Services Additional CommunityYouth Svcs Services Workforce Readiness Other Non -re por se:, Survey Respondents: 67 Ethnicity Hispanic 37% Haitian: 62% &::Reduced School _ . 57% 44%. NA Age Group High School College Out of School 47% 41% 12% C CO C m v At the conclusion of the training, interns were assigned a work experience in one of four concentrations: Film, Arts & Culture, Coding or Entrepreneurship Interns participated in a 20 hour work readiness orientation and training over 5 days utilizingthe evidence based -Framework f Career Beginnings. Care - = eginnings: • Helps inter to college/voc • Receive career an counseling and instru '• n • Identify skills and interes 7 Begin a resume • Begin to develop professional et • ette skills • Dressing for success How to handle conflict and solve problems esearch and prepare to apply nal school ork readiness cn Co c rn 0 Four Tracks. Frequency- Daily INTERN ASSIGNMENTS Length- y. hours. ^ Film 39% Duration-6 Weeks rA & Culture 13% Codin: 18% Entrepren rship 30% ,1/4" e 00 4r �� Id, CO —I C rn --Training Supervisor Jale ames Acosta "The feature film "UNREALISTIC" is t can display. A process that should take of $100, 000 minimum was completed with o film for only 10°% of actual costs." Accomplishments: Shooting of the Feature film "Unrealistic". A process that should take a minimum of 12 weeks or more to complete was done in 2 weeks. With minimum budget and resources. ost tangible product anyone eeks alone and a budget two weeks shooting the list Century Skills • Leadership: Never -quit, Never -give -up - Productivity: Accomplish the mission at all costs • Accountability: Exhibit a committed work ethic at all times • Teamwork & Collaboration: They now know what it takes to function as a unit aiaLid accomplish a lofty goal C co C m From the creators of "Keeping it On," based on the play series "She Kept Her Bra On: Chronicles of a Teenage Love Affair", URGENT, Inc. brings you, "Unrealistic" under the direction of Jalen James Acosta. This youth led film is a product from the FACE (Film Art Culture Entrepreneurship) youth internship program.This film educates youth and community around the issues of homeless youth, bullying and how social and institutional barriers impact youth development. (Click Picture to View Trailer) Film Director Jalen James Acosta President of High Def Dreams, LLC C 03 C m Impact Arts & Culture -Training Supervisor Ale , O U O n — "After our Art Expo the interns were able to see the impact of their hard wo ' . +d edication. They saw the effect their art and focus can have in the community and to those aroun • • - m." Accomplishments: The arts and culture group painted community murals, designed posters, painted canvasses of negro league baseball players, created poems and power point presentations commemorating the negro baseball leagues and assisted the coding group with community research and creating of the Dorsey Detector mobile application. • nst Century Skills Productivity: Demonstrated hard work & dedication Information Technology Application: Itnernet Research, PowerPoint Presentation Development & Design, Adobe Photoshop Graphic Design Collaboration: Public speaking, mural inting and decoupage collage Citizenship! community service nt and public space beautification Challei:ies: ourmost difficult chapel , -ie was dealing with the heat anc7 r ?1n outdoors. However, we kept out ,,elves very hydrated, made sure .''e took water breaks in the shacL �.' whenever necessary and kept a calm mood and positive attitude. v) C 03 vi -I C -I m 0 'Training Supervisors Rudo • othe & Gessica Tortolano— have developed skills in the entire code • •rocess. From planning,to design to development the intems have e. -d how each piecets together" Accomplishments: Interns completed the Dorsey Detector rnobile application for both iPhone and android devices (available now on the App Store and Google Play!) a Dorsey detector website. produced four community safety related mobile app prL`ltypes and learned about the rich history of Overto r. 21 st Century Skills: Information Technology Application: Interns were introduced to Typing 101, Coding 101, Scratch, Wordpress Installation, Code Academy, Xcode, Eclipse, Omingraffe, Invision Prototyping, UXPin, User Testing and Photoshop Productivity & Accountability: The intems were able to take full responsibility and ownership for creating a web site that would populate the Dorsey Detector App. can C co C rn 0 The Dorsey Detector rr�"siv't': k The '.-hs;te was designed and'cle\sreoped Div coding interns ruing how t 1 u id webs1tcS using WordPress. C CO C rn Q ?Training Supervisor Juan imiro and Sherese James "I saw creativity and innovation grow a Accomplishments: The creation of a viable group business included the opening up of Overtown's 1`' Pop -Up Shop. selling wristbands. T- shirts, postcards and tumbler cups. The group was also very successful in adopting and fostering a collaborative environment in which they helped and encouraged each other daily to succeed. p��q7127 EnrreMc+'oor.hr bove all, teamwork was exhibited at its highest." 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking: The group had many opportunities to exercise this skill when designing their businesses. Collaboration & Teamwork: Was exhibited in the development of the end products with the Pop -Up Shop, i.e, T-shirts, Tumblers, wristbands and postcards Information Technology Application: Was applied as well as creativity and innovation in the development of ideas for businesses, marketing, advertising, and executing community service projects. Challenge: Motivating the less motivated or le_ s mature youth to accomplish the `asks associated with the fast pac rl program. Interns wore assigned to collaborate to assist each other in making a optimal learning environment. Entrepreneurship Youth Entree-eneurs in Training J-;* a fit •-:"— ' _r rr`�''L:.;yj. lk;F1"=r ,�_—.,g 1 at4 ..r -- .i .: fir` ..y `.?.. J.: , 1i _ Zj cj fi.5 °�ov r ��e?ti Df yyeti, Four products were designed and developed by entrepreneurship interns to includeTownersT-Shirts, Tumblers, Post Cards and Wristbands! (Click Pic to ViewVideo) C Co C rn v LEARN-2-GROW KIDS DAY GUN VIOLENCE RESEARCH FOP -UP SHOP PREVIEW DAY OVERTOWN HISTORIC LIFE EVENTS {OHLE) KIDS DAY Total Hours Service: 5,629 Avg. Per Intern: 83 hours c co vn c m FF (T E The E1'oerience Time Cap' ile Brittany Jea FACE Website Builder The FACE website was designed and developed by Public Relations Intern Brittany Jean. Brittany is a 3rd year Broadcast Journalism student at Florida A&M University. Brittany is a long time resident of Overtown, Miami and a BookerT. Washington Senior High Alumna. She loves where she is from and is active within the community. Jean continues to volunteer at the Overtown Youth Center when home from collage and believes in being a positive contributing citizen. After college she plans on pursuing her career as a Broadcast Journalist with hopes of giving back to Overtown. She says, "Life is all about giving". Click Picture to visit website. The EMPOWERING NG MINDS coo CA T 'o='OIFA:f -tee Fx• SE r. t;F. JJ_ ta,t�r-• "Wl-reii my b4c .e R5ra. ca.", boa an attertabr, an drs oyo: from a row cost *,. 's i o.darte.t rrt brctber cid-not pay 'h .c - rp:t . Mrs ak ccihbt e4ca.4etexa, a;'.d bolh ! en -sh t ;ai d Oefleata other. kly bratbe wras rmy 1,5 gee+s did. ". 1<4 a, FACE Research: !r',ern 14 '�•+b''therwas 22' sCot"_.whERhe. wa: shotin1 a head" He wars shot because the muraerers :ho.yrtrv. mer?1a PAen ed on 51t1 Ala an d Q '..'.. Save!. The diem were ro.erix; rt.' u !1VERTUWN'YOOT Gi 'S DO NOTIMV FETYPRuC9 URESFQ NMI AIR tR:iGEW r- V) c co tin rn Media Coverage Jjc jilitami ---.fig:. fCC .A.` "t i„ lri 'I oo.,,,u ,�, p Jll tej" S i ,r.,,, .7«ry,_ 'fs cr. .O.. -•< .1 ,at '. ,, ay otoyo,O T �-,r�•�.. ��v - „�10 _ r 0, ' • .' ^'Y` ,., wry wie5 wuzNimimpittrasib Watch Promo Programs Offers Inner City Youths Professional Field Training tj share ]►TwgM g i �,1 E-mai et OCoreretR. Fria yammer interns1 ip adults, is vs -mooing t its partuaaan,�.' ;seeks. _me of atuAtaID stag .t ltute (azsd codinz.) and _preneuzsh_*p. Partic+oarts choose an A. of focus acd pair up with industry .Tim sionals to de eloa and mzecute a Listen Here BST* ne'BS malloc(s Watck Clip c 02 c rn 0 Comn ,' inity Expos EVt.'T The Arnu...' Tnu+sccrr July 23. 2014 • tthe conclusion of the intem experience interns, trainers an. family, - projects co garnered recog commitments. Inte lessons learned with th the final expo events. (Sho Commissioner Kean Hardemon reer mentors showcased the products of their work to nds and community. Each institute presented their eted over the summer. Exceptional interns on for going above the required also shared their experiences and mmunity and key stakeholders at bove City of Miami ressing the youth). C w C rn 0 watch Mural C'i i Here V l c CO (17 Pry c zest Century '. ork Skills • Na011.••.rw..s, ovmo^ Veit* toa.r ld rMe^""°SrM' Critical! thiniMn8 9: • SaA an a e rnn.:w. 6, '4.146 m "" y.wyaurt,o �r,w.•:c n,rP rau mr.S. ORA r 1ar,a. kM+'c:r.et., „ tnr WW1,ca wM ryyn er. [,r+..ap�LM1W�7 ew.�.xrV MVO ren., Self -Evaluation Results from Interim to Final Oral communication Written communication teraction with peers As ' :ty to Learn Willi ess to Learn Plannin• . nd Organization Teamwork F . d Collaboration Creativity an. + novation Information Tec • logy Application Diversity Critical Thinking & Pro -m Solving 52% 33% 56% 7o% 7o% 46% 66% 52% 41% 57% 52% s*Percentage of self reported e . -llent skills at end point The most signifi . t differences from into 't self report to end :9oint occu -d in Ability and Willingness to Learn 11% ajrrd 18% increase respectively. Intern Self -Report �, 40 35 30 25 `m E z 20 15. 10 0 f L'A' I I Iii N hi ... ,. Oral communicatcomrnunicar . ion -, ., Written ion Interaction: with. peers ' Ability to . Learn �. Willingness to Learn Planning & Organization . eamvnork Collaborati . n. Creativity and Innovation Information Technology Application Diversity Critical Thinking & Pro=c lem Solving IN Excellent 31 20 . 34 42 42 25 40. 31 25 34 31 i I Good .25 •• 36 27 .17 •.17 30 18 28 . 30 25 27 XSatisfactory 3 ..3:..... I 5 .. :•1 . 1 5 2 1. •. 4. 1. 2 ,Fair a3iniiissns Youth Experiences Survey 2.0 -Meaning improvement occurred in all areas except "this activity improved my relationship with my parents and "I had good conversations with my parent/guardians because of this activity" The Youth Experience Survey (Yes) 2_1 2014 1 set goats for myself in this activity. Learned to find ways to achieve my goats Teamed tQ consider poss ale obstacles when making plans t put al my energy In461his accrvity Learned to push myself Learned to f r'is my attent cn Obxseived how others solved problems and learned from them Learned about dev&c ing plans for sowing a problem Used my imagination In solve a protiern Learned about organizing true and r o pro astirtating (not putting thing* off} Learned about setting priorities Practiced self si'isciptine Learn d about ochntrolling my tamper Brame tatter et dealing with year and anxi ' better sa handling stress Lr = aI ray ameliionS alto fpnw1 piatform Learned ih- • ing lour requires. soma cc rrprnrrrisino Became better pi `rig resptihlity Lcar nee to be patient. . tier group medbers Learned bow spy emotiores a rtitude affect others in the group Learned that it: is not necessary people in orderto work with them t burnr bother at *T feedback { became better at taking feedback Lee n d about the challenges of being a leader Others in this adlvitj counted on me Had an toPocluoRy to be in mart a pars GO tit knave people in ate w rsmt iity This activity .impr d my relationship with my paeernsi'oart ans t' !mod goe(1 conoarsations.aw h my parentsiguardla*s because of Ns achity This :activity opened a jab or carper oppertunities for orb This activity heedheiced.preparemelor college This activity iricteasa ny &sin to May t: stltcd Mearingful irnpra.+h.nt'nt is defines •n ar veeage sore of 2.1) or lets Highlghlad s,r s ire shoo wogs of over 2.0 lid ea n 1.38 1.38 1.33 1.30 1.36 1.18 1.38 1.55 1.83 1.55 1.35 1,33 1.97 1.83 1.85 1.45 125 1,49 1,33 123 1,49 1.56 1.57 1,50 1.65 1.9t's 1.70 2.28 2.21 1.78 1.90 1.65 -a 0_ -0 Evaluation by Interns of Program Excellent im Good How would you rare you r overall experience so Fr? How would you rate the quality of your instructor's lessons? How would you rate the quality of your homework and/or assignments? Haw would you rate the aeativity or impact of your institute's community service project? Satisfactory a Poor ff' Taal FWsponses ° (60) Excellern • Good 7:2 SatiSfaCtOry • Fair How would you rate your overall experience so far? 96% (60) Tra the instructor's 95% (60) 96% (60) LI: Pow rival you rate the quaRty &your homework and/or assignments? Pow would you rt the creativity or impact ofyour initute's community service project? • Poor Ton: Responses 100% (61) 100% (61) 100% (61) 100% (61) (,) CO vi) c How would you rate yotn enthusiasm for your ingitute's Project? Now would you rate your confidence and �.. ability to present r, -Ea e Your institu s C project as of right now? c.. How would you rate youroonfidera a and ability to execute anddor present your community service based project as of right now? How would you rate you r instructor's abilities to expose you to a variety of responsibilities related to your institute, and interests? 950%o (60) 95% (60) 95% (60) 95oi0 (60) c Hare would you rate your enthusiasm far your irstitute's project? Now would you rate confidence and:1 to present itute's project as How would you rate your confidence and ability to executA and/or present your community service based project as of right now? Fk r: would you rate your instructor's abilities to expose you to a variety of responsiblitles related to your Institute and interests? UiRJC 100% (61) 100% (61) 100%(61) 100% (61) O31f1111s9 ns Intern Reflections I accomplished my short term goals for this summer which were to open up a little more and to learn how to communicate with others positively. 1 also wanted to learn more about computers and 1 was able to expand my knowledge of command prompt. The ni: st valuable activity I e. perienced was developing the mobile app for Doi Joy Park and also learning how to create a fully functional website. 1 also learned how to put the app together and build it from scratch. T I had was a all ofo time that 1 comple project it was a big accomplishment for me because I knew that 1 completed something that I would have never thought of before. our gest success that • this program ctua ompleting proje Every What I accomplished this summer is painting murals at Dorsey Park. I also manned up and spoke in front of a lot of people. The most valuable activity I experienced was finding out about negro league baseball players. "I loved the program. It taug e a lot about being an adult, and responsibility." — Film Intern "My experience with the FACE Summ _ outh Employment Program was a once in a lifetime experience. The reason I say this Is because I met some wonderful people, . • acquired new job skills. Yes, it benefited me because it gave me a little taste of adulthood and taught me to be Independent. dm Intern "My experience with the FACE Program was really go. I got to Team about entrepreneurship and how to write a business plan." — Entrepreneurship Intern "The most needed improvement to me would be including more - with the supervisor so that interns can get more familiar with all of the required tasks, and the best approach to them." - Codi ern 'This internship opportunity can be improved if this program had more motiv- al speakers to come and encourage the youth." - Research Intern "More snacks" - nearly io% of interns. h-s`This program gives the youth an opportunity to experience the workforce and it puts mon in their pockets." — Entrepreneurship Intern a iniiisens "FACE bene - . me because it taught me how to be a young adult" —Coding Intern "Job training programs as these are beneficial to the youth because it keeps them preoccupied with Teaming a skill that may potentially . o a career thatthey may in the future be Interested in. These programs may help our youth continue to dream and se at they can make It In life if they justput in a little time and effort. it also keeps them offthe streets and keeps the oftrouble.."—Coding Intern "The internship opportunity can be improveadding more things to the Dorsey Park Mural, not just baseball players. Maybe famous and/or meaningful quote Art Intern "The internship opportunity can be improved by clearly everything that they will have to do to get paid. Also, dearly - Entrepreneurship intern g what the intern is getting into, wh eans outline e the deliverable's for each institute." "FACE benefited rn.e because now I have more experience in the real wor .. —Entrepreneurship Intern "The internship opportunity can be improvedby, allowing us totake 'field trips-" - Nearly io% of the interns a31n1I1S9ns kecommendations for 2015 -'GENERAL Staffing: z Case Managers & Project Assistant Intensive Training Week During Spring Break; ® a local college or university Project Coordinator oversees community service projects for all institutes Community Based Research Projects must be lead by strong teaching researcher; Dedicated Time Needed 20 hours weeks Stronger Social Media presence New Training Institutes ----- FILM taffing: Co -Director & Pr• ction Assistant Neede Pre-Produ . •n:6-gweeks prior to summ • - art Film Equipment In- se • 5 Mac Computers with Final Cut Pro and other production related software Post -Production 4-6 weeks All interns need to produce a small group or individual short film/trailer, etc. Film Sponsors -ARTS &CULTURE Graphic Design Software Upgrades/Additional Computers (MAC) identify Mentors & Prospective Business Partners CULTURAL URISM/HOSPITALITY Kr. ervices Event i fling • Business Se es Separate Track r/wk Intensive Weekend sions prior to paid work experience in Professional Etiquette & Customer Service--- CODING Upgrades/Additional computers (MAC) More direct instruction needed for 10-20 hours a week Coding interns assigned to practicum site -ENTREPRENEURSHIP More interns needed More Business Mentors Business Plan Competition with Prize Money Entrepreneurship Shadowing and Practicum at i.e. Lab Miami, Venture ive, etc. • 031f1111Se f1S About Us -Agency Ove -URGENT, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) you - nd community development organizati • • dedicated to empowering young minds to transfo their communities. We do this by promoting sha leadership through empowerment, education civic engagement to create collective well-being. We believe our elders are the anchors of communities, parents are the coaches but it is the young people that are the drivers of change. Current programs include Rites of Passage for Girls, Youth Empowerment After School & Summer Camp, Intergenerational Project, Murals for Dorsey Park and the Campaign for Girls Well - Being. --Stay Connected M la "like" us on ®urgentinc facebook tuAlier Mission To EmpowerYoung Minds to Transform Their Communities -Vision All People Have the Social, Educational and Economic Resources to Thrive re Values Learn • I Innovation 'Teamwork I Patience ompassion I Responsibility I Reciprocity Guiding Princip To promote shared le• : - rship through empowerment, educatio nd civic engagement to create collec ' ewell- being MIA!"I!-DADE c The .hdreres'rust • ,..�i: l-- Black Hospitality Institute- GMCVB I Camillus House I Catalyst Miami- SoundOut I Casimiro •al Foundation I Chef Larry I Gusman Theater for the Performing Arts High Def Dreams I Historic St. Agne Episcopal Church I Jackon Soul Food I Lotus House I Moores Grocery I Nonseqaxtle ( Moselles Boutique I Overtown Children and Youth Coalition I Overtown Youth Center I Proactive Business Concepts I Touching Miami With Love I University of Miami C Co C —I IT1 0 4)14/2015 Detail by Entity Name LORMMA DEPARTMENT OP STATE !VISION OF CORPORATIONS Detail by Entity Name Florida Non Profit Corporation URGENT, INC. Filing Information Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed State Status Last Event Event Date Filed Event Effective Date Principal Address 000 NW 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI, FL 33136 Changed: 01/06/2012 Mailing Address 1000 NW 1ST AVE. SUITE 100 MIAMI, FL 33136 Changed: 01/06/2012 N94000001986 650516506 04/18/1994 FL ACTIVE AMENDMENT 02/27/2007 NONE Registered Agent Nat. • & Address CRESPO, HENRY 219 NW 14TH TE MIAMI, FL 3313 Name Chan • d: 02/01/2008 Address ' anged: 09/08/1997 Director Detail & Address Offic itie VP SUBSTITUTED NELSON, SALIHA htip:l/search.sunblz.orgrinquiryiCaporalionSeai hlSearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searcilNameOrder=URGENT%20N94.. 1/3 4/14/2015 Detail by Entity Name 11117 SW 79TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33156 Title Chairman HORTON, DENNIS 22330 SW 117 Court HOMESTEAD, FL 33070 Title S STANLEY, JEANETTE 25034 SW 129 PATH PRINCETON, FL 33032 Title D LEDON, JACQUELINE 650 OCEAN DRIVE, APT. 5-6 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149 Title D LAPCIUC, MARCOS 4900 PINE TREE DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33140 itle D W1LLIAMS, PATRICK P.O. BOX 472634 MIAMI, FL 33247 Title Director Wilmoth, Wendell M 7900 Harbor Island Drive PH 10 North Bay Village, FL 3314 Title Director Hemandez, Caridad 3161 Day Ave. Miami, FL 33133 Title Preside Crespo, ry 219 NW 4 Terrace rkiami L 33136 'rector uarte, Edgar M SUBSTITUTE© Ihttp://search.s lz.orglinqulryiCorpnrallonSearch/SearchResultDetall?ingulrytype=EntityName&directionType=InitlaI&searchNameOrder=URGENT%20N94.., 2/3 / 14/2015 9200 SW 125 Terrace Miami, FL 33176 ' n ual Reports Report Year 2014 2014 2015 F ited Date 01/09/2014 08/14/2014 02/17/2015 D©c tmentimages 02/17/2015 -- ANNUAL REPORT 08/14/2014 -- AMEDEO ANNUAL REPORT 01/09/2014 - - ANNUAL REPORT 02/21/2013.-- ANNUAL REPORT 01/06/2012 -- ANNUAL_. REPORT Q2/08/2011 -- ANNUAL. REPORT 01/19/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT 03/23/2009 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/01/2008 -- ANNUAL REPORT 0 /Q2/2007--.AN:IN.:UAL REPORT J2/27/2007 — Am ,Olment 93.22/2006 — ANNUAL REPORT 2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT 03/29/2005 — ANNUAL REPORT 412/2004AN,UAL REPORT 01 /21 /2003 -- ANNUAL REPO 4/10/2002 - Amendment 2/11/2002 -- ANNUAL R .' +ART 01 --ANNUAL-.wPOR.T 05/10/2O00 -- AN NU •. ' EPORT 23/,1999.— ANN. L REPORT 23/1998 -- AN AL REPORT NUAL REPORT EINSTATEMENT ENT Delali by Entity Name SUBSTITUTED View age in PDF View View image in View im e in PDF forma View image in PDF format View image In PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format Vies image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image In PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format ew image In PDF format uliDeteili7inquirytype=ErtiltyName&directionType=In!Ual&searchName(7rder=URGENT% 2DN94._ 313