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CRA-R-15-0014 Backup
SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION To: Clarence E. Woods, Ill Executive Director, SEOPW CRA From: Renee A, Jadusingh, Esq. Staff Attorney, Executive Director Date: April 9, 2015 File: Subject: RFQ 15-01 References: Enclosures: Selection Committee Scoring Sheets On February 25, 2015, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") issued Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") 15-01 for Contract Compliance and Monitoring Services for the Miami WorldCenter project. On March 30, 2015, the CRA received three (3) responses to RFQ 15-01 from the following proposers: 1. Gospel Truth Work Force 2. Ann Pope Consulting, Inc. 3. Harold A. Johnson Consulting Group, Inc. On April 9, 2015, a selection committee consisting of Brian Zeltzman, CRA's Director of Architecture and Development, Jonelle Adderley, CRA's Marketing Coordinator, and myself, met to evaluate the aforementioned proposals, and ranked the proposals as follows: 1. Harold A. Johnson Consulting Group, Inc. 2. Ann Pope Consulting, Inc. 3. Gospel Truth Work Force Cc: Brian Zeltzman, CRA Jonelle Adderley, CRA Selection Committee Scoring Sheet Project: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING SERVICES Bid Number: MIAMI WORLD CENTER RFQ 15-01 Score Criteria Gospel Truth Work Force Ann Pope Consulting, Inc. Harold A. Consulting Group, inc. Proposer's Experience And Qualifications (max 30 points) % SB ctrucfi Servicesvices certifiedd firm (max 30 points) Of 0 --..c.) Experience of Project Manager (max 15 points) !/ f� Past Project Experience (max 15 points) b 9 5 /.5 Technical Capabilities (max 5 points) / 5 r /- References (max 5 points) / 6-2_ Total Score (max 100)jth a q0 Scored by (print) : Scored by (sign) : Date: Selection Committee Scoring Sheet Project: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING SERVICES Bid Number: MIAMI WORLD CENTER RFQ 15-01 Score Criteria Gospel Truth Work Force Ann Pope Consufting, Inc. Harold A. Consulting Group, Inc. Proposer's Experience And Qualifications (rnax 30 points) 0 a 6 n �C SBE-Construction Services certified firm (max 30 points) 1 0 S 0 Experience of Project Manager (max 15 points) 1 j3 ' 3 Past Project Experience (max 15 points) O i 6 J 1 ~l�J Technical Capabilifies (max 5 points) 4 References (max 5 points) 3 r Li - Total Score (max 100)r7 q C q / I_ Scored by (print) : Scored by (sign) : Date: Selection Committee Scoring Sheet Project: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING SERVICES Bid Number: MIAMI WORLD CENTER RFQ 15-01 Score Criteria Gospel Truth Work Force Ann Pope Consulting, Inc. Harold A. Consulting Group, inc. Proposer's Experience And Qualifications (max 30 points) 50 30 SBE-Construction Services certified firm (max 30 points) /1 C J Q U Experience of Project Manager (max 15 points) ) Past Project Experience (max 15 points) 1 I `77 Technical Capabilities (max5 points) 7 References (max 5 points) 3 Total Score (max 100) 2- u -7 !} Scored by (print) : Scored by (sign) : Date: SO-c2\Q-Sk fenk _ USLA(•.__;a_ 4 \cl\V"--) P 4% 700191 M±anu, Rari.< $3170.0191 TC4:179E1229-4397 arc:: (3051256.1225 Emil: jahrisolihriatioacarn u#:atic and P^iveta Sector Mang r . fl J t `.�b3u3 Nz wry - Ozoteutant License '# 41 4138.1 The City of Miami Southeast Overtown / Park West Community Redevelopment Agency 819 NW 2"d Ave. 3 rd. Floor Miami, Florida 33136 Re: Request fart uaiificatio s 1S-01 Dear Sirs; March 3O, 201 Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to provide a proposal can is outstanding endeavor located in the City of Miami under the direction of the Southeast Overt() n Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA. Our firm Harold A. Johnson Consulting roup Inc. (HAJCG) a Florida Corporation and a Certified Business domiciled In Miami Dade County (County.), Is very much interested In providing the services outlined In the aforementioned document. Matey of the services being requested, are those we have provided in this community for more than twentyyears and have provided those successfully for some of the largest Public Private Partnership developments located in the Tri- County areas, We believe that our many years of experience in the Private and Public Sectors developing unique programming with positive outcomes. will be an asset to the CRA. l am hopeful that the Information contained herein will suffice with regards to any qLi on regarding our organization and its experience in the areas for which you seek proposals. Should additional information become necessary, please do not hesitate to contact 229-43 i7, Tharikb you in ac ri f ,your consideration. id A, Johnso esldent and CEO directly at 786- A. Johnson consu P.0 Box:700191 ry m F4tela S317 0181 Tek 03812294287 fix: t 3C5) *50-1225 ishn5onhridffaol.ta^,rn Put i Amid Private Sector Monnament Consuatente State Mow,y - Con ukant License 14411881 The City of Miami Southeast Overtown /Park West Community Redevelopment Agency BA NW 2 Ave. 3" Floor Warn!, Florida 33136 Re: Business Narrative Dear Sirs; Our firm was founded in September 1593, and Incorporated in Marc . 'a+3 with a specific mission to improve the efforts of small and minority businesses lri Miami a County; which had also Been my personal mission as an employee In saves; largefirms in the Ovate and public senors. Our firm is certified by many agencies throughout The State County as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and the Federal Business Enterprise (DBE). We believe eur firm to be the best suited for this project bed. extraordinarily large complex projects (American Wines No Health, Biscayne Landing, North Miami Housing, Nara* ilk Tunnel) some with values that exceed two billion dollars, t administered Compliance and Monitoring Programming from completion, without sanctions or penalties. Our through knowledge of small business contract administration recomr er Ikons, large scale procurement, contractor mentorsh p and training, responsible wages, fair Wages, community workforce goal programming, non -certified program auditing of contracts, the ability to analyses construction document scopes for the application of measures to allow Inclusion by the working communities, through the use of sub vendor goals, set a sides in construction trade groups, goods, services, commodities, professional serer and workforce participation goals. Our firm has also been successful In the development of a computerize program for all the aforementioned, which allows for timely reporting; additionally, we can develop a documented process infrastructure for timely information flow. Community Stakeholder Relations is has also been a high point of our organs atir , through the use of various processes such as meetings, technical assistance, and developmen community_ ncluding Miami Dade nt as a Disadvantage potion in ether Project., 1r©ward Miami Access developed and rent to project Pg2 Outposts and Plan Rooms for vendors and contractors car munity convenience, community workshops and website updates, Our firm is a full service Public and Private! Sector Aiiana,&m nt Con uIting firm specie in Community Affairs, Contract Compliance, Monitoring and. Procurement Strategies. About our Staff The President and CPO has thirty plus years of highly regarded and respected experience in public and private sector management. Key position he has held include Procurement Vic President, Davidson Lumber Company, Director Procurement Miaml Dade County, Chairman, Florida Regional 'Purchasing Council, National Vice PreSiclent, National Supplier Development Council, President, National institute of Governmental Purchasing,; Miami Florida and Chairman, American Airlines trade Fair and Exposition Executive Committee, Adding to the depth of the firm is Mr. Don Foster, is a respected management consultant, with more than thirty years of national experience in minority and small business ap ications The firm has .Many other business professionals in our network dedicated to providing the highest level of deliverable results. Should you have questions or rewire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me telephonically at 786-229-4387 or through our website at HAJCG corn. President and CEO Harold A. Johnson PO Box 700191 Miami, FL, 33170 wwwilake,SQM in_aittonitridPaol.coin Mobile: 786-229-4387 Seasoned and highly competent senior leadership Professional, offering a wide range of experience and expertise in Administration, Procurement, Contract Compliance, Small and Minority Business Development and Comniunity Relations. Accomplished in government and private and public sector relations, problem solving, auditing, and quality assurance. Detail -oriented and exceptionally efficient committed to continuous business process improvement 1onaJ itiagrag 1993- present President and Principal Consultant Served as principal consultant to various CO/1St:ruction companies throughout the South Florida marketplace rending skills in account payable, contract ftziministrrition, public relations and mall business development Drove compliance on behalf of majority Ern= in conjunction with local, state or federal tuandates, Biscayne JdUc & North Mirth Housing LIZ 2005-200B Total Project Value:-, 2 Billion Senior Director, Cormnunity Affairs & Contract Compliance Developed and implemented large and small business initiatives in partnership with the City of North Miami government and clients Biscayne Landing and the City o INorth tvrtatri. Ensured ongoing small business cornprianct, program development, repotting, stakeholder and outreach activities for the alliance with strict Adhertnce requirements surrounding reporting to the city council, •and comity as well as private investors, developed including der elotnnalt relevant marketing collateral. Exceedecl all small business and workforce goals prior to projeci being sold. n len CAS) trirmeN Miami, Florida 2000-2005 Total Project Value: $2 Billion Ditector, Community Affairs & Docturtent Control Managed contract compliance, community affairs, construction maim technical assisftnce, performed contract audits, advocated for small. and minority business, and providnd contract administration leadership guidance and stra*cs to avoid penalties and/or sanctions that could impede the reoletes progress which could be cause for exceeding the scope and budget Ensured excellent corporate citizenship, community awareneiss and government representation. Exceeded all corporate, compliance, small bu eat and workforce goals. Natatija Lakes Consmictiort LLC Miami, Florida Total Project Value 20 Million Senior Director, Contract Compliance, Community Affairs and Procurement Management 2000- 2003 Responsible far community affairs., contract compliance and procurement Developed all procurement documents, prepared all compliance documents, proVirled teclutiod assistance to vendors and contractors, and man ed outfit issues with Maim Dade County government and the Community Redevelopment Agency. Completed development on 9Chedule, exceeded all small business and workforce goals prior to the prior to the community being sold. Director, Procurement Management, Miami, Florida Tenure; 13 years Executive Vice President, Purchasing, Davidson -Lumber and Hardware Florida Tenure: 14 years rofessioa14Aletitit"' • Fortner, ThhT1 Notional Vice President, The National Millar Council, NY 6 North Miami Chamber of Commerce Former President, National Institute of Governmental Purchasing Florida Former Chairman, Florida Regional Purchasing Council, Min i Master's Degree in Public Administration St Thomas Univers4 - Miami, Florida Pending Bachelor's Degree in Business Mitninistration Barry University - Miaini, Florida Honorary Distinction: cum lauds Development Harold A. Johnson Consulting Groura item A_S Response titled: "Compliance and Monitoring Experience" for the Southeast Overtown Park West The entire process of prtrvkding the aforementioned services begins with the review and understanding of the contract between parties establishing the terms and conditions to which the contractor and or the developers have agreed, in this case with the City of Want In the fallowing paragraphs we will list our successful experiences on several major prole; beginning with the largest which was the American Airline North Terminal Project (NTP) which rontaalned new construction, demolition and rehabilitation of more than three million plus square feet, not including the development of a people mover system, baggage handling system and aircraft arrival :gates with an estimated value of more than Two and one half billion dollars ($2.5B). My responsibilities as Deputy Director for Community Affairs and Contact Compliance North Terminal Program (NTP) included managing the following areas; contract compliance, dispute resolution, Miami Dade County Small t3usin8ss Compliance, Pre -Qualification of Contractors , Contractor & Vendor Technical Assistance both internal and cnstructlrrn site Contract Scope Reviews for the application of Small Business and Community Workforce Goals , Document controls which were used for written and public reporting, non certified auditing , establishing community outpost and plan rooms, with the overall responsibility to ensure that the contact goats and objective were achieve or exceeded. Because of the complexity of this super large construction developrnent and rehabilitation along with the contractual mandates established by the Miami Dade Commission for Miami international Airport (MIA); a staff of eighteen professionals were employed to ensure compliance; the general designation for these were as follows Administration , Contracts Specialist; Document Controls Technicians, Field Compliance Specialist and Technical Stakeholder Information specialist , The end results of these efforts were that ail goals and Objectives were achieved and in most cases exceed by double digits. This project wa$ a successful because of our ability to develop a documented working process infrastructure Process that included participation by MIA; The General Contractors, Miami made County, Small Businesses and other Community Stakeholders. Biscayne Landing t.LC/ North Miami Housing L.l.0 (2,0 8) Biscayne Landing LI.0 (Biscayne) and North Miami.. Housing LI.0 These were two (2) .separate projects supported by the City of North Miami and Its CRA, for the development of approximately two hundred and eighty(280) acres, which was to include Condominiums, Shopping, and Parks etc.; all east of Biscayne Blvd, with an estimated value of One Billion Dollars .(1.OB), in addition, on the west of Blscayne Blvd es a complement, residential housing rehabilitation with the saute value of one billion dollars ($1.OB) was the other contract of this Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreement. Our firm was contracted to provide all the Community Affairs and Contract Compliance activities which included the development of the Small Business, and Community Workforce Programming in conjunction with the developer and The City of North Miami (City). Our Pg2 AS responsibilities included but were not limited; contract administration for small business and workforce programs, Pre -Qualification of Contractors, Contractor & Vendor Unifications, community end stakeholder events, reporting for the City to Miami Dade County and stakeholders , contract scope reviews for the appikation of goals, document controls, field compliance resolutions , program publications , computerize program development , assist human resources with hiring recommendation to ensure diversity, developed private sector procurement programming, perform contract scope reviews , made recommendations regarding procurement strategies to be used to ensure inclusion( Small Purchases, Request for Quotatlori , Request for Qualifications Request For Proposals, Requests To Negotiate, invitation To Bid, etc. Our firm exceeded afl the mandated goals established by the Developer and the City of North Miami and its CRA, Naranjo Lakes LLC (Naranjo) (20 IVI) This project was designed as the total development of the community known as Naranjo Lakes with support by Miami Dade County through the Naranjo Lakes CAA. The agreement contained mandatory requirements for completion, employment and small business participationThe project's unique scope included Homes, Shops, Parks, Businesses, Bridges and utility infrastructure, etc. Its estimated value was Twenty Million Dollars (201Vij. Our firms responsibilities included the development of all procurement documents ,contract auditing( non -certified) , development of community workforce programs, reporting to stakeholders in the community County and CRA, contractor/subcontractor dispute resolution, small business compliance, pre -qualification of contractors ,vendor & contractor progress reports and technical assistance. PS: Our firm has made requests to these firms for copies of the Certificates of Occupancy, upon receipt they will be forwarded. The difficulty is that many of the firms have changed ownership or management, Afi, Past Experience Hare( Johnson ConsuftinxGroup Inc. (HAk Please find listed below the projects and or developments whkh our firm HAJCG has participated: Project Name American Airlines (NTP) Biscayne Landing North Broward Hospital District Naranjo Lakes Development North Miami Housing Contractor /Owner Austin Commercial L PfTurner Swerdlow Group /Paul Eberz Austin Commercial inc. Naranjo Lakes LLC, North Miami/Biscayne LLC The aforementioned list does not Include many other smaller projects which we also participated successfully._ Please see reference letters attached. Detail by Entity Name Page 1 of 2 FLORIDA DPAR ,TMNT OF STATE DIVISION O} ` CORPORATIONS Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation HAROLD A. JOHNSON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Filing Information Document Number P03000134966 FEI/EIN Number 510489353 Date Filed 11/19/2003 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event REINSTATEMENT Event Date Filed 10/27/2008 Principal Address 11761 SOUTHWEST 226TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33170 Mailing Address 11761 SOUTHWEST 226TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33170 Registered Agent Name & Address SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.A. 1840 SW 22ND ST. 4TH FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33145 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title PD JOHNSON, HAROLD A 11761 SOUTHWEST 226TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33170 Title V JOHNSON, TONYA M 11761 SOUTHWEST 226TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33170 0 Title ST hllpJ/search.sunbiz. org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultD etaii?inquirytype=Entity... 4/9/2015 Detail by Entity Name Page 2 of 2 FOSTER, DONALD 11761 SOUTHWEST 226TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33170 0 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2013 04/26/2013 2014 04/30/2014 2015 03/09/2015 Document Images 03/09/2015 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/30/2014 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/26/2013 -- ANNUAL REPORT 04/24/2012 -- ANNUAL REPORT O1/31/2011 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/18/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT 03/25/2009 -- ANNUAL REPORT 10/27/2008 -- REINSTATEMENT 01/08/2007 -- ANNUAL REPORT 01/04/2006 -- ANNUAL REPORT 02/15/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT 03/02/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT 11/19/2003 -- Domestic Profit View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format CQpVriaht CO and Privacy Policies State of Florida, Department of State http: //search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=Entity... 4/9/2015