HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-15-0012 Submittal-Timothy Barber-Lyric TheaterSubmitted into the public record in connection with Item y on .3-30-I 5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board "Finally, some good news for Overtown" -Ebe Miami ZJrtmri 10/22/14 is-6633S-Subrni+4i2!- limb-141Y 6QrLer-Lciri c Tk are gThamt r lime5 to u, u Mwmue+ Ei h'us lur<urau la lib MIAMI, FLORIDA, FEIRUARY 12.18, 2014 50 cents INSIDE � �.A�� i tIl' Planting the SEED Are we ready to send our at -risk children Board of Trustees. `Came. a lack of resources and negative peer to boarding school? By Carla Sr. Lou cnimarimeisMmisdiaram When you think of boarding school, a few things come to mind — affluent white children, pristine uniforms and pedigree. What does not come to mind are inner city Black youth — until now. One institutions solution in overcoming barriers to educational success is unheard of within the Black commu- nity--i.e, send students tc boarding school. `An often overlooked factor that influences a child's education is the environment the child pressure can be huge obstacles holding any child back from achieving their maxi- mum potential The genius 11 of SEED is that it allows a child to focus solely on ',that children should be focused on - developing their minds and leader- ship skills.- faces outside of the class- Hence why SEED School room,` said Davis. a board believes ever single child member of SEED Schools JAJEl CAMS Please turn to SEED SA Lyric Theater lights up Overtown Official grand opening scheduled forJune The Lyric Theater's much antic- ipated soft -opening in Overtown attracted prominent Back figures to its ribbon cutting ceremony - held on February 6th, The event honored sponsors and patrons who contributed to the Lyric Theaters renovation. Guests watched a view ing of the Black Miami, a documentary. by Carlton Smith on Blacks' role in creating the ?logic City. Black Archives founder. Dr, Dorothy Fields along with County Commissioner Audrey M. Edmon- son and City Commissioner Kenn Hardemon participated in the ribbon -cutting. The Black Archives goal for the Lyric Theater, according to its ex- ecutive director Timothy Barber 'is to put Overtown back on the map as an entertainment and cultural huh.' Miami's homeless greatly in need of a helping hand By Carla St, Lois cstlowsCrtamitiormliurnm The typical face of a homeless person in MiamiDade County looks more familiar than you think. According to Benjamin Waxman he's "single, middle- aged, Black male between 40-55 years old and most likely born and/or raised in South Florida` Waxman. an attorney with the law firm Robbins, Tun - key, Ross, Ansel, Raben & Waxman, PA should know as he's the lead counsel in the Potnnger nghts case involving the hrtmeless community and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida that was recently mediated. In a report titled. Council on Homelessness 2013, re- searchers found that 3,734 homeless people reside in Please turn to HOMFLFSS 7A Submitted into the public record in connection with Item a on 3 - 3b-155 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Submitted into the public record in connection with Item "i on 3-3b-!5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of tlhe Board +1iarni r me5 !drip Mi,zatio tr iter beau Ia fllir THE JEWEL OF OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATERTO REOPEN HHighIy anticipated debut in the works By Carla Si, Laps cstioksindasiatirasodire ror When it comes to the Lyric Theater, Timothy Barber can spend hours on end discussing its glom days as Little Broad- way, the Black community's only source for entertainment and arts. `In its original heyday, it was a source cf revenue for Overton: said Barber, the executive director of the RiArk Archives History & Research Foundation of South Florida Inc. it stands to inspire the com- munity of Overtown because its a standing example of the zeal of a Black commu- i pity built from the ground up by a Black business man. If it once ttas, it could be again: A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LYRIC THEATER Originally referred to as Colored Tom, Overtown was a flourishing, self-sufficient community- of Blacks due to segregation laws known as Black Codes. Opened in 1913 by Ceder Walker, the Lyric Theater was the nexus of the com- munity, a special place for entertainment that attracted both Black and white pa- trons please turn to LYRIC THEATER 6A a ■r11111 fall r1111E11MIL 6A 1U` IAIAI4I 11d1fS, ffdkUARY 511, 2014 Submitted into the public record in connection with Item `f on 3'30•6 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board IIIf NATION'S 9I RIAI Nf95PAPFR Lyric promises economic and cultural resurgence LYRIC THEATER continued from iA who enjoyed authentic Black mu- sic and local flavor. The steady stream of business brought by visitors helped stabi52e Overton s economy which in turn promot- ed pride in the commu- nity. `The kirk is a per- forming arts and mo- tion picture theater,' said Dr. Dorothy Jen- kins Field, historian and founder of the Black Archives. 'It is a locally and nation- ally designated historic site. and it's one of six buildings in the Historic Overtoan 1,11age listed on the U. S. Secretary of Interiors National Register of Historic Places The venue drew a litany of Black legends like Langston Huge es, fora Neale Bunton: Marian Anderson, Ella Fitzger- ald, Cab Cat{oway, Lena Horne, Louie Armstrong and Aretha Franklin just to name a few. Acquired by the Black Archives in the 1960s, the facility undez'- went three phases of develop- ment including restoration in 1999. expansion of the lobby in 2035 and an expansion of the stage and administration build- ing in 2014. Of their stalled re- habilitation, Barber referred to it as °a set back' saying 'we had to assess how funds were being spent at the construction site and made administrative chang- es which delayed it for two years. Once resolved in 2011, we began construction in 2013 At this point were moving forward.' THE LYRIC THEATER'S NEW DEAL Barbers vision for the theater BARBER is a multi -layered plan that will contribute culturally, historically and economically to the commu- nity of Overtime but requires the community at -large to play an active role. It's important to bring eco- nomic development to the community,' he said. We hope people support what we are doing. We are trying to empower the people through employment, educa- tion, cultural arts and strengthening economic growth of this neighborhood. We can't do this with- out the help of the communi- ty --and I'm referring to citi- zens of Miami -Dade County as a whole.' 'It doesn't matter what color you are; all of us in Miami - Dade County should be proud of the Lyric Theater,' said Black Archives board mem- ber Ruth Clyne. 'I really- want people in MDC to know that we have something to be very proud, and they should want to become apart of it' Kamila Pritchett. the devel- opment coordinator at Black Archives echoed Barber's comments. `what goes in fin terms] of funding. training and cultural arts comes right back out to the community,' she said. "I am ecstatic to be apart of this revitalization to show people what's great about Overtown so they can invest and return to its past glory.' Barber hopes to accom- plish his goal by attracting a large pool of 'new donors and sponsors' who will continue supporting the Lyric Iheater. In 2009, the Black Archives launched the Take Your Seat' campaign, a philanthropic measure to raise funds for its operations where donors could purchase a seat in the name of family members for S350 to S1000 The campaign raised over S47.000 with the assis- tance of 51 individuals. The City of Miami Southeast Overtown Park West Commu- nity Redevelopment Agency recently granted the theater a S572.000 grant to support op- erations and programing. JOBS TO OVERTOWN Another facet of Barbers vi- sion is to systematically bring jobs to Overtown, an issue he spoke candidly about. We are trying to change the perception of Overtovn,' he said. -At the end of the day, this is a tourist destination.' 'We make it a priority to al- ways start our hiring process by actively recruiting unem- ployed residents of Overton,' said Pritchett. Hence why the Lyric The- ater hired 60 new employees in guest senices, technical sup- port and parking in preparation for its soft grand -opening that's scheduled for February 6th at 7 pm. The invite -only opening will include a screening of the documentary. The FiSack Miami by co -director and producer Carlton Smith. Commiteioner Audrey- Edmonson will be rec- ognized for her assistance in obtaining general funding. All employees live within Overtown. and Black Archives educated them with an inter- active job training workshop that included sef.ents on pro- fessional development, stress • management and resolving issues with hospitality. Skilie that Barber stressed are nec- essary for a'customer-friendly workforce' that will assist in giving 'tourists the full Over - tan experience.' Marcus Powell, 32, a resident of Over - town with a criminal background, greatly appreciates BlackAr- chives employment initiative. 'From day one, despite me being a „r laborer Ive never felt judgement from management,' he said during a train- ing session. `Just because I live in Overtown it doesn't mean that I should be labelled a First 48. The Lyric Theater is changing that dynamic. The Black Archives is basically fighting for us.' Hired temporarily through Overtawn's Community Re- development Agency, Powell worked in the beautification team removing rocks and de- bris from the theater's site be- fore he was hired full-time. FIELDS 'I like the fact that they're bringing work to Overtown residents — especially jobs that normalh; would have gone to Spanish laborers.' he said. 'Black Archives is active- ly fighting to bring jobs here which is respectable even for people with criminal backgrounds.' `I believe that over one hundred ,rears later the community continues to look to the Lyric for jobs, culture and enter- tainment,' said Jen- kins Fields. For 2014; the Lyric Theater will relaunch Lyric Live, a showcase event that features kcal performers hosted by comedian; Chello on February i th. Io buy tick- ets, log on to http://lyrnclive. eventbrine.com To contribute financially to the Lyric Theater. participate in its Take Your Seat' cam- paign by contacting Pritchett at 305-636-2390. For mare information, loge oR to httpal theblackarchives.org Community pleas for more jobs, training JOBS continued from 1A His frustration with the job mar- ket is what led him to Northside Transit Village Job Fair. a job fair with openings in construc- to people with criminal back- grounds — especially those that want to better thmsehes,' said Roger, who earned a certification in landscaping from Bay Point School located in Princeton.; Florida.Cm IA" c,,.:r, .,a.•, ,>a„, source of income is limited Al- though she works on -call, she attended the event to find full- time work in security. 'Searching for work is extremely hard: she said. 'I've been looking for a job for over a year.' Donovan fights for homeless rights CHIEF continued from 1A Since 2007, averall homeless- ness is down 23n Long-term (chronici homelessness has dropped 25% The number of homeless veterans has fallen by 24% just since 2009. HUD and the Department of Veterans Affairs have used the PiT assessments to come up with ways to directly impact the needs of homeless veterans. 'You can't just have a single strategy. Shel- ter is not the answer. You need to ha^e diferent types of housing is different types of communities for veterans.... The evidence -based research and policy is a tea; hallmark of what's allowed us to make so much progress on home- lessness' Donovan said. Already. the mayors of two cis ies. Phoenix and Salt Lake City, proclaimed an end to chronic homelessness among veterans in their cities. Finding shelter for members of other groups who are homeless won't be so easy. Too many other homeless people are caught it the ideological tug of tar over who o deserving of taxpayer -funded rapport. Even so; Donovan is optimistic. 'We have a goal to also end chron- ic homelessness by 2015 and ending ;short-term) family and children's homelessness by 2020. So we have not shied away from the broader challenges.` Ending homelessness not only saves lives. it also saves money °if you think about the endless cycle of shel- ters, emergency rooms, prisons, health challenges" that veterans encounter. Donovan said. While he presses this point. Donovan also is not blind b the impact that sequestration and budget cuts have bad an his ef- forts to end meal; homelessness. Even as he touts the -bipartisan support he's gotten from. Con- gress, the HUD secretary ac- knowledges how the sequestra- tion and budget cuts have slowed movement toward his goal. Sure, but the biggest hurdle Donovan fares is getting govern- ment to tore for all of this nations homeless — not just our military veterans. If he can do that before Presiders. Obama leaves office. Donovan will have performed this nation a great serci . DeRne Wickham, dean of }Mrgan Sate Liieersdy's School of Global Iotcnafisry mid Commu- nication writes on Tlesdays for USA TODAY I pj , . #, _ �. Submitted into the public record in connection with Item 4 on 3-30-I5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Posted on Thu, Feb. 06, 2014 Renovations to Lyric Theater, symbol of Overtown's cultural history, unveiled By Nadege Green The Miami Herald The newly refurbished Lyric Theater in Overtown opened its doors in a ribbon -cutting ceremony. tour and film screening on Thursday, Feb. G, 2014. The historic Lyric Theater, Miami's oldest entertainment venue, symbolizes a time when Overtown was a bustling cultural hub: Jazz icon Duke Ellington thrilled audiences on its stage; poet Langston Hughes recited there; soul songstress Aretha Franklin charmed concert -goers with her gospel tunes. Over the decades the theater, built in 1913 by black tycoon Geder Walker, was either treasured or neglected. Thursday evening, the renovations and expansion to the aging icon were unveiled to about 100 guests. Community leaders and organizers say the historic theater will once again bring the arts — and job opportunities — to Overtown. This is only the beginning," said Dorothy Fields, who led the effort to save the building from demolition after it fell into disrepair in the 1980s. "My vision is that people will come from all over the world to celebrate black culture at The Lyric Theater. That's my hope, Fields, founder of the Black Archives History and Research Foundation, successfully lobbied to have the theater, at 819 NW Second Ave., listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1989. The Lyric once anchored the strip known as "Little Broadway" during segregation when black entertainers could only stay in what was then known as Colored Town. The neighborhood's businesses and entertainment corridor thrived before Interstate 95 tore through the heart of the community in the 1960s. "It was literally slated to be demolished at one time," said Fields, whose family lived across the street from the theater. " This is a place of pride," In 2000, the Lyric reopened as a community theater. In 2004, the county set aside $10 million for its restoration and expansion. It continued to host some community events - but closing to the public while the final stages of the expansion was completed. miami-dade county Miami -Iran .Vj Lasrohlrer Clerk of the Board H arrt mates GAorta Burma trvf'rg 6nrai until Cipronn MEIN rise t.orl Nolo CttaetlMr �fa'I ''1[x IAWK In Overtown, teens experience a band camp they will remember Stay S5$O OFf' Masters Taxation Degree Or.line, Live Web a ec O C i AACSE Acci th:ei - Star: Scam! Sa.,1111V..1 :all Lea tUP.,ty tiro f::r math. Man,. parerft kn Ivn ways n1 'keep drenr !Ion Losing int_•• coucf! pctatce.. This year 160 rrn1J1r and fl i*l schaai students had furl Irar; rrrS to Ler:a-Ire 1:e(tei musicians aril rnletla;'red IlrePr parerriS toil the cu.'rnrare.y. T!rry participated in the 2014 irraugtta?South Fi:aiilh Marching Ilarrri n-ectitan Gawp preserdc:7 b' The 0,ai:k Archiges. Hist:ay & Rrse a*ch Fug:•rda,tius of rat th. Fl:sida at the hlorir Lyric Theater Is act: Aactrraes Wrelcume Cedes Czrriplex it Ailunifs Overlarvn, Jtly 21-2E This week -icing d r camp clfereii _indents a plaice to develop their skills ir• a fun and excitinglearnirrg rusaruniveril Tlrs new'n•i7Ig a ljac•er: 1 !.'re theater had mums suiting fur slauetIs w th wr:4 perciaxs sir, and !mass rrsttumeris A scrc al miles, sal stet, was reservee Isar '?Iw 13 I.ab. VIapr-s rin h Iv : 1 hi •r•.: r•l1w1 .u, and. rvrii r•! s'r •Iw,l.. ra.•!r. -It,•l r. me!! a rrr•i Ellekape row tank rm . with pritu1 bale and CA/ rtt et % dial IM, tlr. r urtwre4, eat.l tM>happinW C(V'S. corn Listen Live . Clerk of the Board Here and M:Ar: llndenvritinq E VLRN Miami Sm .:din:y FEATURED: Whars The Storv? Levin America Report Enid Of The Road FPREN StcIT^n 111 !news flora Keyes First Gay Marriage Eeo:<rres Celetratort Overtowrt News Parr Besot,' Cry's SaFree-Sex Group Wed din p A Festiva Affair it 7:05ALI How A Historic Theater Is Using Band Camp To Revitalize Overtown By AIL ION 3AYRE ,1*E3F� ak, Laster 3;15 k.sk "is ' io :Pe `zzer l:o s`rar;f: For the past few decades, 3,tiams°s historically black Overtown neighborhood has struggled with crime and poverty. Sharing in that decline WaS the 1..sric Theater amp:, w w,:•.t:•x•ic heatre oorn.) , where figures like Sam Cooke, Aretha Franldin, Count Basle and Celia Cruz once graced its stage kitty: r;mediid.vnbliiebrcadcastime.netiv?whx+jfies..2os.s a8 I`:idt pra, t+r.,e a t'tc Sc� c+� F$:ritia t.iarc-i,•rg Bring F• z = The old theater, though, has a new vision and through kids programming, hopes to change the image of Overtow s emblazoned in the not -too -distant memory of South Floridians. The inaugural South Florida Marching Band Precision Camp brought together 1.6o kids, most from South Florida. who, by the end of the week learned how to move together in synchronized patterns, weaving around each other, dancing, all the while, plaiIng music from memory. It's too fast,' ab-year-old piccolo-pla Asia Solomon jokes of the dancing. '`It's like hit to the left, and hit it to the right and then like scoop -scoop, down up and then like dropping.' The dancing, she says., was a lot harder than she was used to at Northwestern Senior High For South Florida marching band students, music means discipline — and love More than 100 marching band students strutted their stuff Monday in Overtown, part of the South Florida Marching Band Precision Camp. BY MONICA DISARE 07/28/2014 7:27 PM l Jpdated: 07/28/2014 9:04 PM Over 100 middle and high school students who participated in the South Florida Marching Band Precision Carnp marched through the streets of historic Miami's Overtown neighborhood from the Lyric Theater to Gibson Park on Monday, July 28.2014. MIAMI HERALD STAFF At 18, Michelir Senatus loves music so much that on most days, he's home practicing his tuba. But on Monday, the young man from North Miami spent the afternoon marching and dancing with about 160 other music -loving students through Miami's Overtown neighborhood playing a mix of songs for neighbors lining the street as part of the South Florida Marching Band Precision Camp. Submitted into the public record in connection with Item ± on 3- -30-I5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Submitted into the public record in connection with Item Lt on $-.3O-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Local students participate in inaugural Black Archives Band Camp PDSTEs.' lit 28, 201d 5-01 P(4 T U r-sy p $2, 2CITd 5°01 PitifEET MIAMI !WSVN) — Some cf tyre best and most respected names En music wil be 'striking up the band" at an iraugurs. Scum Florida band camp Middle school and high school students from South FIc rda and Texas participated in the Mack Archives 2014 South Ftorida Marching Sand Precision Camp at the historic Lyric Theater in I ,,rertowr. About 160 students honed their musical sildtls with the help of the FAMJ faculty and public and private school teachers whose craft is music. Arnari Greene, who plays the trombone, said, "it was very special. These are some amazing musicians," 'It was fun. I had a great experienoe. it was tiring, but the experienoe you get here is amazing,' said Student Terrell Graves. '1've learned different marching styles I've learned different ways to play. I've earned the difference between volumes. Everything. anything you could ever want to learn about music, you c r learn it here Tne week-long camp focused on warm-up stu d:es, marching b.anc drifts, concert ballads, dance routines and memorizing vontemporary marching techniques. Greene said. "I feel very oonfident in my playing. The professors at this camp they've taught me new ways to make my tore and many things better " keriAnn Grigas said, I learned how to proper:y .gut -off a band and hoar tc properly march. es well. I also learned how to conduct better.' The students said it was fun, but the camp is no vial in the park. This %hieing, plays the f€ute and piccolo. Ehe said, "Pve never danced like this before I've never played Ike this before. In less than a week I feel like I've become a different person." Gras' mother, GayAnn 5 iges said, "This camp is very, aggressive it its teaching the students to ,perform at a h gher level [n a eery short period of time " Their hard work culminated en Monday Win two perjcr canoes, nbuding one cn Sunday The experience -_ on these students Sri l be able to share "I want tc pass along to the people it my sOnocl whet I learned and help them be a better'eaaer and a better musician " said Vu a ng :WK. fi .. Submitted into the public record in connection with Item j on 3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board ff'fltamt Times La : Fier:3r: t: ltiiFtS _ CAM t riPP3711145 i`arrecime tie oars« _ • . .atria.: I ,rn:fr. I .r Youth get exposure to Purvis Young art Ifi D _ ®CAD Adz: rierest 7-a :.• a Yv* —he .irba�r Cellt:.nvc 3tt ro he tt math, E,.cfiar€u .i lasr:rershwswith die Barka Neht..es f.twt 38 :Water h are the o.r!tapir r voarUi Crnto and )rscrt: Inc. IirAvac-ns or. =rideylearned otos:: tararA :,r tsx l'dr.ts Yc.Jnrs damns :ei.;. art dt _traslera st the. ,extiltn 'A Mir, ariart it F copie' '!7e arrc.r:cr:aar .prr•scrtedby-.Ye Uttar. Colic cu.- ar IUla:k Psi:I- ;s , History aid R..tt .inn Foards:ior n° Soairt clerida ►i hcrior cY NAtars:l Youth a r'Aorth. ifie t •J.nr:for, atscn r 3riieatc i is the ktc, fQT+w4fl VIDEOS Calgr+1 Amato Smelted Cava PAr m xpctsa9comi Fs MIanrr L}adc 7cr_h 305-557-3770 FPF 20 Minutes Care Change Yovr Child's Ulitil rood kern �dor'wk � miami-dade county ?ui4roarf-4ki Ivor Garr. 'aa• lia.rw+s -+arm Ilumweimis Amara •soar-, _*4brat. t o c O c c Clerk of the Board 4�ir"lrl :";],000 [FiE1a wit tillyd tali rti1 .' rar.y 1: ttr h F n 1 [Orr lar ssaiad 4 Tours to highlight Miami's 'historically black communities • P j Ik araaa a ♦ 'mar 4111.eara . lA gr. 4 AV,1a►+. rf wa • dassi iNaErp*a '•_ .•N liPala/atta. tiwka Kimatasaartasaa sa-aaaiaa 1ta -1v Ls.. assorts Irstalaa sad =ai -•4 t!iw sa I. :aaaafY* era 5'iPIR•a ira.81+114r1r =b si its ara seeIrma sow s tare aFarr era k I1I W palar ilike r wavrAaka .batria* PazI I art +r ;araya::awv$ss.iarl A rFak.rAl•=-...ma.aLa.irkM-arfa,iai4-, :rr i-+s= . Wa- lk .4 aria ,lass 1 'it %l . 7. '.- tab •-N._ FA'. a a a,V a.r., r !�•. • A =art •.'i Ira Maabr. '4.' y.r° ;.. ° a*4 .sa asks ra• ai >+ is a it iE! a l sa a- al lea sr, aw it 44ia. _a lariats IA rih r-laay*aib, :*,.-ws • ' gli.airrr s a ia{►.4 4 IF .t laa, `a warsl tag :a i•+=.r®li face li.=+anal Perak* aka- z s atip • Pataa...kama,6*•see • JFi=rsali-aa =a1r."as vAram. draft . 'Waa l•.6 • ntart anal eat* r r Varna a :ar tiara • ars` a' a •r s 11•41 J • alsa•"+aadstart:*.+ •arirr a .tire 1xx.AZ•ws1^piss*. AaiN .la ass rt .r aria lama. Sar °ra wraaa •-a = r.a® g saalaa;a as • p e .ese. . °aa i•m..aaas5tar rrroir ar'A to a5 ie ° a +r- rrAN PAL ** ° wYa-s tt Asa. 'llar.rar• W. •' * I art: al' rwif' ar;' ss-° CJ LER CASINO t} !u=yi tat_ foll it 164 art W : yam lidNet *wok karrainta9�1rtiI4 IFICtrai 14744i4EQIIK7 Pri1saa i °ai tFal # f S ' ubflort° ►iithado Top 7 In Bathtub Z is i aaEi:al Var%:a .m C tourism & cruises I mun„i3,-icrntO f4aie rarmw spurn alumna. m LtNng Frnorratlmas Opinion • Ortusnai LOOS/ Deal. Class0Yt11m SWS[II1K Mont iE ale HF-?,r' tl•'_.IriE_` Tattinisat 8 tPWSE New visitor center gives Overtown its own landmark in history Cfiranr, nr. \1l'. 1 l At 1111. W )1 1.1)\ INI I :I \\TI11 \ \tt.\ic \\ 111.1. ninnAninin YEARS IN THE MAKING: Dorothy Fields shouts 'Hip, hip, hooray!' after the ceremonial openings Monday of the Historic Overtown Visitor Center in Miami. vV?ern a Tampa jr.ry acgr.itted lour while Mel:u•✓a:fa µa0.ce _Dicers its the 19-BC beating death of black tr iniaance aalcsr,u ,I Atlhar 0.rr::Duflie. iI Ideng slob in Miami Deal killed 18 iry:ated Iriraltede and ca:ised a'• CO r.D,nr in she nave EEuruthy awed a: the al:nen in °Martiswr. and save :: ulesertim ri sang lie, vision. Teat_45 peuVie abueil the nett hL-ritace et Miami's t<r::k ;:ri anities, fruits Ifs: labuers adv.: laid tile raihu, I treinss u1 w rsy flayser 1u Chnes•t:;wn a ,tuned nu-in:dal Inesrlaye I:: the is red anedles of tl•z ::tiuiehet. so :if wl•eclt prrdate the a.ty ul S1ic1':s l896 iw?ed-asy On IJ.untlay, Fields decal Caner to Iralt1::r, with the not..erip of the ►tislunc Overluwn Ves:lu± Certer, .g piertriwsClip between :Ur &lao:k Ardnves I•t slur, ar•-J Research Foetalalive of Solid*. F3ui:ie and the Create, %%hint Cuncertiir. R "Jisilors flue,au. Hlp, Isi:l.how ay." said Fields; Ii:sltlf gars oU11.::r al l l io.:relt•.r , I the Clack Tt`e'en:alt.r Centei detail.': sit 01,1Ifit7ATI tan: ttsark _ baled an the Nat`tsirl Register of Histeeis. Girders Gseale, Bethel AMC" Cherct'I Moe •tl 2iurl liaplist Church: $I _i;Jar Oafl1.1,4 Cluadh, the lyric Theales. the C::1 h�u Oul:liny Co. and tlr fr.A Dense" I-�uuse, nutria of Mia•rs's 9is <I knack Milli L•^lain. ' icmMmm, pow conAabanr. midi p rcH. tads and car .av a.n Ana taf.r li+. gu.+...rt ea..1 Cat sboppinai tYrrS.cor?I Mow TOttl;istta eriais+• Carilfval Corp. reports profttat4e 1st quarter Carntvai Corp. orders 9 new ships for global fleet Royal C®rebbeam sandhi® Ovation of the Seas t¢ Ctalna broward county ! niiami$3rt:7to taste r+, HlauafG t tong Enionae ren.tt Oty'Ytre Odium goo Loam Osaka Cianaalenfa 0 c a) O C C O O c ▪ C Co G1 0 X. co U C -O tv ~ .0 t/1 " Win a $1,000 IKEA gift card toward a new kitchen! Enter to win! 0 NFW6 -97,1171-1 FLORIDA C. JMDtUNCIY BFOWARD COUNTY Black in Time: Purvis Young exhibit, visitors center, bus tour and Black Tech Week highlight 2015 Black History Month St sirs Earnings Calendar The moat accuse e2xn r ea cali:ridst: - tvt.b cor: ztaEsd sellsE.e �e¢�s OMB .F1 x tell PI! .i Giack i•Irstur.• lulurlh begat-. as Negro Fleet: ry Week re 1926. I-:eslunar, Carter G. Wuuds::rt of the d:tau::inti::: a far ine Sluay CI Alric e Arteera_an Life and F1istury• selected tier week En Fei:rLary timid ::.:loins the bir9h:tales of AL-ree nr ? _ ecu'n. reb 12 BOB, il•ee 166 e i:resident ul tide tJnilra 21 ales wi•xt ei.Y/ed the Frturetmpetiiir a Pluclan rebut. Io free the sla•aea arr:cl rreclerz::k Duurr^iass, ruby:Airy 14 't B `13, ::roux, juL•tmalist ors! arrlrtiaa;ery Sr:st7er .;.:Inanity a rani::nal limner . s sefecteta tut Hie u.tx-dh to wiac :Away aria re1ecliutt tirruuu t::ul She real focus sty on lime acf-e:eventenln ;led eiraficnges ul black people inL 'itetiSlates and word I-. Story ?Pie 2015 ua1inrtal black h slur/ it -its -re is 'A Cerdury of fbf u::k L r le. SC :Airy arid Culture' Tlrerrleai6 is fit scl•,uoiu r larches. er.We aired stxaal uryer;zality -.2. to start in rebtuary ereLnrutxaiirej the theme u, i csa rl fn dirt± ::rxnree; nctilhs. Fur male ir.lut:naltur. Lanlarl v : t:elt IC ] rx a. Agaitt tttie yew ID::tel zr_•hvil tee Ise3:a•e a! Flur•:la fYle"r•aur:al L1VVC,Y., ly w-lh LtU 4 •you•con,haow• ' wgh m•tctno',sots and CA, fetneas ih..1 ash* Nw gur..va. ,la aW d at shopping! CarS. CO r Get a Columbia MBA and keep your Col. -saw 116.1s-dmas r3.,Th[ 6• •Tha14 :Urn- lifitanti Mimeo 1^iCiN.E 11.4E i79414111 15 r xri-1 $ FLSrlE5arvL . 1313.5111INIE5 5 zz♦ Hturbdr eds celebrate the sea m, with Hcalic a Jubilee . ,..: »�- as . 1.30. tr.¢a-.-, ... _ _ .. . sa x !nee -matt 1. F.a--, 71-sem ar.--Zx =-411=.:7Y■ r = - urlsizoc- �I hirt Social Whirl gMA•f� .r.o.y 7.2 IFd aF6. u (X\ C 0 O 4J Y c c . w 0 ° 0 -a 41 C CI -° OILS SiSat:. r`i E'r'" lc ro t: t' t 4YR di pm pr.�:st I rrearr=L.s Lys ;t'C 133ia '_ 1t cr).1 -6 C ,2 mi........,'lEt yrtts: E.lak.rrcl- to Ilot to D.71dc,, CY1se rctt ct tRtc Incas rft2:,ara In .0 O a��+ L03,T., ��-5r ce.y. •^ rrtic,c1m 1.)1Ysxt_,1x.-rare 5,. E..spr:tst Chu c.f.))r l '�,1l uI :ai,rda-its, l-AP H d T.ibd:r Mt5'i+ inar•3. szotts: «.tY-.Jtrt' In Irtx.:i r.�` �t-.., arci :l"*.: t,sls:,r-tr!d gasp A gr btap,- IFiaNt T * t 1 E: _ kse_r-r s. tC'.2a4_. € Tt't a:sakands Col MIL tru,a).cre `.s r-va:atea CIA.gri..r.r- 9-itstrali . r n c —t•rza :yea 1 s1 Satrawdarjr..tid-.r - hYaartd( ads vire, c-rrharialriscid anti alplltttd to}' aarrsn:-. ict %7r3mts al CI* trtdrrt-13 chairs dr:'sr're TP PAlanrie Waves.' laird:aji I LA Ii1� Yt. av; +a "&Minor. ie'WleYr'Yre BriCg =s rrwirraitLd Braila ky,w, r&:.r5:vr_ciar', z)se ch.k.los::r-u -asndots, 54ararrs rolls ar sal rneatta"tlls +67,tari f`c. a 7Ys :a`neyd t,- ch, arrrlarr-1 :t it las ar tic! 1.r)011 #:t+n Slin ear ahtrrar .Tad) t) a vri d as 'UAL- ,:,ar nY's rr�-fa a1 cr"rarles.. performing arts Clerk of the Board ii'(litnii13cri�[t7 irullsrletlur mum SSA �' ..,utt1 ow ra,r,a•n Urging r-n!'tslrpilQl tcww.,n Otxuanes List C.eals crr•Mudc JAS?ri B 1 HAWS MAY 3 it MD ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE CET TIC PCL7T LliTERT A1HMEfNT PERFORMINO AAr Theater review: M Ensemble kicks off its season with 'Five Guys' at the Lyric ;rt Story tr:• 209 VINO MIAMI Egg 9afar` Saturday & Sunda April 4 & 5 11 am - 4 per. ar: rive Goys Nantes' Moe is nusiesalrrysic assertrbled L-jr CI take Peters eat 1990. is is slam $IL_;e aro:irtl the vintage, iveay Heusi:: DI the€Ale insnrieatier and so -iv -writer loais aerator. Its hardly new. ob.ritxssly but in .i:a:,Ih Flunda is sue is p: Pula . raI Er. entl:te the talack theater cutup/Ai ry -1.a1 is al• ::Nest ca.I.nuoa;sty cperal,n9 ir:.t :e,r, the. reefer; has rust i.s::kecl �i1 i1r, new _=easori with an ex..berar l ploaci::teur, of rive Guys And next nt»nIh the Stage Dia::r Theatre in Coral Si:rir•gs opens its take :.•t. Peter:: lan::irul rr,.•.ae 101 a run Dec I C Jar.. 18 The tunaf Fd1 Eslsertrble s •.ersitir. -al the 1•tist ark: 1 yr::: hero„ ke in M atrri_y Overlawn rigrieignburnood is wisiLter-iI y sh:erle, u•tly IteeLg1• Nov 3C Ikrl a vastl to the keaLtifully restaree I01-year-ol:i theater to see r':.•e Guys Nat ted Mae leads to a Veal an evening ci strung sing rig .Tty, sir dark;.•ry and a p(ayf.rlrirss that leaves: the aLdierce arts the per farrriers reeling Ore ssiriINJ !tin Ihat rell thrtx.0 r Jordan's re,isic. Direatcrt b.• Jette 4Paulr Jr , Veil It iII .1 al c., L+clr.j+r b. 0-11,s1.1.a F.le�a^rder ttre shave fea:Lre'_ live imagine, guys trolu ernevge Frui'i a rad :: c +sr. 1543 la ?rein a dizY.r I-i -al-.e•Ur1'ta. gLy ranee Nonlax Mahar ►%• anlsj WM. dries Iady ir.a.Ee.. 9 - w w• • r- • TV /mr • T'f Names 000 2e• a.+ ow,L•aT ARTS - ,,,o THE HISTORIC LYRIC I1-IEATER KEEPS 11 LOGAL DEBUTS PLJRVIS VOUNG EXHIBI1IDN Gag+c Cass Fiddle szt,. xr k,B; LAIdar war and Tara :aarni-Csard CsZ.attcra39zn ▪ ;425aai itators.sa. !eat er.'_•iaCte. Tr-re—L. • Te Scrcatfl as CSassa {101114.SILMSi.a JJ4l+Fp. Aram! ;dries lour Maca:aii am F'14.: rtg C 1!ea. n'taa s c ArL•W. S.i)ar8 51{fr{K INCei MOW IL`t S.ID6lp1DWS A A by ITAlr9A El:MAIMS ;ICESIU t1t1NlN15tllkl 1M3i1p:@ 9900 Amick tI a Basel craze *.,te e out-of-tuverseraloolt a �.E,: at works' l artiirs frcaua z u the g :be the Fr,roric Ir,aie Theater t Outwurer..a lteepir :2 Local. The reces•+..1r ren =--reed :o aria_ detuted ]slaw. Anzatss the Peaple Purvis :'rung. a retrcape i'e celehristir4 the :ik andV.NOrk of the C>--ertatvr. asati,.0 ana reapecta3 our —wider attic The eThiliation La a bt ci a haineezzakagihr Young. who paned away nr. 13 C. FCc -"ul: &ere heatia-y en ice diamractiv elantacape oft •erto inctxporatutg sr-h ectzr dstrit..m Ana utterfrooatbe area Tt,,,,sh ;.xve las -y a atrrait, *m -r aapture the c tm: uk liea c tie retahhrshat:d a r<aidet:: a iYoti s wzridd, drum addicts, Fro atiit tea amid the 21714.11412frau uea are dep; luta a er eL-a.izzrterty. For cdthe EsSr; Arc!. Wit;, IizraPzr; Pie:da re sera ssisgfroze her bash seta oida,'a.'We rach:,laugh at 1 didn't know him.-shetall`seeirathiagay painsrgor-thz :a2_ what was And Young pared on peak- any surfaxtha: could aerve aza.car,tea,m..pea$entL-ar.n ,ateartzsaet&ofCrlerorns_ hisppenung'- •- d:ora, abasttizns3d € art -thing that was 'ail rand x.-a1aale_ The IItrorie L zis Theater 1•-;.citior-higktlighta Y'o :11a relatiiotaLp r1, ts5 the neighbstivadad niters he Waa''rorrt and dies . 's =ur- g w : eturnt t 07rertzwv : is ostle& Dt:rrtg irtia :3f � S' a rG :Tin re{ r renal 'fnacel & hearse at his neighbzriizead r±er Llies name at: a -a-ir at, it waa agiLe3L-p :sea:liy. whhe . teatcaa -- rezzgni: renames l i e Jame Fonda tat-.d 177= g a T ct1: LIMB :zna been ed*aom re ptrzyza: i ,&Bart 'rta the :Darts d l:.z creati• But Fie la hapee that tile .e.:+ukrit=vvi1'iroster&new appreciatianad iot.^ig •oithat. hi* , moil*,•- $ a import=thaw zzet :zt•=; per.ple rzme ars aarthe stereo.; awhat rroct:tF :z c.o-rm,.asit-,; aril, `lora=the cheats &the ccern=it,' have 'earse z zr Vat71, Retafrancit A Man airtz3T4 the P p e A Frans; Horeecomairig; u :n •.•ie;rr se r er T- n:QC AM - I CO PMaa: Tte iiiatceic Ditrie Theater-iturral €boa aplel. 616drWti d A':e. M&nt ?arc r + d i ce e f,222tar.Maza:..: Get the Arts Newsletter ' I r.n an the a t plugs u' tneart zed a u� `out e�i.+.:. Find othe tic,* etds are arid 1 xpprrtn SDI' .41611 6.• 1651031' eta. Submitted into the public record in connection with Item on 3-,3b-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board i-e1+i 11 Vie tElianu Limc� New Overtown Visitor Center opens CAf e;.. •yssa aY tts:. tx.a yi..0 :.,:.a 041/3t :wtsr e, 3.4rr opt t4.; tKaD+:,a ri1. ss ta. #r!} r4 it ..1/..t: taYA'+t t9F,Frd Apt twee. tanr.ar.....ve d4xlbyttftta lento tilt tf .at/pet L4 1 taraza, to dr, , .e*± Tinn7froRi�n v ,,' t, tt t470 :r Inlrest wuyrt 1`!s9r. ltivi Nja:xai R, 7€zsac- t evartr-Nri ez r Diu 5n3ss-aaa TRassr The i$rHi:sicr Miami re hicre..lbr visitor•. Eta calls MMMfractdtt,rrat Tttaisrfr tears (IBMt:VB),lr I artrieritiF erhS,`t the Stack Ar:t ivt's Research Poundalar c & ath 7-Ihriid hell :. rtt ar.cutthrg Let lemony ors Mcnd::a tot the new t't:.:t:t (_0 GAL-riovar N1tir07 Centel , 1asated rrade Leatl: TtIeatif. Tte e11:itar rertarwil plc.:de Infra tria:lar cra to aitracticm, L e HistliC ACH SS, other heritage and r film:::il.il rtil title att.o:, the i ,h ti: rarer:er MI.417I. `he visitor ct feta ;Ad; Gt: 4Mcr d fy throagt. Friskxy Ito" io a.rt - 4 p rn. �.S Hrstnrt: Derr corn :, :ttro be -corms : de:ai rs on ct chore for tstatist err#residents. alike•, Pm Elack.ertdlroes Is cxtri,ndyhart.ed-a hatit t1.1:, Jurors :error 1 :. trd Ir the-Into.tc Iyetit Tht,str•rCults..l Arts Cctrrrpt�x,` say.. nri unit E itr et, Ertrutrrr D. mina, Brad. ea ttt es "This Iiiltldtive'r.s the reties.:?it 3I the Black. lit chives to lc - :raid the -ILK. t C,vcrivwr rclglikothac.it b., re iron odivArri. ecortn,r rc °Ann a*'tj lsf a tor res.ekrus rhfCL ,h "-MD idler.' ' h nt•ar .ts,3ar cente is wart of Eli hit ai:i:Mbar..+TCtaffern Trr:tmia evolving ego; :S no; SIL :sera;el our droctst= and vet -ran tr.th.I:trturainvietbar!rtetods;'sad riktra Fiesid:cc rEOWili.ini C. Tamer. Ili Sir r:e :Yr error pr, iicn rr ih. Cr:;. r, Miry-ri . Overcor s ghee; kr oe.r as the Cenci. I NNtuf] DIStt has ptayr i : ^.11.91 fok it It. deerrticgl^tu rt World -Class Pediatric Orthopedic Services tt.t nx,.lfr.3•trdttan 4 Free Maps & Directions Search Maps, Get Driving Directions instantly with Free APR! Submitted into the public record in connection with Item ± on 3 -$b-I5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board 6 Submitted into the public record in connection with Item on 3-3Q-i5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board TIje Ifflfanti Times 7.76.6 6 'fi a::26,16.4 cdt.» I I Arriasyr. McCoy wins Lyric Live championships v 211 etas s' ttt crs:p z' a 1 parr.:'ntars has: tTsc•ert This Ilevtat cmats t_i.ra ter yu �ii a.=c Lave vim., 71GL ^btu emssre• ttr R•r IRS:* .• i6.s¢e iieea L.••^e Lr.t seemor erset It wirers gUfGte,e pei lc. rso-s:e. A pr,.:i..csl crawta lettered O.:crtowr's liistanc _yii4i —h rs: t oa trd,'}^ rigrt ani :r aced dears firm- Lyric Lr.e wstrn r Arsarnrr.cr tints t ;• as flat ter.- at the seams rror i t 5iur Charnplorisripu Sssst-sisYirScams !unk? 2CCd hit •Gct6ck^:.` toc oy brat.p-rr' 9Yc: crtr'.a�7ra Ins, 'ea: with a,kpz..siornt:e pertedrwncc th:,t rsaclud:^y her carps">rl .vials and scope laemen . She cold: teat .a.It thrL•z otter:: tontcolarts who wits ovair rang. chg., oris from IN% ozocres Lois Like. sari an -act -at talent show in wroth contestares- at a: la1,t•d Ly W csatcol crowds. who too :er.:rstants :rat gt.sc lets ti- ar.:.teli.V pe.itorraiarczs heron: trey ars esd63r:ea ctt stook• t'a th¢ 8attarrp.an lianWcancsa Eared. PaM this was: the AllS:at tlrale, where trz 1co-mutts shorroplart_ were.- rrcam co th.: ct op Ircrt:hls yours pco: ct:r, est:aut tr.a 7tartr to .cy. they included t«;rz :One rh:.mpiars r.Raylea ruar3a,lsrae:w l-l_bs and Ronnie L Twoathca champions, the. all rr..slo Ero6up Crtarrsorde era Itar gait' a.id to , Rase Fulled e+J: Ct conies.: tc.i ur,dlnce,7.sel iva :art. UrHk the rekatu soas,an, the chomp miss competed i'e rrnrarostras. .,here they prsineo :hie sicrety of their choice r :he tars: and performed a song globs to thorn Ir tree Gemnd. They CAtrtpo lei +tc.rc a sold pot, stcmdirbe-. parer rtowd, fret lorrtr t Arere:tante of tho 400-seat cheater. Lys L L. •r_ ':t'YIMe retie stcpp..P up hli lakes wick rns.lotha -riadco err anemic,: to Il(y'.ttt£'xYi-1 ahr rsactl as :re Icur champions . rsi led z y :he torts roar . l Ccp =rr.zd th.: s esov wilt' the Brz%Fel seh's,'Star i* ty Dennis. 4i: ClL, kir. Ey hoe awn stands. ds McCoy. recisiae.-d medic( re ro-loioa'ran-.a s•.aturlutd pen tat ruvize trio. found he., roldsse tow* on ttltk•:at shires. tiros Ii sr rrf li'td pcstormarc :roue's, to-od foetus [bon most ._' hof _arryTerlran:: who war r. rut in tl i toe tsars :Vs. ert. e.� rt kIS C,tmcira trR"te dix trr&ri-ee }a,iar 5cai .gi rornp es.ara !Iva t. ro.w :, mit% Br4:`l¢tPrs'•f '•taht:cools tried to, tar a 7r arig,,t- leas IsIl Mat %re sane. leFret et F•ati s'And art :ciirpyt you'?Drr:rrigic t the ntta.:atl tr. urn •Ir;t rctstJ a;ad tort. 'L't-.rdsaat`:-1 Lra.,c reel de .;DetamLelrt. the IT:arts .et,.audta^act'.t lr .t,r sot.,-:d.. 'The :::te:r N.'df. x.00J pores rnant. hJi Ind Io:kctid c-notion hest cl sort, :hat c.iprrsst mt.ch pair are! 9rtioncz. aitak hie Chide, ditfsr BUNTS AP MO R42, Po rind tt 5tsr Rules autiite Courd8 or Act:indeed Provider Niece You. LTA s o ri {Is wore" the c.: illtlr t1lrtMr►IM oft Or cal 21 1. 111111111111111111.11 you are watching w.t°I.t nemfnitw®.iM.hJ Are: 0.et Doe 6,2 t?r!iON revs :•rARStfell.-• 20 Minutes Can Change Your ChNd s Lilto TOR VIDEO IN THE ENS `CSTti'dA.l best in 11w.i l lama .r_a' t,....+:7►. n se.Aei Its't Submitted into the public record in connection with Item `-i on 3 30-I5 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board rams Miami ,.n37..3%71t: -tea <srst. HOiItE NEWS OPIiVIONS FAITH L FAMILY IIFES?`rt:t BUSINESS F Et)frAON BLACK EKPIFIRIENCE 'Soul Basel' to kick off Miami art season Events pay uotrage to 9lachc artists Derive Art Base; °k,�ea wort mete 14'n4u- t " 32: A E �. kka t' ITrtc'est Zos-t=ty s 27` R+ ages • tam -vim :!I CMATIZAKI Caen rta*t4e sr Hs:Hr-h} :e taptt;lu. on :Fe rr,L ;a st.ccco.. at : Eamd cot r.5tartit Bea:t, Satan Rotela's M .1rr. s Black corm -tartly heldtr , slvELr.:4 tarn etteres as the chy pretaarc to taste the spc[iph: ar tote ,felerr.,t'ena; atage It wtl take rnt:rc than yAt an calfs:at1 tot •.-ap a g'aedraevest 'rai : the world tcI a.r iI'eshvat accordtns to LitdS'L+lt Ballrp. csrratcr tat -sultan( tar:tc ►lr!vbse:y Mann. F;'OM lacks It: Cos:onat Give!: 3I:b:k orgarssz:raga w t lain SSi th neon: 'St:J1i:,Xt1gaft3ttri aSthCLr..afud}iofta:':.Itn't;,aft MI.:TX§S, ELt'"S:ars and cr: kbrittc .'t am actoss the g'ag& wit cl• s,:Errs c , itl1ZT111 B:at h to the 'thrt rort.eol teat Basel. It s:ans: antttt CAfFLOATS -Soul Basel a hanky uitoan sport on Art Basel e tch MI M;Ickcr ..iltt a t"pt::lal tem-awryar Wedre day, tic:• Sat :I e Eld (tydr lido:c : Foot F-.illlcczta d at q1C Sccard Aft*: Ttt t :r rt: nIN'r•a:Ij.e a cant prate ,whirr arrns:s rill :t taw a rowed truck the Clyde. <MMera Pact Halt .th cti sag;. o^r.d and aFcratcL ty it popular nightclub prcriate! Clyye Kittens *to Is ciccbU d tc" It rrgtnuorrcis suds Co..Hit BBSI&, ..tnrt C ache Arr:ta Frartiitr, B 3. <Iris le pntorm to t3tiertcwn In the: 5S!Co crtd ECte Ter. tevCrlt van sharecast driers of wartts'r am energtrti• Beget amass s A grs,urdhreaingtc;croar ywit also be hz4dts begin renew:tars,and or.errentson Ih balking 'Mc pLtaic ts trotted -Ea p.tnlropate era :t>s pIrtectg ell the tarn -night?, Fsitle!;, rats has Mara:ed s{ vetz' 3asel satollne ewtif L,, Vas mere hilt 3® rear s o' cApe, bred Ir the elier and reign .Fcw.tsLd ::: itidl,:try^ I-e tag hastr•d 'id cura:rd htgtt•errd z : SFc Ws tr Lardoh a:rr► Molar arty Fi artrtan. He militias!: ail :S :•rclxrd e,r:'nt t rrr.tll Art Basel t r.Ils Into :ceon Dec, A 7. B::tley sa)01 he appat:I; l s the rater:: ur•d+rrtateve :it ant; Black cottrrrrarlty toba"idoh the sate eas et Art E r1 Fc si,ote sortie Coaa _lacks s tapcotrtrrg ..i of Tratl<Statrsnancai'estra',ri :tat prorno es latest kr:Ista, Bi.r: to taiek but advantage et the stac:cs s of Art Basel. 3a1►1 :tdv4es Black crga_nuers tot•:ta.iprateseslarats rola Imo.. to attract the best :d trrott c►nmri1ing 'It's t''}: PbCU: entire,% (di I:allrr S, Id: 'The : i::Dl t+ti'Jitlfy hici L'• 15 rt:t aro:4 S:e'ri'r. Blest thrr ate 11Zr rr the lr`t►tgI 1 sr i4'-:. t-tard to conrKi t gar ttte tart tree, dal Amid is a'?i y (lite so 'oba fif^f•,d jirtt4'.%ltr talc t t trial Ere peter -Flit ' e>t•1sfiv. Lr. r: �v,• . Free Online Art Classes Elevate Your _'art Techniques Today! Flee Pam chi. amine Classes. IMO FEATURED VIDEOS 'fit#}i 4irut w4#t [: hiil[i • 1 tacit)), urici rid 4►10w-i11t1 The Child Trust thechi drenstrusf.org L I'stiai9 l_lhoi+ • FE. TUD IE Kure ts=+,c -Frio rt two*" Tod •Grasse r+s M ant (i•izv1 Marra!: data. c*ad'ec• iMtl ILLS ,.. .�^ Mt2■ 3[ Qp sr. FFE1TT!.17- PApra Submitted into the public record in connection with Item jj on 3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board zer: .° rtre- wN?'bt t The art rra? P.s:_y�v t ritsa rs Lam - P. t— it u F itts-J N- a'-r'Y=`Z Etna t ■ 4.'s is=ra Ps ±;. New Tour Bus Takes Visitors Through 1Vliarr i"s Historic Qvertown -a y. e•,rr It P tesv, I•ses 1 lrsrs WaII.riira%s sma a a -YIN :.ra lot ;Itch Lite' IN,Are ft IL Witt KtV.:4 — t sese; rs:sartse. ssiniities i13r`Lti I311KI i Li1.ii"4 it r r 119 esrgatei: . tw— ; i. lrutsea:il in rr.uil •_ri iix Ik_w7ie The stet- fl .' _r't1 +Fret;. s11il: i'e lle w*.t ci 1ta it ail.tri -¢ tdttir sp. rxt trry .; r.r3ti cs;cruru:,i9's iLa' leaniit ►:vcs-e in the: .ss-._fieessioe.. irks. It_aClit , Fsrpyre iytsat iNoes; i r ;:i -is.-;i wti il:r.:iii .ta-tlal t 1e.1.1l ..kI it.4 LJeltLir-rei-., [ itti tici iFr i �31a3. CtscnsarIis:a•niter Leaxti 1ta.is-lessia:i.. hie-1:lari.rtl.• i:iei°v,i`tty IirllLa i`s.siL<rrs titulir at 1di19.1 klil sari. l ISs 11-tia:; 141iaatii Lanus -;II ill e:lWIZ en' h at"'tt. Vint- rcsists- itvEl 1 'lathe puax:euptinzi •:tit ibstrmi1 Ji ib hist-:irie ra:i -llxmli-� ti_I� kw( i ns-erictrat::. NlicIta,h it. L M iiris 1 tt:,..ttt iwai h,Lissarti- sina:31 't;4'vneveresc.1. "w4 es ha-. se sysx:Lreil.. ssrk: h iit3 t t snake 1F1.i hksistress iri ~nabs- irseiR rirht:.l ;. if it (-ass' ltalt,sen- ira I.s ane- t 1st.:a.ata, IL will he. li sliaestizig Isr_ne: iii ver.stl:A% IL."' Natal t:lerl:ltle m''.ni 'J s f._rr, +C .ItiSPEnt I ILILLN 1 JIleari rser-c. iisa..a^tW i tiri t?:e Ise- 41_Arpi :W.1f.:i.4 `';au - ,.- ' "ry`Z snap r,9e.a •. _ any -$ - A rt. m..:i�' _ .. Si _ ..._ ;s.: E"t - m Nam`,=.. _.. . r '1s rars cam irmis-AALlir_ hakes Ix'tairal i irwl Luafst. in he :';Lu--Klil'.., &i;stkit. Reran . t Ihi fi cott;iY_.l:'f.`,i wlivelr ' I:itt" ticltleltatity c i tt:,:*E ...: Anal !.last c:il-. in -sown -se IVY.* enorscssirri'tsi I L:. I-ieelil.: t1s isn feea=s e!:.t I ir; Jlaa:s !.ti ii T.f ill beebrirzripr t1.F.s. a.%La too. steam Fu:stl:e7; :if flue:rtea'! u!. w=--lsirlL+erietl arreer.' ,c,:tiei k e.t•;:Ilef-_siti:r.ia.:tl l-reszleisissm re 11 E. �t ir.E1i, .rLatit:siig.le t 1A 1 .I: e11 tilr :412.0-rItitlt Ise; s:rr"as4 t:itis-;F..ill fans tlise ft+st ra.ees.e• s.1-.Wi0 .A,.iFi .111s7sr•. l:;L _ser°,i,;e.r ter hatlle-:ray :rr,ex cirri Lhe ;fin=..:uxr. sezliz ts; t- :u sGitn ilerr, - e a s'YIS .r.tils relit; :mlrci t3ir +: t.:tr i.ir t SAIL-,‘ Ll. Fm. 1 t i19 M LS I^tF 4soss eKI t.'. INM-si t:1 tins #"i?. uscasks- ric L'iz"a.l'iiclaY.4 ; ii a,Li. Eers.pel1:'r _f." t Lite lasts; .,i-rcl it=wir Lt:.re- List! Ssrnaill Ix3..i1' -kiet.- i `.9-1..a"a;ir .r11.E3. u.irtll l :etr_I:' • 11-s& t; t s it i i-s Lli.t`r.. k I:1ili,' ,Ssriri io a irx _ .e1x.:^m: I. ire;stct' P, lir11r^._ Z `rx"14lY'xtl!-w'm .ta1te1 ii is411:4-ss. lla.lrrr:Iit ilied lists, rxli.r1Y1i Submitted into the public record in connection with Item 4 on .3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board t7 '.a -A; arbe ZEimeg HOME NEWS oi.rraOtecc oLtuax I Sy.r.d'A c M's.,¢ The Grand Finale Lyric Live .sa ar €nicest safe at arm z. 121 t,t- x 4.1a asp- T he,rre Maack *or the Ltri,gest Wort: of :ra: They here. C:.irred rhea Lott c char viallr Ly SethronH1 a rlCttt!]r strith daar ng,p:.tarmarecrs et the _yr`c _1. arrole:rr _cenFruiroru .le C l-1c pr'b -lu ertt L.wir Tr cath Cot 01 &W It Mayan Cdarmrel,:re L'.tertz•d 14W3.t.alI : Yhtrrec, Whc teats 4416 rkhercy-laur:erts tcs: bi. L41112e.s, arrta brim r et . sa ate egat alt pctal a :hartpiars `Tt trui rde a car ern, ercura wt°o rrW:_,S St ja:k wrth toage lty It wcl be an ipl: stsL•ctatt w•rts-Te the c ,mastorrts t _e art at -}roc _lee eot tte r:s XI Star Lru,lFrCre"..ril: tC.re =-riyvy Ncw.: t rc Lml"tz Tt• at�t, latated at BIG Iweh°Betoierl tkue `rro€ ctlartspe%ns thetrrea sr s the seater; erter:airatr..ret irras6rats"yria.c Leer. Ina.Stel tc• pncr.ide lece tra:k "t:t Lev:• therles:drts:.vkra wa per harm mac stars;s arras :Me. The 3§•3e5 pre.:L- •cv hist pl:r:@'.wilt bf the i.irrnl artalert: Sty Mt a Ld4r :E: scrr. Sisce re aFCrtrytIr Febrdalg atter cxic,isive her trr:aticres. _Fist _l„c has keen headergthe tut:: Friday cal tee ryrncrel. Ha=rier1b local :r:riethen there, torircL:art s eertoi r ed 10 lox. r vis1tr pc., tor 64 cd bt, the , cly @ cll :;area Thee Cccp Fre_ d =t.r'U6 Berns. Contes:arts okra t.rla to please ad usual rrrecat auucre:ea.c tsotrd and escartedc I the stage Ly :hat Bahamian lark. roo band The tore ez.art *Itts the het: perici rti:,e ar air Dons et : lauds sa apptau;e at-ti tt cawned the rvarl r , Iris year-^. seasoiss has Fe eddced .Le i:hrrIm ia:'es. nt the git.yaf:, tw a ECCilles:arts rave w r indhtple lam:•. a t-A Lei a h lt:e . e trva _nur: halt gal the tei•�1 20 Minutes Gain Change Yew ChIIA's U road to barn • x4'.a 'ED VIf` "S you are watching IOW rttww�siwawtrners7s iTrn^i Cmri Lt•++d•• Jraiaai AZICEl>trrzaM Meng wt.-- Gsrtt t twrpa•irth•-a... 1 n« can today next tsr d the program • r-lnr s rich*at tar pow rhikl The Ch1ildrenrsT ist th e c h it d re nstrust. o rg row Of tfL..-n. asr:lrrr-tter ItltCas ha:,aw:ar the :cr-soet,;:lra ih.cc corals. TOP VIDEO Submitted into the public record in connection with Item Eon 3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board _.e s.nac pi ZElje fj4flialfli !ttrnei FAtrH & FAMILY L)FEi TTYLLFS BUSINESS 'Lyric Live' season ending c ,.y°rc Eeaac1 clams E� © T MOO a4sa a• IR e•estt av� scat le Mas-.B Manama, 3 a a a scd t. =0 aF is =t-"• or•tTs Hoateeltrjp fatal :orteilrait zhale° Lyric Lb I: p c:.r3ated the hrsA Fazis5, at a revy rnanth at :1"4^ N1gt tr!_ Lpr a.'Theater fl, %:1-VIE il. ""TIV Frotramartules Iles rrrue ty kads° 1-,11 E. Dec-'3. Ftled Funk zed local Dts Ffcar a. -id k:.� hlr taF�a ha«ra ,rsvl :r:r a:c;:icras. Steean tior:rswa• uis :mare they rotor -es Lra stage o nd :arc cyst-neetts-1-.aith apFaLaase et boas" horn the. at,d rtze..ra curator x►-nli,at to :t-e tarred Apollo .2r atete rigrt 7n I-ai lerrl ?F sae 'wl'a dart &sirs the 5adierces appi.t_:val a: lc ushered alt of Mr stage Iy° : to I:raelp t,at l: ltvr ...mica -Ito Bald stvIng the `:ltrdlleva 5lla2oV tarartat a Le ngtee Marra HAT A *ewer IS Jr -act were' Ly it let.edarstros.rnd et Q01+11.4a111t 1tt the 314v,vltig sentea:ones E.:rtu months MArvrict 4 ta:'!•Wa.i ssfx*ii rill" p lie :ar Cd e.CIIC_eLa aged to tstatr the 'cII avtr; ra.anth to -end they trle 7 ftc.Fb ost at vs staseoa tegan !sv Fi-6ruWrij .v*nr o°a.rt tar t4Parauel- fsa,critaer fatltantrahrwr, wb,:h S sF ,:cal iiiI .L r"n EJIa.Cr l;:a^:Lustig seas& 5 s vaa3rsts raratp: aog'Lt the grard ptast. errs _rWr'.i, 6iressental rst ttrd StatA Stet ?Wes 1-ssTet y •& 9esseat=t Foaanda:lar cr° &oatto rr:.. ronp t3'-: organization -carded lnr 1977 cmtth u raa.::Icr,:c rer, arIy Ft es co tie :t c ds cdrrt=::Mary° aryl photographic history et gds d. Sauna Ft ed,Lts:also trscrtyth the ore -sent aryl taret,:•ct the !Wier r roagt trap• a cvttalaAliere tAlarv'ss lea over EL.:6: raas:nL.s ales rats,-layerrran deal iet, D •t;--rwn_ "rtr 31u:6. Ar:raves ::rod Ir, Frotlarra-rang :9c s-.a6tFor:ed Ly the Ceti 0"41t:s'Y11 i_.aetnr_ '¢ OWctr,or.r Far West Certirtttavr}. r<rdeycIcpersert Agz•Tty • LImSnitDatle foortF; "The I.regtr Fourar sia, The . earn Steak-ns etatc >11 Cora - COLS. May & TYr Dr.o:gr aro.are 6Alaanat. "Mt2 c.rr*tb F f .,,• Zari. The at/ar eaolTi ust QUALITY COUNTS :Dm= i find Ll P. teti Quc, ty Cv2itlftil ('r Accrr i'a p-r.vt:1iir 1'+eSar'MQU. Log on le iikkerwku,! 0,9 cdr let, 'E_AT1' FD VIDEOS Carp 7y E VerCsa Just. .4 ccFaz.. SaTim bat... Fo•.., QE"trpn.r!at^ a.- 20 Minutes 114 Can Chang.; Yaurr Chfd'x Ufa LP". rs Pl to tyUllb_ WA&rnittylt•h.4.ajytrolya Irethe .y r:.t:ttTp..1apti lcG$ F.n .A.:.--lnrg.5tnracV dli:LZ arc srld&Irl S F.t 5, Ott 3, arid Isct.. • n ir.rl:r .110I zlrijc Miami Mimeo opinions FNTii & FAMILY LIFESTYLES DUENESS E$1ITI[!tI annuINItiE3 BLACK EKIPUNIFNICE 'Hey that's my seat! Get your own!' Lyr e]o_ is'Ic E C3 Hs ?1I6tory twits-Lt. • &ba der Inicw st Pus tr.vr ? When spectators Lnac, Trek ht%1021=' re r. od itroc Lyi tt Ttvatra on Friday, tenet rn-s d take a seccrd loot: at :tclt :ieket alter nationgy a rattle c them It's ah kcia•-: at ele Tahe Scat spmsersnip pragr:.Ti - origeire capitol taripaisyo tr raise h.i' is tar :rc t1st art:'•en,.tt, located at ST9 h ardwdest Se:end A.vertirr. PhdarthraF.s::s get to see thc,t Heats ennrnorahaed .l.tOrle :hsCtP thl• "T:k¢' 'MLA Stf S9t.Alt car111.118i I a tJndralset Itt:: dgLtale, aa cc.nreural memory space AWcc:laratiely eltebb d as Little Eir. CaeYAlar. 6'lUe to the 6UcaCltif st c zri at celebrities it arra:trod such as Ateteus-rarkir i and Eo•rnt Best during ns, heyday e Lyre. Theater's plan to attract pttlan ttroprsts by'8lo m ahem a primartoo c'+' frintlpersead s tijshine lights hat riamla:ed Irta a iricldir pay, el - Aso' today s date, the Lyric theater has said *Ler GS seats and :c11e:t i ever S4S,DDL 3czoscirrg, to t.arrilla Pntctcst, dr.o: oprhere mars:L9tcr le. the Sla:k Ar:hrites. -hoary. mid Pisca: sh FiZtArttrulTeMTI S utrth Florida„ iht cr South Flarsda• wttl_h manages tl R" L a, it Tt.:ate: Currently„ trit, :heats. Prates 4CC setts, The preterarn rt,rpe:ts to stil an adratlana! rinctim cr stems this ycuJ1.:e:to1 iiroS is Pritchett Constrict 1t the _yrls `hcci:er s sersiar et :tc Fiedlyw„cod Wad el =arre. Tr templet, wet .3 p1.0 =ae that toasts -tecoa� dr s mains nuamed on a u t ra enreage Lyles 1teatr, sw::: .n • 3 1 y Us-a:11y en lilt., 164,14t, iCilY19"...10 oily. zilir 1m, sornP•s:rrt tal .7.4,c a seat;* is. Cs OF N Gm 0 +t,, dismissal. Err::: Ira- -yr.: -1-sesv:er rd.. ire .'li seat is stale r.P. 1 'act lee Y It� c 0 suaFo•t'Lr ^'v«V:CYFrOs thirst chr€•x.mhed ti<Iit;. O ca Y C _ `y LAr on to do: ttica :et s melts to:.rid -0.1 WO rorld ptr;:cs a' dr:rtees si h OLi_O CO U as ad:•atate _tcarerh,. Graham. and :tc" t3t.5i At :Mori VP. of ever` Dr O CT'1 "D Der �n7t �_ zle•kls, '..,1Na tc.tiptly= tied praudy cc,:..a seat. E C al stag 9:-i a: 2O1O as a lunchatsct . ':t ki weal,s-r.. c •`rip•:,:er inc., .0 3 d dc!..gn_ d :r: t,_ a n9i'ctLeti e,,sti:. >: r 1_- nt. A r o' :h. Masi co '`lent, in `' tcaild tie .is<Giy harp, d rn pis o_rr_ur ' �ucv.c Arrest Records: 2 Secrets 1), Enter *Nate and State. 2) Access Pall Background Ghee Test ntly _ 4 t tit Lill ictti ty `le i.:: r .1 Nit: ?Veil` :S ri'ert 14 •� The E MdreesTrust thec h i l d renstrust, orb TOP VIDEO ' a"1- i-rY=i ri - : Submitted into the public record in connection with Item on 3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Frye Miami timcg Overtownrs Historic Lyric Theater hosts 'Living Legends' Sem Imam orbitfit7:'4 Pa a k%a --■f11i5 l.r: Lis sMaa^ int i iv • t-eri -r; ate; rw Elikka's Ai)10.1,: sartnd SuIrcis Lame li our eirllrein :te Mr!ahosarii tk.7rr—IV:Ztrf :c trial at,: the'11,/lri5 lgtrds. 23 Yeats it Darts' 5r Sou cial at g p.m at:te tIstari: L'ii3: Theme. Si? kei lArti karat!P; Crtricef . Fi rserF:r:it ty Tarr IIa:k.Arctrvr3 ct ScyathFlardi,. the tar: -AIN Carob 4p tat rs ortri irietsc citn:c styles e1Fip Hep,. tsa[Irt a-ra1ern.,aul. Tad and Adrian r.,orh:. Ttc ggr]up harp hear I.atarr. i ar S1: Ycu TYrr. •rcuCaofaarlce% Shcerttrir at the 4 5lo,, aid Arnerl:a. Tt Ft, :!re Faettu SuIk -.4 darts TrcLNc Lti'airltafpei t::r: ur,r.e An Ica.)1.%meit:ain studems,'Ahk p calictrrwg s car' 'girt arrdi a posnlec irrz ge tiraagt dance comedy 'onus -s M a pertcrnr,g of arii::::Lir• the t cup tocndlrirs Fru" sucraitr'I.:. rim aria :Ai ego: to cold( tik the t.:; rir Jrny, c- Icrlalry iYw irne, :rev' ;t o..nti Coals, tr the Famu Strikers drd rAthaga ry _urs:e Trci,tFt Include tirtiterir drd cAparvi s indtolaal r,krtArJgc 'MO trei-,, of dlt't�ro-ii curia -al dantc" harm., gor kredivIiials a st+cAC,i it 'loge MEP! attsttlr atilrtr•s and Ftimir the cornnai'it/ al lar8t NJrt t'rit•ra nrre:n1 ant.: pink strew: Ttc rAttAi ar Il r!a hay zIt'd fidiirtc all srarr tt'Et, caur .rp' wet the ►- eli t>ix Meorei, Trir rgtoaF Fr:'itarrned at Wai: btsrey'tb'c Id zionLal Paraic hctcic a H'pittahlie tCIC,1ss4Fiau_111.1tc El) the ABT. Metric k. Tr.F!=chase 1613et.,4i itwee et;:ffILatiIk'." Cot '.eta:ar ,31Ac tfi Mar 'Li Irtar'Iraten aatti:. The Park zrir.ies„ errs 'AVM crlt:t cr call heetiktrinis trot ming 10 i1nd di Sta Riled Qualty C uul'r"s r�r Ac:rrc' 1 Par Yeti, Log on 1b rrrnlr ihschikkanslitud.g car coil 211. FEATURED VIDEOS Yunr riitniJr aintonrri Clerk of the Board SAM COM DES' RAc MIAMI GRTMI ED G� E'lS E' MF IDES V AL & ul.Gval 11 Saturays1 Sum I, - Pads t•Api16 Video. Tour Miann's Historically Black Overtown Neighborhood iris toe \mtn47,1E One of our mottos at VISI' FLORIDA is, Beer there never t one that' In Miami, I've enjoyed plenty cf South Beach sunrises and sipped my fair share of mcjitos. But a my visits to South Florida I had never experienced Mierm's historic Overtorrr neighbonccod. The hstarNify olaak neOtoch000, located abaci a de no thwest of do ntaan lrnr ^i s i- the rat cf a reMakteter. Sat a fee`. for Overtov s c Sure in this video of my recant Nikki tour bssiderifps: w +ywt:h war° air.¢ _a Jactsor Soul Food The O;ea::areatery ra d'! . fc't.M. t: ;' =?:fir r:str j, a'e ;•i �, six a,,yene',Vdde 5 a rega, Tre t:64.1aeV: l sv xa;s*!tael;:aar,payer and thecr'esere sr en04hfc'L, r'ee_ • Tie FoiK ie F'daps ra - , -pod Alta atiamsand eaentemertuvit25m. Theta iveitnles[a,re t;wt:,'Aejofevvyr:,T4:" P:attbeInt Stec To expeteroe the sorts. saunas and testes of Overton for yoturself. books waling x bus tw_ntkoug^,tre ;leek Archives History 8 Research Foundation of South Florida. Ton start Bravo $15 per peter, Join us ion 0000 0 6' r_]ta:ih k2kof' Metut, Inil atteFss :prf °ei,^> 7nri rat1execem dkecnur r Tte inkArty ve3 H 3t: s F?sseasY FE.'ra?aa.t k#now. plater, ITr Or. auulrie 1411 0 Mier: c 0 c c m FEATURED 0, siaipades Lehr-, Ame7ice Report > What's The Story? :; Ststamp=:t FL End 0f The Road Clerk of the Board Whiza One s Eater: h arni C Miami 2eacl:? Art Basel Cuituae Matzoh Luck! :Film 6izis Farewell To C s Stre-1's tila=on Factoy s:57PM On Scrap Wood, Broken Doors And Shag Carpets, Purvis Young Painted Overtown Aolarr*iwart I' a_ -mall 1 Gorman Pr•7,1 ay wt sow SAYRE Listed ;".'ere to to me au0'i-D verso,f c ctlr. Amidst all the new and cutting -edge art on display at Art Basel and surrounding fairs, am exhibition of late painter Punis Young's work is a well -deserved resurrection. '":3yc 4"!'u'i 13 otirs2 ttat feanir=s hoises. iy ycrw^ sYr1:. f•rfree6ty;' Piaa,s:.. A Man Amongst the People: A Purvis Homecoming'' is the first art show in the newwy renovated Historic Lyric Theater in Overtoee-n. The exhibition represent a homecoming for a+:ork made by the former Overtown resident. Young's art drew an the life and characters of the neighborhood and can be easily identified by his painted figures: emotionless heads, many on squiggle -like bodies adorned with halos. The paintings are full of activity-; they are noisy-. semi -abstract scenes painted in thick strokes. They are a perfect example of American 'outsider art•' ROOTS Archivist Dorothy Fields, founder of the Black Archives, remembers Young not as an internationally known painter, but as a neiehborhood character who covered the exterior 7ta1s of shotgun houses with paintings. 'We used to laugh at him,' she recalls, `seeing this gay painting on the wall." At the time: she and her high school peers found his paintings weird. hews 'Super-Ter'ite Could 6e Ever, Wore Destru:tine Than Parent Sperses 1111LRN iamitcm MOFFITT THE ONLY NCI -DESIGNATED CLAP 10A iK. (.(-)NNI i I Same Day Half Price 1 rkhets Connect with Us InFind s c-. Fanebook Fdlow us on Twl e Ratio WLRN on a6 )2 CXM' EEC .Veld Seance Futl $ct•.e5uie Television Might Train with Ted Grossman tiARIBBEAN NEWS saIti ore History Tow R'sclud Hietan_r Pub .^.cart A Lim!: to cu lies nc: other Home !vents Local Neon National News BusMess Sports Travel CntetahYnent legal News Nutlet Cerrx,xsnity Prone Video Po2rlcs tardcum Coned Generals Caribbean American Elected OfTltdads Contact Us tal You Can Have !t!... The home of your dreams .l):1N'S G t F Pfe-Appreart 7 .ris 8 No Process trg Few= (BOO) 462-9OC3 • www-tnbs.corn • 5039 N. State Rd 7 Tart.a;a%„ TRANSIT ra'tw.-nES- tvsr : oasuar.s.c;..;nir,,;r soot^. Ca: 'it saps* boa Iran Cumin; You are etaere. ifonr • Loca Ne ie� ,� Greater Nand Converes•ion anti Visitors Bureau and Black Aachivrs History and Research foundation of Sossdh. &Icrlda Launch FSuto.°:kit tivwrtottm ViUtar Center Fens is y Zit 2015 Li, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau and Black Archives History and Research Foundation of South Florida Launch Historic Overtown Visitor Center Historic Overtown To Serve As A Key Cultural Hub Ts Welcome Visitors To Miami MIAMI - The Greater Miarr•:i Convent or & Visitors Bureaus truiticjlt.ua' Tcuris-r,'earn ,09101B) in parriersh p with me Black Archives & Research Foundation of Sou: i Forica wiC hold a nubor-cu:t rg ceremony on Monday. February. 23, .2D'5 at 1C am. - noor. for the new Histe •ic Overtown Visitor Center totaled ns de the h stoic Lyric Theater. The new visitor center .a•ili p•avice vis tors end residerts a th a resource for irformacor an the a:tractions ano events in H stc•rc Overosm as We I as cthe- Heritage ano rat:'ctelti.ra neighborhoods throLghcut Greater 'A ami. Adcirora'Fy. the new vis for terser at the Lyr c Theater wi I offer a wide varlety cf brachLres on attractions ano, paints of .ntsrest. ^apt ca encars cf eve,!_, tours and special offerings th rc ugh ot;t the year. 'he Sig B..s Hop -Or Hop-O-F Uptown loco :4u ^ va-II be making a stop at the historic Lyric Thea:er, where the new-listoric Okertc..n sitcr Center wi ; be cper. Monday thro.sgh F-icay from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 'As ^.iss:oric Cve-toww.n alai becomes a cestinatian o`choic=- for :Quist ar.d resit e n s al, >; •e, The E ack Arch -ves it extra -r ely h or ored to nave this visitors center lccatec in c`,e-is:oric Lyr c Theater Cu twal .Arts Complex,' says ir^^ot'ty Farber, Executive C`rectar Back Archives. 'h a We to -re Center is the result of the great collaboration, andpartners'nip tl-at we na•;e been axle to estat'isn :ne Greater srt ami Convention & 1rsi:ors 3w-ea_ a org a^Ji:n:necuturel To,:r sm Teem. Th`s rnitiative ft the mission cf the Black:Art-lives :o re-b•ard the Histo ic Overtown neignbornood by re-irtrc,d_cing ec]rom . grove n and jobs for residens througr,:au-ism col ors' FAU Mamme in Taxation AACSB Accredited - On3iae Option Get Higi- Power Tax Lan. Start Soon! For all the everyday miracles.,. sett Pods tvlth Melee Transfer Your credit union, We Florida Financial, can help with: • Savings • Auto Loans We • Mortgages Fltvi.tvC ;ia • 2nd Chance Accounts I Fly Caribbean CarthierogAteurrilit -.. room.. a •I,.,.i.w. You Can Have it r Submitted into the public record in connection with Item f on 3 :30-IS Todd B, Hannon Clerk of the Board RARE PURVIS you EXHIBFT SET TO DEBUT Submitted into the public record in connection with Item ±on 3-30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board Miami tourists' double-decker bus to stop at ghost 'Colored T'own's' Little Broadway Hop -On Hop -Off double-decker tour bus makes Historic Lyric Theater st Author: Andrea Torres, Localio.coin Reporter, atorresalocal to.coni H-a_tzel `�'ela, Reporter, bvela(Localtp r..... Published On: Feb 23 2015 04:54:10 PM EST Updated On: Feb 23 2015 06:33:54 PM EST IAMI - purists used to flock to Miami's Little Broadway in Overtown for its nightclubs, hotels, restaurantsi n es in the 144os. Decades later, the "Good Bread" alley was renamed the 'Bucket of Blood" alley )lence against tourists gave the area a frightening reputation. torians Timothy A. Barber and D rothy Jenkins Fields have been working on changing That. A; !cutive director and the founder of The Black Archives, History and Research Foundation, they ha toted to restoring The Lyric Theatre, 819 NW end Ave. -- east of Interstate 95 and west of tilt tericanAirlines Arena. VOLUME 92 NUMBER 9 \GS IC S\/ TO OVERIDAI\ Ttoiporo Hutontur Et Nos Aitairuir I !Ms FLOIDAI omen*, ION (lop) City Commissioner Keon Hardens joins Dr. Dorthl ie$ for the Ott,16 ribbootting ceremomi for the new Dptoo ratite lor Big Bus MO, ' Ialt (left) Carole 10 or oi •Greater WO Convention ag Visitors Buten. se to Clerk of the Board Submitted into the public record in connperion with Item [ on 3 ;30-15 Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board � Greater Miamitronver9tmn arxVIslm+� Borpu SO theI� off on Last Big Bt�Tours Mimi aged its routes to�throughtl�cny s urban core. The four passer through historic Overtown, Wynwoad Midtown, the Design District std blown Miami. What a wonderful way for visitors to see and appreciate our city. of the Miami bikers had aeverhea+d►r�,htha More ood raceme two mks ago when merge �l�i biked zh!nughOvertavm, l,il>er�' City and Little Hahi. �Y� or would have been too��tc� visit g aareasthey thought wouldn't welcome neighborhoods before and some plan to return, Others rigged p}01� of� . The BigBus delightfully pis Overtown on the itd�rrational stage as developers help Black neighborhoods need to ride the wave all the positive in projects will soar be pouf into the area Residents anci bus~ness owners to Cv renaissance in this once Banishing ncighborhood. Billions o �� � as d� bus by. Tidy yot� yards, pay your stocef rants and stock up�'�i eve should be Wady for the a�nrlon their neighborhoods will receive, Wave to the I i � can help businesses and residents � � ��� , - ,+::.� ��,kii� ��- tnt that if you build it titer will come. The Southast Ove�wn Park West Comma Redevelopmentg y and make small fixes. If everyone pulls toggetherat sho s pride in thur surelywards they will reap economic re. ry 301084 ram**. Km; rues s/41 report i ribbon euttinz ceremony wiii t. held to open the new Or.ertr.wn Visitor Center at 10 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 23 at the Historic Lyric Theater, 819- N.W Second Ave, The center will be a stop on the Big Bus Tour Uptown Loop that takes tourist' through Overtown. The visitor cen- ter will offer information and materials fur tourists do are king more about Miami's The Miami Times 0 usi ness D New tour!si c Black of tre rene The department launched the urho7ore Big Bus Tour Uptown Loop ethnic neighborhoods. The center is the latest effort by the Greater Miami Con- vention f Visitors Bureau (GMCVBI to boost tourism Overtown. one of Miami's oldest Black neighborhoods, where several commercial and Cesidential developments are underway. In October, the GilfrYB cre- ated the Multicultural Tourism Department to market cultu- iai events in Overtown and other ethnic neighborhoods. through Overtown Oct, 16. The tour passes by sever- al neighborhood landmarks, including -Jackson's Soul Food Restaurant, The Dorsey House. the Ward Rooming House and the Lyric Theater. The Uptown route was the first time since 2011 that Big Bus expanded its tours beyond the Downtown Miami and Sou- th Beach loops. But unlike other parts of the tour, the Uptown route does not includes stops in Over- 4 e Carole Ann Taylor imimem town. The tour makes stops as it tours Wnwood, Midtown, the Design District and Down- town Miami. In these areas, passengers can get off the bus to Shop and walk around before re -joining the tour on another bus. IN OTHER NEWS; Carole Ann Taylor, the Gre- ater Miami Convention ct. Visi- tors Bure^tt's executive hoard member and chair of Multicu- ltural Tourism Committee, is one of the six honorees being recognized for her contribu- Submitted into the public record in connection with Item 4 on _____ `j Todd B. Hannon Clerk of the Board tions to the community. The entrepreneur will he reco- gnized at the World Trade Cen- ter Miami's l2th International Women s Day Award Luncheon at llt30 a.m. on Friday, March 6, at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, 711 NW 72nd Ave. Taylor is the president and founder of Little HavanaTo Go, Miami Gifts to Go and Miami to Go. She is also the t chair of tIt.: �Black11Q3 F +it6_ir Initiative, an effort to increase the number of minority profes- sionals in the hotel and retail industries. r •••.. J1 J t „.„.1 4.A \i misrie @FJ H\eL Eu @iiiptEE 1 "I -; • ._ • Clerk of the Board J ii ' e'lle \ fl /7-.,) ! 1 )) 'i { j',,...1 r11,41-1!, Alberto M. Carvalho ervIliarniSup raD ah Proud to support the @BlackArchives Band Camp CpLyricfheaterMIA. Great leaders, teachers, and student performers. pic.twitter_corniEuvvBiyCMLJ6 PHOTOGRAPHY u 0_ a) c -0 E _o www.IABTA.hi c c c Clerk of the Board Clerk of the Board 48! Clerk of the Board — 1 . , - , , is• r , Hr. ,...,,,ii L „ t r Clerk of the Board 1 t , rl I ( r ' e , j SAO Clerk of the Board