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Suited for Success
Raiufr Nlatio. Going Strong.
1600 NW 3rd Avenue Suite 111
Miami, Florida 33136
Grant Proposal for CRA
Suited For Success
Dress for Success Miami
1600 NW el Avenue Suite 111
Miami, Fl. 33136
September 16, 2014
To whom it may concern:
Suited For Success/Dress for Success Miami is requesting a grant in the amount of $85,000 from the
CRA so that we may continue to provide low-income and disadvantaged clients with our vital
employment skills training, professional business clothing and career development services.
Since starting operations in 1994, Suited for Success has provided services to over 50,000 low-
income men, women and youth in Miami -Dade County. At SFS we have instilled a level of
confidence, dignity and empowerment among our at -risk populations in Miami and have soon great
success stories these past few years. There is a great demand and need for our services especially
given the recent economic downturn and last year alone we provided services to over 1200 adults and
youth seeking employment of which more than 400 came from the SEOPW/CRA community. As a
non-profit organization we rely on government assistance by means of grants to keep our organization
As WO enter our 6th year in the SEOPW/CRA neighborhood here are some of the aocoluplishments
we have had over the past year:
We reached out and established relationships with the following local agencies/businesses:
Ovortown Youth Center, YWCA, Camillus House, Urgent Inc., The Overtown NET Office, NANA,
MDC Hospitality Training Institute, Booker T. Washington Senior High School, the Bethal AME
(BAME) Development Corporation of South Florida, Miami Rescue Mission, Community Action
Agency, and the newly formed Overtown Youth Coalition,
Our ongoing partnership with Walnnar4 continues for the 4th year and this year we added new
corporate partners such as Dell, Carnival Cruise Linos, Airbus, Baptist Health and Perry Ellis
I would like to request that we be placed on the October agenda of the CRA Commission meeting so
that we can avoid any interruption of services to the community as our current contract ends
November 1, 2014. We look forward to another successful year of providing the much needed
services to our local residents.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sonia Jacobson/Founder & Executive Director
Suited For Success
Grant Proposal
FY 2014-2015
The mission of Suited For Success (SFS) is to promote the economic independence of
disadvantaged rnen, women and youth by providing employment skills training, professional
business attire for job interviews, a network of support and the career development tools to
help them thrive in work and In life. We strive to provide assistance for the unemployed and
under -employed adults and youth in the Overtown community helping them gain the
professional skills they will need to find employment, accelerate their job search and build
confidence through ongoing training sessions, one-on-one career coaching and networking
in a supportive environment.
Founded in 1994, Suited for Success answered a vital need for career -building initiatives
after welfare reform was instituted. The Welfare Reform Act in 1998 set time restrictions for
recipients on public assistance, which in turn forced heads of households into low wage
jobs. Because of the rapid increase in the number of poor, working adults, they had become
a much underservsd segment of society. Through our programs and services, Suited for
Success was able to answer the needs of a growing, poverty-stricken workforce. Suited for
Success has seen over 50,000 since inception.
As a part of our program, weekly or monthly job training classes are held at our office at our
new office at The Culmer Center as well as at partnering agencies throughout Miami -Dade
County. Our skills training course prepares clients on a variety of topics: Managing the Job
search; Interviewing skills; Proper dress; Resume writing; Financial literacy; Mock
interviews. Once training has been completed, clients are given an appointment to receive
business attire for their job interview.
Clients arrive at SFS, by referral only, from over 125 social service agencies including
homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, and welfare -to -work job training centers.
These partnering agencies refer clients to us while adhering to our strict referral criteria. In
an average year, over 1000 clients will be served by SFS. 50% of our clients are African -
American, 45% are Hispanic and 5% are defined as "other" which includes Asian American,
Native American and those who don't define their background. Last year alone we provided
services to 1300 clients of which approximately 400 adults and youth came from the
Overtown community.
Upon completion of the employment skills training course, clients receive an appointment at
the SFS office to get them ready for their interviews. One-on-one assistance from trained
volunteers help to select a wardrobe appropriate for a job interview. Our volunteers are
trained to gently guide the clients through the selection process, making recommendations
and educating them on workplace expectations.
Each client, be It man or woman, who comes to SFS receives personal attention and is
treated with dignity and respect. Clients are encouraged to discuss their upcoming
interview, professional presentation, child-care plans, and other concerns. Creating a
positive environment for the client, SFS strives to stimulate self-confidence helping clients
overcome the fears associated with job interviewing.
Suited for Success wants to build upon our 20 successful years of providing programs that
support economic and social development to low -Income clients who are entering or
returning to the workforce. When we assist a client with skills to enable them to feel more
confident In their job search and ultimately find employment we are helping a future
generation into systematic change.
Everyday we work towards getting men, women and their children out of poverty and into
self-sufficiency by providing a cadre of services to move them into self-sufficiency.
With funding from the CRA we will be able to continue to meet the demands of the many
people and agencies that call upon us for assistance. This past year we have had referrals
from the following agencies located within the CRA boundaries: Transition, Inc., The
Overtown Youth Center, YWCA, Camillus House, Urgent Inc., Better Way of Miami, The
Overtown NET Office, MDC Hospitality Training Institute, The Chapman Partnership, Booker
T. Washington Senior High School and Touching Miami with Love. These are only a partial
list of the 125 agencies that refer clients to our office throughout the year.
We have established relationships with Walmart, Baptist Health, Royal Caribbean Cruise
Linos, Airbus, Dell, Carnival Cruise Lines, FIU and Miami Dade College, all of whom have
become corporate sponsors. In addition, Suited for Success is a member of the Overtown
Youth Coalition, working with community partners to enhance the services in Overtown of
the underserved youth.
In June of 2014, we moved our offices to The Culmer Center, 1600 NW 3`d Avenue, in the
heart of Overtown where we have access to more space, training rooms and computer labs
which will enhance our ongoing training programs.
Suited for Success is requesting that the CRA consider our request for $85,000 to fund our
program. This funding will enable us to hire additional staff to help us meet the needs of our
community. Together, we can provide encouragement, support and opportunity to otherwise
underserved clients in our community.
Community Recognition
Over the past 20 years, SFS has received an enormous amount of community recognition.
Here are some highlights:
• Florida's Finest Award given my Governor Lawton Chiles
• Outstanding Community Service Award given by Vice -President Ai Gore & The
White House
• United Way impact Partner & Service Award Winner
• Feature story on CNN December 2009
• Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Diamond Award Finalist
• Department of Juvenile Justice Award Winner
• South Florida Work Force Award Winner
• City of South Miami Trailblazer Award
• Women's Committee of One Hundred Award Winner
• City of Miami Award Winner
• Non -Violence Project Award Winner
• PACE Award Winner
• South Florida Women's Business Conference Award Winner
• National Association of Courts Award Winner
• Jewish Community Services multiple Award Winner
• Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Award Winner
• Proclamations from Miami -Dade County, City of Miami, City of South Miami
I. Evans
Del gusto
T iitg P1 ftes. Gahm Strang.
Board of Directors - Suited for Success/Dress for Success Miami: FY 2014-2015
Karen HR Director
Solange Sales Manager
Maria Blobal Chief/Vice
Presldenn iIR
Angeline Journoist
David CEO f President
Jessica Accou,durrr
Jennifer Owner
Knowlton Delgado Hotly
Martinez Kathy
Noya Fields Nkki Owner/Founder
Phang.Esq_ Katie Attorney/Partner
Sanchez Virginia Owner
Satin Geri
Strickland Rimy Associate Curator
Tejeda, MS Marsha
vohwinkel Lesli HR Dlrectar
Wahl Jeffrey
Director, Labor
Co-Founder/Sr. Trial
Govt & Community
Florida Sloe
SavvyOnrni Media
Kaufman Rossin
JeJe Consulting
Pub&c Relafions
Nall Nutiitian
Anistia Capote S.
Phang, LLP
Focus Litigation
Baptist Health
Eden Roc Hotel
Asst. DlrectorTraining & FIU Chaplin School
Education Programs of Hospitaiiiy &
4335 NW 36 Street
701 Northpaint
1050 Caribbeoa
11300 SIN 120th St
3390 Mary Slirzt
2699 South
19555 E. Country
Club Drive
14591 SW 120th
Suite 116
# 604
Miami Springs FL 33166 (305) 87&-6743 (786) 8534422 karen.benklesfcrairbus.com
7725 NW 45th St- #150 Miramar FL
4191 Ingraham Cocanut
Hgwy Grove
80 SVf 8th Street # 2310 Miami FL
2 South Biscayne 3760 Miami FL
1500 San Remo # 350 Mlarrri FL
Colins Ave Morn] Beach Fl
3000 NE 151 Street KCC 332 North Miami FL
33132 305-539-6317
33176 (562) 505-1775
33133 (305) 773-3427
33133 [305) 646-6118
(305) 803-5505
lennrfer{ ieleeonsutlina.oam
33186 (305) 803-8801 786)473-2039 Holly Delged0@DelLcom
33029 (305)514-2924
33133 (917) 586-5746
33130 (786) 871.5680
33131 (305) 377-0786
33143 (786)527-9162
33181 (305) 919-4531
(479) 295-9939 )Catherine.marfenez(dlwa[{nart,com
(305) 815-1419 tCe€rer cplea_gran
virgrtie. [d leurerimgroup_tan
9ssiin a[Zfoeuziitioafldrt.com
hstrickiand cilltoilv.oces
marslettilIte fdstheeith-net
(305) 467.5089 jwahllfiu.edu
Suited For Success
1600 NW 3rd Avenue #111
Miami, El. 33136
Proposed Budget - FY 2014-2015
Budgeted items
Telephone/ $2400
Project Staff Trainer $45,000
Admin Assistant/Trainer $30,000
Marketing/Development/Outreach 0
Liability/Property Insurance 0
Office supplies $2600
Total: $85,000
Suited for Success
Dress for Success Miami
FY Budget 2014.2015
Corporate Donations $ 85,000
Individual Contributions $ 25,000
Donated Goods/Services (in Kind) $ 140,000
Grants $ 170,000
Special. Events $ 25,000
Board Give/Get $ 30,000
3"1 Party Events $ 10,000
Total Income $ 485,000
Salaries $ 167,000
Health Ins. $ 5,000
Payroll Taxes $ 13,350
Professional Pees $ 4,500
Program Supplies $ 950
Office Supplies $ 2,250
Postage/Shipping $ 750
Occupancy (rent/lJtilities/Maint.) $ 20,400
Equipment Rental $ 4,500
Printing $ 2,000
Travel $ 1,000
Conference/Memberships $ 1,500
Marketing/Promotion $ 2,200
Gifts/Meals $ 1,500
In Kind Donations $ 240,000
Evaluation $ 3,000
InsuarancefLiability $ 2,800
Phone $ 4,800
Audit $ 5,000
Legal $ 2,500
'total Expenses $ 485,000
the movers
As Dress for Success Miami celebrates
its 20th anniversary, meet the founder
of the empowering mission.
If there is one thing Sonia Jacobson learned from more
than a decade of working as an Image consultant For
Fortune 500 companies and high-powered law and
accounting firms, it's this: first impressions are huge.
'In the first 10 seconds of any job interview," Jacobson
said, "you're being Judged and looked over." It's that kind
of plain-spoken wisdom she has spent the last two decades
Imparting on the thousands of worsen she's helped through
Dress for Success Miami, which Jacobson founded attar leaving
her own career to enter tha nonprofit world.
What Inspired such a move? "A television news segment
about a similar organization In Chicago," she said. Moved when
she saw the Windy City group giving power suits to women
Looking for Jobs so they could get off welfare, Jacobson bought
herself a plane ticket to go meet with its founder to learn more.
A month later, she signed up for a course ea haw to start a
nonprofit --and then did. At first, she called her charity Suited
for Success, and she served men, women and youth. Then, In
2005, she merged tile wornen's portion of her program with
Dress for Success Worldwide, becoming its 86th affiliate.
In the 20 years that have since gone by, Jaccbson, who
remains the Overlown-based group's Executive Director, has
helped dress more than 30,000 women, the overwhelming
majorsty of whom have gone on to land jobs. (The organization
still works with men and youth through educational programs,
In total, they've helped more than 50,000 people.) "We provide
clothing, yes, but once they go out and get the Job, we continue
to work with them as they try to make a living for their families,"
she said. "We don't want them to just get the entry level
position, we really want to help them succeed." On the evening
of Oct. 11, Jacobson will take time out to fete her organlzation's
own success —at Its 20th anniversary gale at the Rusty Pelican
in Key 13lsceyne, (Go to EFSMlaml.org for details.) Before the
festivities, she sat with INDULGE to share more about the cause
close to her heart
What do you notice when a woman puts on one of your Ruts?
Wo Immediately see a change In her demeanor, These aro
women who put on a $400 or WO suit, with a nice pair of
shoes and a handbag and accessories —things they'd never be
able to afford. When they look In the mirror, you can actually see
SO INIULTIE I SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 I www.r amilnduloe.ioni
them change physically. The shoulders push back; they stand
op straightsr with a blg smile en their face, They feel good about
how they look, which really motivates them.
What changes have you seen in the last 20 years?
The demographics of the population we serve have changed
considerably, In the last five years, we've seen en influx of
women from middle management who lost jobs ss companies
dewnsized, as the economy changed. People who had never
worried about their jobs in their lifetime were seeing layoffs. We
even started seeing clients el the executive revel.
Other than clothing, what else do you provide?
We have an intense training program in which some 50 women
a year participate. It meets once a week for 10 weeks. Each
class is all day and we focus on the actual tools thoy need
In order to succeed ---preparing a proper resume, answering
questions et the Job interview, shaking hands and making eye
contact, We put them through mock Interviews and then the last
thing we do, once they've completed the course, is provide them
with the clothes. So when they go Into en Interview, they're going
with a completely different sense of their own self.
What does the future look like?
We want to start focusing more on our nolghbors, right here in
0vertown. We are a countywide agency, yes, but over the next
five to 10 years we really want to provide training for people In
this neighborhood, and even expand out to Liberty City, I find
that some people don't realize this community has se much
creativity and talent, that we just need le help build thelr self
esteem and show thorn we're here for them.
Since its inception,
Dress for Success
Miami has helped
more than 30,4p0
women, most of
Whoa aro single
Thal B4 percent of
women who hairs
reecived help iron
Miss for 5uccoss
Miami have landed
press far Success
is most in need of
monetary donations.
lacohson hopes to
hire stall to help
mare women. Visit
1FSMiarni,org to
donate nfonsy
or clothing, or to
volunteer your time,
Detail by Entity Name
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Non Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number N94000003898
FEIIEIN Number 650508106
Date Filed 08/09/1994
State FL
Event Date Filed 02/09/2010
Event Effective Date NONE
Principal Address
MIAMI, FL 33136
Changed: 06/18/2014
Mailing Address
MIAMI, FL 33136
Changed: 06/18/2014
Registered Agent Name & Address
1385 NW 15TH ST
MIAMI, FL 33125
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title D
MIAMI, FL 33136
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Annual Reports
Report Year -
Filed Date .
Document Images
04/17/2014 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/28/2013 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/10/2012 -- ANNUAL REPORT
04/20/2011 -- ANNUAL REPORT
02/09/2010 -- REINSTATEMENT
05/13/2008 -
03/05/2008 -
01/03/2007 -
01/24/2006 -
01/24/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/27/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/20/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT
`3/31/2003 -- ANNUAL REPORT
02/07/2002 -- ANNUAL REPORT
02/13/2001 -- ANNUAL REPORT
04/18/2000 -- ANNUAL REPORT
02/23/1999 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/15/1998 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/24/1997 -- ANNUAL REPORT
01/24/1996 -- ANNUAL REPORT
03/29/1995 -- ANNUAL REPORT
Detail by Entity Name
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