HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0054 10-24-2011 BackupSUPP OCUMENTAT ON September 26, 2011 CRA Grants Division 49 NW 5u' Street Suite 100 Miami, Florida 33128 To whom it may concern: Suited For Success is requesting a grant in the amount of $80,000 from the CRA so that we may continue to provide low-income and disadvantaged clients with our vital employment skills training, professional business clothing and career development services. Since starting operations in 1994, Suited for Success has provided services to over 30,000 low- income men, women and youth - truly providing a second chance and a "suit to self-sufficiency". At SFS we have instilled a level of confidence, dignity and empowerment among our at -risk populations in Miami. There is a great demand and need for our services especially given the recent economic downturn and last year alone we provided services to 1288 adults and youth seeking employment of which 540 came from the Overtown community. With a grant of $80,000 from the CRA., we can continue to provide excellence, employability skills training workshops and business attire to approximately 300 adults and 300 youth in our community seeking employment and the ability to become self-sufficient. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sonia Jacobson Executive Director 250 NW 9'1' Street Miami, Florida 33136 305-444-1944 www.dfsmiami.org Suited For Success, Inc. 2011 ~2012 Budgeted Items Salaries for Project Staff Tneiners(2) FICA/MICA Telephone Rent Utilities Printing L|eb|Ub/Pnoperty|nmunanca Contingency Total Request Amount Description/Narrative 46Y6ofSalary ofExecutive Director ($4O.000and 4S%of 60,008Program Trainer ($2O,OOU) 4,S807.8SY6ofsalaries $1O0mondhtoward AT&T bill for office- epprox3396of 1,200 total bill. $,000 Rent is $1.1ODAnu.Request is for 4S%cfannual rent, 1.200 $1OOtoward monthly FPLbill 'avgof$25OAno. Printing, collating and binding of725training manuals ad 2,410 20-25color pages ea. Estimate in$3.33ea. 680 Appmx4O96 of Liability Ins. required for program. 4,000 80'000 250 NW 9 h Street Miflmi, Florida 33136 305-444-1944 www.dfsmiami.org September 26, 2011 Peter Bockweg Executive Director City of Miami CRA 49 NW 5s' Street Miami, Fl. 33128 Dear Mr. Bockweg: Our one year CRA contract is coming to an end October 31, 2011. We have had a very successful year and actually have gone above the scope of work specified in the contract, Our goal was to provide services to 275 adults and 150 youth. As of today's date we have served 348 adults and 180 youth. We ask that our contract be renewed and the amount increased to $80,000. Our existing contract was for $50,000. Of that amount; we will have $8,800 unspent. We request that amount be rolled over into the new contract with an additional $21,200 for a total funding request of $80,000. The increase would allow us to hire an additional part time staff person to assist with our training program. Mr. WilliamAristede, the Principal at Booker T. Washington Sr. High School, asked us to provide training to all incoming freshman (approximately 300 students) at the school this academic year (see attached letter). The increase of $21,200 would enable us to provide this service. To highlight some of the accomplishments this past year: We reached out and established relationships with the following local agencies and businesses: Transition, Inc., Overtown Youth Center, YWCA, Camillus House, Urgent Inc., Lotus House, The Overtown NET Office, Mt, Zion Development Co., MDC Hospitality Training Institute, U. of Miami Business School Hyperion Club (working with Overtown businesses), Booker T. Washington Senior High School, Collins Center for Public Policy, St, Agnes Rainbow Village CDC, Bethal AME (BANE) Development Corporation of South Florida, Miami Rescue Mission, Community Action Agency, and the Overtown Community Oversight BoardlOvertown Advisory Board. These are only a partial list of the 120 agencies that refer clients to our office, In addition, we have provided free haircuts for all SFS clients at a well known beauty salon in Miami; we established a relationship with Walmart, which has become a Suited For Success sponsor, and distributed flyers throughout the neighborhood re: available job opportunities. In the spring of 2012, we will open a fashion boutique at the comer of NW 8th St and 3" Ave. as part of the development project with Mt. Zion Development Co. We are creating a newsletter that will go out to all City of Miami Commissioners and staff about our accomplishments in the neighborhood beginning in Novenmer, 2011. We thank you very much for considering our request for funding. We ask that you put our request on the October agenda so that our contract can be renewed without any interruption of services, Again we thank you for your consideration and look forward to another successful year working with the CRA. Sincerely, Sonia Ja Executive Direc Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho June 2, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: Miami -Dade County School Board Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice Chair Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall Carlos L. Curbelo Renier Diaz de la Portilla Dr. Wilbert "Tee" Holloway Dr. Martin Karp Dr. Marta Perez Raquel A. Regaled° The Suited for Success START NOW (SFS) youth program's mission is to increase the job readiness skills of youth transitioning to adulthood, strengthening their chances of success on the path to gainful employment and economic self-sufficiency. SFS has refined its course content and techniques since 1998 and currently serves many of the students at Booker T. Washington High School. The SFS course has provided our students with the tools necessary to succeed in the next phase of their lives. I would like to offer this additional coursework to our students to enhance their knowledge base and job preparation skills. The teachers whose students have benefitted from the START Now training classes year after year find this program to be a necessity for their students and I have seen first-hand the difference the course has made to the students who have completed it. With the tremendous obstacles facing our youth, especially in this economic climate I am pleased to endorse the START NOW Youth Program and strongly recommend for all the incoming students at Booker T. Washington providing them a network of support, career development tools, professional attire, and employability skills training to help them thrive in work and in life. Please lend your support to Suited for Success so they may continue their mission in our community and support our youth who so desperately need all the skills they can provide. William Aristide, Principal Booker T. Washington Senior High School Booker T. Washingtor Senior High School • 1200 NW 6 Avenue • Miami, Florida 33136 • WILLIAM ARISTIDE, Principal 305-324-8900 • 305-324-4676 (FAX) • 8TW.dadeschools.net ! Suited For Success Grant Proposal CRA FY 2011-2012 Thecnisaionof8uitadFor8ucoaaeUSFSA|obopro0otetheeconomicindeoandenoeof disadvantaged men, women and youth bvproviding employment skills training, professional business attire for'obinban/ievVo.anetwork OyaUppV�and the career deve|oprnordtools to help therpthrive |n'work and |nlife. VVestrive toprovide assistance for the unemployed and under -employed adults and youth in the Overtown community helping them gain the professional skills they will need to find employment, accelerate their job search and build confidence through ongoing training sessions, one-on-one career coaching and networking \nasupportive environment, Founded in 1994, Suited for Success answered a vital need for career -building initiatives after welfare reform was instituted. The Welfare Reform Act in 1996 set time restrictions for, recipients on public assistance, which in turn forced heads of households into low -wage jobs. Because ofthe rapid increase |Dthe numnberofpoor, m/orh\nQadults, they had becomOe ^ much underoarVed segment of society. Through our programs and services, Suited for Success was able to answer the needs of a growing, poverty-stricken workforce. Suited for Success has seen over 3O.0O0since inception. As a part ofour program, weekly or monthly job training doaaoa are held at our office at "Dorsey House" as well as at partnering agencies throughout Miami -Dade County. Our oW||o training course prepares clients on a variety oftopico� Managing the job search; Interviewing okU|o; Proper dress; Resume writing; Financial literacy; Mock interviews. Once ` training has been conmp|etad, clients are given on appointment to receive business attire for their job interview. Clients arrive at SFS by referral only from over 120 social service agencies including hoUlm|mso shelters, domestic violence sha|ba[s, and welfare -to -work job training centers. These partnering agencies refer clients to us while adhering to our strict yefarn3| criteria, In anaverage year, over 10ODclients will heserved bySFS. 60% of our clients are African - American, 35% are Hispanic and 5% are defined as "other" which includes Asian American, Native American and those who don't define their background. Last year alone vv9provided services to 1288 clients of which approximately 530 came from the O*ertoxVO community. Upon completion of the employment skills training courme, clients receive an appointment at the 8FG office to get them ready for their interviews. One-on-one ano|etmDoa from trained volunteers help select wardrobe appropriate for 'oh interview. Our volunteers are trained to gently guide the clients through the selection process, making recommendations and educating them onworkplace expectations, Each client, be it man or woman, who comes to SFS receives personal attention and is treated with dignity and respect. Clients are encouraged todiscuss their upcoming intmrvievv, professional pmaaaDtedion, child-care p|oDa, and other concerns. Creating m positive environment for the cUmnt. GF8 strives to at\rnu|ato self-confidence helping clients overcome the fears associated with job interviewing. Suited for Success wants to build upon our 17 successful years of providing programs that support economic and 000\o| development to low-income clients who are entering or returning tothe workforce. When we oaaiat o client with skills to enable them to hoe| more / confident in their job search and ultimately find employment we are helping a future generation into systematic change. 2��my�w����g��m�.�m�o�t�r�i|d�m�� and into self-sufficiency-^ bvpnlvid|nQaoodnacfmemiceohonlovethanninb»malf-auffic|enoy. With funding from the CRA we will be able to continue to meet the demands of the many people and agencies that call upon us for assistance. This past year we have had referrals from the following agencies located within the CR\boundaries: Transition, |nc..The OyertovvDYoUth Center, Y\N'C/\. {}erni||uo House, Urgent Inc., Lotus Houoa, TheOvedovvn NET Office, yNOC Hospitality Training Institute, and BookarT. Washington Senior High School. These are only a partial list of the 120 agencies that refer clients to our office throughout the year. New to our clients this year, we will be providing free haircUts, color and cuts for all SFO clients with o well known Beauty 8a|uD in Miami. We have established a relationship with Walmart who has become a corporate sponsor, We distributed flyers throughout the neighborhood about available ''obopportunities with VVa|rnartstores. m VVeare planning tOopen afashion bouUquemtthe corner ofNVV8`nGt and 3 Ave inthe Spring aapart ofthe development project vv|thMt.ZionDexe|opnnentCo.whichxviUbrinQ many oyour donors, volunteers and supporters from the. community tovisit uaatthe gateway to[)vertoxvn. We are creating a newsletter that will go out to all City Of Miami Commissioners and staff about our accomplishments inthe neighborhood. Suited for Success is requesting that the CRA consider our request for $80,000 to fund our program. Together, we can provide encouragement and opportunity to otherwise underoervedclients inour community. Community Racmo�Uon Over the ^ot17- years, SFShas received aDenornnouoamount ofcommunity recognition. Here are some highlights: * F|ohda's.Finest Award given myGovernor Lawton Chiles * Outstanding Community Service Award given by Vice -President Al Gore & The White House ~ United Way Impact Partner & Service Award Winner v Feature story onCNN December 2OO9 * Coral Gables Chamber ofCommerce Diamond Award Finalist w Department ofJuvenile Justice Award Winner ° South Florida Work Force Award Winner ° City of South K8|aOli Trailblazer Award w VVomen'oCommittee ofOne Hundred Award Winner ° City of Miami Award Winner * Non -Violence Project /wo[dVV|DDer ~ PACE Award Winner * South F\oridaVVonneD'o Bue\Deoa Conference Award Winner * National Association ofCourts Award Winner * Jewish {}onlnlUnity Oo[Y|cen multiple Award Winner * Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Award Winner * Proclamations from Florida, City of Miami, City of South MiaDni | / 250 NW 9th Street Miami, Florida 33136 305-4,14-1944 Suited For Success, Inc. Presents the workshop series How To Get The Job! You Will Learn: 1. How to Develop a Professional Image. 2. Communication Skills/Reading Body Language. 3. How to Answer Those Questions on a Job Interview. 4. How to Access Local Employment and Networking Opportunities. Complimentary Business Clothing for All Attendee& This FREE course will be offered once a month to residents of the Overtown and Park West neighborhoods at the offices of Suited For Success To register for the program and obtain program dates: Direct: 305-444-1944 x306 Email: sj©suitedforsuccess.org The Suited For Success Employment Training Program is sponsored In part by the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency as a redevelopment activity pursuant to the approved Community Redevelopment Plan. Going Places Network Presented by Walmart*. As a valued partner of Dress for Success Mlaml we wanted to let you know about our newest program, Suited for Success and Dress for Success Miami have launched the Going Places Network by Walmart in June, 2011, This program, funded by a national grant from the Walmart Foundation, is designed to help unemployed and under -employed Suited for Success clients gain professional skills, accelerate their Job search and build confidence through weekly training sessions, one-on-one career coaching and networking in a supportive environment. This program is provided free of charge to both the clients and the referral agency. To be eligible for this program, a client must be: • Female • Actively seeking employment • Able to attend meetings until employment is secured or 12 session course has been completed • Able to access reliable transportation to/from meetings and the ability to attend on time (workshops may be held on site at agency location) If you have a client that is interested in participating in the Going Places Network by Walmart, please contact Sonia Jacobson at sj@suitedforsuccess.org With the addition of the Going Places Network by Walmart to the Dress for Success Miami portfolio of programs, disadvantaged women will have access to support and services for every phase of their professional lives, starting with the job search and leading to sustained employment and self-sufficiency. The purpose of this program is to serve as a safety net for the ever increasing number of women who are seeking employment. We recognize that our partner agencies are managing larger than ever caseloads along with declining available resources. Our goal is to support you and your clients by enhancing the valuable services that you already offer and providing an additional resource to support your clients. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact me at 305-444-1944 x 306. As always, we look forward to working with you in meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged women of Mlami-Dade County. Warm regards, Sonia Jacobson The Suited For Success Employment Training Program is sponsored in part by the Southeast OvertownlPark West Community Redevelopment Agency as a redevelopment activity pursuant to the approved Community Redevelopment Plan. Suited For Success AND The Changing Room Hair Salon 15931 Biscayne Blvd. North Miami Beach, FI 33160 www.ChancingRoomSalons.com Are Offering FREE HAIRCUTS, BLOW DRYS AND COLOR For Suited for Success Clients The Changing Room Hair Salon is looking for hair models to practice the latest styles. Both Men and Women wanted for Haircuts, Blow Drys and Haircolor Please call in advance to schedule an appointment, because there is limited space available. Tuesdays from 9:00 am -12:00 Wednesdays from 10:00 am-12:00 Thursdays from 5:45 pm — 8 pm Ages 16-65 only please, thank you. Haircuts are for an educational training program by licensed hair dressers, with a master stylist teacher. 305-944-8821 Ask for Annette. Tell her you are a "Dress for Success Miami" Client "The Suited For Success Employment Skills Training Program is sponsored in part by the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency as a redevelopment activity pursuant to the approved Community Redevelopment Plan." Suited For Success START Now Youth program Presents Developing a Professional Image for Students 1. Developing a Professional Image A. First Impressions 1. How do we see ourselves? 2. How do others see us? 3. What can we do to improve B. Professional Wardrobe 1. Classic vs Trends 2. Fabrics 3. Camouflage 4. Accessories 5. Grooming 6. Investment Dressing C. Business casual 2. Non-verbal Communication Skills A. Body Language 1. Entrances 2. Handshakes 3. Eye contact 4. Nervous habits 3. Interviewing Skills A. Preparation 1. The Night Before 2. The Day of the Interview B. The 20 Most Commonly Asked Questions C, Mock Interviews 4. Etiquette 1, At Ease at the Table — Manners & More 2, Electronic Etiquette 3, Common Courtesies in & out of the Classroom The Suited For Success Employment Training Program is sponsored in part by the Southeast Overtown!Park West Community Redevelopment Agency as a redevelopment activity pursuant to the approved Community Redevelopment Plan.