HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0053 10-24-2011 Backup•I ani.Dade ;oliege. WCIIN 0111 crhilticoat I futtlltr CthLc SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION THE HOSPITALITY INSTITUTE Greater Bethel A,M,E, Church 245 NW 85t, / Miami, FL 33136 www.thehospltalltylnstItute,corn Program Description and Conceptual Budget— 2011 In addition to the general program description, GRANTEE shall as a condition of this grant provide: 1. A minimum of quarterly job readiness workshops 2. Prescreening and training for at least 350 participants 3. Job placement for forty (40%): of participants 4. One annual alumni event 5. Attendance to Industry and Human Resource Organization events for networking partners and potential employers for our alumni 6. Quarterly reports detailing the number of participants that have a) obtained a job and b) retained a job over the course over the mentoring period 7. An increase in community and industry partnership by five (5) 8 An increase in number of employed partnerships by five (5) 9. Industry skills training and food safety training and food handler certification for selected alumni 10. Development of Culinary Arts training program Office Administrator (full time): 43,000.00 Office Administrator Fringe benefits (28,68% of 30,000.00): 12,332.00 Office Assistant (part time @ 10.00 x 25 hrs pe.r week x 50: 12,500.00 Office Assistant fringe benefits (1.45% of $12,500. ): 1,813.00 Consultant for certification training 2,500,00 Payroll Expense 72,145.00 Monthly Church rent C $1000 per month x 12: 12,000.00 Office Supplies, equipment maintenance, print toner, paper, files, folders, labels, 2055.00- Training Session Supplies, cups, plates, napkins, paper towels, coffee and supplies 2,000.00 Postage 200,00 HI Stationary/envelopes:/business cards/flyers/brochures/website updates 3,500.00 Telephone/fax :& computer DSL line @ $300 per month x 12: 3,600.00 Association memberships to the Hospitality Human Resources Association, SKAL, Chamber of Commerce, GMCVB 1,000,00 Monthly Association networking meetings/Industry events (HHRA, GMCVB, GMBHA,CC): 500.00 Total Funding needed 97,000 ' ~� Possible New PVs"�ion P/TCusn MonnQer /[ounve|or John Richards Executive Director international Hospitality Center Shelly Famo Dire-ctor Hospitality Management HOSPITALITY INSTITUTE Executive Director Oversees staff and daytoday operations of the Hospitality Institute Jeffeney Wahl F/T CommunkyOumach Coordinator , KmneshaCuny p/TAdmin}strabveAssistant Posx|bloNew Position P/MnrkshonCnon1|na¢or CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute The Hospitality Institute Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus International Hospitality Center Summary nfthmRoqums ;TheK4iom|DadoCo|leBe Wolfson Campus, International Hospitality Center, |orequesting $97/000frum theSoutheast Overtovvn/ParkWest, (CRA), to ooyict in funding the operations of the Miami Dade College Hospitality Institute, o workforce development initiative designed to connect residents of the Southeast Overtown Park VVoat community redevelopment areas with employment opportunities in the local hospitality and retail industries, Sharing amission. In accordance with the mission of the CRA ofrevitalizing areas through the creation ofemployment and training opportunities for residents, and ultimately Improving the quality of life of those residing in such neighborhoods, h1'umi Dade College believes in the effective use of adequate resources toenable programs to flourish and the talents of people to nnmrge. This belief is evidenced by K4DC's institutional mission that is to provide accessible, affordable, high quality education by keeping the learner's needs at the center -of decision -making and working in partnership with its dynamic, multicultural community. Community Need —The MDCHospitality Institute responds to a myriad of needs faced by the K4|om| community which include the fact that the hospitality Industry becoming Florida's fastest growing induxtry. According to an article in the Friday March 11, 2011 KD|om| Herald (Attachment B],tha state added 32,600 hospitality positions in January, Consequently, this demand oncotco a cnnt\nUouxnUd growing need for training and employment of |oou| residents, and secondly, addresses workforce shortages )nthe local hospitality and nytoU Industries, The Overtown community, the targeted area for this Initiative,* suffered Its worst ded|Un during the 1990'o, in the midst of an extraordinary urban renewal In other areas of the City of Miami, Its population Increased by only 296 between 1890ond 2000,, homeownership has remained very limited CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute with only 10% of the residents owning property. Furthermore, the economic situation of[vednwn households is severe: almost 5096 of the households make less than $15,000 p year, The lack of economic resources� d the absence of proper skills, training and education have transformed OVpdowU residents into uOoppenUDO employment cond}dates. The d|oaot impact is o high unemployment rate in the inner city, These residents have been left feeling hopeless and trapped, with some facing somber consequences including homelessness, In contrast, since the 1990's, Miami has grown into a vi.brant, world -class city, attracting millions of visitors to the area ovary year. With an |nupemoe in tourism, and the addition of hoteb, restaurants and shops, the local hospitality industry has faced staff shortages and lack of trained employees, With the local community unable to provide o trained and 'nh'raody workforce, this contributes to the increase of the local unemployment rate and the continuing economic downfall of Its residents, ' About the Hospitality Institute. 4aopromising solution tothesegrowing needs, the K4DCHospitality Institute was created as pilotvolunteer project \n20O7with the mission ofconnecting residents of inner city areas by pnmid|ng entry level training to acquire mN|b that will allow them to he active' employees in the local hnsp|tmUty*,Induxtry. The'K1DCHoxp1to0ty institute has built a reputation and made an impact on the local labor market while training and supporting its participants to ensure xuccess.TheK4DC Haspitallty Institute ismanaged bvadministrators from Miami Dade College as In -kind contz|hution. The grant funding allows for u m|nhno| staff consisting of one full time Workforce Specialist, Mr, Jeffery Wahl and one part time assistant, Ms. KanexhoCurry, |naddition, the Hospitality Institute counts on continued support from partners such as the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Black Hospitality Initiative and a group ofindividual volunteers tomeet the ever-growing needs ofthe Institute, This College program is based In an outreach center located at the Greater Bethel A,M,E, Church inOvertown,and serves oothe current home ofthe K4DCHosp/to0tyinstitute CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute In January of 2008 theHospitality Institute was officially |uund`ud vv|th a $100,000 grant from the southeast Overtown/Park West, Omni Redevelopment District and Midtown Redevelopment Agency (CRA),and subsequently received onad,d|donq|$16S,OODfrom the CRA)n2OO8'2O1O. The Pnogram, The N1DC Hospitality Institute operates a program cono|st|ng of a four -day workshop/training xexo|ona held at least quarterly, at the Greater 8e\6e| &K4.E. Church, During the program, participants are trained and educated In various hospitality operations, food safety and ,san|tothon preparation (with potential certification oppurtunit(eo\,customer service, interview skills, computer nWU»/ possible industry certification training through the American Hotel and Lodging ' Association, and general employment Information. The training is provided by instructors, faculty and staff from K8|oni Dade College, in collaboration with professionals from the hospitality field, as well as workshops conduoted6vmotivational speakers. - Information Is provided highlighting career ladders, educational opportunities, GED and scholarship programs. available through Miami Dade College and the Black Hospitality Initiative, In additional participants are given workshops in workplace literacy including but not limited to computer and soft skills training, employment resume preparation, job interview skills, dress codes and etiquette tr8)ning. The program culminates on the fourth day of each session with a job fair on site at Greater ' Bethel A.M,E, where participants are able to explore employment opportunities and are connected with local employers. Through wide-ranging follow up, the program works together with the participants In finding employment or engaging in activities that upgrade their skills and potentially further their education. On u consistent basis participating employers and partners send thekjohpostings to the MDCHoyp|taUty Institute, Staff then contacts alumni and encourages completers of the program to apply for these open positions. For those participants interested in furthering theireducation or to obtain a GED, a conneoUoOand referral |smade toMiami Dade College. CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute Accomplishments — (Attachment A] From 2088through March 10, 20I1 a total of 1,885 individuals registered to porUdpate, consisting of 2,089 completem of the H| training sessions with a total uf3SS job assignments, which Is an overall of 33% job placement over the life of the Hospitality Institute, NerroYv|AK to the current grant period 2010'to date, six employment Lrn1n|nQ aoso|onm have been conducted, involving e total of881 registrants, of which 461 participated in the entire training sessions, thus receiving H| completion certificates, and 458wem referred for cmp|oyment. An estimated total of 128 Hospitality institute alumni have been IntervIewed or hired by participating employers from a cross- section of businesses, thus reflecting 2Oy6placement rate during the current period. Our goal Is to - reach a 40% placement rate, for jobs, for participants In this new grant cycle. Three Alumni Reunions havetaken place, with the most recent being held on March 10, 2011. Afront page article in the Miami Herald on March 11, 2011 [Attachment B] cited the both pictures and information regarding the most recent Hospitality Institute's program, In 2010 the American Association of Community Colleges selected the MD[ -Hospitality Institute program as a model for e job training program for the visit of the Executive Director of the Association of Community Colleges of AustraUa. Discussions were held with the Executive Staff of Miami Dade College to discuss the development otsorne exchange proQmnm. Upper management from the Australian institutions will he returning to 01DCln April nf2011 to further discuss potential partnerships in workforce training and education. Two fond safety and sanitation workshops were held with a total of 80 participants receiving Food Handler's certification, which Is. mandated In the State of Florida to work in any food and beverage cstab||s|lment. This contributed in the enhancement of work skills for our completer5 taking an additional advantage to theirjob Interviews and employment prospects. Collaborators (Attachment DI The MDC Hospitality Institute relies strongly on the partnerships it has established with community'baoodorgan|zationo, the local government and the hosp|toUty industry, to ensure successful outcomes, The outreach and community -based organizations provide assistance (n CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute the recruitment and preacreen|n8 of applicants, providing the Hospitality Institute with a constant flow of potential candidates. The |000| industry partners provide employment opportunities, participation at the job fairs, and contribute support and feedback fortheprogram, ®R, . I _­1 , 1 iw Al Hilton Florida Hotels of South Community Partnership for the Homeless Grea.ter Bethel A. M.E, Church Frank Kelly, Lasting Impressions Postsecondary Institution; Miami Dade DpYbletnee Grand Hotel 0xoayneBay CaroUu'sHouse Lotus House SBOPVand OK8N)CRA. Miami Dade College- Bill Diggs, Miami Dade Chamber vfCommerce College In -kind for , Administration and Doub|etree8urfcumbor` Hilton Airpnrt Conrad Hilton Can[ourSuppordve Housing Dress for Success Hospitality Management Program, International Hospitality GmylynSwiUay, Block Hospitality hr/tiotlke College overhead wd}am|Dade College Hilton Bentley Hyauxxiom| Greater Miami Service Corps Center Miami Culinary Institute Frank Ferrara, Camillus House Foundot}nn$25,OOO Embassy Suites Miami Center for independent office ofthe Ro|andnAedo Miami Culinary Institute Airport Living ofSouth Florida, Conmm|oionerDistrict 5 Greater Miami For food prep for Loews Hotel Miami Beach Inc. Cityof'Miam| Convention and workshops Marriott Biscayne Bay Abilities Inc, of Florida Greater Miami Visitors Bureau Mario the Baker The Continental Group South Florida Workforce Minm|DadeCouuty conventioneod`Vis|tpo Bureau Jennifer Shipley, Miami Dade Julie Grimes, Owner Jungle island Veterans Program Black Hospitality Initiative L/hnnqf Representative for the TactonHoyp|to|ity TheVi||age/Vveztoaoe Miami Dade County. Yannsso8artrem, Doub|utrecamnd Pub||xCn,porate Better Way ofNl)om\, yubDuDcboolo Wbdmquorc $10,000 Mandarin Oriental Hotel Miami Rescue Mission, Florida Past �,ort Support VVn|ma¢Foundation Epic Hotel O Liberty tyCommunity � Port p[Miami Tunnel Revitalization Trust 9'2008.9-2010$100,000 Florida Mad|ns Urban Strategies Hospitality 1nstitute'sAction P\anfpr.2O11.Thegoe|VftheK4DCHovpitdity0otiU/tebt000nnect\nner city residents with employment opportunities In the local hospitality and ntwU Industries, and meet the local workforce demand for a uk|Uud workfome. Based on the xuccoxs of the program, and the strong support received from its collaborators, the MDC Hospitality Institute has established the fn||ovvin8 objectives for the year 201L Program Description In addition to the general prograrn description, GRANTEE shall as a condition 'of this grant provide: 1. Am|n|mumo(quarterly Job readiness workshops 2, Prescreening and training for atleast 3SVparticipants 3. Job placement for forty (4O9/q)ofparticipants 4. One annual alumni event 6. Attendance to'industry and human resource organizations for networkIng partners and potential employers for our alumni 6 Quarterly reports detaU|ngthe number ofpurdcIpants that have w)obtained ajob h)retained ajob over the course ofthe mentorin8period 7 AnIncrease |ncommunity and Industry partnerships byfive (5) 8. AoIncrease |nnumber n[employer partnerships hyfive (5) ' 9. industry skills training mndfoodsafety training and food handier certification for selected alumni 10. Development ufaCulinary Arts training program The MDC Hospitality institute, continues its effort 'in fostering partnerships and concentrating resources within the CRA/9EOPW community, and will continue to [each out and increase the participation of various local organizations which Involvement' is critical to success and future growth ofthiupro8r m. Among those organizations: the OvertnwOYouth Center, the City ofMiami OveMovvn NET Office, community churches, Lindsey Hopkins Vocational -Center, Booker T. Washington Senior High School,, Miami Dade College Overtnwn Collaborative Group, the W1DC International Hospitality Center, the Miami Culinary Institute and Overtown businesses, Institutional Capacity and Resources As o recognized leader in education and workforce training, the NUnm| Dade College International Hospitality Ccnterwill provide oversight tothe operations nf the K4DC Hoop/hz0b/ Institute. K4DC is particularly interested In growing the Kx0C Hospitality Institute into a national model for no||obornt\ve workforce training, education and development nfa oh|||s training center, John Richards, Director nfthe International Hospitality Center will provide oversight of the K4DC Hosp/to0ty institute who shall also provide time on an in -kind basis from K4DC, ` vvnrk|nQ in conjunction with the Hospitality Institute Director, Shelly Pnnn. Among \ho)[ responsibilities are resource allocation, stnffing,mndthaimp|emontotunnfnevvmrateg)entnenoVre CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute Shelly Fono, Director of the HoxoIto<ity Management Program at K4DC will commit additional time to the operations, grant management and nvam|Qht of staff of the yND[ Hosp/tallty Nstitute, K4s. Fano will assist in the development of participant training curriculum for the K4DC HnspItolity Institute as well as liaison with the American Hntd and Lodging Association and the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association for Industry certifications, The Miami Dade College International Hospitality Center | o provide ln'Nnd administrative support, student service support for udnAcu|on; advisement, financial aid registration, oo'reer exploration, and job placement, tnthose participants thetdecidatopursue aGED,adegree ur - enroll iocourses atMiami Dade College, Key Personnel [Attachment Q -the following personnel will- be responsible for the day to day operations of the Institute and will work in collaboration with the Miami Dade College International Hospitality Center staff, and the community partners. Project Director With the rexgnetion of the former grant funded Hospitality institute director, ' Miami Dade College has assigned an additional duty to Shelly Fano as the Hospitality Institute Director, She will continue her full time role otMiami Dade College, aswell as oversee directing the operations and management of the HozpIto0t/ /notttutn, marketing and coordination of training events and expansion nfthe program |n conjunction with the yuUdmoVVmrkfome 5pecinUst/oMime Administrator and part time ondstant. The Director's participation with the Hospitality Institute is provided In-kInd by Miami Dade College so as not to drain the limited funds the Hi has available at the present time, The Director will report to Mr, Richards on the progress of the k4DC Institute and any situations that may arl5e and need Involvement -from the College. Part time 4dn/nisbntivoAssistant; a part time ndm1n|:tmdvc assistant will perform administrative tasks related to -the institute, |ndudinQanaVVedn8 phones, handling correspondence, assisting |nthe CRA Grant Application 2011- Hospitality Institute preparation of materials ,develop database of all alumni, and maintaining all of the participants' training records oswell asany other duties asassIgned bythe Director, Full time Office Admint: is responsible assisting with development of training programs, set up and realization of training sessionsJob fairs and for the personal follow Qp with all alumni including monUzring, is liaison to outreach organizations, employers and community organizations, supervises preparation of graduates' records to reflect up dated information, prepares monthly reports of job hires, attends to office visits of graduates seeking job opportunities, and other duties.asdOnadbythe Director. Conceptual Budget — .office Adm|nbLmtor/VVorkf meSpecialist (full- time): 43,000.00 office Administrator Fringe benefits (28,69muf 30,000.00).,� � 12,332.00 Office Assistant (part time) @1O.0Ox2Shmper week xBt $ �2,580,00 Office Assistant fringe benefits (1.45%of $12,500.): ' 1,813.00 Consultant for certification training 2,500.00 Payroll Expense 72,14500 Monthly Chu0rent @ $1O0Vper month x1Z: 12,000.00 Office Supplies, computer and equipment maintenance, � :2,055.00 Quarterly Tro|n|nO.SexdonSupplies, cupx,p|ateu napkins, paper towels, coffee and supplies 2,00.00 Postage ` 200.00 M|5teUvnery/ nVe|npoo;/budnma � cor.do/f lye n/brnuhues/hu|dom/y|Cnage/hunneo/ wo6o|te/pmmnUanu||temv 3,300.00 Telephone/fax & computer DSLline @ $300ps month x12: 3'600.00 CRA Grant Application 2O11'Hospitality Institute ' Association memberships tothe Hospitality Human Resources Assoclatlon, SKAUGMCVB �*k4u�h�A�o�o�nnmoadogo�ndua�ynvcn� (HHR�GMCVB, GK4BHA): Total Funding needed 97,000.00 Suata|nal The MUC Hospitality Institute has received limited funding from the K4DC Foundation, and funding from outside.. donors, and is active ly,seeking alternate public and additional private fundingsources to help support the operations of the MIDC Hospitality Institute and allow for Its growth, MDCuvU| continue tncontribute with in -kind resources in the form ofadministration and training. In addition, our collaborators will continue to provide support to the IVIDC Hospitality