HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0052 10-24-2011 Backupof the Property Appraiser 1 Street, Suite 710 ami, Florida 3312E-1904 I IlilOIIIII III IIIII IIIII RIII ItI II II IIIII Ilp SE OVERTOWN PARK W C 49 NW 5 ST STE 100 MIAMI, FL 33128 II COLUMN 1 Last Year's Taxable Value, rn NOTICE OP PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXBS AND PROPOSED OR ADOI'1'BD NON -AD VALOREM. ASSESSMENTS ' MIAMI-DADS COUNTY TAXING AIJTHORITIHS 06 Last Year's Tar Rate (miltage) 1219 COLUMN 2 Your Property 'l'axus Last Yam FOLIO: 01-3136-037-0420 MILLAGE CODE: 0100 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 01 NW 3 AVE AL DESCRIPTION: TS SUB 8 T SIZE 0.000 PB B-27 BLK 9 61 016362 Al MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Countywide Library Pl16LIC SCHOOLS: By State Law By Local Board MUNICIPAL: Miami • WATER MANAGEMENT: SEWN Distriot Everglades CP INDEPENDENT DISTRICT: F.I,N.D. Children's Trust VOTER APPROVED DEBT PAYMENTS: 'County Debt School Debt City Debt 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 5.4275 0.2840 5.6160 2.2480 7.6740 0.5346 0.0894 0.0345 0.5000 0.4450 0.3850 0.9701 2,928.64 153.24 3,030.35 1,213.01 4,140.64 288.47 48.24 18.62 269.80 240.12 207.74 523.46 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 539,593 5.3600 0.2799 5.5461 2.2200 7.5710 0.5451 0.0910 0.0356 0.4925 0.2850 0.2400 0.9300 2,892.22 151.03 2,992.64 1,197.90 4,0135.26 294.13 49.10 19.21 265.75 153.78 129.50 501.82 4.8050 0.1795 5.6930 2.0720 7.5710 0.3739 0.0624 0.0345 0.5000 0,2850 0.2400 0.9300 2,592.74 96.86 3,071.90 1,118,04 4,085.26 201,75 33.67 18,62 269.80 153.78 129.50 501.82 13,062.53 12,273.74 13,062.53 2.34 12,273.74 Miami -Dade County Public Schools Miami SEW Dist 11 Everglades CP F.I.N.D. Children's Trust The Taxing Authorities which levy property taxes against your property will soon hold Public Hearings to adopt budgets and tax rates for the next year. The purpose of the Public Hearings Is to receive opinions from the general public and to answer questions on the proposed tax char a and hud et Prior To Takin Final Action. Lech Toxin Authorl ma Amend OR Alter its ronosals at.the heerin . • .X11.r„A;'P1 ,11 Ok1.T#. 1 2 9/08, 5:01 PM, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 111 NW 1 ST, MIAMI, (7861 331-5389 9/07, 6:00 PM, SCHOOL BOARD AUDITORIUM, 1450 NE 2 AVE, MIAMI, (305) 995-1226 9/15, 5:05 PM, CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DR, (3051 250-5360 9/08, 5:15 PM, SFI'ID AUDITORIUM, 3301 GUN CLUB RD, B-1 BLDG, NPB, FL, (5611 686-8800 9/16, 6:00 PM, DELRAY BEACH COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 NW 1 AVE, (5611 627-3386 9/12,-5:01 PM, MDC WOLFSON CAMPUS, 300 NE 2 AVE, BLDG 3, MIAMI, (3051 571-5700 0.00 539,593 539,593 539,593 • ::..:::. . ;4J4:.(ttst)J7xaRN;xi,M s'3tISn4fsti0 adfii:t55tt:ihl:itrrx:atlhgluh�I::%� <: If you feel the market value of the property is in ccurate or does not rated four market value, or If you are entitled to an exemption ur classlflsat(on that i not reflected, please contact the Miami -Dade County o(Qce of the Property Appraiser at (7861 331-5321 111 NW 1 STREET 8TH FLOOR (8:30 AM TO -4:30 PM) If the Property Appraiser ix unable to txsolve the matter as'tu the market value, classifl,atlen, or un exemption, you may file a petition for adjustment with the Value Adluslment Booed. Petition forms are weal/able online at http;jAvune rtrlaml-dadacierk.com)property_vab.asp. Petitions must be filed on m• before SEPT, 19, 2011 Your final tax hill may contain notract valorem assessments which may not he reflected on this notice, such as assessments fur rued, Fire, garbage, lighting, drainage, water, sewer, or other governmental services and facilities which may be levied by your county, city, or any special district. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR. EXPLANATIONS OF THE COLUMNS ABOVE. PTX-6000 R. OS/2011