HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0041 07-25-2011 Backuprk SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION July 13, 2011 Mr. Pieter Bockweg, Executive Director CRA-Cornmunity Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5th Street Miami, Florida 33128-1811 Dear Mr. Bockweg: This letter presented is to respectfully request your consideration and approval to provide a grant to the City in the amount of $80,000 for the beautification and landscape improvement to the area between the northbound and southbound lanes. of I-95 from NW 1 1 th Terrace to 1-395 referred to .as the V-area, and the southbound exit from I-95 at NW 8th Street as per Resolution #05-00962. The project was completed in November, 20 0 and no further expenses will be accrued by the City. If you require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (305) 416-1025. Sincerely, obny Martinez City anager C: Diana Gomez, Director of Finance Haydee Wheeler, Director of NET CITY OF MIAMI NET ADMINISTRATION /444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 10th Floor/Miami, FL 33130/(305) 960-4NET Fax: (305) 416-1970 ATTACHM&tilT "A" Citty of Miami Legislation. R•sojutlon City Heil $o Pan Arroflcan orhe Ut.mt, FL 33t33 1v W.o.rnlarrl.ILu, File Nardb.rt, 05-40163 nut Action it t A RESOLUTION OF THE'MIAMI O(TY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER' TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT , IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI•AND. MtAMI-DADE•COUNTY, TO PARTICIPATE (NTHE FUNDING OF LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS TO 05 IN DOWNTOWN MIAMI: AS MORE PARTICULARLY. DESCRIBED HEREIN; WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") slid Miami -Dade County ("County") Wish to partlolpato in a landscaping Improvement project within the ares+.beMreen the northbound and sovthbound Ienss of I. 95, south of 395 and north of Northwest 11 th Terrace And the southbound exit of Northwest 9th Street, Miami, Florida ("Project"); and • WHEREAS, the City shall seek the Florida Department of Ttensportation ("FDOT") Permit to conduct the Project; and WHEREAS, the City will contract with Roots in the City, Inc., a non-profit organ1Zation In Overtawn, to design end Implement the Project; end WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement ("Agreement"), ,attached and Incorporated, provides for the City to be reimburaed.lry the County a total amount not,to exceed S1 .2,0Q0, of which en amount not to exceed $52,000, is to be provided by the Landscape Joint Participation Agreement (WA") with FDOT for the design and installation of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City will be responsible for the maintenance of proposed fea6 one the Project has been completed and will be eligible to receive en amount of S20,000, par veer for years 2 through 5, subject to the-County's budgetary approval; • • NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11 RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The reclate and findings Contained in the Preamble to this Re$olvtlOf are adopted by reference and Incorporated as If fully set forth in this Section. Seot4on 2, The City Manager is authorized(1) to exeoute en Agreement, In substantially the attached form, between the City and the CCourlty, for the funding of the Project, which provides for the reimbursement of an amount not to exceed 11132.000, of which an amount not to mead $52,000, is to be provided by the Landscape JPA No, AX 78, with FOOT, for the design and Installation of the Proles., by Roots in tho City, Iho., a non-profit organization in Overioyin, far the first year and for en amount not to exceed $20,000, per year for years 2 through 6, to be funded by the County through Community Image Advisory Board funding, to offset the cast of maintenance activities. Section 3, This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its lidoption and Signature of the Mayor,(2) Cloy of iWlnnil poxt J aJ 1 ' hirrel QN: PIM Number 05.00902 APPROVeD AS TO FORM AN 74otnobs.I TNESS: W (1) The herein authorization Is furthero oompfienoe with aI regattertrertts that may be imposed by the City Attorney, inducting but not timttad to those presoriby appilcab>e Ctty'Charter and Code provisions, (2) If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, It atme effective at tha and of tan calendar days from the date It was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, II shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the 4ity Commission. Pare ;ref; SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION . op - City of Miami REQUEST FOR DIRECT PAYMENT tNSTFiUCTION. PI ea a complate and aa1tap h all tho original documents related to expenditures (i,e., receipts, invoices, proof of publication, etc.) Flequested by (Name fJAj,:(/ � Department: Title: r DlvislonlSectlom Purpose: Involce 0 Advertisement Date: f , j 10 Supplier Na r - , De ser (t include s$, and a of ublication fnr ad cements); Supplier Number: / { Do Invoico Numbet:/j�/ %�• (� ) Amount: 4 ` / ✓p Supplier Name: npnon { 'nclude size, tyr and a#e of publi tion dver6semenrtys)�: Supplier Number: Invoice Number: Amount: Account Codes: Supplier Name: Description (to include size, type and date of publication for advertisements): Supplier Number: . Invoice Number: Amount: Account Codes: Supplier Name: Description (to include size, type and date of publication for advertisements): Supplier Number: Invoice Number: - Amount: Account Codes: CHECK DISTRIBUTION FOR #~INANCE USE ONLY Return to Department ❑ ACH (Attach banking Information) ❑ Mail to Supplier ❑ Held for Pick-up Check No.: , Processed by: Date: Approvals 5) \ I-20IO Control Number DP- 001886 Depa nt irector•(if re uired) Date Budget Approval (If required) ThIs•number must b' it ivaed on Nertisoments C FNJAC 202 Rev. 02/07 Route: White: Accounts Payable; Canary: Departmental Copy ,WG,YOF4y. rrr5 City of Miami REQUEST FOR DIRECT PAYMENT Co INSTRUCTION: Please complete and attach all the iginal documents related to expenditures (Le., receipts, tnvolces, proof of publication, etc.) Requested by (Name); r J Department: Title; Division/Section: Purpose: nvolce Advertisement Date: Q � 9 0 Supplier Na tier; I ►'1 f Des r flan inc a e, typ@ d'date of publication f r advertise ants):, �`.�' ' C1li Y � '✓ Supplier Number: 5d- / ) [�j c Invoice Number: Amount: 0I 000���� Account Codes; Suppller Name: Description (o Include size, type and date of publication for d rtisements): - Suppller Number: Invoice Number Amount: Account Codes: Suppller Name: Description (to Include slze, type and date of publication for advertisements): Suppller Number: - 3 invoice Number: Amount: Account Codes: Supplier Name: Description (to Include size, type and date of publioation for advertisements): Supplier Number: 4 Invoice Number: Amount: Account Codes CHECK DISTRIBUTION FOR FINANCE USE ONLY ij Rat rn to Department ❑ ACH (Attach banking Information) all liar ❑ Held for Plck-up Check No.: Processed by: Date: Appr v Is: Control Number -` 2 DP- O O O 6 This number must be Included on Advertlaemente Dep a t-Dlrect r aired) Date Budget Approval (If required) FN/AC 202 Rev. 02/07 Route: Whlle: Accounts Payable; Canary: Departmental Copy DOSCUUPPORTING EN City of Miami REQUEST FOR DIRECT PAYMENT d'e. INSTRUCTION: Pease attach all the original docu nts ela e expen Hu , , ., receipts, bDs, Invoices, etc, FROM 1. Nam V1JfT iMn'a 2. Department: i 3. ; 1 e 4. Date: 0 TO CHIEF AC OUNTANT, ACCOUNTING DIVISION, FINANCE DEPAATMEN ISSUE 5, N . n 6, Address: 11066.AM' Ve. iji ty / DESCRIPTION OF ITEM(S) TO BE PAID ACCOUNT CODE/ SUBSIDIARY NO. AMOUNT ZI2iAt oy • • . 7: 0/ R-ias)A, „, , .006(itiol • . . . , Iv a d . 10. Check Distribu on; . 0 MaI,pkact to Vendor alum to Dap, ent TOTAL PAYMENT 11, 2. App .0 „ . , Approved: . , Expenditure Control Date a en Directo .. Date ,• 'Approved: . I FOR FINANCE USE ONLY Vendor No: Check No: Date: Ffranc/City Manager Date FOR REQUESTING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pre By. Date' Control Number 1 0 9 4 1 Batch No: -encumbered FN/AC 202 Rev. 06/04 Route; White and Canary copies to Expenditure Control and retain Pink copy. Distribution: White and Canary - Finance (Accounting) SUPPORTING LI gh.0%.11-• • a me . . i 0 • City of Miami REQUEST FOR DIRECT PAYMENT' . . NST UCTION: PleasePIeae attach all the origlnal documents I d to expeodiPuro, I.e., receipts, bil s, invoices eo. FROM 1. Narno,:- I , b 2. Department: ;' , Tit e: , trZa 4. Dale: • ISSUE • CHECK TO CHIEF ACCOUNTANT, ACCOUNTING DIVISION, FINANCE DEPARTMENT . . . N 007- 4-#1 4 ,• . Address: 1 .f, , . JXmi, . FL DESCRIPTION OF ITEM(S) TO BE PAID ACCOUNT COD SUBSIDIARY NO. AMOUNT . '2i4P4t4DV . i DO 457000 • • . • /.0 . , . . . • . • . . • • . , • . . . . , . . 0. heck Distributio : • • Direct to Vendor ' . • U Return to Department TOTAL PAYMENT 1 . s oot 12, proved: Approved: • DepartmentDlre DsIgnee D le Expenditure Control Date' Approved: I I . FOR FINANCE USE ONLY 'Vendor No: • heck No: • ' Date: • Finance y Manager'. Date • FOR REQUESTING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY . Batch No: • Pre -encumbered By: Date. I •Control Number DP- 1 0 6 9. 1 2 . . , r.wtoien on Paw nAlnA