HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0038 07-25-2011 BackupRICHARD P. DUNN II Board Chair PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNITY REDEVELPOMENT AGENCY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PUBLIC/PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR 1201 NW 3"" AVENUE MIXED -USE BUILDING RFP NO: 11-004 PIETER A. BOCKWEG Executive Director The CRA is seeking a qualified developer to plan, design, finance, construct, and manage a mixed used building located at 1201 NW 3rd Avenue in Overtown, Miami, FL on CRA owned property. The Proposer and its Sub -consultants must be able to perform every element of the scope of services as outlined in the RFP package. Completed Responses must be delivered to the City of Miami City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 no later than 2:00 PM, on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ("Response Submission Date"). Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. RFP documents may be obtained on or after Friday, April 8, 2011, from the CRA offices, 49 N.W. 51h Street, Suite 100, Miami, Florida 33128, or from the CRA webpage (www.miamicra.com). It is the sole responsibility of all firms to ensure the receipt of any addendum and it is recommended that firms periodically check the CRA webpage for updates and the issuance of addenda. The CRA reserves the right to accept any Responses deemed to be in the best interest of the CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any Responses, or to reject any or all Responses and to re -advertise for new Responses, in accordance with the applicable sections of the CRA Charter and Code. Pieter A. Bockweg, CRA Executive Director 2 RICHARD P. DUNN II Board Chair REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PUBLIC/PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR 1201 NW 3"" AVENUE MIXED -USE BUILDING RFP NUMBER 11-004 ISSUE DATE APRIL 8, 2011 PIETER A. BOCKWEG Executive Director ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & CLARIFICATION DEADLINE APRIL 27, 2011 BY 5:00 PM RESPONSE SUBMISSION DATE MAY 11, 2011 2:00 PM CONTACT Clarence Woods Assistant Director, SEOPW CRA Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5th Street, Suite 100 Miami, Florida 33128 Phone: 305-679-6800 Fax: 305-679-6835 Email: cwoods@miamigov.com RICHARD P. DUNN II Board Chair SECTION 2 2.0. RFP SCOPE OF SERVICES PIETER N. BOCKWEB Executive Director 2.1. Purpose The CRA is seeking the services of a developer to provide planning, design, financing, construction, and management of a mixed used building located at 1201 NW 3rd Avenue in Overtown, Miami, FL on CRA owned property. The Proposer and its Sub -consultants must be able to perform every element of the scope of services as outlined below. 2.2. Scope of Services Consultant shall provide the following: • Planning • Design (full set of architectural plans/construction documents) • Financing • Permitting • Construction • Management These services shall include all trades such as geotechnical, civil, structural, MEP engineering, construction management, building management and any other trades deemed necessary to complete the project. The project is located in the new Miami 21 zoning code T6-8 0 district which replaced the previously zoned C-1 district. The property consists of 4 abutting parcels totaling 31,662 SF of land (addresses: 1201 NW 3 Avenue and 247, 231, 229 NW 12 Street). The project is proposed to be a mixed -use building consisting of ground floor retail which shall include a 5,000 SF municipal public library, possible commercial office space on the subsequent floor/s and the top floors designated for apartments. Specific design layout and specific use locations within the facility shall be determined by the selected proposer in collaboration with the CRA. The building will be designed at approximately 6-8 floors in height with a parking garage included in the building envelope. The facade and character of the proposed building shall be designed within the context of the historic Overtown neighborhood and should complement the surrounding neighborhood. A site boundary survey has been prepared and will be provided to the selected firm. Currently an existing building and surface parking lots occupy the four parcels and demolition plans will need to be prepared for its removal. Selection Committee Final Scores Project: Bid Number: Development of a Mixed -Use Building at 1201 N.W. 3rd Ave and 229-247 N.W. 12th Street RFP 11-004 Selection Committee Member Carlisle/Palmetto Gorman/Urban League 1201 NW 3rd Partners B&A Mark Spanioli, P.E. 90 67 74 76 Clarence Woods 89 75 71 77 Chelsa Arscott 89 80 47 51 Total Score 268 222 192 204 Average 89.3 74.0 64.0 68.0 Rank Order 1 2 4 3 RFP 11-004 PUBLIC/PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR 1201 NW 3RD AVENUE MIXED -USE BUILDING Selection Committee Recommendation Narrative Overview On April 8, 2011, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") issued a Request for Proposals (RFP 11-004) for the development of the CRA properties at 1201 NW 3rd Avenue, and 229, 231 and 247 NW 12th Street in Miami, Florida. Four (4) proposals were received by the Office of the Clerk of the Board on May 11, 2001. Responses were submitted by BAP Development Group, LLC, Carlisle Development Group, LLC/Palmetto Homes of Miami, Inc., Gorman & Company, Inc./The Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc., and 1201 CRA Partners, Ltd. A selection committee was established consisting of CRA staffers, Mark Spanioli, P.E., Chelsa Arscott, and Clarence Woods. The selection committee heard oral presentations from the proposers on June 29, 2011. Each proposal was ranked using the following criteria as outlined in the RFP: • Proposer's Experience and Qualifications Maximum 25 points • Proposer's Team Experience (incl. Project Manager) Maximum 20 points • Proposers Ability to Demonstrate Positive Community Impact Maximum 25 points • Public/Private Partnership Experience Maximum 10 points • Development/Financing Capabilities Maximum 20 points After careful review and consideration based on the evaluation criteria, and taking in consideration the oral presentations, the selection committee ranked the proposers in the following ranking order: 1. Carlisle Development Group, LLC 2. Gorman & Company, Inc. 3. BAP Development Group, LLC 4. 1201 CRA Partners, Ltd 1 Selection Committee Narrative (RFP 11-004) Evaluation Summaries Carlisle Development Group, LLC., and Palmetto Homes of Miami, Inc. received an average score of 89.33 points and a ranking of 1. Carlisle demonstrated extensive experience developing affordable mixed -use housing projects throughout Miami -Dade County. Carlisle provided documentation of the positive impact its developments has inured within the communities they have worked in, mostly disadvantaged, low income neighborhoods. Of the proposers, Carlisle has a documented history of applying and successfully obtaining Low Income Housing Tax Credit funding and closing on complex financing transactions. Gorman & Company, Inc., and Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc. score of 74 points and a ranking of 2. received an average Gorman demonstrated extensive experience developing affordable mixed -use housing projects. The company is headquartered in Wisconsin and its general contractor and architect are also out of state, with no track record for designing and building projects within Miami -Dade County. The relationship between Gorman and the Urban League is newly fostered; the partnership has not commenced a project together. BAP Development Group, LLC received an average score of 68 points and a ranking of 3. BAP demonstrated extensive architecture experience in developing mixed -use buildings throughout South Florida. While BAP does have development experience, they lacked experience in building affordable housing and in fact, they were unable to demonstrate the development of a mixed -use building within a similar economically challenged community. Of all the proposers, BAP is the only firm to submit financing documents proposing 100% conventional loan financing; BAP proposes to utilize revenue generated from billboards placed on the development as leverage in the project. 2 Selection Committee Narrative (RFP 11-004) 1201 CRA Partners, LTD received an average score of 64 points and a ranking of 4. 1201 CRA Partners is a newly created partnership. The members of the partnership have not completed a project together. The project manager has not completed a project under his own firm, Global Development Initiatives, LLC ("GDI"), which was established in 2010. In addition, 1201 CRA Partners did not demonstrate that it or GDI is capable of securing project financing. Review Committee Signatures 7 Mark Spa71(--0 / f c. Chelsa Arscott 3 Selection Committee Narrative (RFP 11-004) a0n1 5 vrnpq\�++nlVeu Lr�%10-t:r UST B BLOOC . _(1`8. . PO 2.2.7).- a 0000 5 (1,13 B. Pa 127) I S 1 bi 5.1 Lo7CK 1 IPe Be PO 6127) %rem. LOT BLOCK IP 6 6. PG Im tar 51,5079 04 BLOCK 6 (P6 R PC 127) tor BLOCK a .NM (Pe e. PC 127) ...,n ten uat . - _ _ ,anarryo-rgm BLOCK B CPR B. PC 127) B.07 0 (re e. Pa 127) n.. BLOCK 1e (PB B. PC 127) epp� Renee or. gin (P B B. Pe 27) eng CBS.. =4L era Re n GRAPHIC SCALE 18T 6 (P.B 8.) PG L'c•) LOT (PB9 k. PGa27) a ee..PC Inet) r �cear ter na Cal -eeMf I (PGBPa1027) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1Ma I LOTS (P G 0 PG 27) (P.B. RPC. 27) I trra Te:n. IL Pa itn Folio number. 01-3138-037-0420 Lot B. Block 9, of SOSTS SUBOIN90N, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plot Book -B: at Page 27. of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County. 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Redir, 11 Redden 2 Rehm 3 Ed.., Femwbez sM- For a.e f4m ...and Sarre, and Mapper Stele at Finite, Rptebattan Na5676 Ke �aS tZ2�1 9- 0. O 0 • 5 fi a a rear ..e La n 'e5 7(}054-SGi 1 1 Pan Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 Q My Home m am dada Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item ...r Ill Text only 15 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator 13 Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3136-037-0420 Property: 1201 NW 3 AVE Mailing SE OVERTOWN PARK W Address: COMM REDEVP 49 NW 5 ST STE 100 MIAMI FL 33128- Proaertv Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0019 AUTOMOTIVE OR MARINE Beds/Baths: 18/9 Floors: 2 Living Units: 9 Adj Sq Footage: 10,958 Lot Size: 9,150 SQ FT Year Built: 1924 SOSTS SUB PB B-27 LOT 8 BLK 9 LOT SIZE Legal 150.000 X 61 OR 19656- Description: 1354 05 2001 1 COC 22939-3175 12 2004 1 OR 26738-4057 0109 18 Assessment Information: Year: 2010 2009 Land Value: $164,700 $183,000 Building Value: $374,893 $382,820 Market Value: $539,593 $565,820 Assessed Value: $539,593 $565,820 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2010 2009 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $0/$539,593 $0/$565,820 County: $O/$539,593 $0/$565,820 City: $0/$539,593 $0/$565,820 School Board: $0/$539,593 $0/$565,820 Sale Information: Sale Date: 1/2009 Sale Amount: $550,000 Sale 0/R: 26738-4057 Sales uallfication Description: Deeds to or executed by a federal, slate, or local government agency (including trustees (or Board) of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, courts, counties, municipalities, sheriffs, or . rti iralinnal ACTIVE i OOL: SELECT ;Z f NV�'12THST� n'y Aerial Photography - 2009 0 My Home I Property Information I Property Taxes My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer 115ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend • Property • Boundary • Selected Property Street to Highway Miami -Dade County ® Water W+E 5 http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap.asp 7/19/2011 Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 My Home mr a dade-g Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item • �� Text only j12 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator 12 Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3136-037-0430 Property: 247 NW 12 ST Mailing SOUTHEAST Address: OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 49 NW 5 ST SUITE 100 MIAMI FL 33128-1811 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0066 EXTRA FEA OTHER THAN PARKING Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: 7,512 SQ FT Year Built: 0 SOSTS SUB PB B-27 Legal LOT 9 BLK 9 LOT SIZE Description: 50.080 X 150 OR 19454- 1193 0101 2 (2) OR 19454-1193 0101 02 Assessment Information: Year: 2010 2009 Land Value: $112,680 $112,680 Building Value: $15,593 $15,593 Market Value: $128,273 $128,273 Assessed Value: $128,273 $128,273 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2010 2009 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $128,273/$0 $128,273/$0 County: $128,273/$0 $128,273/$0 City: $128,273/$0 $128,273/$0 School Board: $128,273/$0 $128,2731$0 Sale Information: Sale Date: 1/2001 Sale Amount: $32,000 Sale O/R: 19454-1193 Sales Deeds which include Qualification more than one parcel Description: View Additional Sales Additional Information: Click here to see more information for this nrnnarly /tCTI VE-TDDL;1SELECT Nye 1Yri-t 5T4 Aerial Photography - 2009 0 My Home I Property Information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer 115 ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend Property • Boundary Selected N Property f.0 Street ,d Highway Miami -Dade County ® Water WE httn://aisirns2.mi amidade. Govim vhome/propmap. asp 7/ 19/2011 Miami -Dade My Horne Page 1 of 2 My Home ACTIVE TOOL: 'SELECT Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item ICJ Text only ll Property Appraiser Tax Estimator I Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3136-037-0440 Property: 231 NW 12 ST Mailing SOUTHEAST Address: OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 49 NW 5 ST SUITE 100 MIAMI FL 33128-1811 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0066 EXTRA FEA OTHER THAN PARKING Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 AdJ Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: 7,500 SQ FT Year Built: 0 SOSTS SUB PB B-27 Legal LOT 10 BLK 9 LOT SIZE Description: 50.000 X 150 OR 19425- 1798 1200 1 OR 19425- 17981200 00 Assessment Information: Year: 2010 2009 Land Value: $112,500 $112,500 Building Value: $14,999 $14,999 Market Value: $127,499 $127,499 Assessed Value: $127,499 $127,499 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2010 2009 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $127,499/$0 $127,499/$0 County: $127,499/$0 $127,499/$0 City: $127,499/$0 $127,499/$0 School Board: $127,499/$0 $127,499/$0 Sale Information: Sale Date: 12/2000 Sale Amount: $17,500 Sale 0/R: 19425-1798 Sales Qualification Sales which are qualified Description: View Additional Sales Additional Information: Click here to see more information for this nrnneriv. Aerial Photography - 2009 0 My Home I Property Information 1 Property Taxes I MV Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home 1 Using our Site I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer 115ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street "9 Highway Miami -Dade County ■ Water W+E http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap.asp 7/19/2011 Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 My Home rnia ' ► a e. . o Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item I' I Text only 12 Property Appraiser Tax. Estimator 10 Property Appraiser Tax Comparison Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3136-037-0450 Properly: 229 NW 12 ST Mailing Address: SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 49 NW 5 ST SUITE 100 MIAMI FL 33128-1811 Property Information: Primary Zone: 5100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: 7,500 SQ FT Year Bullt: 0 SOSTS SUB PB B-27 Legal LOT 11 BLK 9 LOT SIZE Description: 50.000 X 150 OR 19454- 1193 0101 2 (2) OR 19454-1193 0101 02 Assessment Information: Year: 2010 2009 Land Value: $112,500 $112,500 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $112,500 $112,500 Assessed Value: $112,500 $112,500 Taxable Value Information: Year: 2010 2009 Applied Applied Taxing Authority: Exemption/ Taxable Exemption/ Taxable Value: Value: Regional: $112,500/$0 $112,500/$0 County: $112,500/$0 $112,500/$0 City: $112,500/$0 $112,500/$0 School Board: $112,500/$0 $112,500/$0 Sale Information: Sale Date: 1/2001 Sale Amount: $32,000 Sale O/R: 19454-1193 Sales Deeds which include Qualification more than one parcel Description: View Additional Sales Additional Information: ACTIVE=TOOL::SELECT Click here 10 see more information for this properly: Community Dnvalonment District •*itinlypitgrE.4 _= Aerial Photography - 2009 0 My Home I Property Information I Property Taxes My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I Phone Directory I Privacy 1 Disclaimer 115ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, or wish to send us your comments, questions or suggestions please email us at Webmaster. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street �✓ Highway Mlami-Dade County Water WE 8 http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap.asp 7/19/2011