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CRA-R-11-0033 06-27-2011 Backup
) Project: Location: Date: Proposed Use: Prepared by: Lot Size: Building Size City Hall Restaurant 2OOOBiscayne Blvd 0/2011 4/2 Restaurant VVaterrnoinExtension Mark5panio|i, P.E. N/A SF N/A SF `^ �Summary: As part of a grant request, the owner of the referenced property has installed a 12" watermain amrequhedbyVVASDfor the restaurant development. The CRAhas plans -for anOmni area watennain installation project which would have included this section of watermain. For cost comparison purposes, the [RAhas prepared this cost estimate for reference. Proposed Cost Estimate Item I Mobilization 12"xxatermainm/appurtances Sidewalk repairs Asphalt nni|||ngandresurfacing Contingency Survey Contractor Fees Design Fees ° 1 l � I,0O.00 � � -,-___- MOM U5 $ 1,000.00 LS $ 5IX00.00 � 2596 , 15,039.84 21,039.84 Hard Costs: $ Soft Costs and Contractor Fees: $ 60,159.38 21,039.84 Grand Total: $ 81,199.22 Prepared By: 6/20/2011 'W4ark3pan\o|i P.E. 11/01aIK Itla grim= weizonicga Or lig • loom 10 img Mama 0•1311IIIIngrali OMANI ' Igisnc4 . . . , g goAgg mix ocrA grow ACIAAA 144 4",ir 1.0 AL MI* vue; Amu. AokLei mews ir..te. Mel An MS we yor me irk Ibilions mik mei =Jun 1uRIA.170111" WA AR log PAI Riqi.wg. mielpies Apo egmmllilleimaicm.YOB MIKA 41511110) 1/111.1111( 14'1*P:ion' 0111 /4.1,1141111411MMAM14,14 PoorttAll ASAAAIst 441Wmgr'10441014 11141111111:41,11$1411111441K11401-1111114E44444-11001MINUItilD100140 0101000100 0O011011AS IAA MOM 7, 7.0.7•ApAgAppopoola pawn Kamp AWL 1110141AMMI 1/11e1/14.16.0144M '11114110101.11CA111111414 1111' warm 111=01 1111IXID111 1MM frva111421114105. • ..A.AberaticA &WALL N-0•60 118114:1441 MBA 19 MootI Moo AU ,IUNCA eospexio MOO PPP rr AltserltrAt0t000.0 Mikan% MINI MeV ,,LAAASIK AOKI Pelegematilaimlecl'IM.numgs /moo lifimanoillin. Au. vosa 1141.110161g(relli 'IMMO POLY NUNN xgratattiervomaorm Oplii0ORS :IAA* Pepoilto sap PAPAW 11.1EM t44146180 IS.PREwellift &V.= WV MOM Pr' 'MC 14)4111010.1.0 SWAIN RUMP 1111:1141411111 /MOP WIC 11/40411/1, Inlelnerlamma ,b.:calalAsoogSVAPANDAGAmilf p OPIUM RUM N141 AaPinuclan Imo sPoopir0i0O1.1sivot Notalon. soppaspo.CANAtf pY17414.0170.101A0110004- 719,11.11/4 1111M1e}118MsebalMOTC-1141111415,1115l=f04.111,1111111 6101110einnUIDAI Igannelril WOO IC lemilisla tf.loppar,Islai ificerai rie ,111119 If A itommospoom pAsc ofterA.AAA.uosp1-1111.111.1r MRI 1gmeMAY1111 • ecirpielligrotinaggyni016111111111111111e11114 11411111/ 011.48E11X41Mkall suallsAIAAA". ilinAr....12.1011a10+ /1/411111110r MO111.104111ne. et 14413.1411111 S1111B6r.loZalim itelmIlem111111111 , 41,111.0.111L:11110111145Mr1,101•MMIL /40.1011g1640amm 11411.10 CPIWERI 101 1:4111110A160111101$ *Mt NM 11APAArt OAS Oat lit f00011.4110110 ILCILOS,11115 Nir *Wu lianikiriN mix pgr.11W. . . . N WOW IWO oig3 *mg +IMAM IGASIOMAVIHRIO NA Al leusespasi Ws) .7rApptir mgeplAjlIANAA1100.1111130. 41,10,1:11144401=411111EDallel,101111Cle '.711m,rtopostrapi nass.,ADA II At Esc pots IPUIFED *Kat r0711111114.11114m1t1M1111011ffelt AIIAINA0 . .. bakOttilonA0 ONO OM ICAO OCAPYIPA1Aror !ASWAN NertiNtAIDOSIO MAMA; Snit iT ,51A010AAA 17 ElAl STANDARD' REQUIREilENTS WATER AND ASEViER caNSTIWC711131 PHASE .2 PHASE 4 (BY OTHERS) NE 140 BY 1 411111.40111.11451.1.? 14.4111-N41..1114-1 AM:M/0 10410 11Vpostg. o As-AAIPP07-tio, AttlitAStalrAw7.12/7u) IA A now iggINPA 0,00T0000,0 PAMPA A10,70001 VP 0, KAP, AAISAA47),Ar .17tpl000rigrg.,) 7,, 7.544.1X MUM. 71g3i*Pfl 0. =Aron Nu, AAA'spoup & rox07',AP sicitA-107APA-Aogt KW LI 11P14. WE •1014' 4, AAA tam. a rr WO( VIM KAM orAl 40, P0 A DIAAAM Amogg7 loostO0,1 o Amigo AA( 00 A icaprill77 Agig*, 1014t4111'. 3401 liqq001011.02 qT4PW Ao-SPirS IMA 770 cm, F. moat r.10077o INV 11444 I 141W1441144,114) OA 0.0111 Ppimminii 144Inter ftmll Id; 4,1 "Am) 4444.1 01=00 K0q,CPU.S5, OMY10 cAngragar 10 At 1. 1npm43.•"In KV In P140111/M 111111.4grelmmv. ig xy 0/91% 1114 MK PO, OCI, t AU. 744)0148' Ar01070Y 10 00'1000 not 00enS, W.° KY 0,04,t0n0 WINO 11 Ole/103. WW1 .1.141114'..415.4111lIng, 14414 514h1442 f0!Plog OP OM 0(;414, 001.07041 Rff),gtomN ,.51100.011APANAAVO rams at Ise )11, rappalci.va4 n gl inn Ais , apA00r 0010AR,R040, AAA a RA. q. 04044 igkunn At 1011 M110.41011 000y JO0,400.1•mq41 sin 400001- aufrxpwrgeoartatedrAtvga 0,00,1ft 000 00000010 P00000040 4...00PCOs,AAW POPPAPS0,• pm/Amoco malt Arno, WAWA* PrOgOA100,10AM.0001001gA, gO0A '.007sspoo ow.44001.11r IARAVS,VM ATAt00010 ktVaga- . . . smog WARP AVOstA0P.A1 T AND.ossog ti7Anora .7e pool* " MAMA, lArt..001111, 1400, *IAA AAASIA1p0.01.0A070;01.004.0oPOODAptaggy S. AAA PACOS-A0gp VTTTT0111:14444e4tnrc' 0.0040-04,11.0447.thstorlit /town% pumnorlavans PUMA; ItOARAIAPAOFOA 00.1.4011005 Roo WS AM Ir1,1 1As1 matAAVAA171,400govitoti0.1400to EMS ,APIOVACA WW1 PS'OPP001. • topot ariulam agrttor. rag $t4t,gt APANTOAPTIM,A007 • " v • 00000 4000 AP. gtt. .014770'4g 0 .0 07.41; 03/11 1.00,00 • V.f.t, • 'AS MAW REQUIREMENTS • LOCATION MAP PHASE 1 PHASE 3 pr 1 114, SIT' Iff Sith Mf...WA,A432 WARM. 3317.0 i/05) 10S-M0e z -o ;1) .S1111011A1. 'nisi:711pp • now so g Mamle 61) DEACHrtvai 'PAU LEIAMR a/A NOM ; RA/lOthP DART ; AR/Ali row cwEA w :cm el4414047, SIATE Or WNW - MOM 110. tom Aw[ (o0.00 ,..11.412010 SHED CIO Dm No. 02 of 120 WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR CITY HALL THE RESTAURANT COST BREAKDOWN NAME AND DESCRIPTION ACTUAL COST 1 Persant Engineering Engineering Constractors who did the installation Plurribingby Salomon Lwatiettitasto.theilipe,-,,, .„Citylield.Bond 58,500,00 95:4 legal Solutions ..marty Davis 'Attorney -Fees 5 Berrow Radell and Ppynandek lhich4eistarkirriMidheOt5illAttprrreyr :fiAnS„Evediting- Schwebke;Shiskimand Assoc Dade,Water and 5everDept Total Costs.,of the Water line Installation AJIASL 380 —2,905:00— ,--Z050:00 2445.00 8,500,00 3,500.00 4,500,00 :2,665,9E 248;00 223S8 sao