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CRA-R-11-0031 06-27-2011 JEJ Properties Inc.
RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement - Yahoo! Mail Page 1 of 3 yAHo0!0 MAIL CIOssic RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement Monday, June 27, 2011 8:45 AM From: "grady muhammad" <gradymuhammad@yahoo.com> To: "PieterBockweg" <pbockweg@miamigov.com> Cc: "HildaTejera" <HTejera@miamigov.com>, "ClarenceWoods" <CWoods@miamigov.com> 1 File (5KB) image00... June 27, 2011 Pieter A. Bockweg Executive Director Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW Fifth Street, Suite 100 Miami Fl, 33128 Yes, I would like to meet with you and Clarence, to discuss JEJ Properties Inc. Request for Reimbursement. No I don't need the Chairman's Chief of Staff to be their unless he brings something to the table. I don't believe he does. Peter, as the Executive Director, you and your wonderful staff can handle this, Sir. Warm regards, Grady Muhammad CEO Miami -Dade First, inc. C: JEJ, Inc. Properties, NIDF Board. A FLA Not -for -Profit --- On Sat, 6/25/11, Bockweg, Pieter <pbockweg@a miamigov.com> wrote: From: Bockweg, Pieter <pbockweg©miamigov.com> Subject: RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement c .v To: "grady muhammad" <gradymuhammad©yahoo.com> .a ^ a = Cc: "Tejera, Hilda" <HTejera©miamigov.com>, "Woods, Clarence" <CWoods©miamigov.com> c. E U Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011, 11:50 AM cu .° ' x HU Mr. Muhammad, ° ° d .Eo°0 I will be happy to meet with you to discuss and will have my assistant reach out to you and •E L cv) a Z y 6) CA L. http://us.mc394.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?sMid=0&fid=Sent&filterBy=&.rand=1... 6/27/2011 RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement - Yahoo! Mail Page 1 of 2 IAkloO ® MAIL Classic RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement Saturday, June 25, 2011 11:50 AM From: "Bockweg, Pieter" <pbockweg@miamigov.com> To: "grady muhammad" <gradymuhammad@yahoo.com> Cc: "Tejera, Hilda" <HTejera@miamigov.com>, "Woods, Clarence" <CWoods@miamigov.com> 1 File (5KB) image00... Mr. Muhammad, I will be happy to meet with you to discuss and will have my assistant reach out to you and set up a meeting. If, however, you would like Mr. Alexander to be included in the meeting, please contact his office so that they might be able to set up the meeting. I do not know Mr. Alexander's schedule, but I am sure they will be able to assist. Thank you, Pieter A. Bockweg Executive Director Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW Fifth Street, Suite 100 Miami FI, 33128 Ph (305) 679-680C) - Fax (305) 679-6835 - Cell (786) 390-109] www,miamicra,com 5r+ CRA logo updated From: grady muhammad [mailto:gradymuhammad@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 12:41 PM To: Bockweg, Pieter; Dunn II, Richard P. (Commissioner District 5) Cc: Woods, Clarence; Alexander, Koteles; Gort, Wifredo (Commissioner); Suarez, Francis (Commissioner); Carollo, Frank (Commissioner); Sarnoff, Marc (Commissioner) Subject: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement Mr. Peter Bockweg City of Miami's CRA's Executive Director http://us.mc394.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?sMid=7&fid=Inbox&sort=date&order... 6/27/2011 RE: J E J PROPERTIES INC. 1028 NW 3 Ave. Request for Reimbursement - Yahoo! Mail Page 2 of 2 49 NW 5Th Street, Ste 100 Miami, FL 33128 RE: Our Conversation over the past month about reimbursing JEJ Properties Inc. Dear Mr. Director: J. E. J.'s, President and myself have had prior conversations on this request with the CRA's Assistant Executive Director, Mr. Woods. As the Representative of JEJ Properties, I am requesting a meeting with you all (Peter, Mr. Woods & Mr, K. Alexander, the SEO/PW Chairman's Chief of Staff. I have also included an attachment of the CRA's 2010 Accomplishments. It has the Residential Warp -Around projects that JEJ has participated in. But for what ever reason, can't seem to get reimbursed for a Project that the prior Chairwoman & Executive Director, had requested JEJ to do. Now it seems that the SEO/PW CRA who had requested JEJ to expend its funds with the understanding that the CRA would be reimbursing, JEJ for its Out of Pockets expenditures. Over $350,000 has been expended by JEJ, with seemly no potential reimbursement coming back to JEJ, Inc. Why? This issue has been going on for over 2 years now. We would like to get it resolved ASAP. We are also requesting that this Issue/item, be put on the June 2011, CRA Agenda for approval by the CRA Board. The 45 days for an item to be heard by the Board, this should be an exemption for that rule. based on the prior statements that it has already been over 2 years. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email. Best regards, Grady Muhammad CEO Miami -Dade First, Inc, http://us.mc394.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?sMid=7&fid=lnbox&sort=date&order... 6/27/2011 SEOPW & Omni Boards of Commissioners Meeting October 26, 2009 Item # 8 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST AND OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Michelle Spence -Jones Dale: October 16, 2009 File: 09-01194 and Members of the CRA Board From: James H. Villacorta Executive Director \ BACKGROUND: Subject: Joint Resolution Authorizing a Grant to Downtown Miami Partnership for its Wrap -Around Rehab Program. References: Enclosures: Supporting Documentation; Legislation It is recommended that ►he Boards of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agencies ("CRAs") approve and adopt the attached Joint Resolution authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $ 650,000, to Downtown Miami Partnership for its "Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program," to assist residential and commercial properties within the Redevelopment Areas. The Downtown Miami Partnership ("DMP") operates the "Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program" which includes: 1) A Commercial Building Rehabilitation Program; 2) A Residential Building Rehabilitation Program; 3) A Hardscape and Landscape Improvement Program; 4) A Tenant Improvement/Vanilla Box Program; and 5) A Historic Building Preservation and Restoration Program. The Boards of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-05-0038, passed and adopted on November 3, 2005, authorized a grant, in an amount not to exceed $312,500, to the DMP for its "Wrap -Around Rehab Program" ("Program"). On July 30, 2007, the Boards of Commissioners, by Resolution No. CRA-R-07-0032, amended Resolution No. CRA-R-05-0038 to expand the scope of the Program to include preservation and restoration of historic buildings, and allocated additional funds, in an amount not to exceed $450,000. The CRAs have identified a number of residential and commercial properties within the Redevelopment Areas that need attention and would benefit from participating in the Program. JUSTIFICATION: Maintaining existing businesses, attracting new businesses, rehabilitating existing housing, preserving historic buildings and sites, removing slum and blighted conditions, reinforcing the property tax base, providing incentives for redevelopment of blighted properties, and promoting rehabilitation and maintenance of existing viable uses and structures are all stated objectives of both Redevelopment Plans. FUNDING: $325,000 from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No, 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000, and $325,000 from Omni Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. CRA Building Rehabilitation Grant Program Program Guidelines & Procedures Program Description: The CRA Building Rehabilitation Program assists qualified business or property owners with building and property improvements that are directly related to opening of a new business, improving an existing business, remedying code violations, providing ADA access, and eliminating blighting neighborhood conditions in the targeted areas of the SEOPW and OMNI CRAs. In addition, grant funds may be used for improvements to properties that are not eligible for grant funding from other sources available in the area, or to supplement grant funds awarded by other agencies. Downtown Miami Partnership, Inc. ("DMP") administers the CItA Building Rehabilitation Program with funds from the Miami Community Redevelopment ,4genev. Funds will be allocated from each of the principal CRA districts as follows: Southeast Orertow„/Park West CRA $325, 000.00 Omni CRA S3?5, 000, 00 Funds may not cross CRA District Boundaries and are targeted at specific areas in each of the two CRAs. While this program is a match grant program requiring a 25% match from the property or business owner, the match requirement is waived when the grant is used for residential buildings (including multi -unit apartment buildings) and those buildings occupied by' `small businesses," as that tern is defined by the United States Small Business Administration. The program has a project cap of $65,000.00, exclusive of DMP's 20% administrative fee. The DMP Economic Development Committee can recommend funding at a lesser amount, given that funds are awarded as available and based on priorities outlined below. Funds from this grant arc paid directly to the contractors perlorming the ;work, after contract award in a competitive bidding process. Program Areas and Priorities: While the whole of Downtown Miami has benefited from the boom in residential development, areas of Downtown located in the two CRA districts have not seen the benefit of this investment. The business corridors of' NW r' and 3"' Avenues in Overtown suffer from neglected properties and a general aesthetic that is not conducive for businesses to thrive in the community. in addition, non-profit ownership and liens against many of these properties make them ineligible for traditional CDBG assistance. The Miami CRA has prioritized improvements to properties along and between these corridors from the SF.OPW CRA Fund. Additionally, projects in the Park West/Entertainment District and along the Grand Promenade would leverage the CRA's existing investments in this area and enhance activity in the District. In the Omni CRA, priorities include projects that can use CRA funds to leverage other public and private investments and bring new business and restaurant/entertainment venues to the areas surrounding the Miami Performing Arls Center. Eligibility: Grants from these funds are usually not made for routine maintenance and should be part of a larger scope of improvements to the property or area. Additionally, the property should have an active or soon -to -be active business or residential use located on the property. 1'.3 (0//20/09) CRA-Budding Rehabilitation (Wrap -Annul) I o/'3 • AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM C ITV o, WWI Co11ruNRr REDEV¢orwwl AGENCY SEOPW CRA or OMNI CRA CRA Board Meeting Date: July 30, 2007 CRA Section: Finance Brief description of CRA Agenda Item: Authorizing the Executive Director to expand the scope of the grant for Downtown Miami Partnership's ("DMP") "Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program" to include preservation and restoration of historic buildings, allocating additional funds, in amount not to exceed $225,000 from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund and in an amount not to exceed $225,000 from Omni Tax Increment Fund. Project Number (if applicable): 0 YES, there Account Code: Account Code: are sufficient funds in Line Item: Amount: $225,000 — SEOPW TIF 19050.920101.883000.0000.00000 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $225,000 — OMNI TIF 0 NO (Complete the following source Amount budgeted in the line item: Balance in the line item: Amount needed in the line item: Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following of funds $ $ information): $ line items; ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minor Object From $ To $ From $ To $ Comments: Approved by: Financial Date: Executive Director/Designee DalL4 Date, i/16107 APPROVAL • • • SEOPW & Omni Boards of Commissioners Meeting July 30, 2007 Item # 12 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Michelle Spence -Jones and Members of the CRA Board Date: July 30, 2007 File: 07-00884 Subject: Expansion of Wrap -Around Grant Program To Historic Buildings From: James H. Villacort-i/ References: Executive Directo Enclosures: Legislation BACKGROUND: On November 3, 2005, the Boards of Commissioners approved a grant to Downtown Miami Partnership ("DMP") for a Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program which includes: 1) A Commercial Budging Rehabilitation Program; 2) A Residential Building Rehabilitation Program; 3) A Hardscape and Landscape Improvement Program; and 4) A Tenant ImprovementNanilla Box Program. The attached joint resolution authorizes expansion of the grant program to Include preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings and provides additional funds. JUSTIFICATION: Preserving historic buildings and sites, removing slum and blighted conditions, reinforcing the property tax base, providing incentives for redevelopment of blighted properties, and promoting rehabilitation and maintenance of existing viable uses and structures are all stated objectives of both the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Redevelopment District Redevelopment Plans. This resolution furthers those objectives by expanding the existing grant program to historic buildings. FUNDING SOURCk: $225,000 from SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000; $225,000 from OMNI Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. JHV/eh • • • SEOPW & Omni Board of Commissioners Meeting November 27, 2006 Item # 3 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Michelle Spence -Jones Date: November 17, 2006 File: 06-02076 and Members of the CRA Board From: James H. Villacorta' Interim Executive Director Subject: Approval of Grant to DMP for NW 3`" Avenue Facade Program References: Enclosures: Supporting Documentation; and Legislation BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution authorizes the Executive Director to issue a grant, in an amount not to exceed $525,000, to the Downtown Miami Partnership ("DMP") to fund the NW 3rd Avenue Facade Program. JUSTIFICATION: Utilizing partial funding from CRA grants, DMP has successfully completed the "Paint the Town Red" facade program in the Omni Redevelopment Area and is in the midst of the "Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program" in the Omni and SEOPW Redevelopment Areas. The later program included extensive rehabilitation of the New Providence Masonic Lodge at 937-939 NW 3rd Avenue. DMP has now proposed a program focused on NW 3 d Avenue Facades stretching from NW 8th thru NW 141h Streets. The work would be phased to provide maximum impact prior to the Superbowl in February 2007. This grant meets the objectives of the maintaining existing businesses, attracting new businesses, preserving historic buildings and sites, removing slum and blighted conditions, reinforcing the property tax base, and rebuilding and beautifying NW 3`d Avenue as provided in the SEOPW Redevelopment Plan. FUNDING SOURCE: $525,000 from FY'07 SEOPW Tax Increment Fund, "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 JHV/eh • • • CRY OF Arun COMMUNRY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION FORM SEOPW CRA or OMNI CRA (if applicable) CRA Board Meeting Date: July 30. 2007 CRA Section: Finance Brief description of CRA Agenda Itetn: Resolution authorizing funding, in an amount not to exceed $500,000, for a small business renovation/tenant improvements grant program for businesses in the vicinity of the NW 3rd Avenue Business Corridor. Project Number (if applicable): ❑ 1'ES, there Account Code: are sufficient funds in Line Item: 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000 Amount: $500,000 - SEOPNV TIF NO (Complete the following source of funds Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in the line item: $ Amount needed in the line item: $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items information): - ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minor Object From S To S Front S To $ Comments Approved by: !s1-‘...— Date: -7/zv/ci A Executive Director/Designee Financial Ott •er: Date: APPROVAL • • • SEOPW & Omni Boards of Commissioners Meeting December, 12, 2007 Item #2 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board Chair Michelle Spence -Jones and Members of the CRA Board From: James H. Villacorta Executive Director Date: December 5, 2007 File: 07-01493 Subject: Grant for Tenant Improvements at New Arena Square References: Enclosures:. Supporting Documentation; Legislation BACKGROUND: The attached resolution authorizes the issuance of grants, in a total amount not to exceed $240,000, to King of Poultry, Inc., Da Candy Shop, Inc., James Forbes, Derrick Coleman, and Milano Pasta & Pizza, Corp., for the interior build -out of six retail bays at New Arena Square, at 268 N.W. 11th Street. In July 2007, the Board authorized funding for renovations and tenant improvements for businesses in the vicinity of the CRA's 3`d Avenue Business Corridor. The CRA advertised this grant program and identified five businesses in need of assistance with tenant improvements. The construction will be accomplished by the building owner, who has signed a restrictive covenant agreeing to hold the rents to 5500 per bay per month for a period of five years. JUSTIFICATION: This grant program advances the redevelopment plan's objective of maintaining existing businesses, attracting new businesses, and providing better employment opportunities for residents as stated in the Redevelopment Plan, at page 13, Section III.B. FUNDING: $ 100,000 from SEOPW, entitled "Other Grants and Aids," Account Code No. 10050.920101.883000.0000 , 00000. 2010 Annual Report Outline (Development) CRA Projects Completed SEOPW • Ward Rooming House Reconstruction • NW 3`d Avenue Roadway Reconstruction and Watermain Upgrade ($5.2 mil) • Overtown Sidewalk and Roadway Resurfacing Project ($1.8 mil) • 9th Street Pedestrian Mall Beautification Project ($40,000) Omni • Bicentennial Park Building Demolition ($70,000) • North Bayshore Drive Roadway Reconstruction and Drainage Improvements ($4 mil) • Museum Park Environmental Remediation ($2 mil) CRA Projects Design Completed; Construction Commencement in 2011 SEOPW • Two Guys Restaurant Design -Build ($260,000) • Gibson Park Design -Build Omni • NW 14th Street Roadway Reconstruction and Watermain Upgrade ($6 mil) • Omni area waterline upgrade and roadway resurfacing project ($5 mil) • Firehouse Structural Rehabilitation ($2.5 mil) CRA Projects Planned for 2011 SEOPW • Overtown Greenway • NW 3`d Avenue Phase II Streetscape Project Omni • Firehouse Interior Build -out ($1 mil) CRA Grant Proiects SEOPW • DMP Grant Program ($325,000) • Jint 33 Unit Apartment Building ($620,000) • New Arena Square Retail Tenants ($370,000) Omni • Miami Woman's Club ($3,750,000) • DMP Grant Program ($325,000) CRA Property Acquisitions SEOPW • 300 NW 11 Street Ebenezer Church ($305,000) Omni • Miami Skills Center ($3,150,000) CRA Grant for Maintenance Programs Omni • Downtown Enhancement Team SEOPW • On -going CRA Owned Streetlight Maintenance • Landscape Maintenance of CRA Owned Properties CRA Miami Page 1 of 1 CRA ABOUT US 1 CONTACT US I CALENDAR 1 GRANTS home meetings 1 opportunities 1 projects 1 public documents 1 media facrut ua hook HOME , About Us • Accomplishments Accomplishments Ctty of Miami CRA Achievements and Upcoming Projects Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA • Cultivating local businesses in economically depressed community (Just Right Barber Shop. Jackson Soul Food, Two Guys Restaurant) • Renovation of NW 3rd Avenue comdor • Renovation of 9th street pedestrian mall • Restoration of historic Ward Rooming House • Restoration of Histonc Lyric Theatre and Black Archives • Major overhaul of Gibson Park (upcoming) • More than $2.2 million in residential rehabilitation grants • Creation of 3rd Ave. Mini -Park • Road improvements along NW 2nd Avenue and 11th Terrace • $450,000 Facade program upgraded variety of buildings • Preservation of several local churches • Creation of numerous employment institutes and job training programs • Sponsored popular community events like Folk Life Friday and American Black Film Festival Omni CRA • Creation of Margaret Pace Park • Rehab and Renovation of Historic Miami Women's Club • Funds Performing Arts Center Super Block Streetscape and debt service • Promote new construction of workplace housing in Downtown • $5 million North Bayshore Drive road improvement project • Creation of dozens of new jobs along Biscayne comdor with support of new businesses • $1 million 40-year recertification of Trinity Cathedral • Facilitated funding of $50 million for new Port of Miami Tunnel which will create hundreds of jobs within the CRA boundaries. (upcoming) • Creation of New Museum Park (upcoming) • Annual funding of Arsht Performing Arts Center home I news I press I disclaimer I procurement http://www.miamicra.com/pages/accomplishments.html 6/27/2011